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NYCW Gets a TV Deal (2022 C-Verse)

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'New York, New York - January 1, 2022

WrestleWorld senior executive, Kennedy Vincent, had spent the better part of two years making exigent demands for NYCW to run a television show on WrestleWorld services - a request that Larry Vessey had long resisted. Things changed in late 2021, when it was announced Kennedy would be taking over as Chief Content Officer at the online streaming service. Vincent's first move, prior to assuming the top role at the beginning of 2022, was to offer Vessey an ultimatum... run a TV-show on WrestleWorld or have NYCW dropped from the platform altogether. Incensed, Vessey's first instinct was to reject such a power-play; however, upon Costal Zone Championship Wrestling owner - Art Reed - convincing Vincent to ask for a reconsideration, Vessey, who realised he could no longer afford to run the current iteration of NYCW without WrestleWorld, eventually agreed.

Vessey, in conjunction with his head booker, The Masked Mauler, stripped back on the number of events NYCW were scheduled to run, in order to accommodate a weekly TV show. At the end of 2021, NYCW put out a statement signalling their intention to run a weekly TV show, NYCW Sunday Night Special, that will air live on Sundays in a one-hour slot. The first episode was slated to air following the February PPV, Empire State. The notable changes were that NYCW will run 13 PPVs (with Gang Wars running back-to-back Nights); Gang Wars Night 1 will have a War Games-style match; 'Championship Challenge' has replaced 'Cage Clash' in the traditional NYCW calendar; and there will be no more 'House Shows' run.'

*Editor Notes*

Welcome to my first ever dynasty, which will be a New York City Wrestling diary, using lavelleuk's 2022 Alt C-verse. I've long wanted to do a NYCW save, but I've really struggled to get stuck-in - so I decided to create a dynasty and be forced to document it. I will update this dynasty at the end of every PPV Cycle. Years will be treated as 'television seasons' running between each 'Empire State' PPV. The first television show will take place following the second event of this save, Empire State.  The first two shows will be used to set the foundations for 'season 1', so a few wrestlers will be turned, titles will be put on the correct people, certain momentum will be reset and a few gimmicks will be altered. I can post screenshots of this if requested, but this was very much a 'roster-scoping' experiment.

I have a few booking guidelines, just to keep me focussed on the show I want to book, and to help the reader follow what I'm doing. (I might add to this list, but I will never remove rules from this list.)

1. NYCW will be booked in 2022, trying to replicate the 1970's gimmicks, booking and shows. * Disclaimer, I don't have a comprehensive knowledge of 1970's wrestling booking, so this is just a guideline.

2. Despite rule 1, NYCW will be booked like what I know of 1990's cartoon. This will mean the TV-Show will have a set of heroes, who the show will be centred around, and villains of the month to build events. I will try to treat February's PPV, Empire State, as the season finale - where I will look to close the main yearly storylines, add a few twists and set up the following 'season.' *Disclaimer, this isn't how I usually book my shows, I prefer 1980's southern wrestling, so I have to be cognisant of falling into that style. 

3. Due to this being the 70's in 2022, and the fact I'm not American, I'm not overly keen on doing USA vs foreign heels - but I will incorporate this if and when I see fit. What I will do is book a more localised version, which means NYCW wrestlers will often be defending New York from wrestlers from different states etc. *To note, there are a few wrestlers with 'patriot' gimmicks on my Day 1 roster.

4. Match booking will try to stay true to 70's booking, meaning 1v1 and 2v2 will be the primary match types, except for 'Gang Wars', 'King of New York' and rare occurrences when the story dictates.

4. Tag Team wrestling will be extremely important, as it is the last thing Larry Vessey will hold onto. Despite this fact, the NYCW Empire will close every PPV.

5. For this save, there will not be a tonne of logic in earning title shots, nor will there be a lot of tournaments. Wrestlers will be able to turn up and challenge for titles, wrestlers won't necessarily require a reason to wrestle. This is something really against my booking, but I will strictly follow 'momentum' and perceptions to determine title shots. I will plan stories thoroughly and will plan titles, but wrestlers will have to have a lot of momentum and be high enough on the card to earn title shots.

6. Further to this, bigger wrestlers will be particularly highlighted and those with a lot of charisma. Smaller wrestlers will usually be villains who utilise henchmen, though I will sometimes use smaller wrestlers as babyface underdogs.

7. No one will be given a written contract until company becomes big (currently medium).

8. I know factions were not a big thing in the 70's, but they will play a big part here. Again, I'm thinking of using henchmen for heroes to overcome.


I ran the first two NYCW PPVs and noticed the initial issues: the company's popularity is too big for the calibre of wrestler on the roster; not a lot of the wrestlers I'd like to push can cut a great promo (which is essential for the TV show.) My roster is also bloated; this is because I often get a bit 'hire-happy', but also to safeguard potential departures. I have never ran a long-term 'handshake' save (I usually lock up talented wrestlers early,) so I will hope my 50-ish person roster will mean I can pivot easily, and allow me to keep 'fresh' match-ups on TV. 

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This is a one-off, but this is the style of the TV Show I will be posting. Pictures will usually only be of the main PPV.


NYCW Sunday Night Special Season 1:

2,423 fans were in attendance in Yonkers, NY for the first ever NYCW TV Show.


Chris Morrisette opens the new era for NYCW with an impassioned monologue; saying it's a changing world and a changing wrestling landscape, one which may have passed an old-timer, like Morrisette, by. He notes the lawlessness that seems to be gripping this promotion, and other promotions, with so many of these youngsters out for fortune or fame. He openly ponders if the desire to wrestle and become the best is gone, with so many 'easy' routes available. He muses maybe, just maybe, he can show the younger generation that there is still a way to do things the correct, old-fashioned way. He declares his intentions to win the NYCW Empire champion. 

The camera cuts to Eric Lee, who is the NYCW Empire champion, who is stood backstage with Charlie Thatcher, The Insurance Policy. Thatcher explains to Lee that he has secured the services of Crockett Tubbs, Conner Threepwood and Brutus Milano. Thatcher explains 'The Analyst' Tubbs and  'The Underwriter' Threepwood were easy to recruit, but Milano would require a higher fee for his services. Lee informed Thatcher that paying Milano would not be a problem, and dubbed the four men as 'The Insurance'; a stable that would protect his, no NYCW's interests.

Rating: 65

Opening Match:

In the opening match, Avalanche took on Gene Bull/w Sunshine Inc (Mr. Sunshine, FEAR and Super Massive Destroyer). The bout had a decent reaction from the crowd, who enjoyed two behemoths facing off, but in actuality had some downright terrible wrestling - as the bout suffered from an underwhelming Gene Bull, and not enough selling from either competitor. Avalanche defeated Bull in 5:47 by pinfall, after hitting a One-Handed Choke Bomb.

Rating: 45


Following his victory, Avalanche took a microphone and ridiculed FEAR for allowing a weasel like Mr Sunshine pull his strings. Mr Sunshine was incredulous as Avalanche left the ring untouched.

Rating: 43


T-Rex introduced his new faction, The Jurassic Empire. The faction was comprised of King Cohen, 'The Caged Animal' Marvin Payne and the 'Zealous Patriots' Assault and Defence. T-Rex warned that The Jurassic Empire would soon be unleashed.

Rating: 36

Match #2:

The New York Twins (Bronx and Brooklyn) took on The Italian Americans (Vito Pirelli and Luca Scaramoni)/w Sal DiMeo, in the second match of the night. In a bout with little heat and terrible wrestling, The NY Twins defeated the Italian Americans in 9:50 by pinfall, after hitting Twin Powers Activate. Commenters on social media noted Bronx was really off his game during this match.

Rating: 37


Jackson Diamond tried to grab a word from the New York Twins, who blanked the self-professed G.O.A.T.

Rating: 45


Donnie Cash, formerly known as Donnie J, is the current NYCW Tri-State Regional champion. Cash was stood with a host of young, talented wrestlers from Los Angeles: Suge Wallace, Gianna, The LA Stars and Chad Chronic (Summer Lovin' in other promotions). Donnie stated he has made a tonne of money throughout his career, and will now be using his fortunate to financially support these young wrestlers from his hometown. Donnie labelled this group 'Cash Money', and expressed hopes they will take over New York. Sammy the Shark came out, laughed in Donnie's face and coined the famous Tri-State term 'Bet', before walking off. Once Sammy left, Donnie Cash called someone over... and 'The Bounty Hunter' Deuce Deadline walked into shot.

Rating: 43

Main Event:

In true Larry Vessey style, the first Main Event of the NYCW TV era was, of course, a tag match. Borne to Riot (Geoff Borne and The New York Doll) were scheduled to defend their NYCW Tag Titles against The DiMeo family (Sal DiMeo and Machine Gun Marino). In a match that had decent crowd reaction, but sub-par wrestling, The New York Doll pinned Machine Gun Marino, in 13:07, after hitting a Total Anarchy. Borne to Riot made defence number eight of their tag title belts.

The first TV show for NYCW increased the companies popularity in 12 regions, but lost them popularity in one. The general feeling on social media is that the show was decent, if unspectacular, and NYCW simply does not have enough intersitng storylines going on.

Show Rating: 50

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Always love a good NYCW save, even though I must admit the 2022 Altverse version is the one I probably know the least about. But that leaves me all the more excited to see what you do with it and how you run this dynasty! Keep up the great work can't wait for the next update.

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NYCW Sunday Night Special Show 2:

2,423 fans were in attendance in Yonkers, NY.


Eric Lee stated he was pretty confident in his agreement with The Insurance, he was so confident, in fact, he gave Chris Morrisette a title opportunity at the upcoming PPV, Beasts of War. Morrissette accepts, before Lee added a caveat that Morrissett must face Charlie Thatcher next week and then Brutus Milano the following week.

Rating: 62

Opening Match:

In the opening match, The Insurance's The Fighting Irish (Conner Threepwood and Crockett Tubbs)/w Thatcher took on The Casey Brothers (Tully and Chuck Casey). The bout didn't have much heat and displayed terrible wrestling - as Conner Threepwood carried that match. The Fighting Irish defeated the Casey Brothers in 8:42 by submission, after Threepwood locked in the Stretch Plum on Tully Casey.

