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WCW In 1992: Living Dangerously

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All caught up! This is great, really liking the format, especially with incorporating the newsletter. The format is clean/succinct and easy to read.


WCW Light Heavyweight Championship: Jushin "Thunder" Liger (C) vs. Brian Pillman vs. Sabu (w/Teddy Long)

Ron Simmons and ??? vs. Terrence Taylor and Thomas Rich (w/Alexandra York)
BONUS QUESTION: Who's Ron Simmons's mystery partner?

The Steiner Brothers vs. The Fabulous Freebirds

Kevin Von Erich vs. Big Van Vader (w/Harley Race)

WCW World Tag Team Championship: Arn Anderson and "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton (C) vs. Ricky Steamboat and Dustin Rhodes

Iron Man Match (WCW United States Championship/WCW World Championship title shot): Rick Rude (C, with Paul E. Dangerously) vs. Sting

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WCW Clash of the Champions XVIII - January 1992, Week 3

Commentators: Jim Ross, Dusty Rhodes, and Tony Schiavone
Location: Thompson-Boling Arena; Knoxville, TN
Attendance: 21,678

Pre-show Matches

The event kicks off with two six-man tag team matches on the pre-show. Octagon, Blue Demon Jr., and El Canek secure a victory against Dr. Wagner Jr. and The Young Pistols, while Cactus Jack, Larry Zbyszko, and Steve Austin emerge triumphant against Z-Man, Johnny B. Badd, and Marcus Bagwell.


WCW Light Heavyweight Championship: Jushin "Thunder" Liger (C) vs. Brian Pillman vs. Sabu (w/Teddy Long)

In an explosive Triple Threat match with plenty of the high-flying athletic style that's quickly becoming a trademark of the division, Brian Pillman secures victory and becomes the new WCW Light Heavyweight Champion. Pillman pins Sabu after executing his signature Air Pillman (with Liger out of commission on the outside) at the 10:01 mark.


Simmons's Mystery Partner Revealed

Alexandra York leads Terrence Taylor and Thomas Rich to the ring for their match. They're shortly followed by Ron Simmons, who has a microphone in hand and says he needed to search far and wide for the right tag team partner to teach "those overgrown pretty boys" a lesson. He says he's found one...and "Another One Bites The Dust" blares over the speakers, bringing out none other than Junkyard Dog!


Ron Simmons and Junkyard Dog vs. Terrence Taylor and Thomas Rich (w/Alexandra York)

Simmons and JYD work cohesively and ride the energy of a crowd excited to see JYD to defeat Taylor and Rich. Simmons secures the pinfall victory for his team after delivering a powerful Spinebuster to Rich at 12:48.


Backstage Interview: Sting's Determination

Gordon Solie is seen backstage, holding a microphone, as he approaches a focused Sting gearing up for his main event match.

Gordon Solie: Sting, tonight you face Rick Rude in the main event for the WCW United States Championship. What are your thoughts heading into this high-stakes battle?

Sting looks into the camera, a steely determination in his eyes.

Sting: Gordon, tonight isn't just about the title. It's about putting an end to the reign of the Dangerous Alliance. Rick Rude, with Paul E. Dangerously in his corner, has held that championship like a pawn, a symbol of their dominance. But tonight, that all changes.

He clenches his fists.

Sting: The stakes are high, and I'm not just fighting for myself. I'm fighting for every fan who believes in honor and integrity, for everyone who's sick and tired of the Dangerous Alliance's stranglehold on WCW.

Solie nods, urging Sting to continue.

Gordon Solie: What's your strategy going into this match?

Sting: I've been in the ring with the best, Gordon. I know Rude's tricks, and I know how dangerous the Dangerous Alliance can be. My strategy is simple — fight with everything I've got. I'm not looking for shortcuts; I'm looking for a fair fight.

He pauses, his expression intensifying.

Sting: I want that championship back around my waist, not just for me, but for everyone who believes in doing things the right way. Tonight, we take a stand against the Dangerous Alliance, and we do it with honor and integrity.


The Steiner Brothers vs. The Fabulous Freebirds

In a tag team encounter, The Fabulous Freebirds (Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin) face off against The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner). The Freebirds secure the win, but as one might figure, it's not without controversy. The official gets knocked out, opening the door for a familiar giant to make his way through the crowd and hop the barricade.

All four men look on as DAN SPIVEY strides into the ring with no one daring to step in his way. Spivey then turns his attention to the Steiners and helps the Freebirds lay them out. When the official comes to his senses, Hayes is on top of Rick for the pinfall.


The 3-on-2 assault continues after the bell, with Hayes, Garvin, and Spivey continuing to run amok over the Steiners as the bell is frantically rung. Finally, Ron Simmons sprints to the ring to run in for the save. The Freebirds frantically scurry as Simmons helps Rick and Scott to their feet.


Kevin Von Erich vs. Big Van Vader (w/Harley Race)

In a word, one can describe this encounter as "stiff." Both men give as good as they get, with the smaller Von Erich throwing everything but the kitchen sink at the man some call a "mastodon." His efforts, though, aren't enough. Vader finishes Von Erich with a series of suplexes and a Vader Bomb at 13:10.


Dangerous Alliance Gets Motivated By Paul E. Dangerously

The camera cuts to a dimly lit backstage area, where Paul E. Dangerously stands flanked by his Dangerous Alliance members - Arn Anderson, "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton, and Rick Rude. The WCW Tag Team titles and the United States Championship are prominently displayed.

Paul E. Dangerously: (With unwavering confidence) Gentlemen, tonight is a night that will solidify our dominance in WCW. Arn, Bobby, you're defending those tag team titles against Steamboat and Rhodes. They may be talented, but they lack the ruthless synergy we possess. Remember, teamwork is our strength.

Arn Anderson nods, a focused expression on his face.

Arn Anderson: Steamboat and Rhodes, you're stepping into a different league tonight. We're not just champions; we're the epitome of tag team wrestling. Prepare for a lesson.

Beautiful Bobby Eaton smirks, ready for the challenge.

"Beautiful" Bobby Eaton: Steamboat, Rhodes, you've had your moments, but tonight, you're facing a force that goes beyond individual skill. This is the Dangerous Alliance, where excellence is our standard.

Rick Rude, the United States Champion, adjusts his title on his shoulder.

Rick Rude: Sting, you think you're taking this title away from me? Tonight, you'll learn that this championship isn't just a title; it's a symbol of dominance. And, after tonight, you'll respect the Ravishing One.

Paul E. Dangerously brings them together, rallying his troops.

Paul E. Dangerously: (With fiery conviction) Gentlemen, tonight is our night. We send a message that reverberates through WCW. We are the force that cannot be stopped. Arn and Bobby, retain those tag titles. Rude, ensure that United States Championship stays with us. Tonight, we prove why the Dangerous Alliance rules this domain.


