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WCW 1993 : A New World of Sport

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The WCW Slamboree crowd buzzes with excitement as the surprise six-way scramble match is announced, a contest to determine the face of WCW's first video game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, "WCW Superbrawl!" The arena erupts as The Great Muta makes his entrance, his face painted in vivid colors, embodying the mystique and allure of Japanese wrestling. Next, Nobuhiko Takada, the fearsome heel with a background in martial arts, walks to the ring with a stern expression. Rick Rude follows, the "Ravishing One" flaunting his chiseled physique and basking in the crowd's disdain. "Dr. Death" Steve Williams storms in with an intimidating presence, while Powerhouse Ron Simmons, the fan-favorite face, receives a thunderous ovation. Finally, Arn Anderson, the seasoned veteran and tactical mastermind, rounds out the eclectic mix of competitors.

Folks, you are looking at one of the most physically imposing and charismatic athletes in WCW today. Rick Rude isn't just a pretty face; he's a ruthless competitor who knows how to get the job done. Tonight, he’s got his eyes set on becoming the face of WCW's first video game, and you can bet he’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.
The Great Muta is one of the most enigmatic and exciting wrestlers in the world today, Jim. His blend of martial arts and high-flying moves makes him a unique threat in any match. With his colorful persona and incredible skill, Muta could be the perfect face for WCW Superbrawl!
From the opening bell, chaos reigns as all six competitors engage in a frenetic battle. The match features non-stop action, with alliances forming and dissolving in an instant. Muta dazzles the crowd with his aerial maneuvers and mist sprays, while Takada and Williams showcase their brutal strength and submission skills. Rick Rude, always the opportunist, targets the most vulnerable opponents, while Ron Simmons uses his power to keep the heels at bay. Arn Anderson, the master strategist, takes advantage of every opportunity, trying to secure the win through cunning tactics and precise strikes. The pace is relentless, and the crowd is on the edge of their seats, anticipating who will seize the pivotal first fall.

In the match's closing moments, Ron Simmons gains momentum, delivering powerful spinebusters and clotheslines to all comers. Just as Simmons sets up for his finishing move, Nobuhiko Takada seizes the moment, delivering a low blow to Simmons while the referee's view is obstructed by the chaos. Takada swiftly follows up with a brutal roundhouse kick, knocking Simmons to the mat. With Simmons incapacitated, Takada capitalizes and hooks the leg for the pinfall. The referee counts to three, and Nobuhiko Takada is declared the winner in a shocking turn of events.

As the bell rings and Takada's victory is announced, a mix of shock and boos fills the arena. Takada, smug and victorious, raises his arms in triumph, fully aware of the underhanded tactics he employed to secure the win. The other competitors slowly regain their composure, glaring at Takada with a mix of frustration and anger. Ron Simmons, still reeling from the low blow, receives applause and chants of encouragement from the crowd for his valiant effort.

Nobuhiko Takada defeated Ron Simmons in 24:20 by way of pin fall.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to WCW Slamboree 1994! I'm Magnum TA, and we have a night of unforgettable wrestling action ahead of us. Our Premier League matches tonight promise to deliver intense drama and fierce competition. The legendary Dusty Rhodes makes his triumphant return to the ring after three years, teaming up with his son Dustin and Barry Windham to face one of his greatest rivals, Ric Flair, and his new Horsemen, Brian Pillman and Steve Austin. Dustin’s victory over Flair has set the stage for this explosive encounter. Additionally, Stan Hansen and Scotty Flamingo will clash with Hulk Hogan and Diamond Dallas Page, a match born from brutal confrontations outside the ring. And finally, in our main event, Sting and Lex Luger take on Big Van Vader and Cactus Jack in a Texas Deathmatch. The stakes are sky-high as we reach the halfway point of the 1994 season, with the potential for career-altering consequences.
You know, Magnum, you've set the stage nicely, but let’s get real. Flair and his Horsemen—Pillman and Austin—are going to decimate the Rhodes family tonight. Dustin got lucky once, but that was a fluke. Flair is out for revenge, and he’s got the perfect allies in Pillman and Austin. And speaking of allies, Stan Hansen and Scotty Flamingo are going to rip Hogan and DDP apart. Hogan may have won their Premier League match, but Hansen’s got a score to settle, and Flamingo is the wildcard who’ll tip the scales. Tonight’s matches are going to show why the heels dominate WCW
Jesse, you're absolutely right. Flair’s vendetta against the Rhodes family is going to culminate in a brutal showcase of Horsemen superiority. Flair, Pillman, and Austin are wrestling’s elite, and they’re going to remind everyone of that tonight. Hansen and Flamingo? They're a perfect storm of chaos and strength. Hogan and DDP are in for a world of hurt, and it’s going to be a sight to behold. And let's not forget our main event: Vader and Cactus Jack are the ultimate destructors in a Texas Deathmatch. Sting and Luger are walking into a massacre.
While my colleagues here are quite enthusiastic about the heels’ prospects, let's not overlook the resilience and determination of the Rhodes family. Dustin has already proven he can overcome the odds, and with Dusty and Windham by his side, they’re a formidable team. Hogan and DDP have faced bigger challenges and come out on top, so don’t count them out just yet. In our main event, Sting and Luger are no strangers to adversity. Their chemistry and fighting spirit might just see them through the brutal test that Vader and Cactus Jack present.
Magnum, your optimism is charming, but let’s focus on reality. The main event tonight is going to be a bloodbath. Big Van Vader and Cactus Jack are the kings of hardcore, and in a Texas Deathmatch, they thrive. Sting and Luger may be fan favorites, but they’re outmatched in this environment. Vader ended Luger's perfect season with a draw, and now, with no rules holding them back, Vader and Jack are going to unleash hell. This match isn’t about winning—it's about survival. Will Sting and Luger even make it to the end of the season?
And with that, folks, we’re ready to kick off what promises to be an unforgettable night of wrestling. The stakes are through the roof, and the action is going to be intense. Stay tuned, because Tony Schiavone and Jim Ross are standing by to bring you all the live play-by-play. It's WCW Slamboree 1994, and you won't want to miss a single moment! Over to you, Tony and Jim!


The atmosphere at WCW Slamboree is electric as fans eagerly anticipate the "Eaton Open," originally set to feature Bobby Eaton taking on the legendary Ricky Steamboat. As Steamboat makes his entrance, the crowd erupts in cheers, their admiration for "The Dragon" palpable. Steamboat, known for his incredible athleticism and technical prowess, looks focused and ready for action. However, the mood shifts when Susan Sexton, "The Kiwi Queen" and manager of The Classic Era, appears on the ramp. She announces that Bobby Eaton is sidelined with an undisclosed injury and will be replaced by his tag team partner, Dave Finlay. Just as she finishes, Finlay ambushes Steamboat from behind, setting the stage for a brutal and technical encounter.

Ricky Steamboat is one of the most respected and accomplished wrestlers in the history of our sport. His matches are clinics in technical wrestling, and he's got the heart of a lion. Tonight, he's got a tough task ahead of him against Dave Finlay, but if anyone can rise to the occasion, it's Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat.
Jim, Dave Finlay is as tough as they come. Known for his hard-hitting style and technical expertise, Finlay is the kind of wrestler who can take you apart piece by piece. With the element of surprise on his side, he's got a real chance to make a statement here tonight against Ricky Steamboat.
The match kicks off with Finlay's ruthless attack, targeting Steamboat's back and ribs to gain an early advantage. Steamboat, the consummate babyface, struggles to fend off Finlay's relentless offense but slowly starts to mount a comeback with his signature chops and high-flying maneuvers. The bout turns into a technical masterpiece, with both men exchanging holds and counters, showcasing their vast in-ring skills. The crowd is fully invested, rallying behind Steamboat as he fights from underneath, countering Finlay’s power moves with his speed and agility. Every near-fall and submission attempt raises the tension, as both wrestlers display their endurance and determination.

In the final moments, Steamboat begins to build momentum, countering a suplex attempt from Finlay with a series of rapid-fire arm drags and a picture-perfect dropkick. Sensing victory, Steamboat ascends to the top rope, looking to deliver his trademark diving crossbody. However, Susan Sexton distracts the referee, allowing Finlay to shake the ropes, causing Steamboat to lose his balance. Finlay capitalizes with a vicious backbreaker and goes for the pin, but Steamboat kicks out at the last second. The resilient Steamboat manages to reverse an Irish whip, sending Finlay crashing into Sexton on the apron. With Finlay momentarily stunned, Steamboat seizes the opportunity, hitting a textbook small package to secure the pinfall victory at 21:20.

The crowd erupts as Ricky Steamboat's hand is raised in victory, their hero having overcome the odds once again. Finlay, seething with anger, glares at Steamboat and Sexton, who is still recovering from the inadvertent collision. Steamboat exits the ring, acknowledging the fans' support with high-fives and a triumphant pose on the ramp.

Ricky Steamboat defeated Dave Finlay in 21:20 by way of pin fall. 


The tension in the arena is palpable as fans eagerly await the next bout at WCW Slamboree: a grudge match between Scott Hall and Scott Steiner. This clash is the latest chapter in the heated feud between The Outsiders and The Steiner Brothers. Scott Hall, oozing confidence, saunters to the ring with his signature toothpick, his cocky demeanor masking the fierce competitor within. The crowd boos loudly, but Hall smirks, relishing the antagonism. In contrast, Scott Steiner marches to the ring with intense focus, his chiseled physique and fierce scowl a testament to his readiness for battle. The fans roar their approval, rallying behind the powerhouse Steiner as he prepares to avenge his recent losses to The Outsiders.

Scott Steiner is one of the most powerful and athletic competitors in the history of this sport. He's got the strength, he's got the skill, and tonight he's looking to finally put an end to The Outsiders' antics. If anyone can take down Scott Hall, it's American Muscle.
Scott Hall is as cunning as they come, Jim. He's not just physically imposing; he's got a mind for this business that makes him incredibly dangerous. With his Outsiders partner, Kevin Nash, always lurking nearby, Hall will stop at nothing to get the upper hand. Steiner has to keep his head on a swivel tonight.
From the opening bell, the match is a hard-hitting affair. Steiner's raw power is on full display as he overpowers Hall with suplexes and power moves, but Hall's ring savvy and underhanded tactics keep him in the game. The two exchange momentum, with Hall using his experience to counter Steiner's explosive offense. As the match progresses, Steiner's frustration begins to show, particularly as Hall frequently rolls out of the ring to break Steiner's momentum and regroup. The tension builds with each near-fall, and the crowd's energy reaches a fever pitch.

In the closing moments, Steiner seems poised to secure victory. He hits Hall with a devastating belly-to-belly suplex and signals for his finishing move. Just as he prepares to lock in the Steiner Recliner, Kevin Nash appears at ringside, creating a distraction. Steiner, momentarily diverted, releases Hall and directs his attention towards Nash. Hall seizes the opportunity, delivering a low blow unseen by the referee. He follows up with his signature Outsider’s Edge, planting Steiner firmly into the mat. Hall covers Steiner, securing the pinfall victory at 12:18.

The crowd erupts in boos as Scott Hall celebrates his tainted victory, joined by Kevin Nash in the ring. The Outsiders taunt the audience and Steiner, reveling in their triumph. Steiner, recovering from the cheap shot, glares at Hall and Nash, fury etched across his face. Despite the setback, Steiner's determination is clear; this feud is far from over. As The Outsiders make their way up the ramp, Steiner pulls himself to his feet, defiantly gesturing towards Hall and Nash, signaling that he won't rest until he exacts his revenge.

Scott Hall (5-0-1) defeated Scott Steiner (4-1-1) in 12:18 by way of pin fall.

You know something, Hansen? You thought you could take me out with that cheap shot in the parking lot, but all you did was light a fire under me. You left me bleeding, but you didn’t break me. And tonight, when I step into that ring with Hogan by my side, we’re coming for you with everything we’ve got. You think you’re some kind of tough guy, but you’ve never faced a fight like this. Hogan and I, we’re ready to take you and Flamingo apart piece by piece. You might have the size, Hansen, but we’ve got the heart and the will to beat you down. So, get ready, because DDP and Hulk Hogan are bringing the pain, and we’re not stopping until you’re on your back, staring at the lights!
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Well, well, well, Stan Hansen, you think you’re some kind of tough cowboy, don’t ya? You think you can walk into WCW, throw your weight around, and just bulldoze through anyone in your path. But let me tell you something, brother, you messed with the wrong man. You left my buddy DDP in a pool of his own blood, and that’s something I don’t take lightly. So the way I sees it, it’s not just about revenge—it’s about justice. DDP and I are bringing the Hulkamania power to the ring, and we’re gonna show you what happens when you mess with the best. You and Flamingo can talk all you want, but when that bell rings, it’s gonna be a whole new ballgame. So, Hansen, Flamingo, get ready for the biggest beatdown of your lives. ‘Cause when the Hulkster and DDP step through that curtain, it’s gonna be a nightmare you won’t wake up from!
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The crowd at WCW Slamboree buzzes with anticipation as the tag team match between Stan Hansen and Scotty Flamingo versus Hulk Hogan and Diamond Dallas Page is about to begin. First out is Stan Hansen, accompanied by the ever-charismatic Scotty Flamingo and the ominous presence of Flamingo Corp's associates, Haku and El Gigante. Hansen, with his bullrope in hand and a scowl on his face, embodies the ruthless aggression that has defined his career. Flamingo, ever the flamboyant showman, struts to the ring with confidence, his entourage in tow. The atmosphere shifts dramatically as Diamond Dallas Page's music hits, and the crowd erupts. DDP, full of energy and seeking revenge for Hansen's attack, is all business. The arena reaches a fever pitch when "Real American" blares through the speakers, signaling the arrival of Hulk Hogan. Hogan, ever the crowd favorite, acknowledges the deafening cheers, his focus on dismantling Flamingo Corp and standing by his friend, DDP.

Hulk Hogan, the very heart and soul of WCW, is here to show why he's still at the top of his game. Hogan's got the power, the experience, and the sheer will to overcome any obstacle. Tonight, he's not just fighting for himself, but for his friend DDP, and you can bet he's going to give everything he's got.
Stan Hansen is one of the most dangerous men to ever step foot in a wrestling ring. He's mean, he's tough, and he knows how to hurt people. Hansen has no regard for rules or his opponents' well-being. If anyone can give Hogan and DDP a run for their money, it's this man.
The match begins with DDP and Hansen locking up, the animosity between them evident in every punch and grapple. DDP shows impressive resilience, determined to make Hansen pay for the parking lot attack. The early stages see frequent tags between Hogan and DDP, their teamwork on full display as they keep Hansen and Flamingo on the defensive. Flamingo uses his cunning to shift the momentum, capitalizing on every distraction and interference from Flamingo Corp's ringside associates. The bout descends into chaos as Haku and El Gigante interfere, and Alexandra York's attempts to distract the referee create opportunities for Flamingo Corp. Hogan and DDP fight valiantly, countering the relentless onslaught with their iconic moves, the crowd rallying behind them.

Amid the chaos, Mad Matt Borne appears, his deranged clown persona adding to the mayhem. Borne's antics distract everyone, allowing Haku and El Gigante to get involved. Just when it seems Flamingo Corp might overwhelm Hogan and DDP, The Diamond Doll confronts Alexandra York at ringside, neutralizing her interference. With the distractions momentarily halted, Hogan delivers a powerful big boot to Flamingo, while DDP hits the Diamond Cutter on Hansen. Hogan then lands his signature leg drop on Flamingo, securing the pinfall victory in a wild and unpredictable finish at 18:54.

The crowd erupts as Hogan and DDP stand victorious in the ring, their arms raised in triumph. The defeated Flamingo Corp members regroup outside the ring, licking their wounds. The Diamond Doll joins Hogan and DDP in the ring, celebrating their hard-fought victory. Mad Matt Borne, laughing maniacally, retreats up the ramp, his presence leaving an eerie vibe in the arena. Hogan and DDP soak in the adulation of the fans, their bond and determination having triumphed over the chaos and interference.

Hulk Hogan and Diamond Dallas Page defeated Stan Hansen and Scotty Flamingo in 18:54 by way of pin fall.


Dusty, teaming up with his son Dustin and Dustin’s tag team partner Barry Windham, faces off against his old nemesis Ric Flair, along with Flair’s new Horsemen allies, Brian Pillman and Steve Austin. The crowd erupts as the Rhodes family makes their entrance, Dusty ditching the polka dots he last graced a ring in for the classic black trunks and receiving a hero's welcome. Dustin, eager to step out of his father’s shadow, is focused and intense, while Windham, the seasoned veteran, rounds out the trio. The Horsemen follow with their trademark swagger, Flair strutting and wooing to a chorus of boos, Pillman exuding arrogance, and Austin, "America’s Most Hated," looking every bit the dangerous competitor.

Ladies and gentlemen, Dusty Rhodes is a true legend in our sport. After three long years away from the ring, the American Dream is back! This man has done it all, and tonight he steps back into the squared circle alongside his son Dustin, fighting not just for pride, but for family.
Ric Flair, the Nature Boy, is out here with a score to settle. He didn't take kindly to losing to Dustin Rhodes earlier this season, and now he's back with a vengeance. Flair, Austin, and Pillman make a formidable trio, and they're here to remind everyone why they’re the Horsemen.
The match kicks off with high energy, as Dusty and Flair renew their legendary rivalry. The crowd is electric as Dusty trades blows with Flair, each punch echoing the storied history between these two icons. Dustin and Windham display excellent teamwork, showcasing their chemistry with crisp tag maneuvers. The Horsemen, however, use their cunning tactics to isolate Windham, cutting the ring in half and wearing him down with frequent tags and underhanded tactics. Pillman’s aerial assaults and Austin’s ruthless aggression keep Windham on the defensive. The tide turns when Dusty finally tags in, and the crowd explodes as the American Dream cleans house, dishing out Bionic Elbows to Pillman and Austin.

