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WCW 1993 : A New World of Sport

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August 1994 : Week 1


Joe Pedicino, announcer and colour commentator for Power Plant Wrestling and LPWA, has launched the American Wrestling Federation in the Great Lakes region.

AJW signed graduate Misae Genki to a 1 year contract immediately after completing her tenure at the AJW Dojo.

Phil Lafon has renewed his contract with All Japan, signing a 3 year extension worth $1.08M.

The retired Rusher Kimura has been hired as the new booker for All Japan Women’s Pro Wrestling.

Powerhouse Ron Simmons suffered a separated shoulder during a dark match. He will not miss any Grand Prix matches based on his recovery timeline.

54 year old Victor Jovica has wrestled his last match, officially ending his in-ring career. He has been wrestling for Capitol Sports Promotions and will continue his employment as a road agent and manager.

At the suggestion of his doctor, Chris Dolman has retired from in ring action due to his current Rotator Cuff injury.

Herb Abrams’ UWF has returned to its roots in California, having failed in it’s efforts to branch out in America.

BCW has signed a deal with Youtoo America to air all future events.

Col. DeBeers has retired from active competition. The former 3 time NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight champion and 4 time NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team champion, retires as the active UWF Americas champion.

Sweet Saraya has started a relationship with Bernard Vandamme.


Grasshopper defeated Danny Boy Collins to win the British Commonwealth Cruiserweight Championship for the second time.


Charlie Minn, Matt Hyson, Katie Bruce and Misae Genki have entered the wrestling world.


PPW Div 3 + Tag Div 2 Grand Prix Round 10/15; Card One

Great Kokina (9-0-1) def. Rod Price (2-7-1)
Wildest of the West (2-8-0) def. Moondog Rex and Moondog Rasta (6-3-1)
Harlem Heat (8-1-1) def. El Negro Y La Plata (6-3-1)
La Parka (4-3-3) def. Samoan Savage (4-6-0)
The Bluegrass Rockers (6-4-0) def. Western Boys (1-8-0)
Rick Titan (5-2-3) def. The Great Kabuki (0-6-0)
Tex and Shanghai (6-2-2) def. International Sex Pistols (4-6-0)
Jeff Jarrett (7-0-3) and Sabu (6-0-4) went to a time limit draw


Rasta the Voodoo Man portrayed Moondog Rasta.
Van Hammer and Marquis ‘The Artiste’ Bagwell hyped up their upcoming match during a Piper’s Pit segment.
The newly dubbed Bluegrass Rockers won after Rex King used a Banjo to put down Brad Rheingans.
MVP : Sabu


LPWA Womens Grand Prix Round 12/19; Card One

Magnificent Mimi (3-0-2) def. Wendi Richter (6-3-3)
Bambi (2-9-1) and Penelope Paradise (6-4-2) went to a time limit draw.
Bison Kimura (3-4-5) def. Linda Dallas (0-12-0)
Denise Storm (6-5-1) def. Candi Devine (5-5-2)
Akira Hokuto (11-0-1) def. Lioness Asuka (8-2-2)


Madusa was cutting an interview about the top ranking, when The Glamour Girls (Judy Martin and Leilani Kai) attacked her.
MVP : Akira Hokuto


W4WA Canadian Grand Prix Round 15/23; Card One

Keith Hart (5-10-0) def. Rey Misterio Jr (5-9-1)
Chip Thompson (3-12-0) def. Danny Davis (5-10-0)
Kid Kash (8-6-1) def. Bobby Kay (0-8-0)
Leo Burke (11-2-2) def. Rob Van Dam (7-7-1)
Owen Hart (13-0-2) def. Don Callis (7-8-0)
Buddy Landel (10-3-2) def. Chris Jericho (12-2-1)

Worthwhile Notes:

A ceremony was held to honour the winners of the first ever Kiniski Classic, William Regal and Owen Hart. It was interrupted by Chris Jericho and Lance Storm.
MVP : Owen Hart


SSW Division 4 Grand Prix Round 14/23; Card Two

Bob Holly (2-0-0) def. Danny Boy Collins (1-8-0)
Bruiser X Mastino (8-6-0) def. Rip Rogers (10-4-0)
El Hijo del Santo (13-0-1) def. Paul Levesque (7-7-0)
Jerry Lynn (6-3-5) def. Ricky Vaughn (0-12-0)
David Sammartino (9-2-3) def. Jack Victory (4-10-0)
Brian Lee (11-0-3) and Chaz Taylor (6-6-2) went to a time limit draw.

Worthwhile Notes:

‘Too Much’ Brian Christopher interrupted a promo between Randy Rose and Robbie Brookside that was meant to hype their match next week. ‘TMBC’ put himself over.
MVP : El Hijo del Santo


PWFG Japanese Grand Prix Round 14/23; Card One

2 Cold Scorpio (6-3-2) def. Super Delfin (3-6-0)
Tatsutoshi Goto (6-4-1) def. Masahito Kakihara (6-8-0)
Volk Han (11-1-2) def. Minoru Tanaka (1-13-0)
Mark Starr (4-10-0) def. Hans Nijman (4-10-0)
Minoru Suzuki (9-2-3) def. Yukihiro Kanemura (5-5-1)
Ken Shamrock (5-0-0) def. Gary Albright (11-1-2)


Ken Shamrock ended Gary Albright’s undefeated season.
MVP: Volk Han

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The show kicks off with the World Championship Wrestling analysis panel. In a slight tweak from the standard line up, Paul E Dangerously continues to be absent and in his place is the WCW CEO, Eric Bischoff.

Hello folks and welcome to WCW Saturday Night! I’m Harley Race and tonight we continue to put the ‘World’ in World Championship Wrestling. Joined with me at this time is Dusty Rhodes and our CEO, Mr. Eric Bischoff. Now, Dusty, we gotta start things off with the elephant in the room… Six days removed from The Great American Bash and War Games, how are you feeling.
Harley… usually I am a man of many words, but tonight… I have no comments…
Interesting tone from our Commissioner, but one that is understandable given his experience this past week. Now, tonight we have some amazing matches on hand, such as Stan Hansen taking on The Great Muta for the first time ever, and in the main event Sting stakes his claim at tying up for the top spot in the Premier League!
Amazing matches for sure, plus we will also see Barry Windham in action for the first time since adopting his new ‘Blackheart’ persona. What will we see from the man who feels as though no one is on his side anymore?
… Barry’s a good kid… he deserves better than my rotten offspring being saddled with him as his partner…
Yes… Dusty, perhaps you should take some time off, no? You sound rough… Now before he head down to the ring for our first match, we have footage to share from earlier today at the JFK airport, starring Scotty Flamingo.

Footage is shown at JFK Airport where Scotty Flamingo is attempting to board a plane to get to tonight’s show. He is told that his credit card has bounced though and is refused entry.

After the footage cuts away, the neon lights swivel around as we go to the ring to kick off the night’s action.


Steve Austin, with his intense glare and confident swagger, leads the charge, followed closely by the charismatic yet dangerous Brian Pillman. The two are fresh off a brutal victory at the Great American Bash, but questions linger about Pillman’s condition after the punishment he took inside War Games. Despite the potential vulnerability, Pillman shows no signs of slowing down, his signature cocky smirk firmly in place. Their opponents, The Young Pistols—Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong—come out to a warm reception, though the crowd's enthusiasm is tempered by the duo’s disappointing season thus far. Smothers and Armstrong, though underdogs, are determined to prove they still have what it takes to compete at the highest level.

Folks, let me tell you, The Horsemen are as dangerous a tag team as they come. Steve Austin is a technical master, and Brian Pillman, well, he’s as tough as they come. But you have to wonder—after that war inside the cage at the Bash, just how much does Pillman have left in the tank? He took a beating that night, and tonight, The Young Pistols might just capitalize on that.
The Young Pistols have had a rough season, no doubt about it, but don’t count these guys out just yet. Tracy Smothers and Steve Armstrong have a wealth of experience, and they’re more than capable of pulling off an upset. The Horsemen might be riding high, but if they’re not careful, the Pistols could shoot them down tonight.
From the opening bell, The Young Pistols attempt to set a frenetic pace, utilizing quick tags and double-team maneuvers to keep the fresher Austin and the potentially weakened Pillman on the defensive. Smothers and Armstrong manage to isolate Pillman early on, targeting his midsection, a clear strategy to exploit any lingering damage from War Games. Pillman, however, shows his resilience, absorbing the punishment and countering with his trademark high-flying offense. As the match progresses, Austin's cold, calculated approach begins to shift the momentum in The Horsemen’s favor. The match becomes a seesaw battle, with neither team willing to back down. The Young Pistols come close to victory on several occasions, but The Horsemen’s experience and underhanded tactics keep them in the game. The crowd is on the edge of their seats as the match reaches its final minutes, with both teams giving everything they’ve got.

In the closing moments of the match, The Young Pistols seem poised to pull off the upset as Smothers sets up Pillman for his finisher. However, chaos erupts when ‘The Hotstuff Horseman’ Eddie Gilbert makes his way down to ringside, causing a distraction. The referee is momentarily distracted, allowing Steve Austin to sneak in and deliver a low blow to Smothers. Pillman seizes the opportunity, rolling up Smothers with a handful of tights. The referee turns just in time to count the three, giving Pillman the victory at 17:41.

As the bell rings and the announcement of their victory is made, Steve Austin and Brian Pillman quickly roll out of the ring, celebrating their victory with wicked grins. Eddie Gilbert joins them, all three men raising their arms in triumph as the crowd jeers. In the ring, The Young Pistols are left fuming, frustrated by yet another close loss and the interference that cost them the match.

The Horsemen (7-1-2) defeated The Young Pistols (3-7-0) in 17:41 by way of pin fall when Pillman pinned Smothers. This was their first Grand Prix encounter.


First to make his entrance is The Great Muta, accompanied by his signature eerie mist and haunting theme music. Muta moves with an enigmatic grace, his painted face reflecting the stoicism of a man prepared for war. Despite his current losing record, Muta exudes confidence, knowing that a win tonight could secure his spot in the Premier League. Moments later, the atmosphere shifts as the menacing Stan Hansen storms out, bullrope in hand and chewing tobacco aggressively. Hansen, a man who thrives on chaos, is flanked by Hiro Matsuda, Haku, El Gigante, and Mad Matt Borne. The absence of their leader, Scotty Flamingo, is glaring, but Hansen's focus is unwavering. The question on everyone’s mind is whether the internal drama within Flamingo Corp will impact the match, or if Hansen’s newfound alliance with Matsuda will steer him to victory.

Stan Hansen is as tough as they come, folks. This man is a brawler in every sense of the word, and when he steps in that ring, it’s like a tornado just touched down. But you’ve got to wonder if all the turmoil within Flamingo Corp is going to be a distraction. Hansen’s a professional, but even he isn’t immune to the chaos around him.
The Great Muta is one of the most unpredictable and dangerous competitors we’ve ever seen in WCW. His offense is innovative, his strikes are lethal, and that Poison Mist? It can turn the tide of any match in an instant. Muta’s been on a bit of a rough patch, but if there’s one thing we know about him, it’s that he can strike out of nowhere. Hansen better not take this man lightly.
From the opening bell, it’s clear this match is going to be a brutal, hard-hitting affair. Hansen charges at Muta with all the fury of a wild bull, unleashing a barrage of stiff strikes and power moves that drive Muta to the mat. But Muta, known for his resilience, absorbs the punishment and responds with his own unique blend of martial arts strikes and aerial maneuvers. The match ebbs and flows, with both men refusing to give an inch. Every time it seems like Hansen’s power is going to overwhelm Muta, the enigmatic warrior counters with bursts of speed and innovation, keeping the big Texan off balance. The crowd is on their feet as the match stretches on, with neither man showing any sign of slowing down.

As the match reaches its climax, Muta looks poised to seal the victory, setting up for his signature Moonsault. However, Hiro Matsuda climbs onto the ring apron, drawing the referee’s attention. With Randy Anderson distracted, El Gigante steps over the ropes and delivers a thunderous boot to Muta’s face, sending him crashing to the mat. Hansen, ever the opportunist, seizes the moment and delivers a devastating Western Lariat, nearly taking Muta’s head off. The referee turns back just in time to count the pinfall, giving Hansen the hard-fought victory.

After the bell, the members of Flamingo Corp make their way to the commentary booth, a smug Hansen leading the charge. The tension is thick as Hansen, with a twisted grin, informs the commentators that Scotty Flamingo will be footing the bill for their “indiscretion,” referencing their blatant interference in the match. Hiro Matsuda nods approvingly, clearly pleased with the outcome.

Stan Hansen (4-3-3) defeated The Great Muta (3-5-2) in 15:29 by way of pin fall. This was their first Grand Prix encounter.

We go backstage to a set designated for Gary Hart, who is standing by reporting on the results of WCW World Wide from earlier this week, while results from Friday Night’s B-show, WCW Main Event, scrolls on the bottom of the screen.

Not sure why I bother folks, I’ve been advised that my recap segment has had it’s time reduced… This program is really starting to get on my nerves… Well, over on WCW World Wide this week, in Tag action, The Wild Stallions (5-4-1) defeated La Cultura Torcida (2-8-0. And in Div Two action, Haku (4-5-0) defeated Tom Zenk (0-10-0). In other n… Oh brother, what now?

Main Event #125 : Marquis Bagwell def. Mike Rapada | Tony Norris def. Mean Mike | Cobra & Ed Moretti def. Leo Burke & Brazo de Plata | Jericho & Storm def. Victor Zangiev & Grom Zaza

Rude and The Outsiders gum up Gary’s spot, interrupting and arguing about the match at Great American Bash. Rude is all talk until Hogan appears and asserts his dominance.


Hello folks, I’m the host of The Danger Zone, Paul E Dangerously. And we’re flipping the script here on WCW. No more hyping upcoming matches. We’re sticking it to the man - Dusty Rhodes - and who better to kick off the new format than his son, Dustin? Dustin, at Great American Bash you finally turned your back on your father and left him in a pool of his own blood. How did it feel?
Oh Paul, you have no idea how sweet it is, how liberating it feels, to be free of the shadow of my father. I’m a new man! The shackles of Dusty Rhodes will no longer bear me down. Instead, I am free to carve my own path, seek my own gold. Free at last, free at last! And the joy of leaving him in, drenched in his own blood, passed out, ruined. And I bet you enjoyed it almost as much as me, Paul.
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Don’t you know it. I loved every second of the end of that pay per view. Was the best thing WCW has put out this year. Also on this call with me is the man who secured the victory inside of War Games - Nobuhiko Takada. Takada, how are you feeling coming out of War Games, and are you now aligned with Dustin here?
… Muta. Sting. Luger. They all disrespected me. They focused elsewhere and didn’t honour my presence. Well, we were all in the ring and I was the victor. And who was in the ring with me when it was all said and done? Who won? Not the Horsemen. Not Bigelow. The whole lot were on the outside watching as I scored the win. As for Dustin… Player Enterprises is undergoing change. I am unsure of any of the parts that go into it until I can see the whole. The whole world will bow to Yakuza Supreme Takada.
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Well folks, there you have it. A new danger zone, a new Dustin, and potentially a new Player Enterprise. Until next time, stay dangerous folks!


