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WCW 1995 - Playing With The Big Boys

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2 hours ago, sonny912 said:

Watched your episode, pretty good but why is bash at the beachyour season finale and not starrcade?

My next job is my ppvs. I need pictures to tidy them up and need to switch that round because Starrcade is the one I’m building to. It’s all the little bits like that I have to tidy up as I go along. But thank you, well spotted. 

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6 hours ago, Dave Mac said:

My next job is my ppvs. I need pictures to tidy them up and need to switch that round because Starrcade is the one I’m building to. It’s all the little bits like that I have to tidy up as I go along. But thank you, well spotted. 

Your welcome but the 95 starrcade was some kinda tournament with njpw wrestlers right? You gonna do the same thing?

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On 5/5/2024 at 1:30 PM, sonny912 said:

Your welcome but the 95 starrcade was some kinda tournament with njpw wrestlers right? You gonna do the same thing?

Although I like this idea and have the relationship set up with New Japan to do this initially I'm finding them very hard to deal with.  No one on my roster outside the obvious Hogan really is popular enough for them to be keen on a trade.  Also most of their stars really arent know in the US at all.  So I'd like to stay true I might do it as a watered down version because I think the effort it'll take to get the talent in will not get me hardly any views and got a feeling it would tank my PPV overall.  But not something I'd rule out completely! 


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7 hours ago, Dave Mac said:

Although I like this idea and have the relationship set up with New Japan to do this initially I'm finding them very hard to deal with.  No one on my roster outside the obvious Hogan really is popular enough for them to be keen on a trade.  Also most of their stars really arent know in the US at all.  So I'd like to stay true I might do it as a watered down version because I think the effort it'll take to get the talent in will not get me hardly any views and got a feeling it would tank my PPV overall.  But not something I'd rule out completely! 


What other relationships do you have right now, besides being at war with wwf I mean? You gotta be partnered with triple a to get some luchadores in the Cruiserweight division right?

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11 hours ago, sonny912 said:

What other relationships do you have right now, besides being at war with wwf I mean? You gotta be partnered with triple a to get some luchadores in the Cruiserweight division right?

Having checked the only guys on my roster New Japan will take are either Hogan or Flair. So not sure I'm really willing to give either of them up in return for someone who'd be mid card at best for me.  

The other relationships are at war with WWF and at war with ECW! Although I could quite easily just cherry pick alot of ECW's roster and kill them off. But I don't really want to do that. Triple A have some talent.  But I do fancy stealing Konnan and maybe a little known guy by the name of Rey Mysterio and Psicosis and have a little Latin American stable perhaps.  Konnan is basically the full package as far as a mouth piece goes. 

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9 hours ago, Dave Mac said:

Having checked the only guys on my roster New Japan will take are either Hogan or Flair. So not sure I'm really willing to give either of them up in return for someone who'd be mid card at best for me.  

The other relationships are at war with WWF and at war with ECW! Although I could quite easily just cherry pick alot of ECW's roster and kill them off. But I don't really want to do that. Triple A have some talent.  But I do fancy stealing Konnan and maybe a little known guy by the name of Rey Mysterio and Psicosis and have a little Latin American stable perhaps.  Konnan is basically the full package as far as a mouth piece goes. 

Well that's a shame, if Eric was still booking killing off ecw by taking their talent sounds exactly what he'd do. What about other Japanese promotions at the time like fmw?

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13 hours ago, sonny912 said:

Well that's a shame, if Eric was still booking killing off ecw by taking their talent sounds exactly what he'd do. What about other Japanese promotions at the time like fmw?

A small part of me wanting to change history a bit does fancy going after ECW as I think I could take their decent talent and just grind them into the ground! And I agree it’s a VERY Eric move! 

I’m going to look at a few of the Japanese promotions. But I think I’ll have the same problem. Most the talent they have isn’t over in the US and most of my talent isn’t over in Japan. So they’ll want Hulk Hogan for the night in a trade for some complete mid card 40 pop in the US at most. 