In the chaotic final moments, all six men are brawling in the ring. Amidst the melee, a miscommunication between Dustin and Dusty leads to Dustin accidentally knocking Dusty off the apron. Seizing the opportunity, Austin hits the Stunner on the disoriented Dusty and covers him for the pin. The referee counts three, and the Horsemen are declared the winners at 22:27.

After the match, the Horsemen celebrate their victory, with Flair taunting the Rhodes family from the ring. Dustin looks devastated, the accidental blow to his father weighing heavily on him. Dusty, despite the loss, pulls himself up and embraces his son, reassuring him. Windham joins them, and the trio stands united in the ring, receiving a standing ovation from the crowd.

Ric Flair, Steve Austin and Brian Pillman defeated Dusty Rhodes, Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham in 22:27 when Steve Austin pinned Dusty.

Gary Hart is standing by backstage, where he talks up next week’s WCW Saturday Night card, and is joined by Kevin Sullivan (with the brainwashed Missy Hyatt) and Mitsuharu Misawa. The two men will square off in a Division Two battle of two of the top ranked wrestlers in the division. Which man will rise above and begin the second half of the season with the advantage?


First to make his entrance is the "Crippler" Chris Benoit, accompanied by his tag team partner Joey Maggs, who both exude an air of confidence. Benoit, a technician in his prime, is eager to showcase his prowess and make his mark in WCW. As the crowd buzzes with anticipation, Terry Taylor steps out, looking determined but visibly weighed down by his recent struggles. Accompanied by his manager Teddy Long and the imposing Bam Bam Bigelow, Taylor’s association with Player Enterprises has seen better days. The tension his stable is palpable, with Takada’s frustration evident as the once-promising wrestler attempts to reclaim his lost glory.

Folks, Chris Benoit is a young lion in the wrestling world. His technical skills are second to none, and tonight he’s looking to carve out a place for himself in WCW’s competitive landscape. With the Wild Stallion Joey Maggs by his side, Benoit’s got all the support he needs to take on a seasoned veteran like Terry Taylor.
Jim, Terry Taylor is a talented competitor, but he’s been struggling lately. The pressure from Nobuhiko Takada and Player Enterprises has really taken its toll. Taylor needs a victory tonight to prove he still has what it takes, but Benoit is not someone you can underestimate. This match is crucial for both men’s futures in WCW.
The bell rings, and the match kicks off with a flurry of holds and counters. Benoit, known for his technical prowess, quickly takes control, showcasing his array of suplexes and joint locks. Taylor, despite his recent woes, shows flashes of his old form, countering Benoit’s attacks with sharp strikes and well-timed reversals. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, caught between the technical beauty of Benoit’s wrestling and the grit of Taylor’s fighting spirit. As the match progresses, the dynamic between the two wrestlers becomes increasingly intense, with neither willing to give an inch. Bam Bam Bigelow and Joey Maggs’ presence at ringside adds an extra layer of tension, with each trying to rally their respective partners.

In the closing moments, Benoit manages to evade a devastating clothesline from Taylor, who is visibly desperate for a win. Seizing the moment, Benoit locks Taylor into a series of holds, the momentum shifting in his favor. With the crowd roaring, Benoit executes a quick roll-up pin, catching Taylor off guard. The referee’s hand hits the mat for the three-count at 15:35, securing the victory for Chris Benoit. Taylor, stunned and defeated, struggles to comprehend the sudden turn of events as Benoit celebrates his hard-fought win.

As the bell rings, Benoit stands up, raising his arms in triumph, while Joey Maggs joins him in the ring, both men celebrating their hard-earned victory. The crowd erupts in applause, acknowledging Benoit’s skill and tenacity. Meanwhile, Terry Taylor, still reeling from the loss, is consoled by Teddy Long and Bam Bam Bigelow, who look equally disheartened by the result. Nobuhiko Takada, watching from the back, shakes his head in frustration, his patience clearly wearing thin.

Chris Benoit defeated Terry Taylor in 15:35 by way of pin fall.

Up next in our main event, get ready for an explosive showdown as two of the most formidable tag teams in wrestling clash in a no-holds-barred Texas Deathmatch. After Big Van Vader ended Lex Luger's perfect season with a brutal draw that saw their brawl continue well after the bell, WCW management decided to let these titans settle their score in the most extreme environment possible. Luger, determined to even the score, has enlisted his best friend and WCW icon, Sting, as his partner. Meanwhile, Vader has chosen the unhinged Cactus Jack, a master of mayhem, to join him in this war. With the season at its midpoint, the stakes have never been higher. The punishment dished out in this match could derail Sting or Luger's championship ambitions. Can they survive the onslaught from Vader and Cactus Jack?

Vader, you think you can stop me? You think you can keep me down? Ending my perfect season was just the beginning, but you and that maniac Cactus Jack are about to find out what happens when you push the Total Package too far. This isn’t just about a win or a loss anymore—this is personal. Sting and I are coming for you with everything we’ve got. We’ve faced the worst, and we’ve always come out on top. So tonight, in that Texas Deathmatch, there will be no rules to save you, no excuses to hide behind. Get ready, because when the dust settles, it’s going to be our hands raised in victory. You want a war, Vader? You got it!
Vader, Cactus Jack, you two have no idea what you've gotten yourselves into. You might think a Texas Deathmatch is your domain, but you’re stepping into the ring with the Stinger and the Total Package! Luger and I have fought battles all over the world, and we’ve faced down giants, monsters, and everything in between. We’re not just looking for a win—we’re looking to send a message. The pain, the chaos, the destruction you thrive on? We can dish it out just as well. The only thing that’s going to matter is who wants it more. And believe me, nobody wants it more than us. So strap in, boys, because it's showtime!


The atmosphere at WCW Slamboree is electric as the main event looms: a Texas Deathmatch featuring the formidable team of Sting and Lex Luger against the monstrous Big Van Vader and the deranged Cactus Jack. The fans roar as Sting and Luger make their entrance, the ultimate fan favorites. Sting, the face-painted vigilante, exudes confidence and energy, while Luger, the "Total Package," looks every bit the powerhouse with his chiseled physique. The mood shifts as Vader and Cactus Jack make their way to the ring. Vader, the human wrecking ball, looks menacing in his signature mask, and Cactus Jack, the master of hardcore, appears unhinged, ready to inflict pain. This match, beyond wins and losses, is about survival and the potential to derail championship aspirations due to the extreme violence expected.

Folks, Lex Luger has been on a tear this season, but that draw with Vader left him with unfinished business. Tonight, in a match where anything goes, Luger has a chance to prove he’s not just the Total Package, but the toughest man in WCW. With Sting by his side, they’re a formidable force, but Vader and Cactus Jack are no ordinary opponents.
You know, Jim, Cactus Jack thrives in chaos. This man lives for these types of matches. His willingness to sacrifice his own body makes him one of the most dangerous competitors in WCW. Tonight, he's not just looking to win; he’s looking to destroy.
The bell rings, and the chaos begins immediately. Sting and Luger start strong, using their athleticism and power to take the fight to Vader and Cactus Jack. However, the tide quickly turns as the no-rules environment plays to the strengths of Vader and Cactus. The match spills out of the ring, with Cactus Jack using every weapon he can find, from steel chairs to trash cans. Vader's raw power is on full display as he manhandles Luger, slamming him through a table. Despite the punishment, Sting and Luger show incredible resilience. The match is a brutal back-and-forth, with all four men bleeding and battered.

In the match's climax, Cactus Jack takes a series of high-risk, high-impact bumps that leave the crowd gasping. Sting delivers a Stinger Splash to Vader, stunning the big man. In the ring, Luger manages to catch Cactus Jack off guard with a devastating power slam. With Cactus down, Luger locks in the Torture Rack briefly before slamming him to the mat for the pin. The referee counts to three, and Luger secures the victory at 14:57, barely able to stand from the sheer brutality of the match.

As the bell rings to signal their victory, Sting and Luger, despite their exhaustion and injuries, stand tall, raising their arms in triumph. The crowd erupts in cheers, appreciating the incredible effort from all four competitors. Meanwhile, Vader, enraged by the loss, helps a barely conscious Cactus Jack to his feet, vowing revenge. The medical team rushes to check on the wrestlers, particularly Cactus Jack, who took the brunt of the match's most violent spots. Sting and Luger exit the ring, supporting each other, knowing they've survived one of the most grueling challenges of their careers.

Sting and Lex Luger defeated Big Van Vader and Cactus Jack in 14:57 when Lex Luger pinned Cactus Jack

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Powerhouse Simmons vs Big Van Vader
Cactus Jack vs Ric Flair
Stan Hansen vs Rick Rude
Mitsuharu Misawa vs Kevin Sullivan
Samoan Swat Team vs Rock N Roll Express
Thunder Dragon vs The Steiner Brothers



Fresh off of Slamboree, WCW will be live this Saturday Night for more Grand Prix action!

In Division Two, we will see two of the best with equal records this season collide in an effort to move one step closer to a Premier League promotion, when 'The Taskmaster' Kevin Sullivan and 'The Standard-Bearer' Mitsuharu Misawa. The master manipulator Kevin Sullivan, accompanied by his brainwashed follower Missy Hyatt, has had a great season as he works towards returning to the Premier League, while Misawa seems to be hitting his prime and has burst into prominence in his first season in America. Can Misawa continue to set the bar in WCW, or will Kevin Sullivan weasel his way to another victory by any means necessary?

Meanwhile, in the Tag Team Division, first up we have the struggling Rock N Roll Express taking on the always dangerous but unrefined and unpredictable Samoan Swat Team. These two teams have been staples of the tag team division since the birth of the Grand Prix format two years ago, and each have a win against each other in their two previous encounters. Will Gibson and Morton find a way to start turning around their season? Or has time caught up with the legendary duo? Also in Tag Team action is a massive collision between Thunder Dragon (Ricky Steamboat and Jushin Liger) and The Steiner Brothers. And, in breaking news, this match is set to be the second ever tag team division main event on WCW Saturday Night. Tied at 13 points each, these two teams are beloved by the audience and 3 out of the four competitors (with Liger being the odd man out) are looking to prove they deserve to return to the Premier League after a relegation at the end of last season. Will the multi-time champion brothers with a lifetime of partnership be victorious, or will the new duo continue to capitalize on their Lightning in a Bottle immediate chemistry run?

Moving on to the Premier League, 'Sugar' Stan Hansen collides with the reigning champion, 'The Ravishing Ruler of the World' Rick Rude! The champion of the 1993 WCW Premier League looks to close the gap between himself and the current tied-for-first place stars (Lex Luger and Sting) by scoring a win this week to move him within 3 points of reclaiming his championship. But standing in his path is the bloodthirsty Texan - and Stan has the backing of the ruthless cheating faction, Flamingo Corp, in his corner. Rude will need to pull off a performance on par with his ego in order to overcome one of the most dangerous wrestlers on the planet, while Hansen looks to knock off the current champion in his bid to climb the ranks and write his own destiny. Also in Premier League action is 'The Man' Ric Flair taking on 'Mr. Bang Bang' Cactus Jack in what is sure to be a bloody affair. Cactus Jack is fresh off of his first ever Premier League win and is looking to build off of that momentum and continue his main event run, but is extremely banged up after a hard fought Slamboree Death Match that saw him take some of the nastiest bumps we've ever seen. Meanwhile Ric Flair is coming off of a victory over the Rhodes Family at the PPV alongside his Horsemen. Will Flair move past his rivalry with the Rhodes Family and refocus on Premier League action after an admittedly poor first half of his season?

And last but not least, Powerhouse Simmons looks to correct the course of his current season when he takes on The Mastadon Big Van Vader. Simmons has struggled in Premier League action ever since his focus was shaken by Kevin Sullivan last season, and hasn't been able to return to the legendary form of his inaugural 1992 season when he was only three points shy of being crowned champion. But his opponent is a man he has never beaten one on one. Vader is 2-0-0 in the previous two clashes between these two specimens. Can he continue his undefeated season here with a decisive third victory over Simmons, a result that would continue to spiral Powerhouse Simmons closer and closer to a relegation?

Plus, in breaking news, it's just been announced that Eric Bischoff will be present for a major announcement, alongside TBS founder Ted Turner himself! What does WCW have in store for us next?


1PWfan : 8/18 - 44%
Just here to look : 10/18 - 56%
Dawn : 16/24 - 66%
Nobby_McDonald : 23/36 - 64%
Rekcut012 : 25/36 - 69%
StanMiguel : 37/55 - 67%

Old School Fan : 49/78 - 63%
Lord Byron : 72/114 - 63%
Nightshadeex : 90/134 - 67%
SonOfSharknado : 90/134 - 67%
DHK1989 : 91/134 - 68%

Edited by CactusHack
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May 1994 : Week 4


Despite putting on some of the best performances of her career, several members of the LPWA addressed concern around Bull Nakano’s well-being. After one of the strongest matches of her career this week, (which will be discussed later in tonight's broadcast) Bull Nakano tested positive for cocaine usage and has been sent to rehab. She will miss the remainder of the season. A replacement will be named at the next show by virtue of a bonus qualifier match between Takako Inoue, and Megumi Kudo.


New Japan Pro Wrestling is falling into financial crisis, having sold off their dojo in order reduce monthly costs.

WWF renewed Jim Duggan’s contract, inking a 2 year deal worth $484K.

Tatsuo Nakano competed in his second MMA bout and was victorious. His pro record improves to 1-1-0.

Friends Sherri Martel and Stevie Ray have apparently grown cold to one another and are no longer hanging out together.

Blue Demon Jr suffered a back injury and is going to be out of action for 3 months. SSW will be announcing his temporary replacement at the next show.

Nobuaki Kakuta improved to 2-0-0 in MMA.

Mike Graham suffered a separated shoulder and will be out of action for a few weeks while he recovers.


Black Magic (Norman Smiley) defeated Cien Caras to win the NWA World Middleweight Championship for the first time.

Super Medico defeated Invader #1 to win the WWC Television title for the first time.

Villano III and Los Estetas del Aire defeated Super Astro & Los Guerreros Del Futuro to win the CMLL World Trios Championships for the first time.


PPW Grand Prix Round 7/15; Card One

Harlem Heat (5-1-1) def. Sons of the Mountain (4-2-1)
Jeff Jarrett (6-0-1) def. Marquis Bagwell (4-2-1)
Cobra (3-3-1) def. La Parka (3-3-1)
International Sex Pistols (2-5-0) def. Wildest of the West (0-7-0)
Great Kokina (6-0-1) def. Manny Fernandez (1-6-0)
The Heavenly Bodies (2-4-1) def. The Simpsons (1-6-0)
Mr Hughes (1-5-1) def. The Great Kabuki (0-3-0)
Davis & Barr (7-0-0) def. Nubian Nightmares (3-2-2)


Sons of the Mountain lost control and were disqualified during their match against Harlem Heat.
Van Hammer was shown scouting during Jarrett vs Bagwell.
Big build for next rounds major main event, Sabu vs Rayo De Jalisco Jr.
Action Jackson and Tony Norris collided awkwardly during their main event match, leading to Davis defeating Jackson.
MVP : Tom Davis


LPWA Women's Grand Prix Round 8/23; Card One

Magnificent Mimi (1-0-0) def. Penelope Paradise (5-3-0)
Jacqueline (2-6-0) def. Linda Dallas (0-8-0)
Debbie Combs (2-1-0) def. Bison Kimura (2-3-3)
Wendi Richer (4-1-3) def. Judy Martin (3-5-0)
Lioness Asuka (6-1-1) def. Bull Nakano (7-1-0)


Shinobu Kandori started her leave, with Magnificent Mimi replacing her.
Jim Cornette reschedules Akira Hokuto versus Candi Devine to the 2nd Card of the round due to Devine’s scheduling conflict. Cornette apologizes to the live audience for this change.
Bambi was at ringside for Kimura and Combs and accidentally got involved, costing Kimura the match.
Denise Storm attacked Madusa backstage.
In a collision of partners, Lioness Asuka upset Bull Nakano, frustrating their manager Takako Inoue as the loss knocked Nakano out of first place. But after the match, Inoue attacked Nakano and her and Lioness Asuka walked out on Nakano.
MVP : Bull Nakano


W4WA Canadian Grand Prix Round 10/23; Card Two

Chris Jericho (10-0-0) def. Buddy Hart (2-7-1)
Ed Moretti (8-1-1) def. B Brian Blair (1-9-0)
Chip Thompson (1-9-0) def. Greg Valentine (1-9-0)
Lance Storm (6-1-3) def. Don Callis (6-4-0)
Kid Kash (5-5-0) def. Dick Slater (1-9-0)
William Regal (8-0-2) and Sledgehammer Anderson (5-3-2) went to a time limit draw.

