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Pro Wrestling EXILE: One Last Chance At Stardom (C-Verse)

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As a change of pace, Pro Wrestling EXILE was finally holding their first show outside of Muroran Hall. Ebina had managed to find a high school in Sapporo that was willing to rent out its gym on Saturdays. Not only was it less of a trip for her, but they were also charging less to hold a show there, making it an economical move as well as a practical one. 





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Beetle Kimura vs. Masafumi Torii

Both men in the match could use a win to improve their stock in EXILE, and they fought like it. Although Kimura's skillful athletics and Torii's wild violence couldn't have been more different, they met at something of a stalemate for a significant portion of the match. Torii's refusal to stop attacking made his susceptible to Kimura's more clever tactics, forcing him to fight his way out of holds that he got himself stuck in, or accidentally leaving himself open to a painful kick or toss when an attack went awry. However, even with Torii facing several setbacks, Kimura had to endure a lot of damage in the first place just for those openings to appear.

Kimura fought valiantly, but the unrelenting assault was too much for him to take, and he eventually ran out of steam. However, even while completely exhausted, he refused to stay down no matter how many times Torii hit him, even kicking out of his signature Backdrop Suplex. Infuriated, Torii grabbed Kimura's head and bashed his face into the mat, drawing consternation from Fujimoto. However, the vicious tactic did the trick, as Kimura was too dazed to kick out of a second Backdrop Suplex. Rating: 43


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Yuki Horogoshi vs. Ryobe Uno

Uno had just been dealt his first defeat by resident champion Matsumoto, and if he wanted to regain his momentum, he had a significant obstacle in the form of a rejuvenated Yuki Horogoshi. While Uno had good conditioning and a good knowledge of holds to wear his opponent down, he had the bad luck to be facing a man known in the puro comminuty for seemingly never getting tired during a match. Time after time, Horogoshi powered his way out of Uno's holds. This forced the young prospect to shift strategies on the fly and move out of his comfort zone that had previously served him well.

In the end, experience triumphed over potential as Horogoshi was able to outfox Uno's attempts to lock him down. In a twist of fate, he trapped Uno in a standing sleeper for a few moments before launching him into the ropes with an Irish whip. Although Uno managed to catch the ropes and rebound back, he ran straight into a Yuki Rush Lariat that completely leveled him, letting the veteran pick up the win. Rating: 38


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Wataru Kikumoto vs. Midnight Tiger

EXILE's resident young lion once again played the welcome wagon for a newcomer to the promotion. This time it was Midnight Tiger, freshly off of a recent departure from EX2010. In a matchup of two rather young talents, Tiger quickly showed his cockiness by refusing to lock up with Kikumoto, who decided to shoot for a takedown instead. Although Tiger managed to escape the grapple, it seemed to set of an alarm warning him not to take his opponent lightly. Of course, he would need to be reminded of that a few more times, as a few attempts to show off led to him catching several avoidable blows.

Once Tiger stopped messing around though, he showed off some frightfully efficient maneuvers. Getting sick of Kikumoto's takedown attempts, Tiger wrenched one of his arms, and used it as leverage to shove him into the turnbuckle, where the young grappler took several kicks to the gut. Clutching his midsection as he stumbled out on shaky feet, Kikumoto was quickly lifted and dropped with a Sit-Out Tiger Bomb, ending Midnight Tiger's debut with an exclamation point. Rating: 37


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Oda Yakuta vs. Haruhiro Tsunemasa

In a scheduling mistake, Yakuta and Tsunemasa were assigned to face each other after having already fought at the previous month's show. And once again, the two men met on similar terms. Tsunemasa waited for Yakuta to attack him, but that was where the resemblance to the last match ended. Instead of rushing in, Yakuta walked right up to the lazy wrestler and stared him down from point-blank range, the size difference between the two men being markedly emphasized. As Tsunemasa was busy looking up at him, Yakuta managed to seize the slacker and throw him to the ground, giving him the early advantage.