Rating: 46


The Fighting Irish callec Borne To Riot (The New York Doll and Geoff Borne) to the ring, demanding the NYCW Tag Team champions give them a title shot. Borne To Riot came out and said they had no issues giving The Fighting Irish a match at the PPV, but said they don't need to wait to until the PPV to kick the Irish's asses. As Borne To Riot got the upper hand, The Insurance's Brutus Milano came into the ring to clean out Borne To Riot.

Rating: 48


Jackson Diamond, looking Machiavellian, tricked The New York Twins (Bronx and Brooklyn) into a meeting backstage. When the Twins twigged what was ging on, they erupted into a fit of rage and destroyed the entire meeting room.

Rating: 51

Match #2:

In the second match of the night, Avalanche took on Sunshine Inc.'s Super Massive Destroyer/w Mr Sunshine. In a match that generated a decent crowd reaction, but terrible wrestling, Avalanche defeated Destroyer in 11:49 by pinfall, after he hit the One-Handed Choke Bomb. FEAR was ringside and Avalanche made several comments to him throughout.

Rating: 43


Sal DiMeo and his minions were up to their usual dealings backstage, as they appeared to be selling alcohol to wrestlers, despite there being a ban on alcohol backstage. Southern Justice (Jack Grffith and Texas Pete) tookk umbrage with this, as the duo said they despised the attitude of The DiMeo family. As Justice tried to stop The DiMeo family dealing, a brawl spilled over from the back, into the ring. As The DiMeo family began to outnumber Justice, Bradley Blaze made a surprise debut! Blaze thwarted the DiMeo family and saved Southern Justice.

Rating: 37


T-Rex once again set out his intentions to takeover the COTT, and went on a twisted diatribe on American Machine. American Steel both came out and tookout the entire Jurassic Empire.

Rating: 43

Main Event:

New York's very own, Sammy The Shark, main evented the show, as he faced Cash Money's Chad Chronic/ w Donnie Cash. Chronic, who goes by Summer Lovin' in CZCW, has taken the name to go along with his obnoxious hippie gimmick.  In a bout that elicited a decent crowd reaction, but sub-par wrestling, Sammy The Shark defeated Chronic by pinfall in 12:22, after hitting the Ace In the Hole. Deuce Deadline attacked Sammy with a chair during the match, but Sammy still managed to prevail.

Rating: 51

Show Rating: 48

The prevailing thought on social media is that the show, once again, was underwhelming. A story was also doing the rounds that Texas Pete had been causing several issues backstage.  

NYCW Sunday Night Special Show 3:

2,256 fans were in attendance in Yonkers, NY.


T-Rex expressed concerns about his young stable, and he announced two changes. Firstly, Air Attack Weasel would be joining the fray, bringing with him a wealth of experience. Secondly, CJ Weston 'The Executive Consultant' would also be coming on board to manage and guide Jurassic Empire. As American Steel, once again tried to catch the Empire sleeping, they were subdued and beaten by The Empire.

Rating: 40

Opening Match:

In the opening match, Bradley Blaze took on Machine Gun Marino/w Sal DiMeo.  In a match that had a decent reaction form the crowd, but terrible wrestling, Blaze defeated Marino by pinfall in 12:50, after hitting the Dallas Drop.

Rating: 44

Post Match:

Bradley Blaze explained why he helped Southern Justice. Blaze said he expected boos, being a southern cowboy who made his name in Boston, but said he sees commonalties with Summer Justice and New Yorkers. Sal DiMeo said Blaze has made the wrong enemy.

Rating: 43

Match #2
The Fighting Irish took on Brooklyn's Finest in the second match of the evening. In a poor match, The Fighting Irish defeated The Finest in 13:15, after Threepwood cinched in the Plum Stretch.

Rating: 48


Sammy The Shark queried why Deuce Deadline attacked him last week. Deadline said it's just business, but he has a job to take out the Shark. Whitehorse Whittaker came into shot and said business is business; but warned Deadline about doing deals with Donnie Cash. Donnie Cash said next week Whittaker and The Shark can face The LA Stars.

Rating: 53

Main Event:

In the main event, Chris Morrisette took on 'The Insurance's' Charlie Thatcher. In a bout that had good heat, but sub-par wrestling, Morrisette defeated Thatcher in 5:54 by pinfall, after he hit the Tombstone Piledriver.

Rating: 53


Eric Lee said Morrisette won't be so lucky next week, and gave Morrisette no chance at beating Brutus Milano. With that, Milano appeared to clean out Morrisette.

Rating: 66

Show Rating: 56

The consensus on social media was that NYCW finally had enough interesting storylines ongoing, and put on a decent show.

NYCW Sunday Night Special Show 4:

2,143 fans were in attendance in Yonkers, NY.


The Executive Consultant, and the voice of The Jurassic Empire, explained the predicament T-Rex's 'new empire' was in. American Steel, the COTT Tag Team champions, have consistently failed to show-up to the NYCW shows, as they have had 'other commitments'. As such, T-Rex had no choice but to challenge for the COTT Tag Team belts at Saturday's PPV, alongside Air Attack Weasel.

Rating: 56

Opening Match:

In a prelude to next Saturday's Tag Title match, Conner Threepwood took on The New York Doll. In a decent match, Threepwood submitted The Doll with the Plum Stretch in 12:49.

Rating: 55


Bradley Blaze demanded Sal DiMeo face him at the PPV. DiMeo, flanked by his family, attacked Blaze, before agreeing. Southern Justice came out to prevent a further beat down.

Rating: 43

Match #2:

In the second match of the show, The LA Stars took on a make-shift team of Whitehorse Whittaker and Sammy The Shark. In a decent match, The LA Stars were able to secure the victory via pinfall in 13:16.

Rating: 56


Avalanche was ambushed by Sunshine Inc. backstage. Mr. Sunshine set up FEAR vs Avalanche at the PPV.

Rating: 45

Main Event:

In the main event, Chris Morrisette took on 'The Insurance's' Brutus Milano. In a match that had good heat, but sub-par wrestling, Morrisette overcame Milano via pinfall in 12:44, after he hit the Tombstone Piledriver.

Rating: 53


Eric Lee, visibly irked, got in Morrisette's face and holds his NYCW Empire title aloft.

Rating: 72

Show rating: 55

The reception on social media was that the 'go-home' show for Beasts of War was solid, but that the show still didn't move the needle. Some commented that NYCW just had poorer production values, compared to some of its competitors. 



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Posted (edited)

NYCW: Beasts of War

11,741 fans were in attendance in Yonkers, NY. 

Zero Hour:

Two young wrestlers, Marvin 'The Caged Animal' Payne of The Jurassic Empire, and Adam Starnes opened up the Zero-Hour show.  In an abysmal match, Payne defeated Starnes via pinfall in 5:03.

Rating: 8

In the second, and final, pre-show match, Southern Justice took on the Italian Americans. The match elicited a decent reaction from the crowd, but ultimately had terrible wrestling, Justice won the match n 12:24 by pinfall.

Rating: 37


Opener: NYCW Tag Title match - Borne To Riot vs The Fighting Irish/w Charlie Thatcher

In the opening match of Beasts of War, and in true Larry Vessey fashion, Borne to Riot put their NYCW Tag Title belts on the line against The Fighting Irish. In what was a decent match, Borne to Riot came out of the gates hot, before The Irish, with the help of The insurance Policy, Charlie Thatcher, managed to turn the match on its head. After Geoff Borne managed to lock up Thatcher and Conner Threepwood, The New York Doll managed to hit Crockett Tubbs with Total Anarchy, before completing the pin 13:27 into the bout, as Borne to Riot made defence number nine of the NYCW Tag title belts.

Rating: 65

Match #2: Sammy The Shark vs Deuce Deadline/w Donnie Cash

In the second bout of the card, Sammy The Shark squared off against Deuce Deadline, who was accompanied by Donnie Cash - who hired Deadline for tonight's match. There was a fair chunk of shenanigans in a match that had decent reaction from the crowd, but sub-par wrestling. Sammy The Shark was attacked by Cash Money's Suge Wallace during the match, whilst Whitehorse Whittaker evened to odds by taking out Wallace and Donnie Cash. Sammy was ultimately able to hit Ace in the Hole and secure the pinfall in 14:51.

Rating: 52


Donnie Cash beckoned the rest of Cash Money out to the ring, and they went on to beatdown Sammy and Whittaker.

Rating: 48

Match #3: Avalanche vs FEAR/w Mr. Sunshine

Avalanche and Sunshine Inc's. FEAR faced off in what was a hotly anticipated contest. The fight had a decent reaction from the crowd, but sub-par wrestling. In what was a fairly short match, that saw Avalanche toss Mr. Sunshine into the crowd, Avalanche somehow managed to heave FEAR up and hit the One-Handed Choke Bomb 6:06 into the match, before competing the pin.

Rating: 50

Match #4 COTT Tag Team title match - American Steel vs T-Rex and Air Attack Weasel/w CJ Weston.

In a match for the COTT Tag Team title, American Steel (American Machine and Steel) faced off against the Jurassic Empire (T-Rex and Air Attack Weasel). The match had good heat, but sub-par wrestling, as the crowd got into this one. American Steel were able to overcome Jurassic Empire, as American Machine pinned Air Attack Weasel at the 10:15 mark to make defence number Seventeen of their COTT Tag Team titles. 

Rating: 50

Match #6 Bradley Blaze vs Sal DiMeo

Bradley Blaze entered NYCW and instantly made an enemy of Sal DiMeo. The two faced off for the first time ever, in a match that worked a decent reaction form the crowd, despite displaying less than inspiring wrestling. Blaze put DiMeo away in 17:55, after hitting the Dallas Drop and completing ting the cover. 

Rating: 51


Jackson Diamond has demanded The New York Twins sit down with him during tomorrow's NYCW Sunday Night Special.

Rating: 52

Main Event: NYCW Empire - Eric Lee vs Chris Morrisette

Eric Lee and Chris Morrisette faced off in Yonkers, as they competed for the prestigious NYCW Empire championship. The match had great heat and displayed some decent wrestling, as Eric Lee utilised The Insurance throughout the match. The Insurance Policy, Charlie Thatcher, attacked Morrisette throughout the match, whilst Brutus Milano proved to be the decisive factor. Milano dumped Morrisette on his head, before Lee hit the Patriot Slam and pinned Morrisette in 18:29 to make defence number ten of his NYCW Empire belt.

