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CGC: Dawn of DeColt Country [CVerse 1997]

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Now I'm being reminded how the WWF(at the time) first tried countering said cruiserweight division with what they dubbed a Light Heavyweight division. Never really gave it a true chance then.

It was what it was though.

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7 hours ago, Self said:

I loved watching the X Division matches back in the day. That's what brought me back to being a fan after college. Awesome stuff. I agree with that... I just don't like the name. Or the vagueness of the concept. And I'm not particularly interested in writing those kinds of matches. My CGC in 1997 isn't about Xtreme, no limits wrestling. 

I genuinely forgot WWE did cruiserweights for a while, so I guess it didn't leave much of an impression on me. It's a good, dynamic name. If I had a potential megastar like an AJ Styles or Rey Mysterio (or a Ricky DeColt) maybe I would have gone with it. Sometimes I'm more interested in trying something different, rather than simply referencing things I liked growing up. 

I think the name is meant to derived from the x games going on at the time and the concept Is meant to emphasize the high flying no limits styles smaller wrestlers usually have rather then their size or weight class.

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Jerome Turner "It's been three months since Ed Monton broke free of the managerial services of Roger Rogers, and tonight he's bagged himself a CGC World Title shot. Does he have what it takes to dethrone Stunning Steve? But first, the School of Tradition have some new students, and Eric Tyler wants to introduce them to you all personally."




ERIC TYLER is already is the ring, looking upon the crowd with scorn.

Settle down and listen up. School is back in session! A proper
 education is something that should be given to every young
 wrestler, but I'm afraid I can no longer allow Jack DeColt entry
 into my School of Tradition. For all of his promise. For all of
 his potential. He has been tainted by his family's degenerate 
influence. He robbed me of the CGC World Title at WrestleFestival.
He has rejected my teachings. Just like Alex. Just like Steve. Just
 like Eddie Chandler and Johnny Maverick. They can't see the 
benefit of my wisdom... but I've found students who do. This is
 a new era for the School of Tradition, and some day you
 will all thank me for it. 



Eric Tyler "For years he's been called "Dirty", but Frank is a diamond in the rough. He just needs some polish."

Frank looks cleaner in his new school uniform, but he fights dirtier than ever, adding several tricks from the Eric Tyler's playbook. Xander hits back with knife edge chops, but Frankie begs for mercy and Xander turns his back. Pit Stain (Falling Inverted DDT)! 1... 2... 3.





STEVE DECOLT warms up for his match as his date for tonight, GABRIELLA, watches on.

Let's hear it for Eric Tyler. He's finally found some wrestlers dumb
 enough to join his stupid school. As much as I'd love to go down
 there and prove you can't polish a turd, tonight I have my hands
 full, and I don't just mean with this little minx to my left. Ed Monton
 might be the toughest man I've ever met, and he has my deepest
 respect... but if he thinks he can take this sweet, sweet belt from
 my sweet, sweet waist, he doesn't know Stunning Steve. I made
a promise to Gabriella that I'd show her the night of her life, and
I'm going to do it as CGC Champion. 


Jerome Turner "Last night the stars of Canadian Golden Combat were at the Arctic Ice Centre. Here's what you missed."

BIFF THE BRUISER pins BOB CASEY after a brutal lariat. Biff is thrilled, until he's handed his Poor Widdle Baby championship belt to wear. 

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MOOSE MULDER and MAMMOTH compete in a Pie Eating Contest, but MARIO HEROIC and CONDOR keep stealing pies from Mammoth's table. They offer to trade them to HELEN WHEELS for the stolen Bubbleweight belt, but she refuses. Mammoth has nothing to eat! Moose wins!



Eric Tyler "I discovered young Rash defacing the WrestleFestival grounds with some very colourful anti-DeColt graffiti. He made good first impression."

Arm drags! Dropkicks! Tumblesaults! Flippy do's! A force of nature, Tempest puts the student in a spin, but Rash responds with some Tyler-esque eye pokes and hair pulling and hits a High Schoolboy (Schoolboy off the Second Rope) for the 1. 2. 3.