As it turned out, Tsunemasa's game plan had a critical flaw. If he couldn't keep the match at his own methodical pace, he had a hard time taking it back down. Yakuta's early domination meant that Tsunemasa had little time to do anything other than put up token defense as the larger man controlled the match. It was clear that Yakuta was the one who had learned from their previous encounter, as a ring-shaking YakBomb continued his winning streak. Rating: 34


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Kyuichi Matsumoto vs. Stealth Z

At last, two men who embodied complete opposite sides of EXILE's styles on display met in the ring. Kyuichi Matsumoto's reign had been marked by his ability to brawl with anyone who stepped to him, with his brutal powerbombs becoming the most feared weapons in EXILE. On the other hand, Stealth Z represented a king of threat that Matsumoto had yet to properly face. He was fast and hard to stop once he got going. A match between brawn and fleetness was about to take place before the gathered crowd in this high school gym.

As is the norm, Stealth Z wasted no time in making himself the center of attention, He delivered a slap to Matsumoto's face and stepped back, testing the muscular man's reactions. Shaking it off, Matsumoto took a step closer, daring Z to try again. Z responds by winding up for another, but instead kicking his leg out to strike Matsumoto in the shin. Catching the big man off guard was exactly what Z needed, and he used his quickness to keep throwing kicks, chopping at the leg. As Matsumoto was dropped to one knee, the next couple of kicks came for his chest, followed by his head, dropping the champion. However, as Z scrambled for the cover, Matsumoto's shoulder thrust upwards before the count of one, signaling a long match left to fight.

Stealth Z ran through his playbook of dynamic kicks and high-flying attacks, catching plenty of eyes from the crowd. Even with all of the flair and flourish going on around him though, Matsumoto still had a few tools in his arsenal that served him very well. Heavy hands, stiff elbows, drilling knees, and fierce slams all reminded Stealth Z as well as the onlookers why he was at the top of EXILE's food chain. He had already fought through seasoned veterans as well as upstarts, and a man in a mask didn't scare him in the slightest.

A series of dropkicks eventually pushed Matsumoto into the ropes, which Z swung around to kick him right in the center of his back. Matsumoto stumbled forward before falling in the center of the ring, but he was already getting a knee under himself. Prepped for Matsumoto to stand back up, Z ran past him and bounded into the ropes, leaping off for a Super Z fist. However, Matsumoto managed to roll out of the way, leaving Z to flop onto the mat after throwing a punch at nothing. The masked man moved to get to his feet, and was instead helped into the air by Matsumoto, who sent him right back down with a Japanese Express. Rating: 49


Total Rating: 47

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  • 4 weeks later...



Kyuichi Matsumoto sits at the kitchen table of Nene Ebina's apartment, for it is the closest thing that Pro Wrestling EXILE has to an office at the moment. Even dressed in casual clothes, his impressively muscular build cannot be masked.  Across from him is Ebina herself, who wore the same steely gaze that she did when she observed the shows themselves.

"You remember what we discussed yesterday, Matsumoto?" Ebina asked, her fingers tented just under her nose, hiding her mouth from view as she spoke.

"About how the company's doing with me as champion?" Matsumoto responded. In truth, he was concerned about the direction that this meeting would go. He had been in the main event of every show so far, so as far as he could tell, if there was a problem with performance, he would be the first one suspected of being the problem.

"Exactly." Ebina responded, her eyes locked on Matsumoto as though she were reading every facial twitch and change in expression, which did nothing to cut the tension. "Now personally, I see nothing wrong with your performance in the ring. You've put forth solid matches every month, with every opponent you've shared the ring with.

The relief on Matsumoto's face was clear as soon as those words crossed the boss' lips. "Oh, that's a relief." As he said that, he noticed that the intensity of Ebina's own expression had not gone away. "If that's the case though, why did you bring me here?"

"Because something's not adding up." She states. "Every month, we have a great main event, but our growth has been completely stagnant. We've had virtually no mentions online or in newsletters, and we seem just as obscure as we were when we started."

Matsumoto immediately looked concerned again. "So if people aren't catching on... what should we do?"

Ebina replied straight away. "First, don't worry yourself about what I'm going to do, just think about what you're going to do. And what I need you to do is stay healthy for what's up ahead. Because at next week's show, you're defending the title against Torii."

In response, Matsumoto nodded. "Torii, understood." Torii was a good brawler who was basically a fireball of aggressive energy in matches. However, Matsumoto couldn't help but worry a little about the man's temper, which carried the risk of jeopardizing the match should it get out of control.

"And that's not all." Ebina continued. "I've got some plans for the next few shows, and I'm gonna need you to stay in shape for those too. So keep hitting the gym and eating good, because you're going to be very important for EXILE's next phase."

