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Inside TCW: The Legacy of Peter Michaels (C-Verse)

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Out of Character Post! 

I was thinking it would be a good creative exercise for someone to pitch a random idea for this diary going forward.

Looking for anything, no idea is bad!

Do you have a favorite C-verse character you want me to either push/introduce to the story? 

Maybe a fictional character of your own creation? Could be a worker or anyone in the world.

Sounds like fun, right? We can build something together as a community!

Feel free to contact me on this thread or privately message me through this site.


Thank you!


Edited by Frank_Vest
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Terry Slatt, the CEO of BriCo, was sitting in his luxurious home office in San Antonio, Texas, with his phone in hand, recording a voice memo. He had just finished watching the latest episode of TCW Presents Total Wrestling, and he was far from pleased with what he saw.

"Okay, so I just finished watching the show, and I have to say, I'm not happy," Terry spoke into his phone, his frustration evident in his voice. "First off, what's with all the air time Elliot Thomas is getting? He’s too small for a push, and he’s just not ready."

He paused for a moment, glancing around the lavish room, trying to gather his thoughts. "And Kyle Rhodes' Heel character? It's just not working. He's not getting the heat we need him to. We need to shake things up and figure out a new angle for him."

Terry took a deep breath, his gaze shifting towards the picturesque view outside his window. "And don't even get me started on The Sinner Society. They just can't seem to put on a good match. We need to give them some more training or something. We can't have them dragging down the quality of our shows."

He sighed heavily, feeling the weight of his responsibilities as the head of TCW. "I want to see some changes, and I want to see them soon. We need to step up our game if we want to compete with USPW and SWF."

With that, he ended the recording and sent it through a text thread with Peter Michaels and Kyle Rhodes. He typed, "Gentlemen, we have some work to do. Let's discuss these issues and come up with a plan to address them. We need to keep improving if we want TCW to thrive."

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Kyle Rhodes and Peter Michaels were on the phone, both watching the main event of the latest USPW American Wrestling event. Nicky Champion had just defeated Rick Law and Joss Thompson in an incredible triple threat match.
"Man, Champion is something else," Kyle said, watching as Champion celebrated in the ring.
"He really is," Peter agreed. "But look at Law and Thompson. They may not have won, but they put on one hell of a show. We need to build characters like these guys in TCW."
"I know, I know," Kyle sighed. "But it's easier said than done. We've got a lot of talented guys, but we need to find a way to make them stand out."
"Exactly," Peter said. "We can't rely on just one or two guys to carry the company. We need a strong roster from top to bottom."
Kyle shook his head. "Speaking of carrying the company, have you talked to Terry recently? He's been so focused on his own vision that he's not listening to anyone else's ideas."
Peter sighed. "I know. I tried to pitch some new storylines to him, but he shut them down immediately. He's so set in his ways that he can't see the bigger picture."
"I mean, don't get me wrong," Kyle said. "He's done a lot for TCW, but sometimes I wonder if he's holding us back."
Peter was in agreement. "We need to find a way to make him see that we can't keep doing things the same way forever. The wrestling industry is always evolving, and we need to keep up if we want to stay relevant."
"I just hope he's open to change," Kyle said. "Otherwise, we might have to start looking for other options."
Peter chuckled. "Let's not jump to conclusions just yet. We'll keep trying to get through to him. Maybe we just need to find the right approach."

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling from Colorado Springs, CO on January 21, 2020!

The main event of the night will feature the Men of Mighty Meaty taking on the Syndicate's Alphas, Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond. Plus, witness Elliot Thomas continue his vendetta against The Syndicate as he faces off against Nate Johnson.

In addition, Danny Fonzarelli is going for the gold as the fighting champion Greg Gauge defends his Television Title once again. Freddy Huggins steps in the ring with Human Arsenal, and Joshua Taylor is not playing it safe before Malice in Wonderland as he takes on the dynamic T-Bone Bright.

But that's not all, we'll also hear from TCW General Manager Peter Michaels and World Champion Aaron Andrews as they address the future of TCW leading up to the biggest event of the year, Malice in Wonderland!

Don't miss out on an unforgettable night of non-stop action and drama at TCW Presents Total Wrestling!

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For Prediction Purposes: 

The Men of Mighty Meaty (Tana the Mighty and Mo Barrett) vs The Syndicate (Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond)

Danny Fonzarelli  vs Greg Gauge (Television Title Match) 

Human Arsenal vs. Freddy Huggins

T-Bone Bright vs. Joshua Taylor (with Kyle Rhodes)

Elliot Thomas vs.  Nate Johnson



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Peter Michaels, Kyle Rhodes and Troy Tornado stand together at the Colorado State Fairgrounds Events Center, a large and spacious venue that is currently being prepared for the upcoming TCW show. The concrete floors are polished to a shine, and the walls are adorned with posters and banners advertising the upcoming show. The area where the meeting is taking place is near the center of the venue, where a wrestling ring is being set up by a team of skilled technicians.

Kyle Rhodes: "Troy, we wanted to touch base with you about Gauge's mic skills. We know you have a lot of experience in that area, and we were wondering if you could keep an eye on him during his promo tonight."
Troy Tornado: "Absolutely, I'd be happy to help out in any way I can. What specifically should I be looking for?"
Peter Michaels: "Just keep an ear out for any stumbling or lack of confidence. Gauge has a tendency to get nervous and lose his place, and we want to make sure he comes across as strong and confident on the mic."
Troy Tornado: "Got it, I'll be sure to pay extra attention to his delivery and pacing. And if I notice anything, I'll pull him aside after the show and give him some pointers."
Kyle Rhodes: "That would be great, Troy. We really appreciate your help with this. Gauge is a promising talent, and we want to make sure he reaches his full potential."

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Announcer (in a deep, booming voice): "Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for the most exciting night of professional wrestling this year? Then mark your calendars for Sunday, January 26th and get ready for Malice in Wonderland, the biggest pay-per-view event of the season!"
(Cut to footage of the ring being set up, with workers rushing around and fans eagerly waiting outside the venue)
Announcer: "On this night, the world title will be on the line in a four-man, one-night tournament! Who will emerge as TCW Champion?"
(Cut to footage of the competitors, with Aaron Andrews, Joshua Taylor, Wolf Hawkins, and Jay Chord all squaring off in the ring)
Announcer: "But that's not all! The Behemoths of the Sinner Society will defend their tag team titles against the high-flying duo of Edd Stone and Sammy Bach, The Flying Stones!"
(Cut to footage of the two teams facing off, with the Behemoths towering over their opponents)
Announcer: "And in a clash of personalities, Greg Gauge will have to co-exist with Freddy Huggins as they take on the explosive team of Benny and the Foxx!"
(Cut to footage of the four wrestlers, with Gauge and Huggins looking uneasy as Benny and the Foxx taunt them from the other side of the ring)
Announcer: "Plus, Eddie Peak returns to in-ring action as he takes on the dynamic T-Bone Bright! This is a night you won't want to miss!"
(Cut to footage of Peak and Bright trading blows in the ring, with the crowd cheering them on)
Announcer: "Tickets are on sale now, so don't wait! Join us at  El Paso County Coliseum for Malice in Wonderland, the biggest pay-per-view event of the year on Sunday, January 26th! Card subject to change."
(Cut to the TCW logo, with the announcer's voice trailing off in the background)

Edited by Frank_Vest
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"Hey Kyle, I just wanted to let you know that I went ahead and hired Francis Long as our head referee, as we discussed earlier," Michaels said, approaching Rhodes backstage as they get ready for Total Wrestling.

Rhodes nodded in agreement. "Great, Francis is a solid referee and his experience will be a valuable addition to our team. How did he take the news?"

"He was thrilled to join TCW," Michaels replied. "He's been wanting to work with us for a while now, and I think he's excited to be back in the business after taking a break. Plus, he brings a wealth of knowledge and professionalism to the table."

"That's what I like to hear," Rhodes said, smiling. "Our officiating team is crucial to making sure our matches are exciting." 

Rhodes shook his head and chuckled. "Remember the last time we played golf with Johnson? He made it look so easy, hitting those shots like it was nothing."

Michaels nodded, laughing. "Yeah, and then he tried to give us some tips and we couldn't even hit the ball straight."

The two men chuckled, knowing that Johnson's golf skills were legendary among the wrestlers and staff of TCW.

"I have, but I hear that Charles Hapstander is also quite the golfer," Michaels added. "Maybe we should set up a match between the two of them."

Rhodes grinned. "I like the way you think, Michaels. A little friendly competition is always good for morale around here."

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January 21, 2020 
TCW Presents: Total Wrestling!
Colorado State Fairgrounds Events Center

Dark Matches:
Marc Speed over Ernest Package
Maverick and Troy Tornado over Blackfrair and Kip Keenan
Titan over Dean Daniels
Flying Jimmy Foxx (with Benny Benson) over Nelson Callum

Jason Azaria: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Colorado State Fairgrounds Events Center for tonight's edition of Total Wrestling! We are live and ready to bring you the best in professional wrestling action, and what a night it's going to be. We have a stacked card for you, and the main event is one you won't want to miss. The Men of Mighty Meaty, consisting of the powerful Mo Barrett and the massive Tana The Mighty, will take on the ruthless Syndicate, led by the talented Wolf Hawkins and his right hand man Doc Hammond. This is sure to be an epic battle between two of the most dominant teams in all of wrestling.”
Shawn Doakes: "That's right, Jason. The Men of Mighty Meaty are a giant force, but the Syndicate has been known to do anything to win. It's going to be interesting to see how this one plays out."
Jasmine Saunders: "Let's talk about the Syndicate for a moment. They may be ruthless, but they get the job done. And if that means bending the rules a bit, well, who can blame them? It's all about winning in this business, and they know that better than anyone."
Jason Azaria: "Well, Jasmine, I have to say that I don't condone cheating in any form. Wrestling is about skill and athleticism, not underhanded tactics. But I do agree that the Syndicate is a force to be reckoned with. And let's not forget about the Men of Mighty Meaty, they have a lot to prove tonight."
Jason Azaria: "Now let's turn our attention to our opening match of the night. It's going to be a heated battle between Human Arsenal and Freddy Huggins. Shawn, what can we expect from these two competitors tonight?"
Shawn Doakes: " Well, Jason, Human Arsenal has been with TCW for a long time and has proven time and time again that he can hold his own against any opponent."
Jasmine Saunders: "But let's not forget about Freddy Huggins. He and Laura Catherine are a savvy duo who only want to win. He's got a lot of tricks up his sleeve and he's not afraid to use them."
The bell rings, and the match begins. Human Arsenal and Freddy Huggins circle each other in the ring, each sizing up their opponent. Human Arsenal looks for an early takedown, but Huggins uses his quickness to evade and get to his feet. Huggins then surprises Arsenal with a quick arm drag takedown, followed by a standing dropkick that sends Arsenal to the mat.
Jasmine Saunders: "Freddy Huggins showing off his agility and speed early in this match, taking Human Arsenal by surprise."
Shawn Doakes: "But Human Arsenal is known for his technical wrestling abilities, he won't be taken down that easily."
As the match continues, Huggins uses his high-flying moves to keep Arsenal on the defensive. Arsenal tries to slow the pace down with submission holds and technical wrestling maneuvers, but Huggins continues to outmaneuver him. Eventually, Huggins connects with a springboard moonsault that takes Arsenal down.
Jason Azaria: "What a move by Freddy Huggins, he's pulling out all the stops tonight."
As Huggins goes for the pin, Laura Catherine jumps up onto the apron, distracting the referee. This gives Huggins the opportunity to hit Arsenal with a low blow, and then follow up with a quick roll-up pin. The Huggins Siblings hug in celebration.
Shawn Doakes: "Oh come on, that's not fair! Freddy Huggins used a dirty tactic to get the win."
Jasmine Saunders: "But you have to admit, Laura Catherine's distraction was instrumental in her brother's victory."
Human Arsenal climbs out of the ring and heads towards the backstage area, refusing to make eye contact with anyone and ignoring everyone.  As he passes by Jason Azaria, the announcer tries to get a comment from the defeated wrestler.
Jason: "Human, are you alright? Can we get a word from you?"
Human stops in his tracks and turns to face Jason, a look of anger and frustration on his face.
Human: "No, Jason. I don't want to talk about it. I came out here tonight to win, and I didn't get the job done. That's all you need to know."
With that, Human Arsenal storms off.
Freddy Huggins over Human Arsenal, Game Score 76

