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MAXIMUM: Pro Wrestling At Its Best (CVerse)

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January 15th, 2020 - Press Conference 

Vibert: One year ago on Vibert's Voice, I challenged this man sitting next me to me to put his money where his mouth is, to do something for the sport of Professional Wrestling in the United States that no man had done in over a decade, to change the status quo. Today I am him joining in announcing that he has done just that.

Germaine: For those of you who don't know me, my name is Clark Germaine, I am a 22 year veteran of the sport of Professional Wrestling, having started my time as a referee at 18, and having served as a referee in Costal Zone Championship Wrestling for nearly 17 years. For those of you who do, it hasn't been that long, and Pee-Wee is happy to see you.

Vibert: What my colleague meant to say there was, for those who don't know him, you will soon.

Germaine: Thank you for that Phil. Anyway, I am pleased to announce that coming February 1st, Pro Wrestling Maximum will officially be holding it's first Pay Per View Event, streamed live and On-Demand on OnDem. Both this show, Genesis and the next show, the first annual Battle Of New Orleans will be taking place in New Orleans, with locations for the later planned events currently being worked out.

Vibert: I, Phil Vibert will be working with Clark and every other member of MAXIMUM's team to help jumpstart the next wave of mainstream American wrestling. I am also very pleased to announce that with the generous help of the Germaine family, MAXIMUM will be starting off with giving most members of the roster, ranging from referee to wrestler, written contracts. This is not indie wrestling. This is something more, something bigger, so, to the boys all around the world looking to make their mark on this sport, send in your tapes, because one of you will be the winner of your first guaranteed contract.

Germaine: Along with this, MAXIMUM will be opening with a state-of-the-art training facility right here in New Orleans. This Powerplant isn't just here to train the next generation of stars, it is here to further train it's current. And going along with what Phil mentioned with the roster, we will officially be introducing the people who will help build this company right now.

Vibert: Joining me at the announce desk will be the legendary 3 time AAA Femme Fatale Champion and 1 time NOTBPW Womens Champion Grace Harper and my life time friend, former DAVE announcer and current Owner of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Mitch Naeess. This deal with Mitch also means the announcement of our worrking relationship with PSW on the East Coast, and I am very pleased to say that we will also be working with our official Japanese partners, World Level Wrestling.

Germaine: For our referees, I am sad to announce that I am officially retiring, but that's okay because I will have four great referees ready to take my place. Erin Lawrence, Francis Long, Matthew White, and joining us all the way from Japan, Yasuyuki Terrakado.

Vibert: Backstage we will have PGHW veterans Alexander Robinson, Lee Bennett, Buddy Garner, Lee Wright and Raymond Diaz helping teach the next generation of wrestlers.

Germaine: Speaking of next generation, we both intend for MAXIMUM to be a way for little known talents all over the world to be given a chance, so here's a list of some of those less known competitors signed to the company. The modern blueprint for a great junior heavyweight, Amazing Fire Fly, the bruising Bill "Wild Red' Stallion, son of the legendary Shawn Gonzalez, Marco, and last but not least, the animal, the beating heart of the great Warrior Engine, the one, the only, Taheiji Konoe!

Vibert: We will also be having some bigger names join us, both of the Acids, reigning IPW Champion Aldous Morning Star, MMA veterans Billy Russell, Willie York, and Christopher Ball, Clark Alexander, my personal clients Davis Wayne Newton and Nelson Callum, the incredible Extraordinario Jr, the fabulous one Frederique, Fro Sure, Harry Allen, both members of Savage Fury, the terrifying Mutant, both Rock City Stars, the living dead Zombie Boy, Xavi Ferrera, and I'll let Germaine do this last one because I know how excited he is for it.

Germaine: Really? Thank you Phil.

Vibert: Just do it Clark.

Germaine: Joining us is a man who's legacy is under no question, a man who has wrestled all over the world and won enough titles to fill an entire room while doing it. The Priest of Pain, the Holy Warrior, the Last Crusader, the Saint, it's the one, the only Pablo Rodriguez, joining MAXIMUM not only as a wrestler but also an important member of the companies overall team. Come on out Pablo.


Rodriguez: I'll keep this short, to Phil and Clark, thank you, and to every other man in that locker room, enjoy the next few weeks, because come February 1st the pecking order will be set, and I will be-

-Suddenly, the lights go out, and after a loud crash stands three men laying over Pablo Rodriguez, laying in the corpse of a table-


Aldous: He is coming Priest. Are you ready for your martyrdom?

-After another short blackout, the lights are up with the three men gone, and Clark runs to help Pablo up-

Vibert I'm not sure what Aldous Morningstar, Taheiji Konoe and Mutant are planning together, but with that attack on Pablo and Clark finally getting up, I guess it's officially call time on this conference. Join me tomorrow night with special guest Raymond Diaz on Vibert's Voice, and join us February 1st for Professional Wrestling's Big Bang, Pro Wrestling Maximum's Genesis!


So, out of character for the rest of this, this is my first attempt at a diary and because of that I'm probably going to be experimenting with the format. I'm still not sure if I'm going to go dialogue focused or more event focused, but I felt starting with an introduction in character would be nice. A few other things, I'm very sporadic with how I play this game, so sometimes there may be multiple updates in a day, and sometimes I may go a month+ without updating anything. Also, the "send in your footage" thing I put in there about Indie Wrestlers is me saying that I will be taking suggestions of who to sign. Like right now, before the first event post. I'd love to be able to sneak in a few surprises for my first event post so if anyone reading this has any suggestions, I will look at them. I'm rather stuck in my ways when it comes to who I sign so I'd love to be given someone in the game who I haven't used before. There aren't any real rules I need for them, I just will probably go with someone who isn't used that often. I will definitely be suggesting, signing, and making one of the suggestions a major character, and depending on how I feel about other suggestions they may also b signed. Also, thank you to MarkW for the incredible Pablo, Poputt for Mutant, Aldous, and Taheiji, and Brat99 for the Pee-Wee. There may also be some adjusting with names between now and the event post, but I'll try and go over any retcons in each post. Lastly, please tell me if the text isn't readable, it's something I thought I'd do for the dialogue just to make it pop a bit more but I do not want to strain anyone's eyes while they try and read it. 