Cactus Jack makes his way to the ring, limping slightly but grinning with that wild-eyed intensity that has begun to endear him to fans despite his poor record this season. His music blares through the arena, and the fans respond with a mix of cheers and jeers, knowing the brutal lengths Jack is willing to go to secure a victory. Tonight, he's up against a new version of an old rival. Barry Windham emerges, now going by the moniker "Blackheart," a title that reflects the turmoil and betrayal he's experienced in recent months. Clad in black tights and a scowl, Windham cuts an imposing figure, his eyes locked on the ring as he strides down the ramp. The crowd's reaction is mixed—some still loyal to the veteran, while others are wary of this darker, more desperate version of the man they once cheered. This match is as much about redemption as it is about victory, with both men seeking to prove they belong at the top of the Premier League.

Folks, Cactus Jack may be sitting at a 2-7 record, but don’t let that fool you. This man has faced the absolute best that WCW has to offer, and he’s still standing. After that huge upset win over Big Van Vader, Cactus has shown he’s got the heart, the toughness, and the sheer will to survive against anyone in that ring. And tonight, he’s got another mountain to climb in the form of the newly christened Blackheart, Barry Windham.
Barry Windham has always been one of the most talented wrestlers in this business, but what we’re seeing now is a man who’s been pushed to the edge. The betrayal by Dustin Rhodes, the loneliness, it’s all taken its toll, and now we see the emergence of this ‘Blackheart’ persona. Windham is a man with nothing to lose, and that makes him incredibly dangerous. He’s fighting not just to win, but to prove he still has a place at the top of this sport.
From the opening bell, the match is an intense, hard-hitting affair. Cactus Jack immediately takes the fight to Windham, brawling with the reckless abandon that has become his trademark. The action spills in and out of the ring, with Cactus utilizing everything in his environment to gain the upper hand. Despite his record, Cactus shows no signs of backing down, delivering punishing blows and even taking a few risks that leave the crowd on the edge of their seats. Windham, however, matches Cactus’ ferocity with a focused, methodical approach. The newly dubbed "Blackheart" counters Cactus' wild offense with stiff strikes and well-timed holds, aiming to slow down the unorthodox brawler. The match sees both men teetering on the brink of exhaustion, trading momentum in a brutal display of resilience and willpower. As the match wears on, it becomes clear that while Cactus may have the heart, Windham’s experience and ring savvy are keeping him in the fight.

As the clock ticks down, Cactus Jack looks to put Windham away, setting him up for a double-arm DDT. But Windham, with a desperate burst of energy, manages to reverse the move, pulling Cactus into a quick inside cradle. The referee drops to the mat and counts the three, just as Cactus tries to kick out. The bell rings at 15:57, signaling Windham’s victory. The crowd is left in shock as Windham rolls out of the ring, the win coming almost out of nowhere.

Barry Windham, breathing heavily and still reeling from the battle, doesn’t stay to celebrate his victory. He quickly exits the ring, not even looking back at his fallen opponent. The crowd gives a mixed reaction, some applauding Windham’s savvy win while others boo the abrupt end to what was a thrilling contest. Cactus Jack, on the other hand, slowly gets to his feet, the disappointment evident as he shakes his head.

Barry Windham (5-4-1) defeated Cactus Jack (2-8-0) in 15:57 by way of pin fall. This was their first Grand Prix encounter.


Kevin Sullivan and Tully Blanchard make their entrances with palpable intensity. Sullivan, known for his devious mind games and ruthless tactics, strides to the ring accompanied by Missy Hyatt, who seems almost entranced by his presence. Sullivan’s unorthodox, unsettling demeanor has been the key to his resurgence in the division, and tonight, he’s looking to solidify his claim for promotion back to the Premier League. Tully Blanchard, ever the calculating veteran, enters with a confident swagger, a look of determination in his eyes.

Kevin Sullivan is one of the most dangerous men in this business. His ability to get inside the head of his opponents is second to none, and with Missy Hyatt under his influence, you have to wonder just how far he’ll go to secure a victory tonight. Sullivan’s not just fighting for a win—he’s fighting to return to the Premier League, and that makes him all the more dangerous.
Tully Blanchard is a man who’s been there, done that. He’s been to the top, and he knows what it takes to get back there. With Jody Hamilton possibly in his corner, Tully’s got that extra edge he needs to counter Sullivan’s mind games. This is a man who thrives under pressure, and tonight, he’s got the opportunity to remind everyone why he was once a Premier League standout.
The match starts off with both men feeling each other out, a technical showcase that quickly devolves into a gritty, hard-hitting affair. Sullivan uses his brawling style to gain the upper hand early, grounding Blanchard with strikes and underhanded tactics. Missy Hyatt, standing at ringside, watches on with an eerie calmness, seemingly under Sullivan’s spell. Blanchard, however, is not easily shaken. He mounts a comeback, using his ring awareness and veteran savvy to counter Sullivan’s offense. The match swings back and forth, with neither man willing to give an inch. Every move is calculated, every hold applied with precision, as both wrestlers understand the implications of a victory.

As the match reaches its climax, the action spills to the outside, where chaos ensues. Jody Hamilton makes his way to ringside, seemingly to provide backup for Tully Blanchard. However, his presence only adds to the confusion. Johnny B Badd, scouting the match at Hamilton's behest, finds himself caught in the crossfire. In the midst of the melee, Missy Hyatt gets involved, trying to aid Sullivan. But in a shocking turn of events, Badd accidentally strikes Missy with his Wild Thing Haymaker, sending her crashing to the floor. The distraction is enough for Sullivan to capitalize—he rolls up a stunned Blanchard, securing the pinfall victory at 15:52. The crowd erupts in disbelief as Sullivan’s hand is raised, the match ending in a flurry of chaos and controversy.

The immediate aftermath is filled with concern and confusion. Sullivan quickly retreats up the ramp, victorious but clearly rattled by the events that unfolded. Missy Hyatt lies motionless at ringside, with officials and medical personnel rushing to her aid. Johnny B Badd, realizing the severity of his accidental strike, looks on in horror, unsure of what to do next. Tully Blanchard, still reeling from the loss, pushes past the medics to check on Missy, his frustration evident as he glares at Hamilton, who remains stoic. The tension is palpable as the broadcast cuts to replays of the chaotic finish. The cameras return to a grim scene at ringside, where Missy is being carefully helped to the back, her condition uncertain.

Kevin Sullivan (6-3-1) defeated Tully Blanchard (5-3-2) in 15:52 by way of pin fall. The all time series between these two is tied one win each.


The title graphic shows for WCW’s Inside the Squared Circle segment, and the show pivots to a studio segment featuring the legendary Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura, and Magnum TA. At the bottom of the screen, a news ticker hypes next weeks WCW subsidiary shows.

What we saw at the Great American Bash this past Sunday was nothing short of a travesty. Dustin Rhodes, a man who was raised in this business, who should know better, turned on his own flesh and blood. Dusty Rhodes is a legend, a man who paved the way for his son, and how does Dustin repay him? By betraying him in the most brutal, vicious way imaginable. Locking everyone out, caning his own father in the head, and then DDT’ing him onto thumbtacks? That’s not just crossing the line, Jesse—that’s obliterating it. Dustin’s actions were disgraceful, and he’s thrown away his legacy for what? A moment of infamy?
Oh, spare me the sanctimonious speech, Magnum! You know what I saw at the Bash? I saw a young man who’s finally stepping out of his daddy’s shadow and carving out his own path! Dustin Rhodes has been shackled by the legacy of Dusty for far too long, and it was about time he did something to make a name for himself. You call it betrayal, I call it survival of the fittest. This business isn’t about family, it’s about making your mark, and Dustin did just that. He proved he’s not just Dusty’s son—he’s his own man, willing to do whatever it takes to rise to the top. That’s what I call guts, Magnum!
Guts? Jesse, that wasn’t guts—that was cowardice. There’s a right way and a wrong way to make a name for yourself in this business, and what Dustin did was the lowest of the low. Turning on your own father in a War Games match, in front of the world? That’s not carving out a legacy—that’s destroying one. Dustin had everything going for him, and he chose the path of betrayal and dishonor. What kind of man attacks his own blood like that? He’s not proving anything except that he’s willing to throw away everything Dusty worked for, just to grab a bit of the spotlight for himself. It’s shameful, Jesse, plain and simple.
Oh, come on, Magnum! The world doesn’t owe Dusty Rhodes a thing! Dustin did what he had to do to break free from the chains of his father’s legacy. If that means bashing Dusty’s head in with a cane and planting him on thumbtacks, then so be it! This is wrestling, not a family picnic! Dustin showed he’s got the killer instinct needed to survive in this business. You can cry about honor and family all you want, but at the end of the day, it’s about who’s left standing, and Dustin made sure it was him. And guess what? That’s what it takes to be a winner in this business, and if you can’t see that, then maybe you’re the one who’s stuck in the past!
I can’t believe you’re actually defending this, Jesse, but it’s clear we’re not going to see eye to eye on this one. Dustin Rhodes has made his choice, and he’s going to have to live with the consequences. We’re out of time tonight, folks. Thanks for tuning in to Inside the Squared Circle. We’ll see you next week.

LPWA Round 12, Part 2, featuring Madusa vs Judy Martin | W4WA Round 15, Card 2, featuring Bruiser Bedlam vs William Regal | PWFG Round 14, Card 2, featuring Shoichi Funaki vs Akira Maeda | SSW Round 15, Card 1, featuring Bob Holly vs El Dandy

Footage is shown of Missy Hyatt being checked out backstage by medical staff. She is still out of it and Johnny B Badd is apologizing profusely. Jody Hamilton is trying to calm him down.

Next week on WCW Saturday Night, former allies collide as ‘The Man’ Ric Flair (5-4-0) faces off against his former enforcer and longtime friend ‘Double A’ Arn Anderson (2-7-0). Flair, riding the high of his massive victory at the Great American Bash in War Games, is looking to continue his climb up the Premier League rankings. Meanwhile, Anderson, struggling to find his footing this season, faces the very real threat of relegation. This showdown between former Horsemen is more than just a battle for points—it's a clash of pride and legacy.

Woo! Let me tell you something, baby! Last weekend, I proved once again why I am The Man! Team Dusty fell at my feet, and now, I’m riding high, flying like ol' Blue Eyes himself—‘cause it's my way, or the highway! But you, Arn… you’re out here trying to make it without the Horsemen, without me. And what’s it gotten you? A record that's about to drop you out of the Premier League! You're no Horseman anymore, and you never will be again! You’re just another number, just another step on my way to the top. So come next week, ‘Double A,’ it’s gonna be ‘Goodnight, Vienna!’ Woo!
Ric, you want to stand there and talk about how you're riding high? That’s fine. You’ve always been the loudest voice in the room, always needing the spotlight. But you listen to me, and you listen good. I don’t need the Horsemen, and I sure as hell don’t need you. I might be down, but I’m not out. I’ll never work with the likes of you again, Ric. Next week, I’m coming for a fight, and I don’t care if you’re riding high or flying low. When it’s all said and done, you’re gonna remember that nobody puts ‘Double A’ in the corner. I may be down, but you’re the one who’s about to get dropped—hard.


The Classic Era, comprised of Dave Finlay and Bobby Eaton, make their way to the ring. The duo, managed by the cunning ‘Kiwi Queen’ Susan Sexton, exude confidence despite their recent loss to The Outsiders. Their objective remains clear: a promotion to the Premier League. Bobby Eaton, fresh off a major singles victory over Ricky Steamboat at the Great American Bash, struts to the ring with an air of superiority, embracing his emerging role as a ring general. In stark contrast, the Rock N Roll Express, Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson, enter to a roaring ovation. Despite their legendary status, their recent struggles in the Tag Team Division have put them on the back foot. However, the veteran team looks determined to prove they still belong among the best, their resolve visible in every step towards the ring.

Bobby Eaton and Dave Finlay, The Classic Era, are on a mission tonight. These two have been working like a well-oiled machine all year, and despite that hiccup against The Outsiders, they’re more dangerous than ever. Bobby Eaton, in particular, has been showing the world why he’s one of the finest technicians in the game today.
The Rock N Roll Express are legends, no doubt about it. But tonight, they’re fighting more than just The Classic Era—they’re fighting to stay relevant. With a record like 2-5-2, the pressure is on Morton and Gibson to show they can still hang with the top teams in this division. Don’t count these guys out just yet; they’ve defied the odds before.
The match kicks off with the Rock N Roll Express taking control, using their experience and quickness to keep The Classic Era off balance. Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson demonstrate their classic teamwork, isolating Bobby Eaton in the early going. However, Eaton and Finlay’s cohesion starts to shine through, as they cut off the ring and target Morton, the master of selling, making him the face in peril for a significant stretch. The Classic Era, particularly Eaton, begins to dictate the pace with a methodical, technical approach, emphasizing their ring generalship. The crowd rallies behind Morton as he takes a prolonged beating, with Eaton and Finlay exploiting every opportunity, including underhanded tactics orchestrated by Susan Sexton at ringside. Despite the onslaught, Morton eventually makes the hot tag to Gibson, who comes in like a house of fire, turning the tide and igniting the crowd. The final moments of the match are tense, as both teams jockey for position, knowing the implications of the outcome.

With time running out, Robert Gibson finds himself in a precarious position. Susan Sexton, always the opportunist, seizes the moment, discreetly hooking Gibson’s leg as he tries to counter an attack. The distraction allows Dave Finlay to capitalize, and he quickly locks in his signature Indian Deathlock. Gibson, caught in the center of the ring, fights valiantly but ultimately has no choice but to submit at 19:14, just shy of the time limit.

The Classic Era celebrates their hard-fought victory with an air of triumph, Bobby Eaton and Dave Finlay raising their arms as Susan Sexton applauds from ringside. Meanwhile, The Rock N Roll Express, battered and disappointed, regroup in the ring.

The Classic Era (8-1-1) defeated The Rock N Roll Express (2-6-2) in 19:14 by way of submission. The Classic Era improved to 1 win, 1 draw, against The Rock N Roll Express all time.


In the highly anticipated main event, Bam Bam Bigelow makes his way to the ring first, his intense demeanor matching his fearsome reputation. Despite his involvement with the winning side of War Games at the Great American Bash, Bigelow comes out alone, raising questions about his relationship with the Four Horsemen. Has he been abandoned, or is he still an ally? As the crowd buzzes with speculation, the arena lights dim, and Sting's iconic entrance theme blares through the speakers. Accompanied by his close friend Lex Luger, Sting’s arrival is electric. The crowd erupts in cheers, though their excitement is tinged with concern as Luger's noticeably swollen calf is highlighted by the commentators. Sting's face is a mask of determination, but the emotional toll of witnessing Dusty Rhodes’ betrayal at War Games is evident. He knows a victory tonight will put him in a tie for first place in the Premier League, but the question remains: Can he overcome Bigelow for a third season in a row and push past the emotional scars of the Great American Bash?

