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The Rise Of Total Non-Stop Action (1RC Diary)

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[QUOTE=TDubTNA]You could go with TNA Rise of the Empire or TNA Atrocity or TNA Rising Stars Also i really like this diary i thought when u signed Rock and Jericho it would get cheesy but you definitely made it work very well and can't wait to see Joe vs. The Rock[/QUOTE] Hey thanks brother. Im glad that you like it. I knew that bringing in Rock and Jericho would make people take a step back but I had a plan. People connect Jericho and Rock to Sports Entertainment but a lot of people forget that they are both really good in the ring, especially Jericho. Now if I brought in Hulk Hogan or Stone Cold then we might have a problem. Even though....:D
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Nevermore your stuff rocked, but machinesxe is a good attack on the WWE and I like the slogan Its Raw Turned Around. However Friday is not over yet so if Nevermore can come up with something better he will be declared the winner, but as of right now its machinesxe War!
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[QUOTE=Nightshade1020]Hey I got some names for ya!:rolleyes: How about .......... TNA UnChained TNA Deliverance TNA Independence TNA Universal Showdown I think those are some good names for new shows tell me what you think?:D[/QUOTE] Hey guys let me be the first to introduce my wife to the boards. I also believe that she is the first female to ever take part in the boards as well. These names are good (except for Deliverence all I think about is that movie with the hicks). She might just win this won. And dont go thinking this is unfair or anything, those names are actually good.
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[QUOTE=The Stallion]If anybody has anymore ideas put them in! I will make a decision tonight when I get back from going out with my wife for dinner and a movie. Keep those ideas coming![/QUOTE] Thats not fair she is going to wine and dine you!!! This is a dishonrable act!!!!!! I will male you McDonalds? Would that Help?? Survey Says WAR...Its Raw turned upside down. Where athletes compete and Entertainers get Beat!!!
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[QUOTE=machinesxe]Thats not fair she is going to wine and dine you!!! This is a dishonrable act!!!!!! I will male you McDonalds? Would that Help?? Survey Says WAR...Its Raw turned upside down. Where athletes compete and Entertainers get Beat!!![/QUOTE] Whow, that slogan is whats going to do me in. I love it! This is gonna be close!
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TNA iMPACT! & Global iMPACT! [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/logo_impact.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Held at the Roy Wilkins Auditorium Attendance: 4,902 [U][I]Pre-Show[/I][/U] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/DavidYoung.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ElixSkipper.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/SimonDiamond.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/bgjames.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/KipJames.jpg[/IMG] [B]Diamonds In The Rough[/B] (David Young & Elix Skipper) w/ Simond Diamond vs. [B]The James Gang [/B](BG & Kip James) [COLOR="Blue"]We had not heard from either of these two teams in a while so it was good to see them at the Impact Zone once again. Simon Diamond tried all that he could to interfere and give him men the win, but The James Gang were too experienced and was able to get the win when Kip hit the Fame-Ass-Er on David Young for the pin.[/COLOR] Winners: The James Gang in 11:28 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] - [COLOR="Blue"]Highlights of the recent encounter between The Rock and Samoa Joe are played in a video package.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/MikeTenay.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/DonWest.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]Mike Tenay, Don West and Joey Styles welcome everyone to another exciting edition of TNA Impact. They say that tonight all 3 members of Team 3D will be in singles competition against the three men they will face as a team at Hard Justice, Rhino, Raven and Taz. The X-Division will be in full force tonight as well with a big tag match. And in the Main Event, for a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Samoa Joe this Sunday at Hard Justice, Chris Jericho will take on The Rock. All that and so much more on Impact![/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/SamoaJoe.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]Samoa Joe makes his way to the ring unannounced and grabs a mic. He says that he has no ill will for Chris Jericho because he could pound his head in just as good as anybody else’s, but he really hopes that The Rock wins, so he has more of an excuse to hurt somebody. He says that he wants The Rock to win tonight so at Hard Justice he can show the Hollywood Hero true pain the likes of that he has never felt before. He says that if Rock wins tonight, after Hard Justice Hollywood will not want him back because his face is going to be so mangled his own wife wont recognize him. Joe says that he wants Rock to win tonight so that after Hard Justice Rocks kids will hate him for what he has done to daddy. Joe says he hopes Rock wins tonight so that at Hard Justice he can show the world who the true great one is![/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/BrotherRunt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/Tazz-2.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/PaulHeyman2.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Brother Runt[/B] vs. [B]Taz[/B] w/ Paul Heyman [COLOR="Blue"]Not many people know that these two were WWE Tag Team Champions at one point, so they know each other fairly well. This made for a good match, with Runt staying away from Taz’s holds and Suplex’s as best he could. Taz proved too much for Brother Runt however when Taz finally caught him and nailed a vicious Tazplex and then quickly locked on the Tazmission for the tap out.[/COLOR] Winner: Taz in 7:57 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] [B]Commercial Break[/B] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]Jeremy Borash is backstage with Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner. Borash asks Steiner if he’s given any thought to Monty Browns Challenge. Steiner says that he has given it plenty of thought while he was laying back in a Jacuzzi with his freaks over the weekend. They learned all about why he is the Genetic Freak! He says he though long (looks down at crotch) and hard about Monty Browns challenge, and he has decided to accept it. He says Monty thinks he is all sophisticated because he wears fancy shirts and expensive glasses and has a good physique. Steiner says Brown doesn’t know the first thing about sophistication and he better never think that he has what it takes to hang with The Big Bad Booty Daddy. Steiner says the Man With The Largest Arms In The World is gonna show the Alpha Female who the real king of the jungle is. “Big Poppa Pump Is Ya Hook Up! Holla If Ya Hear Me!”