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WCW Presents Big Bang

May Week 4 2001

Texas Fair Complex Waco Texas

Attendance: 7634


Show Opens with the opening Pyro with Shane Mcmahon walking down the ring.


“World Championship Wrestling if you don’t know who I am my name is Shane McMahon. A few months ago you heard the name McMahon had bought this company and everyone thought it was my father but no it was myself and a business partner. Someone WCW knows very well. Someone who I am so glad to be working with because he is the only person to defeat my father for 83 weeks. Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome back Eric Bischoff!”


Eric Bischoff comes down to the ring to a huge ovation from the WCW crowd.


“Thank you Shane. That is right Shane and I have partnered together to bring WCW from the ashes and to challenge not just his father but all of the wrestling world. Now what will this WCW look like in comparison to the old. Shane and I will be working together for all decisions to make sure this company can prosper and be what fans are looking for. The talent we have brought back are all the best wrestlers that AOL did not pay off with their contracts. We also brought in talent WCW has never seen before! “


“That’s correct Eric let's make a few match announcements for tonight. The Cruiserweight Championship will be determined tonight in a 3 way ladder match between 3 former champs. Chavo Guerrero vs Billy Kidman vs Shane Helms. The WCW Championship will be determined in a fatal four way between Diamond Dallas Page vs Mike Awesome vs Buff Bagwell vs Booker T. The United States and Tag Titles announcements will be coming soon!”


Cruiserweight Showcase: AJ Styles defeats Tajiri, Juvi Guerrera and Christopher Daniels by pinfall in 12 minutes after a Styles Clash to Tajiri

Rating: 51


Post Match Scott Hudson catches up AJ Styles after his win.

“AJ that was an impressive win. How does it feel being here in WCW?”


“I am proud to be here and to showcase we have the best Cruiserweights in the world and to be champion.”


The Camera pans to the back in the locker room door showcasing a major debut here in WCW.


Rob Van Dam defeats Elix Skipper by pinfall in 10 minutes after a 5 star frog splash

Rating 63


We pan to the back where we are with Diamond Dallas Page

Yo it’s me it’s me it’s DDP. The master of the diamond cutter is back in WCW. The People Champion is going to not just become the champion of the people tonight but also The WCW Champion to lead the next wave of WCW. You can believe that! Bang!”


Tag Team Showcase Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo defeat 3 Count (Moore and Karaigas) by pinfall in 10 minutes when O’Haire hit a Seanton Bomb on Moore.

Rating: 52


Post Match 3 count get the assault on Sean and Palumbo until familiar music hits. The Road Warriors are here! They clear the ring to a huge pop! They shake hands with Palumbo and O’Haire.


Graphic Shows for The Tournament to crown our WCW United States Champion starts Wednesday on Nitro!


Cruiserweight Championship Ladder Match: Chavo Guerrero defeats Billy Kidman and Shane Helms when he retrieved The WCW Cruiserweight Title in 15 minutes 

Rating 52


Buff Bagwell is backstage with Scott Hudson.

“Hey Camera guy get a shot of this, that’s right Buff with the stuff is back! As much as I would love to show off my physique tonight is something different, something special. Tonight is the first time Buff Bagwell gets a shot at The WCW Title! Tonight Buff shows he has the stuff to be champion.”


Singles Match: Lance Storm defeats Hugh Morris by submission in 12 minutes when he got Morris to submit to a sharpshooter

Rating: 72


We Cut to a new sinister man.

“My name is The Sinister Minister James Mitchell. I am the man who brings destruction to every company I come to and WCW will be no different. I am bringing a monster to WCW that will destroy all who stand in our way.”


Singles Match: Kanyon defeats Lash Leroux by pinfall in 8 minutes after a flatliner

Rating 62


We cut backstage to a former grand slam champion of WCW Booker T.

“WCW is back and so is the best athlete in professional wrestling Booker T Sucka! I am the one the fans want to lead WCW to the promised land. I am the one who did not up and leave for that AOL money. I bought out my contract to return because I love WCW. I love the fans and tonight I will grab The WCW Title and carry WCW.


WCW Championship Fatal Four Way: Booker T defeats Diamond Dallas Page Buff Bagwell and Mike Awesome by pinfall  after hitting a scissors kick on Buff Bagwell in 20 minutes.


Rating 67


Booker T celebrates as he is handed The WCW Championship by the referee


Overall Show Rating: 71


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 WCW Presents Wednesday Night Nitro

June Week 1 2001

Held in Mid South Generic Arena

Attendance: 3500


Opening Video Package of Nitro starts the show as the opening Pyro finishes up.


“Welcome back to WCW Wednesday Night Nitro checking in at the commentary table. I'm Tony Schevone and with me as always The Professor Mike Tenay.” That’s right Tony last Sunday WCW returned in a big way where they crowned a few new champions, and some major debuts. What can we expect tonight? Well Mike we know we have the beginning of The US Title Tournament where the participants are RVD Kanyon Lance Storm Hugh Morris Mark Jindrak Johnny The Bull Simond Diamond and either Sean O’Haire or Chuck Palumbo.” So much action to get to tonight lets get started.”


After The announcers open the show Shane McMahon and Eric Bischoff come down to the ring to open the show.


“Last Sunday at Big Bang we relaunched WCW with great success! Tonight will be the beginning of getting Nitro back in the limelight. But Let’s congratulate our new champions that were crowned Sunday Chavo Guerrero Jr became WCW Cruiserweight Champion after a hard fought ladder match. And The Man we are about to welcome to the ring is our WCW Champion Booker T.”


Booker T music hits as he comes down to the ring with The WCW Championship.


“Thank you Shane, Thank you Eric. What’s up people, Booker T is your new WCW Champion. I want to thank the fans for not only believing in WCW and making Sunday a major success but also believing in me to help me to victory and become your champion, I will be a fighting champion that WCW fans, WCW management, and all the boys can be proud of. Bring it on boys bring me all the competition I’ll be ready. Now can you dig that Sucka!”


US Title Tournament Match: Johnny The Bull defeated Simon Diamond by pinfall in 8 minutes  after a running powerbomb 

Rating 30


As Johnny The Bull goes through the curtain Guido and Tony Mamaluke try to show Johnny The FBI and Italian Flag as they tell him they want the family to be back together Johnny says no.


US Title Tournament Match: Lance Storm defeated Hugh Morris by pinfall in 15 minutes after a superkick

Rating 67


We cut backstage to The Road Warriors

“Since Sunday people have been asking Hawk and myself what are you guys doing in WCW? We decided we wanted to show the world we are still the greatest tag team ever and we felt WCW was the place to make that stance. Now 3 count you were trying to do wrong by attacking a team after losing and we don’t stand for it so tonight we take you out.”


Tag Team Match: The Road Warriors defeated 3 Count by pinfall in 8 minutes following a Doomsday Device on Moore

Rating 57


We cut backstage to Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo Shane Walks up to them

“Hey Shane, which one of us in this US Title Tournament tonight? Oh yes we need to figure that out there is only one spot. Okay I’m thinking of a number Sean you go first 8. Chuck says 3 numbers where 9 Sean is in. Sorry Chuck. Chuck shakes Seans hand and tells him to go get it.”


US Title Tournament Match: Kanyon defeated Sean O’Haire by pinfall in 12 minutes following a rollup

Rating 58


We cut backstage to a frustrated Buff Bagwell.

“ Hudson please explain to me how we are first Nitro and The Buff with The Stuff isn’t facing The new WCW Champion I mean. I didn’t have a fair shot at the belt Sunday. I deserve a one on one match for the belt. I guess I have to make my own opportunities here.”


Singles Match: Diamond Dallas Page defeated Jamie Knoble by pinfall in 8 minutes following a Diamond Cutter

Rating 54


We cut backstage to Rob Van Dam ready to talk US Title

“For the first time in history Rob Van Dam is on your tv set on WCW Nitro. And wouldn’t you know it I found my way to The US Title Tournament. I am the master of making championships have prestige and I will do that once again here in WCW. WCW fans get ready for mister Wednesday Night Rob Van Dam.”


US Title Tournament Match: Rob Van Dam defeated Mark Jindrak by pinfall in 10 minutes following a 5 Star Frog Splash

Rating 61


We get a graphic of the final four in The US Title Tournament as Kanyon Rob Van Dam Lance Storm and Johnny The Bull advanced


Non Title: Booker T defeated Juvi Guerrera by pinfall in 12 minutes following a Bookend

Rating 64


As Booker T is celebrating in the ring Buff Bagwell slides into the ring and lays out Booker T. He holds up The WCW Championship to end the show.


Show Rating 41

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 WCW Presents Wednesday Night Nitro

June Week 2 2001

Held in  MS St. Joseph Civic Arena

Attendance: 2967


Opening Video Package of Nitro starts the show as the opening Pyro finishes up.


“Welcome back to WCW Wednesday Night Nitro checking in at the commentary table. I'm Tony Schevone and with me as always The Professor Mike Tenay.” Tony last week we had an incredible and successful return to tv with Wednesday Night Nitro! What do we have in store for our incredible fans tonight? We have 2 major Cruiserweight showcase matches and of course going off last week our final four for The US Title Tournament. As Kanyon faces off against Rob Van Dam and Lance Storm faces off against Johnny The Bull. Let’s get to the action!


Buff Bagwell music hits as he comes down to the ring.


“Last week I made my claim known and what Buff Bagwell wants here in WCW. I want my rightful shot, a shot that I believe is earned for being with this company through the monday night wars and never leaving even now. I deserve this one on one shot as I have never got that opportunity. When I noticed I wasn’t going to be handed that I took actions into my own hands by attacking Booker T and making it known.”


Booker T music hits.


“Buff you and I have both had such similar careers. We started as tag team specialists. We were on the opposite side of The NWO vs WCW war. But yet somehow I’m a multi time singles champion TV, US and now multi time World Champion. Here you stand a man that hasn’t. You can blame everyone you want but it’s on you. Until last week, you attacked me from behind and claimed you wanted a shot? Buff all you had to do was ask lets do this.”


