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WCW: Reigniting The Fire

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The First Month

Our first month of business is in the books and taking into consideration we did not start broadcasting until week two, our roster is thin and has many unknown stars we need to work on pushing and our TV deal is slotted for the Afternoon, the fact we've managed to walk away with 66 grand in profit is...at the very least a glimmer of hope for the weeks and months to come. The Network has been happy with the product we have been producing, another glimmer of hope. Once we are closer towards negotiation time my hope is we can change some things around for the show. Obviously the time slot would be ideal to a more favorable opportunity for us, but I'm also considering moving the show to Tuesday. Tuesday Night Turmoil has a much better ring to it. For now though, stick with what we have got. Never know when things go south if another home for us on TV might be necessary.

Then of course, there's Pay-Per View. I stand by my decision to hold off on PPV until The Great American Bash, which comes at the end of June. Yes. Having a PPV would have probably brought in more revenue, but the booking would have been too short term in my opinion. Very little time to build up heat. Now, where I'm sitting. I have four weeks to build to The Great American Bash card. The mismatch of Kanyon and Bagwell in the tag match could give me something to work off of there and when those two deal with their issues they can return their focus to dealing some personal blows to their individual opponents to drive up the heat for their stories. I already have something in mind for Bagwell and Booker. Kanyon & DDP I still need to take options into consideration how I can build more heat. We have time though. That's the important thing.

The Tournament has been successful in my eyes. Sure, not all the matches popped big ratings, but it has helped introduce new faces, give meaning and importance to the show and to the United States Championship itself. Plus as we now go into the Quarter Final stage, the matches are starting to look more interesting. It's also provided me a platform to start building some heat for the tag division with what's been happening between Palumbo & O'Haire and Team Canada.

The Cruiserweight Division has interest with the strange messages being delivered to Shane Helms but we need to make sure we have a contender decided for Shane for The Great American Bash. Whether that's the culprit behind the messages or not. Interest only gets us so far without direction and the Cruiserweight division has suffered enough of directionless booking from the previous administration.

I've also been considering introducing a new belt to the company next month. Once I have the rules and placement for the belt on the card fully fleshed out we will make the announcement. I think we'll wait until after The Great American Bash anyway to make it happen.

Rome wasn't built in a day...but at least we've laid down some foundations.


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Prediction Scorescard
Turmoil Match Card
Week 1, June, 2001
The road to The Great American Bash has begun, the Quarter Finals are underway. The miscommunication between Kanyon and Bagwell in last week's main event leaves us wondering how those two egos might handle it. Shane Helms has requested a meeting with Shane McMahon to discuss the strange messages that have been happening after his matches and the World Heavyweight Champion is in Non Title Action for the main event.
Lash Leroux VS. Shawn Stasiak
US Title Tournament
Quarter Finals
Winner Progresses To Semi-Finals
Juventud Guerrera VS. Lance Storm
Kanyon VS. La Parka
Main Event
Non Title 
Booker T VS. Chris Candido
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WRITER'S NOTE: SORRY FOR DELAY ON THIS ONE! Two reasons. Busy week of work. Little time to write. The second. Last Turmoil I tried my very first hand of match writing and honestly the way of doing it seemed such a bore. rote this move, and then this move, and this reversal, and I tried to include energy to it but I wasnt having fun. So instead of returning to the old method. I attempted a new one. I tried to make it more like...you're hearing commentary. Yes there will still be descriptions of the in ring action as it happens so you get the flow, but I also want to emulate the atmosphere of wrestling, both sight and sound. sometimes WHILE we are watching move flow, we get hype for the PPV, we get discussions about what is happening in WCW. I won't be including "Tony Schiavone:" "Bobby Heenan:" into the formatting because I feel like that ruins the flow. Necessary for promos. not for match writing. You the reader can imagine the voices of who is calling these matches. Please. I'd appreciate any feedback on this from reader's



Week 1, June, 2001
Held in Mid Atlantic
6,900 in Attendance


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Tony Schiavone
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to another edition of WCW Turmoil, I am Tony Schiavone joined as always by my broadcast partner Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. and Bobby? What a night ahead of us we've got in store. The Quarter Finals to The United States Championship continues, things are heating up, the stakes are real and everyone is wanting to progress to those semi finals!

Bobby Heenan
Yeah Juventud Guerrera will be taking on Lance Storm and Tony I gotta tell you I don't know which one to pick for the winner here tonight, a clash of styles that will certainly make for an interesting match and both men absolutely able to do whatever it takes to pull out the win!

Tony Schiavone
You mean cheat?!

Bobby Heenan
WHATEVER IT TAKES SCHIAVONE! And speaking of whatever it takes. We've got a man who's learned very quickly what that means and what tht gets him. Kanyon's in action later on tonight!

Tony Schiavone
Of course Kanyon and Buff Bagwell having a miscommunication in their match which led to Kanyon leaving Bagwell to deal with Booker T and DDP on his own. We have heard ladies and gentlemen that Kanyon does have a statement regarding Buff Bagwell so make sure you stay tuned for that, along with his match later on this evening.

Bobby Heenan
And of course there's the Main Event, we got the World Champ in non title action and that's always a reason to keep your hands off the remote and stay tuned in to Turmoil! You ain't gonna wanna miss it!