The camera fades in on the backstage area of the TCW arena, where Chris Flynn is walking down the hallway towards his locker room, his massive frame towering over the other wrestlers in the area. As he makes his way down the hallway, he is stopped by the sound of a voice behind him.
"Hey there, soldier!" calls out the voice, and Flynn turns around to see Wolf Hawkins approaching him with a sly grin on his face. Hawkins is dressed in full military regalia, complete with a drill sergeant's hat and a set of dog tags around his neck.
"At ease, Private Flynn," barks Hawkins, adopting a mock drill sergeant's tone. "I've got some news for you."
Flynn looks at Hawkins curiously, raising an eyebrow. "What's up, sir?" he asks.
"I've managed to pull some strings with my contacts in the back," says Hawkins, a mischievous glint in his eye. "And I've got a little mission for you."
Flynn's face lights up with excitement. "What's the mission?" he asks eagerly.
"I've managed to get you a match with One Man Army at Malice in Wonderland," says Hawkins, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "And your mission is to destroy him, Private. I want you to show him the true meaning of pain, and leave him lying in a heap in the middle of the ring."
Flynn nods his head, his muscles tensing with anticipation. "Consider it done, sir," he growls.
"Good," says Hawkins, nodding his head in approval. "Now, fall in, Private. We've got some work to do."
Flynn snaps to attention, standing tall and proud as Hawkins starts barking orders at him, putting him through a series of military drills and exercises to prepare him for his upcoming match. As the camera fades out, we see Flynn grinning with excitement, ready to take on his next mission and destroy One Man Army.
Wolf Hawkins Motivates Chris Flynn to Take Down One Man Army, Game Score 77

Jason Azaria: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Total Championship Wrestling, where we have a highly anticipated match between Elliot Thomas and Nate Johnson, two of the most skilled wrestlers in the industry.
Shawn Doakes: That's right, Jason. Elliot Thomas may not have the size advantage, but he has proven time and time again that he has the heart and determination to come out on top.
The bell rings and the match between Elliot Thomas and Nate Johnson is underway. Thomas is the underdog in this match, and the Syndicate is lurking at ringside.
"Elliot Thomas is going to have to pull out all the stops to overcome Nate Johnson," comments Azaria.
"Do you think he can do it?" asks Doakes.
"I'm not sure, but one thing's for sure, the odds are stacked against him," replies Azaria.
As the match progresses, Johnson seems to have the upper hand, but Thomas manages to reverse a move and get Johnson into a pinning position. The Syndicate members at ringside start to get nervous.
"Thomas has a chance here!" exclaims Azaria.
But just as the referee is about to count to three, Syndicate member Eddie Chandler jumps up onto the ring apron and distracts the referee. This gives Johnson the chance to recover and attack Thomas from behind.
"What a cheap shot!" shouts Doakes. "The Syndicate is trying to steal another win."
Thomas fights back, but Johnson and Chandler continue to double team him, with the other Syndicate member Chris Flynn cheering them on from ringside. 
"That's not fair play!" comments Azaria. "Elliot Thomas deserves better than this."
But then, out of nowhere, Thomas manages to suddenly grab Johnson's leg, pulling him down to the mat, and quickly rolling him up into a pinning position for the surprise victory.
Thomas over Johnson, Game Score 52

"That was an amazing victory for Elliot Thomas," says Azaria. "He managed to pull off another upset despite the Syndicate's interference."
"Well, it looks like he might not be celebrating for long," adds Doakes, as the camera cuts to the ring where members of the Syndicate are attacking Thomas.
"The Syndicate is attacking Elliot!" exclaims Azaria. "This is despicable."
Suddenly, the music of Devine Fortune hits, and the crowd erupts as Darryl Devine and Chance Fortune run down to the ring to make the save. They slide in and start brawling with the Syndicate members, clearing the ring and helping Thomas to his feet.
"What a sight!" shouts Doakes. "Devine Fortune coming to the aid of Elliot Thomas. It looks like they have formed an unlikely alliance to take on the Syndicate."
The crowd is on its feet, cheering for the unlikely alliance of Thomas and Devine Fortune as they stand together in the ring, victorious over the Syndicate.
Jason Azaria approaches Elliot Thomas, who is still catching his breath after the intense match. "Elliot, congratulations on your win tonight. I have some breaking news for you. General Manager Peter Michaels has confirmed that at Malice in Wonderland, you will be facing Doc Hammond."
Thomas' eyes widen in surprise, and he looks over his shoulder to see Darryl Devine and Chance Fortune standing behind him. "Wow, that's big news," he says. "Doc Hammond is a talented wrestler, and I know he's been gunning for me for a while now. But I'm ready for the challenge."
Devine and Fortune nod in agreement, and Devine steps forward to speak. "Elliot, we've got your back," he says. "The Syndicate has been causing trouble for too long, and it's time for us to take them down. We'll be there to support you at Malice in Wonderland."
Thomas nods gratefully at Devine and Fortune. "Thanks, guys. I couldn't ask for better allies," he says. "I'm looking forward to the match and taking down Doc Hammond and the Syndicate once and for all."
Thomas and Devine Fortune stand together, Thomas vs. Hammond announced for Malice in Wonderland, Game Score 59

The camera cuts to Greg Gauge entering the ring, he grabs a mic and calls out his number one contender, Danny Fonzarelli. "Listen up, Fonzarelli," says Gauge. "I know you're itching to get your hands on my Television Title, but let me tell you something, you're not going to get it that easily. You may be an old grizzly veteran, but I'm a fighting champion, and I will defend this belt with everything I've got."
"Listen up, Greg," says Fonzarelli, adjusting his signature pink and purple robe. "You may be a fighting champion, but I'm Dr. Love. And let me tell you something, love conquers all. And tonight, I need to hold that Television Title in the name of love. Love for these people," he says, gesturing to the crowd, "love for this business, and love for myself."
The two men exchange barbs, and eventually, it comes to blows as they start trading punches. The crowd is on their feet, cheering them on as they brawl in the center of the ring.
Confrontation with Greg Gauge and Danny Fonzarelli, Game Score 67

The crowd boos as Gauge takes control early in the match, targeting Fonzarelli's legs with a series of kicks and takedowns. Fonzarelli struggles to get back up but is quickly taken down again by Gauge, who locks him in a submission hold.
The audience roars as Fonzarelli tries to power out of the hold, but Gauge's technical expertise keeps him locked in place. Fonzarelli grits his teeth and finally manages to break free, rolling out of the ring to catch his breath.
Gauge stays in the center of the ring, waiting for Fonzarelli to return. As Fonzarelli climbs back into the ring, Gauge charges towards him, but Fonzarelli quickly counters with a well-timed punch, staggering Gauge.
The crowd cheers as Fonzarelli takes control, delivering a series of punches and kicks to Gauge's body. But Gauge quickly counters and takes Fonzarelli down with a submission hold.
Fonzarelli writhes in pain as Gauge applies more pressure, but the brawler refuses to tap out. He manages to twist his body and break free, getting back to his feet.
As Fonzarelli lays on the mat, clutching his midsection after a series of brutal strikes and a devastating suplex, Gauge approaches him with a confident smirk on his face. Gauge taunts as he pulls Fonzarelli up to his feet.
Fonzarelli weakly shoves Gauge away and tries to catch his breath, but Gauge charges forward and nails him with a stiff clothesline. Fonzarelli crashes to the mat again, and Gauge begins to stomp on his chest and ribs, punishing him for his audacity.
Jasmine Saunders cheers Gauge on, "That's right, show him who's boss! Make him pay for crossing the champ!"
Meanwhile, Jason Azaria shakes his head in disbelief at the brutality of Gauge's assault. "This is just unnecessary, Jasmine," he says, trying to maintain his composure. "Gauge is clearly taking pleasure in hurting Fonzarelli."
Shawn Doakes agrees, adding "I've never seen Gauge this vicious before. He's not just defending his title, he's trying to hurt Fonzarelli."
But Gauge is relentless, continuing to beat down Fonzarelli with kicks, stomps, and strikes. Finally, he locks in the Proton Lock, a devastating submission hold that puts intense pressure on Fonzarelli's neck and spine.
Fonzarelli grits his teeth and tries to fight out of the hold, but Gauge has it locked in tight. After several agonizing moments, Fonzarelli's body goes limp, and the referee checks his arm. It falls to the mat three times, and the bell rings, signaling the end of the match.
As Gauge releases the hold and celebrates his victory, Jasmine Saunders crows with delight. "Yes! That's what happens when you mess with Greg Gauge!" she exclaims.
But Jason Azaria and Shawn Doakes are more concerned with Fonzarelli's well-being, urging the medical staff to check on him and get him the help he needs. "This was a brutal assault, and there's no excuse for it," Azaria says solemnly. "Gauge may have won the match, but he's lost any respect I might have had left for him."
Gauge retains the Television Title vs. Danny Fonzarelli, Game Score 80

Camera cuts to Bart Biggins walking backstage, and he spots Danny Fonzarelli getting attended by the medical staff.
"Hey, Danny," Bart says, walking over to him. "Tough match out there, man."
Danny looks up at him and smiles weakly. "Yeah, it was rough, but I'm okay."
Bart Biggins: So, what do you think, Danny? You interested in teaming up with me? Big Love Machine!
Danny Fonzarelli: Bart, I appreciate the offer, but I gotta be honest with you. I'm not sure I'm ready to commit to a partnership right now.
Bart Biggins: I understand where you're coming from, Danny. But I gotta ask, what's holding you back? You're one of the toughest guys in this business, and we could be a force to be reckoned with.
Danny Fonzarelli: It's not that I don't think we could be a great team, Bart. It's just that I'm dealing with some stuff right now, you know?
Bart Biggins: Stuff? What kind of stuff?
Danny Fonzarelli: Personal stuff, mostly. I've been going through some things outside the ring that have been taking up a lot of my time and energy.
Bart Biggins: I'm sorry to hear that, Danny. Is there anything I can do to help?
Danny Fonzarelli: I appreciate the offer, Bart. But this is something I need to handle on my own.
Biggins Follows up with Fonzarelli About Forming a Tag Team, Game Score 61

(Scene opens in a locker room with Roderick Remus and Matt Hocking getting ready for their upcoming match. The door opens and in walks "The Fast Buck" Floyd Goldworthy.)
Floyd: "Hey boys, how ya doin'? Ready for your match tonight?"
Roderick: "Yeah, we're ready. What's up Floyd?"
Floyd: "Well, I was just thinking, you know how Edd Stone and Sammy Bach have been a thorn in our side lately? I mean, they've been getting the better of us in the ring."
Matt: "Yeah, we know. So what do you have in mind?"
Floyd: "My point is this. I think it's time we give them a taste of their own medicine. And I'm willing to sweeten the pot for you boys if you can help me out."
Roderick: "What's the deal?"
Floyd: "I mean, if you two can soften off Edd Stone and Sammy Bach in your match tonight, I'll give you each an extra $500 bonus. What do you say?"
Matt: "We're in! Let's do this!"
Floyd: "Great! I knew I could count on you two. If you need any help from me, just let me know. I'm happy to lend a hand."
Roderick: "Thanks, Floyd. We appreciate it."
Matt: "Yeah, and don't worry. We'll make sure Edd Stone and Sammy Bach regret ever messing with us."
Floyd: "That's the spirit, boys! Now let's go out there and kick some ass!"
(The scene fades out as Roderick and Matt finish getting ready for their match, ready to take on Edd Stone and Sammy Bach with a newfound determination to come out on top.)
Goldworthy entices Hocking and Remus with Cash, Game Score 67

Jasmine chimes in, "I'm excited for this match between the Flying Stones and Roderick Remus and Matt Hocking. I can't wait to see who comes out on top."
As the match begins, the Flying Stones come out with their signature high-flying moves, keeping Remus and Hocking off balance. The match is back and forth, with both teams getting their fair share of offense in.
Jason provides some background on the Flying Stones, "Now here's a little fact you may not know about the Flying Stones, they both enjoy playing the yo-yo and have competed in international yo-Shawn chimes in, "That's a fun fact, Jason. But let's focus on the action in the ring right now. The Flying Stones are really dominating this match with their incredible athleticism and experience. Hocking and Remus seem to be struggling to keep up."
As the match continues, Hocking and Remus start to gain some momentum with their double-team maneuvers. They isolate Stone in their corner and begin to wear him down with a series of quick tags and high-impact moves.
Jason observes, "Hocking and Remus  are doing a great job of cutting the ring in half and keeping Stone away from his partner. But Stone is a veteran of the ring, and he's no stranger to tough matches like this."
Stone manages to break free and tags in Bach, who comes in with a flurry of quick strikes and high-flying moves. Bach and Stone work together seamlessly, executing a series of double-team maneuvers that leave Hocking and Remus reeling.
Jasmine exclaims, "This is incredible teamwork by the Flying Stones! They are looking like number one contenders.” 
As the match reaches its climax, Sammy climbs to the top rope and hits a Bach on Your Back on Remus, pinning him for the three-count.
Jason Azaria shouts, "And that's it! The Flying Stones have done it! What a match!"
The Flying Stones Defeat Remus and Hocking, Game Score 74

Suddenly, the Behemoths' music hits and they make their way to the ring. They ambush Stone and Bach from behind, viciously attacking them.
Shawn Doakes exclaims, "What's going on?! The Behemoths are attacking the Flying Stones! This is an absolute disgrace!"
As T-Bone Bright runs down to the ring to help, Eddie Peak intercepts him and the two begin to brawl outside the ring. The crowd is on its feet, cheering on the action both inside and outside the ring.
Jasmine Saunders shouts, "This is pandemonium! The Behemoths are taking out their frustrations on the Flying Stones and now Eddie Peak and T-Bone Bright are going at it!"
The scene devolves into chaos as the Behemoths continue their assault on Stone and Bach, while Eddie Peak and T-Bone Bright continue their brawl on the outside of the ring. The crowd is in a frenzy as security rushes to the ring to break up the chaos.
Jason concludes, "What a wild turn of events! While the Flying Stones may have won the match, the Behemoths have made a statement here tonight. It looks like this will need to be settled Sunday at Malice in Wonderland!”
The Sinner Society attacks The Flying Stones Post Match, T-Bone gets involved, Game Score 67