[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/BrotherDevon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/Raven2.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Brother Devon [/B]vs. [B]Raven[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Devon tried to use his mass advantage to dominate Raven, but Raven is too wily to play the muscle games. Every time Devon tried to come at him and over power him, Raven tripped him up, send Brother Devon to the mat. Devon does not have the singles experience that Raven does and the tag mentality worked against Devon throughout the match. However Devon finally caught Raven with a huge Powerbomb into the corner turnbuckle. Raven looked out of it but was able to kick out at 2 ½. As Devon picked Raven up instinct took over and Raven planted Devon with the Raven Effect DDT for the pin.[/COLOR] Winner: Raven in 7:03 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] [B]Commercial Break[/B] - A video for Bound For Glory 2 is shown [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/BryanDanielson.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ChrisSabin.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/LowKi3.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Bryan Danielson & Chris Sabin [/B]vs. [B]CM Punk & Senshi[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]This was an all out X-Division showcase as the ref lost control early. Sabin and Senshi went at it while Danielson and Punk went toe to toe. Sabin and Danielson toss Senshi and Punk to the outside and hit a Double Suicide Dive on them to the crowds delight. Chants of “TNA, TNA, TNA” echo throughout the arena as high impact move after high impact move is hit and reversed. Sabin went for a Cradle Shock on Senshi but Senshi landed him his feet and Dropkicked Sabin over the top rope. Senshi then hit a devastating Double Foot Stomp from the top turnbuckle to Sabin ON THE OUTSIDE!! As Danielson was going to check on his partner, CM Punk took advantage of the momentary distraction and hit the Pepsi Plunge for the pinfall.[/COLOR] Winners: CM Punk and Senshi 11:31 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ShaneDouglas.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/AndyDouglas.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ChaseStevens.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]Christie Hemme is backstage with The Naturals and their mentor Shane Douglas. She asks them what their game plan going into the 6-Sides Of Steel against the Tag Champs AJ and Daniels this Sunday will be. Before either of The Naturals can say anything, Shane Douglas steps in the way and begins to speak. He says that if Jim Cornette thinks he can play games with The Franchise he has another thing coming. He says The Naturals are the future of this business and he will do anything to ensure that future. If ensuring that future means spilling all the blood of their enemy’s along the way then so be it because his boys are ready. Come hell or high water The Naturals will defeat Styles and Daniels and reclaim their NWA World Tag Team Championships![/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Commercial Break[/B] - As we come back from commercial Mike Tenay announces that this Sunday at Hard Justice CM Punk will take on “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/AJStyles.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/AndyDouglas.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ShaneDouglas.jpg[/IMG] - [B]AJ Styles [/B]vs. [B]Andy Douglas [/B]w/ Shane Douglas [COLOR="Blue"]This was a highly skilled highflying affair as both men had an agenda in this match. Shane Douglas called out to Andy throughout the match and it seemed the coaching worked, as Andy was able to take it to AJ and counter a Pey Lay into a Dragon Screw that almost took AJ’s leg out of its socket. With AJ grounded, Andy was able to take away most of his offence and continue to pound away on him. However Andy fell into that same trap that Devon had earlier. He is mostly a tag team worker and AJ has competed in singles competition for a while. AJ was able to turn the tide with a missed Senton Splash. That brought out Chase Stevens and then Christopher Daniels. That distracted the ref as AJ went for the Styles Splash. Shane Douglas slides into the ring and hit the Franchiser on Styles and lay Andy across his chest. The ref saw the pinfall attempt and counted the three! After the match Christopher Daniels tended to the fallen Styles as The Naturals laughed on the ramp.[/COLOR] Winner: Andy Douglas in 11:53 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/jeffjarrett3.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]The camera shows the backstage area where Jeff Jarrett is shown talking to someone off camera. He says that they ought to team up to destroy Sting at Hard Justice. The camera pans to the side to reveal Christian Cage who agrees.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ChristyHemme.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="blue"]Christie Hemme is shown in the entranceway. She says that still to come tonight Chris Jericho faces off against The Rock for the #1 Contendership to the NWA World Heavyweight Title![/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A[/COLOR] [B]Commercial Break[/B] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/BrotherRay.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/Rhino.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Brother Ray[/B] vs. [B]Rhino [/B] [COLOR="Blue"]This one was a knock down drag out brawl even though Rhino is a hell of a chain wrestler. It was mostly hard fists and kicks until Rhino hit a quick Snap Suplex to hurt Brother Ray. Ray fought back though as he reversed another Suplex into a Brother Bomb for a 2 ½. Rhino came back and hit a Belly To Belly Suplex that almost had the match won. This brought out Brother Devon and Runt to ringside and then Taz and Raven. Taz picked up a chair as Rhino tossed Brother Ray to the ropes. Taz swung the chair but that the last minute Ray reversed it and Taz cracked Rhino with the chair knocking him directly into another Brother Cutter for the 3.[/COLOR] Winner: Brother Ray in 8:22 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]B-[/COLOR] - [COLOR="Blue"]After the match all of the men at ringside and a wild brawl ensued that was difficult for officials to break up. Eventually enough officials hit the ring to separate the 6 men. However Rhino and Taz stood nose to nose placing the blame on Rhinos lose on each other.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/Sting.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]Jeremy Borash is backstage with The Man They Call Sting. Borash says that not only has Christian Cage reverted to attacking Sting and costing him matches, now he is being seen talking to Jeff Jarrett backstage. Sting says that Jarrett is like a cancer in TNA, he spreads to everything he touches. Sting says he was too late to stop the cancer from reaching Christian Cage and now his former friend has become a bitter enemy. He warns Christian that he does not know what he is getting himself into going up against him and teaming with Jarrett. It’s a world of hurt and greed and jealousy that Christian should not get caught up in. However if that’s how he wants to play it, Sting says “Its Showtime Christian!”