Bischoff comes out to stop Booker T.


“We are not doing this right now, come on guys. Buff I get it you want a shot well tonight you will have an opportunity to earn it. You will go one on one with another top star here in WCW Diamond Dallas Page. The winner will face The WCW Champion Booker T when we go to PPV later this month at Great American Bash.”


Cruiserweight Showcase: Billy Kidman defeated Kid Kash by pinfall in 10 minutes following a shooting star press

Rating 54


We cut backstage showing WCW Cruiserweight Champion Chavo Guerrero watching the tv monitor as Shane Mcmahon walks up behind him


“Man that was an impressive match by Kidman wouldn’t you agree Chavo. I suggest you start scouting that is your number 1 contender for your belt that you will face at the Great American Bash.”


Tag Team Match: Psychosis / Juvi Gurrera defeated Second City Saints (CM Punk and Colt Cabana) by pinfall in 9 minutes when Psycosis hit a leg drop on Colt Cabana

Rating 46


Johnny The Bull is backstage warming up as Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke walk up to him


“Johnny did you think about the dons offer?”


“I did and boys I know the family wants to ride again but tonight I am on my own.”


US Title Tournament Final Four: Lance Storm defeated Johnny The Bull by pinfall in 12 minutes following a Superkick 

Rating 59


Video package hyping a new superstar debuting next for WCW


Singles Match: Tommy Dreamer defeated Shawn Stasiak w/ Stacy Keibler by pinfall in 8 minutes when Dreamer hit a DDT on Stasiak

Rating 51


Backstage Johnny The Bull walks up to Guido and Tony Mamaluke 


“Alright boys I’m back in the family. I’m in lets do this.”


Cruiserweight Showcase: AJ Styles defeated Shane Helms and Christopher Daniels by pinfall in 12 minutes when AJ hit a Styles Clash on Shane Helms

Rating 52


RVD is backstage and ready for his match


“Last week Mr Wednesday Night picked up the first round victory and tonight RVD shows once again he is the best wrestler in the world and will once again force a championship to mean more than anything in this business. Kanyon you better be ready to me R V D.”


US Title Tournament Final Four: Rob Van Dam defeated Kanyon by pinfall in 14 minutes following a 5 Star Frog Splash

Rating 71


Graphic of Finals for WCW US Title is set for The Great American Bash Lance Storm vs Rob Van Dam.

Tag Team Match: Road Warriors defeated Jung Dragons by pinfall in 7 minutes when Road Warriors hitting Doomsday Device on Jimmy Yang

Rating 55


Diamond Dallas Page is backstage


“Tonight Buff Bagwell the most spoiled brat of WCW is now stuck in a #1 contenders match against The Peoples Champion. Tonight Buff you will learn as you always have you can’t escape The Diamond Cutter. Bang!”


#1 Contender for WCW Title: Buff Bagwell defeated Diamond Dallas Page by pinfall in 15 minutes following a top rope block buster

Rating 67


Buff Bagwell is celebrating in ring as Booker T stands on stage holding WCW TItle as they stare each other down


Show Rating 68

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 WCW Presents Wednesday Night Nitro

June Week 3 2001

Held in  LA Prather Coliseum

Attendance: 3150


Opening Video Package of Nitro starts the show as the opening Pyro finishes up.


“Welcome back to WCW Wednesday Night Nitro checking in at the commentary table. I'm Tony Schevone and with me as always The Professor Mike Tenay.” Tony we had an incredible last week on Nitro where we found out some of matches for our next PPV Great American Bash. We found out last week Booker T will defend his WCW Title against Buff Bagwell. That is right Mike and two other major title matches where Chavo Guerrero defends his Cruiserweight Title against Billy Kidman and in the finals of US Title Tournament Rob Van Dam and Lance Storm go to battle.”


Shane McMahon and Eric Bischoff come down to the ring.


“Fans, we are on a great path since relaunch as we head towards the Great American Bash. We figured we would come out and announce our next few months PPVs. August we will bring you Bash at The Beach and September will be the return of Fall Brawl. October is a huge month where a famous PPV named Halloween Havoc will be back. November we have a new concept coming your way where it will be a 30 man over top rope similar to Royal Rumble but it will be called Mayhem. Finally in December our biggest show of the year Starcade will be leading us into 2002. Thank you fans, we will continue to do our very best to bring all the best wrestling stars to you.”


Cruiserweight Showcase: Christopher Daniels defeated Tajiri Kid Kash and Shane Helms by pinfall in 12 minutes when Daniels hit Angel Wings on Tajiri 

Rating: 51


We cut to a backstage segment where Kidman is with his girlfriend Torrie.


“Kidman, what are your thoughts on getting an opportunity at The Cruiserweight Title at Great American Bash?”


“It’s an amazing opportunity for sure. I know as one best high flyers here in WCW it’s only fitting to face an old foe in Chavo Guerrero. He knows what I bring to the table and he knows his championship is in big trouble when we go one on one.”


Cruiserweight Showcase: Billy Kidman w/ Torrie Wilson defeated Elix Skipper by pinfall in 8 minutes when he hit a shooting star press

Rating: 47


As the match ends and the ref raises Kidman’s hand Chavo Guerrero slides in and hits him from behind. He hits a brainbuster as he holds up The Cruiserweight Title.


Singles Match: Mike Awesome defeated Tommy Dreamer by pinfall in 13 minutes following an Awesome bomb

Rating: 60


We come back from a commercial with The FBI backstage.


“Last week Johnny you finally came back to the family and we will make the don happy again. Speaking of that Tony and Guido I joined this family again to have backup. I have something I need addressed. Let's strategize and talk to the don.”


Tag Team Match: FBI (Guido and Mamaluke) defeated Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo by pinfall in 10 minutes when Johnny The Bull interfered causing Guido to pin Palumbo

Rating: 49


We cut backstage to Eric making an announcement.


“Shane and I will be discussing tonight and come to a decision for The WCW Tag Team Titles next week. We will crown a first champion at Great American Bash.”


Singles Match: Rob Van Dam defeated Simon Diamond W/ Dawn Marie by pinfall in 8 minutes following a 5 Star Frog Splash

Rating: 66


As RVD celebrates in the ring he turns around into a vicious Lance Storm Superkick


We cut to Booker T backstage


“Buff last week you proved you could earn your shot at this title. I honestly couldn’t be more excited to beat some sense into you and understand that Booker T is the greatest champion in WCW history. Now can you dig that Sucka!”


3 Way Tag Team Showcase: Second City Saints (CM Punk and Colt Cabana) defeated Americas Most Wanted (Harris and Storm) and Psicosis and Juvi Guerrera by pinfall in 10 minutes when CM Punk pinned James Storm following a GTS

Rating: 47


Diamond Dallas Page pre match backstage.


“There is no way to sugar coat what happened last week we had a major setback on our quest for WCW Gold. I will say this DDP does not go away easy and I will be WCW Champion once again. DDP will find his way back into title picture now respect that Bang!”


Singles Match: Diamond Dallas Page defeated Reno by pinfall in 6 minutes after a Diamond Cutter

Rating: 63


Singles Match: Buff Bagwell defeated Hugh Morris by pinfall in 15 minutes following a block buster

Rating: 55


Booker T goes to hit the bookend on Buff but he slips away as Booker T stands tall 


Show Rating: 61

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 WCW Presents Wednesday Night Nitro

June Week 4 2001

Held in  OK Great Plains Colleseum

Attendance: 3000


Opening Video Package of Nitro starts the show as the opening Pyro finishes up.


“Welcome back to WCW Wednesday Night Nitro checking in at the commentary table. I'm Tony Schevone and with me as always The Professor Mike Tenay. Mike, what a wild ride it has been the last few weeks. “Sure, Tony has so many guys trying to make a name for themselves here in WCW. The land of opportunity is certainly here and let's see what we have in store for you tonight.”


Shane McMahon comes down to the ring to get the WCW Contract Signing complete.


“What is up Oklahoma! Now I came out here to complete the contract signing of Booker defending his WCW Title versus Buff Bagwell but I have another announcement first. As long as you fans are in agreement we need to crown WCW Tag Team Champions. So at The Great American Bash I believe four of our top tag teams should go at it to crown champions. The participants are Sean O’haire and Chuck Palumbo, The FBI (Guido and Mamaluke), Juvi and Psicosis, and The Legendary Road Warriors Hawk and Animal!” Now that we have that situated, let's welcome the challenger and champion.”


Booker T makes his entrance to the ring as WCW Champion.


Buff Bagwell makes his entrance.


“Gentleman let me start this by saying this is a big moment in WCW as two WCW lifers are in our first singles WCW Title Main event. This is a very big deal as Buff you will sign first.”


“Let's get one thing straight here Shane and you Booker T. I am finally going to become a title holder myself here in WCW and there is not a thing either one of you can do about it.”


Buff signs


“Now Booker floor is yours.”


“Buff you and I are no stranger as I said before but the way you have gone about getting is match reeks of desperation. To me it shows you doubt yourself and on Sunday there will be no doubt when I put your shoulders to the mat for a 1 2 3. Now can you dig that Sucka!”


Booker T signs and leaves ring.


“Oh gentlemen just a heads up tonights main event you both with be teaming up with a member of The US Title match so Booker T you will team with Rob Van Dam and Buff Bagwell you will team with Lance Storm.”


Cruiserweight Showcase: Shane Helms defeats Jamie Knoble by pinfall in 8 minutes following a Vertebreaker

Rating: 53


We cut backstage as Co Owner Eric Bischoff has an announcement.


“Shane got to make a big announcement of our Tag Team Title agreement and now I am going to announce how WCW is the land of opportunity. Tonight there will be 2 triple threat matches where the winners will face off at The Great American Bash to become the #1 Contender for The WCW Championship.” The matches are Kanyon vs Mike Awesome vs Tommy Dreamer and DDP vs Johnny The Buff vs Simon Diamond.”