Jason Azaria: Welcome back to Total Championship Wrestling, where we are just moments away from the match between T-Bone Bright and Joshua Taylor. Shawn, what are your thoughts on this matchup?’
Shawn Doakes comments, "It doesn't look good for T-Bone Bright. He's clearly been through a lot in that brawl with Eddie Peak and he's got a match coming up next. I'm not sure he's going to be in any condition to compete."
Jasmine adds, "I agree, Shawn. It's going to take a lot of heart for T-Bone to be able to pull through this and give a good showing in his next match."
Shawn Doakes: Well, Jason, T-Bone has definitely been through the wringer tonight, but he's a tough competitor. If anyone can overcome their injuries and pull off a victory, it's him.
Jasmine Saunders: I don't know about that, Shawn. Taylor is a fierce competitor and he's been on a winning streak lately. Plus, let's not forget that T-Bone was just in a brutal brawl with Eddie Peak mere moments ago. He may not be in any condition to compete.
[The crowd erupts as T-Bone's entrance music hits and he makes his way down to the ring, showing signs of wear and tear from his fight with Eddie Peak.]
Jason Azaria: Here comes the fan favorite, T-Bone Bright! The crowd is on their feet, showing their support for this resilient competitor.
Jasmine Saunders: I have to admit, I'm impressed that he's even able to walk after that brawl with Peak.
Shawn Doakes: That just goes to show you how tough T-Bone is. He's not one to back down from a challenge.
[The bell rings and the match begins. Taylor immediately goes on the offensive, taking advantage of T-Bone's injuries. T-Bone fights back with all he's got, but it seems like Taylor has the upper hand.]
Jason Azaria: Taylor is really taking it to T-Bone here. It's going to take a miracle for T-Bone to turn this around.
Shawn Doakes: I have faith in him. T-Bone will find a way to come out on top.
[Despite the odds, T-Bone manages to mount a comeback. He uses his his tenacity to keep Taylor on the defensive. The crowd is on their feet, cheering him on.]
Shawn Doakes: T-Bone is really giving it his all here! He's not going to let his injuries hold him back.
Jason Azaria: It looks like T-Bone is about to go for the pin!
[The crowd counts along as the referee starts the count.]
Referee: 1…2…
The referee's count is interrupted as Peter Michaels and Dazzling Dave Diamond suddenly appear at ringside. They start taunting and distracting Joshua Taylor, causing him to lose focus. The crowd boos as Taylor starts arguing with the two outsiders, completely forgetting about the match. T-Bone takes advantage of the situation and quickly rolls Taylor up into a small package pin.
Referee: 1...2...3!
[The bell rings, signaling the end of the match. T-Bone jumps up in excitement as the crowd goes wild, cheering wildly. Meanwhile, Taylor looks angry and frustrated as he realizes what just happened.]
Jasmine Saunders: What are Michaels and Diamond doing out here together? Are they in cahoots? 
[As T-Bone celebrates in the ring, Kyle Rhodes storms over to Taylor,, clearly angry at his  loss. He walks over to Taylor and slaps him across the face.]
Kyle Rhodes: [to Taylor] You lost, you worthless piece of trash! I can't believe I put my faith in you!
[Taylor silently walks away, looking angry as Rhodes turns his attention to T-Bone. He gets in his face, seething with anger.]
Kyle Rhodes: You got lucky tonight, T-Bone. But mark my words, I won't let this go unpunished. This is all Michaels’ fault!
[Joshua Taylor silently walks away, looking angry but not saying a word. The crowd boos Rhodes.]

Shawn Doakes: That was completely uncalled for. Rhodes should be ashamed of himself for treating his client that way.
T-Bone Bright over Joshua Taylor, Game Score, 74

Cut to Dazzling Dave Diamond and Peter Michaels celebrating Taylor and Rhodes' loss. They are backstage, laughing and joking with each other.
Diamond: (chuckles) Did you see the look on Rhodes' face? He was so angry!
Michaels: (laughing) I know, right? Maybe Taylor will realize he won’t get anywhere with that psychopath. 
Diamond: (smirking) And then when Rhodes hit Taylor after the match? Classic.
Michaels: (nodding) Yeah, that was a bad move on his part. He just cost himself a potential client. I can’t condone that.
Diamond: (shrugs) Oh well, his loss is our gain. We'll just keep doing what we do best, annoying Kyle Rhodes.
Michaels: (smiling) That's why we are going to make such a great team.
Diamond and Michaels Share a Moment, Game Score 70

Jason Azaria: And here we are, folks! The main event of the evening! The Men of Mighty Meaty, consisting of the powerful Mo Barrett and the massive Tana The Mighty, are taking on the ruthless Syndicate, led by the talented Wolf Hawkins and his right-hand man Doc Hammond.
Shawn Doakes: This is going to be a tough match for the Men of Mighty Meaty. The Syndicate has been on a tear lately, and they're not going to go down easily.
Jasmine Saunders: That's right, Shawn. The Syndicate has been dominating TCW, and they're not going to let some upstarts take them down.
[The bell rings, and the match begins. The Syndicate immediately takes control of the match, isolating Tana The Mighty and pummeling him with a series of devastating moves.]
Jason Azaria: The Syndicate is really taking it to Tana! It looks like they're trying to take him out of the match early.
Shawn Doakes: Tana is a tough competitor, but even he can't withstand this kind of punishment for long.
[Meanwhile, Mo Barrett is doing his best to keep Doc Hammond at bay. Despite his size disadvantage, he's using his speed and agility to keep the Syndicate member on the defensive.]
Jasmine Saunders: Mo Barrett is really impressing me tonight! He's taking the fight to Hammond, and he's holding his own.
Jason Azaria: That's right, Jasmine. Mo Barrett is showing why he's one of the rising stars of TCW.
[As the match progresses, Tana The Mighty manages to make a hot tag to Mo Barrett. Barrett comes in like a house on fire, taking on both members of the Syndicate with a flurry of punches and kicks.]
Shawn Doakes: Mo Barrett is on fire right now! He's taking it to the Syndicate!
As Tana and Wolf continue their brutal exchange outside the ring, Mo Barrett and Doc Hammond are left alone inside the ring. Mo seizes the opportunity to take control of the match, slamming Hammond to the mat with a thunderous clothesline. The crowd is on their feet, cheering for the Men of Mighty Meaty.
Shawn Doakes: Mo Barrett is really taking it to Doc Hammond here. He's not wasting any time.
Jasmine Saunders: But let's not forget about Wolf and Tana outside the ring. They're still going at it tooth and nail.
As Mo continues to dominate Hammond, he signals for his finishing move, the Plunging Spinebuster. With the crowd on their feet, Mo hoists Hammond up onto his shoulders and slams him down onto the mat with a deafening thud.
Jason Azaria: This could be it! Mo Barrett going for the pin!
The referee slides into position, starting the count.
Referee: 1...2...3!
The bell rings, and the Men of Mighty Meaty are declared the winners. The crowd erupts into cheers as Mo and Tana celebrate their hard-fought victory.
Shawn Doakes: What an upset! Mo Barrett just pinned Doc Hammond with the Plunging Spinebuster!
Jasmine Saunders: This is a huge win for the Men of Mighty Meaty, and a major blow for the Syndicate.

The Men of Mighty Meaty defeat the Syndicate when Barrett pins Hammond, Game Score 76

As Mo Barrett and Tana The Mighty celebrate their hard-fought victory, Nick Booth and Floyd Goldworthy suddenly make their way down to the ring. Floyd is yelling at Nick to take down Mo, and before anyone knows what's happening, Floyd and Nick attack Mo from behind. The crowd boos as Nick and Floyd viciously assault Mo, taking advantage of his fatigue from the intense match.
Nick Booth and Floyd Goldworthy assault Mo Barrett, Game Score 74

But the Syndicate isn't finished yet. Wolf Hawkins quickly makes his way to the ring to join in on the attack, and together with Nick and Floyd, they start beating Mo down mercilessly. Tana tries to intervene, but he is quickly overwhelmed by the three-on-one assault.

The arena is suddenly filled with excitement as Aaron Andrews, Joshua Taylor, and Jay Chord all storm the ring, causing chaos and mayhem. Chord zeroes in on his Malice in Wonderland opponent, Wolf Hawkins, and the two begin to exchange brutal blows in the center of the ring. The crowd is on their feet, cheering and shouting as the two men continue their heated brawl. Meanwhile, Barrett takes on Nick Booth and Floyd Goldworthy, easily tossing Goldworthy out of the ring.The action is intense, with bodies flying all over the place. Andrews and Taylor take turns pummeling each other with brutal strikes. Chord, meanwhile, seems to be locked in a battle of wills with Hawkins, with neither man willing to give an inch.
Brawl with Andrews, Chord, Hawkins, Taylor, Barrett and Booth, Game Score 90

"And that's all for tonight, folks! What a wild night of wrestling we've had here in TCW. I hope you enjoyed the show as much as we did bringing it to you. Remember, the next pay-per-view event is just around the corner, Malice in Wonderland, and it's shaping up to be a must-see event. With the one-night tournament for the World Heavyweight Championship and some incredible matchups, this is one event you can't afford to miss. So be sure to order Malice in Wonderland on Pay-Per-View this Sunday, and we'll see you next time at TCW!"
Final Show Score: 81

Edited by Frank_Vest
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For Prediction Purposes:

TCW Presents: Malice in Wonderland
Four Man Tournament for the TCW Title:
First Round:
Joshua Taylor vs. Aaron Andrews faces the winner of Wolf Hawkins vs. Jay Chord
Final Round:
?? vs. ?? for the TCW World Title
The Flying Stones (Edd Stone and Sammy Bach) vs. The Behemoths for the TCW Tag Team Titles
T-Bone Bright vs. Eddie Peak
Benny and the Foxx vs. Greg Gauge and Freddy Huggins 
One Man Army vs. Chris Flynn
Devine Fortune vs. The Elite (Eddie Chandler and Nate Johnson)
Mo Barrett vs. Nick Booth
Elliot Thomas vs. Doc Hammond

Edited by Frank_Vest
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[The OnDem video starts with Blackfriar sitting at a table with a mysterious box in front of him. He is wearing his usual gothic attire, including a black hooded robe and heavy eyeliner. He speaks with an odd, high pitched accent.]
Blackfriar: Greetings, my minions! It is I, Aldous Blackfriar, your dark lord and leader of The Dark Watch. Today, I have received a package from my friends at BriCo, and I thought it would be fun to unbox it with you.
[He opens the box and takes out a small figurine of Aaron Andrews.]
Blackfriar: Look at this little guy! It's a miniature version of the Total Wrestling Champion, Aces Andrew!  Very nice, very evil!
[He chuckles and sets the figurine aside, then takes out another item from the box.]
Blackfriar: And what is this? Ah, it's a toy skull with mean eyes! Perfect for decorating your own sacrificial altar at home. Just kidding... or am I? I am.
[He grins and holds up the skull, then puts it back in the box and takes out a third item.]
Blackfriar: And finally, we have... another black hooded robe! How fitting. This is a high-quality garment, perfect for any aspiring cult leader or dark wizard. I might have to wear this on my next pay per appearance match at the T and W.
[He tries on the robe and twirls around, showing off his menacing presence.]
Blackfriar: Thank you, BriCo, for these lovely gifts. And thank you, my minions, for watching this unboxing video with me. Remember, stay nice and stay evil. Hail The Dark Watch!
[He raises his arms in a sinister gesture as the video ends.]

Edited by Frank_Vest
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January 26, 2020
TCW Malice in Wonderland
El Paso County Coliseum, El Paso, TX

Dark Matches:
Human Arsenal over Ernest Package
Dazzling Dave Diamond and Kip Keenan over David Matthews and Nelson Callum
Jeremie Courtney over Blackfriar
Marc Speed over Dean Daniels                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Big Love Machines (Danny Fonzerelli and Bart Biggins) over Matt Hocking and Roderick Remus and Troy Tornado and Maverick

[The opening montage of the Malice in Wonderland Pay-Per-View rolls with highlights of the biggest moments from previous TCW events.]

