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MHW- The Lucha Alternative (C-Verse)

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In lieu of their own training center, the roster of Mexican Hardcore Wrestling did their training in the days leading up to their next event at one of the best gyms in Monterrey that they could find that had the equipment that they needed. The crew ran ropes, practiced spots, and did general cardio and strength training to stay in ring shape.

The Gatekeeper oversaw their training, paying particular attention to a few specific names. Noxious and Mercenario III were still almost completely green, despite being two of the biggest men on the roster. He needed to make sure that they got some extra guidance so they wouldn't end up accidentally hurting anyone when they tried to do their power moves. Another person he had his eye on this day was Mascara Roja Jr. The red-masked man had been experimenting with a new approach, adding more mat-based wrestling to his usual lucha moveset, trying to adjust his style to match the more vicious character he's trying to portray in MHW. And of course, he also made sure to check in on Mercenario II to make sure that he was recovering from his injury well.

After a couple of hours, Gatekeeper called for a meeting for the whole roster. As the group of wrestlers gathered on the bleachers, the massive man stood before them to lay out the plans for their next event.

"First off, good hustle out there today. You keep that up come showtime, and we're gonna hit it big." He stated, his deep voice even sounding intimidating when he's giving praise. "And speaking of our next show, it's time that we start preparing for the main event."

"Whatcha mean, main event?" Gringo star questioned this before jutting out a thumb to point at El Orgulloso. "It's gonna be another title match like usual, right? So you announcing his opponent or something?"

"No." Gatekeeper refuted the idea. "There isn't going to be any title match on the next show."

This spurred some discussion from the group, with Orgulloso seeming the most baffled of them all. "So am I staying home then? Even though I'm the champion?" The tone in his voice made it clear that he didn't like the concept.

Gatekeeper pointed at him. "No, you're competing. About half of you are, actually. It's a part of our special event. I call it... Anarquia."

Again, the group began to gossip, and this time Payaso was the one to question the idea. "So like, nine or ten of us in the ring. Is it gonna be like, a five-on-five match or something?"

Their leader shook his head. "Again, no. This is going to be a battle royale with a twist. Two men start in the ring, and every two minutes, another man enters. Once the last entrant is in the ring, you continue fighting until only one man is left." He holds up a hand. "And as a bonus, weapons are prepared outside the ring for anyone to bring in. It's a match as chaotic as its name" He looks at the gathered men. "Now since our roster is still small, we can only do a match with ten men, but by the end of today you'll know which of you will be in the Anarquia match. As for the rest of you, you'll be wrestling in the leadup to the main event. Any further questions?"

As the group dispersed, one man, who was on his first training session with the crew and had yet to appear on an MHW show, approached The Gatekeeper.

"Actually, I do have a question. I know you told me about Anarquia earlier this week when you hired me, but are you sure that debuting in a battle royal is the best move?"

After thinking it over for a moment, The Gatekeeper nodded, still steadfast in his decisions. "I'm giving you the main stage. You just have to make the most of the opportunity."

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MHW Anarquia 1 Match Card

Mascara Roja Jr & Red Rascal vs. Los Mercenarios

Flash Savage vs. Daredevil Aero

Firebird vs. Handsome Felipe

The Anarquia Match

(Winner of the Anarquia Match earns a title opportunity. If El Orgulloso wins, he chooses his next opponent)

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MHW: Anarquia 1


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Mascara Roja Jr. & Red Rascal vs. Los Mercenarios

Perhaps the two red-masked men thought that their somewhat similar masks would give them a chance to overcome Los Mercenarios' seemingly mechanical precision as a tag team. For their part, they put up a serious fight, at least thanks to their much greater agility compared to the Mercenarios. This match was a highly violent affair, with weapon shots gratuitously traded over the course of the match. While Mascara Roja Jr. did the lion's share of the work in the match, putting his polished mat wrestling to good use, he was taken out of commission by a chair shot that sent him off the side of the ring, leaving a slightly lost-looking Red Rascal to take a Double Merc Drop for the win. Rating: 28

