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The Glorious Empire (RW Mod 2010)

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Hey friends, this is Afroman36 here. I'm on old, old, old OG here, who can't quite figure out how to get back in, so here's a new account for ya.

I'm here to post my very first database, based largely on an old, long term save that I've been working on for some time. It's started as a WCW Lives database/save, and evolved greatly with each passing game year until a wrestling kingdom was created, too big to not share as it took me a hell of a lot of work to learn the mechanics of the game intimately enough to create what I've created. 


Synopsis: You Kevin Martinez, (stage name, Kevin DeLeon), are a billionaire time traveler and die-hard wrestling fan. You somehow figured out time travel to work in the industry in the late 90s around the dying days of WCW. You struck up a relationship with Vince McMahon and went into business with him to co-purchase the WCW and ECW promotions and oversaw them as developmental territories.

When that relationship started to sour because Vince McMahon still had an axe to grind with your new companies and showed it, you agreed to purchase the companies from him and spin them off into your own (As parent and child promotions). While initially lagging behind Vince for several years, partially due to Vince taking liberties and calling up all of your talent at once (Which prompted the separation) you gradually caught up to him by rebuilding your roster, bringing back slowly, your own marque talent, creating a TV station and subscription service that exploded your distribution and thus your popularity, purchasing several failing, but well known territories and integrating them into a complex developmental system that resembles a minor league baseball system, and an impeccable vision for the future and trends (almost as if you are some sort of time traveler...).

Eventually, you beat Vince, then battered him for years before surrender became an inevitability. You ABSORED the WWE into your system, and now oversee a system of four main promotions under one umbrella (WCW, ECW, WWE and GLOW, the top women's promotion in the world - more on them later). You also married a former adult film actress and pushed her to the moon as the face of said women’s company in the middle of all this (Fight me).

Now, as king of one of the most complex wrestling systems and have set it up to resemble a sports league, off-season and related ballyhoo included. Each show runs independently of one another, has a different flavor and a specialty division that highlights these differences and sets them apart.


The Promotions:




- President: Eric Bischoff
- Top Stars: Goldberg, CM Punk, Cesaro
- Div: Cruiserwight


- President: Paul Heyman
- Top Stars: Bryan Danielson, Chris Jericho, AJ Styles
- Div: Hardcore (Current ECW now resembles ROH, with enough hardcore wrestling to keep the name)


- President: Vince McMahon
- Top Stars: Rock, John Cena, Randy Orton
- Div: Bollywood (I created an Indian Territory. I picture the whole division to be silly nonsense, emblematic of the company.


(Around 2002, I brought the WCW women's division back to TV and took it more seriously. Always being one to want to push women's wrestling, they evolved into their own show (Saturday Night), before spinning off into GLOW (Renamed GLORIOUS Women of Wrestling). I hired virtually every known women's wrestler, generated more, and in a few short years GLOW became a worldwide sensation. They grew so big, they developed their own “minor league” system, that is not as big as the men’s bit nearly as deep. When WWE was absorbed, Smackdown (Vinces Women's show) was absorbed as well as GLOW's second show. Whereas the men’s show are run like separate entities, the women are run as “brands” under one umbrella.)

- President: Stephanie McMahon (Kayfabe. You are the owner)
- GM’s: Sunny (Smackdown), Chyna (GLOW)
- Top Stars: Kristi Myst, Molly Greenwald (Holly) for Glow, Trish Stratus and Cheerleader Melissa for Smackdown
- Div: Featherweight (GLOW), Hardcore (Smackdown)

Note: In this DB, GLOW is the parent organization. If you wish to switch it to WWE, WCW, ECW, you may do so in the DB editor by changing all dev promotions “Owned by”.


The Minor Leagues

There are three “levels” to the developmental system. A worker starts at the bottom following training, then earns their way to AAA in the hopes of a “Major League” call up.

Note: These are MY rules. You can do whatever you want.

“AAA Level:” For the Men, this consists of 3 promotions that were each purchases individually, then condensed into one promotion (To side skirt Area Wars). Each brand “belongs” to a respective Main Show. The shows are NXT (WWE), UPW (WCW) AND XPW (ECW). For the women, one sole show exists, belonging to Women’s Championship Wrestling (WCW women)

“AA/National Levels:” Consists of at least one territory in each nation. If more than one in an area is purchased the companies are merged to avoid Area Warfare with ourselves.