Unsure of what to expect, Matsumoto agreed nonetheless. "Yes ma'am. Anything else that I need to know?"

"Nothing right now." Ebina stated. "At least not until I make some calls."

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Chikafusa Tadeshi vs. Beetle Kimura

Kimura attempted to find some stability for his shaky record thus far with what could be considered a tune-up match against Chikafusa Tadeshi. Although both men had plenty of experience in the ring, it was clear that one of them spent that time lighting up the indies while the other was more used to staring at the lights. Tadeshi barely had anything in his arsenal that could respond to Kimura's high-impact offense, although not for a lack of trying. Unfortunately for him, the Orange Crush that planted him on the mat only confirmed what everyone knew would happen going into this matchup.

Beetle Kimura looked relieved as Fujimoto raised his hand. He had momentum at his back now, but a win against EXILE's biggest jobber didn't mean much in the long term. His next match would determine if he really had reversed his fortunes. Rating: 34


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Ryobe Uno vs. Wataru Kikumoto

This match pitted two of the most no-frills competitors in EXILE against each other. For Uno, it was because he preferred to let his skills say more than his swagger. As for Kikumoto, the young lion had still yet to find an identity for himself in the world of puro. However, if this match was any indication, then the young man definitely had potential as a scrapper. Kikumoto put up an impressive fight, managing to garner some support from the gathered crowd for his refusal to give up. Every time Uno took him down, he slapped, wrestled, and crawled his way back out.

Kikumoto seemed lined up for his first win as we has able to wear down Uno through his sheer tenacity, and it was showing as Uno's frustration became more evident, causing him to start making mistakes that Kikumoto could capitalize on. However, the young man's luck couldn't go on forever, and Kikumoto found himself in the center of the ring, with nowhere to go as he was trapped in Uno's signature Scorpion Deathlock. His hand hit the mat to signal the end of this clash of young technicians. Rating: 32


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Midnight Tiger vs. Stealth Z

Even in Japan, the sight of two smaller wrestlers with masks immediately brings to mind the kind of high-flying action that the luchadores of Mexico provide on a regular basis. If that was what the crowd in Sapporo was expecting, then Midnight Tiger and Stealth Z did not let them down. This match was an exhibition of both mens' gymnastic ability, with almost every exchange featuring a spin, flip, dive, cartwheel, or any show of agility in general. The pace of the match was astonishingly quick, as though the two had placed a bet on who would break momentum first.

Unfortunately, despite the athleticism on display, there was one significant flaw in the match. Midnight Tiger had adopted a cockier, more abrasive persona, but his attempts to taunt and play to the crowd were not working at all. Despite the failed character work, the match still managed to come to an exciting conclusion as Stealth Z caught Midnight Tiger with a midair Super Z Fist as both men launched themselves at each other. Rating: 43


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Oda Yakuta vs. Yuki Horigoshi

Horigoshi showed his hunger early on with his fierce approach to the heavyweight Yakuta. Despite his size disadvantage, he wrestled as though he was facing the larger man eye-to-eye. Unfortunately, Horigoshi's frenetic fighting style ended up being a bit too much for Yakuta to keep up with on this night, with him seeming a step behind on several occasions. Although thankfully, this lack of sync did not lead to any major spots being blown.

Even though Horigoshi's steadfast attack took Yakuta to the limit, the big man's power refused to let him confirm a pinfall. Despite being brought down for a 2-count twice, Yakuta's shoulders would not stay on the mat, throwing Horigoshi off whenever he was in danger. In the end, Horigoshi's own aggression ended up being his downfall, as a mistimed attempt at a Yuki Rush Lariat was ducked, and on the rebound he got caught and lifted for a YakBomb. Rating: 32


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Kyuichi Matsumoto vs. Masafumi Torii

It would be difficult to find two men in EXILE who were as aggressive as Kyuichi Matsumoto and Masafumi Torii. Matsumoto had held the EXILE championship for the company's entire existence thus far thanks to his ability to toss his foes around and array of lethal powerbombs. While Torii had not had as much success thus far, his vicious nature and willingness to bend the rules made him a dangerous foe.

