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STARDOM Triangle Derby Night Ten
Saturday, Week 4, January 2023


1. TRIANGLE DERBY - 02lineC (AZM, Miyu Amasaki and Lady C) defeated H&M’s (Mayu Iwatani, Hanan and Momo Kohgo) in 9:43 when AZM pinned Momo Kohgo with a PK. Miyu & Lady C put in a performance to try and prove they deserve to be part of Queen’s Quest but it still took a high speed flurry from AZM to seal the victory. [57]

POST-MATCH: Despite the win AZM still questions Miyu & Lady C’s positions in Queen’s Quest. She promises to show them, and Saki Kashima, what being part of Queen’s Quest is all about when she defends her title against Kashima at Supreme Fight. [42]

2. TRIANGLE DERBY - MaihimeMai (Himeka, Maika and Mai Sakurai) defeated Color’s (Hikari Shimizu, Rina Amikura and Yuko Sakurai) in 8:41 when Maika submitted Yuko Sakurai with a Cross Armbreaker. [48]

3. TRIANGLE DERBY - Rebel X Enemy (Rina Yamashita, Ram Kaicho and Maika Ozaki) defeated Cosmic Angels (Tam Nakano, Natsupoi and SAKI) in 11:40 when Rina Yamashita pinned SAKI with a Splash Mountain. Tam was heartbroken at the loss as a win would have booked them into the tiebreaker as a minimum. Waka attempted to console her only for Tam to push her away. [52]

4. TRIANGLE DERBY - Classmates (Hazuki, Koguma and Saya Iida) defeated Neo Stardom Army (Nanae Takahashi, Yuu and Yuna Manase) in 11:29 when Hazuki pinned Yuu with an Atomic Bombs Away. [58]

5. TRIANGLE DERBY - Unique Glare (Momo Watanabe, Starlight Kid and Haruka Umesaki) defeated Club Venus (Mina Shirakawa, Mariah May and Xia Brookside) in 13:47 when Starlight Kid pinned Mariah May with a Standing Moonsault. With this victory Unique Glare became the first team to officially qualify for the next round of the tournament. [52]

POST-MATCH: Momo Watanabe says that she has seen her future. It starts when they win the Triangle Derby next week, then she’ll rip the Wonder of STARDOM Championship from the pretender Saya Kamitani and keep her record, and then finally they’ll take the Artist of STARDOM Championships as well. In fact they’ll take anything they want, because Oedo Tai are taking their rightful spot at the top of STARDOM once more. [43]

6. TRIANGLE DERBY - Prominence (Risa Sera, Suzu Suzuki and Hiragi Kurumi) defeated Oedo Tai (Natsuko Tora, Saki Kashima and Ruaka) in 12:49 when Risa Sera pinned Saki Kashima with a Diving Double Knee Drop. [50]

7. TRIANGLE DERBY - Abarenbo GE (Syuri, MIRAI and Ami Sourei) drew with AphrOditE H (Utami Hayashishita, Saya Kamitani and Hina) in 15:00 when the time limit expired. The story here was simple, Utami and Saya spent large portions of the match working over MIRAI and Ami, while Syuri did the heavy lifting, coming in whenever things looked hopeless and getting her team back into the match with some serious fighting spirit. Without the time limit the match likely would have swung to AphrOditE H, but the clock struck fifteen minutes, and the match was called a draw! [61]

POST-MATCH: Both Saya Kamitani and Utami Hayashishita take turns complimenting the work Syuri is doing with her God’s Eye protege’s, with Saya also spending time talking about Momo Watanabe. When Syuri gets her chance to talk however she is interrupted by Rina Yamashita, who told Syuri she’d see her soon. Rina lays down a challenge to Syuri for a special singles match at Supreme Fight, wanting to show her how much better she has gotten than her since their time together. Syuri accepts the challenge, and the match is set! [54]




- The round robin stage is now finished meaning MaihimeMai, Neo Stardom Army, Prominence and Unique Glare head to the finals to determine the winner of the Triangle Derby.

