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Inside TCW: The Legacy of Peter Michaels (C-Verse)

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(out of character) I've been playing TEW as TCW since the game was released.  I always enjoyed playing in the fictional universe and I am now ready to share with you some of the character and storyline ideas I've been working on.  Feedback is very much welcomed, and I hope one of you finds a shred of entertainment in this. This is the one I am going to stick with.

After his departure from SWF, Peter Michaels decided to retire from the world of professional wrestling and enjoy his golden years in peace. He moved away from the hustle and bustle of the city and settled in Stowe, Vermont, a small, picturesque town in the mountains.

Michaels' sits in a big brown chair in a cozy cabin, surrounded by tall trees and the sound of a nearby stream. Leah Michaels-Scone (now entering year 25 of marriage!),  shares his love for nature and often accompanies him on hikes and fishing trips in the nearby forests and lakes.

The couple's furry companions, Brawler and The Pooch, are never far away from their sides. Michaels' dogs have become somewhat of local celebrities, as they often accompany him on his walks around town and are known for their colorful doggie lucha gear.

As he watched his furry companions, Peter couldn't help but reflect on his time in wrestling. He had been a part of the business for over 30 years, and while he had many fond memories, he also had some regrets.

"I wish I had left wrestling on better terms," he thought to himself. "I never wanted to be pushed out, but that's what happened." 

Peter had been the head booker for SWF for years, guiding the company through some of their most successful periods. But when they started to lose ground to USPW, the blame was placed on him. He was let go, and it hurt.

Michaels' passion for the sport has never faded. He spends his days watching matches from around the world, taking notes and analyzing the performances of up and coming  workers. He has also become a minor titan of wrestling  podcasts, using his vast knowledge and experience to create "Ring Talk with Peter Michaels: Pinning Down the Truth!!"He knew it was corny, but he has a brand to protect...

Edited by Frank_Vest
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Kyle Rhodes entered the conference room with a knot in his stomach. Terry Slatt, CEO of BriCo, was already sitting at the head of the long table, staring intently at his laptop screen.

"Good morning, Terry," Kyle said tentatively as he took his seat opposite Slatt.

"Morning, Kyle," Slatt replied curtly, still fixated on his computer.

The silence lingered for a few more seconds until Slatt finally looked up at Kyle with a serious expression. "Kyle, I want to talk to you about the state of TCW. Our investment in the company has not yielded the returns we were expecting."

Kyle shifted in his seat, feeling the weight of the conversation bearing down on him. "I understand, Terry. We've had a few setbacks, but we're working to turn things around."

Slatt leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers. "That's not good enough, Kyle. I need to see some major progress in the next quarter, or we'll have to consider cutting our losses and moving on."

Kyle felt his heart sink. He knew how high the stakes were, not just for the future of TCW, but for his own job security. "I understand, Terry," he repeated. "We're exploring some new strategies and I'm confident we can make some significant improvements."

Slatt's expression remained skeptical, but he seemed to soften slightly. "I hope so, Kyle. We've put a lot of faith in you and your team, but we need to see results. And speaking of your team, I heard you were pursuing a big-name hire?"

Kyle's ears perked up. "Yes, sir. We're in talks with Peter Michaels to come on board as our head booker."

Slatt raised an eyebrow. "Peter Michaels? I remember him from my fanboy days. He's been retired for years. How much would it cost to bring him on board?"

Kyle knew this was the moment of truth. "It would be a significant investment, but I believe it's worth it. Michaels has a wealth of experience and a track record of success. He could really help us turn things around."

Slatt leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "And what if it doesn't work out, Kyle? What if Michaels doesn't deliver the results we need?"

Kyle swallowed hard. "I understand the risk, Terry. But I truly believe he's the best candidate for the job. And if we don't take some bold steps, we may not have a company to turn around."

Slatt's expression softened slightly again, and he leaned back in his chair. "I see your point, Kyle. Alright, let's set a budget and see what we can do. But remember, this is a last resort. We need to see some major improvements, and fast."

Kyle breathed a small sigh of relief, grateful that Slatt was willing to hear him out. He knew he had a lot of work to do in the coming weeks and months, but he was more determined than ever to save TCW and prove himself to Slatt.

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"Why did I do that?" Kyle muttered to himself, running his fingers through his hair. "I know I should have just been honest with him."

He knew that Terry Slatt was a tough boss, but he had never felt so much pressure before. He had to make something major happen in TCW, or face termination. And he believed that signing Peter Michaels could be the answer to all of their problems.

He took a deep breath and began to formulate a plan in his head. He would reach out to Peter Michaels and try to persuade him to come out of retirement and sign with TCW. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to make it happen.

"I can do this," he said to himself, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "I have to do this."

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As Kyle was wracking his brain for a way to get on Peter Michaels' podcast, he suddenly remembered an old friend who might be able to help. Joanne Rodriguez, also known as J-Ro, had been a successful wrestler in her own right before transitioning to her current career as a podcast producer. Kyle remembered how well-connected J-Ro had always been, and he knew that if anyone could help him get in touch with Peter, it was her.

Kyle quickly pulled out his phone and dialed J-Ro's number. He could hear the faint sound of wrestling in the background as J-Ro answered the phone.

"Hey, Kyle! Long time no talk!" J-Ro exclaimed.

"Hey, J-Ro! I know, it's been forever. Listen, I need your help with something," Kyle said, getting straight to the point.

"Sure, anything for an old friend. What do you need?" J-Ro asked.

"I'm trying to get on Peter Michaels' podcast, Pinning Down the Truth. I think it could be a great opportunity for TCW, but I have never really been close to him," Kyle explained.

"Ah, I see. Well, you're in luck. I actually know Peter pretty well. In fact, I produce his podcast," J-Ro said with a chuckle.

Kyle's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That's amazing! Do you think you could help me get on the show?"

"I can certainly try. Let me see what I can do," J-Ro replied. "But first, how about we catch up over some burritos? I'm actually in Texas right now for a wrestling event."

Kyle smiled. "That sounds great. Let's do it."

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As the episode of "Pinning Down the Truth" featuring Kyle Rhodes as a guest begins, Peter Michaels is sitting in his home studio chair, looking relaxed and focused. He greets the audience with his trademark booming voice.

"Welcome to 'Pinning Down the Truth,' the show where we dig deep into the world of professional wrestling," he says. "Today, we have a very special guest, the man behind the scenes at TCW, Kyle Rhodes. Kyle, welcome to the show."

"Thanks for having me, Peter," Kyle responds, looking a bit nervous.

Peter leans forward in his chair, his eyes fixed on Kyle. "So, Kyle, let's start at the beginning. How did you get started in the wrestling business?"

Kyle takes a deep breath and launches into his story, telling Peter about his days as an independent booker and his eventual move to TCW. As he speaks, he becomes more and more animated, clearly passionate about the industry he loves.

Peter nods along, asking questions and drawing out the details of Kyle's journey. It's clear that he's an expert interviewer, skilled at getting his guests to open up and share their stories.

As the interview progresses, the two men begin to relax and settle into an easy rapport. Kyle shares anecdotes and insights from his years in the business, while Peter listens attentively and asks follow-up questions.

By the end of the episode, it's clear that the two men have developed a genuine respect and admiration for each other. 

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Peter and Kyle sit at the bar in Peter's cabin in Vermont, sipping on glasses of Macallan Scotch Whisky. The fire crackles in the background, casting a warm glow over the room.

"So, Kyle, what brings you up to Vermont?" Peter asks, taking a sip of his drink.

"Well, I was actually hoping to talk to you about TCW and the Head Booker role," Kyle replies, swirling his drink in his hand.

"head Booker?" Peter raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, that's the job. We've been having some trouble lately, and I was hoping you might have some ideas on how to turn things around," Kyle explains.

Peter leans back on his stool, considering for a moment. "I'm retired from wrestling, Kyle. I don't know how much help I could be."

"I know, I know. But you're still a legend in the industry, and I think your perspective could be really valuable," Kyle persists.

Peter chuckles, shaking his head. "Alright, alright. What kind of trouble are you having?"

Kyle launches into a detailed explanation of TCW's recent struggles, from financial woes to declining viewership. Peter listens intently, occasionally interjecting with questions or suggestions.

After nearly an hour of discussion, the two finally wrap up their conversation. As Kyle gets up to leave, Peter claps him on the back. 

Kyle took a deep breath and decided to take his chance. "Peter, I know you're retired, but I really think you could make a huge impact at TCW. Your knowledge and expertise could really take us to the next level."

Peter looked at Kyle thoughtfully, taking another sip of his whiskey. "I appreciate the offer, Kyle. It's been a long time since I've been in the business, but I have to admit, the idea of getting back into it is intriguing."

Kyle leaned forward. "We would love to have you on board, Peter. You could really make a difference here."

Peter paused for a moment, considering Kyle's offer. "I need to talk to my wife about this, Kyle. I can't make a decision like this without her input. But I'm definitely interested."

Kyle nodded, understandingly. "Of course, Peter. Take all the time you need. But just know that we would be thrilled to have you on the team."

Peter finished his whiskey and stood up. "Thanks for the drink, Kyle. I'll be in touch."

With that, he left Kyle's cabin, leaving Kyle feeling hopeful about the future of TCW.

Edited by Frank_Vest
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 Mighty Mo and Giant Tana chat backstage,  Kyle Rhodes walks by, catching their attention.

"Hey, Kyle! You lookin' sharp today," Mighty Mo said, giving Kyle a friendly pat on the back.

"Thanks, guys," Kyle replied with a smile. "You two ready for tonight?"

"Oh yeah," Tana replied, flexing his flabby biceps. "Super pumped!" 

"Speaking of shows," Mo said, "have you ever listened to Kraftwerk, Kyle? They're legends in the music industry."

Kyle chuckled. "I can't say I have, guys. But maybe you can school me on it after the show."

"Deal," Tana said, extending his hand for a fist bump.

Kyle turns to fist bump Tana before heading off to prepare for the show. But before he can take a step, Tana suddenly points to a man in a suit walking towards them.

"Hey, Kyle," Tana says, "isn't that the BriCo CEO?"

Kyle turns his head to see Terry Slatt making his way through the backstage area. He's surprised to see him there, as Slatt doesn't typically attend TCW events. Nevertheless, he approaches them with a smile and extends his hand to Kyle.

"Congratulations on getting the signing done, Kyle," Slatt says in a smooth, almost sinister tone.

Kyle can't help but feel a sense of unease. Slatt's tone is almost too friendly, and he can't shake the feeling that there's something more behind his words. But before he can dwell on it too much, Slatt nods to the group and makes his way down the hallway, leaving Kyle, Tana, and Mo standing there awkwardly.



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Don't miss the action-packed TCW wrestling event at the Denver Pepsi Center on Tuesday, January 5th!

Witness the clash of the titans as The Syndicate will be facing of with Aaron Andrews in an epic Tag Team showdown!

T-Bone will face off against Jay Chord once in a sure to be explosive grudge match!

In a must-see match for the Television Title, Mighty Mo Barrett goes head-to-head with the unstoppable Greg Gauge!

Get ready for the ultimate battle between Mighty Fine Darryl Devine and Doc Hammond of The Syndicate!

Former Tag Team Champions face off against each other as rivals with Edd Stone battling Freddy Huggins!

But that's not all! Be sure to stay tuned for the debut of TCW's new super secret new General Manager! Who will it be? Don't miss this exciting event to find out!

Tickets available now at the Pepsi Center box office or online. Don't wait, get yours today!

Predictions from alternate universes are welcome!  

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For prediction purposes:

Two unnamed Syndicate Members Vs. Aaron Andrews and a Mystery Partner

T-Bone Bright vs Jay Chord

Mo Barrett vs Greg Gauge (Television Title)

Darryl Devine vs Doc Hammond

Edd Stone vs Freddy Huggins

Who will square off in the Syndicate vs. Andrews match?



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from r/TCWrestling

Wolf Hawkins or Jay Chord?


Wolf Hawkins is an absolute powerhouse of charisma in the world of professional wrestling. He has an undeniable presence in the ring, and every move he makes is calculated and executed with purpose. Hawkins exudes confidence and power in everything he does, from his flashy ring attire to his fierce in-ring tactics.

Not only is he a force to be reckoned with in the ring, but his natural charisma has also made him a fan favorite. He has a way of connecting with the crowd that is truly impressive, and his ability to work the mic is second to none. Whether he's cutting a fiery promo or just simply engaging with the fans, Hawkins knows how to make an impact. He's the best heel of all time.

His leadership of the Syndicate has only added to his mystique, as he commands respect from his teammates and instills fear in his opponents.  We are so close to making this feud have a satisfying conclusion! Andrews vs. Hawkins and the Syndicate, the feud of the ages!


I know some people are still enjoying the ongoing feud between Andrews and Wolf Hawkins, but let's face it, it's getting stale. We've seen these two go at it countless times and it's time for something fresh. Jay Chord is the perfect candidate for a new feud and a potential championship run.

I've been watching TCW for years now and it's clear to me that Jay Chord is the future of this company. He's got the look, the talent, and the pedigree to be a top champion. It's time for him to step up and take on the current champion, Aaron Andrews.

Just imagine the promos these two could cut on each other. Jay Chord is all about destiny and living up to his father's legacy, while Aaron Andrews is the do-gooder champion who thinks he's so f'n great. It would be a clash of styles and personalities that would bring a new level of excitement to TCW. Let's not forget that Jay Chord is just as talented in the ring as he is on the mic. He's got a unique moveset that can match up with anyone and he's shown time and time again that he's capable of putting on five-star matches.

So, let's make it happen TCW! Give Jay Chord the opportunity to take on Aaron Andrews and prove that he's the future of this company. The fans deserve to see a fresh feud and a new champion.