Opening Match
Lash Leroux VS. Shawn Stasiak

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Stasiak goes to initiate a lockup, but Lash looks hesitant, unsure of himself, he shakes his head. Stasiak takes a closer step, his brow furrowing. "LOCK UP!" his demand can be heard through the ringside cameras and potentially even by those in the first few rows. Leroux looks stunned. Who in the world put him in THIS situation?! He tentatively reaches out his hands. Stasiak grasps them and forces Leroux to his knees. Leroux's eyes widen with fear. Stasiak raises his foot and drives a boot straight to the face of Leroux, letting go of Leroux's hands he drives his head right into the mat!

He returns to the corner and takes a seated position. Waiting. As the ref tends to the fallen Leroux. Stasiak is acting strange here. Not taking advantage of the situation he's created for himself. He's just...sitting there...waiting...? 

His glare did not break. His breathing deep and focused as Lash began to stir. Raising to his knees. As soon as he did. Shawn stood to his feet and began to run! The ref tries to reach out to reason with him! BUT STASIAK DRIVES THE KNEE STRAIGHT INTO THE SIDE OF THE SKULL OF LASH LEROUX!


The ref is looking on in fear though! He does not know if he can control this man! He doesn't know how he might react if the ref stops the match!

Stasiak hoists Leroux up, and drives him back down, skull first with a double armed DDT. He goes for the pin! WHAT A DOMINATING AND DANGEROUS DISPLAY!






US Title Tournament
Quarter Finals
Winner Progresses to Semi Finals
Juventud Guerrera VS. Lance Storm

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Lance Storm starts the action by managing to immediately pull Juventud Gerrera into an irish whip, Juvi rebounds off the ropes, as he comes back Lance looks to throw him up in the air...but Juvi manages to kick back and deliver a dropkick straight to the chin of Lance Storm, what awareness from Juventud Guerrera!

Both men get back to their feet and Juvi follows with a spinning heel kick! Both men fall to the floor once more! Starting their match off hot! 

Juvi kips up and pumps his fist in the air "Viva la revolución" What on earth did he mean by that? This allows Lance time to get back up though! He grabs Juvi by the wrist again, he goes for another irish whip and Lance Storm bends over, perhaps getting his timing off? Allowing Juvi to hop up and get lance in position for a  HURR-I-CAN...NO! STORM POWERBOMS JUVI! Perhaps Storm was luring Juvi in with that positioning after all! Folks do not let the stature of Lance Storm fool you. This man is a wrestling machine. He Picks Juvi back up onto his feet, hooking one of his legs between Juvi's before snapping back with the Russian Leg Sweep! Now all of a sudden things have become more mat based! This clash of styles produced for an interesting bout already.

And Storm, with the killer mindset, he knows Juvi is in his world now! Keep Juvi away from the ropes and the corners and all of a sudden you make him change his game plan! Storm follows up by grasping at the fallen leg of Juvi, twisting at it at first, wrenching it, before dropping his knee down right on to Juvi's leg! He's trying to weaken and perhaps even immobalize Juvi. The cerebral tactics of Storm!

He goes to the other leg to do the same thing...But Juvi manages to kick Storm back! Storm rushes back to maintain control! But drop toe hold, sending Storm careening to the mat! It looks like Juvi can adapt to the mat just fine when he needs to!  Neither man wanting to give an inch in this match! The tournament is getting serious ladies and gentlemen.

One of these men get to go to The Great American Bash as a semi finalist. Those semi finals decide the finalist and later on that very same night? At The Great American Bash? Those finalists will be pulling double duty to crown a NEW WCW United States Champion. Folks you might wonder what a man would need to be convinced to pull double time. The answer? The United States Championship! We're crowning one at The Great American Bash GET YOUR TICKETS NOW!

Both men rise to their feet and Lance once again manages to bring things back to wrestling, as he slips around Juvi and wraps his arms around Juvi's waist. Lance is smart, keeping Juvi grounded as much as he can. Juvi is trying to break the grap, but Storm cinches it in and spots an opportunity. he charges with his grasp around Juvi, pushing him straight ahead, charging him towards the corner! Juvi's head meeting turnbuckle! And Storm lets his grasp go and lets Juvi fall like a ragdoll! The disrespect from Lance Storm! Neither of these two men are exactly fan favorites but the fans can not help but be engaged by what they are seeing. This is a real. God's honest competition and it's showing that these two men are giving it their all for a chance at the gold. 

A glimpse...of what WCW used to be.

Storm is climbing up to the top turnbuckle, he's the one shifting gears to the corner now! This is certainly unexpected! He stands upon the top rope, waiting as Juvi slowly stirs to his feet. Lance leaps...but Juvi lunges back and back rolls out of the way! Storm meets the canvas and Juvi immediately charges and delivers a leg drop straight to the back of Storm's neck as storm tried to get up! Juvi..to his feet now. He turns to the middle rope, hops up and...springboard moonsault. perfect precision! He's got the cover!

ONE...TWO...SHOULDER UP FROM STORM! Storm with the will, the tenacity to break the count and carry on! 