Jason Azaria: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to El Paso, Texas, where the stakes are high, and the action is going to be hotter than the desert sun. This is Jason Azaria, and I am joined by my colleagues, the always entertaining Jasmine Saunders and the brilliant Shawn Doakes."                                                                                                   

Shawn Doakes: "This this is going to be a night to remember. And, it all starts right now with our first match-up of the tournament, the challenger Joshua Taylor taking on the reigning TCW World Champion, Aaron Andrews."
Jason Azaria: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be one for the history books. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show because Malice in Wonderland starts right now!"
Shawn: "Taylor is already starting off strong, landing some big strikes on Andrews. But the champ is no slouch either, and he's firing back with some technical wrestling."
Jason: "This is shaping up to be a grueling matchup, folks. These two are evenly matched and giving it their all."
Jasmine: "And look at that! Taylor with a huge impact move that sends Andrews flying!"
Shawn: "But Andrews isn't done yet. He's back on his feet and ready to fight back."
[The match continues on with both wrestlers trading blows and attempting to gain the upper hand.]
As the match enters its closing stages, both Andrews and Taylor are completely exhausted from their grueling back-and-forth encounter. Andrews manages to hit a beautiful dropkick that sends Taylor crashing to the mat, and quickly ascends to the top rope, taking a moment to balance himself before launching himself off with a picture-perfect Flying Body Press.
Jasmine Saunders, who had been cheering on Taylor throughout the match, suddenly gasps in shock as Kyle Rhodes climbs up onto the apron and starts yelling at the referee, distracting him from the count. Saunders yells at Rhodes to get down, but he continues to scream at the ref, causing him to turn around and start arguing with him.
Meanwhile, Andrews manages to roll off Taylor and see Rhodes arguing with the referee. He quickly realizes what's happening and uses the ropes to springboard himself over the top of Rhodes and hit a dropkick that sends him flying off the apron and crashing to the floor. The crowd erupts in cheers as Andrews turns back to Taylor and hooks his leg for the pin.
Aaron Andrews over Joshua Taylor in the First Match of the One-Night Tournament, Game Score  87

Jason Azaria calls the action, "And there it is, Andrews with the Flying Body Press and the pin! That was an incredible match, folks, and Andrews has pulled out all the stops to hold onto his World Championship. But wait, what's this? Kyle Rhodes is still causing a commotion at ringside!"
Jasmine Saunders chimes in, "That slimy little weasel! He just cost Taylor the match with that distraction. If it weren't for him, Joshua would still be in this thing."
[The camera pans over to Andrews celebrating his hard-earned victory in the ring as Rhodes yells at Taylor]
The music dies down as the fans buzz with excitement, wondering what could be happening next. Suddenly, the booming voice of Peter Michaels fills the arena as he emerges from backstage with a determined look on his face.
"Wait just a minute, Kyle Rhodes!" Michaels exclaims, his voice carrying through the arena. "You can't just go around attacking our wrestlers like that. I won't stand for it."
Rhodes whirls around, clearly not happy to be interrupted. "And who do you think you are, Michaels?" he sneers. "You're just a talking turd."
Michaels bristles at the insult, but he keeps his cool. “I'm in charge of this company no matter what you might think. I won't let you bully our talent like this."
Meanwhile, Taylor has made his way to the ring and is now standing face to face with Diamond. The two men glare at each other, clearly not happy about what just went down in their match.
"Triple D,  march your broken-down brokeback ass back to the snack table," Taylor growls, his fists clenching at his sides.
The tension in the arena is palpable as the two men continue to square off. But before things can escalate any further, Michaels steps in. "Gentlemen, that's enough. We're all on the same team here," he says, trying to diffuse the situation. "We need to work together to make TCW the best it can be." The wrestlers exchange one last intense look before nodding, acknowledging Michaels' words. With that, the tension dissipates and the wrestlers make their way backstage, leaving Michaels and Rhodes standing in the ring, staring each other down.
Confrontation with Taylor/Rhodes and Diamond/Michaels, Game Score 72

Hello all, I remain Jason Azaria, and I'm joined by Jasmine Saunders and Shawn Doakes. Jasmine, what are your thoughts on this upcoming match?"
"Well, Jason, I think Elliot Thomas is going to have his hands full tonight. Doc Hammond is a seasoned wrestler, and he has the backing of the Syndicate. But you never know, Elliot might just pull off a surprise victory with one of his flashy moves."
"Jasmine, you seem to be overlooking Elliot's technical skills. He may be small in stature, but he's quick on his feet and has some impressive moves in his arsenal," retorts Shawn.
"Well, Shawn, let's not forget that Doc Hammond is a former tag team champion and has proven himself to be a serious competitor. And now, let's see how this match plays out," says Jasmine.
As the bell rings, the two wrestlers lock up in the center of the ring. Doc Hammond immediately gains the upper hand, using his size and strength advantage to overpower Elliot Thomas. But Elliot's quickness allows him to slip out of Doc's grip and execute a swift dropkick to the knee.
"Nice move by Elliot Thomas, taking out Doc Hammond's knee. He's showing off his technical skills here," comments Jason.
But Doc Hammond quickly recovers, using his own technical skills to ground Elliot and keep him under control. He lands several punishing blows to Elliot's back and neck, causing the smaller wrestler to wince in pain.
"Doc Hammond showing why he's the Syndicate's top enforcer. He's keeping Elliot Thomas grounded and is slowly wearing him down," observes Shawn.
As the match progresses, Elliot Thomas manages to mount a comeback, using his high-flying moves to keep Doc Hammond off balance. He lands a series of impressive kicks and acrobatic maneuvers that leave the crowd cheering.
"Elliot Thomas is not out of this yet, folks. He's using his speed and agility to keep Doc Hammond guessing," says Jasmine, with a hint of admiration in her voice.
But just as Elliot seems to be gaining the upper hand, Doc Hammond catches him off guard and locks in his signature move - the Texas Cloverleaf. Elliot writhes in pain as Doc wrenches back, putting pressure on his lower back and legs.
"Oh, this could be it for Elliot Thomas. He's in a world of pain right now," says Jason.
"The Texas Cloverleaf is a brutal submission hold, and Doc Hammond knows how to apply it with deadly accuracy," adds Shawn.
Elliot fights and struggles, trying to find a way out of the hold, but eventually, the pain becomes too much to bear. With tears in his eyes, he taps out, giving Doc Hammond the victory.
"And that's it, folks. Doc Hammond with a dominant performance tonight. Elliot Thomas put up a good fight, but in the end, he was no match for the Syndicate's top enforcer," concludes Jason.
As Francis Long raises Doc Hammond's hand in victory, the commentary team presses on.
Doc Hammond over Elliot Thomas, Game Score 66

Azaria: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a match-up tonight that promises to be a classic! It's Devine Fortune versus The Elite! Jasmine, I have to ask you, what do you make of Devine Fortune? They seem to be gaining momentum as a tag team, but do you think they have what it takes to take down The Elite?
Jasmine: Well, Jason, I have to admit, I'm a bit biased when it comes to The Elite. They're just so...elite! But, as a color commentator, I have to be impartial, so I'll say this: Devine Fortune may have some momentum, but The Elite are a well-oiled machine. They know each other inside and out, and they'll stop at nothing to win. It's going to be a tough match for Devine Fortune.
Francis Long signals for the bell, and the match is underway. Devine and Chandler start things off in the ring, circling each other warily. They lock up in the center of the ring, with Chandler quickly gaining the upper hand. He takes Devine down with a headlock, but Devine counters into a headscissors. Chandler fights his way out, but Devine catches him with a dropkick.
Jason Azaria: "Nice move by Devine! He's showing that he's not intimidated by The Elite."
Jasmine Saunders: "He's got to keep that momentum going if Devine Fortune wants to win this one."
Chandler rolls to his corner and tags in Nate Johnson, who steps into the ring confidently. He and Devine circle each other, sizing each other up. Johnson strikes first, landing a stiff right hand that rocks Devine. Devine fights back with a flurry of punches of his own, but Johnson catches him with a knee to the midsection.
Shawn Doakes: "Johnson with a brutal knee to the gut! That's going to leave a mark."
Jasmine Saunders: "And look at Chris Flynn on the outside. He's practically foaming at the mouth, just waiting for a chance to get involved."
Devine tags in Fortune who launches himself at Johnson with a flying crossbody, taking him down to the mat. Johnson tries to fight back, but Fortune hits him with a series of quick punches to the face. Chandler tries to intervene, but Fortune catches him with a swift kick to the midsection.
The crowd is on their feet as Fortune goes for a pin on Johnson, but Flynn jumps onto the apron to distract the referee. As the ref turns to yell at Flynn, Chandler sneaks into the ring and throws sand in Fortune’s eyes. Fortune grabs for his eyes, blinded. Chandler quickly exits the ring.
Johnson crawls over to make the cover as Flynn jumps off the apron, leaving Referee Long none the wiser. The ref turns back to count the pinfall and Johnson picks up the win for The Elite.
Shawn: "What kind of a dirty team throws sand in another man's face?! This has been a trend for them and the Syndicate."
Jasmine: "It's all about doing whatever it takes to win. That's what makes The Elite so dangerous."
The Elite over Devine Fortune, Game Score 68

Jason: And we're back with another exciting match tonight, folks. One Man Army is set to take on Chris Flynn from The Syndicate, who has been causing quite a stir in TCW lately.
Jasmine: That's right, Jason. One Man Army is a formidable opponent, and Flynn will need to be at his best if he wants to come out on top.
The bell rings, and the match is underway. Army charges at Flynn, but Flynn catches him with a stiff elbow to the face. Flynn takes control early on, delivering several powerful strikes to Army's midsection.
Jasmine: Chris Flynn is using his strength to his advantage here, but Army is known for his resiliency. He won't go down that easily.
Shawn: Flynn is definitely in control, but he needs to keep his eye on Army. One mistake and Army could turn the tide.
As if on cue, Army starts fighting back, countering Flynn's punches with a series of his own. Army manages to gain momentum, and hits Flynn with a devastating clothesline, sending him sprawling to the mat.
Jason: One Man Army is on fire now! He's really taking it to Chris Flynn!
Army continues to dominate, delivering powerful blows to Flynn and slamming him to the mat. Army goes for the pin, but Flynn manages to kick out at two.
Jasmine: This is a great matchup, folks. Both of these men are putting everything they have into this fight.
Shawn: And it looks like Army might just come out on top! He's got Flynn on the ropes!
Army goes for the Guided Missile and connects with Flynn, sending him crashing to the mat. Army goes for the pin once more, and this time Francis Long counts 1…2..3!
Jason: One Man Army wins! What a match!
Jasmine: All heart and guts with Army in that match. And you have to give credit to Chris Flynn, though, he put up a good fight.
One Man Army over Chris Flynn, Game Score 71

As the show continues, Jason Azaria, Jasmine Saunders, and Shawn Doakes take their seats at the commentary booth to call the next match.
Jason: "Up next, we have Mo Barrett, accompanied by Tana the Mighty, taking on 'Nasty' Nick Booth, who is being led to the ring by Floyd Goldworthy."
Jasmine: "And let's not forget, the rest of the Sinner Society is on the card later today so they won't be at ringside. He's not completely alone out there, however. Floyd Goldworthy is a huge asset."
As the match begins, Mo Barrett and Nick Booth circle each other in the ring. Barrett shows off his impressive strength, easily overpowering Booth in a lock-up. Booth tries to counter with some quick strikes, but Barrett blocks them with ease.
Jason: "Mo Barrett is showing why he's considered one of the brightest prospects in TCW. His strength and speed are a lethal combination."
Shawn: "But Nick Booth is not giving up easily. He knows he's up against a tough opponent, but he's not going to back down."
Jasmine: "And Floyd Goldworthy is doing everything he can to help his man out. That's what a manager is supposed to do, after all."
As the match continues, both wrestlers exchange blows, with Barrett taking control. He hoists Booth up for a massive slam, and the crowd erupts in cheers. Goldworthy tries to interfere, but Tana the Mighty is quick to shut him down.
Jason: "It looks like Mo Barrett has this match well in hand. He's dominating Nick Booth right now."
As the match reaches its climax, Mo Barrett lifts Nick Booth up in the air, ready to deliver his finishing move. The crowd cheers as Barrett executes the Plunging Spinebuster, slamming Booth to the mat with incredible force. Booth writhes in pain as Barrett goes for the pin, and Ray Johnson counts 1…2…3!
Jason: "And there you have it, folks! Mo Barrett with the impressive victory over 'Nasty' Nick Booth!"
Jasmine: "That Plunging Spinebuster was just devastating! Booth never stood a chance."
Shawn: "And let's not forget Tana the Mighty, who made sure Goldworthy couldn't interfere in the match. That was a big part of Barrett's success."
Mo Barrett over Nick Booth, Game Score 66

