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The Outlaw Mudshow Or Peter Valentine's Redemption...

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World Televison Championship Qualifier #1: "Wildfire" Cip Conduit VS Flash Savage w/Mya Catalan

World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1: The Night Terrors VS Lightning Express

World Television Championsip Qualifier #2: "Rock God" Charlie Corner VS Zip Deverell w/Mya Catalan

World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1: The Hot Taggs VS Harbingers Of Doom

"Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield VS Ben Williams

Word Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1: Warren Technique VS Phillippe LaGranier w/Clare South

World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1: Original Sinner VS "The Southern Psychopath" Animal Harker

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On 9/9/2023 at 7:20 AM, DarK_RaideR said:

Digging the music pics on the entrance themes. The production values are solid too, just as all willr0ck diaries. Appreciate you taking the time to write out the promos, that's some great stuff.

Thanks, glad you like the presentation. I wish it was less time consuming but I'm enjoying it so far.



Thanks everyone for making picks! I will try to have the show posted in the next couple days.

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World Televison Championship Qualifier #1: "Wildfire" Cip Conduit VS Flash Savage w/Mya Catalan

World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1: The Night Terrors VS Lightning Express

World Television Championsip Qualifier #2: "Rock God" Charlie Corner VS Zip Deverell w/Mya Catalan

World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1: The Hot Taggs VS Harbingers Of Doom

"Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield VS Ben Williams

Word Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1: Warren Technique VS Phillippe LaGranier w/Clare South

World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1: Original Sinner VS "The Southern Psychopath" Animal Harker

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Mid South Mayhem

The Hideout

Texarkana, TX

Episode 2

Monday, Week 2

January 2020



The show opens cold to the backstage area where Animal Harker hypes up our main event…




Harker: “Ladies and gentlemen, tonight is a great night for fightin’ because in the main event I square off with The Original Sinner.  The GWC World Heavyweight Title tournament, round one, and let me tell you, this dude’s big, he's bad, and he's downright evil! 


But you know what, folks? I THRIVE on chaos! I EMBRACE the madness! I'm not afraid of the darkness because I've been through it all, and I've come out on the other side stronger and crazier than ever before!


Original Sinner, you think you can intimidate me with your size, with your evil persona? Well, let me tell you something, you big dumb bastard! I've fought demons in my head, and I've conquered them! I've stared into the abyss, and I've come back every time with a smile on my face!


Tonight, when I step into that ring with you it won't just be a match—it'll be a damn war! I'll unleash a fury the likes of which you've never seen! I'll tear right through your darkness and I'll come out victorious because in this ring, in this squared circle, I am UNSTOPPABLE!


The Camera cuts to another area backstage where The Dark Covenant are waiting to speak…






Deacon Darkhold:  “My faithful followers... Tonight, you bear witness to the power of our dark prophecy! 


In this very ring, our towering titan, the enforcer of darkness, our Original Sinner, shall face off against the so-called "Southern Psychopath” Animal Harker!


Ah, the ‘Southern Psychopath’! He claims to embrace chaos, to thrive in madness. But little does he know that he stands no chance against the might of Original Sinner!


You see Harker, you are but a mere mortal in the presence of a true force of nature. Our Original Sinner  is the embodiment of darkness itself. He feeds on fear, pain, and despair!”


(Original Sinner stares intently into camera, his fiery eyes almost aglow with intensity)


“Harker, you may be crazy, but Original Sinner is madness incarnate! He's the nightmare you can't escape, the darkness that consumes you! Tonight, you will learn the true meaning of fear!”


Fade to black…





Opening Theme: Flirtin' with Disaster


The show's opening video and theme play as we are welcomed to the show by Jim Lou Freebush and Peter Valentine...




Freebush: “Welcome everyone watching on WrestleWorld and everyone here live. We are back again with another exciting episode of Mid South Mayhem!


Peter: “Well Jim, I couldn’t have put it any better myself. The buzz around OCW has been monumental and we are hoping we can top that tonight.”


Freebush: “We certainly do Peter. Now for some exciting news! In three short weeks OCW holds its first big end of the month event Wild, Wild Winter, and at this event we will crown the very first champions. That leads us to the GWC World Television Championship Qualifier Tournament. Three qualifier matches will be held over the next three weeks with each winner going on to Wild, Wild Winter! to compete in a three way dance to crown our first World Television Champion. Let’s head to the ring for the first of those three qualifiers.”




GWC World Television Championship Qualifier #1


"Wildfire" Cip Conduit VS Flash Savage W/Mya Catalan


Match Highlights



  • The match kicked off with incredible intensity as both competitors showcased their technical prowess and athleticism in a back-and-forth battle.

  • As the match progressed, Mya Catalan interfered multiple times, distracting the referee and aiding Savage by distracting the referee and sneakily tripping Conduit. 

  • Despite being outnumbered, Cip Conduit showed a lot of heart, refusing to give up and continuously fighting back against Flash Savage's cheating tactics.

  • The match concluded with a controversial finish when Mya Catalan, slid a pair of brass knuckles  to Flash Savage, who used it to knock out Cip Conduit, securing the victory.


Flash Savage defeats Cip Conduit via pinfall




Freebush: “What a dastardly performance by Flash Savage, that harlot Mya Catalan should also be ashamed of herself. Conduit was clearly robbed of a victory tonight!”


Peter: “It ain’t a crime if you don’t get caught Peter! This is pro wrestling, you do whatever you can to gain an advantage. Despite offending your high moral character, Savage is the one walking to the pay window tonight Jim! Not that loser Conduit!”


Freebush: “You really are a piece of sh%t Peter!”


Peter: “You can’t say that on the air, Jim!”


Freebush: “Whatever, it’s not like anyone else is going to disagree with me! Let’s keep the action rolling and head back to the ring for another first round matchup in the GWC World Tag Team Tournament.”




GWC World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1


Lightning Express VS The Night Terrors W/Deacon Darkhold


Match Highlights



  • The match began with a chaotic exchange of high-impact moves, showcasing the athleticism and agility of both teams.

  • The Night Terrors used mind games and psychological warfare, living up to their demonic personas. With the help of Deacon Darkhol they used eerie, supernatural antics to disorient their opponents, making it challenging for Lightning Express to maintain focus.

  • Lightning Express displayed remarkable resilience and teamwork. They withstood the Night Terrors' relentless assault with Jerry Pepper eventually making the hot tag to Jay Silver.

  • Thanks to a distraction from Deacon Darkhold Moroi and Babau managed to hit Sleep Paralysis (The Decapitator) on a fatigued Jay Silver, securing the pinfall and the win.


The Night Terrors defeated Lightning Express via pinfall




Freebush: “And with that it looks like The Night Terrors win and advance to the semi-finals of the World Tag Team Championship Tournament. We will show you a look at the bracket later this evening.”


Peter: “Looks like we have Chip Martin and his Generation Next stable backstage ready to speak. Let’s head backstage and hear what they have to say.”







The camera fades to a dimly lit room in the backstage area. The room features a large banner with the Generation Next logo hanging on the wall. The leader, Chip Martin, sits on a steel chair, one leg casually propped up on another chair, wearing a flashy leather jacket and dark sunglasses, his stable mates flanking his left and right side. A wicked smirk crosses his face as he begins to speak…


Chip Martin (Cocking his head and looking amused): “Well, well, well... look who's decided to take a break from nursing their injuries and join the rest of us in the land of the living. It's your boy, ‘The Generational Talent’ Chip Martin!