Juvi heads back to the corner now, starting to climb the turnbuckle but Storm is stirring and sees Juvi climbing. Storm rolls out of the ring so he can recover, but I don't think Storm realizes that#s not going to stop Juvi, because Juvi leaps to the outside from the top turnbuckleand he manages to connect, hooking his legs over Storm's shoulder and hitting him with a Diving HURR-I-CAN-RA-NA!

Now Juvi's feeling the rhythm. He's picking up the momentum, he brings Storm up to his feet, delivering a knife edge chop straight across his chest, followed by a second...and then a third, before whipping Storm back into the ring. Juvi climbs once more on to the top turnbuckle, what does he have in mind right now? He goes for a diving crossbody this time as Storm raises to his feet, but Storm manages to have the knowhow, to roll back down to the floor and dodge the move! Storm immediately starts to capitalize as he uses the ropes to pull up and heads over to the fallen Juvi delivering some boots to the legs of Juvi. Still focusing on that tactic of trying to slow Juvi down, trying to remove his ability to do the things he's managed to do thus far.

He picks Juvi up by his head, guiding him towards the ring corner before slamming his head into the turnbuckle! He then whips Juvi into the ropes and as Juvi comes running back, Storm delivers a clothesline which folds Juvi up like an accordion!

Storm goes for the quick cover!


Storm looking frustrated now as he picks Juvi up, he's got his arms wrapped tight around Juvi's waist, as he positions himself behind him...he goes for the German Suplex! 


He runs at Storm and showcases his athletic ability as he uses his body to spin around Storms, and he drive's Storm's head down into the mat with a tilt a whirl DDT! He's signalling for the 450!

He hops up to the top turnbuckle, standing on his feet GOING FOR THE 450 SPLASH!


Storm tries to rock Juvi down with a clothesline but Juvi ducks underneath it, Juvi kicks the legs up p-erhaps gpoing for an Enziguiri...but Storm catches Juvi, grabbing him by the left leg and bringing him down with his knee to the middle of the ring...


And folks the struggle begins. Juvi reaching his arms out, stretching out as far as he can as he screams in agony. Trying, desperate to reach the ropes but he's just too far away! He tries to pull himself towards the ropes...but Storm just sits down on that single leg crab and he is in absolute control of Juvi's position it looks like Juvi might have no choice...when all of a sudden...


WAIT A MINUTE! IT'S THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS! CHUCK PALUMBO & SEAN O' HAIRE! Appearing on stage...and Storm let's go of the hold distracted by what he sees. a look of absolute disdain across his face he can't believe these two would dare to show their faces in this match but folks if you would remember Team Canada had a hand in BOTH these men losing their respective tournament matches! Storm is completely beside himself, signalling for these two men to come down to the ring he's willing to take them on here and now I think he's forgotten about the man in the ring though because as he turns around




Juventud Guerrera Goes To The Semi Finals!

Rated: 60



Karma's A B***h!


We come back from commercial to find Palumbo & O'Haire in the promo area, looking admittedly a little proud of themselves. After both men getting their opportunities taken away from them by Team Canada it seems that turnabout is fair play here tonight and a little dose of justice was finally delivered to the remaining member of Team Canada in the tournament, Lance Storm.

Chuck Palumbo
Boys...first of all I'd like to say. Karma'a a b***h...what goes around, comes around. And I wouldn't exactly find it fair for the paying WCW fans to have seen Lance Storm advancing...thanks to the assistance of his hired goon! 

Sean O'Haire
You know somethin' Storm? Awesome?! I'd like to think this makes us even, but we all know that's not the case. The only way this score is truly getting settled is in the ring like men! Then again, I know that concept might be foreign to you because you've both been acting like WEASELS so far!

Palumbo goes off screen for a moment to grab something and returns with both WCW World Tag Team Championships in hand. These two wasting no time to get right down to business. He hands Sean's belt to him and the two show them off to the camera for a moment.

Chuck Palumbo
Boys I don't wanna waste time. I wanna keep this challenge real and simple for you. Me and Sean...against Team Canada. The Great American Bash!

Sean O'Haire
And of course, it goes without question we're putting our championships on the line. But on one condition.

One condition? What on earth could that be. After all the champions have willingly offered their championships in the match. We know they want to teach Team Canada a lesson but so far there's a lot on the line here from the tag team champions!

Chuck Palumbo
See we spoke to Shane McMahon earlier tonight boys and we made our intentions clear. Now whilst he didn't grant us permission to do what we did...he certainly didn't deny it either! So ya know? As good of a blessing as you're gonna' get from the big guy in my opinion. And what our intentions were, were very simple...if by chance...Lance Storm were to lose tonight...

Sean O'Haire

Chuck Palumbo
Oh...which he did indeed. Then that would free up Team Canada for The Great American Bash, and if the tag team champions were willing to officially declare Team Canada as the number one contenders.

Sean O'Haire

Chuck Palumbo
Oh...this is us doing it right now in case you couldn't wrap your heads around that one boys! Well that means we get to choose the stipulation of the match...it is of course...up to the both of you to deny this. We are not forcing you by any means

Sean O'Haire
We're just very confident you'll say yes...

The two smirk, looking very sure of themselves. After all they had just delivered what Lance Storm would see as a personal blow. It was just these two getting even for what had been happening the past couple weeks. But Storm will not see it that way and he's going to be ranting and raving at Mike Awesome about what the champions have done right at this very moment in the locker room you can be sure of that.

