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More Contract Negotiation Parameters (i.e. Rev Share, Ownership stakes)

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I have a few contract negotiation parameters that could be interesting ways to differentiate the strength of offers in the next TEW game:

Revenue Share models:

We currently have a cut of merchandise sales as the only rev share option. I propose adding in separate options for cut of TV revenue, cut of subscription income, cut of PPV revenue, and cut of ticket sales options. The strength of these rev share models should depend on the size of the promotion and whether or not the have a TV/PPV/Subscription deal. I think cut of ticket sales should depend solely on the size of the promotion.

Another more aggressive rev share model could be to offer ownership stakes in a company. This would equate to the worker getting a cut of overall revenue as part of their contract. This is also a fun modding function as it can simulate a large promotion having a board of directors with different ownership stakes. You have your majority owner like Vince McMahon and then you can have a Nick Khan, Steph McMahon, etc character who have contracts with xx% ownership stake.

This would make playing as a very wealthy top promotion more interesting as you can easily mess around and give away too much revenue sharing in too many contracts and find the company struggling to make money.

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Cut of ticket sales would be a useful one historically - Gorgeous George used to take a pretty sizeable cut of the gate for shows he was booked on, and that was true to a lesser extent of a lot of big name wrestlers before him.

It would also be a useful option for Tiny promotions, to try and gamble on bringing someone in based on a % of ticket sales if they can't afford their upfront fee, but then run the risk of the ticket sales being too low to pay everyone what they'd expect...

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