WCW World Tag Team Championship Match: Arn Anderson and Bobby Eaton (w/Paul E. Dangerously) vs. Ricky Steamboat and Dustin Rhodes

A few weeks ago, Ricky Steamboat and Dustin Rhodes were screwed out of their tag titles at the hands of the Dangerous Alliance. Over the past few weeks, they've been the victims of numerous run-ins and built up plenty of angst. That gets shown here, with the beloved babyfaces showing plenty of fire from bell to bell. The action eventually breaks down after more than 20 minutes of action, and Eaton goes to the top for an Alabama Jam attempt on Rhodes. However, he misses, and Rhodes capitalizes with a Running Bulldog for the pin and the titles at 23:17.


Iron Man Match for the WCW United States Championship/a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Sting vs. Rick Rude (w/Paul E. Dangerously)

The atmosphere is charged as the main event unfolds, a 30-minute Iron Man match between the WCW United States Champion, Rick Rude, and the challenger, Sting. The bell rings, and the countdown begins.

The opening minutes are a display of technical prowess, with both competitors trying to assert their dominance. Sting's athleticism and Rude's cunning strategy create a captivating back-and-forth. The crowd is divided, cheering for their favorites.

As the clock ticks, the intensity rises. Rude, with his ring acumen, gains the first advantage, securing a pinfall after a devastating Rude Awakening. Paul E., at ringside, celebrates the early lead.

Sting, undeterred, fights back with an array of high-impact moves. The Stinger Splash connects, and he locks Rude in the Scorpion Deathlock, equalizing the score with a fall of his own.

With the match tied, the final minutes become a frantic race against time. Both competitors pull out all the stops, delivering signature moves and near falls. The anticipation in the arena is palpable.

In the waning seconds, Sting manages to trap Rude once again in the Scorpion Deathlock. The clock ticks down relentlessly as Rude struggles against the excruciating hold. The fans are on their feet, witnessing the drama unfold.

The buzzer sounds, signifying the end of the Iron Man match as a 1-1 draw.


Post-match Assault: Another Country Heard From

The atmosphere in the arena is electric following the conclusion of the Iron Man match between Sting and Rick Rude. Both competitors, exhausted and drained, struggle to rise to their feet. Using the ropes for support on opposite sides of the ring, they exhibit the toll of the grueling contest.

Suddenly, the arena is engulfed in an ominous aura as the unmistakable sound of Big Van Vader's entrance music echoes. The massive silhouette of Vader emerges on the entrance ramp, and he begins his menacing march down the aisle.

As Sting and Rude, still catching their breath, turn their attention to the impending threat, Vader storms into the ring with relentless aggression. The sheer power of Vader is on full display as he lays waste to both competitors, delivering punishing blows and leaving them incapacitated on the mat.

Harley Race, Vader's trusted manager, observes the carnage with a satisfied look, endorsing the destruction. The show concludes with Big Van Vader and Harley Race standing tall in the center of the ring, a statement made and a force to be reckoned with in WCW. The ominous alliance between Vader and Race leaves a foreboding presence as the wrestling world braces for the repercussions of this brutal assault.


PPV BUY RATE: 1.00 (504,825 buys)


Lord Byron: 4 points
Original_Broski: 3 points
SonOfSharknado: 2 points

Edited by HRTVAndrew
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Wrestling Observations - January, Week 4, 1992

By Maeve Seltzer

As we step into the final week of January, the wrestling world finds itself buzzing with anticipation and speculation, especially within World Championship Wrestling, where recent events have set the stage for some intriguing developments.

  • Sting/Rick Rude Iron Man Match Fallout

  • The conclusion of the Iron Man match between Sting and Rick Rude at Clash of the Champions XVIII has left fans and insiders alike with more questions than answers. Sources within WCW suggest that the unexpected finish is directly linked to the ongoing Lex Luger saga. WCW officials have hinted at unfolding revelations, promising clarity on the situation "sooner rather than later." The intrigue surrounding Luger's status continues to captivate the wrestling community.

  • The Emergence of Dan Spivey

  • Dan Spivey's sudden debut in WCW has raised eyebrows, especially considering his recent departure from All Japan Pro Wrestling. AJPW declined to renew his contract, which allowed the American to consider options closer to home. The Fabulous Freebirds were not initially considered a priority by WCW's new management, but recent performances in the ring and on the microphone convinced Paul E. Dangerously to give the group a serious run.

  • It should be noted that inquiries were made to AJPW focusing on Terry Gordy. However, Gordy's contract prevented him from making the jump. Given his size and ability in the ring, Spivey's signing is seen as a viable "plan B."

  • Talent Acquisition Attempts

  • WCW's aggressive approach to talent acquisition is evident in recent overtures made to Haku and Marty Jannetty. Both wrestlers possessed expiring World Wrestling Federation contracts and were aggressively recruited by WCW, with Haku receiving a substantial offer that would have placed him among the promotion's top 10 earners (with a slightly less busy schedule, to boot, given a clause stating he would not have to work house shows). However, both Haku and Jannetty opted to stay with the WWF for slightly less money.

  • Royal Rumble vs. Clash of the Champions

  • The direct clash between WWF's Royal Rumble and WCW's Clash of the Champions on the same night showcased the disparity in pay-per-view buy rates. WWF's Royal Rumble buy rate of 1.95 nearly doubled the buy rate of Clash of the Champions, underscoring the considerable ground WCW needs to cover. The Royal Rumble featured Randy Savage's triumph, and an early-show confrontation between Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair has ignited fan anticipation for a potential dream match at WrestleMania.

  • CMLL Talent Influx Follow-Up

  • Following the release of several talents from CMLL, WCW made savvy moves by securing the services of Octagon, Blue Demon Jr., and Dr. Wagner Jr., among others. The contracts signed by those wrestlers are viewed as cheap ones that present very little financial downside for WCW. Their recent debuts have injected fresh energy into the WCW roster; specifically, the light heavyweight division is seen as a proving ground for a new generation of wrestlers that work faster-paced, acrobatic matches. In addition to that trio, El Canek, while not exclusive to WCW due to his extensive freelance work in Mexico, will make appearances from time to time and is seen as a useful member of the roster.

  • Notably absent from the signings, though, was Negro Casas. Casas was courted by WCW but declined an offer in favor of a contract from another Mexican company, one that brandished what insiders consider "STUPID money."

As we await the resolution of ongoing storylines and the unveiling of Lex Luger's fate, the wrestling landscape remains unpredictable, ensuring that the weeks to come will be nothing short of thrilling for fans of the squared circle. Stay tuned for more updates and analysis in the world of wrestling!

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WCW World Wide Wrestling - Week 4, January 1992

Commentators: Tony Schiavone and Magnum T.A.
Location: Disney-MGM Studios
Attendance: 1,500

The Fabulous Freebirds (Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin) vs. The WCW Patriots (Firebreaker Chip and Todd Champion)

In a heated tag team contest, The Fabulous Freebirds, Michael Hayes, and Jimmy Garvin, showcased their seasoned teamwork against The WCW Patriots, Firebreaker Chip, and Todd Champion. The Freebirds secured victory in 13:17, with Garvin pinning Chip after a Bombs Away. The match exhibited the Freebirds' tag team mastery.


