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NWA: Reclaiming the Glory

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NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Matt Cardona (C) vs Drew Galloway

Comments: Galloway wins by DQ, so Cardona retains his belt to build up their feud


Genie's Lamp Ladder Match:

Jacob Fatu vs Nic Nemeth vs Matt Riddle vs Mustafa Ali vs Bryan Keith vs Alex Hammerstone



NWA World Women's Championship Match:

Mercedes Mone (C) vs Giulia



NWA Global Invitational 4-Way Match (Winner receives a NWA Contract):

Steve Maclin (USA) vs Flamita (Mexico) vs Trent Seven (UK) vs SHO (Japan)



NWA World Tag Team Championship Match:

MxM (C) vs The Von Erichs


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NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Matt Cardona (C) vs Drew Galloway



Genie's Lamp Ladder Match:

Jacob Fatu vs Nic Nemeth vs Matt Riddle vs Mustafa Ali vs Bryan Keith vs Alex Hammerstone



NWA World Women's Championship Match:

Mercedes Mone (C) vs Giulia



NWA Global Invitational 4-Way Match (Winner receives a NWA Contract):

Steve Maclin (USA) vs Flamita (Mexico) vs Trent Seven (UK) vs SHO (Japan)



NWA World Tag Team Championship Match:

MxM (C) vs The Von Erichs


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NWA Hard Times- May 12th, 2024
Attendance: 6,500 at College Park Center (Arlington, Texas)
Commentary Team: Mauro Ranallo & Josh Barnett

Hard Times kicks off on a bit of a unique note, with words of wisdom from the late great "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes...

"You don't know what hard times are, daddy! Hard times are when the textile workers around this country are out of work and got four, five kids, and can't pay their wages, can't buy their food. Hard times are when the auto workers are out of work and they tell them 'Go home!'. And hard times are when a man has worked at a job thirty years -- thirty years! -- they give him a watch, kick him in the butt and say 'Hey, a computer took your place, daddy!'. That's hard times!"

We then cut to a video package hyping up tonight's event. With Dusty's words playing in the background, we see preview clips of tonight's big contests. From the dangerous Giulia challenging Mercedes Mone for the NWA World Women's Championship to the first-ever Genie's Lamp Ladder Match and our main event, the huge NWA World Heavyweight Championship match between Matt Cardona & Drew Galloway. Which competitors will walk out of Dallas on top? And which ones will be walking out feeling... hard times?

After some pyro goes off, we cut to the commentary table, where Mauro Ranallo & Josh Barnett welcome the fans to the show. After a quick run down of the card, we get right into our opening contest, featuring some names very familiar to the Dallas fans...


NWA World Tag Team Championship Match:

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MxM (C) w/Breeze vs The Von Erichs
Marshall & Ross Von Erich, the next generation of the most famous wrestling family to come out of Texas, won this shot at the NWA Tag Team Titles after defeating Violence is Forever in a brutal No DQ tag team match. MxM accepted their challenge after that victory, but punctuated it by beating the hell out of them in the club, with some help from their new "image consultant" Breeze. This match was a decent match and the crowd was extremely behind The Von Erichs, who got a huge pop when they made their entrance. As the crowd chanted "I-RON CLAW! I-RON CLAW!" Mansoor tried to drown it out by starting a "BACKSHOT LARIAT *CLAP* *CLAP* *CLAP* *CLAP* *CLAP*" chant going, which surprisingly did not catch on. Mason Madden had another idea though and took out both Ross & Marshall with a double lariat. Marshall & Ross rolled to the outside to recover, but that's when Madden grabbed Mansoor and launched him over the top rope to send him crashing into The Von Erichs! Mansoor got up and celebrated that their double team maneuver worked while the crowd booed them relentlessly. Mansoor then threw Ross Von Erich into the ring to officially start the match. Madden continued his pre-match assault on Ross to start things off, hitting the elder Von Erich brother with a military press slam. Madden then hit Ross with a huge running powerslam before running off the ropes and hitting him with a running senton. Madden then tagged out to Mansoor and the two tried finishing off Ross with The Centerfold. That failed though, as Marshall went to the top rope and took everyone out with a diving crossbody! After a few seconds of chaos, Ross managed to hit Mansoor with a stiff enzuigiri. The match came to an end when Ross tagged out to Marshall, who ducked a lariat from Mansoor and hit him with a swinging neckbreaker! Marshall then tried locking in the Iron Claw on Mansoor, but he was tripped up by Breeze. Ross then dropped down from the apron and locked Breeze in the Iron Claw! The crowd went wild, but as that was happening, Mansoor snuck up from behind him and tried catching him in a small package! Marshall managed to kick out at two and as both men got up, Marshall locked Mansoor in the Iron Claw!!! Madden tried breaking things up, but Ross rolled in the ring and took him out with a spinning wheel kick! Mansoor desperately clawed for the ropes, but eventually had no choice but to tap out! The Von Erichs have won the NWA World Tag Team Titles in their home of Dallas! The crowd went wild as The Von Erichs were handed the gold and they went even crazier when the brothers invited their dad Kevin into the ring to celebrate with them. What a feel good start to tonight's proceedings!
WINNERS: The Von Erichs



NWA Global Invitational 4-Way Match:

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Steve Maclin (USA) vs Demonic Flamita (Mexico) vs Trent Seven (UK) vs SHO (Japan)
Paul Heyman announced the NWA Global Invitational a few weeks ago on NWA Main Event. Heyman invited four of the best wrestlers from around the world to compete in this match, with the winner getting an NWA contract. Steve Maclin, Demonic Flamita, Trent Seven, and SHO answered the call and now they get to fight each other for a chance at becoming the next great NWA star. This match was a decent match and the crowd really wasn't behind anybody. SHO started things off by making the first move and charging at Flamita with a running Thesz Press. Sensing an opportunity, Maclin charged at Seven and hit him with a lariat. As SHO hit Flamita with an enzuigiri, Maclin launched Seven across the ring with a fallaway slam. As SHO celebrated his successful attack on Flamita by grabbing his trusty wrench, Maclin stopped him in his tracks with a big boot. Maclin then hit SHO with a gutwrench powerbomb, but before he could do anything else, Flamita launched himself from the top rope and hit Maclin with a diving crossbody! Flamita then grabbed Maclin by the hand and hit him with a rope-walk tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Flamita then tried going to the top rope to attempt a moonsault, but Trent Seven stopped him and hit him with a powerbomb from off the top rope! Seven made the cover, but SHO broke it up. SHO then started putting the boots to Seven, but Seven eventually stopped him in his tracks with a stiff forearm smash. As Maclin rolled back in the ring, Seven grabbed SHO and threw him at Maclin, who dodged it at the last second! The match came to an end when Maclin charged at Seven and took him out with a huge big boot. Maclin turned around, but walked right into a superkick from Flamita! Flamita then went to the top rope and attempted a 450 splash, but Maclin got his knees up at the last second. Maclin then scooped up Flamita and hit him with his finisher, the K.I.A (Michinoku Driver)! Maclin then made the cover and got the three to earn himself an NWA contract!
WINNER: Steve Maclin



After that match came to an end, we cut to a video hyping up the upcoming NWA World Women's Championship match between Mercedes Mone & Giulia. The video shows how Mercedes Mone has been a dominant champ, defeating everyone who's stood in her way. We thought that would continue following a surprisingly close win over Xia Brookside last month on Main Event, but someone had other plans. That someone being the Japanese sensation Giulia, who made her debut by beating the living hell out of Mercedes and hitting her with a dangerous-looking brainbuster on the ring apron. Since then, Giulia's gone on a rampage herself, promising an "end of eternity" for Mone and easily defeating Xia Brookside in her debut. Mercedes has fought back recently though, pushing Giulia to her limit in a few brawls. Now, these two meet in the ring here at Hard Times! Which woman will walk out of Dallas with the NWA World Women's Championship? We're about to find out!




NWA World Women's Championship Match:

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Mercedes Mone (C) vs Giulia
This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Mercedes. Mercedes and Giulia didn't even wait for the bell to ring, as the brawl began in the ring before referee Justin King could even ring the bell! The two women brawled around the ring, exchanging haymakers until Giulia got the upper hand with a stiff back elbow smash. Mercedes recoiled in pain as Giulia hit her with a spinning heel kick that sent her crashing to the mat. Giulia then started putting the boots to the champ, finishing off her flurry of stomps with a jumping double foot stomp onto Mercedes's ribs. Giulia then launched Mercedes across the ring with an overhead belly to belly suplex, sending Mercedes out of the ring. Giulia was hot on her tail and grabbed the champ by her hair. Giulia then lifted Mercedes up and tried hitting her with another apron brainbuster, but Mercedes was able to knee her way out of it and hit Giulia with a discus lariat. Mercedes then threw Giulia into the ringside barricade, before yelling out to her "THIS IS WHY I'M THE CEO BITCH!" and hitting her with a running penalty kick! Mone then threw Giulia headfirst into the ring post, busting her open. Mone then threw Giulia back into the ring, jumped up on the top rope, gave an Eddie Guerrero-esque taunt, and hit Giulia with a big Frog Splash! Mercedes made the cover, but Giulia kicked out at two. Mercedes then immediately tried locking in the Mone Maker, but Giulia managed to reverse it into a rollup. That only got a two count, but as the two women got to their feet, Giulia managed to hit Mone with a spin kick! The match came to an end when Giulia tried locking Mercedes in the End of Eternity, but Mercedes blocked it and hit Giulia with a backstabber! Mercedes then immediately transitioned it into the Mone Maker! As Mercedes wrenched in the hold, Giulia seemed like she was about to tap out. But before that could happen, the lights went out! A loud, booming voice echoed around the College Park Center saying "END OF ETERNITY!" The lights came back on to reveal...










































































































The Scottish powerhouse Viper is standing in the ring! Viper blasted Mercedes with a lariat, causing Justin King to ring the bell for the disqualification, but the attack had just begun...
WINNER: Mercedes Mone (by DQ)




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Viper continued her assault on Mercedes Mone after the match was thrown out. As Giulia laughed in the corner, Viper scooped up Mercedes and hit her with a running powerslam. Viper then ran off the ropes and hit Mercedes with a running senton. Giulia then gave a signal to Viper, who surprisingly backed off of Mercedes. It wasn't an act of mercy as Giulia jumped on top of Mercedes and locked her in the End of Eternity! Giulia kept the hold locked in until security ran down to the ring to separate the two women. Giulia eventually let go as the crowd chanted "F*CK YOU GIULIA!" Giulia then hit her pose in the ring as Viper stood menacingly behind her.



After that brutal assault, we cut to a video hyping up the first ever Genie's Lamp Ladder Match. Six of the best the National Wrestling Alliance has to offer will step into the ring tonight to fight for the Genie's Lamp hanging above the ring. The first person to grab the lamp wins all that comes with the lamp, specifically three wishes, which they could do whatever they want with. The winner can wish for anything from a title match to the ability to make a match to the ability to restart a match, whatever they want, they'll get three wishes to do whatever they want. With Jacob Fatu, Nic Nemeth, Matt Riddle, Mustafa Ali, Bryan Keith, & Alex Hammerstone all competing for the lamp, we're going to have a worthy inaugural winner no matter what. Who will walk out Dallas with the lamp? We'll find out right now!




Genie's Lamp Ladder Match:

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Jacob Fatu vs Nic Nemeth vs Matt Riddle vs Mustafa Ali vs Bryan Keith vs Alex Hammerstone
This match was a good match and the crowd was split between Riddle, Ali, & Hammerstone. All six competitors immediately started things off by racing for ladders. With only three ladders at ringside, three brawls inevitably broke out between Nemeth & Hammerstone, Ali & Keith, and Fatu & Riddle. Hammerstone, Ali, & Fatu won their respective brawls and threw the ladders in the ring. When it came to setting the ladders up, Fatu won out after clocking both Hammerstone and Ali with his ladder. Fatu then set up the ladder and tried climbing it to reach the lamp, but Riddle ran into the ring and started fighting Fatu off the ladder. Meanwhile, Nemeth had recovered and tried climbing up the other side of the ladder. That also failed as Hammerstone grabbed him and powerbombed him off the ladder and onto the mat! Meanwhile, as Hammerstone, Riddle, & Fatu began brawling, Ali climbed to the top rope and took all three men out with a diving crossbody! Before Ali could try climbing up the ladder, Bryan Keith rolled back in the ring and hit Ali with a stiff high knee. Keith then started running up the ladder, trying desperately to claw for the lamp. That failed though as Nemeth started shaking the ladder, forcing Keith to jump off of it. As Keith tried going after Nemeth, Nemeth cracked him with a superkick! Meanwhile, on the outside, Riddle had reached under the ring and grabbed a fourth ladder. Instead of throwing it in the ring, Riddle decided to hit Fatu with it and then wedge it in-between the ring and the ringside barricade. Riddle then tried sending Fatu through the ladder with a back body drop, but Fatu reversed it and Samoan Drop'd Riddle onto the ringside mat. Back on the inside, Nemeth was climbing up the ladder. As Nemeth reached the top, Ali raced his way up the other side. The two men began exchanging haymakers, with neither man gaining control. That was until Bryan Keith jumped on top of Ali's back to try to take him down. Before any of that could happen, Jacob Fatu rolled back in the ring and started shaking the ladder. Nemeth smartly jumped down, but Ali & Keith weren't so lucky as they both crashed to the outside!!! Fatu tried repositioning the ladder to climb it, but Nemeth snuck up from behind him and hit him with the Danger Zone! The match came to an end when Nemeth repositioned the ladder and started climbing it. Just as the Genie's Lamp was in his grasp, Alex Hammerstone started climbing the other side of the ladder and met him at the top. Both men exchanged clubbing blows, but Hammerstone was eventually able to land a stiff elbow smash that made Nemeth teeter off of the ladder. Sensing an opportunity, Hammerstone tried reaching for the lamp, but Nemeth managed to recover and poke Hammerstone in the eye! Hammerstone recoiled in pain, so Nemeth decided to finish the job and send Hammerstone flying off the ladder and crashing through the propped-up ladder at ringside!!! The crowd chanted "HOLY SH*T! HOLY SH*T!" as Nemeth cracked a wide grin, grabbed the Genie's Lamp, and unhooked it to get the win! "The Natural" Nic Nemeth is the first ever winner of the Genie's Lamp Ladder Match and now has three wishes to do whatever he wants!
WINNER: Nic Nemeth



With that brutal match done and over with, it's time for our main event of the evening, the huge NWA World Heavyweight Championship match between Matt Cardona & Drew Galloway. Before we can get to the match, we cut to a hype video showing how we got here. Last month at the Philly Special, Drew Galloway made his shocking debut. This came after weeks of mysterious messages directed towards the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Matt Cardona, all coming from Galloway. After hitting Cardona with his patented Claymore Kick, Galloway said that he was coming for Cardona's NWA World Heavyweight Championship, challenging him to a match for Hard Times. Cardona accepted the challenge, but has attacked Galloway with cheap beatdowns the last few weeks, seemingly trying to get any advantage going into their match tonight. Will Drew Galloway win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and put an end to Cardona's reign? Or will Matt Cardona's stay at the top of the National Wrestling Alliance continue? We're about to find out!



NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match:

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Matt Cardona (C) vs Drew Galloway
This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Galloway. Galloway charged at Cardona to kick things off, but Cardona was having none of it and stuck himself in-between the ropes to avoid the wrath of Galloway. Galloway relented, let he risk getting disqualified by referee Mike Chioda, which allowed Cardona to slap Galloway across the face! Galloway responded by grabbing Cardona by his throat and launching him across the ring with a big biel throw! Cardona rolled out of the ring, hoping to avoid any further damage from Galloway, but Galloway ran after him and took him out with a big lariat on the outside. Galloway yelled to the Dallas crowd "LET'S F*CKING GO!" which got a big pop, before throwing Cardona headfirst into the ringside barricade. Galloway then tried throwing Cardona into the ring steps, but the NWA World Heavyweight Champion reversed it and sent Galloway crashing shoulderfirst into the solid steel steps! Cardona then threw Galloway back in the ring and started working over Galloway's damaged shoulder by slamming it onto the mat a bunch of times. Cardona then continued his assault on Galloway's shoulder by running off the ropes and hitting it with a running knee drop! Galloway writhed in pain as Cardona tried locking in some sort of armbar. Cardona was never an MMA fighter, so the armbar failed and Galloway managed to strike Cardona with a discus lariat. Galloway, bum shoulder and all, managed to lift up Cardona and hit him with a powerslam. Galloway then threw Cardona into the corner and hit him with a few knife edge chops. As Cardona recoiled out of the corner, Galloway hit him with a Dusty Elbow Smash, which popped the crowd. Galloway followed that up by hitting Cardona with a swinging neckbreaker, but he landed awkwardly on his hurt shoulder on the follow-through. The match came to an end when Galloway tried hitting Cardona with the Claymore Kick, but Cardona managed to roll out of the way and hit Galloway with the Radio Silence!!! Cardona made the cover...





























































































































Drew Galloway kicked out of Matt Cardona's finisher! A frustrated Cardona argued with referee Mike Chioda, yelling to the NWA senior official "THAT WAS THREE DAMN IT!" As Cardona continued arguing with Chioda, Galloway managed to roll himself over the corner. Sensing opportunity, Cardona charged at him and tried hitting him with a running big boot. That failed though, as Galloway dodged it and Cardona got stuck in the corner! Cardona eventually managed to free himself, but as he walked out of the corner, Galloway charged at him and hit him with the Claymore Kick!!! The crowd exploded as Galloway made the cover...





















































































































































































































WINNER: Drew Galloway



Drew Galloway has vanquished Matt Cardona tonight at Hard Times! It took all of his strength and it may have cost him one of his shoulders, but Drew Galloway has won the ten pounds of gol-



























































































































































































































Nemeth (flanked by Salina de la Renta), with the Genie's Lamp in one hand and a microphone in the other, says that his first wish of the Genie's Lamp is for an NWA World Heavyweight Championship match... RIGHT NOW! Nemeth then threw down his microphone and rushed the ring, yelling at referee Mike Chioda to ring the bell. After Chioda checked on Galloway, who told him to "RING THE BLOODY BELL!" Chioda started this impromptu match...


NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match:

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Drew Galloway (C) vs Nic Nemeth w/Salina de la Renta
Nemeth immediately rushed Galloway, beating the living hell out of his injured shoulder. Nemeth then tried hitting Galloway with the Danger Zone, but Galloway blocked it and tried hitting Nemeth with a running powerslam. That failed though as Galloway's shoulder gave out! That allowed Nemeth to sneak up from behind Galloway and hit him with the Danger Zone!!! Nemeth made the cover...









































































































































































































































































As Salina de la Renta ripped the ten pounds of gold from Mike Chioda's hands and gave it to Nemeth, the crowd began booing like crazy. Trash started filling the ring as Nemeth stood tall over Galloway's corpse. Nemeth then wrapped up Hard Times by going to the top rope, holding the NWA World Heavyweight Championship high in the air, and yelling out "WELCOME TO THE NATURAL ERA!" Hard Times came to an end with Nemeth standing tall, trash being thrown from the crowd filing up the ring around him.
WINNER: Nic Nemeth



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Not posting anything this weekend because of Wrestlemania, but we'll be back with Heyman's Hustle detailing the fallout from Hard Times on Monday!


And let's just hope that Wrestlemania IRL goes better than it did in-game, because if it's anything like that, then yikes

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-So, what a Hard Times eh? When I promise a great show, you bet your ass that I'll deliver and if the online fans and the wrestlers backstage are anything to go by, I knocked this ball out of the damn park. Not to be too braggadocios though, because I'm just the guy putting the matches together. This show wouldn't have been possible without the amazing workers of the National Wrestling Alliance. They're not rejects from up north or from the indy scene, they are NWA WRESTLERS DAMN IT AND THEY ARE THE BEST IN THIS BUSINESS!


-Got a bit too carried away there, let's reel it back in and talk about Hard Times. First off, The Von Erichs. I'm a mark for The Von Erichs, that's for certain. Despite that, I feel like they've really been connecting with the crowd since they debuted and felt like MxM's reign has run its course. They're good, don't get me wrong, but they don't need to be champs to prove that they're good. Also, real good feel good moment with the crowd at the end there, probably one of the biggest pops in NWA history when the bell rang.


-The Global Invitational was a bit of a flop, I'll be the first to admit it. There was a bit of a language gap between the four men (outside of Maclin & Seven of course) and the crowd didn't really seem into it at first. They got the crowd back on their side near the end, but yeah, hopefully better things to come from Steve Maclin.


-I was put into a bit of a pickle with Giulia & Mercedes. At first I wanted Giulia to win, but Mercedes was having none of it, at least without being protected heavily. In the end, I had to improvise on the fly. Viper (fka Piper Niven in WWE) has been signed for a bit now and I didn't really plan to slot her in here, but I wanted to keep both Mercedes & Giulia looking strong, so a DQ outside interference win for Mercedes was the best option.


-The Genie's Lamp Ladder Match was really good. All six men went out there and left their bodies on the line, especially Hammerstone, who actually volunteered to be thrown off the ladder and through the other ladder. He's a crazy motherf*cker, that's for sure. Every man played their role perfectly, especially the winner, Nic Nemeth. That dude's a cool guy backstage, but damn he's one of the most hateable men in wrestling today, that's for certain.


-The NWA World Title match kind of surprised me to be honest. In a good way though. Drew & Cardona went out there and tore the house down, bringing the Dallas crowd to their feet on multiple occasions. Cardona was a bit miffed that he had to do the job, but if he had to lose to anyone, a big name like Drew Galloway was the one to do it. Speaking of that...


-The Genie's Lamp's 1st wish has been one of the most talked about events on all the internet wrestling blogs since it happened. I thought it was going to take a bit more convincing for Drew to accept winning the ten pounds of gold and then losing it 5 minutes later, but he seemed surprisingly okay with it. Either way, Nic Nemeth played his role perfectly, the crowd f*cking hated his guts for what he did. And you want to know the best part (as a booker at least)? He's still got two more wishes left. He's going to cause a lot more trouble, that's for sure. But hey, more on that next time...


(Next episode of Main Event will be up Wednesday. BTW, you're welcome Triple H for the whole Drew McIntyre/Galloway holding a top title for five minutes and then immediately losing it to a cash-in. I want my royalities damn it 🙃)

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NWA Main Event- May 16th, 2024
Attendance: 1,000 at Dusty Studios (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Commentary Team: Mauro Ranallo & Josh Barnett

Main Event this week kicks off with a recap video of what happened at Hard Times. We had some huge matches, including The Von Erichs winning the NWA Tag Team Titles in their ancestral home of Dallas and Mercedes Mone retaining the NWA World Women's Title by DQ after the debuting Viper attacked her at the behest of Giulia. However, the biggest events of the night took place in the penultimate and final matches of the night. That's when Nic Nemeth won the first ever Genie's Lamp Ladder Match after throwing Alex Hammerstone off the ladder and through another ladder propped up on the outside. Then, after Drew Galloway triumphantly defeated Matt Cardona to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, Nic Nemeth used his first of three wishes to get an NWA World Heavyweight Championship right then and there! Nemeth then easily defeated the injured Galloway and ended the night holding the NWA World Heavyweight Championship high in the air, while fans threw trash in the ring around him.


We then cut to the ring, which was decked out in decorations and a sign reading "THE NATURAL CHAMPIONSHIP CELEBRATION." There we saw Salina de la Renta, who was dressed in a fancy cocktail dress and had a microphone in her hands. As the crowd booed her, Salina told them to "Shut the hell up and rise to your feet for your new NWA World Heavyweight Champion, THE NATURAL NIC NEMETH!"



Nemeth, decked out in a suit and tie, came out to the ring with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship wrapped around his waist and the crowd booing the living hell out of him. As Nemeth entered the ring and took the microphone from Salina, he took a moment to soak in the jeers from the crowd. After a minute, Nemeth started to talk, saying that the Philadelphia crowd should be showing some damn respect to the new face of the National Wrestling Alliance, "The Natural" Nic Nemeth! Nemeth then began to recap what happened at Hard Times, gassing himself up a lot, saying that he was the only man in the Genie's Lamp Ladder Match that had the balls to do what he did to Drew Galloway after he won the NWA World Heavyweight Championship! Before Nemeth could continue...

























































































Matt Cardona interrupted!

Cardona, still sporting some battle scars from his match with Galloway at Hard Times, starts by asking Nemeth one simple question, "Bro, why the hell did you that?" Cardona says that he should still be NWA World Heavyweight Champion right now because referee Mike Chioda clearly slow-counted him after he hit Galloway with the Radio Silence. Cardona says that's besides the point though and says that Nemeth should really be thanking him right now, because if it wasn't for Cardona softening up Galloway, then that "Scottish S.O.B." would have destroyed Nemeth in his impromptu title match! Nemeth laughed and said that he was going to stop Cardona right there before he continues to embarass himself. Nemeth says that he's only been champ for *Nemeth checks his watch* four days and he's already brought more legitimacy to the NWA World Heavyweight Championship than Cardona ever did in his two months as champ! Nemeth then says that he also did something that Cardona knows deep in his heart that he'll never be able to do, beat Drew Galloway! That sent Cardona off and the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion jumped on Nemeth with a Thesz press and started unloading haymakers onto him. The beatdown continued until Salina de la Renta grabbed Nemeth's Genie's Lamp and started hitting Cardona with it. It didn't do much damage, but it allowed Nemeth and Salina to escape the ring. Nemeth & Cardona exchanged a tense staredown as we went to a commercial break.



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Giulia & Viper vs Santana Garrett & Kenzie Paige
Viper made her NWA debut at Hard Times, attacking Mercedes Mone during her NWA World Women's Championship match with Giulia. Viper, who apparently attacked the champ at the behest of Giulia, beat the living hell out of her, all the while Giulia cackled in the corner. Now she makes her in-ring debut teaming with her master? boss? We still don't know. This match was a decent match and the crowd was solidly behind Santana & Kenzie. Santana tried charging at Viper to kick things off, but Viper stopped her in her tracks and hit her with a big lariat. Viper then threw Santana into the corner and charged at her, hitting Santana with a running body splash! Viper then launched Santana across the ring with a military press throw before Giulia gave her the command to tag in. Viper obliged and Giulia hit Santana with a running spinning heel kick. Giulia then locked Santana in an Indian Deathlock, but Santana managed to wiggle out of it. As Giulia tried charging at Santana, the veteran ducked it and hit Giulia with a discus lariat. Santana then tagged out to Kenzie, who started unloading a barrage of strikes onto Giulia. Kenzie then scooped up Giulia and hit her with a spinning back suplex. The match came to an end when Kenzie tried finishing off Giulia with the Code Kenzie (Code Red), but Giulia blocked it and dropped Kenzie on her head with a scoop brainbuster! Giulia then locked Kenzie in the End of Eternity! Santana tried breaking it up, but she was taken out by Viper, who hit her with a huge POUNCE!!!!!! Eventually Kenzie had no choice but to tap out, giving the dominant win to Viper & Giulia.
WINNERS: Giulia & Viper



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After that dominant win, we cut backstage, where EJ Nduka was beating the living hell out of BOOGZ & WARHORSE! As "The Judge" threw the HEAVY METAL MAYHEM duo into a variety of crates and other backstage objects, security began rushing the area to break everything up. Nduka eventually relented, telling BOOGZ & WARHORSE that if he sees them again, then there will be hell to pay! As BOOGZ & WARHORSE sat on the ground in pain, BOOGZ told WARHORSE that something needed to be done...

BOOGZ: "Dude, we gotta do something about this EJ Nduka guy."


BOOGZ: "Wait, don't tell me you're thinking of-"


BOOGZ & WARHORSE (at the same time): "THE DOZER!"


BOOGZ: "Good! maybe then we can stop dealing with this behemoth and start doing what we're the best at doing."


BOOGZ: "You know it WARHORSE!"

The two then shared an air guitar session before we cut back to the ring.




NWA World Television Championship Match:

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Bryan Keith (C) vs Chris Hero
Keith is still a bit banged up following his performance in the Genie's Lamp Ladder Match at Hard Times, sporting some kinesiology tape across his back. Nevertheless, he's making his fourth defense of the NWA World Television Championship tonight against the veteran Chris Hero! This match was a decent match and the crowd was solidly behind Hero. Keith & Hero locked up in a collar and elbow tie-up to kick things off, with the veteran Hero getting the better of the champ after hitting Keith with a headlock takedown. While on the ground, Hero got in a few good punches on Keith before bringing him back up, still in the headlock, and running with him to hit a bulldog. Hero then tried hitting the champ with a running powerslam, but Keith wiggled out of it and hit Hero with a swinging neckbreaker. Keith then threw Hero off the ropes, ducked a lariat, and hit the veteran with a big back body drop. Keith then signalled for the Thrill of the Hunt, but Hero wiggled out of it and hit Keith with a German suplex. Hero quickly followed that up with a couple of snap suplexes before running off the ropes and hitting Keith with a running senton. Hero then tried for the pin, but Keith kicked out at two. Hero, in a bit of a desperate attempt to win in all honesty, then went to the top rope and tried a frog splash. That surprisingly connected and Hero went for the cover again, only getting another two count. The match came to an end when Hero tried hitting Keith with the Rolling Elbow, but Keith ducked it and caught Hero flush with an enzuigiri! Keith then scooped up Hero and hit him with The Thrill of the Hunt! Keith made the cover and got the three to get his fourth of seven NWA World Television Title defenses in the Lucky Seven Series.
WINNER: Bryan Keith



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The match might have been over, but Bryan Keith certainly wasn't done with Chris Hero. The NWA World Television Champion kept the beating going after the match, yelling at Hero "YOU SHOULD HAVE STAYED DOWN BOY, NOW I GOTTA PUT YA OUT TO PASTURE!" Keith then rolled out of the ring and reached under the ring apron to discover a leather strap! Keith rolled back in the ring, but before he could hit Hero with it...





























































































Mustafa Ali ran down to the ring!

Ali immediately hits Keith with a bevy of quick kicks, wrapping things up by hitting Keith with a Codebreaker! Keith recoils out of the ring, leaving both the strap and the NWA World Television Championship behind. Ali threw the strap back at Keith, who dodged it, before grabbing the NWA World Television Championship and holding it high in the air. The two men shared a staredown as we went to our final commercial break.



We're back from our commercial break and we're in a dark room, only illuminated by a single light bulb. After a second, we see Matt Riddle enter the room! Riddle, sporting some stitches from a ladder attack at Hard Times, sits down and begins to talk about what's been going on since he joined the National Wrestling Alliance. Riddle first recaps his unsuccessful attempt at winning the NWA World Heavyweight Championship before moving on to the biggest pains in his ass, The Samoan Dynasty. Riddle says that he's taken those "Samoan clowns" to hell and back and they're still standing, somehow. Riddle says that ends now though, because he's going to DESTROY the Samoan Dynasty once and for all...

