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The Third Game: A Cautious Road to Glory

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Oh right.


8. "Where There’s A Will" One of your die hard fans has passed on bequeathing their worldly possessions to your promotion. Do you accept it or donate it to charity? Gain EITHER $56,609 or +5 Prestige




First, obviously the money.  Prestige is meaningless.  But lemme think if I care...I don't think so.


18. “A Bumpy Ride” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +10 to your Basics skill


Nah; I'm at like 70 or w/e


48. "Grounded in Reality" You've discovered a new found ability to play Realistic gimmicks and prefer to have back up, add "Plays Realistic Well" and “Tag Team Specialist” to your attributes


Y'know what?  I...okay so either I'm rolling until I get tech increase, or I take what I roll.


9. "Keeping It In The Family" Create a younger sibling wrestler aged 17 (same 750 skill point split). If you are over 32 treat this as a son/daughter




oh btw



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15 minutes ago, Eidenhoek said:

Okay so I'm going to also make another diary where I use the sibling, so I've made a save here.  I should have made the save after adding the character, but y'know what they say: How do I import someone into an already-active database?

"Import Data" on the Options screen. First column, fifth one down.

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10 minutes ago, awesomenessofme1 said:

"Import Data" on the Options screen. First column, fifth one down.

Still gotta make the guy.  Speaking of!

I rolled "Needy" for personality; I wanted to roll personalities for the lulz.  In canon Aadesh has...Bully.  Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh AND SOMEHOW A GREAT LEADER NOT WITH AN IRON FIST

So bro has Prodigy (same reason as Aadesh), plays Bad Ass Well, not Offbeat/Unstable.  Going with a Big Heavyweight Striker approach this time (would love to do Powerful, but...not gonna have power so)




whoa how did that happen why am i underlining?,

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Bought WINNOW (maybe) and made a player 2 to lower their production.  So now they are more popular than their also-tiny parent (grumble), and should bring in more sponsorship money yaaaay.


I also capped myself at Tiny, thus no Regional Battle nonsense.  FOR NOW dun dun dunnnnnnnn


Oh.  And I have Aa-ron Knight YEAH so that's kewl.

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So there's a tourney going on in there, by the way.  Simple 4-person tourney.





Oh I can just like...I don't need to use imgur?


Anyway, yet again I messed up crowd emotions, but still a good main event.


Bach had bad chemistry with Knight, Dragon, and Fire Osprey.  lul.  Knight goes well with...his...first opponent.


And Bach's going to developmental so that he can't quit lul.

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Now I know what you're thinking:

  1. Tiny->Medium is illegal.
  2. I said that DSPW was the last company in this diary.

My response:


  1. Had I stayed in MWPG or...that's not the company.  MGPW, or ZEN and not been an idiot, it would be.
  2. u suk


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On 8/11/2023 at 7:02 PM, John Lions said:

Davis Stone and Styx are working for an Australian indy? What the heck does their roster look like?

I don't need your SASS (joking) not joking i h8 u and also I didn't post many ZEN shows so...






Yeah so I was in ZEN when CWA died, and David Stone was unpopular enough to be okay with coming to Oceania (as was Styx).  Styx was my resident burial guy, actually, with wins over...Damian Dastardly, who was leaving, and Gregory Grace, who I just was a jerk to because.  I think he was going to beat the crap out of Will Beaumont, but dude severely herniated his disc in the first pre-show match lul (and then had a shoulder injury on return lul).




Mcking and Gordy are rangens.


They pulled a 45, but they look to be losing money.  So...I mean there's no reason I can't buy them out in a year is all I'm saying <_< >_>


By the dubs, why is it that my third show only raises popularity in 55 regions, not 56?  I have Very Small in India, remember?






No, it's India, and...I have to assume it's my home region that isn't growing, but...how?!


Rangen named Purple Mosquito.  Not in a purple mask.

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DIW are going to die due to not wanting to sell to me (kekeke)


Oh, and next month we're out of debt woo!


So the Jaraanha[sic] stable?  6 people.  Two Good chemistry teams.  One great chemistry.  And one good managerial chemistry.  And I only set one of those.  I LOVE the Animals stable.  LOVE it.

They all suck, mind, but




THEY STILL SUCK (Winning Combination is Thunder Dragon and Aaron Knight)

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So, I've hired some really talented people-and forgot that Sammy Bach's in developmental to prevent him quitting, kekeke-and it turns out I don't have much rosterguys to kick out.  I could switch to 90-minute shows, I guess, to get another match in, buuuuuuut

Note: Hemant Velama, the pre-Aaron Knight pre-brother "guy I was going to push", probably needs to not be.  He's not expensive, tho...

Oh, and the reason my shows aren't always hitting 56 regions is that I think Very Small allows...okay.

So I'm Tiny.  Or 10 popularity in a region; I think the popularity is what's relevant.  Let's say that I can increase my popularity per Organic growth by 0.5 pop/month.

Let's say that Very Small is magically giving me 0.3 pop/show due to broader coverage.  Ignoring that I didn't have this issue with MWGP.

Well, that means that after 2 shows, I've hit the popularity cap for that month.  Doesn't matter that my shows would allow me to have more increases; I'm hitting the hard cap.


I guess.

Breaking New!  "Mr. CotT" Pablo Rodriguez just broke his oh phrasing neck.

I think I drank a pint of apple juice

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