Jason Azaria: And here we are folks, the second match of the one-night tournament for the TCW World Title! It's going to be an exciting night.
Shawn Doakes: Absolutely, Jason. This is what every wrestler dreams of, an opportunity to become a world champion.
Jasmine Saunders: And speaking of dreams, Jay Chord has been talking about his destiny to become the TCW World Champion, just like his father.
Jason Azaria: Well, he's got a long way to go before he can achieve that goal. He's got to get through Wolf Hawkins first.
Shawn Doakes: Wolf Hawkins is a veteran in this business. He's held the TCW World Title on three separate occasions.
Jasmine Saunders: And let's not forget, he's also the leader of The Syndicate, the most powerful force in TCW.
Shawn Doakes:  And here we go, the match is underway!
(Jay Chord and Wolf Hawkins lock up in the center of the ring)
Jasmine Saunders: Look at Wolf, he's already got Jay Chord in a headlock. He's not wasting any time.
Jason Azaria: Jay Chord needs to find a way out of this hold. He can't afford to get worn down this early in the match.
Shawn Doakes: And he does! Chord counters with a wrist lock and now he's got Hawkins in a headlock.
Jasmine Saunders: This is where Jay Chord shines. He's technically sound and knows how to ground his opponents.
Jason Azaria: But Wolf Hawkins is not going to stay down for long. He's too experienced.
Shawn Doakes: And just like that, Hawkins powers out of the headlock and throws Chord across the ring.
Jasmine Saunders: That's the power of Wolf Hawkins. He's a force to be reckoned with.
Jason Azaria: But Chord is not giving up. He's back on his feet and ready for more.
Shawn Doakes: And the two men lock up again. This time, Hawkins gets the advantage with a knee to the midsection.
Jasmine Saunders: That's what I'm talking about. Wolf Hawkins knows how to use any tactic to get ahead.
Shawn Doakes: Chord is fighting back with a series of punches to the gut.
Jasmine Saunders: Come on, Wolf! Don't let him get the upper hand.
Jason Azaria: Chord with a clothesline! He takes Hawkins down to the mat.
Shawn Doakes: And now Chord is going for a pin.
Jasmine Saunders: No way, he's not going to get it that easy.
Jason Azaria: And you're right, Jasmine. Hawkins kicks out at two.
Shawn Doakes: This match is far from over. Both men are giving it their all.
Jason: And we're seeing some great wrestling from both of these competitors. This is what TCW is all about, folks!
Jasmine: Speak for yourself, Jason. I was hoping for a little more... creativity from these guys. But I guess some people just don't have what it takes to do what needs to be done.
Shawn: These guys are putting on a great match, and they're doing it the right way. This is what wrestling is all about, not cheap shots and underhanded tactics.
As Jay Chord struggles to get up, Wolf Hawkins climbs to the top rope. The crowd buzzes with excitement as they anticipate something big from the leader of the Syndicate. Hawkins steadies himself, taking a deep breath before launching himself off the top rope, soaring through the air with grace and precision.
Chord turns around just in time to see Hawkins coming down on him with his signature move, the Full Moon Rising. Hawkins drives his elbow into Chord's chest, sending him crashing to the mat with a sickening thud.
The crowd erupts as Hawkins covers Chord, hooking his leg for the pinfall. Azaria counts along, "One...Two...Three!" The bell rings to signal the end of the match, and the crowd gives a standing ovation to both competitors.
As Hawkins stands up, Doakes remarks, "Despite their reputations for underhanded tactics, we've just witnessed a fair and honorable contest between these two competitors."
Azaria nods in agreement, "Indeed, Shawn. As they say, 'honor among thieves'. Wolf Hawkins may have come out on top tonight, but both men can hold their heads high after that hard-fought battle."
Doakes concludes, “And we will see Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins lock up in the main event for the TCW World Title.” 
Wolf Hawkins over Jay Chord, Game Score 80

Jason: Next, we have a tag team match that is sure to be a barn burner. It's Benny and the Foxx taking on the duo of Huggins and Gauge. This feud  has been brewing for weeks, with Gauge's antics rubbing Benny and the Foxx the wrong way.
Jason: "Now, it's worth mentioning that Laura Catherine Huggins was the one who convinced Greg Gauge to team up with her twin brother, Freddy Huggins."
Jasmine: "Yes, that's right, Jason. And it's clear that Huggins and Gauge are two of the most egotistical wrestlers in TCW. They both think that they're the biggest star in the company."
Shawn: "It remains to be seen whether these two can put aside their egos and work together as a cohesive unit. But one thing is for sure, they're going to have their hands full with Benny and the Foxx."
Jason: And here we go, folks! Benny and The Foxx are squaring off against the team of Huggins and the Television Champion, Greg Gauge. This is going to be a very interesting matchup.
Jason: Huggins and Foxx starting off, both high-flyers, and Foxx immediately going for a quick pin. But Huggins kicks out at one!
Jasmine: Huggins showing off his resilience there. And now, he's taking the fight to Foxx with a series of quick strikes.
Shawn: Meanwhile, Gauge is keeping an eye on things from the apron. He looks like he's itching to get into the match.
Jason: Foxx now with a beautiful hurricanrana on Huggins! And Huggins rolls out of the ring, looking to regroup.
Jasmine: But look at Gauge, he's jawing at Huggins while he was outside the ring! These two aren't exactly on the same page.
Shawn: Nonetheless, Gauge and Huggins are a very talented team. Huggins back in the ring now and he's making a comeback against Foxx.
Jason: But Foxx tags in Benny, who comes in like a house on fire! Benny with a series of hard-hitting moves on Huggins, and now he's going for the cover.
Shawn: But let's not forget about the in-ring action. Benny and Huggins are both legal now, and Huggins is looking to take control once again.
Jason: But Benny isn't going down without a fight! He hits Huggins with a big boot and now he's going up to the top rope.
Jasmine: And here comes Gauge again, but Benny knocks him off the apron with a huge dive! Benny is really showing off his all-around skills tonight.
Shawn: Meanwhile, in the ring, Huggins has Benny in a precarious position. He's got him up on his shoulders, looking for a powerbomb!
Jason: But Benny reverses it into a hurricanrana! And now he's got Huggins in the sharpshooter! Huggins is in trouble here.
Jasmine: But wait, Laura Catherine is up on the apron! She's distracting the ref while Gauge sneaks in and hits Benny with a low blow.
Shawn: That's a dirty move from the Television Champ, but it's effective. Huggins now with a quick tag in on Gauge who is able to apply the Proton Lock on Benson!  Bensons taps out and Huggins and Gauge have stolen this match!
Jason: What a shame! Benny and The Foxx put up a valiant effort, but in the end, the underhanded tactics of Huggins and Gauge were too much to overcome.
Jasmine: And let's not underplay the role of Laura Catherine. She played a key role in the outcome of this match. Huggins and Gauge would not even be a team without her.
Shawn: You can't deny the talent of these two wrestlers. The big egos of Huggins and Gauge may have caused some conflict, but they were able to put it aside when it mattered most.
Greg Gauge and Freddy Huggins over Benny and the Foxx, Match Score 74

Jason Azaria: "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a big match coming up here at Malice in Wonderland. It's T-Bone Bright taking on Eddie Peak."
Jasmine Saunders: "That's right, Jason. Eddie Peak is still as dangerous as ever. And with the Sinner Society backing him up, T-Bone Bright is going to have his work cut out for him tonight."
Shawn Doakes: "T-Bone Bright is no slouch either, Jasmine. He's a big, powerful guy with a lot of talent. He's been making a name for himself in TCW since he signed with the company in 2018, and I think he's going to give Eddie Peak a run for his money tonight."
Jason Azaria: "Absolutely, Shawn. And let's not forget about Floyd Goldworthy. He's a master at managing monstrous heels, and he's got the Behemoths to prove it. He's been leading the charge for the Sinner Society."
(The camera cuts to the entrance ramp as Peak's music hits. He makes his way to the ring, accompanied by Goldworthy. The crowd boos loudly as they make their way to the ring.)
Jasmine Saunders: "The crowd is not happy to see Peak and Goldworthy, that's for sure.""
(The crowd cheers as Bright's music hits. He makes his way to the ring, looking focused and determined.)
Jasmine Saunders: "Bright is not one to be underestimated. He's tough, he's skilled, and he's not afraid to brawl."
Shawn Doakes: "And he's going to need all those skills tonight, Jasmine. Peak is one tough customer."
(The bell rings, and the match begins. Both wrestlers circle each other in the ring, looking for an opening. Finally, Peak lunges forward, trying to take Bright down, but Bright blocks him with a fierce right hook.)
Jason Azaria: "What a punch by Bright! He's not going to go down without a fight."
Jasmine Saunders: "And that's what I love about him, Jason. He's a fighter, through and through."
As the match progresses, both Bright and Peak exchange blows, with neither gaining a clear advantage. The crowd is on their feet, cheering as the action heats up.
However, things take a dramatic turn as Floyd Goldworthy begins to interfere in the match. Goldworthy climbs up onto the apron, distracting the referee, Ray Johnson. Johnson turns his attention to Goldworthy, ordering him to get down from the apron and leave the ringside area.
While Johnson is distracted, the Behemoths, Titan and Poseidon,  suddenly appear from backstage, rushing down to the ring. They slide in and attack Bright, catching him off guard. Bright tries to fight back but the sheer size and strength of the Behemoths prove to be too much for him.
Meanwhile, Johnson is still trying to deal with Goldworthy, who refuses to leave ringside. This distraction allows Peak to take advantage of the chaos, hitting Bright with his signature move, the Peak of Perfection. Bright is down for the count and Johnson turns back to the ring to make the three-count.
As Johnson raises Peak's hand in victory, Goldworthy climbs into the ring to celebrate with him. The Behemoths, having made their statement, make their way back up the ramp to get ready for their title defense.
Jasmine Saunders: "The Behemoths attacked Bright and completely changed the course of this match! That’s why it pays to have friends!"
Jason Azaria: "That was despicable! Goldworthy was clearly trying to distract the referee during the attack. This is a disgusting display of underhanded tactics."
Shawn Doakes: "Peak  took advantage of the situation to pick up the win. This is not how a true sportsman should behave."
The crowd boos loudly as Peak and Goldworthy make their way back up the ramp, basking in their ill-gotten victory. 
Eddie Peak over T-Bone Bright, Game Score 73

Jason Azaria: Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen! The Behemoths are back in the ring, this time to take on the Flying Stones. Jasmine, what do you think of this matchup?
Jasmine Saunders: Well, Jason, the Flying Stones are known for their high-flying and fast-paced offense, but they're up against the Behemoths - two of the biggest and strongest guys in the business. It's going to be interesting to see if Stone and Bach can overcome the size difference.
As the bell rings, Poseidon and Edd Stone start things off. Stone tries to use his quickness to dodge Poseidon's strikes, but the big man eventually catches him with a massive clothesline. Poseidon then tags in Titan, who starts to wear down Stone with his power moves. But Stone manages to make the tag to Sammy Bach, who comes in with a flurry of kicks and high-flying moves.
Jasmine Saunders: Bach is trying to use his speed to gain the upper hand, but he needs to be careful not to get caught by the Behemoths.
The match heats up, Edd Stone and Sammy Bach use their speed and agility to gain some offense against their larger opponents. Bach starts things off by ducking under a clothesline from Titan and hitting him with a series of quick strikes to the chest and abdomen. Stone follows up with a dropkick to Poseidon, sending the big man stumbling back into the ropes.
As the match wears on, it becomes clear that The Flying Stones are having trouble keeping up with the sheer size and strength of The Behemoths. Titan catches Bach in mid-air and hits him with a massive powerslam, while Poseidon hoists Stone up onto his shoulders and drops him with a vicious backbreaker. The crowd gasps in disbelief as The Flying Stones struggle to get back to their feet, but they refuse to give up.
Despite being outmatched, The Flying Stones continue to fight back, showing incredible heart and determination in the face of adversity. They manage to land a few more high-flying moves, including a double-team flying headscissors takedown that sends Poseidon crashing to the mat. But in the end, it's not enough, as The Behemoths prove to be just too powerful. Titan finishes off the match with his signature Titanic Chokeslam, pinning Sammy Bach for the three-count and securing the title defense for his team.
As Titan covers Sammy Bach for the three count and the Behemoths successfully retain their tag team titles, the announcers jump to their feet, with Jasmine Saunders screaming, "Yes! Yes! Yes! An impressive display of power by the retaining champs!”
Jason Azaria chimes in with, "Now here's a little fact you may not know, The Behemoths are two of the most dominant competitors in TCW history. They've held the tag titles three times now and there seems to be no stopping them."
Shawn Doakes adds, "Let's give credit where credit is due. The Flying Stones put up a hell of a fight tonight. They may not have won the match, but they certainly proved that they are a force to be reckoned with."
Vita, who had been sitting ringside, stands up and begins clapping, acknowledging the effort of the Flying Stones. The camera pans to her and she can be heard saying, "That was a great match. I'm proud of my guys. They fought hard and will be back."
The Behemoths defend the TCW World Tag Team Titles vs. The Flying Stones, Game Score 70

Jason Azaria: "Welcome to the main event of the evening, folks! We have been waiting all night for this, the finals of the one night tournament to determine the TCW World Champion. And what a matchup we have in store for you tonight! Aaron Andrews, the current champion, going up against his bitter rival, Wolf Hawkins."
Shawn Doakes: "This is going to be one for the ages, folks. These two have a long history of animosity towards each other, and both have everything to lose in this match."
Jasmine Saunders: "And you can bet Wolf Hawkins is going to do everything in his power to take that title away from Andrews, fair or not. That's just the kind of wrestler he is."
The match begins, and the two wrestlers circle each other warily. Andrews takes the initiative, attacking first with a series of quick strikes, but Wolf is able to dodge them all and counter with a kick to the midsection. The two grapple for a few moments, neither able to gain the upper hand.
As the match continues, both wrestlers take turns dominating, with neither able to gain a clear advantage. The crowd is on their feet, cheering every move.
Jason Azaria: "This is incredible, folks! These two wrestlers are pulling out all the stops tonight, and it's anybody's match at this point!"
Both Andrews and Hawkins are starting to show signs of fatigue, but neither wrestler is willing to give an inch. Andrews has the upper hand for a few moments, landing a series of punishing strikes on Hawkins, but the crafty veteran manages to dodge a running clothesline and counters with a DDT.
Jasmine Saunders chimes in, "That's what makes Wolf Hawkins such a dangerous opponent. He can take a beating and still come back stronger than ever. He's not afraid to play dirty either. I'd be surprised if he doesn't use some creativity to win this match."
But to the surprise of everyone, Wolf refuses to take advantage of an opportunity to cheat. Andrews is down on the mat, trying to catch his breath, and Wolf could have easily used this moment to grab his brass knuckles or call in backup from The Syndicate. Instead, he decides to fight fair and square.

