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Building Character

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I was thinking of making a cool series called Building Character. I idea of the series is that anybody can construct a character of their liking and post it to the Grey Dogs Forum named Building Character. I hope the community can contribute and come together to create some pretty cool characters/gimmick. I hear a lot of them in the wrestling community and thought this would be a great idea!

Budling Character .png

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When I thought of the idea I didn't have a list that anybody has to follow when making these characters but here is a list I made of things that would be good to included on a baseline.



Weight/Weight class/Height/Body type

Story of the character/Early Life

Promotion(s) they are working for (if they are working for one)

Their accomplishments

More if you would like

Since you are building the character you could also try and book them in a promotion(s) if you wanted to. However I don't want this to be a series that everybody has to follow from the list I would just love to see whatever people have as a definition as building (a) character. But if people are confused on where to start the list would be a great place to do so.

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2 hours ago, James The Animator said:

Battleship Downes. 25 years old, 4 years experience. Powerhouse. Straight White American Male.

From Jacksonville, FL.

246 lbs/Middleweight/5’9”/Bulky

Battleship Downes may be the saddest wrestler on the independent circuit. He has no attributes which would imply that he would be successful in the pro wrestling business, with no ring skills, no promo ability, no distinctive look, and not even a gimmick to cover all that up. His one trick is turning up to independent shows on the east coast and refusing to leave, guilt-tripping unsuspecting promoters into using him. The downside of this routine is that after stinking up the ring, he is almost never asked to return by any promoter. With that in mind, his days in the business are probably numbered.

Obviously he has no employment history or accomplishments.

Set all his skills to low values except Resilience, which is in the high eighties. Also, set his potential in all skills to low. Give him the Grifter, Better As Heel, No Stunts, and Marketing Nightmare attributes. 

lmao why do i feel like I've wrestled that exact guy

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