Chuck Palumbo
Because after all boys...now we're all out of the tournament? We've got business we need to solve...don't we?

Sean O'Haire
See based on the way you two have been in the last two weeks. We wouldn't put it past either of you to try some funny business in a regular tag match! Which is why we told Shane McMahon that if you two accept and this match happens? We want to keep you both in the ring where we can keep our eyes on you! No illegal tagging, no distracting the ref. No tricks. A Tornado Tag Team Match!

Chuck Palumbo
Now like we said, at the end of the day it's us offering this match to you...but it sure would be a shame for your great home of Canada to be represented by a pair of cowards wouldn't it?

Sean O'Haire
We look forward to hearin' from you boys. Keep in touch.




Solving This Mystery


We cut to a camera following WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Shane Helms as he walks into the office of non other than the owner of WCW himself, Shane McMahon. This was a meeting that Shane had personally requested to address the issue at hand that's currently facing him. These strange messages that are seemingly targeted at him and playing after his match He comes in and places the championship belt on his shoulders as he sits in front of Shane's desk.

Shane Helms
Mr. McMahon I am concerned about what's been happening after my matches with these strange messages. Someone HAS to know who is responsible for them! The production crew? Someone in the office? Clearly it's someone on the payroll!

Shane O Mac
Shane if I knew who was responsible for these messages I'd have already booked a match between you and them for The Great American Bash. If it is anybody on the roster they're doing a very good job of concealing their identity. The production crew is as confused as you are. All that happens when you are slated to wrestle? A tape rolls in to the production truck with instructions for the crew to play it after your match. No idea how it gets there or who delivers it.

An interesting development with this admission from Shane as to how exactly these messages have come to be played in the first place and an added layer to the mystery. Someone is clearly keeping track of when the Cruiserweight Champion is having his matches and timing their delivery of these tapes around that schedule.

Shane Helms
So this person knows, when I'm slated to wrestle and is intentionally sending tapes to be played for me after my match? Well what if that starts to change? What if they start playing DURING my matches? What if they try changing the outcome of my match.

Shane O Mac
Look, Shane, I understand your concern but without any idea of who it is? There's not much I can do! Besides there's nothing this person is essentially doing that is cause for punishment...

Shane Helms
You could tell the production crew not to play those tapes! Surely there's measures to be taken there!

Shane O Mac
Shane, as long as those tapes are designed to be played AFTER your match? I see no reason for the crew not to play them. This is a competitive sport. Sure, the way this person is going about things is a bit unorthodox...

This much was certainly true. There had been no interference, no distraction, no rule breaking that would cause Shane O Mac to step in as an authority figure. Everything so far that was happening. Was happening AFTER Helms' matches had come to their conclusion. Perhaps an intentional move on the part of whoever was behind this? To avoid interference that could potentially put an end to the mind games being played here.

Shane Helms
Unorthodox? They're quoting the bible Shane! 

Shane O Mac
Like I said...unorthodox. But ultimately at the end of the day all they are doing is making YOU aware...that they have their attention on you and want your attention in return and ultimately, one way or another. That will eventually lead to a match. In short...they're taking part in the competitive process. I see no reason to put a stop to it or to punish it. But I will admit it necessary for us to find out who is behind this so we can make a match happen. Speaking of which...your Cruiserweight Championship. I think that is probably what's playing a part in all of this. Whoever is doing this to you? They want that belt.

Shane Helms
So why don't they come after it like a man like everybody else does?

The frustration was palpable and rightfully so on the part of Helms. whoever was doing this was doing it with the intention of at the very least playing some sort of mind games with the champion. Talking about sin and mercy...what on earth had Shane Helms of all people done that could be considered a "sin" in this person's eyes? Why the religious connotations? It was all very confusing.

Shane O Mac
That's what I'm hoping they will do. Next week we'll crown a number one contender for the Cruiserweight Championship.It's going to be...a fatal four way elimination match. Four Cruiserweights will have until next week to declare a spot in this invitational and the winner will be crowned the number one contender for The Great American Bash. Maybe one of those four men will end up being your culprit?

Shane Helms
Maybe...but what if they aren't?

Shane O Mac
Well me and my team will do our best figuring it out Shane and if we find out? I promise you. Not only will YOU find out...but you'll get your chance to get your hands on them, regardless what happens with that belt.




How Did You Repay Me?!


We go to the promo area to see a man who, like it or not his star is slowly starting to rise, it's Kanyon. And he looks intense. He's breathing deeply, his stare full of fury. Running his hands through his greasy black hair he grabs at strings of them and pulls at them to vent some of that frustrations for some relief before finally managing to get his words out.

If there's one thing I have learned from the recent weeks. It's never to do someone else a favor. BUFF BAGWELL...whether you wanna admit it or not? Whether you like it or not? That is EXACTLY what I did for you on the first edition of Turmoil...a favor...I made your life easier. By taking out DDP and putting your lifeless hump over his...I gave you the opportunity you have right now. A World Heavyweight Championship Match at The Great American Bash. Arguably the greatest opportunity anybody in this business can ask for...and what did you do Bagwell? HOW DID YOU REPAY ME FOR THIS FAVOR?!