Jerome Turner "Lightning fast bubbleweight action, but what of the new Bubbleweight Championship?"



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CGC Bubbleweight Title belt around her waist, HELEN WHEELS lounges around, protected by LAND MASS and MAMMOTH at her side. WHIPPER SPENCER MARKS can't get past them. 

Helen. You need to give the belt back. It's not yours.

Why not? I won it. I climbed up there and got it. Those were 
the rules, right? "Any fighter under 200lbs". You saying I'm 
over 200lbs, old man?

You weren't part of the match. There are rules. 

I don't care about your rules. Those five midgets don't deserve 
a belt. They only won at WrestleFestival because...I don't know
 how they won. They probably cheated. Belts should be for real 
stars, like me. 

Helen roller skates away, followed by the gigantic Land Mass and Mammoth. No getting around them. 




JULIE FORLETTA interviews a seething ROCKY PSYCHO.

Last week, you lost you first match in Canadian Golden Combat... 
when... you um... 

Rocky glares at her. Julie hands him the microphone and backs away. 

Howling Dog! Fortunato! Molto Fortunato. You could never do 
that again in a million years. Voglio una rivincita! Rematch! Next 


/w Helen Wheels

Eric Tyler "In ten years, when Rash Reilly and Frankie Flame are top stars in this sport, no one will remember these short sighted fools Chandler and Maverick."

Helen roller skates around the ring, showing of her stolen CGC Bubbleweight Title, as Johnny and Eddie compete over who can body slam the giants. Both lose equally, and Chandler gets squished and squashed. 


CANADIAN DRAGON and MARIO HEROIC chase Helen around the ring, trying to recover the  Bubbleweight belt. Mammoth lumbers to her aid, clotheslining the two cruiserweights. Eddie and Johnny try to take advantage with a double suplex on Land Mass, but their timing is off because Eddie insists on doing a countdown in French. Land Mass suplexes both of them, and Mammoth hits a Running Splash for the pin.



Jerome Turner "Missed out on WrestleFestival? Don't worry, the stars of CGC could be coming to a town near you soon."


Saturday Week 3 April - CGC Live! in Cranbrook, British Columbia
Sunday Week 3 April - Title Bout Wrestling in Calgary, Alberta
Saturday Week 4 April - CGC Live! in Revelstoke, British Columbia
Saturday Week 1 May - CGC Live! Fort McMurray, Alberta
Sunday Week 1 May - Title Bout Wrestling in Edmonton, Alberta


You got pies in Cranbrook? Because I'm comin' on
Saturday and I'm comin' hungry! I'm the CGC Pie
Eating Champion and I plan to defend that title in
every town in the country. Open challenge! Any
wrestler! Any fan! Bring your appetite! 




JULIE FORLETTA interviews the School of Tradition in a locker room that has been kitted out as a Classroom, complete with desks and a blackboard. In the background, RASH REILLY carves his name into a desk as FRANKIE FLAME throws paper airplanes. JOHN McCLEAN is positively beaming, as he's flanked by CHANCE and FATE.

WrestleFestival was a dark day for John McClean. A dark, dirty
 day... but then Eric Tyler turned my frown upside down by
 asking me to enroll in his prestigious School of Tradition. What
 an honour! What a privilege! The things I will learn sitting
 under Mr. Tyler's tree. It's every young wrestler's dream. Next 
week my education begins, as I get to sit ringside as the Soldiers 
of Fortune defend their tag team titles. I'm not even mad that
 the Matchmaking Committee have given The Flock a title shot. 
Black Sheep humiliated me at WrestleFestival, and next week
 I get to learn how Mr. Tyler's fabulous faculty settle the score. 

Next week! Lambs chops and a side of Sheep Stew!


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Eric Tyler "This may be the only time I ever say this, but I hope Ed Monton wins this match. Steve DeColt is a disgrace as Champion."


Before the match can begin, ROGER ROGERS barges his way to the front row in his wheelchair, fending off fans with a pointy stick. He's wearing an old Canadian Enforcers t-shirt and waves a 'front row' ticket around, threatening to sue anyone who questions its authenticity.

