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Shoot Style | A PWFG/BattlARTS Dynasty

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I just want to clear up that I'm planning on carrying this out alongside my AJPW dynasty, I mentioned there that I'm a big fan of puroresu but my favourite style of puroresu is Shoot Style/Bati Bati. The wars between Daisuke Ikeda & Yuki Ishikawa over the years was some of the best stuff I've ever watched however one thing I've always thought about is how would this look without the formation of Pancrease which saw top level shoot style workers at the time like Minoru Suzuki, Masakatsu Funaki & Ken Shamrock separate from PWFG in 1993. So this diary will start in Jan 1992 thanks to Fleisch's 1992 mod. The AJPW will be the main dynasty however I'll be completely honest this is the one that I'll love most, I know parents aren't supposed to have favourite children but this is my favourite child and I have no problem shouting that out. But before I go on I'm going to recommend that you try to find the Daisuke Ikeda/Yuki Ishikawa singles match from Fu-Ten Bati Bati in April 2005 

If you don't enjoy this match then I doubt this dynasty will really be of interest to you, The edit isn't amazing with fairly poor production even for the mid 2000s but if you can look past that this match is amazing. But with that I'll go through a history of shoot style leading into January 1992, 13 years before this match.


Historically, shoot wrestling has been influenced by many martial arts, most influential of them being catch wrestling, but also freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling, and then sambo, karate, Muay Thai and judo in the sport's later stages. Karl Gotch is one of the most important figures in the development of shoot wrestling. Karl Gotch would begin his journey into wrestling in the German and North American professional wrestling circuits, where Gotch found moderate success. However, it was in his tours of Japan that the early formations of shoot wrestling took place. Gotch was a student of the "Snake Pit" gym, run by the renowned catch wrestler Billy Riley of Wigan. The gym was the centre of learning submission wrestling as practiced in the mining town of Wigan, popularly known as catch-as-catch-can wrestling. It was here that Karl Gotch honed his catch wrestling skills. Karl Gotch also travelled to India to practice the wrestling form of Pehlwani; later on he would propagate the exercises using the "Hindu mace" (large clubs) and would go on to incorporate the Indian system of exercises using push-ups, neck exercises, yogic breathing exercises and "Hindu squats" for conditioning. Gotch attained legendary status in Japan, earning the nickname God of Wrestling. In the 1970s he taught catch wrestling-based hooking and shooting to the likes of Antonio Inoki, Tatsumi Fujinami, Yoshiaki Fujiwara, Satoru Sayama, Masami Soranaka, and Akira Maeda. Most of these professional wrestlers already had backgrounds in legitimate martial arts. Masami Soranaka had been a student of full contact karate, kodokan judo, and sumo. Yoshiaki Fujiwara was already a black belt in judo, while Satoru Sayama had studied Muay Thai with Toshio Fujiwara and went on to study sambo with Victor Koga. This would eventually lead to the added influences of karate, Muay Thai and judo to the wrestling style. One of Gotch's students, Antonio Inoki, hosted a series of mixed martial arts-style wrestling matches in which he pitted his "strong style professional wrestling" against other martial arts in an attempt to show that professional wrestling and shoot wrestling were the strongest fighting disciplines. Inoki would go on to teach these fighting techniques to a new generation of wrestlers in the dojo of his professional wrestling promotion, New Japan Pro-Wrestling. These matches eventually culminated into the Muhammad Ali vs. Antonio Inoki. While the previous matches were predetermined, Ali and Inoki could not agree on the terms of the match and it turned into a "shoot". Later on, many wrestlers became interested in promoting this more realistic style of professional wrestling and in 1984, the Universal Wrestling Federation was formed. The UWF was a professional wrestling organisation that promoted the shoot and strong styles of wrestling. While predetermined, the UWF featured effective and practical martial arts moves, which were applied with force. The organization would even host some legitimate mixed martial arts fights, where the UWF wrestlers were able to test their shoot wrestling techniques against fighters with other styles, mimicking Inoki's own exploits. However, internal conflicts between the wrestlers soon resulted in a breakup of the company. After the breakup of the original Universal Wrestling Federation, shoot wrestling branched into several disciplines. One of the first top stars to leave was "Tiger Mask" Satoru Sayama in 1985, he was dissatisfied with the UWF's internal politics and decided to follow his dream of founding his own martial art discipline. He combined his knowledge of shoot wrestling and other martial arts to create a legitimate fighting style which he later named "Shooto", holding the first amateur event in 1986 and first professional event in 1989.[7] Nobuhiko Takada and his supporters went to found UWF International, Akira Maeda founded Fighting Network RINGS while Yoshiaki Fujiwara went to found Pro Wrestling Fujiwara Gumi ("Fujiwara family"),[3] in the latter, a few wrestlers such as Masakatsu Funaki and Minoru Suzuki, dissatisfied with Fujiwara's turn to lucha libre-inspired style and lack of focus in fighting skills, founded Pancrase in 1993, a company which used shoot-wrestling rules but promoted real unscripted fights. (credit to wikipedia)


So to start the save we will have a tournament called the T1O (Tier 1 Openweight) with the winner claiming the PWFG Openweight Title



Mark Starr, known for his explosive in-ring style and unrelenting tenacity, has been on a hot streak, leaving a trail of defeated opponents in his wake. With a combination of technical prowess and raw power, Starr aims to assert his dominance and climb the ranks even higher. Fans can expect a display of high-flying maneuvers, bone-crushing strikes, and a never-say-die attitude that has become Starr's trademark.

On the other side of the ring stands Wellington Wilkins Jr., a charismatic and unpredictable force in the world of professional wrestling. Wilkins Jr. brings a unique blend of agility, showmanship, and an eccentric personality that has endeared him to fans worldwide. His unorthodox approach to the sport makes every match a spectacle, and this encounter with Mark Starr is sure to be no exception.