Worthwhile Notes:

Owen Hart confronted Chris Jericho backstage, letting him know that his dreams of a perfect season ends next week when they square off.
MVP : William Regal


SSW Division 4 Grand Prix Round 10/23; Card One

Rikki Nelson (6-2-2) def. Jack Victory (3-7-0)
David Sammartino (7-2-1) def. Randy Rose (1-8-1)
Robbie Brookside (5-3-2) def. Bruiser X Mastino (4-6-0)
John Rambo (1-9-0) def. Ricky Vaughn (0-8-0)
El Hijo del Santo (9-0-1) def. Moondog Storm (2-8-0)
Brian Lee (9-0-1) def. Rip Rogers (8-2-0)

Worthwhile Notes:

Jack Victory was suffering from Broken Ribs and worked through them in his defeat to Rikki Nelson.
Moondog Storm vs El Hijo del Santo was terrible. The two had absolutely no ability to work with each other and Moondog really dragged down Santo’s performance here.
MVP : Brian Lee


PWFG Japanese Grand Prix Round 9/23; Card Two

Shoichi Funaki (5-4-0) def. Herman Renting (0-2-0)
Dick Vrij (3-5-1) def. Willie Peeters (0-1-0)
Masahito Kakihara (5-4-0) def. Daisuke Ikeda (1-2-0)
Koji Kanemoto (5-0-2) def. Hans Nijman (3-6-0)
Masakatsu Funaki (8-0-1) def. Mark Starr (3-6-0)
Akira Maeda (8-1-0) def. Yukihiro Kanemura (3-3-0)


Due to continuing schedule conflicts, several wrestlers were not present for their scheduled matches.
Herman Renting filled in for Tatsutoshi Goto.
Willie Peeters filled in for 2 Cold Scorpio.
Daisuke Ikeda filled in for Michiyoshi Ohara.
MVP : Akira Maeda

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It’s the end of May and WCW is hailing from The Cow Palace in San Francisco! The neon lights are bright as we join our analysis team of Harley Race, Paul E Dangerously and Dusty Rhodes in the control room to preview the show.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to another thrilling night of WCW Premier League action! We've got an action-packed card for you tonight, starting with 'The Ravishing Ruler of the World' Rick Rude taking on the ruthless 'Sugar' Stan Hansen. Next, 'The Man' Ric Flair faces the hardcore icon Cactus Jack in what promises to be a bloody encounter. Powerhouse Simmons will try to break his slump against the unstoppable Big Van Vader, and in tag team action, Thunder Dragon clashes with The Steiner Brothers in our second-ever tag team main event on WCW Saturday Night. Each match is crucial as wrestlers fight to climb the rankings or avoid relegation. It's going to be a night to remember!
Baby, let me tell ya, tonight's gonna be special! Rick Rude might be the reigning champ, but Stan Hansen's got that fire, and with Flamingo Corp in his corner, Rude's got his work cut out for him. My boy Ric Flair and Cactus Jack, that's a match made in madness—Flair's comin' off a big win, but Jack, he's got momentum and that wild streak you can't predict. As for Powerhouse Simmons, he's got the heart of a lion, and tonight, he's gonna find that spark again against Vader. And folks, don't forget our tag team main event—Thunder Dragon and The Steiner Brothers, two of the best teams in the world, and they’re gonna blow the roof off this place!
Dusty, more off base than usual, did you get your brain mashed in when your own son accidentally knocked you senseless at Slamboree? Rick Rude is gonna wipe the floor with Stan Hansen. Rude’s not just the champ; he's the most strategic mind in the business. Hansen’s nothing but a brute with Flamingo Corp’s dirty tricks up his sleeve. And Ric Flair, he’s gonna dismantle Cactus Jack piece by piece. Flair’s focus is back, and Jack’s still feeling the effects of that brutal Slamboree match. Powerhouse Simmons? He’s done. Vader’s going to squash him like a bug. And those Steiners? They’ve got the experience and chemistry that Thunder Dragon can only dream of. Last week, Dusty, you lost to the Horsemen—maybe it’s time to hang up the boots for good!
Paul, Dusty, you both make good points. Hansen's unpredictability and Flamingo Corp's interference could indeed trouble Rick Rude, but Rude's skill and experience can’t be underestimated. Flair versus Cactus Jack will be a test of resilience and strategy—Flair needs to stay focused on the Premier League while Jack brings his relentless energy. Simmons versus Vader is a classic power struggle; Simmons needs to reclaim his past glory, but Vader is a formidable opponent. And our tag team main event, it’s anyone's game. The Steiner Brothers have the experience, but Thunder Dragon's recent chemistry has been electric. This is what makes WCW Premier League the best in wrestling.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you ain't excited yet, you will be now! Last but not least is a major Premier League match! Lex Luger and The Great Muta, two of the most dynamic athletes in our sport. Luger’s been on fire, but Muta's got those tricks up his sleeve, that mist, and that lightning speed. Luger wants that top spot back, and he's gonna give it everything he's got. It’s the kind of match that makes ya proud to be a wrestling fan!
Dusty, you can hype it all you want, but the truth is, Muta’s gonna outsmart Luger tonight. Luger’s overconfident, and that’s gonna be his downfall. Muta's ready to make a statement and climb those rankings. And folks, if you want to see a real battle of brains versus brawn, stay tuned, because it's gonna be a wild ride. Now, let's get this show started. Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross, take it away and give these people what they came for!

The camera’s swivel around the neon soaked set at ringside as it’s time for our opening contest!


The crowd buzzes with anticipation as "The Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan makes his entrance, a sinister aura enveloping the arena. Accompanied by the brainwashed Missy Hyatt, Sullivan exudes confidence and malevolence, his eyes scanning the crowd with a smirk. Sporting a solid record in Division Two, Sullivan is determined to claw his way back to the Premier League. The atmosphere shifts as "The Standard-Bearer" Mitsuharu Misawa's theme music hits. The Japanese sensation, known for his technical prowess and explosive offense, strides to the ring with focus and determination. Misawa, in his debut season in America, has quickly risen to prominence, looking to prove his mettle against the master manipulator.

Kevin Sullivan is a ring general and a master of psychological warfare. He’s not just here to win, he’s here to dominate and manipulate. With Missy Hyatt by his side, you can bet he’ll use every trick in the book to secure a victory tonight.
Mitsuharu Misawa has been nothing short of phenomenal since his debut. He brings a level of skill and intensity that’s rare to see. If there’s anyone who can counter Sullivan’s mind games, it’s Misawa. This match could be the defining moment of his WCW career.
The match starts with Sullivan trying to dictate the pace, using his veteran wiles to slow Misawa down and frustrate him. Sullivan's underhanded tactics and constant interference from Missy Hyatt put Misawa on the back foot. However, Misawa's resilience and fighting spirit shine through as he counters Sullivan's offense with his own hard-hitting moves and technical prowess. The crowd is firmly behind Misawa, who begins to mount a comeback, showcasing his signature moves and high-impact offense. The dynamic between Sullivan's cunning and Misawa's pure wrestling ability creates an electric atmosphere, with both men pushing each other to the limit.

In the closing moments, Sullivan tries to capitalize on a distraction from Missy Hyatt, who climbs onto the apron. However, Misawa avoids a sneak attack and delivers a devastating rolling elbow to Sullivan, sending him crashing to the mat. With the crowd roaring in approval, Misawa ascends the turnbuckle and launches himself into a picture-perfect diving elbow drop. He hooks Sullivan's leg, and the referee counts to three, awarding Misawa the hard-fought victory at 16:59.

As the bell rings, Misawa stands tall, his arm raised in victory as the crowd erupts in cheers. Sullivan, clutching his head, glares at Misawa, clearly infuriated by the loss. Missy Hyatt tries to console Sullivan, but he shoves her away in frustration, yelling at her for failing to secure the win. Misawa, meanwhile, soaks in the adulation of the fans, having scored his first victory over a former Premier League star.

Mitsuharu Misawa (5-1-1) defeated Kevin Sullivan (4-2-1) in 16:59 by way of pin fall. This was the first ever match up between these two.


As the lights dim in the arena, the unmistakable strains of Ron Simmons' entrance music echo through the crowd. "Powerhouse" Simmons emerges, his intense gaze reflecting the determination to reclaim his former glory. Sporting a 1-4-1 record, Simmons knows his season hangs in the balance and a victory tonight could be pivotal. The atmosphere shifts as the ominous beats of Big Van Vader's theme reverberate. The Mastodon strides to the ring, exuding a menacing presence. Vader’s undefeated record against Simmons adds to his confidence, making this clash a must-see bout for the Premier League faithful.

Ron Simmons is a powerhouse in every sense of the word, but he’s been in a slump lately. If there’s anyone who can dig deep and pull off a major upset, it’s Simmons. He’s got the heart of a lion, but tonight he’s got the biggest challenge of his career in Big Van Vader.
Vader is a beast, plain and simple. He’s got that combination of power and brutality that’s almost impossible to overcome. He’s dominated Simmons in their past encounters, and if Simmons isn't careful, tonight could be another painful reminder of just how dominant Vader is.
The bell rings, and the two titans collide in a flurry of power moves and stiff strikes. Simmons, fueled by desperation and determination, starts strong, taking the fight to Vader with a series of powerful clotheslines and shoulder tackles. However, Vader’s resilience and sheer brutality begin to show as he absorbs the punishment and fires back with his own bone-crunching offense. The match seesaws with both men trading blows, but Vader gradually asserts his dominance, using his weight advantage to wear Simmons down. Each time Simmons seems to gain momentum, Vader cuts him off with a brutal move, showcasing why he’s one of the most feared men in WCW.

In the closing moments, Simmons mounts a last-ditch effort, lifting Vader for an impressive powerslam that shakes the ring. The crowd erupts, sensing a possible upset. However, Vader manages to kick out much to the disbelief of Simmons. Vader then blindsides Simmons with a devastating spinning backfist, staggering the Powerhouse. Wasting no time, Vader hoists Simmons up and delivers a thunderous powerbomb. Not satisfied with just one, Vader hits a second consecutive powerbomb for good measure, pinning Simmons for the victory at 13:46.

As the referee counts to three, Vader stands tall over Simmons, his dominance reaffirmed. Referee Nick Patrick raises Vader’s arm in victory as the crowd boos the display of raw power.

Big Van Vader (4-0-3) defeated Ron Simmons (1-5-1) in 13:46 by way of pin fall. Vader improved to 3-0-0 all time against Powerhouse Simmons in Grand Prix.

We go backstage to a set designated for Gary Hart, who is standing by reporting on the results of WCW World Wide from earlier this week, while results from Friday Night’s B-show, WCW Main Event, scrolls on the bottom of the screen.

Well hello there, folks. What a wild week WCW has had! All the attention has been on the amazing Slamboree show, but between that show and tonight, there was also WCW World Wide. Over on World Wide, Hall and Nash improved to 6-0-1 when they defeated The Young Pistols (1-6-0) in tag team division action. And in Division Two action, Eddie Gilbert (4-2-1) defeated Tom Zenk (0-7-0). Z-Man just cannot get a win.

WCW Main Event #116 : Rick Titan def. Rikki Nelson | Tex and Shanghai def. Doc Dean and Danny Boy Collins | Ultimo Dragon def. Kid Kash and Negro Casas in a triple threat match.

Gary is interrupted by The Fantastics who are with some strange doctor (being portrayed by Brazo de Plata in aztec garb) and Tommy Rogers claims that this witch doctor has treated his arm and it’s now not only healed, it’s stronger than ever! Tommy raises his arm like it’s some sort of trophy and Bobby Fulton stares in awe. Gary Hart squints his eyes and rubs his sinuses.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another thrilling edition of the Danger Zone! I'm your host, Paul E Dangerously, and tonight we have an electrifying matchup to discuss. In one corner, we have 'Double A' Arn Anderson, and in the other, 'Widowmaker' Barry Windham. Both men are in the middle of the standings in the Premier League, separated by just one point with Windham having the slight edge. These two former Four Horsemen stablemates will face off for the first time in WCW's Grand Prix history, each aiming to climb to the top spot in WCW's Premier League. Arn Anderson, let's start with you. What are your thoughts on this monumental clash?
Paul E, this match is about more than just points or standings; it’s about legacy. Barry and I go way back, and there's a lot of respect between us. But come match time, all that respect goes out the window. I’ve seen Barry involved in all kinds of drama with the Rhodes Family, but while he's been distracted, I've been focused. Focused on what it takes to rise to the top. Barry, you know as well as I do that when the bell rings, it's all about who wants it more. And I want this more than anything. I’m not just fighting for a win; I’m fighting to prove that Double A is still a force to be reckoned with in WCW.
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Strong words from Arn Anderson! Barry Windham, Arn says he’s been focused while you’ve been caught up in the Rhodes Family drama. What do you have to say to that?
Paul E, Arn's right about one thing—we do go way back, and there’s a lot of history and respect there. But he’s wrong if he thinks I’ve been distracted. The drama with the Rhodes Family might be in the spotlight, but I’ve kept my eye on the prize. This match isn’t just another bout; it’s a chance to show everyone that Barry Windham is here to stay and dominate. Arn, I know what you bring to the table, but I’m ready for it. I’ve been through wars inside that ring, and this is just another battle I’m prepared to win. Come match time, it's going to be a showcase of what the Premier League is all about: top-tier talent battling it out.
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There you have it, folks! Two legends, two warriors, and one explosive matchup. Both Arn Anderson and Barry Windham are primed and ready to prove their dominance in the Premier League. This is a contest that promises to be a highlight of the Grand Prix season. Make sure you tune in because this is one showdown you won’t want to miss. Until next time, stay dangerous!


The arena is electric as "Sugar" Stan Hansen makes his entrance, the rugged Texan marching to the ring with intensity. Accompanied by Flamingo Corp's Scotty Flamingo, El Gigante, and Alexandra York, Hansen exudes a menacing presence, his bullrope swinging menacingly as he prepares for battle. The crowd's boos shift to cheers as "The Ravishing Ruler of the World" Rick Rude's theme hits. The reigning WCW Premier League champion struts to the ring with his trademark arrogance, taunting the crowd with his sculpted physique. Rude, wearing the championship belt around his waist, looks focused and determined to close the gap between himself and the league's top contenders, Lex Luger and Sting

Folks, Rick Rude is not just any champion; he's the embodiment of arrogance and talent rolled into one. The reigning WCW Premier League champion knows how to get the job done, and tonight, he'll need every bit of that cunning and skill to overcome Stan Hansen and the Flamingo Corp.
Stan Hansen is one of the most dangerous men in professional wrestling. With the backing of Flamingo Corp, he’s an even greater threat. Rude is in for the fight of his life tonight. Hansen's raw power and sheer brutality can turn the tide at any moment.
The match starts with a fierce intensity as both men trade heavy blows. Hansen's brute strength and aggressive style contrast sharply with Rude's technical prowess and cunning tactics. Rude uses his agility to dodge Hansen's attacks, focusing on wearing down the Texan with precision strikes. However, Hansen's relentless offense keeps Rude on his toes, and the interference from Flamingo Corp looms over the match like a dark cloud. Despite the odds, Rude fights valiantly, showing why he's the reigning champion. The match becomes a brutal war of attrition, with both men giving and taking incredible punishment.

As the match reaches its climax, a ref bump takes out Randy Anderson, leaving the match in chaos. Flamingo Corp seizes the opportunity, with Scotty Flamingo and El Gigante ready to interfere. Just as they move in to attack Rude, the arena lights dim and pink balloons start raining down from the rafters. The bizarre distraction causes Flamingo Corp to halt their interference, bewildered by the spectacle. Amid the confusion, Rude capitalizes with a series of rapid strikes on Hansen, but the clock runs out before he can secure a pin, resulting in a time-limit draw.

The bell rings, signaling the end of the match with no decisive winner. Rick Rude, visibly frustrated, stands in the ring, gesturing to the referee and demanding a restart. Stan Hansen, equally angered, shoves his way through the balloon-covered ring, shouting at Flamingo Corp for their failed interference. The members of Flamingo Corp, distracted by the rain of balloons, look bewildered and try to gather themselves. Suddenly, "Mad" Matt Borne, the disheveled half-clown, emerges from the crowd, adding to the chaos with his manic laughter and clown antics.

Stan Hansen (1-3-3) and Rick Rude (4-1-2) went to a draw when the 20:00 time limit expired. This was the first ever match up between these two.


The atmosphere is electric as WCW Saturday Night continues, with the legendary Rock N Roll Express making their entrance to a thunderous ovation. Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson, despite their struggles this season with a 1-5-0 record, still command immense respect and admiration from the crowd. Their classic rock music blares through the speakers as they high-five fans and soak in the adulation. In stark contrast, the Samoan Swat Team, Samu and Fatu, storm to the ring with a menacing presence. With their 2-4-0 record, they are determined to assert their dominance, showcasing their raw power and unrefined aggression. The crowd's cheers quickly turn to boos as the Samoan Swat Team aggressively enters the ring, ready for a brutal battle.

