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WCW 1993 : A New World of Sport

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August 1994 : Week 4


Tony Rumble walked out on his contract with IWAS.

Susan Green wrapped up her 23 year career with a celebratory victory over Harley Saito. The 39 year old is looking to transition to working as a manager going forward.

After 14 years as part of the company, New Japan has opted not to renew Kengo Kimura’s contract. The 40 year old will become a free agent in one month.

A bidding war has broken out between the WWF and CMLL over Dr. Wagner Jr., who is in his last month of his current contract with CMLL.

Invader #4 has walked out on his agreement with Capitol Sports Promotions.

Jack Armstrong and Diablos Macabre joined IWAS

Samantha joined LMLW.

In unexpected news, WCW signed Lucha Icon Atlantis to an open contract for 7 years.


Billy Joe Travis defeated Beef Burton (aka Tom Davis) to win the USWA Southern Heavyweight Championship for the first time.

The Fantastics defeated Furnas and Kroffat to win the All Asia Tag Team Championships for the first time.

Jumbo Tsuruta defeated Kenta Kobashi to win the AJPW Triple Crown for the record fourth time.

Jeff Jarrett and Beef Burton (Tom Davis) defeated Tom Prichard and Tim Horner to win the USWA World Tag Team titles for the first time.


W4WA Canadian Grand Prix Round 16/23; Card Two

Lance Storm (12-1-3) def. Bobby Kay (0-9-0)
Leo Burke (12-2-2) def. Greg Valentine (3-13-0)
Bruiser Bedlam (7-7-2) def. Danny Davis (5-11-0)
Owen Hart (14-0-2) def. Dick Slater (1-15-0)
Richard Charland (9-7-0) def. Canadian Tiger (6-10-0)
Buddy Landel (11-3-2) def. Gerry Morrow (5-11-0)

Worthwhile Notes:

William Regal and Don Callis has a promo battle hyping their upcoming match. Callis is planning on sicking his Acadian Giant onto Regal and ending Regal's undefeated streak.
MVP : Lance Storm


SSW Division 4 Grand Prix Round 16/23; Card One

El Dandy (9-3-3) def. Mike Samson (4-1-0)
Doc Dean (5-10-1) def. Stan Lee (4-12-0)
Ice Train (9-4-3) def. Gedo (1-15-0)
Brazo de Plata (9-5-1) def. Robbie Brookside (9-5-2)
Jerry Lynn (8-3-5) def. Randy Rose (2-13-1)
Rikki Nelson (10-3-3) and Chaz Taylor (7-6-3) fought to a time limit draw.

Worthwhile Notes:

Next week is Bob Holly versus Jack Victory. The two have a promo battle, but it’s interrupted by ‘Too Much’ Brian Christopher, who puts over the match, but more importantly himself.
MVP : El Dandy


PWFG Japanese Grand Prix Round 15/23; Card Two

Yoji Anjo (1-0-0) def. Dick Vrij (6-8-1)
Gary Albright (12-1-2) def. Masahito Kakihara (6-9-0)
Volk Han (12-1-2) def. Shoichi Funaki (6-9-0)
Dr. Luther (7-8-0) def. Daisuke Ikeda (1-3-0)
Masakatsu Funaki (9-0-2) and 2 Cold Scorpio (6-3-3) went to a time limit draw.
Akira Maeda (13-1-1) def. Yoshiaki Yatsu (3-12-0)


Yoji Anjo made his debut, replacing the absent Koji Kanemoto. The announcement of Koji being absent for a big match was initially booed, but Yoji making his debut was seen as a major event.
Daisuke Ikeda replaced the absent Michiyoshi Ohara.
MVP : Akira Maeda

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Arn Anderson vs Big Van Vader (See you in Division 2, Arn)
Powerhouse Simmons vs The Great Muta
Lex Luger vs Dustin Rhodes
Kevin Von Erich vs Mitsuharu Misawa
The Journeymen vs The Outsiders
The Terrors vs Thunder Dragon

Oh no, everyone is on the right... I've picked incorrectly...

Right now with so many guys at the bottom, who would be chosen for relegation (I'm realizing the answer is tie breakers as I type this)? Specifically, El Gigante has wrestled fewer matches, what if he's at the bottom but didn't wrestle other guys at the bottom?

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11 hours ago, Nightshadeex said:

Right now with so many guys at the bottom, who would be chosen for relegation (I'm realizing the answer is tie breakers as I type this)? Specifically, El Gigante has wrestled fewer matches, what if he's at the bottom but didn't wrestle other guys at the bottom?

Tiebreaker go as follow:

Head-to-head (current season)

Win percentage (so Gigante is above anyone else with the same amount of points)

All-time head-to-head

Bonus match to determine ranking if necessary. 

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  • 2 weeks later...


WCW Saturday Night is airing on slight tape delay, filmed in front of the Thompson-Boiling Arena in Knoxville Tennessee! Our analysis panel to kick off the show this week consists of Harley Race, ‘The Italian Strongman’ Bruno Sammartino and Paul E Dangerously - three of the five candidates selected to campaign to replace Dusty Rhodes as WCW Commissioner. Paul E is accompanied by Cactus Jack, who’s wearing a garish leopard print poncho.