Following the match, Mascara Roja and Red Rascal got into an argument about their loss that turned into a brawl. As the two men fought it out at ringside before security intervened, Los Mercenarios walked right past them with cocky smirks. Rating: 27


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Flash Savage vs. Daredevil Aero

This was a match between two flashy, showy high flyers, and it delivered exactly what one would expect. The match was essentially a spotfest, full of segments that ended with a reason for either of them to do a fancy move. Flips were exchanged almost as much as fists, leading to an impressively acrobatic spectacle. It was quite a contrast to the night's first match. The highlight came when Aero took an absolutely ridiculous bump off the turnbuckle that nearly ended with him flipping onto the crowd barrier. Eventually the party boy was the first to run out of steam, with the extravagant Flash Savage picking up a win with a kick to the head of his already-damaged opponent. Rating: 30



El Orgulloso comes to ringside, holding up a hand until the crowd is quiet enough for him to speak.

"In the event that you have forgotten, let me remind you of the stakes of tonight's main event." He speaks in his usual haughty tone. "Whoever wins the Anarquia match will be permitted a chance to challenge for my Campeonato del Mundo title." He states that fact almost like it's an insult, but raises a finger. "But don't despair, for I have good news! I will also be entering the Anarquia match myself, and I have been assured that if I win, I will be able to handpick my next opponent. So if you want to guarantee a worthy challenger for my coveted title, then you should be supporting me in the final match tonight."

He closes his promo with a cocky little smirk before bowing and heading to the back. Rating: 28


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Firebird vs. Handsome Felipe

In this battle of opposites, both men struggled to turn the fight in their favor, as they each approached the match methodically. Felipe's athleticism forced Firebird to choose when to charge in and attack, while FIrebird's superior brawling meant that Felipe couldn't make a sloppy decision, otherwise he would catch a beatdown. In this match, Firebird also pulled out more of his lucha moveset than his previous matches, showing that he could keep up with Felipe in the air as well as on the ground. This turned out to be a tactical ploy, as the idea of being outshined caused Felipe to act more recklessly, offering a vital opening for Firebird to sent him crashing into the turnbuckle before greeting a dazed Felipe with a Fire Bomb XXL. Rating: 34


Coming up next, The Anarquia Match...

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MHW Anarquia 1

The Anarquia Match

The stage has been set for the Anarquia match. Two trash cans full of weapons have been placed at ringside, with a few larger items such as tables also scattered around. Ref Benn reminds the audience of the rules before the match is set to begin. Anyone thrown over the top rope is eliminated, and any weapon brought into the ring is legal. The match will continue until only one man is left standing. With that in mind, all that was left was to see which unlucky men would be beginning the match.


A.D.B. drew the short straw and entered at #1, grabbing a kendo stick from the weapon selection on his way to the ring. Styx followed him at #2, and brought his own weapon to the ring: a customized walking stick topped with a skull. With both men wielding sticks, it was only a matter of time before the opening brawl turned into a duel, with both men trying to whack at each other as their sticks clashed. The noise of Styx's cane bouncing off of the kendo stick that A.D.B. used to defend himself was a memorable crack, although neither man let go of their weapon of choice. After a period of fighting, A.D.B. managed to outmaneuver Styx and hit him with a cane-assisted Russian Legsweep to gain an advantage. However, as he did so, the two-minute timer elapsed, and the next entrant made his way into the ring.


The third man to enter the ring was Hijo Del Vigilante, who felt confident enough to avoid grabbing a weapon during his march to the ring. Considering that Styx had yet to win a match in MHW, he quickly locked on to A.D.B. as the highest-value target in the ring. He yanked A.D.B. off of Styx and slammed him to the mat. Seeing a chance to gain an advantage for himself, Styx joined Vigilante in putting the boots to the seasoned competitor, trying to weaken him enough to toss him out early. A.D.B. starts to fight back, and manages to down Styx with a sharp elbow strike, but Vigilante grabs him and starts dragging him towards the ropes as the alarm goes off again...