[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]B-[/COLOR] [B]Commercial Break[/B] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]We come back from commercial to find Jeremy Borash backstage in the locker room area with Chris Jericho. Jericho looks deep in thought as he is lacing up his boots. Borash asks him about tonight’s #1 Contenders match with The Rock. Jericho looks up at Borash, a look of intensity on his face. He says that he did not come to TNA to get a shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Championship; he came here for the competition. The last thing that he ever wanted was to be accused of taking the spot of guys that have established themselves in TNA long before he came here. He says that somebody like Abyss or AJ Styles or Ron Killings should be in this match, not him. However Jim Cornette thinks that he is best suited to take on Rock for this shot at the #1 Contedership. He says that he is backed into a corner on this one and has no choice. So what is he going to do about it? Jericho says that he is not going to sit back here and whine and cry about it, he says that he is going to go out there and beat The Rock once again. Then he is going to go on to Hard Justice and show Samoa Joe why he is one of the greatest of all time.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ChrisHarris2.jpg[/IMG]& [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/JamesStorm2.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/GailKim.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/AustinAries.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/RoderickStrong.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/SoCalVal.jpg[/IMG] - [B]AMW[/B] (Chris Harris & James Storm) w/ Gail Kim vs. [B]Aries & Strong [/B]w/ So Cal Val [COLOR="Blue"]The ROH Tag Team Champions surprised AMW by coming out strong. I guess AMW never saw a ROH event with them in it, because they seemed totally unprepared for the high impact offence. So Cal Val almost neutralized Gail Kim’s presence at ringside when she tossed he into the railing after Kim grabbed Strong’s leg. AMW didn’t have their backup plan so they were left all alone with two of the greatest athletes in TNA right now. However AMW were the longest running NWA Tag Team Champions in 10 years so they knew how to fight. Aries went for a Spinning Elbow off the Top Rope to Harris but as he was coming down James Storm hit a devastating Superkick that knocked out one of his teeth (you saw it go flying). Strong came back a nailed Storm with a vicious Reverse Backbreaker. When Strong got up he ran right into a Catatonic for the pinfall.[/COLOR] Winners: AMW in 13:40 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/TheRock10.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]Christie Hemme is standing by backstage with The Rock. She tries to ask him about his thoughts on tonight’s match with Chris Jericho buy he kept coming on to her. He asked her if she liked pie because he liked pie and could eat it all night long. He then asked he if she would like a taste of his sausage. Christy seemed very uncomfortable until he pulled an actual sausage from off screen. He asked her what was she thinking he is a married man. He then moves on to Chris Jericho and says that tonight, after 5 long years he about to get even with Jericho for cheating to get them win to unify the WWE and WCW World Titles. He said The Rock does not have to cheat to get the win; he is just that damn good. He says that he has beaten them all from Hulk Hogan, to Steve Austin, to Goldberg to Vince McMahon himself and tonight is not going to be any different. He is going to hit the Rock Bottom and then deliver the Peoples Elbow and get the 1,2,3! Then The Most Electrifying Man In Wrestling Today is going to go on to Hard Justice and for The Millions (And Millions) Of The Rocks Fans All Over The World he is going to save them from that fat champion Tubba Joe! If Ya Smelllllllllllllalalalalalal! What The Rock, Is Cookin![/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/JeremyBorash.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]Chris Jericho and The Rock make their way to the ring and Jeremy Borash makes the introductions. “Ladies and gentleman it is now time for your Main Event of the evening and it is for the #1 Contendership to the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. The winner will go on to Hard Justice this Sunday and face the Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe for the title. Now without further ado in this corner originally from St. James, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada and now residing out of Tampa Florida he weighed in this morning at 231 lbs, he is CHRIS JERICHO!! And in this corner residing in Davie Florida, he weighs in at 275 lbs he is The Rock. When the bell rings the man in charge of the action will be referee Andrew Thomas.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="red"]B[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ChrisJericho11.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/TheRock10.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Chris Jericho[/B] vs. [B]The Rock[/B] [COLOR="blue"]The intensity was thick in the air and both men exploded out of the bell. At first neither man cared much for wrestling as the brawled back and forth for several minutes. Then The Rock out of nowhere went for a Rock Bottom but Jericho reversed it into an arm drag that flung Rock out of the ring. Rock looked like he wanted to take a break buy Jericho went back to his old ECW days and went extreme. He quickly jumped to the top rope and hit a Cross Body onto Rock on the outside that made the crowd erupt into TNA chants! Jericho was in control and tossed Rock back into the ring. However Rock wasn’t about to let Jericho control the match. He reversed a Backbreaker attempt into a Side Suplex and regained control. The match went back and forth like this for several minutes until Jericho locked in the Walls Of Jericho! He had it locked in directly in the middle of the ring and Rock looked like he would tap. Somehow he mustered enough strength to pull himself to the ropes to break the hold. Jericho got up, clearly frustrated and went after The Rock. Rock surprised him with a huge Spinebuster and went for the Peoples Elbow. He tossed his elbow pad into the crowd and bounced off one rope then the other and hit The Peoples Elbow. He quickly covered and got the 1,2 NO! Jericho kicks out at 2 ½. Rock is pissed and started berating the ref calling it a slow count. Little did he know that Jericho was slowly getting to his feet and when Rock turned around he was greeted with a Superkick. However Rock saw it coming and ducked out of the way. Jericho turned and Rock hit The Rock Bottom getting the 1,2,3![/COLOR] Winner: The Rock in 19:28 Rating: [COLOR="red"]A[/COLOR] - [COLOR="Blue"]After the match Samoa Joe ran down to ringside to greet the new number one contender. The two men started brawling and it took almost 15 officials to separate them as Impact goes off the air![/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] Overall Rating: [COLOR="red"]B[/COLOR] - [COLOR="Blue"]A video plays hyping Samoa Joe vs. The Rock.