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Resilient Wrestling

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July 2023


‘Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you right here, right now.’


Ten minutes ago I had no idea who Rich Fuller was, but ten minutes ago seem like a lifetime away from where I am. Just in this short space of time I have come to know who, and more importantly what, Rich Fuller is. He’s not a man you want to mess with. He is sitting calmly on my sofa eating an apple, looking bored while his ‘friend’ is holding a gun to my head. Rich Fuller is connected, I don’t want to say mob but he isn’t selling cookies. From what little I know from the ten minutes since they kicked my door down is that he’s more in the business of lending money to people. He charges interest and when they can’t or won’t pay … well there aren’t many people who live long enough to say what happens when you don’t pay up. As Rich scrolls through his phone, looking less and less interested by the second, I try to remember what it was like not knowing who Rich Fuller was. My mind can only focus on the gun pressed against my temple, held by a guy that has yet to say one word.


‘I’m waiting.’


Rich Fuller? How the fu*k could my brother get involved with a guy like Rich Fuller? My little brother Jonny was always getting in trouble and always expecting me to get him out of it. He’s kneeling down, held by another goon, across the room from me and right now if given half the chance I would do their job for them. Jonny turned up two days ago out of the blue telling me he’d come for a visit. Never told me he owed money to some loan shark and never told me they would come looking for him. Jonny always ran away from his problems and ran to me, his troubles always managed to follow him. If it wasn’t for a promise I’d made to our Mum on her death bed I would have nothing more to do with him. Now I’m stuck looking after my baby brother, yet again. On the bright side this might be the last time. The gun presses harder into my temple as Rich Fuller puts down his phone and stands up.


‘I’m here for the money that is owed to me, either I get my money or …’ He lets the sentence hang and turns to me. ‘Listen I’m a reasonable guy, I lend money to people and I expect that money to come back with a little extra. Afterall a guy has got to earn some type of living. I have a family to support and a bi*ch of an ex-wife who likes to spend my money. So, I help people out when the banks won’t. Sure, I have a bit of risk in lending to people that’s why I have to do this. I mean if anyone hears that one guy hasn’t paid what’s to stop someone else saying they’re not paying either? I need to send a message to show people I’m not weak. The people who don’t pay me back must be made examples of, they must face the consequences.’


Rich looks around my room before nodding his head and punches Jonny across the face causing a whimper to come from him. Rich looks back at me without emotion or apology.


‘It’s the way it’s got to be, a man is only worth as much as his word. You have nothing to do with this, but it’s the way of the world my friend. I made a deal; I shook Jonny’s hand and I lent him the money he was asking for. He’s fallen behind on the payments and now … well he knew the dangers. It was nice knowing ya kid.’ The gun presses deeper into my temple as Rich Fuller walks behind me, resting a hand on my shoulder as he does. ‘Do you want Karl to shoot you first or your brother?’


Well at least I know the name of the man who’s going to kill me. Jonny is now staring at me, crying, and expecting me to bail him out yet again. Even now he’s expecting me to save his a*se. Well not this time Jonny, you’ve killed us both. Rich Fuller just sighs and his hand leaves my shoulder.


‘Karl kill him first, Jonny second. No man should see his little brother die.’


I hear his footsteps fading and then the cocking of the gun against my head. I try one last time to save my own life.


‘Can’t we make a deal?’


The footsteps stop behind me and Karl thankfully hasn’t pulled the trigger yet, but I know one word from Rich will change all of that. When Rich answers his voice is bored. ‘I’ve already made a deal with your brother; he hasn’t held up his end of the deal ...’


‘Then don’t make a deal with Jonny, make a deal with me.’


Rich doesn’t say a thing, the gun is still pressed to my head but I’m still here, for now. Rich appears in front of me and looks down on me weighing me up. ‘How do I know you can be trusted? Your brother can’t be.’


‘I’m not my brother, please I’ll pay back every penny he owes you with interest just give me a chance.’


For what feels like hours Rich Fuller stares down at me, seemingly weighing up the options in his head. ‘How? Your brother owes me fifteen thousand pounds. No offense here pal but it doesn’t look like you’ve got that sort of cash to hand.’


How fu*king stupid can my brother be? There is no way in hell I could get that sort of money, even if I sell everything I own, clear out every bank account I would still be over ten thousand short. I’m three years out of uni, renting an apartment and own nothing of real value. I’m going to torment my brother in hell for eternity over this. Rich’s next words however confuse the hell out of me.


‘That fancy degree you got hanging on the wall over there, it’s in business management, right?’


I dumbly nod my head, resigned to the fact that I was about to die.


‘Tell me how much do you know about wrestling?




Resilient Wrestling

Bizarre breaking news as a new promotion has just been announced. With both WWE and AEW running major shows in the UK a group of business investors are hoping to take advantage of the interest in wrestling and have announced a new promotion running their first show this August. In a press release the company promises to deliver the best professional wrestling ever seen in the UK. They are already trying to compare themselves to AEW and their initial success and have pledged that a new weekly show called Unleashed will happen and be available in all homes in the UK. There is no news however on who is financing this business, what channel their show will be on or any sort of roster. More news as we get it.


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  • allthepeas changed the title to Resilient Wrestling

August 2023


Bizarre news might just be right. It’s nearly two months since I was introduced to Rich Fuller and Karl. After asking a few more questions about my business degree that night Rich Fuller simply left, telling me he’d be in touch. The next morning I had thought the whole thing was some sort of fever dream or an elaborate prank but it was not to be. That afternoon three guys showed up, ordered Jonny and me to pack up some clothes and an hour later I was outside a Chinese takeaway on the outskirts of London. The car sped off, with Jonny still inside and I was left alone on a deserted street with no idea what the hell was going on. The door to the takeaway opened and out came this six-foot eight guy, wearing a suit that was three times too small for him that made his obvious muscles strain against the fabric. The guy was bald and had a tattoo of a snake covering one half of his face. He gestured for me to enter the building but I was in shock, close to having a panic attack, and praying to a god I don’t believe in to just kill me now. The guy, impatiently, gestured again but obviously couldn’t wait any more. Instead moving two giant steps forward he grabbed my bag and pushed me forward.


Once inside the building he locked and barred the door behind him before guiding me behind the counter and up a single flight of stairs. In a corridor that smell like stale pi*s, at least I hoped it was stale and not fresh and running down my leg, he ordered me into a single room. The only furniture in there was a desk and a table, pointing to the chair I shakily sat down as he slammed the door. Putting my bag down he stared at me for a few seconds, as if he was deciding exactly what he was looking at, before bursting into laughter.


“You should see your face right now mate, it’s a fuc*ing picture.” He starts to laugh again, I’m gripping my chair tightly still trying to figure out what’s going on. “Names Bobby, Rich has asked me to look after ya. Are we really about to start a wrestling company?”


Once you got over the intimidating picture that is Bobby you start to feel at ease, slightly. Bobby is actually an ok guy, considering who he is and more importantly who he works for. He likes wrestling, with was good for me cause I don’t have a clue. As the days go by, and as I'm busy trying to figure out what to do, I start to find myself listening as Bobby’s telling me his favorite wrestling memories. In his excitement of some wrestling show I've never heard of he veers off into a different subject, and into subjects I get a feeling I should know nothing about. Like how Resilient Wrestling wasn't supposed to be a real company, well company might be putting too fine a point on it. It was a company, of sorts. It was a front, a tax shelter and a company that in truth didn’t really exist.


Resilient Wrestling was a sham, a way to funnel dirty money and take it off shore.


Hundreds of thousands of pounds, dollars and euros would be siphoned through the company to somewhere I don’t want to know. If anyone looked to closely at our books and tried to find our mysterious backers they would be directed to a shell company in the Cayman islands, from there the holding company would be tied up in the British Virgin Islands and that parent company would be based somewhere in Singapore and that company was owned by some Nigerian Prince who had bought shares on behalf of someone in the Bahamas and so on and so on. The owner of Resilient was a ghost, someone that could never be found because they didn’t exist. Resilient Wrestling would be unlike any other real company, it's designed not to make a single penny.


Rich Fuller had a few businesses like this already, the Chinese takeaway that’s below my office and is never open and then there’s a hotel in Glasgow that still hadn’t had any guests in five years but somehow was still in business. Bobby didn’t know why Rich decided on a wrestling company and I don’t want to know the reasons behind any of Rich Fuller’s decisions, I only have to do as he says. I have a feeling that I’m not meant to know these things, I even ask Bobby if he should be telling me these things but he waves my worries away, telling me that him and Rich are tight, old school friends and that he won’t mind. I really don't think Rich Fuller would want me to understand or know anything about his 'business empire' but I keep any further concerns to myself. The less I ask questions the better.


About a month out from our first event I’ve got a majority of a roster in place, all of whom are expecting a weekly show on a channel available to everyone in the UK. I don’t know who made that press release but that promise alone has caused me more headaches than anything else. Some may think it easy, with AEW getting a major TV deal quickly after they were founded but we don't have Tony Khan's money or connections, without those all doors are closed to us. The BBC, ITV, Channel 4 all laughed us out of the building, even Channel 5 didn’t want anything to do with us. The other channels weren’t any better, Dave, Challenge, Quest, Blaze, hell not even the channel airing Judge Judy reruns all day would take the risk on us. Bobby told me, in a rare case of seriousness, to just make it happen or else Rich would be upset. One thing I didn't want was to make Rich Fuller upset. They need frequent shows to make it easier to make deposits. Since all tv stations were not willing to talk it was Jonny who gave the solution.


If I wasn’t in the office I was in a mouldy bedsit two miles away with Jonny. We were stuck in a room together with a shared toilet crammed in with seven other people and non-existent heating or running water. Jonny had tried to complain about things for the first few days, asking why he was the one that had to sleep on the floor every night. I quickly reminded him the reason why, hell I told him I had fifteen thousand reasons why he had to sleep on the floor. Still Jonny’s one functioning brain cell did ask if I was watching wrestling clips on Youtube. When I told him yes he asked why not use it for our show? I hated the fact he had come up with my solution but at least it solved one problem.


It did cause some other issues, the talent already signed had been promised a TV deal and now they were being sold a YouTube show as a big deal. It left a bad taste in a lot of people’s mouths but Bobby at least was happy that the problem was over. Two weeks out of our first event he looked sheepish when I arrived, like he was worried about something.


“I know I’m only here to make sure you don’t run away and stuff but I couldn’t help myself. Don’t be mad ok?” If Bobby was worried that I was mad it must be something awful. He points to my chair, even pulling it out for me and then makes me a cup of tea. I don’t like this at all. “So I asked Rich to put me here cause I grew up on wrestling. I remember watching Hogan and Savage and Andre and Warrior, I wanted to be a wrestler when I was small but my Ma said I had to get a respectable job. So that’s why I work for Rich.”


He pauses waiting for me to say something but I don’t know what to say. Booby is still fidgeting and continues “My favourite wrestler though was always Jake Roberts, he always carried this big yellow python with him. That’s why I got this.” He points to the snake on his face and smiles “Man I tell ya, the things he would do. There was one time Jake got his snake to bite Savage, man that was unreal. Anyway I guess that’s why I did it, I know he’s still around so I reached out, I never thought he would talk but he’s agreed. Man Jake The Snake is part of Resilient and yeah … do you think he’ll sign my tattoo for me?”


Bobby seems relieved that I’m not mad, hell I think he would try and kill me if I said Jake couldn’t come in. Jake was in no way going to wrestle for us though, but I think he could fit in. From what I’ve seen over the past few weeks an authority figure is a massive part of this whole wrestling thing. I guess Jake Roberts is our guy. As we get closer to our first event there’s a lot of interest in the company, we’ve created a bit of a buzz and despite the fact it’s only been less than two months since Rich Fuller kicked my door in we’ve managed to get a roster, book arenas, and we’ve made some sort of booking plans.


The only thing I am grateful for is that Rich Fuller never actually said the wrestling has to be any good.

Edited by allthepeas
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Resilient Wrestling

Company Info


Size: Tiny

Prestige: 15

Momentum: 50

Popularity: - British Isles – 30




Alysin Kay

Angel Williams

Big Swole

Charlie Carter

Charlie Morgan

Cheerleader Melissa

Chris Hero

Chuck Mambo

Davey Boy Smith Jr.

Dani Lunar

Doug Williams

Jack Evans

James Storm


John Hennigan

Kasey Owens

Katarina Walters

Mark Andrews

Mark Billington

Mark Davis


Matt Taven

Mike Bennett

Mille McKenzie

Morgan Webster

Nick Aldis

Oisin Delay


Thomas Billington

TK Cooper


Xia Brookside


Refs / Road Agents / Managers  / Broadcast Team


Des Robinson

Jake Roberts

Lance Storm

Maria Kanellis

Nigel McGuinness

Shay Purser

Sid Scalla

Tom Hannifan

Tom Scarborough


Tag Teams


Aussie Open – Kyle Fletcher and Mark Davis

Billington Bulldogs – Mark Billington and Thomas Billington

SubCulture – Mark Andrews and Morgan Webster

Sunshine Machine – Chuck Mambo & TK Cooper

The Hybrid2 – Angelico & Jack Evans

The NIC – Charlie Carter & Oisin Delay

The Kingdom – Matt Taven and Mike Bennett




Unleashed – taped four weeks at a time, streamed on YouTube




August –               Crowning Achievement

October -             No Regrets

December -         Lights Out!