95 Starcade was the World Cup of Wrestling. And with a few months build I’m thinking I can have an actual World Cup. With the Bluebloods being British, I can put together an American team obviously. Mexican should be easy and even with Kurasawa on the roster I could bring in someone to partner him to make a Japanese team. So in reality it was US v Japan. But I quite like the idea of doing it as a tag title tournament with the winners getting the belts. Only problem I’m a few months way and really want to take the belts off bunkhouse buck and dirty dick much sooner than that!

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WCW Monday Nitro

Monday Week 1 September 1995

Mid-South Coliseum (South East)

Attendance - 9,517

TV Rating - 2.94

Hulk Hogan VS Big Bubba Rogers


In a highly anticipated opening of WCW Nitro, the iconic Hulk Hogan squared off against the formidable Big Bubba Rogers. The raucous crowd was electric with anticipation at finally seeing where the big boys play!

As the bell rang, the crowd erupted into cheers as Hulk Hogan, draped in his signature yellow and red attire aside, stepped into the ring, his bulging muscles glistening under the arena lights. On the other side of the ring stood the imposing figure of Big Bubba Rogers.

The match began with both competitors locking up in a test of strength, each trying to gain the upper hand. Hogan, fueled by the energy of the crowd, managed to overpower Rogers, sending him staggering back into the corner. With a series of powerful punches and clotheslines, Hogan gained the early advantage, keeping Rogers on the defensive.

However, Big Bubba Rogers was not one to go down easily. Using his immense strength and cunning tactics, he managed to turn the tide of the match in his favour. With a devastating suplex followed by a punishing bearhug, Rogers began to wear down the Hulkster, much to the dismay of the crowd.

Just when it seemed like Big Bubba Rogers had the match firmly in his grasp, Hulk Hogan summoned his trademark resilience and fighting spirit. With the crowd rallying behind him, Hogan fought back with a flurry of punches and a thunderous big boot that sent Rogers crashing to the mat.

With the crowd on their feet, Hulk Hogan ran the ropes and delivered his iconic leg drop, crashing down on Big Bubba Rogers with tremendous force. The arena shook as the referee counted: "One! Two! Three!"


As Hulk Hogan celebrated in the ring the Dungeon of Doom lead by Kevin Sullivan came out with microphone to address the Champion.

KEVIN SULLIVAN: (with a sinister grin on his face) Welcome, mortal souls, to the heart of darkness. Here in the Dungeon of Doom, where nightmares take shape and fear reigns supreme, we stand on the brink of a great conquest.

The crowd loudly booed the cult like leader.

KEVIN SULLIVAN: For too long, the wrestling world has been blinded by the false light of heroes and champions. But I, Kevin Sullivan, have seen through the facade. I have peered into the abyss, and what I have seen... is the end of Hulkamania!

The crowds hatred grew even more intense.

KEVIN SULLIVAN: Hulk Hogan, you dare to call yourself the immortal? You dare to stand as a symbol of hope and righteousness? (laughs wickedly) You are nothing but a feeble mortal, clinging to the scraps of your former glory. The Dungeon of Doom will be your undoing, Hogan. We are the harbingers of destruction, the agents of chaos. And I, Kevin Sullivan, shall lead the charge. Prepare yourself, Hogan, for your reckoning is at hand.

In the Ring Hogan looked both annoyed and confused by what Kevin Sullivan was saying.

KEVIN SULLIVAN: Hulk Hogan, your fate is sealed, your past, present and future will be your undoing. The Dungeon of Doom will consume you, and your legacy will crumble beneath the weight of our darkness. Embrace the chaos, Hogan, for there is no escape from the wrath of Kevin Sullivan!


Randy Savage VS Brian Pillman

As the bell rang, both Randy Savage and Brian Pillman wasted no time in engaging each other. Pillman, known for his high-flying agility, attempted to gain an early advantage with his speed, but Savage, the seasoned veteran, countered with his trademark power and intensity.

