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Sidewinder Pro Wrestling: One Last Chance (Moved to TEWIX Forums)

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End of March, 2020

He looked over the amount of revenue they got from the broadcast, as well as how many viewers they had for their first slate of shows. The revenue was paultry, at under $8k. They had about 25k viewers on a weekly basis. He rubbed his temples. He had expected a hotter start than that, but worrying about it now wasn’t going to help. Instead, he went to work preparing for the next months series of shows.

Honey Badger became their first champion, and he planned on a program between her and Plum with Paige Croft, Kinuye Mushashibo and maybe a couple others as auxiliary pieces in that championship picture.

Then there was the matter of the Women’s Tag Championships, and he was on the fence about how to proceed with that. Officially, he only had two teams in the Women’s Tag division, but he also knew that Badger and Croft had natural chemistry as a tag team. So, if he made them a unit, they’d have 3. After that, he wasn’t sure. He could throw people together in a tournament. See how that went. But when should they run it? After Badger lost the title? Or, smash Badger over and have her be dual champs? Hm… that could work.

The World Championship picture was clear to him at least. Build that up for their first big show, have Eddie Chandler beat Jay Silver, and have that be the feud for the first few months, at least until Eddie got hired anywhere else. After that, he was thinking Callum might be a good antagonist.

The Men’s Tag Championship was another that was somewhat underwhelming. He had 4 teams, but none had the star power to carry the division. That being the case, The Hot Taggs and The Prime Time Players had ‘STARS’ written all over them, but were green. Minnesota Awesome were a good underneath team, but he didn’t think they’d be drawing money anytime soon. And their names! Gotta work on new names for them. And then, lastly, there was the Lonely Hearts Club Band. That was Jerry Pepper and Pepper Pelton’s Idea, and while he wasn’t sure how it’d work out in execution, he decided to let them run with it. They still weren’t up at the level he thought was needed for the championships. Realistically, that just left him the Taggs and PTP.  Of course, same with the women’s tag division, he could throw a couple pairings together. Would it be a tournament, and if it was, would it go for a month, or would it be in one night? Regardless, it’d have to wait until atleast May.

Lastly, there was the Intercontinental Championship. He knew that would have to come after the World Championship. Didn’t make much sense to crown a midcard champion when there wasn’t a main event champ. That said, he wondered if it would be smart to have so many tournaments going on at the same time. Lot to keep track of as a viewer, but are easy storylines to do and introduce the audience to the wrestlers. The motivations are simple: win and you’re the champ.

He leaned back in his chair, and rubbed his eyes. The company was just a week away from returning. He had to have the show set up, flights scheduled, catering sorted out and a little bit more.

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1st Week of April, 2020

Ricky Dale Johnson sat at the table and looked over the World Championship plans for the next month. Jack waited for RDJ to read the notes and give his opinion of them. Alison, Jack’s wife, was awkwardly making dinner while documents and boxes of paper were strewn around the room. That was one thing that he noticed pretty quickly: he didn’t have an office space. So, he used the dining room, which was connected to the kitchen. Not exactly the safest set up, but it was the one he had available. RDJ set down the notes and nodded. “I like it. I can get behind that.”, he said.

“That’s good to hear.”, Jack said.

“Although, I’ve got an idea.”, RDJ said. “I think a heel turn would be a good idea.”.

“You want to turn heel?”, Jack said.

“Yeah. Eddie will win the title, Silver fights him for it, and wins it, confetti flies. After that, we got nothing. I was thinking of this during the tapings. We go a couple months with Silver as Champ, but he struggles to the point where, despite winning, he and I start butting heads. Silver not wanting to admit he has a problem, and me getting exasperated with him. As we get to the end of the year, I start drifting away, and in December, I turn on Silver and cost him the championship.”, RDJ explained.

“Alright. I like that idea, but I’ve got to ask, who do you have in mind?”, Jack asked.

“Well, I hate to tell you this, but you’re gonna have to go out and sign the kid.”, RDJ said.

“Oh, okay. I mean, your endorsement’s going to go a long way. Who is it?”, Jack asked once more.

“Nelson Callum,”, RDJ said. He then looked at Jack as if he were going a second head as he began to laugh. “What’s so funny?”.

“I signed him last week.”, Jack said.

“What?”, RDJ said.

“I signed him last week.”.

“What were you planning on using him for?”, RDJ asked as he laughed himself.

“Well, I was gonna have him contending for the title, but if he’s your guy, it might be better to have him underneath first.”, Jack said.

“He’s a champion!”, RDJ said.

“In Pittsburgh. Out here, he’s not well known. We would’ve billed him as that before, but now? It might be better to hold off on that until we smash him underneath. Have him with the World Championship while also having the Intercontinental Championship.”, Jack said.

“Have him as a double champ?”, RDJ said. “That could work. Crown him the underneath guy, put him over for a while, and then crown him at the end of the year. Would he stay as a double champ, or would you have him vacate the underneath championship?”.

“I could go either way. If they keep it, they’re pulling double duty and are going to have to lose to somebody to get the Underneath belt off him. If he vacates it, the championship looks weak. Being discarded for a shinier new toy.”, Jack said.

“Well, the World Championship should be.”, RDJ said.

“I know, but you can have one be more prestigious than the other without putting the other one down,” Jack said.

RDJ smiled. “Well said.”, he said. He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his neck. “How’re you feeling? You know, about going weekly and everything with the TV companies?”.

“Fine. Nothing we can do about it, so why worry about it? Instead, lets focus on what we can do, and do it well.”, Jack said.

RDJ laughed. “Amen.”.