- Ram Kaicho suffered a broken collar bone thanks to a mistake by SAKI and will be out for 24 days. I didn’t have major plans for her during that time but it’s still disappointing, especially since I like SAKI and she isn’t an unsafe worker by any means.




STARDOM Triangle Derby Standings

Triangle Blue
1. MaihimeMai - 8
-. Neo Stardom Army - 8
3. Cosmic Angels - 7
-. Oedo Tai - 7
-. Abarenbo GE - 7
6. Club Venus - 6
-. H&M's - 6

Triangle Red
1. Prominence - 10
2. Unique Glare - 9
3. AphrOditE H - 8
-. Classmates - 8
5. Rebel X Enemy - 6
6. 02lineC - 4
7. Color's - 4


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STARDOM Triangle Derby Final Card
Sunday, Week 4, January 2023


STARDOM Triangle Derby Semi-Final




MaihimeMai (Himeka, Maika & Mai Sakurai) vs. Prominence (Risa Sera, Suzu Suzuki & Hiragi Kurumi)

Despite an early hurdle of two losses in their initial two matches, the trio of MaihimeMai made a burning return to qualify for the semi-finals of the tournament, as well as lay down their right as the number one contenders to the Goddesses of STARDOM Championship. Now they have the opportunity not only to build momentum ahead of that title match, but also to topple the Artist of STARDOM Champions and win the first ever Triangle Derby in the process. To do that however they’ll have to go through Prominence, who have stole the show since arriving in STARDOM and at times seemed almost unstoppable. Suzu Suzuki will be even more fired up with the knowledge that she can get one over on Giulia’s Donna Del Mondo stablemates, making for an intense battle.


STARDOM Triangle Derby Semi-Final




Neo Stardom Army (Nanae Takahashi, Yuu & Yuna Manase) vs. Unique Glare (Momo Watanabe, Starlight Kid & Haruka Umesaki)

Since returning to STARDOM Nanae Takahashi and her Neo Stardom Army allies have been nothing but impressive, dominating the competition all the way to capturing the Goddesses of STARDOM Championship at Dream Queendom, however the first cracks in their armour appeared during the Triangle Derby when a loss to Prominence, and some harsh words following, appeared to make Nanae doubt their original mission to wipe out what STARDOM has become. On the other side Oedi Tai started the tournament with doubts over Haruka Umesaki’s toughness only to fully embrace her following an intense inter-unit battle. Now they step foot into the semi-final on the same page and seemingly stronger than ever. Will it be enough to topple Neo Stardom Army, or will Nanae Takahashi demonstrate the strength that got them this far?


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Hazuki vs. Thekla

Since Hazuki’s return to STARDOM in 2021 she has looked to make STARDOM better through in-ring action, but there has always been a chip on her shoulder whether she can make those changes without being capable of winning the big one. Now, named as Giulia’s first challenger for the World of STARDOM Championship Hazuki gets her chance, and she’ll go in full of confidence having already gotten a win over the champion in the 5Star. Giulia’s trusted general Thekla stands in her way, The Spider promising a serious test for the challenger.


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God’s Eye (Syrui & Konami) vs. Rebel X Enemy (Rina Yamashita & Maya Yukihi)

When Rina Yamashita made her STARDOM-proper debut as Maya Yukihi’s replacement due to injury it saw her stand toe to toe with Syuri, a woman she has plenty of history with having shared the ring multiple times between 2015 and 2020 in a variety of promotions. Some would say it was a matter of when, not if, the two would clash again if Yamashita ever made her way to STARDOM, and that has proven to be exactly right. Now ahead of their collision at Supreme Fight Yamashita teams with the returning Maya Yukihi against Syuri and her God’s Eye ally Konami in a battle for momentum.





Queen’s Quest (Utami Hayashishita, Saya Kamitani, AZM & Hina) vs. Oedo Tai (Natsuko Tora, Saki Kashima, Ruaka & Rina)

Queen’s Quest had an eventful Triangle Derby, but for AZM it was one she’d rather forget as she was paired with the young pairing of Miyu Amasaki and Lady C, their lack of victories causing her much frustration. Now faced with her Supreme Fight opponent Saki Kashima and Oedo Tai, AZM has backup in the more experienced Queen’s Quest members, which will hopefully appease the High Speed Bomb Girl as she seeks momentum against her challenger.