Matt Riddle: "Jacob Fatu! I've dealt with annoying Samoans in the past, but you guys easily take the cake for being the biggest pains in my ass. So, I figure I'd start myself a little "Samoan hunting trip," starting with your two cousins. I'm not going to tell you when or where it'll happen, why would I ruin the surprise? But just know this Jacob, once I'm done with Lance & Zilla, your days are numbered bro!"



Non-Title Match:

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Nic Nemeth w/Salina de la Renta vs Matt Cardona
Earlier tonight, Matt Cardona crashed Nic Nemeth's NWA World Heavyweight Championship celebration. The two argued over Nemeth using one of his wishes he won from the Genie's Lamp Ladder Match to get an NWA World Title match with Drew Galloway, who had just defeated Matt Cardona to win the title, at Hard Times. A brawl broke out, as is tradition, and this match was made. This match was a decent match and the crowd was surprisingly behind Matt Cardona. Cardona immediately put the boots to Nemeth to kick things off, taking him off his feet with a Thesz press and quickly following it up with a bevy of quick punches. Cardona then threw Nemeth into the corner and hit him with a rapid-fire barrage of knife edge chops, only stopping when referee Mike Chioda threatened to disqualify him. Cardona then tried hitting Nemeth with a northern lights suplex, but Nemeth busted out of it and hit Cardona with a snap suplex. Nemeth then started putting the boots to Cardona, finishing his rapid-fire barrage of kicks with a running knee drop to Cardona's head. Nemeth then threw Cardona off the ropes and hit him with a beautiful-looking dropkick. Nemeth then went to the top rope and hit Nemeth with a diving elbow drop, but Cardona kicked out at two on the ensuing pinfall attempt. Nemeth then started taunting Cardona, telling him that "YOU DON'T HAVE THE STONES TO BEAT GALLOWAY, THAT'S WHY I'M THE CHAMP!" before delivering a stiff kick to Cardona's back. Nemeth then got back in Cardona's face, telling him "YOU ARE NOTHING TO ME! YOU ARE NOTHING TO THE NATUR-" Before Nemeth could continue, Cardona caught him in a small package! That only got a two count though, but Cardona kept the offense piling on with a discus elbow smash! The match came to an end when Cardona set up Nemeth for the Radio Silence, but before he could hit it, Salina de la Renta grabbed his leg! That allowed Nemeth to spin Cardona around and hit him with a big superkick! Nemeth then signaled for the Danger Zone, but before he could hit it...














































































































Drew Galloway ran in from the crowd and attacked Nemeth!

Referee Mike Chioda called for the bell, but Galloway didn't care as he started beating the living hell out of the NWA World Heavyweight Champion! After a few seconds of rapid-fire punches, Galloway scooped Nemeth up and hit him with the Future Shock DDT! Galloway then went to the corner and tried hitting the Claymore Kick, but he was blindsided by Matt Cardona, who hit him with a big lariat to send him crashing out of the ring! Nemeth, sensing his moment to flee, also rolled out of the ring, with Salina de la Renta close behind with the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Main Event came to a close as Nemeth, Galloway, & Cardona all shared a tense staredown.
WINNER: Nic Nemeth (by DQ)



TV Rating: 0.11 (85,338 Viewers on Fox Sports 2)

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NWA Main Event- May 23rd, 2024
Attendance: 1,000 at Dusty Studios (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Commentary Team: Mauro Ranallo & Josh Barnett

It's time for another exciting edition of NWA Main Event, live from the Dusty Studios in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! Mauro Ranallo & Josh Barnett welcome everyone to the show before throwing it to the ring, because we're getting right into the action tonight...


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Matt Riddle vs Zilla Fatu w/Lance Anoa'i
Last week, Riddle launched his crusade against The Samoan Dynasty, having had enough of Jacob Fatu constantly messing with his career. He's starting that crusade tonight with the so-called "Big Game Hunter" of the Samoan Dynasty, Zilla Fatu. This match was a decent match and the crowd was solidly behind Riddle. Riddle didn't even wait for the bell to ring to go after Zilla, as he hit him with a suicide dive as he was making his entrance! Riddle then threw Zilla into the ring steps before throwing him back in the ring. As referee Justin King checked on Zilla, Lance Anoa'i took this opportunity to crack Riddle with a stiff forearm smash! Anoa'i then threw Riddle back in the ring and the bell rang as Zilla started putting the boots to Riddle. Zilla threw Riddle off the ropes and hit him with a huge back body drop before running off the ropes and hitting Riddle with a running knee drop. Zilla then started working over Riddle's head with a long headlock. Zilla tried to transition that headlock into a running bulldog, but Riddle stopped him and hit him with a spinning back suplex! Riddle got on top of Zilla and started unloading hammer fists onto him, only stopping when referee Justin King wanted to check to see if he was still able to compete. Zilla gave the ok and Riddle was right back on the offense, hitting Zilla with a release German suplex that sent him flying across the ring. Riddle then went to the top rope to attempt a moonsault, but Lance jumped up on the apron to distract him. That worked as Zilla recovered, raced to the top rope, and hit Riddle with a superplex! The match came to an end when Zilla tried hitting Riddle with the Samoan Spike, but Riddle ducked it and locked Zilla in the Rear Naked Choke! Riddle locked the hold in tight and immediately went to the ground with Zilla, who eventually had no choice but to tap out! That didn't stop Riddle though, as he kept the choke locked in until Lance Anoa'i hit the ring to break things up. Riddle didn't care though, as he hit Lance with a high knee, leaving both of Jacob Fatu's cronies down and out! Riddle then confidently made his way to the back as "BRO! BRO! BRO!" chants filled Dusty Studios.
WINNER: Matt Riddle




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After that brutal match, we cut to the backstage area, where EJ Nduka was once again beating up the HEAVY METAL MAYHEM duo of BOOGZ & WARHORSE. As Nduka threw BOOGZ into some crates and then threw WARHORSE up against a wall, he yelled out to the duo "YOU CAN'T STOP ME, YOU CAN'T STOP THE JUDGE!" Suddenly, the lights in the backstage area started flashing and a siren started blaring. WARHORSE yelled out "IT'S THE DOZER, HE'S HERE!" The camera then panned to reveal...











































































A very familiar face, it's The Dozer!

The Dozer let out an "OH YEAH!" before he started brawling with EJ Nduka! The Dozer got in a few good strikes initially, leading to Nduka becoming a bit wobbly, but "The Judge" was soon able to regain control with a few clubbing blows to the back. That all changed though when WARHORSE & BOOGZ started joining in, helping The Dozer attack Nduka! Eventually, Nduka realized he was at a numbers disadvantage and fled the scene. HEAVY METAL MAYHEM & The Dozer celebrated their backstage win, though WARHORSE still yelled out "WE'RE NOT DONE WITH YOU EJ, NOT UNTIL YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID!" which earned an "OH YEAH!" from The Dozer and a sick guitar riff from BOOGZ.




After that fever dream of a segment, we cut to a pre-recorded video. In the video, we see Giulia & Viper's dominant tag team debut last week when they destroyed Santana Garrett & Kenzie Paige. We then cut to a smoke-filled room, where Viper is standing menacingly while Giulia laughs. Giulia then begins to talk in Japanese, with English subtitles giving us the gist of what she said. Giulia said that she brought Viper into the National Wrestling Alliance because she knew Mercedes Mone was going to try to weasel out of losing the NWA World Women's Championship to her. Delusional ramblings aside, Giulia said that she hoped Viper's little in-match and post-match beatdown of Mercedes at Hard Times taught her lesson, it's that the end of Mone's eternity as NWA World Women's Champion is coming soon and Giulia will be the reason why it happens! Giulia then finishes by saying that she wants to see Mercedes Mone next week, if she can even walk after the beatdown Viper gave to her at Hard Times!



Non-Title Match:

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The Von Erichs vs Grizzled Young Veterans
Ross & Marshall Von Erich reached the metaphorical top of the NWA tag team mountain at Hard Times when they defeated MxM to win the NWA World Tag Team Titles in their ancestral home of Dallas. Their first hurdle as champions? The dangerous British duo of Zack Gibson & James Drake, Grizzled Young Veterans! This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind The Von Erichs. Marshall Von Erich & James Drake started things off with Marshall offering a handshake as a sign of respect. Drake responded by flipping Marshall off! The hotheaded Marshall responded by unloading a barrage of punches onto Drake, not stopping even when Drake grabbed the ropes to force a break. Referee Brian Gorie threatened to disqualify Marshall, who eventually relented. However, that allowed Drake to hit Marshall with a stiff enzuigiri and tag out to Zack Gibson. Gibson & Drake hit Marshall with a powerbomb/neckbreaker combo, but Marshall managed to kick out at two on the ensuing pinfall attempt. Gibson then started working over Marshall's knee by locking in a kneebar. Marshall was eventually able to escape it, but not before Gibson got some serious damage done to his right knee. Gibson then tried hitting a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on Marshall, but Marshall managed to reverse it into a brainbuster! Marshall then tagged out to Ross, who hit Gibson with three consecutive lariats before finishing off with a big spinebuster. The match came to an end when Ross tried locking in the Iron Claw, but Gibson dodged it and hit Ross with an exploder suplex. Gibson then tried grabbing Ross for a belly to belly suplex, but Ross reversed it and locked in the Iron Claw! James Drake tried breaking it up, but Marshall took him out with a running shotgun dropkick! Ross kept the Iron Claw locked in and after a bit, Zack Gibson had no choice but to tap out!
WINNERS: The Von Erichs




Afterwards, The Von Erichs celebrated their victory until we saw a familiar face rear his ugly head on the video screen above the entrance ramp...































It's Dan Lambert!

As Lambert gets booed by the Philadelphia crowd, he says he sadly couldn't make it to the show tonight, as he's at the Violence is Forever Dojo in Las Vegas and he wouldn't be caught dead around the low-lifes in Philadelphia. Lambert says that he has been watching The Von Erichs compete since they defeated his boys last month and he's been very impressed. Lambert sarcastically says that it must have taken a lot of effort to defeat a couple of wannabe male models on your home turf, really overcoming the odds with that one. Lambert then reveals something else...

Dan Lambert: "But hey, don't take it from me, take it from these two guys who have also been watching you two over the last month. They should be arriving *glances at watch* right about now!"
































































































Violence is Forever hit the ring!

Kevin Ku & Dominic Garrini started beating the holy hell out of the already damaged Ross & Marshall Von Erich. VIF's bevy of kicks and strikes quickly overpowered the NWA World Tag Team Champions, especially Marshall, who crumpled to the floor. That allowed Ku & Garrini to scoop up Ross and hit him with the Chasing the Dragon! Ku & Garrini then held the NWA World Tag Team Titles high in the air as we went to a commercial break.



We're back from commercials and we're in a dark room. Why? Because that's where Drew Galloway is located. Galloway says that he's been doing a lot of thinking over the last few weeks, but it's all led him back to the same thought that's been racing through his head since Hard Times, Nic Nemeth must pay for what he did. Drew says that last week was just the beginning of what's in store for Nic Nemeth for what he did at Hard Times, because "stealing" the NWA World Heavyweight Championship from under his nose is not something he'll get away with easily! Galloway then kind of brushes off his opponent for tonight, Matt Cardona, saying that he's beaten him once before and he'll beat him again tonight. Galloway then leaves us and Nic Nemeth with one last warning...

Drew Galloway: "Nic I know you've got two of your stupid wishes left, so I'll leave you with this. I'm pretty sure a dead man can't wish for anything!"




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Drew Galloway vs Matt Cardona
This is a rematch of the main event of Hard Times a few weeks ago. Drew Galloway won the NWA World Heavyweight Championship from Matt Cardona that night, but he only held the ten pounds of gold for less than 5 minutes as Nic Nemeth used one of his three wishes he won from the Genie's Lamp Ladder Match to get & later win an NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match. Now both men are out for revenge on Nemeth, so who'll be able to get their hands on him first? This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Galloway. Cardona started things off hot by charging at Galloway with a Thesz press. From there, Cardona started unloading a barrage of punches onto the man who took the NWA World Heavyweight Championship from him. Galloway was able to stop him though after hitting him with a stiff headbutt. Cardona recoiled in pain, which allowed Galloway to hit him with a running swinging neckbreaker. Galloway then threw Cardona into the corner and hit him with a knife edge chop. Before Galloway could do anything else...




























































Nic Nemeth appeared at the top of the ramp!

The crowd started booing as Nemeth grabbed a chair and took a seat at the top of the ramp, eager to watch his two biggest challengers beat the hell out of each other. He got his wish to see that when Cardona took advantage of the distracted Galloway and hit him with a dropkick that sent the Scottsman crashing out of the ring. As Galloway recovered on the outside, Cardona went to the top rope and hit Galloway with a diving crossbody! Cardona then threw Galloway back in the ring before jawing with Nemeth a bit. Back in the ring, Cardona tried setting Galloway up for the Radio Silence, but Galloway caught him and reversed it into a huge sitout powerbomb! Galloway then yelled out to Nemeth "HE'S DONE, YOU'RE NEXT!" before hitting Cardona with the Future Shock DDT! Galloway then made the cover, but Cardona kicked out at two! The match came to an end when a frustrated Galloway went into the corner and tried hitting Cardona with the Claymore Kick. That failed though, as Cardona hit him with the Radio Silence as Galloway was charging at him!!! That may have been the last gasp of Cardona's energy though, as both men were layed out following that attack. As the crowd chanted "THIS IS AWESOME!" Nic Nemeth got up from his chair and started making his way down to the ring. Nemeth then rolled down to the ring with the chair and started beating the living hell out of both men with it! Referee Mike CHioda immediately called for the bell, but Nic Nemeth wasn't done. Nemeth continued his assault with the chair, getting in Cardona's face and telling him "YOUR TIME IS UP KID, IT'S THE NATURAL'S TIME NOW!" and hitting him with the Danger Zone! Nemeth then got in Galloway's face and told him "YOU WILL NEVER BEAT ME DREW, NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCES!" before hitting him with the Danger Zone! Nemeth then took the NWA World Heavyweight Championship off from his waist and held it high in the air over Cardona & Galloway's corpses as Main Event came to a close.



TV Rating: 0.13 (99,250 Viewers on Fox Sports 2)

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NWA Main Event- May 30th, 2024
Attendance: 1,000 at Dusty Studios (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Commentary Team: Mauro Ranallo & Josh Barnett

It's time for this week's edition of NWA Main Event! The final Main Event of May kicks off with Mauro Ranallo & Josh Barnett running down the card for tonight, with Barnett seeming a bit more down in the dumps than normal for some reason. That aside, we have a great night of action ahead, starting with our opening contest...