His face reddens as he clenches his fists and it looks for a moment he's about to throw a punch somewhere but he calms himself down and grabs at his hair again in order to do so. This is years worth of anger here folks. A man who thinks he has been overlooked and under utilized time and time again.

In our tag team match...you acted like a coward...you refused to work with me. You refused to let me have my moment to shine...you made it all about you...and what you wanted. You've let it all go to your head brother and I for one can't stand this lack of RESPECT and this lack of GRATITUDE from you! If I could go back and do it all again Buff? Knowing what I know now? I would have taken you BOTH out and claimed that Number one contendership for myself! Because the way you have acted since then has shown me that you absolutely did not deserve it. You didn't deserve that favor...and to prove it. Well unlike you I'm happy to walk the walk as well as talk the talk!

That's a big challenge on the part of Kanyon. A match against Bagwell would certainly be a challenge due to the size and power difference but Kanyon seems confident. Or perhaps his anger is what is fuelling him right now. Either way. It's clear by the look in his eyes. He wants this match.

Next week Buff...you and me. One ion one...settle our business...and go our seperate ways. And I will show everybody watching not only are you in the position you're in now BECAUSE OF ME...

Kanyon starts out by pointing at himself but that quickly evolves from him pointing his finger at his own chest, to bashing at his own chest as he yells out those last words. All he wanted in return was some respect from Bagwell for what he did. And he didn't get it. Not only did he not get it. He got taken advantage of in his eyes.

For far too long I've let people stand in my way. Well no more...not DDP...and certainly not you Buff. Next week. You and Me...the ball is in your court now brother. Do you have the courage...to prove you are better than Kanyon? I don't think you do...




Single's Match
Kanyon VS. La Parka

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The two go for a lock up as the match starts and La Parka pulls Kanyon into a headlock, bringing Kanyon to his knees he wrenches his forearms around Kanyon's neck as he starts off the match with this hold to gain control and put out the fire filling Kanyon's heart right now.

And folks while we have the time as this match starts, just to remind you our WCW World Heavyweight Champion is in non title action for our Main Event, stay tuned you won't want to miss it!

Kanyon wraps his arms around La Parka's waist and pushes himself back up to a standing position, he manages to break free and pushes La Parka into the ropes! La Parka rebounds and Kanyon swings the forearm for a clothesline, but La Parka ducks under! Rebounding off the opposite end of the ropes! Kanyon tries delivering a big boot!  BUT LA PARKA ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY! Kanyon turns around and tries delivering a boot to La Parka's midsection but La Parka grabs the leg, and sweeps Kanyon's other leg causing him to fall to the mat!

As Kanyon gets up La Parka delivers a series of kicks across the different points of Kanyon's body, the back of the lower leg, the knees, the hips, the chest and then he hops up and delivers an Enziguri that sounds like a gun just went off causing Kanyon to slowly fall to his knees and then face first into the mat!

La Parka takes adavantage and keeps the momentum going, pulling Kanyon up he whips Kanyon into the ropes! Kanyon comes running back and La Parka bends over looking to send Kanyon tumboing over...but Kanyon sees it coming, grabbing La Parka by the head and then driving it straight first into the mat! Now the tables have turned! And folks look at the intensity and the frustration in the eyes of Kanyon! I would be concerned if I was La Parka right now. Kanyon is venting years worth of emotion! Every time he thinks he got overlooked, every time he thinks he played second fiddle. Every slight that WCW ever committed against him has piled up and it's turning him into a very dangerous individual!

As La Parka gets up he's met with a boot to the midsection from Kanyon and Kanyon grabs La Parka by the neck to hoist him up, what's he got in store for him here? SWINGING PENDULUM BACKBREAKER! La Parka's spine driven right into the knee of Kanyon and Kanyon's eyes are full of fire, he goes for the first cover of the match.


And Kanyon does not look too happy about that at all, he shoots an intense glare at the referee, standing to his feet as he does so. The ref holds his position but does so tentatively, readying himself for the worst. Kanyon's glare maintains before slowly turning his gaze back to La Parka, he reaches down and...what's he doing?

He's trying to take the mask off of La Parka! This is just disrespectful! There's no need for this! What has La Parka done to deserve this treatment? La Parka reaching up and trying to pull Kanyon's hands away! That mask is sacred in Mexico folks! That mask is his lifeblood, it's his career, it's his identity and Kanyon's trying to take it all away from him!

In an act of desperation La Parka drives a leg up and delivers a boot straight to Kanyon's face, sending him reeling back! La Parka rushes to his feet and heads to the corner so he can secure his mask and tightens it to avoid the risk of losing it from this man that is absolutely possessed right now!

Kanyon runs to La Parka while he is in the corner but La Parka rolls out the way, causing Kanyon to collide with the turnbuckle, his body resting against the ring post...his back now turned to La Parka, La Parka sees an opportunity, he rushes over to Kanyon and begins delivering forearms to the back of the head. One. Two. Three...Four...La Parka stops to break the refs count before following with a kick to Kanyon's back. La Parka begins raising Kanyon up slowly onto the top turnbuckle, he heads up himself, wrapping his legs around Kanyon's neck...and brings him back down with a Reverse Frankensteiner! La Parka taking the fight to Kanyon now! Kanyon might not realize this but he's made things personal by going after La Parka's mask in this match tonight! But maybe that was his intention after all! La Parka going for the cover...