Edited by IronWarrior22
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SPW Sudden Impact! #5

Opening Segment

The World Championship Tournament is announced for next week, ultimately to end at the first ever Premium-Live-Event at the end of the month. (52)


Backstage Segment

Katya Kornishkova makes her debut and speaks with Debbie Rose and kate Lilly, offering to help them as she tells them about Higa growing cozy to the Uprising. They reject the deal, but Katya leaves it open. (38)


Opening Match: Ernest Youngman vs Nelson Callum

Nelson Callum defeated Ernest Youngman in 5:28 by submission with a Honey Trap. Both individuals are making their SPW debut. Youngman is a renowned technical wrestler on the indies, and Callum is a wrestler with 13 years experience who can almost go toe to toe with the younger competitor. Youngman is great, but Callum is far more cunning, and that leads him to victory. (36)


Segment with Higa and the Uprising

Higa speaks with the uprising prior to her match. She talks to them about her offer, and they seem intrigued, but are going to wait. All three competitors have a match, and they should worry on their own issues. Higa doesn’t say anything as she leaves. (30)


Fuyuko Higa vs Christy Higgins

In a bout that had good wrestling but little heat, Fuyuko Higa defeated Christy Higgins in 5:17 by pinfall with a Higa Green Driver. Higgins made her debut on the show, but was beaten by Higa, who has been perfect through 5 matches. (43)


RDJ Segment with Silver and Monteiro

RDJ puts over his two proteges and gets them hyped for their match later tonight. (46)


Lonely Hearts Club Band vs Jay Silver and Roger Monteiro

Jay Silver and Roger Monteiro defeated Lonely Hearts Club Band in 5:07 when Jay Silver pinned Billy Shears with an AG Driver. In their first bout as a tag team, Silver and Monteiro looked off and mainly won through their individual talents, rather than their ability to work as a team. (17)


Locker Room Segment with Honey Badger and Paige Croft

Honey Badger and Paige Croft talk to one another in their locker room and Badger explains the beenefits of them becoming a tag team, and that it’s better for the two of them to be allied than to be foes. Paige Croft agrees, but clearly states that she has her goal of becoming the Women’s champion. While she won’t actively challenge her for it, if she were to lose it, she would not let their agreement get in the way. Badger laughed, finding the idea of her ever losing it funny. (31)


Main Event: The Uprising vs Lilly & Rose vs Honey Badger and Paige Croft

Lilly & Rose won the match in 8:36; defeating The Uprising and Badger/Croft by pinning Selina Svelte. (48)


Overall Rating: 44

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SPW Sudden Impact! #6

Pre Show Match #1

In a pre-show bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, The Prime Time Players defeated Jayson Van Pelt and Fro Sure in 7:59 when Jason Patterson pinned Fro Sure with a X-Factor. (35)


World Championship Tournament competitors announced

As the competitors are announced, Nelson Callum comes out and protests why Ernest Youngman was included, when Callum beat him the week prior. The answer came from Jason Evans, who came out from the back and explained that where as Youngman’s only commitment was SPW, Callum had other places to be and they weren’t sure that he would be able to compete in the tournament. Callum does not like the explanation and demands a shot at the title once the champion is crowned. Evans makes no promises. (41)

World Championship Tournament Match: Jay Silver vs Conner Threepwood

Jay Silver defeated Conner Threepwood in 5:09 by pinfall with an AG Driver. (19)


Post-Match segment with RDJ, Silver and Monteiro

RDJ meets Silver on the entrance ramp and, with Moneiro, congratulate him on advancing. Monteiro has his own tournament match later on against Davis Wayne Newton, a 4C competitor making his debut.  (45)


Kristabel Plum vs Eve Grunge

Kristabel Plum started the match with a series of punches being exchanged with Eve Grunge. On the last thrown punch, Eve ducked the blow and hit Plum with a back suplex. In control of the match, Eve focuses on punishing Plum’s lower back, which works for a few minutes, until Plum fights back, ducking a clothesline with a drop toe hold into one of the turnbuckles. Plum, now in the driver seat, hits Eve with a series of fast kicks and then a charging basement dropkick into the corner. Plum drags Eve to her feet, and hits her with the Plum Tucker for the win in 5:18. (43)


Post Match Interview with Kristabel Plum

Garry Walker makes his debut in SPW as the On-Screen Personality/Interviewer of the company, and he goes into the ring to speak with Plum about her match and her intentions for the future. In the interview, Plum is clear in her desire to win the Women’s Championship. As she continues, Honey Badger arrives and attacks Plum from behind, posing with the belt, standing over top of Plum. (35)


World Championship Tournament Match: Roger Monteiro vs Davis Wayne Newton

Davis Wayne Newton makes his debut and immediately gets into a chain wrestling engagement with Monteiro. He gains the upper hand easily, but Monteiro utilizes his own athletic ability to maneuver around and wins the engagement. The match continues as such: Newton going for technical moves and Monteiro trying to counter using his raw athleticism. It eventually ends in Monteiro’s favor as he gains the upper hand in the match, eventually getting a flash pinball victory over the more experienced competitor. (35).


The Uprising speak with their tag team partner, Emma May

Emma May makes her debut, and converses with her partners for the evening. They focus on getting themselves hyped up for their match and only answer when Emma stops talking, which doesn’t happen much. Finally, as they get ready to go, Talia looks at Emma and tells her that what they need isn’t talk, but her to do her job. (33)


Main Event: The Uprising and Emma May vs Katya Kornishkove and Lilly & Rose

In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Katya Kornishkova and Lilly & Rose defeated Emma May and The Uprising in 7:10 when Katya Kornishkova pinned Emma May with a Northern Lights Suplex. (48)


Post Match Celebration

The Uprising leave the ringside area and Emma May. Katya, Lilly and Rose celebrate their victory as the show comes to a close. (40)


Overall Rating: 38

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3rd Week of April, 2020

Jackson Richter dialed the number he had been given and waited for the recipient to pick up the phone. He could hardly believe it when he heard that they were being let go. After all, they had been on SWF television for the last 14 years. Not only that, she was considered to be one of the best color commentators of the Big 3.

“Hello?”, a voice said on the other end.

“Hello. Is this Ana Garcia?”, Jack asked.

“This is.”, she responded. “You are?”.

“Jackson Richter. Head Booker for SPW.”, Jack stated. “I’m calling because I heard of your predicament, and wanted to offer you a contract to come do commentary with us.”.

“I appreciate the offer,  but SPW is a rather new and small company isn’t it?”.

“We are, but I can guarantee you that we can give you more than anyone else, outside of the other Big 3 companies.”, Jack said.

“Oh, really? How much?”, Ana asked.

“$600 per show. We run five shows a month, so about $3k a month.”, Jack said.

Ana laughed. “I bet for you that’s a lot.”.

“It is, and it’s a lot for you too.”, Jack said. “No other small company is running weekly shows. They run the one big show every month. With our deal, you can also go work for any of the other smaller companies if you desired.”.

“Well that’s awfully kind of you.”, she said.

“I wouldn’t say its a kindness. It’s a mutually beneficially arrangement.”, he said. “At least until the business bounces back and SWF comes to get you back.”.

“I wouldn’t be too sure of that.”, Ana said. A brief moment of repose passed before Ana spoke again. “Fine. You got yourself a deal.”.