The match started at a frenetic pace, with Savage and Pillman trading blows back and forth, each showcasing their unique skill sets. However, it soon became apparent that something was amiss with Savage. Throughout the early stages of the match, he appeared visibly distracted, occasionally glancing around the arena as if searching for something—or someone.

Despite his apparent distraction, Savage managed to maintain control of the match, utilizing his experience and ring savvy to keep Pillman on the defensive. However, Pillman, sensing an opportunity, began to exploit Savage's distraction, targeting him with precise strikes and aerial attacks, hoping to capitalize on his opponent's vulnerability.

Just when it seemed like Pillman was gaining the upper hand, Savage's focus suddenly sharpened. With a renewed sense of determination, he fought back with a ferocity that caught Pillman off guard. However, as Savage mounted his comeback, the distraction seemed to intensify, with Savage occasionally pausing mid-move, as if listening to voices only he could hear.

Despite the distraction, Savage refused to be deterred. Summoning every ounce of his strength and willpower, he unleashed a devastating flurry of offense on Pillman, culminating in his signature diving elbow drop from the top rope. The impact echoed throughout the arena as Savage hooked Pillman's leg for the pinfall.


Disco Inferno VS The Giant

Disco Inferno, known for his flashy dance moves and over-the-top persona, entered the ring with his trademark swagger, confident that he could overcome the odds against the imposing Giant. However, as soon as the behemoth made his entrance, the mood shifted dramatically, with the audience realizing the daunting challenge that lay ahead for Disco Inferno.

From the opening bell, The Giant asserted his dominance, using his sheer size and strength to overpower Disco Inferno at every turn. Despite his best efforts to evade the Giant's grasp and use his speed to his advantage, Disco found himself relentlessly pursued by the colossal force that stood before him.

As the match progressed, The Giant toyed with his smaller opponent, effortlessly swatting away Disco's feeble attempts at offense with disdain. With each bone-crushing blow, the audience winced in sympathy for Disco Inferno, who seemed to be completely outmatched by the sheer physical dominance of The Giant.

Try as he might, Disco Inferno simply could not find a way to gain any momentum against The Giant. Desperate and exhausted, he attempted one final charge, but it was swiftly snuffed out by a devastating chokeslam from The Giant, shaking the ring and leaving Disco sprawled out motionless on the canvas.

With Disco Inferno incapacitated, The Giant made the cover, his massive frame engulfing his opponent entirely as the referee counted: "One! Two! Three!"


The camera fades in to reveal the Nasty Boys, Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags, standing in the center of the ring, their trademark leather jackets adorned with patches and studs.

BRIAN KNOBBS: (grinning) "Hey, hey, hey, yo, yo, yo! What's up, WCW?! You know who it is – it's the Nasty Boys!"

The crowd erupts into cheers as the Nasty Boys soak in the adulation.

JERRY SAGS: (nodding) "That's right, baby! The baddest, the nastiest, and the best tag team in all of WCW!"

BRIAN KNOBBS: "You see, we've been around the block, we've been through the wars, and we've left a trail of broken bodies and busted tables wherever we go!"

JERRY SAGS: "But you know what? We ain't done yet, not by a long shot! Because there's one thing that's been gnawing at us, one thing that's been driving us crazy!"

BRIAN KNOBBS: "And that's those WCW Tag Team Championships! Yeah, you heard me right, we want those belts, and we want 'em bad!"

JERRY SAGS: "We ain't asking nicely, oh no! We're coming for those titles, and we're gonna take 'em by force if we have to!"

BRIAN KNOBBS: "So, all you other tag teams out there, you better watch your backs! 'Cause the Nasty Boys are on the hunt, and when we catch you, it's gonna get real ugly, real fast!"

JERRY SAGS: "So, WCW, you better believe it – the Nasty Boys are gunning for those tag team championships, and ain't nobody gonna stand in our way!"

The crowd erupts into chants of "Nasty Boys" as Brian Knobbs and Jerry Sags pump their fists in the air, their determination palpable.