Daisuke Ikeda, the embodiment of unyielding determination and technical brilliance, has garnered a reputation as a fearless competitor. Armed with a diverse arsenal of strikes, holds, and a relentless spirit, Ikeda has become a symbol of resilience in the squared circle. Fans are eager to witness whether his unwavering tenacity will be enough to overcome the impending challenge posed by Yuki Ishikawa.

Yuki Ishikawa, a maestro of submission wrestling and a master tactician in the ring, brings a cerebral approach that sets him apart. Known for his methodical dissection of opponents and an unparalleled understanding of grappling, Ishikawa stands as a formidable adversary. His encounters are not just matches; they are chess games where every move is a calculated step towards victory.


Masakatsu Funaki, a pioneer in the world of shoot-style wrestling, brings a wealth of knowledge in both traditional martial arts and professional wrestling. Renowned for his technical wizardry, impeccable submissions, and striking prowess, Funaki is a force to be reckoned with. His ability to seamlessly integrate various disciplines into his repertoire makes him a true maestro in the ring.

On the opposite side stands Jerry Flynn, a gritty and relentless brawler known for his punishing strikes and unapologetic toughness. Flynn's no-frills approach to combat has earned him a reputation as a fierce competitor who thrives in the chaos of the squared circle. With a background in kickboxing and a penchant for delivering bone-rattling kicks, Flynn is poised to test Funaki's mettle in a clash of styles.


Minoru Suzuki, a grappling virtuoso and a pioneer of Japanese mixed martial arts, steps into the ring with a reputation as a no-nonsense, relentless force. Suzuki's expertise in submissions and striking, combined with a warrior's spirit, makes him a formidable opponent. As the co-founder of Pancrase, Suzuki's influence extends beyond the squared circle, and fans anticipate witnessing his groundbreaking skills in action.

Opposing Suzuki is Naoki Sano, a high-flying sensation and a master of the aerial arts. Sano's agility, coupled with a charismatic persona, has made him a fan favorite. His innovative offense and ability to adapt to any style make him a true chameleon in the ring. As the bell tolls, Sano looks to showcase his aerial supremacy against Suzuki's ground-based mastery.


Yoshiaki Fujiwara, a living legend in the world of Japanese professional wrestling, is renowned for his mastery of catch wrestling and submission grappling. A pioneer of the shoot-style genre, Fujiwara's reputation as a submission specialist precedes him. With decades of experience under his belt, he enters the ring not just as a competitor but as a living encyclopedia of grappling knowledge.

On the other side stands Joe Malenko, a second-generation wrestler and a technician in his own right. With a family legacy deeply rooted in the sport, Malenko brings a blend of classical wrestling techniques and his own innovative submissions to the canvas. His commitment to the art of grappling makes him a formidable adversary, and he's ready to test his skills against the seasoned Fujiwara.


Minoru Tanaka, a dynamic force in Japanese wrestling, brings a blend of agility, speed, and striking finesse that captivates audiences. Known for his lightning-fast kicks and acrobatic maneuvers, Tanaka has carved a niche as a high-flying sensation. As a veteran of the squared circle, he enters each match with a wealth of experience and a determination to leave fans in awe.

Facing him is Wayne Shamrock, a skilled technician with a penchant for submission wrestling and a family legacy deeply embedded in the sport. Shamrock's mastery of holds and counters, combined with a rugged toughness, makes him a formidable opponent. With a background that includes training with the famous Shamrock family, Wayne steps into the ring with a commitment to upholding the legacy of technical prowess.

The way I plan on updating this is doing an update at the end of every month usually will have been 5 shows in a month, with 4 weekly events and the 1 monthly event

Predictions welcome

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T1O - First Round Matches

Night 1:




Interviewer: Ladies and gentlemen, what a phenomenal match we just witnessed! I'm here with the victorious Masakatsu Funaki after an impressive victory over Jerry Flynn. Funaki, congratulations on the win. How are you feeling after that intense battle?

Masakatsu Funaki: Thank you. It was a tough fight, but I feel satisfied with the outcome. Jerry Flynn is a formidable opponent, and I had to be on top of my game to secure the victory.

Interviewer: Absolutely, it was a showcase of your technical brilliance. Can you walk us through your strategy going into the match?

Masakatsu Funaki: My strategy was simple yet effective. I knew Jerry Flynn had a strong striking game, so I focused on using my technical skills to control the pace. I wanted to exploit any openings and capitalize on my strengths in submissions.

Interviewer: And capitalize you did, especially in that sixth round. What was going through your mind as you secured the decisive submission?

Masakatsu Funaki: In the final round, I felt that the momentum was on my side. I saw an opportunity, and I seized it. Jerry is a tough competitor, and I respect his resilience. I knew I had to be patient and wait for the right moment to apply the submission, and fortunately, it worked in my favor.

Interviewer: It certainly did. With this victory, what's next for Masakatsu Funaki?

Masakatsu Funaki: I'll take some time to recover and then continue to train and improve. There are always new challenges and opponents on the horizon. I'm here to compete at the highest level, and I look forward to whatever comes next in my journey.

Interviewer: Well, we'll be eagerly anticipating your next steps. Once again, congratulations on the victory, Masakatsu Funaki!

Masakatsu Funaki: Thank you, and thank you to the fans for their support. I'll be back, ready for whatever comes my way.

Night 2:




Round 2 Lineup

Wellington Wilkins Jr. vs Yuki Ishikawa

Masakatsu Funaki vs Minoru Suzuki

Yoshiaki Fujiwara vs Wayne Shamrock

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18 minutes ago, SonOfSharknado said:

I hear "shoot style", you have my attention. 

Glad to hear it, I'll be honest I'm slightly worried that shoot style would be a bit too much of a niche even for a bunch of people that like watching grown man in tight spandex throw people and then imagine how it would be if they told said people who to throw but I'll be very happy if I'm proven wrong

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T1O Semi final:


The winner of the T1O comes down to 2 men. The handsome devil, Minoru Suzuki. and the most dangerous man on the planet, Wayne Shamrock. The winner will not only be the first T1O winner but they will also claim the brand new King of PWFG Championship


The tournament final will be held on Friday Week 1, February at PWFG Roar of the Lion where we will also see the debut PWFG bouts of Bob Backlund, Kazuo Yamazaki & Kiyoshi Tamura


Minoru Suzuki vs Wayne Shamrock: T1O Final/King of PWFG

Masakatsu Funaki vs Kiyoshi Tamura

Kazuo Yamazaki vs Daisuke Ikeda

Bob Backlund vs Yuki Ishikawa

Wellington Wilkins Jr. vs Mark Starr

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[Scene: Inside the wrestling arena, spotlight on Yoshiaki Fujiwara standing in the center of the ring, microphone in hand.]