Tag Team Match: Juvi and Psicosis defeated Americas Most Wanted (James Storm and Chris Harris) by pinfall in 7 minutes following a leg drop by Psisosis to James Storm



We come back from Commercial to Rob Van Dam walking into Booker T locker room


“Yo Book tonight for the first time you and I get to be in the right at the same time. I have been looking forward to this for a long time RVD. Tonight lets show why we are best two wrestlers in the world and show why we are WCW.”


Triple Threat Match: Diamond Dallas Page defeated Simon Diamond and Johnny The Bull by pinfall in 12 minutes when DDP hit a Diamond Cutter on Johnny The Bull

Rating: 50


Graphic shows of DDP earning his spot in the #1 Contenders match at Great American Bash


Camera cuts backstage to Chavo Guerrero


“Why did you attack Kidman last week after you found out he was the number 1 contender?”


“I attacked Kidman to teach him a lesson that should know already. That lesson is very simple you don’t mess with a Guerrero.”


Kidman approaches and wants to get at Chavo as security gets in between them so theres no contact.


Tag Team Match: Chuck Palumbo and Sean O’Haire defeated Jung Dragons by pinfall in 8 minutes following a Seanton Bomb on Jimmy Yang.

Rating: 50

Kanyon is backstage


“Tonight Kanyon is going to show the world he is the innovator of offense when he faces two guys he has never been in the ring with. Tonight Kanyon makes his way to the number 1 contender match. Who better than Kanyon!”


Triple Threat Match: Mike Awesome defeated Tommy Dreamer and Kanyon by pinfall in 12 minutes when Awesome hit a Awesome bomb on Dreamer

Rating: 61


Graphic for #1 Contender match for Great American Bash Diamond Dallas Page vs Mike Awesome


We come back from commercial to a vignette of darkness that a dangerous force is coming to WCW who could this be?


Cruiserweight Showcase: Billy Kidman W/ Torrie Wilson defeated Shannon Moore by pinfall in 6 minutes following a Shooting Star Press

Rating: 52


Tag Team Match: Booker T and Rob Van Dam defeated Buff Bagwell and Lance Storm by pinfall when Booker hit a Bookend and then RVD hit a 5 Star Frog Splash on Storm

Rating: 76


The babyfaces RVD and Booker T celebrate with the fans as they stand tall to end the show


Show Rating: 72


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I want to say thank you to all that are following the save! We are at our first "official" WCW PPV The Great American Bash this is the card below would love to see what you think is going to happen.


The Great American Bash Match Card

WCW Championship: Buff Bagwell vs Booker T*

WCW US Title Tournament Finals: Lance Storm vs Rob Van Dam

WCW Tag Team Title Fatal Four Way: The Road Warriors vs Sean O'Haire / Chuck Palumbo vs FBI (Guido and Mamluke) vs Juvi / Psicosis

#1 Contender Match for WCW Title: Diamond Dallas Page vs Mike Awesome

WCW Cruiserweight Title: Billy Kidman w/ Torrie Wilson vs Chavo Guerrero*

Cruiserweight Showcase: Kid Kash vs AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels vs Shane Helms


Would love to see some ideas / predictions from anyone following this will get Great American Bash up by Saturday!

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WCW Championship: Buff Bagwell vs Booker T*

WCW US Title Tournament Finals: Lance Storm vs Rob Van Dam

WCW Tag Team Title Fatal Four Way: The Road Warriors vs Sean O'Haire / Chuck Palumbo vs FBI (Guido and Mamluke) vs Juvi / Psicosis

#1 Contender Match for WCW Title: Diamond Dallas Page vs Mike Awesome

WCW Cruiserweight Title: Billy Kidman w/ Torrie Wilson vs Chavo Guerrero*

Cruiserweight Showcase: Kid Kash vs AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels vs Shane Helms

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18 hours ago, DGenerationMC said:

WCW Championship: Buff Bagwell vs Booker T*

WCW US Title Tournament Finals: Lance Storm vs Rob Van Dam

WCW Tag Team Title Fatal Four Way: The Road Warriors vs Sean O'Haire / Chuck Palumbo vs FBI (Guido and Mamluke) vs Juvi / Psicosis

#1 Contender Match for WCW Title: Diamond Dallas Page vs Mike Awesome

WCW Cruiserweight Title: Billy Kidman w/ Torrie Wilson vs Chavo Guerrero*

Cruiserweight Showcase: Kid Kash vs AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels vs Shane Helms

We shall see what we have coming on Saturday when I post! PPV was a huge success in my opinion! Thank you for posting predictions!

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 WCW Presents The Great American Bash

June Week 4 2001

Held in  TX The Oil Palace

Attendance: 10,000


Opening Video Package of matches for Great American Bash starts the show as the opening Pyro finishes up.


“Welcome to The Great American Bash! I am the voice of WCW Tony Schivone and with me as always is The Professor Mike Tenay. Thank you Tony I am so excited for this event tonight. So many incredible matches, multiple titles up for grabs. That is correct Tenay The US and Tag Team Champions will finally be crowned tonight in their respective matches. We have a grudge match for The Cruiserweight Title and WCW Championship. Plus we find out who the new #1 Contender for The WCW Champion will be tonight! Without further ado let's get to the action!”


WCW Tag Team Championship Fatal Four Way: The Road Warriors defeated Sean O’Haire / Chuck Palumbo, The FBI (Guido / Mamaluke), and Juvi and Psisosis by pinfall in 15 minutes when they hit A Doomday device on Tony Mamaluke

Rating: 53


The Road Warriors celebrate in ring post match as they have won The WCW Tag Team Championships.


We Cut backstage to Buff Bagwell.


“Tonight Buff Bagwell you get your long awaited shot at The WCW Championship, what can we expect from you tonight, can you get the job done?”


“Can I get the job done? I have been waiting for this opportunity my whole career. Every year I would be passed by for the new flavor of the week and tonight that all changes. Tonight The Buff with The Stuff becomes The Buff with the WCW Championship.”


Cruiserweight Showcase: AJ Styles defeated Shane Helms, Christopher Daniels, and Kid Kash by pinfall in 12 minutes following a springboard 450 on Helms.

Rating: 50


Video showcase of Billy Kidman’s journey to this Cruiserweight Championship match. This has become a grudge match after the attack by Chavo Guerrero.


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Match: Chavo Guerrero Jr defeates Billy Kidman W/ Torrie Wilson by pinfall in 12 minutes following interference by Juvi and Psicosis leading to a frog splash for the pin.

Rating: 51


“What does this mean? Why did Juvi and Psicosis help Chavo retain his Cruiserweight Championship?”


Post Match Chavo celebrates up the ramp with Juvi and Psisosis 


RVD is backstage getting ready for The Finals of The WCW United States Tournament.


“Tonight Rob Van Dam begins his journey of creating a legacy here in WCW, Tonight I face an old foe from the beginning of my career who I am definitely no stranger to. Tonight RVD will be walking out as your new WCW United States Champion.”


Video package plays of how both Lance Storm and Rob Van Dam’s journey in The United States Championship Tournament went. We also get a career highlights package for both men.


WCW United States Championship Finals: Rob Van Dam defeats Lance Storm by pinfall in 19 minutes following a 5 Star Frog Splash

Rating: 74


Post Match Rob Van Dam celebrates a hard earned win and his first championship in WCW. The WCW United States Championship.


We cut to Mike Awesome backstage talking his #1 Contender match.


“Mike can we get some thoughts on tonights match?”


“You want my thoughts? The thoughts are simple I walk into the ring tonight beat the hell out of DDP and at the end of the day I walk out as the next man to challenge for The WCW Championship. Page you are mine.”


#1 Contender Match for WCW Title: Mike Awesome defeats Diamond Dallas Page by pinfall in 14 minutes following an Awesome Bomb

Rating: 61


Mike Awesome is the new #1 Contender as a disappointed DDP sits battered and bruised after a hard fought victory


We check in with The WCW Champion Booker T


“Tonight Booker T you defend your WCW Championship against a man who feels he has always been overlooked and feels very confident going into this match.”


“He should feel confident, but confidence doesn’t win you championships. Grit, determination and knowing you are the best helps you win championships. I have said since the beginning of WCW relaunch I will carry this belt with pride and excellence. Tonight Buff Bagwell you will find out why I am The WCW Champion. Now can you dig that Sucka?!”


Video Package highlighting The WCW Championship Feud


WCW Championship: Booker T defeats Buff Bagwell by pinfall in 17 minutes following a Scissors Kick

Rating: 71


Booker T celebrates his retaining of The WCW Championship with the fans to end the show.


Show Rating: 70


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 WCW Presents Wednesday Night Nitro

July Week 1 2001

Held in OK Spiritbank Event Center

Attendance: 3928


Opening Video Package of Wednesday Night Nitro starts the show as the opening Pyro finishes up.


“Welcome back to WCW Wednesday Night Nitro checking in at the commentary table. I'm Tony Schevone and with me as always The Professor Mike Tenay.” Tony we had an incredible Great American Bash on Sunday! We officially have all of our champions crowned here in WCW. That is correct Tenay Rob Van Dam and The Road Warriors won The WCW United States and Tag Team Titles. We saw The Cruiserweight Champion Chavo Guerrero retain over Kidman when Juvi and Psisosis made there presence known. Yeah Tony we will have to get to the bottom of that for sure. We saw Mike Awesome defeat Diamond Dallas Page in that number 1 contender match and in our main event. We saw Booker T come out on top and retain his WCW Title over Buff Bagwell.”


WCW Cruiserweight Champion Chavo Guerrero comes out with Juvi and Psicosis on his side.