Stunning Steve struts his stuff early, showing off his raw power and delighting his date by hitting a Gabri-Electric Chair Drop just for her. Double tough Monton responds with pure fisticuffs, throwing hands as Rogers loudly cheers on his former client. Which mostly serves to distract Monton.

Ed unleashes patriotic fury, but Steve won't go down without a fight. He kicks out of a Bridging Canadian Suplex. He powers out of a Canadian Half Crab! Rogers raises a boombox above his head to play the old Canadian Enforcers theme music. Monton ejects the tape and breaks it, but it gives Steve an opening. Powerful Punches! Luscious Lariat! Sexy Slam! Steve hits a Running Bulldog, but Roger Rogers is poking Gabriella with a pointy stick, so he rolls out of the ring to confront him. He tells Rogers to knock it off, but the wheelchair bound 'fan' responds by throwing his shoe at Gabriella. Steve snatches him by the collar and referee Francis Long has to get between them.


BARRY BOWEN charges to ringside at full speed and runs through Steve with the Train Wreck (High Velocity Shoulder Tackle)!

NO CONTEST (10:23)

Bowen batters away security and he continues to attack Steve, preparing to Powerbomb him through the- Monton makes the save with Haymakers, but Bowen's unstoppable. He powerbombs Monton through the announce table!

Rogers takes off his Enforcers shirt to reveal a Barry Bowen shirt, and cheers as Bowen stands over the broken bodies of the two competitors. Security rush in to protect them from further damage.


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Langley, British Columbia (803 in attendance)
Broadcast on Alberta On Air (3,570) and BCB (3,657). Combined Rating <0.01


  • Eric Tyler Promo   73
  • Steve DeColt Promo     70        
  • Slave Lake Highlights   31
  • Whipper tries to get Helen's belt   45
  • Rocky Psycho Interview   26
  • Live Events /w Moose   34
  • John McClean hypes Tag Title Match   51
  • Bowen Attacks   54

No one wants to watch Monton fight the DeColts. Will I ever learn my lesson? Ed Monton is really good (on the same level as Steve, better than the other DeColts) but babyface vs babyface doesn't work, and no amount of Roger Rogers could save it. Thankfully, good promos from Tyler and Steve. 

The School of Tradition have expanded, which to be fair was a pretty obvious move from the very beginning. It's been one of Tyler's main goals after all. It was just a question of who joins and when. I toyed with introducing them earlier, maybe getting involved in the WrestleFestival main event... but that would have neutered them to fail right out of the gate. This is Tyler's rebound move after a big loss.

I considered a lot of options to fill this expanded group. CGC have a lot of youngsters to choose from. Johnny Maverick and Eddie Chandler were far too obvious choices, and I didn't want to just do a Prelude to the eventual Elite stable. Alexander Robinson is excellent but a little too old. Mario Heroic and Canadian Dragon were busy with Bubbleweight stuff, Christopher Hart felt too similar to DaLay, and Ted Moore... I think a really dumb guy would turn himself babyface in that setting way too fast. I'm struggling to write Moore. There's a 'Eugene' quality that isn't sitting well with me when I write the actual words.  

John McClean feels like a perfect addition to the School of Tradition to me. Good worker. Natural sycophant. Can talk if Tyler is 'occupied'. 'Dirty' Frankie Flame is a bit more of a gamble, but he is a favourite of George DeColt. Finally, the wildcard Rash Reilly is a random gen who graduated from the DeColt Power House in January. He's a smaller guy (although not small enough to make it onto Frenchie's Five last week) but good star quality and promising stats. At 19 he's very young, but has spent the past few months working every live event and pre-show possible... and he's the same age as Jack DeColt. Either way, a lucky guy.

Speaking of the Power House, we had our second graduate this week. Much like Rash, he'll be working live events for a while until I find a spot for him. 


CGC Tag Team Title Match: The Flock vs Soldiers of Fortune
Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Condor vs Mario Heroic

I'm running out of ideas for Frenchie's Five segments. Any ideas?