February -           Last Laugh

April -                  Bad Intentions

June -                   Into The Fire


While we have kept some names off for surprise value that is the bare bones of it. We have scheduled a few one night only type of deals and some wrestlers not down to wrestle for us too often but it’s enough to start with. All that was left to do is announce out first card.

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Resilient Wrestling presents Crowing Achievement

This Saturday, streaming live via YouTube, Resilient Wrestling will hold it’s very first show. Announced by the Resilient Wrestling Commissioner, Jake Robert,s Crowning Achievement will see a one night only, eight man tournament to crown the first ever Resilient World Champion. The first round matches are:


Pac vs. Doug Williams

Rob Van Dam vs. John Hennigan

Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. James Storm

Nick Aldis vs. Chris Hero



12 hours ago, Willsky said:

Nice intro! Looking forward to this one.


12 hours ago, TheSmoothLefty said:

Consider my interest piqued 


Thanks for the replies and glad you've enjoyed it so far I've been playing this in game for a few months now and decided to do one of these things to make it more in depth.

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Crowning Achievement

Electric Ballroom, Camden, London

Week 4, August 2023

Resilient’s debut event starts with a little bit of fanfare, but no pyro as it didn’t pass the fire safety test. Still the crowd (all squashed on one side to make it look bigger) cheer as Tom Hannifan and Nigel McGuiness welcome everyone to this historic event, they quickly run down the card before the sound of a snake hiss is heard and the Resilient Wrestling commissioner enters the ring.


The legend Jake Roberts stands in the middle of the ring and tells the crowd that tonight they are all witnessing history as the start of a new era in professional wrestling has begun. He says he was a bit unsure about being in charge of a company, he didn’t think anyone would trust him enough but, he’s going to prove to the fans and himself he has something to contribute. He turns to a podium with a cover over it and reminds everyone that tonight eight men will put it all on the line tonight in a one-night tournament. He says one man later tonight will win this and rips the cover off the podium revealing the Resilient Wrestling Championship title belt. He says there is one thing he never won in his career and that’s a World title, he says that by not being a World champion he knows how important it should be. It should only be worn by someone worthy, someone who has beaten the best of the best. That’s what tonight is all about, finding out who’s the best of the best. Eight men, one title, the winner will have to fight tooth and nail, only one man will ever go down in the history books as the first ever Resilient Wrestling Champion.

Rating: 57

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Pac vs. Doug Williams

The first match of the tournament, and the first match in Resilient, saw Pac and Williams battle it out on their home turf to advance to the next round. Like Jake Roberts both men have never been a world champion in the careers so this had a lot riding on it. It was a great opener that got the crowd on their feet but it was ‘The Bastard’ Pac who got the victory. He locked in The Brutaliser and try as he might Doug Williams couldn’t break free and was forced to tap out to the pain. Pac advances to the next round.

 Winner – Pac

Rating: 41

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Rob Van Dam vs. John Hennigan

It was a change of pace for this one as Hennigan and RVD were flying all over the ring. While the crowd were firmly behind the Whole F’N show Hennigan more than held his own. While RVD did connect with the Five Star Frog Splash Hennigan was able to kick out just before the three. Digging down deep Hennigan fought back into the match and after flying off the top rope with the End of the World for the three count. Hennigan will meet Pac in the quarterfinals.

Winner – John Hennigan

Rating: 41



In the interview area Sid Scala is with the New Bulldogs, Davey Boy Smith Jr. and the Billington Bulldogs. Sid asks him about his upcoming match against a man who has held a World title before in ‘The Cowboy’ James Storm. Davey Boy Smith Jr. says he is the son of a hall of famer and has wrestled all over the world. Davey promises to continue the legacy of his father and with Mark and Thomas Billington by his side there is nothing that can stop him.

Rating: 39

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Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. James Storm

In what would be the shortest match of the night Davey Boy Smith Jr. put ‘The Cowboy’ away after connecting with the Bulldog Bomb for the three count.

 Winner – Davey Boy Smith Jr.

Rating: 39


Chris Hero makes his entrance ahead of his match against Nick Aldis, in the middle of being introduced by the ring announcer Chris Hero snatches the mike out of the announcer’s hands and shoves him out of the way. Chris Hero demands his music to be cut off because he has something to say and Hero is pis*ed. He says that he has wrestled around the world, wrestled in the biggest companies in the world and in front of thousands of people. He has had his name on the marquee, wrestled men like CM Punk, Caludio Castignoli, Lance Storm and Bryan Danielson. Hero says he is a multi-time World Champion and is used to bigger companies and better wrestlers. Hero says that he signed on to come to Resilient Wrestling because he was promised the recognition he deserved, he was promised real competition and as far as he’s concerned those promises have turned out to be bullsh*t. He shouldn’t have to be wrestling in this tournament, he should be given the Resilient World Championship because he has earned it already. Hero claims there is no one in the company that has done more than him in this business, no one can outwrestle him, no one can beat him, no one compares to him … 

Rating: 47

Chris Hero is interrupted by his opponent who has obviously heard enough.

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Nick Aldis vs. Chris Hero

Chris Hero may not be happy of being here in Resilient Wrestling but Nick Aldis is a different matter. He makes his way down to the ring but as he slides under the bottom rope Chris Hero is quick to pounce. He doesn’t let Nick up to his feet and just lets loose with a barrage of kicks and stomps to keep Nick on the mat. The ref has to force Hero back to allow Nick to get to his feet for this match to start, and while Hero may have wanted to weaken his opponent instead he made him angry. As soon as the bell rings Nick Aldis pummels Chris Hero from post to post. Hero even tries to beg off a few times but Nick Aldis isn’t having any of it. Hero does briefly get back into the match but Nick cuts off Chris’s momentum and connects with the MDD for the three count.

Winner – Nick Aldis

Rating: 44

Chris Hero can hardly believe he’s be been beaten and won’t advance to the semi-finals. As he starts to argue with the ref we head back to the interview area where Sid Scalla is with Pac.


Sid asks Pac how confident is he knowing that he must get past John Hennigan to have any hope of becoming champion tonight. Pac stares a Sid for a good few seconds, not saying a word before smirking. Pac says his entire career people have been telling him he’ll never make it, that he doesn’t have what it takes to make it. He’s made his career on proving people wrong. He says that it doesn’t matter if it’s John Hennigan, Nick Aldis, Davey Boy or any other wrestler just line them up and he’ll knock them down cause there is no one capable to stopping him becoming Resilient World Champion.

Rating: 38

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Pac vs. John Hennigan

Both men tried their best to end this one quickly in order to preserve their energy ahead of the main event, where one of them could become the first Resilient World Champion. The problem was that neither man would either submit or stay down for the three count. At one point Pac had locked Hennigan in The Brualiser but Hennigan refused to tap out. John thought he had the match when he connected with the End of the World but Pac barely kicked out before the three count. As the match reached the fifteen-minute mark at the announcers table Nigel McGuiness said that Hennigan or Pac need to end the match now because they’re only giving either Nick Aldis or Davey Bous Smith Jr. a massive advantage. The ending came a few moments later as Pac had whipped Hennigan to the ropes and went to connect with a dropkick, it is a tale as old as time, Hennigan ducked and Pac ended up dropkick the ref instead. The ref went down like he’d been shot, Pac barely had time to realise his mistake before turning around only to be met by a Superkick to the face. Hennigan made the cover but there was no ref available. As Hennigan began to call for a ref a man wearing a black hoodie ran down the ramp. John thought it was another ref, the announcers thought it was a ref but they were all wrong. 

The hooded man got into the ring and as Hennigan made the cover the man delivered a clubbing forearm to the back of Hennigan’s head. Hennigan was out cold as the figure pulled a lead pipe from inside his sleeve. As security finally looked to do their job and confront him, the man quickly got out of the ring and ran through the crowd, escaping before we could see him face. As Hennigan was down Pac, unaware of what had happened, groggily got back to his feet. Seeing Hennigan down he climbed up to the top rope and flying through the air connected with the Black Arrow. The ref too was sort of back to his senses, just in time to count the three. Pac advances to the next round but the announcers are asking who he hooded figure was?

 Winner – Pac

Rating: 45

After a few recaps of the previous match there is no time to waste as it’s time for the second semi-final match.

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Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Nick Aldis

This was to determine who would face Pac for the Resilient Wrestling World Championship in the main event later tonight. This was a relatively even match with both men having moments of control. The end of the match came when Davey was setting up Aldis for the Bulldog Bomb, Aldis manage to block the attempt and after a kick to the gut connected with the MDD for the three count.

Winner – Nick Aldis

Rating: 39


Resilient Wrestling commissioner Jake Roberts comes back out to the ring and immediately starts to hype up the main event between Pac and Nick Aldis, praising both men for getting this far in the tournament and their goal of being the first Resilient World Champion is nearly within their grasp. Roberts then changes track slightly by announcing that starting this Thursday on YouTube will be the first episode of Resilient Unleashed, the only place to see some of the best wrestlers on the planet today. Roberts also announces that in October will be Resilient Wrestling’s next big marquee event called No Regrets. At that event there will be two new championships in Resilient. The first will be the Resilient Tag Team Championships, that will be decided in a fatal fourway match. The second championship will be the Resilient Women’s Championship, a title that will be decided in a six way match. Qualification matches will be held over the few weeks on Unleashed. Roberts encourages everyone to check it out before saying that he’s giving everyone a taster of what to come right now, in a six woman tag team match.

Rating: 50

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Trinity, Big Swole & Millie McKenzie vs. Jazz, Angel Williams & Katarina Walters

Apart from Trinity and maybe Angel Williams the rest of the women don’t really get any sort of reaction. That doesn’t mean they didn’t give it their all though with each competitor given a small chance to shine. It was Trinity who got the victory for her team, nailing A Bad Place on Walters for the pin.

Winners – Trinity, Big Swole & Millie McKenzie

Rating: 31

We head backstage for the last time, returning to the interview area where Sid Scalla is with Nick Aldis.


Sid asks Nick how he’s feeling ahead of the match against Pac for the title. Nick says going up against Pac is tough enough but now he’s got the added problem of needing eyes in the back of his head. Nick says that it’s clear Pac needs help, why else would he need someone to interfere for him in his match earlier? Nick says he doesn’t need help from other people, he doesn’t need to get people to jump him from behind to get the job done. Nick tells Pac to bring everything to the table because there’s only one of them that’s walking out of the building as champion, and Pac will need to dig deep in his bag of cheap trick to beat him.

Rating: 39

The screen goes to static for a second and the next things we see are people in black hoodies walking with their heads down slowly down some train tracks. As inspirational quotes appear above their heads like “The past is just a story and once you realise that, it has no power over you.”  And “It began when you were born, is happening now, and ends when your time here is up.” One of the figures with a hood over his face stops walking and looks up, as the others walk past him he takes down his hood and stares right into the camera and says three words. “Control Your Narrative.”


Rating: 43

A brief recap showing Pac’s and Nick Aldis’s previous matches tonight. As Pac makes his entrance though Tom Hannifan is asking if we’re going to see the hooded man again in this match.

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Pac vs. Nick Aldis

Resilient World Championship

Nicks earlier words must have got into Pac’s head slightly, as soon as the bell rang Pac got into Nick Aldis’s face and told him he’s doesn’t need any help beating him tonight. He can do it all on his own, Nick tells him to prove it then, for an answer Pac smacks the taste out of his mouth and the final match in the title tournament is underway. Its clear Nick Aldis was unready for the ferocity of Pac’s initial attack and seemed to be on the back foot, but soon regained enough of his sense to battle his way back into the match. The match looked to be over quickly after five minutes after Aldis locked in the Cloverleaf but Pac was able to get to the bottom rope in time in order to force the break. At the announcers desk Nigel was saying Nick’s words must really have got under Pac’s skin as he would never usually let himself be caught out like that. 

It was clear though that the two matches both men had already gone through tonight had taken their toll. The announcers debated if Nick or Pac had the toughest route, they both settled on Pac as his matches had gone on longer than Nick. Fatigue did look to be settling in on both sides, with Pac not up to his usual quickness and Nick’s strikes not quite a forceful as they had been. Nick Aldis once again looked close to winning the match, looking to connect with the MDD but Pac blocked the move and after delivering a beautiful looking dropkick locked in The Brutaliser. As Nick’s screams echoed around the building he too was just able to get to the ropes to break the hold.

As the match continued both men were giving their all, trying everything to try and become champion. Pac connected with a bridging Northern Lights Suplex into the pin but Aldis kicked out at the count of two. Aldis in response connected with a massive big boot before going up top and delivering a Flying Elbow, Pac was able to kick out of that too. Not to be outdone by flying Pac connected with the flying hurricanrana but Aldis managed to kick out. The announcers were beside themselves asking just what it will take for the other one to give in. After a few more trading blows the match looked to be over, Aldis connected with the MDD and made the cover 1 … 2 ….3 NO! Just at the last second Pac kicked out and Aldis couldn’t believe it. Nick looked to end it once and for all, and signalled once again for the MDD. Aldis brought his opponent up to his feet but Pac in an act of desperation connected with a Pele kick that sent Aldis stumbling backwards into the turnbuckle. With a rush of adrenaline Pac delivered a running forearm smash to Aldi’s face that sent Nick crashing down to the mat. Pac scrambled p to the top turnbuckle and connected with the Black Arrow. The ref was in position and although Nick managed to kick out it was a fraction of a second too late. The three count had been made and we have our first ever Resilient World Champion.