Rating: 69


Morrisette sloped out of the ring with his head in his hands, as Thatcher hoisted Lee onto his shoulders. Milano didn't even crack a smile.

Rating: 66



Show Rating: 64

Social Media noted that the show was good, but underwhelming, with some pointing to production just isn't as good as Battles of Hell and USPW.


*Editor Notes*

It was quite a tough first month, as NYCW really struggled with ratings. In all honesty, we really need to drop in 'size' because we're being compared to the monoliths that are USPW and BOH - who are both medium sized companies with stellar productions. I've bit the bullet to match their production levels because it's hurting an already failing product, but hope to cut this, should NYCW drop to 'small'. 

Bradley Blaze has been signed, but hasn't moved the needle. We've also had to pair the 'promo vacuum' that is T-Rex with CJ Weston (who doesn't get on with my head booker). Eric Lee won the main event but lost popularity, presumably due to the failing product.  I'm very optimistic about what I'll be able to do with the tag division, as I have had some strong performances already. 


NYCW Picture2.png

Edited by Trillerverse
Struggling with finding a readable picture of the card
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Rough start, a standard case of not having the talent for the size of the company. Weird to be rooting for a size drop but I definitely think it'll help solve your problems. I'm curious where you're gonna go with the Empire title cause if not Morisette idk who you've got who has the talent to take that belt and deserve it. Can't wait for the next update!

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NYCW Sunday Night Special Show 5:

2,240 fans were in attendance in Yonkers, NY.


Donnie Cash said he exercised his control over the Tri-State, by refusing to put his NYCW Tri-State Regional belt on the line at Beasts of War. Now, to show that he rules New York, he said he had arranged for Cash Money’s The LA Stars to face Borne To Riot for the NYCW Tag Team titles at the King of New York PPV. Furthermore, Cash stated it would be extremely fitting to defend his title at the KONY PPV against New York's own, Sammy The Shark. Sammy came out saying he would defend the honour of New Yorker's and take the NYCW Tri-State Regional title  away from Cash.

Rating: 54


Bradley Blaze said he managed to put Sal DiMeo back in his place at the PPV, by channelling his cowboy spirit and using the blue-collar nature of the New York crowd. He said he hopes to do the same at the King of New York PPV,
and challenged Eric Lee. Lee, who was evidently buoyed by the protection of The Insurance, came down to agree.

Rating: 54

Opening Match:

Cash Money's The LA Stars/w Donnie Cash took on Canada's Most Wanted (Darius Funke and Rivky Kash), in a match arranged by Donnie Cash. In what was a poor match, The LA Stars won by pinfall in 9:36.

Rating: 55


Honest Frank was in the ring and announced the King of New York battle royal at the KONY PPV. Frank stated wrestlers will compete to enter the King of New York battle royal and earn a NYCW Empire title shot. American Machine, Avalanche and Super Massive Destroyer were automatically entered. Eric Lee came out and insisted Conner Threepwood and Brutus Milano were entered into the match, presumably to help the odds of him controlling the winner. That left five spaces available, which meant a series of qualifying matches would take place; starting with Whitehorse Whittaker vs The Masked Mauler VII next.

Rating: 60

Match #2

The second match of the night was a KONY qualifier, as Whitehorse Whittaker
and The Masked Mauler VII faced off. In another poor match, Whittaker defeated Mauler via pinfall, after he hit the Canadian Stun Gun in 11:10. The match flowed well, as the wrestlers showed great chemistry. Whittaker became the sixth participant of the King of New York battle royal

Rating: 53


Sata Fujisaki, the new backstage reporter, was present as Jackson Diamond demanded to know why The New York Twins have continually disrespected him; to which they
responded they have no desire to be Diamond's puppet. Diamond explained that he was looking for a partnership, but the duo insisted they didn't want
to know. As Diamond felt humiliated by the Twins, he used a gold plated bat to whack Brooklyn, before Deuce Deadline came out with his own black bat to hit Bronx.

Rating: 47

Main Event:

In the main event, Steel/w American Machine took on Jurassic Express' Air Attack Weasel/w T-Rex, in a match that suggested their feud was still ongoing. The match generated a good reaction, but displayed sub-par wrestling, as
Steel pinned Weasel in 13:21, after hitting a neck breaker.

Rating: 53


Chris Morrisette was in the ring, dejected at losing to Eric Lee at Beasts 
of War. Morrisette said the levers, and by levers he clarified The Insurance, cost him last night / but this was not the end. Morrisette said he promised to show the youngsters, and name checked Brutus Milano, that pro wrestling could still be done in the correct way - and that selling themselves for a quick buck to manipulative, old men was not the way to go. Morrisette said he would be entering the King of New York battle Royal next month, thus becoming the seventh KONY participant.

Rating: 60

Show rating: 56

NYCW Sunday Night Special Show 6:

2,000 fans were in attendance in Yonkers, NY.

Opening :

Eric Lee opened the show and declared himself the greatest NYCW Empire champion ever. He said the NYCW crowd are being treated to such a gracious, giving champion - who will fight anyone. Lee bemoaned the fact he had beaten Morrisette once, only for him to be within touching distance of another title shot by being granted a spot in the KONY match; before turning his attention to Bradley Blaze - who Lee said had walked through the front door and was granted an unearned title shot. Lee said the opportunities he has granted Morrisette and Blaze, show how benevolent the great champ is. Brutus looked like he wanted to say something - before Blaze came out and told Lee if he was so confident, he'd bar The Insurance from interfering at their NYCW Empire match at the KONY PPV. Lee stormed off.

Rating 62

Opening Match:

In the opening match, Cash Money's LA Stars/w Donnie Cash took on The Casey Brothers. The bout didn't have much heat, but displayed decent wrestling, as The LA Stars defeated the Casey Brothers in 11:47 via pinfall.

Fans took to social media to praise how great the LA Stars were.

Rating: 58


Donnie Cash, flanked by Cash Money, said he has someone special planned to face Sammy The Shark next week. He told Sammy to keep his eyes peeled, before he bigged up The LA Stars for their victory, and said Borne To Riot were ON NOTICE.

Rating: 48

Match #2:

The second of four KONY qualifier matches was up next, where Sal DiMeo took on Empire of Hate's Graverobber. The bout generated a decent reaction, namely due to DiMeo's performance and presence, as DiMeo pinned Graverobber in 11:56 via pinfall, after he hit a Powerbomb. DiMeo secured his place in the King of New York battle royal, becoming the eighth competitor.

Rating: 49


Avalanche, who was being interviewed by Sata Fujisaki, openly mocked FEAR for putting his trust in Mr. Sunshine and noted that FEAR's stablemate has been backed by getting a slot in the King of New York battle royal. Sunshine refuted Avalanche's claims and said FEAR has a qualifier for the battle royal next week.

Rating: 46


CJ Weston, Air Attack Weasel and T-Rex called American Machine to the ring, ostensibly to discuss the potential of a rematch for the COTT Tag Team titles. When Machine entered the ring, Weston made reference to the fact Steel was, once again, nowhere to be seen. As Machine went to respond, Marvin 'The Caged Animal' Payne and King Cohen assaulted Machine out of nowhere, as Weasel and T-Rex joined in. The Jurassic Empire continued the beat down of Machine for several minutes, as Payne hit several spears. Eventually arena security, and the NYPD were called to stop the onslaught.

Rating: 54

Main Event:

In the main event, Jackson Diamond took on Bronx, one half of The New York Twins. In a bout that received a decent reaction from the crowd, but awful wrestling, Diamond hit the Diamond Driver and pinned Bronx in 12:42. Deuce 
Deadline interfered, hitting Brooklyn with a black bat and handing Diamond his golden bat, whilst the ref was distracted.

Rating: 43

Show Rating: 49

The prevailing thought on social media is that the show, once again, was underwhelming. Fans noted on social media that Bradley Blaze has underperformed during his NYCW run, whilst a story was also doing the rounds that Texas Pete had been causing several issues backstage.


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NYCW Sunday Night Special Show 7:

1,780 fans were in attendance in Yonkers, NY. 



Donnie Cash, flanked by Cash Money, called Sammy The Shark out to the ring. Cash said he had brought in a true 'Californian' to school the New Yorker,  Sammy tonight. Donnie announces Sammy's opponent as California Love Machine.

Rating: 52


Opening Match:

In the third King of New York battle royal qualifying match, Sunshine Inc.'s FEAR took on Empire of Hate's Bodysnatcher. In match that didn't have much heat, and displayed terrible wrestling FEAR defeated Bodysnatcher in 9:25 via pinfall, after hitting the FEAR drive.

Rating: 35



Mr Sunshine. lauded his mangerial skills, after he secured two entrants in the KONY battle royal. He warned the odds are stacked against Avalanche, and said Super Massive Destroyer or FEAR would be victorious.

Rating: 47



Sata Fujisaki was interviewing Jackson Diamond, who said he and Deuce Deadline will take on the New York Twins at the KONY PPV. Diamond said Deadline will be handsomley compensated. Suddenly, The Twins appeared and cleaned out Diamond.

Rating: 41


Jurassic Empire mocked American Machine for not turning up to the show, and asked where his potna’, Steel, was? Brooklyn's Finest (Freedom Eagle and Hawkeye Calhoun) came out and said things should be done differently in New York, and Jurassic Empire need to start showing some respect. T-Rex said he would unleash his zealous patriots, Assault and Defence (American Assault and American Defence),  on Brooklyn’s Finest, tonight!

Rating: 42


Match #2:


In the second bout of the night, Brooklyn's Finest took on Jurassic Empire's Assault and Defend/w CJ Weston. In a terrible match, Brooklyn’s finest prevailed in 9:05 via pinfall.


Rating: 46



Fujisaki announces that The Masked Mauler VII will be given another opportunity to qualify for the  KONY battle royal, by facing Air Attack Weasel next week. Sal DiMeo interrupted and was incensed, whilst Whitehorse Whittaker warned Mailer VII that knowing the booker won't take him to the top.