Hello folks, and welcome to WCW Saturday Night! I’m joined by Bruno Sammartino and Paul E Dangerously, and tonight we will briefly hype tonight’s card before we give our first statements as candidates as we each kick off our campaign to become WCW Commissioner! Folks, tonight’s Premier League match ups consist of Muta versus Simmons, Luger versus Dustin, and Arn versus Vader in our main event! Who do you guys got in each of these matches.
Well, first of all, than-thank you for having me on the broadcast Harley! It’s a pleasure to take the stage with a fellow World Champion such as your self! Now, for Simmons and Muta, I respect both men a ton and they both need a win here, I think this one goes the distance to a time limit draw! In Luger and Dustin’s match, I respect Luger’s long-running streak off excellence and I think he makes Dustin tap out. And in the main event of Arn and Vader, both men are badasses, but Arn has the historical advantage and I don’t see that changing tonight!
Oh Bruno, your supposed to be kissing babies, not Harley’s ass! He’s your opponent in this campaign… Have you had your pre-show pasta or are you low blood sugar right now? Nonetheless, tonight I’m going to agree with you on Simmons against Muta but for very different reasons! Neither man has proven they can get it done this season, and both will fail again tonight. Elsewhere, Vader is going to break Arn and help him earn that demotion, and Dustin - we’re so proud of Dustin, aren’t we? - Dustin is going to steal the big win over that dumb oaf Luger.
Tsk tsk… Playing favourites already? Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves. But no one will be surprised. I’m the only impartial one around here, always have been. That’s why I should be elected Commissioner of WCW. Because Harley Race is guaranteed to provide the fair and unbiased call every time!
Oh damnit, I didn’t… you tricked… one sec - is this thing on? I, uh, the longest reigning world champion in history! Yeah… I know a thing or two about the WWF - wait I mean wrestling. This is WCW where the World in Wrestling! Uh….
Let me help you out Bub.. ‘Bruno good wrestler! Bruno no good talk! Bruno Italiano! RAWR!’ Listen up folks, you could pick from either one of these two geriatric clowns, or you could have the future voice of wrestling in Paul E Dangerously… Believe you me - Dusty Rhodes left a lot of promises on the tables that have not been discussed. We’ve got three months to outline who gets promoted from the WCW Subsidiaries, how the newly announced WCW ‘The Grind’ works, as well as a lot of wishy-washy decisions made by Dusty that need to be corrected. Paul E - reimagining World Championship Wrestling

All thee men shoot each other looks. Bruno is sweating profusely. The camera awkwardly cuts down to Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone at ringside!


The tension was palpable as Kevin Von Erich made his way to the ring barefoot, as always, feeding off the cheers of the WCW faithful. Von Erich had been on a tear this season, using his Barefoot Punt Kick to devastating effect, leading him to an impressive 7-1-2 record. Standing in his way tonight was "The Standard-Bearer" Mitsuharu Misawa, who matched Kevin's record and had his eyes set on the same prize: first place in Division Two and a potential Premier League promotion. With both men tied in points and so much on the line, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

Kevin Von Erich has been nothing short of a phenomenon this season. This man, folks, has taken every opportunity to show that he belongs at the top of this division. And let me tell ya, when that Barefoot Punt Kick lands, it’s lights out. But tonight, he’s facing a different breed of opponent in Mitsuharu Misawa—this is going to be a true test of Kevin’s resilience.
Misawa is an absolute technician, Jim. Every move he makes is deliberate, every strike calculated. This guy is one of the most efficient wrestlers in the world today, and it’s no surprise that he’s tied for the top spot. I think what we’re going to see here is a battle between sheer power and precision, and Misawa’s as precise as they come.
From the opening bell, the crowd witnessed an intense clash of styles. Kevin Von Erich relied on his explosiveness and unorthodox offense, using his agility and brawling skills to keep Misawa off balance. Kevin’s unpredictable nature made it difficult for Misawa to establish his rhythm early on. However, the Japanese star quickly adapted, relying on his incredible timing and hard-hitting strikes to wear down Von Erich. The match featured several dramatic moments, with Kevin coming close to landing his Barefoot Punt Kick, only for Misawa to narrowly escape each time. Misawa’s stiff elbow strikes and precise suplexes kept the match at a frenetic pace, as both men pushed each other to the brink.

In the final moments, after a grueling battle, Misawa began to build momentum with a series of vicious elbow strikes, stunning Kevin. Von Erich, still reeling, attempted one last Punt Kick, but Misawa ducked under, hitting a German suplex for a near fall. With Kevin staggered, Misawa capitalized by lifting him into the air and delivering the Tiger Driver '91 with devastating precision. The impact was thunderous, and Misawa quickly covered Von Erich for the 1-2-3 at 17:51, securing a hard-fought victory.

As Misawa stood victorious, the crowd gave a respectful ovation to both men for the incredible match. Kevin Von Erich, visibly disappointed, slowly made his way to his feet, acknowledging the crowd's support despite the tough loss. Misawa, ever the sportsman, extended a hand to Kevin, who accepted in a show of mutual respect. With this win, Misawa now stood at the top of Division Two, one step closer to securing his spot in the Premier League. The intensity of the battle left both men visibly exhausted, but Misawa’s calm, stoic expression remained, showing the focus and determination that had carried him through the season.

Mitsuharu Misawa (8-1-2) defeated Kevin Von Erich (7-2-2) in 17:51 by way of pin fall. This was their first ever encounter.


Ron "Powerhouse" Simmons (2-7-1) and The Great Muta (3-5-2) squared off in their first-ever encounter. Simmons, a cornerstone of the Premier League since its inception, carried the weight of past glories and the pressure of potentially facing relegation for the first time. His entrance was met with a mix of anticipation and respect from the crowd, his signature stoic determination on full display. In contrast, The Great Muta, the enigmatic Japanese sensation, made his way to the ring with an air of mystery and confidence. This was Muta's debut season in the Premier League, and he was determined to cement his place among WCW's elite. Both men were crowd favorites, making this an intriguing clash of power versus speed and agility.