Payaso Jr raises his arms as he steps out from behind the curtain, trying to hype the crowd. Rather than taking a weapon, he empties one of the trash cans' contents onto the ground and throws the can itself into the ring. Payaso slides in and grabs the can, swinging it about and making everyone else keep their distance, momentarily breaking up the melee. Styx attempts to rush the clown, but gets the can pushed into his face for his trouble. Vigilante attempts to use this as an opening, but Payaso swings the can overhead, making it bend with a satisfying noise as it clatters Vigilante over the head, momentarily taking the biggest threat out of the fight. Payaso stops to laugh and bow, basking in his own absurd show of violence. However, it's not long before the alarm sounds again to put everyone back on their guard.


The rookie Noxious makes his way to the ring, marking the halfway point for the entrants, and yet no one has been eliminated thus far. Noxious attempts to fight the biggest man in the ring, Hijo Del Vigilante, who rebuffs him with a headbutt before approaching Payaso to get some payback for the garbage can strike. While the Vigilante and the clown brawl, Styx grabs A.D.B. in a choke hold from behind, attempting to tire him out. Through A.D.B.'s desperate flailing, he manages to get his hands on Styx's discarded cane, ramming it upwards and hitting the skull-masked man in the head with its skull topper. With Styx dazed, A.D.B. grabs him by the shoulder and sends him out with a strong Irish whip. Styx is eliminated by A.D.B.

Hijo Del Vigilante tries to fight Payaso, who keeps using his agility and showmanship to baffle him. Eventually he has enough and slaps the clown across the face. Payaso looks surprised and insulted from the move, and answers with a slap of his own. Both men engage in a brief staredown before Noxious plows over them both with a running shoulder block, angered by being rebuffed earlier. Everyone but A.D.B. is on the ground when the alarm sounds for the sixth entrant.


After his brothers competed earlier in the night, Mercenario III looks to add another victory to the family's name. However, before he can even enter the ring, Vigilante is already giving Noxious the brawl he wanted. Although Noxious has size and strength, he struggles to match Vigilante's tactical viciousness. The green luchador gets his head rammed into the turnbuckle for his trouble, leaving him unable to defend himself as Vigilante hefts him over the rope. Moments after Merc III enters the ring, Noxious tumbles out. Noxious is eliminated by Hijo Del Vigilante

Merc III sizes up Vigilante after the elimination, moving to the side to stay out of danger. A.D.B., on the other hand, charges straight at Vigilante to try to take him out immediately after his previous elimination. Although he gets the rudo's legs up, a few elbows to the dome convince him to back off before a clothesline from behind puts him on the ground. Not wanting to be left out, Payaso picks the kendo stick off the mat and whacks Merc III in the back before dropping it and making a "bring it on" gesture, drawing the younger but larger competitor into a fight. As they brawl dangerously close to the ropes, the alarm announces the seventh entrant.


Gringo Star runs straight past the cans of weapons and slides straight into the ring. He continues his charge in a straight line towards Payaso and Merc III. The two brawling men see the wild man coming, and duck in stereo before lifting Gringo Star and sending him on a flight straight out of the ring. Gringo Star is eliminated by Payaso Jr and Mercenario III

Once Gringo Star is out of the match, Payaso gives Merc III a gracious handshake before dramatically ducking and backing off. As it turned out, Vigilante had decided to go for the move that A.D.B. tried a few minutes ago, and this time he hit his mark, sending Mercenario III over the ropes with a clothesline Mercenario III is eliminated by Hijo Del Vigilante

With only three of the company's strongest wrestlers in the ring, the brawl goes on until the times goes off once more. This time, no familiar music hits. Rather, there's the sound of a horse galloping before an image of a silvery stallion appears on the entrance screen.