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January 16th, 2020 - Vibert's Voice Podcast

Vibert: Well Raymond, it's been fun catching up on the good times, like how many times I tried in vain to bring you to DAVE, but with the show closing I have a few questions for you. Starting off with something not related to the hottest start-up company in wrestling, how well would you say that your son James is doing in his early days as a wrestler?

Diaz: As a father I'm immediately going to jump out and say he's great, but doing my best to just go at this from a wrestler's perspective, he's young. The kid certainly has things to work on but compare me at 18 to him at 18 and the difference is night and day. He's a monster, honest to God he has the potential to be a lot better than I ever was, and if anyone wants to see him prove it, he will be wrestling for Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling this month. 

Vibert: High praise coming from arguably the best big man in the history of the sport right there. Can we expect to see him and your nephew Logan potentially working together?

Diaz: You're the one who's friends with Mitch, why don't you ask him?

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Vibert: Hey, Mitch? Yeah it's Phil. Oh you're listening to the live broadcast? What do you mean not ask you for state secrets on the air? Fine Mitch, talk to you later.....Well that answers that then. Raymond I have one more thing to ask you, Clark told me that it would be your job to do this big reveal today, so what exactly are we revealing?

Diaz: February 1st at MAXIMUM's Genesis, we will be holding a 4 person, one night tournament to crown the first ever MAXIMUM World Champion. Competing for the newest prize in Professional Wrestling will be "The Last Crusader" Pablo Rodriguez, a fellow "big-in-Japan" star Acid, the "Superstar" Xavi Ferrera, and Mr. Hawaiian Thunder Himself, Clark Alexander. 


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Diaz: Also on the card will be the in-ring debut of the mysterious trio who brutally attacked Pablo Rodriguez last night, with Aldous Morningstar, Taheiji Konoe and Mutant facing Marco Gonzalez, Bill Stallion and Zombie Boy.

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Diaz: We will also be seeing the young Christopher Ball facing Willie York, a battle royale, and other matches to be announced closer to the date of the show.

Vibert: Most importantly we will be seeing the debut of my boys, The Ungovernable Team MAXIMUM made up of Nelson Callum and Davis Wayne Newton go up against the legendary team of Savage Fury. This is sure to be a great night, not just for wrestling, but for me specifically. Goodnight everybody, and thank you for tuning in to Vibert's Voice, the number #1 Wrestling Podcast on the planet! 

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February 1st, 2020 - Backstage, minutes before the start of Genesis.

Germaine: I'm going to be honest with you Phil, I'm terrified. I've worked in this business for years but this, this is my show. What if it all goes wrong?

Vibert: Clark, buddy, I've been doing this since the 90s. You have a talented roster filled with veterans, a creative crew that includes arguably the best mind in the history of this sport, and unlike so many other companies, you have financial backing. You got this. Now I need to head out there and get ready to announce. 

Germaine: You're right Phil. Head on out there, and when the show's over you are shaving that beard.

Vibert: No I'm not Clark, see you in a few hours. 





Vibert: In front of over 11,000 screaming fans here in New Orleans, Louisiana, this is the start of something big, this is the start of a new era.

Harper: This is Pro Wrestling Maximum! This is Genesis! 

Naess: We are starting tonight's show with something big, in the first round of the Inaugural World Championship tournament, it is two of the best Junior Heavyweights ever facing off. 4 Time World Level Wrestling Tag-Team Champion, 1 time World Level Wrestling Show-Stealer Champion and 1 time World Level Wrestling Streetfighting champion Acid going against an 8 time World Champion from companies all across Mexico, and 2 time DAVE Brass Knuckles Champion Pablo Rodriguez.

Vibert: It's been awhile since we've called one of his matches together, hasn't it Mitch?

Naess: About 15 years Phil, let's see if he still has it.

Harper: From everything I've seen, he does.


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In 20:19, Pablo Rodriguez is able to pin Acid after hitting a Sinner's Salvation.

-Post Match, Pablo Rodriguez grabs the microphone and addresses his enemies-

Rodriguez: Last month, I was brutally attacked by 3 men who didn't even have the guts to come at me with the lights on. So, I just want to say this now, to Aldous, Taheiji, Mutant, and whoever "he who has not come" is, after I win the title tonight I'll be looking for an opponent at The Battle of New Orleans, and if any of you would like to take a swing, trust me when I say I will gladly fight you, and I will GLADLY beat you. Venimus, Vidimus, Deus Vicit.

Naess: Pablo Rodriguez is not happy, and I'm getting reports that after their 6-man tag match tonight, we will be hearing this mysterious trio's response, but next up we have the second match of this tournament, Hawaiian Thunder Clark Alexander will be taking on the Superstar, Xavi Ferrera.


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In about 15 Minutes, Xavi is able to roll Clark Alexander up, escaping with the win.

-Following Xavi's Roll-Up, he points to the title ringside and smirks. The camera cuts to Clark shaking his head in the ring.

Vibert: Xavi playing smart to win, earning himself a chance to pull off the upset of the century against Pablo in tonight's Main Event. 

Harper: Smart? Are you serious? He hit him with a low blow and rolled him up? You and I both know who should actually be in the main event tonight?

Vibert: Yeah, Xavi. Honestly after the show tonight me and my boys may need to talk to him to see how far he really wants to take his career. Speaking of my boys, it is time for the wrestling world to really see how good they are.

Naess: That's right Phil, next up we have "The Ungovernable" Team MAXIMUM, consisting of Nelson Callum and Davis Wayne Newton going up against the legendary Savage Fury!


