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Bringing back Death of the Territories for TEW 2020 (Hype)

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Hey there,

I was playing TCP1's conversion of Death of the Territories for TEW 2016 and I felt like it needed some pretty big changes to fit all of the features that are in TEW 2020.


I reached out to TCP1 a little while ago and I am hoping to receive the go ahead to begin work on this considering it's been attempted by other users in the past and I do not believe he is the original creator of the mod.


If I were to begin working on this, what are some things that you all think need to be fixed for TEW 2020? It works fine now but needs some more depth, in my opinion.

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On 4/26/2024 at 12:39 AM, Fleisch said:

If you get permission and release this then I will be downloading it for sure. I loved the DotT mod. I had toyed with the idea myself but opted for a different mod.

Good luck with this.

Hell yeah man. Haven’t gotten confirmation yet but started work like a week ago. Any chance I could get your help on some stuff? Your mods are awesome. 

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1 hour ago, AndHesLoose92 said:

Hell yeah man. Haven’t gotten confirmation yet but started work like a week ago. Any chance I could get your help on some stuff? Your mods are awesome. 

Yeah I should be able to help out if needed. Not sure how much but I do like researching random things for mods so...

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1 hour ago, Fleisch said:

Yeah I should be able to help out if needed. Not sure how much but I do like researching random things for mods so...

Out of curiosity, do you have any idea if Starting Storylines work for AI companies? For some reason TCP1's version of DotT seems to only carry over storylines for user companies when you start a save.

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8 hours ago, AndHesLoose92 said:

Out of curiosity, do you have any idea if Starting Storylines work for AI companies? For some reason TCP1's version of DotT seems to only carry over storylines for user companies when you start a save.

I think they do on TEW 20. Some companies will start some new ones but for the most part I'm pretty sure they work for AI companies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone know who I can message on here to get permission to post an Alpha version of my DotT reboot? I reached out to TCP1 and received no response. I think it may be a little dubious considering he is not the originator of DotT in the first place.


I could release an Alpha version by later today or tomorrow for people to test out, if I received permission.

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, AndHesLoose92 said:

Anyone know who I can message on here to get permission to post an Alpha version of my DotT reboot? I reached out to TCP1 and received no response. I think it may be a little dubious considering he is not the originator of DotT in the first place.


I could release an Alpha version by later today or tomorrow for people to test out, if I received permission.

I believe D. Boons Ghost was the original creator of the DOTT mods.

Edited by gwblack
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5 hours ago, djthefunkchris said:

D. Boons Ghost is the originator. One of the nicest guys around if you can get a hold of him. 

Thats a blast from the past! Although its unlikely getting hold of him as don't think he's been active here for years.

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17 hours ago, AndHesLoose92 said:

Anyone know who I can message on here to get permission to post an Alpha version of my DotT reboot? I reached out to TCP1 and received no response. I think it may be a little dubious considering he is not the originator of DotT in the first place.


I could release an Alpha version by later today or tomorrow for people to test out, if I received permission.

Considering it's actually TEW 13 version of my mod TCP used. I can give you permission, my question did you talk to the Jedi guy? He was talking about doing a version himself. 

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4 hours ago, alvarasus said:

Considering it's actually TEW 13 version of my mod TCP used. I can give you permission, my question did you talk to the Jedi guy? He was talking about doing a version himself. 

I did talk to the Jedi guy and he was going to send me what he had completed. I'll reach out again, it's been awhile. He said he done some work on some of the workers but I'm interested to see how it compares to what has already been done.


Also, thank you! TCP did some great work and I'd like to get his blessing as well.

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2 hours ago, AndHesLoose92 said:

I did talk to the Jedi guy and he was going to send me what he had completed. I'll reach out again, it's been awhile. He said he done some work on some of the workers but I'm interested to see how it compares to what has already been done.


Also, thank you! TCP did some great work and I'd like to get his blessing as well.

Alright you got my permission.

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Posted (edited)



This mod is a work-in-progress using TCP1’s conversion of the classic Death of the Territories mod. I have made efforts to simplify and clean up broadcasters, most of which I have built completely from hand. This mod is intended to be a “period piece” of sorts, at least for now. This means that it is set up to run from January 1983 to some time in 1992. As such, I have not included any more future workers than already appeared in TCP1 conversion. Similarly, “Broadcast Changes” do not occur after 1992. In a future version of the game, I will update this but I really want to primarily focus on HOW and WHY the territories died rather than make a mod that is spread out over decades and therefore lacking in depth and accuracy. 


I have also set several companies up to “fail” similar to how it happened in real life. I intend at some point to release both a “sim” version of the game and a version that is slightly easier to play for all companies. My intention for this release is to lean more on the “sim” side in the sense that it is set up for the World Wrestling Federation to rapidly expand in 1983, 1984, and 1985 and for Mid-Atlantic to transform into Jim Crockett Promotions and become the primary remaining member of the National Wrestling Alliance. At the same time, there is still plenty of flexibility and the chance to contain and prevent the WWF from having a complete takeover. 