“Good. I’ll send over the paper work to your lawyer. When does you SWF contract officially end?”.

“This Sunday.”, Ana said.

“Would you be able to start the Saturday after that?”, Jack asked.

“I should be able to, yes.”, Ana said. “Barring anything my lawyer has to say on the manner.”.

“Alright. I look forward to seeing you there. Have a good day.”, Jack said. Ana responded, wishing the same for him, and the call ended. Jack fist pumped the air. Having a big name announcer would no doubt help the presentation of his show. He called up Evans and Granger, letting them know the score. Evans, again, was upset that he wasn’t asked, but he was a lot more forgiviging this time. ‘Striking while the iron was hot’, he said. Granger was ecstatic about the news. For once, it seemed that everyone was on board and happy about a new signee. He then shot Dane and Grace a text, letting them know they would have a third person in the booth for the foreseeable future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SPW Sudden Impact! #7

Pre Show Match #1

Christy Higgins defeated Olivia Diamond in 7:45 by pinfall with a Florida Upswing. (55)


Opening Segment

Jason Evans announces that there will be a intercontinental Championship in the promotion. As of now, it won’t come about until June. However he does announce the first combatant in that tournament will be Nelson Callum. Callum comes out and lambasts Evans saying that if he thinks that will placate him, he’s wrong. Evans says if he doesn’t like it, he can be taken out of the tournament. Callum ultimately says no, and stays in the tournament, but he does not appear happy about it. (46)


Garry Walker interviews Ricky Dale Johnson

RDJ stands in the back where Garry asks him how his proteges feel about having to wrestle each other next week to make it to the championship match at the PLE. RDJ states that they’re going to give each other their all and their match next week will be one to look forward to. Garry then asks him whether he’s heard anything regarding them and the just announced Intercontinental Championship tournament. RDJ says that right now, they’re focused on the World Championship. Garry lastly asks what RDJ thinks about the debuting Eddie Chandler. He puts him over, saying that a competitor of his stature is one that will boost SPW and will make the younger talent work all the harder. (87)


Etsuko Arihyoshi vs Juana Hurricane

Juana Hurricane defeated Etsuko Arihyoshi in 8:10 by submission with a Time-Square Lock. (47)


Post Match Beatdown

Etsuko attacks Juana after the bell. (29)


World Championship Tournament Match: Ernest Youngman vs Onslaught

In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd heat, Ernest Youngman defeated Onslaught in 8:18 by pinfall with The Hit.


Eddie Chandler’s Debut Promo

We got the back where Garry Walker interviews the debuting Eddie Chandler. Garry asks him about his upcoming match with Ant-Man, and Eddie states that Ant-Man will not be much of a challenge, and that he expects to breeze through the tournament, adding that if RDJ had been in it, the challenge would’ve been enough to make him think twice. Garry starts to talk about something else when RDJ arrives and the two stare each other down. RDJ says that underestimating his boys will cost Eddie, while Eddie scoffs at the idea. Before either can say much else, Eddie gets called away for his match. (73)


World Championship Tournament Match: Eddie Chandler vs Ant-Man

In a bout that had good wrestling and a decent reaction from the crowd, Eddie Chandler defeated Ant-Man in 7:57 by submission with an Abdominally Fabulous. (59)


Post Match Interview with Eddie Chandler

Garry Walker comes down to the ring and concludes his interview with Chandler where he tells the locker room to get ready for a dominating champion. Specifically he calls out RDJ, saying that when he beats his boys, he expects RDJ to come out and face him man-to-man. (56)


Overall Rating: 64

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4th Week of April, 2020

The pitch looked low and away, but the umpire called it a strike anyways. Myles Richter shook his head and backed out of the batter's box. Jackson watched as his son stepped back in the box and when the pitch went low and away again, it was called a ball.

"How much do you think this guy gets paid?" his daughter, Lyla said.

"Whatever it is, it's probably too much," Allison said.

"Don't blame him," Jackson said, as the third pitch of the at bat hit the catcher's glove, being called a ball.

"What, you think he's doing a good job?" Lyla asked.

"Nope. But the catcher's doing a good job framing the pitch. Watch him.". The next pitch came and the catcher caught it low, but framed it to look like it nipped the corner and that was enough to get the ump to call it a strike.

"That's bullsh-".

"Lyla. We're in public. Watch the language," Allison said.

Jackson chuckled to himself and felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw a man standing next to him on the stairs of the bleachers. "I don't mean to interrupt, but are you the guy that owns the wrestling company that just opened up?".

Jackson smiled at the question and as Myles fouled off the 5th pitch of the at bat. "For now.” he said, trying to draw a laugh. When it didn’t he cleared his throat and spoke again. “What can I do for you?".

"I was wondering if I could get an autograph.".

"Sure, but let's wait until after this at bat.". 

"Oh." was all the man said, as the 6th pitch of the at bat was called a ball, making it a full count. "You know him?".

"Yeah, it's my son.".

"Oh, I see.", and he remained quiet as the 7th and 8th pitches were fouled off. On the 9th pitch, Myles blooped it over the 3rd baseman and made it to first with a 2-out single. After a quick round of applause from the home section of the bleachers, Jackson took the paper and pen and gave the guy his autograph. When he looked back, the pitcher threw the ball to 1st in a pick-off attempt that failed.

"I guess they know he's gonna steal 2nd," Allison said.

"Well, he is almost at fifty on the season. If he does take second, they'd just need to get the ball into the outfield to score him," Lyla said.

Jackson nodded to himself and as the pitcher went into his wind-up, Myles took off towards second. The batter swung and hit the ball, and lined it right towards second base, where the shortstop was already moving towards. 

The scene played out like a trainwreck in slowmotion. The shortstop reached out and caught the ball after it bounced in the grass. He did so and stumbled to the ground in the basepath as Myles went into a slide. The two collided a few feet in front of the bad, and both writhed around on the ground. The shortstop clutched his arm, while Myles gripped his ankle. Jackson figured it was just a nasty hit, and nothing more, but when Myles let go of his ankle, it dangled at the end of his leg.

Jackson shot up from his seat, fished his keys from his pocket and handed them to Allison. "I’ll meet you at the hospital.". She did not fight that request, and Jackson made his way to down to the locker room, with help from the equipment manager who he ran into on his way down. He was led through the locker room and waited for the paramedics to bring him through and off the field. Myles had his glove in his mouth and he was biting down with considerable force. The walk behind the streatcher was long, and when they made it to the ambulance, he hopped in the back with his son.