Powerhouse Simmons is a man who’s been at the top of the mountain, folks. A former World Champion and a staple of this Premier League. But right now, his back is against the wall. If he doesn’t pull out a win here tonight, we could see one of the most dominant forces in WCW history fall out of the Premier League for the first time.
Look at Muta, Jim. This man has brought a level of mystique and unpredictability to WCW that we haven’t seen in years. He’s fast, he’s calculated, and tonight, he’s fighting for his future in the Premier League. But you have to wonder—can he outmaneuver a powerhouse like Simmons? Or will the strength of Simmons be too much for him to handle?
The match began as a battle of styles—Simmons relied on his raw strength, trying to overpower Muta at every turn, while Muta used his speed and technical prowess to evade the former champion's devastating blows. Muta focused on Simmons' legs, trying to chop the bigger man down to size, delivering quick kicks and strikes, but Simmons countered with hard-hitting slams and spine-busting maneuvers that kept the Japanese star grounded. Muta's resilience shone through as he bounced back from Simmons’ punishing attacks, managing to slip out of Simmons’ grasp at critical moments. The match ebbed and flowed, with both men having near-fall moments, the crowd firmly behind each competitor.

As the match reached its closing moments, the pace quickened. Simmons set up Muta for his signature Powerslam, but Muta, ever the ring technician, slipped out and nailed Simmons with a stiff kick to the head. With Simmons momentarily stunned, Muta seized the opportunity and unleashed his signature green mist, spraying it directly into Simmons’ eyes. Blinded and disoriented, Simmons stumbled back, allowing Muta to roll him up in a small package. Referee Nick Patrick counted to three, and Muta secured the victory at 14:55, earning a crucial win in his fight to stay in the Premier League.

As Muta celebrated, Simmons sat in the corner, wiping the mist from his eyes and shaking his head in frustration. The realization that this loss could seal his fate and see him relegated weighed heavily on him. Muta, ever respectful, bowed to the crowd and offered a brief nod of acknowledgment to Simmons before exiting the ring.

The Great Muta (4-5-2) defeated Ron Simmons (2-8-1) in 14:55 by way of pin fall. This was their first ever encounter.

We go backstage to a set designated for Gary Hart, who is standing by reporting on the results of WCW World Wide from earlier this week, while results from Friday Night’s B-show, WCW Main Event, scrolls on the bottom of the screen.

Hello folks! This week on WCW World Wide, Larry Z (4-5-2) and Tully Blanchard (5-3-3) fought to a time limit draw in Division Two action, and True Grit (5-5-1) defeated La Cultura Torcida (2-9-0) in Tag Team action… Now with that out of the way, I’d like to take a moment to discuss why y’all should vote me, ‘Playboy’ Gary Hart, for the new Commissioner of World Championship Wrestling.

You see, over the past year and a half, WCW has gotten out of control. Lunatics storming my set, brawls, and stables manipulating the playing field with their insubordination. With Playboy at the helm, WCW will be on the straight and narrow, I tell you that! Pure sport.

Main Event #128 : Booker T def. Rex King | Terry Funk def. Ian McGregor | Norman Smiley def. The Great Kabuki | Tom Davis & Jeff Jarrett def. Zed Force (Grom Zaza & Victor Zangiev)

Footage is shown of Johnny B Badd trying to apologize to Missy Hyatt, who’s still in some sort of glazed over trance as a result of the errant Wild Thing Haymaker from B Badd the other week. Kevin Sullivan interjects and starts admonishing Johnny B Badd for being a careless buffoon. This nearly escalates into a brawl, before Larry Z, Jody Hamilton, Terry Taylor and Tully Blanchard all get involved in keeping some form of peace.


Welcome one and all, to your second of three doses of Paul E Dangerously tonight! Those other schmucks don’t get this kind of screen time, and it’s simply because I am better. Tonight, on the Danger Zone, I’ve got two men with me who will square off next week in Premier League action. Takada and Rick Rude! Now, the two of you are neck-and-neck in the rankings, with matching records on the season. With that in mind, who do you two think should be elected Commissioner?
… Paul, you dishonour your family. In front of you is two elite stars battling in the most prestigious competition in all of wrestling. One man loses - that man’s hopes of winning this season’s Premier League go up in smoke. I am Yakuza Supreme Takada. WCW’s Premier All-Star. The reason why you are running for Commissioner in the first place - I am the man that made Dusty Rhodes quit. Next week, I’ll make the current champion do the same.
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Sounds like Takada is all business… Rude, I know we’ve had a bit of a past ourselves, but we had some good times… Who do you think should be elected Commissioner?
Paul, shut up. This is a shift in the tectonic plates right here. Takada is right - this match up may just break someones season. And I damn sure am not letting anyone over take me as the Ravishing Ruler of The World! Takada - you think I am supposed to be scared because you call yourself Yakuza now? You still walk around with that goober Teddy Long… I shed all my dead weight when I left The Dangerous Alliance, including this clown interviewing us. NOTHING holds me back - and just like last year, I will beat you and go on to win the Championship!
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Well, folks, the intensity is at an all time high. One might realize that the slanderous comments about yours truly were likely just the heat of the moment in a tense situation. But I’d be a benevolent leader who would understand the plight of the wrestler. One might even say that I would make a revolutionary leader that could take WCW to the next level! Well, that’s all the time we have this week - See you all later, and remember to Stay Dangerous!


