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Change Costume - Picture Update

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The reactive events and storylines don't really work hand in hand when you have multiple different costumes for one character. What I mean is, if you have 5 different costumes for 1 character, that can change when certain conditions are met, you'll need to create a lot of reactive events to make those changes. For example the following scenario:

The game world has 5 locations, locations A through E, and 1 character. The character has 5 costumes, costumes A(default) through E. When the character is in location A he will use costume A. When he is in location B, he will use costume B, etc.

Right now, to set this up, you'll need to create the 5 characters and create a reactive event to trigger those changes. If the character goes from location A to B, you'll need to switch the identity from costume A to costume B. Same goes for A to C, C to E, D to B, etc.

The problem is, you'll need to create 20 different reactive events for it to work properly (unless I'm really missing something). Imagine having 10 costumes for 10 character, you'll need to create 900 reactive events, 90 for each character, for it to work properly. Seems like a lot of work.

My suggestion to help with this is to create a new special "Current Status" under characters called "Costume/Attire/Picture(or whatever)". To simulate this, create a new reactive event effect similar to the identity switch reactive event called "Character: Switch Costume" that would, when used, overwrite the picture assigned to the active character without actually changing the identity. That way, you can simulate situational costumes without changing the identity. Like when a character has the same costume, but only a recolor, so no additional perks. Or have a damaged outfit during recovery, like how Spider-man's "identity" won't be different when he is recovering. Or if someone is jailed, have him change into a prison outfit, without the need to change his identity. It could add more visual potential to the game. Also, it cuts back on the amount of reactive events needed. Like in my example, 16 reactive events turn into 5(4 changes and 1 change back to original) and 900 reactive events turn into 100(10 for each).


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I do like the idea of costume changes, although as looking at how long a save will probably run compared to how long you could keep a CBH save running, I'm putting far less of them in. Pretty much now a costume change for me is just character progression. Although I've yet to actually play the game till finish, so if it does last longer than I think i may look back into 16 costumes per character :p


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