Sting has always been the heart and soul of WCW, but after what he witnessed at War Games, you have to wonder if he’s mentally prepared for this matchup. There’s no question about his talent or his drive, but can he put the past behind him and focus on the task at hand? If anyone can do it, it’s The Stinger, but Bam Bam Bigelow is no pushover.
You’ve got to hand it to Bam Bam Bigelow; the man is an absolute beast. He may be standing alone tonight, but that doesn’t make him any less dangerous. The way he’s been bouncing between alliances, you have to wonder what his next move is. Is he still connected to the Horsemen, or is he looking to carve his own path? Either way, this is going to be a war.
The match begins with a cautious feeling-out process, with both men knowing how dangerous the other can be. Bam Bam’s size and power advantage allow him to dominate early on, using his brute strength to wear down Sting. However, Sting’s resilience and quickness keep him in the fight. As the match progresses, the back-and-forth brawl becomes a showcase of both men's endurance and heart. Sting, driven by the emotions of recent events, fights with a level of intensity that keeps the crowd on their feet. He absorbs Bigelow’s punishing offense, including a devastating diving headbutt that nearly secures the victory for the Beast from the East. But Sting's tenacity and the support from Lex Luger at ringside fuel his comebacks. The tension builds as the match enters its final stretch, with each near-fall bringing the crowd closer to the edge of their seats.

Sting rallies with a burst of energy, feeding off the crowd’s unwavering support. He nails Bigelow with a series of stinging strikes, driving him into the corner. With the fans roaring, Sting hits his signature Stinger Splash, crushing Bigelow against the turnbuckle. The momentum firmly in his favor, Sting ascends to the top rope and launches himself at Bigelow with a spectacular crossbody, taking the big man down. Sensing victory, Sting quickly transitions into the Scorpion Deathlock, locking it in with expert precision. Bigelow struggles mightily, his strength and size working against him as Sting cinches the hold tighter. After a valiant effort to reach the ropes, Bigelow is forced to submit at 17:56, giving Sting a hard-fought victory and moving him into a tie with Hulk Hogan for first place in the division.

As the bell rings, the crowd explodes in celebration, chanting Sting’s name. Sting releases the hold and collapses to the mat, exhausted but victorious. Lex Luger enters the ring, favoring his injured leg, to congratulate his friend. The two embrace, a moment of relief and triumph washing over them. Bam Bam Bigelow rolls out of the ring, dejected and frustrated, his future in the Premier League now more uncertain than ever. As Sting stands tall in the center of the ring, soaking in the adulation of the fans, the camera zooms in on his face—determined, yet haunted by the events at War Games.

Sting (8-0-2) defeated Bam Bam Bigelow (2-7-1) in 17:56 by way of submission Sting improves to 3-0-0 against Bam Bam all time.

The updated rankings are displayed with Sting and Hulk Hogan tied for the top spot in the Premier League. Highlights of the finishes air as we return to our analysis panel for further insight.

What a main event, folks! And with that win, Sting moves back into a tie for first place with Hulk Hogan. With just five rounds remaining, things are still extremely tight in the Premier League.
Did you see Sting? He fought with all his heart and won. Now, that is a man. And I argued with him over the decision on our teammates in war games when my own flesh and blood… was our undoing…
Err, yes. We also saw an amazing match between Stan Hansen and The Great Muta that was ultimately marred by Flamingo Corp shenanigans, plus we got a first look at this new ‘Blackheart’ version of Barry Windham, and that’s not even touching on the great tag team action from tonight. Now, Harley, can you do the honours of announcing tonight’s MVP?
Thank you, Eric. Tonight’s MVP is Brian Pillman, who continues to be a shining star of a red hot tag team division. Folks, do we have any last thoughts for the fans watching at home?
I think… I think I need to take a sabbatical…
Folks, we’re going to call it here for the night. See you all next week for the final night of Round 10.

The sound cuts out and Bischoff puts an arm on Dusty’s shoulder, before talking gently into his ear. The screen cuts to black and WCW is off the air!

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Arn Anderson vs Ric Flair
Nobuhiko Takada vs Big Van Vader
El Gigante vs Dustin Rhodes
Diamond Dallas Page vs Eddie Gilbert
Dan Severn vs Johnny B Badd
The Journeymen vs Thunder Dragon



Round 10 concludes for the 1994 World Championship Wrestling season.

In the first of two Division Two matches, Diamond Dallas Page (7-2-0) is looking to take one step closer to a promotion and potential winning the Division Two Grand Prix. He's set to take on 'The Hotstuff Horseman' Eddie Gilbert (5-3-1), but Gilbert has been in a cast recently from his injury suffered in his last match against Terry Taylor. Gilbert can't afford to forfeit the match without seriously impact his potential to win a promotion, but is he healthy enough to compete? Meanwhile, 'The Beast' Dan Severn (5-3-1) takes on 'Wild Man' Johnny B Badd (4-3-2) in further Division Two action. The two know each other well, as both were members of the former Shooters Club stable. When the stable ended Johnny B Badd retained the services of manager Jody Hamilton, who seems to be attempting to recruit Tully Blanchard as of late. It's a first ever match up, and both men have had winning seasons so far and are looking to continue to impress, but the world is wondering where Johnny B Badd is mentally after accidentally knocking out Missy Hyatt this past week?

In the sole Tag Team Division match for the night, The Journeymen (1-8-0) take on Thunder Dragon (6-2-1). Al Snow and Chris Adams - The Journeymen - have been on a downward spiral this season, with Al Snow becoming more and more impatient with his declining mentor. Chris Adams is looking rougher and rougher as the weeks go by and Al Snow is suffering as a result. Can The Gentleman find his footing and regain his former composure? The duo on opposite side of the ring will be as difficult to keep up with as they come, as Jushin Liger and Ricky Steamboat - Thunder Dragon - are two of the most innovative wrestlers in WCW today. And with Thunder Dragon still in the running for a promotion into the Premier League, they'll be dead set on making short work of their opponents.

In Premier League competition, El Gigante (2-4-0) takes on Dustin Rhodes (1-8-0). Despite both men looking to work their way out of relegation spots, their individual stories have been focused elsewhere as of late. Dustin Rhodes turned his back on his own father at The Great American Bash, much to the displeasure of the WCW faithful. He claims to finally be freed from the shadow cast by his father - how will that translate to his in-ring performance? And on the opposite side, El Gigante skipped his last match out of protest to Flamingo Corp against Scotty Flamingo failing to pay Mad Matt Borne's medical bills. At the most recent episode of Saturday Night, we saw Scotty Flamingo's credit card bounce... What is going on in the world of Flamingo Corp, and will Gigante even be in the ring once again? Also in the Premier League, Nobuhiko Takada (5-2-2) goes toe-to-toe against Big Van Vader (4-2-3) in what is sure to be a hard hitting affair. Last year when these two squared off, Takada scored the victory in a match that resembled more of a shoot fight than a wrestling match. Will Takada be able to repeat his victorious performance, or will Vader get a measure of revenge as the two men near the top of the division look to position themselves as a potential champion? With Teddy Long in Takada's corner, Takada re-dubbing himself 'Yakuza Supreme', and the duo looking to rebuild Player Enterprises, what can be expected here?

And in our main event, it's 'The Man' Ric Flair (5-4-0) and 'Double A' Arn Anderson (2-7-0) in a battle of former allies. Last year, when the two squared off, they went the distance without being able to decide a winner - Flair would go on to win a return grudge match on Pay Per View. But momentum is a wild beast, as last year Arn was riding the wave of upward momentum, coming off of winning the tag team grand prix and refusing to join forces with Flair. This year, Arn has struggled to get his footing and is edging closer and closer to a relegation out of the Premier League. Can he use his most storied and historic relationship as a boost to get him back on the winning track? Or will Flair's current momentum push him right past his former friend?

Plus - Commissioner Dusty Rhodes has been deeply conflicted by the recent actions of his son, and after struggling to get through the previous broadcast, a press release shared that Dusty Rhodes will be making a major announcement on this upcoming Saturday Night. Stay tuned!


1PWfan : 8/18 - 44%
Just here to look : 10/18 - 56%
Dawn : 16/24 - 66%
Nobby_McDonald : 23/36 - 64%
Rekcut012 : 25/36 - 69%
StanMiguel : 48/73 - 66%

Old School Fan : 49/78 - 63%
Lord Byron : 106/168 - 63%
Nightshadeex : 126/194 - 65%
SonOfSharknado : 129/194 - 66%
DHK1989 : 130/194 - 67%

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August 1994 : Week 2


Gerald Briscoe has been hired as the head booker of the new AWF promotion.

AWF has added Boogie Woogie Brown, Damien Kane, John Tatum, Stevie Ray, Mike Davis, Rip Rogers, Billy Jack Haynes, Bill Eadie, Jimmy Jett, Pat Rose, Barry Hardy, Mark Curtis, JW Storm, Brian Adias, Bobby Blaze, Mike Moore, Bill Tabb, The Italian Stallion, Bryan Clark and Jimmy Garvin to their roster.

NWA New Jersey wrestler Tommy Dreamer is noted as dealing with chronic shoulder pain.

All Japan Women has release the currently rehabbing Bull Nakano from their roster.

Mr. Sandman had quiet the wild week. After completing a nine month stint in rehab, Sandman made his first public appearance, completely shredded and much bigger than previously seen. His first action was storming out of ECW, refusing to lose his first match back.

Don Arakawa retired from wrestling at age 49.

Typhoon signed a 2 year contract renewal with WWF valued at $636K.

RINGS has added Victor Zangiev to their roster.


Magnificent Mimi defeated Luna Vachon to become the LMLW Florida Champion for the second time.

Don Kernodle & Frankie Lancaster defeated Ron Garvin & Tommy Angel to win the ECWA Tag Team titles for the first time.


Anthony Acid and Katie Bruce have entered the wrestling world.


Killer Tim Brooks has retired at the age of 48. The storied career of Brooks includes an NWA Pacific North West Tag championship run with Roddy Piper, and a run as NWA National Heavyweight Champion. The last match of his career was also his only match held under the World Championship Wrestling Grand Prix, in PWFG. His career ends with a WCWGP record of (0-1-0).


LPWA Womens Grand Prix Round 12/19; Card Two

Cynthia Moreno (4-3-5) def. Jacqueline (2-10-0)
Takako Inoue (2-2-1) def. Malia Hosaka (3-9-0)
Terri Powers (4-8-0) def. Combat Toyoda (5-6-1)
Manami Toyota (7-2-3) def. Debbie Combs (2-5-0)
Madusa (11-0-0) def. Judy Martin (4-8-0)


Takako Inoue won after an outside distraction from Lioness Asuka, ending Malia Hosaka’s short winning streak.
Magnificent Mimi came out to brag about defeating Wendi Richter. Wendi didn’t take it too well and came out to run off Mimi.
Madusa defeated Judy Martin using The Northern Lights Bomb, which is Akira Hokuto’s finisher. Akira took offence to this and came out after the match, nearly starting a brawl that was prevented by a ton of local wrestlers.
MVP : Manami Toyota


W4WA Canadian Grand Prix Round 15/23; Card Two

Lance Storm (11-1-3) def. Greg Valentine (3-12-0)
Buddy Hart (6-8-1) def. Dick Slater (1-14-0)
Gerry Morrow (5-10-0) def. B Brian Blair (3-12-0)
Ed Moretti (11-3-1) def. Canadian Tiger (6-9-0)
Sledgehammer Anderson (8-4-3) def. Richard Charland (8-7-0)
William Regal (13-0-2) def. Bruiser Bedlam (6-7-2)

Worthwhile Notes:

After Regal’s victory, his Kiniski Classic Cup co-champion Owen Hart came out and the two argued over who is the best in Canada.
MVP : William Regal


SSW Division 4 Grand Prix Round 15/23; Card One

El Hijo Del Santo (14-0-1) def. Doc Dean (4-10-1)
Robbie Brookside (9-4-2) def. Randy Rose (2-12-1)
Brian Lee (12-0-3) def. Leatherface (10-5-0)
Gedo (1-14-0) def. Ricky Vaughn (0-13-0)
Mike Samson (4-0-0) def. Rikki Nelson (10-3-2)
El Dandy (9-3-3) and ‘Bombastic’ Bob Holly (2-0-1) went to a time limit draw.

Worthwhile Notes:

Robbie Brookside fought through an injury suffered during the match in his win. Later in the show, it’s revealed he suffered broken ribs.
David Sammartino and Ice Train are supposed to cut a promo for their match next week. They are interrupted by ‘Too Much’ Brian Christopher, and TMBC puts the match over before putting himself more over.
MVP : El Dandy


PWFG Japanese Grand Prix Round 14/23; Card Two

Doug Furnas (9-2-1) def. Koji Kanemoto (8-1-3)
Dr. Luther (6-8-0) def. Jerry Flynn (1-13-0)
Michiyoshi Ohara (6-3-2) def. Satoshi Kojima (3-11-0)
Dick Vrij (6-7-1) def. Abdullah the Butcher (5-7-0)
Norman Smiley (9-1-3) def. Yoshiaki Yatsu (3-11-0)
Akira Maeda (12-1-1) def. Shoichi Funaki (6-8-0)


MVP : Akira Maeda

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WCW opens with a different cast sitting at the Analysis Panel than normal, as Harley Race is accompanied by Scott Hall and Kevin Nash - The Outsiders.

Hello folks and welcome to WCW Saturday Night! We have a massive night of action on deck for the show - Takada vs Vader, Arn vs Flair, and Dustin vs Gigante in Premier League action. Plus, Dusty Rhodes makes a massive announcement! Now, tonight I am accompanied by Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. Hall, Nash, do you guys have any opinions on who to will come out on top tonight?
Hey yo. Listen up Harley, we don’t really care about who wins and who loses tonight. Because we are just a couple of months away from joining the Premier League ourselves, and Chico… we’re taking over.
Mister Race… Do you mind if I call you Harls? Harls, there’s some big boys in the Premier League, but everyone knows that the Tag Team Division has been the hottest division in WCW and we are running the division. We have the most wins in the history of the division. It stands to reason that we stand to make a lot of money, real soon.
That’s great for you, Nash, but what exactly does that have to do with tonight’s show? You were brought onto it to talk about tonight’s show. God help me, I hope we go back to the normal format next week…
Hey Chico, watch what you are saying… I don’t think you realize who you are messing with. You see, we aren’t nice guys. Maybe you start talking sweeter with us, eh?
Harls, Scotty’s right. He’s a bad, bad guy. You don’t want to mess with him. So how about you give us our cheques for showing up tonight, and we move on with the show?