Jason Azaria adds, "It looks like Wolf wants to beat Andrews on his own terms, without any help from anyone else. That's a uncharacteristic move by Wolf, especially considering the stakes are so high."
Suddenly, Andrews manages to catch Wolf off guard with a quick move and sends him crashing to the mat. He climbs up to the top rope and launches himself towards Wolf with the Flying Body Press, hitting him square in the chest.
Shawn Doakes: "Oh my god! Andrews just hit him with the Flying Body Press! This could be it, folks!"
Andrews goes for the pin, and the referee counts to three. The crowd erupts in cheers as Andrews is declared the winner and retains his title. He is handed the belt which he raises over his head and gives it a big kiss.
Aaron Andrews retains the TCW World Heavyweight Title over Wof Hawkins, Game Score 89

Jason Azaria: "What a match, folks! These two wrestlers left everything they had in the ring tonight, and Aaron Andrews came out on top. And look, he's offering to shake Wolf's hand!"
Wolf sneers at Andrews and gets up without shaking his hand, clearly still holding a grudge.
Jasmine Saunders: "I knew it! Wolf would never shake his hand. That's just not the kind of guy he is."
Shawn Doakes: "Well, regardless of what kind of guy he is, Aaron Andrews is still the TCW World Champion. And he proved tonight that he's one of the best in the business."

Jasmine Saunders is clearly surprised. She can't help but express her confusion on live TV. "I don't get it, guys," she says to Jason and Shawn. "Wolf Hawkins is the leader of the Syndicate, and he's always been willing to do whatever it takes to win. Why is he playing by the rules now? Why isn't he using any of his usual tactics?"
Jason chimes in, "Maybe he wanted to defeat Aaron Andrews on his right. He thought he didn’t need any underhanded tactics to win this match."
Jasmine responds, “Fat lot of good that did him, as Andrews goes home TCW Champion.”
Hawkins Refuses Andrews Handshake, Game Score 94

Jason Azaria wraps up the broadcast, "Well, that's all for tonight folks. What a night of wrestling it has been! We saw some amazing matches, but none as thrilling as the main event. Aaron Andrews has defended his title against a formidable opponent in Wolf Hawkins. Thanks to Jasmine Saunders and Shawn Doakes for joining me tonight. And don't forget to tune in to Total Wrestling on Tuesday for more exciting action. Goodnight, everyone!"

Overall Final Show Rating: 88


Edited by Frank_Vest
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Post event, Peter Michaels addresses the TCW locker room. 
"What a show, TCW Team! Tonight, we witnessed an incredible event. We saw four of our finest athletes put everything on the line in the ring, showing us what it truly means to be a wrestler. And I couldn't be prouder.
Firstly, Jay Chord, you fought with heart and determination. You gave it your all, and you should hold your head up high. You have a bright future ahead of you in this company.
Aaron Andrews, you continue to be an inspiration to us all. You defended your title with skill and grace, proving once again why you are the reigning TCW World Champion. Keep up the hard work, and I have no doubt that you will continue to make this company proud.
Joshua Taylor, your performance tonight was phenomenal. You fought with passion and drive, and your dedication to this sport is an inspiration to us all. You proved that hard work and perseverance pay off.
And let's give a big round of applause to Wolf Hawkins, who not only put on a great match against Jay Chord in the first round of the tournament but also put up a fantastic fight against Aaron Andrews in the main event. Wolf, you showed us all tonight what it means to be a true competitor. To go out there and give your all, not just once, but twice, is no easy feat. You are an inspiration to us all, and we are proud to have you as a part of the TCW family. So, let's give it up for Wolf Hawkins!
So, to all of our TCW family, I urge you to take inspiration from the performances we saw tonight. Let's continue to push ourselves to be the best we can be, both in and out of the ring. Let’s celebrate a great Malice in Wonderland!!"
The locker room erupts in applause and cheers, showing their appreciation for everyone’s hard work and dedication.

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Peter Michaels sat down at Kyle Rhodes' desk, a concerned expression on his face.

"Have you heard the rumors about SWF making cutbacks?" he asked.

Rhodes nodded grimly. "Yeah, I've been hearing them too. It's a worrying sign, especially given the recent downturn in their ratings."

"I wonder what kind of cutbacks they're talking about," Michaels mused. "Losing talent? Reducing production values?"

"Could be either, or both," Rhodes said. "They're definitely feeling the heat from USPW, and they may be trying to tighten their belts in order to stay competitive."

"I hope it doesn't come to that," Michaels said. "Competition is good for the industry, but I hate to see any wrestling company struggling."

"Agreed," Rhodes said. "But at the same time, we need to keep our focus on TCW. We can't let ourselves get too caught up in what our rivals are doing. We need to concentrate on making our product the best it can be, and let the chips fall where they may."

"Sounds like a plan," Michaels said. "But let's definitely keep tabs on any released talent from SWF. If they're cutting back, there could be some top-tier wrestlers hitting the free agent market."

Rhodes nodded. "Good point. We'll need to stay alert for any opportunities to bolster our roster."

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Kyle Rhodes and Peter Michaels sit in the conference room, discussing the future of TCW. "We need to start a women's division," says Michaels. "It's long overdue, and with the success of other companies, we can't afford to ignore it anymore."

Rhodes nods in agreement. "I couldn't agree more. We need to start scouting for talent immediately. I propose we send Brent Hill to Japan to scout the women from 5SSW. They've dominated the joshi scene for decades and I have seen clips of that Fuyuko Higa, I think we could probably build a whole division around her if what I see is for real. Let's see what Hill thinks after he meets with her."

Michaels nods. "That's a great idea. And we should also send Robert Oxford to Mexico to scout the women from Comité Internacional de Lucha Libre. They heavily promote luchadoras, and we could use some of that flavor in our division."

Rhodes smiles. "And Joel Bryant can scout the local Texas federation, QAW. They've been doing some exciting things with women's wrestling, and I'm sure we can find some great talent there."

Michaels and Rhodes agree to sign about ten women to regular contracts for the new division. "Let's do this," says Michaels. "We'll make history with our women's division!"

Edited by Frank_Vest
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Peter Michaels meets with Troy Tornado in a small conference room at the TCW BriCo Headquarters. As they sit down at the table, Michaels brings up the previous conversation they had about Gauge's mic skills.

Peter Michaels: "So, Troy, how do you think Gauge do on the mic during his promo at Total Wrestling?"

Troy Tornado: "He did pretty well, actually. I was keeping a close eye on him, and he seemed to have more confidence and better pacing than last time."

Peter Michaels: "I think I agree with you. Do you think he's improving overall?"

Troy Tornado: "Definitely. I think with a little more practice and some guidance, he could become really good on the mic."

Peter Michaels: "Good to know.  Would you be interested in setting up a recurring meeting with Gauge? The kid is amazing in the ring but for that extra showmanship edge, he could use a mentor like you."

Troy Tornado: "Absolutely. I'd be happy to work with him regularly and help him develop his promo skills."

Peter Michaels: "That's what I like to hear. I'll talk to Kyle and we'll set up a schedule for Gauge to meet with you. Thanks for your help, Troy."

Troy Tornado: "No problem, Peter. Always happy to help out the team."

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TCW Presents: Total Wrestling!

Don't miss out on the action-packed night of Total Wrestling! Witness the greatest battles in the ring as TCW's finest wrestlers showcase their skills and fight for the top titles.

In the main event, Syndicate leader Wolf Hawkins takes on Joshua Taylor in a thrilling battle to contend for the TCW World Title. Can Hawkins maintain his dominance or will Taylor and Rhodes prove to be the ultimate challengers?

The Television Title is up for grabs as Greg Gauge defends his title against General Manager Michaels' newest ally, the flashy and charismatic Dazzling Dave Diamond.

Mo Barrett aims to continue his winning streak as he takes on one half of the Tag Team champions, Titan, in a match against the Sinner Society.

Two men on a roll, One Man Army and Freddy Huggins, face off in a match that promises to be explosive.

In a grudge match, Elliot Thomas and Devine Fortune team up to take on Doc Hammond and the Elite, representing the Syndicate. Who will emerge victorious?

The Syndicate's Chris Flynn takes on Human Arsenal in a match that is sure to leave you at the edge of your seat.

Reigning world champion Ace Andrews speaks out. Will he be challenged by a worthy opponent?

Join us for the ultimate wrestling experience on ACE Television this Tuesday at 8 PM! Don't miss out on the excitement!


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For Prediction Purposes:

TCW Presents: Total Wrestling!

Joshua Taylor (with Kyle Rhodes) vs. Wolf Hawkins

Dazzling Dave Diamond (With Peter Michaels) vs Greg Gauge (Television Title)

Mo Barrett vs. Titan (with Floyd Goldworthy)

One Man Army vs. Freddy Huggins (with Laura Catherine Huggins)

Elliot Thomas and Devine Fortune vs. Doc Hammond and the Elite 

Human Arsenal vs. Chris Flynn



Edited by Frank_Vest
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The camera opens up on Aldous Blackfriar, wearing his signature heavy dark eyeliner and a black cloak, standing in front of a toy store in El Paso, TX. He turns to the camera with a mischievous grin on his face.

Blackfriar: "Hello, friends! Today, I'm here with my good pal Chris 'The Jock' Flynn, and we're gonna do some toy shopping!"

Chris Flynn, dressed in a workout tank and shorts, steps into frame and throws up a peace sign.

Flynn: "What's up, everybody? I'm here to keep Blackfriar from getting too spooky on us."

Blackfriar chuckles.

Blackfriar: "Alright, alright. Let's head on in and look at these fine Brian Company Products."

The two friends head into the store and begin browsing the aisles of action figures. Blackfriar's eyes light up as he spots a figure of his fellow wrestler, Killer Shark.

Blackfriar: "Oh, look at this! It's Killing Shark! I miss this fellow. He use to be a sea creature and now he is god of the entire ocean! Very dark, very ghastly.

Flynn rolls his eyes.

Flynn: "Yeah, yeah. He's big and strong. What about this guy?"

He picks up a One Man Army figure.

Blackfriar: "Ah, This Man's Army! Your best friend in the world!"

Flynn: "I don't like him. He's a real phony."

As they continue to browse, Blackfriar spots a Danhausen figure.

Blackfriar: "Oh, look at this! It's Danhausen! He's the best. I love his spooky ways."

Flynn looks unimpressed.

Flynn: "Spooky ways? You're already spooky enough as it is, Blackfriar."

Blackfriar laughs.

Blackfriar: "You're just jealous that you don't have any spooky ways."

Flynn shakes his head.

Flynn: "Nah, I'll leave the spookiness to you, my friend."

The two continue to joke around and browse the figures, occasionally stopping to point out their favorites. As the video comes to a close, Blackfriar turns to the camera with a final message.

Blackfriar: "Remember, friends, tune into TC and W on Tuesday on the ACE or suffer the consequences of your actions!"

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February 4, 2020
TCW Presents: Total Wrestling!
The Ranch of San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas

Dark Matches:
Edd Stone and Benny and the Foxx over Marc Speed, Jeremie Courtney and Ernest Package
Troy Tornado and Matt Hocking over Dean Daniles and Yuri Yoshihara
Nick Booth over Nelson Callum
Maverick and Roderick Remus over Blackfriar and Kip Keenan