Winner, and NEW, Resilient World Champion – Pac

Rating: 47

Pac has defeated Doug Williams, John Hennigan and now Nick Aldis to become champion. Jake Roberts is on hand to award him with the title belt as Pac clutches it in his hands. Raising it above his head he celebrates for a few moments, taking in his moment as champion. Pac turns around after posing and comes face to face with the man who he just defeated. After a brief staredown Nick Aldis offers his hand, Pac stares at him for a few moments before accepting and in a great show of respect the two men shake hands in the middle of the ring. Nick pats him on the shoulder and leaves the ring as Pac once more raises his Resilient World Championship above his head. 

Crowning Achievement goes off the air with a celebrating Pac as the announcers do one last hype for Resilient Unleashed, streaming this Thursday only on YouTube!



Show Rating: 48

Attendance: 583

Views: 5,230


Edited by allthepeas
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Resilient Wrestling News

Rob Van Dam was on a one night only deal to help try and raise some name value to the Crowning Achievement card. RVD is not scheduled to appear any more for the company.

Internally there is some hard feelings by some of the roster over what they were promised and what has been delivered. A lot of them had thought there was already a TV deal in place, but were shocked to find Unleashed will be seen only on YouTube. That anger was heightened when the talent discovered just where those tapings are meant to take place. Some had expected large arenas but some have been humbled to see the smaller venues as well as how many people are going to be in attendance. They were sold on a UK version of AEW but that is plainly not the case.

There has been some confusion over Pac being the first Resilient World Champion. Many had thought it would go to Nick Aldis, or a face, but insiders say that Aldis was thought to be the obvious choice and looked somewhere else. John Hennigan is the biggest draw the company have but he wasn’t chosen for two reasons. The company felt as they are based in the UK they needed a British champion, the other is they don’t know how long they can keep Hennigan for. There are some rumours floating around John wants to wrestle in Japan and he has a lot of Mexico dates so his future with the company is not reliable.

 While some are happy with how Crowning Achievement went down, especially for a company of it’s size and the roster available, the one thing Crowning Achievement didn’t achieve was any reason for people to tune into Unleashed. Other than the attack on John Hennigan there were no other real storylines in place.

  As seen on Crowning Achievement there will be two further championships in Resilient, a womens title and a tag title. Both of these new belts will be decided in Resilient’s next big event, No Regrets in August.

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Resilient Unleashed

BT Studios, Stratford, London

Week 1, September 2023


A recap is shown from Crowning Achievement, it shows the Resilient World Championship one night tournament as well as the announcement of both the Resilient Women’s Championship and the Resilient Tag Team Championships. The hooded figure that attacked John Hennigan is also seen but the final shot is of the first ever Resilient World Champion Pac.

Rating: 45

With the recap over the Unleashed opening credits roll, it’s a generic rock song over some Resilient wrestlers doing their moves. After the opening credits the first ever Unleashed in upon us. The cameras scan the crowd as the announcers mention that as a result of the attack on John Hennigan at Crowning Achievement he is not cleared to be there tonight. Tom and Nigel quickly run down the show but before they can through it all the new Resilient World Champion’s music kicks in and Pac makes his way down to the ring.


With the Resilient World Championship belt over his shoulder Pac stands proudly in the middle of the ring. Pac looks at the mike in his hand like it’s a foreign object before saying that he’s not one for much talking so he’s going to make it brief. He says a lot of people may have counted him out last Sunday at Crowning Achievement, he’s been overlooked his entire career by people telling him he’s not going to make it, he’s too small, he doesn’t have the right look, he just doesn’t have what it takes. At Crowning Achievement he proved them all wrong and stands before everyone that ever doubted him to say one thing ‘I told you so.’ Pac promises to be a fighting champion, a champion who doesn’t back down from any fight.

Pac then sighs and says that as happy as he was at Crowning Achievement there was one sour point, one slight problem. He heard Nick Aldis say that Pac needed help to get through to the final, Pac starts to yell that he has never and will never need any help from anyone. Pac says it straight, he doesn’t know who the man who go involved at Crowning Achievement was, whoever he was he was nothing to do with him. Pac then turns to the camera and stares right down the lens, telling everyone at home and watching in the back that if they don’t believe him to come and say it to his face. Dropping the mike Pac gets out of the ring and heads backstage.


Rating: 41

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Aussie Open vs. Hybrid2

The first match on Unleashed saw Aussie Open face Hybrid2 for the first spot in the fatal fourway tag team match at No Regrets for the Resilient Tag Team Championships. The crowd didn’t seem that invested in the match, which saw Aussie Open become the first to qualify for the match. They picked up the win after connecting with the Aussie Arrow on Angelico for the three count.

 Winner – Aussie Open

Rating: 39


In the interview area Sid Scalla is with Matt Taven and Mike Bennett, The Kingdom, and their manager Maria Kanellis. Sid asks how they feel about their chances of becoming tag champs. Maria laughs and tells Sid to look at the men beside her and the question answers itself. The Kingdom are born champions, she married a champion and those tag team championships are coming home with them. She warns the other teams thinking about wanting to be champions to think again, because not one of them has what it takes to beat The Kingdom.

Rating: 39



We see EC3 standing in the middle of a crowd of people, all wearing black hoodies, heads down and walking down some train tracks. Only EC3 is visible, he looks at the people walking past him as quotes begin to appear on the screen. “Your life is a story, and you are the main character,” as well as “If you don’t craft the life you want for yourself, life will just happen to you.” EC3 begins to walk against the crowd of people and says three words “Control Your Narrative.”

Rating: 49



Back in the interview area Sid Scalla is this time joined by Nick Aldis. Sid asks Nick about coming up short at Crowning Achievement. Nick says that it was tough and says that Crowning Achievement may be one of the hardest nights of his career but he’s going to move past it. He also has a message for Pac, telling him that he heard what he said earlier and that if he says that he had nothing to do with John Hennigan being attacked he’ll believe him, for now. Nick Aldis says Pac promised to be a fighting champion and if that’s true Nick Aldis wants the first shot … Before Nick can get any further a hand reaches out and covers the mike, a voice is heard telling Nick to hold on a second. The camera turns around to reveal it’s Tom Latimer.


The one time friend, one time enemy of Nick Aldis has a smile on his face but Nick rightly looks suspicious. Nick asks him what he wants but Tom asks him what sort of welcome was that to an old friend? Tom laughs and slaps him on the back, telling him he’s missed him. Nick goes to speak but Tom talks over him, telling him that he’s here in Resilient for the same thing as Nick is, gold and glory. That’s why he’s been to see Jake Roberts and got them a spot. Nick asks him what he’s talking about and Tom replies they’ve got a spot in the tag team qualifying matches for No Regrets. Nick tries to protest but Tom’s mobile starts to ring and says he’s got to take this. With Nick still protesting Tom answers the phone and walks off leaving Nick Aldis looking really confused.

Rating: 42


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Trinity vs. Xia Brookside

The first qualifying match for the six pack challenge at No Regrets was up next as Trinity took on Xia. The result was never really in doubt and, in what was the shortest match of the night, Trinity put Xia away with a Split-legged Moonsault for the three.


Winner – Trinity

Rating: 36

We’re back once again with Sid Scalla who is with Katarina Walters.


Sid says that we’ve just seen what must be the odds on favourite to win the Resilient Women’s Championship, Sid asks Katarina that if she does qualify does she have what it takes to beat Trinity? Katarina says she’s under no illusions about No Regrets, none. She knows she’s not the favorite, she knows she’s not even the second or third choice to win that match. That’s not going to stop her from winning though because this match, this title, it isn’t just about being champion, it’s about her legacy in this business. When she first started out she had big plans, she had been promised everything but the world just seemed to pass her by. This is her chance, her last chance to create something of her life. People may be talking about Trinity or Jazz or Angelina Williams or Big Swole but they should be talking about her. Being the first ever Resilient Women’s Champion will cement her legacy and there is nothing she won’t do to secure her legacy.

Rating: 38



It was time for the main event and Chris Hero made his entrance, just like at Crowning Achievement he didn’t let the ring announcer finish introducing him and snatched the mike out his hands. Hero said that what happened at Crowning Achievement means nothing, nothing has changed. He is still too good to be in this damn company. He is a future hall of famer, he has wrestled some of the greatest men to have ever step foot inside this ring and these miserable idiots in the crowd don’t deserve to witness his greatness. Hero says Pac may have won at Crowning Achievement but if anyone thinks that they are getting that first title shot they are sadly mistaken. There is only one man that’s getting the title shot and that’s him.

Rating: 45


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Nick Aldis vs. Chris Hero

In a rematch from Crowning Achievement Nick Aldis faced Chris Hero. This time Hero attacked first, and jumped on him as soon as he got into the ring Hero wouldn’t let him up off the mat, telling him again and again that Aldis wasn’t better than him. Nick Aldis managed to get back into the match when Hero had him in the corner, Hero charged in but Aldis dodged out of the way at the last second and as Hero turned around dazed Nick smashed his face in with a Big Boot. Hero tried to battle back but Nick wouldn’t let him, picking up the victory after connecting with the MDD.

 Winner – Nick Aldis

Rating: 47

Unleashed ends with Nick Aldis celebrating his win, while we quickly cut backstage to see Tom Latimer looking happy his tag team partner won the match. The announcers quickly shill next weeks show where John Hennigan will address what happened at Crowning Achievement.



Show Rating: 47

Attendance: 120 (sellout)

Views: 5,550

Edited by allthepeas
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Resilient Unleashed

BT Studios, Stratford, London

Week 2, September 2023


A recap is shown from last week, with Tom Laitmer debuting and telling Nick Aldis they’re in the Resilient Tag Team Championship qualifiers. Speaking of that, the recap also sees Aussie Open and Trinity both advancing to their respecting matches at No Regrets. It also touches on Pac saying he had nothing to do with the attack on John Hennigan at Crowning Achievement. With the recap over the second episode of Unleashed is live (online). The announcers run down tonight’s show, and hype up the fact John Hennigan is in the building. First though its womens action and another qualifying match for No Regrets.


Katarina Walters makes her way down to the ring for her match against Mille McKenzie. Before the match can begin though Katarina asks for a mike and begins to address the crowd. She says that what you are all looking at is the future Resilient Womens Champion, that title has been made for her. It is her last chance at becoming the champion she as born to be. She tells the other five women in the match at Crowning Achievement to watch this match very carefully because what she does to her opponent tonight will be their fate too if their dare get in her way of becoming champion.

Rating: 39


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Millie McKenzie vs. Katarina Walters

Whatever Katarina had planned for this match if wasn’t this. Her cockiness was her undoing as she had the chance to win this match on more than one occasion but instead, she decided to showboat to the crowd, telling them that this is what a real champion looks like. After connecting with a Spinning Backbreaker on McKenzie the match should have been over. Instead of making the pin though, Walters was leaning over the top rope to the announcers table demanding they tell the viewers at home that she will be champion at Crowing Achievement. What happened instead was that McKenzie used Walters distraction against her and rolled her up for the surprise three count. Walters was in shock and as she argued with the ref over what just happened Millie rolled out of the ring and headed backstage before Katarina could get any revenge.

Winner – Millie McKenzie

Rating: 42



Backstage we see Nick Aldis walking down a corridor, he seems to be looking for someone. He turns the corner and see Tom Latimer, who is on the phone. Nick smacks the phone out of his hand, Latimer asks what the hell but Aldis has got a question of his own. Why are they teaming up and what is Tom after? Tom says that he knows they’ve had their issues but that’s in the past, they’re older now and it’s time to move on. Nick goes to protest but Tom speaks over him, telling him that Resilience Wrestling is a chance for them both to start over, a chance to remind the world who they are. Tom asks when is this going to happen again in their careers? A new company opening in their backyard? Aldis says that he still doesn’t trust him but Tom shrugs and says he gets it, after all they’ve been through, he’d be suspicious too but Tom promises Nick he’s changed and he’s going to prove it. Tonight, he’s facing Doug Williams and he promises there will be no cheap shots, no cheating. Tom says that he’s only asking for a chance to rewrite their history. Tom asks Nick if he can just give him one last chance? Tom pats Nick on the shoulder and goes to fetch his thrown phone before Nick has a chance to answer as the screen goes black.

Rating: 48


We see the same scene we’ve seen before while a crowd of people wearing black hoodies and walking slowly in the same direction. There is only one man who is walking against the crowd.