Yoshiaki Fujiwara: Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your attention, please. I stand before you tonight with a heavy heart, bearing news that impacts not only the scheduled match but the well-being of one of our esteemed athletes.

As many of you may know, Wellington Wilkins Jr., a phenomenal talent in our promotion, has fallen ill and is unable to compete tonight. It is with regret and concern for his health that I must share this unfortunate development with all of you.

[Audience reaction: Murmurs and expressions of concern from the crowd.]

Yoshiaki Fujiwara: Wellington is not just an exceptional wrestler; he's a part of our family, and his well-being is our top priority. The circumstances surrounding his illness are unforeseen, and after consulting with medical professionals, we have collectively decided that it would be in his best interest to take the necessary time to recover.

[Audience reaction: Sympathetic applause for Wellington's well-being.]

Yoshiaki Fujiwara: Tonight's card will undergo adjustments to accommodate Wellington's absence, but I assure you that the show will go on, showcasing the incredible talent we have in this promotion. Our thoughts are with Wellington during this challenging time, and we look forward to welcoming him back when he has fully recovered.

[Audience reaction: Supportive cheers for Wellington's recovery.]

Yoshiaki Fujiwara: On behalf of the entire promotion, we appreciate your understanding and support. We're committed to delivering an unforgettable night of wrestling action for all of you. Thank you.

[Yoshiaki Fujiwara exits the ring as the crowd acknowledges the announcement with a mix of understanding and concern.]


Match: Katsumi Usuda vs. Mark Starr - Shoot Style

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):
The bell rings, signaling the start of what promises to be a hard-hitting match between Katsumi Usuda and Mark Starr. Both wrestlers cautiously circle each other, showcasing their technical prowess. Strikes and counters fill the opening minutes, with neither gaining a clear advantage.

Round 2 (5:01 - 9:55):
As the match progresses into the second round, the intensity heightens. Usuda and Starr exchange powerful strikes and submission attempts, each looking for an opening to secure victory. In a pivotal moment at the 9:55 mark, Usuda lands a devastating knockout blow, leaving Starr unconscious and unable to continue.

Winner: Katsumi Usuda (Round 2 - 9:55) by Knockout

The referee calls for the bell, and Katsumi Usuda is declared the winner. The crowd erupts in a mix of shock and awe at the sudden and decisive conclusion of the match. Usuda celebrates his victory, showcasing the unpredictable nature of shoot-style wrestling.




Match: Bob Backlund vs. Yuki Ishikawa - Technical Showdown

The anticipation is high as two wrestling legends, Bob Backlund and Yuki Ishikawa, step into the squared circle for what promises to be a technical masterpiece. The crowd is buzzing with excitement, eager to witness the clash of styles between the American wrestling icon and the Japanese shoot-style veteran.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the match begins with both Backlund and Ishikawa cautiously circling each other. Backlund, known for his technical prowess and amateur wrestling background, takes the initiative with precise takedowns and mat wrestling. Ishikawa, the master of shoot-style grappling, counters with lightning-fast reversals and stiff strikes.

The first five minutes serve as a feeling-out process, with both wrestlers showcasing their technical acumen. The crowd appreciates the seamless transitions and intricate grappling exchanges.

Round 2 (5:01 - 10:00):

As the second round commences, the intensity rises. Backlund and Ishikawa trade holds and submissions, each trying to outmaneuver the other. Backlund's classic wrestling style clashes with Ishikawa's shoot-style arsenal, creating a captivating dynamic.

Ishikawa targets Backlund's limbs with precise kicks, attempting to weaken the American legend. Backlund responds with textbook escapes and counters, keeping the crowd on the edge of their seats.

Round 3 (10:01 - 15:00):

Entering the third round, the match becomes a true technical showcase. Backlund, relying on his mat wrestling expertise, controls the pace with flawless execution. Ishikawa, refusing to be outdone, employs his shoot-style tactics, focusing on joint locks and well-timed strikes.

The crowd roars in appreciation as both wrestlers exhibit a deep understanding of their craft. Near falls and close submissions add to the suspense, creating an atmosphere of anticipation.

Round 4 (15:01 - 20:00):

With the match reaching its midpoint, Backlund and Ishikawa continue their chess match. Backlund, seizing an opportunity, locks in the Chickenwing Crossface at the 20-minute mark. The arena holds its breath as Ishikawa, known for his resilience, fights to escape the debilitating hold.

Round 5 (20:01 - 25:00):

The fifth round sees both wrestlers pushing their limits. Ishikawa, showing signs of wear and tear, tries to mount a comeback, but Backlund's technical prowess remains unmatched. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, witnessing a true classic unfold.

Round 6 (25:01 - 25:53):

At the start of the sixth round, Backlund once again applies the Chickenwing Crossface. Ishikawa, exhausted and unable to withstand the pressure, taps out at the 25:53 mark.

Winner: Bob Backlund (Round 6 - 25:53) by Submission with Chickenwing Crossface

The crowd erupts in applause, recognizing the technical brilliance displayed by both competitors. Bob Backlund celebrates his hard-fought victory, showcasing that skill and experience can triumph over any style in the world of professional wrestling.




Match: Kazuo Yamazaki vs. Daisuke Ikeda - Lightning-Fast Submission Showdown

The atmosphere is charged with anticipation as Kazuo Yamazaki and Daisuke Ikeda, two stalwarts of shoot-style wrestling, step into the ring. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, expecting a clash of technical prowess and sheer intensity.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the two warriors waste no time. Yamazaki and Ikeda engage in a rapid-fire exchange of strikes and grappling attempts. The intensity is palpable as each wrestler vies for control. The crowd roars as Yamazaki, displaying lightning-fast reflexes, catches Ikeda off guard and locks in a heel hook submission at an astonishing 4:49 into the first round.