La Parka tries to bring Kanyon up to his feet, but Kanyon is ready for him. driving an elbow to the midsection...followed by a second...then a third...FOLLOWED BY A BIG BOOT, SENDING La Parka folding over!. Kanyon immediately props La Parka up into a seated position, driving a knee straight to the back of La Parka, followed by a second before locking in a headlock. Wrenching at it he lets out a scream of frustration, his eyes wide and intense.


But La Parka fighting back, slowly getting up. Kanyon not wanting La Parka to reverse he keeps his arms wrapped around the neck and drives La Parka down with a DDT! quick cover this time from Kanyon!


Kanyon starts slamming the mat "ONE TWO THREE...JUST LIKE THAT!!" He yells at the ref. He gets to his feet and starts stomping towards the referee Charles Robinson. Charles retreats the corner begging Kanyon off. Kanyon points a finger straight into Robinson's face "DON'T YOU SCREW ME!" Kanyon yells. He's absolutely lost it! "DON'T YOU SCREW ME!" he repeats. He doesn't realize La Parka's charging at him! La Parka delivering a splash straight to Kanyon but it knocks Charles Robinson down in the process!

La Parka realizes that he needs to do his best to keep the momentum in his way because if Kanyon gets the chance he will take advantage of this opportunity! La Parka rushes to the opposite corner as Kanyon stirs back to his feet and finds a FLYING LA PARKA MEETING HIM WITH A SPRINGBOARD CROSSBODY! 

La Parka hops back up to his feet, wanting to keep the momentum going in his favor, with Charles Robinson still out, it;s imperative he keep on the offense here! He brings Kanyon to his knees and...

LOW BLOW! LOW BLOW FROM Kanyon and there's no official there to call the disqualification! What a weasel! What a desperate cheap shot from Kanyon! This is exactly what we were worried about because god only knows what Kanyon has in mind at this point as a sickening smirk crosses his face as La Parka sinks to the mat. Kanyon rolls out the ring looking deranged, heading straight toward the commentary booth! Watch out Tony! Watch out Bobby!

"GET OUT THE WAY! GET OUT THE GOD D*** WAY!" Kanyon's screams can be picked up by the camera and commentary mics as he gets closer.

Tony and Bobby separate, neither of them daring to stand in the way of Kanyon right now in the mindset that he's in. Running away from their post it leaves their steel chairs up for grabs. He grabs one of the steel chairs from commentary and heads back in the ring.

He places the steel chair flat on the mat and begins picking La Parka up, signalling for the end he yells out one final time



Kanyon smirks as he runs his hands through his greasy black hair, grasping at it. He looks to Charles Robinson who is starting to stir, he throws the chair out of the ring and raises to his feet, waiting for Robison to turn around he points to the fallen La Parka to indicate there needs to be a pin! The ref is none the wiser of what we have just seen! Kanyon goes for the cover!





Take My Card...


After the match Kanyon is celebrating. he stands over the fallen La Parka for a moment. Staring down at him intensely. Contemplating. After moments of long, drawn out silence where you can see the cogs turning in his mind. Whatever thoughts are running through his mind, they cannot be good. However he seems to shake them off. Shaking his head and muttering something to himself before slowly leaving the ring. He walks around the barricade, staring down some of the fans as they throw their hatred towards him.

As Kanyon passes by the barricade a hand comes out and suddenly taps him on the shoudler. Kanyon snaps and turns in disbelief...did a fan just try and lay their hands on him? As he turns so does the camera and we are met with a young looking man holding wads of cash in his hands.


Who in the world is this DOLT? With his silly perm?! What does he want with Kanyon! For a moment it looks like Kanyon was just going to blow him off but the man reaches out and begins waving dollar bills in front of Kanyon's face. Kanyon looks as confused as we do folks. What in the world is going on here?!

"I CAN MAKE YOU MONEY KANYON!" We can hear the man yelling through the microphone of the camera as the crowd quietens, seeing the situation playing out on the tron they are becoming aware of it now and they are unsure at first how to read what exactly was happening. "I CAN MAKE YOU A LOT OF MONEY! JUST HEAR ME OUT! TAKE MY CARD! WE'LL TALK ON THE PHONE!" He reaches over and grabs Kanyon's hand, sliding over the handful of dollar bills along with some sort of card? This man wants to talk to Kanyon? Is he just crazy super fan or something what in the world is going on here?! The man slinks back into the crowd and leaves Kanyon looking down at the handful of cash and the business card...before slowly walking to the back...




Buff's Got The Stuff...


We come from commerical to see Buff Bagwell in the promo area, posing as usual but in a much elss...arrogant manner, and much more intended to intimidate and to impose, his eyes glaring right down the lens of the camera

Im Buff...I'm Tough...And The Ladies Just Can't Get Enough...And Kanyon? You'll see soon enough...that Buff's got the Stuff...to make your night VERY rough! 

He flashes his pearly whites at the camera, before reaching up and primping his hair. He takes a deep breath, centering himself, and preparing himself. Making sure he had everything in mind what he wanted to say.