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Matt Riddle vs Lance Anoa'i
Riddle's one-man crusade against The Samoan Dynasty started last week when he beat Zilla Fatu, despite some help from his opponent tonight Lance Anoa'i. Riddle was able to choke Zilla out with the Rear Naked Choke and as a result of his injuries sustained in that match, Zilla is not here tonight, meaning Lance will have to go it alone against the "King of Bros." This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Riddle. Riddle started this one off much the same way he started off his match with Zilla, crashing Lance's entrance with a big suicide dive! Riddle then threw Lance into the ring steps before throwing him in the ring to officially start the match. Riddle then started putting the boots to Lance before running off the ropes and hitting the Samoan with a huge penalty kick to the chest! Riddle then made the cover, but Lance kicked out at two. Riddle then tried finishing things off early by locking in the Rear Naked Choke, but Lance elbowed his way out of it and hit Riddle with a spinebuster. Lance then scooped up Riddle and hit him with a death valley driver, but that only got a two count on the ensuing pinfall attempt. Lance then tried hitting a Samoan drop, but Riddle wiggled out of it and locked in the Rear Naked Choke! Lance eventually had no choice but to tap out! What a dominant win for Riddle! After the match, Riddle grabbed a microphone and yelled out "HEY JACOB! THAT'S TWO DOWN, ONE TO GO, YOU'RE NEXT BRO!"
WINNER: Matt Riddle





As Riddle celebrated his win, something weird started happening at the commentary table. That's because color commentator Josh Barnett suddenly got up, walked to the ring, and grabbed a microphone. As Mauro Ranallo was confused back at the commentary table, Josh Barnett introduced himself to the crowd. Barnett says that the crowd and the people watching at home know him as the biggest analyst in professional wrestling today, but there's a side to him that they've never seen. Barnett then throws to a pre-recorded video of him in his younger years wrestling in Japan. While there, Barnett challenged from the top prize in Japanese wrestling, the IWGP Heavyweight Championship, and even beat people like Bobby Lashley. We then cut to the present day, where we see Barnett destroying dudes in his Bloodsport events, showing that the "Warmaster" is still a forced to be reckoned with.

We cut back to the ring, where Barnett is soaking in a "WAR-MASTER! WAR-MASTER!" chant from the Philly crowd. Barnett thanks the fans before saying that he's done a lot in the ring and it's certainly taken its toll on him. Barnett says that's why he's officially retiring from in-ring action next month. The crowd lets out a disappoined sigh, but Barnett says that he's not going out quietly though, because he wants one more match!

Josh Barnett: "That's right, one last ride for "The Warmaster!" At Into the Fire on June 16th, I am challenging anyone backstage to one last match! And be sure to bring your best shot, because I sure as hell am not going down without a fight!"





After that shocking announcement, we cut to the backstage area, where MxM & Breeze are located. With MxM hitting an anime pose behind him, Breeze starts talking about what happened at Hard Times. Breeze says that MxM were cheated out of their titles because they had to be surrounded by a bunch of Texas hicks! That clearly threw Mason Madden & Mansoor off their game and caused them to lose their NWA Tag Team Championships. Before Breeze could demand a title rematch at an "uggo-free location," the lights started flickering in the room! Soon after smoke started filling the room as well. Mansoor yelled out "CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT" before the lights stopped flickering and turned a demonic red. Mansoor then yelled out "SCREW THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, CALL A DAMN EXORCIST!" before high-tailing it out of the room. As Madden & Breeze stood behind, trying to figure out what was going on, the TV screen behind both men turned on to reveal something strange...





































































































The TV screen then turned off and things went back to normal, leaving Madden, Breeze, & the audience thoroughly confused as we went to a commercial break.




Non-Title Match:

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Mercedes Mone vs Viper
Giulia & her accomplice, the big bad Viper, have been tormenting the NWA World Women's Champion Mercedes Mone for weeks now, with Giulia most recently calling out Mone to meet her in the ring tonight to begin the end of Mone's eternity. Well, Giulia's nowhere to be seen, but Mone gets to get her hands on her heavy Viper instead. This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Mercedes. Mercedes started things off by charging at Viper and hitting her with a bevy of strikes. That had no effect on Viper though, as the Scottish behemoth grabbed Mercedes and launched her across the ring with a biel throw. Viper then threw Mercedes into the corner and charged at her with a huge body splash. Viper made the cover, but the champ kicked out at two. Viper then hit Mercedes with a running powerslam before running off the ropes to attempt a big senton. That failed though, as Mercedes rolled out of the way at the last second. As Viper sprung back to her feet in pain, Mercedes hit her with an enzuigiri that sent her crashing into the corner. Mercedes then charged from the opposite corner and hit Viper with a running high knee! Mercedes then grabbed Viper's head and tried hitting her with a running bulldog, but Viper stopped her and hit her with a spinning back suplex. The match came to an end when Viper got in Mone's face and yelled "END OF ETERNITY" before running off the ropes and trying a huge diving splash. Mercedes rolled out of the way at the last second though and managed to catch Viper in a roll-up, which got the three!
WINNER: Mercedes Mone




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After the match was over, Mercedes Mone couldn't celebrate her victory for long, as Viper recovered and clobbered Mercedes with a lariat. Viper then crushed Mercedes with a running powerslam before running off the ropes and squashing her with a big body splash. As Mercedes ached in pain on the ground, Viper fell to a knee and put her hand high in the air. After a brief pause...




























































Giulia made her way down to the ring!

Viper bowed to Giulia before she picked Mercedes up and held her in place for Giulia to hit the champ with a roundhouse kick! That might have knocked the champ out cold! As Mercedes laid on the mat, Giulia grabbed both a microphone and the NWA World Women's Championship and told Mercedes one simple message...


Giulia then threw the championship belt onto Mone's corpse and posed over her as we went to a commercial break.





We're back on NWA Main Event are we're in the Harley Position, where Mustafa Ali is getting ready for his upcoming main event match with the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Nic Nemeth. Ali says that he's focused on Nemeth tonight, but he's not going to let Bryan Keith get away with what he did to Chris Hero a few weeks ago. Ali says that Hero has been a mentor to him, so when he saw Bryan Keith try to whip him after beating him, he had to do something. That's why he ran down to the ring and attacked Keith, to save Chris Hero. Ali says that he only had that in mind when he ran down to the ring, but NWA President Paul Heyman had another idea...

Mustafa Ali: "You see Bryan, Paul Heyman came up to me after that happened and said that it took a lot of balls to brawl with a reigning champion and come out on top. As such, he gave me an NWA World Television Championship match next week against you!

*Ali's music hits*

But hey, that's next week, now watch me beat another champ, call it a preview of what's to come!"




Non-Title Match:

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Nic Nemeth w/Salina de la Renta vs Mustafa Ali
Nemeth is riding a big wave of momentum after taking out the two men who have been gunning for his NWA World Heavyweight Championship, Drew Galloway & Matt Cardona, last week. After the beatdown, Nemeth said that he's moved on from both men, saying that neither of them deserve a shot at his title. This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Ali. Fun fact, this is third match in NWA history between these two, with Ali getting one win and Nemeth getting the other. In his quest to win the rubber match, Nemeth started things off by hitting Ali with a surprise superkick! Nemeth made the quick cover, but Ali kicked out at one. Nemeth then tried hitting Ali with the Danger Zone to continue this early barrage of offense, but Ali was able to grab the ropes and hit Nemeth with a superkick of his own. Ali then jumped off the middle rope and hit Nemeth with a springboard back elbow smash, quickly following that up with a standing moonsault. Ali then made the cover, but Nemeth kicked out at two. Ali then threw Nemeth off the ropes, ducked a lariat, and hit Nemeth with a beautiful-looking dropkick. Ali would then throw Nemeth into the corner and try a running big boot, but Nemeth rolled out of the way at the last second. As Ali tried to free himself from the corner, Nemeth snuck up from behind him and launched him across the ring with a German suplex. As Ali got on his hands and knees to recover, Nemeth charged at him and kicked him square in the stomach. Nemeth then tried the Danger Zone, but Ali dodged it and caught Nemeth with a stiff enzuigiri. The match came to an end when Ali went to the top rope and attempted the Falcon Flash, but before he could hit it...

























































































The NWA World Television Champion Bryan Keith rushed the ring!

Ali immediately got off the top rope and clocked Keith with a superkick! However, all this action with Bryan Keith allowed Nic Nemeth to sneak up from behind him and hit him with the Danger Zone! Nemeth then made the cover and got the three.
WINNER: Nic Nemeth




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Afterwards, Nic Nemeth celebrated his victory with Salina de la Renta in tow. After a bit of celebrating, Nemeth grabbed a microphone and began to run down Drew Galloway & Matt Cardona. Nemeth says that if the "stupid fans" in attendance and at home learned anything last week, it's that neither Drew or Matt are ready for their NWA World Heavyweight Championship rematches! Nemeth says that he knows that, the fans know that, the commentary team knows it, and deep down, both Drew & Matt know it too. Because we are in "The Natural Era" now and nobody can stop-






































































It's NWA President Paul Heyman!

Heyman introduces himself, as customary, before Nemeth interrupts him and asks him what the hell he's doing out here. Heyman reminds Nemeth that he is his boss, which means he can interrupt him whenever the hell he wants, which got a big pop from the crowd. Heyman says that he's been busy tonight dealing with the two men that Nemeth brought up, Drew Galloway & Matt Cardona. Specifically, both men are demanding their NWA World Heavyweight Championship rematches against Nemeth for Into the Fire on June 16th. Nemeth interrupts, telling Heyman to get to the point. Heyman cracks a smile and then tells Nemeth his solution to both men demanding a match...

Paul Heyman: "Nic! You acting like an entitled diva gave me a great solution! You see, both Drew Galloway & Matt Cardona made convincing arguments as to why they should get their respective rematches first, but you're out here just yapping to an audience that clearly doesn't want to hear any more bullsh*t coming out of your mouth. So, at Into The Fire on June 16th, Nic Nemeth you will be defending the NWA World Heavyweight Championship against Matt Cardona... AND DREW GALLOWAY IN A TRIPLE THREAT MATCH!"

Heyman then threw the microphone in the same way a baseball player throws his bat after hitting a home run as the crowd chanted "NIC IS SCREWED! NIC IS SCREWED!" Main Event came to an end as Heyman grinned like a madman at the top of the ramp and Nemeth acted enraged in the ring, kicking the ropes and yelling at Heyman.




TV Rating: 0.14 (110,193 Viewers on Fox Sports 2)

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NWA Main Event- June 6th, 2024
Attendance: 1,000 at Dusty Studios (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Commentary Team: Mauro Ranallo & Josh Barnett



We welcome you to another big episode of NWA Main Event live on Fox Sports 2! The Philadelphia crowd is rowdy for tonight and why wouldn't they? We've got a big show ahead, highlighted by our big main event, the NWA World Television Championship match between the champ Bryan Keith and Mustafa Ali! Before we can get to any of that though, Drew Galloway makes his way down to the ring with a microphone. As the crowd chanted "DREW! DREW! DREW!" Galloway welcomes everyone to the show before getting down to business. Drew says that he sadly couldn't be here last week, but he did receive the news that he was waiting a long time for, he's getting his NWA World Heavyweight Title rematch against Nic Nemeth at Into The Fire! Drew says that clown Matt Cardona's also going to be in it, but that doesn't matter, because Galloway's going to repeat what happened at Hard Times by beating Matt Cardona and then get his hands on that coward Nic Nemeth and destroy him to win back the NWA World Heavyweight Championship! The crowd popped, but before Galloway could continue, Nic Nemeth's music hit! However...














































It wasn't Nic Nemeth coming out, it was his manager Salina de la Renta!

Salina saunters out to the entrance ramp, clad in a black-leather outfit (maybe designed to distract Galloway?) and with a microphone in hand. Salina laughs at Drew and says that it's funny that Drew thinks he really stands a chance at winning back the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Salina says that as long as Nic Nemeth holds the ten pounds of gold, NOBODY is taking the title from him, let alone some oaf from the dirtiest part of Britain. Galloway brushes off the cheap insults and says that he's had enough of dealing with Nic Nemeth's "tramp" and wants to give the fans a preview of Into The Fire by getting his hands on Nic Nemeth tonight! The crowd popped, but Salina laughed again, saying that Nemeth isn't here tonight. She says that Nemeth is doing something better than appearing in front of these slobs in Philadelphia, he's hosting a gala for only the finest people in the world in the heart of New York City! Before Galloway can respond...

























































Matt Cardona emerges from the back!

Cardona says that he doesn't care what Drew wants to do to Nic Nemeth or what Salina de la Renta wants to do with Nic Nemeth, he just wants to beat the living hell out of Nic Nemeth! Galloway interrupts and says that he's come up with a way for both of them to get what they want. Galloway says that he & Cardona should put aside their differences for one night only and track down this "gala" and crash it so they can beat the living hell out of Nic Nemeth! The crowd popped as Salina started screaming "NO! YOU WILL NOT RUIN THE NATURAL'S NIGHT!" After a pregnant pause, Cardona shrugged and agreed to Galloway's proposition, saying that he'd meet him in the parking lot. As Cardona & Galloway made their way to the parking lot, Salina pulled out her phone and called Nic Nemeth, telling him that "Those two wannabes are coming after you, BE READY!" A worried Salina looked on as Drew Galloway's music played and we went to a commercial break.




Number One Contender's Match:

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MxM w/Breeze vs Violence is Forever w/Dan Lambert
Dominic Garrini & Kevin Ku, Violence is Forever, made their intentions very clear a few weeks ago when they attacked the new NWA World Tag Team Champions/their old rivals The Von Erichs. They want a title match at Into The Fire, but so do the former champs MxM, Mansoor & Mason Madden. As such, both teams will compete tonight to determine The Von Erichs's next challengers! This match was a decent match and the crowd was surprisingly solidly behind MxM. Mansoor & Madden tried to play some mind games to kick things off, with both men sprawling out on top of the turnbuckles and ropes and telling VIF to "Shoo." Ku & Garrini responded by charging at both men and kicking them in the back! Madden rolled to the outside, with Ku right behind him, leaving Garrini & Mansoor to start things off. Garrini launched Mansoor across the ring with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, which caused Mansoor to roll out of the ring and yell "TIMEOUT! TIMEOUT!" Garrini didn't care though, as he grabbed Mansoor and threw him headfirst into the ring post. As Mansoor sold his damage to the ref, yelling out "THAT MAN IS EVIL DAMN IT!" Breeze grabbed his selfie stick and clocked it over the head of Garrini! Mansoor, suddenly spry as a daisy, then threw Garrini back in the ring, hopped up on the apron, and waited for Garrini to get back to his feet. Mansoor yelled out "BACK-SHOT LARIAT BABY!" Before hitting the damn Backshot Lariat (Front-Flip into a Lariat to the back of the head). The crowd popped, but Garrini kicked out at two on the ensuing pinfall attempt. Mansoor then went to the apron and attempted another Backshot Lariat, but Garrini ducked it and clobbered Mansoor with a lariat. The match came to an end when Garrini tagged out to Ku and Mansoor tagged out to Madden. Ku charged at Madden with a jumping kick, but Madden caught him and slammed him to the mat with a chokeslam! Madden tried going for the cover, but before he could get it, a mysterious, evil laugh played throughout the arena. The fans popped as a mysterious face emerged on the video screen above the entrance ramp...


































































Whatever the hell that was, it allowed Ku to sneak up from behind Madden and roll him up for the three! Violence is Forever are going to face The Von Erichs at Into The Fire for the NWA Tag Team Titles thanks to this mysterious man!
WINNERS: Violence is Forever




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Afer the match came to an end, MxM looked distraught on the outside (with Mansoor especially traumatized by the scary sights) while Dan Lambert & VIF celebrated in the ring. As Lambert told the camera that "VIOLENCE IS FOREVER WILL BE CHAMPS FOREVER!" Ku & Garrini were ambushed by a pair of masked men! The masks quickly came off to reveal...




























































Ross & Marshall Von Erich!