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TAG TEAM MATCH: "The Ungovernable" Team MAXIMUM, Nelson Callum & Davis Wayne Newton vs "Savage Fury" Java & Tribal Warrior

In 10:03, Nelson Callum pins Java to win the match after a distraction from Phil Vibert.

-After Nelson pins Java, Vibert enters the ring with a microphone-

Harper: What is he doing Mitch?

Naess; Trust me Grace, he does this a lot. You'll get used to it after awhile.

Vibert: These two men standing next to me are the future of this business. To my right we have the Triple Threat, Davis Wayne Newton, a man who was at the top of Canadian Company 4C, and standing to my left we have the *deep breath* the HEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARTBREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKER, Nelson Callum. The most decorated star in Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, and the soon-to-be face of Pro Wrestling Maximum.

 Callum: We will keep this short, because Davis and I have some celebrating to do, but we want the entire locker room, specifically that Priest Pablo, to know that it is open season, and that the Ungovernable will revolt.

Naess: While we wait for Phil to come back to the table, it's time to announce the next match. Aldous Morningstar, Taheiji Konoe and Mutant will be taking on Bill Stallion, Zombie Boy, and Marco Gonzalez

Harper: No matter what happens in this six-man tag team match, it is confirmed that we will finally be given information on this mysterious trio. Wait, who is that mysterious woman coming out with them?


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SIX MAN TAG TEAM MATCH: Taheiji Konoe, Aldous Morningstar and Mutant w/Mysterious Woman vs Marco Gonzalez, "Wild Red" Bill Stallion, and Zombie Boy

In 9:48, Taheiji Konoe pins Will Stallion after a Savage Cradle DDT.

-Entering from ringside, Aldous Morningstar grabs a microphone-

Aldous: I am the Horseman of Famine, the Dark Star of Professional Wrestling, Aldous Morningstar. With me is the manifestation of War, Taheiji Konoe, and Death Himself, Mutant. There is a man backstage who decided to evoke our names earlier tonight, so Priest, no. We will not be fighting you or Xavi at The Battle Of New Orleans, we are a part of a greater plan, a plan much bigger than any of us. A plan from a, let's just say, higher power. 

-Aldous snaps his fingers, the lights go out, and when they come back on the mysterious group of 3, along with their Mysterious Woman have disappeared-

Vibert: That was certainly something, wasn't it?

Naess: Aldous didn't even have to step in the ring for them to win this match. I'm not sure what Pablo did to make these guys come after them, but he needs to watch his back.

Harper: I really hope they taught him how to perform an exorcism, cause after that I think we all may need him to do one backstage.

Vibert: I just wonder who this mysterious higher power is. In other news, I've just gotten word from Clark Germaine that the winner of this next match, a 10-man Battle Royale, will be facing the winner of tonight's Main Event at the Battle Of New Orleans next month.




NUMBER 1 CONTENDER 10 MAN BATTLE ROYALE: Acid II vs Amazing Fire Fly vs Billy Russell vs Extraordinario Jr vs Frederique vs Fro Sure vs Harry Allen vs Rockin Ryan Turner vs Stan Manna vs Special Unsigned Guest Paul Steadyfast

In 19:37, Frederique throws Fro Sure over the top rope. The final four were Frederique, Fro Sure, Billy Russell, and Extraordinario Jr.

-The moment Fro Sure hits the floor, Billy Russell starts to jump him before Stan Manna and Ryan Turner pull him off the youngster-

Vibert: And with that, Frederique's spot is guaranteed at the Battle Of New Orleans

Harper: I bet if you asked him earlier tonight, he would've said that he deserved to be in it tonight.

Naess: It's a shame what happened to Fro Sure outside the ring, but he put on a great performance tonight. Definitely someone to keep an eye on for the future. 

Vibert: Speaking of the future, this next match is massive for both of these men. Completely unannounced, we will see Ireland's Top Prospect, Padraig O'Hearne take on Australia's Surfer Dude Lucas. The winner of this match will be given a guaranteed contract with MAXIMUM.


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WINNER GETS SIGNED: Padraig O'Hearne vs Surfer Dude Lucas

Padraig O'Hearne defeats Surfer Dude Lucas in 10:12 after an emotional Crowing Glory.

-Clark Germaine walks down to the ring post match-

Germaine: Incredible performance tonight Padraig, welcome to the United States, welcome to Pro Wrestling Maximum. And Lucas, for your performance tonight, I will personally be paying for you to move to the United States, and I will be seeing you sometime later this month to work out the finer details, but to everyone watching tonight, do not be surprised to see his face again. 

Vibert: That defeats the entire purpose of the match Clark.

Harper: Who cares Phil? You saw how good both of these guys were, do you really think Lucas doesn't deserve to be signed?

Vibert: No, I don't. I don't like losers Grace, and Lucas, he's a loser. 

Naess: Well Phil, if everything works out, Lucas will be given a chance to prove you wrong at the Battle Of New Orleans. Next up we have a huge match, Christopher Ball will be taking on Willie York.


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SINGLES MATCH: Christopher Ball vs Willie York

Christopher Ball beats Willie York in 9:36.

Harper: Good God, Ball has a destructive punch doesn't he? 

Vibert: Yeah sure, but if the referee was actually able to do his job Willie wouldn't have even gotten hit with it in the first place.

Naess: Phil, Willie knocked the referee out.

Vibert: Well maybe he should have strengthened his jaw more. You're in the ring with MMA Fighters, you need to be able to take a punch!

Harper: Before these two start punching each other, I'm going to very quickly announce the next match. For the MAXIMUM World Championship, Pablo Rodriguez will be taking on Xavi Ferrera. 

Naess: This is going to be great.

Vibert: Let's go Xavi!



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In 15:29, Pablo Rodriguez hits Xavi Ferrera with a Sinner's Salvation to win the title.

-As Pablo stands in the middle of the ring, holding the title, the lights go out, and when they come on a masked figure stands over him-

Naess: It's happened again!