* * * * * *       *

Jackson Richter sat leaned back in the kitchen chair and massaged his neck. The last few days had been… stressful to say the least. Myles’ injury was severe, fracturing several bones in his foot and his tibia, along with tearing most ligaments in his ankle in a spiral fracture. He wouldn’t be able to walk for quite a while, and considering that he had moved into a dorm, meant that he had to move back home if he were going to get any help. And after several days of packing, and arranging for him to take finals at home, he got set up back in his old room. Right now, he was knocked out, having had surgery that morning.

The doctor was apprehensive to give any definitive diagnosis, he did say thet Myles was unlikely to recover fully. The plate and wires they would have to use to put the ankle back together would restrict his ability to run for at least a year or two, potentially longer if the physical therapy didn’t go as expected. Just like that, Myles would be on the sidelines for his entire junior year, and potentially not be ready for his senior year either, let alone anything that happened after that. Barring a fantastic showing in his last season and/or a team willing to take a chance on the potential he showed, his baseball career was effectively over.

That was a rough pill to swallow, and Myles was probably never going to get over that. He figured that if he weren’t knocked out from the surgery, he’d be pouting to himself. Not that he would’ve blamed him for doing so. He had done the same back in 2000 when he was told he’d never wrestle again. Instead, he tried to organize an eventual conversation, how he understood what the feeling was like to have what you wanted taken away, but he didn’t know how well it. He sighed, pulled out his phone and called up Evans, who answered on the third ring.


“I’m not gonna be at the show today.”.

“... Bad news, huh?”.

“That’s an understatement. He won’t be able to play again until ‘22, and even then won’t be what he was before. That’s a lot to take, so I think it’s important for all of us to be here, especially with finals week right around the corner. So, I’m gonna ask for you to take over for now.”,

“Yeah, no problem. Take your time.”.

“Thanks, Jay.”.

* * * * * *       *

Jason Evans had fielded enough questions for one day. Jack’s absence had caused a stir, and he could only answer the same question said in fifty different ways so many times before he wanted to tear his hair out. Still, he was moved to see how many of them were concerned. He was sure his friend would feel the same way, although he probably would’ve been a lot more emotional about, not that he’d let anyone see it. He went into the little office they had set up. Inside was Parker Terry, a local referee. It would be the first time where the ref they had wasn’t Jack, and he doubted whether or not this kid would be able to help agent the match in the ring the way Jack could. But, he trusted the kids ability over his own. He asked the kid if he was ready, and when the kid responded in the affirmative, he sent him out to the ring.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SPW Sudden Impact! #8

Opening Segment

Garry Walker starts the interview with Jay Silver and Roger Monteiro, asking them about their match later tonight. They both say that tehy aren’t going to give each other a pass and that the best guy will win. RDJ comes into frame and states that both competitors are the next big thing in wrestling.Interviews RDJ, Silver and Monteiro' featuring Garry Walker, Roger Monteiro, Jay Silver and Ricky Dale Johnson. (46)


Nelson Callum vs Frankie Perez

Nelson Callum defeated Frankie Perez in 4:53 by submission with a Honey Trap. (51)


Post-Match Interview

Garry Walker gets into the ring and talks with Callum, who continues last week’s rant on Jason Evans and him being snubbed from the World Championship tournament. He calls out Evans for essentially extorting him, saying he was going to take away a chance for a championship because he was rightfully calling out the hypocrisy in the situation. Before he can say anything else, the microphone is turned off. (39)


World Championship Tournament Match: Jay Silver vs Roger Monteiro

Jay Silver defeated Roger Monteiro in 5:41 by pinfall with an AG Driver. Towards the end of the match, it looked as though Roger Monteiro was injured. (20)


Prematch Segment

Christy Higgins and Eve Grunge make their way to the ring where they run into Modesty Pador and Pinky Perez, who is making her SPW debut. Higgins and Grunge taunt the faces, before they make their way to the ring. (35)


Christy Higgins and Eve Grunge vs Modesty Pador and Pinky Perez

Christy Higgins and Eve Grunge defeated Modesty Pador and Pinky Perez in 4:31 when Eve Grunge submitted Pinky Perez with a Violet Dream. (42)


Garry interviews Ernest Youngman

Garry Walker finds and talks to Ernest Youngman abotu everything Callum is saying. Ernest states that regardless of what Callum likes, the best wrestlers were picked for the tournament. A fluke victory isn’t enough to leapfrog anybody. (40)


World Championship Tournament Match: Eddie Chandler vs Ernest Youngman

Eddie Chandler defeated Ernest Youngman in 10:29 by submission with a Fabulous Stretch. (47)


Post-Match Interview

Garry Walker interviews Eddie Chandler after his match and he looks at Ernest, who has rolled out of the ring and making his way to the back, asking him whether or not that was a fluke victory. He then focuses back on Ricky Dale Johnson and his proteges, and says that he looks forward to breaking in the rookie, and disappointing RDJ. (55)


Overall Rating: 44

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Sunday, 4th week of April, 2020

“Well, if it aint’ the boss!”, he heard Ricky Dale Johnson say as he walked into the locker room. A smattering of applause and some well wishes came and went as everyone went back into their routine. “How’s your kid?”, he asked.

“Broken Tibia and Fibula. Tore damn near every ligiment in his ankle, including his achilles and broke some of his metatarsals. They think he’s not coming back for next year, and at least half of the year after. Maybe the whole thing”, Jack said.

RDJ whistled. “That don’t sound too fun.”.

“It’s not. He’s pretty down about it.”, Jack said.

“You were too.”, RDJ said. “You know, when you broke your neck.”.

“Well, he’ll be able to play again.”, Jack said.

“Will he? He’s gonna be out for a year and a half at least, and after an injury like that, I don’t think he’ll ever be the same again. And even if he is, what chance is going to be waiting for him?”, RDJ asked.

“Alright. What do you suggest?”, Jack asked.

“Bring him in. Have him do something here. Take his mind off the injury, and have him focus on something productive. Make him feel like he’s still able to help, even if he’s hurt.”, RDJ said.

Jack looked at him, and thought on it. Not for very long, however.  “I don’t think asking him outright is gonna work. It’ll have to be subtle”.

“Why the difference?”, RDJ asked.

“Going out of your way to help someone is different than being asked to. One is an obligation, the other an act of kindness.”, Jack said. “The worst thing you can feel when you get hurt is that people are patronizing you. Trying to make you feel better, because you know that if you were fine, they wouldn’t be asking.”.