“You fans truly thought Kidman was going to take this Cruiserweight Title from me? Not only am I the best Cruiserweight in the world but I am also the smartest. I talked to my two friends who I have known since we were all kids Juvi and Psicosis. We are what defines family business. We all have been around this business for over 15 years. We have united and since we are pretty much family we are La Familia and we will run this cruiserweight division so get used to it. Now I saw AJ Styles won that showcase match to get a shot at me, so AJ come on down if you dare.”


Cruiserweight Championship: Chavo Guerrero retains over AJ Styles by pinfall in 12 minutes following a distraction by Psicois leading to a Gory Bomb

Rating: 50


Psicosis and Juvi slide into the ring and start beating down on AJ Styles Chavo stands over the beatdown.


Billy Kidman music hits as he runs down to the ring as the family bails from the ring.


Tag Team Match: Natural Born Thrillers (Palumbo and O’Haire) defeated 3 Count (Karagias and Moore) by pinfall in 8 minutes following a Seanton Bomb on Moore

Rating: 51


We see a Vignatte play that says The Blackout is going to run through WCW and cause complete chaos coming soon…


We get a video recap of Rob Van Dam hitting The 5 Star Frog Splash on Lance Storm to win The WCW United States Championship in the finals of the tournament.


Camera then shows RVD with Scott Hudson.


“Rob congratulations on becoming WCW US Champion. Now that you won the belt what is your mindset moving forward?”


“Well Scott, Rob Van Dam is going to do what RVD always does he is going to steal the show and representing The US with this belt. I want anyone in WCW or outside you want a shot bring it! RVD has no problem defending this championship anytime any place. At the end of the day The WCW US Champion will be the same R…V….D.”


WCW United States Championship: Rob Van Dam retains over Kid Kash by pinfall in 10 minutes following a 5 Star Frog Splash

Rating: 68


DDP is in his locker room getting ready for his match when Kanyon walks in.


“Page I know you got my voicemail since Sunday. I know things aren’t going your way but have no fear Kanyon is here. I know exactly how to get DDP back in the bright lights and be on top of WCW.”


“Kanyon I don’t want your help, I can do this on my own”


Page walks passed Kanyon and out to the ring.


Singles Match: Lance Storm defeats Diamond Dallas Page by pinfall in 15 minutes following a Superkick

Rating: 66


FBI backstage talking.


“Tonight we get back on the dons good gracious when I bring home a win against Tommy Dreamer. The Don was upset you didn’t get those tag team titles in the family. Now I have to step up,”


Singles Match: Tommy Dreamer defeats Johnny The Bull by pinfall in 10 minutes following a DDT

Rating: 50


We cut backstage to a very upset DDP throwing things backstage when Kanyon approaches


“Are you going to listent to me now?”


Page just gives him a stare and storms away.


Singles Match: Hugh Morris defeats Shawn Stasiak W/ Stacy Keibler by pinfall in 9 minutes following a Moonsault

Rating: 53


We cut backstage to Booker T.


“Booker T on Sunday you were able to defeat Buff Bagwell and put him behind you with that victory. But now you have a new problem in the number one contender Mike Awesome.”


“You best believe Booker T realizes everyone is gunning for The WCW Championship. I know I will have to keep my head on a swivel to survive. I beat Buff cool another man down and I keep my title. As soon as one goes down the next is here Mike Awesome is a beast but he is still just a man. A man that will fall to the WCW Champion Booker T. Now can you did that Sucka!”


Singles Match Non Title: Booker T defeats Christopher Daniels by pinfall in 12 minutes following a Bookend

Rating: 69


Post Match Booker T is in the ring as Mike Awesome comes down to the ring gets in his face and looks at The WCW Title as the show ends.


Show Rating: 69


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 WCW Presents Wednesday Night Nitro

July Week 2 2001

Held in FL Universal Studios Orlando

Attendance: 1000


Opening Video Package of Wednesday Night Nitro starts the show as the opening Pyro finishes up.


“Welcome back to WCW Wednesday Night Nitro checking in at the commentary table. I'm Tony Schevone and with me as always The Professor Mike Tenay.” Tony we are starting our 4 week Tour of Universal Studios for Nitro with so much action tonight! Mike, we have so much to get to tonight. Starting with The United States Championship open challenge is live again tonight. Rob Van Dam faces his next challenger. Can they beat him or will he continue his reign? Plus the FBI faces Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo where the winners face The Road Warriors at Bash At The Beach. Plus what will happen between Mike Awesome and WCW Champion Booker T. Speaking of Booker T, here he comes now.”


Booker T makes his way to the ring.


“What is up Orlando? Your reigning WCW Champion Booker T is here ya dig? I wanted to start the show tonight before my match by addressing Mike Awesome. Last week we came face to face for the first time in our careers. I know your history you have won multiple championships and taken out many wrestlers in your path. I am not dumb I know you will be a huge challenge but I want you to know and understand Booker T is scared of no one and you will fall to The reigning and defending WCW Champion Booker T. Now can you dig that Sucka?!”


Singles Match Non title: Booker T defeats Kid Romeo by pinfall in 7 minutes following a Scissors Kick

Rating: 56


As Booker T is celebrating in ring we get a graphic on screen for the next Tag Team Match between FBI and Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo The winner of this match will face The Road Warriors for The WCW Tag Team Titles at Bash at The Beach.


Tag Team Match: Winner Faces Road Warriors at Bash At The Beach: Full Blooded Italians defeats Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo by pinfall in 12 minutes following powder thrown in Palumbo eyes by Johnny The Bull leading to Guido hitting Arriverdci for the pin.

Rating: 52


The Full Blooded Italians will officially face The Road Warriors for The WCW Tag Team Championships at Bash at The Beach.


As Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo get to their feets the lights go out. Lights come on and James Mitchell is on the apron in front of them while Vampiro and a masked monster (Abyss) are behind them. The attack them from behind. Vampiro Irish whips each one one by one into Abyss as he hits a black hole slam on both. Mitchell stands over both with his new clients Vampiro and Abyss.


We come back from commercial after that hellacious attack with Kidman in his locker room being approached by AJ Styles. 


“Hey Billy, I know you got a big match tonight against Juvi but I wanted to personally come by and thank you for having my back last week.”


“Ya man don’t sweat it we got to stay strong when numbers are not on our side.”


“No doubt, just know tonight I got your back.”


Singles Match: Billy Kidman w/ Torrie Wilson defeats Juvi Guerrera w/ Psicsosis by pinfall in 12 minutes following a Shooting Star Press

Rating: 50


Post Match Psicosis slides into the ring and tries to attack Kidman. AJ Styles music hits as he hits the ring with a spring board drop kick as La Familia bails from the ring.


The Camera then cuts to Chavo Guerrero watching a tv monitor as Shane McMahon approaches.


“Wow you must be thrilled that one of your Familia just lost to your former #1 Contender. I thought I would let you know next week La Familia will face AJ and Kidman and if AJ and Kidman win they will face you in a Triple Threat Match at Bash at The Beach.”


“That’s not fair Shane. I am a Guerrero, I am a Champion!”


“You better get your Familia on the same page otherwise you will have two opponents at Bash at The Beach.”


Singles Match: Lance Storm defeats Tajiri by pinfall in 10 minutes following a Superkick

Rating: 66


We cut backstage to WCW United States Champion Rob Van Dam.


“Mr. Wednesday Night Rob Van Dam is now here in Universal Studios. My open challenge for The US Title is still on I want to face the best and defend my championship. Tonight I bring RVD for the first time in my career to Florida to showcase why I am Mr. Wednesday Night.”

WCW United States Championship: Rob Van Dam defeats Tommy DreamTer by pinfall in 14 minutes following a 5 Star Frog Splash

Rating: 71


Post Match RVD helps Dreamer to his feet as they shake hands as Dreamer leaves the ring.


A video starts playing on the screen of Kanyon and DDP.


“Page I want you to realize you are not washed up you are one of the best wrestlers in the world and that is why we are here in Tacoma Washington. This is where you first became a World Champion in 1999. That was only two years ago and I know there is still that fire of a champion in you we just have to unlock it again.”


“Kanyon your an idiot but I guess let’s see where this goes, I will follow your lead.”


“I have more ideas to get you back to being The DDP I know you are and The True Master of The Diamond Cutter. Come on I have another way to get you back to it.”


Tag Team Non Title: Road Warriors defeats Diamonds in The Rough ( Diamond and Sanders) w/ Dawn Marie by pinfall following a Doomsday Device on Diamond.

Rating: 53


Camera shows Tommy Dreamer walking backstage as he is attacked by Johnny The Bull with a Singapore Cane. Clearly he has not got over the loss Dreamer handed him last week.


We return from commercial to catch up with Mike Awesome.


“Booker T I see you talking earlier tonight about how you respect me and all my accomplishments. I want you to understand I respect no one. I am focused on winning titles and cashing checks. Booker I want you to understand you are the biggest check of them and you have a championship I have never won and I want. I will hurt you until you have no choice but to hand that WCW Title over.”


Singles Match: Mike Awesome defeats Hugh Morrus by pinfall in 10 minutes following an Awesomebomb

Rating: 59


Mike Awesome goes to hit another Awesome bomb but Booker T hits the ring with a series of punches as he clothesline Awesome to the floor as they staredown to end the show.


Show Rating: 65

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 WCW Presents Wednesday Night Nitro

July Week 3 2001

Held in FL Universal Studios Orlando

Attendance: 1000


Opening Video Package of Wednesday Night Nitro starts the show as the opening Pyro finishes up.


“Welcome back to WCW Wednesday Night Nitro checking in at the commentary table. I'm Tony Schiavone and with me as always The Professor Mike Tenay.” Tony we are here again from Universal Studios here in Orlando, and after last week I am so excited with two weeks away from Bash at The Beach. I couldn’t agree more Tenay, after last week Bash at The Beach is really starting to take shape. What will tonight bring?”


