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Auto-booker not giving me title matches?

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Hi, I don't know what I'm doing wrong here, so I thought I'd ask and see if anyone knows? I almost exclusively use auto-booker when I play TEW...and I like to have LOTS of title matches..so much so that I set every title to be defended whenever possible on Events AND TV...yet the auto-booker will just stop booking title matches a few months into a save on TV.

I get that I need to have the belts set at the right levels, and have enough people eligible etc, and sometimes I do have to edit a couple matches...but even when I make every wrestler available for selection it should at least give me some title matches? (I currently have 11 titles active)

Am I doing something wrong? Thankyou to anyone who can give advice

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3 minutes ago, Palea said:

Hi, I don't know what I'm doing wrong here, so I thought I'd ask and see if anyone knows? I almost exclusively use auto-booker when I play TEW...and I like to have LOTS of title matches..so much so that I set every title to be defended whenever possible on Events AND TV...yet the auto-booker will just stop booking title matches a few months into a save on TV.

I get that I need to have the belts set at the right levels, and have enough people eligible etc, and sometimes I do have to edit a couple matches...but even when I make every wrestler available for selection it should at least give me some title matches? (I currently have 11 titles active)

Am I doing something wrong? Thankyou to anyone who can give advice

If title matches aren't being created it is because the AI can't make any valid matches. Just because you've made people available does not mean that they're valid challengers - they need to be of the right level and disposition, can't have been a recent failed challenger, can't be being used elsewhere, can't be coming off a losing streak or bad momentum, etc, etc, and must be able to fit into a match against the current champion.

Having 11 titles and spamming multiple title defences is likely your problem, as you're basically guaranteeing that most of your roster are going to be coming off a loss to a champion and therefore are going to be ineligible for any further title shots until they've gotten back onto a winning streak - the only people who'll be on a winning streak are your 11 champions, and they can't challenge each other as they're already champions.

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23 minutes ago, Adam Ryland said:

If title matches aren't being created it is because the AI can't make any valid matches. Just because you've made people available does not mean that they're valid challengers - they need to be of the right level and disposition, can't have been a recent failed challenger, can't be being used elsewhere, can't be coming off a losing streak or bad momentum, etc, etc, and must be able to fit into a match against the current champion.

Having 11 titles and spamming multiple title defences is likely your problem, as you're basically guaranteeing that most of your roster are going to be coming off a loss to a champion and therefore are going to be ineligible for any further title shots until they've gotten back onto a winning streak - the only people who'll be on a winning streak are your 11 champions, and they can't challenge each other as they're already champions.

Thankyou so much for the answer, the interesting thing there is that I've turned off pretty much everything in my preferences, including disabling momentum and if I run an event on the same day as the TV show it will still give me title matches when I auto-book...

I like to basically play as sandbox as possible, and I have a giant roster (I basically hire every wrestler I recognise), maybe I'm just giving the AI too much to think about I'm not sure? But I find it really interesting to find out about the winning/losing streak thing, wasn't aware that was taken into consideration.

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