Rating: 44



Eric Lee came out and mocked Bradley Blaze for the negative reaction from the internet to his promos. Lee said, whilst he's not 100% sure Blaze deserves a title shot, he will follow through with his goodwill. Lee went onto say if Blaze can defeat Conner Threepwood next week, he would ban The Insurance from ringside for their NYCW Empire title match at KONY.

Rating: 51


Main Event:

Sammy The Shark took on California Love/w Donnie Cash in a ‘NY vs LA’ match-up in the main event. In a decent match, Sammy managed to emerge victorious in 15:26 after he hit the Ace in the Hole and complted the pin.


Rating: 62


Show Rating: 57


NYCW Sunday Night Special Show 8:

2,230 fans were in attendence in Yonkers, NY.


Opening Match:

The show opened with a tag-team match between NYCW Tag Team #1 contenders and Cash Money's The LA Stars/w Donnie Cash vs Second Chance. In a decent match, The Stars overcame Second Chance in 13:01.

Rating: 58



In a room that was littered with Sunshine Inc. branding, Mr. Sunshine announced he was in Sunshine Inc. HQ. Sunshine looked very villainous, as he was flanked by FEAR, Gene Bull and Super Massive Destoryer, akin to some sort of Bond villain. Sunshine proceeded to cut a scathing promo on Avalanche and promised Avalanche that he would not be victorious on Sunday; nor would he ever be at peace whilst Sunshine Inc. is in NYCW.

Rating: 49



Sata Fujisaki interviewed Jackson Diamond, tore into the New York Twins for acting like pathetic amateurs. Diamond said he was prepared to represent the Twins for a fair and equitable fee. Due to their insolence, Diamond explained, he and Deuce Deadline would be putting them out of commission at KONY. Nicole Kiss, who described herself as the ‘Adopted New Yorker’, came out and said she would, in fact, be representing the Twins - much to Diamond's chagrin.

Rating: 50

Match #2:

The second match of the evening was the final KONY battle royal qualifier match, as Jurassic Empire’s Air Attack Weasel/w CJ Weston took on The Masked Mauler VII. In a decent match, Weasel defeated Mauler in 10:31 with the Air Attack Ace. The Caged Animal, Marvin Payne came out and pummelled Mauler during the match. Weasel became the tenth and final participant in the KONY battle royal


Rating: 50



T-Rex and CJ Weston congratulated Air Attack Weasel on successfully qualifying for the KONY battle royal. Weston prompted Weasel to do the right thing, before Weasel offered his place in the battle royal to T-Rex. T-Rex accepted, before menacingly telling Weasel to never hesitate again. With that, American Machine and Stell came out to attack T-Rex.


Rating: 64


Main Event:


In the main event, Bradley Blaze took on The Insurance's Conner Threepwood, with Blaze hoping to secure the banishment of The Insurance for his NYCW Empire title match at the KONY PPV Saturday. In a decent match, Blaze secured the pinfall victory in 14:37, after he hit the Dallas Drop.


Rating: 59




Eric Lee promised Blaze that The Insurance wouldn't interfere come the PPV; however, tonight was not the PPV. Brutus Milano came out and dumped Blaze on his head. Lee said this is a promise to anyone out there that the greatest NYCW Empire champion of all time was true to his word.


Rating: 62


Bradley Blaze was once again ridiculed for being underwhelming on socail media.


Show Rating: 60

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NYCW King Of New York

12,838 fans were in attendance in Yonkers, NY.


Zero-Hour: NYCW Tag Team Title Eliminator Brooklyn's Finest vs The Italian Americans/w Sam DiMeo

On the Zero-Hour, Brookyln's Finest took on The DiMeo Family’s The Italian Americans/w Sal DiMeo in a NYCW Tag Team title eliminator match. In a bout that had not much heat and terrible wrestling, Brooklyn's Finest defeated the Italian Americans in 12:32 via pinfall. Brooklyn's Finest have earned an opportunity at the NYCW Tag Team titles.

Rating: 43



Opening Match: King of New York Battle Royal.


In the King of New York Battle Royal, which earns the winner a shot at the NYCW Empire title, all ten participants - Chris Morrisette, American Machine, Avalanche, Super Massive Destroyer, FEAR, Whitehorse Whittaker, Sal DiMeo, Brutus Milano, Conner Threepwood and T-Rex - were inside the ring to start the contest. 


The first elimination was Conner Threepwood, who was flipped over the top rope, after he and Milano tried to eliminate Morrisette. Milano then turned his attention to Whithorse Whittaker and caused Whittaker to be the second elimination. DiMeo was mocking Whittaker, when Milano made DiMeo the third elimination. Super Massive Destoryer and FEAR worked on Avlalanche throughout the opening exchanges, but Avlalanche took advantage of FEAR's hesistation to make Detroyer the fourth eliminaton. American Machine was receiving a tonne of crowd support as he locked up with T-Rex; Machine was heaving T-Rex over the rope, when Milano abandoned his assault of Morrisette to eliminate Machine - much to the crowd's dismay. Milano mocked the crowd, before once again pummelling Morrisette. Avalanche hoisted FEAR over the rope, for he sixth elimination of the match; leaving Avalanche, Milano, Morrisette and T-Rex as the final four. 


T-Rex and Milano aligned against Avalanche and Morissette. Milano was able to utilise a moment of commotion to receive a weapon from The Insurance’s Charlie Thatcher, weakening Morrisette enough to make him the seventh elimination of the contest. In the final three, Milano and T-Rex ganged up on Avalanche. T-Rex seemingly took a breather, and Milano manoeuvred himself into a postiion to eliminate Avalanche. T-Rex - clearly worried about Milano - surprisingly turned on Milano and made him the penultimate elimination. AsT-Rex and Avalanche remained in the ring, the pair chopped chunks out of each other's chests. Avalanche eventually gained the upper-hand and tossed T-Rex over the ropes to become NYCW King of New York.


Rating: 56


Match #2: Steel vs Air Attack Weasel.


In the second match of the night, Steel to on Jurassic Empire's Air Attack Weasel/w CJ Weston. In a decent match, Air Attack Weasel managed to defeat Steel via pinfall in 12:58. Steel appeared to be in visible pain as the match ended, with sevral doctors coming to ringside. The fans also seemed a bit miffed as to why Weasel went over in this match.

Rating: 53


Match #3: Diamond & Deuce vs The New York Twins

In the third match, Jackson Diamond and Deuce Deadline took on The New York Twins. In a bout that generated decent heat and displayed terrible wrestling, Diamond and Deuce defeated the Twins via pinfall in 13:04. Diamond and Deuce hit the Twins with their respective golden and black bats.

Rating: 50





Free-agent, Mark Griffin, debuted! He suplexed Diamond and went nose to nose with the Bounty Hunter, before Deadline slithered out of the ring.


Rating: 54


NYCW Tri-Strate Regional: Donnie Cash vs Sammy The Shark


In a match for the NYCW Tri-State Regional championship, Donnie Cash looked to defend his belt against Sammy The Shark. In a decent match, Cash managed to retain his belt via pinfall in 15:15. Cash Money's Chad Chronic attacked Sammy, as Donnie made his first defence of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title.

Rating: 63



Cash Money’s Suge Wallace and Chronic assaulted Sammy The Shark at the behest of Donnie Cash.


Rating: 52


NYCW Tag Team: Borne To Riot vs The LA Stars


In a match for the NYCW Tag Team championships, Borne To Riot put their titles on the line against The LA Stars. In a match that showed good wrestling and generated a decent crowd reaction, Borne To Riot defeated the Stars in 18:30 via pinfall. Borne to Riot made defence number ten of the NYCW Tag Team title.

Rating: 69


Main Event - NYCW Empire: Eric Lee vs Bradley Blaze


In the main event, Eric Lee defended his NYCW Empire title against Bradley Blaze. In a good match, Lee defeated Blaze via pinfall in 11:48 to retain his championship. During the match, Brutus Milano dumped Blaze on his head, much to Lee's astonishment. Lee made defence number eleven on the NYCW Empire title.


Rating: 71




Eric Lee was visibly confused and asked Brutus what the hell he was thinking, as Avalanche stood ominously at the top of the ramp.


Rating: 64


Show Rating: 69


The dirt sheets have said Steel suffered a torn quad in his match again Air Attack Weasel, and there’s a suggestion an audible was called. 


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*Editors Notes*

It’s pretty late over here and I’ve had several issues trying to simply post these shows, so they might be littered with errors. I will check them in the morning.

This has come out much later than I hoped, but I think I’m finally into a groove with the direction I’m taking this save.

Here are a few notes:

- I loved booking KONY, I will be treating it as an important PPV.

- I only want to use outside wrestlers when I think the story dictates (it made sense bringing in California Love for one night only). 

-The tag division is going to be pretty deep in six months times.

- Eric Lee is doing a sterling job and hit 78 in-ring performance.

- Sammy The Shark deserved to win the Tri-state, but the story means it must stay with Donnie Cash (Donnie J) for a while longer. Donnie and Cash Milner are coming along nicely.

- Bradley Blaze, Brutus Milano and Deuce Deadline are all disappointing me at the moment. They will continue to be given long leashes and strong pushes. 

- Roster continues to expand. Don’t plan on making any releases until the next February, but we shall see if I need to cut the fat.

- Steel has a torn quad, I haven’t checked how long he will be out for, but it’s a bummer because I had some serious short-term plans. He’s also missed a lot of shows so far, due to other commitments. Injuries make this game fun because I will now have to pivot. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

NYCW Sunday Night Special Show 9:

2,000 fans were in attendance in Yonkers, NY.



Avalanche opened the show by celebrating his King Of New York victory at last night's PPV. Avalanche called out Eric Lee, and told Lee he would be exercising his option for a title shot at next month's PPV, Fire Fight. Mr. Sunshine then appeared on the jumbotron, live from Sunshine Inc., telling Avalanche that he has unfinished business with him.

Rating: 63


Opening Match:

In the opening bout, Brutus Milano took on young Adam Starnes. In a match that displayed no heat and terrible wrestling, Milano managed to defeat Starnes - who put up a a valiant effort - in 8:21 via pinfall, after Milano hit an Italian Backbreaker. 