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="red"]A[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/JeremyBorash.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ChristyHemme.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="blue"]Jeremy Borash and Christy Hemme welcome everyone to another edition of TNA Global Impact. Jeremy says that they will hear from Jeff Jarrett and Christian Cage on tonight’s show. Christie says that another look inside the hot Knockouts Magazine, this time featuring Jackie Gayda, will be shown tonight at well. And in the special Global Impact match The Alpha Male Monty Brown goes head to head with The Monster Abyss.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] - [COLOR="Blue"]The Knockouts Magazine Preview with Jackie Gayda is shown[/COLOR][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/MissJackie717.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/jackie_gayda5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/jackie3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/08.jpg[/IMG] Rating: [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ChristianCage.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/jeffjarrett3.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]In a promo recorder earlier, Christian Cage and Jeff Jarrett say that they have teamed up to take Sting out of TNA. Cage says that from the second Sting stepped foot into TNA, he has been stealing his thunder. Every time Christian did something big in TNA, Sting had to go bigger. So he went to the one man who knew what is was like to have someone trying to take his spot. Jarrett says that Sting has failed time and again in getting rid of Jarrett. He says Sting failed so badly he drove his only ally over to the other side. He says that Jim Cornette has done something right for once and has given them a tag match at Hard Justice. It’s going to be Christian Cage and Jeff Jarrett vs. Sting and any partner he wants. It can be someone from TNA or outside of TNA; Jarrett says it does not matter. He tells Sting to go get Hulk Hogan, or Macho Man Randy Savage. Hell he can even go get his old tag team partner The Warrior but it’s not going to matter because after Hard Justice, Stings reign in TNA will be over.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/MontyBrown3.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/Abyss.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/JamesMitchell.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Monty Brown[/B] vs. [B]Abyss [/B]w/ James Mitchell [COLOR="Blue"]This was a brawl threw and threw as both men looked to take each other apart. Monty did use some wrestling skill however as he hit an impressive Belly To Belly Suplex on the big Monster. However Abyss seemed to by unaffected and got right back up only to take another Belly To Belly Suplex, this time staying down. Monty had control when James Mitchell got up on ringside to argue something with the ref. Brown stood to go after Mitchell when Scott Steiner slide into the ring out of nowhere with a lead pipe and nailed Brown across the bad with it. Abyss took advantage and hit the Shock Treatment for the pin.[/COLOR] Winner: Abyss in 19:52 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] Overall Rating: [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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Oh crap! I did not even see what happened to the knockouts pics. Thanks for pointing that out. On a side note I am pretty pissed off. That C rating from Global Impact dropped me to Cult level! I already got a warning from Spike TV about the ratings (I will post those later) and I cant afford to get another warning from the PPV providers. I admit, I just cheated and adjusted the popularity of TNA. Everybody knows that a poor Global Impact in real life would not affect the popularity of TNA in any way! Its an internet show for crying out loud! And the main event was Monty Brown vs. Abyss, a hard hitting match if their ever was one. I only upped it by a couple of points so as to put me back in National (barely) and I have a plan to make sure that never happens again. Oh I had to make Taz lose so Team 3D would not look so pathtic and it was the only 3D win that could make sence. Brother Ray had a decent singles run on Raw a few years back and they almost pushed him to a Wold Title match against Triple H. If Devon won it would have been a disaster, and no way would Taz lose to Runt (even though Runt is the comback king). Plus you never know, there may be a feud between Taz and Rhino after Hard Justice!
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OK guys its time to announce the winner of the contest. Everybody put in some great recomendations but I had to go with this one TNA Independence! However I will be using machinesxe slogan. Where athletes compete and Entertainers get Beat!!! So both of you will get a main event match coming up shortly. I will PM both of you with when you can pick them. Also dont forget that there is a contest for the most correct picks for my PPVs. The matches for Hard Justice will be up today so everyone has another chance to to win a main event match! Thanks everybody!
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[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/gerwecknet.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="Blue"]TNA Impact Rating[/COLOR][/U] [SIZE="1"]Source: Neilson Media[/SIZE] TNA Impact drew a 0.8 last night on Spike TV. [U][COLOR="blue"]TNA Announces New Global Impact Format[/COLOR][/U] [SIZE="1"]Source: TNAwrestling.com[/SIZE] TNA Wrestling has announced today that starting next week they plan on changing the format of Global Impact. They are calling it Global Impact Classics and will show a classic TNA match up every week. They will also feature a special interview with a TNA Star every week. The first TNA Global Impact Classics match will be AMW vs. XXX from Turning Point in December of 2004. [U][COLOR="blue"]ROH From The Davis Arena Results[/COLOR][/U] [SIZE="1"]Source: Melody Gee[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/200px-Ring_Of_Honor_Logo.png[/IMG] Attendance: 1,000 [B]Chad Collyer [/B]d [B]Salvatore Rinauro[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Mark Briscoe and Aries[/B] d [B]Cabana and J. Rave [/B]/ [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] [B]Pearce[/B] d [B]Evans[/B], [B]Jay Briscoe [/B]and [B]Clark[/B] to retain the [U][COLOR="Blue"]ROH Pure Title[/COLOR][/U] / [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Ace Steel[/B] d [B]Delirious [/B]/ [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Nigel and Homicide[/B] d [B]J. Jacobs and M. Sydal [/B]/ [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] d [B]BJ Whitmer[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [B]Alex Shelley[/B] d [B]Roderick Strong [/B]to retain the [U][COLOR="Blue"]ROH World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR][/U] / [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] Overall Rating: [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="Blue"]Hard Justice Preview[/COLOR][/U] [SIZE="1"]Source: TNAwrestling.com[/SIZE] Bryan Danielson vs. CM Punk – The X-Division is on display once again as two of the divisions finest go head to head Monty Brown vs. Scott Steiner – Ever since Steiner attacked Brown a few weeks back on Impact these two monsters have been going back and forth to establish who the dominate male of the Serengeti is. Team 3D vs. Raven, Rhino and Taz – ECW is alive and well in the heart and souls of these competitors as they go head on into a 6-Man Hardcore Match. Rhino and Taz have not been getting along for weeks now, and Raven has always been unstable. Will they be able to pull together and beat Team 3D? TNA X-Division Title match Chris Sabin vs. Senshi © - Senshi has been undefeated in his reign as X-Division champion so far in TNA, but Chris Sabin has been called the future. Who will come out with the Title around their waist? 6-Sides Of Steel NWA World Tag Team Title match The Naturals vs. AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels © - Jim Cornette made this a 6-Sides Of Steel match to keep Shane Douglas from interfering, however both teams will use it to their full advantage. All four men have experience inside the 6-Sides Of Steel so this one should come down to the wire. Jeff Jarrett & Christian Cage vs. Sting & Mystery Partner – Jarrett has manipulated Cage into joining his quest to get rid of Sting once and for all and has challenged him to this match. Sting has yet to announce his mystery partner for the PPV so it can be anybody from Stings past (or present?). Who will the mystery partner be? NWA World Heavyweight Title match The Rock vs. Samoa Joe © - This has got to be the most anticipated match in the history of TNA. The undefeated NWA Champion The Samoan Submission Machine vs. The Most Electrifying Man In Wrestling Today The Rock. Both men have been at each other’s throats since Rock decided to get involve in the World Title picture. Who will come out wearing the World Title and will this one be over after the match? [SIZE="2"]Friday, Week 2, August[/SIZE] [/SIZE]
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Guest TDubTNA
My Predictions Here's my Predictions for Hard Justice: [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] vs. CM Punk – I go with Bryan Danielson. [B]Monty Brown[/B] vs. Scott Steiner – I'm going with Monty Brown on this one because a win for him could get his overness over pretty good and he could start climbing up the ladder in TNA. Maybe a feud with the Rock?.... Team 3D vs. [B]Raven, Rhino and Taz [/B]– I'll go with Raven, Rhyno and Taz because I'm a huge Raven fan so i'll never pick against him. TNA X-Division Title match [B]Chris Sabin [/B]vs. Senshi © - I would love to see Sabin win this match so I'm picking him. Then he can fued with Petey Williams. 6-Sides Of Steel NWA World Tag Team Title match The Naturals vs. [B]AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels © [/B]- I'll go with AJ and Daniels. I know your pushing the Naturals but I thinks it to soon for them to win the straps. Jeff Jarrett & Christian Cage vs. [B]Sting & Mystery Partner [/B]– I think Stings mystery partner is going to be Jericho since he doesn't have a match at Hard Justice. I'm a huge Christian fan but I don't see how he can beat Jericho and Sting. It could lead to a Christian vs. Jericho feud and a final JJ vs. Sting fued NWA World Heavyweight Title match The Rock vs. [B]Samoa Joe [/B]© - Samoa Joe. This would be his biggest win ever and would be the perfect time for the Rock to put him over and for Samoa Joe to become the biggest star in the industy. [I]Also Stallion have you thought of bringing in another title so some mid card guys could hold a title. Just a thought...[/I]
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Bryan Danielson vs. [B]CM Punk[/B] Monty Brown vs. [B]Scott Steiner[/B] Team 3D vs. [B]Raven, Rhino and Taz[/B] [U]TNA X-Division Title match [/U] [B]Chris Sabin[/B] vs. Senshi © [U]6-Sides Of Steel NWA World Tag Team Title match [/U] [B]The Naturals [/B]vs. AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels © [B]Jeff Jarrett & Christian Cage[/B] vs. Sting & Chris Jericho - MY PREDICTION [U]NWA World Heavyweight Title match [/U] The Rock vs. [B]Samoa Joe ©[/B]
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From Gerweck.net [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/gerweck02.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][U][COLOR="Blue"]ROH Redemption Results[/COLOR][/U] [SIZE="1"]Source: Ernesto Rayside[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/200px-Ring_Of_Honor_Logo.png[/IMG] Held at Mitty’s Nightclub Attendance: 300 [B]Ace Steel[/B] d [B]Jerrelle Clark[/B] / [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] [B]BJ Whitmer [/B]d [B]Salvatore Rinauro [/B]/ [COLOR="red"]C-[/COLOR] [B]Briscoe Brothers[/B] d [B]Cabana and J. Rave[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [B]Matt Sydal[/B] d [B]Delirious [/B]/ [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Austin Aries [/B]d [B]Nigel McGuinness [/B]/ [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] d [B]Jimmy Jacobs[/B] / [COLOR="red"]C[/COLOR] [B]Homicide[/B] d [B]Shelley[/B], [B]R. Strong [/B]and [B]Pearce[/B] for the [U][COLOR="Blue"]ROH World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR][/U] / [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] Overall Rating: [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="Blue"]TNA Global Impact Viewers [/COLOR][/U] [SIZE="1"]Source: Melody Gee[/SIZE] TNA Global Impact drew 268, 064 viewers last night. This is the lowest they have scored in a few weeks. [SIZE="2"]Saturday, Week 2, August[/SIZE][/SIZE]
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Guest Kazarian
Bryan Danielson vs. [B]CM Punk[/B] – I'm going with CM Punk. [B]Monty Brown[/B] vs. Scott Steiner – I'm going with Monty Brown, he is one of my favorites, and he deserves to win. Team 3D vs. [B]Raven, Rhino and Taz[/B] – I'll go with Taz, Rhino and Raven, with Taz getting the submission on Brother Runt. TNA X-Division Title match [B]Chris Sabin[/B] vs. Senshi © - I'm going with Sabin, with him beating Kevin Nash, I think that was the beginning of a long run on top of the X-Division. 6-Sides Of Steel NWA World Tag Team Title match [B]The Naturals[/B] vs. AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels © - I'll go with The Naturals, I like AJ and Daniels, but I see The Naturals winning with help from Shane Douglas. Jeff Jarrett & Christian Cage vs. [B]Sting & Mystery Partner[/B] – Who ever Sting's partner is, I think he will go on to fued with Jarrett, after pinning him in this match. NWA World Heavyweight Title match The Rock vs. [B]Samoa Joe[/B] © - There is no way Samoa Joe is going to lose.