Indie sensation Mustang Blanco Jr makes his MHW debut! He picks up a classic steel chair and runs to the ring, holding it up and daring anyone to approach him. Ever the showman, Payaso is the one to step forward, and Blanco tosses him the chair. Payaso catches it, seeming to believe that he now has the advantage. However, Blanco immediately follows up with his running superkick, the Mustang Kick! The kick hits the chair and slams it right into Payaso's head, knocking the clown to the mat. However, rather than going for a now-easy elimination, he turns to face the other two, seeming to wait for a challenge before he charges in, faking a second Mustang Kick before stepping back when the two disperse to evade it.

Blanco tries to capitalize by lifting Payaso to eliminate him, but his moment of showboating gave the clown just enough time to start to recover, managing to wiggle his way out of the newcomer's grip and land back on his feet. The ring is once again a story of two brawls, with Vigilante and A.D.B.'s earlier fight picking up once more as Blanco tries to put Payaso back down. The alarm sounds for the penultimate time, bringing in entrant number nine.


Fernando Fernandez charges to the ring much like Gringo Star, but unlike the previous entrant, he manages to restrain himself. His chosen weapon was a small chain that he wrapped around his fist, and he introduced himself by holding up his wrapped fist and pointing to the other men in the ring, threatening to use it once one of them came close. Fernando didn't feel like waiting though, and he rushed A.D.B., giving the veteran performer a series of strikes to the head, leaving him bloodied once Fernando stepped back. After this, he turned to look for another opponent, finding Hijo Del Vigilante barreling towards him. Fernando was quick enough to duck, running for the ropes and bouncing off before flooring Vigilante with a spear. One Vigilante was down, Fernando started pounding him with the chained fist similar to what he had done with A.D.B. Fernando had only been in the ring for a short time, but he looked like he was on fire.

As Fernando stood back up, two things happened simultaneously. The alarm sounded for the final time, and he took a full-force Mustang Kick to the face.


El Orgulloso's regal music played through the bar, and he took his sweet time showboating as he made his way to the ring, grabbing something from an overturned garbage can that he quickly stashed away in his tights in the process. While he was making his entrance, Blanco made quick work of tossing Fernando out of the ring, having learned from his mistake with Payaso earlier. Fernando Fernandez is eliminated by Mustang Blanco Jr

The final five entrants were in the ring, and Vigilante and A.D.B. seemed hellbent on taking one or the other out. Orgulloso wisely stayed out of their way as soon as he got into the ring, which was harder than it sounds since their brawl came right for him. Vigilante launched A.D.B. into the ropes with a hard Irish whip, but the maskless man successfully rebounded off the ropes and hit Vigilante unawares with a Backstabber. He manages to drag Vigilante to the ropes, but the hitman wasn't done yet, and he started to push back. However, Arthur grabbed the rope and used it as leverage for a fierce kick to the head, causing Vigilante to lose his grip and fall to the floor. Hijo Del Vigilante is eliminated By A.D.B.


The final four exchange glances with each other, realizing that the match's end is nigh. A.D.B., the iron man who had been in since the beginning. Payaso Jr, the biggest entertainer in the match. Mustang Blanco Jr, the newcomer who was already putting together a strong showing. And finally, El Orgulloso, the reigning champion who was still completely fresh.

The battle continued, and Orgulloso immediately realized a major problem. His skills were almost purely high-flying, but using the ropes could easily get him eliminated here. As a result, he started adopting hit-and-run tactics. He would try to land significant hits and disengage from his melees as soon as possible to reduce his chances of getting eliminated. Payaso, on the other hand, kept trying to use his footwork and unorthodox style to keep his opponents off-balance. A.D.B. continued scrapping, and Blanco looked for more opportunities to land a Mustang Kick.

Eventually, he got a chance after a quick tussle Payaso and Orgulloso. The clown turned around after failing to get the better of the champion and walked straight into a Mustang Kick. Since Orgulloso was nearby, he grabbed the dazed clown and dumped him over the ropes to score a quick and sneaky elimination. Payaso Jr is eliminated by El Orgulloso

After this, Blanco gives Orgulloso a dirty look, feeling like the arrogant champion stole one of his eliminations. Frustrated, he throws another kick, but Orgulloso ducks it and kicks his other leg out from under him. With Blanco on the ground, the champion hops over him to fight with A.D.B. As the only man bleeding in the match, and also the one who has been in for the longest time, he looks like the easier elimination out of the two. However, he proves Orgulloso wrong by reintroducing him to the fisticuffs that made their first title match such a struggle for the airborne specialist. Both men grapple for a while before breaking up, and Mustang Blanco interjects by booting Orgulloso in the back.