Harper: Who is that?

Vibert: I have no clue Grace, but I know that the man in charge of the lights must have a problem with Pablo, and that Pablo needs to invest in some Nigh Vision goggles, preferably a pair blessed with holy water.

-The masked man takes off his Balaclava, revealing a much eviler mask underneath-

Naess: Oh my God.

Vibert: I think you mentioned the wrong guy there, Mitch.

Harper: It's him, it's


Hijo Del Mephisto!

-Mephisto looks at the title, smirks, then the lights go out again and the closing shots of the Pay Per View is Pablo Rodriguez laying in the middle of the ring, title draped over him-


Hopping in out of character, after writing this I have a new respect for people who write these diaries. This was very difficult, especially for someone who admittedly is not good at really writing dialogue. I have a very specific way to book these shows and actually writing the events down definitely changes them a little. I'm starting to think that this is going to be a bit more story focused so I may not end up mentioning match scores until they start mattering a bit more.

5 hours ago, neslo024 said:

Really liking the start of this. You should take a look at Surfer Dude Lucas in Australia. He's always one of my go to guys. He's unemployed, can call it in the ring, has good brawling and technical skills and can cut a promo.

Thank you! As I was planning out the card I saw this message so found a way to fit him in. I'm surprised I had never used him before but hopefully I'll be able to find a way to make him an interesting part of the roster. 

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February 5th, 2020 - Special Vibert's Voice Live Broadcast w/ Special Guest J.K. Stallings Jr.

Vibert: Alright so we're doing this one quick, just got a call from Clark that it's time to announce the full bracket for The Battle Of New Orleans next month!

Stallings: You look different, have you shaved?

Vibert: Joining us tonight is a frequent guest here at Vibert's Voice, famous for helping with the Sam Strong episode, and guest on multiple other great episodes.

Stallings: My personal favorite being the "The American Pillars: Total Collapse".

Vibert: Right....we know how much you enjoy complaining about TCW. 

Stallings: Well, I mean, listen. All I'm saying is that if someone gave me another crack at running a company, the rest of Wrestling World would not be ready.

Vibert: Sadly J.K., we aren't here to listen to your plans. This is an announcement stream, and you are just here to react. 

Stallings: I am lowering my Patreon donations by at least 5 dollars after this.


Vibert: Anyway, back to announcing the tournament. Over the course of two nights, a field of 16 competitors will leave 1 left, with a guaranteed title shot at MAXIMUM's The Great War in May on the line.


Stallings: Oh a big show in July, how original.

Vibert:...the first round will consist of these 8 matches. Nelson Callum vs Bill Stallion!

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I know who I've got. 

Stallings: Wow, maybe you won't even need to interfere in this one.

Vibert: Harry Allen vs 'Special Guest' James Diaz!

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Christopher Ball vs 'Special Guest' Doug Peak!

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Acid II vs 'Special Guest' Madman Boone!

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Stallings: Let's go Madman. I wish I would've signed the original Acid back in the day. Before he went to Japan.

Vibert: Acid vs Amazing Fire Fly!

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Extraordinario Jr vs the now officially signed Paul Steadyfast!

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Stallings: Congrats on the contract Paul! Glad to see he's still going. 

Vibert: Davis Wayne Newton vs 'Special Guest' Chris Caulfield. Chris, I love you man, but you know who I'm backing here. 

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And last but not least.....we will finally be seeing Hijo Del Mephisto in action, going against Clark Alexander! 

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Stallings: Are you going to have anything else or is this literally just a single night of shows?

Vibert: No. Stallings this came out like weeks ago, for the sake of the fans and wrestlers, the Battle Of New Orleans is a 2 night event. Round 1 will be fought on Day 1, and Rounds 2, 3, and the Finals will be fought on Day 2. There will be plenty of other matches, including Surfer Dude Lucas vs Taheiji Konoe, Billy Russell, Willie York, and Xavi Ferrera going against Fro Sure & The Rock City Stars on Night 1, and Savage Fury w/ Aldous Morningstar & Mutant going against Zombie Boy, Marco Gonzalez, Padraig O'Hearne, with a surprise partner on Night 2.

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Stallings: God bless Surfer Dude Lucas, you really threw him into the fire huh?

Vibert: Let's see what he can do against The Animal. Goodnight everybody, see you again for our next episode, and make sure to tune in this March for both nights of The Battle Of New Orleans. Thank you for tuning in to Vibert's Voice, the number #1 Wrestling Podcast on the planet! 



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On 7/11/2023 at 11:53 PM, SomeDude said:




February 1st, 2020 - Backstage, minutes before the start of Genesis.

Germaine: I'm going to be honest with you Phil, I'm terrified. I've worked in this business for years but this, this is my show. What if it all goes wrong?

Vibert: Clark, buddy, I've been doing this since the 90s. You have a talented roster filled with veterans, a creative crew that includes arguably the best mind in the history of this sport, and unlike so many other companies, you have financial backing. You got this. Now I need to head out there and get ready to announce. 

Germaine: You're right Phil. Head on out there, and when the show's over you are shaving that beard.

Vibert: No I'm not Clark, see you in a few hours. 





Vibert: In front of over 11,000 screaming fans here in New Orleans, Louisiana, this is the start of something big, this is the start of a new era.

Harper: This is Pro Wrestling Maximum! This is Genesis! 

Naess: We are starting tonight's show with something big, in the first round of the Inaugural World Championship tournament, it is two of the best Junior Heavyweights ever facing off. 4 Time World Level Wrestling Tag-Team Champion, 1 time World Level Wrestling Show-Stealer Champion and 1 time World Level Wrestling Streetfighting champion Acid going against an 8 time World Champion from companies all across Mexico, and 2 time DAVE Brass Knuckles Champion Pablo Rodriguez.

Vibert: It's been awhile since we've called one of his matches together, hasn't it Mitch?