I hear J Chord is teh suc




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TCW Presents: Total Wrestling
Live at the Pepsi Center, Denver, CO
January 7, 2020

The lights in the arena dim, signaling the arrival of a new figure in the world of TCW.  Suddenly, the opening bars of something that kind of sounds like SWF’s theme blares over the speaker. Out from the backstage area strides Peter Michaels, his confident gait and commanding presence commanding the attention of everyone in the arena. As he made his way down the ramp, the fans continued to cheer, delighted to see a familiar face.

As Michaels steps into the ring, the crowd erupts in cheers and applause. It's clear that he's already won over the TCW faithful with his reputation as one of the greatest wrestling announcers of all time. He takes a moment to soak in the adoration before grabbing a microphone. "Thank you, thank you," Michaels says, beaming at the crowd. "It's an honor to be here in TCW, and I can't wait to get started as your new General Manager."

The crowd continues to cheer as Michaels pauses for a moment before continuing. "I know that TCW has had its ups and downs, but I'm here to tell you that we're going to turn this company around. We're going to focus on what's important: great wrestling, compelling storylines, and most importantly, giving you, the fans, the best damn product we possibly can."
The audience erupted in cheers again, pleased to hear that Michaels had big plans for the organization.  He continued, his voice growing more animated. "I've been in this business for over twenty years, and I've seen it all. And let me tell you, TCW has the potential to be one of the greatest wrestling organizations of all time. With your help, and with the help of the incredible talent we have on this roster, I know we can make that happen."

Shawn Doakes: "I can't believe it! Peter Michaels is here in TCW! This is huge!"


Peter Michaels make his TCW debut, Game Score: 69 

Kyle Rhodes: "It's been years since we've seen him in at an event. What could he be doing here?"
Jasmine Saunders: "I don't know, but the great unwashed are loving it!"

Peter Michaels: "TCW is the only federation that matters and I'm here to make sure that it stays that way. I'm here to bring the excitement, the action, and the drama that you all love. And I'm here to make sure that the best talent in the world comes to TCW to compete."

Shawn Doakes: ""Wow, what a bombshell announcement! This is going to be a game-changer for TCW. Peter Michaels is a legend in this business. I can't wait to see what he has in store for us."

Peter Michaels stands in the center of the ring, soaking in the deafening cheers of the crowd.

Kyle Rhodes looks a little annoyed as he stands up from his seat at the commentary table and approaches the ring. "Peter, what are you doing here?" Kyle asks, a hint of frustration in his voice. Michaels looks at him with a smile. "I'm here to shake things up, Kyle. I'm here to make TCW the best wrestling company in the world."

Kyle Rhodes begins to get angrier and angrier. He steps up to the ring apron and gets in Michaels' face, shouting that he has no right to be there. Michaels, taken aback by the sudden aggression, tries to reason with Rhodes, but Rhodes isn't interested in listening. Rhodes gets in Michaels face and flicks him in the crotch, pulling off the old “sour balls” maneuver. Michaels slowly stands up, holding his groin in pain, and stares at Rhodes with a fierce look in his eyes. He takes a deep breath and regains his composure, knowing that he needs to remain professional as the new General Manager of TCW.  As Peter Michaels walks to the back, he doesn't say a word to Kyle Rhodes, but his intense glare speaks volumes. The crowd is left stunned by the sudden attack, unsure of what to make of the situation. Shawn Doakes and Jasmine Saunders try to make sense of what just happened, but they too are at a loss for words.

Rhodes sits back down at the announce table and expresses his frustration to Doakes and Saunders, saying that he can't be himself tonight after what just happened. He apologizes to the viewers at home for any unprofessionalism and states that he needs some time to collect himself.  As the show goes on, Doakes takes over lead commentary duties while Rhodes sits quietly at the table, occasionally muttering to himself or shaking his head in frustration. Saunders tries to engage him in conversation, but he's clearly not in the mood for small talk. The atmosphere at the announce table is tense.

Rhodes confronts Michaels and turns Heel,  Game Score: 67

As Greg Gauge's music hits, he struts down to the ring with a cocky smirk on his face. He grabs a microphone and wastes no time in speaking his mind.
"Let me tell you something, TCW! It doesn't matter who's in charge around here, because Greg Gauge runs the show. And speaking of running, that's all Mighty Mo Barrett seems to be doing lately. He's been ducking me for weeks now, and I'm sick of it. He thinks he can hide behind his big muscles and his fancy entrance, but the fact is, he's nothing but a coward."
The crowd boos at Gauge's words, but he continues undeterred.

Gauge continues to hurl insults at Mo Barrett, calling him a "tag team wrestler" who has never held a singles title, he also turns his attention to Giant Tana, who he refers to as an "big, fat  joke." Who "can't get of the couch to make it to Denver" and can "barley wash himself." The crowd begins to boo and jeer at Gauge's remarks, but he seems to relish in their negative reaction. 

I Guess Gauge Had an Off Night, Game Score: 48

Suddenly, Mighty Mo's music hits and the crowd erupts in cheers as Barrett runs down to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and confronting Gauge. The two wrestlers exchange heated words, with Mo telling Gauge that he's not afraid of anyone and that he'll prove it by beating him in the ring. The referee tries to restore order, but both wrestlers are too fired up to listen, and the match begins in a flurry of punches and kicks.

From there, the match becomes a back-and-forth affair, with both men trading blows and attempting to gain the upper hand. The crowd is firmly split down the middle, with half cheering for Barrett and the other half for Gauge.

As the match wears on, Barrett seems to be getting the better of Gauge, hitting him with a series of devastating moves that leave him reeling. But just when it looks like Barrett has the match won…

Doakes: "What the hell is Eddie Peak doing out here? This match was supposed to be one-on-one between Gauge and Barrett
Saunders: "I don't know, Shawn, but it looks like he's up to no good.”

As Eddie Peak sneaks into the ring with a steel chair, he waits for the right moment to strike.  Peak swings the chair and hits Mo squarely on the back. The impact sends Mo crashing to the mat, and he writhes in pain as Eddie continues to beat him with the chair.

Unfortunately, the referee Ray Johnson is distracted by the action on the other side of the ring, and misses the whole thing. By the time he turns around, Eddie has already thrown the chair out of the ring and has made his way backstage.

Jasmine Saunders: "I have to say, Ray Johnson needs to be more attentive in the ring. How could he not have seen Eddie Peak come in and hit Mo Barrett with that chair?"
Shawn Doakes: "I agree, Jasmine. Ray has been a great referee for years, but he really dropped the ball there. He should have been paying closer attention to what was happening."
Doakes: "And now Gauge is taking advantage of the situation. He's going for the cover... and he gets the three count! That's it, folks, Eddie Gauge has retained the Television Title with the help of Eddie Peak."

Greg Gauge Retains the Television Title over Mighty Mo Barrett with an assist from Eddie Peak, Game Score: 65

As Sammy Bach's entrance music hits, the commentary team notes the huge pop from the crowd. Jasmine Saunders remarks, "Sammy Bach is one of the biggest draws in this company. People love him, and for good reason." Doakes adds, "He's got the looks, the charisma, and the skills to back it up. Bach has been a top star in TCW for years, and he's still going strong."

Sammy Bach: "Ladies and gentlemen, I want to talk about someone who's been given everything in life, a real nepo baby if you will. A man who's coasted on his family name and connections to get to where he is today. A man who's never had to struggle or work hard to achieve anything."

Crowd boos and jeers

Sammy Bach: "That man is Jay Chord. And you know what Jay? It's time for you to face someone who's earned their place in this business. Someone who's had to fight tooth and nail to get where they are. Someone like me."

Crowd cheers
Sammy Bach: "So come on out here and face me like a man, Jay. Or are you too scared to step in the ring with someone who's not a pushover?"

Jay Chord's music hits and he makes his way to the ring
Jay Chord: "You know Sammy, you're right. I have had things handed to me in life. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm a better wrestler than you'll ever be."
Crowd boos

Sammy Bach: "Is that so, Jay? Well, I guess we'll just have to see about that."
Jay Chord: “Whatever, Bach. I’m not going to give the people of this unsophisticated, cultureless, dusty cowtown the satisfaction….”

As Jay Chord is turning away from the ring, he suddenly stops in his tracks and looks surprised as he sees T-Bone Bright coming out from backstage. T-Bone walks up to Chord and stares him down, and the two start to exchange heated words. Before Chord can react, T-Bone delivers a punch to his face and the two start brawling all the way up the ramp to the backstage area.

Jasmine Saunders: "Well, that didn't take long, did it? Looks like T-Bone doesn't want to wait for later tonight!"

Shawn Doakes: "I don't know what Chord was expecting, insulting the hometown crowd like that. T-Bone clearly didn't take too kindly to it."

Jasmine Saunders: "And let's not forget about Sammy Bach. He really stirred the pot, calling out Chord and questioning his legitimacy as a wrestler."


Confrontation With Jay Chord, Sammy Bach and T-Bone Bright, Game Score 77

The ring clears out after the previous segment, and the lights in the arena dim. A spotlight shines on the entrance ramp as "Mighty Fine" begins to play, and Darryl Devine steps out onto the stage,  wearing his trademark leather jacket with "Mighty Fine" emblazoned on the back. He poses for the crowd, high-fiving a few fans before making his way down the ramp.  He raises his arms, basking in the crowd's adoration, before making his way down to the ring accompanied by his teammate, Chance Fortune.

As Devine enters the ring, the lights brighten back up and the crowd's attention turns to the entrance ramp. The opening riff of Hammond’s music begins to play, and Doc Hammond steps out onto the stage, wearing black trunks and boots with silver trim. He pauses at the top of the ramp, staring down at Devine in the ring, before making his way down the aisle, accompanied by his stablemate, the sling-wearing Chris Flynn.

The two wrestlers stare each other down in the ring as the bell rings, with neither giving an inch. Devine strikes first, hitting a quick dropkick and following up with a series of punches to Hammond's midsection. Hammond responds with a stiff knee to the gut, before whipping Devine into the ropes and hitting a running clothesline.
The two wrestlers trade blows back and forth for several minutes, with neither able to gain a clear advantage. Devine manages to hit a suplex, but Hammond quickly gets back to his feet and nails Devine with a dropkick of his own. Devine kicks out of a pin attempt, and the match continues.

As the match wears on, Devine starts to show signs of wear and tear, clutching at his ribs and favoring his left arm. Hammond takes advantage, locking Devine in a submission hold and wrenching his arm back. Devine looks like he's about to tap out, but somehow manages to roll over and reverse the hold, putting Hammond in his own submission hold.
The crowd erupts as Hammond struggles to break free, but Devine's grip is too strong. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Hammond passes out and the bell rings to signal Devine's victory. The crowd cheers as Devine gets to his feet, holding his arm in pain but grinning from ear to ear.

As the bell rings and Darryl Devine is announced as the winner, Chance Fortune jumps into the ring and lifts Devine's arm up in triumph. The two celebrate their victory, with Devine beaming with joy and gratitude towards his partner. Meanwhile, Doc Hammond lays on the mat, clearly disappointed with the outcome of the match.

Darryl Devine over Doc Hammond, Game Score: 60


 "I really thought Doc Hammond had this one in the bag," says Doakes. "But Darryl Devine pulled off the upset and now Devine Fortune  are looking like a serious tag team to watch out for."
Saunders: "But now, let's shift our focus to the man who is on top of the TCW mountain right now. The TCW World Champion, Aaron Andrews. What do you think he has in store for us tonight?"

Doakes: "Who knows? Andrews is always full of surprises. But one thing is for sure, he won't be taking his title defense at the next PPV lightly. Andrews is a fighting champion and he knows that he'll have to bring his A-game if he wants to keep that title around his waist."

Clad in his World Title belt,  Andrews strides confidently down the ramp, slapping hands with fans on either side. He climbs up into the ring and raises his arms to the cheering crowd, soaking in their adulation.

After a few moments, the music fades out and Andrews takes the microphone. "Denver! How's everybody doing tonight?" he calls out, eliciting another wave of cheers. "I'm so excited to be here in this amazing city!” Aaron Andrews shouts as he raises his championship belt high above his head. "I am still the champ, and I am on top of the world!"

The crowd cheers as Andrews soaks in their adoration. "I couldn't have done it without all of you, my amazing fans. And I couldn't have done it without the incredible talent here in TCW. Joshua Taylor, you were an amazing opponent at the last pay-per-view, and I have nothing but respect for you."

Aaron Andrews celebrates retaining his title, Game Score: 73

Suddenly, the cheers turn to boos as Wolf Hawkins' music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. "What is this guy doing here?" Andrews mutters under his breath.
"I couldn't help but overhear you talking about respect, Andrews," Wolf sneers. "But the truth is, you don't deserve any. You're just a lucky fool who stumbled into this championship. And you know what? I'm tired of waiting in line for a shot at that title. So I'm challenging you to a match tonight, with my partner, Nate Johnson, by my side."

Andrews narrows his eyes. He's not about to let someone like Wolf Hawkins insult him. 
“I'm not one to back down from a challenge. You're on, Hawkins. Tonight, it's you and Johnson against...against..."
Andrews looks around the arena, trying to find someone to be his partner. "Against...anyone who wants to team up with me!"

Confirmation and Tag Challenge for the Main Event, Hawkins and Andrews, 82

Saunders: "Who do you think could be Andrews' partner, Doakes?"
Doakes: "I'm not sure, but whoever it is, I hope they're as skilled and exciting as Andrews himself."
Saunders: "Oh, please. Andrews is an overrated wrestler who just got lucky at his last title defense."
Doakes: "Come on, Saunders. Give credit where it's due. Andrews put on an impressive performance and earned that win fair and square."
Saunders: "Fine, fine. But I still don't think anyone can match up to the savvy duo of Hawkins and Johnson."
Doakes: "We'll see about that. Andrews really is a smart guy. He'll choose a partner who has the same kind of values he does."’