Winner: Kazuo Yamazaki (Round 1 - 4:49) by Heel Hook Submission

The audience is left in awe by the swift and decisive victory. Kazuo Yamazaki celebrates his triumph, showcasing that in the world of shoot-style wrestling, opportunities for submissions can arise in the blink of an eye. The lightning-fast heel hook submission adds another chapter to the legacy of Yamazaki's exceptional grappling skills.




Match: Masakatsu Funaki vs. Kiyoshi Tamura - Striking and Suplex Showdown

The anticipation is palpable as two shoot-style wrestling legends, Masakatsu Funaki and Kiyoshi Tamura, step into the ring. The crowd is buzzing with excitement, expecting a display of technical brilliance and hard-hitting strikes.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and Funaki and Tamura waste no time, immediately engaging in a technical grappling exchange. Both wrestlers showcase their shoot-style expertise with precise strikes and submission attempts. The crowd watches in awe as the first five minutes unfold with a seamless blend of striking and ground game.

Round 2 (5:01 - 10:00):

As the second round begins, the intensity escalates. Funaki and Tamura exchange stiff kicks and punches, each trying to assert dominance. The crowd is treated to a masterclass in striking and shoot-style wrestling, with both competitors demonstrating their resilience and tactical acumen.

Round 3 (10:01 - 15:00):

The third round sees both Funaki and Tamura digging deep into their arsenals. Strikes echo through the arena as the wrestlers continue to test each other's defenses. The crowd is on the edge of their seats as the match remains evenly contested.

Round 4 (15:01 - 19:06):

In the fourth round, with the clock ticking down, Funaki seizes an opportunity. He counters one of Tamura's strikes with lightning speed, transitioning into a perfectly executed Backdrop Suplex. The impact is devastating, and Tamura is knocked out cold at the 19:06 mark.

Winner: Masakatsu Funaki (Round 4 - 19:06) by Backdrop Suplex Knockout

The crowd erupts in applause, acknowledging the sheer skill and precision displayed by both wrestlers. Masakatsu Funaki celebrates his victory, the Backdrop Suplex knockout adding another memorable moment to his storied career in shoot-style wrestling.




Match: Minoru Suzuki vs. Wayne Shamrock - A Shocking Victory

The anticipation is high as Minoru Suzuki and Wayne Shamrock step into the ring, ready to engage in a fierce battle. The crowd is buzzing with excitement, aware that both these fighters are known for their tenacity and skill.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the opening round begins with a flurry of strikes and grappling exchanges. Both Suzuki and Shamrock showcase their technical prowess, each looking for an opening to gain the upper hand. The crowd is treated to a display of skill and determination from both competitors.

Round 2 (5:01 - 10:00):

As the second round unfolds, the intensity of the match escalates. Suzuki and Shamrock engage in a brutal exchange of strikes, showcasing their striking abilities. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, witnessing a hard-hitting contest between two seasoned warriors.

Round 3 (10:01 - 11:38):

In the third round, the tide of the match changes. Suzuki attempts a powerful strike, but Shamrock counters with a sudden and impactful belly-to-belly suplex. The arena shakes as Suzuki hits the mat hard. Shamrock seizes the moment and capitalizes on the opportunity. Suzuki, visibly shaken by the suplex, struggles to get back to his feet. The referee starts the count, reaching 10 at the 11:38 mark, shocking the audience.

Winner: Wayne Shamrock (Round 3 - 11:38) by 10-Count after Belly-to-Belly Suplex

The crowd erupts in both astonishment and cheers as Wayne Shamrock is declared the winner. The unexpected victory adds a new chapter to the ongoing rivalry between these two fighters. Shamrock celebrates his triumph, while Suzuki, though defeated, earns respect for his valiant effort in the face of adversity.




Wayne Shamrock is the first T1O and the first King of PWFG.

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Feb-Mar 1992

Feb Week 2 1992


Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, signaling the start of the match. Tanaka and Funaki cautiously approach each other, initiating a captivating exchange of holds and strikes. Both wrestlers demonstrate their technical prowess, with the crowd appreciating the artistry on display. The first round concludes with neither gaining a significant advantage.

Round 2 (5:01 - 9:59):

The second round kicks off with heightened intensity. Tanaka and Funaki continue their technical battle, countering each other's moves with precision. The crowd roars as the tempo increases, showcasing the hard-hitting and high-flying styles of both competitors.

As the clock ticks towards the 9:59 mark, Tanaka seizes the moment. With lightning speed and incredible strength, he executes a picture-perfect German suplex. The impact is thunderous, leaving Funaki motionless on the canvas.

Winner: Minoru Tanaka (Round 2 - 9:59) by Knockout with German Suplex

The referee quickly rushes to Funaki's aid, but it's evident he cannot continue. The bell rings, and Minoru Tanaka is declared the victor by knockout. The crowd erupts in a mix of awe and applause, recognizing the mastery displayed by Tanaka in securing the win with a devastating German suplex. Tanaka stands tall in the ring, celebrating a memorable victory in this technical showcase.



The anticipation is high as Bart Vale, with his strong striking background, faces off against Yuki Ishikawa, a master of shoot-style wrestling. The crowd is eager to witness the clash of styles between these two skilled competitors.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the match begins. Vale takes an aggressive approach, showcasing his striking prowess with powerful kicks and punches. Ishikawa, however, demonstrates his defensive skills, evading and countering the strikes with calculated precision. The opening round concludes with neither wrestler gaining a clear advantage.

Round 2 (5:01 - 10:00):

As the second round commences, the pace quickens. Vale attempts to maintain control with his striking, while Ishikawa looks for opportunities to bring the fight to the mat. The crowd is treated to a mix of dynamic striking exchanges and grappling sequences, each wrestler trying to impose their will.