(Martin chuckles as he adjusts his sunglasses and continues)


You know, I've been out injured for a little while, but don't think for a second that I’ve just been sitting on my ass all day. Oh no, my friends, my reign of terror has merely been on a brief hiatus, but guess what? I've been watching. I've been analyzing. And I've been calculating.


(Martin leans forward, his expression growing more and more intense)



I've been scouting the so-called "competition" in this place, and I've gotta say, it's laughable. A bunch of washed-up has-beens and goody-two-shoes pretending to be tough? Pathetic! You see, I used to have some respect for this business, but now? Ha! It's clear that they need a lesson in humility, and Chip Martin is just the man to deliver it.


So, to all you little wannabes in the locker room, listen up! I'm almost ready to make my grand return, and when I do, you better prepare yourselves for a world of hurt. ‘The Generational Talent’ is coming back, and I’m going to be bigger, badder, and more brutal than ever before.



You might as well call your doctors now and start praying, because Chip Martin is about to remind everyone why I am the true king of this ring. The rest of you? You're just peasants in my kingdom, and I'm ready to remind you of your place.


I’ve come to OCW to show the world that I am the best God damn wrestler on the planet. So, brace yourselves, my friends, because when Chip Martin returns, there will be no safe haven. Generation Next will reign supreme, and the wrestling world will never be the same again.”


The camera fades out as Martin continues to smirk confidently at the camera…




Freebush: “Confident words from a very confident young wrestler Peter.”


Peter: “He’s cocky, he’s mean and he comes from a great wrestling bloodline, Chip Martin is destined to do great things here Jim!”


Freebush: “Let’s keep the action rolling with our second GCW World Television Championship Qualifier of the night!”




GWC World Television Championship Qualifier #2


"Rock God" Charlie Corner VS Zip "The Lip" Deverell W/Mya Catalan


Match Highlights



  • This competitive showdown had the crowd on the edge of their seats from start to finish. The contrasting personalities of both wrestlers helped add to the drama.

  • Both Corner and Deverell displayed their wrestling skills, engaging in a technical battle that showcased their mastery of various holds, reversals, and counters.

  • In the beginning it seemed as if there was a show of respect between the two competitors but eventually Deverall took control of the match with a low blow to Corner while the referee was not looking.

  • After wearing Corner down for a bit Deverell dropped him with the Mic Check (Flatliner) for the pin and the win.


Zip Deverell defeated Charlie Corner via pinfall


After the match Zip Deverell stands in the center of the wrestling ring with Mya Catalan by his side, a sly grin on his face as he grabs a microphone…




Zip Deverell: “(Smirking) Well, well, well, would you look at that? One of your so-called heroes in this pathetic, sh%thole town was just no match for Zip Deverell! (Zip raises his arms in mock celebration, soaking in the jeers from the crowd.)


The crowd boos loudly…



Oh, come on, folks! You can do better than that! I expected nothing less from the morons in this dump.


(Zip leans lazily on the ropes) You see, I’m simply better than all these chumps on the back, and tonight, I proved it once again. Charlie Corner, your precious ‘Rock God’ was just another victim, laid out flat by the superior talent that is Zip Deverell!


The crowd chants You Suck! You Suck!...



You know, it's hilarious how you people keep buying into this garbage. Cheering for your heroes, believing in fairy tales. (He points at a child in the audience) Hey kid, you really think heroes exist? Well, let me tell you something – they don't. There's no such thing as good in this world. Only winners and losers. And I, my friends, am a winner!


The You Suck! chants from the crowd intensify…



Bravo, bravo! You sure know how to express your jealousy. But deep down, you all wish you could be just like me, standing in this ring, victorious and unapologetic. So keep telling me how much I suck, keep hating, because all I’m gonna do is just keep on winning!


(Zip waives dismissively at the crowd) I've got better things to do than listen to you whiners. Remember this moment, losers, because it's a Zip Deverell world, and you're all just living in it! 


Let’s get the hell out of this dump Mya!


Mya Catalan and Zip Deverell exit the ring to a chorus of boos…




Freebush: “We have two of the three competitors set for the three way dance at Wild, Wild Winter! for the GWC World Television Championship. Next week we will find out who the third is. Peter this is shaping up to be quite an exciting match!”


Peter: “You're right about that Jim, and you're rarely right about anything!”


Freebush: “Thanks for your kind words Peter. I really appreciate it.”


Peter: “I just call it like I see it Jim. I just call it like I see it!”


Jim: “Well it’s a good thing someone thinks I’m good at my job at least. Now let’s get to the ring for our second round one matchup in the GWC World Tag Team Championship tournament.”




GWC World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round 1


The Hot Taggs VS Harbingers Of Doom W/Playboy Jake Sawyer


Match Highlights



  • The HOD, known for their powerhouse style, established early dominance in the match, systematically isolating one member of Wolfie Tagg and subjecting him to relentless punishment in their corner.

  • The HOD showcased their power and aggression, executing a series of devastating double-team moves and high-impact maneuvers that had the crowd convinced victory was within their grasp while The Hot Taggs struggled to gain any momentum.

  • Just when it seemed like The HOD had secured an inevitable win, Kalder Tagg managed to roll up an unsuspecting Dreadnought for a quick pin, catching The HOD off guard.


The Hot Taggs defeated The HOD via pinfall





After the match Playboy Jake Sawyer orders Dreadnought and Juggernaut to beat down The Hot Taggs. After pummeling both men Juggernaut grabs Wolfie Tagg and tosses him like a dart into the barricade while Dreadnought powerbombs Kaulder Tagg onto the steel steps.


HOD stand tall in the ring after the beatdown…



Freebush: “Looks like the Harbingers Of Doom are the third team to advance to the semi’s of the World Tag Team Tournament. Let’s take a quick look at the brackets…”




Freebush: “Now let’s take a look at what transpired earlier in the day. I have to warn you folks, this footage is not for the faint of heart. Watch at your own discretion.”





Video footage from earlier is shown where we are taken to the backstage area where two local competitors are chatting away, unaware of their surroundings. Suddenly, the dimly lit hallway is filled with the eerie sound of a balded object scraping against the wall. The camera cuts to reveal Martyr lurking in the shadows, a crazed look in his eyes...



Without any warning, Martyr pounces on the two poor souls, brutally attacking them. He unleashes a relentless barrage of punches, kicks, and throws that leave them both battered and helpless.


Martyr, reveling in his own madness, pulls out his trusty pizza cutter. He sadistically cuts both men with the pizza cutter, leaving them writhing in pain and covered in blood.


After finishing his brutal assault, Martyr slowly turns towards the camera, his mask smeared with blood. He unexpectedly  lunges at the camera operator, knocking the camera to the ground. The feed goes black momentarily, but the audio captures the sounds of the camera operator's struggle and screams...



Freebush: “Ummmmm, I have no words. Let’s just pray that that poor cameraman is okay.”


Peter: “I’m not sure what we just witnessed is legal Jim. Maybe you should go have a talk with Martyr about workplace violence.”


Freebush: “Yeah, I think I’ll pass. Peter, you’re a big guy, maybe you should straighten him out!”


Peter: “That’s a hard no Jim. A haarrdddddd NO!”


Freebush: “Now that we’ve all witnessed an attempted homicide let’s head to the ring for more action.”




"Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield VS Ben Williams


Match Highlights


  • In a dominant performance Robbinfield controlled the match from the bell. Tossing Williams around the ring, eventually hitting him with an Omega Driver (Killswitch) to get the win.