As EC3 starts to try and shake random people in the crowd to stop them moving, they all ignore him and when released they keep walking away. Mixed in with these scenes of EC3 trying to stop the crowd are inspirational quotes like. “Since we don’t really know what we’re doing, we look to our past and the people around us to inform our decisions. We’d rather not think for ourselves and risk failure.” and “So instead of doing something about it, we do the most unproductive thing we can, complain.” EC3 starts to get frustrated and begins to run through the crowd in front of him until he burst into a busy street. He looks into the camera and says just three words. "Control Your Narrative."

Rating: 50



In the interview area Sid Scalla is with the first team to have qualified for the fatal four tag team match at No Regrets for the titles, Kyle Fletcher and Mark Davis, Aussie Open. Sid congratulates them both for their victory last week but says that’s only the first step, at No Regrets do they think they can beat three other teams to become champions? Kyle and Mark say that they’ve wrestled all over the world, on every continent, held countless champions and consider themselves the greatest tag team in the world today. They say they want the best tag teams in the world to make it at No Regrets, the want The Kingdom, they want Nick Aldis and Tom Latimer, they want whoever has the guts to make it because when they win at No Regrets to become the first ever Resilient Tag Team Champions, they don’t want anyone to say they didn’t deserve it.

Rating: 27


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Billington Bulldogs w/ Davey Boy Smith vs. Sunshine Machine

To determine who would be the next team to qualify for No Regrets Mark and Thomas Billington, the Billington Bulldogs, faced the more established team of Sunshine Machine. In what would, thankfully, be the shortest match of the night Mark Billington picked up the win after Thomas Billington connected with a Superplex on Chuck Mambo and Mark Billington immediately followed it up with a Moonsault. TK Cooper tried to break up the pin but was too late, the Billington Bulldogs advance to No Regrets. Davey Boy Smith Jr. celebrates with Thomas and Mark as we head backstage.

Winner – Billington Bulldogs

Rating: 32


Cutting backstage we find Katarina Walter midargument with Resilient Wrestling commissioner Jake Roberts.


Katarina is upset over her loss earlier to Millie McKenzie and is trying to convince Jake to give her another chance to get into the six women match at No Regrets. Jake isn’t having any of it, saying Katarina lost fair and square but Walters starts to beg. She says things got to her head a bit, she was showing off, trying to prove that she was a threat after being overlooked her entire career. Walters admits she shouldn’t have showboated, she shouldn’t have played around and she should have just pinned Millie when she had the chance. She regrets that now and asks Roberts for one more chance. Jake starts to shake his head and goes to speak but Katarina interrupts him by saying that she’s sorry but you’ve got to see things from her perspective. Her whole career she’s been made fun of, made to look weak and just an afterthought. This is her last chance, her last opportunity to prove she’s not a joke. Roberts isn’t moved and says that Katarina had her chance but there isn’t another spot at No Regrets. Katarina pleads with him saying this is her last chance, this could be her legacy, her mark on the business and asks one more time for another shot but again Roberts refuses. The mask then slips from Katarina who gets in Jake’s face, telling him that it’s her destiny to be the first Resilient Women’s Champion, she will be in that match a No Regrets, destiny will find a way.

Rating: 43


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Doug Williams vs. Tom Latimer

True to his word earlier Tom Latimer fought a fair fight in this one. In a nice little back and forth match it was Tom Latimer’s hand raised at the end, he pinned Williams after connecting with The Brighter Side of Suffering. After the match Tom helped Dougl up to his feet and patted on the back for a job well done. The announcers were asking if he really had turned over a new leaf. We also see Nick Aldis watching on a monitor backstage, watching closely at the man he’s teaming with in a few weeks.

Winner – Tom Latimer

Rating: 44


As promised John Hennigan came down to the ring to address what happened at Crowning Achievement. The ending of the match against Pac is shown on the big screen. We see John hitting a Superkick to Pac and go for a pin but the ref is out cold. A figure, wearing a black hoodie hiding their face, gets into the ring and brings their forearm over the back of Hennigan’s head. We see the lead pipe coming out of the figure’s arm as they run away. After the replay ends Hennigan is now in the ring and says he was at home last week, but he heard what Pac had to say. John says he does find it hard to believe that just as he was about to lose the match some guy magically appeared. Before John can get any further though the Resilient World Champion Pac storms down to the ring.


Pac grabs a mike and gets into John Hennigan face. Pac tells him to look him in the eyes as he says this next bit, he had nothing to do with what happened at Crowning Achievement. He doesn’t know who John has pis*ed off enough to be smacked with a lead pipe but it wasn’t him. Pac then asks John if he believes him or if they’re going to have a problem? Hennigan thinks about it for a second and then takes a step backwards and tells Pac that he respects him coming out here and telling him face to face but you understand why he’s suspicious. Pac snorts and says that he may be a lot of things but getting someone else to do his dirty work isn’t his style, if he wanted to take John out he would have done it himself. Hennigan thinks for a second before saying that he believes Pac and apologises for accusing him. Pac just nods his head, accepting the apology and goes to leave the ring. Hennigan calls him back, asking him what’s the hurry? As Pac gets back into the ring John Hennigan tells him that he also heard last week that he intends to be a fighting champion, was he just talking or did he mean it? Pac doesn’t respond at that, just glares at John making him laugh, Hennigan says he doesn’t know who attacked him, doesn’t know why but he will find out. Until then he has some unfinished business to attend to. Since he was taken out at Crowning Achievement before he could win their match, he challenges Pac to a match next week for the Resilient World Championship. John holds his hand out, asking if they’ve got a deal and Pac accepts the handshake and the challenge.

As Tom Hannifan gets all excited about the announcement John goes to releases the handshake but Pac’s grip is strong and pulls him forward. Pac tells him, face to face, that he doesn’t need any help from anyone and next week Hennigan is going to need to find another excuse as to why he lost. Pac goes to release the handshake but this time John doesn’t let go and pulls Pac forward, telling him that he only won their match thanks to a lead pipe but that won’t work this time. The handshake finally released Unlashed goes off air as Pac and John Hennigan slowly back away from each other as the announcers talk about that massive match next week.

Rating: 47



Show Rating: 45

Attendance: 120 (Sellout)

Views: 5,498 (down 52)

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September 2023


Unleashed has been up and down, on the one hand it’s getting a lot more views that I had first thought it would, but on the other hand there is still a lot of hard feelings that it’s not on a bigger network. Jake Roberts and Lance Storm are both helping out with booking on top of their other duties so I feel at least covered that someone knows what they’re doing. My major issue now is not anything to do with Resilient, it’s to do with Bobby. Ever since I’ve been here Bobby has been here too, chaperoning me and ensuring I’m doing as I’m told. Even though he works for the man who tried to kill me Bobby seemed a decent guy. He turned into a little kid at Crowning Achievement when he met Jake Robert the first time, didn’t even bat an eyelid when Jake called him ‘one tall son of a bit*h’. Jake even signed his tattoo, Bobby didn’t wash his face for a week after that, admiring it in the mirror at every opportunity. He hung around at Unleashed too hoping to speak to him again and that was the last time I saw him. That was two weeks ago. When I arrived the next day there was someone new letting me into the building. I did ask where Bobby was but the new guy just glared at me. The next day it was someone different again, this one told me not to ask questions. Ever since then there was a new person everyday, so I didn’t ask any more questions. Wherever Bobby is I don’t think I’ll ever see him again.


I had arrived at the Resilient offices today again met by a new guy. I was expecting a day of the same old, same old but at lunch time my guardian got a phone call. That was new, he answered it and then stood up. He spoke to me, the first time today to tell me to stay put. Where the hell was he expecting me to go? I nodded my head as he left the room, ten minutes later I heard footsteps and looking up my heart began racing in sheer panic.


Rich Fuller was here.


It’s the first time I’ve seen him since his friend Karl held a gun to my head. Rich walks into the room and calmly takes a seat as Karl walks in behind him. My heart beat starts to quicken, I’ve done everything I’ve been told to do. I quit my job, moved with my deadbeat, gambling loser of a brother in a dingy studio flat and I’m running the sham of a company the best way I know how. Rich Fuller just laughs and smiles.


"Relax, if I was going to kill you I wouldn’t knock."


That’s true actually, he didn’t knock last time, Karl kicked the door in. I relax, slightly, but I’m still trying to figure out what exactly is going on.  I finally see another man standing just behind Karl, I say see but rather hear. He has a wheezing going on and with large plastic glasses, greasy hair down to his shoulders and a suit that looks like it hasn’t been cleaned since the eighties. Rich Fuller looks behind him and smiles when he looks at me.


"He doesn’t look like much does he but you’ll be seeing a lot of each other. This is Eddie one of my accountants. He will be here to look after the books and keep an eye on you. You were told some … lies by one of my former associates. I wouldn’t want you to get the wrong idea and do something stupid." Yeah lies like how all the companies you own are only used to siphon money off shore, tax free. I know when to keep my mouth shut. "You’re not thinking about doing anything stupid are you?"


"No sir."


Rich leans forward, looking me right in the eye and demanding complete attention. "Just to be clear in case the thought even enters your little head. If there’s one thing I hate more than people not paying me back is a rat. If I find out someone has ratted me out well I need to find out exactly what they’ve said and I will do anything and everything to find that out. Some of my methods are not pretty, I would hate that to happen to you … or your brother. Do we understand each other?"


"Yes sir."


"So whatever you’ve been told or not been told, do yourself, and that dirtbag of a brother, a favour and forget about it."


I nod my head and Rich Fuller stands up and without looking back he and Karl walk out of my office. It’s now only me and Eddie, when he speaks his voice sounds as slimy as he looks.


"Bobby may have let you do things however you want but things are going to be different around here." Eddie smirks and burps loudly as he pulls a bit of paper out of his pocket and flings it towards me. "These are the new rules, first rule is no attention. Rich hates it. That means I don’t want any crack heads or junkies here. They start chasing the electric cow before they have a match and injure themselves or someone else that’s attention. Same goes to anyone who’s a pi*shead, you’re not to touch them. Talking of injuries none of that boxing or mma crap, we want nice wrestling, we’re running a nice and friendly, family fun filled event afterall.”


Eddie hawks up some phelm and wipes his nose on his sleeve before continuing. "I’ve looked at your schedule as well, I don’t like it. It’s gonna draw attention to a company this size and like I said Rich doesn’t like attention.”


"So you want me to cancel the Unleashed tapings? I thought …"


‘You thought wrong, who asked you to speak anyway? Your job is to listen and be a blank face and name in case anyone ever delves too deeply into what we’re doing here.  The money that’s been invested is going to look suspicious for a company this size to anyone who knows what to look for. I need you to run more shows to try and offset any suspicion. We, and I mean you, need to start running more shows …’


"What?" Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up and I realise I may have made a slight mistake in my reaction. I start to stammer as I speak "What I mean is that we have Unleashed and we have our bigger events every other month. What else do you want us …"


"I thought I told you not to speak? Bobby obviously let you get away with way too much. I mean if it’s going to be that big of a problem for you I guess I could call Rich back in here and you can explain the problem?"


Eddie waits for a response before shrugging his shoulders.


"So do you want me to get Rich or are you going sit there and do what you’re told like a good little boy?" When I don’t respond Eddie snorts "In short I don’t care how you do it, I don’t want to know how difficult you’re finding it. I just want you to shut your mouth and do as I say. There is no we anymore, there is no you doing whatever the hell you want, you listen to me and do everything I damn well say. Just get it done, I mean you know what the alternative is right?"


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Resilient Unleashed

BT Studios, Stratford, London

Week 3, September 2023

A quick recap from last week is shown, where Katarina Walters showboating cost her a spot at No Regrets and Tom Latimer promising Nick Aldis he has changed. The bulk of the recap focuses on the John Hennigan and Pac confrontation where tonight’s main event match is set. With the recap over we go straight to ringside for the next qualifying match for the six-pack woman’s match at No Regrets for the Resilient Women’s Championship.


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Big Swole vs. Kasey Owens

Big Swole would be the one to join Trinity and Millie McKenzie at No Regrets after she pinned Kasey Owen after connecting with the Dirty Dancing for the three count.

 Winner – Big Swole

Rating: 34



Resilient Wrestling commissioner Jake Roberts comes down to the ring. He starts to congratulate those women who have already advanced to No Regrets, as well as Aussie Open and the Billington Bulldogs for advancing to the fatal four way match for the tag titles as well. Roberts then says we will need a main event though a challenger for the Resilient World Championship and says that next week the challenger will be decided as … before he can get any further Katarina Walters comes down the entranceway.


Before Katarina can say a word Jake Roberts tells her he doesn’t want to hear it. He knows she’s upset with not advancing but that’s the nature of the business sweetheart … Katarina slaps the mic out his hand and tell him never to call her sweetheart ever again. Roberts takes a step back as Katarina is pointing her finger in his face but she tells him to listen to her. Walters says she has waited her entire career for this opportunity and she’s not going to let another over the hill, relic of the past, fat old man refuse to give her what is rightfully hers. The Resilient Women’s Championship is her last chance to cement her legacy and she demands Jake put her in the match at No Regrets. Jake goes to say something but Katarina says he doesn’t need to speak, all he has to do is get out of the ring, head backstage and make it happen. Jake laughs but that is not the answer Katarina was waiting for and she slaps the taste out of his mouth. Jake holds his chin in shock and glares at Katarina, who just raises her eyebrow as if to ask what he’s going to do about it. Jake sort of smirks but gets out of the ring, he finds another mic as he heads backstage. He tells Katarina that she’s still not in the match at No Regrets, the only reason he’s leaving is to make sure he doesn’t do something he won’t regret! Katarina starts to shake her head, demanding Jake put her in the match but before Jake disappears behind the curtain, he tells the crew to turn her mic off. Katarina’s demands are cut off mid-sentence, she bangs on the mic a few times before throwing it to one side. She rushes backstage and tells Jake she’s not done with him yet.