Harley grumbles and the cameras cut to the ringside area, where the fans are going crazy in Wisconsin. The neon lights set the tone for the stage and are greeted by our hosts, Tony Schiavone and Jim Ross.


Nobuhiko Takada (5-2-2) made his way to the ring with an air of cold confidence, flanked by his manager Teddy Long. Rebranding himself as "Yakuza Supreme," Takada looked every bit the ruthless competitor, ready to take on all comers as he sought to rebuild Player Enterprises. The crowd watched in tense anticipation as Big Van Vader (4-2-3), a man known for his sheer power and dominance, marched down the aisle with his signature menacing presence. Vader, still smarting from last year’s loss to Takada, was focused on delivering a message of his own—no one, not even Takada, would stand in the way of his ascent to the top of the Premier League.

Nobuhiko Takada has been on an absolute tear, folks, and rebranding himself as ‘Yakuza Supreme’ with Teddy Long in his corner has only sharpened his focus. But let’s not forget, last year, he beat Vader in a match that was less wrestling and more of a brawl. If there’s anyone who can go toe-to-toe with Big Van Vader and come out on top, it’s Takada.
Vader is one of the most dangerous men in professional wrestling, Jim. There’s a reason why the mere sight of him strikes fear into the hearts of his opponents. But tonight, he’s not just looking for a win—he’s looking for redemption. Takada may have gotten the better of him last year, but this is a different Vader, and he’s coming into this match with revenge on his mind.
From the opening bell, this match was nothing short of a brutal slugfest. Takada, known for his shoot-style techniques, unleashed a barrage of stiff kicks and strikes, each one echoing through the arena. Vader, refusing to back down, retaliated with thunderous punches and devastating power moves that shook the ring. The two warriors traded blows, neither willing to give an inch. Takada’s precision and speed were matched by Vader’s raw power, creating a gripping contest that had the audience on the edge of their seats. Both men were determined to prove their dominance, and the match quickly turned into a battle of wills, with each wrestler pushing the other to their absolute limit.

Vader managed to get Takada into a full mount, raining down heavy blows that seemed to spell the end for “Yakuza Supreme.” But Takada, ever the cunning strategist, reached deep into his bag of tricks. In a desperate move, he spewed his new Blue Mist into Vader’s eyes, temporarily blinding the big man. Seizing the moment, Takada swiftly transitioned into a rear naked choke, cinching it in tight. Vader, unable to see and disoriented from the mist, had no choice but to tap out, giving Takada the hard-fought victory.

As the bell rang, Takada refused to release the choke immediately, sending a clear message that he was not to be trifled with. Teddy Long entered the ring, raising Takada’s hand in victory as the crowd responded with a mix of shock and awe. Vader, struggling to regain his sight and breath, was left fuming in the ring, his quest for redemption thwarted once again. Takada, with his victory solidifying his place as one of the top contenders in the Premier League, looked down at the fallen Vader, a smirk of satisfaction crossing his face.

Nobuhiko Takada (6-2-2) defeated Big Van Vader (4-3-3) in 14:31 by way of submission. Takada improved to 2-0-0 against Vader all time.


The tension was evident as The Journeymen made their way to the ring for the night's sole Tag Team Division match. Al Snow, with his ribs heavily taped, walked ahead of his partner Chris Adams, refusing to make eye contact. Snow’s frustration with his mentor had been growing with each loss, and tonight was no different. Chris Adams, the veteran “Gentleman,” appeared weary and worn, a far cry from his prime, but still determined to prove he had something left in the tank. Their opponents, Thunder Dragon, entered with a stark contrast in energy. Jushin Liger and Ricky Steamboat exuded confidence and focus, knowing they were on the brink of securing a promotion to the Premier League. Liger, donning his iconic mask, received a roaring ovation, while Steamboat, the consummate professional, soaked in the crowd’s admiration. The stakes were clear: The Journeymen were desperate to halt their downward spiral, while Thunder Dragon aimed to solidify their position as one of WCW’s elite tag teams.

Chris Adams is a man with a storied career, but you’ve got to wonder how much gas he’s got left in the tank. It’s no secret that Al Snow’s patience has been wearing thin, and if Adams doesn’t step up tonight, this could be the final nail in the coffin for The Journeymen.
You’ve got to give Al Snow credit, Jim. The man’s out here with taped ribs, battling through what’s likely a broken rib, and yet he’s refusing to back down. But you have to question if that stubbornness is going to cost him and his partner. This team has been on a losing streak, and tonight could be a make-or-break moment for them.
The match started with Snow insisting on taking the lead despite his injury, showcasing his determination and perhaps his growing mistrust in Adams' abilities. Thunder Dragon, sensing the weakness, quickly targeted Snow’s injured ribs with calculated precision. Jushin Liger used his lightning-quick speed and high-flying maneuvers to keep Snow on the defensive, while Steamboat worked methodically, exploiting every opportunity to wear Snow down. Adams, desperate to contribute, eventually tagged in but was met with the relentless offense of Thunder Dragon. The Gentleman tried to mount a comeback, displaying flashes of his old brilliance, but it was clear that he couldn’t keep up with the pace set by Liger and Steamboat. Snow’s frustration boiled over as he watched his mentor struggle, but his injuries left him unable to provide the backup Adams so desperately needed. Thunder Dragon dominated the latter half of the match, isolating Adams and cutting the ring in half, leaving Snow helpless on the apron.

As the match neared its conclusion, Snow attempted to rally, urging Adams to tag him back in despite his visible pain. However, Adams, exhausted and overwhelmed, couldn’t make it to his corner. Thunder Dragon capitalized on the opening, with Steamboat delivering a picture-perfect crossbody off the top rope to Adams, followed by a quick pin. The referee’s hand hit the mat for the three-count at 11:33, giving Thunder Dragon a decisive victory. Snow, who had been poised to make the save, was just a second too late, collapsing to the mat in frustration as Steamboat and Liger celebrated their win.

After the match, Steamboat and Liger showed sportsmanship, offering a handshake to The Journeymen, but Snow angrily waved them off. He glared at Adams, his face a mixture of pain, disappointment, and anger. As Thunder Dragon exited the ring, basking in the cheers from the crowd, Snow turned his frustration on Adams, berating him for his performance. Adams, looking defeated and ashamed, tried to defend himself, but Snow wasn’t having it. The tension that had been building for weeks seemed to reach a boiling point as Snow stormed out of the ring, leaving Adams alone and dejected.

Thunder Dragon (7-2-1) defeated The Journeymen (1-9-0) in 11:33 by way of pin fall when Steamboat pins Adams. This was their first ever match up.

We go backstage to a set designated for Gary Hart, who is standing by reporting on the results of WCW World Wide from earlier this week, while results from Friday Night’s B-show, WCW Main Event, scrolls on the bottom of the screen.

Hello folks. Hopefully the folks at World Championship Wrestling allow me to get through my bit tonight… Over of World Wide, Mitsuharu Misawa (7-1-2) defeated the pointless ‘Hacksaw’ Butch Reed (0-10-0) in Division Two. Meanwhile, in the tag team division, The Steiner Brothers (7-2-1) defeated The Fantastics (0-9-1). Oh brother, what is this clown doing here?

Main Event #126 : Jeff Jarrett def. Ricky Vaughn | Combat Toyoda & Akira Hokuto def. The Glamour Girls | William Regal & Owen Hart def. Canadian Tiger & Rob Van Dam | Doug Furnas def. Chris Candido

Z-Man just wanders through Gary’s set, infuriating him Gary tries to complain at Zenk, but he seems completely out of it. Out of nowhere, Rick Rude attacks Z-Man, smashing him through a window! Rick Rude grabs Gary’s microphone and starts screaming that he’s the champion and no one can take that from him! Z-Man, who is busted open, tries to stumble back into the set only for Rude to lay him out cold with his championship belt.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Danger Zone, where we don’t just talk about the action—we get right inside the minds of the biggest and baddest in WCW. Next week on WCW Saturday Night, we’ve got a battle of the beasts as Bam Bam Bigelow goes one-on-one with the rough and rowdy ‘Sugar’ Stan Hansen! Bam Bam, you’ve been in the middle of a whirlwind lately—out of Player Enterprises, seemingly done with The Four Horsemen. You’ve had your share of ups and downs, including teaming with Hulk Hogan back in the day. What’s going through your mind as you head into this match?
Paul, let me tell you something—I've been around this business long enough to know that alliances come and go, and I don’t need any of them. Whether it was Player Enterprises or The Horsemen, they were just stepping stones for me. I’ve been fighting to make a name for myself since day one, back when I was tearing it up with Hogan. But now, I’m a man without a country, and that makes me even more dangerous. Stan Hansen can swing that bullrope all he wants, but when you step in the ring with Bam Bam Bigelow, you’re stepping in the ring with a one-man wrecking crew. Next week, I’m bringing the fire, and I’m going to prove that I don’t need anyone backing me up to lay waste to this division.
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Bigelow is fired up and ready to prove he’s still got what it takes to dominate the Premier League! But standing in his way is the wild man from Borger, Texas—Stan Hansen! Stan, you’ve been making waves with your ties to All Japan Pro Wrestling and under the guidance of Hiro Matsuda. What’s your take on this upcoming clash with Bam Bam?
Paul, I don’t need to talk about stables or alliances. Flamingo Corp? That’s just a means to an end. What I care about is representing the tradition, the hard-hitting style that Hiro Matsuda instilled in me. Bam Bam wants to talk about being a lone wolf? Well, that’s fine by me, because when we step into that ring, it’s going to be a good ol’ fashioned slugfest, and I’m bringing every ounce of that Texas grit and All Japan intensity. Bam Bam, you can throw your weight around all you want, but I’m gonna show you what real power looks like. You’re tough, but I’m tougher, and come Saturday night, you’re gonna find out firsthand why they call me ‘Sugar’.
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Two men with nothing to lose and everything to prove! Bam Bam Bigelow, the beast with a chip on his shoulder, and Stan Hansen, the embodiment of wrestling’s rough-and-tumble legacy, are going to tear the house down! You won’t want to miss this one, folks. Join us next week on WCW Saturday Night, and as always, stay dangerous!


Severn, known as "The Beast," walked to the ring with his trademark stoic intensity, his eyes locked on the task at hand. His no-nonsense approach was evident as he ignored the cheers from the crowd, fully focused on adding another win to his impressive record. In contrast, Johnny B. Badd, accompanied by his manager Jody Hamilton, entered with a visibly conflicted expression. The usual flamboyant and charismatic "Wild Man" was replaced by a more subdued and somber figure, clearly still haunted by the incident earlier in the week where he accidentally knocked out Missy Hyatt. The crowd’s reaction to Badd was mixed, sensing the internal struggle he was facing.

Johnny B. Badd’s mind doesn’t seem to be in the right place tonight, and who can blame him? That accidental knockout of Missy Hyatt has clearly shaken him to his core. But in this business, you have to stay focused, or else a guy like Dan Severn will take you apart piece by piece.
Dan Severn is a different breed of competitor, Jim. This is a man who’s made a career out of breaking wills and bodies in the ring. He’s not going to have any sympathy for Johnny B. Badd’s personal issues tonight. The Beast is here to win, and if Johnny isn’t careful, this match could get ugly real quick.
The match began with a cautious feeling-out process, with Johnny B. Badd trying to shake off his apparent distractions and stay in the fight. Dan Severn, sensing Badd’s hesitation, wasted no time in asserting his dominance, using his superior grappling skills to take control. Badd showed flashes of his high-flying offense, attempting to keep Severn off balance with quick strikes and agile maneuvers, but it was clear that his heart wasn’t fully in it. Severn, ever the predator, systematically targeted Badd’s weaknesses, grounding him with suplexes and submission holds. As the match wore on, Badd’s frustration grew, and his mind seemed to drift, particularly when Missy Hyatt appeared at ringside, looking dazed and confused. The sight of Missy visibly rattled Badd, and Severn capitalized on every moment of distraction, further tilting the match in his favor.

Johnny B. Badd was mounting a comeback, using a burst of energy to rally against Severn. However, the appearance of Missy Hyatt wandering aimlessly into the ring caused Badd to halt in his tracks. Concerned for her well-being, Badd’s attention was completely diverted, allowing Severn to strike. As Badd tried to guide Missy out of the ring, Severn seized the opportunity, locking in the Beast Choke submission hold. Badd, caught off guard and unable to fully defend himself, struggled briefly before tapping out at 15:56, giving Severn the victory. The Beast’s hand was raised in victory as Badd slumped to the mat, a mixture of regret and frustration etched on his face.

After the match, Kevin Sullivan stormed down to the ring to retrieve Missy Hyatt, his valet. Sullivan was furious, barking orders at Missy as she remained in a daze. Badd, still in the ring, looked on apologetically, clearly upset by the entire situation. Severn, meanwhile, took a moment to acknowledge his victory before leaving the ring, his focus already shifting to his next challenge.

Dan Severn (6-3-1) defeated Johnny B Badd (4-4-2) in 15:56 by way of submission. This was their first ever match up.


In Premier League action, the crowd buzzed with anticipation as Dustin Rhodes (1-8-0) made his way to the ring, his expression cold and determined. The once beloved “Natural” had become one of the most reviled men in WCW after betraying his legendary father, Dusty Rhodes, at The Great American Bash. Now, with the weight of his actions hanging over him, Dustin was looking to prove that he didn’t need anyone, not even his father, to make it to the top. On the other side, El Gigante (2-4-0) was nowhere to be seen. Instead of the towering Argentine, Mad Matt Borne, still bitter and bruised from his recent issues with Flamingo Corp, limped down the aisle. The absence of El Gigante and the disarray within Flamingo Corp left many questions, but one thing was clear—Dustin Rhodes was in for an unusual contest.

Dustin Rhodes has shocked the world, turning his back on his own father, the American Dream, Dusty Rhodes. But now, he’s gotta show us that this wasn’t just a betrayal for the sake of it, but a career-defining moment. If Dustin doesn’t start winning, he might end up in the same shadow he’s been running from his whole life.
Jim, you have to wonder what’s going through the mind of Mad Matt Borne. He’s been through the wringer lately, with all the drama surrounding Flamingo Corp. And now, he’s stepping into the ring in a match he wasn’t even scheduled for. This could be Borne’s chance to make a statement, but against a focused Dustin Rhodes? It’s going to be an uphill battle.
The match began with an air of confusion, as Mad Matt Borne, clearly out of his element and in no condition to compete, faced off against a determined and ruthless Dustin Rhodes. Dustin toyed with Borne in the early going, mocking him and the chaos surrounding Flamingo Corp. Borne tried to mount some offense, but his injuries and the psychological toll of recent events were too much to overcome. Dustin, fueled by his newfound mean streak, methodically dismantled Borne, showcasing his technical prowess and vicious streak. The crowd, still reeling from Dustin’s betrayal, rained down boos, but Rhodes was unfazed, intent on making an example out of Borne.