Doakes: "We're sorry to inform you that Vita won't be able to join us tonight. Unfortunately, she had to tend to some personal matters back home in Sweden."
Saunders: "Yeah, it's a shame. Vita's been a valuable asset to Edd Stone's career for years now. But I'm sure Stone will be just fine on his own tonight."

"The 24 Hour Party Animal" Edd Stone, Freddy Huggins and Laura Cathrine Huggins  are backstage before their scheduled fight. Huggins approaches Stone with a sly grin on his face.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Edd Stone," Huggins says, "I heard you've been busy trying to rebuild that sorry image of yours."
Stone rolls his eyes and replies, "At least I don't need my sister to manage me like some kind of child."
Huggins laughs and replies, "Hey, Laura Catherine is a valuable asset to me. Can't say the same for your trollop valet."
Stone narrows his eyes, clearly not pleased with Huggins' taunts. Laura Catherine, who had been standing quietly beside her brother, steps forward and says, "Now boys, let's calm down. We're all here to put on a good show, right?"

Stone nods, but Huggins just smirks and says, "Sure, let's put on a show. And I'll be the one walking out with the win, as always."
Stone just shakes his head and turns to walk away, clearly not interested in engaging in Huggins' games. Laura Catherine shoots a disapproving look at her brother before following Stone out of the room.

As they walk down the hallway, Stone says to Laura Catherine, "Your brother really knows how to get under my skin."
She nods and replies, "I know, I know. But try not to let him get to you. He's just all talk."

Prematch face to face with Stone and the Huggins Siblings, Game Score: 71

As the match begins, Stone and Huggins trade blows back and forth, both knowing each other's moves and strategies all too well. Huggins' sister, Laura Catherine, is at ringside as always, cheering her brother on and occasionally taunting Stone.

Despite his laid-back attitude, Stone knows that Huggins is a fierce competitor and fully expects him to cheat during the match. What he somewhat foolishly doesn't anticipate is for Laura Catherine to get involved.

Towards the end of the match, Stone hits the Get Stoned, but Laura Catherine distracts the referee before he has a chance to pin, allowing Huggins to hit Stone with a low blow. Huggins then pins Stone for the 1…2…3. Stone is furious as he realizes what has happened but the Huggins Siblings are out of dodge before Stone realizes what happened.


Catherine Huggins Helps Her Brother Defeat Edd Stone, Game Score 69 


The lights in the Pepsi Arena dim as Jay Chord's entrance music begins to blare over the speakers. He emerges from backstage, strutting confidently down the ramp with a smirk on his face. The crowd boos loudly, clearly not fans of the arrogant superstar.

T-Bone's music hits and he charges down the ramp, looking fired up and ready to go. As he approaches the ring, Jay Chord suddenly rushes forward and blindsides him with a vicious clothesline. T-Bone goes down hard, the wind knocked out of him, and Jay Chord begins to pummel him with punches.

The two wrestlers quickly spill out of the ring, brawling wildly and exchanging blows. They crash into the barricade, sending fans scrambling to get out of the way. The referee tries to intervene, but Jay Chord shoves him away, continuing his assault on T-Bone.

As the brawl rages on, Jay Chord suddenly pulls out his dad's old knee pad, which he had hidden in his trunks. With a sly grin, he uses it as a foreign object to knock out T-Bone, who crumples to the ground unconscious.

The referee finally manages to get Jay Chord to back off, and medical staff rush into the ring to tend to T-Bone. Jay Chord stands over his fallen opponent, raising his arms in victory as the crowd boos him mercilessly.

Jay Chord over T-Bone Bright, Game Score 75

Aaron Andrews storms into the locker room, frustrated with Wolf Hawkins and the Syndicate. As he enters, he sees One Man Army sitting cross-legged on the ground, deep in meditation.
Without hesitation, Andrews starts pacing back and forth, trying to find a way to take down the Syndicate. Army remains calm and composed, unmoved by Andrews' erratic behavior. After a few moments of silence, Andrews finally turns to Army and says: "Listen, I know we've had our differences in the past, but we need to put that aside. We need to team up and take down the Syndicate once and for all."

Army opens his eyes and looks at Andrews. "I've been waiting for this moment," he says. "I want revenge on the Syndicate for what they did to me and my family. Count me in."
Andrews nods in agreement, relieved that Army is on board. "We'll show them what we're made of," he says, extending his hand for Army to shake.
Army stands up and clasps Andrews' hand. "Let's do this," he says with a determined look in his eyes.
The two wrestlers exit the locker room, ready to face the Syndicate head-on.

Andrews enlists One Man Army as his partner for the Main Event, Game Score: 78


The match between Aaron Andrews and One Man Army versus Wolf Hawkins and Nate Johnson starts with a lot of energy. The crowd is on their feet, cheering and booing as the wrestlers enter the ring.  Andrews and Army look determined, while Hawkins and Johnson are smirking confidently.

As the bell rings, Andrews and Johnson step into the ring to start the match. Johnson quickly takes control, using his strength to overpower Andrews. However, Andrews manages to dodge a punch and responds with a quick dropkick that sends Johnson staggering back.

The match continues with both teams taking turns to get the upper hand. Army shows off his strength, slamming Hawkins down to the mat with a powerful suplex. However, Hawkins manages to get back on his feet and lands a vicious clothesline that knocks Army to the ground.

As the match wears on, it becomes clear that The Syndicate is using underhanded tactics to gain an advantage. Chandler is ringside, cheering on his team and occasionally distracting the referee to allow his teammates to get away with illegal moves. Andrews and Army struggle to keep up, but they refuse to give up. Army uses his brute strength to overpower Johnson, while Andrews lands a series of high-flying moves on Hawkins.

Just when it seems like Andrews and Army might be able to eek out a win, Chandler pulls out a pair of brass knuckles and hands them to Hawkins. Hawkins puts them on and charges at Andrews, but Army jumps in the way and takes the hit instead.

Andrews is furious and charges at Hawkins, but Chandler trips him up and holds him down, allowing Hawkins to get the pin. The crowd boos loudly as Hawkins and The Elite celebrate their victory.

After the match, Andrews and Army confront the Syndicate in the ring. Hawkins laughs and taunts them, saying that they were foolish to think they could beat The Syndicate. 
As the Syndicate leaves the ring, the crowd cheers on Andrews and Army, hoping that they can get revenge on The Syndicate and their smug leader.

The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins and Nate Johnson) defeat  Aaron Andrews and One Man Army, when Wolf pins Andrews, Game Score 77


Doakes: "Well folks, what a night it's been here in TCW. We've seen some incredible matches and unforgettable moments. But I can't help but feel like something is missing."

He turns to Kyle Rhodes, who is sitting next to Saunders and has been silent all night.

Doakes: "Kyle, you've been sitting here all night without saying a word. You're the man in charge, the head honcho, the boss of TCW. And yet, you're sitting here like a statue while the rest of us do all the talking. What's going on?"

Rhodes remains silent, staring straight ahead.

Doakes: "Is there something you want to say? Do you fear Peter Michaels?"

Still no response from Rhodes.

Doakes: "Well, I guess that's it then. For now, at least. But I have a feeling that something big is on the horizon. And when it happens, we'll all be here to witness it."

He turns back to the camera.

Doakes: "Thank you for joining us tonight, and make sure to tune in next time for more TCW action. Goodnight, everybody."

The camera fades to black as Doakes signs off.

Doakes Tries to get Rhodes to Speak and gets Silence in Return, Game Score:  61

Overall Show Rating: 77



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As the show ends, Peter Michaels and Kyle Rhodes head backstage, where they are greeted by Slatt, the CEO of BriCo.

Slatt: "Well, well, well. Look who it is. The dynamic duo of TCW. Michaels and Rhodes, you two did alright out there tonight. But you know what? It could have been better. Especially that little punk Gauge. He needs some serious work on that mic."

Peter Michaels: "We're aware of that, Slatt. We're going to work with him and help him improve."

Slatt: "You better. Because if he doesn't, we might just have to find someone else who can do the job right. We can't have any weak links in this company."

Kyle Rhodes: "We'll make sure he gets the help he needs, Slatt. We won't let you down."

Slatt: "You better not. Because if you do, there will be consequences. And they won't be pretty."

With that, Slatt turns and walks away, leaving Michaels and Rhodes with a sense of unease. They know that Slatt is not one to be trifled with, and they will need to make sure they keep everyone in TCW on their game if they want to succeed.

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Peter calls his wife, Leah Michaels-Scone from the hotel in Denver. She congratulates him on his debut as General Manager of TCW, but Peter notices a hint of worry in her voice.

Peter: "Thanks, Leah. It's been a long day, but I'm glad it's over. Is everything okay? You sound worried."

Leah: "It's just one of the dogs. I think he might be sick. He's been acting strange all day, and I'm not sure what to do."

Peter: "Oh no, which one is it?"

Leah: "It's Brawler. He's been really lethargic and hasn't eaten anything all day. I'm going to take him to the vet tomorrow, but I'm just really worried about him."

Peter: "I'm sorry to hear that, Leah. Is there anything I can do from here?"

Leah: "No, not really. I just miss having you here when things like this happen. But I know you're doing what you love, and that's important."

Peter: "I know, and I miss you too. I'll be back soon, and we'll take care of Brawler together. Just give him lots of love until then."

Leah: "I will. Thanks, Peter. And congratulations again on your debut. I'm proud of you."

Peter: "Thank you, Leah. I love you."

Leah: "I love you too."

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Human Arsenal and Robert Oxford are in the hotel restaurant in Denver, discussing Des Davids' recent babyface turn on SWF. "So what do you think about Des Davids turning face?" asks Human. "Honestly, I didn't see it coming," replies Robert. "But he's a smart guy and knows how to play the game. It could be good for him."

Human nods, "Yeah, he's been building up some momentum as a heel, but now that he's a face, he'll have more sympathy from the fans."

Robert chuckles, "Well, we'll see if that sympathy lasts. You and I both know how fickle these fans can be."

Human nods in agreement, "But still, he's got some serious talent. I wouldn't be surprised if he became a major player in the industry."

Robert nods, "Agreed. But he's the competition.  We need to step up our game and make sure that we're on top."

Human smiles, "Don't worry, we will. And with you as our top road agent, I have no doubt that we'll be unstoppable."

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TCW Presents: Total Wrestling at BOK Center in Tulsa, OK
Tuesday, January 14,, 2020

Don't miss out on an explosive night of wrestling action!
Witness a ten-man battle royal to determine the number one contender for the Tag Team titles, featuring the best teams in TCW, including Benny and the Foxx, Devine Fortune, The Elite, and the Men of Mighty Meaty.

Killer Shark sheds his cartilage and unveils something even deadlier! Will Dazzling Dave Diamond be able to stop him? Does Diamond have what it takes to stand up to the Sinner Society's brutal tactics?

Will Flying Jimmy Foxx be able to use his quick wits and high-flying maneuvers to come out on top? Or will Joshua Taylor prove to be too tough of an opponent?

Wolf Hawkins, has issued an open challenge for any wrestler who thinks they have what it takes to step into the ring with him. Do you have what it takes to take on the cunning and ruthless Hawkins? Will it be an up-and-coming star looking to make a name for themselves, or a seasoned veteran looking to take down the leader of The Syndicate? 


Be there live to experience the thrill of TCW wrestling at the BOK Center in Tulsa, OK. Get your tickets now!

People in this pocket dimension thrive even more on any kind of feedback!

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For Prediction Purposes:


Benny and The Foxx

Devine Fortune

The Elite

The Men of Mighty Meaty

A Random Team Drawn by Lottery (you heard it here first!)

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. The New Killer Shark

Flying Jimmy Foxx vs. Joshua Taylor

Benny Benson vs. Greg Gauge (Television Title)

Wolf Hawkins vs. ???


bonus points:

Who will be the mystery team at the battle royal?

Who will answer Wolf Hawkins open challenge? Will it be you?





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In the boardroom of TCW headquarters, CEO Kyle Rhodes, BriCo CEO Terry Slatt, Head Booker Peter Michaels, and Head Trainer Brent Hill are discussing the financial situation of the TCW School of Pro Wrestling.

Terry Slatt slams his hand on the table. "I'm sorry, gentlemen, but the decision has been made. We simply cannot afford to keep the school open any longer."

Peter Michaels leans forward. "But Terry, think of the talent we're going to miss out on. The next Aaron Andrews could be right under our noses!"

Rhodes sits silently, seemingly torn.

Brent Hill speaks up, his voice thick with emotion. "But what about the dream, Terry? The dream of creating the next generation of wrestling superstars?"

Slatt shakes his head. "I understand your passion, Brent, but we have to be realistic. It's time to cut our losses."

Hill hangs his head in defeat, clearly devastated by the decision.

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Shawn Doakes: "Welcome wrestling fans to Tulsa and TCW Presents: Total Wrestling! I'm Shawn Doakes and tonight is a very special night. We have a new look, new format, and new faces joining the broadcast team. First up, let me introduce you to my co-host for tonight, the lovely and talented Jasmine Saunders. Jasmine, how are you feeling about tonight's show?"
Jasmine Saunders: "Thanks, Shawn. It's good to be here in Tulsa, where the humidity is high and the expectations are low."
Shawn Doakes: "That's right, Jasmine. And speaking of expectations, we have a surprise guest joining us tonight. Please welcome the man of 1,000 facts himself, Jason Azaria!"
Jason Azaria: "Thank you, Shawn. It's great to be back and I'm looking forward to calling some amazing matches tonight."