Rating: 53




In the interview area Sid Scalla is with The New Bulldogs. Sid first congratulates Mark and Thomas for making it to the fatal four way tag team match for the Resilient Tag Team Championships at No Regrets, even claiming their win was a slight upset. Davey takes exception to that and says that all three of them have success in their blood. The Billington Bulldogs have what it takes to become champions and can succeed at whatever they put their mind to. Sid turns to Davey and asks what’s next for him? Davey says that he’s got his sights on a championship of his own. Everyone heard Pac say he’s going to be a fighting champion so he wants to be next in line. He tells Sid that whoever wins tonight, either John Hennigan or Pac he is officially challenging them to a title match.

 Rating: 42



We see a video from last week, labelled after Unleashed. It sees Tom Latimer fresh of his victory over Doug Williams, he comes face to face with his frenemy Nick Aldis. Tom asks him if he watched the match, Nick reluctantly says yes. Tom tells Nick it’s like he said, he fought it right down the middle, no cheap tricks. Tom says he really does want to start over and the chance to become the first ever Resilient Tag Team Championships are a way to do just that. Nick still looks reluctant but Tom tells him to trust him, together they’re going to make history. Tom slaps Nick on the back and heads off to find a shower, leaving Nick deep in thought.

Rating: 47


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SubCulture w/ Dani Luna vs. The NIC

Talking of the Resilient Tag Team Championships this one was to determine who would join Aussie Open and The Billington Bulldogs. The match was an even battle but there could only be one winner. The end came when Mark Andrews connected with the Fall to Pieces on Osin Delany. Morgan Webster knocked Charlie Carter off of the top rope as Andrews made the pin for the three count.

Winner – SubCulture

Rating: 42



Back in the interview area Sid Scalla is with John Hennigan, Sid asks him how he’s feeling ahead of his Resilient World Championship match that is now just minutes away. John says that he’s got a right to feel frustrated at how things went down at Crowning Achievement and by rights he should have been the one to face Nick Aldis for the title. The universe had different plans for him, although he hopes next time they do, it won’t be so painful. John Hennigan rubs the back of his head where at Crowing Achievement that hooded figure hit him with a lead pipe. Sid asks him if he really believes Pac had nothing to do with that attack, as he was the man who had the most to gain from it. John says that Pac looked him in the eyes and told him he didn’t do it, he has to trust a man’s word. If Pac is lying though John promises nothing will stop him getting his payback.

Rating: 46



The screen goes to static and when it comes back on it’s in black and white and we’re back with EC3 on a street. He looks up and down, sees people walking on the pavement but their heads are down all looking at their phones. As EC3 looks at the sheeple quotes appear on the screen. “While your early years were dictated by what your parents wanted for you, eventually it was time for you to take the reins of your life, whether you were ready for it or not. That meant making your own decisions and taking responsibility for things. It’s a scary transition, and one where we all make a lot of mistakes. Becoming an adult is hard.” and “We take control of our narrative, turning the life we have into the one we want.” EC3 stops looking around him and stares down the camera uttering the same three words. Control Your Narrative.

Rating: 49



It’s now time for the main event and Tom Hannifan is in full hype mode. Before the match starts though we briefly return backstage where Sid Scalla seems to be in the gorilla position with Pac who is still warming up. Sid asks Pac how confident he’s ahead of his first title defence. Pac glares at him and ignores the question, instead asking Sid if he heard right earlier, does Sid think he has anything to do with what happened at Crowning Achievement? Sid stutters and tries to justify the question but Pac grabs him by the tie and pulls him forward, getting into his face Pac says through gritted teeth that he doesn’t know who attacked John Hennigan at Crowning Achievement. Pac asks if there are any more questions, Sid, still being grabbed by his tie, shakes his head. Pac releases Sid and walks away, leaving Sid trying to regain his composure.

Rating: 51


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Pac© vs. John Hennigan

Resilient World Championship

For his first defence there could be no tougher opponent for Pac than John Hennigan. With that in mind Pac was determined to try and keep Hennigan down on he mat and at every opportunity looked to lock in The Brutaliser to try and get the submission victory. To his credit John Hennigan managed to block most attempts and reverse the move, the one time Pac truly got it synched in Hennigan was too close to the ropes and was able to use the rope to break the hold, not before Pac made full use of the five count. As the match went on John Hennigan did manage to connect with a Superkick and with Pac down on the mat connected with the End of the World and made the cover but Pac just managed to kick out before the three count.


Pac battled his way back into the match and with the two men trading punches Pac delivered a lariat to Hennigan that sent him over the top rope and to the floor below. Pac did try to follow him out but the ref stopped him and as the two men argue John Hennigan was getting back to his feet a fan in the crowd grabbed his arm and wouldn’t let go. John looked at the fan, who delivered a forearm to his face. John went down like he’d been shot as the cameras see a figure wearing a black hoodie looking down on the fallen John, before disappearing into the crowd. Inside the ring Pac, who had seen nothing, pushed the ref out of the way and went outside the ring. Nigel McGuinness was already accusing Pac of having that person help him again. Pac went to pick up John Hennigan, he seemed confused as to why John was so out of it but rolled him back into the ring. With John Hennigan still unmoving and out on the mat Pac stared down at him and asked what was going on? Confused as he was though Pac had a match to win, he climbed to the top rope. He stopped at the top turnbuckle, as if unsure before delivering the Black Arrow. Immediately making the cover Pac now knew something was wrong, he just didn’t know what. Pac got the three count but he didn’t look happy with the victory.

 Winner, and still, Resilient World Champion – Pac

Rating: 58


As a replay shows on a screen Pac sees for the first time the attack by the hooded figure again, as the announcers says that the person must have had a lead pipe in the arm again for Hennigan to be knocked out like that. As Tom and Nigel discuss if Pac really was behind it or was if there was someone out there that out for John Hennigan.


Show Rating: 52

Attendance: 120 (Sellout)

Views: 5,663 (up 165)

Edited by allthepeas
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Resilient Unleashed

BT Studios, Stratford, London

Week 4, September 2023



John Hennigan is already in the ring as Unleashed comes on the air, still pi*sed off that the hooded figure attacked him for the second time, this time during a match for the Resilient World Championship. John, pacing up and down the ring, says that he’s still got a bit of a headache after being bashed over the head for the second time and asks the crowd to stick with him. At first, he thought that Pac had something to do with the attacks but after being in the ring with him again he knows Pac is right when he says he doesn’t need anyone to fight his battles for him. So if Pac’s not the one attacking him then who is? He’s been thinking it over, trying to find someone who would want to smash a lead pipe over his head not once, but twice and nah he can’t come up with anyone. John stops pacing and turns to the camera, he says he doesn’t know who is attacking him but he knows one thing, whoever they are they nothing but a coward. They run away because they haven’t got the guts to face him. John tells the that if they are any sort of man they would have the courage to face him. John promises that no matter where they go, no matter how long it takes he will find the person and there will be hell to pay.

Rating: 47


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Allysin Kay vs. Charlie Morgan

The opening match was also the shortest match of the night as Allysin Kay defeated Charlie Morgan to advance to No Regrets and the six-pack challenge for the Resilient Women’s Championship.

Winner – Allysin Kay

Rating: 42



Backstage we see Katarina Walter screaming for Jake Roberts, demanding he talk to her. She turns a corner but doesn’t Jake but instead finds Trinity.


Katarina goes to walk past Trinity, yelling for Jake Roberts but Trinity starts to laugh. Walters turns back to her, asking her what’s so funny? Trinity looks her dead in the eye and says her. Katarina obviously doesn’t like the answer and gets in her face, telling her she doesn’t know what it’s like to be overlooked, to be forgotten about to be misled … Trinity stops her midsentence and tells her she knows nothing about her life, and if she did she wouldn’t have said any of that. The only reason she’s in Resilient Wrestling right now is because she had been forgotten about, but unlike Katarina Trinity said she’s taken ownership of her life. She didn’t joke around instead of winning her mach and she got the job done. That’s why she’s on the title match and No Regrets and not her … Katarina goes to argue but Trinity isn’t listening to a word of it, telling Katarina that perhaps the only reason she’s not in the match at No Regrets is because she’s not as good as she thinks she is. As Trinity disappears Katarina starts yelling for Jake again, demanding he put her in that match at No Regrets.

Rating: 33



In a locker room we see Nick Aldis taping his wrists ahead of match later. His tag partner Tom Latimer comes into the room and asks him if he’s excited about the upcoming match. Nick doesn’t get a chance to answer as Tom just speaks over him, telling him that they’re glad they’re on the same page again. Nick again goes to say something but Tom pats him on the back, telling him that he’s happy Nick is giving him this chance and together they’re going to go on and make history. Tom leaves the room, Nick not getting to say one word as we go back to the ring.

Rating: 40



Heading back to the ring there are four men standing there not knowing what is going no. Chris Hero looked almost bored and as James Storm takes a drink of beer the Resilient Wrestling commissioner Jake Roberts walks down the ramp, mic in hand.


Jake says that next month Resilient is holding it’s next big event. We all know there will be a six-pack challenge to crown the first Resilient Women’s Championship. There will be a fatal four-way tag team match for the Resilient Tag Team Championships but Pac will also be defending the Resilient World Championship and the challenger will be one of these four men. Chris Hero has now woken up and seems very interested in what’s going on, Douglas Williams and Davey Boy Smith Jr. look to eye each other up while James Storm again just takes a swig of beer. Roberts continues that next week these four men will compete in a match to determine who faces Pac at No Regrets for the title, but right now it’s going to be a tag team match. Jake Roberts doesn’t hang around, saying he’s got some harpy from hell screaming the place down looking for him so he’s going to head out. After quick message from our sponsors Unleashed comes back with that tag team match already underway.

Rating: 53


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Davey Boy Smith Jr. & Doug Williams vs. Chris Hero & James Storm

This was a tale of two teams, while Doug Williams and Davey Boy Smith both looked to be getting on the other two really weren’t on the same page. Chris Hero started the match but when he attempted to tag in Storm ‘The Cowboy’ tapped his beer saying he’s gotta finish this one first. Hero enraged goes to forcibly tag Storm in but James jumps down on the apron telling Hero to just get on with it. In what is now an effective handicap match Hero is forced to fight both Williams and Smith alone. The teamwork on the other side doesn’t last the entire match, Davey Boy Smith had Hero set up for the Running Powerslam but Doug Williams blind tagged himself in. Davey connected with the move and went for the pin only for the ref to tell him he wasn’t the legal man. Confused Davey looked around as Doug got into the ring and went for the cover, but Davey wasn’t having any of it and dragged Doug away. As the two men started to argue, they began to shove each other. Hero, given enough time to recover, rolled up Williams. Davey Boy looks for a second about to break it up but, in the end, just walks away. Chris Hero gets the win as Doug Williams, argues with the ref and then points at Davey telling him it’s all his fault. On the outside James Storm is still drinking beer as Tom Hannifan says James Storm might just have been the smartest out of the four of them.

Winners – Chris Hero & James Storm

Rating: 40



In the interview area Sid Scalla is with Mike Bennet and Matt Taven, The Kingdom, who are facing Nick Aldis and Tom Latimer in tonight’s main event. Sid says there is now only one spot left in the tag team title match at No Regrets, they must get through Aldis and Latimer tonight to get that spot. Sid asks them what think they’re chances are? Maria seems almost offended by the question and snatches the mic out of Sid’s hands. Maria tells him that Taven and Bennett are born champions, Aussie Open, SubCulture and the Billington Bulldogs do not even belong in the same ring as them. Aldis and Latimer are nothing compared to them, the Resilient Tag Team Championships belong to them. Everyone else is just along for the ride.

Rating: 48



The screen goes black and we’re with EC3 again the busy street with people walking past him looking at their phones. As ominous music plays EC3 is screaming at the people around him to wake up some quotes appear on the screen. “If we’re one of the lucky ones, we rise above the excuses and become the author of our own story, dreaming up possibilities for ourselves and making attempts to turn them into reality.” And “In the limited time you have on this planet, spend it pursuing the things you want than reacting to what comes your way.” As the vignette ends EC3 has had enough, he grabs a passer-by, steals the phone out of their hands and tells them to Control Your Narrative.

Rating: 51


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Nick Aldis & Tom Latimer vs. The Kingdom w/ Maria Kanellis

There was only one spot left in the fatal fourway tag team match at No Regrets for the Resilient Tag Team Championship and despite his reluctance in being involved in this match Nick Aldis did come down to this match on a mission. Latimer and Nick worked well together but their inexperience as a team soon showed. This gave The Kingdom the opening they needed and soon managed to separate Nick Aldis from his partner on the apron. Using every trick in the book, frequent tags, use of the five count of double teaming and distracting the ref The Kingdom were in complete control. With Maria guiding them on the outside the victors of this match never seemed in doubt. Nick Aldis isn’t a multi-time world champ for nothing though and with a surge of adrenaline fought back into the match, floored Taven with the MDD, knocked Bennett off the ring apron and rushed over to his tag partner. He was fingertips away from making the tag when Tom hopped down from the ring apron.