Rating: 36



COTT Tag Team champions, American Steel (American Machine and Steel), were stood in the ring - with Steel standing with the aid crutches. Steel announced that, during the match against Air Attack Weasel at the King of New York PPV last night, he suffered a torn quad. Steel went onto state he would be out of action for over a year, before declaring American Steel would be forced vacate the COTT Tag Team belts. American Machine said he would avenge Steel and punish Air Attack Weasel; who then came out - flanked by Jurassic Empire's T-Rex and CJ Weston - to mock Steel. Machine went ballistic, before calming down when he realised that Steel needed help to get out of the ring.

Rating: 61



The New York Twins (Brooklyn & Bronx), accompanied by Nicole Kiss, were still reeling from their defeat to Jackson Diamond and Deuce Deadline - and they noted that Diamond Deadline had to cheat using baseball bats to defeat them. The Twins said, despite their setback last night, they are still the best tag team in New York. The Twins went onto declare New York City Wrestling as 'The Tag Capital of the World', and reasoned that being the best tag in 'The Tag Capital of the World' meant the NY Twins were the best in tag in the world. Second Chance (Jack Griffith and Texas Pete) came out and agreed with the assertion about NYCW being 'The Tag Capital of the World'; but said they wanted to prove it and said they'd fight the Twins or anyone else who wanted it. 

Rating: 39


Match #2: 

The LA Stars took on Canada's Most Wanted (Darius Funke & Ricky Kash) during the second match of the show. Canada's Most Wanted were able to keep up with the Stars, but showed visible frustration as they came up short. The Stars were able to secure the victory via pinfall in 13:20. 

Rating: 56



Sata Fujisaki was interviewing new signing, Mark Griffin, who debuted during last night's KONY PPV.  Griffin said he attacked Jackson Diamond because he does not like his glib nature, nor the way he treats the wrestling business. Griffin accused Diamond of behaviour unbecoming of a NYCW wrestler, with his ostentatious nature. As for Deuce Deadline, Griffin said the Bounty Hunter will need more than a financial incentive if he was ever to find the courage to step against Griffin.

Rating: 49



Donnie Cash was in the ring with Cash Money's Chad Chronic, Suge Wallace and the LA Stars - celebrating his victory over Sammy The Shark. Cash mocked Shark for choking during his big opportunity, promising Shark there would be no more NYCW Tri-State Regional title chances. Chris Morrisette came out and derided Cash for his senseless beatdown of Shark, and for his lecherous behaviour regarding the young, impressive, impressionable stable. Morrisette reaffirmed his pledge that he wanted to show the younger generation the way, and kicking Donnie Cash's ass would the perfect lesson.

Rating: 57

Main Event:

In the main event, Mark Griffin made his in-ring debut against Cash Money's Chad Chronic. In a match that elicited a decent reaction from the crowd, but displayed sub-par wrestling, Griffin dispatched of Chronic in 12:34 via pinfall.

Rating: 57



Eric Lee came out, flanked by Charlie Thatcher, and demanded Brutus Milano join him in the ring. Lee expressed his fury at being undermined by Milano during last night's main event, when Milano interfered and dumped Bradley Blaze on his head. Milano bit back at Lee, as Thatcher recoiled, and told Lee that the onus was Milano to protect his investment. Milano said he didn't believe Lee could beat Blaze, so it was necessary to to intervene. Milano went onto to remind Lee that their relationship is transactional; and if Lee no longer holds the NYCW Empire belt, his revenue sources would be severely jeopardised.  

Rating: 65

Show Rating: 59

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*Editors Notes*

Will be switching to single show updates, rather than PPV cycle updates, moving forward. The TV show will also be extended from a 1-hour tv show, to a 1 hour 30 minute tv show, in order to bring through some more of the younger roster members.  

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NYCW Sunday Night Special Show 10:

2,343 were in attendance in Yonkers, NY.


Donnie Cash was in the ring flanked by Cash Money's Suge Wallace, Chad Chronic and The LA Stars. Cash said Chris Morrisette was a cheeky son of a bitch for presuming he was entitled to a shot at the NYCW Tri-State Regional title. Morrisette made his way down to the ring and ignored Donnie, instead addressing Chronic and Wallace directly. Morrisette told Chronic and Wallace that Cash is sending them down the wrong path. Both Chronic and Wallace ridiculed Morrisette for being a fool, Wallace said money talks and Donnie was straight Cash. Morrisette retorted that he would teach the pair a lesson, starting with Wallace tonight!

Rating: 52

Opening Match:

In the opening match of the night, Mark Griffin took on Jurassic Empire's King Cohen/w CJ Weston. In a bout that elicited a decent reaction, but sub-par wrestling; Griffin was able to overcome King Cohen in 12:09.

Rating: 54



Jackson Diamond appeared on the jumbotron, looking as dastardly as ever. Diamond addressed Mark Griffin directly and stated Griffin has made an enemy of him. Diamond went onto say he is more than willing to show Griffin what epitomises a modern NYCW wrestler. As Griffin stood in the ring, Sunshine Inc.'s FEAR came out of nowhere to chokeslam Griffin. As Griffin laid dazed on the floor, Mr. Sunshine came onto the screen to greet Diamond, and the pair shook hands.

Rating: 57


In the second match of the show,  Deuce Deadline took on on young Jack Broady (Jack Avatar to some folk). Commentary noted that Broady, who has been tipped for big things, had an unknown suitor place bounty on his head - which Deadline attempted to pick up. In a terrible match, Deadline was able to secure the victory in 10:03, after he hit the Deadliner, to duly pick up the bounty.

Rating: 43


Sata Fujisaki was interviewing The New York Twins (Brooklyn & Bronx), who were accompanied by Nicole Kiss. As The Twins began to speak, Canada's Most Wanted (Darius Funke and Ricky Kash) ambushed them out of nowhere. As CMW beat them down, Kash grabbed the mic and said CMW have been playing too nice for too long. Kash then went onto say that the world wasn't ready for The Notorious Canadian, Funke, and Tricky Ricky Kash to take over, because they are the baddest duo in the game.

Rating: 37


Match #3:

The Insurance's Fightin' Irish (Conner Threepwood & Crockett Tubbs) took on .50 Cal (CJ Hoskins and Clark Howard) in the third match of the evening. In a bout that had terrible wrestling and non-existent crowd reaction, The Irish dispatched of young .50 Cal in 11:53

Rating: 44



The Fightin' Irish called out Borne to Riot and said they would earn another shot at the NYCW Tag Team titles at the Fire Fight PPV. The Irish said that Fire Fight deserves an upstanding New Yorker, like Crockett Tubbs, representing the City and the NYFD, since so many New Yorkers are unscrupulous - as they gestured to the crowd. Borne to Right came out and agreed to a match, before coming down to kick the ass' of the Fightin' Irish.

Rating: 44



Avalanche addressed the audience and spoke of his trepidation about having to fight two whole stables, those being Sunshine Inc. and The Insurance. Avalanche said he didn't need help beating anyone, but conceded he'd be naïve to take on 10-men alone. Avalanche said he had made some arrangements, and will have to fight hate with hate. With that, the Empire of Hate (Graverobber, Bodysnatcher and Headhunter) came out to the ring, and Avalanche said they would be supporting him as he prepares to win the NYCW Empire title at the Fire Fight. Mr. Sunshine came out to the ring and declared Sunshine Inc. will be out in force to take on the Empire of Hate next in a 3 on 3.

Rating: 48


Match #4:

In the fourth match of the card, Empire of Hate/w Avalanche took on Sunshine Inc./w Mr. Sunshine (FEAR, Super Massive Destroyer and Gene Bull). In a bout that had terrible wrestling on display, Empire of Hate managed to defeat Sunshine Inc. after Graverobber pinned Gene Bull in 8:43.

Rating: 38


The Masked Mauler VII was backstage, being interviewed by Sata Fujisaki. Mauler said he has had a rough couple of months in NYCW, but he owes it to himself to get back on track. He name checked Whitehorse Whittaker and Sal DiMeo, for the disparaging comments about him having a second chance to qualify for KONY - and said he wouldn't forget it any time soon. DiMeo and his stooges - Lucca Scaramoni, Vito Pirelli and Machine Gun Marino - appeared, before laying into Mauler. 

Rating: 42



CJ Weston invited cameras into the Jurassic Empire Lair, where T-Rex was looking menacing. Weston said that now American Machine is now truly his own, without Steel, T-Rex is ready to consume his prey.

Rating: 63


Main Event:

In the Main Event, Chris Morrisette took on Cash Money's Suge Wallace/w Donnie Cash. In a match that generated decent crowd reaction, but subpar wrestling, Morrisette defeated Wallace in 9:17.

Rating: 52



Eric Lee said he had cooled down following last week's discussions with Milano, and noted that even he isn't impervious to criticisms. He did, however, ask Milano to pledge his loyalty to him; and, as a gesture of good will, gave him a cheque with a $5,000 bonus written on it. Milano took the cheque, and shook the hand of Lee, much to the delight of Charlie Thatcher. 

Rating: 64

Show Rating: 55

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*Bumper Show*


NYCW Sunday Night Special Show 10:

2,000 were in attendance in Yonkers, NY



Eric Lee opened the show, with The Insurance (Charlie Thatcher, Conner Threepwood, Crockett Tubbs and Brutus Milano) in full attendance. Lee said he had been, somewhat, distracted over the last few weeks, and he needed to be at his best to beat the behemoth that is Avalanche. Lee then announced his solution to ensure The Insurance was firing on all cylinders and Avalanche was suitably 'scouted' ahead of their NYCW Empire title match at the Fire Fight PPV: Brutus Milano would face Avalanche tonight, in a one-on-one contest.  

Rating: 61

Opening Match:

In the opening match of the night, Brooklyn's Finest (Hawkeye Calhoun and Freedom Eagle) took on The DiMeo Family's The Italian Americans (Lucca Scaramoni and Vito Pirelli)/w Sal DiMeo. In a bout that didn't have much heat, and displayed terrible wrestling, Brooklyn's Finest overcame The Italians in 10:10 via pinfall.