Harvey Robbinfield defeated Ben Williams via pinfall


Freebush: “An impressive win for Harvey Robbinfield in his OCW debut!”


Peter: “Yeah, yeah, yeah Jim. I guess he’s okay. He’s a little too goody two shoes for my taste. If he could toughen up a bit, maybe take a few shortcuts and use a few cheap shots, well then,  maybe he could amount to something!”


Freebush: “You really are an a$shole Peter!”


Peter: “As if I would care about the opinions of a little pissant like yourself Jim.”


Freebush: “And with that being said, it’s time for the first of two GWC World Championship tournament matchups.”



Theme Music: Eric B. & Rakim - Don't Sweat The Technique



Warren Technique makes his way to the ring, looking focused and determined…




Theme Music: Kanye West - Amazing



Phillippe LaGranier makes his way down the aisle with Clare South in tow. He takes time to mock a few fans at ringside before sliding into the ring…




GWC World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1


Warren Technique VS Phillippe "The Phenom" LaGranier W/Clare South


Match Highlights



  • To begin the match both LaGranier and Technique showcased their exceptional wrestling skills, engaging in a technical showdown that had the crowd on the edge of their seats. They executed a series of impressive holds, reversals, and counters with neither getting an advantage.

  • LaGranier managed to gain the upper hand with a series of ruthless attacks. Utilizing his superior brawling skills to pummel Technique.

  • Technique finally managed to reverse a suplex attempt, battering LaGranier with a series of back body drops, finishing with a vicious knee drop. 

  • Technique attempted to climb to the top rope but LaGranier got up and with every ounce of energy he had left he pushed Technique off the top, sending him plummeting to the ringside floor.

  • LaGranier managed to roll Technique into the ring, finally delivering his signature finisher, the Quebec Crusher (Ace Crusher), a devastating move that left Technique unable to continue. LaGranier covers Technique for the pin and win.


LaGranier defeated Warren Technique via pinfall


Freebush: “LaGranier victorious tonight! He’s punched his ticket to the semi-finals. Now before we get to our main event let’s take a look at the updated bracket for the GWC World Heavyweight Championship Tournament.”






Theme Music: Disturbed - Down With The Sickness (Explicit) [Official Music Video]




Pyro explodes from the stage  as Animal Harker makes his electrifying entrance, running down the ramp with boundless energy and rallying the crowd behind him with his wild, unpredictable persona...




Theme Music: Mushroomhead - Qwerty




Red smoke fills the aisle as Original Sinner eerily makes his way to the ring accompanied by Deacon Darkhold…




GWC World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Round 1


"The Southern Psychopath" Animal Harker VS Original Sinner W/Deacon Darkhold


Match Highlights



  • Sinner initially dominated the match with his size and strength advantage. He showcased his brutal moves, trying to break Harker in half.

  • Despite the overwhelming onslaught, Animal Harker displayed incredible resiliency, refusing to give in to Sinner's attacks. His tenacity and fanatical energy clearly fueled by the crowd's support. 

  • In a dramatic turning point, Harker managed to counter Original Sinner's power moves and delivered a series of shoulder blocks followed by a barrage of punches stunning Sinner.

  • As Sinner finally hit the mat for the first time this matchup Harker used this opportunity to drop Sinner right on his head with a stump puller piledriver

  • With Sinner stunned, Harker immediately picked him up and tossed him into the ropes almost decapitating him with his finisher, The Southern Psycho Sickle (Lariat).

  • The brutal lariat is enough to keep Sinner down for good as Harker gets the pin.


Animal Harker defeated Original Sinner via pinfall







After the match Harker celebrates his victory in the ring as the fans cheer him on…




Suddenly, the arena's lights begin to flicker, creating a foreboding atmosphere. As the crowd hushes in confusion, the lights go completely dark, plunging the arena into pitch blackness.


In the darkness, the chilling laughter of The Deacon Darkhold can be heard, sending shivers down the spines of everyone in attendance.


When the lights return, Animal Harker lies motionless in the center of the ring, bloodied and battered. The Dark Covenant members stand over him, sadistic grins on their faces, reveling in their heinous attack. Original Sinner raises Harker's lifeless arm, mocking his earlier victory.


But just as it seems like all hope is lost for Harker, purple light fills the arena. The crowd erupts in excitement as the entrance theme of Texas Hangman plays…



Theme Music: #epicmusic The Immortalist ( Secession Studios, Greg Dombrowski )




Texas Hangman storms down the ramp, armed with a steel chair and fury in his eyes. He charges into the ring, swinging the chair at The Dark Covenant members. With each strike, he drives them back, forcing them to retreat in pain. Hangman stands tall in the ring with a recovering Harker.

The Dark Covenant, seething with frustration, retreat to the back, leaving Harker and Texas Hangman to celebrate with the fans as the show closes…


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Another really fun show. The Collision-style intros are so great at setting the scene and building anticipation for the main event. Lots of heels got built up nicely on the undercard (all with distinct promos and personalities) which made sense both from a long-term perspective in establishing serious threats for the babyfaces to eventually overcome, and also in making the crowd as hot as possible for Animal Harker's main event win and Texas Hangman's post-match save. A great commentary dynamic throughout too.

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On 9/15/2023 at 4:27 PM, 619 said:

Another really fun show. The Collision-style intros are so great at setting the scene and building anticipation for the main event. Lots of heels got built up nicely on the undercard (all with distinct promos and personalities) which made sense both from a long-term perspective in establishing serious threats for the babyfaces to eventually overcome, and also in making the crowd as hot as possible for Animal Harker's main event win and Texas Hangman's post-match save. A great commentary dynamic throughout too.

Thank you! Glad you liked the show and I really appreciate the feedback! 


On 9/16/2023 at 12:52 PM, DarK_RaideR said:

Goddamit, stop making me like Harker!

Harker is awesome and you shall love him!!!

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On 9/7/2023 at 11:22 PM, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

Please add more fake teams and rip-off wrestlers to your card.

For example, Smack Bruce or Pristine Faith. Or Sticky Champion or Thick Law.

I always thought the diary section needed a bit more Jack Pfefer in it.

My bad, I must have  missed this. Add fake wrestlers you say? Well that's right up my alley!

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Here are the pick resutls through two weeks. Again, I'll try to figure out a decent prize for the winner after the PPV. 

Total through week 2:


The Blonde Bomber








Wrestling Machine



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1 minute ago, Voeltzwagon said:

I am just finally caught up on this and I must say it is enjoyable. Liking the presentation of a lot of people and glad Animal Harker is getting some love.

Thank you! I am glad you are enjoying the shows so far. The presentation definitely takes a big chunk of my time but I wanted to do something different.

And I'm glad someone else is a Harker fan. Ignore DK, he hates fun!

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Texarkana, Texas





Peter: “Well hello there again. It’s your old bud Peter. I mean, you know that by now but I can’t think of anything else interesting to open with. So you know, kiss my ass and deal with it. 


Anyway, this chapter’s a little different as we are gonna take a trip back in time to a bit before our first show and take a look at your boy Peter's jourey south of the border.


So buckle up, sit back and let’s learn all about Peter Valentine's trip to Juarez as narrated by the great Morgan Freeman"…



(The following recreation of events was written by Peter Valentine, the events and opinions expressed here are not affiliated or shared by Grindhouse Productions and Roadshow Home Video)



Juarez, Mexico





Sometime in 2019…


Peter Valentine was a man who exuded arrogance like a fine cologne. He strutted through life with a smirk that seemed permanently etched on his face. Peter's obsession was the world of professional wrestling, and he considered himself a connoisseur of the sport. So when he heard about the legendary luchadors of Mexico, he couldn't resist the opportunity to scout them with the chance of discovering the next big wrestling star.