Folks, you can't help but admire the heart and determination of the Rock N Roll Express. Morton and Gibson have been the cornerstone of tag team wrestling for years, and despite their recent struggles, they are out here fighting to prove they've still got what it takes. Tonight, they face a formidable challenge in the Samoan Swat Team.
Jim, the Samoan Swat Team is as unpredictable as they come. Samu and Fatu bring a level of brutality that few can match. They've been inconsistent, but when they're on, they can be downright unstoppable. The Rock N Roll Express better be prepared for a war tonight.
From the opening bell, the Samoan Swat Team takes control, using their raw power and savage tactics to dominate the Rock N Roll Express. Samu and Fatu throw Morton and Gibson around the ring with reckless abandon, utilizing high-impact moves and double-team maneuvers. Despite the onslaught, the Rock N Roll Express shows their resilience, using their veteran instincts and quickness to evade some of the more devastating attacks. The match spills out to ringside, where Samu and Fatu continue their assault, slamming their opponents into the barricades and ring posts. Morton and Gibson fight back valiantly, but it’s clear they are struggling to keep up with the sheer brutality of the Samoan Swat Team.

As the match reaches its climax, the Samoan Swat Team’s uncontrolled aggression becomes their downfall. In the chaos outside the ring, Fatu continues to batter Ricky Morton, ignoring the referee’s count. Robert Gibson manages to roll back into the ring at the last moment, but Fatu, engrossed in his assault, fails to notice the referee's ten count. The bell rings, and referee Mike Atkins signals for the count-out, awarding the victory to the Rock N Roll Express at 16:01. Samu and Fatu are left stunned and enraged as the realization sets in that their lack of discipline cost them the match.

The Rock N Roll Express, battered and bruised, celebrate their hard-fought and somewhat fortuitous victory in the ring. The crowd roars in approval, thrilled to see the veteran team secure a much-needed win. Meanwhile, the Samoan Swat Team is irate at ringside, arguing with the referee and showing their frustration.

The Rock N Roll Express (2-5-0) defeated The Samoan Swat Team (2-5-0) in 16:01 by count out when Fatu failed to return to the ring The Rock N Roll Express improve to 2-1-0 in their all time clashes against The Samoan Swat Team.


The title graphic shows for WCW’s Inside the Squared Circle segment, and the show pivots to a studio segment featuring the legendary Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura, and Magnum TA. At the bottom of the screen, a news ticker hypes next weeks WCW subsidiary shows.

Tonight, we witnessed Powerhouse Ron Simmons take a decisive loss against Vader, raising serious questions about his standing in the Premier League. After a strong performance in 1992 and a significant feud with Kevin Sullivan in 1993, Simmons seemed to be on a steady path. While he did overcome Sullivan, his performance this season has been lackluster, leaving many to wonder if he's lost his edge. I believe Simmons is simply in a slump. Even the best wrestlers can face challenges, but it's clear he hasn't regressed physically. With the right focus and determination, I’m confident Simmons can regain his former glory.
Oh, come on, Magnum. The Premier League isn’t a place for slackers or those showing signs of weakness. WCW’s top division is cutthroat, and if you can’t keep up, you’re out. Simmons had his chance, and after that loss to Vader, it’s obvious he’s lost his edge. This isn’t about giving second chances; it’s about survival of the fittest. If you can’t perform at the highest level, you don’t belong in the Premier League. Simmons needs to either step up or step aside because this division won’t wait for anyone to get their act together.
Jesse, I get your point about the cutthroat nature of the Premier League, but Simmons has proven himself time and time again. A slump doesn’t erase his past accomplishments. He’s still one of the most physically imposing and skilled wrestlers in WCW. Everyone has their ups and downs, and I believe Simmons can turn things around. It’s not about weakness; it’s about overcoming adversity. With the right mindset and support, Simmons can definitely bounce back and show everyone that he still belongs at the top.
Magnum, you’re holding onto sentimentality here. This isn’t about past achievements; it’s about what you bring to the table now. Simmons had a chance tonight, and he failed. The Premier League doesn’t care about history; it’s all about the present. If Simmons can’t handle the heat, then he’s just another wrestler who doesn’t belong. You can’t afford to have weak links in the top division. This isn’t a charity, and there are plenty of hungry wrestlers ready to take his place. Simmons needs to show he’s still got it, or he’ll be out of the league faster than you can say ‘countout’.
Well, Jesse, I can see we’re at an impasse here. While you believe Simmons’ time in the Premier League is up, I’m holding onto hope that he can make a comeback. That’s all the time we have for Inside the Squared Circle - but coming up next is footage from a press conference held by WCW Executive Eric Bischoff from earlier today, with some big news for the world of professional wrestling.

PWFG Round 10, Card 1, featuring Akira Maeda vs Tatsutoshi Goto | LPWA Round 8, Card 2, featuring Candi Devine vs Akira Hokuto | W4WA Round 11, Card 1, featuring Chris Jericho vs Owen Hart | SSW Round 10, Card 2, featuring Jerry Lynn vs Doc Dean

Footage is shown from early today of a press conference featuring Eric Bischoff, alongside Lex Luger, Sting and The Great Muta. Bischoff talks about the state of international wrestling due to the recent economic downturn. WCW is proud to be the global face of wrestling, and announce the return of Clash of the Champions on Turner Premier, with all proceeds going to support international wrestling. Muta, Luger and Sting take the stage and talk about the importance of wrestling developing different styles internationally and how WCW is the proving ground of all those styles combined. Muta presents cheques to both New Japan and All Japan wrestling in order to provide WCW’s support immediately.

Next week, WCW’s Premier League will feature a marquee match-up as Hulk Hogan (5-0-1) faces off against 'Submission Supreme' Nobuhiko Takada (5-1-0). Takada, portraying a ruthless Yakuza boss and leader of Player Enterprises, has been vocal about his disappointment with his associates’ performances and aims to set an example by taking down Hogan. On the other side, Hogan, the stalwart hero aims to maintain his impressive record.

Hogan, you live in a world of bright colors and false hopes, but next week, you step into my domain. I am the Submission Supreme, the head of Player Enterprises, and I will demonstrate to my associates what true power looks like. Bam Bam, Taylor, Long—they will see how business is done. This is not the 80s; this is my era. Prepare to be broken, Hogan, as you face the unrelenting force of my wrath. Your legacy ends, and mine solidifies.
Takada, you think your Yakuza tactics can scare me? Brother, I've battled the fiercest and come out on top every time. You might have your cronies, but I have the Hulkamaniacs behind me. Bam Bam, listen to me, man. Remember when we stood side by side, fighting for what’s right? It’s not too late to step out of Takada’s shadow and be the hero you once were. Takada, you might be the Submission Supreme, but there’s no hold that can contain Hulkamania. Next week, I’m bringing all the power, all the energy, and I’m gonna show you what true strength is. And then, your mind control over your underlings will break when they see just how weak you really are. Whatcha gonna do, when Hulkamania runs wild on you?!


"The Man" Ric Flair, accompanied by "The Hotstuff Horseman" Eddie Gilbert and Woman, struts down the aisle with his signature robe glistening under the lights. Flair's 2-4-0 record in the Premier League belies his legendary status and recent victory over the Rhodes Family at Slamboree. The Nature Boy exudes confidence, ready to capitalize on his momentum. In stark contrast, Cactus Jack limps to the ring, heavily taped and visibly battered from his brutal Death Match at Slamboree. With a 1-5-0 record, Cactus Jack's determination is evident, but his physical state raises concerns about his ability to withstand Flair’s relentless assault.

Ric Flair may have had a rough start this season, but you can never count out 'The Man.' His victory over the Rhodes Family at Slamboree has surely reignited his drive. Tonight, he's looking to remind everyone why he's one of the greatest of all time, and he won’t hesitate to exploit Cactus Jack’s injuries.
Cactus Jack is as tough as they come, Jim. Despite the punishment he took at Slamboree, he's here, ready to fight. The man’s resilience is unmatched, but I have to wonder if he’s pushing his luck tonight. Flair is going to target those injuries, no doubt about it.
As the bell rings, Flair immediately zeroes in on Cactus Jack’s weakened state. The Nature Boy methodically targets Jack’s injured limbs, using his technical prowess to dismantle his opponent piece by piece. Cactus Jack fights back with his trademark reckless abandon, using his body as a weapon despite the obvious pain. The crowd is on the edge of their seats as Jack mounts a comeback, battering Flair with wild punches and a desperate elbow drop from the apron to the floor. Flair, ever the opportunist, bides his time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike back.

In the final moments, Cactus Jack manages to rally, stunning Flair with a DDT that leaves the crowd roaring. Just as Jack looks to capitalize, Eddie Gilbert jumps onto the apron, diverting the referee’s attention. This distraction allows Flair to recover and deliver a vicious chop block to Jack’s already weakened leg. With Cactus writhing in agony on the mat, Flair locks in the Figure Four Leglock. Jack fights valiantly, but the pain is too much. After a few agonizing moments, he has no choice but to tap out, giving Flair the victory at 15:03.

As the bell rings, Flair refuses to release the Figure Four immediately, adding insult to injury as the referee attempts to pull him off. Eddie Gilbert and Woman celebrate alongside Flair, their plan having succeeded flawlessly. Cactus Jack is left on the mat, clutching his leg in pain, while the Horsemen revel in their victory. Despite the boos from the crowd, Flair struts around the ring, basking in his triumph. Cactus Jack is helped to the back by medical personnel, his body bearing the marks of another grueling encounter.

Ric Flair (3-4-0) defeated Cactus Jack (1-6-0) in 15:03 by way of submission. This was the first ever match up between these two.


The atmosphere is electric as WCW Saturday Night gears up for a tag team main event featuring Thunder Dragon and The Steiner Brothers. Ricky Steamboat and Jushin Liger, collectively known as Thunder Dragon, make their way to the ring first. Steamboat exudes confidence, while Liger's high-energy entrance fires up the crowd. This newly formed team has captured the fans' hearts with their seamless chemistry and high-flying style. The Steiner Brothers, Rick and Scott, enter next to a massive ovation. Known for their raw power and technical prowess, the Steiners are multi-time champions eager to reclaim their top spot after a recent relegation. Both teams share a moment of mutual respect before the bell rings, setting the stage for an epic encounter.

Ladies and gentlemen, Thunder Dragon is the epitome of what tag team wrestling is all about. You've got Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat, a true veteran and master technician, teaming up with the dynamic Jushin Liger, one of the most exciting high-flyers in the world. This team has taken WCW by storm, and tonight, they have a golden opportunity to prove they're the best in the business.
The Steiner Brothers are wrestling royalty, Jim. Rick and Scott have been at the pinnacle of tag team wrestling for years, combining unmatched power with incredible technical skills. They've faced every challenge head-on and tonight, they'll need every bit of that experience and brotherly bond to overcome Thunder Dragon. This is going to be a classic!
From the opening bell, the match is a showcase of athleticism and respect. Steamboat and Liger's fluid teamwork and aerial maneuvers keep the Steiners on their toes, while Rick and Scott counter with their brute strength and suplexes. The momentum shifts back and forth, with both teams demonstrating why they are at the top of the tag team division. A bit of tension is added when The Classic Era's Dave Finlay and Bobby Eaton, along with their manager Susan Sexton, show up on the ramp. Sexton, joining commentary, deflects questions about Eaton dodging Steamboat's challenge at Slamboree, instead focusing on her team's dominance.

As the match reaches its climax, the action becomes even more intense. After a series of near falls and breathtaking moves, the deciding moment arrives. Steamboat and Rick Steiner are the legal men. Steamboat counters a Steinerline attempt with a swift arm drag, followed by a picture-perfect crossbody from the top rope. The impact stuns Rick Steiner, and Steamboat quickly capitalizes, securing the pinfall at 19:18. The crowd erupts as Thunder Dragon picks up a monumental victory, solidifying their place as top contenders.

Following the match, both teams stand in the ring, exhausted but filled with mutual respect. The Steiner Brothers extend their hands, and Steamboat and Liger graciously accept, resulting in a powerful show of sportsmanship. Meanwhile, at ringside, The Classic Era looks on with a mix of admiration and strategic interest. Susan Sexton continues to downplay any notion of her team avoiding Steamboat, but the tension is palpable. The show ends with Thunder Dragon celebrating their hard-fought victory, while the Steiners nod in approval, acknowledging the incredible competition. The tag team division in WCW has never looked more competitive or exciting.

Thunder Dragon (4-1-1) defeated The Steiner Brothers (4-1-1) in 19:18 by way of pin fall when Steamboat pinned Rick Steiner. This was the first ever tag team match between the two teams. Steamboat has faced both Steiners previously in singles competition. Steamboat improved to 2-0-0 against Rick and 1-1-0 against Scott.

Replays are shown of the finishes from the night, followed by the updated leaderboards for WCW’s Grand Prix. Standing by for analysis is the team of Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, and Paul E Dangerously.

Hot damn, WCW’s tag team division has heated up! What an amazing main event, kudos go to Thunder Dragon for scoring the huge win here tonight! It’s no question that this weeks’ MVP is Ricky Steamboat, who continues to prove that he’s still one of the best in the world.
You got that right, Harley… You see… Ricky’s aging like a fine wine…. He just keeps getting better! I look at him out there and see a man not only focused on returning to the Premier League, but a man… if you will… who wants to take the division he's currently in… the tag team division... and turn it into a hot commodity!
He has done just that - the tag team division feels reborn this season. But let’s not let that take away from our Premier League action. We had three great matches in the top tier tonight. Vader picked up a powerful win to keep him undefeated and Flair weaselled his way to another 3 points. And Rude and Hansen tore the house down until their match ended in controversy.
Someone has got to do something about that deranged clown, ‘Mad’ Matt Borne. While we are all happy that his antics are at the detriment of Flamingo Corp, that doesn't make them right for WCW..
I’ll tell you what… those Flamingo Corp matches are becoming more and more of a farce as this season progresses… If it’s not blatant interference in their favour, it's clown tricks against them! I gotta question though… just how deep is the bankroll here for Scotty Flamingo before he can’t sustain his stable?
They’re all a bunch of muppets if you ask me… And speaking of muppets, the ‘Immortal’ orange muppet will be centre stage next week in a huge main event to conclude Round 7 - Hulk Hogan takes on ‘Submission Supreme’ Nobuhiko Takada next week on WCW Saturday Night! That’s bound to be a huge match, especially with Hogan pandering to Bam Bam Bigelow. How will this all shake out? We’ll find out, next week on the global stage that is WCW Saturday Night.

WCW’s theme plays as the show fades out.

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Nobuhiko Takada vs Hulk Hogan
Arn Anderson vs Barry Windham
El Gigante vs Bam Bam Bigelow
Haku vs Diamond Dallas Page
Johnny B Badd vs Larry Zbyzsko
The Journeymen vs The Terrors



It's the final night of Round 7, with old rivalries renewed and first ever encounters in store!

In Division Two action, the action kicks off with 'The Wild Man' Johnny B Badd (3-2-1) looking to continue on an impressive 1994 campaign as he takes on the struggling legend Larry Zbyzsko (2-4-0). Johnny has gained notoriety for his impressive knockout victories by virtual of that Wild Thing Haymaker, but in his last match against Kevin Sullivan, 'The Taskmaster' broke two of Johnny's fingers, damaging his most lethal weapon. Johnny's manager, Jody Hamilton, claims that Johnny is fully recovered, but the world knows that Larry Z is a master of honing in on weak targets. Can Larry crunch Johnny's dreams of climbing the Division Two ranks, or will The Cruncher be sipping his meals through a straw after Johnny knocks him out? Plus, also in Division Two action, Diamond Dallas Page (4-2-0)  takes on Flamingo Corp's 'Equalizer' Haku (3-3-0). Page, accompanied as always by The Diamond Doll, is fresh off of gaining a measure of revenge against Flamingo Corp - at Slamboree, Page teamed with Hogan to defeat Stan Hansen and Scotty Flamingo. Will Page close the book in his rivalry against Flamingo Corp with a decisive victory here, or will The Equalizer negate Page's advantage over the stable with a responding victory? Of course as has been the story with Flamingo Corp as of late, will Haku have to contend with the unpredictable antics of 'Mad' Matt Borne?

Meanwhile, over in tag team division action, a rivalry between two struggling teams is reborn when One Man Gang and Dan Spivey, collectively known as The Terrors (2-4-0), take on The Journeymen Chris Adams and Al Snow (1-5-0). The beef between these two teams stemmed from The Journeymen scoring a shock victory over The Terrors in the last round of 1993, which resulted in The Terrors just missing a promotion to the Premier League. The Terrors turned their backs on the fans when they assaulted Snow and Adams in retaliation and the two teams cost each other matches early in the season, taking each other out of contention for promotion. While their rivalry was diffused by a street fight at Superbrawl that saw The Terrors destroy their opponents, will it reignite with a competitive match here?

In Premier League competition, Bam Bam Bigelow (1-4-1) collides with El Gigante (2-2-0) in a battle of behemoths. The typically dominant Bam Bam has been a fixture of the Premier League since it's inception, but has felt secondary since Nobuhiko Takada emerged as the leader of their stable, Player Enterprises. Takada has been critical of Bigelow's performances as of late. On top of that, Hulk Hogan called out Bigelow regarding Takada demeaning him, appealing to Bigelow to remember his former alliance with Hogan. With the amount of emotions swirling through his head, can Bigelow regain his composure and find his winning touch against the tallest competitor in WCW? Or will Flamingo Corps' Argentine Assassin prove to be too much for The Beast of the East? Plus, two former Horsemen go to war against one another as 'Double A' Arn Anderson (2-4-0) and Barry Windham (2-3-1) square off in an important Premier League match up. While the two men share mutual respect, the two former World Tag Team Grand Prix champions are dead set on climbing the singles ladder. Which man will rise above the other and climb further up WCW's rankings?