Post-Match Assault by Dan Spivey

Following their triumph, The Fabulous Freebirds were not content with just a victory. Post-match, Dan Spivey charged into the ring to brutally assault Firebreaker Chip and Todd Champion while Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin took over the nearby commentary booth. The chaotic scene set a menacing tone, even after security finally runs in to chase the Freebirds away.


The Diamond Mine's Recruitment Efforts

The Diamond Mine, composed of Diamond Dallas Page, The Diamond Studd, and Vinnie Vegas, delivered a backstage message. Diamond Dallas Page hinted at the Diamond Mine's expansion plans, expressing their intent to recruit new members. The group announced their upcoming matches on WCW Main Event, suggesting a strategic recruitment plan.


Cactus Jack vs. Big Josh

In a brutal encounter, Cactus Jack faced off against Big Josh, securing victory at 13:03 with a punishing Double-Arm DDT. Cactus Jack, known for his relentless and chaotic style, claimed another victim on his quest for mayhem.


Cactus Jack's Post-Match Declaration

Following his triumph over Big Josh, Cactus Jack seized the microphone to declare his intentions. He emphasized his desire to expand his list of victims with the support of the Dangerous Alliance, despite the Alliance maintaining a cautious distance.


WCW Light Heavyweight Championship: Brian Pillman vs. Steve Armstrong

In the main event, Brian Pillman defended his WCW Light Heavyweight Championship against Steve Armstrong. Pillman showcased his aerial prowess, pinning Armstrong in 13:13 after an Air Pillman. The Light Heavyweight Champion continues to shine, aiming to prove his resilience against challengers in the division.


TV RATING: 0.04 (37,342 viewers)

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WCW Main Event - Week 4, January 1992

Commentators: Tony Schiavone and Magnum T.A.
Location: Disney-MGM Studios
Attendance: 1,500

The Diamond Mine (The Diamond Studd and Vinnie Vegas, with Diamond Dallas Page) vs. Sonny Trout and Chris Candido

The Diamond Mine displayed dominance throughout their tag team encounter against the overmatched duo of Trout and Candido. The match concluded at 7:31, with Vegas securing the victory by pinning Trout with a Snake Eyes.


Ron Simmons vs. George South

In a singles bout, Ron Simmons faced off against George South, ultimately emerging victorious at 12:57. Simmons sealed the win with a powerful Spinebuster, highlighting his strength and determination in the ring.


Alexandra York Introduces The Newest York Foundation Member

Alexandra York, accompanied by Terrence Taylor and Thomas Rich, took center stage to introduce the newest addition to the York Foundation, Sexton Hardcastle. York announced their upcoming match on WCW Saturday Night, where they would face the team of Jushin "Thunder" Liger, Octagon, and Blue Demon Jr.


Jushin "Thunder" Liger vs. Jado

Jushin "Thunder" Liger engaged in an exciting contest against the debuting Jado, securing the victory at 8:30. Liger amazed the crowd with a spectacular Shooting Star Press, claiming the pinfall and adding another impressive win to his record.


Backstage Interview with Kevin Von Erich

In an interview with Eric Bischoff, Kevin Von Erich acknowledged his recent setback against Big Van Vader at Clash of the Champions. Undeterred, Von Erich issued a challenge to Rick Rude for the WCW United States Championship, expressing his eagerness to dive back into championship contention.


Sting vs. Mr. Hughes (with Harley Race)

Sting faced the imposing Mr. Hughes, accompanied by Harley Race, who helped coordinate the vicious post-match assault on Sunday. The match culminated with Sting's victory at 9:39, as he delivered a decisive Stinger Splash for the pinfall. Throughout the match, Sting engaged in verbal exchanges with Race, adding an extra layer of intensity.


Sting's Post-Match Mic Drop

After the main event, Sting seized the microphone to address the audience. While expressing uncertainty about the motives behind Big Van Vader's attack last week, Sting vowed to unravel the mystery. Harley Race responded with a microphone of his own, saying it's quite simple: The WCW World Heavyweight Championship "needs to stay in the family." Unfazed, Sting said he looked forward to confronting Vader himself on Saturday, and that perhaps the big man didn't need Race to fight his battles for him.


TV RATING: 0.05 (44,848 viewers)

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WCW Saturday Night - Week 4, January 1992

Commentators: Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes
Location: Mid-South Coliseum
Attendance: 7,593

Pre-show Matches

In one pre-show showdown, the team of Cactus Jack and Steve Austin displayed their tag team prowess, defeating Marcus Bagwell and Arachnaman in an action-packed encounter lasting 12:39.

In another, Big Van Vader showcased dominance against Scott Armstrong in a brief yet intense match, concluding in 7:51.


The York Foundation vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger, Octagon, and Blue Demon Jr.

The York Foundation, comprising Terrence Taylor, Thomas Rich, and the newly introduced Sexton Hardcastle, clashed with the masked trio of Jushin "Thunder" Liger, Octagon, and Blue Demon Jr. In a match marred by interference from The Young Pistols, Thomas Rich secured the victory by pinning Blue Demon Jr. at 7:41.


Backstage Interview with Ron Simmons and The Steiner Brothers

Tony Schiavone: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here backstage with a newly-formed trio. Ron Simmons and The Steiner Brothers have something to say. Ron, let's start with you.

Ron Simmons: Thank you, Tony. We're out here to make a statement, and it's a simple one. We're The All-Americans, and our goal is straightforward – to uphold fair competition in WCW. No more tricks, no more deceit. Just good old-fashioned wrestling.

TS: Strong words, Ron. Now, Scott and Rick, how do The Steiner Brothers fit into this new alliance?

Scott Steiner: Tony, we've had enough of the shenanigans, especially from the Fabulous Freebirds. We're joining forces with Ron because we share a common belief – the best, most athletic wrestlers should come out on top. No more funny business.

Rick Steiner: And let me tell you, Freebirds, you better watch your backs. The days of your nonsense going unchallenged are over. The All-Americans are here to restore integrity to WCW, and that starts right now.

TS: There you have it, folks. The All-Americans are on a mission to clean up WCW, and the Fabulous Freebirds are squarely in their sights. Back to you.


WCW Light Heavyweight Championship Match: Brian Pillman vs. Sabu (w/Teddy Long)

Brian Pillman successfully defended his WCW Light Heavyweight Championship against Sabu, despite the best efforts of Teddy Long, who generally did his best to drive everyone around him crazy. The match ended at 12:11 following an impressive Air Pillman that ensured the champion would retain his title.



A Familiar Face Saves Pillman

In the aftermath of the match, El Dandy and Sabu, directed by Teddy Long, relentlessly assault Brian Pillman. Jushin "Thunder" Liger rushes to the ring, engaging El Dandy and Sabu in an attempt to halt their post-match attack. Initially hesitant, Pillman eventually acknowledges Liger's assistance, and the two competitors stand together against their assailants. The dynamics in the ring shift as Pillman and Liger unite to face the common threat (at least temporarily!).