The match came to a quick and decisive end at 6:46. After absorbing Borne’s meager offense, Dustin Rhodes executed a brutal spike DDT, driving Borne’s head into the mat with authority. The impact was enough to secure the three-count, and Dustin stood tall over his fallen opponent, a sinister grin spreading across his face. The ease with which Dustin dispatched Borne was a clear message to the WCW roster—Dustin Rhodes was a man on a mission, and he wouldn’t let anyone stand in his way.

As the bell rang, Dustin Rhodes refused to let go of Borne’s lifeless form, staring down at him with cold eyes. He then slowly backed away, soaking in the crowd’s jeers and boos, clearly relishing in the hatred. There was no remorse, no second thoughts—just a man who had fully embraced his dark side.

Dustin Rhodes (2-8-0) defeated Matt Borne (0-3-0) in 6:46 by way of pin fall. This was their first ever match up.


The title graphic shows for WCW’s Inside the Squared Circle segment, and the show pivots to a studio segment featuring the legendary Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura, and Magnum TA. At the bottom of the screen, a news ticker hypes next weeks WCW subsidiary shows.

Last week, we heard the buzz all across the wrestling world—Commissioner Dusty Rhodes promised a major announcement tonight. Now, I know Dusty, and I know that when he says something big is coming, it’s always for the betterment of WCW. Whether it’s a new match format, a groundbreaking partnership, or an initiative that puts the spotlight on our incredible talent, I’m sure it’s going to be something that elevates this company to new heights. Dusty’s been a cornerstone of wrestling for decades, and I trust that whatever he’s got up his sleeve, it’s going to be a game-changer in a positive way.
Oh, come on, Magnum! You’re always looking through those rose-colored glasses, aren’t you? Let’s be real here—Dusty Rhodes making a “major announcement” smells like trouble to me. What’s he going to do now? Push another one of his pet projects down our throats? Maybe it’s another self-serving move to keep himself relevant, or worse, some kind of desperate power grab. We’ve seen it before—a washed-up legend trying to hang on to whatever shred of control he’s got left. Mark my words, Magnum, whatever Dusty’s got planned, it’s not going to be good for WCW, and it’s definitely not going to be good for the wrestlers who are out there busting their butts every night.
Jesse, you’re jumping to conclusions and painting Dusty in the worst possible light, as usual. Dusty’s been nothing but a positive force for WCW, and his track record speaks for itself. He’s always had the best interests of the wrestlers and the fans at heart. Just look at the innovations he’s brought to the sport—he’s always thinking ahead, always trying to make WCW better. This announcement could be anything, but knowing Dusty, it’s going to benefit everyone involved. You’re too quick to write him off without giving him the chance to prove that his intentions are good.
Give me a break, Magnum! You can keep living in your dream world, but I’m dealing with reality here. Dusty’s time has come and gone, and it’s about time someone told him that! He’s clinging to his glory days, trying to stay relevant by making these so-called “major announcements.” But what’s really happening is that he’s grasping at straws, trying to keep his name in the headlines while holding everyone else back. This isn’t about the fans or the wrestlers—it’s about Dusty feeding his own ego, plain and simple. And if you think otherwise, then you’re just fooling yourself.
Well, Jesse, I guess we’ll just have to see who’s right when Dusty makes his announcement tonight. But for now, we’re out of time. Thanks for tuning in to Inside the Squared Circle, folks. We’ll see you next week!

LPWA Round 13, Card 1, featuring Manami Toyota vs Wendi Richter | PPW Round 10, Card 2, featuring Speed Eleven vs The Heavenly Bodies | W4WA Round 16, Card 1, featuring Rob Van Dam vs William Regal | SSW Round 15, Card 15, featuring David Sammartino vs Ice Train | PWFG Round 15, Card 1, featuring Minoru Suzuki vs Super Delfin

A video package airs, showcasing the strong tag team division. With the likes of The Classic Era, Miracle Violence Connection, The Rock N Roll Express sharing quick voice over work, the video package puts over the WCW tag team division as the strongest tag team division in the world.

Next week on WCW Saturday Night, the underdog with a penchant for chaos, Cactus Jack (2-8-0), goes head-to-head with the top-ranked ‘Immortal’ Hulk Hogan (8-0-2) in Premier League action. Cactus Jack has been a wild card this season, putting his body on the line in every match to prove he belongs in the top division. Meanwhile, Hogan is on a mission to solidify his path to the championship, confident that he can handle anything—even the unpredictable madness of Cactus Jack.

Hogan, you think you're invincible, don't ya? You think you can just waltz into the ring and walk over ol' Cactus Jack like I'm just another roadblock on your way to glory. But you see, Hogan, I’ve been fighting for my life in this Premier League, scraping and clawing, leaving pieces of myself in that ring every single night! I don’t care about the championship, Hogan. All I care about is proving that I belong here, that I can hang with the best. And if I have to rip you apart, limb by limb, to show it—then by God, that’s what I’ll do. Bang bang!
Well, let me tell you something, brother! Cactus Jack, you’ve been running wild with that craziness, and I gotta hand it to you—you’ve got guts, dude. But guts alone won’t stop the Hulkster! I’ve been in the ring with the toughest, the meanest, and the baddest, and I’ve come out on top every time. Next week, it’s not just about getting one step closer to the championship for me, brother. It’s about showing the world that no matter how wild, how crazy you get, you can’t stop Hulkamania! So get ready, Jack, because when the bell rings, you’re stepping into the ring with the biggest, strongest force in wrestling history! Whatcha gonna do, Cactus Jack, when Hulkamania runs wild on you?!


Diamond Dallas Page (7-2-0) strutted to the ring with his usual confidence, accompanied by the glamorous Diamond Doll. DDP was riding high, looking to inch closer to promotion and possibly winning the Division Two Grand Prix. His opponent, “The Hotstuff Horseman” Eddie Gilbert (5-3-1), entered the ring with noticeable caution. Gilbert was sporting a cast on his leg, a remnant of the injury he suffered in his last bout against Terry Taylor. Despite his apparent discomfort, Gilbert knew he couldn’t afford to miss this match without risking his promotion chances, but the question lingered—was he healthy enough to take on the surging DDP?

Eddie Gilbert is as crafty as they come, but you’ve got to wonder if he’s biting off more than he can chew tonight, Tony. That leg injury is a big target, and DDP’s not going to show any mercy. Gilbert’s a fighter, but there’s no way he’s at 100% tonight.
DDP has been on an absolute tear this season, Jim. He’s got that Diamond Cutter that can come out of nowhere, and with the momentum he’s been building, you have to believe he’s laser-focused on that promotion to the Premier League. But never count out Eddie Gilbert—he’s as tough and resilient as they come, even with that injured leg.
The match began with Gilbert favoring his injured leg, moving cautiously as DDP circled him like a shark sensing blood in the water. Gilbert, ever the strategist, soon feigned re-injuring his leg, luring DDP in for what seemed to be an easy target. As DDP approached, Gilbert revealed his deception, unleashing a flurry of offense that caught DDP off guard. For much of the match, Gilbert fought valiantly, using his ring smarts to compensate for his physical limitations. He targeted DDP’s arm, hoping to neutralize the Diamond Cutter. But as the match wore on, the toll of his injury became apparent. DDP weathered Gilbert’s cunning attacks, staying patient and waiting for the right moment to strike.

Gilbert attempted to capitalize on his earlier success, DDP suddenly countered with a burst of energy. In the blink of an eye, DDP hit the Diamond Cutter, out of nowhere, just as Gilbert was setting up for his own offense. The impact was devastating, and the crowd erupted as DDP covered Gilbert for the three-count at 17:02, securing another crucial win on his road to promotion. Despite Gilbert’s best efforts, DDP’s resilience and his deadly finishing move proved too much to overcome.

fter the match, DDP celebrated his hard-fought victory with the Diamond Doll, flashing his signature smile and flashing the diamond sign to the roaring crowd. Meanwhile, Eddie Gilbert lay on the mat, clutching his leg in pain. Despite the defeat, Gilbert managed to pull himself up, clearly frustrated but still defiant.

Diamond Dallas Page (8-2-0) defeated Eddie Gilbert (5-4-1) in 17:02 by way of pin fall. This was their first ever match up.


Arn was accompanied by his former partner Larry Zbyszko, a subtle nod to their successful tag team days. Despite his current struggles in the Premier League, Arn’s steely resolve showed that he was not about to roll over for anyone, especially not Ric Flair. The crowd’s cheers for Anderson were respectful, acknowledging his grit and determination despite his rough season. Then, the familiar sound of “Also sprach Zarathustra” echoed through the arena, and out came “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair, flanked by his Horsemen allies, Steve Austin and Brian Pillman. Flair, always the showman, strutted to the ring with a cocky confidence, basking in the adulation of the crowd. As Flair entered the ring, the weight of their shared history hung in the air—this wasn’t just another match; it was a battle of pride, legacy, and perhaps a final chance for Anderson to change the course of his season.

Arn Anderson is as tough as they come, folks. This man has been the backbone of many a great team, but tonight, he’s out here fighting for his legacy. You’ve got to believe that, despite the losing record, Anderson is the kind of competitor who can dig deep and find that extra gear when it matters most. Flair might be on a roll, but he’s got his work cut out for him tonight.
You know, Jim, Ric Flair is synonymous with greatness in professional wrestling. He’s been on a tear this season, but there’s something different about Flair when he’s up against someone like Arn Anderson. These two know each other inside and out—Flair’s swagger tonight is warranted, but he better be ready, because if there’s anyone who can exploit his weaknesses, it’s Double A.
As the bell rang, it was clear this was going to be a wrestling clinic. Flair and Anderson, two masters of the craft, engaged in a back-and-forth technical showcase that had the crowd hanging on every move. Flair’s early attempts to assert dominance were met with stiff resistance from Anderson, who methodically targeted Flair’s arm, trying to neutralize the infamous Figure Four. The pace was deliberate, with both men working holds and counterholds, each trying to outthink the other. The ringside presence of Austin, Pillman, and Zbyszko added an extra layer of drama, with tensions flaring as the match progressed. Anderson, sensing the urgency of his situation, wrestled with a fire that hadn’t been seen from him in months, matching Flair’s every move and even gaining the upper hand at times. But Flair, ever the strategist, weathered the storm, biding his time and waiting for the right moment to strike.

With the clock winding down and both men visibly exhausted, Flair saw his opening. After Anderson missed a shoulder block in the corner, Flair pounced, taking Arn’s legs out from under him and locking in the Figure Four Leglock. Anderson, writhing in pain, fought valiantly, trying desperately to reverse the hold or reach the ropes. The crowd was on its feet, urging Anderson to hang on as the seconds ticked away. But with just five seconds remaining in the match, the pain became too much, and Anderson reluctantly tapped out, giving Flair the hard-fought victory at 19:56. The bell rang, signaling the end of the match, and Flair released the hold, rising to his feet with a mix of exhaustion and triumph. The Nature Boy had once again proven why he was “The Man,” while Anderson’s Premier League future now hung precariously in the balance.

As Flair celebrated his victory, Austin and Pillman joined him in the ring, raising his arms in triumph. The Horsemen looked every bit the dominant force they claimed to be, and Flair, ever the showman, strutted around the ring, taunting the crowd and soaking in the adulation. On the other side, Anderson lay in the ring, clutching his leg in agony, with Zbyszko kneeling beside him, offering words of encouragement. The camera zoomed in on Arn’s face, showing a mix of pain, frustration, and perhaps a realization that his time at the top might be slipping away.

Ric Flair (6-4-0) defeated Arn Anderson (2-8-0) in 19:56 by way of submission Flair improves to 1-0-1 against Arn all time.

As the show comes to a close, Dusty Rhodes emerges on the stage for his big announcement. He is accompanied by Lex Luger, Sting, The Great Muta and Eric Bischoff.

Folks, the past few weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster… And the last two weeks in particular, my focus has not been on the job, but rather the personal element... if you will… of the business… But my focus hasn’t been good for months - War Games was the culmination of months and months of Dusty Rhodes being focused on Dusty Rhodes, and I’m afraid that I’ve let you all down…
Now Dusty, you have been an excellent Commissioner and you have led WCW to new heights under a format that many thought wouldn’t last a year. I know a thing or two about challenging relationships, but I also know that having a heart and living by it doesn’t hold us back from giving the best to WCW. Whatever is on your mind here, please know that the WCW locker room still respects you.
Dusty, you’ve been a guiding light in this company—always fair, always honest, and always putting the fans and the wrestlers first. You’ve been in those trenches, you’ve fought the toughest battles, and now you’re leading the charge to make sure WCW stays on top where it belongs. You’ve given guys like me the chance to prove ourselves, to stand up and fight for what’s right. You believe in the power of hard work, dedication, and the never-say-die attitude that built this great sport. So, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you, Dusty, for everything you do, for keeping this ship steady, and for always having the backs of the guys who lace up those boots every night. And let me tell you something, as long as I’m standing in this ring, as long as there’s a breath in my body, I’m going to make sure that the hard work you’ve put in pays off. Together, with you leading the charge, WCW will remain the premier wrestling organization in the world!
Now boys… I appreciate your love and support… But I’ve made my mind up… as of this moment… effective immediately… I am stepping down from my position as WCW Commissioner. Out of respect for the company and the locker room… I am no longer fit to run it…
Dusty, man, you are a hero on your own right. Please know, every single of us in the back, we respect you and we respect your decision. And more importantly, we will respect whatever comes next, both for World Championship Wrestling and for you, Dusty. Thank you.
Dusty… I accept your resignation from the position as WCW Commissioner. We can discuss your future with WCW privately, but to everyone around the world, rest assured that Dusty will always be a part of the WCW family. Next week, I will be present to provide insight on the future of the leadership in WCW. Thank you to everyone in attendance here, it’s been a treat to present WCW to you all tonight.

The atmosphere is somber as the men in the ring shake Dusty’s hand and the show goes off the air.

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Cactus Jack vs Hulk Hogan
Stan Hansen vs Bam Bam Bigelow
Terry Taylor vs Scotty Flamingo
Nikita Koloff vs Eddie Gilbert
The Horsemen vs Miracle Violence Connection
Wild Stallions vs Samoan Swat Team



Five Rounds remain in the 1994 season as Round Eleven kicks off this week, and it's a week of firsts as absolutely every match on the card is a first time ever matchup in the Grand Prix. Plus, CEO Eric Bischoff addresses who will move into the newly vacant Commissioner position.