US – AAA (Men), AWA (Women)
Canada – CCW (Formerly ECCW – Men), WWF (Women)
Mexico – MPW and CMLL (Latter recently purchased. Soon to be merged probably) – Men
UK – WCW: UK (Formerly ACW UK – Men), WCW (Women) – Formerly OZ Academy
Europe – EPW (Condensing two Euro devs I made)
Japan – JPW (AJPW and NJPW– Men), AJW – (Women)
Aussie – WWA (Men), SHIMMER (Women)

“A/Rookie level:” This consists solely of “Tough Enough” leagues in each country. Made for rookies and dojo graduates. They get promoted and replaced each year.


So, to avoid simply dominating all of wrestling, and allow me to have companies to fish from, I boosted the NWA system to be global and gave them distribution through “YouTube” shows. Not all have this, but as they grow year to year, more will be added. They have no direct relationship to your system and are not affiliated with you.


Oh yeah, I also created a boxing promotion (WCB) and MMA promotion (WCF). Both are brand new, so changes will be made over time. Some imagination will be needed here. I’m using “MMA Entertainment” as a product and carefully created match types. This will just be experimental for me/for fun. I will likely add fun characters from TV and movies, etc. over time.

Currently, they should be exempts from the off-season ballyhoo. But you can of course move boxers/fighters to be wrestlers and vise versa.

How the Off-Season works:

This can be onerous if you’re not ready for it. Particularly the contract signing, but I’m working on changing the lengths over time to reduce this issue. But to allow me to “reset,” I give the main company a break every January, after the finales. I end all TV contracts for the month and restart them. Here are some things to do in the off season to keep things working effectively.

-        Contract Resigning

-        Retirements

-        Call ups

-        Restructure Minors

-        Free Agency and Trades


I’ll tweak this over time. If you all like it and this takes off, I can update this with each year I play and each year will have new things added to it. I’ll also fix issues anyone notices if brought up. Enjoy! Here are some DB specific pics btw…




Pic Pack: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mHwG5wDVS6cMhzqARjEvMUe6exizk0Nf/view?usp=sharing



Edited by Afroman89
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Hi all. I hope those Mod have enjoyed it so far. I've decided I'm gonna continue to work on the DB as I continue to play the game myself and make improvements over time. I'm also open to feedback from anyone that's played.


Here is a pic pack below for the database. A mish mash of original images and downloaded from other packs. I claim no ownership to the images I did not create. I also plan to make a skin at some point:



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The mod is really interesting. The whole system seems to be very hard to tackle, as GLOW as the NWA or as an outsider. I'm all for it.
There are 15 promotions & 2 alliances without logos. Do you happen to have any of those?
Also there's a small mistake on the Japanese Championship Wrestling name (you wrote Japanese Chamipnship Wrestling) !

Have a nice day!

Edited by Jugg
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/29/2023 at 8:33 PM, Jugg said:

The mod is really interesting. The whole system seems to be very hard to tackle, as GLOW as the NWA or as an outsider. I'm all for it.
There are 15 promotions & 2 alliances without logos. Do you happen to have any of those?
Also there's a small mistake on the Japanese Championship Wrestling name (you wrote Japanese Chamipnship Wrestling) !

Have a nice day!

Thanks for the feedback!

Yes, it's totally a big one and a tough one to get down. Especially if you're an outsider, it's downright brutal. But I'll work to make it a little more balanced in the future.

Thanks for catching the spelling error too! I'll have that fixed and the DB reuploaded in the next couple days when I have a chance to sit down and review the game. Also, are the pics not in the pic pack? I'll check that out too and re-upload Thanks! needed.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone!


Sorry, I've been off the radar the past couple months. Wife just had a baby and such. Try this here. I'm also going to update the first post.



I plan on having a much more detailed update in the coming weeks with an expanded universe, more details, etc. I'm slowly working on it and will post it here!

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6 companies have no logos (or not set) : Headline Wrestling Forever, Kingdom Wrestling League, Knock Out Wrestling Grand Prix, Super Premier Association of Wrestling, Top Rope Pro Wrestling Association & Florida Championship Wrestling.
Tough Enough Mexico has an extra space in their name.

Edited by Jugg
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