Round 3 (10:01 - 13:55):

In the third round, Ishikawa starts to assert his dominance. He expertly maneuvers Vale into a favorable position and transitions seamlessly into an Octopus Hold at the 13:55 mark. The crowd watches in awe as Ishikawa applies pressure, showcasing his submission skills.

Winner: Yuki Ishikawa (Round 3 - 13:55) by Submission with Octopus Hold

The referee calls for the bell, and Yuki Ishikawa is declared the victor. The audience applauds the technical prowess displayed by both competitors, but it's Ishikawa's strategic submission that proves decisive in this clash of styles. Ishikawa celebrates his hard-fought victory, showcasing the effectiveness of his grappling expertise against the striking background of Bart Vale.



The atmosphere is charged with anticipation as Mark Starr and Yusuke Fuke step into the ring, ready to showcase their skills in a fast-paced encounter. The crowd is buzzing with excitement, eager to see the clash of styles between these two competitors.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the match kicks off with both Starr and Fuke cautiously circling each other. Fuke, known for his technical abilities, attempts to close the distance, while Starr, with his striking prowess, keeps him at bay. The first few minutes see a tactical exchange with neither wrestler gaining a significant advantage.

Round 2 (5:01 - 7:17):

As the second round begins, the pace quickens. Starr, recognizing an opening, unleashes a series of precise strikes. Fuke valiantly tries to evade, but Starr's striking accuracy proves too much. At the 7:17 mark, Starr lands a thunderous right hook that connects flush with Fuke's jaw.

Winner: Mark Starr (Round 2 - 7:17) by Knockout with Right Hook

The referee quickly rushes to assess Fuke's condition, but it's evident that he is unable to continue. The crowd erupts in a mix of shock and applause as Mark Starr is declared the winner by knockout. Starr celebrates his victory, showcasing the effectiveness of his striking in this quick and decisive encounter.



The anticipation is at its peak as Kazuo Yamazaki and Daisuke Ikeda, two stalwarts of shoot-style wrestling, prepare for a technical showcase in the ring. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, expecting a grappling war between these skilled competitors.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the match begins with both Yamazaki and Ikeda engaging in a technical chess match. The first round sees a back-and-forth exchange of strikes and submission attempts, with neither wrestler gaining a clear advantage. The crowd cheers in appreciation of the technical prowess on display.

Round 2 (5:01 - 10:00):

As the second round commences, the intensity escalates. Yamazaki and Ikeda continue their grappling exchanges, each trying to gain the upper hand. The crowd witnesses a masterclass in submission wrestling, with both competitors displaying their expertise. However, neither wrestler manages to secure a decisive submission as the round concludes.

Round 3 (10:01 - 11:47):

Entering the third round, fatigue starts to set in, but the determination is unwavering. Yamazaki and Ikeda dig deep, knowing that this round could be the decider. At the 11:47 mark, Yamazaki seizes a moment of vulnerability and cinches in a tight heel hook. The crowd roars as Ikeda, despite his resilience, is unable to escape the excruciating hold.

Winner: Kazuo Yamazaki (Round 3 - 11:47) by Heel Hook Submission

The referee calls for the bell, and Kazuo Yamazaki is declared the victor. The audience applauds the incredible display of technical skill and sportsmanship. Yamazaki acknowledges the hard-fought battle and extends a respectful hand to Ikeda, solidifying the mutual respect between these two warriors of the mat.



The anticipation is palpable as Masakatsu Funaki and Katsumi Usuda, two highly skilled competitors, step into the ring for a thrilling showdown. The crowd is buzzing with excitement, eager to witness the clash of styles between these respected fighters.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, signaling the start of the match. Funaki and Usuda cautiously circle each other, testing the waters with striking exchanges and grappling attempts. The first round showcases the technical acumen of both wrestlers, with neither gaining a clear advantage.

Round 2 (5:01 - 10:00):

As the second round begins, the pace quickens. Funaki, known for his striking prowess, starts to find his range with powerful kicks and precise strikes. Usuda, a master technician, counters with strategic grappling, creating an engaging back-and-forth battle.

Round 3 (10:01 - 15:00):

Entering the third round, the intensity reaches new heights. Funaki and Usuda trade heavy blows, demonstrating their resilience and determination. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, absorbed in the striking spectacle unfolding before them.

Round 4 (15:01 - 18:24):

In the fourth round, Funaki seizes an opportunity. At the 18:24 mark, he unleashes a lightning-fast flying knee that connects flush with Usuda's jaw. The impact is devastating, and Usuda crumples to the canvas.

Winner: Masakatsu Funaki (Round 4 - 18:24) by Flying Knee

The referee quickly moves in, assessing Usuda's condition. It's evident that the flying knee has left him unable to continue. Masakatsu Funaki is declared the victor, and the crowd erupts in a mix of shock and applause, acknowledging the spectacular finish to this striking showdown. Funaki celebrates his victory, showcasing the effectiveness of his striking arsenal.



Week 4, Feb, 1992


The anticipation is high as Kazuo Yamazaki and Jerry Flynn step into the ring, ready to showcase their skills in a hard-hitting encounter. The crowd is buzzing with excitement, aware of the technical prowess both these wrestlers bring to the match.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the match begins with both Yamazaki and Flynn engaging in a technical battle. Strikes and submission attempts are exchanged as both wrestlers try to assert dominance. The first round concludes with neither gaining a clear advantage, setting the stage for a competitive bout.

Round 2 (5:01 - 10:00):

As the second round unfolds, the intensity rises. Yamazaki and Flynn trade powerful strikes and grapple for control. The crowd is treated to a display of technical wrestling as both competitors showcase their skill sets. Despite the back-and-forth, neither wrestler manages to secure a definitive advantage.

Round 3 (10:01 - 11:38):

In the third round, the tide of the match begins to turn. At the 11:38 mark, Yamazaki executes a well-timed move that leaves Flynn vulnerable. The referee begins the ten-count as Flynn struggles to rise to his feet.