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Hard Justice PPV [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/HardJustice.gif[/IMG] [SIZE="4"]Held at the Philips Arena in Atlanta GA Attendance: 15,000 [U][I]Pre-Show[/I][/U] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/SharkBoy.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/Lufisto.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Shark Boy[/B] vs. [B]LuFisto[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Mike Tenay announced that LuFisto herself requested to be put in a match against a male competitor to show how good she really is. Shark Boy was reluctant to tie up with her at first, but after a few stiff Forearm Shots to the head, Shark Boy started to fight back. LuFisto was surprisingly dominate throughout and ended the match with a Diving Star for the pin[/COLOR] Winner: LuFisto in 7:45 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]D[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ChrisJericho11.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring and grabs a mic. He says that since he was not booked on tonight’s card he decided to come out here and make an open challenge to anyone in the back who wants to face the man responsible for uniting the two biggest promotions in the world back in 2001. He says he came to TNA for the new competition, not to face The Rock again. So anybody in the back with the sack big enough to face him should come out now! The gunshots are heard over the system PA and Konnan is talking is Spanish. Konnan comes out with Homicide. He says that Homicide will be more than willing to put Jericho in the ground LAX style![/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] - [COLOR="Blue"]Highlights of the recent encounter between The Rock and Samoa Joe are played in a video package.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/MikeTenay.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/DonWest.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]Mike Tenay, Don West and Joey Styles welcome everybody to Hard Justice! They run down all of tonight’s matches, including the just added Homicide vs. Chris Jericho, ending with The Rock vs. Samoa Joe for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="red"]C+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/BryanDanielson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] vs. [B]CM Punk[/B] [COLOR="blue"]We start off the night with the X-Division as The American Dragon and Strait Edge go at it. This match was more on the ground that the high-flying that the X-Division normally has; however the crowd got into it all the same. Hold after hold, reversal after reversal, both these men took it to each other with something to prove. However good Danielson is thought, he made it dirty when gave Punk a poke to the eyes to give him the advantage. The ref warned him but he just shrugged it off and went to work on Punk. He worked on the shoulders and neck area of Punk, possibly setting him up for the Arms Across America of the Dragon Suplex. However Punk would not be put away so easily as he continued to fight back. However Danielson was un-relentless as he worked on Punks neck. After a vicious Neckbreaker he went for the Arms Across America, only to have it reversed into a Devils Lock by Punk. However Danielson was able to reverse that and hit the Dragon Suplex for the 3 count.[/COLOR] Winner: Bryan Danielson in 9:45 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/MontyBrown3.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]Jeremy Borash is backstage with The Alpha Male Monty Brown. Borash asks him about his match tonight with Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner. Brown asks Borash what Big Poppa Pump mean. Borash says that he does not know but Brown is going to tell him. He says it stands for all the steroids that he had to take to get as big as he is. He says that the Alpha Male is all-natural and was seasoned on the Serengeti, while Scott Steiner was hanging out with his so called freaks in a hot tub somewhere. He says that Steiner has no place on the Serengeti and tonight he becomes the hunted when he feels “The POOOUUUUNCEEEA! Period!”[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]B[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/MontyBrown3.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ScottSteiner.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Monty Brown[/B] vs. [B]Scott Steiner [/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The two men stared each other down for a few moments before the fists started flying. It was a brawl for the first couple of minutes before they started reverting to actuall wrestling. Brown was able to hit a massive Double Underhook Suplex onto Steiner that gave him the advantage. However he did not have it for long as Steiner came back with a big Belly To Belly Suplex of his own, taking the Alpha Male out. He then went to work on Browns back, softening him up for the Steiner Recliner. The Alpha Male fought back though and lifted the 276 lb man up into a devastating Powerbomb. Brown went for the pin but Steiner kicked out at 2 ½. Brown got up and sent Steiner into the ropes and nailed The Pounce that tossed Steiner out of the ring. Monty Brown taunted the crowd for a few moments after that and that turned out to be a mistake. He went to the outside and Steiner was back to his feet already and threw Brown into the guardrail. Steiner went for a charge but Brown Back Body Dropped him over the railing into the crowd. Monty went after him and they started to brawl once again. Brown Irish Whipped Steiner into the wall, collapsing it in. Back in the ring the ref counted to 10, ruling this match a Double Count Out. [/COLOR] Winner: Draw in 7:48 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]B[/COLOR] - [COLOR="Blue"]A video plays hyping Raven, Taz and Rhino vs. Brother Devon, Brother Ray, and Brother Runt.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/BrotherRay.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/BrotherDevon.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/BrotherRunt.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/Raven2.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/Rhino.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/Tazz-2.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/PaulHeyman2.jpg[/IMG] - Hardcore match [B]Team 3D [/B]vs. [B]Raven, Rhino and Taz [/B]w/ Paul Heyman [COLOR="Blue"]The introductions were not even complete before all 6 men were at each other’s throat. The action was all over the arena and hard to keep track of. Brother Ray hitting Taz over the head with a chair, Raven DDTing Brother Runt on the entrance ramp, Rhino Goreing Brother Devon threw a table set up over the entrance way. By the time they finally got back into the ring all 6 men were bloody messes. Brother Ray quickly went after Raven and hit a Brother Bomb, only to have the pin attempt broken up by Taz who hit a Tazplex, only to have the pin broken by Brother Runt who hit the Acid Drop, only to have the pin broken by Rhino who hit a Gore, only to have the pin broken by Brother Devon who hit a Cutter. Rhino accidentally Gored Taz as he went for Brother Ray, Ray capitalized by hitting a 3D w/ Devon on him. Raven broke up the pin attempt only to have the Acid Drop hit by Brother Runt. Taz came back with a chair, intent on hitting Rhino but Rhino ducked and he hit Brother Ray instead. Ray stumbled around only to find a Gore by Rhino who got the pin while everybody else was brawling.[/COLOR] Winners: Rhino, Taz and Raven in 10:02 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] - [COLOR="Blue"]After the match Rhino and Taz got in each other’s face again while Raven just looked on. After a few moments of nose-to-nose yelling they started brawling while Raven just laughed as he looked on. Eventually officials who flooded the ring separated them.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]B[/COLOR] - [COLOR="Blue"]A Video Recap of Something That Happened Earlier involving Homicide and Chris Jericho.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/Homicide.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/konnan2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ChrisJericho11.