WCW Television Championship Match: Barry Windham vs. Larry Zbyszko (w/Paul E. Dangerously)

Some may have seen Windham as an underdog coming into this match. After all, the presence of Paul E. at ringside presented one issue, and the grappling experience of "The Living Legend" presented another. However, Windham went blow-for-blow with Zbyszko for nearly 20 minutes before gaining the upper hand. After a Superplex at 19:58, Windham retained his title to the cheers of the crowd.


Cactus Jack Makes Windham A Marked Man

After the grueling battle against Larry Zbyszko, Barry Windham manages to secure the victory and retain his WCW Television Championship. Gasping for breath, Windham celebrates his hard-fought win. However, as the cheers of the crowd echo in the arena, Cactus Jack emerges on the entrance ramp, a microphone in hand.

Cactus Jack: You see, it's been a long road for ol' Cactus Jack. I've been clawing and scratching, trying to find my place in this company. And you know what, Windham? Your title might just be the ticket I need to get noticed by the Dangerous Alliance.

With those ominous words, Cactus Jack watches intently as Windham, still recovering from the intense match, turns his attention toward him. Seizing the opportune moment, Larry Zbyszko seizes Windham from behind, launching a vicious attack that leaves the champion incapacitated in the ring. The crowd's cheers turn to gasps as Cactus Jack grins wickedly, his message firmly sent.


WCW United States Championship Match: Rick Rude vs. Kevin Von Erich

From the opening bell, both men showcase their technical prowess, engaging in a back-and-forth battle that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. Rude, the champion, employs his cunning strategies, targeting specific body parts to weaken his opponent. Meanwhile, Von Erich's resilient spirit and technical acumen prove to be formidable, countering Rude's offense with a series of well-executed maneuvers.

As the match progresses, the ebb and flow of momentum swings unpredictably. Von Erich gains the upper hand with his signature moves, bringing the crowd to a fever pitch. However, Rude's ring awareness and underhanded tactics, coupled with Dangerously's outside interference, shift the tide back in the champion's favor.

In the climax of the match, Rude seizes a crucial opening to execute his finishing maneuver, the "Rude Awakening." With precision and impact, he delivers the devastating neckbreaker that spells the end for Von Erich at 20:12. The referee counts to three, confirming Rude's successful title defense.


Backstage Announcement with Gordon Solie

Gordon Solie stood in the backstage area, surrounded by the looming presence of Big Van Vader, Harley Race, Rick Rude, Paul E. Dangerously, and Sting. The atmosphere crackled with tension as Solie, holding an official-looking envelope, prepared to unveil a crucial message.

Gordon Solie: Ladies and gentlemen, I have in my hands a significant announcement from the WCW Championship Committee. The WCW World Heavyweight Championship will be defended next week on WCW Saturday Night in a four-way match.

The announcement hung in the air, setting off a chorus of murmurs and exchanged glances among the assembled wrestlers. Harley Race stepped forward, a voice of authority.

Harley Race: This is a momentous occasion, a testament to the strength of our competition. Next week, my champion, Lex Luger will defend his championship against the future of this business, Big Van Vader. It's unfortunate we need to share the stage with two incredibly underqualified individuals, but regardless of whoever this committee throws at us, the belt's staying in the family!

Paul E. Dangerously took the microphone, his words carrying the weight of conviction.

Paul E. Dangerously: With all due respect, Mr. Race, Rick Rude is ready for this. He's ready to show the world that the Dangerous Alliance is the dominant force in WCW. The championship will come home where it rightfully belongs.

Sting, unable to take any more bluster from the managers, seized the mic, his words resonating with determination.

Sting: You know, regardless of what you say or what the WCW Championship Committee decided, all the Little Stingers out there know I've faced long odds before, and I'll do it again. Next week, I'm taking that championship home. It's time for a change.


TV RATING: 0.58 (436,613 viewers)

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Wrestling Observations - February, Week 1, 1992

By Maeve Seltzer

Greetings, grappling aficionados! Maeve Seltzer here, bringing you the hottest scoops from the squared circle.

Mystery Debut Coming in WCW: Who's the New Star?

WCW has pulled off a coup that has left insiders scratching their heads. A major star is set to debut on this week's edition of WCW Saturday Night. The identity of this enigmatic talent is being kept under wraps, and sources close to the situation express genuine shock at how rapidly this deal materialized. Could this be a game-changer for WCW? Wrestling fans are abuzz with speculation, eagerly awaiting the big reveal.

WCW Saturday Night Goes Global: New Broadcasting Deals

In a move signaling WCW's global ambitions, the company has inked deals with several cable networks to broadcast WCW Saturday Night. Fans across the globe can now catch the action, with agreements in place with European networks Channel One, France 3, and SVT2. Excitingly, WCW has also secured a slot on Fuji TV in Japan, broadening its reach and bringing the squared circle excitement to an even larger audience.

Bagwell and Arachnaman: Odd Couple with Potential?

In a surprising turn of events, WCW officials seem pleased with the makeshift tag team of Marcus Bagwell and Arachnaman. While, on paper, an odd couple with vastly different personas, there's a belief within the company that their chemistry in the ring could lead to bigger opportunities. It appears WCW is willing to invest a bit in this unusual pairing, hoping to strike gold and elevate both performers to new heights.

Bret Hart Shines on Saturday Night's Main Event

Over in the WWF, Saturday Night's Main Event delivered its usual dose of high-octane action. The main event saw Bret Hart successfully defending his WWF Intercontinental title against The Mountie in a gripping cage match. As Hart continues to solidify his status as one of WWF's premier talents, fans are left wondering what challenges lie ahead for the "Hitman" on the Road to WrestleMania.

That's a wrap for this week's Wrestling Observations. Stay tuned for more insider insights and breaking news as the drama inside and outside the ring continues to unfold. Until next time, keep your spandex tight and your suplexes even tighter!

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WCW World Wide Wrestling - Week 1, February 1992

Commentators: Tony Schiavone and Magnum T.A.
Location: Disney-MGM Studios
Attendance: 1,500

Marcus Bagwell and Arachnaman vs. The Young Pistols

In the opening bout, Marcus Bagwell and Arachnaman claim victory against The Young Pistols at 9:21. Arachnaman secures the win with a pinfall over Steve Armstrong after interference from Octagon and Blue Demon Jr.


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Paul E. Dangerously Boosts Bobby Eaton's Spirits

Paul E. Dangerously steps into "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton's dressing room, aiming to lift Eaton's spirits after their recent tag team title loss. Dangerously sees tonight's main event against Kevin Von Erich as an opportunity for Eaton to turn things around.


- - - - -

Hayabusa vs. Dan Spivey

Dan Spivey showcases dominance in the ring, defeating Hayabusa in 4:37 with a Spivey Spike. Spivey's powerful performance leaves Hayabusa struggling to mount any offense throughout the match.