Arriving in Juarez with an air of superiority, Peter checked into a small, colorful hotel. He wasted no time making a spectacle of himself in the local bars, loudly proclaiming his wrestling expertise to anyone who would listen. As the tequila flowed, so did his arrogance.




Peter's antics didn't sit well with the locals, who took great pride in their wrestling tradition. They watched with raised eyebrows as this brash foreigner boasted about his supposed knowledge of lucha libre. Disgruntled murmurs filled the air, and Peter's smugness only grew.


As the night wore on, fueled by a few too many shots of potent mezcal, Peter's bravado reached new heights. He challenged the bar's patrons to impromptu wrestling matches right there in the dimly lit establishment. Chaos ensued as chairs flew, tables overturned, and Peter's oversized ego met its match in the form of burly, skilled luchadors who weren't about to let an outsider disrespect their craft.


Escaping the bar with a black eye and a bruised ego, Peter stumbled through the winding streets of Juarez. Drunk and disheveled, he found himself in the vast and eerie Chihuahuan Desert, where he believed he could finally escape the ridicule of the locals. Lost in the desert's unforgiving expanse, Peter was gripped by a sense of isolation and despair.




It was in this desolate moment, with the stars shimmering overhead and the desert winds whispering ancient secrets, that Peter Valentine stumbled upon a group of indigenous people who practiced ancient rituals. They offered him a chance at redemption and self-discovery through a sacred experience with peyote, a powerful hallucinogenic plant.


Peter, desperate to escape the embarrassment of his earlier antics, accepted the offer without hesitation. Sitting beneath the vast desert sky, the effects of the peyote began to wash over him. His arrogance melted away, replaced by a profound sense of connection with the universe. He saw visions of masked luchadores, not as arrogant showmen, but as symbols of strength and courage.




As dawn broke over the Chihuahuan Desert, Peter Valentine emerged a changed man. He had shed his arrogance, finding humility in the vastness of the desert and the wisdom of the peyote. He returned to Juarez, not as a swaggering scout, but as a respectful student of lucha libre history, eager to learn from the true masters of the sport.


In the end, Juarez had humbled Peter Valentine, teaching him that there was more to life and wrestling than arrogance and bravado. And as he watched the luchadors of Juarez perform, he did so with a newfound appreciation for the artistry and tradition that he had once dismissed.


To be continued...



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Pick'em For Week 3


Astro & Dragon Americano VS Ben Williams & Bob Casey



World Television Championship 3 Way Dance Qualifier #3

Babau VS "Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield



"The Bone Collector" Christopher Ball VS Local Comeptitor



World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round #1

Gangsta Nation VS The Wild Bunch



"Wildfire" Cip Conduit VS "Prime Time" Jack Pryde



World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-Final #1

"The Iron Man" Conner Threepwood VS Texas Hangman



World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-Final #2

"The Southern Psycho" Animal Harker VS "The Phenom" Phillippe LaGrenier





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Astro & Dragon Americano VS Ben Williams & Bob Casey

Comments: Since Ben and Bob have enhancement talent under their names I assume they are losing.


World Television Championship 3 Way Dance Qualifier #3

Babau VS "Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield

Comments:  I don't see the tag guy advancing.


"The Bone Collector" Christopher Ball VS Local Comeptitor

Comments:  Here comes the squash.


World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round #1

Gangsta Nation VS The Wild Bunch

Comments: Giving it to the cowboys.


"Wildfire" Cip Conduit VS "Prime Time" Jack Pryde

Comments:  Going prime time for this one.


World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-Final #1

"The Iron Man" Conner Threepwood VS Texas Hangman

Comments:  It feels right to go with Texas Hangman for some reason.


World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-Final #2

"The Southern Psycho" Animal Harker VS "The Phenom" Phillippe LaGrenier

Comments:  The previous shows makes me want to see Harker in the finals.

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Pick'em For Week 3


Astro & Dragon Americano VS Ben Williams & Bob Casey

Comments: Williams & Casey keep doing what they do best.


World Television Championship 3 Way Dance Qualifier #3

Babau VS "Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield

Comments: I'd normally not pick a tag guy to advance in a singles title tournament, but Babau is a low-key great wrestler and the Omega Man is still pretty green.


"The Bone Collector" Christopher Ball VS Local Comeptitor

Comments: Local Competitor just doesn't have the same appeal as ????


World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round #1

Gangsta Nation VS The Wild Bunch

Comments: Both members of the Wild Bunch are favorites of mine, so I have to pick them here.


"Wildfire" Cip Conduit VS "Prime Time" Jack Pryde

Comments: Prime Time has the higher ceiling, but he's still green as grass.


World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-Final #1

"The Iron Man" Conner Threepwood VS Texas Hangman

Comments: Hangman is definitely the worst in ring guy of everyone left, but at the same time he just has a main event heel aura and I think he takes it here.


World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-Final #2

"The Southern Psycho" Animal Harker VS "The Phenom" Phillippe LaGrenier

Comments: Animal Harker feels like the right man to be the first champion.


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Loving this. Similar to a diary I did at the beginning of TEW20. OCW, Peter Valentine, a lot of the roster is similar but my computer corrupted and it ended. Gonna follow along. Question though, we ever going to see ratings of the shows/segments? Anywho, the predictions. 

Astro & Dragon Americano

jobbers job. I love Ben Williams though.

"Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield

Babau is a tag guy

"The Bone Collector" Christopher Ball

Jobbers job part 2: Electric Bugaloo

The Wild Bunch

This is just personal preference. If you ever wanted a third member good ol' Ben Williams has a cowboy alt. 

 "Prime Time" Jack Pryde

I'll go with Pryde. Cip is a decent brawler (was a Valentine protege in my diary) with ok ent skills if I remember right. He can put the young man over. 

"The Iron Man" Conner Threepwood

I'll go with personal preference. I'm very interested in what you do with Threepwood. Dude's under-rated

"The Southern Psycho" Animal Harker

I'm a big PLG mark but Harker is just another level. He's THE GUY in the company and honestly I could see a Harker v Chip Martin programme down the road for the title. 

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Astro & Dragon Americano VS Ben Williams & Bob Casey

Comments: Were Astro's partner another rookie I would possibly be going the other way with this. One day the lovable losers will win a match and I think we on this forum will collectively lose our minds. But the complete underdogs need (and likely get) a heck of a lot more losses before that moment in order to make it more poignant.


World Television Championship 3 Way Dance Qualifier #3

Babau VS "Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield

Comments: A very loose rule I try to abide by is that tag wrestlers in singles competition lose to an established singles competitor, and two singles workers teaming up lose against an established tag team. That's why I'm going for Robbinfield to get the win in this one. 


"The Bone Collector" Christopher Ball VS Local Comeptitor

Comments: Mystery opponent = debuting star. Local Talent = one night hire jobber. 


World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round #1

Gangsta Nation VS The Wild Bunch

Comments: If I'm not mistaken, Gangsta Nation are a relatively new combination in the default data, whereas The Wild Bunch are a duo of your own creation. With that in mind I think you are more invested in The Wild Bunch and they get the W. 


"Wildfire" Cip Conduit VS "Prime Time" Jack Pryde

Comments: Two very talented youngsters that should both be rocketing towards the upper echelons of your company once they're that bit more experienced. While I personally prefer Pryde out of the two, I think Conduit is closer in age and talent to moving past the 'youngster with potential' label and needs the win more as a result. Pryde's time will come. 


