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The ND-Verse (WIP) - Weird Willy's Wonderful World of Wild and Wacky Wrestling.

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Hey, its me, Andy aka Willy. My english hasn't getting better since the last tim im doning this, sorry for that.

A few years ago, I started my first modding attempts with a fantasy mod, Titanverse. do you remember?
Anywys, that mod was never finished. Due to a lack of ideas, feedback, and motivation, I eventually abandoned the mod.

Recently, however, I stumbled upon an old TEW 16 save file and started playing TEW 20 again.

Since real-world mods aren't fun for me for me and the Cornellverse has some aspects that bother me alot, I decided to continue my mod, but with significant revisions.

First, the new name. ND = Andy :D i know silly, but hey.
Then I replaced all the graphics or am still in the process of doing so. Lastly, I discarded a lot of things that I no longer needed or that disrupted the balancing.

Regarding the graphics: 
Since my old PC with DAZ 3D and my old renders died (tragically), and I have no plans to start 3D rendering from scratch again, I decided that someone else could work for me. Specifically, Google's/Bing's Text to Image AI. With this program, I created all the renders you can see in the presentation banner above.
Its a mix of comic style with a bit of realism.

All the logos will be handmade by me, becaus AI hates letters. 😕

Preview of some of the companies:

i had no ideas what backgrounds i run with, so i went the easy way :D

In total there will be 65 playable Companies, covering all 8 regions, including India.
ND Verse has wrestling in every region, and theres alot of women's and hardcore wrestling.

Also has 25 Training Facilities
5 Alliances
170 Broadcasters
and 2400+ Workers

if there are people who would like to write bios for me, please let me know.

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Posted (edited)


Let's start with the BIG THREE


Since NRW (then known as Pacific North Wrestling) left the NAW alliance, they have repeatedly clashed with their fiercest adversary, USWC. When USWC began to falter in the early 2000s, PWN was able to claim the top spot in American wrestling. However, unrest ensued as the company underwent multiple changes in management, name changes, and significant departures towards UPW, damaging the company's reputation in Oregon and preventing stability. Until USWC ceased to exist in 2014, as NRW, in collaboration with UPW, managed to acquire the remnants of USWC, including contracts of top stars and the video archive. In 2015, Hank Richards exited the company, handing it over to his son, Jerry. Since then (and a rebranding to NRW), NRW has been able to distance itself from UPW.

When USWC closed down, UPW quickly rose to the second position, securing better TV slots on the USCN Network that were previously held by USWC. Since then, UPW has been on the rise. ASW, on the other hand, remained under the radar for years, even smaller companies like TSW or LCW occasionally drew more fans to their events. However, this changed when ASW entered into a cooperation with AOKI, whose wrestlers regularly appeared in ASW events. The Forbidden Door Tournament remains a well-attended, internationally respected tournament and a highlight of the wrestling calendar for many fans.


Tri States Wrestling l Texas Championship Wrestling
Below the "Big 3" are two companies, TSW and TCW, which have existed since the 70s and 80s, respectively. Particularly,
Texas Championship Wrestling enjoyed high popularity in the 70s and until the mid-80s.
in the 90s TSW was the development company for USWC and still producing a fair amount of talenten men and women over time.

Pro Wrestling Urban
Then there's the Semi-Hardcore company PWU,
Which combines elements of hip-hop music and wrestling, often featuring Gang Fights as multi-man matches.
Celebrity Rappers appears occasionally on PWU Hood Rats.

BEER WRestling l Xtreme Wrestling Combat
BEER Wrestling and XWC are renowned Hardcore promotions, with BEER focusing less on excessive brutality and more on comedy.
XCW, however, is a controversial company that has faced national bans but still exists to this day.

Mid South Wrestling
MSW, founded in the 80s. Once battled TCW for dominance in Texas, closed its doors in the 90s, but reopened in 2012, living up to its legendary name.

Notable Mentions:
These are the following tiny companies whose products are different.
I will go through all of them one by one at some point

ALOHA Wrestling l Champioship Wrestling from Vemont l Youth wrestling Union (PWU Developmental)

Limitless Championship Wrestling l Cabra Puerto Rico Wrestling l High Flying Spctacular Wrestling

Bad Ass Wrestling l Ground Breaking Wrestling (NRW Developmental) l Holy Crap Wrestling

USA Women's Wrestling:

Women's Revolution Wrestling

As for women's wrestling, it was virtually nonexistent until around 2010. USWC showcased more "eye candy" matches, while UWP and NRW hardly featured women's matches, and if they did, they were often relegated to the under-card or opener. Female wrestlers often went to Japan or Canada, where women's wrestling was better established. However, since around 2013, women have played a larger role n us wrestling, evident even in WRW, which, though established since 2008, was never as popular as it is today.