The NWA Tag Team Champions quickly began brawling with their Into The Fire challengers, with neither team gaining an advantage. After a few minutes of back-and-forth brawling, security rushed the ring to separate the two teams. We went to a commercial break as Dan Lambert jawed with The Von Erichs, with Lambert safely behind approximately four rows of security.




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Giulia w/Viper vs Kenzie Paige
Last week, Giulia laid out the challenge to Mercedes Mone for a match at Into The Fire for Mone's NWA World Women's Championship, only after Giulia & Viper beat the living hell out of Mercedes though. Mercedes has been dead silent on social media, so we still don't know if she's accepted the challenge yet. Nevertheless, Giulia is going to try to stay in good in-ring shape by squaring off against Kenzie Paige tonight on Main Event. This match was a decent match and the crowd was solidly behind Kenzie. Kenzie started things off like she had something to prove, charging at Giulia and hitting her with a shotgun dropkick. Giulia crashed into the corner, but Kenzie quickly hit her with a big enzuigiri. Kenzie then grabbed Giulia and hit her with a uranage, but only got a two count on the ensuing pinfall attempt. The fast start from Kenzie continued as she lifted up Giulia and tried hitting her with a powerslam. That failed though, as Giulia wiggled out of it and caught Kenzie with a spin kick. Giulia then threw Kenzie off the ropes, ran off the opposite ropes, and hit Kenzie with a POUNCE!!!!-style shotgun dropkick! That sent Kenzie crashing to the outside, but Giulia wasn't done as she ran off the ropes and took Kenzie out with a huge suicide dive! On the outside, Viper helped Giulia to her feet before Giulia threw Kenzie shoulder-first into the ringsteps. Giulia then threw Kenzie back in the ring and began taunting her, promising to be her "ETERNAL DAMNATION!" before slapping her across the face. The match came to an end when Giulia tried locking in the End of Eternity, but Kenzie somehow managed to reverse it into a small package! That only got a two count though and Giulia was quickly able to lock back in the End of Eternity! Kenzie tapped, but Giulia kept it locked in well past the bell ringing, only stopping when referee Justin King threatened to overturn the win.
WINNER: Giulia




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After that match was over, Giulia hit her pose in the ring as Viper stood menacingly behind her. That was until a booming voice interrupted her...



















































































It was the NWA World Women's Champion Mercedes Mone!

The crowd popped as Mone, wearing some sort of brace around her left wrist, appeared on the ramp with a microphone. Mercedes says that she's had enough of the beatdowns and the games that Giulia has played over the last few months. So, it's all going to end at Into The Fire, Mercedes says, because of one special reason...

Mercedes Mone: "After Into The Fire, this whole thing between you, me, and whatever random castoffs you find wandering the streets, it's over. Because I'm putting my NWA World Women's Title on the line against you IN A SUBMISSION MATCH!!!"

The crowd roared as Giulia smirked in the ring. Mercedes wrapped things up by saying that she was going to be the one ending Giulia's eternity by making her tap out at Into The Fire and you can bank on that! The two women stared each other down as we went to our final commercial break of the evening.





NWA World Television Championship Match:

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Bryan Keith (C) vs Mustafa Ali
These two first became entangled last month after Keith successfully defended the NWA TV Title against Chris Hero. An attempted post-match beatdown was thwarted by Mustafa Ali, who said he couldn't stand to see a veteran like Hero get embarassed. That came back to bite him in the ass, because Keith would return the favor and cost Ali his match against the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Nic Nemeth last week. Now they square off in the main event of Main Event for Keith's NWA TV Title! This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Ali. Ali and Keith started things off with a collar-and-elbow tie-up, in which Ali got the upper hand with a nice-looking uppercut. Keith stumbled, but managed to bounce off the ropes and damn near take Ali's head off with a big lariat. Keith then threw Ali into the corner and hit him with a knife edge chop, the sound of which reverberated throughout Dusty Studios. Keith then scooped up Ali and hit him with a Michinoku Driver, which only got a two count on the ensuing pinfall attempt. Keith tried finishing off Ali with The Thrill of the Hunt, but Ali wiggled out of it and cracked Keith with a superkick. Ali then ducked a lariat from Keith, did a handspring off the ropes, and hit Keith with a back elbow smash! That inadvertantly busted Keith open, as he was now bleeding a bit from his nose. That didn't matter to Ali though, as he picked up Keith and launched him across the ring with a huge release German suplex. Keith stumbled into the corner, but as Ali charged at him with a flying forearm smash, Keith rolled out of the way at the last second. Keith then quickly took advantage of Ali's mistake and hit him with a swinging neckbreaker. The match came to an end when a bloodied Keith scooped up Ali and hit him with a huge running powerslam. Keith then wiped the blood off his nose, licked it for some reason (because he's in that zone damn it!), and yelled at Ali "IT'S TIME TO PUT YOU OUT OF YOUR MISERY BOY!" Maybe Keith shouldn't have done that as The Thrill of the Hunt was reversed into a poison rana!!! Keith landed square on his head, but that didn't matter to Ali, as he went to the top rope and hit Keith with the Falcon Flash! Ali made the cover...


























































































































































Mustafa Ali has won the NWA World Television Championship!


What a huge win for "The Falcon!" It took nearly all he had, but he's going to be walking out of Philadelphia tonight as the new NWA TV Champ!
WINNER: Mustafa Ali




That's all for tonight's exciting edition of NWA Main Event! We'll be back next week for the final episode of Main Event before Into The Fi-

I'm receiving word from one of our cameramen that hopped in the car with Drew Galloway & Matt Cardona that the two men have found Nic Nemeth's gala and are about to arrive! Let's throw it over to that...



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Drew Galloway: "Hey! Are you rolling?"

*The cameraman nods*

Galloway: "Good, Cardona you ready?"

Matt Cardona: "Never thought I'd be saying this, but yeah Drew, let's do this."

Galloway: "Alright, on the count of three, we rush the doors. ONE! TWO! THREE!"



At that moment, both men charged the doors, busting them open. The crowd behind the doors gasped as the camera zoomed in on Nic Nemeth, decked out in a tuxedo and wearing the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Nemeth was only able to muster an "OH SH*T" before chaos erupted when Galloway & Cardona started brawling with him! Galloway & Cardona took turns double-teaming Nemeth as the party-goers scattered. Eventually, Nemeth was battered enough that his NWA World Title dropped from around his waist. Galloway went to grab the title, but Cardona also grabbed it at the same time. After a brief staredown, Galloway & Cardona began brawling! As the two men brawled around the ballroom, Nemeth tried sneaking up from behind Galloway and throwing a glass vase at the back of his head. He did it, but it didn't affect Galloway at all! Nemeth mouthed "OH F*CK!" as Galloway began brawling with him. Cardona soon got involved and the three men continued brawling until the "NYPD" hit the scene and started breaking things up. Main Event came to a close as the "police" tried to subdue all three men.




TV Rating: 0.13 (99,881 Viewers on Fox Sports 2)

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NWA Main Event- June 12th, 2024
Attendance: 1,000 at Dusty Studios (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Commentary Team: Mauro Ranallo & Josh Barnett

It's time for another huge episode of NWA Main Event live on Fox Sports 2! The final episode of Main Event before Into The Fire kicked off with Mauro Ranallo & Josh Barnett running down tonight's card, with Barnett adding that he was still waiting to find a challenger for his retirement match this Sunday, promising that he would find one tonight. That aside, we went straight into our opening contest...


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Alex Hammerstone vs Steve Maclin
Both of these men are making their first appearances since Hard Times. That's when Maclin won a NWA contract in the Global Invitational 4-Way and Hammerstone nearly won the Genie's Lamp Ladder Match (he would have won if it wasn't for Nic Nemeth throwing him off the top of the ladder and through another ladder). This match was a decent match and the crowd was solidly behind Hammerstone. Hammerstone & Maclin started things off with a collar-and-elbow tie-up, in which Hammerstone was able to hit Maclin with a back suplex. Hammerstone then threw Maclin off the ropes and hit him with a big back body drop. Hammerstone then ran off the ropes and hit Maclin with a running knee drop. Hammerstone then tried hitting Maclin with a powerslam, but Maclin wiggled out of it and clobbered Hammerstone in the back of the head with a lariat. Hammerstone stumbled into the corner, where Maclin caught up to him and hit him with a big knife edge chop. Hammerstone then stumbled out of the corner, but Maclin was right behind him and took him out with a big running bulldog. Maclin then yelled out "K! I! A!" before setting Hammerstone up for the K.I.A. That failed though, as Hammerstone reversed it into a big German suplex. Hammerstone then threw Maclin off the ropes, ducked a lariat, and hit Maclin with a spinning back elbow smash! That only got a two count on the ensuing pinfall attempt though, much to the chagrin of Hammerstone. Hammerstone then tried finishing off Maclin with the Nightmare Pendulum, but Maclin fought out of it and hit Hammerstone with a spinning uranage. This match came to an end when Maclin scooped up Hammerstone to attempt the K.I.A. That failed though, as Hammerstone reversed it into the Nightmare Pendulum! Hammerstone then made the cover and got the three!
WINNER: Alex Hammerstone



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After the match ended, Mauro & Josh were ready to throw it backstage for a pre-recorded message from NWA President Paul Heyman, but they were interrupted by a loud "HEY JOSH!" from the ring! Alex Hammerstone had grabbed a microphone and gotten Josh Barnett's attention! Hammerstone says that he heard Josh Barnett's challenge a few weeks ago and it really resonated with him. Hammerstone says that he respects what Barnett has done for this industry and it would be an honor to be his final opponent, so he's accepting Barnett's challenge for Into The Fire! The crowd popped as Barnett nodded at commentary and said "It's on Alex, it's on!"



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After that accepted challenge, we cut to what we were supposed to cut to before we got interrupted, a pre-recorded video from Paul Heyman and "The Judge" EJ Nduka. Heyman introduces himself before saying that he's here tonight to make a special announcement regarding Into The Fire. Heyman then recaps the last few weeks of Nduka & HEAVY METAL MAYHEM's affair, with it recently culminating with BOOGZ & WARHORSE bringing in someone who could match up with Nduka in the size department, The Dozer! Heyman says that after that, Nduka demanded a match with The Dozer, so Heyman obliged and signed The Dozer to a NWA contract. That means that at Into The Fire, it'll be The Dozer vs "The Judge!" Nduka finishes things off by promising that he will do to The Dozer what he's done to BOOGZ & WARHORSE, he will destroy him!



NWA World Television Championship Match:

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Mustafa Ali (C) vs Shawn Spears
Ali won the NWA TV Title last week on Main Event from Bryan Keith. In a post-match interview, posted exclusively on Twitter, Ali said that he wanted to be a fighting champion and promised to defend the title every week. As soon as he said it, "The Chairman" Shawn Spears appeared behind him and said that he was first in line! This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Ali. Spears charged at Ali to kick things off, knocking the champ down with a big lariat. Spears then scooped up Ali and hit him with a running powerslam before setting Ali up for the C4. That failed as Ali wiggled out of it and hit Spears in the back with a big dropkick. That dropkick sent Spears crashing to the outside. As Spears tried to recover, Ali ran off the ropes and hit Spears with a tope con hilo! The crowd chanted "HOLY SH*T! HOLY SH*T!" as Ali threw Spears back in the ring and went to the top rope. Ali tried setting up for the Falcon Flash, but Spears was able to get up and clip Ali's legs. Spears then grabbed Ali from the top rope and hit him with a running sitout powerbomb! Spears made the cover, but Ali kicked out at two. A frustrated Spears slapped the mat before getting in referee Justin King's face. After a bit of arguing, Spears turned around right into an enzuigiri from Ali! The match came to an end when Ali tried hitting Spears with a hurricanrana, which was reversed into an attempted powerbomb from Spears. That, in turn, was also reversed into a poison-rana from Ali! Ali then went to the top rope and hit Spears with the Falcon Flash! Ali then made the cover and got the three! Ali has won his first defense as the NWA World Television Championship and has won his first match in the Lucky Seven Challenge!
WINNER: Mustafa Ali




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After that brutal match, we cut to, if the subtitles are to be believed, the residency of Mercedes Mone somewhere outside of Boston, Massachusetts. From there, we cut to some sort of training area inside Mone's house, where Mercedes is training with Xia Brookside. The two women are practicing submission holds in preparation for Mone's NWA World Women's Championship submission match against Giulia at Into The Fire. After a minute of back-and-forth of trading holds, Mone is able to lock Xia in the Mone Maker and make her tap out! Mone lets go of the hold as Xia commends her for getting the hold in quicker. Mone thanks Xia for all the help over the last few weeks in dealing with Giulia & Viper. Mone says that when she first fought Xia, she thought Xia was just some rookie coasting on her last name, but now she knows that Xia's a force to be reckoned with. Xia thanks Mercedes, but says that she's going to need everything in her arsenal in order to beat Giulia at Into The Fire. As such, Xia says that she's going to be in Mone's corner for her title defense! Mercedes thanks Xia and says that with all this training and Xia in her corner, there's nothing Giulia can do at Into The Fire and you can bank on that! The two continue their training as we go to a commercial break.




We're back on Main Event and we're at some sort of lavish villa. That's where the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Nic Nemeth (wearing a neck brace) and Salina de la Renta are located. Nemeth says that what Galloway & Cardona did to him last week was one of the most disgusting things ever seen in the professional wrestling business. Nemeth says that both men had no right to interrupt his Manhattan gala last week and in doing so, they damn near Nemeth's neck! Nemeth says that it's still touch and go with his doctor (Dr. Runnels) on if he's going to make it to Into The Fire, so Galloway & Cardona may have cost themselves a shot at the NWA World Title! Nemeth finishes by vowing to make it to Into The Fire to prove once and for all why no one can compete with "The Natural!"


We then cut to one of Nemeth's challengers for Into The Fire, the "Scottish Psychopath" Drew Galloway! Galloway, standing backstage in front of a large TV screen, says that he hopes that he & Matt Cardona taught Nemeth a lesson last week. That lesson being that you don't get away with attacking Drew Galloway without facing the consequences! Galloway says that he knows that Nemeth's probably faking an injury right now, trying to wiggle out of defending the NWA World Heavyweight Title at Into The Fire. Well, Galloway says, he's not having any of that! Galloway says that there's only one man that walked out of that ballroom with any form of injury and that was him. Galloway explains that when Nemeth smashed that vase over his head, he needed 20 stitches to stop the bleeding. Is that going to stop Galloway from winning the NWA World Title at Into The Fire? HELL NO! Because Drew Galloway does not quit damn it! Before Galloway could continue, the TV screen lit up behind him with the image of...




























Matt Cardona!

Cardona tells Drew to stop the yapping, because "The Main Event" is now on Main Event! Cardona says that he's glad Nic Nemeth's feeling the pain from last week's gala attack, but whatever partnership he & Galloway had is over now. That's because Cardona's focused on one thing and one thing only, winning back the NWA World Heavyweight Championship! Cardona says that Drew got lucky at Hard Times when he beat him, but he's only getting lucky once, because Cardona's going to embarrass him & Nic Nemeth at Into The Fire! Cardona finishes by saying that once he's done with both men, the National Wrestling Alliance will get back the champion that it deserves! Galloway rolls his eyes as we cut back to the ring for our main event.