Naess: About 15 years Phil, let's see if he still has it.

Harper: From everything I've seen, he does.


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In 20:19, Pablo Rodriguez is able to pin Acid after hitting a Sinner's Salvation.

-Post Match, Pablo Rodriguez grabs the microphone and addresses his enemies-

Rodriguez: Last month, I was brutally attacked by 3 men who didn't even have the guts to come at me with the lights on. So, I just want to say this now, to Aldous, Taheiji, Mutant, and whoever "he who has not come" is, after I win the title tonight I'll be looking for an opponent at The Battle of New Orleans, and if any of you would like to take a swing, trust me when I say I will gladly fight you, and I will GLADLY beat you. Venimus, Vidimus, Deus Vicit.

Naess: Pablo Rodriguez is not happy, and I'm getting reports that after their 6-man tag match tonight, we will be hearing this mysterious trio's response, but next up we have the second match of this tournament, Hawaiian Thunder Clark Alexander will be taking on the Superstar, Xavi Ferrera.


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In about 15 Minutes, Xavi is able to roll Clark Alexander up, escaping with the win.

-Following Xavi's Roll-Up, he points to the title ringside and smirks. The camera cuts to Clark shaking his head in the ring.

Vibert: Xavi playing smart to win, earning himself a chance to pull off the upset of the century against Pablo in tonight's Main Event. 

Harper: Smart? Are you serious? He hit him with a low blow and rolled him up? You and I both know who should actually be in the main event tonight?

Vibert: Yeah, Xavi. Honestly after the show tonight me and my boys may need to talk to him to see how far he really wants to take his career. Speaking of my boys, it is time for the wrestling world to really see how good they are.

Naess: That's right Phil, next up we have "The Ungovernable" Team MAXIMUM, consisting of Nelson Callum and Davis Wayne Newton going up against the legendary Savage Fury!


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TAG TEAM MATCH: "The Ungovernable" Team MAXIMUM, Nelson Callum & Davis Wayne Newton vs "Savage Fury" Java & Tribal Warrior

In 10:03, Nelson Callum pins Java to win the match after a distraction from Phil Vibert.

-After Nelson pins Java, Vibert enters the ring with a microphone-

Harper: What is he doing Mitch?

Naess; Trust me Grace, he does this a lot. You'll get used to it after awhile.

Vibert: These two men standing next to me are the future of this business. To my right we have the Triple Threat, Davis Wayne Newton, a man who was at the top of Canadian Company 4C, and standing to my left we have the *deep breath* the HEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARTBREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKER, Nelson Callum. The most decorated star in Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, and the soon-to-be face of Pro Wrestling Maximum.

 Callum: We will keep this short, because Davis and I have some celebrating to do, but we want the entire locker room, specifically that Priest Pablo, to know that it is open season, and that the Ungovernable will revolt.

Naess: While we wait for Phil to come back to the table, it's time to announce the next match. Aldous Morningstar, Taheiji Konoe and Mutant will be taking on Bill Stallion, Zombie Boy, and Marco Gonzalez

Harper: No matter what happens in this six-man tag team match, it is confirmed that we will finally be given information on this mysterious trio. Wait, who is that mysterious woman coming out with them?


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SIX MAN TAG TEAM MATCH: Taheiji Konoe, Aldous Morningstar and Mutant w/Mysterious Woman vs Marco Gonzalez, "Wild Red" Bill Stallion, and Zombie Boy

In 9:48, Taheiji Konoe pins Will Stallion after a Savage Cradle DDT.

-Entering from ringside, Aldous Morningstar grabs a microphone-

Aldous: I am the Horseman of Famine, the Dark Star of Professional Wrestling, Aldous Morningstar. With me is the manifestation of War, Taheiji Konoe, and Death Himself, Mutant. There is a man backstage who decided to evoke our names earlier tonight, so Priest, no. We will not be fighting you or Xavi at The Battle Of New Orleans, we are a part of a greater plan, a plan much bigger than any of us. A plan from a, let's just say, higher power. 

-Aldous snaps his fingers, the lights go out, and when they come back on the mysterious group of 3, along with their Mysterious Woman have disappeared-

Vibert: That was certainly something, wasn't it?

Naess: Aldous didn't even have to step in the ring for them to win this match. I'm not sure what Pablo did to make these guys come after them, but he needs to watch his back.

Harper: I really hope they taught him how to perform an exorcism, cause after that I think we all may need him to do one backstage.

Vibert: I just wonder who this mysterious higher power is. In other news, I've just gotten word from Clark Germaine that the winner of this next match, a 10-man Battle Royale, will be facing the winner of tonight's Main Event at the Battle Of New Orleans next month.




NUMBER 1 CONTENDER 10 MAN BATTLE ROYALE: Acid II vs Amazing Fire Fly vs Billy Russell vs Extraordinario Jr vs Frederique vs Fro Sure vs Harry Allen vs Rockin Ryan Turner vs Stan Manna vs Special Unsigned Guest Paul Steadyfast

In 19:37, Frederique throws Fro Sure over the top rope. The final four were Frederique, Fro Sure, Billy Russell, and Extraordinario Jr.

-The moment Fro Sure hits the floor, Billy Russell starts to jump him before Stan Manna and Ryan Turner pull him off the youngster-

Vibert: And with that, Frederique's spot is guaranteed at the Battle Of New Orleans

Harper: I bet if you asked him earlier tonight, he would've said that he deserved to be in it tonight.

Naess: It's a shame what happened to Fro Sure outside the ring, but he put on a great performance tonight. Definitely someone to keep an eye on for the future. 

Vibert: Speaking of the future, this next match is massive for both of these men. Completely unannounced, we will see Ireland's Top Prospect, Padraig O'Hearne take on Australia's Surfer Dude Lucas. The winner of this match will be given a guaranteed contract with MAXIMUM.