- - - - -

Jushin "Thunder" Liger vs. Sexton Hardcastle (w/Alexandra York)

Jushin "Thunder" Liger emerges victorious against Sexton Hardcastle, securing a pinfall following a breathtaking Shooting Star Press at 7:51. Liger's high-flying skills are on full display, earning him another impressive win. Also on display, though, is the partnership between Hardcastle and York, who work the ringside fans into a frenzy with surprising comedic chemistry.


- - - - -

Kevin Von Erich vs. "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton (w/Paul E. Dangerously)

In the main event, "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton, accompanied by Paul E. Dangerously, defeats Kevin Von Erich at 12:22. Eaton secures the victory with an Alabama Jam after a back-and-forth match that sees both men get several close near-falls.


- - - - -

Diamond Dallas Page Sees An Opportunity

Kevin Von Erich struggles to get to his feet, but as he does, he's taken aback by Diamond Dallas Page strutting to the ring with a microphone in his hand. Page points out that Von Erich's momentum has stalled since coming to WCW, but that he knows what Kevin's capable of. He knows he's capable of shining like a diamond, and extends an offer to join The Diamond Mine. Page says he doesn't need an answer now, only for Von Erich to consider it and get back to him on WCW Saturday Night.


- - - - -

Gordon Solie Interviews The Harley Race Camp

Backstage, Gordon Solie interviews Harley Race and Big Van Vader, awaiting the arrival of Lex Luger. When Luger finally arrives (for the first time on WCW television all year), tensions rise as he dismisses the upcoming challenge. Luger says all the big guy has to do is lay out Rick Rude and Sting, and he'll take it from there. Luger turns his back to his stablemate and Vader clenches his fist. Only Harley Race's arms and pleading stop a brawl from breaking out, and he attempts to calm Vader down as the show fades to black.


TV RATING: 0.05 (42,950 viewers)

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WCW Main Event - Week 1, February 1992

Commentators: Tony Schiavone and Magnum T.A.
Location: Disney-MGM Studios
Attendance: 1,500


Paul E. Dangerously and Arn Anderson's Backstage Declaration

Paul E. Dangerously and Arn Anderson set the tone for the evening. Paul E. asserts that, just like Bobby Eaton's victory last night, "Double A" will handle business against Junkyard Dog in tonight's main event. Anderson adds a warning for Sting, foreshadowing what awaits him on WCW Saturday Night when Rick Rude aims for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.


- - - - -

WCW Light Heavyweight Championship: Brian Pillman (C) vs. Dr. Wagner Jr.

In a thrilling encounter, Brian Pillman successfully retains his WCW Light Heavyweight title against Dr. Wagner Jr. The match concludes at 8:27, with Pillman securing the victory via pinfall after an Air Pillman.


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Pillman's Challenge for Sabu and El Dandy

Following his successful title defense, Brian Pillman seizes the moment, challenging Sabu and El Dandy to a tag team match on WCW Saturday Night. He proposes teaming up with Jushin "Thunder" Liger, setting the stage for an intriguing showdown.


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The Diamond Mine (w/Diamond Dallas Page) vs. The WCW Patriots

The Diamond Mine, represented by Diamond Studd and Vinnie Vegas, prevails against The WCW Patriots (Firebreaker Chip and Todd Champion). Vegas secures the win at 8:26, pinning Champion following a devastating Snake Eyes.


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Dustin Rhodes vs. El Dandy (w/Teddy Long)

Dustin Rhodes showcases his prowess in the ring, defeating El Dandy at 8:15. Rhodes seals the victory with his trademark Running Bulldog, leaving the audience impressed.


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Junkyard Dog vs. Arn Anderson (w/Paul E. Dangerously)

In the main event, Arn Anderson overcomes Junkyard Dog in a hard-fought battle. Anderson secures the victory at 10:23, executing his signature DDT for the pinfall.


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Backstage Exchange with Paul E. Dangerously, Rick Rude, and Sting

Gordon Solie conducts an interview with Paul E. Dangerously, Rick Rude, and Sting. Paul E. emphasizes the Dangerous Alliance's recent success, asserting that Rick Rude will become a double champion on WCW Saturday Night. Sting fires back, challenging Rude, Big Van Vader, and Lex Luger, claiming they will have nowhere to hide this Saturday night. The tension between the factions escalates as the show concludes, setting the stage for the impending clash on WCW Saturday Night.


TV RATING: 0.06 (47,404 viewers)

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WCW Saturday Night - Week 1, February 1992

Commentators: Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes
Location: Jacksonville Coliseum
Attendance: 9,333

Pre-Show Matches: Six-Man Tag Extravaganza

The night kicks off with two intense six-man tag matches. In the first, the All-Americans, consisting of Ron Simmons and the Steiner Brothers, secure victory against the York Foundation (Terrence Taylor, Thomas Rich, and Sexton Hardcastle). Meanwhile, Larry Zbyszko, Steve Austin, and Cactus Jack emerge triumphant in the second bout against El Canek, Octagon, and Blue Demon Jr.


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Jushin "Thunder" Liger and Brian Pillman vs. Sabu and El Dandy (w/Teddy Long)

Sabu and El Dandy, led by Teddy Long, claim victory over Jushin "Thunder" Liger and Brian Pillman in a hard-fought battle. Sabu forces Liger to tap out to the Arabian Clutch at 9:50, aided by interference from Teddy Long at ringside.


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A Tense Post-Match Moment

Jushin "Thunder" Liger slowly rises to his feet after the match, with Brian Pillman shouting at Teddy Long, Sabu, and El Dandy as they go back up the ramp. Pillman then turns around, and he and Liger bicker for a moment. Pillman then grabs his WCW Light Heavyweight title and begins to storm off, but Liger grabs him from behind. Pillman turns around, ready to fight, but a moment of reflection prevents an immediate confrontation, and the two leave together.


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Kevin Von Erich vs. Mr. Hughes (w/Harley Race)

It's a big night for Harley Race's squad, but it doesn't start off very well here. Von Erich is eager to put a few losses behind him, and he does just that, prevailing at the 6:50 mark with his signature Iron Claw.


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Kevin Von Erich Gives His Answer

Not long after the match, Diamond Dallas Page marches to the ring. He gets the crowd up to speed, figuring nobody in Jacksonville was smart enough to watch a few nights ago when he offered Kevin Von Erich a spot in the Diamond Mine. He presses Kevin for an answer, and Kevin gives him one: Thanks, but no thanks.

Predictably, this doesn't sit well with Page, who decks Von Erich and jumps on top of him. He's quickly followed by The Diamond Studd and Vinnie Vegas, who continue the assault for a few moments until security mercifully comes to ringside to break up the skirmish.


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WCW Tag Team Championship: Ricky Steamboat and Dustin Rhodes (C) vs. The Fabulous Freebirds (Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin)

The opening moments are a display of technical prowess, with Steamboat and Garvin engaging in a series of mat-based maneuvers. The crowd roars with approval as both teams exchange quick tags, showcasing seamless teamwork. Rhodes and Hayes enter the fray, bringing a hard-hitting dynamic to the contest.