Foxy Ladies Of Wrestling
Alongside WRW is FLOW, which despite its short existence, has succeeded in nurturing national and international female talent and introducing them to major companies. FLOW is considered an independent development ground for women, while WRW hosts more established female wrestlers.

Noatble Mentions:

Wrestlecalyse l Diamond Dolls l Not Safe For wrestling (NRW Developmental)



Canadian Maple Leaf Wrestling
In Canada, there were two notable competitors: Canadian Maple Leaf Wrestling in the east and World Athletes Wrestling in the west. While WAW could hire American wrestlers (and closed down in 1999), CMLW stuck with Canadian talents, particularly in the French Canadian provinces. This was largely due to CMLW's training school, Steel School, known as the toughest and most reliable wrestling training facility ever, which still produces homegrown talent for CMLW. Although CMLW could keep up with NRW and UPW, it was never considered a serious competitor by both companies due to its specialized concept and not being based in their own country. Nonetheless, owner Marc Leclerc gained attention with clever cross-promotions between Canada, Mexico, and Japan, to the extent that the concept was temporarily adopted by USWC. CMLW still holds a significant presence in North American wrestling, albeit often overlooked.

Notable mentions:

Sick n Twisted Wrestling l Big Dog Wrestling l Sharpshooter Wrestling l Northern Lights Wrestling

 CANADA Women's Wrestling


Women's wrestling in Canada  has a larger reputation compared to the USA. Legendary wrestler Mis Veronica was able to build a fanbase around herself, leading to the existence of the first and for a long time, the only women's-only company ion North American ground. After Veronica retired and closed down her company, KISS, otther women, inspired by Veronica, continued the legacy of women's wrestling, which now continues at IGZ.

Notable Mentions:
IGZ is the only women's company in canada

Edited by WillyWillyWilly
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The new style looks like the Rockverse stuff that Willr0ck is doing. Also, Extreme Wrestling B*tches and Not Safe For Wrestling existing together seems wild 😝. I definitely wonder what the lore behind this new universe would be, especially since the other companies and renders seem interesting at first glance. The number of companies, workers, etc., also looks promising, so good luck on finishing this project.

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i know people wait for companies and backstory, but its alot of text and stuff, it takes a bit of time
so in the mean time i will tell you about narratives. narratives are a thing in ND Verse, there are a lot of them, some would even say too many

Among them are random things like wrestlers breaking the fourth wall, doing promos, getting mad or insulting. 
wacky commercials, small stories over several periods of time, crazy tasks with funny stories and sometimes celebrities show up and do nonsense.

none of this has any effect on the game or should be taken seriously, it's just a lot of stuff to have fun with.

here's a small example:


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Normally, I would have gone with the US companies first, but since no us company is finished yet,but Japan is, I’ll just start with Japan.

All Joshi Pro Wrestling

AJW is a solid Joshis only company based in Tokyo founded in 2011
The product is tailored to the Japanese mainstream and offers typical gimmicks and aspects for a family-friendly show.

However, AJW's shows often feature alot of fatal 4-way matches,
whether between individual wrestlers or teams.

When long-time tag team partners Hisa Kuroki and Fumie Numata left their former home company Ocho-8, they went their separate ways.
Numata founded TDS, while Kuroki initially founded J+ Promotion before its remnants merged with AJW.

For a long time there was peace between TDS and AJW until then TDS wrestler Akayo 666 and Hisa Kuroki faced each other at the annual Tournament of Joy.
Akayo was forced to forfeit her Dreamslam title in this match due to injury, whereupon the hot-headed Kuroki grabbed the title and carried it around with her.
Although TDS introduced a new title and did not recognize Kuroki as the defending champion, Kuroki continued to call herself the reigning Dreamslam champion, much to Fumie Numata's dismay. Among other frequent incidents and taunts between the former partners, resentment towards TDS grew as Numata was able to achieve better bookings and attract more people overall with the TDS product.