STARS (Mayu Iwatami, Hanan, Koguma & Saya Iida) vs. Cosmic Angels (Tam Nakano, Natsupoi, Waka Tsukiyama & SAKI)

It was a disappointing tournament for both STARS and Cosmic Angels as both units failed to make it to the semi-finals and they will both be looking to bounce back here. At the same time things are not all good for Cosmic Angels as Waka Tsukiyama’s frustrations over her lengthy losing streak has impacted her Cosmic Angels allies to the point that Tam has given her an ultimatum to prove herself or leave Cosmic Angels. Can Waka do that here, or will tensions continue to rise?


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Mina Shirakawa vs. Miyu Amasaki vs. Tomoka Inaba

An opening match three way sees the leader of Club Venus take on two up and coming talents who will be wanting to prove themselves after disappointing tours.


Quick Picks:

Triangle Derby Semi-Final - MaihimeMai vs. Prominence

Triangle Derby Semi-Final - Neo Stardom Army vs. Unique Glare

Hazuki vs. Thekla

God’s Eye vs. Rebel X Enemy

Queen’s Quest vs. Oedo Tai

STARS vs. Cosmic Angels

Who wins the Triangle Derby: MaihimeMai / Neo Stardom Army / Prominence / Unique Glare

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Triangle Derby Semi-Final - MaihimeMai vs. Prominence

Triangle Derby Semi-Final - Neo Stardom Army vs. Unique Glare

Hazuki vs. Thekla

God’s Eye vs. Rebel X Enemy

Queen’s Quest vs. Oedo Tai

STARS vs. Cosmic Angels

Who wins the Triangle Derby: MaihimeMai / Neo Stardom Army / Prominence / Unique Glare

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STARDOM Triangle Derby Final
Sunday, Week 4, January 2023


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Mina Shirakawa vs. Miyu Amasaki vs. Tomoka Inaba

A hot opening contest saw both Miyu and Tomoka give it their all to try and pull off a notable victory only for the veteran instincts of Mina Shirakawa to win out as she took Miyu out with an Implant DDT and then countered a rollup attempt by Tomoka to hit the GSS for the victory.

Mina Shirakawa defeated Miyu Amasaki & Tomoka Inaba in 7:23 when Mina Shirakawa pinned Tomoka Inaba with the GSS.

Match Rating: 42





STARS (Mayu Iwatami, Hanan, Koguma & Saya Iida) vs. Cosmic Angels (Tam Nakano, Natsupoi, Waka Tsukiyama & SAKI)

Waka was determined to prove herself to Tam here to the point that she took unnecessary risks and didn’t pay enough attention to what was going on, blinded by her desire to win. Ultimately after a mad flurry of action Waka tagged herself in on Natsupoi and went after Mayu, only for the Icon of STARDOM to end up bettering her in a flurry of offence, pinning her with the Dragon Suplex Hold.

STARS (Mayu Iwatani, Hanan, Koguma and Saya Iida) defeated Cosmic Angels (Tam Nakano, Natsupoi, Waka Tsukiyama and SAKI) in 12:57 when Mayu Iwatani pinned Waka Tsukiyama with a Dragon Suplex.

Match Rating: 56



Waka is distraught as STARS celebrate up the ramp. She looks to Tam as her leader enters the ring, a mix of sadness and anger on her face. Waka pleads with Tam but she pushes her to the ground and tells Waka that she told her that she needs to improve, but that they can’t wait around for her to do it. Tam tells Waka she has two months, until the end of March and the start of the Cinderella tournament, to win a match and prove she can do it or else she is gone from Cosmic Angels! Mina Shirakawa attempt to console a distraught Waka while Natuspoi leaves with a conflicted Tam. Meanwhile SAKI watches the whole thing, the very slightest of smiles on her face.