Now it's A.D.B.'s turn to be indignant, as Blanco just interrupted his showdown. He had maintained a cool head for most of the match, but emotions were starting to boil over with the end so close. He went in on Blanco, the two of them exchanging strikes as Orgulloso was left on the ground to recover. Blanco managed to get the upper hand and force A.D.B. against the ropes before backing up and attempting a Glittering Magician. However, A.D.B. manages to duck just in time and pull down the ropes, sending Mustang Blanco over the edge. he manages to land on the edge of the ring, but can't react before A.D.B. hits him with a surprise Samoan Spike, and Blanco finally goes down. Mustang Blanco Jr is eliminated by A.D.B.

A.D.B. and Orgulloso look at each other from opposite sides of the ring. This situation felt all too familiar. They had faced each other in MHW's first title match in the main event of their first show, and now they met once more in the final phase of the Anarquia match. Both men silently understood their situation and armed themselves. A.D.B. took the chair, while Orgulloso took Styx's walking stick.

The chair acted as a shield for a few swings as Orgulloso smashed the walking stick into it repeatedly. However, both men simultaneously realized that this approach wouldn't get them anywhere, and they tossed the items away. Orgulloso's quick kicks kept A.D.B. at bay, but the iron man wasn't willing to let his chance at another title shot slip away. Once he was able to get in close without taking a kick, he forced Orgulloso towards the ropes, preparing another Samoan Spike to put the arrogant wrestler down.

However, as he was set to strike, El Orgulloso let loose a flash of powder from a small bag that he had stashed in his tights. Blinded by the sudden attack, A.D.B. backed off, trying to regain his vision. As he did so though, Orgulloso reached into his tights again and equipped a set of brass knuckles that he promptly used to slug his opponent, sending a dazed A.D.B. into the corner. It turned out that had been a part of Orgulloso's strategy. By grabbing a couple of small yet effective weapons rather than a big, obvious one, he was able to hide them until the time was right.

With A.D.B. now on the ropes, El Orgulloso hit him with a standing dropkick to give him that last push, and A.D.B. went out of the ring. A.D.B. is eliminated by El Orgulloso

El Orgulloso wins The Anarquia Match

Rating: 38

Show Rating: 34

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Anarquia Statistics:

Entrance Order:

1. A.D.B.

2. Styx

3. Hijo Del Vigilante

4. Payaso Jr

5. Noxious

6. Mercenario III

7. Gringo Star

8. Mustang Blanco Jr

9. Fernando Fernandez

10. El Orgulloso


Elimination Order:

1. Styx

2. Noxious

3. Gringo Star

4. Mercenario III

5. Fernando Fernandez

6. Hijo Del Vigilante

7. Payaso Jr

8. Mustang Blanco Jr

9. A.D.B.

Winner: El Orgulloso


Number Of Eliminations:

3- A.D.B.

2- El Orgulloso

2- Hijo Del Vigilante

1- Mustang Blanco Jr

1- Payaso Jr

1- Mercenario III

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Also, I'd like to know what you thought about the Anarquia match itself. Was the writeup too long? I realize that it was about as long as a the full shows that I wrote before, if not longer. If it's something of a chore to read, then I can abbreviate the next one when it comes around.

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2 hours ago, Aura said:

Also, I'd like to know what you thought about the Anarquia match itself. Was the writeup too long? I realize that it was about as long as a the full shows that I wrote before, if not longer. If it's something of a chore to read, then I can abbreviate the next one when it comes around.

I don't think that the Anarquia match was too long, for a match of this style it makes sense for it to be longer in order to keep track of everything that is happening.  I didn't find it a chore to read and thought that it flowed nicely from start to finish.