Doakes Announces Azaria is in for Rhodes, Game Score 54

The lights dim in the arena as eerie music starts playing. Joshua Taylor emerges from the tunnel, flanked by Kyle Rhodes. The crowd boos heavily as they make their way down to the ring.
Shawn Doakes: "What on earth is going on here? Joshua Taylor, accompanied by Kyle Rhodes. This is a shocking turn of events."

"Listen up, folks," Rhodes says sternly. "I've got an announcement to make. Effective immediately, I am stepping down from the announcing team. I have a new role in TCW, and that is managing Joshua Taylor."
Jasmine Saunders looks visibly surprised, while Jason Azaria remains stoic.

The camera pans to Joshua Taylor in the ring, mic in hand. He takes a deep breath before speaking.
"First off, I want to make something clear," he begins. "I chose Kyle Rhodes to manage me because he's the best in the business. He's got the experience and the knowledge to take me to the top of TCW. And with his help, I'll be unstoppable."

The crowd boos at the mention of Rhodes, but Taylor continues, undeterred.

"But let's talk about the real threat to TCW - Peter Michaels," he says, his tone darkening. "He may be the general manager, but he's not just some suit sitting in an office. He's dangerous. He's a master manipulator who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. And right now, what he wants is to take down TCW."

The crowd starts to murmur, sensing the seriousness of Taylor's words.

"But I won't let that happen," he says, his voice rising in intensity. "I'm not just a wrestler. I'm a force to be reckoned with. And with Kyle Rhodes by my side, we'll take on anyone who dares to stand in our way - including Peter Michaels." The camera pans to Kyle Rhodes at ringside, who nods in agreement with Taylor's words. Taylor drops the mic as his music hits, and he and Rhodes exit the ring, leaving the crowd to ponder what the future holds for TCW with this new alliance.

Taylor and Rhodes Announce Their Partnership and Intentions, Game Score 60

Shawn Doakes: Ladies and gentlemen, we're about to witness a highly anticipated match between the current TCW Television Title Holder, Greg Gauge, and the fan favorite Canadian wrestler, Benny Benson.
Jasmine Saunders: That's right, Shawn. Benson has been working his way up the ranks here in TCW and this match is a huge opportunity for him to claim a title.
Jason Azaria: Let's not forget that Gauge has been on a rampage, tearing through the roster with ease. Last week, he defeated Mo Barrett and he's been flaunting his entitlement as the son of a legend.
Jasmine Saunders: That's the thing about Gauge, he thinks he deserves everything just because of who his dad is. But he's got a long way to go before he can compare himself to the greats.
Shawn Doakes: These two have been at each other for months, and this is the chance for Benson to get his revenge and claim the title from Gauge.

The bell rings, and the match begins with Greg Gauge and Benny Benson sizing each other up in the middle of the ring. Benny is putting on a great showing with his veteran wiles, using his experience to outsmart the younger Gauge. But Gauge quickly takes control of the match with his technical prowess, applying submission after submission to wear down Benson.
The crowd is firmly behind Benny, cheering him on as he tries to fight back against Gauge's onslaught. Flying Jimmy Fox watches from ringside, looking concerned as his friend and tag team partner struggles in the ring. But even with the support of the crowd and Fox's presence, Benson cannot break free from Gauge's clutches.

The match is slow-building, with each man taking turns to dominate the action. But it's Gauge who eventually gets the upper hand, forcing Benson to submit with his devastating Proton Lock. The referee calls for the bell, and the crowd erupts in boos as Gauge celebrates his victory, holding the Television Title high above his head.

Benny rolls out of the ring, dejected and disappointed, while Gauge continues to bask in the glory of his win. Flying Jimmy Fox looks on with concern, as if he knows that this defeat will have a lasting impact on his friend and tag team partner. Gauge takes a moment to revel in his victory before making his way back up the ramp, confident and entitled as ever.

Greg Gauge Retains the Television Title against Benny Benson, Game Score 68

Peter Michaels comes to the ring to hype up the main event, a ten-man battle royal in which the winning combatant will get to challenge for the tag team titles. Behind him is a roulette wheel with a bunch of names on it. He runs through the list of the teams competing in the battle royal, talking about Devine Fortune, Benny and the Foxx (who Michaels notes will both be pulling double duty tonight), The Syndicate's Elite and The Men of Mighty Meaty. Counting that out, it only makes eight, which makes them short by two.

"That's why we have this huge roulette wheel behind me," Michaels says. "I'm going to use it to randomly draw two names from TCW's roster to include in tonight's main event."
He spins the wheel and the first name comes up. "Edd Stone!" Michaels exclaims. Jason Azaria notes that Stone is the youngest son of the legendary Dan Stone and is a former tag champion alongside Freddy Huggins. Before the wheel can be spun again, Jasmine Saunders interjects, "Who cares about Stone's family tree? I want to know who the other vanilla snoozer is going to be."

Michaels spins the wheel again. "And the second participant is... Sammy Bach!" he announces.

Doakes: "Sammy Bach and Edd Stone are two lucky competitors tonight. The roulette wheel paired them up with partners who share their high-flying, risk-taking style."
Azaria: "Absolutely, Shawn. This could be a great opportunity for both Bach and Stone to show off their skills and potentially form a tag team that could shake up the division."

Roulette Wheel of Workers, Peter Michaels Lands on Stone and Bach, Game Score 81

Michaels continues. "The wheel is not the only reason I am out here tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, I have some exciting news to share with you all today," he begins, his voice booming through the arena. "At Malice in Wonderland, we will be holding a four-person tournament for the TCW World Championship!"

The crowd roars with excitement, and Michael grins, relishing the energy of the moment. "And let me tell you, folks, we have some serious contenders in the mix. Of course, our current champion Aaron Andrews will be defending his title as the number one seed."

He pauses for a moment, building suspense, before continuing. "But joining him in the tournament will be the likes of Jay Chord, Wolf Hawkins, and Joshua Taylor."

The crowd's cheers grow even louder, and Michael can feel the anticipation building in the arena. "These four competitors will battle it out for the ultimate prize, the TCW World Championship. And I can promise you, it's going to be a night of non-stop action and excitement."

Michaels Announces the Championship One-Night Tournament, Game Score 76


Jasmine turns to the camera and grins, "Ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first. TCW is pulling out all the stops with a one-night tournament for the World Championship! It's going to be one heck of a night!"

Jason nods in agreement, "Absolutely, Jasmine. And the competitors rumored to be in the mix are some of the best in the business. Jay Chord, Wolf Hawkins, and Joshua Taylor are all worthy participants."

Jasmine Saunders: "I don't know about you guys, but I find it hard to believe that Kyle Rhodes was able to convince Peter Michaels to include Joshua Taylor in the tournament. We all know that Kyle and Peter hate each other's guts."

Jason Azaria: "Well, Jasmine, it's possible that Peter saw something in Joshua that he liked. After all, he is a talented wrestler."

Shawn Doakes: "Yeah, I agree. I think Joshua has a lot of potential, and I'm excited to see what he can do in the tournament."

Jasmine Saunders rolls her eyes.

Jasmine Saunders: "Please, spare me the optimism. We all know that there's more to it than that. Kyle Rhodes hates Peter Michaels with a passion. There's no way he would have been able to sweet-talk his way into getting his protege into the tournament without some kind of ulterior motive."

Jason Azaria: "I'm not sure if that's entirely fair, Jasmine. We don't know the full story."

Shawn Doakes: "Yeah, let's not jump to conclusions here. Maybe there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for why Joshua Taylor is in the tournament."

Jasmine Saunders: "Oh, come on, guys. You're so naive. This is pro wrestling we're talking about. There's always an ulterior motive. And with Kyle Rhodes involved, you can bet there's some kind of scheme at play."

Shawn chimes in, "And let's not forget about the reigning champion, Aaron Andrews. He's going to have his hands full defending his title against this competition."

Jasmine adds with a smirk, "But we all know that Aaron Andrews is no pushover. He's held that belt for a reason. It's going to take a lot for anyone to pry it away from him."

Jason nods in agreement, "That's true, Jasmine. But with the stakes so high, anything can happen in a one-night tournament. One bad match can cost you everything."

Shawn chimes in, "And with the added pressure of the World Championship on the line, these competitors are going to be giving it their all. I can't wait to see the level of intensity they bring to the ring."


We are back and the camera pans to the entrance ramp as The Sinner Society makes their way out. As they step onto the stage, it's clear that something is different about Killer Shark's ring gear. The announcers quickly pick up on this, with Jasmine Saunders commenting on the change in attire. Jason Azaria notes that Shark's usual shark-themed gear seems to be absent, and Shawn Doakes agrees, making note of his purple trunks with blue tridents. As the Sinner Society approaches the ring, Eddie Peak grabs a microphone and begins to speak. 

"Listen up, you miserable sinners. Today, we witness an evolution. We witness a man who embodies the power and might of the gods themselves. A man who, from this day forward, will be known as Poseidon!"  The crowd erupts with boos and jeers, but Peak continues undeterred. "You see, Poseidon is not just some ordinary wrestler. He is a force of nature, a deity amongst men. His power in the ring is unmatched, his strength unyielding, and his wrath unrelenting." Peak pauses for a moment, allowing his words to sink in, before continuing. "And let me tell you something, sinners. The god Poseidon demands nothing less than absolute obedience from his opponents. He will strike them down with the fury of the ocean itself, and they will beg for mercy before him." The crowd continues to boo and hiss, but Peak merely smiles. "Make no mistake, my dear sinners. With Poseidon on our side, there is no one who can stand against us. The Sinner Society will reign supreme, and all who oppose us will be crushed beneath the waves of Poseidon's wrath."

Dazzling Dave Diamond emerges for his match with the newly-crowned Poseidon, he steps into the ring, he raises his mic and addresses the Sinner Society. "What the hell is going on here? Now Killer Shark is Poseidon? You guys are a bunch of clowns!" Diamond looks around the ring, his eyes locking onto Eddie Peak. "And you, Peak, you're the biggest clown of them all! You think you can just change someone's name and it's going to make a difference? Well, it's not! You and your little gang better watch your backs because I'm coming for you!" Diamond drops the mic and stares down the Sinner Society, ready for a fight.

Killer Shark is now Poseidon, Dazzling Dave Diamond Reacts, Game Score 67

Jasmine Saunders can't help but make a snarky comment, "Oh boy, here comes the ballroom brawler, I hope he's ready to dance with the devil tonight."
Jason Azaria chimes in, "Well Jasmine, he's going up against Poseidon, and he'll need all the fight he can muster to take him down."

As the match begins, Shawn Doakes calls the action, "And the bell rings, here we go folks, Poseidon vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond!"
The match is a back and forth affair, with both wrestlers giving their all. But as Diamond gains the upper hand, Eddie Peak, Titan, and Nick Booth start to interfere. Jasmine Saunders can't help but sound excited, "Oh look at that! The Sinner Society is making their presence known." Jason Azaria disagrees, "This is despicable, they have no business interfering in this match."
As the Eddie Peak continues to distract the referee, Floyd Goldworthy sneaks up and slides a chair into the ring. Poseidon uses it to his advantage and takes down Diamond, securing the win. Jasmine Saunders can barely contain her excitement, "That was just brilliant, pure genius by the Sinner Society! They always have a trick up their sleeve!"
But Shawn Doakes isn't fooled, "Come on Jasmine, that was clearly despicable. This isn't how a match should be won."

The Sinner Society walks away with the victory, and Dazzling Dave Diamond is left to lick his wounds.

Poseidon defeats Dazzling Dave Diamond and deals with multiple Sinner Society Members, Game Score 61


The camera fades in on One Man Army, who is outside standing tall in front of an American flag with a microphone in his hand. 

One Man Army: "I've always believed that discipline is the key to success, in and out of the ring. It takes more than just physical strength to be a true warrior. You have to have mental and spiritual discipline as well."

The camera pans over to a group of soldiers, who are nodding in agreement.

One Man Army: "That's why I chose to serve my country. I wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself. I wanted to make a difference, not just in the wrestling ring, but in the world."

He pauses for a moment, then continues.

One Man Army: "But there are those out there who don't share those values. People like Wolf Hawkins and his Syndicate. They may have physical strength, but they don't have the mental discipline to back it up. They're always looking for shortcuts, always trying to cheat their way to victory."

The camera cuts to a montage of Wolf Hawkins, Nate Johnson and Eddie Chandler in various instances of not playing by the rules during last week's match with Army and Andrews.

One Man Army: "That's not what it means to be a warrior. A true warrior values honor, integrity, and discipline. And that's why I hate people like Wolf Hawkins. They represent everything that's wrong with this world."

The camera cuts back to One Man Army, who looks more fired up than ever.

One Man Army: "So if you share those values, if you want to make a difference in the world, then I invite you to join me. Join the Army. Be a part of something bigger than yourself. And together, we can make a difference."

Join the One Man Army Commercial, Game Score 81

Flying Jimmy Foxx makes his way out to the ring, looking confident and determined. He bounces around the ring, shadowboxing and getting himself warmed up for the match. As he waits for his opponent, it's clear that his usual tag team partner, Benny Benson, is absent.

Saunders: "Looks like Benny Benson won't be accompanying Flying Jimmy Foxx to the ring tonight. He must still be recovering from that brutal match he had with Greg Gauge earlier."
Doakes: "Yes, it was quite a grueling match. Benson took a lot of punishment, and I'm sure he needs some time to recover, especially with both him and Foxx scheduled to also compete in the Tag Team Battle Royal later tonight.”
Azaria: "But Jimmy Foxx looks like he's ready to take on Joshua Taylor all by himself. He's not showing any signs of nervousness or hesitation."