Angle Rating: 45


STARDOM Triangle Derby Semi-Final




Neo Stardom Army (Nanae Takahashi, Yuu & Yuna Manase) vs. Unique Glare (Momo Watanabe, Starlight Kid & Haruka Umesaki)

Throughout this tournament Haruka Umesaki has had to prove herself to the rest of Oedo Tai to the point where they fully embraced her after the Unique Glare, Oedo Tai draw. She seems to have taken that in her stride as she seemed more confident and determined than ever before, taking the fight to the much more experienced Neo Stardom Army, with Momo and SLK more than willing to get in on the action. Yuu seemed particularly flustered by the onslaught of Unique Glare and despite the power advantage of Neo Stardom Army it was Unique Glare who walked out with the win and a spot in the finals.

Unique Glare (Momo Watanabe, Starlight Kid and Haruka Umesaki) defeated Neo Stardom Army (Nanae Takahashi, Yuu and Yuna Manase) in 13:33 when Haruka Umesaki pinned Yuu with a Missile Kick.

Match Rating: 53



Following Unique Glare’s celebrations Neo Stardom Army were left looking dejected in the ring when Jazzy Gabert made her surprising reappearance. The Alpha Female asked what had happened since her last match here in November? When Neo Stardom Army came to STARDOM it was to tear it apart, now look at them, getting humiliated by Prominence and Oedo Tai. Gabert says she’ll be in their corner at Supreme Fight to make sure that they get back to the reason they came here in the first place - destroying STARDOM. The rest of Neo Stardom Army didn’t seem so sure, but the four left as a united front.

Angle Rating: 34


STARDOM Triangle Derby Semi-Final




MaihimeMai (Himeka, Maika & Mai Sakurai) vs. Prominence (Risa Sera, Suzu Suzuki & Hiragi Kurumi)

Both teams go into the match hot as Prominence quickly realise that they’re not going to be able to overpower Himeka or Maika as the number one contenders to the Goddesses of STARDOM Championship were more than happy to go blow for blow and throw Prominence around. Risa Sera saw the writing on the wall and quickly changed game plans, Prominence working overtime to isolate what they viewed as the clear weak link of MaihimeMai, Mai Sakurai. For her part Mai fought with all her heart despite the bruising offence but just couldn’t hold her own against such a sustained battering and eventually went down to Suzu Suzuki’s German Suplex Hold. A disappointing result for MaihimeMai, in particular Mai Sakurai as she’ll feel that she let her team down, but Prominence’s continued march forward continues.

Prominence (Risa Sera, Suzu Suzuki and Hiragi Kurumi) defeated Donna del Mondo (Himeka, Maika and Mai Sakurai) in 13:08 when Suzu Suzuki pinned Mai Sakurai with a German Suplex Hold.

Match Rating: 53





Queen’s Quest (Utami Hayashishita, Saya Kamitani, AZM & Hina) vs. Oedo Tai (Natsuko Tora, Saki Kashima, Ruaka & Rina)

AZM came into this match with a serious chip on her shoulder as the High Speed Bomb Girl was determined to remind her Queen’s Quest peers that she was much more than her Triangle Derby showing would make out. Kamitani, who will clash with Oedo Tai’s Momo Watanabe at Supreme Fight, and Hayashishita were more than happy to help. On the Oedo Tai side Saki and her allies wanted to build momentum ahead of her High Speed title challenge, and used every trick in the book to do that. The closing stretch saw AZM rip through the entirety of Oedo Tai with some high speed offence before finishing Rina off with one of the most brutal PK’s ever seen. AZM stared daggers at Saki but when Utami approached her AZM rolled out of the ring and left without the rest of Queen’s Quest.

Queen's Quest (Utami Hayashishita, Saya Kamitani, AZM and Hina) defeated Oedo Tai (Natsuko Tora, Saki Kashima, Ruaka and Rina) in 16:07 when AZM pinned Rina with a PK.

