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Which is the most realistic mod?

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[B][U]Fall of the One Ring Circus[/U][/B] [B]Pros[/B] Most up-to-date Reasonable size number of workers Almost complete pic pack in the same thread Best TV and PPV carriers/Future promotions data [B]Cons[/B] Not the biggest mod Lacks some of the medium-level indy feds (PWG) Is very tough due to lower overness [B][U]T-Zone[/U][/B] [B]Pros[/B] Most comprehensive data Better knowledge of lower-level talent [B]Cons[/B] Out of date Will run very slowly on a slower machine due to size Too easy to succeed as indy fed (That's an opinion from me) [B][U]Death of the Territories[/U][/B] [B]Pros[/B] It's the best data [B]Cons[/B] It's set in 1983 (Is only a con if you want an up-to-date data) [B][U]End of the Golden Era[/U][/B] [B]Pros[/B] Solid historical piece Complete pic pack [B]Cons[/B] Lacks lots of workers It's set in 1993 (Again only good if you want to play during that time) There are other mods from various time periods, but I haven't played them. Hope that helps.
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[QUOTE=TCP1][B][U]Fall of the One Ring Circus[/U][/B] [B]Pros[/B] Most up-to-date Reasonable size number of workers Almost complete pic pack in the same thread Best TV and PPV carriers/Future promotions data [B]Cons[/B] Not the biggest mod Lacks some of the medium-level indy feds (PWG) Is very tough due to lower overness[/QUOTE] Additional pros: Probably the most comprehensive so far Constantly updated Women's side falls short in some ways (listed as a pro because few people even care :p) Additional cons: Lacks some of the smaller indy feds (like most of the NWA territories) Lacks some of the less ballyhooed divisions of existing feds Some concessions were made for the sake of continuity (like certain workers being made 'Entertainers' in order to keep their jobs with a certain SE fed) Women's side falls short in some ways (listed as a con because there are a few folks who care AND it can impact the men's side as well. Like, a manager being set as a wrestler can mean that worker wants to wrestle more than just manage) Due to the sheer amount of data involved, it loads SLOOOOOOOW (even on an Athlon FX-62 with 4 gigs of dual channel RAM and a 10k RPM HD) I'd recommend it above all others. You may need to make some modifications to personalize it a bit but that's definitely preferable to having to do the whole thing from scratch.
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[QUOTE=jonlawson]hehe, ditto, except when I turn WWE and TNA into Women T&A and they fire everybody :p then it loads SOOOOO SLOOOOOW :)[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TEW%20Pics/WWEDiva.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/bobinc/TNA/TNAWomens.jpg[/IMG]
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