Torii looked to be more focused than ever, with Matsumoto becoming the latest victim of his barrages of violence. One spotlight of the early phases of the match was Matsumoto being thrust into a corner, with Torii delivering so many whip-like chops that Matsumoto's chest was bright red for the majority of the match. Of course, the champ wasn't willing to take such punishment lying down, with Torii getting slammed against a mat or turnbuckle nearly every time Matsumoto managed to get his hands on him. However, after one instance of being whipped into the corner from close range, Torii's face hit the turnbuckle, and he dropped to he ground with his hand on his cheek.

Following this drop, Torii returned to his feet and got into a lock-up with Matsumoto that seemed to break the flow of the previous exchange. In response, Matsumoto drove a knee into Torii's gut before lifting him and getting a running start for the Japanese Express powerbomb. Once the match was finished, Torii rather quickly rolled out of the ring and stole away backstage with his hand on his cheek. Meanthile, Matsumoto posed with the belt as usual, although with a little less energy than usual. Rating: 39


Overall Rating: 39

Edited by Aura
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After a few quick acknowledgements of the show's quality backstage, Ebina quickly got into contact with Torii who was quick to leave the building once the main event was over. As expected, he took a trip to a nearby medical center to get his face checked out following his mishap with the turnbuckles. Matsumoto had offered to hang back and speak to him, but Ebina nixed that idea outright. Torii had something of a prickly temper, and if the injury was significant, she was pretty sure that the last thing he would want to see was the guy who broke his face.

"So yeah, the doctor just checked me out." Torii explained over the phone. "Little fracture in the cheekbone." There probably weren't a lot of people who would describe a bone fracture as "little", but for a guy as wild in the ring as Torii, it wasn't too unusual. "I've gotta be careful while it heals, but I'm gonna be good to go at least a week before the next show comes around, so don't worry about me."

Ebina leaned away from the phone for a moment to breathe an audible sigh of relief. EXILE was approaching a pivotal moment, and losing one of their rising stars could have been devastating. "All right. Keep me updated, and get back in the gym as soon as the doctor gives the okay."

"Sure thing, boss lady. Later." Torii casually signed off, leaving Ebina's phone silent.

As she dwelled on the night's events back at her apartment, Ebina had a lot to consider. Matsumoto had been a consummate professional, and he was only getting better in the ring, giving a lot of credibility to the main belt. However, he had ended up causing the first real injury in the company, even if Torii didn't seem so broken up about it. She had to do some thinking about her upcoming plans, and if she still trusted him the wame way she did before.

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For Nene Ebina, the gym was a source of positive reinforcement in her life. Her health and physique were two points of pride for her, and she wouldn't have them if it weren't for the copious amount of hours she put into her workouts. Even though she wasn't scheduled for work on that particular day, she didn't consider that much deterrent from getting in an extra session. Plus, it would help her get her mind off of Torii's injury that cut EXILE's last main event short.

After a fair amount of preliminary stretching, Ebina climbed onto an elliptical machine and began a routine. She started things slow, easing herself into the movements before she could start hitting her stride. As she did so, she could hear a conversation happening nearby. She normally wasn't one to eavesdrop, but the presence of a few specific keywords caught her ear.

"So have you heard about this show? They call it Pro Wrestling EXILE?"

And with that, this chat had Nene's full attention.

"Yeah, don't they run shows out of the high school? My cousin said they've got flyers for it in the gym."

"Yeah. They just started a couple on months ago from what I hear. Seems like nobody's keeping track of them yet."

Sadly, this was nothing new. It still felt like EXILE was treading water despite her best efforts to gain popularity. She thought back to what she had been wondering about in the aftermath of Dream of Fighters, and if she really was booking the right champion.

"You heard who's behind that thing, right?"

"No, not really. Anyone I'd know."

"Maybe, if you remember old wrestling. Nene Ebina ring a bell?"

"Nene Ebina? Yeah, I heard of her."

For a moment, Nene's chest swelled with pride. Recognition. This was what she had been waiting for. At least until the man speaking broke into a laugh.

"With that washout, it's no wonder they aren't going anywhere. Anyone good get mixed up in this?"

"Nah, just a bunch of indy guys and a few new kids."

"No surprise there. Can't picture anyone worth watching signing on with her."

There were a few things that Nene wished that she could do in that moment, but she was pretty sure that almost all of them would get her kicked out of the gym. Instead, she narrowed her eyes and gritted her teeth. her elliptical machine gradually grew in speed as it approached a velocity some may deem worrying.