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CGC Tag Team Title Match: The Flock vs Soldiers of Fortune
Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Condor vs Mario Heroic

I'm running out of ideas for Frenchie's Five segments. Any ideas?   Some CGC history? Longest/shortest title reigns? Most belts won?

I'm guessing McClean interference in the title match, Howling Dog wins by DQ when Rocky Psycho won't stop beating him up.

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CGC Tag Team Title Match: The Flock vs Soldiers of Fortune

SoF need more feuds before dropping them
Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog

Feels like Rocky's hot temper will cost him over and over again against Dog
Condor vs Mario Heroic

Condor is an asshat. Heroic has at least got something to him. 


I'm running out of ideas for Frenchie's Five segments. Any ideas?

I'd love to see more about CGC history to this point. House show concepts that become PPV events (Ultimate showdown series, Elimination, Luck of the draw.). Popularity contests (who's the most over, most hated), most wins, most matches, best brawlers, best technicians, best highfliers, most charismatic, best performers, biggest draw, most beautiful (anything to tick Helen Wheels off more), most pies eaten.

Could Rash Reilly get bigger like MW? Is he a viable future star in the company?

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CGC Tag Team Title Match: The Flock vs Soldiers of Fortune
Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
Condor vs Mario Heroic

I think Rocky Psycho would be an amazing foil eventually for whichever DeColt is on top, the clash of personalities, ideals, languages, everything just seems like it would work as a different kind of threat. I was surprised he took the L, but now because of his rage at this L I can see him consistently losing in different self inflicted ways until he finally gets a big win and moves up. Love McClean in the School, he and Tyler together will be money.

For Frenchie's Five, I'm bad at that type of stuff but I'd love to see a throwback like George DeColt's top 5 opponents or biggest wins. Also have we done tallest yet?

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CGC Tag Team Title Match: The Flock vs Soldiers of Fortune
I'm expecting John McClean to play a role here
Rocky Psycho vs Howling Dog
I'll go for Psycho to get one back, before ultimately costing himself the rubber match down the line
Condor vs Mario Heroic
Mario Heroic has a lot of upside, and I see him as a key part of the Bubbleweight division

I'm running out of ideas for Frenchie's Five segments. Any ideas?

- Most wins in 1997 (could include the live events)
-Most losses in 1997 (could include live events)
- Top 5 Independent talents in Canada (fan vote - could even lead to a 'try out' match the next week or on the live shows)

And since it's CGC some silly ones:

- Top 5 title belts in CGC by prestige (I think you have 5 now). In my head it's a set up for the Poor Widdle Baby belt to come 5th and upset Biff.
- Top 5 of Steve's 'girls of the week'
- Most luscious locks
- Top 5 shiniest heads (for the follically challenged)

Edited by Charasmatic Enigma
Changed to 1997
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On 4/14/2024 at 10:21 AM, alliegolem said:

I'm running out of ideas for Frenchie's Five segments. Any ideas?   Some CGC history? Longest/shortest title reigns? Most belts won?

Love the idea of most belts. Definitely going on the list, but may need a few tweaks to get a clean Top 5. Currently it's a 6-way tie for 5th place. 

On 4/14/2024 at 3:24 PM, DAVEFAN95 said:

Could Rash Reilly get bigger like MW? Is he a viable future star in the company?

He can bulk up to Middleweight, but he's 5'7 so that's a lot of (hopefully) muscle to pack on. Height might hold him back from being a top star in a medium term, unless he becomes some kind of tiny tank.

I like him as a Lightweight right now. I have a lot of big heels, so having someone smaller to take bumps in valuable. Plus, there's a Bubbleweight division that is overflowing with babyfaces and no heels. Rash is going to find it easy to find spots on live events. 

16 hours ago, Pteroid said:

I’ve found that Moore is easiest to book as essentially Kronk from Emperor’s New Groove, pair him with an over the top heel his pure heart and dumb ass clash with in a partnership

In my last private game he had a solid, multi-year midcard career, with lots of storylines and TV time, as a dumb guy in heel teams who eventually spins off as a babyface. Problem is, he's already a babyface, he's had terrible chemistry with everyone I've paired him with, and he kind of sucks in general. Bottom 5 worst performers on the roster. So he's not exactly a priority. 