RDJ looked at Jack and laughed. “I think you’re thinking too much into it.”.

“Have you been in that position?”, Jack asked. When RDJ shook his head, Jack said, “Then you don’t know what that’s like. That’s not kindness people are giving you, it’s pity.”.

“How is what you want to do any different?”, RDJ said.

“I’m not pitying him. I’m not going to go out of my way to do it. I’m just going to let it happen.”, Jack said.

“Uh-huh. And how do you suppose that’ll happen?”, RDJ said.

“I don’t know. It’ll happen when he’s ready. Could be tomorrow. Could be five months from now.”, Jack said. “What’s important is that he makes that move, and that it’s not made for him.”.

RDJ laughed. “You think that’ll work?”.

“It’s what worked for me. Maybe it won’t for him, but I’ll go with what I know first. Then we’ll see what we need to do.”, Jack said. “Maybe we won’t need to do anything. He’ll just land on both feet and start running without any help at all.”.

“I suppose we can always hope.”, RDJ said.

“Sure can. Now, you ready for the show?”, Jack asked.

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SPW Northern Storm

Fuyuko Higa vs Etsuko Arihyoshi

Fuyuko Higa defeated Etsuko Arihyoshi in 19:03 by pinfall with a Higa Green Driver. (46)


Nelson Callum’s Pre-Match Interview

Garry Walker speaks with Nelson Callum in the back about his upcoming match, which Callum says doesn’t faze him. He’ll win tonight, go on and win the Intercontinental Championship and then go get what he should’ve been fighting for tonight. (41)


Nelson Callum vs Drop Kix

Nelson Callum defeated Drop Kix in 10:34 by submission with a Honey Trap. (32)


Confrontation between RDJ and Eddie Chandler

Eddie Chandler is stretching in his locker room when Ricky Dale Johnson walks in. Eddie and Ricky have a stare down, before Eddie begins taunting him. Ricky stops him quick, and tells him to be prepared tonight, as he will be leaving with nothing but a loss. Eddie laughs, and chastises Ricky for making checks his protege can’t cash. (73)


Lilly & Rose vs Juana Hurricane and Modesty Pador

Lilly & Rose defeated Juana Hurricane and Modesty Pador in 12:54 when Debbie Rose pinned Modesty Pador with The Thorn. (45)


Pre-Match Interview with The Uprising

Garry Walker interviews the Uprising ahead of their tag match with Kinuye Mushashibo and Olivia Diamond. They state that they aren’t worried about them as they are two individuals while they themselves are a team, and a championship one at that. Right after, Higa walks up to them and asks if they’ve made a decision. They say they have and that it’s a no. They don’t need someone else to leech off them. Higa laughs and says to be careful. (31)


The Uprising vs Kinuye Mushashibo and Olivia Diamond

The Uprising defeated Olivia Diamond and Kinuye Mushashibo in 12:26 when Talia Quinzel pinned Kinuye Mushashibo with a Rising Tide. (54)


Pre-Match Interview with the Prime Time Players

Garry Walker speaks with Jason Patterson, Prime Time Jack Pryde and February Malaise. He asks them how they feel about the upcoming match for the announced World Tag Team Championship. They say that with that opportunity, they need to take things up a notch, so “we went out and get ourselves one of the best managers we could’ve.”. Damian Carvill, former 2-time NOTBPW Tag Team Champ, 3-time winner of the Ed Hensen Memorial Tag Team Cup and NOTBPW Hall of Famer, makes his SPW debut as their manager. (29)


The Prime Time Players vs Minnesota Awesome

The Prime Time Players defeated Minnesota Awesome in 6:50 when Prime Time Jack Pryde pinned Clark Smallbone with a X-Factor. (17)


Pre-Match Interview with Kristabel Plum

Garry Walker talks to Kristabel Plum about taking on Honey Badger for the championship. Plum says that she respects Badger and that she’s a good wrestler and will be a great champion, once she wins it back after losing it tonight. (43)


SPW Women’s Championship Match: Honey Badger © vs Kristabel Plum

Honey Badger defeated Kristabel Plum in 13:38 by dirty pinfall by rolling up Plum, and using the ropes for leverage. Honey Badger makes defence number one of the SPW Women's title. (43)


Backstage Segment with Katya Kornishkova

We cut to the backstage, where Katya Kornishkova is watching the Women’s Championship match with Paige Croft. The two put over Honey Badger, before Katya turns to Paige and asks if she really intends to not go for the championship. Croft says that she won’t as long as Badger has the title. Katya smiles and states that it means there’s one less person to leapfrog over. (36)


Katya Kornishkova vs Pinky Perez

Katya Kornishkova defeated Pinky Perez in 9:55 by pinfall with a Northern Lights Suplex. (54)


Backstage Segment between RDJ and Jay Silver

Ricky Dale Johnson is in the locker room with Jay Silver and is getting him ready for the match. Hyping him up before the two go out and make their entrance for the first World Championship match in SPW history. (61)


SPW World Heavyweight Championship Match: Eddie Chandler vs Jay Silver

Eddie Chandler defeated Jay Silver in 10:41 by submission with an Abdominally Fabulous. Eddie Chandler wins the SPW World Heavyweight title. (40)


Post Match Celebration 

Eddie Chandler celebrates with the title, leering at RDJ as he leads Silver to the back. (56)


Overall Rating: 44

Edited by IronWarrior22
Spelling Fixes
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1st Week of May, 2020

Jack looked over the financials from the previous month, and they were worse than he thought they’d be. He had anticipated $80k, with the hope that ticket sales and merchandise would increase. That did happen, however, the cost of the production was much more expensive than he had previously anticipated.  Instead of the $22k anticipated cost, it was $47k. He knew where some of that came from, however. While he and Evans were dealing with the production costs after their meeting with Granger, they figured out that they could save money, in the long run anyway, hiring a production crew to edit and film the show, hiring them on as members of the company as oppose to liscensing them for freelance work. For them, it gave them a salary and a guaranteed job, and for him, it was cheaper. Of course, he had to buy the equipment necessary for it to be worth it, and that cost $10k. The other $15k, though, was what concerned him.


“What’ya looking at?”, Myles asked as he walked into the kitchen on crutches.


“Finances.”, Jack said.


“Not going well?”.


“You can tell?”.


“Well, you look worried, so… yeah.”, he said, as he rummaged through the kitchen.


“Well, I’ve be honest, I can’t figure out where we’re losing money.”, Jack said. “At least where we’re losing additional money.”