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WINNER GETS SIGNED: Padraig O'Hearne vs Surfer Dude Lucas

Padraig O'Hearne defeats Surfer Dude Lucas in 10:12 after an emotional Crowing Glory.

-Clark Germaine walks down to the ring post match-

Germaine: Incredible performance tonight Padraig, welcome to the United States, welcome to Pro Wrestling Maximum. And Lucas, for your performance tonight, I will personally be paying for you to move to the United States, and I will be seeing you sometime later this month to work out the finer details, but to everyone watching tonight, do not be surprised to see his face again. 

Vibert: That defeats the entire purpose of the match Clark.

Harper: Who cares Phil? You saw how good both of these guys were, do you really think Lucas doesn't deserve to be signed?

Vibert: No, I don't. I don't like losers Grace, and Lucas, he's a loser. 

Naess: Well Phil, if everything works out, Lucas will be given a chance to prove you wrong at the Battle Of New Orleans. Next up we have a huge match, Christopher Ball will be taking on Willie York.


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SINGLES MATCH: Christopher Ball vs Willie York

Christopher Ball beats Willie York in 9:36.

Harper: Good God, Ball has a destructive punch doesn't he? 

Vibert: Yeah sure, but if the referee was actually able to do his job Willie wouldn't have even gotten hit with it in the first place.

Naess: Phil, Willie knocked the referee out.

Vibert: Well maybe he should have strengthened his jaw more. You're in the ring with MMA Fighters, you need to be able to take a punch!

Harper: Before these two start punching each other, I'm going to very quickly announce the next match. For the MAXIMUM World Championship, Pablo Rodriguez will be taking on Xavi Ferrera. 

Naess: This is going to be great.

Vibert: Let's go Xavi!



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In 15:29, Pablo Rodriguez hits Xavi Ferrera with a Sinner's Salvation to win the title.

-As Pablo stands in the middle of the ring, holding the title, the lights go out, and when they come on a masked figure stands over him-

Naess: It's happened again!

Harper: Who is that?

Vibert: I have no clue Grace, but I know that the man in charge of the lights must have a problem with Pablo, and that Pablo needs to invest in some Nigh Vision goggles, preferably a pair blessed with holy water.

-The masked man takes off his Balaclava, revealing a much eviler mask underneath-

Naess: Oh my God.

Vibert: I think you mentioned the wrong guy there, Mitch.

Harper: It's him, it's


Hijo Del Mephisto!

-Mephisto looks at the title, smirks, then the lights go out again and the closing shots of the Pay Per View is Pablo Rodriguez laying in the middle of the ring, title draped over him-


Hopping in out of character, after writing this I have a new respect for people who write these diaries. This was very difficult, especially for someone who admittedly is not good at really writing dialogue. I have a very specific way to book these shows and actually writing the events down definitely changes them a little. I'm starting to think that this is going to be a bit more story focused so I may not end up mentioning match scores until they start mattering a bit more.

Thank you! As I was planning out the card I saw this message so found a way to fit him in. I'm surprised I had never used him before but hopefully I'll be able to find a way to make him an interesting part of the roster. 

He's one of my favorites. He just needs the popularity and he can be a great part of the upper midcard maybe more if he'll bulk and size up.

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March 2020 - Battle of New Orleans, Night 1

Vibert: To the over 10,000 people in the arena tonight, and all the people watching at home, welcome to Night 1 of the Battle of New Orleans

Harper: This should be a great night for wrestling, shouldn't it Mitch?

Naess: Yes it should Grace, we have 8 great tournament matches, plus three non-tournament matches including Frederique vs Pablo Rodriguez. I also have a substitution to announce, Doug Peak was unable to make the show tonight, so we've brought in Golden Canvas Grappling and Warrior Engine alumni Harry Bennett to replace him.

Vibert: I wish him luck against Christopher Ball later tonight, he'll really need it. Starting us off tonight, Nelson Callum will take on Bill Stallion. This should only take 5 or so minutes, you two get ready to announce the match afterwards.


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BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS, ROUND 1 MATCH 1: "The Heartbreaker" Nelson Callum vs Bill "Wild Red" Stallion

In 10:05, Nelson Callum makes Bill Stallion submit with a Honey Trap.

-Vibert enters the ring post match, kicking Bill Stallion out of the ring to give himself room to talk-

Harper: God Mitch, you were right, he really must do this a lot.

Vibert: What Nelson just did to Bill is a sign of what is to come over the next two days. You will see an all Ungovernable final, you will see Nelson Callum and Davis Wayne Newton destroy, eviscerate and annihilate every single other man in this tournament. 

Callum: Damn right Phil. Come tomorrow, Pablo Rodriguez's days as champion will be numbered, because come The Great War in July, one of Team MAXIMUM will be World Champion. Because the Ungovernable will revolt.

Vibert: Let's get you backstage to start celebrating Nelson.

Naess: He better be back by the time the next match starts. Speaking of, it's time for Harry Allen vs Special Guest, the Son of the Monster, PSW's own James Diaz.


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BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS, ROUND 1 MATCH 2: Harry Allen vs James Diaz

Harry Allen pins James Diaz after 9:58.

Vibert: Solid showcase for the youngster, but not surprised the veteran was able to beat him.

Harper: Yep, I've been there. Let's see if the veteran luck will continue with our next match, Christopher Ball vs Henry Bennett!


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BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS, ROUND 1 MATCH 3: Christopher Ball vs Henry Bennett

With a superman punch, Christopher Ball is able to beat Henry Bennett in 9:36.

-As Christopher Ball has his hand raised, Willie York and Billy Russell jump the barricade and start beating him down-

Harper: Is this really necessary here? These two have a match later tonight?

Vibert: Of course this is necessary Grace! Last month Christopher disrespected Willie, there is no reason why Willie shouldn't get a fellow veteran with him and teach this kid a lesson.

Naess: That's absurd Phil. It seems that those two are really making a lot of enemies very quickly here in MAXIMUM.