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Homicide [/B]w/ Konnan vs. [B]Chris Jericho[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Homicide took Jericho to levels he has not been at since his early career. Jericho looked like the old WCW Cruiserweight Champion as he flew around the ring, matching move for move with Homicide. The fight was evenly matched until Konnan and Hernandez got involved. Jericho hit a huge Missile Dropkick on Homicide, nearly knocking him out of the ring. Hernandez got on the ring apron and started to argue with the ref about something. Konnan then got into the ring and went for the Rolling Thunder. As Konnan came up Jericho hit him with a Dropkick, sending him back out of the ring. This gave Homicide the advantage thought and he hit Jericho with an Enziguri, knocking him down. Homicide took control then, working over Jericho with various submission moves and vicious kicks and chops. However Jericho isn’t one to lay down and came back after reversing a Homicide Suicide Plex into a Face Plant from the top rope. He then climbed up top and motioned to heaven above. He dived off the top rope and hit a Frog Splash Eddie Gurrerro style. 1,2 NO 2 ½ and Homicide kicked out! Jericho got up and locked in the Walls Of Jericho. However as Homicide began to tap Hernandez got on the ring apron and distracted the ref yet again. This allowed Konnan to get in the ring and nail Jericho with the flapjack. Homicide got up and for good measure hit the Cop Killa and got the pinfall on Jericho![/COLOR] Winner: Homicide in 10:54 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]B+[/COLOR] - [COLOR="Blue"]A video for Bound For Glory 2 is shown. It is being advertised for Madison Square Garden![/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ChrisSabin.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/SoCalVal.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="blue"]Jeremy Borash is backstage with Chris Sabin and his new manager So Cal Val. Borash asks Sabin what he thinks his chances are against the Warrior Senshi tonight. Sabin says that he feels really good tonight and is ready to finally take back the TNA X-Division Title after all these years. Val then speaks up and says that in addition to Austin Aries and Roderick Strong (the future NWA World Tag Team Champions she adds), she has added Chris Sabin to her list or clients for one reason; he is the future of the X-Division. Tonight, Senshi suffers his first loss. [/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C-[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Belts/TNAXDivision.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ChrisSabin.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/SoCalVal.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/LowKi3.jpg[/IMG] - TNA X-Division Title match [B]Chris Sabin[/B] w/ So Cal Val vs. [B]Senshi [/B]© [COLOR="Blue"]The match started out fast and furious as both men came out of the bell strong. Another surprising X-Division match as both men worked the ground game for a little while. Sabin shocked a lot of people by being able to hang with Senshi on the mat, using holds of his own while reversing Senshi’s moves. Senshi was able to lock in a painfull looking maneuver that hyper extended Sabin’s knee. Sabin was able to get to the ropes and have the move broken but the damage was done and Senshi succeeded in grounded the airel minded Sabin. Senshi went to work on the knee, doing everything he could to make Sabin tap, but Sabin fought against the pain, the X-Title meaning too much to him. Senshi locked in a Texas Cloverleaf and everyone thought it was the end. However Sabin did not tap but he looked like he passed out. The ref raised his hand once, twice but on the third drop it stopped right before hitting the mat. The crowd fired up, bringing Sabin back to life. Sabin powered out of the Cloverleaf and sent Senshi flying threw the ropes, going head first into the guardrail at ringside. Sabin, the adrenaline now flooding his veins, fought against the pain and hit a Flying Dive Flip over the top rope onto Senshi as he got up. Chants of TNA could be heard throughout the arena at the amazing match in the ring. The dice seemed to hurt Sabin again though as he writhe in pain on the outside, grabbing his knee. Senshi was the first to his feet, though wobbly, and tossed Sabin back into the ring. Senshi went back into the ring and once again went for the knee, however Sabin was ready for it and hit an Enziguri that seemed to knock Senshi out. Sabin went for the Cradle Shock but his knee gave out on him and Senshi hit a vicious kick to the gut that doubled Sabin over and Senshi then hit that Stalling Kick To The Back Of The Head which put Sabin on the ground. Senshi went up top and came back down with the devastating Double Foot Stomp for the 3![/COLOR] Winner: Senshi in 15:43 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]B-[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/TheRock.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]In a video promo, The Rock talks about why he came to TNA and his match with Samoa Joe tonight. He says that when he was a kid the NWA was like the promise land for his father and grandfather even thought they both competed in the WWF. It was both of their dreams to hold the most prestige’s Title in professional wrestling history. It was a dream of his too and once TNA came around and the NWA World Heavyweight Championship was once again the biggest Title in the industry, he knew he wanted to be a part of that. He says he always knew he was destined for greatness, but to be a true legend in the business, not a self proclaimed legend like some of the old timers out their, you have had to hold the NWA World Title, and that’s what he plans on doing tonight. As for why he attacked Samoa Joe, well Joe was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Rock says that nobody will stand in the way of him becoming NWA Champion, not Jeff Jarrett, not Christian Cage, not Abyss and especially not some Dunkin Doughnuts valued customer who got lucky. Tonight he becomes part of history![/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Belts/NWAWorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Belts/NWAWorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/AndyDouglas.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ChaseStevens.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ShaneDouglas.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/AJStyles.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ChristopherDaniels3.jpg[/IMG] w/ [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/JackieGayda.jpg[/IMG] - NWA World Tag Team Title / 6-Sides Of Steel match [B]The Naturals [/B]w/ Shane Douglas vs. [B]AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels [/B]© w/ Jackie Gayda [COLOR="Blue"]The officials were putting the finishing touches on the cage as Styles, Tenay and West went over the sorted rivalry between The Naturals and Styles & Daniels. As soon as all four men were in the ring they were all over each other. The match quickly became bloody as one after the other all four men were grated or tossed into the cage. The time spent in the air was cut back because of how the cage enclosed the ring so all four men began brawling. It became, however, one high spot after another as Styles was sent crashing head first into the steel by Chase Stevens. Andy Douglas and Chris Daniels were brawling on the mat as Chase went up to the top of the cage. He then Moonsaulted onto both Daniels and Douglas bring chants of Holy Sh*t from the crowd. As all three men were down in the ring, AJ climbed to the top of the cage himself, and when the three men got up he outdid Stevens by doing a Shooting Star Press from the top. All four men were out in the middle of the ring as the crowd chanted This Is Awesome! Shane Douglas was trying to climb the cage when he received a low blow courtesy of Jacky Gayda. She then stood him up and hit a Flipping Neckbreaker, taking Shane Douglas out of the equation. Back in the ring, Douglas and Daniels were on the top rope when The Fallen Angel hit the Angles Wings, knocking him out. Both AJ and Daniels turned their attention to Stevens. Daniels hit the BME, followed by a Styles Frog Splash for the win![/COLOR] Winners: AJ & Daniels in 22:14 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/Sting.