In Premier League competition, "The Total Package" Lex Luger (8-1-1) walked into the ring with a sense of urgency, his calf wrapped in thick athletic tape, still recovering from the injury that contributed to his first loss of the season. His entrance was met with roaring applause, as the fans rallied behind the former WCW champion, who was desperately trying to claw his way back into title contention. Across the ring, Dustin Rhodes, after turning his back on his own family and Luger's War Games team, strolled out with a smug grin. With a dismal 2-8-0 record, Rhodes had no plans of going down easily, using his newfound ruthlessness to remain in the Premier League. The tension was palpable as the two former allies stood across from each other, ready to explode.

Lex Luger has been one of the most dominant forces in WCW, and there's no doubt that this calf injury has set him back. But if there's one thing we know about The Total Package, it's that he doesn’t give up. Every match from here on out is do or die, and tonight, he's not just fighting for points—he's fighting to settle a score with a man who betrayed him.
Dustin Rhodes is no longer the man we once knew, Jim. This version of Rhodes is ruthless, cold, and calculating. He turned his back on his own father and his teammates at War Games. And now, with his Premier League spot on the line, he'll do whatever it takes to get the win. Luger better watch out—this is a whole new Dustin Rhodes.
The match began with Luger asserting his power, tossing Rhodes around the ring with suplexes and slams. Dustin, ever the opportunist, targeted Luger's injured calf, stomping and twisting it whenever he could, looking to ground the powerhouse. The pain visibly slowed Luger, but he fought back, landing stiff clotheslines and shoulder blocks. Rhodes, though vicious, was methodical, taunting Luger throughout and attempting to wear him down with dirty tactics, including raking Luger's eyes and using the ropes for leverage during submissions. Luger’s intensity built as the crowd rallied behind him, but Rhodes repeatedly cut him off, keeping the match on his terms. The momentum swung back and forth, with neither man gaining a clear advantage.

As the match neared its climax, Dustin Rhodes pulled out a bag of gold-plated tacks—the same ones he had used to betray his father, Dusty Rhodes, driving his head into them weeks prior. He looked to repeat the act on Luger, but before he could, "Blackheart" Barry Windham stormed down the aisle. The sight of his former ally-turned-enemy shocked Rhodes, who dropped the tacks and quickly bailed from the ring. With Windham in pursuit, Rhodes fled up the ramp, abandoning the match. Referee Nick Patrick had no choice but to count Rhodes out at 16:28, giving Luger the victory by count-out.

Lex Luger, though victorious, looked frustrated in the ring, knowing Rhodes had slipped through his fingers. Barry Windham stopped at the top of the ramp, glaring at Rhodes as he escaped to the back, clearly sending a message to the treacherous Lonestar. Luger, breathing heavily, limped but raised his arms in victory, acknowledging the fans' support as he signaled his intention to keep pushing forward in the Premier League.

Lex Luger (9-1-1) defeated Dustin Rhodes (2-9-0) in 16:28 by way of count out. This was their first ever encounter.


In the latest round of WCW Tag Team Division action, the undefeated Outsiders—Kevin Nash and Scott Hall (9-0-1)—made their confident entrance, swaggering to the ring, clearly feeling untouchable as they edged closer to an unprecedented Premier League berth. Nash, the towering giant, and Hall, the cocky technician, were all business as they soaked in the jeers of the crowd. Meanwhile, their opponents, the struggling Journeymen—Al Snow and Chris Adams (1-9-0)—entered the arena looking beaten before the match even began. Snow, sporting taped-up ribs and a heavily taped shoulder, was clearly worse for wear from carrying the team through recent bouts, while Adams, a veteran of the ring, struggled to keep up with the younger, faster competition.

Folks, there’s no denying it—the Outsiders are a force to be reckoned with. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash have torn through this division, and if they keep this pace, they could be on their way to making WCW history. But don't count out Adams and Snow just yet; these men are fighting for pride, and sometimes that's all you need to turn the tide.
You’ve got to feel for Al Snow, Jim. This man is held together by athletic tape at this point. Look at those ribs, look at that shoulder—he’s giving it everything he’s got just to stay in this division. But the question is, how long can you keep putting your body through that? And can Chris Adams step up to the plate tonight against the absolute best in the division?
From the opening bell, it was clear that this match was heavily tilted in favor of The Outsiders. Nash and Hall used their size and experience to dominate the early minutes, cutting off the ring and isolating Adams. Snow, desperate to save his team, made a valiant attempt to intervene, but his injuries left him a step behind, struggling to mount any significant offense. Hall’s precise strikes and Nash’s brute strength were on full display, as they methodically wore down their opponents. Adams tried to tap into his veteran instincts, showing brief flashes of his old self, but Nash’s overpowering strength and Hall’s ruthless tactics left him grounded for most of the match.

The finish came swiftly and decisively. After Nash delivered a punishing big boot to the already battered Al Snow, sending him tumbling out of the ring, he turned his attention to Adams. With Snow incapacitated, Nash hoisted Adams up for the Jackknife Powerbomb, planting him in the center of the ring. The referee counted to three, and at 7:22, the Outsiders secured the pinfall victory, remaining undefeated in the division.