Jason Azaria: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to TCW Presents: Total Wrestling! I'm Jason Azaria, joined by my colleagues Jasmine Saunders and Shawn Doakes, and we're live from a sold-out Ranch of San Antonio, Texas!"
Jasmine Saunders: "That's right, Jason! And what a night we have ahead of us! We've got some amazing matches lined up, but let's talk about the main event - Wolf Hawkins versus Joshua Taylor."
Shawn Doakes: "It's definitely the match everyone wants to see. Wolf Hawkins has something to prove after last Sunday, but the question on everyone's mind is whether he's truly turned over a new leaf after his behavior at Malice in Wonderland."
Jason Azaria: "That's right, Shawn. Wolf has been known for his dirty tactics in the past, but during his bout with Aaron Andrews at Malice in Wonderland, he showed some surprising sportsmanship. Some may say he's a changed man, but can we really trust him?"
Jasmine Saunders: "Personally, I’m very disappointed. The Syndicate remains beltless while Wolf refuses to live that Syndicate lifestyle."
Shawn Doakes: "Well, Jasmine, I have to respectfully disagree. I believe in fair play and sportsmanship, and that's what makes a true champion. But regardless of our opinions, it's going to be a thrilling match between these two competitors."
Jason Azaria: "Absolutely, and we have a championship beginning coming up right now as Dazzling Dave Diamond takes on the Television Champion, Greg Gauge!” The bell rings and the match is underway. Triple D is being accompanied by TCW GM Peter Michaels.
Gauge takes control early on, using his technical prowess to ground Triple D and wear him down. He applies a series of holds and submissions, but Triple D refuses to give up. He fights back with some hard-hitting strikes, taking Gauge by surprise.
The match intensifies as both wrestlers exchange blows and counter each other's moves. Triple D manages to get Gauge in a headlock and appears to have the upper hand. However, Gauge counters with a snapmare takedown and follows it up with a knee drop to Triple D's back
"Wait a minute, what's going on here?" says Jason Azaria. "Laura Catharine Huggins, has just made her way down to ringside. The Huggins Siblings have been enjoying an alliance of sorts with Greg Gauge lately."
"Maybe she's just here to watch the action," says Shawn Doakes.
Jasmine Saunders isn't so sure. "I don't know, guys. Laura Catharine always has a plan."
Meanwhile, in the ring, Diamond and Gauge continue to battle it out. Gauge has been using his grappling skills to keep Diamond on the mat. But Diamond is relentless, powering his way back up and landing a few solid punches.
Laura Catharine makes her way over to Michaels at ringside, "Peter, darling, how are you?" she says, flashing a smile.
"Uh, I'm good, Laura," says Michaels, clearly caught off guard.
"I hope you're enjoying the show," she says. "I just wanted to come down and see how things are going."
"Everything's great," says Michaels, trying to focus on the match. Laura Catharine just stands there, blankly smiling at Michaels. 
Meanwhile Diamond is confused by the events and loses valuable concentration against the talented Gauge, who seizes the opportunity to drop Diamond to the mat with his signature Proton Lock submission hold. Diamond struggles and thrashes, but eventually taps out, giving Gauge the win.
"What was that all about?" says Azaria. "Why did Huggins come down to talk to Peter Michaels?"
"Mind games?," says Saunders. "Point is, Greg Gauge has defended his title with a submission yet again and appears to be an unbeatable Television Champion."
Greg Gauge forces Dazzling Dave Diamond to submit with the Proton Lock after a distraction from Laura Catharine Huggins at 10:25. Greg Gauge makes his 13th defense of the Television Title. Game Score, 74

As the Diamond vs. Gauge match comes to an end, the crowd erupts in cheers and applause for the impressive victory by Greg Gauge. But the excitement is far from over as Kyle Rhodes makes his way down to the ring, microphone in hand, with a confident smirk on his face.
"Ladies and gentlemen," Rhodes begins, his voice booming throughout the arena. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kyle Rhodes, and I am the advocate for the man who will soon be the new TCW World Champion, Joshua Taylor!"
The crowd erupts in a mixture of boos and cheers as Rhodes continues, "Now, I couldn't help but notice the... interesting relationship between Peter Michaels and Laura Catharine Huggins. It seems to me that Mr. Michaels is a wolf in sheep's clothing, using his newfound friendship with Joshua Taylor to get his client, Dazzling Dave Diamond, a shot at the Television Championship."
Rhodes pauses for a moment, letting the words sink in before he continues. "Well, Mr. Michaels, I have news for you. Joshua Taylor is not one to be taken advantage of. He knows exactly what you're up to, and he's not going to let you or Diamond get away with it. So, I suggest you watch your back."
Peter Michaels stands in the ring, a look of confusion and anger on his face as Rhodes finishes his speech. Meanwhile, Joshua Taylor can be seen standing at the top of the ramp, watching intently with a sly grin on his face.
Diamond, catching his breath after the tough match, grabs the microphone from Rhodes and steps forward. "Hold on, Kyle. You come out here and talk about Peter like he's some kind of villain. But let me tell you something - This man lives, thinks and breathes TCW and he's made sure that I get the opportunities I deserve."
Diamond pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath. "t I trust Peter, and I trust that he's always looking out for my best interests. So if you've got a problem with him, you've got a problem with me."
The crowd erupts in cheers as Diamond drops the microphone and exits the ring, leaving Rhodes to stare at Michaels with a scowl.
Rhodes and Taylor call out Michaels and Diamond, Game Score 72

"Now here's a little fact you may not know, Jasmine," says Azaria. "This feud between Devine Fortune and the Elite has been going on for over a year now. It's been brutal, it's been intense, and I have no doubt that tonight's match is going to be no different."
"Brutal is right," agrees Doakes. "These guys have been at each other's throats for what  seems like forever. It's all coming to a head tonight, and I can't wait to see what happens."
Saunders jumps in with a sly grin. "I have to say, I'm looking forward to seeing what Devine Fortune brings to the table tonight. I mean, the name says it all, right? They’ve got some divine luck on their side."
Azaria and Doakes exchange a look, but before they can respond, the lights dim and the music starts, signaling the arrival of the first team.
The bell rings, and the match begins. Elliot Thomas starts the match against Eddie Chandler. The two men engage in a fast-paced exchange of arm drags, dropkicks, and high-flying moves. Thomas quickly gains the upper hand with a well-timed hurricanrana that sends Chandler reeling to his corner to tag in Doc Hammond.
Hammond takes the ring and immediately slows the pace of the match down with his technical wrestling skills, taking Thomas to the mat with a series of submission holds. However, Thomas manages to reverse a hammerlock into a sunset flip and almost scores the pinfall, but Hammond kicks out at the last second. 
Thomas tags in Devine, who tries to turn the tide in his team's favor with some high-flying moves, but the Elite's power proves too much for him. The match becomes a series of double-team maneuvers by the Elite, wearing down Devine until he can no longer fight back.
In the end, it's Hammond who makes Devine submit to the Texas Cloverleaf, ending the match.
"What a victory for the Syndicate," says Saunders, her voice filled with excitement. "They've shown again why they run TCW."
"I have to say, I'm impressed by the way they worked together," adds Doakes. "They targeted Darryl Devine early on and never let up. That's some serious strategy right there."
Saunders chimes in with a smirk. "Strategy, or just plain old-fashioned ‘rasslin? Either way, they got the job done."
The Syndicate (Doc Hammond, Nate Johnson and Eddie Chandler) over Elloit Thomas and Devine Fortune when Doc Hammond makes Darryl Devine submit at 10:21. Game Score, 63

Mo Barrett and Tana The Mighty are backstage, getting ready for Barrett’s match with Titan. They see T-Bone Bright walking by and call him over.
"Hey T-Bone, we need to talk to you," says Mo.
T-Bone looks at them curiously. "What's up?"
Mo explains, "You and us, we've both had our battles with the Syndicate. We think it's time for a 'Meaty Treaty' between us. We join forces and take them down together."
Tana nods in agreement. "Yeah, we can all be the Men of Mighty Meaty!"
T-Bone considers their proposal for a moment before responding, "Meaty Treaty? I like the sound of that. Let’s whoop some Sinner ass!"
Mo grins and claps T-Bone on the back. "Awesome. You know those creeps are going to pull some crap during my match with Titan, we need to have you on our side."
T-Bone nods. "Absolutely. I've got you, man."
Tana adds, "And I'll be there too! The Sinner Society, more like the Spinner Society."
T-Bone and Mo look on, confused.
Tana responds. “Because they are Spinning their wheels? It’s a work in progress.”
With that, the three wrestlers share a hearty laugh. “Yup, needs work!” Says T-Bone.
Mo Barrett, Tana the Mighty and T-Bone Bright align in their battle versus the Sinner Society and form a “Meaty Treaty” , Game Score 75

Greg Gauge and the Huggins Siblings are hanging out in a back dressing room.
Laura Catharine: "Come on, Greg, you have to admit that I played a big part in your win earlier. Without me distracting Diamond, you wouldn't have been able to get that Proton Lock applied."
Greg Gauge: "Let's be real here, Laura. I could have won that match on my own. I didn't need your help. But thanks for trying, I guess."
Freddy Huggins: "Hey, don't talk to my sister like that. She was just trying to help. And let's not forget, Despite what everyone says, you're not invincible."
Greg Gauge: "Excuse me, Freddy? Who's the one holding the Television Title right now? That's right, it's me. I'm on top of the world, and you two should be grateful to be associated with a champion like me."
Laura Catharine Looks for Recognition from Greg Gauge, Game Score 72

Jason Azaria: "Welcome back to San Antonio and Total Championship Wrestling Presents: Total Wrestling! We have a fantastic match-up for you tonight as we see Human Arsenal take on Chris Flynn of the Syndicate."
Doakes: "And here we go, folks! Human Arsenal versus Chris Flynn 'The Jock'."
Azaria: "Both these men are powerhouses, but Flynn has the edge in size and strength."
Saunders: "Flynn may be bigger, but Human Arsenal has the experience. He's been wrestling for over two decades."
The two wrestlers circle each other in the ring, sizing each other up. Human Arsenal makes the first move, charging at Flynn and hitting him with a clothesline. Flynn stumbles, but quickly regains his footing.
Saunders: "Human Arsenal starting off strong here, but it's going to take more than that to keep down The Jock."
Flynn charges at Human Arsenal and the two collide in a brutal collision. Both men go down hard.
Azaria: "What a collision! These two are leaving it all in the ring tonight."
[The match between Human Arsenal and Chris Flynn continues, with both wrestlers giving their all in the ring. Suddenly, Nate Johnson and Eddie Chandler of The Syndicate, rush into the arena and attack Human Arsenal from behind, they throw him back in the ring as referee Franics Long just yells.]
Flynn takes advantage of the situation, picking up the victimized Human Arsenal and hitting him with a spinebuster and following up with his new move, which has been dubbed the Jock Bottom.
Referee Long counts the pinfall, 1...2...3!
Saunders: "That's it, folks! It's over! The winner of the match by pinfall, Chris Flynn!"
Chris Flynn Defeats Human Arsenal by Pinfall after Interference from Nate Johnson and Eddie Chandler, Game Score 65

The camera fades out as The Syndicate enters the ring to celebrate with Chris Flynn, while Human Arsenal is helped to his feet by the referee.
Jason Azaria: What the hell is going on here? Johnson and Chandler have no business interfering in this match!
Jasmine Saunders: The Syndicate will stop at nothing to get what they want and it needs to be appreciated.  It looks like Human Arsenal is not taking this lightly. He's completely lost his cool and is attacking the referee, Francis Long!
[Human Arsenal unleashes his fury on the hapless referee, pummeling him with fists and kicks. The crowd starts to boo, clearly disgusted with his behavior. Suddenly, Brent Hill makes his way down to the ring.]
Jason Azaria: Brent Hill is here! He's trying to calm down his old partner.
Jasmine Saunders: I don't know if that's such a good idea. Human Arsenal is in a rage right now, clearly fed up with his situation.
[Brent Hill enters the ring and puts his arm around Human Arsenal, trying to talk some sense into him. But instead of calming down, Human Arsenal turns on his former partner, attacking him with fury.]
Jason Azaria: Oh my god, this is chaos! Human Arsenal is out of control and he's attacking everyone in sight!
Shawn Doakes: And now Brent Hill is down! Francis Long is down! This is a complete disaster.
[As Human Arsenal storms out of the ring, the crowd boos him loudly. The camera pans over to Brent Hill, who is lying motionless on the mat, as medics rush to his aid.]
Human Arsenal attacks Referee Francis Long and his former tag team partner, Brent Hill. Game Score: 57

As Mighty Mo Barrett makes his way to the ring, Jason Azaria leads the commentary team in discussing his impressive credentials.
"Mo Barrett is one of the brightest stars in TCW right now," Azaria says. "He's got the size, speed, and strength to go far in this business."
Jasmine Saunders chimes in, "Yeah, and now he's also got Tana The Mighty and T-Bone Bright in his corner to even his odds against the Sinner Society."
As the bell rings and the match begins, Mighty Mo wastes no time taking the fight to Titan. He lands a flurry of strikes that drive the big man back into the corner.
Azaria calls the action, "Mo Barrett coming out of the gate strong here, Shawn."
Doakes agrees, "He's definitely not intimidated by Titan's size and power."
But as Mighty Mo charges in for a big boot, Titan catches him and hoists him up for a huge powerslam. 
As the match wears on, Titan continues to dominate with his size and strength. But Mighty Mo refuses to stay down, fighting back with his quickness and athleticism. The crowd gets behind him, cheering him on as he mounts a comeback.
Azaria narrates, "Mighty Mo showing incredible resilience here! He's taken a beating, but he's not giving up!"
Mo Barrett is holding his own against the massive Titan. With the crowd firmly behind him, Mo manages to land several powerful strikes and even lifts Titan up for an impressive slam.
As the match nears its end, the Sinner Society makes their presence felt, with Posedian, Nick Booth and Eddie Peak making their way down to the ring. But just as they're about to interfere, T-Bone and Tana The Mighty charge down the ramp and jump into the fray.
The arena erupts in cheers as T-Bone and Tana take on the three members of the Sinner Society, allowing Mo Barrett to focus on finishing off Titan. With the crowd firmly behind him, Mo manages to hit his Plunging Spinebuster and score the pinfall victory.
"The Meaty Treaty is successful!" Azaria exclaims, as T-Bone and Tana continue to fight off the Sinner Society at ringside. 
Mo Barrett over Titan via pinfall, Game Score 71