Rating: 44


Post Match:

Brooklyn's Finest got on the mic and said they have settled into NYCW. Now - as New York natives - it's only right they prove why New York is The Tag Capital of The World. Tricky Ricky Kash and The Notorious Canadian Darius Funke appeared at the top of the ramp to ridicule Brooklyn's Finest. As Tricky began to talk trash about the tag division, The New York Twins (Bronx and Boorklyn) came out to clear the Canadians out - before displaying a sign of respect towards the Brooklyn's Finest.

Rating: 39



Whitehorse Whittaker accosted The Masked Mauler VII, and he insisted his previous comments about Mauler were true. Whittaker exclaimed he was stating the facts: The Masked Mauler VII has friends in high places. Whittaker pointed to himself and mentioned former bricklayer, Devyn Retribution, as examples of wrestlers who are toiling away in NYCW, trying to make their way in the world. Mauler snapped back that he had been grafting his whole life, and stated he is a proud New Yorker. Mauler promised to face Retribution next week, as a way of giving him an opportunity, but scolded Whittaker for being a hypocrite. Mauler said Whittaker rode the coattails of Howlin' Mad Mort, but since Mort got signed onto bigger things - THREE years ago - Whittaker has done nothing to change the course of his career. As things looked set to boil over, The DiMeo Family ambushed Mauler and Whittaker.

Rating: 40


Match #2: 

In the second match of the show, Mark Griffin took on Sunshine Inc.'s Super Massive Destroyer. Griffin controlled the much larger man for the majority of the bout, before delivering a Swinging Side Same on SMD, to secure the victory via pinfall in 9:14.

Rating: 62 



Mark Griffin said Mr. Sunshine has his fingers in a lot of pies, and warned Sunshine that he will have his comeuppance sooner rather than later. Griffin said he'll fight Sunshine's best solider, and the man who took a cheap shot at him last week, FEAR, at the Fire Fight PPV. As for Diamond, who Griffin likened to a rat, he has done nothing but prove Griffin correct - Diamond does not represent NYCW, nor should he have the audacity to call himself a professional wrestler. 

Rating: 57


Match #3:

In the third match of the evening, The debuting Hot Taggs (Kalder and Wolfie Tagg) took on Second Chance (Jack Griffith and Texas Pete). This was a surprise debut in NYCW, as the Hott Taggs had been sitting at home for several months without receiving a single booking. The Taggs managed to defeat Second Chance via pinfall in 9:48.

Rating: 46



Jack Broady was being interviewed backstage by Sata Fujisaki. Broady said he was just a white meat, All-American Boy, trying to earn an opportunity in wrestling. Broady expressed confusion as to why someone would place a bounty on his head last week. Fujisaki, like a news reporter delivering bad news, informed Broady that another bounty had been placed on his head. Deuce Deadline appeared, as he does whenever there is an opportunity to make a quick buck,  and said he'd take up the offer... again. Broady shot Deadline a terse response, before Fujisaki also confirmed that the individual who had been placing the bounties had promised to reveal themselves following Deadline and Broady's match, next week. 

Rating: 38



American Machine said he will happily fight T-Rex, he'd fight him tonight, next week, at the PPV, whenever. However, Machine stated, he has to avenge Steel before he can face T-Rex. Machine gave an insight into how much Steel's injury has been eating Machine up inside; he said the only thing he can think about is that Steel will lose a year of his career, whilst Air Attack Weasel uses his time to be aligned with scum like T-Rex. Machine said he doesn't blame Weasel for what happened, he blames Weasel for not visiting Steel in the goddamn hospital that night, or when he was getting surgery last week. Machine said he has to make Weasel pay for his wrongs.

Rating: 67


Match #4:

In the fourth match of the evening, Avalanche took on The Insurance's Brutus Milano. In a match that had a decent crowd reaction, but sub-par wrestling, Avalanche had Milano all but defeated - before FEAR came into the ring, and attacked Avalanche. The referee had lost control and called the fight a draw in 9:44, and could be heard saying wasn't sure whose side FEAR was on.  

Rating: 51



Despite the referee's apparent ignorance, Milano and FEAR continued to beatdown Avalanche, before Mr. Sunshine sent down Gene Bull and Super Massive Destroyer to pile into Avalanche. Empire of Hate (Graverobber, Headhunter and Bodysnatcher) came to even up the numbers, and Mark Griffin arrived to tip the scales in the favour of Avalanche. Eric Lee was stood at the top of the ramp, forbidding The Fightin' Irish or Charlie Thatcher to join in, much to Mr. Sunshine's despair and Milano's detriment, as Avalanche laid into him. 

Rating: 57


Main Event:

In the Main Event, Chris Morrisette took on Cash Money's The LA Star #1/w Donnie Cash. In a decent match, that saw LA Star really trouble Morrisette, Morrisette was able to secure the victory in 12:59.

Rating: 63



Donnie Cash initially looked irate following Morrisette's victory; however, a sinister look came over Cash's face. Cash warned Morrisette that he had been underestimating Cash, something which Morrisette would soon come to regret - in fact -he would regret it right now. Suddenly, Richie 'The Body' Riggins appeared behind Morrisette, and wiped him out. Cash came into ring, looking extremely smug, as Suge Wallace and Chad Chronic exchanged quizzical looks. 

Rating: 55

Show Rating: 63

Edited by Trillerverse
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NYCW Sunday Night Special Show 12

2,343 were in attendance in Yonkers, NY.



Donnie Cash was in the ring accompanied by Chad Chronic, Suge Wallace and The LA Stars. Donnie called out the newest member of the NYCW roster, a Cali-native, 'The Natural Body' Richie Riggins. Riggins came down and expressed his frustration at spending the last nine months as a pariah. He criticised the wrestling world for shunning him for, what he described as, erroneous and bogus claims that he was doping. He reaffirmed that The Body is all natural, baby.

Donnie Cash then took over proceedings and said he wanted to get down to business; he formally announced the Californian, Riggins, as a Cash Money associate. His second piece of business was to remind the New York faithful that he controls the Tri-Stare region, as NYCW Tri-State Regional champ, and part of his reign is to decide who, and when, he wants to fight. Cash scoffed that some jumped-up, has-been like Chris Morrisette can not, and will not, dictate to the champ. Cash said, unequivocally, that there will be no title shot on the cards for Morrisette. Cash then determined that Morrisette would take on Richie Riggins at the Fire Fight PPV. Cash, himself, will be putting his NYCW Tri-State Regional belt on the line against an honourable man; someone he owed a favour to; someone worthy of holding a Tri-State belt... California Love Machine.

Rating: 59


Opening Match:

In the opening match of the evening, The Masked Mauler VII took on Devyn Retribution. In a match that displayed sub-par wrestling, The Masked Mauler VII defeated Retribution in 12:12, via pinfall. During the match, it was confirmed that Whitehorse Whittaker would be facing The Masked Mauler VII at the Fire Fight PPV.

Rating: 49


Avalanche was in a stereotypical, New-York boxing gym; preparing for his NYCW Empire title match at the Fire Fight PPV, on Saturday. Avalanche curbed his workout to address Eric Lee directly through the camera. Avalanche declared his match for the NYCW Empire title as the biggest night in his career, bar none. Avalanche divulged some of his struggles following unsuccessful stints in other companies, but thanked NYCW for giving him the platform to make a name for himself. Avalanche warned Lee that he had not paid enough attention to him, and to enjoy the last few days holding the most important thing in New York... the NYCW Empire title.

Rating: 64


Match #2:
In the second match of the night, Canada's Most Wanted (Darius Funke and Ricky Kash) took on The Casey Brother's (Chuck and Tully Casey). In what was considered a poor match, CMW were able to secure the victory in 12:57. CMW were able to put on a good performance, where Ricky Kash was really impressing. 

Rating: 53


Mark Griffin called out FEAR to the join him, alone, in the middle of the ring - which FEAR duly obliged. Griffin said he had been watching NYCW from afar, and that's why he had a good measure of the chicken shit, Jackson Diamond. Griffin then pointed out that someone else caught his eye... FEAR. Griffin echoed what has been said by others - name checking Avalanche - and stated FEAR was being hindered by the leacherous Mr. Sunshine. Griffin said despite that, FEAR being a coward and doing the dirty work for Mr. Sunshine, by attacking him two weeks ago, led to Griffin losing any respect he held for FEAR - which is why he was going to break him down at Fire Fight. FEAR barked back that no one could tame him, he is the monster, FEAR - before Sunshine Inc.'s Gene Bull and Super Massive Destroyer ambushed Griffin.
Rating: 52



Sal DiMeo was down the docks, surrounded by The DiMeo Family (Luca Scaramoni, Vito Pirelli and Machine Gun Marino). Sal DiMeo ridiculed Whitehorse Whittaker and The Masked Mauler VII for having a pissing contest about who works harder. DiMeo is an Italian American, a descendant of immigrants who worked hard to build the city of New York and the United States of America. DiMeo now honours his heritage by providing for his family and his family's families in any way necessary. He said he'll watch closely The Mauler VII and Whittaker fight on Saturday, and warned them both that they will soon be sleeping with the fishes.

Rating: 44

Match #3:

In the third match of the card, Deuce Deadline took on Jack Broady. In a match that displayed pretty terrible wrestling, Deadline was able to put away Broady in 12:50, via pinfall.

Rating: 50



Following Deadline's victory, Bradley Blaze's music hit. Blaze said he had been setting bounties on Jack Broady's head, in order to find out everything he needed to know about Deadline. He said he set the first bounty in order to discern the price Deadline could be bought for; he set the second bounty to determine the moral compass of Deadline. Deadline taking advantage of a beaten man told Blaze everything he needed to know. Blaze said he was just a Texas Cowboy, but Cowboys are forced time to time to deal with Bounty Hunters who cross their path. Deadline warned Blaze that this isn't the Wild West.

Rating: 43



Jackson Diamond was interviewed by Sata Fujisaki. Diamond, who was disconcertingly caressing the golden baseball bat he has recently become synonymous with, stated he wanted to address a few things. Diamond fwanted to discuss his deal with Sunshine Inc. firstThe self-professed G.O.A.T, said the financial arrangement to take out Mark Griffin was a calculated one. Diamond said he has made his name being steps ahead of the opposition, and utilising Sunshine Inc. to deal with Griffin was a smart business decision. Diamond said the abandonment from Deuce Deadline, when Griffin appeared, would have crushed lesser men - but it's something Diamond will forgive, but not forget. Diamond said Griffin will be cleaned out by FEAR, then Griffin will find out what NYCW is all about.