In the first of two Division Two matches, 'The Hotstuff Horseman' Eddie Gilbert (5-4-1) returned to the ring this past week from his leg injury and appeared to be recovered as he went toe-to-toe with DDP, but ended up on the losing side. As his hopes of moving on to the Premier League next season begin to fade, can he keep the dream alive when he goes up against 'The Russian Sickle' Nikita Koloff (3-6-1). Koloff meanwhile has slid down the ranks and is reaching a desperation point as the former Premier League star looks to put some distance between himself and a relegation right out of WCW. Meanwhile, Scotty Flamingo (8-2-0) is dealing with a crumbling empire as he's been absent the past two weeks with apparent cash-flow issues. Will his team be in his corner as he struggles to maintain his current place in Division Two? Or will the 'South Atlantic Saviour' have to fight this battle alone against Terry Taylor (4-5-1)? Taylor of course is no stranger to the turmoil of a stable, as his own alliance - Players Enterprise - completely disintegrated recently, leaving Taylor to compete on his own. Two men with different yet similar stories collide - who will leave victorious?

In Tag Team Division action, it's a battle of the future stars as The Wild Stallions (5-4-1) take on The Samoan Swat Team (4-6-0). While neither team is primed for promotion as we begin the final third of the season, anything can happen still and a win here will be big for both teams. Joey Maggs of the Stallions previously competed against the Samoans as part of The American Males with Marcus Bagwell, where they were tied 1-1-0 in their match history. With his new partner, Chris Benoit, can Maggs gain the historical advantage against Fatu and Samu? Or will the savage Samoan Swat Team be too much to handle for the young tag team? Plus, in a press release this morning, it was just announced that the following tag team division match will headline this week's episode of WCW Saturday Night and for good reason, as The Horsemen (7-1-2) and the Miracle Violence Connections (8-1-1) collide in a massive match up that will surely shape up the promotion scene from the Tag Team Division. With three of the four men involved being former Premier League stars looking to return to the main event, and 'America's Most Hated' Steve Austin rounding out the match, this is sure to be combustable. And boy, have they earned the spot as Steve Williams and Brian Pillman have each scored multiple MVP bonuses this year in their efforts to elevate the tag division while they seek promotion. Which of the two teams will step up to the occasion and walk away with the victory?

In Premier League competition, 'The Immortal' Hulk Hogan (8-0-2) looks to take sole possession of first place and maintain his undefeated season when he goes up against the unpredictable Cactus Jack (2-8-0). Cactus Jack has spent the season putting his own body through hell as he seeks to prove that he belongs at the top with the big boys. Can he make a massive statement by beating the undefeated Hogan? Or will the millions of screaming Hulkamaniacs rally Hogan to first place in the Premier League and one step closer to yet another crowning achievement to his career?

Finally, in the Premier League, 'Sugar' Stan Hansen (4-3-3) and Bam Bam Bigelow (2-7-1) square up in a titanic battle of the heavyweights. Bigelow appears to be branching out on his own having turned his back on Player Enterprises and specifically Nobuhiko Takada - with him ranked in a relegation spot, can he find his footing on his own and take his first steps towards retaining his spot in the Premier League, a spot he has held since the inception of the Grand Prix? Or will Stan Hansen's sweet tooth for blood propel the Flamingo Corp member to victory? It's worth noting that despite his allegiance to Flamingo Corp, recent weeks have seen Stan shying away from commenting on the current state of Flamingo Corp, going so far as to bring in his own manager - Hiro Matsuda - and speaking more towards his success overseas in All Japan. What is going on with Flamingo Corp, and what does it mean for the Bad Man from Borger going forward?


1PWfan : 8/18 - 44%
Just here to look : 10/18 - 56%
Dawn : 16/24 - 66%
Nobby_McDonald : 23/36 - 64%
Rekcut012 : 25/36 - 69%
StanMiguel : 48/73 - 66%

Old School Fan : 49/78 - 63%
Lord Byron : 110/174 - 63%
Nightshadeex : 131/200 - 66%
SonOfSharknado : 132/200 - 66%
DHK1989 : 135/200 - 68%

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WCW Clash of the Champions XXVIII

Rock N Roll Express & PS Lucha def. True Grit & La Cultura Torcida
Big Van Vader def. Z-Man
Mitsuharu Misawa def. Mad Matt Borne
DDP, Dan Severn, Blanchard & B Badd def. Sullivan, Reed, Zbyszko, & Haku
Bobby Eaton def. Rick Steiner
Sting, Muta, Arn & Steamboat def. The Four Horsemen

Clash of the Champions proceeds were donated, and WCW matched the proceeds with additional donations to help the global wrestling effort as follows:
$500K was donated to NJPW
$500K was donated to CMLL
$100K was donated to FMW

"WCW, putting the WORLD in World Championship Wrestling."

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Posted (edited)


August 1994 : Week 3


CMLL renewed Platino’s contract for 2 years. The new contract is valued at $302K.

CMLL renewed referee Babe Richard’s contract for an additional 18 months. The new contract is worth $266K

CSP wrestler Sweet Brown Sugar suffered a shattered elbow during a tag match and will be out of action for over a year.

WWF renewed Rene Goulet’s contract for 18 months. The new contract is valued at $473K.

ECW added Tough Tom to their roster.

Masanobu Kurisu retired from in ring action at the age of 47.

Multi time All Asia Tag Team champion and AJPW World Tag Team champion Ashura Hara retired from in ring action at the age of 47.

Legendary luchador Mil Mascaras retires at age 52.

Isamu Teranishi of W*ING wrestling sustained a ruptured spleen and will be out of action for a few months.


Demolition Ax was crowned the inaugural AWF Heavyweight Champion after he defeated Stevie Ray in the augural event’s main event.

Monkey Magic Wakita defeated Kendo to win the UW Super Middleweight Championship for the first time.

The Beverly Brothers defeated The Natural Disasters to win the WWF World Tag Team titles for the first time. This is a bit of a head scratcher, as The Beverly Brothers have only been on TV three times this year and have minimal popularity.

Jushin Thunder Liger wins the 1994 G1 Climax.

Iceman King Parsons won the vacant UWF Americas Championship.

Atsushi Onita defeated Mr. Pogo to win the FMW Brass Knuckles championship for a record sixth time.

Hirofumi Miura and The Shooter defeated Horace Boulder and Sambo Asako to win the FMW Brass Knuckles tag titles for the first time.

Felino and Super Muñeco defeated Los Luchadores to win the Mexican National Tag Team Championships for the first time.


Anthony Acid joined the wrestling world.


PPW Div 3 + Tag Div 2 Grand Prix Round 10/15; Card Two

Rayo De Jalisco Jr (6-3-1) def. Mr. Hughes (1-8-1)
Sons of the Mountain (5-3-2) def. Simpson Bros (1-9-0)
Marquis Bagwell (7-2-1) def. Van Hammer (2-8-0)
Nubian Nightmares (6-2-2) def. Disorderly Conduct (5-5-0)
Stan Lane (1-9-0) def. Manny Fernandez (1-9-0)
Davis and Barr (10-0-0) def. Public Enemy (0-10-0)
Paul Orndorff (9-0-1) def. Cobra (5-4-1)
Speed Eleven (7-3-0) def. The Heavenly Bodies (2-7-1)


A promo aired for Sabu vs Great Kokina, which takes place at the next show.
‘Tennessee Prodigy’ Jeff Jarrett and Samoan Savage build up their next match on Piper’s Pit.
MVP : Ultimo Dragon


LPWA Womens Grand Prix Round 13/19; Card One

Madusa (11-0-1) def. Bison Kimura (3-5-5)
Takako Inoue (3-2-1) def. Malia Hosaka (3-10-0)
Cynthia Moreno (5-3-5) def. Denise Storm (6-6-1)
Bambi (3-9-1) def. Linda Dallas (0-13-0)
Manami Toyota (8-2-3) def. Wendi Richter (6-4-3)


A video package for Akira Hokuto vs Combat Toyoda aired.
MVP : Manami Toyota


W4WA Canadian Grand Prix Round 16/23; Card One

Kid Kash (9-6-1) def. B Brian Blair (3-13-0)
Buddy Hart (7-8-1) def. Rey Misterio Jr (5-10-1)
Don Callis (8-8-0) def. Ed Moretti (11-4-1)
Sledgehammer Anderson (9-4-3) def. Chip Thompson (3-13-0)
Chris Jericho (13-2-1) def. Keith Hart (5-11-0)
William Regal (14-0-2) def. Rob Van Dam (7-8-1)

Worthwhile Notes:

Callis defeated Moretti thanks to support from his monster, The Acadian Giant.
MVP : William Regal


SSW Division 4 Grand Prix Round 15/23; Card Two

Chaz Taylor (7-6-2) def. Danny Boy Collins (1-9-0)
Brazo de Plato (8-5-1) def. Bruiser X Mastino (8-7-0)
Jack Victory (5-10-0) def. Tommy Angel (1-5-0)
Jerry Lynn (7-3-5) def. Paul Levesque (7-8-0)
David Sammartino (10-2-3) def. Ice Train (8-4-3)
Rip Rogers (11-4-0) def. Stan Lee (4-11-0)

Worthwhile Notes:

Next week is El Dandy versus ‘Iron Saint’ Mike Samson, but the promo mainly focused on ‘Too Much’ Brian Christopher.
MVP : Jerry Lynn


PWFG Japanese Grand Prix Round 15/23; Card One

Yukihiro Kanemura (6-5-1) def. Jerry Flynn (1-14-0)
Satoshi Kojima (4-11-0) def. Mark Starr (4-11-0)
Doug Furnas (10-2-1) def. Hans Nijman (4-11-0)
Minoru Tanaka (2-13-0) def. Abdullah the Butcher (5-8-0)
Minoru Suzuki (10-2-3) def. Super Delfin (3-7-0)
Ken Shamrock (6-0-0) def. Norman Smiley (9-2-3)


Minoru Tanaka shocked the world by choking out Abdullah.
Ken Shamrock was replacing Tatsutoshi Goto who was working for New Japan this night. Shamrock and Smiley, former stable mates, showed respect to one another before and after the fight.
MVP : Ken Shamrock

Edited by CactusHack
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We are hailing from the Donald L Tucker Center in Florida. Our normal analysis panel is not present at the booth. We see empty seats and hear a ruckus. True Grit take over the cameras from the production crew and the opening panel is conducted by Rick Rude, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash.

Welcome to WCW, ladies and gents! Tonight, WCW is hosted by the three most charismatic stars WCW has to offer! I’m your champ - ‘The Ravishing Ruler of the World’ Rick Rude, and I’m joined by Kev Nash and Scotty Hall. Tonight, we all have to suffer through a Hulk Hogan match. Hogan thinks he’s gonna be champ, and I would have beat him at The G.A.B. if these two clowns I’m with didn’t leave me out to dry. Any comments, boys?
… Hey yo! You see… the two of us… we didn’t appreciate you showboating on our time… So we left you to the wolves. Maybe next time, we leave you laying ourselves, catch my drift?
Whoa, easy there big guy! Ricky, man, don’t agitate Scott. He’s a bad guy, and you don’t want to get on his bad side. Now, for what happened at The Great American Bash… No hard feelings. We have other things to worry about. We are just a few months shy of a promotion to the Premier League, and a fat sack of cash to boot. We just… didn’t want to jeopardize that… you feel me?
Yeah yeah yeah. I get what you are saying. At the end of the day though, what happened with Hogan beating me twice consecutively doesn’t jive well. You see, Hogan thinks he’s going to take my crown this year - but I won’t rest until I retain what is rightfully mine! Now, I hope that the brainless Mr. Looney Tunes Cactus Jack beats the snot out of Hogan and pins him in the centre of that ring tonight. Any thoughts on tonights card, boys?
You know what I don’t get, Chico? I don’t get why the main event is between the likes of The Horsemen and the MVC? … Those clowns think that they have a shot at overthrowing us at the top of the tag team division? They don’t have a chance - so why bother showcasing them at all?
Scott, you aren’t wrong… but these guys, they are never going to get the big pay day that we are about to get. So they need all the chances they can to prove they deserve to keep jobs here in WCW. Hell, three of the guys already failed their way out of the Premier League. They’ve disappointed their families - gone from their wives and kids eating steak and drinking wine right back to the trailer trash shit like the rest of the folks here in Tallahassee. I bet you they are all having spam tonight. Let’s send things down to JR at the booth. Scott - I heard Jimbo makes his own bbq sauce to cover up the bland taste of spam…

The production booth cuts away from the panel of Rude, Hall and Nash and goes down to the ringside area. Neon lights set the tone for yet another wild edition of WCW Saturday Night!


In the first of two Division Two matches tonight, "The Hotstuff Horseman" Eddie Gilbert (5-4-1) made his way to the ring, his swagger back in full force despite the recent loss to Diamond Dallas Page. Ric Flair, his Four Horsemen comrade, accompanied Gilbert to ringside, providing a clear message that Gilbert was not alone in his quest to keep his Premier League dreams alive. Across the ring stood "The Russian Sickle" Nikita Koloff (3-6-1), a former Premier League powerhouse whose recent slide down the ranks had placed him on the brink of relegation. Koloff, sporting his signature intense glare, looked every bit as dangerous as ever, despite his recent struggles. As the bell rang, the stakes couldn’t have been higher for both men.

Eddie Gilbert is one of the most cunning and resourceful wrestlers in this business, but he’s got a tall task tonight against a man as physically dominant as Nikita Koloff. Gilbert might be playing with fire, especially with his Premier League aspirations hanging in the balance. Can he outsmart the Russian Nightmare?
Nikita Koloff is a man on the edge right now, desperate to avoid falling any further down the ranks. He’s been to the top, he knows what it’s like to be at the pinnacle, but tonight he’s fighting just to stay relevant. If Gilbert thinks he can dance around Koloff, he’s in for a rude awakening.
The match began with Koloff charging at Gilbert with raw aggression, forcing the wily veteran to retreat and regroup. Gilbert, understanding that he couldn’t match Koloff’s power, resorted to mind games, trying to frustrate the Russian powerhouse by stalling and evading his strikes. Koloff, growing increasingly irritated by Gilbert’s tactics, began to overcommit, allowing Gilbert to sneak in quick strikes and underhanded maneuvers. The pace of the match was methodical, with Gilbert doing everything he could to avoid Koloff’s devastating power moves while chipping away at his opponent's endurance. Flair’s presence at ringside added a constant undercurrent of tension, as every eye in the arena kept glancing at the "Nature Boy," anticipating interference.

Koloff finally managed to trap Gilbert in the corner, delivering a series of punishing blows that had the crowd on its feet. Sensing that the match was slipping away, Gilbert desperately motioned to Flair, who immediately sprang into action. While referee Jimmy Jett was distracted by an apparent argument between Flair and a ringside official, Gilbert took advantage by unveiling a set of brass knuckles and clocking Koloff. Gilbert quickly capitalized with a roll-up, using the ropes for leverage as the referee turned back to count the pinfall. With the assistance of Flair’s timely distraction, Gilbert secured the victory at 14:32, keeping his Premier League hopes alive.