12 hours ago, Shmoe II said:

For Frenchie's Five, I'm bad at that type of stuff but I'd love to see a throwback like George DeColt's top 5 opponents or biggest wins. Also have we done tallest yet?

Haven't done tallest. Or heaviest. It's trickier to do it when I'm making things up.

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19 hours ago, Pteroid said:

I’ve found that Moore is easiest to book as essentially Kronk from Emperor’s New Groove, pair him with an over the top heel his pure heart and dumb ass clash with in a partnership

If Moore is essentially kronk then logically he'll need an yzma, and the closest we have to that is helen wheels

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Jerome Turner "Last week Barry Bowen made a statement with an attack on Steve DeColt and Ed Monton, seemingly supported by Roger Rogers. Is a new alliance forming? It won't be the only one. The School of Tradition has expanded. Not only do they boast tonight's defending tag team champions, but they have some new students, already in the ring. "



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ERIC TYLER has his entire roster of School of Tradition students lined up in the ring. FRANKIE FLAME. RASH REILLY. JOHN McCLEAN looks absolutely thrilled to be there, while DAN DALAY looks like he'd rather be anywhere else, clutching his CGC Television Title belt. 

Settle down and listen up. School is now in session. Last week
 I introduced you to the men who will soon become household
 names in this sport. Alone they have suffered, but together,
 under my guidance, they will become the finest athletes this
 country has ever seen. Paragons of virtue. Monuments to my 
excellence. And why? Because they have something those
DeColts could only dream of having; a willingness to learn. 


There's only one thing your students have that I want, and 
that's the CGC Television Title. I feel like you've been avoiding
 me, Dan DaLay? What happened? I used to see you every week.
 Attacking me. Bullying me. Now all you do is run away like a 
coward. What changed? Surely it's not because I kicked your 
ass at WrestleFestival. Why don't I come down there right now
 so we can 'talk'. For old time's sake.

You've got a big mouth, Alex, but I'm sorry to inform you that
 your newfound confidence is just warm, comforting self-delusion. 
Dan DaLay didn't run from you at WrestleFestival... he simply 
granted you mercy. A rookie mistake that will not be repeated. 
If you want to provide my students another learning opportunity,
we'll happily welcome you into this ring... but Dan DaLay isn't the
only one looking to take you DeColts down a peg. I think you'll
find yourself quite outnumbered.

I don't know about that. 


EDDIE CHANDLER and JOHNNY MAVERICK slide into the ring and pull all of the Student's trousers down! Reilly covers his shame. John McClean falls over himself trying to cover his sparkling white tighties whities. Frankie shamelessly tries to give chase in brown-stained underpants. DaLay is furious and embarrassed and Eric Tyler finds himself face to face with JACK DECOLT, who is preparing the Iron- Tyler bails, hiding behind security as the attackers leave laughing. 



Jerome Turner "Two weeks ago Howling Dog broke Rocky's undefeated streak with a shock roll-up. Rocky demanded this rematch."

All smiles, Howling Dog mocks Rocky with roll up attempts and culturally inappropriate pasta references. Rocky struggles to keep his cool, but elegant arm drags and fancy head scissors can't put the Dog away. Rocky snaps and- Sky High Spinebuster! 1... 2... Rocky kicks out but  Dog uses his anger against him. Small package! Victory Roll! Dog climbs up top, but underestimates Rocky's fury and gets shoved all the way to the outside! Cannonball dive! Rocky is relentless, hammering away with punches and headbutts and the referee counts... 7... 8...9... Rocky comes to his senses just in time to roll inside, and Dog is counted out. 


Security are terrified that Rocky is going to continue the assault, but instead he takes Dog's magic tomahawk and leaves. 




ROGER ROGERS is pleased as punch to have his wheelchair parked up alongside the gigantic BARRY BOWEN.