And finally, in our main event, it's a first ever match up between two of the absolute best in the world! 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan (5-0-1) looks to remain unbeaten as he takes on the leader of Player Enterprises, 'Submission Supreme' Nobuhiko Takada (5-1-0). These two mega stars are vying to take one step closer to the WCW Premier League Grand Prix championship and a victory here for either man would be a statement to the rest of the league. Can Hogan withstand the brutal striking and submission game of Takada? Can Takada tune out the legions of Hulkamaniacs and stay focused in order to succeed where most have failed? It's two of the absolute best wrestlers the world has to offer, colliding for the first time ever, on WCW Saturday Night on TBS!


1PWfan : 8/18 - 44%
Just here to look : 10/18 - 56%
Dawn : 16/24 - 66%
Nobby_McDonald : 23/36 - 64%
Rekcut012 : 25/36 - 69%
StanMiguel : 40/61 - 66%

Old School Fan : 49/78 - 63%
Lord Byron : 75/120 - 63%
Nightshadeex : 94/140 - 67%
DHK1989 : 94/140 - 67%
SonOfSharknado : 95/140 - 68%

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June 1994 : Week 1


Following a cash infusion from WCW, All Japan Pro Wrestling has claimed it is returning to prominence, establishing a larger presence as it seeks to compete with New Japan yet again.

After recovering from a torn rotator cuff, Dean Malenko suffered a big scare when he separated the same shoulder during a tag team match for NJPW. He’ll be out for a couple of weeks while he recovers.

Tiny Cleveland based promotion, Cleveland All Pro Wrestling, has announced it will close it’s doors at the end of the month.

Invader #2 has retired. The Puerto Rican wrestler was known for his time in WWC in Puerto Rico, where he’s a former 2 time tag team champion.


Dick Murdoch defeated Rob Kaman to win the W*ING World Heavyweight championship for the first time.


Ted Fraser, Rita Sheridan, Takashi Okamura, Kayo Noumi, Marty Garner, Stephanie Wiand, Crazy Sexy Mike, Lexxus and Serge Demers have entered the wrestling world.


LPWA Womens Grand Prix Round 8/19; Card Two

Manami Toyota (5-1-2) def. Malia Hosaka (0-8-0)
Madusa (7-0-0) def. Denise Storm (3-4-1)
Takako Inoue (1-0-0) def. Megumi Kudo (0-2-0)
Combat Toyoda (3-4-1) def. Bambi (0-8-0)
Cynthia Moreno (3-2-3) def. Terri Powers (2-6-0)
Akira Hokuto (8-0-0) def. Candi Devine (4-3-1)


Inoue, who had turned her back on Bull Nakano last show, defeated Megumi Kudo in a Ranked Qualification match to claim Bull Nakano’s spot for the remainder of the season.
Once again, Bambi’s tag team partner Debbie Combs distracted Bambi during her match, leading to yet another loss.
Bison Kimura came out to stare down Akira Hokuto to end the show as Cornette yelled about whether Kimura can end the undefeated run? She is on a twelve win streak, and has gone an immaculate 27 matches undefeated.
MVP : Akira Hokuto


W4WA Canadian Grand Prix Round 11/23; Card One

Richard Charland (7-4-0) def. B Brian Blair (1-10-0)
Chip Thompson (2-9-0) def. Bobby Kay (0-4-0)
Leo Burke (9-1-1) def. Don Callis (6-5-0)
Sledgehammer Anderson (6-3-2) def. Danny Davis (5-6-0)
Rob Van Dam (6-5-0) def. Keith Hart (2-9-0)
Owen Hart (10-0-1) def. Chris Jericho (10-1-0)

Worthwhile Notes:

After the main event, William Regal came out and stared down Owen and Jericho. The three young men are near the top of the rankings and tension in the Canadian league is running high!
MVP : Rob Van Dam


SSW Division 4 Grand Prix Round 8/23; Card Two

Paul Levesque (6-4-0) def. Gedo (0-10-0)
Brazo de Plata (5-4-0) def. Stan Lee (3-7-0)
El Dandy (6-3-1) def. Chaz Taylor (5-4-1)
Ice Train (6-1-3) def. Tommy Angel (0-1-0)
Leatherface (8-2-0) def. Danny Boy Collins (1-4-0)
Jerry Lynn (4-2-4) def. Doc Dean (3-6-1)

Worthwhile Notes:

Tommy Angel debuted as the temporary replacement for Blue Demon Jr in a losing effort.
MVP : El Dandy


PWFG Japanese Grand Prix Round 10/23; Card One

Ken Shamrock (1-0-0) def. Shoichi Funaki (5-5-0)
Koji Kanemoto (6-0-2) def. Minoru Tanaka (1-9-0)
Satoshi Kojima (2-8-0) def. Willie Peeters (0-2-0)
Dr. Luther (5-5-0) def. Mark Starr (3-7-0)
Minoru Suzuki (7-1-2) def. Jerry Flynn (1-9-0)
Akira Maeda (9-1-0) def. Tatsutoshi Goto (3-4-0)


Abdullah the Butcher was announced as being replaced due to scheduling conflicts to an audible groan from the audience, only for interest to skyrocket when WCW star Ken Shamrock returned to action from his MMA victory. Shamrock dominated Funaki.
Willie Peeters filled in for the absent Doug Furnas.
MVP : Akira Maeda

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It’s a hot day in San Diego as we are hailing from the Valley View Casino! Intro video footage airs before moving on to the analysis team of Dusty Rhodes, Paul E Dangerously and Harley Race.

Good evening, wrestling fans, and welcome to another exciting night of WCW Premier League action! Tonight's card is packed with high-stakes matches that will shake up the rankings. First, we've got the Beast from the East, Bam Bam Bigelow, taking on the towering Argentine Assassin, El Gigante. Then, former Horsemen allies turn rivals as Arn Anderson faces Barry Windham. And in our main event, it's a blockbuster first-time-ever showdown between 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan and the leader of Player Enterprises, Nobuhiko Takada. Buckle up, because tonight's action is going to be off the charts!
Lemme tell ya somethin', Harley, tonight's got all the makings of a classic! Bam Bam Bigelow's got a lot to prove, and with Hogan remindin' him of their past, I believe Bigelow’s gonna bring that fire against El Gigante. Arn Anderson and Barry Windham, those two are gonna tear the house down—old friends but fierce competitors, both wanting to climb that ladder. And the main event? Hogan vs. Takada? Hogan's been unstoppable, and I think tonight he's gonna show Takada and the whole world why he's the best in the business!
Dusty, you’re living in a dream world. Bam Bam Bigelow is distracted, and El Gigante will capitalize on that to climb higher in the rankings. As for Arn and Barry, Anderson's got the technical prowess and the cunning to outsmart Windham any day of the week. And in our main event, Takada is going to teach Hulk Hogan a lesson in real wrestling. Takada's submissions and strikes will have Hogan tapping out faster than you can say 'Hulkamania'! Face it, Dusty, your so-called heroes are in for a rough night.
Dusty and Paul both have strong points. Bigelow's emotional turmoil could either fuel a comeback or lead to a downfall against the formidable El Gigante. Anderson and Windham's match will be a technical showcase, with both men knowing each other's moves inside out. As for Hogan vs. Takada, it's truly a clash of titans. Hogan's charisma and power versus Takada's technical mastery and discipline. This main event could go either way, and it will undoubtedly be a spectacle for the ages.
Folks, if you ain't excited for tonight's main event, you ain't got a pulse! Hulk Hogan, the man who’s dominated everywhere he’s been, against Nobuhiko Takada, a submission machine like no other. This is the kind of match that defines careers and makes legends. Hogan's got the power of all the Hulkamaniacs behind him, and he's gonna need every bit of it to take down Takada. This is the match to watch, and it’s gonna be one for the history books!
Dusty, your hyperbole is as over-the-top as ever. But you're right about one thing: this main event is huge. It's a make-or-break moment for both Hogan and Takada, and I, for one, am betting on Takada to break Hogan. Wrestling fans, you don’t want to miss this! Now, let’s get the show started. Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross, take it away and let’s get down to business!

The camera’s swivel around the neon soaked set at ringside as it’s time for our opening contest!


The Division Two action kicked off with a highly anticipated match between 'The Wild Man' Johnny B. Badd and the seasoned veteran Larry Zbyszko. Johnny B. Badd, sporting his signature flamboyant attire and accompanied by his manager Jody Hamilton, entered to a chorus of cheers, his flashy entrance energizing the crowd. Johnny's impressive 3-2-1 record this season has solidified him as a fan favorite, particularly known for his knockout victories via the Wild Thing Haymaker. However, with two broken fingers from his last match against Kevin Sullivan, his most lethal weapon is in question. Larry Zbyszko, 'The Living Legend,' with a 2-4-0 record, followed with a more subdued entrance, his focus and intensity palpable. Zbyszko, renowned for his tactical mind and ruthless streak, eyed Johnny’s taped fingers, ready to exploit any weakness.

Johnny B. Badd has had a tremendous run this season, showing everyone that he’s not just a flashy character but a legitimate contender. But folks, those broken fingers could be his undoing tonight against a master strategist like Larry Zbyszko. If Johnny can’t use that Wild Thing Haymaker, he’s in real trouble.
Larry Zbyszko is a dangerous competitor, Jim. He’s been in this business a long time and knows every trick in the book. You can bet he’s going to target those injured fingers of Johnny B. Badd and do whatever it takes to secure a victory. This could be a real test of Johnny’s resilience.
From the outset, Larry Zbyszko zeroed in on Johnny B. Badd's injured fingers, delivering precise strikes and submission holds to further damage them. The audience rallied behind Johnny, whose Wildman boxer persona had endeared him to the fans. Despite the pain, Johnny showcased his athleticism and heart, countering Larry’s attacks with high-flying maneuvers and quick jabs. However, the critical moment came when Johnny hesitated to use his Wild Thing Haymaker, clearly second-guessing due to the injury. This hesitation allowed Larry to regain control, systematically wearing down Johnny’s defenses.

The finish came at the 17:10 mark when Larry Zbyszko ensnared Johnny B. Badd's legs in the ropes, leaving him vulnerable. With Johnny trapped, Larry mercilessly stomped on his damaged hand, causing visible agony. Sensing the severity of the situation and prioritizing Johnny’s long-term health, Jody Hamilton threw in the towel, signaling that Johnny B. Badd could not continue. The referee called for the bell, awarding the victory to Larry Zbyszko via technical submission.

After the match, Larry Zbyszko stood triumphant, soaking in the mixed reactions from the crowd, some appreciating his tactical prowess while others booed his ruthless approach. Johnny B. Badd, writhing in pain, was assisted by Jody Hamilton and medical personnel. Despite the loss, the crowd chanted Johnny’s name, acknowledging his valiant effort. As he was helped to the back, Johnny raised his uninjured hand in a gesture of defiance and gratitude to the fans.

Larry Zbyszko (3-4-0) defeated Johnny B Badd (3-3-1) in 17:10 after Jody Hamilton threw in the towel, deciding that Johnny B Badd could not continue. This was their first ever encounter in WCW’s Grand Prix.


In an eagerly anticipated Premier League matchup, two former Horsemen, 'Double A' Arn Anderson (2-4-0) and Barry Windham (2-3-1), squared off in the WCW ring. Both men, known for their technical prowess and mutual respect, were determined to climb the singles ladder and secure their place among the top contenders. Arn Anderson entered first, the crowd cheering for the enforcer of the Four Horsemen. His intense focus was evident as he made his way to the ring, knowing this match was crucial for his season. Barry Windham, accompanied by his Lonestar Cowboys partner, Dustin Rhodes, followed. Windham received a warm reception, his cowboy hat and rugged demeanor highlighting his tough, no-nonsense persona. Despite their shared history and mutual respect, both men were ready to go to war to prove their superiority.

Folks, Arn Anderson is one of the toughest competitors in the history of our sport. His no-nonsense style and technical mastery make him a formidable opponent for anyone, and tonight, he's got something to prove against his old friend and rival, Barry Windham.
Barry Windham is a former champion and one of the best natural athletes in wrestling. His alliance with Dustin Rhodes has brought him back to the Premier League, but tonight, it's all about individual glory. This is a pivotal match for Windham to show he's still a top contender in the Premier League.
The match began with a slow, methodical pace as both men felt each other out, showcasing their technical skills and deep understanding of the sport. Every move and counter was met with precision, as the two former Horsemen demonstrated why they were once tag team champions together. The bout felt more like a game of chess than a wrestling match, with each competitor trying to outthink and outmaneuver the other. Arn Anderson targeted Barry’s arm, working to set up his signature spinebuster, while Barry focused on Arn’s legs, aiming to neutralize his base. The match remained a stalemate for the majority of its duration, with neither man able to secure a decisive advantage.

As the match neared its conclusion, Arn Anderson began to build momentum, hitting a series of hard-hitting moves and preparing for his spinebuster. However, in a surprising and bizarre twist, Dustin Rhodes entered the ring and started discussing something with referee Nick Patrick. This distraction caused Arn to lose focus, giving Barry Windham enough time to recover. Seizing the moment, Barry delivered a massive lariat, catching Arn off guard and securing the pinfall victory. The crowd was stunned by the sudden shift in the match’s outcome, with many questioning Dustin’s motives.

Following the match, tension was palpable as Barry Windham and Arn Anderson confronted Dustin Rhodes in the ring. Both men were visibly frustrated, arguing with Dustin and demanding to know why he got involved. Dustin tried to explain himself, but the confusion and mistrust lingered. The confrontation ended with Barry and Arn shaking hands, but it was clear that Dustin’s interference had left a sour taste.

Barry Windham (3-3-1) defeated Arn Anderson (2-5-0) in 17:48 by way of pin fall. This was their first ever encounter in WCW’s Grand Prix.

We go backstage to a set designated for Gary Hart, who is standing by reporting on the results of WCW World Wide from earlier this week, while results from Friday Night’s B-show, WCW Main Event, scrolls on the bottom of the screen.

Hello folks! Ahem, so this past week, in Division Two action, Nikita Koloff moved to 7 points when he took Kevin Von Erich to a time limit draw for the second year in a row. Von Erich’s failure to finish the match resulted in Scotty Flamingo holding on to the top spot in the division. Meanwhile, in tag team action, The Miracle Violence Connection continued their dominant start, moving to 5-1-1 on the season with a victory over the struggling team of Eddie Guerrero and Konnan. Now, at this time, I’m supposed to hype up next week’s opening contests on World Wide, but It seems like I’m about to be interrupted… yet again… as here comes The Four Horsemen. Is there no decorum around here?

WCW Main Event #117 : Tom Davis def. Shoichi Funaki | Tex and Shanghai def. Rob Van Dam and Canadian Tiger | ‘Mad’ Matt Borne def. Eddie Golden | Sabu def. Sledgehammer Anderson and Doug Furnas in a triple threat match.

Ric Flair enters Gary Hart’s set, alongside Eddie Gilbert, Brian Pillman and ‘America’s Most Hated’ Steve Austin. They tell Gary to take a hike and proceed to talk about their opponents next round. Austin and Pillman have The Rock N Roll Express - they are doing terrible this season and no match for the Horsemen duo. The Hotstuff Horseman Eddie Gilbert has a challenge on his hands as he takes on second place Kevin Von Erich, but Eddie says he’s only second place because he hasn’t had to fight him yet! And then Flair… Flair has El Gigante. Flair tells the boys that he’s going to show them why he’s The Man, when he slays a literal giant dead in that ring. He’s going to break his legs, gawdamit!


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another thrilling edition of the Danger Zone! I'm your host, Paul E Dangerously, and tonight we have an explosive match to talk about. In just three weeks on WCW Saturday Night, two of the most brutal competitors in the Premier League will collide: Big Van Vader and 'Mr. Bang Bang' Cactus Jack. Both men are no strangers to each other, having once been allies, but now they're on a collision course that's guaranteed to leave carnage in its wake. Cactus Jack, you're coming off a brutal deathmatch at Slamboree where you and Vader faced Sting and Luger in a losing effort. You're sitting at the bottom of the rankings with a 1-6-0 record. What are your thoughts on this upcoming match against your former ally?
Paul E, you know me—I'm no stranger to pain and suffering. My record might not look impressive, but each of those losses has only fueled my fire. That deathmatch at Slamboree? It took a lot out of me, but it didn't break me. Vader, you say you're disappointed in me, but I see it differently. I see a chance to prove myself, to show you and the entire WCW that Cactus Jack is still a force to be reckoned with. I've got nothing to lose and everything to prove. When we step into that ring, I'm bringing everything I've got, and you better be ready for a fight like no other.
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Strong words from a man with nothing to lose. Vader, you're undefeated this season with a 4-0-3 record, and you've left a trail of broken dreams behind you. What do you have to say in response to Cactus Jack's comments?
Paul E, it's simple. I've been dominating this season because I am the most unstoppable force in WCW. Cactus, you were in my corner once, but look at you now—scraping the bottom of the barrel with a pitiful record. You lost that deathmatch, not me. You're a disappointment, Jack. This match is my chance to remind you and everyone else why Big Van Vader is the top predator in this league. When we face off, it'll be another easy victory for me and another crushing defeat for you. You say you've got something to prove? Well, good luck, because you're going to need it.
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Tensions are high, and the stakes couldn't be greater. Cactus Jack, with nothing to lose, is ready to prove himself, while Big Van Vader looks to continue his path of destruction and dominance in the Premier League. This is one match you don't want to miss, folks. Make sure you tune in to WCW Saturday Night in three weeks to witness this brutal brawl. Until next time, stay dangerous!