As Foxx continues to warm up, Joshua Taylor makes his way to the ring accompanied by his manager, Kyle Rhodes. Rhodes looks focused and determined, clearly wanting to help Taylor secure a victory tonight.

The bell rings, and both men circle each other in the ring. Taylor is the first to strike, driving a stiff knee into Foxx's midsection. Foxx doubles over in pain, and Taylor takes advantage by whipping him into the ropes and hitting him with a clothesline on the rebound. Foxx hits the mat hard, and Taylor quickly follows up with a series of stomps to his prone opponent.
The crowd boos as Taylor taunts Foxx, egging him on to get back to his feet. Foxx slowly rises, and Taylor charges in for a running bulldog. Foxx manages to duck out of the way, and Taylor crashes to the mat. Foxx quickly capitalizes, hitting a running leg drop on his stunned opponent. The crowd cheers as Foxx mounts a flurry of attacks, hitting a series of high-flying moves that send Taylor reeling. He goes for a top rope maneuver, but Taylor quickly rolls out of the way. Foxx crashes to the mat, and Taylor takes advantage with a brutal powerbomb.

The referee counts 1...2...3! It's all over, and Joshua Taylor has secured a clean victory over Flying Jimmy Foxx. The crowd boos as Taylor celebrates in the ring with Rhodes, clearly pleased with his dominating performance.

Joshua Taylor defeats Flying Jimmy Foxx, Game Score 71

We are back and Bart Biggins is seen walking through the backstage area in Tulsa,, a determined look on his face. He spots Danny Fonzarelli, who is sitting on a chair with his trademark sunglasses on, holding a script and a cold drink. As he approaches, Danny looks up and greets him with a nod.
Bart: "Hey Danny, how you doing?"

Danny: "I'm doing alright, just trying to cool off a bit. It's hot as hell out there."
Bart: "Yeah, it is. Listen, I wanted to talk to you for a second. I've been watching your matches lately, and I have to say, you've still got it."
Danny: "Thanks, man. I appreciate that. You're not too bad yourself."
Bart: "Ha, thanks. Listen, I was thinking, we should team up sometime. I mean, we're both veterans, we've been around the block. We know how to get the job done."
Danny: "I don't know, Bart. I appreciate the offer, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to be a tag team wrestler again."
Bart: "That's cool, man. I get it. But just think about it, alright? We could be a hell of a team. The Big Love Machine."
Danny: "Alright,  that's not a bad name. I'll think about it. But no promises, okay?"
Bart: "No problem, Danny. Take care."
Bart gives Danny a pat on the back and walks away, a small smile on his face. He knows that he and Danny would make a great team, but he also understands that it takes time to build trust and chemistry.

Bart Biggins chats up Danny Fonzarelli, Game Score 66

We are back. As  music hits, the arena is enveloped in darkness. A spotlight shines at the entrance ramp as Wolf Hawkins, wearing his signature Syndicate Business Jacket, slowly makes his way down to the ring. He has a confident smirk on his face as he strides to the ring, soaking in the jeers and boos of the crowd. As he enters the ring, he is joined by his stablemate Chris Flynn, who is sporting a sling on his arm, and together they stand in the middle of the ring. The boos and jeers of the crowd reach a crescendo as Wolf arrogantly grabs a microphone from the ring announcer.

"Listen up, you ignorant fools," Wolf shouts into the mic, drawing even more heat from the crowd. "I am the most talented wrestler in this company, and you all know it. But you don't appreciate true talent, do you? No, you'd rather cheer for your hometown heroes and boo anyone who dares to speak the truth." The crowd boos louder, but Wolf simply smirks and continues. "Well, tonight I'm issuing an open challenge to anyone in the back who thinks they have what it takes to step into the ring with me. But let me warn you, no one in this company can touch me. I am the top dog, the alpha male, and I will prove it tonight." The crowd continues to boo as Wolf tosses the microphone aside and waits for his challenger to emerge.

As Wolf Hawkins continues to taunt the fans, Tana the Mighty's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring, prompting a huge pop from the crowd. The announcers note that Tana will be the third wrestler to compete in multiple matches tonight, as he is also scheduled to participate in the Tag Team Battle Royal later on. Tana stands face to face with Wolf, towering over him with his massive size. Wolf looks a little taken aback, but quickly regains his composure and gets in Tana's face, trash-talking him and insisting that he'll make short work of the big man. The referee signals for the bell and the match is underway.

Tana The Mighty starts off strong, charging at Wolf Hawkins with his massive size and taking him down with a clothesline. But Wolf is quick to get back on his feet and starts working on Tana's legs, taking him down with a series of kicks and chop blocks. Despite Tana's size advantage, Wolf is able to outsmart him and keep him grounded with a variety of submissions, targeting Tana's injured knee. Chris Flynn is on the outside, shouting instructions and taunting Tana. At one point, Flynn even takes advantage of the referee's distraction and hits Tana with his cast.

Tana eventually makes a comeback, powering out of Wolf's submissions and delivering a series of powerful strikes. He sets up for the Big Fat Samoan Squash, but Wolf counters with a low blow, stunning Tana. Wolf then hits the Full Moon Rising and pins Tana for the victory.

The crowd boos as Wolf celebrates with Chris Flynn, taunting the fans and holding his arms up in victory. 

Azaria: "Despite the fact that the fans here in Tulsa can't stand Wolf Hawkins, you can't deny the man's cunning and smarts in that ring. He may not be the biggest competitor, but he knows how to use his skills to cut his opponents down to size. And that's exactly what he did with Tana The Mighty here tonight. Love him or hate him, you have to respect Wolf's abilities as a wrestler."
Wolf Hawkins defeats Tana the Mighty, Game Score 77

As the camera pans across the backstage area, we see Human Arsenal walking with purpose towards the Huggins Siblings' locker room. The tension is palpable as he knocks on the door and Freddy answers with a scowl.

Human Arsenal: "I need to talk to you two about something. I see how you manipulate Edd and Vita, and I can’t stand for it.” 
Freddy Huggins: "Mind your own business, old man. This has nothing to do with you."
Laura Catherine steps in between the two wrestlers, holding her brother back.
Laura Catherine Huggins: "Freddy, calm down. Human, I agree that what we did wasn't great, but there's no need for aggression outside of the ring."
Human Arsenal looks at Laura Catherine with a nod of respect. 

Human Aresnal: "Inside the ring, then."  Human Arsenal turns to leave, the camera catches Freddy glaring at him with anger as he goes.

Arsenal gives the Huggins Siblings a Piece of His Mind, Game Score 63

Jasmine Saunders: “And here we have it folks, the highly anticipated tag team battle royal! I can't wait to see these teams tear each other apart.”
Jason Azaria: “That's right Jasmine, we have some of the best tag teams in the business here tonight. And the winners will get a shot at the tag team championships.”
Shawn Doakes: “And what an opportunity that is, Jason. The tag team championships are highly coveted in this business, and these teams will be giving it their all tonight.”
Jason Azaria: “Let's hope that referee Ray Johnson can keep things under control tonight.”
Shawn Doakes: “That's right, Jason. The integrity of this match is important, and I have faith that Ray Johnson will do what's right.”
Jasmine Saunders: “Oh come on, guys. Where's your sense of fun? Let's see some chaos in the ring!”
Jason Azaria: “I think we can have a fun match without resorting to treachery, Jasmine.”
Shawn Doakes: “And we certainly don't want to encourage that kind of behavior. This is a match of honor and skill, and the best team will win fair and square.”
Jasmine Saunders: “Well, I guess we'll see about that. But one thing's for sure, this is going to be one heck of a match!”

As the bell rings, the action starts fast and furious. "The Elation Sensation" Sammy Bach is showing off his agility with a series of flips and kicks, while Eddie Chandler is using his technical skills to toss opponents out of the ring. Meanwhile, Nate Johnson is holding his own with some nice power moves, and Edd Stone is soaring through the air with his trademark aerial maneuvers. But there's a disturbance at ringside, as Doc Hammond of the Syndicate is trying to interfere in the match. He's yelling at the referee, Ray Johnson, and trying to sneak into the ring to help his team, the Elite. Doc starts to climb up on the apron, but Ray is having none of it and tosses Doc out of the arena. 

Back in the ring, the battle royal continues. Sammy and Nate make strange bedfellows by  working together to take down some of the other competitors, but eventually, they turn on each other. Nate tries to toss Sammy over the top rope, but Sammy counters with a dropkick that sends Nate crashing to the floor.

It's down to Edd Stone and Eddie Chandler now, and the two put on a great display of athleticism and skill. Edd is flipping and flying around the ring, while Eddie is countering with a fine technical display. But in the end, it's Stone who comes out on top. He manages to get Eddie off-balance and then sends him flying over the top rope with a powerful kick.
As Edd celebrates his victory, he sees two figures emerging from the tunnel. It's Titan and Poseidon, the current tag champs. They glare at Edd and Sammy, who are now the number one contenders for the Behemoths tag team titles.  The Sinner Society suddenly storms the ring and attacks Edd Stone and Sammy Bach, "The Hardcore Assassin" Eddie Peak leads the charge, flanked by Nick Booth and the Behemoths.

The Sinner Society unleash a brutal beatdown on the unsuspecting Edd Stone and Sammy Bach. The Behemoths follow closely behind, quickly overpowering the other competitors in the ring and throwing them over the top rope with ease. Meanwhile, Peak and Booth continue their assault on Edd and Sammy, throwing them into the turnbuckle and pummeling them with relentless strikes. The Elite and the Syndicate are nowhere to be seen, sneaking off to save their own skin.

Edd and Sammy try to fight back, but they are overwhelmed by the sheer force of their attackers. Peak  grabs Sammy and delivers a brutal piledriver, driving his head into the mat with a sickening thud. Nick continues to rain down blows on Stone, leaving him dazed and disoriented. They stomp and kick at the fallen wrestlers, showing no mercy as they dish out punishment. The crowd boos and jeers, disgusted by the unfair and senseless attack. It is a brutal and vicious assault, leaving Edd and Sammy battered and broken on the mat. The Sinner Society stand tall in the ring, triumphantly declaring their dominance as chaos reigns around them.

Edd Stone and Sammy Bach Emerge Victorious at the Tag Team Battle Royal and Become Number One Contenders, Game Score 73

As the chaos ensues, Azaria's voice can be heard over the commotion. "Well folks, it looks like we're out of time for tonight. Thanks for tuning in to Total Wrestling. This is Azaria, signing off and wishing everyone a good night."

Total Show Score: 76


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To: <Kyle Rhodes> kyle.rhodes@tcw.com; <Peter Michaels>peter.michaels@tcw.com

From: <Terry Slatt>  terry.slatt@brico.com

Subject: Concerns From Last Show

Kyle, Peter,

I hope this email finds you both ready to put in some hard work. I have some concerns regarding the last TCW show that I need to address.

Firstly, I don't appreciate seeing the Sinner Society being given too much airtime. We have a lot of talent on the roster and we can't let these egomaniacs take over the show. It's time to focus on wrestlers who can actually deliver in the ring.

Secondly, the show was a snoozefest. We need to make it more compelling, and that means showcasing our best wrestlers in their prime. I'm not interested in seeing any more half-baked storylines or mediocre performances.

At BriCo, we have high standards and I expect nothing less from TCW. You both need to step up your game and deliver a show that meets my expectations.

Get your act together, or there will be consequences.


Terry Slatt

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Peter Michaels' office at TCW/BriCO headquarters in San Antonio, TX is located on the second floor of the building. The office is spacious, with high ceilings and large windows that provide plenty of natural light. The walls are painted in a warm shade of beige, and there are framed posters featuring his podcast and photographs of famous wrestlers and wrestling events hanging on the walls.

At the center of the room is a large wooden desk, with a leather chair behind it for Peter to sit in. The desk is cluttered with papers, notebooks, and wrestling magazines, with a computer and phone on one side. On the top of his desk sits framed photos of his wife, Leah and his two dogs, Brawler and The Pooch. The dogs are decked out in lucha masks and capes in the various photos.

Behind the desk is a bookcase, filled with wrestling books and memorabilia, as well as some business books and motivational materials. There's a small seating area in the corner of the room with a comfortable couch and chairs for visitors to sit.

Robert Oxford arrives for a scheduled meeting.

Robert Oxford: Good morning, Peter. Thanks for meeting with me.

Peter Michaels: No problem, Robert. What's on your mind?

Robert Oxford: I wanted to talk to you about Elliot Thomas. I've been working with him as a road agent, and I think he's got real talent. I know he's been used mostly as a "jobber to the stars," but I think he deserves a push.

Peter Michaels: I see. Well, Elliot is certainly a talented wrestler, but you know as well as I do that size and appearance can be factors in how we push our talent.

Robert Oxford: I understand that, but I think Elliot has a lot to offer. He's got great quick moves and a solid technical base. Plus, he's been working hard and improving every day.

Peter Michaels: I appreciate your input, Robert. Let me think about it and see what we can do. We're always looking for fresh talent to push, and if Elliot has what it takes, we'll give him a shot.

Robert Oxford: That's all I can ask for. I just wanted to make sure he's getting the recognition he deserves. Thanks for considering it, Peter.

Peter Michaels: Of course, Robert. We'll keep you in the loop and let you know if we decide to give Elliot a push. Thanks for bringing him to our attention.

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As Tana and Mo enjoy their drinks at the T-Town Tavern in Tulsa, they begin discussing their respect for "Big Money" Brandon James of SWF.

Tana takes a sip of his beer and says, "You know, I have to admit, Brandon James is a heck of a wrestler. He may work for the competition, but I have a lot of respect for him."