I'm sure you have been worried all week, but let me assure you
 that I am fine. I escaped unharmed from the violent and vile attack
 upon my person by Steve DeColt, and it's all thanks to this man,
 Barry Bowen. A hero. A knight in shining armour. He saw an innocent 
fan in need, a disabled man who simply wanted to cheer on his 
former favourite wrestler, and he came to his rescue without a 
second thought. Yet how does CGC reward this heroism? With
 scorn. With talks about another suspension. Ludicrous! Unfair! 
A travesty of justice! I will do everything in my power to make
 sure the treacherous Committee can't stand in his way, because
I know exactly how it feels to have George's DeColt's cruel boot
upon my neck, keeping me from what I want. Me and Barry Bowen
 are two peas in a pod, and all of CGC are going to feel our might. 

No more running, DeColt. No more hiding. That belt belongs to me.



Jerome Turner "It's time for some fast paced Bubbleweight action!"

Condor uses karate kicks and judo throws to try to solve the enigma that is young Mario, but to no avail. His moves? Mysterious. His tactics? Strange. He flips and flops and misses a springboard backflip done for reasons unclear, allowing Condor to swoop in with the Flight of the Condor (Top Rope Splash) for the 1... 2... 3!


Jerome Turner "The Bubbleweight division is heating up. There's just the small matter of CGC management getting their hands on the belt..."




GEORGE DECOLT is trying to get into a locker room, but the door is blocked by the massive LAND MASS. Inside, HELEN WHEELS has the CGC Bubbleweight Title belt.

Helen, be reasonable. If you're not going to defend it,
 why do you want it?

I'll defend it! Bring Julie Forletta over here and I'll defend it
 right now. Or one of Steve's girlfriends. Line them up I'll knock
 all their teeth down their throats! Why didn't you make a 
women's championship, huh? Sexism, that's why! You afraid
 of strong women, George? I'll give you back your precious, 
shrimp belt for babies, when you get me my own belt. CGC 
Queen of Everything! I want jewels! I want gold! Give me
the prettiest belt the world has ever seen and maybe I'll 
consider trading you. 

George considers barging in, but there's no way past Land Mass. 

I'll talk it over with the Committee...




We asked ze fans here in Calgary who their favourite wrestler is...



Jerome Turner "Biff has been forced to hold the "Poor Widdle Baby" belt ever since he embarrassed himself in a pie eating contest at WrestleFestival"

Ted mistakes the Poor Widdle Baby belt for a teddy bear and Biff doesn't like that one bit. He bashes, batters and bruises before hitting a Lariat for a pin.


Biff's pretty pleased with himself, until the referee gives him back the Poor Widdle Baby belt.


Jerome Turner "Last week CGC were in Cranbrook, British Columbia."

Undersized and overmatched,  JAKE SLOAN hits CHRISTOPHER HART with a baseball slide to keep him out of the ring and score a count out victory. 

RASH REILLY distracts the referee so that FRANKIE FLAME can take out the opposition with a chair and JOHN McCLEAN can lock in the Tradition Lift (Double Chicken Wing) for the tap out.



Saturday Week 4 April - CGC Live! in Revelstoke, British Columbia
Saturday Week 1 May - CGC Live! Fort McMurray, Alberta
Sunday Week 1 May - Title Bout Wrestling in Edmonton, Alberta
Saturday Week 2 May - CGC Live! Smithers Bulkly, British Columbia
Saturday Week 3  May - CGC Live! Powell River, British Columbia
Sunday Week 3 May - Title Bout Wrestling in Langley, British Columbia
Saturday Week 4 May - CGC Live! Kamloops, British Columbia


Roger Rogers has found someone else to try to ride
to the top of CGC, but it'll take more than cheap tricks
and powerbombs through furniture to keep me down.
If Barry Bowen wants a piece of me, he can meet me this
Saturday at the Revelstoke Forum. I said I wasn't aboot
to let Rogers get away with any more tomfoolery, and I
aim to be a man of my word.  


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Black Sheep & Battering Lamb

Chance & Fate /w John McClean

Jerome Turner "Black Sheep humiliated John McClean at WrestleFestival, so he's paying extra special attention to this one."