In Premier League competition, the tension is palpable as two of WCW's largest athletes prepare for battle. Bam Bam Bigelow (1-4-1), the Beast from the East, makes his entrance with flames on his gear matching his fiery demeanor. Accompanied by his manager, Teddy Long, Bigelow's typically fearsome presence is tinged with a hint of unease, given recent criticisms from Nobuhiko Takada, the leader of their stable, Player Enterprises. Entering next is El Gigante (2-2-0), the towering Argentine Assassin, flanked by his Flamingo Corps allies—Stan Hansen, Alexandra York, and Scotty Flamingo—all nervously scanning the arena for any signs of the deranged 'Mad' Matt Borne. With emotions running high and both men desperate for a victory, this colossal clash promises to be unforgettable.

Bam Bam Bigelow has always been one of the most dominant forces in professional wrestling, but tonight, he's fighting more than just El Gigante. With Takada's criticisms and Hogan's words echoing in his mind, Bigelow needs to prove to himself and everyone else that he still belongs at the top of the Premier League.
El Gigante is a physical marvel, no doubt about it. Standing at nearly eight feet tall, he's one of the most intimidating figures in wrestling today. But can he maintain his focus with the ever-looming threat of 'Mad' Matt Borne hanging over his head? This match is going to be a true test of his mental and physical prowess.
The match kicks off with a display of raw power as Bigelow and El Gigante lock up, each trying to overpower the other. The crowd is electrified by the sheer size and strength of these competitors. Bigelow uses his agility and surprising speed to gain an early advantage, landing heavy strikes and a thunderous suplex. However, El Gigante's immense strength soon shifts the momentum, as he hurls Bigelow across the ring with ease and crushes him with massive chops and a bear hug that nearly saps Bigelow's energy. Throughout the match, Flamingo Corps members on the outside keep a wary eye out for any signs of 'Mad' Matt Borne, adding an undercurrent of tension to the already intense bout.

As the battle rages on, both behemoths start showing signs of exhaustion. Just as El Gigante seems poised to deliver a match-ending chokeslam, carnival music suddenly blares through the arena. All eyes turn to the stage, where a silhouette resembling 'Mad' Matt Borne appears. The distraction is enough for Bigelow to capitalize; he lands a vicious headbutt followed by his signature top-rope diving headbutt. With El Gigante stunned, Bigelow pins him for the three-count at 16:43.

Following the pinfall, Bam Bam Bigelow and Teddy Long celebrate the hard-fought victory, the relief evident on Bigelow's face. Meanwhile, the members of Flamingo Corps are in disarray. Stan Hansen and Scotty Flamingo rush to the stage to confront the silhouette, only to find it's a mannequin dressed like 'Mad' Matt Borne. This revelation leaves them frustrated and humiliated, with Alexandra York frantically trying to regain control of the situation. Back in the ring, Bigelow receives a mixed reaction from the crowd, his win overshadowed by the bizarre antics of Borne, who continues to haunt Flamingo Corps. As Bigelow exits, he casts a wary glance back, knowing that while he won tonight's battle, the war within Player Enterprises and against his own demons is far from over.

Bam Bam Bigelow (2-4-1) defeated El Gigante (2-3-0) in 15:21 by way of pin fall. This was their first ever encounter.


In a highly anticipated tag team division match, The Terrors, consisting of One Man Gang and Dan Spivey, clash with The Journeymen, Chris Adams and Al Snow. The Terrors, boasting a menacing presence with their 2-4-0 record, make their entrance first. One Man Gang and Spivey, both imposing figures, receive a chorus of boos, a reminder of their betrayal and assault on The Journeymen last year. The Journeymen, entering to a modest cheer, are in desperate need of a win to improve their 1-5-0 record. Al Snow, full of energy and eager to prove himself, seems more aggressive than usual, while Chris Adams, the seasoned veteran, appears focused and slightly frustrated, likely remembering their humiliating loss at Superbrawl.

Al Snow is a man on a mission tonight, folks. He's got a lot to prove, not just to the fans but to himself and his mentor, Chris Adams. Snow’s got all the talent in the world, but he needs to channel that aggression and work cohesively with Adams if they want to turn their season around.
The Terrors, Jim, are as dangerous as they come. One Man Gang and Dan Spivey have no problem bending the rules to get what they want. They’ve been on a path of destruction ever since their rivalry with The Journeymen began, and tonight, they're looking to cement their return to form and get back on track towards that elusive Premier League promotion.
The match kicks off with Al Snow's newfound aggression taking center stage. Snow starts strong, using his speed and agility to catch Spivey off guard with a spectacular top rope arm drag, eliciting a big pop from the crowd. However, the dynamic shifts when Chris Adams demands to be tagged in, prioritizing fundamentals over Snow's high-risk maneuvers. This moment of tension between the partners allows The Terrors to capitalize. One Man Gang and Spivey isolate Adams, utilizing their size and strength to dominate the veteran. Despite Adams' resilience, the duo's relentless assault proves too much.

The climax of the match sees The Terrors firmly in control. With Adams weakened, One Man Gang and Spivey unleash a brutal double-team assault. Adams fights valiantly, but a devastating power move from Spivey spells the end. Spivey delivers a crushing powerbomb, followed by a pinfall, securing the victory for The Terrors at 7:10. Al Snow, visibly frustrated and conflicted, remains in the corner, seemingly hesitant to assist his mentor, a decision that likely cost them the match.

After the match, The Terrors stand tall, basking in their victory and taunting the crowd. Chris Adams, lying defeated in the ring, receives a mixed reaction from the audience. Al Snow, clearly frustrated, paces around the ring before approaching Adams. The tension is palpable as Snow helps Adams to his feet, only to berate him for the loss. The two exchange heated words, with Adams defending his strategy while Snow argues for more aggressive tactics. The segment ends with Snow storming out of the ring, leaving Adams alone and dejected, signaling potential dissension within The Journeymen.

The Terrors (3-4-0) defeated The Journeymen (1-6-0) in 7:10 by way of pin fall when Spivey pinned Adams. The Terrors tied up the series in Grand Prix matches against The Journeymen, 1-1-0.


The title graphic shows for WCW’s Inside the Squared Circle segment, and the show pivots to a studio segment featuring the legendary Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura, and Magnum TA. At the bottom of the screen, a news ticker hypes next weeks WCW subsidiary shows.

Earlier tonight, we saw something rather unusual when Dustin Rhodes entered the ring during his partner Barry Windham's match against Arn Anderson. Dustin’s actions distracted both the referee and Anderson, leading to Windham’s victory. I believe this was just an innocent mistake. Dustin has had a lot on his mind lately, and as a young rookie, he had a momentary lapse in judgment. He wasn’t trying to cause trouble; he simply made an error in the heat of the moment.
Innocent mistake, Magnum? Are you kidding me? This is professional wrestling, not a playground. Dustin Rhodes is feeling the pressure of living under his father's shadow. Dusty Rhodes is a legend, and Dustin is trying to carve out his own path. Tonight was a clear, sinister attempt to make himself the center of attention. He wanted to overshadow Windham’s match and make everyone talk about him. This wasn’t some rookie mistake; it was a calculated move to put himself in the spotlight.
Jesse, I think you’re reading too much into this. Dustin has been nothing but a supportive partner to Windham. He’s young and still learning the ropes. Yes, his father’s legacy is immense, but Dustin is making a name for himself through hard work and determination, not through underhanded tactics. Tonight’s incident was just a misstep from a young wrestler who’s still finding his way. Let’s not jump to conclusions about his intentions.
Magnum, you’re being naïve. Dustin knows exactly what he’s doing. The pressure of being Dusty Rhodes’ son is immense, and it’s clearly getting to him. He saw an opportunity to steal the spotlight, and he took it. This isn’t about learning the ropes; it’s about wanting to step out from his father’s shadow by any means necessary. Dustin’s actions tonight were calculated, not accidental. He’s trying to make a statement, and if you can’t see that, you’re just fooling yourself.
Well, Jesse, it looks like we’re out of time for tonight. We clearly see things differently, but only time will tell what Dustin’s true intentions are. We’ll have to keep a close eye on him in the coming weeks. Thanks for tuning in, folks. This is Magnum TA and Jesse Ventura signing off.

LPWA Round 9, Card 1, featuring Manami Toyota vs Takako Inoue | WFWA Round 11, Card 2, featuring Kid Kash vs Rey Misterio Jr | PPW Round 7, Card 2, featuring Rayo De Jalisco Jr vs Sabu | SSW Round 11, Card 1, featuring El Hijo del Santo vs Stan Lee | PWFG Round 10, Card 2, featuring Norman Smiley vs Gary Albright

A promo airs for a massive tag team match next week as the red hot team of Thunder Dragon take on the top ranked Classic Era. Will Jushin Liger and Ricky Steamboat topple the leaders, or will ‘The Kiwi Queen’ Susan Sexton lead Dave Finlay and Bobby Eaton to yet another victory? The promo plays up how Bobby Eaton dodged Ricky Steamboat’s challenge at Slamboree, when Eaton pulled out of his own Open Challenge.

Next week, WCW's Premier League will feature a high-stakes clash as the reigning champion, 'The Ravishing Ruler of the World' Rick Rude (4-1-2), takes on 'Powerhouse' Ron Simmons (1-5-1). Rude, firmly at the top of the rankings, seeks to solidify his dominance, while Simmons, a former powerhouse, is desperate to climb out of the relegation zone. With their history of one win apiece in previous encounters, this match is critical for Simmons to regain his momentum and avoid demotion, and for Rude to continue his reign at the top

Ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes on the Ravishing Ruler of the World. Ron Simmons, you might have been a powerhouse once, but now you're nothing but a shadow of your former self. Next week, when you step into the ring with me, you'll face the cold, hard truth. I'm at the top because I belong there, and you? You're just fighting to stay relevant. Get ready, Simmons, because I'm going to remind you, and all these people, why Rick Rude rules the wrestling world.
Rude, you can keep your fancy belts and big talk. I've been down before, but I've always gotten back up. This time, it’s no different. I know what it's like to struggle, to fight for every inch. Next week, I'm not just fighting to stay in this league, I'm fighting for my pride, my career, and my fans. Rude, you better be ready, because when that bell rings, I'm bringing everything I've got. You may be the reigning champion, but I'm coming to knock you off that throne. Get ready for a fight, Rude, because Simmons ain't backing down.


In Division Two action on WCW Saturday Night, the always charismatic Diamond Dallas Page (4-2-0) takes on the formidable 'Equalizer' Haku (3-3-0) of Flamingo Corp. DDP, accompanied by the stunning Diamond Doll, strides to the ring with confidence, feeding off the cheers of the crowd. His recent victory at Slamboree, where he teamed with Hulk Hogan to defeat Stan Hansen and Scotty Flamingo, has only boosted his popularity and momentum. Haku, known for his vicious in-ring style, walks to the ring with a wary eye, aware of the unpredictable antics of 'Mad' Matt Borne, who has been a thorn in Flamingo Corp’s side. Tonight, Haku is alone, lacking the usual backup from his stablemates, adding an edge of nervousness to his typically stoic demeanor.

Diamond Dallas Page has been on an incredible run lately. He's shown that he's not just charisma and flash; he's got the skills to back it up. Tonight, against a powerhouse like Haku, we'll see if DDP can continue his climb up the Division Two ranks.
Haku is one of the most dangerous men in professional wrestling. His combination of strength, technique, and sheer brutality makes him a formidable opponent for anyone. But with Flamingo Corp dealing with Matt Borne's antics, Haku's mental focus will be crucial tonight.
From the opening bell, the match is a showcase of contrasting styles. DDP uses his agility and ring smarts to outmaneuver Haku, who responds with his brutal strikes and powerful holds. The early moments see Page trying to keep Haku off balance with a series of arm drags and dropkicks, while Haku counters with stiff chops and a crushing headbutt that nearly floors Page. As the match progresses, the psychological aspect becomes apparent, with Haku frequently glancing towards the entrance ramp, wary of an appearance by 'Mad' Matt Borne. DDP capitalizes on these distractions, nailing Haku with a spinning discus punch and a perfectly executed DDT. Despite the fear of Borne, Haku's resilience and raw power keep him in the match, delivering a series of suplexes that leave Page reeling.

The climax of the match sees DDP gaining the upper hand after countering a superkick from Haku into a sit-out powerbomb. Sensing victory, DDP sets up for the Diamond Cutter. Haku, disoriented but still dangerous, attempts one last offensive flurry, but DDP sidesteps and catches him with a quick kick to the gut. With the crowd on their feet, Page hits the Diamond Cutter perfectly, laying Haku out for the three-count. The match ends cleanly at 15:32, with DDP scoring a decisive pinfall victory.

After the match, Diamond Dallas Page stands tall in the ring, celebrating his hard-fought victory with the Diamond Doll by his side. The crowd cheers loudly, appreciating the clean and decisive win. Haku, groggy and frustrated, rolls out of the ring, still casting nervous glances around the arena, wary of a potential appearance from 'Mad' Matt Borne. However, Borne does not show up, leaving Haku to lick his wounds alone.

Diamond Dallas Page (5-2-0) defeated Haku (3-4-0) in 15:32 by way of pin fall. This was their first ever encounter in WCW’s Grand Prix.


the highly anticipated main event of WCW Saturday Night, 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan (5-0-1) faces off against 'Submission Supreme' Nobuhiko Takada (5-1-0) in their first-ever matchup. The atmosphere is electric as Hulk Hogan makes his entrance, the crowd erupting in cheers and waving their "Hulkamania" signs. Hogan, in his trademark pink and blue attire, flexes and poses, feeding off the energy of his legion of fans. In stark contrast, Nobuhiko Takada, the ruthless leader of Player Enterprises, walks to the ring with a focused, steely demeanor, accompanied by his cohorts Teddy Long, Bam Bam Bigelow, and Terry Taylor. Takada, with his black trunks and intense glare, exudes a cold confidence, ready to dismantle the iconic Hogan with his lethal mix of strikes and submissions.

Folks, Hulk Hogan is the epitome of a wrestling legend. He's faced the toughest competitors around the globe and come out on top. But tonight, he faces a different kind of challenge in Nobuhiko Takada, a man who's known for his devastating submission game. Can Hogan overcome the odds once again?
Nobuhiko Takada is a master tactician in the ring, Tony. His ability to dissect an opponent with precision is unmatched. Takada’s not just another opponent for Hogan; he's a real threat to ending that unbeaten streak. This match is going to be a real test for both men.
From the opening bell, it was clear this match was going to be a clash of styles. Hogan, relying on his power and charisma, went head-to-head with Takada’s technical prowess. Takada targeted Hogan’s legs early, trying to weaken the foundation of the larger man with sharp kicks and quick takedowns. Hogan, however, used his strength to counter and keep the crowd engaged, landing heavy punches and powerful slams. As the match progressed, Takada managed to lock in a Dragon Sleeper, bringing the crowd to a hush as Hogan struggled against the hold. With sheer determination, Hogan fought out of the submission, showcasing his resilience. Takada, unfazed, continued to press, landing a devastating Roundhouse Kick that seemed to spell the end. But in true Hogan fashion, he kicked out, sending the crowd into a frenzy.

As the match neared its 20-minute time limit, Hogan began to "Hulk Up" after absorbing another series of strikes from Takada. The crowd’s energy surged as Hogan shook off the attacks and started his signature comeback, pointing at Takada and hitting a series of punches, followed by a big boot. Just as Hogan was setting up for the leg drop, the bell rang, signaling the end of the match due to the time limit expiring. The match was declared a draw, with both competitors showing the effects of the grueling encounter.

Following the time-limit draw, Player Enterprises stormed the ring, attacking Hogan as he tried to recover. Takada, Teddy Long, and Terry Taylor stomped on Hogan, looking to make a statement. Bam Bam Bigelow initially joined in but then hesitated, seemingly conflicted. To the shock of everyone, Bigelow suddenly turned on his teammates, shoving Takada away and helping Hogan to his feet. The crowd roared in approval as Bigelow stood up to Takada, signaling a rift within Player Enterprises. Takada and Bigelow stand toe to toe for a moment, before Hogan gets his wits back and tosses Takada and Taylor. Bigelow refuses a handshake from Hogan, leaving on his own, marking a surprising and dramatic end to the night.

Nobuhiko Takada (5-1-1) and Hulk Hogan (5-0-2) went to a 20:00 minute time limit draw. This was their first ever encounter in WCW’s Grand Prix.

Replays are shown of the finishes from the night, followed by the updated leaderboards for WCW’s Grand Prix. Standing by for analysis is the team of Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, and Paul E Dangerously.