Furious over TD's status, Kuroki banned their wrestlers from wrestling at TDS and sent a brigade of AJW wrestlers to infiltrate and sabotage the TDS shows, but was unsuccessful.
After years of fighting for second place and before the dispute could seriously escalate, Kuroki's hot-headed temper cooled and the relationship with TDS and Fumie Numata improved.
Today, wrestlers are allowed to perform again in both companies.

There are 4 titles, with AJW Joshi World title being the most important.
The Joshi Tag Team title, which can be defended under the Freebird Rule,
The Joshi Talents title for younger and up-and-coming stars
The 4-Way title, the secondary title often contested in fatal 4-way matches

AJW Joshi World Title

AJW Joshi Talent Title

AJW Joshi 4-Way Title

AJW Joshi Tag Team Title

Since 2014, AJW has been broadcasting its TV show Climaxx every Friday evening,
which is broadcast on the television channel of the same name.

AJW Climaxx TV


Owner             Booker

Hisa Kuroki             Nyoko Kitano

Announce                          Color                          Referee                          Road Agent

Ayuka Shibunata              Maki Numata              Fanase Mussho              Juka Genasi



Alexa Leah             Ayumu Musho           Big Momma BANG BANG          Black Assassin


Brunhilde             Chiyoe Tawara             Ekima Asano             Emiko Yuma


Galactica                          Haniko                          Harlee                          Hiroko Kawate


Kari Motoda             Kida The Hand             Kuoko Yoshioka             Manachi Ichiro


Mio Shunji            Murasaki             Princess Of Darkness             Rising Suniko


Sumi Miyagi             Tai Honami             Tamika Oomori             Yae Tagawa


Yue Yan Gong             Hisa Kuroki

Tag Teams:

A Girl And Her Monster

Akemi Kikuchi             Rai Kasaka

Old School Bombshells

Mayoko Asanuma             Nyoko Kitano


Samunda Siko             Jennefer Jeong

The Blondettes

Joanne Jericho             Tanya DuMont

The Jotari Twins

Jujuro Jotari             Umeza Jotari

The Party Girls Club (also known as PGC)

Chinatsu Nakajima             Otsune Takemisu


Just 4 Grls (no thats not a typo)


Namika Shibuki             Rika Nagahama             Taniko Kondo             Tsumugi Iwai

The Anime Girls


Kitty Kat             Machi Teshima             Tokiyo Okano             Nene Mishima


The Rainbow Express


Makoyo Asanuma             Nyoko Kitano             Dragon Star

The Wild Girls


Cobra Queen             Shantie Kholo             Cheetah Queen

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Insane Action Wrestling



Insane Action Wrestling has been around since 2001. It used to be a entire deathmatch company known for featuring extremely dangerous spots.
Things like barrels full of thumbtacks, a tower made of 1000 light tubes and a electrified barbed wire steel cage has been featured on the program.
Nothing was too violent for IAW.

But in 2014, the Japanese government had enough of the “Gore Fest From Ehime” and issued regulations saying the brutality must be toned down or it would have consequences.
In addition, the IAW had to include matches without deathmatch involvement in its program.
Owner Fukao Kantaro then used some of his connections and split his company into two divisions.
The Insane Division still features bloody deathmatches, while the Action Division focuses more on regular wrestling.
However, there are moments where both divisions mix together, as head booker Chika Muto isn't too strict about it.

There are 4 titles, with IAW Deathmatch being the most important.
The IAW world Heavyweight Title, wich is basically the same as the Deathmatch tite but without Deathmatches
The IAW world Tag Team title for 2 on 2 action
and the IAW Action Title, the secondary title for the midcard

IAW Deathmatch Title

IAW World Heavyweight Title

IAW World Tag Team Title

IAW Action Title

Owner              Booker

Fukao Kantaro                           Chika Muto

Announcer              Color Commentator              Road Agent              Action Referee              Insane Referee


  Koin Manakawa       "Screamin" Ukon Takara      Noshi Yakabe              Keisuke Kijimuta              Master Chu

Insane Division:
basicly all the Deathmatch Wrestlers


Mr. IAW           Toyoharu Okumura               Spider Katayama              KC-CK


             Kinji Kawagichi          Karate Takemisu            Ichiro Inuya              The Mongolian Mauler


  Ripper Ito                     Taru Ueshima                   Bunka Shintani             Bloody Kanaka


Shunso Idane

Insane Tag Team Division


Niou Onoe              Unaio Uribamo


Masa Ouchi              Goro Ouchi

Suffering And Fear

Gakuya Yamaoka             Tomochika Koizumi

Action Division:
all the regular Wrestlers


Big Dog Titus              Kaoyashin Nakuma              Takoyo Goto              Sadato "Hulk" Katagiri


Dick Aratani              Ryozo Onishi              Yobo Terakado              Ryuichi Genki


Takamasa Aoya              Toshihisa Taiguchi              Kyouta Shinden              Homare Kantai


Kou  Tokugana              Yasuyuki Tomii

Action Tag Team Division

Absolute Anarchy

Harumi Jumonji              Keita Imoo

The Roudhouse

Daichiro Shimuda              Namboku Mitsui

The Mawashi Boys

Yoshitaro              Josuke

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  • 2 weeks later...