Vibert: Whatever Mitch. Next up we have an interesting match on paper, it's Acid II vs..



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In 5:27, Acid II pins Madman Boone with an Acid Rain Bomb after Acid I distracts Madman Boone from the outside.

Naess: We all know this match would've ended up differently if Acid didn't see the need to get involved?

Vibert: Helping his protégé out like a good mentor, smart. 

Naess: Dirty, absolutely dirty performance. 

Harper: Don't jump the gun yet Mitch, next up we have something that may end up being downright filthy. Non Tournament action it's Taheiji Konoe vs Surfer Dude Lucas!

Naess: God bless his soul.


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SINGLES MATCH: "The Animal" Taheiji Konoe vs Surfer Dude Luke

In an underdog performance, Surfer Dude Lucas survives for 15:17, but falls victim to a Savage Cradle DDT and gets pinned by Taheiji.

Naess: Surprisingly competitive match right there, great performance by the Surfer Dude!

-Vibert gets up-

Harper: That's twice tonight, and we aren't even half way through the show!

Naess: I told you you'd get used to it.

Vibert: Right, Lucas, can I call you Lucas? I'm going to call you Lucas. That's two losses bud. If it were up to me I'd throw you out the arena right now, but sadly, it's not. So, since Clark isn't willing to cut his losses, I'll give you two options. You either leave, go back to Australia, or some small indie promotion in the United States, I don't care, or you, between now and The Great War, face 4 opponents of my choosing. If you beat them all, you get a contract, but if, no, when you lose, you pack your bags.

Naess: What does he have against this kid?

Harper: I think he's mad to see a Blonde who isn't paying him.

Vibert: So what do you say Lucas? Or did Taheiji beat you enough to keep you quiet? I'm taking silence as you leaving by the way.

Lucas: I accept Phil, on one condition. When I beat them all, you personally will bring the contract to me so I can sign it right here in the middle of the ring.

Vibert: Great, tune in to Vibert's Voice this month, you'll hear your first, which will probably be your last, challenge there.

Naess: He's not walking anyone backstage this time, but I'll still announce this next match before he gets here. It's some more non-tournament action, we have Billy Russell, Willie York, and Xavi Ferrera going against Fro Sure and The Rock City Stars!


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SIX MAN TAG MATCH: Billy Russell, Willie York and Xavi Ferrera vs Fro Sure and the Rock City Stars

In 15:27, Xavi Ferrera pins Rockin' Ryan Turner after a High Impact Frog Splash.

-As Willie York and Billy Russell start stomping Fro Sure, Christopher Ball runs out and chases them out the ring-

Harper: Well it looks like we have something set up for next month, don't we?

Vibert: Getting to witness two great MMA Fighters beat down a wannabee rapper and someone who couldn't win half his fights? This should be good.

Naess: Speaking of should be good, next up we return to tournament action with two incredible Junior Heavyweights. Acid takes on Amazing Fire Fly!


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BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS, ROUND 1 MATCH 5: Acid vs Amazing Fire Fly

After a great match, Acid is able to pin Amazing Fire Fly after an Acid Rain Bomb. (not afraid to give the rating for this one, 65).

Harper: Absolutely speechless, incredible match right there.

Vibert: I hate to say it but Fire Fly looked like he belonged in prime World Level Wrestling right there.

Naess: What a great performance. Even with a loss you can just tell how much potential he has, and if you want to see some more junior heavyweight action, we have another showcase up next. Extraordinario Jr will be taking on Paul Steadyfast!


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BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS, ROUND 1 MATCH 6: Extraordinario Jr vs Paul Steadyfast

Extraordinario Jr pins Paul Steadyfast with a Siempre Peleando after 14:41.

Harper: And we get to see him face Acid tomorrow night. That should be great.

Vibert: Great performance by Extraordinario Jr, didn't expect to see him be able to keep up with Paul on the mat there.

Naess: Let's see if he'll be able to break out some of those technical skills to surprise Acid. 

Vibert: Who knows? What I do know is that this next match is going to be great, Davis Wayne Newton will be taking on our special guest, DAVE Icon, Chris Caulfield.


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BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS, ROUND 1 MATCH 7: Davis Wayne Newton vs Chris Caulfield

Davis Wayne Newton gets Chris Caulfield to pass out after 15:08 with an STF, getting him trapped in the hold after Nelson Callum interferes. (63)

Harper: Can this "Team MAXIMUM" win a single match clean?

Naess: Look at least we didn't have to deal with Phil getting up this time?

Vibert: Look, I love Chris, that's my guy, but he should've been prepared here. You need to have eyes in the back of your head if you're gonna beat the Ungovernable.

-lights go out, then suddenly a red spotlight points at the top of the entrance ramp, with Hijo Del Mephisto standing there, 3 shadows looming behind him before they disappear back into the darkness-

Hijo Del Mephisto's theme: View of a Burning City - Thou

Naess: It is finally time to see him in action, next up, Hijo Del Mephisto will be taking on Clark Alexander!


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BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS, ROUND 1 MATCH 8: Hijo Del Mephisto vs Clark Alexander

Hijo Del Mephisto pins Clark Alexander in 19:39 after hitting Behold! A Pale Horse!

Naess: Behold! A Pale Horse! What a move.

Harper: I hate to say it, but I think Pablo Rodriguez should be terrified right now.

Vibert: Look there's no way he makes it past the 2nd round tomorrow night. Davis Wayne Newton has got this. 

-Suddenly, Mephisto looks right at Vibert, smirks, and then the lights go out. When they come back on, Mephisto is gone.-

Harper: I think you made him mad Phil.

Vibert: What? No. I think he likes me.

Naess: Thankfully we have a priest backstage.

Harper: Well he's about to be in the ring because up next we have MAXIMUM World Champion, The Last Crusader Pablo Rodriguez taking on the Fabolous Frederique!