Hayes, the charismatic leader of the Freebirds, uses his cunning to gain the upper hand. The Freebirds employ frequent tags and double-team tactics, isolating Rhodes from his partner. Garvin delivers a vicious DDT, attempting to secure a quick victory, but Rhodes defiantly kicks out.

As the match progresses, Steamboat receives the hot tag and enters the ring with a burst of energy. The pace quickens, with all four competitors engaging in a thrilling sequence of near falls. Steamboat, known for his aerial prowess, ascends the turnbuckle for a breathtaking diving crossbody.

In a heart-pounding moment, Steamboat connects with precision, crashing onto Jimmy Garvin. The referee's hand slams the mat for the three-count at 12:20, signaling victory for Steamboat and Rhodes.


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Chaos Unleashed: Dangerous Alliance Targets Steamboat and Rhodes

As the dust settles in the aftermath of the WCW World Tag Team title match, chaos ensues inside the squared circle. The Dangerous Alliance, comprised of Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton, Steve Austin, and Larry Zbyszko, wastes no time and storms down the entrance ramp with a singular purpose. The four formidable members launch a relentless 4-on-2 assault on Ricky Steamboat and Dustin Rhodes.

The onslaught seems unrelenting until a sudden shift in momentum occurs. Barry Windham, brandishing his WCW Television title, charges down the aisle, determined to lend a helping hand to Steamboat and Rhodes. The tide momentarily turns as Windham swings his championship with authority, creating a temporary barrier against the Dangerous Alliance's aggression.

However, the unexpected unfolds as the unpredictable Cactus Jack makes his presence felt. Seizing the opportune moment, Jack strikes Windham from behind with a vicious chair shot. The impact reverberates through the arena, leaving Windham incapacitated and the WCW Television title up for grabs. With a devious glint in his eyes, Cactus Jack eyes the coveted championship, signaling potential chaos on the horizon as the Dangerous Alliance resumes their beatdown on Steamboat and Rhodes.


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World Heavyweight Championship: Lex Luger (C) vs. Sting vs. Rick Rude vs. Big Van Vader

The atmosphere in the arena is electric as the WCW World Heavyweight Championship hangs in the balance in a thrilling four-way match. The contenders—Lex Luger, Rick Rude, Sting, and the imposing Big Van Vader—vie for the prestigious title in a contest that promises high stakes and intense action.

As the match reaches its climax, the tension escalates with each passing moment. The competitors are engaged in a chaotic struggle, each determined to emerge victorious. Lux Luger, holding Sting in a precarious position, becomes an unwitting participant in the unfolding drama.

Suddenly, the unexpected transpires when Harley Race, attempting to interfere and target Sting with the title belt, inadvertently collides with Lux Luger instead. The unintended blow levels Luger, who finds himself caught in the crossfire of the championship chaos. The arena erupts in shock as Race's interference takes an unexpected turn.

Swiftly cleared from the scene, Race watches as the remaining contenders seize the opportunity to capitalize on the chaos. Before Sting can mount a recovery, Rick Rude intervenes, dragging him to the ringside floor. The two warriors engage in a fierce battle outside the ring, creating a diversion that leaves the path clear for Big Van Vader.

With Luger incapacitated and Sting occupied at ringside, Vader seizes the moment. The colossal competitor ascends the turnbuckle and delivers his devastating Vader Bomb on the fallen Luger. The impact resonates throughout the arena as the referee counts the pin.

At the 25:14 mark, the three-count signals a historic moment as Big Van Vader secures the victory and, in turn, claims the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.


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A Shocking Turn of Events

The aftermath of the chaotic four-way match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship unfolds in the ring, creating a moment of uncertainty and surprise. Harley Race, initially caught in the frenzy of the match's conclusion, regains his composure and is visibly conflicted as he surveys the scene.

Big Van Vader, the newly crowned champion, celebrates with the prestigious title, soaking in the magnitude of his achievement. Meanwhile, Lex Luger, who had been incapacitated, starts to show signs of stirring on the mat, slowly recovering from the effects of the tumultuous bout.

As Race's charges exchange heated words and gestures, a sudden change in the atmosphere captures everyone's attention. A distinctive musical arrangement, marked by trumpets and an air of regality, fills the arena. The WCW Saturday Night big screen comes to life, revealing a name that ignites a buzz of excitement among the audience:






The crowd erupts in cheers as the King of Memphis, Jerry Lawler, makes his entrance, acknowledging the ovation from the enthusiastic fans. The atmosphere in the ring becomes charged with anticipation as Lawler steps onto the canvas. However, the unpredictable turn of events is far from over.

In an unexpected twist, Lex Luger, perhaps sensing an opportunity to reclaim control, charges towards Lawler. The King, however, swiftly counters with a single, well-placed punch. The impact sends Luger sprawling, revealing that Lawler's fist harbored a hidden weapon—brass knuckles strategically positioned for maximum effect.

Harley Race, stunned by the sudden turn of events, witnesses Lawler's calculated move. Seizing the moment, Lawler taunts Big Van Vader, goading him to charge at him. Vader, smirking and seemingly unfazed, holds the newly won title high above his head in a symbolic display of dominance before following Race out of the ring.


TV RATING: 0.67 (505,223 viewers)

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Wrestling Observations - February, Week 2, 1992

By Maeve Seltzer


In what is undoubtedly one of the biggest stories we'll cover all year, former WCW World Heavyweight Champion Lex Luger is no longer with the company. Ahead of its next round of programming, the company confirmed that Luger gave the promotion his two weeks' notice in late-January while in the midst of his suspension.

WCW majority owner Paul E. Dangerously, in a rare bit of restraint, declined to comment when reached by reporters. However, insiders believe he was compromised by the previous regime, which suspended Luger in late-1991 and, they believe, set Paul E. up to fail on that front when he bought the company.

Relations between Dangerously's regime and Luger are believed to be cordial. However, Luger disagreed with the decision to publicize his suspension on weekly TV shows, believing the money was in him turning up after a few weeks out of sight and out of mind. Dangerously, meanwhile, thought it benefited the company to be honest with its fans, rather than seen as hoodwinking the public into thinking Luger would be on shows where he would not appear.

This decision prompted the booking that ended Clash of the Champions, with Big Van Vader going over very strongly while Rick Rude and Sting fought to a draw. This show was the only time and place to take the title off of Luger, and management believes Vader is ready to carry the ball as a strong heel champion.

WCW reportedly hasn't ruled out a Luger return in the future, but it's unclear what the former champion will decide to do once he considers his options as a free agent. The World Wrestling Federation, of course, is an interesting suitor, especially with several of its late-1980's stars beginning to work easier schedules. Luger could also potentially go to Japan, and a New Japan Pro Wrestling contract could potentially allow him to return to WCW at a later date by way of a talent exchange.

Jerry Lawler Joins WCW

The other big WCW news this week was the signing of Jerry Lawler. With several of WCW's biggest babyfaces tied up in a storyline with the Dangerous Alliance, the company needed a strong babyface opponent for Vader to go up against.