A few hours later, Ebina left the gym completely exhausted. She was so incensed that she had refused to stop until her body felt as though it had been completely sapped of energy, with every extremity feeling as though it had been freshly burned form the inside. From her rapid running on the treadmill, to setting a new personal best on the overhead press, to hitting a punching bag so hard that you could hear it from across the gym, all of her frustration had been focused into one vicious workout session.

Lying in her apartment, she dwelled on those words that were exchanged, the first time she had heard organic discussion of EXILE. And those words were sour. This project wasn't just about recognition, or getting a place in the industry. It was about respect. Respect that eluded her throughout her career, and that she was hungry to attain. And so far, it was clear that she didn't have that respect.

If EXILE still didn't have their respect, her solution was to take her vision to the next level and do something that could put EXILE on the map. If this plot worked, then no one would be able to deny her the respect that she sought.

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MasafumiTorii.jpg.8409c5a61155a76daf332aec86b11e7b.jpg vs. RyobeUno.jpg.f496d65df04f98b7919c2c315f8eaed5.jpg

Masafumi Torii vs. Ryobe Uno

In the months since Torii and Uno first squared off, both had tried and failed to take Kyuichi Matsumoto's EXILE championship. While Uno's attempt had been months ago, and he had been attempting to regain ground since, Torii's loss was fresh, and had just snapped a solid winning streak. Now Torii had something to prove, and Uno was directly in his path.

Unfortunately for Uno, it appeared that Torii had evolved the most out of the two of them. The up-and-coming technical wizard was outpaced by the rush of violence that was Masafumi Torii's wrestling style. Torii also kept his title as EXILE's most reprimanded wrestler, getting a stern telling-off from Kakuzo Fujimoto for holding a choke in the corner, which he responded to by harshly scraping Uno's face against the rope. A DDT in the middle of the ring finished Torii's statement, showing that he was ready to climb back up the ranks. Rating: 40


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Stealth Z vs. Wataru Kikumoto

The flashiest man in EXILE squared off against the no-frills newcomer, and this pairing showed just how such a major difference in style and experience can shape a match. Stealth Z seemed to be able to pull out his flashiest moves at will, jumping around a Kikumoto who looked almost out of his league. At times, Stealth Z's showboating was dangerously similar to the kind of arrogance that Midnight Tiger showed off in his matches, especially when contrasted with the stalwart Kikumoto.

However, while what offense Kikumoto managed to get looked solid, a few of Stealth Z's spots looked unusually shaky. He nearly lost his footing after cartwheeling past Kikumoto, and appeared to lose the pace of the match a couple of times. Thankfully, his signature Super Z Fist looked as pristine as ever, with Kikumoto being practically launched off his feet before landing flat on his back. Rating: 38


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Midnight Tiger vs. Yuki Horigoshi

This match started with a game of keep-away, as the cocky Tiger viewed Horigoshi as older, slower, and easier to tire out. He was quickly proven wrong as the restless ring general used his fists to show Tiger that this match would be far from a cakewalk. Forced to wrestle head-to-head, Tiger found few opportunities to execute his high-flying offense, but what spots he was able to find worked like a charm, attacking Horigoshi from above with airborne grace.


While Tiger thought that he could play an endurance match with Horigoshi, he ended up losing due to that exact trait. He tried to outplay the veteran with so many dazzling maneuvers that he wound up overworking himself. That provided the 100% Machine with a perfect opportunity for a Yuki Rush Lariat, grounding the masked flyer long enough to pick up a win. Rating: 38


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Oda Yakuta vs. Beetle Kimura

The big man Yakuta had still yet to lose a match since his slip-up against Masafumi Torii at EXILE's debut show, while Beetle Kimura was hoping to turn his fortunes around for good by beating a top contender. Rather than try to chop down his gigantic opponent early, Beetle Kimura chose to approach the fight more methodically. Unfortunately for him, Yakuta clued into his slow-paced plan after the quiet opening moments, and decided to use his superior strength to try to make the bug-based brawler fly around the ring.