As Nash stood tall, his foot on Adams' chest in a display of dominance, Scott Hall mockingly threw toothpicks at the fallen Snow on the outside. The crowd rained boos on The Outsiders, but Nash and Hall reveled in it, unfazed by the disdain. Meanwhile, Al Snow, clutching his ribs and shoulder, crawled back into the ring to check on his partner. The look of frustration and disappointment on Snow’s face told the story—The Outsiders were unstoppable, and the Journeymen’s fate seemed sealed at the bottom of the division.

The Outsiders (10-0-1) defeated The Journeymen (1-10-0) in 7:22 by way of pin fall when Nash pinned Adams. The Outsiders improved to 2-1-0 against The Journeymen.


The title graphic shows for WCW’s Inside the Squared Circle segment, and the show pivots to a studio segment featuring the legendary Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura, and Magnum TA. At the bottom of the screen, a news ticker hypes next weeks WCW subsidiary shows.

Well, we have a special guest with us tonight, here on the Squared Circle. Joining us at this time is ‘The Fabulous’ Michael Hayes, who was announced as a candidate for Commissioner last week - the sole active competitor to be named as such. Michael Hayes, what does it mean for you to be doing this while being an active wrestler, and what is your platform?
Hold the phone, Mag. It’s great that Hayes here is getting the opportunity to be the guy, but let’s talk for a minute about how WCW failed to determine that me, Jesse Ventura, WCW’s sole political figure, should be in the running for the position? I am a true to life mayor in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. I make the hard decisions for that city every day and still provide my expert analysis for this program. I could be the voice of change for this company!
Let me give you the low down, Mister Ventura. WCW put 5 candidates on the ballot, but there is really only two. You see, myself and Paul E Dangerously, we’re the young cats who get the current game. The rest of the guys are a bunch of retired old suits who think wrestling should revert back to what it was twenty years ago. They are merely on the ballot to appease TBS’ board of old crows. Paul E and me though, we are with it and represent the new generation of wrestling. So Jesse, don’t fret too much about not getting on the ballot - the old guys aren’t really a part of this anyways and it’s designed to be a two dog race…
Old?!?! Who the hell are you calling old, Bub? Jesse Ventura is still in his prime, boy! That’s it, segment is over! I’m going to go talk with Bischoff and get this fixed right now!!!
Well, I’m not to sure who thought this would go smoothly, to be honest. I guess we’re going to send things over to Gary Hart who’s standing by backstage with The Classic Era, and Susan Sexton.

PPW Round 11, Card 1, featuring Sabu vs Great Kokina | W4WA Round 17, Card 1, featuring Don Callis vs William Regal | PWFG Round 16, Card 1, featuring Doug Furnas vs Masakatsu Funaki | SSW Round 16, Card 2, featuring El Hijo del Santo vs Bruiser X Mastino

Gary Hart is standing by with The Classic Era, and ‘The Kiwi Queen’ Susan Sexton. Hart comments that next week, Finlay and Eaton will take on The Steiner Brothers in a crucial match near the top of the tag team division. Sexton puts over ‘Ring General’ Bobby Eaton and Dave Finlay as being the living embodiment off professional wrestling, and says that next week’s task may be tough, but the Classic Era always has a battle plan.

Next week, in the main event of Round 11, ‘The Man’ Ric Flair (6-4-0) takes on Sting (8-0-2). The last time these two met in one-on-one action, it was the final match of the 1993 season, and Flair defeated Sting to prevent Sting from winning the Grand Prix. Promos from both men air, hyping the main event.

Stinger! I have your number, you son-of-a-bitch! You made yourself famous on my name, but since I have gotten back here in WCW, it’s been me, haha! First, I prevent you from winning the Grand Prix when I beat you in the centre of the ring! And last month, I beat your team inside of War Games. You can’t beat me, Stinger! Next week, I end your undefeated season and make sure everyone knows who’s the ‘bigger’ man, it you catch my drift.
Ric, it seems as though we are destined to do this dance for a long, long time. And no one is doubting your legacy… but when it comes to the Grand Prix, your not ‘The Man’, I am! And you have been walking in my world, walking a very fine line. Next week though, I get a measure of revenge against you when I beat you and take one step closer to regaining the Grand Prix championship.


Jushin Liger, fresh off his monumental G1 Climax victory in Japan, made his triumphant return to the WCW ring alongside Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, forming the dynamic duo known as Thunder Dragon. The crowd erupted for the high-flying Liger, who sported his signature elaborate entrance gear, while Steamboat, always the fan favorite, radiated intensity and focus. Their opponents, The Terrors—Dan Spivey and One Man Gang—towered over the smaller team. With their sheer size and power, the former Premier League stars had every intention of using brute force to overwhelm their opponents.

Well, I’ll tell ya what, folks. Jushin Liger is a global phenomenon, and he’s coming off one of the biggest wins of his career in the G1 Climax. But the question here is, can Liger and Steamboat overcome the sheer size and power of Spivey and One Man Gang? This is a true David versus Goliath story, and I can’t wait to see how it plays out.
Jim, look at the size of Spivey and One Man Gang. These men are absolutely terrifying, I don’t know how anyone—even two world-class athletes like Liger and Steamboat—can handle this! The Terrors have all the momentum on their side, and this could be a tough night for Thunder Dragon.
The match started with The Terrors using their significant size advantage to keep Liger and Steamboat grounded. Spivey and One Man Gang methodically cut the ring in half, isolating Liger and pummeling him with clubbing strikes and power moves. Each time Liger tried to mount some offense, he was met with a wall of muscle. However, the tides began to turn when Liger’s agility and quick thinking helped him avoid a double-team maneuver, causing Spivey to accidentally knock One Man Gang off the apron. This allowed Liger to tag in Steamboat, who exploded into the ring, taking out Spivey with sharp strikes and sending One Man Gang crashing to the outside with a high-flying crossbody!