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]In a video promo, Sting talks about his partner for the tag match tonight with Jeff Jarrett and Christian Cage. He starts out by talking about how the cancer that is Jeff Jarrett has spread, and he has failed to cut it out so far. However tonight another surgeon joins the operation and will help Sting remove Jarrett from TNA once and for all. This man has been Stings tag team partner in the past, and is a former 2 time World Heavyweight Champion. This man can be considered the future of TNA if he can get his bearings strait and Sting will help him do that starting tonight.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]B+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/JeffJarrett.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/Christian.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/Sting.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Jeff Jarrett & Christian Cage[/B] vs. [B]Sting & ???[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Sting enters the ring and announces his tag partner for tonight. He says that he did not have to go outside of TNA to find the perfect partner because he has been in TNA since day one. He is the Suntan Superman; he is [/COLOR][B]Ron “The Truth” Killings! [/B] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/ronkillings.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="blue"]Killings comes to the ring to a chorus of What’s Up from the crowd. Killings started off the match with Christian Cage and surprised him by taking him down early. The crowd cheered wildly for Truth as he took it to Christian. However Christian knows how to play dirty and as the ref had his back turned dealing with Jarrett, Christian raked the eyes of Killings and got the tag into the King Of The Mountain. Jarrett worked on Killings for a while, going back and forth between tags to Christian. They teased him, letting Truth get a few inches from the tag to Sting but only to pull him back at the last second. However Truth isn’t a 2 time NWA World Champion for nothing. He caught Jarrett with a Reverse Heel kick and got the hot tag to Sting. Sting came in like a house of fire and took it to both men. Killings came back and they dumped both Christian and Jarrett to the outside. Killings yelled What’s Up to the crowd and they yelled What’s Up back. Sting then yelled Its Showtime and the crowd responded in kind. Then they both bounced off the ropes and jumped out of the ring onto Jarrett and Christian. Killings hit a flipping dive onto Jarrett and Sting hit a Suicide Dive onto Christian. All four men went back into the ring and Sting tagged in Killings. Christian came running back into the ring only to be met with a Clothesline by Sting who then locked in the Scorpion Death Lock. Killings hit Jarrett with a kick to the gut and then nailed the Scissor Kick and covered for the 1,2,3![/COLOR] Winners: Ron Killings and Sting in 22:57 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]B[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/SamoaJoe.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]In a video promo, Samoa Joe hypes his NWA Heavyweight Title defense against The Rock tonight. He says that all his life he has had to fight for everything he has. He fought his way into TNA, fought to win the X-Division Title, and fought to remain undefeated, and fought to become the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. He asks what has The Rock done in his life. Joe says that he competed in an organization where how well you could talk was looked upon more than how you could wrestle. He says that The Rock stands no chance against him. He says that he is going to make The Rock hurt; he is going to make The Rock bleed. He says that he is going to make Rocks children cry and Rocks wife mourn because he is going to be hurt so badly he wont be able to get out of the hospital. He says tonight he shows The Rock what real wrestling is.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/JeremyBorash.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]The Rock and Samoa Joe make there way to the ring and Jeremy Borash makes the introductions. “Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for your Main Event of the evening and is for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship! When the bell rings the man in charge of the action will be referee Andrew Thomas. Now on to the competitors. Standing in the corner to my right, he weighed in this morning at 275 lbs and hails from Davie Florida. He has been called The Great One, The Peoples Champ and The King Of Hollywood he is THE ROCK! And in this corner, he weighed in this morning at 280 lbs and hails from the Isle Of Samoa, he is the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, The Samoan Submission Machine SAMOA JOE![/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]B+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Belts/NWAWorldMiddleweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/TheRock10.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/TNA/SamoaJoe2.jpg[/IMG] NWA World Heavyweight Title match [B]The Rock [/B]vs. [B]Samoa Joe [/B]© [COLOR="Blue"]The two men went face to face as the crowd went crazy. To the TNA fan this was bigger than Rock-Hogan and they let everybody know by cheering LOUDLY. Rock thre the first punch and the two went at it. For the first few minutes it was a brawl until actually wrestling took over. Rock went for a Side Headlock only to have it reversed into a Side Suplex. Joe went for a Yakuza Kick only to have it reversed into a Dragon Screw. Rock went for a Samoan Drop only to have it reversed into Standing Release Sidewalk Slam. Back and forth throughout the match these two athletes went. Joe tossed Rock into the corner and hit a huge Corner Knee Lift that dropped him to a sitting position. Joe hit the Face Wash and then went back for the running Face Wash. Rock ducked out of the way, got up and hit Joe with three big punches, spit on his hand and hit Joe with another big punch that sent him over the top rope. Rock climbed to the outside after taunting the fans but Joe was ready for him. Rock ran at Joe but Joe hit the Snap Slam on the mat on the outside. He set up a chair next to the guardrail and sat Rock in it. He then charged The Rock and kicked his head into the guardrail! Rock was busted open and Joe wiped the blood across his chest. The sight of his own blood must have awoken something in him because after Joe tossed him back into the ring, Rock came back with fierce punches that rocked Joe. He Irish Whipped him to the ropes and hit the Spine Buster and set him up for the Peoples Elbow. He took off his elbow pad, tossed it to the crowd, bounced off one side of the ring, then the other and nailed the Peoples Elbow. He went for the pin and got 1,2 NO 2 ¾! Joe got his shoulder up in the nick of time and Rock was frustrated. He lifted Joe up and hit him with a Rock Bottom to finish the job. 1,2 NO Joe kicks out again! Rock went for two more Rock Bottoms that Joe kept kicking out off before getting very pissed and started arguing with the ref. Joe was still down and Rock went to the outside and grabbed a chair. The ref argued with him to stop but he just shoved the ref out of the way and proceeded to beat Joes head in with the chair, busting him wide open. The ref called for the bell and The Rock hit him with the chair![/COLOR] Winner: Samoa Joe by DQ in 32:48 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A[/COLOR] - [COLOR="Blue"]The bell continued to ring but Rock paid no attention. He continued to crack Joe over the head with the chair until enough officials came in to pull the chair away from Rock and get Joe out of the ring. The Rock grabbed the NWA World Heavyweight Title and raised it above his head as Hard Justice goes off the air![/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] Overall Rating: [COLOR="red"]B+[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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