Confused Nick asked him to tag in but in reponse Tom just flipped him off. The look of realisation on Nick’s face wasn’t there for long. Taven and Bennett were back to their feet and taking advantage Bennett hit the Twist of Fate, Taven flew through the air and landed a Swanton Bomb and made the cover. The Kingdom advance to No Regrets but Tom Hannifan is asking just why Tom Latimer turned his back on his friend.

Winners – The Kingdom

Rating: 40


Taven, Bennett and Maria celebrate their win as they head back up the ramp, they pass Tom Latimer on the way who completely ignores them and gets back into the ring.



Nick Aldis is slowly getting back to his feet, ring to shake the cobwebs out of head when Latimer grabs him and yells in his face, asking why he didn’t trust him? Aldis doesn’t get a chance to respond as Latimer connects with the Lighter Side of Suffering. Latimer wasn’t done as he picks up Aldis only to send straight back down with a second Brighter Side of Suffering. With a sick smirk on his face Latimer rolls out of the ring and heads to the announcers table, demanding Tom and Nigel to answer why Nick wouldn’t trust his friend? Grabbing a steel chair from ringside Latimer gets back into the ring, throwing the chair down on the mat Latimer picks Nick up as the announcers realise what is about to happen. Despite both Tom and Nigel’s call for security Tom brings Nick back up and delivers a third Brighter Side of Suffering onto the steel chair.   Deciding his message has been sent Latimer gets out of the ring and heads back up the entranceway. Just before he heads behind the curtain Latimer yells at the unmoving form of Nick Aldis that he should have trusted him and this wouldn’t have happened.

Rating: 43


Show Rating: 49

Attendance: 120 sellout

Views: 5,373 down 290

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September Resilient Wrestling News

Internally the numbers of Unleashed are thought to be encouraging, at least so far. While there is a general feeling Resilient are still finding their feet those in charge are said to be pleased with the views. While the roster still seems to be upset, they’re not on a national tv station they do admit that YouTube is now better than nothing. As a long-term strategy however, it remains to be seen how viable it is.


There are some rumours floating around that Resilient may be holding some more shows soon. How they plan to do this with their limited roster, especially when a lot of their roster work elsewhere and Resilient is not their priority remains to be seen.


First seen at Crowning Achievement and carrying on since then is a series of vignettes concerning EC3 and the Control Your Narrative faction thing. It was a ‘movement’ created by both EC3 and Braun Strowman that at one point was a small promotion that ran a few small shows. When Braun returned to the WWE many thought the idea to be dead, the promotion certainly was. While EC3 did try and bring the gimmick to the NWA it was met with a lukewarm reaction. EC3 himself pitched it himself and Resilient have just let him roll with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Resilient Unleashed

Frog & Bucket, Manchester

Week 1, October 2023


A quick recap from last week plays showing Jake Roberts announcing the fatal fourway number one contenders match tonight as well as Tom Latimer turning on Nick Aldis during last week’s main event. It also shows Tom hitting the Brighter Side of Suffering three times on Aldis after the match ended. With the recap over the announcers run down tonight’s card, with that fatal fourway main event, a tag match between the Billington Bulldogs and SubCulture as well as our opening bout between Cheerleader Melissa and Angel Williams. The announcer say that match will be kicking off Unleashed tonight but the music that starts to play doesn’t belong to either Melissa or Williams.


Katarina is dressed to compete and she snatches the mic out of the ring announcers hand. Katarina says that since Jake Roberts doesn’t have the balls to speak to her she’s going to do what he should have done. Katarina says that she deserves to be Resilient Women’s Champion, she had worked too hard and too long not to be involved. This title will be her legacy, destiny has a plan for her and she’s not going to let some washed up old man deny her what is rightfully hers. The match between Angel Williams and Cheerleader Melissa is now a triple threat match and this time she’s booking her place in the six-pack challenge at No Regrets. Katarina slams the mic back in the chest of the ring announcer and stares down the walk way, calling for Melissa and Williams to come down to the ring.


Instead, Katarina gets the Resilient Wrestling commissioner Jake Roberts. He seems to be in disbelief in what’s going on, laughing to himself and takes a second before saying anything. Jakes says he must be suffering from Déjà vu as he seems to remember that Katarina had a match to qualify for the six-pack challenge at No Regrets but she lost. Katarina yells that it was a mistake, she let the situation go to her head and … Jake interrupts her and instead calls for a replay of the end of the match. It plays on the screen next to him, Millie McKenize rolling her up for the surprise three count. Katarina shakes her head and says that it didn’t count. Jake again calls for the replay and as it plays he counts the three along with the ref. Jake asks her point blank if that is her, on her back and her shoulders pinned to the mat. Katarina again tries to give an excuse but the replay plays again. Katarina gets incensed but Jake is now laughing, calling once more from the replay but this time from a different angle. Katarina gets out of the ring and heads over to Jake Roberts who isn’t laughing anymore. As Katarina is yelling that is was a mistake she goes to slap him again but Jake grasp her wrists and stops her, telling her to read his lips. She lost, she got pinned and she is not getting into that match at No Regrets. Katarina demands Jake lets go of her and when he does, she slaps the hell out of him anyway. Katarina tells him that the Resilient Women’s Championship is going to be her legacy, there is no way she’s going to let it slip through her fingers old man. Sensing defeat Katarina does head backstage leaving a visibly irate Jake Roberts trying to compose himself.

Rating: 48


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Cheerleader Melissa vs. Angel Williams

With Katarina out of the way the first match could truly begin. In what was a fairly even battle Angel Williams ended up advancing to No Regrets after connecting with the Botox Injection for the three count.

Winner – Angel Williams

Rating: 39


Heading backstage to the interview area for the first time tonight Sid Scalla is with one of the four men looking to become the number one contender to Pac’s Resilient World Championship, Doug Williams.


Sid asks Doug how he’s feeling ahead of tonight’s main event, especially as he was the one who was pinned in last week’s tag team match. Williams say the only reason he lost last week because his tag partner didn’t have his back. Williams says he doesn’t have to worry about that tonight as it’s everyone for himself. Williams says he’s been a World champion before so he knows what it takes to get there, he’s got the drive and ambition to get there but starts to question if Davey Boy Smith Jr. has the same determination.

Rating: 28



We’re back on the street with EC3 standing in a sea of people with their heads down looking at their phones. EC3 starts pushing peoples, yelling words we can’t hear at them, screaming at them to wake up as ominous music plays. Words on the screen then appear “People walk through life with their heads down, never looking up. When they do raise their heads it’s only to find out their life has passed them by. Learn to look up at the word around you and take control.” And “Society is a lie; it tells you to work and make money because it’ll make you happy. Ask yourself are you happy?” The ominous music ends and EC3 is alone, he is now standing in front of a billboard advertising Resilient Wrestling. EC3 turns around to face the camera and says three words “Control Your Narrative,” he smirks before the vignette suddenly ends.

Rating: 52



Sid Scalla is with Davey Boy Smith Jr., he asks Davey about the fatal fourway later tonight and about what Doug Williams had to say earlier. Davey says that while he may have failed in his quest at Crowning Achievement in becoming Resilient World Champion tonight that quest could be one step closer. As for what Doug said earlier Davey says that while he respects the hell out of him but last week they would’ve won if it wasn’t for him. He had Chris Hero down on the mat, he had him beaten when Doug tagged himself in. Davey says Williams is right about one thing though, tonight he doesn’t have to worry about what his so-called tag team partner is doing. He hits the running powerslam again tonight, there is no one going to steal that pin from him again.

Rating: 38


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Billington Bulldogs vs. SubCulture w/ Dani Luna

From one bulldog to another two  these two teams’ part of the fourway tag team match at No Regrets. During the match we see both other teams, Aussie Open and The Kingdom, both watching this match backstage. It would SubCulture who got some much-needed momentum heading into No Regrets, they connected with the Free Toast at 2am (a reverse Rana and Superkick combo) on Mark Billington for the three count.

Winners – SubCulture

Rating: 34



In the interview area Sid Scalla is with another competitor in tonight’s fatal fourway match, James Storm. Sid begins by asking if James is prepared for the match later tonight, for an answer Storm drinks from his beer bottle and thinks for a few seconds and nods his head, saying yes he thinks he is. Sid waits for Storm to say something else but James just takes another swig of his beer. Sid sighs and asks if he’s got a gameplan and Storm nods his head and says yup before taking another sip of beer. When Sid asks him what his plan is Storm says to win the match. Scalla is getting visibly frustrated by James’s lack of responses and asks one more question, simply if that is his plan, to win. The Outlaw smirks and says that about sums it up yeah. Sid shakes his head and mutters under his breath unbelievable as the interview ends.

Rating: 42


A recap video from last week is briefly shown of Tom Latimer’s brutal attack on his tag team partner Nick Aldis. It shows the three Brighter Side of Suffering that Nick was victim too as well as showing what happened after Unleashed went off the air with Aldis being helped to the back. When the recap ends we go to another video, a sit down interview held earlier this week with Tom Hannifan interviewing Tom Latimer.


Tom Hannifan asks Latimer the obvious question, why did he attack Nick Aldis last week? Tom Latimer says that he meant what he said when he arrived at Resilient Wrestling, he wanted to make things right with Nick Aldis. The pair of them go way back, sure they’ve had their issues but he wanted a chance to make things right. No matter what he did, no matter what he said Nick didn’t trust him. He tried to show him he’s changed, that he’s turned over a new leaf but he still didn’t trust him. Hannifan says that in the end Nick was right not to trust him, because what happened last week on Unleashed proves that Nick was right. Latimer laughs for a second before saying that there’s kharma at work, If Nick didn’t want to trust him then why should he try and be his friend?

Hannifan turns to why Latimer entered them into the tag team qualifying matches in the first place when Nick didn’t want to be involved? Instead of answering Tom leans down and places the NWA National Heavyweight Championship title belt on the table in front of him. Hannifan goes to ask a question but Tom reaches down again and brings out the NWA World Television Championship and places it on the table next to the first and then brings out the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship title as well. Latimer points to his three titles and says isn’t it obvious why he entered them into the qualifiers? Latimer says he felt sorry for Nick, ever since he left the NWA to try and get success, he’s failed at everything. Latimer says he felt sorry for Nick and thought he could bring him the success he so desperately needs to stay relevant. Instead, Nick Aldis decided to turn his back on their friendship and as far as Latimer is concerned Nick Aldis can go straight to hell.

Rating: 45



John Hennigan is backstage, in the car park and is loading his bags into his car when we hear the sound of running footsteps, Hennigan turns around just in time to see the figure wearing the black hoodie running towards him. The figure raises his arm, where the lead pipe has been hidden the last couple of times that Hennigan has been attacked. Hennigan has just enough time to react and using the figures own momentum against him side steps him and drives him into the side of the car. The figure lets out a grunt of pain as Hennigan attacks, grabbing the figures arm he pulls out the hidden lead pipe and drives it into the persons stomach. The figure goes down to one knee as Hennigan rips his hoodie off.


By the look on John’s face he has no idea who his attacker is, the man just laughs when John asks him who he is. John goes to continue the attack but security fill the area and drag the man away. John follows him demanding to know who he is and why he’s attacking him but the guy doesn’t answer, instead with a free arm he repeatedly thumps his fists against his chest, maintaining eye contact with Hennigan as security leads him away.

Rating: 43



Up next is the fatal fourway main event. Chris Hero comes down to the ring first and we’ve seen before from him the grabs the ring announcers mic and starts to shout down it. He reminds everyone in the crowd, the people watching at home exactly who he is. He has main evented shows in front of thousands of people whose only reason they attended was to see him. He has held more World titles in his career than other people in the back have combined. Hero claims to have wrestled and competed wrestling greats like Samoa Joe, Claudio Castignoli, CM Punk, Zack Sabre Jr., Jushin Lyger, Cody Rhodes, William Regal, Seth Rollins you name them he’s been in the ring with them. Then he’s come here to Resilient, was promised the world, promised to be on every show, be seen in millions of homes, be the focal point of the whole damn company, and has he? No, Hero says he could sue for false advertising but he’s not that sort of guy, but he does expect a little respect for what he’s achieved. Now he must face three men that are not worthy enough to lace his boots to face a man that isn’t in the same league as him to win a title that by rights should belongs to him. Hero tells Pac to watch very, very carefully because what he does to Davey Boy Smith Jr., Doug Williams and James Storm will be the same fate that awaits him at No Regrets.