Kanyon...you have officially gotten on my last nerve. I am going to The Great American Bash...I'm going to be in the Main Event...I AM GOING TO FACE BOOKER T FOR THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP...and the only thing I have been able to hear for the past MONTH...is your name. Over...and over...and over again. 

He moves his hand in a circular motion with each "Over" to emphasize just how much Kanyon's name had become linked with his in this whole thing. That first Turmoil had become a defining moment for both men it seemed. For Kanyon it inserted him into the Main Event picture he's been yearning for, but it's caught the ire of DDP by doing so. For Buff, it's caused many to doubt his position as the number one contender.

I've tried to shrug it off. I really have. I tried to let it go. I tried to even work with you Kanyon. The enemy...of my enemy is my friend, ya' know? But god d**n it! You cannot stop yourself having a hand in how my matches play out can you? Not my match with DDP...and not the tag match last week. No matter what I do. I just can't seem to shake you loose. 

He clutches his fist and turns, looking for something to hit, but he stops himself, and he calms himself. Taking a deep breath. Before letting out a chuckle, which slowly develops into an outright, confident laugh.

Well I guess I should be thanking you. Because now Kanyon? You've given me an opportunity. You've finally given me a chance to CUT YOU LOOSE! To show these people...that I absolutely deserve to be where I am! To show these people! That not only do I not NEED you! But that I am...without a shadow of a doubt...BETTER THAN YOU!

He points towards the camera, as if pointing at Kanyon himself. Using Kanyon's catchphrase against him. Knowing the fragile ego of Kanyon would not like that at all.

You want a match next week buddy? It will be my pleasure. You and me. One on one. Settling this score once and for all. And once I'm done with you? 

He leans in to the camera, speaking lower, focused, intense, no need to scream or yell. He could get his message across perfectly up close and personal like this.

DDP will have NOTHING to worry about come The Great American Bash! And as for you Booker T? Don't think for one single second that I've forgotten about you. In fact I'm working on something very, very special. Once I've finished things up with this distraction? I'll make sure it's something you just can't miss!




Main Event
Non Title
Booker T VS. Chris Candido

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The bell rings and the two men circle around the ring for a few moments, seemingly sizing each other up, or perhaps waiting for the first move to be made. They stop in the center of the ring and a stare down occurs, when all of a sudden Chris Candido delivers a shoven to the World Heavyweight Champion. Booker smirks as he walks it off for a moment, muttering to himself after the show of disrespect. He stands opposite Candido once more and then the lock up happens, Booker immeidately whips Candio over him with an arm drag. 

Both men rise to their feet and Candido pauses, as Booker stares him down. Both men are in a unique position. Candido is the underdog, he's got something to prove...he's got an opportunity to say he went toe to toe with the World Heavyweight Champion and perhaps, even won. Booker IS the Champion. This is a can not lose scenario, especially with The Great American Bash nearing closer. He knows he has to walk out of here with a win tonight.

Candido leans forward and shoves Booker again, frustrated, mouthing off, shouting at the champion. The two lock up and Candido begins to scramble down to the mat, testing Booker's mat wrestling ability, but Booker seems up to the task as he keeps his grasp on the scrambling Candido who is trying to roll free. Booker manages to pull Candido up to his feet, positioned behind him, his arms wrapped around Candido's waist and Candido delivers an elbow back to the temple of Booker to get himself free from the champions grasp. 

Candido actually follows up with some offence, delivering some forearms across the body of Booker. He whips Booker into the ropes! He goes for the clothesline but Booker ducks under, rebounds off the ropes and then hits Candido with a crossbody! What a show of athleticism from the World Heavyweight Champion! Booker goes for the pin!


Booker brings Candido up to his feet and delivers a forearm across the face! He whips Candido into the ropes...but as Booker goes around Candio manages to spin around him...but Booker follows spinning around Candido! What a sequence! He throws Candido out of the ring! Candido's back hitting flat against the ring mat!

Booker follows to the ringside area and brings Candido up, but Candido delivers a series of elbows to Booker's midsection, reaching out desperately he grabs Booker by the hair...and he drives Booker head first straight into the steel barricade! Desperation on the part of Chris Candido but it certainly helps him take control here as the refs count is underway...


Candido taunts the crowd as he delivers a couple shots to the skull of Booker. But Booker snaps back and wraps his arms around Candido's left, he rises up...and he drops Candido back down! Face first into the barricade! Candido getting his own taste of steel!


Booker the first one back to his feet now. Delivering ahard uppercut to Candido which sends him reeling. He walks around the ring trying to gather himself but Booker is unrelenting right now. Delivering a forearm across Candido's back. Candido shoots back with a rear elbow to Booker's face, before turning around and rolling him back into the ring, following after as the ref's count was just about to reach six.

Candido delivers an elbow to the back of Booker's head after entering the ring to keep him down on the mat. As Booker stirs and tries to rise up, Candido reaches up...and blatantly rakes the eyes of Booker right in front of the ref! The ref steps in warning Candido! If he keeps up with tactics like that the ref WILL disqualify him! He seems to ignore the ref though as he whips Booker into the ropes, as Booker returns he's met with a lariat with Candido and Candido actually starting to pick up some impressive momentum over the World Heavyweight Champion here! He holds Booker's legs wide open as Booker lays on the floor...and he drives a knee straight into the groin of Booker! And now the ref stepping in, separating Candido away and giving him a CLEAR, STERN WARNING NOW! And Candido is smirking! He is smirking at pushing the rules of this match as far as he can.