Kimura was on the defensive, a situation he had gotten used to in EXILE, but even against an opponent as imposing as Yakuta, he refused to give up. Yakuta tried to end things early with a YakBomb, but Kimura not only wriggled free, he grabbed hold of Yakuta's arm and kept him in a vicious armbar until the big man made it to the ropes. With Yakuta unable to muster the strength for a second YakBomb attempt, the match swung in Kimura's favor, with Yakuta weakened enough to fall prey to an Ocean Crush. Rating: 33


The ring is set up for the main event, with Kyuichi Matsumoto standing in the center of the ring with his title. As he waits for the announcement of his opponent's name, an unfamiliar song plays over the speakers. As Matsumoto's eyes focus on the entrance, a man wearing a red headband steps into view...


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Kyuichi Matsumoto vs. Quick Kick Nakao

A longtime veteran of Japan's independent scene, Quick Kick Nakao showed how he got his nickname by unleashing a volley of kicks that forced Matsumoto to back off until he reached the ropes. Nakao peppered the cornered champion's legs with kicks, and Matsumoto had to resort to a desperate clothesline to break the challenger's momentum. Picking himself up, the powerbomb master grabbed the recovering Nakao and attempted to grapple with him on the ground, which only lasted a minute before the quick-footed warrior escaped and delivered a soccer kick to the gut.

Grunting with frustration over such a lackluster opening, Matsumoto chose to start emphasizing the biggest advantage he held over Nakao: Sheer power. He clobbered the challenger with elbows whose viciousness matched the speed of Nakao's own kicks. A clinch quickly ended with Matsumoto driving a knee into Nakao's gut. The big man was proving that he would protect his title at any cost. However, Nakao had more than just kicks in his arsenal. Attempts to build too much momentum were punished with drop toe holds and arm drags, using Matsumoto's own aggressive approach against him as Nakao attempted to cap off his debut appearance with a title win.

In what seemed to be Matsumoto's darkest hour, Nakao caught him against the turnbuckle and unleashed a barrage of painful-looking kicks to his chest, dropping the champion for what turned out to be a 2-count. With Matsumoto on shaky feet, Nakao grabbed him to attempt the same move again. However, once he dragged Matsumoto back to the corner, the champion seemed to come back to life. Establishing his own grip on Nakao, the two men struggled as they ascended the turnbuckles. Once they reached the top, Matsumoto hit Nakao with a headbutt that dazed the challenger, and he took advantage of the moment to lift the man before a crushing descent...


Kyuichi Matsumoto retains. Rating: 49


Overall Rating: 46

Edited by Aura
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  • 3 months later...



It worked. The risks had her worried, but it worked. Matsumoto vs. Nakao was their biggest match to date, and not just in terms of quality. Holding off on the Matsumoto Murder Bomb after the first show made the one he gave to Nakao a big hit. Nene saw gifs of it being floated around, and the video of the match that she posted on their social media page earned thousands of views. EXILE may still be small-time, but they finally had people talking.

Now that eyes were on them, they would need to make moves to make sure that they wouldn't fall back out of focus. Thankfully, Nene still had a few ideas in her notes to work with. Matsumoto was a star, there was no denying that now. As long as she kept him in EXILE, then she knew they had a future. Admittedly, she had some doubts as to who could pick up the slack as champion once he eventually lost the belt. However, seeing as she had just clawed her way to some degree of recognition that didn't involve her career's embarrassing ending, she felt confident that she could deal with the company's next problems as they came.

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  • 4 weeks later...



"Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm. Yeah, sounds great. I'll see you at the gym so we can work on the match."

Hanging up her phone, Nene crossed off one big item on her to-do list. After seeing how well Quick Kick Nakao's appearance went at Fighting Jewel, she knew that she could recapture that same level of attention again. So she made a few calls around the independent scene, and found someone who would be willing to work a program. Big name? Decently so. Asking price? A little much, if she could be honest, but this business was about taking risks.

Newcomers aside, she had another big issue to focus on: The main event. Nene knew who she wanted to face Matsumoto this month, but she still had some concerns. Yes, by looking at the two men, they seemed capable of putting on a hellacious match. And at least on Matsumoto's end, she had no doubt that he would be able to deliver. If anything, the pressure was on his opponent to prove that he could also earn a place in EXILE's main event. There were only a few that she sincerely believed had what it took to carry the torch at the moment, and she hoped that she could add another name to that list soon.

Reading up on recent wrestling news, she couldn't help but chuckle as she came across a match on the indies where Matsumoto and Nakao worked as a tag team. Yesterday's enemies become tomorrow's friends, as it seems.