What did we just witness? What a crazy end to yet another amazing night of WCW action! Takada proved once again that he is one of he most dangerous competitors in the game by taking Hulk Hogan the distance, but just as important is after the match. When Bigelow stood up to his Player Enterprises leader, Nobuhiko Takada. Have we seen the finale of one of the most dominant stables in WCW’s history?
You know… That Player Enterprises group has been a staple of WCW since they formed two years ago. A dominant force that has had it’s challenges… but the group has served as a vehicle if you will… for the rise of Takada. If this is this beginning of the end, the group has made Takada a star in professional wrestling…
I don't see it being the end though. We saw the same thing with The Great Muta as he rose to the Premier League and didn’t listen to the command of Takada. Takada is just that strong and decisive, where if Bigelow isn’t going to conform, then Takada will drop him. All that said… the timing for this revelation couldn’t be more perfect as in three weeks time it is the long awaited Premier League match between Takada and Muta. With all that’s going on, you have to think that match will be the boiling point for the group.
I think an important part of this ongoing saga of Player Enterprises is that Bigelow didn't accept Hogan's hand after stopping the assault… Of course as always we have to award the MVP for the week. Steve Williams scores the $10K bonus with yet another amazing effort in the tag team division over on World Wide. Dusty, that's all I’ve got for tonight, care to sum things up for us?
Well folks, that wraps up Round 7… and with the draw, Hogan drops 2 points below Sting and Luger for the top spot. Next week WCW kicks off Round 8 with Simmons versus Rude in the main event, as well as my boy Dustin taking on ‘Sugar’ Stan Hansen.
“Your boy” seems to be losing the plot, Dusty. I see you didn’t mention his strange involvement in tonight’s match between Anderson and Windham. Classic Rhodes erasure. Anyway, folks, see you next week for the start of Round 8!

WCW’s theme plays as the show fades out.

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Powerhouse Simmons vs Rick Rude
Stan Hansen vs Dustin Rhodes
Kevin Von Erich vs Eddie Gilbert
Diamond Dallas Page vs Kevin Sullivan
The Classic Era vs Thunder Dragon
The Terrors vs Miracle Violence Connection



WCW is headed to Milwaukee to kick off Round 8 of the 1994 Grand Prix.

In Division Two action, Diamond Dallas Page (5-2-0) looks to move on from his feud with Flamingo Corp, build on his recent wave of success when he takes on 'The Taskmaster' Kevin Sullivan (4-2-1). These two competitors are neck-and-neck in the rankings and need a big win here to make their case for a promotion to the Premier League next season. The two aging stars know that the clock is running out on a potential glory run at the top and cannot afford to take a loss here, so the stakes are high. DDP, accompanied by The Diamond Doll, has seen his stock rising due to his alliance with Hulk Hogan, and would love nothing more than to join The Immortal one in The Premier League. But the world cannot sleep on Sullivan - with the brainwashed Missy Hyatt playing distractions ringside for him, the 24 year veteran is looking to return to The Premier League. Who will take that vital next step towards promotion? But these two aren't the only major players in Division Two facing off this Saturday, as Kevin Von Erich (5-0-2) takes on 'The Hotstuff Horseman' Eddie Gilbert (4-2-1). Von Erich is just one point behind Scotty Flamingo at the top of the rankings and currently in one of two promotion spots to the Premier League, and is looking to maintain pace by unleashing his lethal BareFoot Punt Kick that has put away so many competitors this season. But across the ring from him stands a member of The Four Horsemen in Eddie Gilbert, and that is sure to mean that Brian Pillman, Steve Austin and Ric Flair will be running distractions at ringside. With a win here, Eddie Gilbert would close the gap between himself and a promotion spot. Can Gilbert upset the undefeated Von Erich, or will Kevin take one step closer to the top of the wrestling world?

Meanwhile, over in tag team division action, Dan Spivey and One Man Gang - collectively known as The Terrors (3-4-0) look to continue on their resurgence in and return to a .500 record on the season, one week after absolutely demolishing Chris Adams in short order. They face off against another dominant tag team however, as they square off against Steve Williams and Terry Gordy, The Miracle Violence Connection (5-1-1). Steve Williams has been on a tear this season, setting out to prove that his relegation from The Premier League was only a blip on a legendary career with some of the best performances in any division in WCW this season. Who will rise to the occasion when these four Goliaths collide? But if that Tag Team match isn't enough, then the next match is guaranteed to satisfied your appetite! Because, for the third time this season, it's been announced that a match from the Tag Team Division will headline WCW Saturday Night, when the undefeated duo of Bobby Eaton and Dave Finlay known as The Classic Era (6-0-1) go to war with Jushin Thunder Liger and Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat, Thunder Dragon (5-1-1)! It's a major match-up with huge ramifications on the Tag Team divisions rankings. The Classic Era found their form this season after a strong 9-5-1 season last year, when they recruited the services of 'The Kiwi Queen' Susan Sexton as their manager. Led by Sexton's direction and Bobby Eaton emerging as one of the greatest ring generals in the game today, The Classic Era have been unstoppable so far this season. Meanwhile, Thunder Dragon found lightning-in-a-bottle chemistry when they began teaming up right before the start of the 1994 season and bring some of the most exciting wrestling to the ring in all of WCW. Plus, a layer of intrigue is added as Bobby Eaton cancelled his own open challenge when Ricky Steamboat stepped up to the occasion - is Eaton dodging being exposed by Steamboat, or is this just a mind game from Eaton? This amazing match is guaranteed to steal the show!

In Premier League competition, Dustin Rhodes (1-6-0) is trying to find himself and rise out of the shadow of his father, but is developing some frustration along the way. In recent weeks, he accidentally caused his father to lose in his monumental return to the ring, and showed strange behaviour during a match between Arn Anderson. He's going to have to set himself straight if he wants to stand a chance against 'Sugar' Stan Hansen (1-3-3). Hansen is looking to turn his season around also, as he's struggled to score points early this season, which has been disappointing after his dominant tear of the Tag Team division last year. Hansen has been caught up in Flamingo Corps drama, between having to focus on bailing out Scotty Flamingo and dealing with the rogue clown antics of 'Mad' Matt Borne. As these two men pass the half way point of the season, this Premier League match could help change the path of one man's season.

And finally, speaking of stars struggling in the Premier League, Powerhouse Simmons (1-5-1) looks to find his footing and return to form against the reigning champion, 'The Ravishing Ruler of the World' Rick Rude (4-1-2). These two men have faced off twice before within the confines of The Premier League in previous seasons, and are tied at one win each. Ever since Ron Simmons feuded with Kevin Sullivan last season, he's been on a wayward path. Unfocused and missing that killer instinct, perhaps it will take a bout against the champion to turn things around get Simmons refocused. Of course, Rude isn't exactly going to lie down for him. The champion is looking to retain his gold this season, but has dropped a few points in the first half of the season that sees him chasing the top dogs. Will Rick Rude put a decisive win in the books as he passes the halfway point of the season? Or will Simmons take the fall to send the champ fall into panic mode?


1PWfan : 8/18 - 44%
Just here to look : 10/18 - 56%
Dawn : 16/24 - 66%
Nobby_McDonald : 23/36 - 64%
Rekcut012 : 25/36 - 69%
StanMiguel : 43/67 - 64%

Old School Fan : 49/78 - 63%
Lord Byron : 78/126 - 62%
DHK1989 : 98/146 - 67%
Nightshadeex : 99/146 - 68%
SonOfSharknado : 100/146 - 69%

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June 1994 : Week 2


24 year old AAA star Mr. Elektro has shown off the results of a new training program, and is now competing as a middle weight.

Hawaiian Female wrestler Malia Hosaka has taken up an intense weight-training regime and is looking to show off her impressive new physique at the next LPWA show

WCW has opted to release Moondog Storm, who previously competed as JW Storm, from subsidiary company SSW. Storm had been competing in WCW’s Division Four in SSW, but was cut for attitude issues. A replacement for Storm will be determined at the next SSW show.

George South has quit working for NWA : New Jersey, the second company he has walked out on this year.

Ruth Morris and Max Thrasher have begun dating.

Hikari Fukuoka and Great Sasuke have begun dating.


The Pitbulls defeated The Super Destroyers to win the ECW Tag Team Championships for the third time.


PPW Div 3 + Tag Div 2 Grand Prix Round 7/15; Card Two

The Southern Rockers (4-3-0) def. Disorderly Conduct (4-3-0)
Rod Price (2-5-0) def. Stan Lane (0-7-0)
Speed Eleven (4-3-0) def. The Western Boys (1-6-0)
Rick Titan (4-1-2) def. Samoan Savage (3-4-0)
The Moondogs (5-1-1) def. Tex and Shanghai (5-1-1)
Paul Orndorff (6-0-1) def. Van Hammer (1-6-0)
El Negro Y La Plata (5-1-1) def. Public Enemy (0-7-0)
Sabu (5-0-2) def. Rayo de Jalisco Jr (4-2-1)


After The Southern Rockers won, they were immediately assaulted in the ring by Eli and Malachai Harrison, The Sons of the Mountain.
While the Moondogs were able to become the first team to defeat Tex and Shanghai, it came at a cost. Moondog Rex suffered a bruised pectoral muscle during the match that will be monitored in the coming weeks.
During his match against Paul Orndorff, Van Hammer began getting uncharacteristically aggressive with the referee.
Sabu cheated with a steel chair while the referee was down to defeat Rayo de Jalisco Jr
MVP : Ultimo Dragon


LPWA Womens Grand Prix Round 9/19; Card One

Combat Toyoda (4-4-1) def. Linda Dallas (0-9-0)
Cynthia Moreno (3-2-4) and Penelope Paradise (5-3-1) went to a time limit draw.
Malia Hosaka (1-8-0) def. Judy Martin (3-6-0)
Madusa (8-0-0) def. Terri Powers (2-7-0)
Manami Toyota (5-1-3) and Takako Inoue (1-0-1) went to a time limit draw.


Jim Cornette interviewed Lioness Asuka and Magnificent Mimi ahead of their match at the next show.
Linda Star, a young hispanic wrestler, debuted as a student of Cynthia Moreno, and was in her corner for Cynthia’s match.
A vignette airs building up next show’s main event, Bison Kimura challenging Akira Hokuto. Hokuto has won her last 12 matches and is undefeated in her last 27 matches.
MVP : Manami Toyota


W4WA Canadian Grand Prix Round 11/23; Card Two

Lance Storm (7-1-3) def. Dick Slater (1-10-0)
Buddy Landel (7-2-2) def. Ed Moretti (8-2-1)
Buddy Hart (3-7-1) def. Gerry Morrow (3-8-0)
Bruiser Bedlam (4-5-2) def. Greg Valentine (3-8-0)
William Regal (9-0-2) def. Canadian Tiger (4-7-0)
Rey Misterio Jr (4-6-1) def. Kid Kash (5-6-0)

Worthwhile Notes:

MVP : William Regal


SSW Division 4 Grand Prix Round 11/23; Card One

Brian Lee (10-0-1) def. Doc Dean (3-7-1)
Randy Rose (2-8-1) def. Gedo (0-11-0)
Robbie Brookside (6-3-2) def. Moondog Storm (2-9-0)
Rikki Nelson (7-2-2) def. Leatherface (8-3-0)
El Dandy (7-3-1) def. Ricky Vaughn (0-9-0)
El Hijo del Santo (10-0-1) def. Stan Lee (3-8-0)

Worthwhile Notes:

Rikki Nelson scored a massive upset win over Leatherface.
MVP : El Hijo del Santo


PWFG Japanese Grand Prix Round 10/23; Card One

Masakatsu Funaki (9-0-1) def. Super Delfin (1-4-0)
Volk Han (7-1-2) def. Yoshiaki Yatsu (3-7-0)
Dick Vrij (4-5-1) def. Hans Nijman (3-7-0)
2 Cold Scorpio (3-2-2) def. Masahito Kakihara (5-5-0)
Michiyoshi Ohara (5-0-2) def. Yukihiro Kanemura (3-4-0)
Gary Albright (8-0-2) def. Norman Smiley (6-1-2)


Masakatsu Funaki suffered a broken ankle during his match. The Japanese Grand Prix front runner will miss two months of action. Ken Shamrock will serve as his replacement during that time.
MVP : Norman Smiley

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WCW is live in Cincinnati, as we are in the US Bank Arena! Intro video footage airs before moving on to the analysis team of Dusty Rhodes, Paul E Dangerously and Harley Race.

Welcome, wrestling fans, to another thrilling night of WCW Premier League action! We've got an exciting lineup tonight. First, Dustin Rhodes faces 'Sugar' Stan Hansen in a battle where both men are looking to turn their seasons around. Dustin's been struggling, trying to step out of his father's shadow, while Hansen's dealing with the drama in Flamingo Corps. And in our main event, Powerhouse Simmons takes on the reigning champion, Rick Rude. Simmons is seeking redemption after a rough season, while Rude aims to solidify his position at the top. Plus, it's a great time for sports fans with the 1994 Stanley Cup and NBA playoffs heating up!
Tonight's gonna be electric, baby! Dustin Rhodes, my son, has had a rough patch, but he's got the heart of a lion. He’s gonna pull through against Stan Hansen. And Powerhouse Simmons? He’s lookin’ to bounce back big time against Rick Rude. Simmons has all the tools to get back to the top, and I believe he can turn things around tonight. The fans are in for a treat!
Dusty, you’re dreaming! Dustin Rhodes is lost in the ring, and Stan Hansen’s gonna teach him a hard lesson. As for Simmons, he's been out of focus for too long, and Rick Rude, the reigning champion, is not someone to underestimate. Rude is on a mission to dominate, and he's going to show Simmons what it takes to be a true champion.
Both of you make valid points. Dustin Rhodes and Stan Hansen are both in need of a victory, and this match could be pivotal for their careers. Simmons and Rude are evenly matched from past encounters, making their bout tonight all the more intriguing. It's a crucial night for these competitors, and fans can expect hard-fought battles.
Folks, if you ain't hyped for that main event, you better check your pulse! Because WCW’s world famous Tag Team Division is taking centre stage for the third time this season! The Classic Era, led by ‘The Kiwi Queen’ Susan Sexton take on Thunder Dragon! My boy Steamboat is going to give Eaton and Finlay their first loss of the season! It's gonna be a classic, and you won't want to miss it!
Sports fans, you're in for a spectacular night. Now, let’s get down to ringside with Tony Schiavone and Jim Ross to call all the action!

The camera’s swivel around the neon soaked set at ringside as it’s time for our opening contest!


In a high-stakes Division Two matchup, Kevin Von Erich (5-0-2) enters the arena to a roaring crowd, his reputation for the devastating Barefoot Punt Kick preceding him. Undefeated this season, Von Erich is focused on maintaining his momentum toward a Premier League promotion. His opponent, 'The Hotstuff Horseman' Eddie Gilbert (4-2-1), makes his entrance with swagger, flanked by his Four Horsemen allies, Brian Pillman, Steve Austin, and Ric Flair, who are sure to provide distractions. With both men eyeing a top spot, the tension is palpable as they prepare for battle.

Kevin Von Erich has been a force to be reckoned with this season. That Barefoot Punt Kick has ended many matches, and you can bet Eddie Gilbert will need to watch out for it tonight.
Eddie Gilbert is as cunning as they come, and with the Four Horsemen backing him up, he's never truly alone in that ring. This could be a defining moment for him if he can pull off the upset.
From the start, it's clear that the chemistry between Von Erich and Gilbert is off, resulting in a clunky contest. Both men struggle to find their rhythm, leading to a series of awkward exchanges. Despite the awkwardness, Von Erich tries to assert his dominance, aiming for his signature Punt Kick. Meanwhile, Gilbert uses the presence of the Horsemen to his advantage, attempting to distract Von Erich at every turn.

As the match nears its conclusion, Von Erich sets up for the Punt Kick, but Gilbert manages to dodge it at the last second. In a swift, underhanded move, Gilbert grabs a handful of tights, securing a quick roll-up and the pinfall victory, much to the shock of the audience. Referee Jimmy Jett, unaware of the tactic, counts the three, giving Gilbert a controversial win.

Following the match, Von Erich protests the finish, pointing out Gilbert's tactics to the referee, but the decision stands. The Four Horsemen celebrate with Gilbert, taunting Von Erich from the ring apron. Von Erich, though visibly frustrated, remains dignified, vowing to bounce back from the loss.

Eddie Gilbert (5-2-1) defeated Kevin Von Erich (5-1-2) in 17:01 by way of pin fall. This was their first ever encounter.


In the Premier League, Powerhouse Simmons (1-5-1) steps into the ring, looking to regain his footing against the reigning champion, 'The Ravishing Ruler of the World' Rick Rude (4-1-2). These two have a storied history, each holding a win over the other in past seasons. Simmons, once a dominant force, has struggled since his feud with Kevin Sullivan, appearing unfocused and lacking his former killer instinct. Meanwhile, Rude, despite being the champion, has had a few setbacks this season and is determined to solidify his standing with a decisive victory tonight.

Ron Simmons, at his best, is a powerhouse capable of taking down anyone in that ring. But tonight, he needs to show that he still belongs in the Premier League. This is a pivotal match for him.
Rick Rude, the reigning champion, isn't just about style—he's got the substance to back it up. But with the points he's dropped, he knows tonight is crucial for keeping his momentum in the Premier League.
From the outset, the match erupts into a wild brawl, with both men taking the fight to each other and spilling outside the ring. Senior referee Randy Anderson remains lenient with the rules, allowing the action to unfold around the ringside area. Simmons has moments of brilliance but misses several key opportunities, highlighting his struggle to compete at his former level. Rude, ever the opportunist, capitalizes on Simmons' hesitations, demonstrating why he holds the championship.

In the closing moments, Simmons rallies, but it’s not enough to overcome the champion’s calculated offense. Rick Rude seizes the opportunity, hitting a decisive Rude Awakening, securing the win in 14:46. The victory reinforces Rude’s status as the reigning champion, while Simmons is left to contemplate his future in the Premier League.