BRIAN KNOBBS "So, get ready, WCW! 'Cause the Nasty Boys are coming, and we're coming to take what's rightfully ours – those WCW Tag Team Championships!"

The camera fades out as the Nasty Boys continue to taunt and rally the crowd.


Sting VS Ric Flair w/ Arn Anderson

WCW US Title Match

As the bell rang, both Sting and Ric Flair wasted no time in locking up, the tension between them palpable. The crowd erupted in cheers as Sting, clad in his signature face paint, showcased his incredible athleticism, while Flair, the Nature Boy, relied on his years of experience and cunning to gain the upper hand.

The match began with a back-and-forth exchange of holds and counterholds, each competitor trying to outmaneuver the other. Sting's raw power and agility proved to be a formidable challenge for Flair, who resorted to his trademark underhanded tactics to gain the advantage.

As the intensity of the match reached its peak, Sting managed to gain the upper hand, unleashing a relentless barrage of strikes and high-flying moves that had the crowd on their feet. With Flair reeling, Sting locked in his patented Scorpion Deathlock, the excruciating submission hold threatening to end the match then and there.

Just as it seemed that Flair was on the verge of tapping out, the arena was shocked by appearance of Arn Anderson, Flair's fellow Horseman. Arn slide the ring, breaking up the submission hold and the referee called for the bell.

The match descended into chaos as Anderson and Flair launched a vicious assault on Sting, the referee powerless to stop the onslaught. Despite his valiant efforts, Sting was overwhelmed by the combined onslaught.


Just as it seemed that the Horsemen would be unstoppable the crowd was stunned as out stepped none other than Lex Luger who came down to the ring.

Both Flair and Anderson stopped their beat down not knowing whether Lex was going to be their friend of foe. The crowd was going wild and the camera faded to black to end the first show with Flair nervously looking on and Eric Bischoff on commentary left wondering “whose side is Lex Luger on!”


Overall - 82





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10 hours ago, PH71 said:

Enjoyable first show. 

I need to come up with a prettier way of getting the results written as think that’s a bit ugly currently. But it’s a working process! Thank you though for reading. 

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WCW Main Event Predictions

Johnny B. Badd vs Brian Pillman

TV Title Match 

The Renegade vs Kamala

American Males vs Earl Robert Eaton & Robbie Brookside

Alex Wright & Disco Inferno vs Harlem Heat


If anyone feels like making some guess.  If you watch the live videos this might be slightly easier to do! 

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Main Event which is our B show. We have a title defence and a slightly underwhelming new valet debut!

Johnny B. Badd vs Brian Pillman

TV Title Match

The Renegade vs Kamala

American Males vs Earl Robert Eaton & Robbie Brookside

Alex Wright & Disco Inferno vs Harlem Heat

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WCW Nitro Predictions

Lex Luger v Dean Malenko

Chris Kanyon & Mr JL v Ric Flair & Arn Anderson

The James Boys v Harlem Heat

If you fancy guessing take a look, if you watch the lives the answers might be even more obvious! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Apologies been really slow with getting results on here. Had a bit of a sickness bug in the house which took me down then the kids as well so annoyingly had to do parenting! 

I'm still not 100% with written results, so got a couple of shows to go up in completely rough format while I work out what is best.  But least keeps things moving along! 

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Monday Nitro

Monday Week 2 September 1995

Humphrey Coliseum (South East)

Attendance – 9,299

TV Rating – 2.96

The show opened with a vignette with Kevin Sullivan in his Dungeon.  Dressed in a leather outfit with dark, burnt red and yellow colours incorporated into.  He has a hood covering most of his face but he turns slightly to address the camera.

Sullivan – Mr Hogan with Fall Brawl around the corner I am laying a challenge before you. War Games Mr Hogan.  4 of my finest taking on you and 3 of your choosing.  But heed my warning.  I beg you to think about this decision.  Because the moment you step inside that cage Mr Hogan is the first step towards the destruction of Hulkamania.  You will be confront by things you never thought possible.  Are you willing to risk it all Mr Hogan.  I look forward to hearing your decision.