Match Rating: 52


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God’s Eye (Syrui & Konami) vs. Rebel X Enemy (Rina Yamashita & Maya Yukihi)

A dream tag match of sorts that few would have expected to see even just a month ago, but here we are. Syuri has history with Yamashita and Yukihi from her days in Ice Ribbon, Oz Academy and SEAdLINNNG and was keen to introduce the outsiders to what STARDOM is all about ahead of her special singles clash with Yamashita in just a couple of weeks time. To help her she brought in Konami, whose appearances are always a moment worth watching. If anything however it was Rebel X Enemy who reminded Syuri what they’re all about as the duo put on an impressive performance and had the edge throughout the bout. Konami was the wild card and as always when she steps foot in the STARDOM ring she brought surefire action and fought with everything she had. Ultimately however Rebel X Enemy got the better of the action as Rina Yamashita put Konami down while Maya brawled with Syuri on the outside, stopping her from breaking up the pin.

Rebel X Enemy (Rina Yamashita & Maya Yukihi) defeated God’s Eye (Syrui & Konami) in 14:52 when Rina Yamashita pinned Konami with a Splash Mountain.

Match Rating: 69



Following the bout Rina Yamashita invites Syuri into the ring and addresses how she is sure Syuri thinks she has become a big deal now that she’s a star in STARDOM, but she remembers how she used to push her around back when they were both up-and-comers, and she’s looking forward to doing it again in two weeks when they face off. Syuri respondes by warning Rina that things have changed, that she has changed, and that at Supreme Fight she looks forward to showing Yamashita what the spirit of God’s Eye is all about when she beats her all around the ring. The two women stare each other down, tensions building ahead of their big clash.

Angle Rating: 60


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Hazuki vs. Thekla

Hazuki was looking to build momentum ahead of her major World of STARDOM Championship match against Thekla’s unit-mate Guilia in two weeks time, but she had the Spider of STARDOM looking to stop her dead in her tracks before she could get there. The story of the match saw Hazuki going all out, trying to build up steam with strikes and high impact grapples only for Thekla to continuously stop her dead in her tracks, tying her up in all sorts of holds and submissions. Thekla paid particular attention to the leg of Hazuki, trying to take away her speed and centre of gravity and making it difficult for Hazuki to the point that her leg gave out from under her when she went up to the top for Atomic Bombs Away. Hazuki showed incredible heart to fight through, coming out on top when she pushed through the pain to hit the Atomic Bombs Away at the second time of asking.

Hazuki defeated Thekla in 17:23 by pinfall with an Atomic Bombs Away.

Match Rating: 56



Giulia enters the ring following the outcome and offers Hazuki her respect for how she pushed through Thekla’s onslaught. Giulia knows that Hazuki has this dream of redeeming herself in her own eyes for leaving and that she feels she needs to win the red belt to do that, but the dream ends now, because there isn’t a dream strong enough to topple her title reign. Hazuki snatches the microphone from Giulia’s hand, telling her to shut up, because she’s tired of hearing people talk about her. Giulia doesn’t know her, but she will at Supreme Fight, because Hazuki will fight until her last breath to take that title!

Angle Rating: 55


STARDOM Triangle Derby Final




Unique Glare (Momo Watanabe, Starlight Kid & Haruka Umesaki) vs. Prominence (Risa Sera, Suzu Suzuki & Hiragi Kurumi)

Fourteen trios started this tournament looking to win the inaugural Triangle Derby and after a month of non-stop action the tournament has been whittled down to two. Both teams came into this off the back of intense semi-final matches earlier in the night and you could see the fatigue wearing them down making for a dramatic bout between six women who were willing to put their bodies on the line to walk away not just with the victory, not just with the Triangle Derby, but with the pride of knowing they beat the other. Unique Glare threw plenty of dirty tricks at Prominence who were more than happy to respond in kind. The bout soon broke down as the referee lost control, with all six women brawling wildly inside and outside of the ring. Haruka went up high, diving from the top turnbuckle and taking out Suzuki, Kurumi and even Starlight Kid. Risa Sera capitalised on the moment with a running knee to the back of Umesaki’s head before dragging her into the ring. Risa attempted to finish Haruka off with Ayers Rock but she was so close to the corner Momo was able to tag herself in unbeknownst to Sera. Momo grabbed Risa the moment she hit the move and planted her with Peach Sunrise to capture the victory!