After the match, Rick Rude stands tall, arrogantly celebrating his victory, while Simmons looks visibly frustrated, reflecting on his missed opportunities. The crowd buzzes with mixed emotions, some cheering for the champion’s dominance, others rallying behind Simmons, hoping for his resurgence. As Rude exits, Simmons lingers in the ring, a determined look on his face.

Rick Rude (5-1-2) defeated Ron Simmons (1-6-1) in 14:46 by way of pin fall. Rick Rude takes the lead in the all time series, 2-1.

We go backstage to a set designated for Gary Hart, who is standing by reporting on the results of WCW World Wide from earlier this week, while results from Friday Night’s B-show, WCW Main Event, scrolls on the bottom of the screen.

Well, hello folks. We had a great night of action earlier this week on WCW World Wide, as in Tag Team action, PS Lucha (3-5-0) scored a shock victory over The Samoan Swat Team (2-6-0). And in Division Two action, Nikita Koloff (3-4-1) picked up an easy win over Tom Zenk (0-8-0) when Zenk walked out of the match and was counted out. Just where is The Z-Man’s head at?

Now, the coast is clear it seems so I think I’ll be able to preview next week’s World Wide without interruption for once. Joining me at this time is ‘The Cruncher’ Larry Zbyszko.

WCW Main Event #118 : Akira Hokuto and Bison Kimura defeated The Glamour Girls | Tony Norris defeated Tom Prichard | Owen Hart defeated Great Sasuke

Gary goes to interview Larry Zbyszko to hype next week’s world wide, but Cactus Jack and Big Van Vader burst through the set’s backdrop, brawling. Jack smacks Vader with a steel chair and is shouting that he can take him, all while Gary just stands there shaking his head.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Danger Zone! I'm your host, Paul E Dangerously, and tonight we have a thrilling showdown to discuss. In two weeks on WCW Saturday Night, two former allies turned bitter rivals will collide: The Great Muta and 'Submission Supreme' Nobuhiko Takada. Both men have a history as past Division Two Grand Prix champions, but now they're on opposite sides of the ring. Muta, you were once part of Takada's Player Enterprises, but things have changed. What are your thoughts on this upcoming match?
Paul E, the past few months have been a journey of rediscovery for me. I used to follow Takada's orders, but now I stand on my own. I may not have the record I want this season, but each match has been a lesson. Facing Takada isn't just about revenge; it's about proving that I am my own man. When we step into that ring, it won't just be a fight—it's going to be a war. I know his tactics, and I'm ready to counter every move. This is my chance to show him and the world that The Great Muta is far from finished.
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Strong words from a man ready to stand tall on his own. Takada, with a solid 5-1-1 record, you're leading Player Enterprises, but there's been tension in your ranks. What do you have to say in response to Muta's comments?
Paul E, Muta was always a wildcard, and that's why he couldn't stay in Player Enterprises. He lacked discipline, and now he's struggling at the bottom. I'm the leader because I know how to win. Muta, you talk about rediscovery, but what have you really achieved since leaving? Nothing. In two weeks, I’ll remind you why you needed me in the first place. I’m focused, I’m prepared, and I’ll show you and everyone else that I am the supreme competitor in WCW.
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The stage is set, and the tension couldn't be higher. The Great Muta looks to prove his independence and resilience, while Nobuhiko Takada aims to solidify his dominance and leadership in the Premier League. This is a match you won't want to miss. Tune in to WCW Saturday Night in two weeks for what promises to be an epic encounter. Until next time, stay dangerous!


In tag team division action, The Terrors (Dan Spivey and One Man Gang, 3-4-0) enter the ring with a menacing presence, fresh off a dominant victory over Chris Adams. Their opponents, the formidable Miracle Violence Connection (Steve Williams and Terry Gordy, 5-1-1), follow, with Williams eager to continue proving that his relegation from the Premier League was merely a setback. As these two powerhouse teams prepare to collide, the atmosphere is electric, with both sides determined to assert their dominance.

Dr. Death Steve Williams is on a mission this season. He’s been an absolute powerhouse, and tonight, he looks to remind everyone why he’s one of the most feared competitors in WCW.
The Terrors have been building momentum, and they’re not a team to take lightly. With their sheer size and brutality, they could easily turn the tide against any opponent.
From the opening bell, the match erupts into a wild brawl, with referee Mike Atkins struggling to maintain control. The ring shakes as these four Goliaths trade heavy blows, each team using their strength to gain the upper hand. Spivey and One Man Gang rely on their brute force, while Williams and Gordy showcase their raw power and agility, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

In the closing moments, the match is a back-and-forth spectacle, with both teams delivering punishing moves. Steve Williams, seizing an opportunity, lifts Dan Spivey into the air and executes a massive Doctor Bomb, securing the pinfall victory in 14:43. The crowd erupts, acknowledging the hard-fought battle that could have swung either way.

As the Miracle Violence Connection celebrates their victory, The Terrors regroup, clearly frustrated but determined to bounce back. Williams and Gordy, though victorious, share a nod of respect with their opponents, recognizing the intense competition.

The Miracle Violence Connection (6-1-1) defeated The Terrors (3-5-0) in 14:43 when Dr. Death pinned Spivey. This was the first Grand Prix encounter between these two teams. Steve Williams improves to one win, one draw against Dan Spivey all time, and two wins over One Man Gang. Terry Gordy improves to 1-2-0 against both Dan Spivey and One Man Gang in Grand Prix matches.


In Division Two action, the arena buzzes with anticipation as Diamond Dallas Page (5-2-0) makes his entrance, flanked by the glamorous Diamond Doll. With his recent alliance with Hulk Hogan boosting his popularity, DDP is eager to continue his climb toward the Premier League. Opposite him, 'The Taskmaster' Kevin Sullivan (4-2-1) emerges with his eerie presence, accompanied by the enigmatic Missy Hyatt. Both veterans know the stakes—promotion to the Premier League and a shot at glory. The tension is palpable, as each man understands the significance of this match in their respective careers.

Kevin Sullivan is as cunning as they come, a master of mind games. With Missy Hyatt by his side, he's always got a trick up his sleeve. DDP better keep his head on a swivel tonight, or he might find himself on the receiving end of a nasty surprise.
Diamond Dallas Page has been on an incredible roll lately. His connection with the fans and his alliance with Hogan have propelled him to new heights. Tonight, he has the chance to solidify his place as a top contender for the Premier League.
The match starts with both men feeling each other out, each aware of the other's strengths. DDP uses his size and strength to control the pace, while Sullivan counters with his veteran savvy and unorthodox offense. The action spills outside, where Missy Hyatt attempts to distract DDP, leading to a confrontation with the Diamond Doll. The crowd erupts as the two valets engage in a brief catfight, adding fuel to the already intense contest. Back in the ring, Sullivan takes advantage of the distraction, employing his brutal tactics to wear down DDP.

As the match approaches the 16-minute mark, both men are exhausted. Sullivan goes for his signature double stomp, but DDP evades it, capitalizing on the opening. With the crowd firmly behind him, DDP hits the Diamond Cutter out of nowhere, flooring Sullivan for the three-count at 16:05. The victory propels DDP one step closer to his Premier League dreams.

After the match, DDP celebrates with the Diamond Doll, soaking in the adulation of the fans. Sullivan, furious at the loss, berates Missy Hyatt at ringside, blaming her for the distraction. Meanwhile, DDP stands tall, his eyes set on the Premier League, ready to seize any opportunity that comes his way.

Diamond Dallas Page (6-2-0) defeated Kevin Sullivan (4-3-1) in 16:05 by way of pin fall. This was their first ever encounter.


The title graphic shows for WCW’s Inside the Squared Circle segment, and the show pivots to a studio segment featuring the legendary Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura, and Magnum TA. At the bottom of the screen, a news ticker hypes next weeks WCW subsidiary shows.

Next week, WCW is bringing back Clash of the Champions as an event to raise money for foreign companies during this recent economic downturn. I believe this is a great initiative. Promotions worldwide play a crucial role in ensuring wrestlers have ample opportunities to hone their craft. By supporting these companies, WCW strengthens its own talent pool. We have a wealth of resources for scouting, and helping others only deepens our already talented roster.
Come on, Magnum! Why should WCW be helping out foreign companies? This doesn’t benefit WCW at all. We should focus on our own interests, not bailing out promotions that can't keep up. It’s not our responsibility to bolster their businesses. Clash of the Champions should be about showcasing our own talent, not lending a hand to others. This is just a distraction from what really matters—keeping WCW on top.
Jesse, WCW thrives because of the diversity and depth of talent we attract. By supporting foreign promotions, we not only help them survive tough times but also open doors for potential partnerships and talent exchanges. This benefits everyone involved. Wrestling is a global business, and strengthening our connections abroad enriches our product here at home. It’s a win-win situation.
Magnum, you’re missing the point. WCW doesn’t need to play the savior of the wrestling world. We have all the talent we need right here. Why divert our focus and resources to help others when we should be dominating the scene ourselves? This is about business, not charity. Clash of the Champions should be about showcasing WCW, not boosting the fortunes of struggling promotions overseas. Let's keep our eyes on the prize and focus on making WCW the best, not playing nice with everyone else.
Well, Jesse, I see your point, but I still believe in the long-term benefits of these global relationships. Unfortunately, we’re out of time for tonight. Thanks for joining us, folks. We’ll see you next time on Inside the Squared Circle.

PWFG Round 11, Card 1, featuring Ken Shamrock vs Dick Vrij | SSW Round 11, Card 2, featuring David Sammartino vs Brazo de Plata | PPW Round 8, Card 1, featuring Great Kokina vs Rayo de Jalisco Jr | W4WA Round 12, Card 1, featuring Kid Kash vs Rob Van Dam | LPWA Round 9, Card 2, featuring Akira Hokuto vs Bison Kimura

The Four Horsemen are shown backstage. Flair talks about ‘Hotstuff Horseman’ knocking off the previously undefeated Kevin Von Erich earlier in the show and how he’s got El Gigante next week as The Horsemen continue to dominate WCW. Sting casually walks right in front of the camera as Flair is talking and Flair flips out, yelling at Sting for interrupting their time. Sting apologizes saying that the Horsemen lack their old presence and he didn’t even notice they were there. Things are heated here and Sting mentions off the cuff that at Clash of the Champions, the main event will be Dusty Rhodes getting another shot at The Horsemen, when he teams with Sting, Luger and Muta!

Next week on WCW Saturday Night, 'The Total Package' Lex Luger (6-0-1) faces off against Bam Bam Bigelow (2-4-1). Luger, riding high as an undefeated face, will test his skills against Bigelow, who recently caused a stir by standing up to Nobuhiko Takada during a post-match attack on Hulk Hogan. With confusion surrounding Bigelow's allegiance to the Player Enterprises stable, this match promises high drama as Luger aims to maintain his perfect record and sway Bigelow to join the side of justice.

Bam Bam, last week, you showed a glimpse of what you could be—a powerhouse with a heart. Player Enterprises is nothing but a crutch, and Takada's got you all twisted. Stand by Hogan or stand by me, and let’s take down Takada together. But make no mistake, when we step into that ring next week, I'm not just offering you a choice; I'm fighting to stay undefeated. Whatever your game is, Bam Bam, I'm ready to bring my best and prove why I’m the Total Package."
Last week was a miscommunication, nothing more. I'm still with Takada and Player Enterprises. Don’t think for a second that I'm backing down or changing sides. Next week, it’s about proving I'm still one of the best in the world. You want to stay undefeated? You're gonna have to go through me, and trust me, that's no easy task. Get ready, because I’m bringing the heat, and you're gonna find out exactly what Bam Bam Bigelow is all about.


In Premier League competition, Dustin Rhodes (1-6-0) steps into the ring, seeking redemption and a way out of his father’s shadow. Frustration has been mounting for Rhodes after inadvertently costing his father a comeback match and displaying erratic behavior in recent encounters. By his side is his tag team partner, Barry Windham, hoping to support him through this challenging period. Across the ring, 'Sugar' Stan Hansen (1-3-3) is equally desperate to turn his season around. After a dominant run in the Tag Team division, Hansen has been distracted by Flamingo Corps drama, including the rogue antics of 'Mad' Matt Borne. This match is crucial for both men as they navigate the latter half of the season.

Dustin Rhodes is a young man with all the potential in the world, but he needs to focus and channel his frustrations into his performance tonight if he hopes to climb out of this slump.
Stan Hansen is a powerhouse and a veteran in that ring. He’s had a rocky start this season, but don’t count him out—he’s capable of turning things around with just one match.
From the opening bell, Stan Hansen takes control, using his brute strength and experience to dominate Dustin Rhodes. Rhodes struggles to find his footing, unable to mount any significant offense against Hansen's relentless assault. The match becomes a one-sided affair, with Hansen methodically wearing down Rhodes, who is visibly frustrated and unable to break Hansen’s momentum.

As the match progresses, Hansen busts open Dustin, showcasing his ruthless aggression. Barry Windham, concerned for his partner, pleads with referee Nick Patrick to stop the match. Ignoring Windham’s advice, Rhodes turns back into the fray, only to be met with Hansen's devastating Sweet Lariat, sealing the victory for Hansen in just twelve minutes.

After the match, Flamingo Corp cautiously celebrates Hansen’s victory, wary of a potential appearance by 'Mad' Matt Borne. Meanwhile, Dustin Rhodes, bloodied and defeated, argues with Barry Windham at ringside, visibly frustrated with the outcome. This loss marks another setback for Rhodes, leaving him to ponder his next steps as he continues to struggle with his identity.

Stan Hansen (2-3-3) defeated Dustin Rhodes (1-7-0) in 12:14 by way of pin fall. Dustin Rhodes holds a tag team victory over Hansen previously. The all time series between the two is tied 1-1.


The Classic Era, undefeated this season, have thrived under the guidance of their manager, 'The Kiwi Queen' Susan Sexton. Bobby Eaton, a master ring technician, has been instrumental in their success. On the other side, Thunder Dragon bring electrifying energy and have quickly become fan favorites, showcasing seamless chemistry. A layer of intrigue surrounds Eaton, who canceled his open challenge when Steamboat accepted, leaving fans wondering about his motives.

Bobby Eaton is a true ring general, one of the best in the business today. His ability to dictate the pace of a match is second to none.
Thunder Dragon is one of the most exciting teams we’ve seen in WCW. Steamboat and Liger together bring a unique blend of speed and technical prowess that’s hard to match.
From the opening bell, the match is a showcase of contrasting styles. Thunder Dragon dazzles with high-flying maneuvers and quick tags, while The Classic Era relies on their technical skills and hard-hitting offense. Throughout the contest, Bobby Eaton avoids direct confrontations with Ricky Steamboat, adding tension and strategy to the bout. The crowd is on the edge of their seats as both teams exchange near falls and impressive sequences.

In the closing moments, Jushin Thunder Liger climbs to the top rope for a high-risk maneuver. Susan Sexton, ever the opportunist, distracts Liger by jumping onto the apron. This brief distraction allows Bobby Eaton to capitalize, springing up to the top rope and hitting Liger with a devastating pop-up backbreaker from the top rope. Eaton covers Liger for the pin, securing the victory for The Classic Era in 17:43.

Following the match, The Classic Era celebrates their hard-fought victory, with Susan Sexton proudly raising their arms in triumph.

The Classic Era (7-0-1) defeated Thunder Dragon (5-2-1) in 17:43 by way of pin fall when Eaton pinned Liger. This was the first Grand Prix encounter between these two teams. Liger and Eaton have previously faced off one on one, and went to a time limit draw.

Replays are shown of the finishes from the night, followed by the updated leaderboards for WCW’s Grand Prix. Standing by for analysis is the team of Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, and Paul E Dangerously.

What an amazing tag team match! Can you believe that Eaton and Finlay remain undefeated on the season? They’ve earned their spot at the top of the tag team division. And that main event wasn’t the only bright spot for the division tonight, as ‘Dr. Death’ picked up the first star $10K bonus for yet another amazing performance. Dusty what are your thoughts here?
Eaton stole another win tonight. He may be the ring general of the tag division… but the dude is dodging stars and has become reliant on Susan Sexton in his corner, just like other punks like Flamingo Corps… They may be the top team, but I’m not impressed…
Sure, throw in that jab at Flamingo Corp too. You are just trying to dampen your sons loss. Let’s face it, Dusty. Your kid is a flop and tonight was another prime example that Dustin just doesn't have what it takes to compete at the top level. Don’t get me wrong though, Dusty! He is just like you! He’s a serviceable midcarder!
Whoa, let’s not get too heated here, fellas. Let’s keep it professional! Now then, looking forward to next week, we’re going to have Bigelow vs Luger in the main event just one week before Muta vs Takada, finally one on one. Folks, before we go off the air I just wanna get your impressions. Are we on the verge of the death of Player Enterprises?
Let me tell ya something, Harley… When Takada kicked out Muta for failing to follow orders, we saw a monumental shift in Takada as it was the first time he truly defined himself as the leader of Player Enterprises… And ever since then, Takada has continued his rise while his peers have faltered. I think that the next two weeks will define the future of Player Enterprises, and potentially end one of the greatest stables WCW has ever seen…
I gotta agree with Dusty on that. Takada has truly ascended to a different level and I think the gap forming between him and his cohorts may just lead to the demise of what truly has been an amazing group. We will see in the coming weeks, so be sure to join us next week, on WCW Saturday Night!

WCW’s theme plays as the show fades out.

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