Singles Match: Johnny The Bull defeats Lash Leroux by pinfall in 8 minutes following a top rope leg drop

Rating: 36


Johnny The Bull is walking backwards up the ramp when Tommy Dreamer emerges and blasts him from behind. Last week Johnny The Bull attacked him and this week Dreamer caught Johnny The Bull by himself and went for it. Security and agents run in to break it up as they push Dreamer to the back.


Our Cameras move forward to Scott Hudson with La Familia.


“Chavo if we could get a second. How are we feeling as your La Familia members go into this tag match that has a complete effect on your Cruiserweight Title match at Bash at The Beach?”


“First of all Scott, you will show me and La Familia respect. Tonight I have the upmost confidence in the boys to not only get the job done but to take out Kidman and Styles. I can guarantee this no matter what happens tonight Chavo Guerrero will walk into Bash at The Beach as champion and walk out as Champion.”


Tag Team Match: AJ Styles and Billy Kidman w/ Torrie Wilson defeats La Familia (Psicosis and Juvi) by DQ in 12 minutes following the ref seeing Chavo hitting Kidman with a chair

Rating: 51


Chavo and La Familia are proud of themselves as they leave the ring when Eric Bischoff music plays.


“Congratulations La Familia you played this one so well. Here is the problem this isn’t my first rodeo and I planned incase of this happening. Chavo Guerrero I have good news you won’t face either AJ Styles or Billy Kidman at Bash at The Beach. You will now face both Billy Kidman and AJ Styles at Bash at The Beach.”


We come back from a commercial with Tommy Dreamer seething in his locker room when The WCW Tag Team Champions Road Warriors walk up to him.


“Tommy, we wanted to find you. We have never been in the same place at the same time in our careers but we both have a common enemy. As of right now as far as we are concerned Tommy we have your back.” (Tommy shakes hands with Hawk and Animal).


Singles Match: Shawn Stasiak w/ Stacy Keibler defeats Hugh Morris by pinfall in 10 minutes following a distraction from Stacy leading to Stasiak hitting Morris with an Implant DDT

Rating: 46


Video shows the lights went out last week where we saw James Mitchell’s new clients Vampiro and a large masked man attacked Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo. James Mitchell music hits as all 3 men come down to the ring.


“Last week WCW was introduced to the most dangerous Tag Team in professional wrestling. My name is James Mitchell I am known as The Sinister Minister and I have my first two followers to my chapel. You WCW fans are familiar with Vampiro the man that fought Sting in a graveyard and launched him off a stage. He is more focused that ever to cause destruction in every way possible. As for this man if you can call him that, is Abyss. He is 6 foot 8 350 pounds and he is a walking monster who’s one goal in life is to punish all opponents. Now why did we attack O’Haire and Palumbo last week? When we arrive and want to cause chaos we do not care who is the collateral damage so O’Haire and Palumbo if you can. We want you at Bash at The Beach as you will be our first victims on our warpath to the WCW Tag Team Titles.”


Tag Team Match: Blackout (Abyss and Vampiro) w/ James Mitchell defeats Americas Most Wanted (James Storm and Chris Harris) by pinfall in 7 minutes following a Black Hole Slam by Abyss on Harris

Rating: 38


RVD is backstage ready to talk US Title open challenge.


“Last week I had the opportunity to face one of long time friends in this business in Tommy Dreamer, however once again RVD proved why he is Mr. Wednesday Night. Tonight who is my challenger? I’m not sure I will find out when I hit the ring. But I can guarantee one thing RVD is about to steal the show and retain once again The WCW United States Championship.”


WCW United States Championship: Rob Van Dam defeats Tajiri by pinfall in 11 minutes following a 5 Star Frog Splash

Rating: 67


Tommy Dreamer is backstage as all 3 members of FBI attack Dreamer from behind. As soon as the attack starts here at The Road Warriors to even the score the brawl is on! Each member of The FBI has a fighting partner. Security and agents run over to try to get ahold of all 6 guys. Eric runs up and says next week it is all 3 members of The FBI in a 6 man tag facing Tommy Dreamer and The Road Warriors. You can all fight there!”


We have another sketch of Kanyon and DDP. 

This time Kanyon has brought DDP to Atlanta Georgia. 


“Kanyon why are we in Atlanta? Nitro is in Orlando you idiot.”


“Page I wanted you to see the arena here in Atlanta where WCW was at it’s biggest. This is where you declined The NWO invitation and hit the Diamond Cutter on Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. I want that guy back. I know that fire instinct is still in you I need you to bring it back.”


“Kanyon I’m starting to get it I want to take you to the next stop as I have our final pit stop before I come back a new man.”


Singles Match: Lance Storm defeats Kid Kash by pinfall in 8 minutes following a Superkick

Rating: 64


We have Booker T backstage getting ready for his match tonight.


“Booker how are you feeling going into this match against Jindrak before having to battle Awesome in two weeks at Bash at The Beach?”


“Tonight is another big match for Booker as I face a young upstart. But I know very well that Mike Awesome will be a huge challenge for me coming up and I am ready for what ever he wants to bring my way. I am WCW Champion for a reason and Mike Awesome you can bring all the strength you want but Booker is still coming out on top. Now can you dig that Sucka!”


Singles Match Non Title: Booker T defeats Mark Jindrak by pinfall in 10 minutes following a Scissors Kick

Rating: 67


Following the match as Booker T is getting to his feet Mike Awesome jumps the barricade and attacks Booker T. He hits a wicked big boot on Booker as he looks over to the announce table. He runs over and clears it off as he grabs a beaten Booker T. He picks up Booker for a wicked powerbomb through the announce table. Mike Awesome stands over a beaten Booker T will WCW Title held high with a sick smile on his face.

Show Rating: 68



I want to say thank you for all that are following and reacting. We have one more Nitro coming your way before I post The Bash at The Beach card for predictions and then it is PPV time! 


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 WCW Presents Wednesday Night Nitro

July Week 4 2001

Held in FL Universal Studios Orlando

Attendance: 1000


Opening Video Package of Wednesday Night Nitro starts the show as the opening Pyro finishes up.


“Welcome back to WCW Wednesday Night Nitro checking in at the commentary table. I'm Tony Schiavone and with me as always The Professor Mike Tenay.” Tonight is a special night it is the go home Nitro before Bash at The Beach. Tony I am so excited for tonight there are very heated matches tonight where theres a lot of bad blood between parties. That is right Tenay that 6 man tag between FBI and Dreamer with The Road Warriors. Also let’s not forget Chavo made the mistake of trying to outsmart Bischoff but that backfired big time. Plus Awesome showed why he is a force in WCW when he Powerbombed Booker T through our announce table.”


Mike Awesome music plays as he comes down the ramp.


“Last week I showed everyone here in WCW that I am coming for that WCW Championship as I took the golden boy and put my size 15 boot into his jaw. Then I showed how truly weak he is when I powerbombed him through the announce table.”


Booker T music hits.


“Mike I will give you credit, last week you beat me down. Then you tried to take me out with that powerbomb through the announce table. You succeeded in making me not only want to retain this championship but now I want to beat your A$$.”


“Booker you can say what ever you want that helps you sleep at night just know last week I had you beat and that is all it will take on Sunday to become champion.”


“Mike this Sunday two people walk in 1 walks out and the man walking out is the reigning defending WCW Champion Booker T. Now can you dig that Sucka?!”


Singles Match: AJ Styles defeats Shane Helms by pinfall in 10 minutes following a Styles Clash

Rating: 52


As soon as the bell rings La Familia slides into the ring and attacks AJ Styles. Chavo has Juvi and Psicosis hold AJ down as he hits a vicious frog splash on a defenseless AJ.


We cut backstage to RVD getting stretched for his match.


“It’s that time of the week where RVD steals the show once again as I defend my WCW United States Championship. Tonight I am ready for who ever walks out that curtain and will be proud to defend this United States Championship but the result is still the same R…V….D.”


WCW United States Championship: Rob Van Dam defeats Shawn Stasiak w/ Stacy Keibler by countout when Shawn Stasiak walks away from the ring

Rating: 73


Post Match Shawn Stasiak grabs a Microphone.


“RVD tonight you had the upper hand but I want you to realize you did not beat me. I want that match on Sunday for The United States Championship. I will become champion on PPV as intended.”


“You want another shot at me on Sunday? RVD is always ready let’s do it!”


We cut to The Full Blooded Italians backstage


“Last week the dons game plan was to take out Tommy Dreamer but no The Road Warriors felt that had to get involved. Well Road Warriors it is time we take you to the retirement and we will take those shiny titles back to the don. As for Tommy Dreamer this Sunday I am going to beat you at your own game, Hardcore Match.”


Singles Match: Billy Kidman w/ Torrie Wilson defeats Jamie Knoble by pinfall in 9 minutes following a Shooting Star Press

Rating: 53


La Familia are back again. The start beating down on Kidman just as they did with AJ. Obviously AJ is not out here to help as he was taken out. Chavo throws Kidman into the ring post and Juvi and Psicosis hit a Combo Leg Drop Moonsault on Kidman as La Familia stands tall.


Singles Match: Hugh Morris defeats Mark Jindrk by pinfall in 12 minutes following a Moonsault

Rating: 48


Tag Team Match: Blackout (Abyss and Vampiro) w/ James Mitchell defeats 3 Count (Moore and Karagais) by pinfall in 7 minutes following Abyss hitting Moore with a Blackhole Slam

Rating: 47


The Match ends and Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo music hits the storm the ring get a couple of shots on Abyss and Vampiro.


“Boys understand that you are not coming into our turf and taking us out. You think one attack was going to take us down? Hell no. This Sunday at Bash at The Beach Blackout vs O’Haire and Palumbo. 2 v 2 a fair fight with no attacks from behind and let's see what you got.”


The Vignette for Kanyon and DDP starts.


“Kanyon I brought you to The Jersey Shore to reminisce about a simpler time in life where we became the Jersey Triad with Bam Bam. And now I stand here revitalized and ready to show the world The new Diamond Dallas Page.”