World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-Final #1

"The Iron Man" Conner Threepwood VS Texas Hangman

Comments: See below.


World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-Final #2

"The Southern Psycho" Animal Harker VS "The Phenom" Phillippe LaGrenier

Comments: With both of these semi-finals occuring in the same night and the booking of either match being dependent on the other, I thought I would combine my comments on both. Really I can see any of the four men progressing to the final and I am struggling to make a decision for either match. Conner Threepwood is the best wrestler of the bunch, so no matter who he faces it would be an entertaining match. Animal Harker is a fan favourite both on the forums and in-game who hasn't really been given his chance at the top of the food chain yet in the C-Verse. Texas Hangman is a dominant force, who's aura leans on being an unstoppable demon and so needs to be heavily protected as a result. LaGrenier is someone criminally underrated in the C-Verse and deserves his place as an important player within a smaller promotion such as this. I don't see Texas Hangman as quite ready to carry a company yet so it's a case of if he is screwed out of a match in the semi-finals or the finals. I think it's The Dark Covenant that does the screwing, and given the tease of an alliance between Hangman and Harker at the end of the last show, I think Animal is also screwed over by the occultesque faction. That helps send Threepwood and LaGrenier into the finals in what should be the company's best wrestling match from an in-ring perspective to date. 

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On 9/29/2023 at 8:50 AM, DAVEFAN95 said:

Loving this. Similar to a diary I did at the beginning of TEW20. OCW, Peter Valentine, a lot of the roster is similar but my computer corrupted and it ended. Gonna follow along. Question though, we ever going to see ratings of the shows/segments? Anywho, the predictions. 

I'm glad you are liking this so far. I remember your OCW diary and I do remember the roster being very similar. It makes perfect sense since there are only so many unemployed guys or guys in tiny companies that fit the style that you can bring on board. 


As far as the ratings, I usually forget to take screenshots when I run a show and often forget to go back through the history to get them. I mainly focus on telling good stories but I will try to post ratings etc from time to time. I may just do a monthly update on company size, whether we are making money, etc. 


On 10/1/2023 at 5:06 PM, azzak said:

Astro & Dragon Americano VS Ben Williams & Bob Casey

Comments: Were Astro's partner another rookie I would possibly be going the other way with this. One day the lovable losers will win a match and I think we on this forum will collectively lose our minds. But the complete underdogs need (and likely get) a heck of a lot more losses before that moment in order to make it more poignant.


World Television Championship 3 Way Dance Qualifier #3

Babau VS "Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield

Comments: A very loose rule I try to abide by is that tag wrestlers in singles competition lose to an established singles competitor, and two singles workers teaming up lose against an established tag team. That's why I'm going for Robbinfield to get the win in this one. 


"The Bone Collector" Christopher Ball VS Local Comeptitor

Comments: Mystery opponent = debuting star. Local Talent = one night hire jobber. 


World Tag Team Championship Tournament Round #1

Gangsta Nation VS The Wild Bunch

Comments: If I'm not mistaken, Gangsta Nation are a relatively new combination in the default data, whereas The Wild Bunch are a duo of your own creation. With that in mind I think you are more invested in The Wild Bunch and they get the W. 


"Wildfire" Cip Conduit VS "Prime Time" Jack Pryde

Comments: Two very talented youngsters that should both be rocketing towards the upper echelons of your company once they're that bit more experienced. While I personally prefer Pryde out of the two, I think Conduit is closer in age and talent to moving past the 'youngster with potential' label and needs the win more as a result. Pryde's time will come. 


World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-Final #1

"The Iron Man" Conner Threepwood VS Texas Hangman

Comments: See below.


World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-Final #2

"The Southern Psycho" Animal Harker VS "The Phenom" Phillippe LaGrenier

Comments: With both of these semi-finals occuring in the same night and the booking of either match being dependent on the other, I thought I would combine my comments on both. Really I can see any of the four men progressing to the final and I am struggling to make a decision for either match. Conner Threepwood is the best wrestler of the bunch, so no matter who he faces it would be an entertaining match. Animal Harker is a fan favourite both on the forums and in-game who hasn't really been given his chance at the top of the food chain yet in the C-Verse. Texas Hangman is a dominant force, who's aura leans on being an unstoppable demon and so needs to be heavily protected as a result. LaGrenier is someone criminally underrated in the C-Verse and deserves his place as an important player within a smaller promotion such as this. I don't see Texas Hangman as quite ready to carry a company yet so it's a case of if he is screwed out of a match in the semi-finals or the finals. I think it's The Dark Covenant that does the screwing, and given the tease of an alliance between Hangman and Harker at the end of the last show, I think Animal is also screwed over by the occultesque faction. That helps send Threepwood and LaGrenier into the finals in what should be the company's best wrestling match from an in-ring perspective to date. 

Thanks for all the feedback! I can't comment on it as of yet but I will try to make sure to respond after the show is posted. 


And thank all of you for posting your predictions, any feedback etc.!  The next show should be up in the next couple of days. I'm almost finished writing it up.


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Mid South Mayhem

The Hideout

Texarkana, TX

Episode 3

Monday, Week 3

January 2020



The show opens cold to the backstage area where a familiar face to everyone, “The Southern Psycho” Animal Harker hypes up our main event…




Harker: “Well, well, well, ladies and gentlemen, ain't this a sight to behold? It's the semi-finals of this here World Title tournament, and "The Southern Psycho" Animal Harker is standin' tall, ready to do what I do best – destroy!


Philippe LaGrenier, you fancy yourself as"The Phenom", huh? Well, I reckon it's time for the Southern Psycho to teach you a lesson in humility, Frenchy! You may be from the North, but tonight, you're in my territory – the South! This is Texas Goddamnit! And boy you’re a long damn way from Quebec!


(Harker leans in closer to the camera)


You see, Philippe, they call me “The Southern Psycho” for a reason. I ain't like them other wrestlers. I'm a whole different breed of man, one that thrives on chaos, pain, and violence! When that bell rings, and we step into that squared circle, you're gonna find out just how crazy things can get! I don't just wrestle for the win; I wrestle to unleash the darkness that resides within me! When I'm through with you, you'll be beggin' for mercy, and those French-Canadian fans of yours will be singin' a different tune!


So, Philippe, enjoy your fancy robes and your little French flag-waving fans while you can. Because when that bell rings, and “The Southern Psycho” comes a-callin', there'll be no escape, no sanctuary, and no mercy. You're in for a night of hell, my friend, and there ain't no way out!”




Then the camera quickly cuts to Phillippe “The Phenom” LaGrenier and his valet, Clare South…




LaGrenier: (Smirking) “Ah, Animal Harker, such a colorful character you are, mon ami. You call yourself "The Southern Psycho" like it's something to be proud of, but let me assure you, it's nothing compared to being “Le Phenomene”


You see this, Animal?  (Holds up the Canadian Flag) This right here represents the pinnacle of wrestling excellence. The North has always been a breeding ground for greatness, and I am the embodiment of that greatness.


You may thrive on chaos, pain, and violence, but I thrive on precision, technique, and finesse. When I step into that ring, it's like a master craftsman at work, carefully sculpting a masterpiece while you, my friend, are nothing more than a blunt instrument.


Animal, you talk about facing the worst the world can throw at you and still standing tall. Well, tonight, you face the very best that the wrestling world has to offer, and I assure you, when it's all said and done, you won't be standing tall.