Winner: Kazuo Yamazaki (Round 3 - 11:38) by Ten-Count Victory

As the referee completes the ten-count, it becomes clear that Jerry Flynn is unable to continue. Kazuo Yamazaki is declared the winner, and the crowd erupts in applause, appreciating the technical mastery that led to the ten-count victory. Yamazaki celebrates his hard-fought triumph, showcasing the effectiveness of his strategic approach in the ring.



The atmosphere is charged with anticipation as Daisuke Ikeda faces off against Dieuseul Berto in the ring. Both fighters are ready to showcase their skills, and the crowd is eager to witness the outcome of this intense battle.

Round 1 (0:00 - 3:12):

The bell rings, and the match begins with Ikeda and Berto cautiously circling each other. Ikeda, known for his striking prowess, bides his time, studying his opponent's movements. Berto, in turn, attempts to find an opening to capitalize on.

At the 3:12 mark, Ikeda seizes the moment and unleashes a lightning-fast roundhouse kick that connects squarely with Berto's jaw. The impact is powerful, and Berto crumples to the canvas.

Winner: Daisuke Ikeda (Round 1 - 3:12) by Knockout with Roundhouse Kick

The referee quickly moves in to check on Berto, but it's evident he is unable to continue. Daisuke Ikeda is declared the victor by knockout, and the crowd erupts in a mix of shock and applause. Ikeda celebrates his swift and decisive victory, showcasing the effectiveness of his striking abilities in this thrilling encounter.



The stage is set for a clash of titans as Bart Vale and Mark Starr prepare to face off in the squared circle. The crowd is buzzing with anticipation, eager to witness the explosive encounter between these two formidable competitors.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the match kicks off with both Vale and Starr testing the waters. Vale, known for his striking prowess, begins to assert control with calculated precision. Starr, however, showcases resilience, countering with his own offensive maneuvers. The first round concludes with both competitors still gauging each other's strengths.

Round 2 (5:01 - 10:00):

As the second round commences, the intensity ramps up. Vale and Starr engage in a back-and-forth exchange of strikes, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. Both wrestlers demonstrate their technical abilities, but neither gains a clear advantage.

Round 3 (10:01 - 14:31):

In the third round, the momentum shifts decisively. At the 14:31 mark, Bart Vale lands a powerful combination, culminating in a devastating strike that knocks Mark Starr out cold. The referee quickly moves in, signaling the end of the match.

Winner: Bart Vale (Round 3 - 14:31) by Knockout

The crowd erupts in a mix of shock and applause as Bart Vale is declared the victor by knockout. Vale celebrates his impressive win, showcasing the effectiveness of his striking and securing a decisive victory over the resilient Mark Starr.



The anticipation is palpable as Minoru Suzuki and Kiyoshi Tamura, two legends of the grappling world, step into the ring. The crowd is eager to witness the technical mastery these two bring to the match.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the match begins with Suzuki and Tamura cautiously engaging in a grappling exchange. Both competitors showcase their technical prowess, with Suzuki attempting to assert his submission game, and Tamura countering with precision. The first round concludes without a clear advantage for either wrestler.

Round 2 (5:01 - 10:00):

As the second round unfolds, the intensity rises. Suzuki and Tamura continue their intricate grappling, each searching for an opening to secure a submission. The crowd is treated to a technical spectacle as both fighters showcase their defensive skills.

Round 3 (10:01 - 14:31):

In the third round, Suzuki seizes an opportunity. At the 14:31 mark, he expertly transitions into a rear naked choke. The crowd watches in anticipation as Suzuki tightens his grip, and Tamura, unable to escape the hold, is forced to tap out.

Winner: Minoru Suzuki (Round 3 - 14:31) by Submission with Rear Naked Choke

The referee calls for the bell, and Minoru Suzuki is declared the victor by submission. The audience erupts in applause, appreciating the technical brilliance displayed by both wrestlers. Suzuki celebrates his well-earned victory, solidifying his reputation as a submission specialist in this thrilling encounter.



The anticipation is high as Yoshiaki Fujiwara and Yuki Ishikawa step into the ring, ready to showcase their grappling expertise. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, expecting a technical masterpiece.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the match begins with Fujiwara and Ishikawa engaging in a cautious grappling exchange. Both veterans display their technical prowess, attempting to gain an advantage. The first round concludes with neither wrestler securing a significant advantage.

Round 2 (5:01 - 10:00):

As the second round unfolds, the intensity rises. Fujiwara and Ishikawa continue their intricate grappling, countering each other's moves with precision. The crowd is treated to a display of technical brilliance from these seasoned competitors.

Round 3 (10:01 - 14:53):

In the third round, the tide of the match takes a decisive turn. At the 14:53 mark, Yoshiaki Fujiwara seizes an opportunity and delivers a powerful knee to Ishikawa's gut. The impact is brutal, and Ishikawa crumples to the canvas.

Winner: Yoshiaki Fujiwara (Round 3 - 14:53) by Knockout with Knee to the Gut

The referee quickly calls for the bell, declaring Yoshiaki Fujiwara the victor by knockout. The crowd erupts in a mix of shock and applause, acknowledging the effectiveness of Fujiwara's striking. Fujiwara celebrates his well-executed victory, showcasing the diverse skill set that has made him a revered figure in the world of professional wrestling.



Week 2, March, 1992


The arena is buzzing with anticipation as Bart Vale and Mark Starr prepare to face each other once again. The crowd is eager to see how this rematch unfolds, with both competitors looking to prove their dominance in the ring.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the match begins with Vale and Starr cautiously engaging. The first few minutes see a strategic exchange of strikes and grapples, both wrestlers trying to gauge the other's strategy. The round concludes without a clear advantage for either competitor.

Round 2 (5:01 - 10:00):

As the second round kicks off, the intensity escalates. Vale and Starr showcase their grappling skills, countering each other's moves with precision. The crowd is treated to a display of technical wrestling as both competitors vie for control.