Unique Glare (Momo Watanabe, Starlight Kid and Haruka Umesaki) defeated Prominence (Risa Sera, Suzu Suzuki and Hiragi Kurumi) in 17:47 when Momo Watanabe pinned Risa Sera with a Peach Sunrise.

Unique Glare win the STARDOM Triangle Derby!

Match Rating: 56



A battered Starlight Kid and Haruka Umesaki joins Momo Watanabe in the ring, celebrating the massive victory. The trio are awarded their trophies for winning the inaugural Triangle Derby before Momo sends the crowd home with a very clear message. This is only the start of Oedo Tai’s latest wave of domination. In two weeks she takes her rightful place as the Wonder of STARDOM Champion, then they take the Artist of STARDOM Championship from Prominence! Momo tells Saya Kamitani that she will never beat her record, because she isn’t deserving, but that she will find out what it means to be in the ring with a real champion at Supreme Fight!

Angle Rating: 49





- For my first semi-major show I’m happy enough with the show rating, because it continues the trend of every show having increased our popularity. I’m looking forward to seeing how we do with our first major show however with notable title matches involved, that’ll be the first proper test for the roster.

- The main event likely would’ve done better if I’d booked it longer, as it got pinged for being too short for an important match, but given that the six women had been in action already I didn’t want to push their stamina and risk an injury.

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So after the conclusion of the Triangle Derby tournament, and the show itself, this is how our first prediction contest stands:

1. MidKnightDreary - 7
2. Vandal - 6
3. Stretch - 5

As previously stated the first place prediction prize for the January - March contest will be to choose any competitor on the roster to get a title match of your choosing, and I will ensure that there is a story to back it up. The more participation we get makes it more likely that I'll also add some additional prizes as we go, so I'd encourage everyone who is reading to get involved since it gives you the opportunity to shape the diary moving forward.

Up next we've got two road to Supreme Fight tour shows, then the big one itself, which will be your next opportunity to predict.


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STARDOM Supreme Prelude Night One
Saturday, Week 1, February 2023


1. God's Eye (Syuri, Ami Sourei and Tomoka Inaba) defeated Cosmic Angels (Hikari Shimizu, Rina Amikura and Waka Tsukiyama) in 8:45 when Syuri pinned Waka Tsukiyama with the PK. [52]

2. Haruka Umesaki defeated Yuko Sakurai in 7:57 by pinfall with a Missile Kick. [40]

3. Peach Rock (Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo) defeated Prominence (Akane Fujita & Mochi Natsumi) in 10:30 when Mayu Iwatani pinned Akane Fujita with a Diving Double Foot Stomp. [60]

4. God’s Eye (MIRAI & Nanami) defeated Oedo Tai (Rina & Fukigen Death) in 8:15 when MIRAI submitted Rina with a Miramare. [40]

5. Rebel X Enemy (Rina Yamashita, Maya Yukihi and Maika Ozaki) defeated Queen's Quest (Hina, Lady C and Miyu Amasaki) in 10:26 when Maya Yukihi pinned Miyu Amasaki with a God Migration. [52]

6. Donna del Mondo (Giulia, Thekla and Mai Sakurai) defeated STARS (Hanan, Koguma and Saya Iida) in 15:36 when Giulia submitted Koguma with a Bianca. [55]

POST-MATCH: Having vanquished Hazuki’s STARS allies tonight, Giulia had some strong words for her Supreme Fight challenger, promising that all her dreams mean nothing when they step in the ring. The only thing that will happen is her dreams will become a nightmare when Giulia proves Hazuki isn’t strong enough to take the World of STARDOM Championship! [57]




- MIRAI & Nanami flagged up the zero chemistry as partners note. Given that Nanami also has bad chemistry with Tomoka Inaba does not bode well for her future in God’s Eye.