“That is right, Page WCW has no idea what is coming for them.”


“I can promise this DDP is back. Bang!”


6 Man Tag Team Match: Tommy Dreamer and The Road Warriors defeats Full Blooded Italians by pinfall in 15 minutes following a Piledriver on Tony Mamaluke from Dreamer

Rating: 50


We cut backstage to Shannon Moore and Evan Karagias sore as they walked up to Shane Helms. Helms looks concerned almost in a friendly manner but Moore and Karaigais walk away.


Singles Match: Mike Awesome defeats Lance Storm by pinfall in 18 minutes following an Awesome Bomb

Rating: 67


Post Match Mike Awesome is standing tall in ring Booker T is on the ramp as they are jawing back and forth as the show ends


Show Rating: 70


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It's Time for Predictions for Bash at The Beach!


Bash at The Beach Match Card:

WCW Championship: Mike Awesome vs Booker T*

WCW Tag Team Championship: Full Blooded Italians (Guido / Mamaluk) vs The Road Warriors*

Hardcore Match: Johnny The Bull Stamboli vs Tommy Dreamer

WCW United States Championship: Shawn Stasiak W/ Stacy Keibler vs Rob Van Dam*

Tag Team Match: Blackout (Vampiro and Abyss) W/ James Mitchell vs Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Billy Kidman W/ Torrie Wilson vs AJ Styles vs Chavo Guerrero* W/ La Familia


I was really appreciative of the predictions we got for Great American Bash! Hoping to get more predictions this time. I do want to shout out  DGenerationMC for not only predicting but also got all matches correct!


PPV will be up before the weekend depending on predicitions!


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WCW Championship: Mike Awesome vs Booker T*

WCW Tag Team Championship: Full Blooded Italians (Guido / Mamaluk) vs The Road Warriors*

Hardcore Match: Johnny The Bull Stamboli vs Tommy Dreamer

WCW United States Championship: Shawn Stasiak W/ Stacy Keibler vs Rob Van Dam*

Tag Team Match: Blackout (Vampiro and Abyss) W/ James Mitchell vs Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Billy Kidman W/ Torrie Wilson vs AJ Styles vs Chavo Guerrero* W/ La Familia

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On 5/21/2024 at 11:18 AM, StanMiguel said:

WCW Championship: Booker T*

The Road Warriors*

Tommy Dreamer

Rob Van Dam*

Blackout (Vampiro and Abyss) W/ James Mitchell

Chavo Guerrero* W/ La Familia

We shall see what happens show will be up tomorrow night! I'm pumped show hit numbers I wasn't expecting!

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On 5/21/2024 at 1:40 AM, DGenerationMC said:

WCW Championship: Mike Awesome vs Booker T*

WCW Tag Team Championship: Full Blooded Italians (Guido / Mamaluk) vs The Road Warriors*

Hardcore Match: Johnny The Bull Stamboli vs Tommy Dreamer

WCW United States Championship: Shawn Stasiak W/ Stacy Keibler vs Rob Van Dam*

Tag Team Match: Blackout (Vampiro and Abyss) W/ James Mitchell vs Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Billy Kidman W/ Torrie Wilson vs AJ Styles vs Chavo Guerrero* W/ La Familia

Let's see if you can score the 100% this time on predicitions I was very impressed that you did that last time haha.

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 WCW Presents Bash at The Beach

July Week 4 2001

Held in AR Barnhill Arena

Attendance: 10000


The Pyro goes off as WCW proudly welcomes you to Bash at The Beach.


“Welcome WCW fans I am Tony Schiavone and with me as always is The Professor Mike Tenay. Tony I thought last month at The Great American Bash was amazing. Listen to this place it is electric in here the fans are ready. Let’s run down the card tonight. The WCW Tag Team Championships are on the line as The Road Warriors defend against The Full Blooded Italians. That much will be good but what about the other member of FBI Johnny The Bull he has to face the innovator of violence Tommy Dreamer in a hardcore match! I will say this Tenay I am excited to see the triple threat match for The Cruiserweight Title where Chavo Guerrero has to try to defend against Billy Kidman and AJ Styles. Then a relatively unknown entity Blackout Abyss and Vampiro led by James Mitchell face two rising stars in WCW Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo. RVD has been a fighting champion in WCW and tonight he faces a man who called his shot by getting counted out on Nitro. Shawn Stasiak is convinced tonight is his night to win gold in WCW. In our main event we have a psychotic Mike Awesome going abfter the ace of WCW Booker T. Can Booker T take down a man who so far has his number let’s find out tonight. Let’s get to the action!”


WCW Cruiserweight Championship Triple Threat: AJ Styles defeats Billy Kidman w/ Torrie Wilson and Chavo Guerrero by pinfall in 15 minutes following a Styles Clash to Kidman

Rating: 51


Post Match AJ Styles celebrates winning his first singles championship in WCW!


We cut to a backstage segment with Full Blooded Italians.


“We are here with all three members of The Full Blooded Italians, what are your thoughts going into your matches tonight?”


“First of all show some respect to the Italians. Tonight Johnny The Bull is going to take out the so cold hardcore icon and put him out of his misery. Speaking of taking out of misery tonight Tony and myself will be taking The Road Warriors out and after we take our belts back to the family, we are going to check Hawk and Animal into the retirement home.”


Feud Video recap of how we got to Tommy Dreamer vs Johnny The Bull in the hardcore match.


Hardcore Match: Tommy Dreamer defeats Johnny The Bull by pinfall in 11 minutes following a DDT on a steel chair

Rating: 51


We go backstage where Shawn Stasiak and Stacy Keibler discuss the US Title Match.


Tonight Shawn Stasiak makes himself a household name here in WCW when I defeat RVD for The US Title. Last week on Nitro I found RVD’s weaknesses and tonight in front of all the fans of WCW I will be embarrassing RVD. By the end of the night I will be posing in front of my mirror with the hottest girl in the world and The WCW US Title.”


WCW United States Championship: Rob Van Dam defeats Shawn Stasiak w/ Stacy Keibler by pinfall in 14 minutes following a 5 Star Frog Splash

Rating: 70


RVD celebrates retaining his WCW US Title in the ring after a very hard fought match.


We cut backstage to a very intense Mike Awesome doing some workouts as he looks locked in and ready to cause damage tonight in the main event.


We show a video of how we got The WCW Tag Team Title match where Road Warriors defend against Full Blooded Italians.


WCW Tag Team Championship: The Road Warriors defeats Full Blooded Italians by pinfall in 10 minutes following a Doomsday Device to Little Guido

Rating: 57


Road Warriors retain their WCW Tag Team Championships as they celebrate in the win


Backstage we cut to a dark room where The Sinister Minister James Mitchell is with Vampiro and Abyss.


“Tonight the world of professional wrestling will witness my disciples of my church. Tonight we punish two pretty boys who have no idea what pain truly is. Don’t worry boys, your pain is our pleasure. Tonight Blackout will showcase we are a problem and it is only a matter of time until there is no team in our path to be the best in the world.”


We get a video of Blackouts debut attack on Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo and how we got to this match.


Tag Team Grudge Match: Blackout w/ James Mitchell defeats Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo by pinfall in 12 minutes following Mitchell distracting Chuck and he runs right into a Blackhole Slam by Abyss

Rating: 53

We cut backstage to WCW Champion Booker T


“Tonight Booker T steps into the ring with an unhinged man who only wants to punish and inflict pain on me. Winning the WCW Title is a bonus to him. I hate to break it to you Mike but tonight if you want to hurt me go for it, but if you think for a second I am giving this championship up you will have to kill me. Booker T does not die. I am from Harlem. I don't give up. Now Can you dig that Sucka?!”


Video recap of how Mike Awesome became #1 Contender and how we got to this WCW Championship Match.


WCW Championship: Booker T defeats Mike Awesome by pinfall in 19 minutes following a top rope scissors kick

Rating: 79


Booker T celebrates in the crowd to end the PPV as he has slain Awesome and retained his WCW Championship.


Show Rating: 74



I hope everyone enjoys The PPV I changed the color of the text hopefully makes it easier to read whether its light or dark mode on the forum. Looking forward to seeing your thoughts on where we go from here.


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 WCW Presents Wednesday Night Nitro

August Week 1 2001

Held in CO Budweiser Event Center

Attendance: 4364


Opening Pyro for Wednesday Night Nitro


“Welcome WCW fans I am Tony Schiavone and with me as always is The Professor Mike Tenay. What an amazing Pay Per View we had on Sunday! Bash at The Beach was an overwhelming success! We saw 1 championship change hands as AJ Styles became new Cruiserweight Champion. That is right Tenay, RVD The Road Warriors and Booker T were all able to successfully defend their championships. We saw a dominant performance from Blackout against O’haire and Palumbo. And in a match that showed violence Tommy Dreamer was able to out last Johnny The Bull. Now what does Nitro have in store for us tonight?”


Booker T music plays as The WCW Champion comes down to the ring.


“What is up Colorado? That is right your reigning WCW Champion is still your boy Booker T. I won’t even begin to try to lie Mike Awesome gave me a hell of a battle and I respect the fight he gave me. I walked into the building tonight looking at our next PPV Uncensored and I am ready for what ever is thrown at me.”


Shane McMahon music hits.


“First off I mean no disrespect interrupting, I wanted to firstly congratulate you on retaining your WCW Championship. I just figured since you mentioned Uncensored I would come out and make an announcement about the show. Uncensored will be a show where there will be different stipulations and all matches are NO DQ and No countouts. I am excited to see what crazy things can happen in a few weeks. Now while that starts taking shape there is tonight here in Colorado. Booker T I know you are always ready for a fight and I got off the phone with Kanyon who is finally cleared so tonight it is you vs Kanyon in a non title match.”


Singles Match Non Title: AJ Styles defeats Christopher Daniels by pinfall in 10 minutes following a Styles Clash

Rating: 52


Billy Kidman’s Music hits as he walks into the ring.