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Matt Riddle vs Jacob Fatu
These two have been feuding pretty much since the National Wrestling Alliance was relaunched back in February, with both men trading wins. Most recently, Riddle has taken out both of Fatu's cousins (Zilla Fatu & Lance Anoa'i) in his quest to destroy The Samoan Dynasty. Now, he gets a chance to take out the head honcho tonight on Main Event! This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Riddle. Both men charged at each other to kick things off, with the both of them exchanging a barrage of quick punches. Riddle eventually got the upper hand after hitting Fatu with a jumping high knee! Fatu stumbled off the ropes, right into a spinning heel kick from Riddle. Fatu fell to the mat, but that's where Riddle locked him in an ankle lock! Riddle wrenched the hold in, but Fatu was able to quickly reach the ropes. Riddle kept the hold locked in though, only stopping when referee Mike Chioda threatened to disqualify him. As Riddle argued with Chioda, Fatu ran up from behind him and launched him across the ring with a release German suplex. Fatu then threw Riddle into the corner and started choking him out! Referee Mike Chioda quickly stopped that, but Riddle was left gasping for air. Fatu yelled at Riddle "YOU'RE NOTHING, YOU MEAN NOTHING!" before Fatu blasted him with a massive lariat. Fatu scooped up Riddle and hit him with a swinging side slam, which only got a two count on the ensuing pinfall attempt. Fatu then tried ending things by throwing Riddle off the ropes, launching him in the air, and attempting The Wrecking Ball, but Riddle was able to transition it into the Rear Naked Choke! Fatu clawed desperately for the ropes, but Riddle kept the hold locked in tight! The match came to an end when, in a last ditch effort, Fatu used his last bit of energy to launch himself and Riddle through the ropes onto the outside mat! Both men were absolutely spent out there, with neither man even getting to their knees by the time Chioda counted to "8." Riddle got back to his feet first as Chioda counted to "9," but he couldn't get back to the ring because Fatu grabbed his leg and wouldn't let go! A few seconds later Chioda counted to "10," counting both men out!
WINNER: NOBODY (Double Countout)



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The crowd chanted "BULLSH*T! BULLSH*T!" as an incensed Matt Riddle started brawling with Jacob Fatu on the outside. The two men brawled all around the ringside area, eventually culminating with both men grabbing steel chairs. As the two men charged at each other, they were stopped by a loud, booming "STOP!" The two men turned to the entrance ramp to see...

































































NWA President Paul Heyman!

Heyman introduced himself before saying that he agrees with the fans, because what Jacob Fatu did to stop Riddle from winning was "complete and utter bullsh*t!" Heyman says he knows (and deep down, both Fatu & Riddle know) that's not how they wanted their blood rivalry to come to an end, so he's going to spice things up a bit...

Paul Heyman: "At Into The Fire, it's going to be the final meeting between Matt Riddle & Jacob Fatu...


The crowd popped as Riddle and Fatu cracked smiles. Not content with waiting until Into The Fire though, both men charged at each other with their chairs! They both hit the opposite chairs though and NWA Main Event came to a close as Riddle & Fatu duked it out in a chair battle. We'll see you at Into The Fire on Sunday!



TV RATING: 0.14 (110,711 Viewers on Fox Sports 2)

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NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match:

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NIc Nemeth (C) vs Drew Galloway vs Matt Cardona

Drew Galloway won the NWA World Heavyweight Championship last month at Hard Times, defeating Matt Cardona in a hard-fought contest. Galloway was handed the ten pounds of gold following his win, but his would-be triumphant moment was ruined by the arrival of "The Natural" Nic Nemeth. Nemeth had won the first-ever Genie's Lamp Ladder Match earlier in the night, giving him three "wishes" to do whatever he wanted with. Well, his first wish was an immediate NWA World Heavyweight Title match! The fresh Nemeth easily defeated Galloway and became the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Now Nemeth has both the former champs in Matt Cardona & Drew Galloway breathing down his neck and looking to stop his reign before it really begins. And they'll go to any length to succeed in that mission too, as seen when Galloway & Cardona put their differences aside for one night only to crash Nemeth's fancy Manhattan gala! Can Matt Cardona win back the NWA World Heavyweight Championship? Will Drew Galloway make up for his 5-minute title reign and cement his status at the top of the National Wrestling Alliance? Or will the era of "The Natural" continue in Charlotte?




Fight Pit Match:

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Matt Riddle vs Jacob Fatu

Riddle & Fatu have been dueling it out pretty much since the NWA relaunched back in February. From their first encounter in the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament, to their brutal six-man Philly Street Fight at the Philly Special, all the way to Hard Times last month when they both arguably cost the other the Genie's Lamp Ladder Match, these two have been at each others throats. Riddle has had enough though, launching a one-man crusade against The Samoan Dynasty and taking out Jacob's cousins Lance Anoa'i & Zilla Fatu. He did get his one-on-one match against Fatu last week on Main Event, but that ended in a double countout. Sensing a noticeable lack of finality, NWA President Paul Heyman booked a rematch for Into The Fire, this time it would take place within the confines of THE FIGHT PIT!!! Which of these two warriors will walk out of the Fight Pit on top?





NWA World Women's Championship Match:

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Mercedes Mone (C) vs Giulia

Giulia has tormented Mercedes Mone since she made her debut back in April. After weeks of attacks, Giulia got her shot at the NWA World Women's Title back at Hard Times last month. Mercedes won that match, but only by DQ after the monstrous Viper made her debut and brutalized her. Since then, Viper & Giulia have run roughshod over the women's division, only stopping to issue another challenge for Mone's title. Mercedes accepted the challenge, but only under one condition, it would have to be a submission match! Will Mercedes reach her "end of eternity?" Or will Giulia's prophecies blow up in smoke? 






Josh Barnett Retirement Match:

Josh Barnett vs Alex Hammerstone


The Battle of the Behemoths:

EJ Nduka vs The Dozer


NWA World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Von Erichs (C) vs Violence is Forever






Prediction Key:


NWA World Heavyweight Championship 3-Way Match:

Nic Nemeth (C) vs Drew Galloway vs Matt Cardona



Fight Pit Match:

Matt Riddle vs Jacob Fatu



NWA World Women's Championship Match:

Mercedes Mone (C) vs Giulia



Josh Barnett Retirement Match:

Josh Barnett vs Alex Hammerstone



Battle of the Behemoths:

EJ Nduka vs The Dozer



NWA World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Von Erichs (C) vs Violence is Forever


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Prediction Key:


NWA World Heavyweight Championship 3-Way Match:

Nic Nemeth (C) vs Drew Galloway vs Matt Cardona


This being a triple threat already had me leaning towards the champ.  Add-on the fact that he still has two more wishes, and I'm totally behind Nemeth to weasel out a win. 

Fight Pit Match:

Matt Riddle vs Jacob Fatu


Would love to see Fatu win, but the good guy has to take the W here. 

NWA World Women's Championship Match:

Mercedes Mone (C) vs Giulia

Comments: "At first I wanted Giulia to win, but Mercedes was having none of it" Giulia is my pick here. Maybe Mercedes has finally been won over by common sense? This truly feels like a toss up!


Josh Barnett Retirement Match:

Josh Barnett vs Alex Hammerstone


Barnett feels like the type of guy to go out on his sword, and Hammerstone is a future World Champion.

Battle of the Behemoths:

EJ Nduka vs The Dozer


My mind is telling me this is the easiest match on the card to pick. I hope I'm right, but it would be very funny if it went in the opposite direction.

NWA World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Von Erichs (C) vs Violence is Forever

Comments: I love VIF, but the Von Erichs just got the belts. Feels a step too early to make the switch. 

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NWA World Heavyweight Championship 3-Way Match:

Nic Nemeth (C) vs Drew Galloway vs Matt Cardona



Fight Pit Match:

Matt Riddle vs Jacob Fatu



NWA World Women's Championship Match:

Mercedes Mone (C) vs Giulia



Josh Barnett Retirement Match:

Josh Barnett vs Alex Hammerstone



Battle of the Behemoths:

EJ Nduka vs The Dozer



NWA World Tag Team Championship Match:

The Von Erichs (C) vs Violence is Forever


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Thanks everyone for the predictions/comments so far! Into The Fire will be up on Sunday, so 48 hour prediction warning for those who still want to predict.


Also a bit of an apology on my end for the slowdown on shows recently, work stuff and all that. Still trying to get a show up every 2-3 days and I'm sticking to that!

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NWA Into The Fire- June 16th, 2024
Attendance: 6,000 at Bojangles Coliseum (Charlotte, North Carolina)
Commentary Team: Mauro Ranallo, Josh Barnett, & Paul Heyman

Into The Fire kicks off with a video package showcasing the history of the National Wrestling Alliance in the city of Charlotte. From the debut of the historic Great American Bash in 1985 (where Dusty Rhodes won the NWA World Television Title in a brutal steel cage match) to the hometown boy Ric Flair defending the NWA World Heavyweight Championship numerous times in front of his home crowd, Charlotte has seen some amazing moments in the history of the National Wrestling Alliance...

Tonight at Into The Fire, we will add to that history, because we've got a ton of huge matches that won't disappoint! From the NWA World Women's Title submission match between Mercedes Mone and Giulia, the huge Fight Pit match between Matt Riddle & Jacob Fatu, and the gigantic NWA World Heavyweight Championship triple threat main event between Nic Nemeth, Matt Cardona, & Drew Galloway!

After a brief pyro show and the crowd chanting "NWA! NWA!" tonight's commentary team of Mauro Ranallo, Josh Barnett, and special guest commentator/NWA President Paul Heyman introduce themselves and run down the card for tonight. We then get straight into our opening contest...



NWA World Tag Team Championship Match:

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The Von Erichs (C) vs Violence is Forever w/Dan Lambert
These two teams have been feuding since the very first episode of NWA Main Event. The Von Erichs won that one, but them & VIF have been trading wins back and forth ever since, with VIF most recently attacking The Von Erichs and then winning a number one contender's match a few weeks later. This match was a decent match and the crowd was solidly behind The Von Erichs. Kevin Ku started things off by launching himself at Marshall Von Erich with a flying dropkick, sending the younger Von Erich crashing out of the ring. Dan Lambert then got in Marshall's face, yelling at him "THIS IS WHY YOU'RE GOING TO BE ONE AND DONE!" Just as he finished saying that, Ross dropped down from the apron and started getting into it with Lambert. All this funny business on the outside allowed Kevin Ku to run off the ropes and take out both Von Erichs with a suicide dive! After a minute, Ku grabbed Marshall and threw him back in the ring to start his offensive onslaught. Ku started unloading a barrage of kicks and quick punches onto Marshall, finishing off with a spinning backfist that landed flush across Marshall's face. The ensuing pinfall attempt only got a two count though, much to the chagrin of Dan Lambert on the outside. Ku then threw Marshall into his corner and tagged out to Dominic Garrini. The two men then hit Marshall with a double suplex into a double knee drop combo before Garrini started working over Marshall's legs. Garrini tried hitting Marshall with a gutwrench powerbomb, but Marshall reversed it into a big facebuster! The match came to an end when Marshall made the hot tag to his big brother Ross, who started running wild on Garrini with a series of strikes. Ross tried locking in the Iron Claw, but Garrini blocked it and hit Ross with a stiff headbutt. As Garrini tried grabbing Ross, the older Von Erich brother caught him with a surprise discus punch! The move made the famous by his late uncle Kerry Von Erich was quickly transitioned into another Von Erich speciality, the Iron Claw! Garrini writhed in pain, but couldn't get any help from Kevin Ku, as Marshall took him out with a running crossbody! Eventually, Garrini had no choice but to tap out, giving the win to The Von Erichs in their first successful title defense!
WINNERS: The Von Erichs




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EJ Nduka w/Paul Heyman vs The Dozer w/HEAVY METAL MAYHEM
"The Judge" EJ Nduka has had a dominant start to his NWA career. Under the tutelage of the legendary manager/part-time color commentator/NWA President Paul Heyman, EJ Nduka has dominated everyone that's stood in his way. Two people had enough of that though, the HEAVY METAL MAYHEM duo of BOOGZ & WARHORSE. Those two recruited The Dozer to the NWA to take on and hopefully finish off EJ Nduka once and for all! This match was a decent match and the crowd was solidly behind The Dozer. Nduka & The Dozer started things off with a staredown before The Dozer let out an "OH YEAHHHHH!!!!" and charged at Nduka with a lariat. That didn't do anything to the gigantic Nduka and The Dozer let out a huge "OH NO!!!!" before Nduka hit him with a throat thrust. The Dozer stumbled, leading to Nduka hitting him with a running big boot. It didn't knock The Dozer down though, as he bounced off the ropes and hit Nduka with a running body avalanche! That caused Nduka to bounce off the ropes and smack The Dozer with a lariat, nearly knocking the big man over. The Dozer was able to stay on his feet though and as BOOGZ & WARHORSE on the outside got the crowd going, The Dozer ran off the ropes and tried hitting Nduka with a lariat. That failed though, as Nduka hit him with a huge Mongolian chop! The match came to an end when The Dozer, still on his feet, walked right into a body slam from Nduka!!! That nearly brought the ring down! The Dozer eventually got back up though, but walked right into Nduka's finisher, The Verdict (High-Angle Spinebuster)! Nduka made the cover and got the three. What a battle of the behemoths here at Into The Fire!




Josh Barnett Retirement Match:

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Josh Barnett vs Alex Hammerstone
Josh Barnett has done it all in combat sports. From fighting legends in the octagon like Dan Severn, Mirko Cro Cop, and Daniel Cormier to winning the UFC Heavyweight Championship from Randy Couture and eventually making his way to professional wrestling, Barnett has done it all. Now, after a little under 30 years between MMA and pro-wrestling, it's time for "The Warmaster" to hang up his boots. And he couldn't have asked for a better opponent for his final match, the up-and-coming powerhouse known as Alex Hammerstone! This match was a good match and the crowd was split between Barnett & Hammerstone. After exchanging a handshake as a show of respect to start things off, both men locked-up and started doing some chain wrestling. Barnett, despite his age, is still a better grappler than Hammerstone, so he gained control after taking Hammerstone down with a double-leg takedown. From there, Barnett started hitting Hammerstone with some ground-and-pound, raining down hammerfists like it's nobody's business. Before we saw a repeat of Barnett's UFC Heavyweight Title TKO win, Hammerstone was able to grab onto the ropes. Referee Mike Chioda broke things up as Barnett allowed Hammerstone to get back to his feet. The two men got back up and locked up, but Hammerstone was better prepared this time. As Barnett tried taking down Hammerstone, Hammerstone dug in and blocked the takedown. To get Barnett off of him, Hammerstone caught him with a huge knee strike to Barnett's head! The crowd let out a big "WOAH!" as Barnett stumbled backwards. Hammerstone kept the pressure on him though and charged at him with a huge lariat. Hammerstone then scooped Barnett up and launched him across the ring with a fallaway slam. The match came to an end when Hammerstone tried hitting Barnett with the Nightmare Pendulum, but Barnett wiggled out of it and locked Hammerstone in a Rear Naked Choke! Barnett kept sinching the hold in as Hammerstone grasped for both air and the ropes. Sensing that he was fading, Hammerstone pulled one last metaphorical rabbit out of the hat and fell right onto Barnett. The force of the 250-pound Hammerstone crashing down onto him was enough to break the hold and both men were left down on the mat. As the crowd chanted "THIS IS AWESOME!," Barnett brought Hammerstone back to his feet and tried locking in a Kimura. The failed though, as Hammerstone reversed it and hit Barnett with the Nightmare Pendulum!!! Hammerstone made the cover and got the three! Josh Barnett's career is over, but damn, what a way to go out!
WINNER: Alex Hammerstone





After the match was over, Alex Hammerstone once again shook hands with Josh Barnett and left the ring, leaving Barnett to soak in the moment. As the crowd chanted "THANK YOU JOSH! THANK YOU JOSH!," Barnett took off his boots and bowed to the crowd. Barnett then made his way back up the ramp, shaking hands with nearly the entire front row in the process. Josh then made his way to the announce table, shaking Paul Heyman's hand and sharing a hug with Mauro Ranallo. Finally, Josh made it to the entrance curtain, where he shouted out "THANK YOU. THANK YOU ALL FOR EVERYTHING!" before disappearing behind the curtain. The last time we'll see "The Warmaster" exit the ring.