Candido brings Booker up, grabbing him by the arm, but Booker delivers a boot straight to Candido's gut! He hoists Candido up! ANd drives him right back down with a Spinebuster! He goes for the cover!


Booker looks agast, he can't believe the fight this kid is bringinbg to the match. He knows he needs to end this, especially with the dirty tactics that Candido has been employing to try and get the advantage! He uses the ropes to pull himself up to his feet! He brings Candido up and delivers another kick to the gut! He runs to the ropes...is he going for it...YES HE IS! THE AXE KICK! THE AXE KICK SENDING CANDIDO FACE FIRST INTO THE MATCH! FOLLOWED BY BOOKER'S PATENTED SPINAROONIE! HE GOES FOR THE COVER!





Overall: 62
Wednesday Afternoon slot 0.74 Rating: 560,272

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Prediction Scorecard


Lord Byron- 3
Colonel Phantom- 3


Turmoil Match Card
Week 2, June, 2001

The Quarter Finals Continue, The Cruiserweight Open will decide a number one contender for the number one contendership. Four Cruiserweights have personally come to Shane McMahon to claim a spot and will fight against one another in an elimination style match for the chance to face Shane Helms at The Great American Bash. The Teag Team Champions will be facing off in non title action, and, in the Main Event. Buff Bagwell and Kanyon's ego's will butt head to head and clash to settle their business so both men can focus on their own individual tasks at hand. 

Opening Match
Fatal Four Way Elimination Match
Number One Contendership: WCW Cruiserweight Championship
AJ Styles VS. Chavo Guerrero VS. Shannon Moore VS. ??

Tag Team Match
Non Title
Palumbo & O'Haire VS. Jung Dragons

WCW US Title Tournament
Quarter Finals
Winner Progresses to Semi Finals
Rob Van Dam VS. Chris Candido

Main Event
Buff Bagwell VS. Kanyon

Edited by CactusZach
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Opening Match
Fatal Four Way Elimination Match
Number One Contendership: WCW Cruiserweight Championship
AJ Styles VS. Chavo Guerrero VS. Shannon Moore VS. ?? (Christopher Daniels)

Tag Team Match
Non Title
Palumbo & O'Haire VS. Jung Dragons

WCW US Title Tournament
Quarter Finals
Winner Progresses to Semi Finals
Rob Van Dam VS. Chris Candido

Main Event
Buff Bagwell VS. Kanyon

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On 8/1/2023 at 1:28 PM, CactusZach said:
Day One
Boy, what a mess. If there was ever an underdog story in professional wrestling worth writing about, I have willingly taken ownership of what could potentially be the biggest one yet. No TV deal, No relationship with Turner to rely on. Big stars? Hogan? Flair? Sting? Goldberg? Forget about it. Their contracts are all tied up with Turner, even if I COULD try and work through that legal mess, the money they were on? They'd be idiotic to take whatever contracts I would be willing to offer them. I'm operating on a much thinner roster thanks to the multiple Turner contracts I couldn't get a hold of in the deal. I imagine the fanbase, or whatever is left of it is hoping and praying for me to come back on Monday Nights with a vengeance, but that just isn't realistic. Nitro will need a new home, on a new day. One that doesn't have Dad's scheduling interfering with it. Something we can start the rebuilding process on without having to worry about competing ratings from Raw. Hell it might not even be Nitro. I'm thinking total rebrand of our main show. No B Shows for now...need to rebuild faith and get the bad taste out of everybody's mouth, fans and workers...
I think the first important matter of business is the roster and Champions we currently have.
Roster (Wrestlers Only)
Billy Kidman
Booker T
Buff Bagwell
Chavo Guererro Jr.
Chuck Palumbo
David Flair
Diamond Dallas Page
Elix Skipper
Evan Karagias
Fit Finlay
Hugh Morrus
Jamie Knoble
Jason Jett
Jimmy Yang
Johnny The Bull
Kaz Hayashi
Kid Romeo
Kwee Wee
Lance Storm
Lash Leroux
Mark Jindrak
Mike Awesome
Mike Sanders
Sean O'Haire
Shane Helms
Shane McMahon? (I put a question mark because I don't know if I should be in ring talent or be an Authority Figure?)
Shannon Moore
Shawn Stasiak
Stacy Keibler
The Wall
Torrie Wilson
WCW World Heavyweight Champion
Booker T
WCW United States Champion
Vacant (Booker T is technically the current holder, however once we have a TV deal I'll be vacating the title on the new first edition of the show)
WCW Cruiserweight Champion
Shane Helms
WCW World Tag Team Champions
Chuck Palumbo
Sean O'Haire


Tag Teams
3 Count (Evan Karagias and Shannon Moore)
Jung Dragons (Jimmy Yang and Kaz Hayashi)
Palumbo & O'Haire (Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire)
Romeo & Skipper (Kid Romeo and Elix Skipper)
Team Canada (Lance Storm and Mike Awesome)


why didn't you pick up kronik ?

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