Rating: 47



CJ Weston, Air Attack Weasel and T-Rex are in the Jurassic Empire Lair with the rest of Jurassic Empire (American Assault, American Defence, King Cohen and Marvin Payne). Weston agreed to put Weasel up against Machine at the Fire Fight PPV. However, win or lose, T-Rex will get his hands on Machine thereafter.

Rating: 50


Main Event:

In the main event, Borne To Fight's Geoff Borne too on The Fightin' Irish's Conner Threepwood, in a prelude to the NYCW Tag Team match at Fire Fight. Borne was able to overcome Threepwood in 14:08.

Rating: 58



Eric Lee came out to the ring... alone. Lee called out The Insurance to join him; Charlie Thatcher, The Fightin' Irish (Conner Threepwood and Crocket Tubbs) came to join him - Brutus Milano was notably absent. Lee demanded Milano come to join him in the ring. Milano appeared in the nosebleeds of the arena, and slowly made his way down to the ring. Milano was visibly bubbling, as Thatcher distanced himself from Milano. Lee lectured Milano that he prevented The Insurance helping him last week because Lee needed order. Lee said the lesson Milano should have learned is that Lee still holds the cards in this arrangement. Lee said he gave Milano the bonus, but he had to also be taught a lesson. Lee said he was now satisfied and ready to put the matter to bed. Lee said he didn't need a response from Milano and left the ring without giving him a second glance. Milano looked furious an began pacing around the ring as the rest of The Insurance looked apprehensive. 

Rating: 75


Show Rating: 62

There was a bit of a storm on social media, as there was some harsh criticism of Donnie Cash's shape. People had, cruelly, said he was looking flabby and out of shape

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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

NYCW Fire Fight

12,885 fans were in attendance in Yonkers, NY 



Zero-Hour: Empire of Hate (Bodysnatcher & Headhunter)/Graverobber vs Sunshine Inc. (Super Massive Destroyer & Gene Bull)/w Mr Sunshine.

During the Zero-Hour, EoH took on Sunshine Inc. in a match that that pitted Avalanche's allies against Mr. Sunshine's henchmen. In a bout that saw four behemoths square-off, regular teammates, Bodysnatcher & Headhunter, were up against less familiar partners, Bull and SMD. EoH were able to exploit the lack of cohesion between their opponents throughout the bout, but SMD looked mightily impressive. Things began to unravel for Sunshine Inc. when SMD and Sunshine exchanged words, after Destroyer was unable to put away Headhunter. Graverobber was able to prevent Mr. Sunshine from altering the result, with Sunshine attempting to use his typical underhand tactics throughout. EoH were able to put away Bull and SMD in 9:55, before putting the pair through tables outside the ring, thus rendering them obsolete for any other matters that were scheduled later on in the show - namely the NYCW Empire bout between Eric Lee and, EoH's ally, Avalanche. 

Rating: 32



Non-Segment: [The audience were welcomed to a bumper show by Rock Downpour; who revealed there would be nine (9) matches on tonight's card. Downpour then introduced Honest Frank and Ron South, who would be joining him at the announcers table.]  



NYCW Tag Team title: The Fighting Irish/w Charlie Thatcher vs Borne To Riot

In the opening match of the show, The Fighting Irish challenged Borne To Riot for the NYCW Tag Team championships. Riot were making defence #11 of their NYCW Tag Team belts during their nine-month of their reign; whilst the Irish, who were challenging Riot for their second title opportunity, had the ominous figure of Charlie Thatcher in their corner as they represented The Insurance. Despite Riot putting on an excellent display, the match The Irish were able to reach new levels during the tie. After Thatcher was unable to neuter Riot, Brutus Milano turned up to get the job done and clean out Doll. In a decent match, The Irish were able to overcome Borne To Riot in 15:22 to become two-time NYCW Tag Team champions.

Rating: 65



Match #2: Chris Morrisette vs 'The Natural Body' Richie Riggins. 

In the second match of the card, Chris Morrisette took on Cash Money's 'The Natural Body' Richie Riggins. Donnie Cash was backstage and apologised to Riggins for not being able to join him because he had to focus on his match this evening - but assured Riggins that Suge Wallace would be there. Riggins, who was making his in-ring debut for NYCW, came out to the ring alone - without the support of any Cash Money members. Riggins showed tremendous power, as he physically bested Morrisette throughout. Morrisette, ever the professional, was able to change the tide as the match progressed, utilising his superior psychology to buy time when needed and demoralising Riggins where possible . At one point, Riggins created an opening by distracting the ref - but, as he looked to the ramp, there was to be no help from Suge Wallace or any Cash Money member. Morrisette was then able to put Riggins away with a tombstone piledriver in 13:19. 

Rating: 58




Bradley Blaze was speaking to Sata Fujisaki, when he began berating Deuce Deadline for being an unscrupulous individual. Deadline came out to attack Blaze and the pair began to brawl. As Blaze and Deadline fought through the backstage, going through the concessions stands and to the foyer of the arena, the cameras followed the pair to the streets of New York. Deadline hoisted Blaze onto a fire truck that was situated outside the arena and threw Blaze off.

Rating: 47



Match #3: American Machine vs Air Attack Weasel/w CJ Weston & T-Rex 

American Machine took on Jurassic Empire's Air Attack Weasel in the third match of the evening. Machine, who had set out to avenge his fallen partner Steel, had the full backing of the New York crowd during the bout. Machine managed to control the match throughout, using his significant size advantage over Wesel to great effect, though he had to be wary of the baleful presence of T-Rex. After, during a Machine pin, CJ Weston managed to distract the referee for a third time, Machine engaged in a tense stare down with T-Rex; Weasel, however, was unable to capitalise on any opening T-Rex of Weston could provide, as Machine dispatched of Weasel in 12:55.

Rating: 55




Once Machine had completed the 1-2-3 on Weasel, 'The Gamekeeper' CJ Weston whistled for the dogs. American Assault; American Defender; Marvin ;The Caged Animal' Payne; T-Rex; King Cohen; and T-Rex all converged on Machine - beating him to a pulp.

Rating: 69


Match #4: Brooklyn's Finest vs The Hot Taggs

Brooklyn's Finest battled The Hot Taggs in the fourth match of the card. In a match that had Vessey's fingerprints all over it, the two teams demonstrated some clean and effective tag team wrestling. BF were able to emerge victorious in 13:30. Brooklyn's Finest came out in gear that represented New York Fire Department, whilst - following the match -  they reminded everyone that they held a NYCW Tag Team title shot.

Rating: 54


Match #5: Canada's Most Wanted vs The New York Twins

In the fifth match of the show, Canada's Most Wanted took on The New York Twins. During their entrance, CMW flew the emblem of Toronto Fire Services, much to the chagrin of the New York crowd. The Twins came out to a huge pop, as they flew NYFD flags, before CMW came out to attack them on the ramp. 'Tricky' Ricky Kash, despite significantly being the smallest man in the match, managed to show his technical prowess by consistently tying up the bigger Bronx and Brooklyn - slowing the two giants considerably. CMW were able to secure the victory in 13:12, before riling up the crowd by, once again, showing the Toronto Fire Services flag and screaming they were the best tag team, in the tag capital of the world.

Rating: 51


Match #6: Whitehorse Whittaker vs The Masked Mauler VII

Rivals, Whitehorse Whittaker and The Masked Mauler VII, faced-off int he sixth match of the card. Whittaker and Mauler exchanged heavy brawling throughout the bout, in a tie that Whittaker had the upper-hand in from the opening bell. Whittaker used the guardrails as an effective weapon, as he refrained from using true hardcore weapons, despite being tempted by a sledgehammer that was nearby. Whittaker was able to put Mauler away in 12:33.

Rating: 58



Post Match:

Following the bout, Whittaker gave Mauler a respectful nod and offer his hand out in respect. Mauler, steely-eyed, shook the hand of Whittaker before embracing him. As the pair went to leave the ring, Sal DiMeo; Machine Gun Marino; Lucca Scaramoni; and Vito Pirelli - of The DiMeo Family - came out and ambushed the pair. 

Rating: 47



Match #7: Mark Griffin vs FEAR/w Mr. Sunshine

In the seventh match of the card, Mark Griffin took on Sunshine Inc's FEAR. FEAR, who towered over the smaller man in Griffin, was unable to use his size to intimidate the unflappable Canadian. FEAR, who did impress throughout, stopped Mr. Sunshine interfering in the match and expelled him to the back. In a show of incredible technique and strength, Griffin was able to heave FEAR vertically and hit him with a suplex - much to the crowd's astonishment. Griffin was able to defeat FEAR in 12:40.

Rating: 57 




As Griffin departed the ring and made his way to the top of the ramp, Jackson Diamond appeared with his golden bat, and beat down on Griffin. 

Rating: 64



NYCW Tri-State Regional: Donnie Cash vs California Love Machine

In the penultimate match of the evening, Donnie Cash put his NYCW Tri-State Regional title on the line, as he faced-off against California Love Machine. Cash, who seemed perturbed by CLM's level of intensity, had to pull out all the stops to retain his belt. Cash, who visibly screamed for support from Cash Money, was left to deal with CLM on his own - which he ultimately did. Cash held onto his belt in 15:04 and made defence #2 of his belt. 

Rating: 59



NYCW Empire: Eric Lee vs Avalanche

In the main event, Eric Lee put his NYCW Empire title up against King of New York winner, Avalanche. Lee, who sent Charlie Thatcher away during his entrance, came out to the ring alone to face the formidable Avalanche. Avalanche was able to beat down on Lee, much to the delight of the Yonkers crowd. Lee, who managed to weasel his way away from Avalanche on several occasions, looked desperate on more than one occasion. Then, as Lee clung onto the ref and asked for a reprieve, Brutus Milano came out and, impressively, dumped Avalanche on his head. Lee completed the cover, as the referee looked on dumbfounded. Lee retained in 14:52, as he made defence #12 of the NYCW Empire belt.