Rating: 43


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Davey Boy Smith vs. Doug Williams vs. Chris Hero vs. James Storm

#1 Resilient World Championship

The announcers are saying that Chris Hero is already acting like he’s won the match before it’s even started. That might not be the case, but Hero’s words have had one effect, it’s got him a giant bullseye on his back. As the match starts Storm, Williams, and Smith all team up to take on Hero in payback for what he just said. Storm connects with a Superkick and as Hero turns around stunned Smith picks him up with ease and delivers a Running Powerslam that made the ring move three inches to the left. It was at this point that all teamwork between the three men broke down as Doug Williams went for the pin only for Davey and Storm to drag him off. As Davey Boy yells at him for trying to steal the win just like last week he shoves him so hard that he bumps into Storm who tells him to watch what he’s doing. Williams, hearing enough punches Storm in the face and then lays a stiff right hand to the face of Smith. As all this goes on Chris Hero rolls out of the ring to the outside to try and recover.

James Storm, Davey Boy Smith Jr., and Doug Williams turned the match into a triple threat match and took it in turns of taking control. No single man was able to gain any sort of control with Davey Boy managing to connect with the Running Powerslam on James Storm only for Doug Williams to break up the pin. When Williams tried to go for a pin on Smith, Storm was there to break it up too. No one man was able to gain control for too long. All the while on the outside Chris Hero lay, almost forgotten by the other three men.

James Storm had just connected with a Superkick on Doug Williams and went for the cover, Davey Boy broke it up and after throwing Storm over the top rope to the outside climbed to the top rope. Looking for an Elbow Drop Davey looked to finish the match once and for all. Chris Hero saw his chance and took it, rushing to the apron he shoved Davey Boy off the top rope and into a dazed James Storm on the outside, laying both men out. In the ring Doug Williams was slowly getting back up to his feet but Hero wasted no time, whipped him to the ropes he connected with the Rolling Elbow to Doug’s face and immediately went for the cover. With Storm and Smith on the outside they were too late in breaking up the pin and Chris Hero will be going onto No Regrets to face Pac for the Resilient World Championship.

Winner – Chris Hero

Rating: 46


As Chris Hero celebrates his win by yelling at everyone to show him respect the Resilient World Champion comes out to the entranceway.


Pac stares at Chris Hero in the ring, and when Hero notices him yells that the title belongs to him. Unleashed fades to black with Pac glaring at Chris Hero, telling him to bring it at No Regrets.


Show Rating: 47

Attendance: 114

Views: 5,628 (up 255)


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  • 2 weeks later...


Resilient Unleashed

Frog & Bucket, Manchester

Week 2, October 2023

A quick recap from last week plays, with Chris Hero becoming the number one contender to the Resilient World Championship. The recap also sees the hooded figure that has attacked John Hennigan a couple of times unmasked and lead away by security. As the recaps ends the announcers tell us that John Hennigan’s attacker has been identified as Luke Jacobs and will face John Hennigan in tonight’s main event.

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Kyle Fletcher vs. Mark Billington vs. Morgan Webster w/ Dani Luna vs. Matt Taven w/ Maria Kanellis

Unleashed kicks off with one half of each team that will battle it out at No Regrets to become the first Resilient Tag Team Champions in a fatal fourway match. The match was chaotic, with the ref losing control quite early on but it was Kyle Fletcher who picked up the victory and much needed momentum heading into No Regrets. Fletcher pinned Morgan Webster after connecting with a Spinning Tombstone for the three.

Winner – Kyle Fletcher

Rating: 38



Heading backstage we see Katarina Walters once again yelling for Jake Roberts, she turns a corner and comes face to face with the woman that beat her to advance to No Regrets, Millie McKenzie. Millie says that Katarina has been telling everyone that her loss to Millie was nothing but a fluke but that can’t be right? Katarina rolls her eyes and tells her that the only reason she is in the six-pack challenge at No Regrets is because she got lucky. Katarina says that she let the situation go to her head and that’s the only reason she lost their match. Walters even tells Millie that if she was a decent human being she would give Katarina her spot back, but Millie just laughs. McKenzie says that Katarina may think the Resilient Womens Championship will be her legacy but Millie says it’s going to be her destiny and unlike Katarina she’s not going to let the opportunity go to waste.

Rating: 32


The screen goes black for a few seconds before we hear a man whisper for people to open their eyes as ‘they’ want you to keep them closed to stop you from reaching your full potential. The creepy voice ends and here standing surrounded by a circle of faceless figures is EC3.


EC3 address the figures, the camera spinning around him as he does. He tells them they have all taken their first steps in realising their truth. They want to keep you down, they want to control you, they want you to be mindless and follow rules. Instead, they will all learn to rid themselves of societies shackles and expectations and instead they will all learn to take control over their own narratives. No more will they let society keep them down, no more will they allow others to dictate who they are. It is time for all of them to wake up, realise that they’re free and EC3 tells them all to take back control. The weird vignette ends with EC3 staring down the lens and saying just three words. “Control Your Narrative.”

Rating: 49



In the interview area Sid Scalla is with Jazz. Sid says here is only one spot left in the six-pack challenge at No Regrets and asks her if she can be the last woman to qualify. Jazz seems pis*ed at being asked the question and tells Sid that she is a former WWE Womens Champion, a former NWA Womens Champion and she competed in the original ECW, how is she supposed to feel ahead of her match huh? Jazz says the focus has been too much on some bi*ch that lost her match four weeks ago, instead of where it really should be. Jazz tells Sid she’s going to go outthere and remind everyone exactly what she is capable of.

Rating: 19


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Martina vs. Jazz

If Jazz wanted to send a message she succeeded as in the shortest match of the night Jazz completely dominated Martina from the second the bell rang. Jazz forced Martina to submit to a Chickenwing for the emphatic win. Jazz joins Trinity, Big Swole, Millie McKenzie, Angel Williams, and Alysin Kaye at Crowning Achievement for the Resilient Womens Championship.

Winner – Jazz

Rating: 37



Chris Hero storms down to the ring, mic in hand, he doesn’t wait for his music to stop before he starts speaking. He says that last week he showed the world that James Storm, Dougl Williams and Davey Boy Smith Jr. aren’t on the same level as him. He says that he did exactly what he said he was going to do and win, just like he’s going to do at No Regrets. He tells Pac that he knows he was watching, he knows Pac stood at the entranceway last week to try and intimidate him. Hero laughs and tells Pac to speak to CM Punk, speak to William Regal, to Claudio Castignoli, to Seth Rollins, to Kevin Owens, to anyone that has ever been in the same ring as him and ask them the question, is he capable to feeling fear? They will all tell you the same thing, and at No Regrets when Pac is staring up at the lights after being pinned he will realise the answer. Chris Hero fears no one, least of all Pac. Chris Hero drops the mic and starts to get out of the ring but the Resilient World Champion Pac’s music hits instead and the champ has a few words of his own.


Pac say Chris Hero can make lists all he likes, Pac has got a list of his own. Doug Williams, John Hennigan and Nick Aldis, the three men he beat in one night to become Resilient World Champion. Pac asks how many men did Chris Hero beat in one night? Hero is incensed and goes to say somthing but Pac says he’s got another list but this one is really short, it’s one, two, three. That’s what Chris Hero will be hearing at No Regrets at the end of their match, as the ref counts Hero’s shoulders to the mat. Hero has heard enough and goes to attack Pac with a closeline. Pac ducks and as Hero turns around Pac lays him out with a stiff kick to the jaw. Hero rolls back to his feet and Pac gestures for him to bring it but instead Hero backs out of the ring. Holding his jaw Hero says that it means nothing and that the Resilient World Championship is coming home with him.

Rating: 48


Last week Tom Hannifan held a sit down interview with Thomas Latimer, this week he’s sits down with Latimer’s opponent for No Regrets, Nick Aldis.


Tom first asks Nick how he’s feeling after falling victim to Tom Latimer, a man who promised friendship, only to be stabbed in the back. Nick says he wasn’t stabbed in the back, he was stabbed in the front with the son of a bi*ch staring him right in the face. Nick goes into their history, how they trained together, how they were friends but then something went wrong. Aldis says that somewhere along the line Latimer changed, perhaps he was jealous that Aldis was getting more attention than him but who knows?. Aldis had thought all that was behind him but these demons are hard to get rid of. Nick says he was surprised when Tom arrived in Resilient, even more surprised at him entering them into the tag team qualifying matches. He had a right to be suspicious, Aldis says he’s not a tag team wrestler, he wants the World title.

With that Hannifan interrupts and asks Nick if he’s heard about what Latimer said last week? That he came to Resilient for Nick because he said Aldis’s had failed at everything since leaving the NWA? Aldis gets animated and leans forward saying he left the NWA because there was nothing left to achieve there, he was NWA World Heavyweight Champion for over one thousand days and wrestled in one of the biggest shows in the past few years that started a whole damn company. Aldis says that Latimer brought out those titles belts last week but where was the NWA World Championship huh? How many times has Latimer won that title, hell how many times has Latimer been World Champion? Who is he to talk about anyone else’s career huh? Nick stands up and walks out of the room, interview seemingly over.

Rating: 46



It’s now time for the main event as John Hennigan will face Luke Jacobs, the man who has attacked him twice seemingly without provocation. Hennigan looks ready for this match but before Jacobs comes down to the ring Hennigan asks for a mic. He says he’s been repeatedly asking who Luke Jacobs is, asking why did he attack him, what did he do to Luke Jacobs? Each time he asks he doesn’t get an answer, just Luke thumping his chest three times with that stupid smirk on his face. Hennigan say he doesn’t know what he did, at this point he doesn’t care. If Luke doesn’t want to tell him then he guesses he’ll just have to beat the answer out of him.

Rating: 45


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John Hennigan vs. Luke Jacobs

Luke Jacobs comes down to the ring but he doesn’t have any music, he just keeps beating his chest three times and smiling. This infuriates John Hennigan who goes to attack Jacobs as he’s getting into the ring but the ref restrains him. Luke Jacobs starts to laugh but when the bell rings the laugh is soon wiped away. Hennigan is like a man possessed and tries to beat the holy hell out of Luke. He is warned several times by the ref but John doesn’t seem to care. Hennigan continually asks him why he attacked him but Luke refuses to answer. With Jacobs down on the mat Hennigan goes up top, looking to connect with the End of the World when suddenly the lights in the arena go off. As the announcers try to figure out what’s going on the lights suddenly come back on Hennigan is down and out in the middle of the ring. There is a third man in the ring as well, hood over his face and lead pipe in hand, the ref has no option but to call for the bell.

Winner, as a result of disqualification – John Hennigan

Rating: 41


The fact that he’s just lost the match doesn’t matter one bit to Jacobs as Luke is looking to the figure, even asking what to do next. The figure raises his arm and with the lead pipe gestures to John Hennigan. Jacobs picks him up and the hooded man drives the lead pipe into Hennigan’s gut. John, already virtually out slumps down to the mat unmoving at the hooded figures’ feet. As the announcers start to ask who it could be the figure reaches up and removes the hood from over his face.


EC3 is here in the building as Luke Jacobs, out of breath, starts to thump three times on his chest repeatedly once again. EC3 starts to do the same and as Unleashed heads of the air the two men start chanting along with the beat.

C Y N … C Y N … C Y N … C Y N …

 Rating: 49



Show Rating: 44

Attendance: 114

Views:  5,093 (down 536)


Edited by allthepeas
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  • 2 weeks later...

October 2023

I hear the wheezing before he enters my office, I then smell his rather unique smell before his greasy haired, slimy, disgusting, pimply face appears. Slimy Eddie is what I’m come to call him, not to his face of course. Even though his outside demeanour was disgusting I knew that this man was dangerous and definitely not a man to be made fun of. He sees everything I do; he notes down everything I say and he ensures I don’t do anything I’m not supposed to do. I was a few minutes late once due to traffic and he already had Rich Fuller on the phone in case I had decided to make a run for it. I was under no illusions I was being watched, any wrong move then I would be forced to pay the price. Rich Fuller had me and my brother Jonny in effective lockdown and, not for the first time, I wish I was an only child. Eddie is looking at a piece of paper while I’m holding my breath desperately hoping that whatever this is it will be quick so I don’t have to smell him for long. Without looking up from whatever he’s looking at he speaks at me.

‘What’s the name of the next show again? It was something stupid like no one cares right?’

‘Errrr … you mean No Regrets?’

Eddie sighs ‘Like I said it was something stupid … what does that mean anyway? No Regrets? Who doesn’t have regrets? I have regrets about not killing you every day. I bet you wished you stopped your mother from opening her legs that night your lowlife brother was conceived.’

He looks up at me and smiles, showing a row of perfectly crooked brown teeth. He’s been trying to press my buttons all month but I must bite down all the remarks and remind myself this is a man, with one phone call, that could have me killed.

'It was a name Jake Roberts and Lance Storm came up with. It’s about when you’re fighting someone you hate and …’

‘Don’t care, don’t want to care, never will care about what stupid name you come up with for a show that doesn’t matter. I need you to reserve three seats in the front row, Rich is going to be there.

‘Huh, yeah ok.’

Eddie looks at me again, confusion all over his face. I think he’s trying to see if I’m making a joke, he shoves whatever he was reading into his pocket and stares at me for a few seconds. ‘Something funny there pal? Do I amuse you? Do you want to share your little joke with the rest of us?’

‘No, no joke. I just never had Rich down as a wrestling fan is all.’