Mo nods in agreement, "Absolutely. He's a great performer and he's been a major draw for SWF for years. I heard he even had creative control in his contract, which shows how much they value him."

Tana chuckles, "I could use some of that creative control. Maybe they'd let me do some more comedy bits."

Mo laughs, "Hey, don't sell yourself short. You're a great babyface draw. Speaking of which, I'm happy about what Michaels has planned for us with Eddie Peak and the Sinner Society."

Tana grins, "Me too, brother. We'll show them what teamwork is all about."

The conversation turns back to Brandon James, with Mo saying, "Did you see any clips from Supreme TV? I liked how they handled his face turn, that could be really good for his career."

Tana nods, "Definitely. He's got the talent and charisma to make it work. It'll be interesting to see how the SWF fans react to it."

Tana raises his glass of beer to Mo with a big grin on his face. "To Big Money, and to all the great wrestlers out there who make this business what it is," he says, taking a big gulp of his drink. Mo nods in agreement and raises his own glass, clinking it against Tana's. "Cheers to that, my friend. And cheers to us, too - we've come a long way  as a team, haven't we?" Tana chuckles and nods, looking around at the other patrons in the bar. "We have indeed, my brother. And who knows where we'll go from here? The sky's the limit!" They both take another sip of their drinks, grinning at each other before settling back into their seats to watch the game.

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Peter Michaels walks into Kyle Rhodes' office on the top floor of the TCW headquarters in San Antonio, Texas.

The office has a modern and minimalist design with a large window that offers a panoramic view of the city. The walls are painted in light gray, and there are several paintings of famous wrestlers and wrestling events hanging on them. The office is spacious, with a large, dark wooden desk placed in the center of the room. Behind the desk, there is a black leather chair where Kyle usually sits, and in front of it, there are two comfortable leather chairs for guests. The floor is covered with a beige carpet, and there is a small seating area near the window with a black leather couch and two armchairs. On the desk, there is a computer, a telephone, and several papers and files neatly organized in a file holder. The office is well-lit with recessed lights in the ceiling, and there is a large bookshelf on one of the walls that houses various wrestling books, magazines, and DVDs. Overall, the office is modern, comfortable, and professional, with a touch of wrestling flair.

"Hey Kyle, I was wondering if I could make a request to sign some independent wrestlers for dark matches on a per match trial basis," Peter said as he took a seat across from Kyle.

"Sure, Peter. Who were you thinking of?" Kyle asked.

"Well, I have a few in mind," Peter replied. "The Architect (David Matthews), Aldous Blackfriar (Matt Dell), Nelson Callum, and Ernest Youngman are all workers who I believe have the talent and the reputation to make a good impression in TCW."

"I'm familiar with all those guys, and I think they would be great additions to our dark matches," Kyle said. "I'm not about to step on anyone’s toes but I saw Kip Keenan do some great work down in the Caribbean. He's got great amateur wrestling skills, and his promos have improved rapidly over the past few years."

"Oh, I know Kip!" Peter exclaimed. "He's been the Puerto Rican champion and has completed the 'triple crown' in just a few years. He's definitely on the radar of all the bigger leagues."

Peter then brought up the idea of renaming Ernest Youngman to Ernest Package. "You know, as in the complete package?" Peter suggested.

"Hmm, I'm not sure about that," Kyle said. "Ernest Youngman is a pretty established name in the industry. Changing it might upset the smarks."

"I see your point, but think about it," Peter said. "Ernest is a talented guy, and he's got the whole package - in-ring skills, charisma, the works. The name just fits. It has the added benefit of being a funny, funny name."

Kyle chuckled. "That's a fair point. Let's do it. But we'll need to make sure we handle the transition carefully and let Ernest know what we're doing. And while we're on the topic of names, what about The Architect? I think we should start using his real name, David Matthews. He'll rarely, if ever, will wrestle on TV for us and he doesn't need a gimmicky name."

"Sure thing! Thanks, Kyle. I appreciate your input. I think these guys will bring a lot of energy and excitement to our shows," Peter said. "I'll reach out to them and see if they are interested in doing some dark matches on a per-match trial basis. It could be a win-win for both of us - they get some exposure in front of our audience, and we get to showcase some new talent."

Edited by Frank_Vest
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Join us at the incredible INTRUST Bank Arena in Wichita, KS for an unforgettable night of pro wrestling action, as TCW Presents: Total Wrestling!

Watch as the four tournament contenders battle it out in unlikely pairings, with Joshua Taylor and TCW Champion Aaron Andrews taking on the equally unlikely duo of Jay Chord and Wolf Hawkins.

Don't miss Greg Gauge's open challenge for the Television Title, with Edd Stone stepping up to try and claim the title or face his wrath!

T-Bone Bright and Benny and the Foxx will team up to take on The Sinner Society, while Bart Biggins, Danny Fonzarelli, and the returning Chris Flynn fight for the next Television Title shot in a three way match.

And that's not all! Witness the return of Troy Tornado as he faces off against the brutal Human Arsenal.

Plus, be sure to tune in as we hear from Elliott Thomas! That's right, ELLIOTT THOMAS!!!!

Join us for TCW Presents: Total Wrestling, the hottest show in town! Get your tickets now and don't miss out on the action! Sometimes I fear I am just screaming nonsense into a void!

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For prediction purposes:

Joshua Taylor (With Kyle Rhodes)  and Aaron Andrews vs. Jay Chord and Wolf Hawkins

Edd Stone (With Vita) vs Greg Gauge (Television Title)

T-Bone, Benny and the Foxx vs, The Behemoths and Nick Booth (Sinner Society)

Biggins vs. Fonzarelli vs. Flynn (#1 Contender for the Television Title)

Human Arsenal vs. Troy Tornado 

Bonus Points:

What will the seeds be for the tournament at Malice in Wonderland?

Who pins who in the main event tag match?


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TCW Presents: Total Wrestling
INTRUST Bank Arena in Wichita, KS
January 21, 2020

Dark Matches: 

Marc Speed over Blackfriar
Roderick Remus over Yuri Yoshihara
Matt Hocking over Dean Daniels 
Devine Fortune over David Matthews & Ernest Package

[Camera pans to the commentary booth, where Jason Azaria, Shawn Doakes, and Jasmine Saunders are seated]
Jason Azaria: "Good evening! Welcome to TCW, coming to you live from the INTRUST Bank Arena in Wichita, KS!"
Shawn Doakes: "That's right, Jason. We have a packed house here tonight, and the fans are ready for some incredible action."
Jasmine Saunders: "And we have some crazy matchups on tap, including the main event of Joshua Taylor and Aaron Andrews taking on Jay Chord and Wolf Hawkins. It's sure to be a wild ride."
[Camera cuts to the entrance ramp, where TCW General Manager Peter Michaels is making his way down]
Jason Azaria: "Here comes TCW General Manager Peter Michaels. I wonder what he has in store for us tonight."
As Peter Michaels enters the ring, the crowd erupts into cheers. He holds a microphone and smiles as he takes in the scene.
"Hello, Wichita! It's good to be back in Kansas, a place that holds a special place in my heart. I've been coming here for years, and every time I do, I'm reminded of why I fell in love with this town in the first place."
The crowd cheers even louder, and Michaels continues.
"And you know what else I love? Wrestling. I've been a part of this business for over thirty years, and I've seen it all. The highs, the lows, the triumphs, and the heartbreak. But through it all, one thing has remained constant: my passion for this sport." The crowd pops again. "Speaking about passion for the sport, the World Title Tournament at Malice in Wonderland. With the cooperation of the Executive Committee, the seeding has been determined. As previously stated, Aaron Andrews will be the number one seed. That will make Wolf Hawkins the two seed, Jay Chord seeded at 3, and Joshua Taylor seeded at 4."
[Crowd murmurs in anticipation]

Peter Michaels Reviews the Seeding for the World Title Tournament at Malice in Wonderland, Game Score 79

Peter Michaels: "But wait, it looks like we have some unexpected guests."
[The music of the Huggins Siblings, Freddy and Laura Catherine, hits]
Jason Azaria: "Uh-oh, it looks like Freddy and Laura Catherine Huggins are making their way to the ring."
Shawn Doakes: "This can't be good."
Jasmine Saunders: "What mischief are they causing this time?"
[Camera cuts to the entrance ramp, where Freddy and Laura Catherine Huggins are making their way down]
Laura Catherine Huggins: "Hold up, Peter! What do you mean Aaron Andrews is the number one seed? That's not fair! Freddy and I have been working hard, and we deserve a shot at the World Title!"
[Crowd boos]
Freddy Huggins: "Yeah, what she said!"
Peter Michaels: "Well, as was explained to Freddy, the seeding was determined by the Executive Committee based on a variety of factors, including win-loss records and overall performance."
Laura Catherine Huggins: "That's still not fair! We demand to be entered into the tournament!"
Peter Michaels: "I'm sorry, Laura Catherine, but the tournament is set. However, I'm feeling generous here in beautiful Wichita tonight. How about I put Freddy in the number one contenders match for the Television Title against Danny Fonzarelli, Bart Biggins, and Chris Flynn?"
[Crowd cheers]
Freddy Huggins: "Hold on a minute, Peter. I'm not sure I like this compromise. I mean, I was expecting to be in the World Title Tournament, not some lowly Television Title Contenders match. Who cares about it anyway, Gauge always has open challenges!"
Laura Catherine Huggins: "Yeah, what he said!"
Peter Michaels: "I understand your disappointment, Freddy. But you have to understand, the World Title Tournament is a very prestigious event, and the seeding has already been determined. This is the best I can offer you at this time."
Freddy Huggins: "Hmm, I guess you're right. But still, the Television Title? That's not exactly what I had in mind."
Laura Catherine Huggins: "Well, we can't just turn down a title shot, Freddy. Think about it,  you'll be the Television Champion! That's nothing to sneeze at."
Freddy Huggins: "You know what, you're right, sis. I'm starting to warm up to this idea. Maybe I can use this as a stepping stone to the World Title."
[Freddy and Laura Catherine have a quick "Sibling Huddle" and then turn back to Peter]
Freddy Huggins: "Alright, Peter, we accept your offer. We'll begin our journey to the Television Title tonight."
Michaels adds Freddy Huggins to the Television Title Contenders Match after speaking with the Huggins Siblings, Game Score 67 

Troy Tornado and Human Arsenal make their way to the ring, both veterans in TCW with a history of great matches. The bell rings, and they circle each other, sizing up their opponent.
"Shut up, Wichita! Shut your filthy mouths!" Tornado yells, looking out at the hostile crowd. "I've been here for all of five minutes and I already hate this dump of a city. What is there even to do here? You call this a city? More like a flyover state wasteland."
The crowd's boos get louder and more intense, but Tornado just smirks and continues. "And don't even get me started on the weather. What kind of masochist would choose to live in a place where it's freezing one minute and boiling the next? You all must be crazy!"
Tornado pauses for a moment to let the boos die down before continuing. "But you know what the worst thing about Wichita is? The people. You're all a bunch of pathetic losers who can't even afford to leave this place. You come to a wrestling show to forget about your miserable lives, but I'm here to remind you that you'll always be stuck here, in this godforsaken wasteland."
The crowd erupts into a chorus of boos and jeers, but Tornado just smirks and raises his arms in a victory pose. "That's right, keep booing. Keep hating me. I love it! Because the fact is, Wichita, you need me. You need someone to hate, someone to take out your frustrations on. And I'm more than happy to be that person. So boo me, jeer me, hate me all you want. Because at the end of the day, I'm the one who's walking out of here with the victory."
Arsenal doesn't take kindly to this trash talk and charges at Tornado with a clothesline, but Tornado ducks and sends Arsenal crashing to the mat with a chop block to the back of the knee. The bell rings to start the match.
Tornado takes advantage of Arsenal's injured knee, targeting it with kicks and stomps. Arsenal fights back, using his strength and experience to power out of Tornado's holds and land some big strikes.
Despite Arsenal's dominance, Tornado is always looking for a way to cheat. He uses the ropes for leverage on a pin attempt, and the referee catches him, but Tornado is able to distract the ref with a fake injury long enough to hit Arsenal with a low blow.
With Arsenal doubled over in pain, Tornado hits him with his finishing move, the Star Maker, and gets the three-count for the win.
As Tornado celebrates his victory, the fans in Wichita boo him loudly, but Tornado doesn't care. He's gotten the win, and he'll do whatever it takes to stay on top in TCW.