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This weekend, at Pro Wrestling EXILE, prepare to witness...




EXILE Champion Kyuichi Matsumoto defends his title and undefeated streak against his latest challenger...



Oda Yakuta, master of the YakBomb and resident powerhouse of Pro Wrestling EXILE.


(Footage of both men unleashing their signature powerbombs on their previous opponents plays.)


Also featuring the iconic Beetle Kimura, 100% Machine Yuki Horigoshi, and more. Not to mention, a special guest making their EXILE debut.


Pro Wrestling EXILE: Elements of Battle. This Saturday at Sapporo High Gymnasium.



Elements of Battle

Ryobe Uno vs. Midnight Tiger

Haruhiro Tsunemasa vs. Wataru Kikumoto

Beetle Kimura vs. Yuki Horigoshi

Chikafusa Tadeshi vs. ???


Kyuichi Matsumoto vs. Oda Yakuta

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Ryobe Uno vs. Midnight Tiger

The opening match had an unusual twist to it, with Tiger playing a far more heelish figure despite being the one with more spectacular moves at his disposal. The two of them managed a solid match despite their clashing styles, although even with Tiger's high risks, there wasn't anything particularly exciting to note. Although Uno spent most of the match trying to ward off Tiger's aerial offense, it was being outdone at his own grappling game that proved to be his undoing, as Tiger made him take a Sit-Down Tiger Bomb in the center of the ring. After securing the win, Midnight Tiger sat on one of the turnbuckles and taunted Uno as he picked himself off the ground. Unfortunately, the crowd still wasn't into his cocky bully act, so it fell a little flat. Rating: 37


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Haruhiro Tsunemasa vs. Wataru Kikumoto

In a battle of winless wrestlers, Haruhiro Tsunemasa and Wataru Kikumoto battled it out to see who could finally earn their first small accolade in Pro Wrestling EXILE. Kikumoto was determined for a win, but had to contend with an expanded arsenal of antics from Tsunemasa. The slacker laid down to avoid crunning clotheslines, went limp to slip out of holds, and even avoided a dropkick by simply stepping to the side. If he had been trying to tire out Kikumoto, then the plan clearly worked, as the young lion wore himself down trying to bring down the veteran grappler. While Kikumoto's guard was down, Tsunemasa suddenly sprang to life and, in his most impressive maneuver so far, executed a Pumphandle Facebuster that earned him the pin. Afterward, he simply got up and walked away, seemingly not caring about his own victory despite it being his first. Rating: 31


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Beetle Kimura vs. Yuki Horigoshi

Kimura and Horigoshi met for a fierce technical exhibition, but it was clear from the start that something was very, very wrong. The usually skillful Kimura was blowing spots all over the place, almost like he had forgotten the script for the match. Thankfully this wasn't a high-flying affair, or he could have seriously injured himself or his opponent. As a result, Horigoshi looked far and away like the superior competitor in the bout despite the two getting relatively equal amounts of offense. This wasn't helped by Kimura being the one to win in the end after putting Horigoshi down with an Ocean Crush. It seemed like the man himself was aware of this, as he didn't celebrate very long before stealing away to the back following his most mediocre exhibition to date. Rating: 32



Chikafusa Tadeshi does his usual act of trying to rile up the fans at ringside with his sneering demeanor before his match. He looks cocky as he removes his jacket, and looks at the entrance ramp in preparation for his opponent. There is a longer than usual pause before there's any music to indicate the opposing competitor, but once it does, Tadeshi looks quite shocked by what he hears.



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Chikafusa Tadeshi vs. Washi Heat

The powerhouse Washi Heat comes down to the ring to make his EXILE debut, and Tadeshi instantly knows that he's in trouble. Washi Heat looks to be almost literally twice his size, and the eccentric masked man makes full use of that during their match. Tadeshi is unable to pull off a single offensive maneuver at any point, while Washi is able to throw him around the ring at will. While Washi Heat is giving the gathered crowd a good idea of what he can do, Tadeshi does what he does best and flops like a fish, making sue that it looks like every move that he takes hurts a lot. He even yelps as he gets lifted for the Washi Explosion, capping off an impressive debut for EXILE's hottest acquisition to date, no pun intended. Rating: 39


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Kyuichi Matsumoto vs. Oda Yakuta

Upon entering the ring, the two men sized each other up. Yakuta was the taller of the two, and had proven to have the strength to match. However, Matsumoto's massively muscular build had shown how well he could power through any opponent in his path thus far. Fans were likely expecting a brawl, and the two men did not disappoint in that regard. Matsumoto and Yakuta came after each other with a fury that had rarely been seen in an EXILE ring up to this point. Both of them knew that if they let their guard down too long, all it would take was one powerbomb from their opponent to end it all. Several YakBomb and Japanese Express attempts were seen, but each one was fought out of before they could be completed.