John McClean has set up a little school desk at ringside, where he can take notes as the Soldiers deal with his sworn enemy. Black Sheep constantly messes with him, throwing balls of paper, until the Soldiers stop his farmyard fun with cohesive destructive power. They herd Black Sheep into their corner and do exactly what they've been paid to do; teach McClean how to solve an irritating problem. Chance repeatedly gives the student openings to interfere behind the referee's back, but McClean messes each of them up. Taking too long. Talking too loud. Missing a punch and hurting his hand on the ring post!

Battering Lamb is finally unpenned, and battering rams his opponents with shoulder tackles and mutton chops before dropping a big Leg of Lamb! Slow Roast (Torture Rack) to Fate! McClean tries to interfere, but Black Sheep chases him. Around the ring. Under the ring. Through the ring! In the meantime however, Chance has saved his partner, disposed of Lamb, and the Soldiers intercept Black Sheep with a Spinebuster/Senton combo for the 1... 2... 3! 





HELEN WHEELS looks incredibly smug as LAND MASS guards her from GEORGE DECOLT, who stands beside a large podium with a sheet covering it. What could possibly be under there? Helen is thrilled. 

Against my better judgment, the CGC Matchmaking Committee 
have determined that we are unable to force Helen Wheels to 
relinquish her stolen property, so we have no choice but to give
 her what she wants. If Helen wants to be a Champion, we hereby 
officially recognize her as the first ever CGC Bubbleweight 

Helen is confused.

... and we are thrilled to announce her first ever title defense. 
Next week! Title Bout Wrestling! Helen Wheels versus...

George whips the sheet off of the podium to reveal...



What? No! That's not what I... No!


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Calgary, Alberta (626 in attendance)
Broadcast on Alberta on Air (3,706) and BCB (3,688). Combined Rating <0.01


  • Alex DeColt calls out the School of Tradition    69
  • Bowen & Rogers Promo       58
  • George DeColt tries to get the belt   58
  • Highlights from Cranbrook   20
  • Live Events /w Ed Monton    53
  • George DeColt announces next Title Bout   60

Posting late. Sometimes my job requires me to work weekends.

I thought the most interesting thing about this week's Frenchie's Five (favourite babyfaces in Alberta) would be Ed Monton's popularity... but Condor's the fifth most popular? Poor guy. He's been less than an afterthought this entire time. No wonder so few thought he could beat Mario Heroic. Speaking of Mario... Is he a popular character is more modern version of the database? I've only ever seen him as a washed out never-was or 18 year old still figuring out his first handful of matches. Maybe in the future the upside will emerge, for now Condor is twice the wrestler he is. 


Next time on Title Bout Wrestling...

CGC Bubbleweight Title: Jake Sloan vs Helen Wheels
Dan DaLay & John McClean vs Jack & Alex DeColt
Rash Reilly & Frankie Flame vs Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick

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CGC Bubbleweight Title: Jake Sloan vs Helen Wheels

Gotta be some kinda shenanigans
Dan DaLay & John McClean vs Jack & Alex DeColt

Jack and Alex have more experience as a team
Rash Reilly & Frankie Flame vs Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick

Think Chandler and Maverick have more about them then SoT unnderlings

Edited by DAVEFAN95
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CGC Bubbleweight Title: Jake Sloan vs Helen Wheels

 - Still more mileage in these wheels I gather ...I'm sure at some point you'll want this belt as it was kayfabe intended but your style is sports entertaining through and through and this is certainly that.

Dan DaLay & John McClean vs Jack & Alex DeColt

 - but only via DQ or something - I know it's the DeColt boys but I feel if the new class is gonna have any kind of believability the big guns they can't be losing clean so soon.

Rash Reilly & Frankie Flame vs Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick

 - See above, shenanigans that help the new kids in school gain some credibility.

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CGC Bubbleweight Title: Jake Sloan vs Helen Wheels

She has giant help

Dan DaLay & John McClean vs Jack & Alex DeColt

Rage DQ/Interference DQ

Rash Reilly & Frankie Flame vs Eddie Chandler & Johnny Maverick

They have a storyline + Shenanigans


By the way, what has happened to Jon Jetson?


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