As Josh Barnett disappeared, Paul Heyman stood up from the announce table and grabbed a microphone. After another round of applause for Barnett, Heyman introduced himself and said that tonight he's making a very special announcement regarding the future of the National Wrestling Alliance. Heyman says that, starting next week, we will see the beginning of the 2024 Crockett Cup! Heyman explains the Crockett Cup, from the tag team tournament's legendary history with such winners like the Legion of Doom, Sting & Lex Luger, and The Briscoe Brothers. Heyman says that this year will feature 16 of the best tag teams in the world today, all under the banner of the National Wrestling Alliance! The winners will receive one million dollars each, a beautiful trophy, and, most importantly, a shot at the NWA World Tag Team Titles! Heyman finishes by wishing every team the best of luck, because they'll need it.





After that exciting announcement, we cut to a video hyping up the upcoming NWA World Women's Championship submission match between Mercedes Mone & Giulia. The video shows how Giulia has tormented Mercedes Mone since she made her debut back in April. After weeks of attacks, Giulia got her shot at the NWA World Women's Title back at Hard Times last month. Mercedes won that match, but only by DQ after the monstrous Viper made her debut and brutalized her. Since then, Viper & Giulia have run roughshod over the women's division, only stopping to issue another challenge for Mone's title. Mercedes accepted the challenge, but only under one condition, it would have to be a submission match! Will Mercedes reach her "end of eternity?" Or will Giulia's prophecies blow up in smoke? We're about to find out!





NWA World Women's Championship Submission Match:

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Mercedes Mone (C) w/Xia Brookside vs Giulia w/Viper
This match was a decent match and the crowd was solidly behind Mercedes Mone. Mercedes and Giulia quickly locked up in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. The champ got the better of that situation, hitting Giulia with a snap suplex. Mercedes then started working over Giulia's back with a couple of backbreakers before running off the ropes and hitting Giulia's back with a running knee drop. Mercees then tried locking in a Boston Crab, but Giulia kicked Mercedes away and caught the champ with a big superkick. Mercedes stumbled off the ropes, where Giulia grabbed her and launched her across the ring with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Giulia then locked Mercedes in an armbar, screaming at her to "TAP!!!" Mercedes didn't listen though, as she rolled over Giulia into a rollup position. Of course there's no pinfalls, but it did get Mercedes out of the armbar and that's all the matters right? It did to Mercedes, who caught Giulia with an enzuigiri to the side of the head. Mercedes then threw Giulia off the ropes, ducked a lariat, and hit Giulia with a back body drop. Mercedes then whipped Giulia into the corner and hit her with a running bulldog as she recoiled out of it. Mercedes then tried ending things by locking in the Statement Maker, but Giulia quickly latched onto the ropes. Mercedes kept the hold locked in, only stopping when referee Brian Gorie threatened to disqualify her. Meanwhile, on the outside, Viper tried handing something to Giulia, but Xia Brookside saw it and took out Viper with a running shotgun dropkick! The crowd popped, but not for long, as Xia turned around and was sprayed with black mist from Giulia!!! Xia writhed in pain on the outside as Giulia laughed, basking in her misery. Giulia couldn't celebrate for long though, as Mercedes took her out with a huge suicide dive! Mercedes checked on Xia, signaled for a medic, and told her that "This win's going to be for you Xia!" before throwing Giulia back in the ring. The match came to an end when Mercedes scooped up Giulia, hit her with a backstabber, and then locked in the Statement Maker! Mercedes didn't get the hold fully in though, as Giulia was able to shake it off by shoving Mercedes into referee Brian Gorie! As Gorie tried to recover, Mercedes turned around and was sprayed with red mist from Giulia!!! Mercedes fell to the mat in pain, which allowed Giulia to lock her in the End of Eternity!!! Mercedes grasped for the ropes, but Giulia kept wrenching the hold in, not giving an inch to the champ. Mercedes refused to tap, but she was clearly fading. After what felt like an eternity, Mercedes went limp and referee Brian Gorie called for the bell! Giulia has won the NWA World Women's Championship!
WINNER: Giulia




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Giulia has become the new NWA World Women's Champion! The crowd booed mercilessly as medics tended to both Mercedes Mone & Xia Brookside on the outside. Giulia's celebration was cut short by her own accord, as she instructed the now recovered Viper to "BRING ME THAT LITTLE RAT!" Viper obliged, throwing the medics off of Xia and picking up her lifeless body. Viper then threw Xia's corpse in front of Giulia, who whispered something in her ear and flashed a devilish smile. Giulia then instructed Viper to bring Xia with her as Viper picked up Xia in a fireman's carry. Giulia, Viper, & the lifeless body of Xia Brookside then walked back up the ramp, but before they disappeared behind the curtain, Giulia told the camera "THE END OF MERCEDES'S ETERNITY, THE BEGINNING OF GIULIA'S ETERNITY!"




After that hard-hitting match and weird aftermath, we cut to a video hyping up our semi-main event of the night, the Fight Pit match between Matt Riddle & Jacob Fatu. The video shows how Riddle & Fatu have been dueling it out pretty much since the NWA relaunched back in February. From their first encounter in the NWA World Heavyweight Championship Number One Contender's Tournament, to their brutal six-man Philly Street Fight at the Philly Special, all the way to Hard Times last month when they both arguably cost the other the Genie's Lamp Ladder Match, these two have been at each others throats. Riddle has had enough though, launching a one-man crusade against The Samoan Dynasty and taking out Jacob's cousins Lance Anoa'i & Zilla Fatu. He did get his one-on-one match against Fatu last week on Main Event, but that ended in a double countout. Sensing a noticeable lack of finality, NWA President Paul Heyman booked a rematch for Into The Fire, this time it would take place within the confines of THE FIGHT PIT!!! Which of these two warriors will walk out of the Fight Pit on top? We're about to find out!




Fight Pit Match:

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Matt Riddle vs Jacob Fatu
This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Riddle. The rules to the Fight Pit Match are somewhat simple. Instead of taking place in a ring, this match is taking place within a MMA-esque caged octagon next to the entrance ramp. The only ways to win are via submission or knockout and escaping the cage is illegal. Referee Justin King tried getting Riddle & Fatu to start things off with a handshake, as a sign of respect, but that wasn't going to happen under any circumstances and the two men started unloading haymakers onto each other! Fatu won the first exchange after hitting Riddle with a stiff headbutt, sending Riddle crashing to the mat. Fatu then grabbed Riddle by the hair and launched him across the octagon with a biel throw. Fatu then threw Riddle into the octagon walls and caught him on the rebound with a huge German suplex. Fatu then scooped up Riddle and tried hitting him with a Samoan Drop, but Riddle wiggled out of it and clocked Fatu with a jumping knee strike. Fatu stumbled back, which allowed Riddle to run at him and knock him down with a bicycle kick! As Fatu got on his hands and knees to recover, Riddle grabbed Fatu's ankle and locked him in an ankle lock! Fatu desperately clawed to get out of it, but Riddle kept the hold locked in tight. Eventually, Fatu was able to spin onto his back and kick out of the ankle lock, though his ankle was definitely damaged. Riddle then grabbed Fatu by his pants and hit him with a half and half suplex, with Fatu landing damn near directly on his neck. As Riddle tried going at Fatu, referee Justin King stopped him, wanting to check on Fatu, who was signalling over to him. Riddle didn't care though, as he went at Fatu anyway. That turned out to be the wrong move, as Fatu caught him with a chop right to the throat! As Riddle stumbled back, gasping for air, Fatu charged at him and nearly sent him flying inside out with a lariat. The match came to an end when Fatu scooped up Riddle and hit him with a huge Samoan Drop! Not content with that, Fatu picked him up again and hit him with another Samoan Drop! Still not content, Fatu lifted up Riddle, threw him in the air, and tried hitting him with the Wrecking Ball, but Riddle was somehow able to transition it into a Rear Naked Choke!!! Riddle quickly locked in the body scissors, but Fatu wasn't giving up without a fight. Fatu clawed desperately to get out of the hold, but he was fading. He wouldn't go down though, as he continued to fight while Riddle yelled out "TAP OUT YOU BITCH!!!" After what felt like an eternity, Fatu went limp and referee Justin King ran over to check on him. King then called for the bell, giving Riddle the win by submission! Matt Riddle has just won his crusade against The Samoan Dynasty and won the first ever Fight Pit match in the process! What a huge win for "The King of Bros!"
WINNER: Matt Riddle




After that brutal match (and while the ring crew disassembled the Fight Pit), we cut to a video hyping up our main event of the evening, the 3-Way NWA World Heavyweight Championship match between the champ Nic Nemeth, Matt Cardona, and Drew Galloway. The video shows how Drew Galloway won the NWA World Heavyweight Championship last month at Hard Times, defeating Matt Cardona in a hard-fought contest. Galloway was handed the ten pounds of gold following his win, but his would-be triumphant moment was ruined by the arrival of "The Natural" Nic Nemeth. Nemeth had won the first-ever Genie's Lamp Ladder Match earlier in the night, giving him three "wishes" to do whatever he wanted with. Well, his first wish was an immediate NWA World Heavyweight Title match! The fresh Nemeth easily defeated Galloway and became the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Now Nemeth has both the former champs in Matt Cardona & Drew Galloway breathing down his neck and looking to stop his reign before it really begins. And they'll go to any length to succeed in that mission too, as seen when Galloway & Cardona put their differences aside for one night only to crash Nemeth's fancy Manhattan gala! Can Matt Cardona win back the NWA World Heavyweight Championship? Will Drew Galloway make up for his 5-minute title reign and cement his status at the top of the National Wrestling Alliance? Or will the era of "The Natural" continue in Charlotte? We're about to find out!





NWA World Heavyweight Championship 3-Way Match:

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Nic Nemeth (C) w/Salina de la Renta vs Matt Cardona vs Drew Galloway
This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Galloway. Both Cardona & Galloway charged at Nemeth to start the match, leading to the champ quickly fleeing the ring, up the ramp, and hiding behind the commentary team. While Paul Heyman admonished Nemeth for acting like a "little baby," Galloway & Cardona started fighting with each other in the ring. The two men traded haymakers for a bit before Galloway caught Cardona with a stiff headbutt, which caused Cardona to stumble out of the ring. Galloway then set his sights on Nemeth, charging out of the ring and charging up to the announce table. Before he could get to Nemeth, Salina de la Renta stood in his way. As Galloway laughed and told Salina to "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY," Nemeth charged at him and hit Galloway with a flying forearm smash. Nemeth then grabbed Galloway and threw him down the ramp, sending the Scottsman tumbling down to the ring. Nemeth then grabbed a chair and cracked it over Galloway's back. Nemeth then began jawing with the crowd, telling the Charlotte crowd to "BOW DOWN TO YOUR CHAMP!" That quickly stopped though as Matt Cardona charged at him and hit him with a lariat! Cardona then threw Nemeth shoulder-first into the ring steps before throwing the champ back into the ring. Cardona started working over Nemeth in the ring as Galloway rolled back in the ring. Galloway butted into Cardona's beatdown, proposing another temporary truce to take care of Nemeth. Cardona agreed and the two men hit Nemeth with a double powerbomb! Right after hitting the champ with the double powerbomb, Cardona immediately tried turning on Galloway with a backfist, but Galloway knew better than to let his guard down and blocked the backfist. Galloway then quickly hit Cardona with the Future Shock DDT! Galloway made the cover...


























































































































Matt Cardona kicks out!

The match came to an end when an enraged Galloway went over to the corner, charged up, and hit Cardona with the Claymore Kick!!! Galloway went for the cover...





























































































































































The NWA World Heavyweight Champion got in at the last second to save his title! Speaking of the title, as Galloway and Nemeth started brawling, Salina secretly slid the title into the ring. After Galloway cracked the champ with a discus punch, Nemeth grabbed the title. This worked out pretty well for the champ, as Galloway attempted to give a stiff headbutt, but Nemeth blocked it with the ten pounds of gold! Galloway recoiled back, which allowed Nemeth to superkick him out of the ring. Nemeth started trash-talking Galloway, telling him "5 MINUTES IS THE BEST YOU'LL EVER BE DREW," but when Nemeth turned around, he walked right into the Radio Silence from Matt Cardona!!! That came from out of nowhere from Matt Cardona! It also may have used the last bit of his energy, as Cardona slumped down to the mat and had to crawl to reach Nemeth. Before he could actually get to Nemeth though, some strange words reverberated throughout the Bojangles' Coliseum...













































































































































Of all people, Austin Theory ran in from the crowd and hit the ring! Theory grabbed Cardona, lifted him up, and hit him with his finisher, Ataxia (Lifting Reverse STO)! Theory then flashed a cheeky grin to Salina de la Renta, who was yelling at him "GRAB NIC, PUT HIM OVER CARDONA!" Theory snapped out of it and did as Salina instructed him to do, grabbing Nic Nemeth and putting him over Cardona's corpse. Referee Mike Chioda then very reluctantly began the count...

































































































































































Nic Nemeth has retained the NWA World Heavyweight Championship!

It took a well-timed championship belt shot on Drew Galloway and interference from a debuting Austin Theory, but he's walking out of Charlotte STILL the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Into The Fire came to a close as Salina, Theory, & Nemeth walked back up the ramp, Theory having to assist Nemeth in walking to the back. That didn't stop Nemeth though, as he held the NWA World Heavyweight Championship high in the air to a chorus of jeers as we went off the air.
WINNER: Nic Nemeth




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-So, Into The Fire is in the books! Pleasantly pleased with the warm reception for what I thought was a bit of a B-level event. The fans liked it, the online journalists liked it, I liked it, and the boys in the back were pleased.


-I think we're done with The Von Erichs & Violence is Forever for a while. They were the first ever match on Main Event and have had some absolute barnburners, but 4 times in 4 months is a bit much. Will they cross paths in the future? Probably, but for now, their attentions turn to a bigger prize...


-Nduka/Dozer did exactly what it was supposed to do. Put The Dozer over as a solid midcarder and make Nduka look like a damn killer. What's next for EJ? I don't know, but he's sure as hell not stopping at HEAVY METAL MAYHEM.


-Fun story, Josh Barnett didn't actually tell me he was retiring from in-ring action. Had to find that out from Meltzer funnily enough. Anyway, after I asked him if he wanted a retirement match, he was down for it. He didn't really have anyone in mind, but was happy to put over Alex Hammerstone. He really likes Hammerstone and, hey, with that performance he put on, who can blame him?