Matsumoto attempted to drag Yakuta to the turnbuckle for a Matsumoto Murder Bomb, but was unable to pull the big man up for the full effect, and nearly got pushed to the outside in his attempt. However, he managed to save himself and boot Yakuta in the head for good measure, staggering his heavyweight opponent. Since he couldn't pull off the Matsumoto Murder Bomb, he decided to do the next best thing. With Yakuta dazed, Matsumoto hoisted him into the air and gave him a Japanese Express to finish the match. Even against the biggest man in the company, Kyuichi Matsumoto still hadn't found a man that he could not powerbomb. Rating: 49


Show Rating: 45

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  • 1 month later...



Beetle Kimura entered the back room of the gym, where Ebina was waiting. The plans for the next show were being put in place, and she requested a meeting with him in particular to discuss something. One-on-ones weren't common with the boss, so it was a pretty nerve-wracking experience. It didn't help that aside from a brief greeting as he entered the room, she didn't even talk until he took a seat across from her, so he couldn't gauge what she was thinking.

"Kimura." She addressed him, not bothering with any pleasantries. "Do you want to talk about this month's show?"

Immediately, he knew what angle she was taking, and that this meeting might not end up going well. He knew that he hadn't put in his best performance, so he quickly became apologetic. "Ma'am, I just want to say that I'm sorry..."

"Sorry..." Ebina let the word roll off her tongue and hang in the air for a few tense moments. "Kimura, remind me how long you've been wrestling?"

"Seventeen years."

"And can those seventeen years explain that match that you had with Horigoshi at Elements of Battle?"

The match itself was... not one of Kimura's better moments, to put it generously. He lost the flow of the match only a few minutes in, and made the kinds of silly mistakes that he hadn't made in years. Honestly, he wasn't surprised that Ebina was mad. What really concerned him was the backlash.

"I don't know how to explain it, Miss Ebina." He attempted to explain. "Something was just wrong."

It was an unsatisfactory answer, and Kimura knew it even before the boss followed up. "Oh, a lot of things were wrong. It had me feeling like I hired a seventeen-year amateur." She sighed with frustration. "Kimura, did you know that you're been wrestling eight times as long as Kikumoto, and he looked like twice the wrestler you were last night?"

It was harsh, but Kimura had a hard time disagreeing. Kikumoto may not have figured out his signature style yet, but the kid was always solid, even if he didn't impress. He nodded in response.

Leaning forward, Ebina's eyes looked particularly cold as she glared at the masked man. "Kimura, I want you to listen, and listen well. I brought you into this company because I thought that I found a diamond in the rough. Someone who I could rely on to put on quality matches anywhere on the card." She paused briefly. "And I am not going to look like a fool because I believed that someone had potential. Do I make myself clear?"

It was a statement that didn't answer a lot of questions, but it gave Kimura enough reason not to ask any more. "Yes ma'am. Crystal."

"All right, then. Get back to work, and I'll lay out the plans for next month." She stated, dismissing Kimura. Both of them were left with renewed determination. For Ebina, the goal was to ensure that EXILE could capitalize on the hype they were building up. As for Kimura, he was set on making sure that his position wouldn't be shaken after one misstep.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Pro Wrestling EXILE's undefeated champion, Kyuichi Matsumoto, has managed to hold onto the title since the company's debut.

However, a new challenger has made his presence known in record time.


Washi Heat, the 20-year veteran, has the entire locker room on notice, and he's coming straight for the champion.

This Saturday, Hokkaido's most intense puro action comes to Sapporo.



Ryobe Uno vs. Beetle Kimura

Midnight Tiger vs. Kaori Takenouchi

Oda Yakuta vs. Masafumi Torii

Stealth Z vs. Yuki Horigoshi


Kyuichi Matsumoto vs. Washi Heat

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