STARDOM Supreme Prelude Night Two
Sunday, Week 1, February 2023


1. SAKI defeated Hina & Nanami in 7:50 when SAKI pinned Nanami with a Kawildbuster. [30]

2. Club Venus (Mariah May & Xia Brookside) defeated STARS (Hanan and Momo Kohgo) in 11:40 when Mariah May submitted Momo Kohgo with an Octopus Stretch. [31]

3. Syuri defeated Maika Ozaki in 11:41 by pinfall with a PK. [63]

POST-MATCH: Rina Yamashita, who watched the match from ringside, squared up to Syuri following the match. Rina warned Syuri that she’ll see her in one week, and that the clock is ticking until she’s found out for the fraud she is. Syuri showed no fear, nodding at Rina that she’ll see her in the ring. [58]

4. ARTIST OF STARDOM NUMBER ONE CONTENDERS BOUT - STARS (Mayu Iwatani, Koguma and Saya Iida) defeated Oedo Tai (Fukigen Death, Ruaka and Rina) in 12:21 when Mayu Iwatani pinned Rina with a Dragon Suplex. With this win STARS have booked themselves a shot at Prominence at Supreme Fight. [57]

5. Neo Stardom Army (Nanae Takahashi, Yuu, Yuna Manase and Jazzy Gabert) defeated Donna del Mondo (Himeka, Maika, Mai Sakurai and Thekla) in 12:34 when Jazzy Gabert pinned Mai Sakurai with The Omega Slam. [52]

6. Oedo Tai (Momo Watanabe, Natsuko Tora and Saki Kashima) defeated Queen's Quest (Saya Kamitani, AZM and Miyu Amasaki) in 16:08 when Momo Watanabe pinned Miyu Amasaki with a Peach Sunrise. [55]

POST-MATCH: Oedo Tai close the show taking turns talking about how STARDOM is going to belong to them once again, starting at Supreme Fight as Momo takes the Wonder of STARDOM Championship from the  pretender Saya Kamitani, while Saki takes her rightful place as the High Speed Champion when she instant kills AZM. Natsuko Tora promises the reign of Oedo Tai has begun, and everybody will feel the pain. [42]




- Nanae Takahashi has taken Maika under her wing which, coupled with Bull Nakano doing the same with Himeka in January bodes well for MaiHime as future stars. And no, Himeka hasn’t announced her retirement in this world and unless for some freak chicanery from the game won’t be either.


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STARDOM 12th Anniversary: Supreme Fight Card
Saturday, Week 2, February 2023


Wonder of STARDOM Championship Match

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Saya Kamitani vs. Momo Watanabe

Saya Kamitani is on the verge of making history. She is just two defences away from breaking the record for most defences of the Wonder of STARDOM Championship but the woman that stands in her way of tying that record is the very one who already holds it - Momo Watanabe. The Black Peach of Oedo Tai has had a great start to 2023, already winning the Triangle Derby alongside Starlight Kid and Haruka Umesaki, and is now determined to kickstart Oedo Tai’s takeover of STARDOM by winning the Wonder of STARDOM Championship from the ‘pretender’ Saya Kamitani. Will Kamitani prove that she is deserving of tying the record, or will she fall to the might of the Black Peach?


World of STARDOM Championship Match

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Giulia vs. Hazuki

Giulia’s handpicked first challenger for her World of STARDOM Championship has everything to prove. Since her return to STARDOM Hazuki has been determined to make the company she loves stronger by giving it everything that she has in the ring. While she has done that she still has a dream of being the World of STARDOM Champion, but has been unable to remove the doubt of whether she’s good enough. Giulia is willing to give her the chance to prove it but has made her feelings perfectly clear, there is no dream big enough capable of toppling her title reign. Will she be proven right, will Hazuki’s dream turn into a nightmare, or will she achieve everything she dreamt of when she returned?