-The NWA World Women's Championship match. Oh boy, this one was a doozy. I didn't want to have that many shenanigans between Viper & Giulia and Xia & Mercedes. But, Mercedes was just complaining all day about "losing clean." Hell, even after putting in all those interference spots, she was still moaning about losing to Giulia. Though, after Giulia asked to have a word with Mercedes privately, she came back begrudgingly willing to put Giulia over. I have no idea what the hell happened between those two, but nobody got hurt and Giulia got the win she probably should have gotten last month, so it's a win. Might be able to get something out of Xia Brookside with this story too, so watch this space.


-Riddle/Fatu in the Fight Pit was really good. Those two are absolutely brutal and I mean that in the hard-hitting way, not the "ugh this is bad" way. Felt like Riddle had to win that too, especially after Fatu took their first encounter (albeit in a six-man match). Don't worry about Fatu, he's still in my future plans. Just might have to wait a bit for it though.


-The triple threat NWA World Heavyweight Title match was really good. Have to give my props to Nic, Drew, & Matt for putting on such a good match. The crowd was on the edge of their seats for most of the finishing sequence and I think any of those three winning wouldn't have been a surprise. What was a surprise though, the debut of Austin Theory! Yeah, Austin Theory is in the National Wrestling Alliance. I liked Theory a lot when I was booking RAW and was kind of disheartened to see Paul push him down the card after his big Wrestlemania moment with John Cena last year. The kid's got it all and I'm certain he's going to be at the top of the wrestling world sooner rather than later. He's not there yet, but pairing him with the champ is a good start for him.

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NWA Main Event- June 20th, 2024
Attendance: 1,000 at Dusty Studios (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Commentary Team: Mauro Ranallo & Josh Barnett

This episode of NWA Main Event starts off with a cold open, recapping the events of Into The Fire last Sunday. It was a very eventful evening, from Giulia winning the NWA World Women's Title, Riddle finishing off Jacob Fatu in the Fight Pit, and Nic Nemeth retaining the NWA World Heavyweight Championship in a hard-fought three-way affair. It's sure to be an event that will have lasting repercussions throughout the National Wrestling Alliance!



We then cut to the ring, where Salina de la Renta is standing with a microphone. As the crowd boos the living hell out of her, she yells at them in Spanish to shut the hell up! Salina says that the crowd should be honored to share the same air as the men who are about to make their way to the ring. Salina then introduces them, "All Day" Austin Theory and the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, "THE NATURAL" NIC NEMETH!



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Theory & Nemeth then made their way down to the ring, decked in suits and to a chorus of jeers. Nemeth and Theory grabbed microphones as Nemeth started to soak in the boos of the crowd. Nemeth starts things off by saying that the Philadelphia crowd can boo all they want, because nothing will change the fact that he's still the NWA World Heavyweight Champion! Nemeth says that before he gets down to business, he has to give a shoutout to his good personal friend, a better friend than Matt Cardona ever was to him, Austin Theory! Theory and Nemeth share a handshake before Theory says that it's an honor to help Nic Nemeth retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, because there's really nobody better in the NWA than him. Theory then introduces himself as "All Day" Austin Theory, the hottest rising star in professional wrestling. And with his good friend Nic Nemeth and his new business manager Salina de la Renta at his side, the sky is the limit for Austin Theory! Nemeth says that he agrees, saying that one day Austin Theory could be the next Nic Nemeth, but that's the future, because Nic Nemeth is the now! Nemeth says that he knew Cardona & Drew Galloway were going to try to do something sneaky, so he called in Theory as his "insurance option." And hey, it cleared and that's why Nic Nemeth's still the champ! Nic then tries to speak about his future as champ, but before he can...






















































































Matt Riddle interrupts him!

Riddle, microphone in tow, gets in the ring to a chorus of "BRO! BRO! BRO!" chants. Riddle tries to say something, but Theory grabs his microphone and throws it out of the ring! Riddle laughs it off, but then hits Theory with a jumping knee strike! The crowd pops as Theory crashes to the outside as Nemeth and Salina quickly flee the ring. The "BRO!" chants start back up again as Riddle grabs a microphone and tells Nic Nemeth to "TURN YOUR BITCH ASS AROUND BRO!" The befuddled Nemeth turns around as Riddle says that he came out here to talk about his future. Riddle says that now that he's finally done dealing with the Samoans, he's coming for the prize that he came to the National Wrestling Alliance for in the first place. Riddle says that he wants Nic Nemeth's NWA World Heavyweight Championship! Riddle finishes by saying that he doesn't care if he has go through Theory, Salina, or whatever old podcast friend Nic Nemeth can find, it doesn't matter, because Matt Riddle's coming for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and he's going to choke Nemeth out bro! Nemeth & Riddle shared a staredown as Theory stumbled back up the ramp and we went to a commercial break.




NWA World Television Championship Match:

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Mustafa Ali (C) vs Kevin Ku w/Dan Lambert
Ali has promised to be a fighting champion and he's putting that to the test tonight, because he's facing one half of the dangerous Violence is Forever duo in Kevin Ku! This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Ali. Ali and Ku started things off with a collar and elbow tie-up, in which Ku won control following a nice-looking arm drag to the champ. Ku then started unloading kicks onto Ali, finishing off his kick parade with a spinning heel kick that sent the champ crashing to the outside. As Ali tried to recover, Ku charged off the ropes, and took out the champ with a baseball slide. Ali crashed into the ringside barricade as Dan Lambert got in his face and yelled "VIOLENCE IS FOREVER, BUT YOUR TITLE REIGN ISN'T!" Ali responded to the trash talk by cracking Lambert with a spinning backfist to a huge pop from the crowd! While that may have felt cathartic for Ali, it didn't really help him beat Ku, as Ku caught him as soon as he got back in the ring in a guillotine choke! Ali was able to fight out of it though and reverse the choke into a snap suplex. Ali then ran off the ropes and jumped off the middle rope to hit Ku with a springboard back elbow smash! Ali then whipped Ku into the corner and hit him with a running enzuigiri. That set up Ku in prime position for the Falcon Flash, but before he could hit it, a recovered Dan Lambert distracted him by jumping up on the ropes and getting in his face. That allowed Kevin Ku to sneak up from behind him and hit him with an Olympic Slam! The match came to an end when Ku continued his Kurt Angle tribute by locking Ali in an ankle lock. Ali was able to escape it though and cracked Ku with a big superkick! Ali then went to the top rope and hit Ku with the Falcon Flash! Ali made the cover and got the three to win match two of his Lucky 7 Series and retain the NWA World Television Championship!
WINNER: Mustafa Ali




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After that hellacious match, we cut to a dark room, where Giulia, Viper, & the unconscious body of Xia Brookside are located. As Xia's unconscious form is strapped to a chair and Viper stands menacingly behind her, Giulia begins to talk (subtitled in English) about what happened at Into The Fire. Giulia says that Into The Fire was the end of Mercedes Mone's eternity and NOTHING will ever be the same for the women's division. Giulia says that Mercedes Mone could always talk a big game, but when she finally stepped into the ring with someone who's not intimidated by cheap verbal jabs, she crumbled under the pressure. Now, with Giulia on top, the dangerous Viper by her side, and Xia Brookside now under her control, NOTHING can stop Giulia from continuing her reign at the top of the women's division! Giulia finishes by revealing what's next for the NWA World Women's Champion...

Giulia (in Japanese): "Next week on Main Event, the new Xia Brookside is unleashed onto the world and I will have a front row seat in seeing the destruction she is going to unleash! It is no longer just Mercedes Mone's end of eternity, it is the rest of the NWA women's roster's end of eternity!"





The Dozer made his NWA in-ring debut at Into The Fire, failing to defeat the monstrous EJ Nduka despite a hard-fought effort. Tonight, he teams with his friends BOOGZ & WARHORSE in taking on the arrogant trio of MxM (Mansoor, Mason Madden, & Breeze), who have been tormented as of late by some spooky man in face paint. This match was a decent match and the crowd was solidly behind HMM & The Dozer. The match started with Mansoor & The Dozer in the ring. The Dozer started pumping himself up, yelling out "OH YEAH!!!," but Mansoor quickly tagged out to Madden as the crowd booed. Mansoor tried to explain himself by saying "THAT BIG OAF WAS GOING TO EAT ME!" but the crowd wasn't having it. Either way, Madden and The Dozer locked up, with Madden failing to lift The Dozer and the big man responding by slamming Madden to the mat with a scoop slam. The Dozer then jogged off the ropes and smushed Madden with a running splash. That only got a two count on the ensuing pinfall attempt, so Dozer tagged out to WARHORSE. WARHORSE perched himself up on the top rope and tried hitting Madden with a diving crossbody, but Madden caught him and launched him across the ring with a fallaway slam. Madden then tagged out to Breeze, who caught WARHORSE with a spinning wheel kick. The match came to an end when Breeze went to the top rope and yelled out "TIME FOR YOUR BEAUTY SHOT!" but before he could hit anything, the lights went out! When they came back on...




































































The mysterious face-painted man was standing in the ring!

The man simply raised his arms and pointed at Breeze, yelling at him "CURSED!" before the lights went out again! When they came back on, he was nowhere to be seen, but WARHORSE had jumped up to the top rope and took out Breeze with a superplex! WARHORSE then tagged out to BOOGZ, who was able to hit Breeze with a big spear before lifting him up and hitting him with his finisher, the Symphony of Destruction (Spinning Uranage)! BOOGZ then made the cover and got the three! MxM have lost once again thanks to whoever this man that's placing curses on them!




After that bizzare turn of events, we cut to the office of NWA President Paul Heyman. Heyman introduces himself before saying that he's here tonight for a very special reason. Heyman says that tonight will be the introduction of the 16 teams competing in the 2024 Crockett Cup! Without further ado, let's meet the teams...






























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The tournament kicks off next week and the winners will be crowned at the namesake event in five weeks! Heyman wishes every team the best of luck, because they will certainly need it!



We then cut to the locker room, where Alex Hammerstone is located. Hammerstone starts things off by praising Josh Barnett for a hard-fought fight at Into The Fire, saying that it was an honor to be his final opponent. Hammerstone then moves on to current business, namely the Crockett Cup. Hammerstone says that he couldn't have asked for a better teammate in Timothy Thatcher and that together, nobody can stop them from winning the Crockett Cup and eventually winning the NWA World Tag Team Titles! Before Hammerstone can continue, he's interrupted by a loud high-pitched "HEY ALEX!"






























It's Kenzie Paige!

Kenzie says that she needs some help from Hammerstone, specifically in the ring. Hammerstone is intrigued, but presses Kenzie for more info. Kenzie then explains her situation...

Kenzie Paige: "Well, if you remember, that walrus Paul Heyman actually tried getting rid of me when he took things over. I may or may not have gotten in his face to keep my job, but he gave me a spot on the roster nonetheless. It was under one condition though, I had to win the NWA World Women's Title before the end of 2024. If I don't, then, well, I'm outta here. So Alex, can you help me achieve my dream?"

Hammerstone says that he was interested by the idea, but he wanted to see what Kenzie was all about before he accepts her offer. Hammerstone finishes by saying that if Kenzie can beat Xia Brookside next week, then he'll gladly take her under his wing! Kenzie smiles and throws us to a commercial break by saying that she would make Hammerstone proud and kick some Xia Brookside ass!




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Matt Riddle vs Austin Theory w/Salina de la Renta
Theory made his NWA debut at Into The Fire, helping Nic Nemeth retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship in his 3-way match against Matt Cardona & Drew Galloway. Theory officially aligned himself with Nemeth earlier tonight, forming All Natural and inadvertantly putting himself in the crosshairs of his opponent tonight, Matt Riddle! Riddle's going after the NWA World Heavyweight Title, but he's first got to get through Nemeth's newest associate first. This match was a good match and the crowd was solidly behind Riddle. Theory started things off by doing his "ALL DAY!" hand signal taunt in Riddle's face. That caused Riddle to grab Theory's fingers and snap them!!! Theory recoiled in pain, which allowed Riddle to catch him with a big bicycle kick. Theory crashed into the ropes and fell to the floor. Theory called over to Salina de la Renta as Riddle ran off the ropes. Riddle then stopped in his tracks as Theory grabbed Salina and cowered behind her. The decoy worked as Theory quickly popped up and tripped up Riddle on the outside. The crowd jeered as Theory yelled out "I'M THAT DAMN GOOD!" and Salina cackled. Theory got back in the ring and started putting the boots to Riddle, finishing things off with a running kick to the gut, which knocked the wind out of Riddle. Theory then scooped up Riddle and hit him with a gutwrench powerbomb, which only got a two count on the ensuing pinfall attempt. Theory then tried finishing off Riddle with Ataxia, but Riddle reversed it into an overhead belly to belly suplex! Theory flew across the ring and into the corner, which allowed Riddle to charge at him and hit Theory with a running high knee, followed quickly by a running bulldog! The match came to an end when Riddle ducked a lariat from Theory and locked him in a Rear Naked Choke! Riddle quickly applied the body scissors and took Theory down to the mat. As Salina yelled out "NO! NO!" The hold was broken up by...




























































NWA World Heavyweight Champion Nic Nemeth with a steel chair!

Nemeth cracked the chair over Riddle's back as referee Mike Chioda called for the bell. Riddle has won this match by DQ, but his trouble might just be getting started.
WINNER: Matt Riddle (by DQ)



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As the bell rung, Nic Nemeth & Austin Theory took turns beating the living hell out of Matt Riddle with the steel chair. As Salina de la Renta flashed a devilish grin, Theory scooped up Riddle and hit him with Ataxia. Nemeth then got in Riddle's face, lifted up the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, and told him "YOU WILL NEVER TAINT THIS TITLE!" before hitting him with the Danger Zone! All Natural stood tall over a beaten-up Riddle as Main Event came to a close.



TV Rating: 0.13 (100,140 Viewers on Fox Sports 2)

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  • 1 month later...

So with the announcement of TEW IX, I can confirm that this dynasty is done.


I think this dynasty has really caused me to really look at how I write. I don't think I can go all out on writing lengthy write-ups for TV show and balance other things (like a job and College Football 25, both equally big lol). So for whatever the next dynasty I do (which is going to be in TEW IX), expect something pretty different to the bog standard "Uncrewed Style."


As for the NWA, I never really had anything big planned outside of the main storyline, which would have gone as follows:


-Nemeth and Theory were going to run roughshod over the NWA, with them winning the tag titles and Theory winning the TV Title. It all would have come crashing down at the November Anniversary Show, with Drew Galloway finally winning the big one and unseating Nemeth.


-Speaking of Galloway, he was due to feud with a debuting AJ Styles, who would have come in with the Motor City Machine Guns (not really a spoiler, they were already announced for the Crockett Cup) as The OGs.


-The Alex Hammerstone push was going to kick into full gear next year, coming close to winning the NWA World Title, but barely losing multiple times. He was then going to have an "All or Nothing" NWA Title match with Galloway, where Hammerstone's career was also on the line. Hammerstone would have won thanks to a cheap shot and a little help from a debuting Eric Bischoff, would be an opposing authority figure to Paul Heyman.


-This all would have culminated in a War Cage (WarGames) match, with Hammerstone and his team taking on the new big babyface, Cody F*cking Rhodes. Yeah the whole mentioning Cody multiple times was going to have a payoff and it was him winning the ten pounds of gold his daddy made famous, which would have happened after Cody's team won the War Cage, earning Cody a shot at Hammerstone's title, which Rhodes would have won, ending the dynasty.


So yeah, there's that. I'm looking forward to TEW IX and I hope you'll be along for the ride with whatever I decide to do!

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