“AJ first off congratulations on winning that belt on Sunday obviously I would rather I would have won. However I want to be the first person to step up and face you for that championship.”


Chavo Guerrero and La Familia music hits as they walk on stage.


“Kidman I don’t know if you understand how things work, well obviously you don’t you weren’t a champion. There is a rematch clause in my contract whenever someone is lucky enough to take a championship from me. Which by the way wasn’t even a fair match to begin with since it wasn’t one vs one. Next week everything gets fixed when I take back my Cruiserweight Title against AJ.”


We cut backstage where James Mitchell is with Blackout.


“Sunday Night my disciples Abyss and Vampiro took care of the once blue chip prospects Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo. Clearly they did not understand the destruction Blackout will bring. This is just the beginning things are about to get a lot worse for all at WCW.”


Tag Team Match: Blackout (Vampiro and Abyss) W/ James Mitchell defeats Second City Saints (CM Punk and Colt Cabana) by pinfall in 11 minutes following a Blackhole Slam to Colt Cabana

Rating: 50


We cut to Shane Helms backstage with Scott Hudson


“Shane I was wondering if you could give us some thoughts about what happened last week when you came face to face with your former 3 count brothers. Will we see a reunion?”


“I can’t say either way all I can say is all 3 of us know we were best together and that I know I want to be back together with the guys. I am not sure where they land on that idea but all I can do is hope there is a reunion at some point.”


Singles Match: Shane Helms defeats Jamie Knoble by pinfall in 8 minutes following a Vertebreaker

Rating: 51


The WCW US Champion RVD is backstage stretching getting ready as someone walks up on him.


It’s Buff Bagwell he is back!


“RVD I saw you have been doing this open challenge thing for The US Title that is quite stupid in my opinion but it makes sense coming from you. Just know eventually I will be coming for that belt.”


WCW United States Championship: Rob Van Dam defeats Taka Minchinku by pinfall in 16 minutes following a 5 Star Frog Splash

Rating: 74


We have The WCW Tag Team Champions The Road Warriors here.


“We thought when we first came to WCW this would be a swan song for us. But no we are to prove once again we are The greatest Tag Team ever. We do not care who steps up to us our goal is to hold these championships until the day we decide to retire.”


Tag Team Match Non Title: The Road Warriors defeat Diamonds in The Rough (Simon Diamond and Mike Sanders) W/ Dawn Marie by pinfall in 8 minutes following a Doomsday Device to Diamond

Rating: 54


Mike Awesome is walking backstage he looks pissed.


“Last Sunday Booker T survived barely against me I will get another shot I do not care what I have to do to get there. Now Move!”


Singles Match: Tommy Dreamer defeats Kid Kash by pinfall in 7 minutes following an Evenflow DDT

Rating: 54


Post Match Johnny The Bull slides into the ring and attacks Dreamer from behind hitting him in the back with a Steel Chair


Singles Match Non Title: Booker T defeats Kanyon by pinfall in 15 minutes following a Book End

Rating: 71


Post Match Booker T Stands up has his hand raised as DDP slides into the Ring and hits a Diamond Cutter on Booker T to end the show.


Show Rating: 71


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 WCW Presents Wednesday Night Nitro

August Week 2 2001

Held in KY Alpice Ice Arena

Attendance: 1402


Opening Pyro for Wednesday Night Nitro


“Welcome WCW fans I am Tony Schiavone and with me as always is The Professor Mike Tenay. Tony last week was a crazy Nitro on the aftermath of Bash at The Beach. I am still shocked by the actions of DDP last week where he hit a Diamond Cutter on Booker T he has turned his back on his fans. Absolutely despicable.”


Camera shows Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon arriving to the building both guys look very full of themselves.


Shane And Eric walk up on DDP and Kanyon.


“What the hell was that last week?” We thought you were WCW through and through and for the fans?”


“The Fans?”


The fans don’t help me anymore, Diamond Dallas Page has been helped by one person and that is my best friend Kanyon. He has shown me the light and it’s quite simple DDP is here for money and championships. Not The fans and not for you.”


Singles Match: Taka Michinoku defeats Shane Helms by pinfall in 10 minutes following a Spring Board Moonsault

Rating: 59


Post match after commercials we see Shane Helms walking backstage disappointed in his loss. Evan Karaigas and Shannon Moore walk up on him. Evan mocks him and says you really showed you were at the top of your game with that loss, why would we reunite with you? He walks away. Shannon Moore lingers smiles and fist bumps Helms before walking away.


We pan to La Familia backstage.


“At The Bash at The Beach I admit La Familia hit a snag in taking over WCW but tonight we fix that problem. Tonight Chavo Guerrero the leader of La Familia not only reclaims his Cruiserweight Title but regains momentum in our takeover of WCW.”


Singles Match: Lance Storm defeats Colt Cabana by pinfall in 8 minutes following a Superkick

Rating: 62


Mike Awesome is walking backstage as Scott Hudson tries to get a word.


“Mike where are you going?”


“I am going to do something tonight that shows the real power and destruction I will cause here in WCW. No one will stop me.”


Singles Match: Johnny The Bull w/ FBI defeats Tajiri by pinfall in 7 minutes following a top rope leg drop

Rating: 46


Post Match Johnny The Bull grabs a Mic.


“Last week I got payback on that Extremist Tommy Dreamer but I want complete revenge. Dreamer if you can find the strength I want you in a match one more time at an event that is soothing to end your career Uncensored.”


WCW United States Championship: Rob Van Dam defeats CM Punk by pinfall in 15 minutes following a 5 Star Frog Splash

Rating: 69


Post Match Buff Bagwell comes out on Stage.


“RVD you have been running through all these talented stars week after week. This stops now, I want you at Uncensored. Next week you vs me if I win I pick the stipulation if you win you can choose the match. It does not matter because at Uncensored Buff Bagwell comes home with The United States Championship.”


Blackout makes their entrance to the ring.


“Ladies and gentlemen I am Father James Mitchell and my disciples Blackout are ready for a fight tonight against two worthy competitors. I promise you this Road Warriors your time as WCW Tag Team Champions are on borrowed time. When we decide the time is right we will become WCW Tag Team Champions.”


Tag Team Match: Blackout w/ James Mitchell defeats Americas Most Wanted by pinfall in 7 minutes following a Blackhole Slam on James Storm

Rating: 46


Following the pinfall Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo hit the ring as they get Blackout to bail. They want Blackout at Uncensored in an old school 2 v 2 Street Fight.”


We cut backstage to Shawn Stasiak and Stacy Keibler in front of a mirror.


“Damn Stacy I look great my biceps and abs look perfect. The only thing missing is a championship on this perfect body. I failed at Bash at The Beach but have no doubt gold will be coming my way soon,”


Singles Match: Billy Kidman w/ Torrie Wilson defeats Shawn Stasiak w/ Stacy Keibler by pinfall in 9 minutes following a Shooting Star Press

Rating: 55


We cut backstage to Eric in his office.


“Next week we will be making an announcement on who will challenge our WCW Tag Team Champions The Road Warriors at Uncensored.”


WCW Cruiserweight Championship: AJ Styles defeats Chavo Guerrero w/ La Familia following a miscue by Psicosis leading to AJ rolling up Chavo for the win

Rating: 56


Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon make their way to the ring.


“Last week all you people think I turned my back on you. You have never been more wrong. You turned your backs on me me when you doubted my chances at becoming WCW Champion again. Last week after weeks of my best friend Kanyon showing me the way I made my return and dropped Booker T like a bad habit. And just like The Diamond Cutter he never saw it coming.”


Booker T music hits.


“Congratulations Page you gained a new best friend and a new attitude. But may I remind you I beat you less than a few months ago. What makes you think you won’t fall the same way just like everyone else I have faced so far. Page we were friends man I don’t know what got into you but I have no problem beating it out of you.”


“Booker we aren’t boys hell we sure aren’t friends. I want you in a match at Uncensored for The WCW Championship.”


“Page you want me for the WCW Title? You got it, Kanyon if you want a shot lets go! I will take on all challengers and beat every single one.”


Mike Awesome sneaks behind Booker T and attacks him from behind. He grabs Booker T in a Powerbomb as he slams him on the stage!


Eric and Shane run out as EMT’s get to Booker T as the copyright logo comes up and the screen goes dark.


Show Rating: 63 

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 WCW Presents Wednesday Night Nitro

August Week 3 2001

Held in MS Hale Arena

Attendance: 4474


Opening Pyro for Wednesday Night Nitro


“Welcome WCW fans I am Tony Schiavone and with me as always is The Professor Mike Tenay. Thank you Tony as we welcome our WCW fans to WCW Wednesday Night Nitro. We have to address the situation that happened last week. Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon were in the ring when Booker T was on the stage more or less calling them out. When this happened.”


Video Plays of Mike Awesome attacking Booker T from behind and powerbombing him on the stage as Booker T was on a stretcher to end the show.


“Very disturbing video there as Mike Awesome has definitely made his point and possibly taken out our WCW Champion Booker T. We hope to get an update on Booker T as soon as possible and what this all means for The WCW Title.”


Shane McMahon and Eric Bischoff make their way to the ring.


“Last week we went from a great Wednesday Night Nitro to a brutal dismay by the end of the night. What Mike Awesome did last week was brutal, nasty and ultimately disgusting.”


“I couldn’t agree more Eric, now you have been around Mike before in the 90’s but I have never and as much as I don’t want to do this we had to fine him $10,000. For that attack last week.”


“However we do have some good news we would like to bring to you fans Booker T is banged up but no injuries besides bruising were determined after Xrays. Having said that Booker T will not be here tonight. However he is due to be cleared by next week and to be ready to defend at Uncensored. Shane and I would like to formally announce the main event of Uncensored will be Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon facing Booker T in a triple threat match in no holds barred.”


Mike Awesome music plays.