Round 3 (10:01 - 12:28):

In the third round, the momentum shifts decisively. At the 12:28 mark, Bart Vale seizes an opportunity and locks in a rolling knee bar. The crowd watches in awe as Starr struggles to escape, but Vale's submission mastery prevails.

Winner: Bart Vale (Round 3 - 12:28) by Submission with Rolling Knee Bar

The referee calls for the bell, and Bart Vale is declared the victor by submission. The audience erupts in applause, appreciating the technical brilliance displayed by both wrestlers. Vale celebrates his well-earned victory, showcasing his expertise in securing a submission win with the rolling knee bar in this highly anticipated rematch.



The anticipation is high as Daisuke Ikeda and Minoru Tanaka step into the ring, ready to showcase their skills in a hard-hitting encounter. The crowd is eager to witness the outcome of this striking showdown.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the match begins with both Ikeda and Tanaka cautiously circling each other. The opening minutes see a tactical exchange of strikes, with both wrestlers testing each other's defenses. The first round concludes with neither gaining a clear advantage.

Round 2 (5:01 - 8:31):

As the second round commences, the pace quickens. Ikeda and Tanaka unleash a barrage of strikes, showcasing their striking prowess. At the 8:31 mark, Ikeda sees an opening and delivers a powerful overhand haymaker that connects squarely with Tanaka's jaw.

Winner: Daisuke Ikeda (Round 2 - 8:31) by Knockout with Overhand Haymaker

The referee quickly moves in to check on Tanaka, but it's evident he is unable to continue. Daisuke Ikeda is declared the victor by knockout, and the crowd erupts in a mix of shock and applause. Ikeda celebrates his impressive win, showcasing the effectiveness of his striking abilities in this thrilling encounter.



The atmosphere is charged with excitement as Kazuo Yamazaki and Bob Backlund step into the ring for what promises to be an epic clash. The crowd is buzzing with anticipation, eager to see the outcome of this encounter between two skilled wrestlers.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, signaling the start of the match. Yamazaki and Backlund engage in a technical battle, with both wrestlers showcasing their grappling expertise. The first round ends with neither gaining a significant advantage.

Round 2 (5:01 - 10:00):

As the second round unfolds, the intensity rises. Yamazaki and Backlund exchange strikes and grapples, each trying to gain control. The crowd is treated to a display of technical wrestling, appreciating the skill and precision of both competitors.

Round 3 (10:01 - 15:00):

In the third round, the pace quickens as Yamazaki and Backlund continue to push each other to the limit. Strikes and submissions are exchanged, captivating the audience with the back-and-forth action in the ring.

Round 4 (15:01 - 20:00):

The fourth round sees both wrestlers digging deep, displaying their resilience and determination. The crowd cheers as the competitors trade powerful blows and execute impressive maneuvers, creating an atmosphere of excitement.

Round 5 (20:01 - 20:23):

At the start of the fifth round, Kazuo Yamazaki seizes a golden opportunity. With precise timing and incredible agility, he delivers a stunning spinning heel kick at the 20:23 mark. The impact is thunderous, and Bob Backlund is knocked out cold.

Winner: Kazuo Yamazaki (Round 5 - 20:23) by Knockout with Spinning Heel Kick

The referee calls for the bell, and Kazuo Yamazaki is declared the victor by knockout. The crowd erupts in cheers and applause, acknowledging the remarkable finish to this intense battle. Yamazaki celebrates his well-deserved victory, showcasing the effectiveness of his striking in the closing moments of the match.



The anticipation is high as Yoshiaki Fujiwara and Shoichi Funaki step into the ring, ready to engage in a technical showcase. The crowd is eager to witness the grappling expertise these two veterans bring to the match.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the match begins with Fujiwara and Funaki cautiously circling each other. Both wrestlers showcase their mat wrestling skills, engaging in a series of holds and escapes. The first round concludes without either gaining a clear advantage.

Round 2 (5:01 - 8:06):

As the second round kicks off, the intensity rises. Fujiwara and Funaki display their submission attempts, countering each other's moves with precision. At the 8:06 mark, Fujiwara expertly locks in a Fujiwara armbar, putting immense pressure on Funaki's arm.

Winner: Yoshiaki Fujiwara (Round 2 - 8:06) by Submission with Fujiwara Armbar

The referee calls for the bell, and Yoshiaki Fujiwara is declared the victor by submission. The crowd erupts in applause, appreciating the technical brilliance displayed by both wrestlers. Fujiwara celebrates his well-executed victory, showcasing the effectiveness of his submission game in this thrilling encounter.



The stage is set for a thrilling contest as Masakatsu Funaki squares off against Yuki Ishikawa. The crowd is buzzing with anticipation, knowing that these two skilled competitors are about to engage in a high-stakes battle.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the match kicks off with Funaki and Ishikawa cautiously sizing each other up. Both wrestlers display their technical prowess, attempting to gain an early advantage. The first round concludes with a strategic exchange of strikes and grappling, setting the tone for the match.

Round 2 (5:01 - 10:00):

As the second round begins, the intensity picks up. Funaki and Ishikawa engage in a striking duel, each landing powerful blows. Ishikawa, known for his submission skills, attempts to mix in grappling to keep Funaki on his toes. However, Funaki showcases his striking abilities and maintains control.

Round 3 (10:01 - 14:26):

In the third round, Funaki sees an opening. At the 14:26 mark, he unleashes a lightning-fast spinning back elbow that connects flush with Ishikawa's jaw. The impact is devastating, and Ishikawa crumples to the mat.

Winner: Masakatsu Funaki (Round 3 - 14:26) by Knockout with Spinning Back Elbow

The referee calls for the bell, declaring Masakatsu Funaki the victor by knockout. The crowd erupts in a mix of shock and applause, acknowledging the precision and power of Funaki's striking. Funaki celebrates his well-earned victory, showcasing the effectiveness of his striking arsenal in this exciting matchup.