Troy Tornado Defeats Human Arsenal, Game Score 64

And we are back! 
Kyle Rhodes: Hey, Michaels, what's going on here? Why did you book Joshua in the title contender match at Malice in Wonderland?
Peter Michaels: Well, Kyle, it's simple. Joshua has been putting in a lot of hard work lately, and I think he deserves a shot at the world title.
Joshua Taylor: I don't buy that, Michaels. We all know you have ulterior motives.
Peter Michaels: What are you talking about, Joshua? I'm just doing my job as General Manager. 
Kyle Rhodes: You've always had it out for us, Michaels. We know you're up to something.
Peter Michaels: That's ridiculous, Kyle. I have nothing against you or Joshua. I'm just trying to put on the best show possible.
Joshua Taylor: We're not buying it, Michaels. You've been trying to undermine us since day one.
Peter Michaels: I assure you, Joshua, that's not the case. I'm just doing what's best for the company.
Kyle Rhodes: We'll be keeping an eye on you, Michaels. Don't think you can pull a fast one on us.
Peter Michaels: Suit yourself, Kyle. But I promise you, there's nothing sinister going on here. Just good old-fashioned wrestling.
Taylor and Rhodes Confront Michaels, Game Score 68

Jason Azaria: And now we have a huge 3-on-3 match as T-Bone Bright, Benny Benson and Flying Jimmy Foxx take on Titan, Poseidon and Nick Booth. This should be a classic encounter between two formidable teams.
Jasmine Saunders: The Sinner Society members are known for their dirty tactics, and with Nick Booth in the mix, it could spell trouble for T-Bone, Benny and Foxx.
Shawn Doakes: Let's not count out the talent and experience of T-Bone, Benny and Foxx. They've each had their fair share of successes in the ring and can hold their own against anyone.
The bell rings, and the match is underway. Titan and T-Bone start things off. Titan immediately charges at T-Bone, looking to use his size and power advantage. But T-Bone ducks under and lands a quick kick to Titan's midsection.
Jason Azaria: T-Bone showing off his speed and agility there, trying to keep the big man Titan off balance.
Jasmine Saunders: It won't be that easy, Jason. Titan is a veteran in this business and knows how to handle himself.
The two men continue to exchange blows, with T-Bone using his quick strikes and Titan relying on his brute strength. T-Bone manages to catch Titan off guard with a dropkick, sending him to the mat.
Shawn Doakes: T-Bone is holding his own against Titan, and he's making sure to use his speed to his advantage.
Benny Benson tags in and goes right after Titan, targeting his legs with a series of kicks. Titan tries to fight back, but Benny is too quick for him.
Jason Azaria: Benny Benson is a skilled wrestler, and he's showing it right now with those kicks to Titan's legs.
Poseidon gets tagged in and he immediately towers over Benny. He goes for a clothesline, but Benny ducks under and delivers a jaw-dropping enzuigiri, stunning Poseidon.
Jasmine Saunders: That's one way to take down a giant, with a well-placed kick to the head. Benny Benson is showing why he's one of the best in the business.
Poseidon manages to tag in Nick Booth, who goes right after Benny. The two men trade blows, with Nick using his dirty tactics to gain the upper hand.
Shawn Doakes: Nick Booth may not play by the rules, but he's definitely a force to be reckoned with in that ring.
Flying Jimmy Foxx tags in and takes on Nick Booth. The two men are evenly matched, with Foxx using his speed and agility to avoid Nick's power moves. Foxx manages to catch Nick with a quick hurricanrana, sending him to the mat.
Jason Azaria: Flying Jimmy Foxx is flying high in this match, showing off his acrobatic skills.
Jasmine Saunders: He may be flashy, but he's not going to win this match with just flips and kicks. He needs to focus on taking down his opponents.
The match continues, with each team getting in their fair share of offense. T-Bone, Benny and Foxx work together to take down Poseidon, hitting him with a triple-team move that sends him crashing to the mat.
Shawn Doakes: What a move by T-Bone, Benny and Foxx! They're working together seamlessly in this match.
Nick Booth tries to intervene, but T-Bone catches him with a devastating clothesline, sending him out of the ring. Titan tries to come to his teammate's aid, but Benny and Foxx hit him with a double dropkick.
T-Bone continues to pummel Titan with punches, but Titan manages to grab hold of him and toss him across the ring. T-Bone hits the mat hard and Titan follows up with a big leg drop.
Jasmine Saunders: That's the power of Titan, folks. He just overpowered T-Bone there and now he's in control.
Titan tags in Poseidon, who enters the ring and immediately starts to stomp on T-Bone. Benny Benson tries to intervene, but the referee stops him, allowing Poseidon to continue his assault.
Shawn Doakes: This is not looking good for T-Bone. He's in enemy territory and he's getting double-teamed by Poseidon and Titan.
But T-Bone manages to fight his way out of the corner and tags in Flying Jimmy Foxx. Foxx comes in hot, taking down both Poseidon and Titan with a series of flying forearms.
Jason Azaria: And here comes Flying Jimmy Foxx! He's on fire!
Foxx continues his assault, but Nick Booth manages to blindside him with a cheap shot from behind. Benson tries to intervene again, but once again the referee stops him, allowing Booth and his teammates to continue their attack.
Jasmine Saunders: That's the kind of cunning we've come to expect from Nick Booth, folks. He may be young, but he's already showing a veteran's instinct for taking advantage of his opponents.
As the match continues, both teams take turns gaining the upper hand. T-Bone Bright and Benny Benson use their experience and ring savvy to outmaneuver the younger Booth.
Booth crawls over to his corner and tags in Poseidon, who comes in and starts to dominate both T-Bone and Foxx with his immense size and strength. He hits a massive spinebuster on T-Bone and goes for the cover.
One... two... kickout by T-Bone.
Poseidon picks up T-Bone and goes for a powerbomb, but T-Bone counters with a hurricanrana, sending Poseidon crashing to the mat. T-Bone crawls over and tags in Flying Jimmy Foxx.
Foxx comes in and hits a series of high-flying moves on Poseidon, including a moonsault and a flying elbow drop. He goes for the cover.
One... two... kickout by Poseidon.
As the match continues, both teams are giving it their all. T-Bone Bright, Benny Benson, and Flying Jimmy Foxx are working together like a well-oiled machine, but Titan, Poseidon, and Nick Booth are not giving up easily.
Suddenly, Greg Gauge appears at ringside. He distracts Benson, causing him to take his eyes off the match, and in the confusion, Poseidon hits him with a devastating powerslam.
Jason: "What is Greg Gauge doing out here? This match was supposed to be a fair fight between two teams!"
Jasmine: "It looks like he's getting in the head of Benny Benson, and it’s working.”
Shawn: "But it's not fair to Benny and his team. They deserve a square chance to win this match."
One... two... three! Poseidon pins Benson.
Jason: "And with that distraction from Gauge, the Behemoths and Nick Booth pick up the win. But it's not a victory they can be proud of." 
Benson is down and out, and the referee counts the three, giving the victory to Titan, Poseidon, and Nick Booth. The crowd is stunned as the Sinner Society members celebrate their win.
As the Sinner Society members make their way to the back, Eddie Peak appears out of nowhere and attacks T-Bone from behind with a steel chair. T-Bone is left lying in the middle of the ring as Eddie Peak stands tall, laughing maniacally.

Azaria: We Have recieved word from Peter Michaels that T-Bone Bright and Eddie Peak will square off one on one at Malice in Wonderland!

The Sinner Society Defeat T-Bone, Benny and the Foxx, Game Score 61

The commentary team is shocked by the turn of events, with Jasmine Saunders expressing her delight at the Sinner Society's victory and Shawn Doakes condemning Eddie Peak's cowardly attack on T-Bone.
Benny Benson: "Hey Gauge! What the hell was that? You had no right to interfere in our match like that!"
Gauge: "Relax, Benny. I was just trying to help out."
Benny Benson: "Help out? You cost us the match!"
Gauge: "Look, I'll make it up to you. How about we have a tag team match at Malice in Wonderland? You and Foxx against me and a partner of my choosing."
Benny Benson: "Oh, you're on. But good luck finding anyone who would want to team up with a guy like you."
Gauge just smirks and walks away. The camera fades to black as Benny Benson and Foxx exchange frustrated looks.
Cut to the back, where Laura Catherine Huggins approaches Gauge, who is still fuming over Benny Benson's challenge.
Laura Catherine: "Well, well, well. Look who's in need of a partner."
Gauge turns to her with a scowl on his face.
Gauge: "What do you want, Laura?"
Laura Catherine: "I couldn't help but notice you're in a bit of a predicament. Your old pal Benny Benson is putting you in a tough spot."
Gauge: "I don't need your help, Laura."
Laura Catherine: "Oh, I think you do. And lucky for you, I've got just the partner for you. My brother, Freddy Huggins."
Gauge: "I don't need no partner. I can take care of Benny on my own."
Laura Catherine: "Oh, I'm sure you could, big guy. But why take the risk? You know Benny will have some dirty tricks up his sleeve. With Freddy by your side, you'll have a better chance of coming out on top."
Gauge looks at Laura Catherine skeptically.
Gauge: "What's in it for you?"
Laura Catherine: "Oh, just a little favor. Nothing big."
Gauge narrows his eyes at her.
Gauge: "I don't do favors."
Laura Catherine: "Suit yourself. But just remember, if you go out there alone, you might regret it."
Gauge grunts and turns away, but Laura Catherine knows she's gotten under his skin.
Laura Catherine: "Oh, and Gauge? One more thing. If you're gonna be a hard-ass, at least make sure you're the one in control."
With that, Laura Catherine walks away, leaving Gauge to ponder her words.
Laura Catherine offers her brother’s services to Greg Gauge, Game Score 64

Jasmine Saunders: "Welcome, folks, to the number one contender's match for Greg Gauge's Television Title! It's an exciting night here at Total Championship Wrestling, and we're about to witness some serious action in the ring."
Jason Azaria: "That's right, Jasmine. This match is important because whoever wins it will have a chance to take on Greg Gauge for the Television Title. It's always exciting when there's a new challenger for the title."
Shawn Doakes: "Absolutely, Jason. And we have some top-notch talent in the ring tonight. I can't wait to see how this match unfolds."
Jasmine Saunders: " We are back and we've got Fonzarelli, Biggins, Flynn and Huggins competing for the chance to become the number one contender. Each of these wrestlers brings something unique to the table, so it's anyone's guess who will come out on top”
The match starts off with a flurry of action, as all four wrestlers try to gain the upper hand. Fonzarelli and Biggins team up against Flynn, hitting him with a series of double-team maneuvers. Huggins stays back, waiting for an opportunity to strike.
As the match goes on, each wrestler has their chance to shine. Flynn shows off his strength by slamming Fonzarelli and Biggins around the ring. Biggins impresses with his agility, hitting a springboard moonsault off the top rope. Fonzarelli's brawling style comes in handy as he takes the fight to all his opponents.
Huggins finally gets his chance to shine when he hits a surprise flying crossbody from the top rope, taking out all three of his opponents at once. The crowd erupts into cheers as Huggins gets back to his feet, looking more confident than ever.
The match continues with more back-and-forth action, with each wrestler coming close to victory at various points. Biggins hits the B-Dropper and is ready to secure the pinfall, but he hesitates. Biggins nods at Fonzarelli, telling him to go for it.
Biggins gestures to Fonzarelli to take the pin, and Fonzarelli hesitates for a moment before finally going for the cover.  Ray Johnson counts to three, and Fonzarelli is declared the winner and new number one contender for the Television Title.
Despite his victory, Fonzarelli is clearly conflicted and emotional about winning the match with Biggins' help. However, he ultimately accepts the opportunity to challenge for the championship and raises his arm in victory.
Doakes: "Well, there you have it folks. Fonzarelli is the new number one contender for the Television Title, It's clear that he had some hesitation in accepting the victory with Biggins' help. I can't help but wonder if this will affect his mindset going into the championship match. Will he be able to shake off the feeling that he didn't earn this opportunity on his own? Only time will tell, but one thing's for sure, Fonzarelli has a lot to think about after tonight's match."
Danny Fonzarelli defeats Bart Biggins, Chris Flynn and Freddy Huggins, Fonzarelli get a Television Title Shot,  Game Score 68

The camera cuts to Elliot Thomas in the backstage area, pacing back and forth, looking agitated. Suddenly, he spots Peter Michaels approaching him.
Peter Michaels: "Hey, Elliot. What's going on? You seem to be in a hurry."
Elliot Thomas: "Peter, I'm sick of waiting on the sidelines. I want to make an impact in TCW, and I want to take out the Syndicate one by one, starting tonight."
Peter Michaels: "I like the sound of that, Elliot. You've got a lot of heart, and I believe you have what it takes to take on the Syndicate. Who do you want to start with?"
Elliot Thomas: "I want Eddie Chandler tonight, and I want him alone. No Syndicate members at ringside."
Peter Michaels: "You got it, Elliot. Consider it done. You'll face Eddie Chandler tonight, and I'll make sure the Syndicate is banned from ringside."
Elliot nods his head, looking more determined than ever before.
Elliot Thomas: "Thanks, Peter. This is my chance to show what I'm made of."
The camera fades out as Peter Michaels pats Elliot on the back, looking impressed with his determination.
Jasmine Saunders: "Wow, Elliot Thomas is either incredibly brave or incredibly foolish. Taking on the Syndicate one by one is a dangerous game to play. Eddie Chandler is no pushover, and with the Syndicate banned from ringside, they might just resort to other tactics to take him out. I have to give Thomas credit for his courage, but he might just have a death wish."
Thomas Declares War on the Syndicate, Michaels books Thomas vs. Chandler for tonight, Game Score 52

The scene opens backstage at TCW, where Edd Stone, Sammy Bach, and Vita are seen huddled together, discussing their upcoming match against the Behemoths at Malice in Wonderland.
Edd: "We've been waiting for this moment for a long time. We finally have the opportunity to become the next tag team champions, and we're not going to let it slip away."
Sammy: "You're damn right, Edd. We've worked hard to get here, and we're not backing down now."
Vita: "That's right, boys. You've got this, and I'll be right there by your side."
Suddenly, the trio is interrupted by the arrogant Floyd Goldworthy, accompanied by his hulking teammates Titan and Poseidon, who make their way towards them.
Goldworthy: "Well, well, well, look who we have here. The Flying Stones. You guys really think you have what it takes to beat the Behemoths? I suggest you think again."
Edd: "We're not afraid of you or your team, Goldworthy. We've earned this shot fair and square, and we're going to take full advantage of it."
Sammy: "Yeah, and you should be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it."
Goldworthy: "Ha! I like your spirit, boys, but you're in way over your heads. The Behemoths are the most dominant tag team in TCW history, and they're not going to let a couple of upstarts like you take their titles."
Titan: "Yeah, and we're going to make sure of that. You guys better watch your backs."
Poseidian: "Or else you'll end up just like all the other teams we've crushed before."
Edd, Sammy, and Vita stand tall, unfazed by the Behemoths' threats.
Edd: "We're not afraid of a little competition, especially when it comes to proving ourselves as the best tag team in TCW. The Flying Stones are ready to soar, and we're not coming down until we have those titles around our waists."
Sammy: "You heard him. It's game on, Behemoths. See you at Malice in Wonderland."
With that, the Flying Stones exit the scene, leaving the Behemoths seething with anger and determination to retain their titles. We follow the Stone and Bach as they walk away. 
Sammy: "Hey, Edd, when did we become the Flying Stones?"
Edd: "What do you mean?"
Sammy: "Goldworthy called us the Flying Stones, and you just went with it. When did that happen?"
Edd: "I don't know, man. I just heard him say it for the first time, and I thought it sounded pretty cool.”
Vita chimes in: "I like it. It's catchy."
Flying Stones are Born, Flying Stones Vs. Behemoths for the Tag Titles at Malice in Wonderland Set, Game Score 68