“Really?”, Myles said. “Can I take a look?”.


“Oh, I see. Take a couple economy classes, and you know everything?”, Jack said.


“You know it.”, Myles said with a laugh as he crutched his way over to the table. He sat down, and gestured for some of the financial reports. Jack chuckled to himself as he handed him a stack of papers. Myles began rummaging through them and for the next ninety minutes, the two worked their way through the documents.


Finally, Myles spoke up. “I think I found it.”, he said as he stood up from his chair putting the document in front of Jack. It was the contract he had with the ring crew. “Look. The amount you paid the ring crew went from being $7.5k to $15k.”.


“Well, we downsized the crew and ran more shows.”, Jack said.


Myles held up a hand and put down a different document. “Here was a estimate they sent. For four shows, the amount you would’ve had to pay should’ve been around $5k. $1k for each show. Instead, they charged you $2.5k per show. That’s where $10k of the $15k comes from.”.


Jack looked over the papers and sure enough, he was right. “Great. We’re getting screwed.”, he said.


“Were. You can’t continue to pay them after this.”, Myles said. “You can do whatever it is they’re doing on your own, right”.


“You know how taxing it is to set up the ring? It’s not easy,” Jack said, remembering his time as a rookie when he helped put it up back in 1990.


“But you’ll save thousands of dollars.”, Myles said.


Jack sighed. He knew his son was right. That did not mean he had to like it. “Alright,” he said as he grabbed his phone. Myles got up and started to make his way back to his room. “Hey,” Jack said. “Thanks for your help.”.


“No problem.”, he said.


“Hey, considering you’re laid up right now, want to come see the show?”, Jack asked.


Myles turned and looked at his father. “What do you mean?”.


“With you in college and playing baseball, you’ve never been to one of the shows, so I figured I’d ask while you’re here.”, Jack said. “If you don’t want to, that’s fine-”.


“No, no. I mean, sure. I’ll go.”, Myles said.


“Alright.”, Jack said, and smiled as he watched his son made his way back to his room.

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SPW Sudden Impact! #9

Opening Segment with Eddie Chandler and Ricky Dale Johnson

Eddie Chandler starts his interview segment with Garry Walker trying to ask him question, but every one turns into Eddie putting down Ricky Dale Johnson and his proteges. RDJ appears and Eddie challenges him to a fight. When RDJ doesn’t oblige, Eddie insinuates that it’s because he can’t anymore. RDJ laughs saying that he very well can, but that as a teacher, he can’t solve his students problems. (61)


Tag Team Championship Tournament Match: Minnesota Awesome vs Davis Wayne Newton and Nelson Callum

Davis Wayne Newton and Nelson Callum defeated Minnesota Awesome in 6:53 when Nelson Callum submitted Perry Longstaff with a Honey Trap. (37)


Backstage Segment with RDJ and Jay Silver

Ricky Dale Johnson  comforts Silver and gets him to focus on Eddie Chandler, by telling him that pitying himself isn’t the way to move forward. “The only way you’re going to get better is to look at what went wrong, and learn from it.”. (58)


Paige Croft vs Olivia Diamond

Paige Croft defeated Olivia Diamond in 6:28 by submission with a Memphis Deathlock. (52)


Plum, Pinky and Juana come out and challenge Honey Badger to a Championship match.

Paige Croft continues the beatdown after the match, but Olivia works her way to her feet and starts to fight back when Honey Badger comes down from the back and helps Paige put the beatdown on her. Kristabel Plum, Juana Hurricane, and Pinky Perez come down for the save. After stopping the attack, Plum challenges Badger. So too does Hurricane and Pinky. The three in the ring stare each other down while Badger, from the ramp, says that she’ll only take on one of them. (37)


Tag Team Championship Tournament Match: The Hot Taggs vs Drop Kix and Jayson Van Pelt

The Hot Taggs defeated Drop Kix and Jayson Van Pelt in 4:54 when Kalder Tagg pinned Drop Kix with a Montana Slammer. (12)


Eddie Chandler shows his new partners, the Hot Taggs

Eddie Chandler comes out after the match and cuts a promo, saying that he and the Hot Taggs are joining forces, so that when the Hot Taggs win the World Tag Team Championship, they will hold all available gold. (33)


Main Event: Eddie Chandler vs Fro Sure

Eddie Chandler defeated Fro Sure in 7:49 by pinfall with an Elitist Plex. (52)


Overall Rating: 49

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2nd Week of May, 2020

Jack wrenched the bolt into place and stood up striaght. It had been nearly thirty years since he had put the ring together, and he had forgotten how tiring it was. Or, maybe that just was due to him being older. Evans worked on the other side of the ring, and the new guy, Parker Terry, helped as well. 

“How much longer do you think it’ll take?”, Jack asked the other two.

“About 10 minutes. Maybe 15.”, Evans said. “Getting tired already?”.

“Yeah.”, Jack said. “Lot harder than I remember it being.”.

Evans walked over to him and leaned against the ring apron. “Have you talked with Higa yet?”.

“Higa? About what?”, Jack asked.

“She won the 5SSW World Championship.”, Evans said.

“Oh. When did that happen?”, Jack asked.

“Just a few days ago,” Evans said. “She let me know, and said she had an idea. Cleared it with 5SSW.”.

“Oh did she now?”, Jack said. “What’s the idea?”.

“Well, we’ve had her on TV trying to make a group. What if she brought a group over from Japan?”, Evans said.

“A 5SSW group? We’ve already got quite a few 5SSW gals here”, Jack said.

“I agree, but the women they got in mind are Japanese.. The idea is to have her bring over a tag team, and another woman to make a stable. Increase their American footprint.”, Evans said. “It would also give us a bigger heel stable for the ladies.”.

“We have enough heels. And do they speak English?.”, Jack said.

“Passable. Higa would be the front woman, their mouth piece.”, Evans said. 

“You don’t see my point. Yeah, they foist off some of their talent, increase their American footprint more than we’re already helping them with, and what are we getting out of the deal?”, Jack said.

“I don’t know. She just brought it up to me.”, Evans said.

“And let’s face it, we’re already doing a program with Plum against Badger. We bring in Higa, who are they going to fight?”, Jack said.

“We could turn the Uprising face.”, Evans said.

“You think that’d work because you think that or because that’s what they asked?”, Jack asked.

“I think it’s worth a shot.”, Evans said. He paused and pointed over to the merchandise table. “Your kid’s getting carried away again.”.