Eddie snorts. ‘He isn’t, Rich is coming to see how his investment is coming along.’ Eddie starts to laugh now and it’s disconcerting. It’s like a toddler but coming out of a fully grown man. ‘You should be worried.’

Eddie slams the door behind him, I can still hear him laughing but I try to process what he just said. Worried? Why should I be worried? I try and think of everything, anything, I could have done wrong and come up with nothing. I’ve cut off all contact with my old friends and what little family I have left just in case they get dragged into what I’ve been forced to do. I’ve done nothing but sleep and work since the day Jonny got me into this. Why should I be worried?

I quickly go to Eddie’s office and when I open the door I need to take a step back because it’s like I’ve walked into a wall of smell. I take a quick look around and there are old Chinese takeaway cartons thrown across the floor, a pile of pizza boxes stacked in the corner and that’s not even mentioning the putrefied bowl of what was once some sort of fruit sitting on the window sill. I try to ignore all of that, and put the fact I can actually taste the smell, to the back of my mind to look at Eddie who is sitting behind his desk eating beans right out of the can.

‘Why should I be worried Eddie?’

He doesn’t even look up or register that I’ve spoken just shovels a spoonful of beans into his mouth before speaking, spitting tomato sauce all over himself and his desk. ‘Rich Fuller leaves the running of his business to other people; he rarely gets his hands dirty. He only ever intervenes when something’s wrong.’  He finally looks at me through is greasy glasses and grins a disgusting smile. ‘Say goodbye to your friends and family cause someone is in big, big trouble.’

‘Wait, what? What have I done? I …’

Eddie laughs causing beans to come flying out of his mouth. He shakes his head before wiping his mouth on the sleeve of his suit and throws the now empty can across the room to end up beside the already overflowing bin.

‘You idiot, you stupid idiot. It’s not what you’ve done, it’s what you haven’t done that’s the problem. You’ve done nothing so far, you’ve run a few shows, that’s it. Where’s our TV deal? Where’s the PPV deal? You think the money you’re spending grows on trees? You should be thankful cause if I was Rich I would have put a bullet in your head and your pitiful excuse of a brother’s too. Rich spared your life, not saved it he could still kill you any day now, but to answer your question no you haven’t been doing what you’ve been told to do. I told you last month we need to be running more shows …’

‘No TV channel will touch us, I’ve been trying…’

‘You’ve been trying jack sh*t that’s the problem here. You have done the very bare minimum and that has put Rich Fuller in a very precarious position. If anyone with half a brain cell at the HMRC took a close look at what was going on here they might find something they shouldn’t. I know they don’t have a brain cell between them, but if one of them decides to take their finger out of their arse and look at what’s happening here they might get a little curious. Curiosity might lead to attention and I told you Rich doesn’t like attention.’ Eddie takes a second mid rant to burp before carrying on. ‘Any attention could put Rich’s whole empire at risk. It’s only through my creative accounting that it hasn’t happened yet.’

‘Ok so what do I do Eddie?’

‘Who do you think I am? Your therapist? I don’t care, besides it’s obvious you don’t want to be here. Ironic really, No Regrets cause you’re sure as hell going to have some. Rich will need to send a message to everyone else as loud as he can, this is what happens when you don’t do as your fuc*king told. Rich will make an example of you buddy and if you’ve haven’t listened to a word I’ve said since I got here listen to this one thing. Rich like to get his money worth, there’ll be no second chances this and and trust me, it won’t be pretty.’ Eddie starts to giggle again as he looks at me. ‘I really hope Rich let’s me watch.’

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Resilient Unleashed

Frog & Bucket, Manchester

Week 3, October 2023


Unleashed opens with a view of an empty arena shot in black and white, there is an empty ring in the middle of the building and surrounding the ring are figures, wearing black hoodies covering their faces. As one the group start rhythmically pounding the fists into the chests three times, chanting along with the beat.

C  Y  N … C  Y  N  … C  Y  N … C  Y  N ...

 The group all turn to the entranceway, continually chanting as two men walk down the ramp, the man in front with a hood over his face and Luke Jacobs walking a few steps behind him. As the two figures get into the ring the chanting from the group gets louder and as EC3 removes the hood from over his face the screen turns to colour.



EC3 stares into the camera, his eyes unblinking as he bids those watching at home to open their eyes to the truth and take back control of their narrative. Last week he sent a message to John Hennigan and everyone in Resilient that he’s not playing by their rules, those rules are there to keep society under control, those rules are there to make you obey. He will obey no one and follow no rules but his own. He points to a screen and there appears the rules of Control Your Narrative.

Control Your Narrative Rules and Regulations

Rule 1. – You are in control


Rule 3. – No #Superkicks No #Topropesucidas No #Canadiandestroyers

Rule 4. – If you want to Control Your Narrative you have to Fight

Rule 5. – The Fight isn’t with your opponent, it’s with yourself

After EC3 runs through the rules he then turns his attention to John Hennigan. He claims that John Hennigan is a symbol, a symbol of everything that is wrong with this business and a symbol for what is wrong with the world. John Hennigan doesn’t fight for himself; he fights to make the fans happy. Hennigan has built his career on lies and has wasted his potential, only to conform to what society has told him he should be. John Hennigan failed to fight for himself and has lost his control over his narrative. EC3 says he has taken back control over his own life and will not let anyone else stand in his way. EC3 then turns to Luke Jacobs and smiles, saying that Luke Jacobs was once like John Hennigan, only wanting to make the fans happy but all that changed. Luke has opened his eyes and began to think for himself, Luke has taken back control. Turning back to the camera EC3 tells John it’s not too late for him either, all he has to do is open his eyes, take back his control and shake his hand. As EC3 puts his hood back up the figures around the ring start beating their chests again, all chanting the same three letters.

C  Y  N … C  Y  N  … C  Y  N … C  Y  N ...

Rating: 42


The opening credits finally roll and we’re only two weeks away from No Regrets. There’s no time to waste tonight as we go straight to our first match.

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Mark Andrews w/Dani Luna vs. Thomas Billington vs. Marc Davis vs. Michael Bennett w/Maria Kanellis

Last week their tag partners fought, now it was time for the other half of their respective teams to face off. Just like last week this one was all over the place and with Mark Davis was looking to continue the current good luck for Aussie Open it was not to be. Michael Bennett was the one who scored the victory this week, pinning SubCulture’s Mark Andrews for the three count after delivering the Divine Intervention.

Winner – Michael Bennett

Rating: 44



Backstage we find Katarina Walters and Jake Roberts mid argument, Katarina is asking to be part of the six-pack challenge at No Regrets for the Resilient Women’s Championship. Roberts is telling her no, there’s already six women involved in that match, what part of six pack challenge does she not understand? Katarina tells him to make it a seven pack challenge, she’s begging for a chance. Roberts again tells her no but Katarina interrupts him, asking for him to see it from her point of view. All her career she’s been overlooked, made to look like an idiot or being made fun of. This is her last chance to make something out of her life, her last chance to make her mark on the world, surely Jake can understand that? Jake says he understands how she feels but the answer is still no. Katarina screams in Jake’s face, saying why is she not surprised that some fat, old, over the hill white man who has done nothing with his career is ignoring a woman? Jake goes to say something but Katarina isn’t done yet saying that she would have thought him of all people would understand what she’s going through, he’s been there too. Asking Jake to remind her how many times he was World champion? How many WrestleMania’s did he main event, how may Starrcade’s how many … and Jake has heard enough. Jake says he’s made mistakes in his career, he has regrets but he knows deep down that they were his mistakes, he blames no one else but himself for what he failed to achieve. He tells Katarina that if she wants to see the reason why she’s not now or ever going to be part of that six-pack challenge at No Regrets all she must do is look in the mirror sweetheart. Jake Roberts walks away, Katarina glaring at him as he does and says that she will be part of that match, she’s not letting someone like Jake Roberts stop her.

Rating: 37



Backstage Davey Boy Smith Jr. is warming up ahead of his match against Pac in tonight’s main event, his warm up routine is interrupted as Doug Willimas walks into the room. Smith is confused at the interruption but Doug says it looks like they have a problem. When Davey asks what he’s going on about Doug says that Davey thinks he’s better than him. He heard what he’s been saying, telling everyone that the only reason that lost that tag match three weeks ago was that because of him. Davey asks him where he was in that tag match, why didn’t he break up the count. Davey counters asking why Doug tagged himself in in the first place but Williams says he’s missing the point and that Smith isn’t better than him. Doug says that they’re both not doing anything now at No Regrets and they’re going to settle it in the ring. As quick as he came Doug Williams leaves the room as the announcers discuss we have a new match for No Regrets.

Rating: 43



In the interview area Sid Scalla is with Trinity. Sid asks Trinity now that we know the six women part of the match at No Regrets how does she feel her chance are at becoming champion. Trinty says that without a doubt those other five women are some of the best in this industry. Trinity says that she has been overcoming challenges her entire career, people may have forgotten about her or wrote her off but she has never doubted her abilities or that she belongs in the ring. Trinity tells the other women that they bring their best, because she sure as hell will and will be going home Resilient Women’s Champion.

Rating: 49


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Trinity, Big Swole & Millie McKenzie vs. Jazz, Allysin Kay & Angel Williams

All six women involved with that Six Pack Challenge at No Regrets were up in action here. All women made their entrances separately, with Jazz telling her team to not get in her way. Millie McKenzie is the last woman to enter but when her music plays there is no sign of her. The music cuts out as Trinity and Big Swole look confused to where their partner could be but Millie’s music starts again. Millie is still nowhere to be seen and soon we find out why. The cameras cut backstage to a scene of chaos, there on the ground unmoving is Mille McKenzie. As some people check on her others run around frantically Resilient Commissioner Jake Roberts arrives on the scene.


Jake Roberts yells for Katarina Walters to come out but when someone asks him what about the match that’s supposed to be going on he angrily says it’ll be a handicap match. He’s still looking around, telling security to find Katarina Walters now! Back in the ring the women don’t see any of this but the ring announcers informs them all that this is now a three on two handicap match.

Big Swole and Trinity tried their best but the numbers game was still against them. Jazz took a sick delight in causing as much pain as she could on her opponent. After locking in the Crossface Chicken Wing on Big Swole she was forced to tap out after Angel Williams knocked Trinity off the ring apron. To show that there were no real friends in this match Jazz slapped the hell out of Allysin Kaye before locking in the Crossface Chickenwing on Angel Williams for good measure. Forced to let go of the hold Jazz walked back up the entranceway telling the camera that these bit*hes need to learn their place.

Winners – Jazz, Allysin Kay & Angel Williams

Rating: 33



In the interview area Sid Scalla is this time joined by the Resilient World Champion, Pac. Sid says that tonight Pac accepted Davey Boy Smith Jr.’s challenge for tonight, why did he do this when No Regrets is left than two weeks away? Pac says that when he became champion he was going to be a fighting champion. Some other champions may not want to defend their titles but he’s not like that. He wants to be the best; he has to prove it by beating all comers. When Sid changes the subject to Chris Hero, Pac says that Hero seems to be focused on his past, how he defeated all these people but they were years ago. He’s not focused on the past, he focused on the future and remaining Resilient World Champion for a long time.

Rating: 54



Going back in the ring Tom Latimer makes his entrance mic in hand and with his three championship belts around his waist. Tom says that the last time he was in this ring he left Nick Aldis a beaten man down on the mat. He said he knew he had hurt Nick but last week, watching that sit down interview, Tom says that he didn’t realise how much he was in Nick’s head. Tom begins to taunt Nick, questioning how many titles he currently had compared to how many Latimer has … this brings out Nick Aldis down to the ring.


Nick wastes no time and tells Tom that no matter says or how many titles he has he will never ever compare to what Nick Aldis has done in his career. Tom is laughing at this; saying all he’s hearing that he’s living exactly there, Tom presses his finger into Nick’s forehead and laughs as Nick slaps the hand away. Nick tells Tom that he knew he hadn’t changed, he’s always been a pathetic and jealous sack of sh*t. Tom tells him that he meant what he said when he came to Resilient to help Nick, he was trying to be his friend but Nick rejected that friendship. Everything that happens now is all on him.

Rating: 44


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Pac© vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.

Resilient World Championship

With that all important title defence against Chris Hero at No Regrets the announcers were, from the outset, questioning why Pac agreed to this match tonight. Davey Boy Smith Jr. doesn’t look like he cares about the answer, only that Pac accepted. While Davey Boy did put up a good fight, including getting a very close near fall after connecting with a Running Powerslam. Pac ultimately retained his title, forcing Davey to tap out after locking in The Brutaliser.

Winner, and still, Resilient World Champion – Pac

Rating: 54


Pac didn’t have long to celebrate as Chris Hero ran through the crowd and jumping Pac from behind knocked him down to the mat.


Hero picked up he dropped Resilient World Championship and he waited for Pac to get back to his feet. Hero drilled the title belt right into between Pac’s eyes sending the champ down to the mat. Hero smirked as he looked down on the fallen Pac, telling him to enjoy the view because he’ll be seeing the same thing at No Regrets.

Rating: 50


Unleashed fades to black with Chris Hero posing with the title belt as Pac is struggling to get back to his feet.


Show Rating: 51

Attendance: 114

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