In order to “maximize” the sim elements, I recommend that you periodically “add new player” and choose the WWF booker role with a throwaway character to make sure that they start WrestleMania on time in 1985 and create other events that change with the time. You can then retire this player and Vince McMahon (most likely) will take over the booker position. George Scott is currently the booker of WWF and while this is technically “accurate”, we all know that Vince McMahon is the one calling the shots. There should be no penalty for jumping on and off of the WWF booker role with an alternate user and I have included a few guidelines to make sure that the shows launch at the proper time. “Babysitting” the WWF will increase the immersion of this mod significantly. 


EDIT: I have been informed about the ability to make events debut and go dormant exists. I was not aware of how that worked until now. I still think that babysitting the WWF is a good idea for immersion, but to each their own.




I have slightly adjusted some workers from the original DotT port but by and large, I left them alone. I bumped a few popularities down a bit, tweaked some personalities, and edited a few skills. Largely I think that the original DotT plays pretty good as is. 


All of that being said THIS is the primary area where I need help! We need more free agent workers, more future workers, and just a second, third, or fourth pair of eyes on the workers so that we can make sure to make it as vibrant as possible. 




All companies have been tweaked and several have been given bad TV contracts that will contribute to them going out of business quicker. Similarly, they have been given less money. This is going to receive some pushback but ultimately, I am aiming for REALISM over PLAYABILITY. You can always tweak whatever you want in a mod to make it work for you or make it easier 




The biggest thing that I have overhauled is the broadcaster system. The broadcasters in the original DotT mod that was ported to TEW 2020 were an absolute mess. My goal was to organize and streamline everything so that it was easier to follow and read. A lot of this mod deals with the change from regional terrestrial television to national cable television. The following has been done:


  • Creation of generic “local” TV networks that are small-time and only cover the home region of a company. These are designed for companies like Mid-South Wrestling, Pacific Northwest Wrestling, and CWA (Memphis) who did not broadcast far outside of their region in 1983. These networks are intended to harken back to the original territory days and are the “first step” companies can take to get television coverage 

  • “Regional” or “Syndication”: I have seen several ways in which this is handled in other mods and I really don’t like any of them. My version of “syndication” basically creates “Big” coverage in the companies home market and then spreads it out by depreciating amounts as you travel further away from the territory. I do not like the blanket syndication which is basically just “small” coverage over the whole country. Companies that utilize this type of broadcaster in 1983 are companies like the AWA, WWF, and WCCW

  • Cable Television: Self explanatory. In 1983, Cable was in its infancy. With the use of broadcaster changes, you can watch the growth of Cable networks over time. I limited cable to the US and Canada for the Alpha release though I did do some minor work on Japan and Mexico. Fleisch is going to help me handle UK cable. 

  • Closed Circuit Television: Closed-Circuit was a little tricky but I opted for just using a blanket “small” coverage over the US (and Canada if you select that). I haven’t really thought of a good way to handle this yet and it’s very much a WIP




I have experimented with adding “Other TV Shows” which I think is a very underutilized idea. Right now, every show in the top 50 Neilson shows for 1982-1983 has been added. This is very much a work in progress. I would almost argue that you should remove this before testing but I’m going to leave it in so you can see. I have future plans to include some kind of a “TV Guide” so you know exactly what you’re competing against from 1983-1992. 


THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL RELEASE AND SHOULD NOT BE TREATED AS SUCH! I am looking for feedback and help to continue to expand and strengthen perhaps the greatest mod in the history of this great video game series. The more feedback and help I get, the quicker we can get this out and start playing. I’d say it’s 85% playable as is but we could do a lot more. 


For pictures now, I'd recommend that you use the picture pack from TCP1's DotT mod. I don't want go to through the work of uploading a picture pack right now. I will link it here:






Edited by AndHesLoose92
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1 hour ago, alvarasus said:

You realize you can set up company future events? Like Wrestlemania, Royal Rumble, Great American Bash in the editor right. So you don't have to do the random player suggestion.

Oh excellent, I did not realize that. I'll check it out. Still does nothing about television shows.

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There is now an updated Alpha file where I drastically slimmed down all of the live events for American companies. A lot of strange fictional or inconsistent monthly and yearly shows on there. I also added Wrestlemania, Royal Rumble, Survivor Series, and Summerslam to all debut in their proper places. My next phase is going to be researching when exactly every company had their big shows and what their schedules look like.

For now, virtually every company has a big "end of the month" show and then a weekly tour in additional to their existing television programs. As always, this is not a finished product and I may have double booked some shows on accident. Feel free to take a look while I continue to update things!


My next phase will be adding future Mid-Atlantic/Jim Crockett Promotions events.

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Good luck on this adventure.  I will play the hell out of it when you release it.  Loved DOTT when it was first released.  How long ago was that?  TEW 2004 on the old 400 studio website?

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