“Maybe you two were mistaken after my actions last week. I want another shot at Booker T for the WCW Title. I took him out last week I am the most deserving. As for your fine you gave me I could care less because the pain I caused Booker T gave me this feeling inside I haven’t felt in years.”


“Well Mike we are not rewarding you for what you did last week that is not going to happen. You will be on the sidelines and not in the main event.”


“Still won’t listen to me the people I hurt until I get what I want are on your hands.”


Singles Match: Billy Kidman w/ Torrie Wilson defeats Kid Kash by pinfall in 7 minutes following a Shooting Star Press

Rating: 57


Post Match Shawn Stasia and Stacy Keibler attack Kidman and Torrie as they are walking backwards up the ramp.


Tag Team Match: La Familia (Juvi and Psicosis) w/ Chavo Guerrero defeats 3 Count (Moore and Karagais) by pinfall in 10 minutes following a Top rope leg drop from Psicosis on Moore

Rating: 45


The Match ends and Chavo grabs a Microphone saying since AJ Styles isn’t here tonight he will have to punish 3 Count until he gets his rematch Juvi and Psicosis start the attack as Shane Helms hits the ring leading to La Familia bailing from the ring.


We catch up with La Familia backstage


“Chavo why did you feel the need to attack 3 Count you lost last week to AJ in your rematch?”


“Hudson you idiot, Chavo Guerrero will get his rematch because when you are wrestling royalty you get what you want when you want it. Well I want AJ Styles at Uncensored. So AJ since you didn’t want to show up this week next week I want an answer and if I don’t get the answer I want La Familia will take you out.”


Singles Match: Taka Michinoku defeats Kid Romeo by pinfall in 6 minutes following  Springboard Moonsault by Taka

Rating: 49


Mike Awesome music hits as he comes down to the ring and grabs Taka hits him with a huge powerbomb. Then he grabs Kid Romeo throws him over the top rope and slams him on the apron with a powerbomb.


We get Sean O’Haire and Chuck Palumbo in the ring asking for a Microphone prior to match.


“Blackout we made the challenge last week, you won the first battle and we respect that but at Uncensored if you are man enough to accept we will take your A$$ to the streets in an all out war.”


Tag Team Match: Natural Born Thrillers (O’Haire and Palumbo) defeats Full Blooded Italians (Guido and Mamaluke) by pinfall in 8 minutes following a Seanton Bomb on Mamaluke

Rating: 50


Post Match Blackout show up on the titantron


“Sean and Palumbo you want us in a street fight? These two monsters in a match where the only task is to injure you in any way they see fit. You create your own funeral we accept we will see you at Uncensored!”


Backstage we see Shane Helms walk up to Evan and Shannon from 3 count.


“Hope both of you are good and I know you both are hesitant on reuniting and I just came to even the odds tonight. I hope you both will have my back as I face Chavo next.


Singles Match: Chavo Guerrero w/ La Familia defeats Shane Helms by pinfall in 12 minutes following a Gory Bomb

Rating: 63


After the match La Familia slides into the ring as Juvi and Psicosis try to beat down Shane Helms. 3 Count music hits as Evan and Moore hit the ring to cause the bail. Moore grabs the mic and says 3 count is back! Next week La Familia you will face 3 count in our return match.”


Tag Team Match Non Title: Road Warriors defeats Diamonds in the rough (Diamond and Sanders) w/ Dawn Marie by pinfall in 8 minutes following a Doomsday Device to Sanders

Rating: 55


Eric Bischoff comes out on the stage.


“Hawk and Animal last week I told the fans I would have an announcement about your tag team title defense at Uncensored. Since you two as a team are one of the greatest duos ever we figured why not prove that. At Uncesored it will be a Gauntlet match of 5 teams plus you two the final team standing will be WCW Tag Team Champions.”


We cut backstage to Johnny The Bull and Scott Hudson.


“Johnny you requested this interview time what is on your mind?”


“Scott ever since Dreamer has got in my business he has been nothing but a thorn in my side and then he embarrassed me at Bash at The Beach. The don saw that show he was pissed and demanded I fixed it. So I did I took out Dreamer and if he can find the balls to show up at Uncensored it is only fitting a PPV where it’s all about his trash ECW days will be his final wrestling match. Tommy Dreamer I am challenging you to a last man standing match.”


Diamond Dallas Page music hits as he and Kanyon walk down the ramp and into the ring.


“Last week was a tragic situation to what happened to Booker T….hahahahaha! Hell no it wasn’t see this is what happens Booker when you think you are untouchable. You get played by me and get hit with a Diamond Cutter and last week well Mike Awesome simply put you in a hospital. Now Eric Bischoff and Shane McMahon finally came to their senses and gave Kanyon and I our shot at The WCW Title well if you show up of course. Worst case scenario Kanyon and I take a forfeit and we defend the title as a duo.”


Singles Match: Diamond Dallas Page w/ Kanyon defeats Tajiri by pinfall in 7 minutes following a Diamond Cutter

Rating: 64


Singles Match Non Title: Winner Picks Stipulation to match at Uncensored: Rob Van Dam defeats Buff Bagwell by pinfall in 16 minutes following a 5 Star Frog Splash

Rating: 74


RVD asks for a Microphone as Buff Bagwell is on the mat.


“Buff at Uncensored we will see which one of us can climb to this belt in a Ladder Match!”


Show Rating: 70

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 WCW Presents Wednesday Night Nitro

August Week 4 2001

Held in TX Will Rogers Coliseum

Attendance: 4136


Opening Pyro for Wednesday Night Nitro


“Welcome WCW fans I am Tony Schiavone and with me as always is The Professor Mike Tenay. Thank you Tony tonight is our final stop on the road to Uncensored. Tenay tonight is going to an action packed Nitro where we get the final touches on our Uncensored card. We hope to hear a status report on WCW Title and Booker T tonight.”


Shane McMahon music hits as he walks down the ramp.


“What is up Texas? I don’t want to take too much of your time before we get to the action tonight. I wanted to formally make an announcement regarding The WCW Championship.”


Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon interrupt Shane McMahon.


“Shane don’t waste everyone's time we all know Booker T will not be able to compete at Uncensored. The time is now for you to award us as the new WCW Champion by forfeit.”


“See Page I would do that but since you did not let me get to my announcement you would know what is coming. This Sunday Booker T is cleared and ready to defend his WCW Championship versus you and and Kanyon and will even be here tonight!”


Singles Match Non Title: Rob Van Dam defeats Mark Jindrak by pinfall in 10 minutes following a 5 Star Frog Splash

Rating: 64


Buff Bagwell walks onto the stage and sets up a Ladder.


“This Sunday Rob Van Dam you chose the worst possible match for you. I now don’t even have to pin you to become champion. I will climb these 8 rungs on this ladder and pull down my WCW United States Championship.”


3 Count for the first time is back together backstage.


“I am standing here with Shane Helms Evan Karaigas and Shannon Moore as the reunited 3 Count! Guys what can we expect tonight when you face off against La Familia?”


“Last week when we reunited and decided we are all better off together we realized this brotherhood cannot be broken. Now as for La Familia they claim they have the upper hand on us but we have been a group for years and these guys haven’t even been together 6 months. We got this.”


6 Man Tag Team Match: 3 Count (Moore, Helms and Karaiagas) defeats LA Familia (Chavo Psicosis and Juvi) by pinfall in 15 minutes following a Vertebreaker to Juvi

Rating: 53


Post Match AJ Styles walks out on stage.


“Chavo Guerrero I heard what you said last week, let’s call it how we see it. Let’s see who can win 2 out of 3 falls this Sunday.”


Video Recap Plays of Shawn Stasiak and Stacy Keibler attacking Billy Kidman and Torrie Wilson last week,


Scott Hudson is with Shawn Stasiak and Stacy Keibler.


“What do you two have to say for yourselves for your actions last week?”


“Scott we simply are taking out the inadequate. Those two want to be us so badly that we brought the fight to them. Kidman did not know what to do with himself when Stacy kicked Torrie into next week. Haha!”


Singles Match: Shawn Stasiak w/ Stacy Keibler defeats Billy Kidman by pinfall in 11 minutes following a Flapjack

Rating: 59


Post Match Torrie Wilson hits the ring to have a catfight with Stacy as Kidman gets back up and Stasiak bails.


“We challenge you two to a mixed tag team match this Sunday so we can beat you both!”


We cut backstage to Mike Awesome throwing all these items around backstage clearly upset he is not in title match this Sunday.


Tag Team Match: Blackout w/ James Mitchell defeats Second City Saints (Cm Punk and Colt Cabana) by pinfall in 9 minutes following a Blackhole Slam on Cabana

Rating: 54


We see The Road Warriors backstage watching the tag team match from the monitor must be scouting for the tag team gauntlet.


Mike Awesome storms into Shane McMahon’s office.


“Shane! You will put me in this match on Sunday!”


“Mike you know damn well I am not going to reward you for almost making it so we didn’t have a world title match to begin with. The answer is no.”


“Shane you have left me no choice I will do what I have to do to get into this match,.”


Singles Match: Tommy Dreamer defeats Little Guido by pinfall in 7 minutes following a DDT

Rating: 53


Post match Tommy Dreamer grabs a mic.


“Johnny The Bull you want Tommy Dreamer to go back to his methods of extreme this Sunday? Johnny this Sunday I will make sure you do not get up before the 10 count.”


Singles Match: Kanyon defeats Hugh Morris by pinfall in 8 minutes following a Flatliner

Rating: 61


Post Match Mike Awesome hits the ring he grabs Kanyon with a Powerbomb and hits a big boot on Morris.


Page Music hits as he goes after Awesome.


Booker T music hits and he comes out on stage.


“Awesome! I know Shane said no to you but I am overruling because I want to beat all 3 of you down! This Sunday Booker T is back and ready to defend this belt against 3 of the biggest pieces of crap in WCW. Now can you dig that Sucka!?”


Show Rating: 64


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