Following the match, Koloff, realizing how he had been duped, erupted in frustration, kicking the ropes and shouting at Jimmy Jett. Meanwhile, Gilbert slid out of the ring, celebrating his victory with Flair, who was all smiles as he raised Gilbert’s arm in triumph. The Horsemen’s tactics had once again paid off, but the victory did little to diminish the animosity between the two men.

Eddie Gilbert (6-4-1) defeated Nikita Koloff (3-7-1) in 14:32 by way of pin fall. This was their first ever encounter.


In a clash of heavyweights, the crowd was treated to the ominous sight of "Sugar" Stan Hansen (4-3-3) marching down the aisle, but Stan is wearing his full on Cowboy gear and the ring announcer now bills him as "The Borger Brute." Hansen, whose recent alignment with Flamingo Corp has been clouded by ambiguity, came out flanked by an entourage that included Haku, El Gigante, Alexandra York, and his new manager, Hiro Matsuda. The absence of Scotty Flamingo, the Corp’s leader, only added to the intrigue surrounding Hansen’s current state of affairs. On the opposite side, Bam Bam Bigelow (2-7-1) strode to the ring with a look of fierce determination. Having recently split from Player Enterprises and his former ally Nobuhiko Takada, Bigelow appeared focused on proving he could stand on his own, desperate to claw his way out of the Premier League’s relegation zone.

Stan Hansen has always been a force to be reckoned with, but this new look, this ‘Borger Brute’ persona, is something else entirely. You have to wonder if his association with Flamingo Corp is still intact, or if Hansen is starting to carve out his own path. We still don’t know what terms were in the contract that Flamingo signed. Whatever the case may be, Bam Bam Bigelow is in for one heck of a fight tonight.
Bigelow’s been in a slump lately, there’s no denying that. But the man’s got the heart of a lion, and breaking away from Player Enterprises might just be the best thing for him. If he can pull out a win tonight, it could be the turning point he desperately needs. But with Hansen’s brutality, that’s a tall order.
As soon as the bell rang, the two titans collided in what can only be described as a brutal, hard-hitting brawl. Hansen, with his unorthodox style and sheer ferocity, tried to overwhelm Bigelow early on, delivering vicious lariats and clubbing blows. Bigelow, however, stood his ground, using his size and surprising agility to fight back with stiff strikes and power moves of his own. The match quickly devolved into a slugfest, with neither man willing to give an inch. Hansen’s entourage at ringside added an air of unpredictability, as every glance from Haku or Gigante hinted at the potential for outside interference. The tension mounted as the minutes ticked away, with both men seemingly intent on destroying each other.

As the match wore on and both men began to show the effects of the punishment they had endured, it became clear that something was going to give. In the closing moments, Bigelow managed to stagger Hansen with a massive enzuigiri, setting up for his finishing move. But just as Bigelow went to climb the ropes, El Gigante jumped onto the apron, causing a momentary distraction. This brief lapse in Bigelow’s focus was all Hansen needed. Hansen charged forward, delivering a bone-rattling lariat that sent Bigelow crashing to the mat. Hansen quickly covered for the pinfall, securing the victory at 14:36, thanks in no small part to Gigante’s interference.

After the match, as Hansen stood tall in the ring with his entourage, the attention shifted to the entrance ramp where Dan Spivey, one-half of The Terrors, made his way to ringside. Dressed in a Hawaiian shirt, Spivey’s casual attire belied the intensity in his eyes as he approached the fallen Bigelow. The crowd buzzed with curiosity as Spivey extended a hand, seemingly offering a truce or perhaps an alliance. Bigelow, still reeling from the match, looked up at Spivey with a mix of confusion and suspicion.

Stan Hansen (5-3-3) defeated Bam Bam Bigelow (2-8-1) in 14:36 by way of pin fall. This was their first ever encounter.

We go backstage to a set designated for Gary Hart, who is standing by reporting on the results of WCW World Wide from earlier this week, while results from Friday Night’s B-show, WCW Main Event, scrolls on the bottom of the screen.

Hello folks! I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m feeling fine tonight! Rumour has it that your boy, ‘Playboy’ Gary Hart, is in the conversation for the next Commissioner of World Championship Wrestling! But, that comes later tonight. Right now, let’s get to recapping WCW World Wide - maybe for the last time?

In Tag Team action, The Fantastics (1-9-1) scored their first victory of the season thanks to a ‘Superhuman Punch’ from Tommy Rogers, putting them past the Young Pistols (3-8-0). And in Division Two action, Dan Severn (7-3-1) choked out Tom Zenk (0-11-0). Zenk looks destined to be out of WCW by the end of the season. Boy… no interruptions. No unexpected brawls. Roses are red and the sky is blue, folks!

Main Event #127 : Brian Lee def. Yoshiaki Yatsu | Tex Slazenger def. Brad Rheingans | Manami Toyota def. Amy Lee | Ken Shamrock, Ultimo Dragon, Great Sasuke & La Parka def. Rick Titan, Sabu, El Texano & Buddy Landel

A promo airs recapping Jushin Thunder Liger winning the 1994 G1 Climax in New Japan this week. Clips of his victories over Ted DiBiase, Masahiro Chono and in the finals, Salman Hashimikov, are all shown, courtesy of New Japan. Ricky Steamboat and Jushin Liger share comments about the importance of the G1, and Liger is looking to add the WCW Tag Team League Championship to his collection this year.


Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Danger Zone. I am your host, and potentially the NEXT commissioner of World Championship Wrestling, Paul E Dangerously. But before we get to the situation with the Commissioner, business remains status quo and so the show must go on. Tonight, I have two guests who collide next week on Saturday Night, in ‘The Total Package’ Lex Luger, and the man who saved WCW by ridding it of his own father, Dustin Rhodes!

Dustin, how do you feel now that you are no longer imprisoned by your deadbeat dad?
Oh, Paul, I can finally breathe. Without having to worry about the anxiety of living up to such a selfish old coot, I feel like I can finally focus on what matters - which is me. And you know what I want? I want to wear gold once again. You see, I joined the Premier League after having won the WCW Tag League, carrying Barry Windham to gold. And despite my amazing carer to this point, which I did all by myself, no thanks to Barry or my pops, all the talk was about Dusty’s shadow, like everything I had done before was forgotten.

I’m the freakin’ youngest champion in WCW’s Grand Prix history. I’m ‘The Natural’. But because my last name was Rhodes, that didn’t matter… Maybe, just maybe, it’s time to be someone else and prove all the idiots watching at home wrong.
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Amen, Dustin. You can call yourself whatever you want going forward. Rest assured, you will always be the man who put Dusty Rhodes out to pasture, and that is an accomplishment worth bragging about. Your opponent next round might have a different opinion however - Luger, you were on team Dusty, how are you feeling ahead of this match up.
What Dustin did to his dad was unforgivable, no doubt about it. But to be honest, I’m glad War Games has come and gone and I’m looking forward to this match in the Grand Prix. I lost my first place position in the Grand Prix because of these distractions and Dusty’s drama, and I am ready to put the work in and claw my way back into the top spot. So, Dustin, I don’t care what sort of personal revelation you are going through. At the end of the day, you will be on the receiving end of the Torture Rack. Because I am The Total Package.
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Okay, well… There you have it folks. Dustin vs Luger next week. I’ll see you all at the end of the broadcast for when our CEO Eric Bischoff announces the new Commissioner. Thanks for joining us and stay dangerous!


The Wild Stallions (5-4-1) made their way to the ring, led by the determined duo of Joey Maggs and Chris Benoit. Maggs, once a member of The American Males, looked to gain an edge against the Samoan Swat Team after splitting previous encounters with them. His new partner, Benoit, known for his intense, no-nonsense style, seemed focused and ready for the challenge ahead. On the other side of the ring, The Samoan Swat Team (4-6-0), comprised of the fearsome Fatu and Samu, entered with their trademark intensity. The Samoans were a menacing sight, as always, with their wild energy and ruthless reputation. While neither team was in the running for promotion this season, both were eager to prove they belonged in the upper echelons of the division.

The Samoan Swat Team is as dangerous as they come. Fatu and Samu might be down in the standings, but make no mistake, these guys can turn the tide of any match in an instant. You can never count them out; they’ve got the power, the speed, and the unpredictability that makes them a threat to any team.
Yes, but on the opposite side are Benoit and Maggs, a team that has managed to maintain a winning record despite their youth and inexperience. At some point in time, these two are primed to break out as stars.
The match kicked off with a fast pace, as The Wild Stallions tried to use their technical prowess to counteract the raw power and unpredictability of The Samoan Swat Team. Benoit and Maggs displayed excellent teamwork early on, isolating Fatu and using quick tags to wear him down. However, the Samoans’ reckless style soon took over, with Fatu and Samu bending the rules at every opportunity. The Stallions struggled to keep up as the Samoans unleashed a barrage of high-impact moves, showcasing their brutal strength. The match became a hard-hitting affair, with the Samoans targeting Maggs and using their experience to keep him grounded. Benoit made several desperate attempts to save his partner, but the Samoans’ relentless assault began to wear down the Stallions.

As the match wore on, The Wild Stallions mounted a fiery comeback, with Benoit delivering a series of blistering chops and suplexes to Fatu. The tide seemed to be turning until a crucial moment when Maggs found himself isolated in the ring with Samu. In a flash, Samu delivered a devastating headbutt that rocked Maggs to his core. With Benoit unable to break up the pin in time, Samu covered Maggs for the three-count, securing the win for The Samoan Swat Team at 15:30. The Wild Stallions had fought valiantly, but the Samoans' ruthless aggression proved too much to overcome.

After the match, The Samoan Swat Team celebrated their victory with a show of primal intensity, their dominance reaffirmed as they left the ring with heads held high. Joey Maggs, still dazed from the headbutt, was helped to his feet by Chris Benoit, who looked visibly frustrated by the loss. The Stallions’ hopes of climbing the ranks took a hit, but the duo shared a moment of mutual respect, recognizing the effort they put into the match.

Samoan Swat Team (5-6-0) defeated The Wild Stallions (5-5-1) in 15:30 by way of pin fall when Samu pinned Maggs. The Samoan Swat Team improved to 2-1-0 against Joey Maggs. This was a first time match up for Chris Benoit.


The atmosphere was electric as "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan made his entrance, the pink and blue colors flashing through the arena as the crowd erupted into a chorus of cheers. Hogan, undefeated this season with an impressive 8-0-2 record, was laser-focused on solidifying his spot at the top of the Premier League. As he posed in the ring, flexing his muscles and cupping his ear to the roar of the Hulkamaniacs, it was clear that Hogan was ready to extend his undefeated streak. On the other side, Cactus Jack made his way to the ring in his signature wild manner, wearing his tattered flannel shirt and barbed wire-wrapped boots. With a 2-8-0 record, Cactus Jack was desperate to prove he belonged among the top contenders, and taking down Hogan would be the ultimate statement. The unpredictable brawler looked unfazed by Hogan's grandeur, his eyes filled with a dangerous determination as he prepared to put his body through hell once again.

There’s no doubt about it, folks, Hulk Hogan is one of the greatest to ever step foot in a wrestling ring. He’s got the power of the Hulkamaniacs behind him, and tonight he’s looking to prove why he’s the top dog in this Premier League. But don’t count out Cactus Jack—he’s as tough as they come, and he’ll stop at nothing to make sure Hogan leaves that ring knowing he was in a fight.
Cactus Jack might be outmatched in terms of star power, but what he lacks in fame, he more than makes up for in sheer tenacity. This man thrives on pain, and if there’s anyone who can push Hogan to his limits, it’s Cactus Jack. He’s unpredictable, he’s dangerous, and he’s got nothing to lose. That makes him a threat, even to someone like Hulk Hogan.
The match unfolded as a classic Hogan affair, with the Hulkster starting off strong, overpowering Cactus Jack with his trademark strength and charisma. Hogan controlled the early minutes, showcasing his iconic offense with body slams and big boots, as the crowd chanted his name. However, Cactus Jack, known for his resilience, began to absorb the punishment and even seemed to thrive on it. The tide turned when Cactus Jack lured Hogan outside the ring, where the brawler's unorthodox and chaotic style came into play. Jack threw caution to the wind, using the steel steps, guardrails, and anything else at his disposal to inflict damage on Hogan. The match became a brutal back-and-forth affair, with Cactus Jack even delivering a devastating elbow drop from the apron to the outside. But as the match wore on, Hogan’s endurance and the support of the Hulkamaniacs started to turn the tide once more.

Cactus Jack went for one last-ditch effort, setting Hogan up for a DDT on the concrete floor, but Hogan countered, sending Jack crashing into the steel post. With the crowd firmly behind him, Hogan hulked up, shaking off the pain as he re-entered the ring. Cactus Jack staggered back in, but Hogan caught him with three big right hands, sending him reeling. With the crowd at a fever pitch, Hogan hit the ropes and delivered the big boot, sending Jack down. Then, with all the Hulkamaniacs cheering him on, Hogan dropped the leg—his signature leg drop—and covered Cactus Jack for the three-count at 14:33, maintaining his undefeated season and securing his spot at the top of the Premier League standings.

After the match, Hogan stood tall in the ring, posing for the crowd as the Hulkamaniacs roared in approval. Cactus Jack, battered and bruised, slowly pulled himself up using the ropes. Despite the loss, he received a respectful ovation from the crowd for his valiant effort. Hogan, noticing Jack’s struggle, walked over and offered his hand. After a tense moment, Cactus Jack backed away and rolled out of the ring, unwilling to shake Hogan’s hand.

Hulk Hogan (9-0-2) defeated Cactus Jack (2-9-0) in 14:33 by way of pin fall. This was their first ever encounter.


The title graphic shows for WCW’s Inside the Squared Circle segment, and the show pivots to a studio segment featuring the legendary Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura, and Magnum TA. At the bottom of the screen, a news ticker hypes next weeks WCW subsidiary shows.