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Syuri vs. Rina Yamashita

Syuri has not always been STARDOM through and through. In fact before coming to STARDOM she had quite the time on the Joshi scene, where she crossed paths with Rina Yamashita more than once. However despite their similar paths it was Syuri who made her way here, while Rina has carved herself a spot as one of the most must-see talents not just in Japan but in the world. But that hasn’t made her any less bitter over Syuri’s apparent air of superiority. Now, determined to show everybody that Syuri isn’t the star that STARDOM have made her out to be, Rina Yamashita steps up to her old adversary once again, but Syuri won’t back down without a fight.


Goddesses of STARDOM Championship Match

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7Upp vs. Maihime

Maihime earned their title shot back at Dream Queendom, and it’s possible that they might be challenging at the perfect time. Neo Stardom Army came up short in the Triangle Derby semi-final, a result that saw the return of Jazzy Gabert to berate what Neo Stardom Army has become in her absence. A victory on tour implies that Neo Stardom Army might be stronger with her return, but if there is even the slightest fracture in the group they’ll have a hard time against Himeka and Maika, two competitors who are very much on the same page in everything that they do, including their desire to become the Goddesses of STARDOM Champions.


High Speed Championship Match

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AZM vs. Saki Kashima

There isn’t only one record breaking feat on the horizon for Queen’s Quest. While Saya Kamitani seeks to tie Momo’s record in the main event, AZM has the opportunity to break Mayu Iwatani’s record for High Speed Championship defences with a win over Saki Kashima here. That story however has been buried amidst the bubbling tensions within Queen’s Quest. AZM, dissatisfied with being paired with the QQ rookies during the Triangle Derby, has let her emotions bubble up over the last month, and Saki Kashima will be looking to take full advantage of that here as looks to instant kill AZM and capture her first singles title in STARDOM.


Artist of STARDOM Championship Match




Prominence (Risa Sera, Suzu Suzuki & Hiragi Kurumi) vs. STARS (Mayu Iwatani, Koguma & Saya Iida)

An impromptu title defence for Prominence here after the STARS trio won a number one contenders match. Mayu Iwatani was disappointed by her lacklustre results in the Triangle Derby and will be looking to bounce back here alongside the colourful duo of Koguma & Saya Iida, but they’ve got a big challenge ahead of them if want to capture gold here. Prominence have been on a tear since coming to STARDOM and will be looking to bounce back from their Triangle Derby final loss to Unique Glare. Knowing that a win here will set up an eventual clash with that trio means Prominence will have a serious chip on their shoulder, which will either make them vulnerable, or unbeatable.





Cosmic Angels (Tam Nakano, Natsupoi, SAKI & Waka Tsukiyama) vs. Oedo Tai (Natsuko Tora, Starlight Kid, Haruka Umesaki & Ruaka)

The opening contest pits two units whose fortunes are very much on opposite ends of the spectrum. Oedo Tai have already come out the victors of the Triangle Derby last month and have the opportunity to leave Supreme Fight with both the Wonder of STARDOM and High Speed Championship. Meanwhile the tension among Cosmic Angels continues to boil as Tam’s frustrations over Waka’s losing streak bubbled over. The ultimatum was made, Waka must win a match before the end of the Cinderella tournament or leave the group. Can she get that win tonight, or will Oedo Tai’s success continue?


Pre-Show Matches




God's Eye (MIRAI, Ami Sourei & Nanami) vs. Club Venus (Mina Shirakawa, Mariah May & Xia Brookside)

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Hina vs. Hanan vs. Rina


Quick Picks:

Wonder of STARDOM Championship - Saya Kamitani vs. Momo Watanabe

World of STARDOM Championship - Giulia vs. Hazuki

Syuri vs. Rina Yamashita

Goddesses of STARDOM Championship - 7Upp vs. Maihime

High Speed Championship - AZM vs. Saki Kashima

Artist of STARDOM Championship - Prominence vs. STARS

Cosmic Angels vs. Oedo Tai

Pre-Show - God’s Eye vs. Club Venus

Pre-Show - Hina vs. Hanan vs. Rina

Bonus Question - What will be the match of the night?

Edited by Rateddc
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