In a tag team bout, Harlem Heat defeated the James boys in 7:01.


Following the conclusion of the match Sensuous Sherri was seen backstage walking up to Col Robert Parker.  She moved closer to him in her own provocative way.

Sherri – You see my boys Harlem Heat picking up another win Robbie baby.  I think abouts time they got themselves a title shot.

Colonel Parker looked her up and time.

Parker – Well missy maybe you need to let know whats in it for me to agree to a match.


Ric Flair and Arn Anderson came down to the ring to chorus of boos and took a microphone to address the WCW faithful.

Flair – The Four Horsemen are putting the whole of the locker room on notice.  We ride as a 4 and NOT as a 2 so consider this the application process open to join. 

Anderson – That’s right we’ve got our eye on anyone who might have the makings of becoming the next member of the 4 Horsemen.  And you can bet that my eyes are firmly locked on Sting and that US title belt of his.


In the match that followed Arn Anderson and Ric Flair defeated Mr JL and Chris Canyon in 10:36.


Backstage Macho Man Randy Savage was stumbling around and mumbling to himself about a damsel in distress and falls into DDP and the Diamond Doll.

Savage – IS IT YOU? All the Macho Man hears day and night is someone in trouble. Yeah. They need my help and the voices won’t go away till I’ve saved you from whats going on….

Savage starts to become more annoyed and pushing DDP and eventually all the men are broken up by some onlookers as Macho stumbles away leaving DDP and The Diamond Doll confused.


Making his in ring debut Lex Luger defeated Dean Malenko in 11:58


As Luger goes to leave he is stopped in his tracks by Sting’s music who comes down to the ring and grabs a microphone.  Then as he is about to talk the crowd erupts to the sounds of Real American as the champion Hulk Hogan comes out to confront both men.

Hogan – Look brother we’ve all got a lot on our plate at the moment with the 4 Horsemen and the Dungeon of Gloom.  You showed up here last week out of the blue brother and its got everyone, the Hulkster included wondering whose side are you on.

Sting – We’ve known each other a loooooong time Lex and go way back.  But I see the Horsemen recruiting and I know you also go way back with Ric and Arn. We just gotta know are you here as our friend or just another thorn in my side.

Lex looks around the crowd clearly waiting for his decision.

Luger – I’m sick and tired of playing with kids, I’ve come to where the big boys play!  Am I one of the Horsemen, or will I join the Dungeon of Doom? Sting I’ve got nothing but respect for you and the same goes for you Hulk.  Right now I’m here for team Luger and the only thing I’m interested in is that gold belt around your waist Hogan.  I’m not here to cause trouble, but I’m here to make sure I’m the next WCW Heavyweight champion!


Overall 78

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WCW Main Event Predictions

Road Warrior Hawk vs DDP

TV Championship

The Renegade vs The Iron Sheik

The James Boys vs Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater

Chris Canyon vs Lord Steven Regal

Bonus points

The Renegade has been given a good to become a fantastic in ring talent.  So he's my pet project to push.  Currently unimportant to the fans I'm trying to get him up the roster a bit and try and develop him. Last time out he managed a 34 against Kamala, so what will be manage against the Iron Sheik?!

What will Renegade's in ring rating be?

3 points if you get it right

2 points if you are +/- 1

1 point if you are +/-2



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Just now, DHK1989 said:

Diamond Dallas Page
The Renegade
Bunkhouse Buck & Dick Slater
Lord Steven Regal

Looking at baby steps up the ratings for my boy Renegade?  To be fair so far Kamala and Iron Sheik really aren't the best dance partners for him.  So hoping to get some half decent cannon fodder in the ring with him to bump his stats up.  Starrcade '95 we'll have a 90 minute iron man match between him and Steven Regal for the heavyweight title, if not I've failed as a booker! 🤣

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