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The Gatekeeper and Ref Benn met in the sitting area of Cafe Uno in Monterrey, each with a cup of coffee as they sat at their table. They made it there before the lunch rush came in, so they had the luxury of only mild conversation happening around them.

"Never knew you to be one for social calls, Benn." Gatekeeper mused as he glanced at the smaller man. "I'm assuming there's something we need to discuss regarding MHW?"

"That's right." Benn took a long sip of his coffee before continuing. "Anarquia went great. Our average match quality is going up, and word of mouth is still pretty positive. Plus, our frugal spending has been paying off, and we've just broken $40,000 in our war chest."

"Heh." Gatekeeper says, even though his face doesn't look much like laughing. "And I presume that there's something not so sweet at the bottom of all this good news?"

Benn nods. "Problem is, we don't have any valid contenders for the Campeonato Del Mundo belt."

The Gatekeeper pauses, and his eyes seem to widen slightly as he looks at Benn. "I need you to say that again, and explain.

In response, Benn sighs, but he explains the situation. "Let's look at the Anarquia match, for example. Out of the nine eliminations, five of them came from El Orgulloso and A.D.B. The problem is, Orgulloso has already beaten A.D.B. twice in three months. We can't put him into the title scene again for a while." Benn holds up a finger, telling Gatekeeper to let him continue. "Out of the remaining four, two of them came from Hijo Del Vigilante, who lost to both Orgulloso and A.D.B. already, so he doesn't look like a contender either. Most of the legwork in the Anarquia match came from either the leader, or challengers that he's already beaten."

There's a moment of silence as Gatekeeper thinks it over. "Well, we still have other contenders. We have Payaso and Firebird, and we also just brought in Mustang Blanco."

"Yes, we did. But let me continue." Benn goes back to his explanation. "Payaso has been spending a lot of time doing comedy spots, so he's more of an entertainer than championship material right now. Out of Firebird's three matches, only one of them has been against someone who isn't green, so he hasn't been built up either. And Mustang Blanco just arrived in the company, so he's still relatively untested with our crowd. Remember, he was in the Anarquia match for less than ten minutes." Benn shrugs. "At least he got the Mustang Kick over. That could be a good sign."

The Gatekeeper's finger taps the table as he thinks all of this over. The shows had been going well thus far, but he had to wonder if he had messed up somewhere in building up challengers. He had given A.D.B. and Hijo Del Vigilante strong performances in Anarquia to try to build them back up after losing their title matches, but the setup may have been at the expense of the other competitors.

"Well Benn, you might have a point. And since I know you're probably thinking it, maybe Orgulloso didn't need the win at Anarquia either. But I have a plan for the next show tying into that. That's why I had him competing there in the first place."

At that, Benn had to chuckle. "Always a plan, eh Gatekeeper?" He shook his head. "I hope that part of that plan involves building up our main event."

In return, The Gatekeeper calmly sips his coffee. "Oh, it'll do more than that."

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MHW: Acto De Alboroto Match Card

Mascara Roja Jr vs. Red Rascal

Handsome Felipe vs. Styx

Fernando Fernandez vs. Gringo Star

Payaso Jr & Firebird vs. Los Mercenarios

A.D.B. vs. Daredevil Aero

Mustang Blanco Jr vs. Noxious

El Orgulloso vs. ??? (Orgulloso's Choice)

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  • 2 months later...

I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to get back to this, and there are a few reasons for that.

The last couple of months have been fairly tumultuous for me, and part of that was having to get a new computer. While I was able to move TEW to the new computer, my save files unfortunately didn't make the trip, so I no longer have the MHW save that I was using for this dynasty.

Unfortunately, this means that it's the end of the line for MHW, at least for now. I think that I'd be interested in revisiting it again at another time, but I think that I'm going to try some other things in the meantime, further sharpening my skills with TEW and diary writing, and hopefully when I do finally revisit it, it will be better than ever.

I would like to thank everyone that was reading along, and I'm sorry that it had to end so soon.

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