Jason Azaria: Ladies and gentlemen, as Peter Michaels promised, we have a match-up between Elliot Thomas and Eddie Chandler. Elliot is looking to make a statement here tonight.
Shawn Doakes: Elliot Thomas has been on a losing streak lately, but he's been showing some signs of improvement. Maybe tonight is the night he turns it around.
Azaria: And the bell rings, and we're underway! Elliot Thomas and Eddie Chandler are circling each other in the ring, looking for an opening.
Saunders: Eddie Chandler is a master of mind games, Azaria. He's got to be getting into Elliot's head right now.
Doakes: But Elliot is staying focused, not letting Chandler's antics get to him.
Azaria: Chandler goes for a lock-up, but Thomas ducks underneath and hits a quick dropkick! Chandler is down!
Saunders: Elliot is not wasting any time here. He knows he has to keep up the pressure if he wants to win.
Doakes: And now Elliot is going for a pin!
Azaria: But Chandler kicks out at two. It's going to take more than that to put away a veteran like Eddie Chandler.
Saunders: Elliot better watch out. Chandler is known for his dirty tactics. He could pull something sneaky at any moment.
Doakes: And now Chandler is starting to take control of the match. He's got Elliot in a headlock, and he's wrenching it in.
Azaria: Elliot is trying to fight his way out of it, but Chandler is keeping the pressure on.
Saunders: See, this is why I love the Syndicate. They know how to play dirty and get the job done.
Doakes: That's not exactly something to be proud of, Jasmine.
Azaria: And Elliot is starting to mount a comeback! He hits Chandler with a series of quick punches, and now he's going for a suplex!
Saunders: But Chandler reverses it and hits a DDT! That's got to hurt.
Doakes: And now Chandler is going for a pin!
Azaria: But Elliot kicks out at two! He's still in this match.
Saunders: Chandler is getting frustrated now. He thought this would be an easy win, but Elliot is proving him wrong.
Doakes: And Elliot is back on the attack! He hits Chandler with a hurricanrana, and now he's going for a pin of his own!
Azaria: But Chandler kicks out at two! This match is still anyone's game.
Saunders: Elliot needs to pull out all the stops if he wants to win this one.
Doakes: And Chandler is getting desperate. He's starting to resort to some dirty tactics.
Azaria: But referee Ray Johnson is not having it. He's warning Chandler to play by the rules.
Saunders: Elliot better watch out. Chandler might not play by the rules, but that doesn't mean he won't cheat.
Doakes: And now Elliot hits Chandler with a devastating dropkick! Chandler is down!
Azaria: Elliot is going for a pin!
Saunders: But Chandler kicks out at two! This match is still going.
Doakes: And now Elliot is going for a  high-risk maneuver! He climbs to the top rope! He is going for a Quiet Down! And He hits it!
Azaria: Thomas gets the 1…2..3! And there it is, ladies and gentlemen! Elliot Thomas with a much-needed win after months of struggling.
Saunders: Ugh, I can't believe it. Chandler should have won that match. Thomas got lucky.
Doakes: I don't know about that, Jasmine. Thomas showed a lot of heart and determination out there tonight.
Azaria: And here comes Elliot now, celebrating his victory with the fans.
Elliot Thomas: (breathless and elated) Yes! Yes! I did it! I finally did it!
Azaria: Elliot, congratulations on the win! How does it feel to finally break that losing streak?
Elliot Thomas: It feels amazing, Jason. I've been working so hard to get back on track, and tonight it all paid off. I couldn't have done it without the support of my fans and my friends.
Saunders: (sarcastic) Oh, please. Spare us the sap, Elliot.
Doakes: Come on, Jasmine. Give my guy some credit.
Elliot Thomas: (ignoring Saunders) This win means everything to me. It's a new beginning, a fresh start. I am feel like I can take the Syndicate down all by myself!
Azaria: Well, we're certainly looking forward to seeing what you do that, Elliot. Congratulations again on the win.
Elliot Thomas: Thank you, Jason. Thank you so much. (celebrates with the fans)
Elliot Thomas over Eddie Chandler, Game Score 63

The camera cuts to the announcer's booth as Jason Azaria welcomes the audience back from commercial break. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are just moments away from what is sure to be an incredible match for the Television Title. Edd Stone, the 24 Hour Party Animal, will be taking on the reigning champion, Greg Gauge, and the anticipation in this arena is palpable."
Jasmine Saunders chimes in, "I don't know about you, Jason, but I'm rooting for Gauge. He's proven time and time again that he's a fighting champion, and he deserves to hold onto that title."
Jason gives a slight chuckle, "Well, Jasmine, I think our viewers at home can tell that you're definitely not a fan of Edd Stone. But, regardless of personal opinions, we can all agree that Greg Gauge is a formidable opponent in the ring."
Shawn Doakes interjects, "I have to agree with Jason here. Edd Stone may have a reputation for being a wild card, but he's no slouch in the ring. This match could go either way."
Just then, Sammy Bach makes his way to the announcer's booth and takes a seat next to Jasmine. "Hey there, Sammy," Jason greets him. "What brings you up here?"
"I just wanted to get a closer look at the action, Jason," Sammy responds with a grin. "And maybe offer some insight from a wrestler's perspective."
Jasmine rolls her eyes, "Great, just what we need. Another wrestler trying to play commentator."
Shawn tries to diffuse the tension, "Now, now, let's give Sammy a chance to share his thoughts. What do you think of this match-up, Sammy?"
Sammy leans forward, "Well, Shawn, I think this is a great opportunity for Edd Stone to prove himself as a singles competitor. He's had a lot of success in tag team matches, but a win over Greg Gauge would be a huge accomplishment. I just hope Stone leaves something in the tank for our Tag Title shot versus the Behemoths."
Jason nods in agreement, "That's a great point, Sammy. Don’t forget, a win for Greg would solidify his position as one of the top stars in TCW."
The Announce Team Welcome Sammy Bach as Special Guest Commentator, Game Score  70

The camera then cuts to the ring, where referee Ray Johnson is checking both competitors for any illegal objects. Edd Stone is bouncing on his feet, a wild look in his eyes, while Greg Gauge stands stoically in his corner, the Television Title draped over his shoulder.
The bell rings, and the match is underway. Edd Stone charges at Greg Gauge, looking to end the match quickly, but Gauge sidesteps him and delivers a stiff kick to Stone's midsection. Stone doubles over, and Gauge takes advantage, hitting him with a series of forearm smashes to the back.
Stone manages to fight back, though, catching Gauge with a surprise dropkick that sends him reeling. Stone follows up with a flurry of punches and kicks, driving Gauge back into the corner.
Gauge fights his way out of the corner, though, and the two men engage in a back-and-forth slugfest that has the crowd on their feet. Stone hits Gauge with a thunderous clothesline, but Gauge pops back up, hitting Stone with a belly-to-belly suplex that sends him crashing to the mat.
The match continues in this vein, with both men trading blows and near-falls. Stone hits Gauge with a flying elbow drop, but Gauge manages to kick out at two. Gauge locks in a submission hold, but Stone manages to escape after a few tense moments.
Finally, after a grueling back-and-forth battle, Greg Gauge traps Edd Stone into a Proton Lock. Stone cannot escape and has to tap out.
The crowd erupts into cheers as Greg Gauge is declared the winner, and he celebrates in the ring, holding his title high.
"That was an incredible match," Jason says. "Both men gave it their all, and it really could have gone either way."
Jasmine nods, "I have to admit, I was impressed with Edd Stone's performance tonight. He may have lost the match, but he definitely proved that he's a force to be reckoned with."
Shawn adds, "And Greg Gauge continues to be one of the most dominant champions we've seen in TCW. It'll be interesting to see him and Danny Fonzareli lock up."
As Greg Gauge exits the ring, Edd Stone is still lying in the center of the ring, clearly disappointed with the outcome of the match. Just then, Sammy Bach makes his way to the ring and slides in to console his friend and tag team partner.
Sammy helps Stone to his feet and puts an arm around his shoulder. Stone looks up at Sammy with a mix of frustration and sadness in his eyes.
"That was a tough loss, man," Sammy says sympathetically. "But you gave it your all out there. You have nothing to be ashamed of."
Stone nods, "Thanks, Sammy. I just really wanted to win that title tonight."
"I know, I know," Sammy says. "But hey, we still have our Tag Title shot at Malice in Wonderland. We're going to go out there and give it our all, just like we always do."
Stone manages a small smile, "Yeah, you're right. Let's go do this."
The two men exit the ring together, with Sammy's arm still around Stone's shoulder. 
Greg Gauge Retains the Television Title over Edd Stone, Game Score 65
The camera pans over the enthusiastic crowd at the TCW arena, as the commentary team welcomes the viewers to the highly anticipated tag team match.
Jason Azaria: What a main event  it's going to be! We have an incredible match-up ahead, featuring the current TCW World Champion Aaron Andrews teaming up with Joshua Taylor, taking on the dastardly duo of Jay Chord and Wolf Hawkins
Jasmine Saunders chimes in with a mischievous tone: "I have a feeling this is going to be a wild ride, Jason. With Chord and Hawkins' brutal style and Taylor and Andrews' impressive moves, we're in for some serious action."
As the bell rings, the four wrestlers step into the ring, ready for battle. Joshua Taylor starts things off against Jay Chord, and the two lock up in the center of the ring. Taylor gains the upper hand, and begins to unleash a flurry of quick strikes and maneuvers, but Chord manages to counter and take control.
Jason Azaria: "Now here's a little fact you may not know...Jay Chord is known for his deadly submission moves, and if he can keep Taylor grounded, he might just have a chance at winning this match."
As the match heats up, the two teams go back and forth, exchanging blows and high-flying moves. Aaron Andrews gets the hot tag, and enters the ring with a burst of energy, taking on both Chord and Hawkins at the same time.
Shawn Doakes: "Andrews is a force to be reckoned with! He's dominating both his opponents, and he's got the crowd on their feet."
Andrews continues to dominate, hitting Chord with a series of powerful strikes and kicks. He goes for a pin, but Chord kicks out at two. Andrews pulls Chord up and tags in Taylor, who hits Chord with a devastating suplex.
Shawn Doakes: The teamwork between Andrews and Taylor is really paying off here, Jason. They're keeping Chord on the defensive.
(The match continues, with Taylor and Andrews working well together and Chord and Hawkins continuing to argue. At one point, Chord attempts to tag in Hawkins, but Hawkins refuses and walks away from the apron)
Shawn Doakes: These two huge egos can't exist on the same team! Hawkins has left his partner high and dry in the middle of the match!
(Joshua Taylor takes advantage of the distraction and hits Chord with a big move. He then tags in Andrews, who hits Chord with his Flying Body Press )
Jason Azaria: Andrews going for the pin!
Referee: One, two...
(Kyle Rhodes jumps onto the apron and distracts the referee)
Jason Azaria: What is Kyle Rhodes doing?!
Jasmine Saunders: Looks like he's trying to make sure his client gets credit for the pin.
Shawn Doakes: This is despicable.
(While the referee is distracted, Wolf Hawkins reappears and hits Aaron Andrews with brass knuckles)
Jason Azaria: Oh my god! Hawkins just took out Andrews with those knucks!
Shawn Doakes: This match has completely broken down.
(Joshua Taylor sees the chaos and takes advantage, trapping Chord in his signature Butterfly Lock, Chord is forced to tap out, The bell rings, and the match is over)
Jason Azaria: Oh my goodness, what a moment! Jay Chord has just tapped out to Joshua Taylor's Butterfly Lock. This is a huge deal, folks! Chord has been fighting a two-on-one battle against Andrews and Taylor, but in the end, he was no match for Taylor's devastating submission hold. It just goes to show you the incredible talent and skill of these wrestlers. What a match!

Shawn Doakes: It's really disappointing to see someone like Kyle Rhodes resort to cheating in order to try and secure a victory for his client. What kind of person would stoop to those levels just to take credit for a submission? It's a shame that some people in this industry care more about their own personal gain than the integrity of the sport. It's really a sad state of affairs.

Jason Azaria: Well, folks, what an incredible night of wrestling action we've had here at TCW! From the opening match to the main event, we've seen some truly amazing performances from our talented roster of wrestlers. I want to thank my fellow commentators, Shawn Doakes and Jasmine Saunders, for their expert analysis and commentary throughout the night. It's been a pleasure working with both of you. And of course, a big thank you to all of our viewers for tuning in. We'll see you next time for more thrilling wrestling action here at TCW!!

Aaron Andrews and Joshua Taylor over Jay Chord and Wolf Hawkins as Taylor forces Chord to Submit, Game Score 79

Overall Show Rating: 73

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