Lawler's name first started floating around WCW headquarters last week. Many officials were surprised by this, given Lawler's pre-existing obligations with the United States Wrestling Association (where he serves as the lead booker). However, relations between WCW and the USWA are considered to be fairly strong, and Lawler's body of work is as strong as that of any worker on the market.

WCW considered a few other names for that spot. The company reportedly discussed a talent trade to bring The Great Muta back for another run, but ultimately decided he hadn't been gone long enough to have the novelty value. Other free agents, though, could potentially be coming to WCW in the next few weeks.

Kerry Von Erich Arrested For Drugs

Unfortunately, the other piece of big American wrestling news isn't a fun one to report. Kerry Von Erich, currently working for the WWF as the Texas Tornado, was arrested and charged with drug possession over the weekend.

Those close to Kerry were reportedly "disappointed, but not surprised." Kevin Von Erich, currently working in WCW, was unavailable for comment, but apparently found out this news after WCW Saturday Night. It's believed Kevin had been in Paul E.'s ear about bringing Kerry on board when his WWF deal expires later this year, but with this recent development, any momentum that idea may have once had is now very much in question.

Masahiro Chono Cashes In

Finishing off with a story from Japan, New Japan Pro Wrestling has locked down Masahiro Chono. Chono signed a long-term deal reportedly paying him more than $120,000 in US dollars each month. Just 28 years old, Chono is seen as a future star by the promotion, and he's now one of the highest-paid wrestlers in the entire world.

WCW and WWF, it's believed, had passing interest in negotiating deals with Chono. However, neither company was willing to come close to matching what NJPW offered.

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WCW World Wide Wrestling - Week 2, February 1992

Commentators: Tony Schiavone and Magnum T.A.
Location: Disney-MGM Studios
Attendance: 1,500

The Steiner Brothers vs. Rip Rogers and George South

The action kicks off with a tag team showdown as the formidable Steiner Brothers, Rick and Scott, take on the duo of Rip Rogers and George South. The Steiner Brothers dominate the match, showcasing their trademark power and agility. In the end, Rick Steiner seals the victory for his team with a devastating Steinerizer on South, securing the pinfall victory at 8:09.


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Dan Spivey's Assault

As the Steiner Brothers celebrate their win, the mood quickly shifts when the menacing presence of Dan Spivey storms the ring. With ruthless intent, Spivey launches a brutal assault on Rick and Scott Steiner, leaving them writhing in pain. The attack serves as a warning from the Fabulous Freebirds, signaling their aggressive intentions.


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Cactus Jack vs. Arachnaman

In an intense singles bout, the unpredictable Cactus Jack squares off against the enigmatic Arachnaman. Despite an early setback with a botched move resulting in Arachnaman's calf injury, the match presses on with fierce determination from both competitors. Cactus Jack ultimately secures the victory with his signature Double-Arm DDT, pinning Arachnaman after a hard-fought battle lasting 12 minutes and 50 seconds.


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Cactus Jack's Challenges

With the adrenaline still coursing through his veins, Cactus Jack seizes the moment to issue a pair of bold challenges. He demands a shot at Barry Windham's WCW Television title, vowing to bring the fight to the champion. Additionally, Cactus Jack sets his sights on Paul E. Dangerously, demanding to be recognized as a full-fledged member of the Dangerous Alliance once he brings home the TV title.


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The York Foundation In A Compromising Position

In a backstage encounter, tensions rise as Terrence Taylor and Thomas Rich stumble upon Sexton Hardcastle and Alexandra York in a closet in the middle of...certain activities. Caught off guard, Hardcastle and York attempt to explain themselves amidst the awkwardness, while Taylor and Rich look on with disdain, reminding them of the impending six-man match on WCW Main Event.


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WCW World Tag Team Championships: Ricky Steamboat and Dustin Rhodes (c) vs. The Diamond Mine (The Diamond Studd and Vinnie Vegas, w/Diamond Dallas Page)

The match is a hard-hitting affair with both teams showcasing their prowess. However, interference from Kevin Von Erich tilts the scales, allowing Steamboat to capitalize and secure the victory for his team. Steamboat pins Vinnie Vegas after 18:12 seconds of action, retaining the WCW World Tag Team titles.


TV RATING: 0.05 (42,844 viewers)

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WCW Main Event - Week 2, February 1992

Commentators: Tony Schiavone and Magnum T.A.
Location: Disney-MGM Studios
Attendance: 1,500


The York Foundation (w/Alexandra York) vs. Marcus Bagwell and WCW Patriots

The opening contest features The York Foundation, comprised of Terrence Taylor, Thomas Rich, and Sexton Hardcastle, taking on the team of Marcus Bagwell and the WCW Patriots, Firebreaker Chip and Todd Champion. The York Foundation asserts their dominance throughout the match, culminating in Sexton Hardcastle delivering a decisive Downward Spiral to Firebreaker Chip, securing the victory for his team at the 5:43 mark.


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Backstage Interview: Gordon Solie with Barry Windham

In a backstage interview, Gordon Solie catches up with Barry Windham, who addresses Cactus Jack's challenge for a WCW Television title match. Windham accepts the challenge but warns Cactus Jack to leave Paul E. Dangerously and the Dangerous Alliance out of the equation, emphasizing the need for a fair fight.


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Kevin Von Erich vs. Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker

Kevin Von Erich steps into the ring against Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker in a singles bout. Von Erich asserts his dominance from the outset, showcasing his technical prowess and high-flying abilities. The match concludes swiftly as Von Erich executes a flawless Diving Crossbody, securing the victory at 5:38.


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Diamond Dallas Page Confronts Kevin Von Erich

Diamond Dallas Page interrupts the proceedings, addressing Kevin Von Erich and expressing his displeasure regarding Von Erich's interference in the previous night's WCW Tag title match. Page delivers a message from Vinnie Vegas, setting the stage for a showdown on WCW Saturday Night.


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The Fabulous Freebirds vs. Octagon and Blue Demon Jr.

The Fabulous Freebirds, Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin, clash with the team of Octagon and Blue Demon Jr. in an intense tag team encounter. Despite a valiant effort from the young luchadors, interference from the Young Pistols tips the scales in favor of the Freebirds. Jimmy Garvin seals the victory with a devastating Bombs Away maneuver on Octagon at 10:57.


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Ron Simmons Targets The Fabulous Freebirds

Following their victory, The Fabulous Freebirds fall victim to a vicious assault at the hands of Ron Simmons. Simmons delivers relentless spinebusters to both Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin, sending a clear message of retribution for the actions of Dan Spivey on WCW World Wide Wrestling. Simmons issues a challenge to Spivey, calling for a no-holds-barred showdown on WCW Saturday Night.


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WCW Light Heavyweight Championship: Brian Pillman (c) vs. El Dandy (with Teddy Long)

The main event features a high-stakes title defense as Brian Pillman puts his WCW Light Heavyweight Championship on the line against El Dandy, accompanied by Teddy Long. The match is a thrilling back-and-forth encounter, with both competitors pulling out all the stops to secure victory. In the end, Brian Pillman emerges triumphant, pinning El Dandy at 13:29 following an emphatic Air Pillman.