Just as it seemed like Thunder Dragon was building enough momentum to turn the match around, Bam Bam Bigelow made his way down the ramp. As the referee Mike Atkins focused on the action in the ring, Bigelow struck, ambushing Steamboat on the outside with a brutal attack. Liger, seeing his partner in trouble, attempted to intervene, but it was too late. The chaos forced the referee to call for the bell, disqualifying The Terrors after 15 minutes of intense action.

With the match ending in disqualification, Thunder Dragon technically won, but The Terrors and Bam Bam Bigelow were far from finished. The three monstrous men laid waste to Liger and Steamboat, with Bigelow delivering a crushing splash to Steamboat as Spivey and One Man Gang stood tall. The post-match beatdown left Thunder Dragon incapacitated, as the crowd booed the brutal display. The newly formed alliance between The Terrors and Bam Bam was cemented, leaving the WCW tag division on notice.

Thunder Dragon (8-2-1) defeated The Terrors (4-7-0) in 15:39 by way of disqualification when Bam Bam Bigelow attacked Jushin Liger Ricky Steamboat improved to 2-0-0 against both Spivey and One Man Gang. This was the first time Liger faced either man.


In the main event of WCW’s Premier League, the crowd was buzzing as "Double A" Arn Anderson made his entrance to a raucous ovation. As one of the most respected technical wrestlers in the business, Arn had been struggling this season with a 2-8-0 record, but his fans knew that he was capable of turning things around at any moment. Tonight, he faced a massive challenge in the form of Big Van Vader, looking to snap a three-match losing streak. The intense, no-nonsense heel had been dominant in past seasons, but now he found himself needing a win to stay relevant in the title picture. The tension was palpable as both men stared each other down before the bell.

Arn Anderson is one of the toughest, most resilient men to ever step foot inside that squared circle. He’s a master tactician, and if there’s anyone who can find a way to chop down a monster like Vader, it’s Double A. Don’t forget, folks—Arn has done it before, and he knows what it takes to beat Big Van Vader.
Vader’s a force of nature, Jim. His power is unmatched, and when you’re in there with Vader, you’re not just in a wrestling match—you’re in a fight for survival. But here’s the thing: this is a must-win for Vader. He’s on a losing streak, and the last thing he wants is for that to continue. Tonight, Vader’s looking to make a statement.
From the opening bell, it was clear this was going to be a war of attrition. Arn Anderson, the ring general, focused his attacks on Vader’s shoulder, systematically trying to neutralize the big man’s devastating power moves. Arn’s strategy was smart and methodical—every chop, elbow, and wrench on Vader’s arm was calculated to weaken his striking ability. Vader, meanwhile, used his sheer size and strength to batter Arn, landing clubbing blows to Anderson’s back and ribs, forcing him to the mat on several occasions. The match was a chess game of power versus technique, with Vader trying to impose his will, while Arn masterfully avoided his biggest strikes. As the match wore on, both men were visibly exhausted, each gaining small victories only to have the other battle back.

In the final moments of the bout, Arn seemed to be on the verge of pulling off another upset, as he managed to lock in a hammerlock, further weakening Vader's shoulder. The crowd rallied behind the Enforcer, sensing a potential victory. However, Vader, using his last burst of strength, rocked Arn with a vicious spinning backfist that sent him stumbling. Arn, dazed but still standing, tried to recover, but time was not on his side. As the match approached the 20-minute mark, referee Randy Anderson called for the bell, signaling that the time limit had been reached. Neither man could claim victory as the match ended in a hard-fought draw.

Both Arn Anderson and Big Van Vader were left frustrated as they slumped back into their corners, drenched in sweat and clearly worn out from the brutal battle. Vader pounded his fists on the mat in anger, furious that he couldn’t put Arn away.

Arn Anderson (2-8-1) defeated Big Van Vader (4-3-4) in When the time limit expired at 20:00. Arn now holds a 1-0-1 advantage over Vader.

Replays of the finishes air before we return to tonight’s analysis panel of Harley Race, Paul E Dangerously, and Bruno Sammartino.

Well, there you have it folks. The race for the Premier League title continues to be front-led by Hogan, Sting and Luger. Next week ends round 11, but until then, Bruno - do you want to do the honours of awarding this week's MVP?
Yes - and before we go and I go do that thing with the MVP awarding to the MVP, I just wanted an opportunity to clarify what my… um, words were this morning, I mean at the beginning of the broadcast. I was caught off guard and I wanted to ensure everyone is aware that my skills as a leader are not not inflected by my word skills as a talker…
Mama mia, Bruno, have you ever heard yourself speak? How could anyone let you lead - you can't even form a sentence for Christ’s sake. Harley, can you put this man out of his misery and give out the award for MVP for us?
Yeah. Tonight’s MVP is Ricky Steamboat as Thunder Dragon continues the trend of amazing performances by the tag team division stars. You okay there, Bruno?
Can somebody turn a fan on? The heat is… I’m hot okay?
Bruno, maybe you ought to step down from the running. This whole talking thing isn’t for you!

The WCW theme plays as WCW goes off the air.

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Sting vs Ric Flair
Nobuhiko Takada vs Rick Rude
El Gigante vs Barry Windham
Diamond Dallas Page vs Michael Hayes
Haku vs Kevin Sullivan
The Classic Era vs The Steiner Brothers



It's the final night of Round 11, and it features a legendary rivalry being revisited in the main event. Plus the continuation of the campaign for a new Commissioner.