Bart Biggins storms into Peter Michaels' office, a look of determination etched on his face.
"Peter, I need a favor. I want to team up with Danny Fonzarelli, and I need you to make the Big Love Machine happen," Biggins said.
Michaels raised an eyebrow. "Well, I'd love to help, Bart, but Fonzarelli isn't even here. He's off filming a movie or something."
Biggins slumped down in a chair, clearly disappointed. "Man, I was really hoping to make this happen. Is there any chance we could make it happen next week? I really believe in this, Peter. I think Danny and I could be the next big thing in TCW."
Peter: "Well, I do have a team in mind that could be a good test for you. The Elite, Nate Johnson and Eddie Chandler. I think you and Danny could handle the Syndicate. So, I'll tell you what, I'll book the match for next week. But I want you to understand, Bart, this is a big opportunity for you. You need to bring your A-game if you want to make a statement."
Bart nods eagerly.
Bart: "Thanks, Boss. I won't let you down."
Biggins Speaks with Michaels, Fonzarelli and Biggins to Team up Next Week, Show Score 60
The crowd is on its feet as Jay Chord's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He steps into the squared circle, grabs a microphone and starts to speak.
Chord: "Last week at Malice in Wonderland, I lost to Wolf Hawkins in the first round of the tournament for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. It was a disappointing loss, but I promise you, it's not the end of the story."
The crowd boos as Chord pauses, smirking as if he's enjoying their reaction.
Chord: "You see, I come from wrestling royalty. My father, Rip Chord, was a multi-time world champion and it's my destiny to follow in his footsteps. And that means winning the TCW World Heavyweight Championship."
Suddenly, the lights in the arena go out and Sammy Bach's music hits. He walks down to the ring, microphone in hand, and interrupts Chord.
Bach: "Hold on a second, Nepo Baby. You may come from wrestling royalty, but that doesn't mean you're entitled to anything. You lost fair and square to Wolf Hawkins, and now you're out here whining like a spoiled brat."
Chord looks angry and ready to retaliate, but Bach doesn't give him a chance to speak.
Bach: "And you know what, Jay? We have some unfinished business of our own. I remember when you first started out in this business, we used to be buds. But now, you're nothing but an entitled little punk who thinks he deserves everything handed to him on a silver platter."
Chord and Bach stand face-to-face, trading verbal jabs as the crowd cheers them on. It's clear that these two have some serious history and bad blood between them.
As Vita, Bach's manager, comes out to break up the confrontation, Chord backs off, looking like he's ready to fight another day. The tension between him and Bach is palpable.
Sammy Bach Interrupts Jay Chord and Reminds Him of Their Past, Game Score 78

Jason Azaria: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a great match up tonight as One Man Army takes on Freddy Huggins. These two wrestlers are evenly matched, and this could go either way.
Shawn Doakes: That's right, Jason. One Man Army is known for his intense brawling style, while Huggins is a versatile performer who can brawl, wrestle, or take to the air. It's going to be interesting to see how this match plays out.
Jasmine Saunders: And let's not forget about Huggins' sister, Laura Catherine, who manages him. She always seems to find a way to get involved in his matches and help him win.
Jason Azaria: Well, we'll see if she can do that tonight as the bell rings and the match is underway! One Man Army and Huggins are circling each other, trying to get a sense of their opponent's strengths.
Shawn Doakes: Huggins goes for a quick takedown, but One Man Army counters with a stiff kick to the midsection. He follows up with a series of punches, backing Huggins into the corner.
Jasmine Saunders: One Man Army is taking control early in this match, but Huggins won't go down without a fight. He fights back with a series of strikes of his own, pushing One Man Army back.
Jason Azaria: This is turning into a slugfest, folks! One Man Army and Huggins are trading blows in the center of the ring, neither one willing to give an inch.
Shawn Doakes: Huggins gains the upper hand with a quick DDT! He goes for the pin, but One Man Army kicks out at two.
Jasmine Saunders: Huggins is not letting up, though. He goes for a flying elbow drop, but One Man Army rolls out of the way just in time!
Jason Azaria: And here comes the finisher! One Man Army has his Guided Missile locked and loaded! Huggins turns around just in time to take the full brunt of the attack! Ray Johnson counts 1…2..3!
One Man Army pins Freddy Huggins at 10:07, Game Score 70

Shawn Doakes: And that's it, folks! One Man Army with the win! But wait, who is this coming down to the ring?
Jasmine Saunders: It's Doc Hammond, One Man Army's former tag partner! And he's not looking happy.
Jason Azaria: Oh boy, this could get ugly! 
(Hammond and One Man Army are in each other's faces, exchanging heated words. Eventually they trade punches) 
Shawn Doakes: It is! It is, Jason! We have some old-fashioned fisticuffs on our hands! These two former teammates are tearing each other apart!
Hammond Confronts Army and they Brawl to the Back, Game Score 67

(Syndicate Music Plays and Wolf Hawkins makes his way down to the ring to a chorus of boos)
Wolf Hawkins: (grabs a microphone) Thank you, thank you. You know, a lot has been going through my head lately. After losing to Aaron Andrews at Malice in Wonderland, I've been asking myself, what kind of man do I want to be?
(Crowd boos)
Wolf Hawkins: I wanted to prove to everyone, especially to myself, that I could win the TCW World Title without cheating or taking shortcuts. But I didn't, and I lost. And now, I face two paths.
(Crowd chants "you suck")
Wolf Hawkins: Do I go back to my old ways, embrace the cold efficient business world, and do whatever it takes to win? Or do I challenge myself and become a better man, even if it means losing championships?
(Crowd boos)
Wolf Hawkins: You know, it's easy to be a bad guy. It's easy to cheat, lie, and hurt people to get what you want. But it takes a real man to stand up and do the right thing, even if it's not what everyone expects.
(Crowd continues to boo)
The music hits, and the TCW World Champion Aaron "Ace" Andrews makes his way out to the ring, receiving a loud pop from the crowd.
Azaria: Here comes the champ, looking as confident as ever.
Andrews climbs into the ring and grabs a microphone. Wolf, who is still sitting in the corner of the ring, looks up at Andrews.
Andrews: Look, I know you're feeling down about losing to me at Malice in Wonderland, but you put up one hell of a fight. You've got nothing to be ashamed of.
Wolf looks down at the mat, seemingly deep in thought.
Andrews: I know we've had our differences in the past, but I respect you, Wolf. You're one of the best wrestlers in this business, and you've proven that time and time again.
Azaria: It's nice to see Andrews showing some respect to his opponent.
Doakes: Especially given the history between these two.
Andrews: I also heard what you said earlier about not knowing what kind of man you want to be. I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you this: being a good man doesn't mean always winning or always doing the right thing. It means doing what's right for yourself, for your family, and for the people you care about. And I think you know what that is.
Wolf looks up at Andrews, his expression skeptical. Andrews takes a step closer to Wolf, looking him directly in the eyes.
Andrews: "I don't know if you believe me, but I do know that deep down you're a good man, Wolf. You've just lost your way. But it's not too late to find your way back. You just have to make the right choices."
Wolf looks at Andrews for a moment, then nods his head slowly.
Wolf: "Thanks, Ace. I needed to hear that. And you're right, I do know what I need to do. I just needed someone to remind me."
Wolf drops the mic and leaves the ring. 
Saunders: “What the devil does all that mean? Is Wolf getting soft? What does this crap mean for the beloved Syndicate?”
Azaria: “All good questions, Jasmine. All good questions.”
Wolf Hawkins and Aaron Andrews Discuss what it Means to be a Good Man, Game Score 90

The lights dim as ominous music fills the arena, signaling the arrival of the Sinner Society. The crowd boos loudly as Eddie Peak, Titan, Poseidon, and Nick Booth step out from behind the curtain, all clad in matching black leather jackets with "Sinner Society" emblazoned on the back.
Floyd Goldworthy leads the way, strutting confidently and waving his arms to incite the crowd's ire even further. He grabs a microphone as the other members of the group take up positions around the ring.
Goldworthy: Ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes upon the greatest collection of talent in all of wrestling! Behold, the Sinner Society!
The crowd boos even louder, drowning out Goldworthy's words momentarily. Eddie Peak snatches the mic from him, a menacing grin on his face.
Peak: All you Sinners know who we are, and you all know what we're capable of. We've got the muscle, we've got the power, and most importantly, we've got the brains to back it all up.
Poseidon and Titan flex their muscles, eliciting a chorus of boos from the crowd. Nick Booth smirks, looking like he's enjoying the attention.
Peak: And speaking of brains, Sinners,  let's talk about our fearless leader, Mr. Floyd Goldworthy. He's the man who brought us all together, the man who's made sure that the Behemoths are still tag champs after Malice in Wonderland.
The crowd boos again, but Goldworthy just laughs it off.
Goldworthy: That's right, folks. We went up against the best of the best at Malice in Wonderland, and we still came out on top. And now, the entire wrestling world is on notice. The Sinner Society is here to dominate, and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it.
The group starts to make their way to the ring, the crowd jeering them every step of the way. But the Sinners don't seem to care. They know they're the best, and they're not afraid to show it.
Sinner Society Brag About Holding the Tag Titles and Being Great, Game Score 61

The camera pans across the packed arena as the fans chant and scream.. Suddenly, the lights go out and a spotlight shines on the entrance ramp. A few moments later, Joshua Taylor emerges from the back, followed closely by his manager Kyle Rhodes. The crowd erupts in jeers as Taylor poses for the fans and makes his way down to the ring.
As Taylor climbs into the ring, the lights come back on and his opponent, Wolf Hawkins, makes his way down to the ring with a steely determination in his eyes. Hawkins is alone, without any members of The Syndicate at ringside.
The bell rings, and the two men lock up in the center of the ring. Taylor quickly gains the upper hand, using his superior strength to push Hawkins back into the ropes. But Hawkins ducks under a clothesline and bounces off the ropes, catching Taylor with a dropkick to the face.
Taylor stumbles backwards, dazed, and Hawkins seizes the opportunity to launch a series of lightning-fast strikes, connecting with a spinning backfist, a knee strike, and a roundhouse kick that sends Taylor crashing to the mat.
The fans are on their feet, cheering for Hawkins as he climbs to the top rope and prepares to deliver the Full Moon Rising. Just as he's about to jump, Kyle Rhodes hops up onto the apron and starts yelling at the referee, distracting him from the action.
Hawkins glances over at Rhodes, momentarily distracted, and Taylor takes advantage of the situation, rolling him up in a small package. Referee Ray Johnson turns his attention back to the ring and counts the pinfall.
One... two... but Hawkins manages to kick out just in time. Taylor looks frustrated as he picks Hawkins up off the mat and tries to hit him with a powerbomb, but Hawkins counters with a hurricanrana, sending Taylor flying across the ring and leaving both men on the ground.
Taylor looks angry now as he picks Hawkins up off the mat and sets him up for another powerbomb. But just as he's about to deliver the move, Hawkins counters with a back body drop, sending Taylor crashing to the mat.
Hawkins takes advantage of the opening, hitting Taylor with a series of high-flying moves, including a top-rope moonsault and a flying elbow drop. He goes for the cover, and this time there's no interference from Rhodes.
One... two... three!
Wolf Hawkins Defeats Joshua Taylor via pinfall at 22:02, Game Score 81

Post-match, Kyle Rhodes grabs a microphone and climbs into the ring.
"What's your problem, Wolf? Why aren't you being 'Wolf'?" Rhodes asks, clearly frustrated with Hawkins' recent change in attitude.
At that moment, Doc Hammond, Hawkins' right-hand man and member of The Syndicate, enters the arena and makes his way to the ring. Wolf looks surprised his stablemate is there.  Rhodes and Taylor look on warily as Hammond takes the microphone from Rhodes.
"Kyle, I think you've got it all wrong," Hammond says. "Wolf is still 'Wolf'."
Rhodes shakes his head in disbelief, but before he can respond, Hammond suddenly lashes out and knocks him down with a powerful punch. Taylor, sensing trouble skulks away as Hammond stands over Rhodes, looking down at him with a cold, menacing stare.
The crowd erupts in cheers as Hammond and Hawkins celebrate together.
Rhodes Confronts Wolf, Doc Hammond Answers the Call and Attacks Him, Game Score 61 

Wolf Hawkins now stands in the center of the ring, a microphone in hand, as the crowd cheers and boos in equal measure.
"I don't know what Kyle Rhodes is talking about," he begins, shaking his head. "I am Wolf Hawkins, and I am the best wrestler in the history of the sport. I don't need to be good or evil. I just need to be me, and that's enough."
The crowd roars and boos, and Wolf smirks, soaking in the noise.
"I may have lost to Aaron Andrews in the finals of that tournament, but let me tell you something: I'm still coming for him. I've held that TCW World Title three times, and I know what it takes to win it back."
The crowd erupts, Wolf waits for the chaos to die down.
"So, Aaron Andrews, if you're listening: I'm still coming for you. I may not be good or evil, but I am a Wolf Hawkins, and I will do whatever it takes to win that title back. You better be ready, because when I come for you, I'm not holding anything back."
With that, Wolf drops the microphone and exits the ring with Doc Hammond as the crowd continues to pop with noise.
Wolf Hawkins Announces he is still coming for Aaron Andrews and the TCW Title, Game Score 100

Azaria: And what a night of Total Wrestling! On Behalf of Jasmine Saunders and Shawn Doakes, I’m Jason Azaria, good night from San Antoino and see you next week for more TCW!
Overall Game Score: 87

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