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A couple of basic questions

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Hey! I'm new to the game. A couple of questions

1. Artifacts -- How are they found? Is it automatic or can I search for them?

2. Schemes - Can schemes be created in the editor, or are they just random? IE: "Green Goblin robs bank" makes sense in marvel, but "Darth Maul robs bank" seems less desirable.

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14 minutes ago, Floro101 said:

Hey! I'm new to the game. A couple of questions

1. Artifacts -- How are they found? Is it automatic or can I search for them?

2. Schemes - Can schemes be created in the editor, or are they just random? IE: "Green Goblin robs bank" makes sense in marvel, but "Darth Maul robs bank" seems less desirable.

1. Each issue is randomly determined based on parameters set in the database. Sometimes, one will appear where a character attempts to claim an artifact. Similarly, I think it is possible for a storyline or event to award an artifact to a character. But (in-game) you can't tell a character to look for one deliberately.

2. Every character in the editor can be assigned schemes/quests from a list. So you might assign Green Goblin a Robbery scheme and a Nemesis Vendetta scheme, and you might assign Darth Maul a Civilian Kidnap scheme and Hero Vendetta scheme. Then you might have a generic Hoodlum character who doesn't have any schemes because he's just there as backup for other villains. Some of the schemes deal with retrieving artifacts, so to go back to your first question, you could sort of tell a character to search for artifacts by giving them only schemes or quests to do so, but you would still be depending on them being randomly selected to start an adventure.

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