Jack looked over and sure enough, Myles was aggressively maneuvering around in a wheelchair, moving things around the tables of merchandise. He was even getting up out of the wheelchair to help.  “He’s still full of energy.” he said under his breath. He looked at Evans and said, “I’ll go talk to him. You got the ring?”.

Evans nodded and let Jack go to speak with his kid. Myles was eagerly helping the hired merch staff, and turned to look at his dad as he approached. “Yo.”, he said.

“Slow down. You only had your surgery a few days ago. Don’t aggravate it.”, Jack said.

Myles laughed. “Worrying you? I feel fine.”.

“That’s all well and good. Stay in the wheelchair.”, Jack said. Myles chuckled as he hobbled back into his chair. “What do you think?”.

“I told you it felt fine.”, Myles asked.

“No, not that. This.”, he said, gesturing to the merchandise table.

“Oh. Well, a little less than desirable, but could be worse.”, Myles said.

“Think you could do better?”, Jack asked.

“Probably.”, Myles said, with a small degree of smugness.

“Let’s try it then.”, Jack said. “Take over Merchandise, I mean. Could even put your Economics classes to good use.”.

Myles paused for a second, before he laughed. “I’ve still got two years left.”.

“I thought you said you could do better.”, Jack said.

Could was the key word in that sentence. There’s a lot I don’t know.”, Myles said.

“Oh, I thought you were quite good at studying?”, Jack said.

“Do you want me to take over?”, Myles said.

“Honest? No, I don’t. It’d be a bad look to everybody. Me hiring my boy to run the merchandise? Especially when you don’t want to do it.”, Jack said.

“I want to do it.”, Myles said.

Jack paused. “Are you sure? It’s a tedious job. Lots of phone calls to make.”.

“Well, in case you didn’t notice, I’ve got quite a lot of time on my hands.”, Myles said.

Jack smiled. “Alright. Just know that I’m not going to take it easy on you.”.

“I’d be disappointed if you did.”, Myles said. “While we’re at it, can I take over the fliers?”.

“What’s wrong with the fliers?”, Jack asked defensively.

“They look like someone spent 10 minutes making them in Powerpoint.”, Myles said. After a few seconds, Myles added, “Which is fine if that’s what you used.”.

“Don’t patronize me.”, he said, and Myles laughed in response. “You want it? Take it.”.

“Okay,” Myles said.

“Since this is you’re first official day of employment with the company, I have the dubious pleasure of telling you: get back to work,”, Jack said.

Myles laughed as Jack walked away, smile firm on his face. What caused it to leave was the storm that was going to come down on his head when he told Evans and Granger. He doubted that it would go over smoothly, and he was prepared to cut his own salary to pay for it.  He wondered if he’d need to, or if he’d even get the opportunity to pitch the idea.

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SPW Sudden Impact #10

Tag Team Tournament Match: Lonely Hearts Club Band vs Conner Threepwood and Mercutio Sleep

Lonely Hearts Club Band defeated Conner Threepwood and Mercutio Sleep in 5:24 when Billy Shears pinned Mercutio Sleep with a Day in the Life. (22)


Nelson Callum impromptu Segment

Nelson Callum comes out in plain clothes and cuts a promo about how he should be the #1 contender to the World Heavyweight Championship, as there hasn’t been one announced. Jason Evans comes out and kindly reminds Callum that he’s still part of the Tag Team Championship Tournament, so he can’t. Callum states that he was put in the Tournament to be prevented from competing for the World Heavyweight Championship because Evans knows that Callum would win it. Evans laughs and says that’s 1) not true and 2) applies to every one in the tag team tournament. He also says that he’s been trying to placate Callum by giving championship opportunities, but if he isn’t going to appreciate them, he will take them away and give them to someone more grateful. He leaves Callum in the ring and Callum begins to speak before his mike is cut off. (38)


Onslaught vs Drop Kix

Drop Kix defeated Onslaught in 7:54 by pinfall with a Cannonball Legdrop. (30)


Damien Carvill puts over his clients

Damian Carvill puts over The Prime Time Players, Jason Patterson and Prime Time Jack Pryde, saying that they are the next big things in tag team wrestling. (27)


Tag Team Tournament Match: The Prime Time Players vs Wild Red Stallion and Fro Sure

The Prime Time Players defeated Wild Red Stallion and Fro Sure in 6:56 when Jason Patterson pinned Wild Red Stallion with a X-Factor. (31)


Higa’s Threat

Fuyuko Higa talks to the camera, holding her newly won 5SSW World Championship. She says that she has tried to make allegiances in SPW, and has made no headway. So, she went out and made her own stable and that they will make themselves known when they want to. (36)


Honey Badger, Paige Croft, Kate Lilly and Debbie Rose vs Kristabel Plum, Juana Hurricane, Olivia Diamond and Pinky Perez

Kristabel Plum, Pinky Perez, Juana Hurricane and Olivia Diamond defeated Honey Badger, Paige Croft and Lilly & Rose in 11:16 when Pinky Perez pinned Honey Badger with a roll up. (46)


Perez is declared the #1 Contender

Following the match and the celebration, Jason Evans comes out and announces that because Perez pinned the current champion, they are the #1 contender and will face Honey Badger at the PLE. (41)


Frankie Perez vs Ant-Man

Frankie Perez defeated Ant-Man in 13:30 by submission with a P-Clutch. (44)


Post Match Interview

Garry Walker comes out and interviews Frankie Perez after the match and Frankie makes a challenge to Eddie Chandler. He says that Chandler is focusing on the rookie because he knows he can’t beat anybody else, so he’s going after the sure bet in the young kid he already beat. (41)


Jay Silver vs Kalder Tagg

Jay Silver won the match iin 7:26 following a Wolfie Tagg interference, resulting in a DQ. (22)


Post Match Segment

The Hot Taggs beatdown on Silver, until RDJ comes out from the back and helps fight them off. Eddie Chandler comes out and goads RDJ, saying that he challenges the two of them to a 3v3 next week. RDJ accepts. (43)


Overall Rating: 39

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  • 2 weeks later...

3rd Week of May, 2020

The steely gaze of Wilson Granger barred down on Jackson Richter with cold indifference. Jason Evans was in the middle of a lecture about communication, and Jack was simply waiting for it to be over. When it was, Evans looked at Jack expectantly. “You gonna answer?”, he asked.


“Would it matter?”, Jack said. “You’re right, but that doesn’t change what’s happened.”