Fade to black…







Opening Theme: Flirtin' with Disaster



Jim Lou Freebush and Peter Valentine welcome everyone to tonight’s show…




Freebush: “Welcome everyone watching at home and everyone in attendance tonight at The Hideout to another edition of Mid South Mayhem! Alongside my broadcast partner, Peter Valentine, I’m Jim Lou Freebush and we’ve got one hell of a show for you tonight. 


Last week the GWC board of directors made it official, at Wild, Wild Winter the inaugural GWC Junior Heavyweight Champion will be crowned in a four man ladder match! It will be the evil genius Chess Maniac, the space man Astro, “The Bone Collector” Christopher Ball and Dragon Americano all vying to be the first ever Junior Heavyweight Champion!”


Peter: “That’s right Jim, even vanilla midgets like yourself need a title of their own to challenge for! Although whoever started featuring these tiny men must have been out of their mind. In my day we used to toss these scrawny little guys around the ring for fun.”


Freebush: “Clearly you are a little behind the times Peter, and you’re lucky you aren’t getting canceled right now on social media for saying such things.”


Peter: “Oh whatever Jim, we are on Wrestleworld. No one’s watching this sh%t!”


Freebush: “Well I certainly hope people are watching. Anyway, two of the competitors in next week's ladder match are teaming up tonight to kick the action off. Let’s get to the ring!”




Bob Casey & Ben Williams VS Astro & Dragon Americano


Match Highlights:



  • Right from the opening bell, Astro and Dragon Americano display their agility and high-flying prowess. Astro starts the match, and he's a whirlwind of speed, dodging Ben Williams and Bob Casey's attempts to grab him. He effortlessly executes a breathtaking springboard crossbody, taking both of his opponents down.

  • Astro and Dragon Americano demonstrate seamless teamwork with a series of perfectly executed double-team moves. They hit a picture-perfect stereo dropkick to Ben Williams, sending him crashing into the turnbuckle, followed by a lightning-fast double suplex on Bob Casey.

  • As the match progresses, Astro finds himself in a precarious situation, trapped in the opposing corner. But with a quick kip-up, he evades an incoming attack and then somersaults over the ropes, landing a spectacular corkscrew plancha on the outside

  • With Bob Casey down on  the mat Astro climbs to the top rope and lands Starfall (Tumbleweed Leg Drop) for the win.


Astro & Dragon Americano defeat Bob Casey & Ben Williams via pinfall



Freebush: “Wow Peter, what an exciting way to kick off the show! Those high flyers sure can get the crowd going can’t they?”


Peter: “Yeah, I guess Jim. Again, not my style. Would it kill these two to throw in a good old fashioned rest hold once in a while?”


Freebush: “Fast and furious is the name of the game when it comes to lucha Peter. Now let’s hear from Zip Deverell and Catalan Enterprises…




(A video package opens to a scene in a luxurious mansion adorned with marble floor tiles and vaulted ceilings. The camera pans around the giant great room to find Mya Catalan and the rest of Catalan Enterprises with Mya Catalan seated on a giant, velvet chair with her clients flanked behind her)





Catalan: Ladies and gentlemen, meh, who am I kidding. There isn’t one single gentleman or lady in that entire arena or watching at home. So to all you white trash hillbillies out there, let me introduce you to the epitome of excellence in professional wrestling today! We are Catalan Enterprises! And next week at Wild, Wild Winter, we have a purpose…


 a mission…


 a destiny!


You see, our story is not just about power and ambition; it's about domination! Next week, we make a solemn promise to each and every one of you – the World Television Championship will find its rightful place around the waist of either Zip Deverell or Flash Savage!


(Zip Deverell walks closer into frame flashing a confident smile)


Zip: So to whoever the hell or opponent is – when you watch this, consider it a warning. Your fate is sealed. Your destiny is to fall victim to Catalan Enterprises! And when the dust settles, and the referee's hand slaps the mat for the final time, it will be either Zip Deverell and Flash Savage standing tall as your new World Television Champion!


Fade to black…



Freebush: “Confident words from Zip Deverell, now let’s see who is going to be the third competitor in the Three Way Dance at Wild, Wild Winter for the GWC World Television Championship.”




GWC World Television Championship 3 Way Dance Qualifier #3


Harvey Robbinfield VS Babau


Match Highlights



  • Babau’s ruthless nature was on display from the start as he quickly jumped on Robbinfield with a relentless assault. He targeted Harvey Robbinfield's left knee, working it over with vicious kicks and painful leg locks.

  • Robbinfiedl eventually fought back showing incredible heart and determination. He absorbed Babau's punishment and mounted a comeback, hitting a series of high-impact moves, leaving Babau reeling and the audience on their feet.

  • Both competitors exchanged several near-falls. Babau executed his devastating finisher, the Frightenrana (Poison-Rana) only for Harvey to kick out at the very last moment.

  • With an adrenaline-fueled burst of energy, Robbinfield countered a Babau's powerbomb and executed his own finisher, the Omega Driver (Killswitch) connecting perfectly for the pin


Harvey Robbinfield defeats Babau via pinfall




Freebush: “What an exciting match! Looks like “The Omega Man” is heading to Wild, Wild Winter to challenge for the GWC World Television Championship.”


Peter: “My money was on Babau in that one. Robbinfield’s a goody two shoes, and that kind of attitude won’t get you very far in this business.”


Freebush: “Look Peter, not everyone in wrestling gets ahead in life by kissing the ass of the most over guy on the roster. Some wrestlers actually rely on, you know, real actual skills.”


Peter: “Keep running your mouth Freebush! I’ll toss you into the stands with the rest of these mouth breathers!”


Freebush: “If only I could be so lucky Peter. If only…


Let’s keep the action going and get back to the ring where “The Bone Collector” Christopher Ball looks to pick up a victory tonight, heading into the Junior Heavyweight ladder match at Wild, Wild Winter.”


Peter: “Yeah, he’s facing some local chump, I wonder who’s gonna win this one!”




“The Bone Collector” Christopher Ball VS A Local Competitor



Match Highlights



  • In a virtual squash Christopher Ball dominated this match from the beginning, peppering his opponent with vicious elbows and knees

  • After a series of German suplexes Ball locks in a Cross Armbreaker forcing his opponent to tap


“The Bone Collector” Christopher Ball defeats a Local Competitor via submission





After the match Ball continues to stomp on his downed opponent. He flips his opponent onto his back and grabs his right arm, kneeling on top of the poor guys back to keep him from escaping. Ball bends his arm backwards grabbing it with both hands…


Snap! Ball cranks his opponents arm backwards, almost snapping it in half. As his opponent writhes in pain, Ball grabs a mic…



Ball: “Another broken bone to add to my collection! The first of many here in OCW!”


Ball tosses down the mic and walks to the back to a chorus of boos




Freebush: “Ball picks up the convincing win. That was certainly nothing more than a tune up match before the big ladder match before next week's big event.”


Peter: “And what a big event it will be Jim! You could say it’s gonna be a premium event.”


Freebush: “I like the sound of that Peter. And it will be broadcast live, not on-demand like our weekly shows. Hell, I guess you could say it’s a Premium Live Event.”


Peter: “A Premium Live Event, hmmmm, catchy. So everyone tuning in tonight, make sure you tune in Saturday for OCW’s first Premium Live Event, Wild, Wild Winter!”


Freebush: “You know the more we say it, the more it sounds like some lame, corporate-ish sports entertainment type of garbage.”