TV RATING: 0.05 (44,925 viewers)

Edited by HRTVAndrew
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  • 2 weeks later...

WCW Saturday Night - Week 2, February 1992

Location: Mid-South Coliseum
Commentators: Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes
Attendance: 8,150

Pre-Show Matches

Jushin "Thunder" Liger vs. Sean Waltman

In a fast-paced encounter, Jushin "Thunder" Liger showcases his aerial prowess against Sean Waltman. Liger secures the victory with a devastating Brainbuster, pinning Waltman for the three-count.


The Dangerous Alliance (Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton, and Larry Zbyszko) vs. Octagon, Blue Demon Jr., and El Canek

The formidable trio of The Dangerous Alliance, consisting of Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton, and Larry Zbyszko, takes on Octagon, Blue Demon Jr., and El Canek. After a hard-fought battle, Arn Anderson seals the victory for his team with a decisive DDT on Octagon.


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Kevin Von Erich vs. Vinnie Vegas (w/Diamond Dallas Page)

Vinnie Vegas, accompanied by Diamond Dallas Page, squares off against Kevin Von Erich in an intense singles contest. Despite Von Erich's valiant effort, interference from Page proves decisive as Vegas capitalizes with the Snake Eyes (following a brass knuckles shot by his manager) to secure the pinfall victory at the 8:15 mark.


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Ron Simmons vs. Dan Spivey

Predictably, this is a hard-hitting encounter between two big men who aren't used to opponents not falling at the first shot. The stiff blows resonate throughout the area, including one that leaves a visible bruise on Spivey's pectoral muscle. Spivey powers through to finish the match, though, which ends with a run-in from Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin at 9:47 that results in a DQ victory for Simmons.


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Post-Match Assault: The Fabulous Freebirds Target Ron Simmons

Following the match, Michael Hayes, Jimmy Garvin, and Dan Spivey launch a brutal assault on Ron Simmons. The Freebirds unleash a barrage of attacks, with Hayes and Garvin delivering disparaging remarks on the microphone. However, their assault is thwarted by the timely arrival of Rick and Scott Steiner, who drive the Freebirds away and tend to their fallen ally.


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Jerry Lawler vs. Mr. Hughes (w/Harley Race)

In his WCW debut, Jerry Lawler makes a statement against Mr. Hughes, with Harley Race (the manager of Big Van Vader) in his corner. Lawler dominates the match from start to finish, securing the victory with his signature Piledriver after just 5:38.


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Jerry Lawler Issues a Challenge

In the heart of the ring, Jerry Lawler extends a beckoning hand towards Harley Race, his voice carrying across the arena with authority.

"Race, there's no need to be worried," Lawler begins, his tone measured yet commanding. "I've got no quarrel with you tonight. But there's something I need to say."

He pauses, locking eyes with Race and the crowd, before continuing with conviction.

"I know your boy Big Van Vader's got his hands full with Ricky Steamboat tonight, but if he comes out of that match with that shiny gold around his waist, well, he's got a date with destiny at SuperBrawl. And guess who's going to be waiting for him?" Lawler's lips curl into a confident grin.

"This isn't just any kingdom, Race. This is WCW, and it's a kingdom worth ruling. And I'll be damned if I'm not going to throw my hat in the ring and show everyone what the King is made of."


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WCW Television Championship: Barry Windham (c) vs. Cactus Jack

Barry Windham demanded Cactus Jack shelve the shenanigans for one night, and in a bit of a shock, Cactus is true to his word. We get a hard-hitting, back-and-forth contest where both men give as good as they get. However, the action gets a bit out of hand at the 15-minute mark. Cactus goes for his outside-the-ring elbow drop, but while Windham rolls out of the way, neither is able to beat a 10-count. As such, the match is ruled a draw.


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Backstage Interview: Gordon Solie with Brian Pillman

Gordon Solie: "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here with WCW Light Heavyweight Champion, Brian Pillman. Brian, the WCW Championship Committee has just informed me you've got quite the challenge ahead of you at SuperBrawl. Your title will be on the line in a four-way match against Jushin Liger, Sabu, and El Dandy. How are you feeling about this?"

Brian Pillman: "Gordon, let me tell you, I've faced obstacles my entire life. This is just another bump in the road. Liger, Sabu, El Dandy... they're all formidable opponents, no doubt. But I've earned this title, and I don't plan on losing it anytime soon."

Gordon Solie: "So, you're confident heading into SuperBrawl?"

Brian Pillman: "Confident? Yeah, you could say that. But it's not about confidence, Gordon. It's about determination. And let me make one thing clear: Liger, I've got a ton of respect for you. But when it comes down to it, that title is staying right where it belongs - around my waist."


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WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Big Van Vader (c) (w/Harley Race) vs. Ricky Steamboat

Vader, towering over Steamboat, immediately asserts his dominance, using his immense strength to overpower the challenger. He drives Steamboat into the corner with thunderous blows, each strike echoing throughout the arena. But Steamboat, known for his resilience, refuses to back down, countering with lightning-fast strikes of his own, aiming to weaken the champion.

As the match progresses, Vader maintains control, methodically wearing down Steamboat with punishing power moves. He hoists Steamboat high into the air with a devastating suplex, causing the ring to shake with the impact. Steamboat, however, refuses to stay down, digging deep into his reserves of endurance to keep fighting back.

Despite Steamboat's valiant efforts, Vader's sheer force proves too much to handle. As the match reaches its climax, Vader ascends the ropes, positioning himself for his signature Vader Bomb. With a thunderous crash, he descends upon Steamboat, driving the air from his lungs and leaving him sprawled motionless on the canvas. Three seconds later, Vader's made his first official title defense.


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Post-Match Assault: The Dangerous Alliance Strikes

Following the main event, The Dangerous Alliance launches a vicious 5-on-1 assault on Ricky Steamboat. Bobby Eaton, Arn Anderson, Larry Zbyszko, Rick Rude, and Steve Austin unleash a relentless attack on Steamboat until Sting rushes to the ring's aid, helping clear the ring of the assailants as the show fades to black.

After that, Sting grabs a microphone and says he's looking for a fair fight, right here and right now. He challenges any member of the Alliance to a match, and Austin accepts the challenge.


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Bonus Post-Show Match: Sting vs. Steve Austin (w/Paul E. Dangerously)

Those who stayed past the end of the show get a special treat, as Sting navigates the in-ring prowess of Austin and the ringside antics of his evil manager. Finally, the Stinger's able to get the upper hand. With Dangerously unable to distract the referee, he locks in a Scorpion Deathlock and forces Austin to submit at the 13:30 mark. The show then ends with Sting celebrating in the ring and giving out high-fives to fans at ringside.


TV RATING: 0.74 (557,154 viewers)

Edited by HRTVAndrew
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