“So, you’re gonna keep doing things without speaking to us beforehand?”, Evans asked.


“What’s my job again?”, Jack asked.


“You’re the booker?”, Evans said, unsure of where this was going.


“And you deal with the talent. The talent we already have. So, if I’m talking with someone we don’t have under contract, why is that any of your business?”, Jack said. “And it’s none of your concern who’s running advertising and merch.”.


Evans leaned back in his chair and Granger forward in his. “It is my business.”, he said. “You can’t make decisions about the business without talking to me.”.


“Will, who runs advertising?”, Jack asked.


“What?”, he asked.


“Who runs advertising?”.


Will took a moment before he responded. “You do.”.


Jack nodded. “And who runs merch?”.


Will’s jaw clenched. “You do.”.


“Who’s in charge of payroll and finances?”.


“What’s your point?”, Will said.


“I’m not finished yet. Who’s in charge of HR? Me. Who’s in charge of production? Me. Who’s in charge of booking? Me. Finances, advertising, marketing, merchandise. I could keep going, but I think you get my point. Now, both of you are getting bent out of shape because I hired someone to take a little bit of the load off.”, Jack said.


“It’s your kid, Jack.”, Granger said.


“You didn’t hire anybody to run it, so I did. When we were doing the tapings, it was fine. The next five shows we planned were fine. But with everything going on, I haven’t had the time to work on that stuff, book shows and perform. I’ve had to do the important things first. Booking, finances and production. Everything else has taken a hit. Hell, Jay, you want to talk about not consulting about someone when it comes to hiring, you brought in Parker Terry without talking to me about it, but I never got on you about it. You know why? Because it helped the show.”, Jack said. “And Will, I know damn well how it looks hiring my boy. Take it out of my salary if it makes you feel better. He’s got nothing else to do, and the press is down in the basement. If I hired somebody else, would you expect me to have them come here and work 9-5?”.


Will sighed, and leaned back in his chair. Nobody spoke for a few seconds. Finally, Will stood up. “Alright. Fine. Your kid’s in charge of advertising now, but from now on, I want the adverts, fliers, merch, everything emailed to me by end of day Friday. Am I clear?”.


“Yes,” Jack said.


“Good.”, he said as he grabbed his things and left, leaving Jack with Evans. Evans just shook his head.


“If you have something you want to say, say it.”, Jack said.


Evans looked over at him. “How do you know if he’s going to work out?”.


“How does anyone know if anythings going to? You’ve got to have faith.”, Jack said. “I wouldn’t have given him the responsibility if I didn’t think he could do it and do it well.”.


Evans sighed and said, “I don’t like being left out of the loop. When you go out and hire guys and you don’t talk to me, it looks like there’s no rhyme or reasons for it.”.


“Do you really think I’d do things without a reason?”, Jack said.


“No.”, Evans said.


“Then what’s there to be worried about?”, Jack asked.


“I’ve been in this position before. I’m just telling you how it can get.”.


“I appreciate that. Trust me, I do. But I’m going to do things in my own way, and I’m asking you to trust me.” Jack said.


Evans stared at him for a few seconds before he sighed. “If I didn’t, I would’ve quit already.”.

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SPW Sudden Impact #11

Tag Team Championship Tournament Match: The Prime Time Players vs Lonely Hearts Club Band

The Prime Time Players defeated Lonely Hearts Club Band in 7:59 when Jason Patterson pinned Billy Shears with a X-Factor. (18)


Backstage Segment with The Uprising and Jason Evans

The Uprising are seen backstage talking with Jason Evans. They ask him when the Women’s Tag Team Championships will be put up for grabs, and Evans tells them that the plan is for it to be in July. June was already slated to be the month for the Intercontinental Championship. (43)


Nelson Callum vs Conner Threepwood

Nelson Callum defeated Conner Threepwood in 8:04 by submission with a Honey Trap. (43)


Callum Promo Interrupted

Nelson Callum grabs a microphone after the match and starts to talk about the Intercontinental Championship tournament, saying how Jason Evans is a fool if he really thinks that will placate him. Before he can say much else, his tag team partner in the tag title tournament, Davis Wayne Newton, comes down to the ring in plain clothes. He grabs a microphone and chastises Callum, saying that instead of harping on the same points every single week, he should focus on the Tag Team Championship Tournament, so they can win and stick it to them. Then, when he’s in the Intercontinental Tournament, win that one too. Callum doesn’t look like he appreciates being interrupted, but shakes Newton’s hand. (43)


Fuyuko Higa vs Modesty Pador

Fuyuko Higa defeated Modesty Pador in 9:29 by pinfall with a Higa Green Driver. (46)


Honey Badger/Paige Croft Backstage Promo

Honey Badger and Paige Croft are talking to each other in the back. Croft is getting ready for her match, while Badger is telling her to focus more on hurting her. Croft wants to just beat her normally, but Badger bows up and tells Croft that what’s important is to prevent anyone from daring to try and knock her off the top. Then, when July comes around, the two of them can join the Women’s Tag Title Tournament, win that, and then they’d own all the championships. Croft pauses and says that she’s just going to try and win. (31)


Paige Croft vs Pinky Perez

Pinky Perez defeated Paige Croft in 10:52 by pinfall with a Pink Butterfly Powerbomb. (45)


Eddie Chandler, The Hot Tagg Backstage Promo

Eddie Chandler begins the interview with Garry Walker, talking about being the World Champion, and how having the leading candidates for the World Tag Team Candidates in his corner makes it highly likely that they’ll be the victors. (34)


Eddie Chandler and The Hot Taggs vs Ricky Dale Johnson, Jay Silver and Frankie Perez

Ricky Dale Johnson, Jay Silver and Frankie Perez defeated Eddie Chandler and The Hot Taggs in 12:47 when Frankie Perez submitted Kalder Tagg with a P-Clutch. (47)


#1 Contender Named

Following the conclusion of the match, Jason Evans comes out to the ramp and announces the #1 Contender of the World Heavyweight Championship, and that it’s Frankie Perez, with a contract signing to be done next week. (54)


Overall Rating: 43

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  • 1 month later...

With the new release of Total Extreme Wrestling IX, I have migrated everything over to that Dynasty Forum, and will be continuing the story over there, using the new software. Here is a link to that topic in the forum:

I hope to see everyone who was interested and invested over there!

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  • IronWarrior22 changed the title to Sidewinder Pro Wrestling: One Last Chance (Moved to TEWIX Forums)

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