Last week, the entire wrestling world was shaken when Commissioner Dusty Rhodes announced he’s stepping down and going on a sabbatical. Dusty has been a guiding force in WCW, making tough decisions and keeping things fair, but now the big question is: who’s going to step into those shoes? The new Commissioner will have to carry the weight of this organization on their shoulders, and it’s not a role that can be taken lightly. There’s a lot of speculation out there, and everyone has their ideas, but this is a decision that could shape the future of WCW for years to come.
Well, Magnum, I’ll tell you who should step up—it’s me, Jesse "The Body" Ventura! Let’s face it, I’ve got the experience, I’ve got the brains, and I’ve been a mayor for crying out loud! If I can run a city, I can certainly run WCW. This company needs someone with guts, someone who isn’t afraid to make the hard calls. Dusty had his time, but this is the era of Jesse Ventura. With me as Commissioner, WCW would be on the fast track to becoming the most dominant force in professional wrestling, and that’s the bottom line!
Oh, come on, Jesse! Just because you were a mayor doesn’t mean you’re qualified to be the Commissioner of WCW. Running a city is one thing, but this is the wrestling business. We need someone who understands what goes on inside that ring, someone who has the respect of the wrestlers and the fans. You might be good at stirring the pot and causing controversy, but that’s not what we need in a Commissioner. We need someone who’s going to keep WCW on the right path, not someone who’s just looking to stroke their own ego.
And that’s where you’re wrong, Magnum! What WCW needs is someone with the backbone to take this company to new heights! Dusty’s old-school ways are outdated, and it’s time for a fresh perspective. I’ve been in this business for decades; I know what works and what doesn’t. You can keep clinging to the past, but the future is all about bold leadership, and that’s exactly what I bring to the table. The wrestlers might respect Dusty, but they’ll fear and respect me, and that’s how you get things done. Under my leadership, WCW wouldn’t just be on the right path—we’d be blazing a new trail that nobody else could follow!
Well, Jesse, it’s clear you’ve got your eyes set on that Commissioner’s chair, but let’s just see what the higher-ups decide. Whoever it is, they’ll have big shoes to fill. Folks, we’re out of time for tonight—thanks for joining us on Inside the Squared Circle! We’ll see you next week!

W4WA Round 16, Card 2, featuring Gerry Morrow vs Buddy Landel | PWFG Round 15, Card 2, featuring Yoshiaki Yatsu vs Akira Maeda | SSW Round 16, Card 1, featuring Rikki Nelson vs Chaz Taylor

A video package promo is shown, hyping the long history between Sting and Ric Flair. From their classic 45 minute draw, through Sting capturing his first ever World championship from Flair, to Flair defeating Sting in the final round of last season, to prevent Sting from winning the Grand Prix for a second time.

Add to that the recent tension as Sting teamed with Dusty Rhodes in a losing effort against the Four Horsemen in War Games, and the heat between the two is at a fever pitch.

This is one of the most storied rivalries in WCW history, and in two weeks time, they collide in Premier League action once again!

Next week on WCW Saturday Night, two titans of the Premier League clash as Big Van Vader (4-3-3) faces off against ‘Double A’ Arn Anderson (2-8-0). Both men are teetering on the edge, desperate to turn their seasons around. Vader, once a dominant force, is now on a three-match losing streak, while Arn Anderson, on the brink of relegation, has lost his last four matches. With the pressure mounting, this match could define the rest of their seasons. Arn won their last encounter in 1993, but will history repeat itself, or will Vader find his footing once again?

Arn Anderson… you think you can stand in front of me again and do what you did last year? You think you can break a beast that’s already been shattered? I used to talk about leaving broken dreams behind me… but now, the only thing broken is my own damn mind! Every night, I close my eyes, and all I see are the faces of those I’ve let down—faces that used to fear me, now laughing at me. Three matches, Arn! Three matches I’ve lost, and every single one of them has pushed me closer to the edge! But this isn’t the end for Vader! No! This is where the monster inside me wakes up, where the destruction begins again. Arn, you’re standing in the path of a storm that’s ready to unleash hell, and trust me, I will tear through you, just to feel alive again!
Vader, you’re not the only one with nightmares. I’ve been looking in the mirror lately, and I don’t see ‘Double A’ staring back at me… I see a man who’s fighting to stay afloat, who’s clawing at the walls, trying to keep from sliding into oblivion. You talk about broken dreams? Well, I’m living one right now. A streak of losses, a season slipping away, and a reputation that’s fading fast. But I’ve been down before, Vader. I’ve been kicked, beaten, and left for dead, but I’m still here. You want to wake up that monster? Well, I’m ready to face him, because I’m not fighting just to win… I’m fighting to survive. I may not feel like a Double A right now, but this ain’t over. Not by a long shot. You want to tear me apart? You better be ready for the fight of your life, because I’m not going down easy, and I’m damn sure not going down without a fight.


In the midst of swirling rumors and uncertainty, Scotty Flamingo made his entrance without the usual entourage that once symbolized his power. The flamboyant “South Atlantic Savior,” dressed in his signature pink and black attire, looked unusually serious, a stark contrast to his typically cocky demeanor. His once-mighty Flamingo Corp was crumbling, with cash-flow issues rumored to be the cause of his recent absences. As he entered the ring, it was clear that Flamingo would have to fight this battle alone. On the other side, Terry Taylor, no longer associated with the defunct Players Enterprise, walked to the ring with a sense of renewed purpose. Wearing his traditional red and white gear, Taylor looked focused and determined to prove that he could thrive without the backing of a stable.

Scotty Flamingo might be flashy, but don’t let that fool you—he’s a tough competitor. However, with the situation surrounding Flamingo Corp, you’ve got to wonder if his head is in the game tonight. This could be the biggest test of his career, and if he wants to stay at the top of Division Two, he’ll need to dig deep and find that fight within himself.
Terry Taylor has been through the wringer, folks. Players Enterprise is no more, but Taylor has shown he’s not ready to fade into obscurity. He’s hungry, he’s motivated, and tonight he’s looking to prove that he doesn’t need anyone’s help to be a top contender. Scotty Flamingo better be ready, because Taylor is not going to let this opportunity slip away.
The match began with a cautious feeling-out process, as both men knew the stakes were high. Scotty Flamingo, despite his flamboyant exterior, was focused and methodical, using his agility and ring awareness to outmaneuver Taylor in the early going. Taylor, however, matched Flamingo’s speed with his technical prowess, grounding Flamingo with headlocks and wristlocks, trying to wear him down. As the match progressed, Flamingo’s frustrations began to surface, with Taylor capitalizing on every mistake Flamingo made. The absence of Flamingo’s usual backup became increasingly apparent as Taylor started to dominate the match, using his experience and resilience to outlast Flamingo’s flashy offense. The turning point came when Flamingo attempted a high-risk maneuver from the top rope, only for Taylor to catch him mid-air and transition into a devastating spinebuster.

Terry Taylor took control, systematically targeting Flamingo’s lower back, setting him up for the figure-four leglock. Despite Flamingo’s attempts to fight out of it, the pain became too much, and Taylor locked in the hold in the center of the ring. With no one from Flamingo Corp there to save him, Flamingo had no choice but to tap out at 15:47, giving Taylor the hard-fought victory. The win was a significant statement from Taylor, proving that he could succeed on his own.

After the match, Terry Taylor stood tall, his hand raised in victory as the crowd gave him a warm reception. Scotty Flamingo, still on the mat clutching his leg, looked dejected as the realization of his crumbling empire seemed to hit him hard. As Taylor exited the ring, Flamingo slowly got to his feet, looking around the arena for any sign of support, but there was none.

Terry Taylor (5-5-1) defeated Scotty Flamingo (8-3-0) in 15:47 by way of submission. This was their first ever encounter.


The atmosphere was electric as WCW Saturday Night reached its climax with a highly anticipated tag team division main event. The Horsemen, represented by Steve Austin and "Flyin'" Brian Pillman, made their way to the ring first. Pillman, the cocky and explosive high-flyer, exuded confidence as he taunted the crowd, while Austin, embodying his "America’s Most Hated" moniker, walked with an air of defiance and intensity. Together, they represented the future of the Horsemen legacy. Then, the Miracle Violence Connection, the brutal and powerful duo of “Dr. Death” Steve Williams and Terry Gordy, stormed to the ring with purpose. The former Premier League stars looked focused and determined. With both teams eyeing promotion, the stakes couldn’t have been higher, and the crowd knew they were in for something special.

Steve Williams and Terry Gordy are two of the toughest men to ever lace up a pair of boots, and tonight they’ve got a golden opportunity to cement their status as the top dogs in this tag team division. But don’t count out the Horsemen—Austin and Pillman are young, hungry, and willing to do whatever it takes to win. This one is going to be a barnburner, folks.
Jim, you’ve got to hand it to The Horsemen—Steve Austin and Brian Pillman have brought a new energy to this division. They’re not just looking to win; they’re looking to dominate, to make a statement that the Horsemen are still the gold standard in professional wrestling. But to do that, they’re going to have to go through two of the most dangerous men in the business, and that’s no easy task.
The match kicked off with a fevered pace, with Pillman and Gordy locking up first, setting the tone for what would be a physical and high-stakes encounter. Gordy’s power overwhelmed Pillman early, but Pillman’s quickness and agility allowed him to counter with high-flying maneuvers, frustrating the big man. The momentum swung back and forth as both teams utilized their strengths—Pillman’s speed and Austin’s technical prowess versus the raw power and brute force of Williams and Gordy. Each time one team seemed to gain the upper hand, the other would battle back, refusing to stay down. The chemistry between the partners was evident, with Austin and Pillman using quick tags and double-team moves to keep Williams off balance, while the MVC employed their sheer power to isolate Pillman and wear him down. The crowd was on the edge of their seats as the match built towards its climax, with neither team able to secure a definitive advantage.

As the match entered its final moments, the pace quickened even further, with all four men brawling in and out of the ring. Pillman took a huge risk, launching himself off the top rope to the outside, taking out both Gordy and Williams, while Austin capitalized on the chaos by working over Gordy with vicious strikes. But the Miracle Violence Connection’s resilience kept them in the fight. The final minutes were a furious exchange of near falls and broken pin attempts, with both teams desperate to secure the win. However, as the clock ticked down, it became clear that neither team was willing to give an inch. The 20-minute time limit expired with all four men swinging wildly in the centre of the ring, but the bell rang, signaling a hard-fought draw. The match was an incredible display of athleticism and heart, but ultimately, neither team could secure the victory.

The exhaustion was palpable as all four men regrouped in their respective corners, dripping with sweat and breathing heavily. There was a tense standoff as they stared each other down, the frustration of the draw evident on their faces. However, there was no further action post-match—both teams were simply too drained to continue the fight.

Miracle Violence Connection (8-1-2) and The Horsemen (7-1-3) went to a draw when the 20:00 minute time limit expired. Steve Williams and Brian Pillman are now sitting at 2 draws against each other all time. This was a first ever match up for both Terry Gordy and Steve Austin.

The locker room empties onto the stage before Dusty Rhodes and Eric Bischoff make their way to the ring to provide their announcement. The camera’s focus in on some of the staff members, like Gary Hart, Bruno Sammartino, and especially Jesse Ventura.

What an amazing show we’ve had, am I right, folks? Well, the night may be winding down and the action might be over, but one very important announcement is still to be made. Tonight, I am joined with the former Commissioner, Dusty Rhodes. Together, we will be announcing the five finalists that have been selected for the position on WCW Commissioner going forward.
That’s right, Eric. While this is the last time for a while that WCW will see me, I promised TBS and WCW that I would be supportive in determining a successor…. Now, if you will… I’d like you to proceed with explaining what comes next.
For sure, Dusty. On the stage, the entire WCW locker room is gathered. Dusty will call out the five names that will be eligible for the position. Those 5 individuals will campaign for the position. One of those individuals will be elected Commissioner at WCW’s next Pay Per View event, Halloween Havoc.
The five candidates are… Harley Race, Bruno Sammartino, Paul E Dangerously, ‘Playboy’ Gary Hart, and… ‘The Fabulous’ Michael Hayes. Gentlemen… may the best man win…

Ventura prematurely stood forward as Hayes’ name was called. He stormed to the back fuming, as several groups congratulated the candidates. There is an extended focus on Michael Hayes, who no one was expecting to be listed. WCW goes off the air.

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Arn Anderson vs Big Van Vader
Powerhouse Simmons vs The Great Muta
Lex Luger vs Dustin Rhodes
Kevin Von Erich vs Mitsuharu Misawa
The Journeymen vs The Outsiders
The Terrors vs Thunder Dragon



Round 11 rolls on. Plus, the candidates for the new Commissioner of WCW have been announced. How will WCW's staff react to the news?

In the lone Division Two match, Kevin Von Erich (7-1-2) and Mitsuharu Misawa (7-1-2) collide in a match with major implications. With the two tied in points and the first place position just one point in front of them, the winner here will overtake first place in the division. But a draw would result in a four way tie for the top spot between the two, Scotty Flamingo, and Diamond Dallas Page - with Page having one match on hand. These two warriors have been consistently dominant all season. Will 'The Standard-Bearer' continue his meteoric rise through the WCW rankings en route to a Premier League promotion? Or will he fall victim to Kevin's nasty Barefoot Punt Kick that has carried Von Erich through the season to his best record yet?

In Tag Team Division action, opposites collide when the top ranked Outsiders - Kevin Nash and Scott Hall (9-0-1) - go up against the bottom ranked Journeymen, Al Snow and Chris Adams (1-9-0). With Nash and Hall inching closer and closer to their first ever Premier League berth, and Adams and Snow struggling with Adams' declining abilities, this has all the makings of a romp. Will Nash and Hall remain undefeated on the season - a feat no one has managed yet in WCW history? Or will the duo of Adams and Snow prove they still have something left in the tank? Plus, Jushin Liger steps into a WCW ring for this first time since his G1 Climax victory as Thunder Dragon (7-2-1) takes on The Terrors (4-6-0). Can Liger parlay his massive achievement into a big win over even bigger opponents? Or will he be dwarfed by Dan Spivey and One Man Gang, the former Premier League stars. And if the size differential isn't enough, what about the prospect of Bam Bam Bigelow potentially supporting The Terrors? This past week, Dan Spivey showed up after Bigelow's loss and seemed to align with him. Could a humongous alliance be in the works?

In Premier League competition, 'The Total Package' Lex Luger (8-1-1) is hoping to rebound from his first loss of the year when he takes on the man who turned his back on Luger's War Games team, 'Lonestar' Dustin Rhodes (2-8-0) With Luger now sitting four points behind first place, every match becomes critical. Is his calf fully healed? Will emotion get the best of him against the despicable Dustin Rhodes? Will Dustin's newfound freedom from his family elevate him out of relegation and keep him in the Premier League? This is bound to be combustable! Meanwhile, Powerhouse Simmons (2-7-1) and The Great Muta (3-5-2) battle it out in a first ever encounter that will greatly influence who remains in the Premier League, versus who is relegated out.

Finally, in the main event, 'Double A' Arn Anderson (2-8-0) steps into the ring with Big Van Vader (4-3-3) in the main event. In their first ever encounter last year, Arn picked up the win. Can he repeat the feat and send Vader spiralling with a fourth straight loss? Or will Vader bounce back and avenge his loss to Arn?

WCW - We put the 'world' in World Championship Wrestling.


1PWfan : 8/18 - 44%
Just here to look : 10/18 - 56%
Dawn : 16/24 - 66%
Nobby_McDonald : 23/36 - 64%
Rekcut012 : 25/36 - 69%
StanMiguel : 48/73 - 66%

Old School Fan : 49/78 - 63%
Lord Byron : 113/180 - 63%
Nightshadeex : 135/206 - 66%
SonOfSharknado : 136/206 - 66%
DHK1989 : 138/206 - 67%

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