Peter: “Yeah you're right, screw it, let’s just call it a Pay-Per-View. Even though it’s a subscription service. It’s just way easier.”


Freebush: “I agree Peter. Wait, what’s that…


Looks like our parking lot cameras caught something going down outside the venue. Let’s take a look at the footage.``



(The cameras catch a dimly lit parking lot outside The Hideout, right before tonight’s show is about to begin.)




The Texas Hangman, alongside Travis Century walks towards the backstage exit, obviously arriving for tonight’s show. The atmosphere is tense, and the distant roar of the crowd can be heard in the background as they are entertained by pre-show dark matches.


As the Texas Hangman and Century get closer to the exit four mysterious figures dressed in black masks and all black attire emerge.


(The Texas Hangman takes a defensive position, his instincts kicking in as he prepares for a confrontation)




Without warning, the four masked assailants launch a relentless attack on The Texas Hangman. Blows are exchanged, and the Hangman tries to fight back, but the numbers game is against him.


The masked men overpower The Texas Hangman, forcing him to his knees. With menacing precision, they grab him and drag him towards a nearby hearse parked ominously at the curb. Century tries to stop them but they easily shrug him off  and toss him to the ground.


The masked men throw The Texas Hangman into the back of the hearse, slamming the door shut with a chilling finality. The engine roars to life, and the hearse speeds away, leaving the scene in a cloud of dust and mystery.


As the hearse vanishes into the night, the camera zooms in on the now deathly quiet parking lot, the silence serving as a haunting reminder of the mysterious and ominous events that had just unfolded.




Suddenly, Deacon Darkholds face pops into the frame. He flashes an evil grin and laughs maniacally as he grabs the lens of the camera and breaks it, causing the screen to go black…




Freebush: “What a disturbing set of events to witness everyone, we apologize to any viewers at home or here tonight that may have been upset by that footage. Let’s all hope that Texas Hangman finds his way back to the arena tonight for his tournament semi-final match.”


Peter: “Well I would comment on that Jim, but I don’t want Deacon Darkhold coming after me. Sheesh!”


Freebush: “How diplomatic of you Peter. Now let’s get back to wrestling. Up next we have the final first round match up in the GWC World Tag Team Championship Tournament. Let’s head down to the ring.”




GWC World Tag Team Tournament Round 1


Gangsta Nation VS The Wild Bunch


Match Highlights



  • Bullseye and Waylon Walls waste no time getting down to business. They bring the fight to The Wild Bunch with a barrage of hard-hitting strikes, aerial maneuvers, and even a few weapons get involved in the melee.

  • Waylon Walls soars from the top rope with a moonsault, narrowly missing Buck Winchester. Meanwhile, Bullseye executes a lightning-quick springboard dropkick and knocks Wes Revell out of the ring. The near falls keep everyone on the edge of their seats, as each team comes inches away from victory multiple times.

  • As the match descends to chaos, chairs are introduced, and the referee has his hands full trying to maintain order. In the midst of the bedlam, The Wild Bunch manages to hit their signature finisher, "The Last Stand” (Doomsday Device). Putting Bullseye down for the three count.


The Wild Bunch defeats Gangsta Nation via pinfall




Freebush: “Wow Peter, that was certainly a rough and wild contest!”


Peter: “That’s about what I expected when these two teams get together. Wes Revell and Buck Winchester definitely put the “Wild” in The Wild Bunch!”


Freebush: “They certainly do Peter. Well folks, that’s the end of the first round of the World Tag Team Championship Tournament. Let’s take a quick look at the brackets, the semi-final matchups will be held next week!”





Freebush: “Now let’s talk about something a little more hardcore. I’m talking about the GWC Unsanctioned Hardcore Championship and I’m pleased to announce that we will crown our very first champion next week at Wild, Wild Winter in a Hardcore “Disk Of Death” Battle Royal.”




Peter: “Color me intrigued Jim!?!”


Freebush: “Well we all know what a battle royal is obviously. But I’m sure you are all asking yourself; what is the Disk Of Death? 


The Disk Of Death is a large wheel,  adorned with an array of different weapons.The Disk of Death is divided into sections, each representing a different weapon or object that can be used during the match. These weapons may include steel chairs, kendo sticks, tables, ladders, sledgehammers, and even more unconventional items like fire extinguishers or trash cans. Some weapons can prove to be extremely deadly, some not so much. Wrestlers participating in the match take turns spinning the wheel before the match begins. Whatever weapon the wheel lands on dictates the weapon of choice for the competitor who spun it. This random selection ensures that each match is always unique and filled with surprises, as wrestlers must adapt their strategies on the fly based on the weapon they receive.


Now let’s learn more about one of next week's participants and a sure fire, heavy favorite to win, Martyr.”






The scene opens at night in the middle of the woods. The camera follows behind a large man wearing a hockey mask and carrying a machete as he plods along through the forest. The man turns to face the camera and we get a clear view that this particular individual is none other than OCW wrestler, Martyr.


Martyr turns back around and continues walking through the forest, eventually coming upon a summer camp where we see several campers gathered around a campfire. Martyr turns and grabs at the camera and as the camera goes in and out of focus we clearly hear the sound of the camera man struggling for air. 


After a few seconds the camera drops to the ground and gets a clear view of Martyr’s boots covered in blood. 


He turns and walks towards the campfire and as he slowly walks farther and farther away and out of focus we can hear the blood curdling screams and shrieks of the campers as the screen fades to black…



Freebush: “Ummmmmmmmmm, well that certainly wasn’t what I was expecting. Who’s in back editing this sh%t!?!”


Peter: “Maybe we should call the cops Jim? Or maybe there are some cops watching this right now. If so you might want to look into this Martyr fellow.”


Freebush: “God help the rest of the guys in the battle royal this Saturday. Now let’s head back to the ring for some more wrestling!”




“Wildfire” Cip Conduit VS “Prime Time” Jack Pryde w/Chip Martin


Match Highlights



  • Cip Conduit and Jack Pryde showcase their wrestling prowess with an intense back-and-forth battle. Conduit's technical prowess clashes with Pryde's brute strength and cunning tactics.

  • As the two men struggle for control the referee accidentally gets nailed by a clothesline from Pryde intended for Conduit.

  • As the match reaches a critical moment, Chip Martin, the leader of Jack Pryde's stable, makes his presence felt. He sneaks into the ring, brandishing a steel chair while the referee is down.

  • As Conduit is about to hit Pryde with the Blazing Elbow Martin bashes the chair over the back of Conduit. Allowing Pryde to hoist him up and drop him on the mat with the Prydefall (Razor’s Edge). The ref comes to and counts to three


“Prime Time” Jack Pryde defeats Cip Conduit via pinfall




After the match Pryde celebrates his victory as Chip Martin joins him in the ring. For a brief moment the fans are initially pleased to see camaraderie within the stable.


But then, Pryde and Martin both turn to the downed Cip Conduit. They begin a merciless beatdown, pummeling him with relentless attacks. The beatdown is brutal and calculated, leaving Cip Conduit battered and helpless in the ring. Pryde and Martin deliver a final devastating double powerbomb, laying Conduit out in the center of the ring as the crowd rains down boos on the duo




Freebush: “Generation Next, those no good, cheating scoundrels are always breaking the rules! Someone should fine those pieces of trash!”


Peter: “Last time I checked Jim, there’s no rule about sportsmanship in pro wrestling. If you got a problem with it, go work play by play for kids soccer games!”