In Division Two match, Diamond Dallas Page (8-2-0) looks to take over first place in the division as he takes on 'The Fabulous' Michael Hayes (2-8-0) - normally the conversation would be about the wonky relationship between the veteran former tag team star and his young and obnoxious acting manager Shane Douglas, but this is the first time we see Hayes in action since he was announced as a candidate for the open role of WCW Commissioner. With this recent development, how will the interactions between Hayes and the annoying Shane Douglas evolve? Will Hayes' new prominence and potential position of power create a new dynamic for DDP to be aware of? Or will Hayes and his campaign trail become another notch on Page's rise to the Premier League? Meanwhile, we still don't know where Flamingo Corp sits as their 'Equalizer' Haku (4-5-0) goes up against 'Taskmaster' Kevin Sullivan (6-3-1). With the recent developments of cash flow problems within Flamingo Corp, as well as Stan Hansen seemingly scamming Scotty Flamingo by bringing in Hiro Matsuda, things are unwinding in Flamingo Corp - will this play as an advantage or a disadvantage for Haku, who's primarily been focused on supporting his leader most of the season? On the other side of this coin, Kevin Sullivan's been wrapped up in the odd case of his valet, the brainwashed Missy Hyatt, having been knocked senseless by an errant haymaker from Johnny B Badd and hasn't been herself since. Will The Taskmaster be able to focus on the task at hand, or will he be distracted by his own valet?

In Tag Team Division action, lone matchup for the evening is a huge collision with major ramifications, as The Classic Era (8-1-1) and The Steiner Brothers (7-2-1) go up against each other for the first time ever. A win here thrusts The Classic Era into second place where they will hold a promotion spot in the Premier League next year, whereas a Steiner Brother victory moves them into a three way tie for the third place spot, just one point behind the second place Miracle Violence Connection. The Steiner Brothers are looking to return to the Premier League, while The Classic Era are looking for their first berth into the top division under the guidance of their manager 'The Kiwi Queen' Susan Sexton. Will Finlay and Eaton dictate the pace en route to a victory for The Classic Era, or will the exciting offence of The Steiner Bros take them one step closer to returning to the top?

In Premier League competition, El Gigante (2-4-0) takes on 'Blackheart' Barry Windham (5-4-1) in a vital match for El Gigante's survival in the Premier League. Due to an early season injury and ongoing drama within Flamingo Corp, the giant has slipped down the rankings and is on the verge of a demotion. Meanwhile, the newly christened 'Blackheart' Barry is looking to ride his new persona to another victory as he climbs the ranks with the Premier League. Can Barry burst past the giant, or will the Argentine Assassin be too much to overcome? Plus, 'Yakuza Supreme' Nobuhiko Takada (6-2-2) goes up against 'The Ravishing Ruler of the World' Rick Rude (6-2-2) in one of the biggest matches of the season. With matching records and both men within striking distance of the top of the Premier League, a victory here would be monumental for either wrestler. Takada, managed by Teddy Long, claims to be rebuilding Player Enterprises after cleaning house, and has been a man possessed by his quest to be the best. Across the ring from him will stand the current reigning Grand Prix champion. Rick Rude appears to be a man on the verge of cracking as is obsessed with retaining his title, but can feel it slipping out of his hands as the season nears its end. Will one man's quest for gold end tonight?

Finally, in the main event, one of WCW's most famous rivalries is revisited as Sting (8-0-2) and Ric Flair (6-4-0) headlines WCW Saturday Night. Sting looks to move into a tie for first place in the Premier League with a massive victory to remain undefeated on the season, but to do so he has to defeat the leader of The Four Horsemen. In their sole previous Grand Prix encounter, Ric Flair was not only victorious, but cost Sting the 1993 Premier League Championship, albeit by virtue of a blatant disqualification by Rick Rude. Flair on the other hand had a rough start to the season, but is riding a wave of momentum with 4 straight wins, plus the massive Pay Per View victory over Team Dusty (which Sting himself was a part of) in War Games. With these two titans of industry going head to head, who will emerge victorious?

WCW - We put the 'world' in World Championship Wrestling.


1PWfan : 8/18 - 44%
Just here to look : 10/18 - 56%
Dawn : 16/24 - 66%
Nobby_McDonald : 23/36 - 64%
Rekcut012 : 25/36 - 69%
StanMiguel : 48/73 - 66%

Old School Fan : 49/78 - 63%
Lord Byron : 118/186 - 63%
Nightshadeex : 139/212 - 66%
SonOfSharknado : 140/212 - 66%
DHK1989 : 143/212 - 67%

*Note, due to the short turn between this preview and the actual show being posted, if the regulars don't all get their picks in, I'll avoid registering the week for the standings. Vacations be damned :)

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September 1994 : Week 1


Nobuhiko Takada signs a 5 year contract extension with WCW valued at $8.1M

AWF adds Chris Adams, Ranger Ross, Randy Rose, Kerry Brown, Al Green, Larry Hamilton, DJ Peterson, New Jack, Todd Champion, Tim Horner, Dale Veasley and Rockin Robin to their roster.

AJW signed recent graduate Yoshiko Tamura to a contract.

WYF added Headhunter B to their roster.

CMLL renewed the contract of Dr. Wagner Jr for two more years, in a deal valued at $3.135M

USWA added Rockin Robin to their roster.

Capitol Sports has chosen not to renew the contract of Botswana Beast.