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MAXIM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: "The Last Crusader" Pablo Rodriguez vs "Fabolous" Frederique

After 20:25 minutes of great storytelling, Pablo Rodriguez pins Frederique with a Sinner's Salvation. (71)

-Pablo angrily grabs a mic post match-

Rodriguez: To that demon backstage and his group of followers, this is war. What I did to Frederique tonight, I promise that I will do worse to each and every one of you. For as long as I still walk, as long as I still breath, as long as my heart beats I will be a fighting champion!

-Show closes with Pablo standing in the middle of the ring, holding the title up and looking at the rafters, where the shapes of 4 mysterious figures stand watch over the entire arena-

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Out of Character: Trying something different with the first round here, would rather not let this get too repetitive.


Dark Matches:

Taheiji Konoe vs Paul Steadyfast - 10:28, Taheiji Konoe Wins (57)

Frederique & Fro Sure vs The Rock City Stars - 9:58, Frederique & Xavi Wins (58)

Amazing Fire Fly vs Bill Stallion - 4:28, Amazing Fire Fly Wins (28)

Round 1 Matches:

Nelson Callum vs Harry Allen - 20:21, Nelson Callum Wins (60)

Christopher Ball vs Acid II - 12:23, Christopher Ball Wins (48)

Acid vs Extraordinario Jr - 15:04, Acid Wins (69!)

Davis Wayne Newton vs Hijo Del Mephisto - 15:18, Hijo Del Mephisto Wins (51)

Intermission Match:

Savage Fury & Aldous Morningstar & Mutant vs Zombie Boy, Marco Gonzalez, Padraig O'Hearne, and Special Guest Air Attack Weasel - 9:47, Aldous Morningstar submits Air Attack Weasel (53)


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BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS SEMIFINAL #1: Nelson Callum vs Christopher Ball

Nelson Callum is able to submit former MMA fighter with a Honey Trap after 15:24. No Davis Wayne Newton or Phil Vibert interference needed. (69!)

Vibert: That's what you call a great win. Building momentum for the finals, crown my boy Nelson Callum as king!

Naess: You say that, but no matter who wins this next round, Nelson is going to have a massive challenge in the finals.

Harper: Two of the best Junior Heavyweights on Earth will be fighting next, can Acid halt Mephisto's advance through The Battle Of New Orleans, or will he too fall to the Pale Horse?



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After 19:36, Hijo Del Mephisto sends Acid straight to Hell with Behold! A Pale Horse! (63)

-Mephisto stands in the ring, his glance pointing right towards the entrance ramp, as Nelson Callum's music hits and the finals for the first ever Battle of New Orleans is set-

Vibert: Send this man back to the Underworld Nelson!



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BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS FINALS: "The Heartbreaker" Nelson Callum vs "The Pale Horse" Hijo Del Mephisto

In a back and forth match that managed to get all 9,233 people in the audience interested in both competitors, Hijo Del Mephisto defeats the upstart Nelson Callum with a Satanic Elbow off the top rope in 30:02. (76!!!)

Vibert: ....

Harper: For once, he's speechless, and I can't blame him. Mephisto took every single shot Nelson threw at him, and was able to just keep coming back with more and more. If Pablo Rodriguez can survive the coming onslaught from all of his followers, their match at The Great War should be incredible.

Naess: Normally I'd give Nelson props for trying to win this match without any help, but after what Mephisto did to Davis Wayne Newton tonight, I think the only reason why Phil didn't get involved is because he's terrified.

-Post Match, Mephisto grabs the microphone sitting next to the Battle Of New Orleans Trophy-

Mephisto: An Eclipse is rising, and it will darken the sky. Come July, the trumpets shall sound, blood will rain, the Priest will stop breathing and I will be crowned as the Demon King of MAXIMUM.

-Closing shot of the Pay Per View, Hijo Del Mephisto stands behind the trophy as Nelson Callum stares him down from outside the ring-



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March 31st, 2020 - Vibert's Voice Non-Premium MAXIMUM Report Short

Welcome to Vibert's Voice! Let's get right into it, we have a few major stories, including a new belt for MAXIMUM, a massive new signing, and the Surf Boy's opponent for the first part of the Vibert Challenge at MAXIMUM's Overdrive! But starting us off, a major announcement for the show. After a challenge Hijo Del Mephisto made towards the entire MAXIMUM Roster at OLLIE's Dia De Los Guerreros show, in which he said if anyone could beat him at Overdrive, he'd leave and take his army with him, Frederique stepped up for the challenge! Opening the show, Hijo Del Mephisto will be taking on Frederique. May God have mercy on his soul. Secondly, at MAXIMUM's Overdrive, the first ever MAXIMUM Tag Team Champions will crowned in a 4 way tag team match between Aldous Morningstar & Mutant, Acid & Acid II, Amazing Fire Fly & Extraordinario Jr, and Savage Fury. Next up, I am pleased to announce that MAXMIMUM has officially signed SWF and GCG Alumni Jungle Jack Marlowe, and in his first match he'll be taking on Bill Stallion. Speaking of taking on, Surf Boy, Lucas, you will be taking on former GCG World Heavyweight Champion Jimmy Cox. Good luck, and Vibert out. 





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So I know I don't necessarily need to announce this, but because one person said he liked how this was going I feel like I need to announce it anyway.

After some laptop troubles kept me from playing the game for a few days, I basically have come to the decision to not continue this dynasty. I think I jumped in with a type of company I'm not really good at booking (whenever I start a new company I go really small with monthly events for like 5 or so years, I just felt like that wouldn't be the best way to write a dynasty). I do plan on starting another dynasty somewhat soon, an existing C-Verse Puro Company, one that I've booked a lot of before. However I plan on at least playing a year before starting the dynasty to let me mold the in-game universe a bit, and to give me a somewhat unusual start because I know we aren't exactly lacking Puro diaries. 

If I need to delete this thread to clear up the Dynasty tab I will, but if not I'd like to keep it open so I can keep an idea of what I started with if I keep on writing these. 

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