Freebush: “You are impossible Peter! Enough of this garbage. Let’s get to our first semi-final match in the GWC World Heavyweight Championship Tournament.”




Theme Music: Metallica: The Memory Remains (Official Music Video)




Conner Threepwood heads to the ring accompanied by Sweet Tabitha…





Theme Music: #epicmusic The Immortalist ( Secession Studios, Greg Dombrowski )




Lightning effects light up the stage area as purple smoke fills the aisle as the fans prepare for Texas Hangman’s entrance.









(The music continues to play but Texas Hangman is no where in sight)





Conner Threepwood throws his hands up in confusion as he waits for his opponent to enter the ring.


After several minutes wiith Hangman no where to be found, the referee has no choice but to rule this match a no contest. 



Conner Threepwood advances to the finals of the GWC World Heavyweight Championship tournament. 


Freebush: “Hmmmm, it seems like the stunt Deacon Darkhold pulled earlier, essentially kidnapping Texas Hangman, has cost him a shot at the GWC World Heavyweight Championship. We will do everything we can to get you guys an update next week as to what’s happened to The Hangman. Be sure to tune in, now let’s get to tonight's main event!”




Theme Music: Kanye West - Amazing





Phillipe “The Phenom”  LaGrenier makes his way to the ring with his valet, Clare South in tow. He stops along the way to trash talk a couple of fans in attendance…




Theme Music: Disturbed - Down With The Sickness (Explicit) [Official Music Video]




“The Southern Psychopath” Animal Harker runs down the aisle  like a mad man with a kendo stick inhand. He slides into the ring and wildly swings the kendo stick around like a maniac as the crowd cheers on the fan favorite…




GWC World Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semi-final



Match Highlights



  •  The match begins with "The Southern Psychopath" Animal Harker charging into action. Harker's intensity is palpable as he unleashes a flurry of strikes, showcasing his raw power and relentless aggression. He dominates "The Phenom" LaGrenier in the early moments

  • As the match progresses, Harker's momentum continues to build. He drops LaGrenier with a Stump Puller Piledriver, and it looks like victory is within his grasp. The referee's hand hovers just inches from the mat for the three-count. However, LaGrenier manages to kick out at the last possible moment, leaving Harker momentarily frustrated but determined to secure the win.

  • The turning point of the match comes when members of The Dark Covenant, Babau and Moroi, emerge from under the ring, taking out the referee. Just as Harker is about to drop LaGrenier with The Southern Psycho Sickle (Lariat)  Babau and Moroi viciously assault him from behind and drop him with Sleep Paralysis (The Decapitator).

  • LaGrenier seizes the opportunity and hits Harker with a Quebec Crusher (Ace Crusher) for good measure, securing a tainted victory.


LaGrenier defeats Harker via pinfall






After the match LaGrenier stands tall in the ring alongside Clare South as Deacon Darkhold looks on from the stage area flashing an evil grin as the show closes…



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I don't think I've ever been as confident about a prediction that Animal Harker would win the main event as I have been with any other non squash prediction I've done.... and I was wrong. Shoulda stuck to my PLG fandom. 


The disk of death interesting. It reminds me of Self's CGC Luck of the Draw gimmick where they draw weapons that are legal in their match, but it's a battle royal. That sounds like a fun time. Gimmicks on Gimmicks. A winner for sure. 😊

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The commentary was a delight again, and I love that you worked in the riff on PLEs.

Disk of Death sounds like a great format for a hardcore battle royal, especially how you sold it as adding a strategic aspect to the spectacle of everyone hitting one another as hard as they can with weapons.

The Deacon Darkhold hearse attack felt genuinely scary. I think the contrast to everything before it on the show and it coming straight after a lighthearted commentary exchange helped amplify it. It was also an effective way to take Texas Hangman out of the tournament, and give him a claim to face the eventual winner.

The opening promos set the main event up perfectly again, and Animal Harker really does feel tailor-made for this product and audience so, like @DAVEFAN95, I was really shocked to see him lose. Then again, it makes sense to give the fan favourite plenty of adversity to overcome.

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On 10/8/2023 at 6:44 AM, Booker2021 said:

Wow the amount of time and effort put into this diary is incredible! I usually find it very hard to get behind these custom diaries, but the write ups and back story really help create a story and make it easy to follow.

Keep up the good work, will be keeping tabs on this!

Thank you so much! I'm happy to have you following along!

On 10/8/2023 at 2:14 PM, DAVEFAN95 said:

I don't think I've ever been as confident about a prediction that Animal Harker would win the main event as I have been with any other non squash prediction I've done.... and I was wrong. Shoulda stuck to my PLG fandom. 


The disk of death interesting. It reminds me of Self's CGC Luck of the Draw gimmick where they draw weapons that are legal in their match, but it's a battle royal. That sounds like a fun time. Gimmicks on Gimmicks. A winner for sure. 😊

I knew the choice to have Harker lose was going to be unpopular and had I not been like 4 months ahead in booking I would probably have changed it but this is all part of the story and don't worry Harker will have his moment, it just wasn't tonight.

I have to admit that I ripped off Dario Cueto's Dial Of Doom from Lucha Underground, I just changed it from match types to weapons. Though I like Self's idea as well.


On 10/8/2023 at 4:57 PM, 619 said:

The commentary was a delight again, and I love that you worked in the riff on PLEs.

Disk of Death sounds like a great format for a hardcore battle royal, especially how you sold it as adding a strategic aspect to the spectacle of everyone hitting one another as hard as they can with weapons.

The Deacon Darkhold hearse attack felt genuinely scary. I think the contrast to everything before it on the show and it coming straight after a lighthearted commentary exchange helped amplify it. It was also an effective way to take Texas Hangman out of the tournament, and give him a claim to face the eventual winner.

The opening promos set the main event up perfectly again, and Animal Harker really does feel tailor-made for this product and audience so, like @DAVEFAN95, I was really shocked to see him lose. Then again, it makes sense to give the fan favourite plenty of adversity to overcome.

Thanks again! As I said above, completely ripped off the Disk Of Death idea from LU's Dial Of Doom. I try to make your standard hardcore bouts a little more interesting.

And as I said above, Harker will definitely get his moment. I tend prefer my faces chasing. Plus, it's all part of the bigger story here. Which you guys will learn more about as the shows progress. 


On 10/1/2023 at 5:06 PM, azzak said:

Comments: With both of these semi-finals occuring in the same night and the booking of either match being dependent on the other, I thought I would combine my comments on both. Really I can see any of the four men progressing to the final and I am struggling to make a decision for either match. Conner Threepwood is the best wrestler of the bunch, so no matter who he faces it would be an entertaining match. Animal Harker is a fan favourite both on the forums and in-game who hasn't really been given his chance at the top of the food chain yet in the C-Verse. Texas Hangman is a dominant force, who's aura leans on being an unstoppable demon and so needs to be heavily protected as a result. LaGrenier is someone criminally underrated in the C-Verse and deserves his place as an important player within a smaller promotion such as this. I don't see Texas Hangman as quite ready to carry a company yet so it's a case of if he is screwed out of a match in the semi-finals or the finals. I think it's The Dark Covenant that does the screwing, and given the tease of an alliance between Hangman and Harker at the end of the last show, I think Animal is also screwed over by the occultesque faction. That helps send Threepwood and LaGrenier into the finals in what should be the company's best wrestling match from an in-ring perspective to date. 

I thin you've figured out my booking. Or at least 90% of it. And lol, yes, local competior definitely means someone's gonna get squashed. 



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