Week 4, March, 1992


The anticipation is high as Kiyoshi Tamura and Kazuo Yamazaki, two seasoned grapplers, step into the ring for what promises to be a technical masterpiece. The crowd is eager to witness the grappling expertise these two bring to the match.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the match begins with Tamura and Yamazaki engaging in a cautious exchange of strikes and grappling. Both wrestlers showcase their technical prowess, attempting to gain an advantage. The first round concludes with neither gaining a clear upper hand.

Round 2 (5:01 - 9:51):

As the second round unfolds, the intensity rises. Tamura and Yamazaki continue their technical battle, countering each other's moves with precision. At the 9:51 mark, Tamura seizes an opportunity and expertly locks in a Jujigatame submission.

Winner: Kiyoshi Tamura (Round 2 - 9:51) by Jujigatame Submission

The referee calls for the bell, declaring Kiyoshi Tamura the victor by submission. The crowd applauds the technical brilliance displayed by both wrestlers, but it's Tamura's mastery of the Jujigatame that secures the win. Tamura celebrates his well-executed victory, showcasing the effectiveness of his submission skills in this intense and technical showdown.



The stage is set for a collision between Yuki Ishikawa and Mark Starr, and the audience is eager to witness the outcome of this intense confrontation.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the match begins with Ishikawa and Starr cautiously circling each other. Both wrestlers showcase their skills in striking and grappling, testing each other's defenses. The first round concludes without a clear advantage for either competitor.

Round 2 (5:01 - 10:00):

As the second round kicks off, the intensity escalates. Ishikawa and Starr engage in a fierce exchange, each attempting to gain the upper hand. The crowd is treated to a display of resilience and strategy from both wrestlers.

Round 3 (10:01 - 15:06):

In the third round, Ishikawa seizes an opportunity. At the 15:06 mark, he executes a powerful back suplex that leaves Starr stunned. The impact is profound, and Starr is unable to recover, leading to a knockout.

Winner: Yuki Ishikawa (Round 3 - 15:06) by Knockout with Back Suplex

The referee calls for the bell, declaring Yuki Ishikawa the victor by knockout. The crowd erupts in a mix of shock and applause, acknowledging the impactful finish to this hard-fought match. Ishikawa celebrates his victory, showcasing the effectiveness of his wrestling acumen in securing the win.



The stage is set for a grappling clinic as Yoshiaki Fujiwara faces off against the legendary Bob Backlund. The crowd is buzzing with excitement, eager to witness the technical prowess these two icons bring to the ring.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the match begins with Fujiwara and Backlund engaging in a cautious exchange of strikes and grappling. Both wrestlers display their technical proficiency, attempting to gain the upper hand. The first round concludes without a clear advantage for either competitor.

Round 2 (5:01 - 10:00):

As the second round unfolds, the intensity rises. Fujiwara and Backlund continue their technical battle, each countering the other's moves with precision. The crowd is treated to a display of grappling mastery from both seasoned veterans.

Round 3 (10:01 - 11:25):

In the third round, Fujiwara seizes a moment of opportunity. At the 11:25 mark, he expertly maneuvers into position and locks in a tight knee bar on Backlund. The pressure is relentless, and Backlund, recognizing the danger, is forced to submit.

Winner: Yoshiaki Fujiwara (Round 3 - 11:25) by Submission with Knee Bar

The referee calls for the bell, and Yoshiaki Fujiwara is declared the victor by submission. The audience erupts in applause, acknowledging the swift and technical nature of Fujiwara's victory over the legendary Bob Backlund. Fujiwara celebrates his impressive win, showcasing the timeless effectiveness of his grappling skills.



The atmosphere is charged as Minoru Suzuki and Daisuke Ikeda, two masters of the grappling arts, step into the ring for what promises to be a technical masterpiece. The crowd is eager to witness the clash of these two seasoned veterans.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the match begins with Suzuki and Ikeda engaging in a cautious exchange of strikes and grappling. Both wrestlers showcase their technical prowess, attempting to gain an advantage. The first round concludes with neither gaining a clear upper hand.

Round 2 (5:01 - 10:00):

As the second round unfolds, the intensity rises. Suzuki and Ikeda continue their technical battle, each countering the other's moves with precision. The crowd is treated to a display of grappling mastery from both competitors.

Round 3 (10:01 - 13:14):

In the third round, Suzuki seizes an opportunity. At the 13:14 mark, he expertly transitions into a cross armbar. The hold is locked in tight, and Ikeda, recognizing the danger, is forced to tap out.

Winner: Minoru Suzuki (Round 3 - 13:14) by Submission with Cross Armbar

The referee calls for the bell, and Minoru Suzuki is declared the victor by submission. The audience erupts in applause, appreciating the technical brilliance displayed by both wrestlers. Suzuki celebrates his hard-fought victory, showcasing the effectiveness of his submission game in this intense and technical showdown against Daisuke Ikeda.



The anticipation is at its peak as Wayne Shamrock steps into the ring to defend the prestigious King of PWFG title against the formidable Masakatsu Funaki. The crowd is buzzing with excitement, knowing they are about to witness a clash between two titans.

Round 1 (0:00 - 5:00):

The bell rings, and the match kicks off with Shamrock and Funaki engaging in a strategic exchange of strikes and grappling. Both wrestlers showcase their technical skills, vying for control. The first round concludes with neither gaining a decisive advantage.

Round 2 (5:01 - 10:00):

As the second round begins, the intensity rises. Shamrock and Funaki escalate their offense, each attempting to assert dominance. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, witnessing a high-stakes battle for the King of PWFG title.

Round 3 (10:01 - 12:25):

In the third round, Shamrock seizes the moment. At the 12:25 mark, he executes a powerful belly-to-belly suplex that leaves Funaki stunned. Following the suplex, Shamrock capitalizes on the opportunity and unleashes a barrage of ground and pound.

Winner: Wayne Shamrock (Round 3 - 12:25) by Knockout with Belly-to-Belly Suplex & Ground & Pound

The referee calls for the bell, declaring Wayne Shamrock the winner and still the King of PWFG. The crowd erupts in a mix of shock and applause, acknowledging the impressive knockout victory. Shamrock celebrates his successful title defense, proving once again his dominance in the world of professional wrestling.


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