CSP adds Jose Estrada Jr to their roster.

PNW added Joey Maggs to their roster.


Partnership of Pain (Mike Miller & Scott Norton) defeated Egocentric to win the NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Championships for the first time.

Cyber Squad (Tyree Pride and Tony Capone) defeated The Power Twins to win the NAWA Tag Team titles for the second time.

At WWF Summerslam 94, The Big Bossman defeated Sgt Slaughter to win the vacant WWF World Heavyweight Championship. This is Bossman’s first reign. Bossman is a part of ‘The Wildcards’ stable, which also features the injured former champion, Mr. Perfect.

Poison Sawada defeated Hirofumi Miura to win the W*ING World Jr Heavyweight Championship for the first time.

Shinya Hashimoto defeated Tatsumi Fujinami to win the IWGP World Heavyweight title for the first time. The decision was not well received by the NJPW as Shinya has been winless the entire year since recovering from a severe injury. His last singles victory? August, 1991…


Yoshihiro Tajiri, Yoshiko Tamura, El Nene, Beverly Butler and Scoot Andrews entered the wrestling world.


PPW Div 3 + Tag Div 2 Grand Prix Round 10/15; Card Two

Tex and Shanghai (7-2-2) def. Western Boys (1-10-0)
La Parka (5-3-3) def. Stan Lane (1-10-0)
Harlem Heat (9-1-1) def. Southern Rockers (6-5-0)
Rod Price (3-7-1) def. The Great Kabuki (0-7-0)
El Negro Y La Plata (7-3-1) def. The Wildest of the West (2-9-0)
Jeff Jarrett (8-0-3) def. Samoan Savage (4-7-0)
Nubian Nightmares (7-2-2) def. The Moondogs (6-4-1)
Great Kokina (10-0-1) def. Sabu (6-1-4)

Worthwhile Notes:

Brad Rheingans of the Western Boys has taken the last 8 defeats for the team. He seems unsure of himself.
The Bluegrass Based Southern Rockers initially got the win, until referee Hiroyuki Unno overturned the decision when he found a shattered banjo caused the victory.
Marquis ‘The Artiste’ Bagwell and ‘Mr Wonderful’ Paul Orndorff hyped their match at the next show. Bagwell was brash. Oddly, Van Hammer was hanging out with Bagwell.
‘The Raging Bull’ Manny Fernandez cuts a depressing promo about the effects of age. Says this old bull isn’t ready to be put to slaughter just yet.
MVP : Negro Casas


W4WA Canadian Grand Prix Round 17/23; Card One

B Brian Blair (4-13-0) def. Chip Thompson (3-14-0)
Kid Kash (10-6-1) def. Buddy Hart (7-9-1)
William Regal (15-0-2) def. Don Callis (8-9-0)
Rob Van Dam (8-8-1) def. Greg Valentine (3-14-0)
Sledgehammer Anderson (10-4-3) def. Keith Hart (5-12-0)
Ed Moretti (12-4-1) def. Chris Jericho (13-3-1)

Worthwhile Notes:

Dick Slater cut a promo saying he’s moving on from the failed Alliance and wants to emerge a new man, as ‘Largo’s Law’ Dick Slater. He’s going to crack down on the youngins.
Young star Rob Van Dam absolutely dominated in his victory over the veteran Greg Valentine, winning with a huge Frog Splash.
Owen Hart came out and berated his upcoming opponent, the celebrated veteran Gerry Morrow. He raised his Kiniski Classic Cup only for Gene Kiniski to come out and warn Owen about his recent conduct.
MVP : William Regal


SSW Division 4 Grand Prix Round 16/23; Card Two

Jack Victory (6-10-0) def. Bob Holly (2-1-1)
Danny Boy Collins (2-9-0) deff. Ricky Vaughn (0-14-0)
Brian Lee (13-0-3) def. Paul Levesque (7-9-0)
David Sammartino (11-2-3) def. Rip Rogers (11-5-0)
Blue Demon Jr (8-0-2) def. Leatherface (10-6-0)
El Hijo Del Santo (15-0-1) def. Bruiser X Mastino (8-8-0)

Worthwhile Notes:

Blue Demon Jr returned from injury and picked up a big win in his first match back.
A promo hyping El Dandy vs Ice Train next week was interrupted by ’Too Much’ Brian Christopher who then put himself over.
MVP : Blue Demon Jr


PWFG Japanese Grand Prix Round 16/23; Card One

Tatsutoshi Goto (7-4-1) def. Yoshiaki Yatsu (3-13-0)
2 Cold Scorpio (7-3-3) def. Minoru Tanaka (2-14-0)
Mark Starr (5-11-0) def. Masahito Kakihara (6-10-0)
Yukihiro Kanemura (7-5-1) def. Volk Han (12-2-2)
Minoru Suzuki (11-2-3) def. Hans Nijman (4-12-0)
Doug Furnas (10-2-2) and Masakatsu Funaki (9-0-3) went to a time limit draw.


Veteran Yoshiaki Yatsu looked extremely disappointed in himself after yet another defeated.
Kanemura caught Volk Han with a surprise knockout blow.
MVP : Volk Han

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Sting vs Ric Flair - Draw
Nobuhiko Takada vs Rick Rude (I want it to be Rude cause he's my favorite, but you've got the rocket strapped to Takada. Hahahaha)
El Gigante vs Barry Windham
Diamond Dallas Page vs Michael Hayes
Haku vs Kevin Sullivan
The Classic Era vs The Steiner Brothers

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