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war time wws

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this is my first thread and i hope you guys liked it so here goes i had gotten some money to start a local wrestling company but my friends and i came up with an idea to attck the tna and wwe to get there stars but had no way to attck them thats when i got a call from paul heyman to come to raw this monday with him and challage vince to a match so i said ok he said he was coming to my house as we speck so i wanted to meet the man i always wanted to meet he said he had the plane ready for me to leave and start the war that would change wrestling forever so that night i was scared and vary worred for the fate of wws that vince came down with an army of the wwe raw super stars to beat down dx that when i come down and challage vince to a cage match tonight vince said your on i said how about we have a bet if i win i get your wrestlers but if you winyou can have wws that night i beat vince in his ring next we went to tna where i face jeff for his wrestlers and the risk of losing wws but paul said he was ready to being the extreme squard i had wwe and tna wrestlers at hands so heres the roster of wws. kane undertaker randy o. eugene hbk regal benoit maven y2j triple h batista ric flair rock kevin nash scott hall hulk hogan jeff j. jeff hardy matt hardy gene s. mr. usa tony a. j.r. wws c. king wws c. tazz wws c. cole wws c. hector garza spanky sharkboy rey m. pimetime chirstopher daniels peatly willams mick f. konna roadogg ron killings eddie dean m. stone cold a.j. styles booker t ddp randy s. chavo g. big show rvd spike steve blackman ken shamrock bret hart sting terry funk tommy dreamer sandman d-von bubba ray big dick dudley shy guy dudley new jack afa somoa koko beware jake the snake roberts greg the hammer tony jones mike modiess mike awesome big billy bobfatman joey styles wws p.p.v. c. sabu christian edge chris sabin goldberg gillberg goldust dasty r. paul heyman wws g.m. pitbull gary wolf angel vic grimes sunrise adam's gail kim jackie gayda lita beulah francine jasmin st. clarie jazz show's hardcore t.v. great wall shown on fox
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This is ****, no offence it seriously is, Why would Heyman phone you, Vince would never do that neither would Jeff, techincally you'd be breakign the alw anyway to apear on RAW and TNa and doing that anyway, so i have a idea, lets pretend in your diary you was arrested for trespassing onto RAW and TNA, so seeing as you are now in jail, ya fed has to close, and this diary ends, best way i think
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well come on it's true, he just manages to get into TNA and WWE, yeh coz i'm sure instead of getting him sent to jail, they would put their company on the line just so they get to win a name, coz well they didn't even have a roster,s o just a god damn name
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