Company: (Choose a company from post 2 or free agent)

Currently, I have quite a lot of work in real life that stops me a bit from modding.
A larger company is coming over the weekend.
In the meantime, you can leave a few character submissions here, which will then be added to the mod as free agents.
Feel free to submit more than one character.













Active Areas:


Appearance: (How the worker looks like, as accurate as possible, please do not specify “looks like Roman Reigns” or similar)

Additional infos: (Tag Teams/Personality/Relationships/alter ego...)

Bio: (at least two sentences)



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

hey man, i wanted to say that your mod looks great and i'm really looking forward to play.
keep up the good work :)

You're getting surprisingly little feedback despite similar mods receiving much more attention and feedback, even though your mod has more to offer.

But that's just how people are; they want to celebrate a product because the creator has done good things in the past, and you haven't.
No wonder more people are losing passion for modding.

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Just now, alpha2117 said:

Looks good mate


thank you mate. glad you like it.
the mod would never have gotten this far without your feedback and help at the first place.

Just now, Nekochan said:

hey man, i wanted to say that your mod looks great and i'm really looking forward to play.
keep up the good work :)

You're getting surprisingly little feedback despite similar mods receiving much more attention and feedback, even though your mod has more to offer.

But that's just how people are; they want to celebrate a product because the creator has done good things in the past, and you haven't.
No wonder more people are losing passion for modding.

What are you actually talking about?
People can like what they want. I'm happy about everyone who responds. 
I don't really care if there are better mods, I just focus on my projects. 
this is not a competition. Dont take it too seriously. 

but thanks for your words though, i'm glad you like it

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Okay here goes

1 Mr Peepers (He's stary as heck)

2 & 3 The SuperDuper Patriots - Calvin Cooledge & Chester B Arthur (both names are slight twists on Presidents names as well as having a joke in them) - these guys look like they are about to fail a wellness check

4 Hikari Hoshi (Light Star)

5 Acromantis Japonica & Acromantis Japonica Jr (who is kayfabe AJ's son but is actually his younger brother - the name is the Japanese Boxing Mantis)

6 El Hijo del Diablo Star (Basically - Son of Devil Star)




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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Okay here goes

1 Mr Peepers (He's stary as heck)

2 & 3 The SuperDuper Patriots - Calvin Cooledge & Chester B Arthur (both names are slight twists on Presidents names as well as having a joke in them) - these guys look like they are about to fail a wellness check

4 Hikari Hoshi (Light Star)

5 Acromantis Japonica & Acromantis Japonica Jr (who is kayfabe AJ's son but is actually his younger brother - the name is the Japanese Boxing Mantis)

6 El Hijo del Diablo Star (Basically - Son of Devil Star)




Thanks mate.
These are great suggestions and fit the characterperfectly.
I love the idea with the SuperDuper Patriots. I will adopt this



9 hours ago, willr0ck said:

1. Chad or Joe Momma

2. & 3. Ralph & Barry

4. Starry McStar Man

5. & 6. Chester & Lester

7. El Diablo Generico

thanks for the suggestions, will.
i will use Chester & Lester for another tag team, and Starry McStar Man will go on the “noted for later” list

I generally still alot render without a name, just ask if you want to name them
If there is still interest, more characters would need a name.





















Edited by WillyWillyWilly
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1 Cara de Calavera (Skull Face)

2 Ajujero Negro III (Black Hole 3)

3 Captain Pineapplehead

4 The Weregerbil

5 Delfin Muchacho Jr (Dolphin Boy Jr)

6 Elefanta Rosada (Pink Elephant)

7 Vistoso Pajaro (Flamboyant Bird)

8 Kiyoko Kittymask

9 El Hijo del Roja Estrella Vaca (of course there is a son of the legendary Red Star Cow!)

10 Carlotta LeGuy

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