Rating: 68 




Brutus Milano; Charlie Thatcher; and the new NYCW Tag Team champions, The Fighting Irish, joined Lee in the middle of the ring. A united The Insurance stood in the middle of the Ring with their belts in hand. 

Rating: 61


Show Rating: 67

Edited by Trillerverse
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Had a busy couple of weeks, but this has been in the back of my mind, so here it is, Got carried away with this show by adding two more matches than I intended, but don't think 9 (10 including the pre-show) will be the norm in this save. Will keep this diary going, even when TEW IX is released and I inevitably start a TCW save.

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  • 2 months later...

NYCW Sunday Night Special Show 13:

2,083 were in attendance in Yonkers, NY



Donnie Cash came out with Richie 'The Body' Riggins, and called out the rest of Cash Money to join him in the ring. After they obliged, Cash eviscerated them for not doing as he ordered at the Fire Fight PPV last night and for second guessing him. He reminded them that he offered to mentor them because he respected their talents as some of the brightest prospects from the West Coast, and the fact he wanted to vaunt it in the faces of these East Coast bums. Cash reiterated that he put his own hand in his pocket to get their careers started, now they're acting like spoilt brats. Cash said he'd already been making plans prior to last night's debacle. Cash announced that he had been working on getting the LA Stars a shot for the COTT Tag Team titles at the NYCW Summer Lightning PPV; he had made a deal with Eric Lee to get Chad Chronic a title shot in two weeks' time; and, as for Suge Wallace, he has the chance to take it all. Cash said that Wallace will have a shot at the NYCW Tri-State Regional title tonight and, with it, the chance to lead Cash Money.

Rating: 57


Opening Match:

One night after losing the NYCW Tag Team titles, Borne to Riot were back in action as they took on Jurassic Empire's Assault & Defence. Borne to Riot were on the typical top form, as they dispatched of A&D in 13:19. 

Rating: 56



Eric Lee was in the ring, accompanied by NYCW Tag Team Champions, The Fighting Irish; 'The Insurance Policy' Charlie Thatcher; and Brutus Milano. Lee insisted he was finally content with how things are inside The Insurance, and he looked forward to exert his full power as the benevolent champ. He put his hand on the shoulder of Milano and thanked him for his service, Lee said he wanted to give opportunities to those who deserved them... as such, Lee would be offering The Masked Patriot a NYCW Empire title shot next week. There was audible gasps and then boos from the crowd, as no one had seen The Masked Patriot wrestle on TV all year! Milano remained stoic, as he kept an outward calm and cool demeanour. 

Rating: 55


At Sunshine Inc. headquarters, Mr. Sunshine was flanked by the omnipresent FEAR and Gene Bull. Sunshine addressed Super Massive Destroyer and told him that he needed to redeem himself for costing Sunshine's empire at the PPV. SMD would face off against Bodysnatcher, next. Sunshine warned SMD that there would be consequences if he did not succeed. Once SMD was dismissed, FEAR stepped forward and apprised Sunshine that weakness leads to inertia.  

Rating: 48


Match #2:

Super Massive Destroyer took on Bodysnatcher, after losing in a tag match to Empire of Hate the night before. SMD, who came out with the perfidious looking Mr. Sunshine, clearly had a point to prove as he exploded into Bodysnatcher. At one point during proceedings, Mr. sunshine was heard barking instructions at SMD, who appeared to not heed this advice - much to the chagrin of Sunshine. Nothing fazed SMD as he swept aside Bodysnatcher in 8:23.

Rating: 33



Deuce Deadline was being interviewed by Sata Fujisaki, who asked Deadline if he regretted how last night's events unfolded with Bradley Blaze at Fire Fight. Deadline shrugged and said that Blaze wanted to play with fire, so Deadline extinguished him. Deadline then went onto to his next item of business, now Blaze had been put to bed... a hospital bed, and called out Mark Griffin for a fight next week. Deadline said he was taken aback by Griffin's audacity to question Deadline's courage. Jackson Diamond entered the shot and gleefully patted Deadline on the back, to which evoked a discountenanced look from Deadline.

Rating: 52



Sal DiMeo - accompanied by DiMeo Family members Machine Gun Marino, Luca Sacramoni, and Vito Pirelli - was stood in the ring, poised to say his piece. DiMeo ridiculed Whitehorse Whittaker and The Masked Mauler VII for their show of compassion last night, before goading them that he would be showing no compassion to the Bricklayer Devyn Retribution, tonight!

Rating: 42


Match #3

Sal DiMeo, with The DiMeo family at ringside, took on Devyn Retribution in the third match of the evening. Retribution impressed in the bout, with Honest Frank, on commentary, praising Retribution's fortitude as he dealt with interference from Marino, Sacramoni, and Pirelli. Whittaker and mauler came out to clear The DiMeo family, but amongst the commotion, DiMeo was able to capitalise and pin Retribution in 12:49.

Rating: 53



T-Rex was stood in the ring, with CJ Weston in his corner. Weston began to speak and said T-Rex would agree to face American Machine at the Summer Lightning PPV, if Machine came down to accept now. As Machine's music hit and he came down the ramp, King Cohen and Marvin 'The Caged Animal' Payne came out to attack Machine.

Rating: 58


Main Event:

In the main event, Donnie Cash took on Suge Wallace for the NYCW Tri-State Regional championship. There were none of Cash Money present at ringside, with Honest Frank relaying to the viewers that this weas agreed backstage by Cash and Wallace. The bout was evenly matched, as the commentary desk frequently put over that Wallace was able to match Cash's level throughout the bout. Cash, displaying a surprising amount of venerability, played it fair with Wallace throughout the bout, opting not to cheat his way to victory. Lee did manage to overcome Wallace with, as Frank described, a shrewd application of his considerable experience - outwitting Wallace by setting him up with a series of well orchestrated moves. Lee retained his NYCW Tri-State Regional belt in 12:46 for defence number three. 

Rating: 49



Wallace embraced Cash, as Cash Money came down to celebrate as a unit - flipping off the New York crowd in unison. With that, Chris Morrisette came out and sprinted to the ring - scattering Cash Money instantaneously.

Rating: 72



Show Rating: 56

Edited by Trillerverse
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NYCW Sunday Night Special Show 14:

2,273 were in attendance in Yonkers, NY


Opening Match:

Mark Griffin took on Deuce Deadline in the opening contest of the night. Rock Downpour, on comms, prefaced the match by discussing the recent history between the two competitors - notably Griffin calling Deadline a coward. Griffin controlled the pace of the match in the early exchanges, using his superior technical ability to obtain the upper hand. Deadline was able to work his way back into the match, using his size to quell Griffin's momentum. As the match drew on, Jackson Diamond came out with his now ubiquitous golden bat, and eyed up Griffin. Jackson threw a deck of cards - which all happened to be the Jack of Diamonds - that distracted the ref and create and opening for Diamond. As Diamond went to lunge for Griffin, Griffin ducked, leaving Deadline perilous as he received a blow from Diamond's bat.  The referee regained his focus in time for Griffin to complete the pin. As Deadline tried to get up, following the bell, Bradley Blaze returned to lay into The Bounty Hunter.

Rating: 61


American Machine is backstage, being interviewed by Sata Fujisaka, and he called out T-Rex. Machine said he has nothing to fear now, and T-Rex should be afraid, for their match at the PPV will see one man changed physically for the rest of his life and the other changed mentally.

Rating: 67



The DiMeo Family were down the docks, gloating about the number Sal DiMeo did on Devyn Retribution last week.  DiMeo said business is picking up - clearly a hot new catchphrase - much to the delight to Marino, Sacaramoni, and Pirelli. As The DiMeo family laughed and gloated, Retribution, Whitehorse Whittaker, and The Masked Mauler VII came out of a van to ambush the family.

Rating: 47 


Match #2:

The LA Stars, of Cash Money, took The Casey Brothers in the second match of the evening. Downpour referenced the shot The Stars have for the COTT Tag Team belts at the Summer Lightning PPV. In an extremely competitive match - where The Stars made the Caseys look really good - The LA boys continued their tremendous run by dispatching of the Casey Brothers in 13:12

Rating: 62



Sunshine Inc. came into the ring, with FEAR, Gene Bull, and Super Massive Destroyer flanking Mr. Sunshine. Sunshine began by saying success would soon be coming to his stable - when he was taken aback by FEAR stepping forward. SMD looked even more perturbed when FEAR took the mic and asked SMD to step forward. As SMD stepped forward, FEAR said his time was up - when suddenly Gene Bull put SMD into a choke from behind, as FEAR started laying into his skull with ruthless aggression. Mr. Sunshine grabbed the microphone and ordered FEAR and Bull to stop because he was in charge - FEAR spun around and towered over Sunshine, before asking 'do you feel in charge?'. FEAR then ripped off SMD's mask and the blood poured out of SMD as FEAR continued to lay into him. Avalanche's music hit as he made his return, thus truncating FEAR's assault.

Rating:  53

Match #3:

Brooklyn's Finest took on Assault and Defence in the third match of the card. Finest showed their superior skillset, as they defeated A&D - who had CJ Weston in their corner - in 13:12.

Rating: 42



Brooklyn's Finest grabbed the mic and told The Fighting Irish to expect to defend their tag team titles at the Summer Lightning PPV.

Rating: 44



Canada's Most Wanted were bragging that they are clearly the best tag team in NYCW, and bemoaned the fact that they didn't have a tag title match on the cards. Second Chance interrupted CMW and said these two young bucks have a tonne to prove in the wrestling business, and Second Chance would duly teach them a lesson next week.

Rating: 43


Main Event:

In the main event of the evening, Eric Lee took on young The Masked Patriot for the NYCW Empire championship. Downpour referenced the fact that Eric Lee handed over the mask, and the responsibility that came with it, to The Masked Patriot two years ago . Lee performed out of his skin, with Honest Frank saying you won't see a better performance on the US independents this year. Lee, who didn't take it easy on the young man he clearly admired and dispatched of Patriot in 12:59 to make defence number 13 of his NYCW Empire championship.

Rating: 67



Chris Morrisette called out Donnie Cash for a match at the Summer Lightning PPV. Cash Money came down to the ring in full force, as Morrisette was outnumbered six to one. Donnie Cash agreed to fight Morrisette, but said it would be a NYCW Tri-State Regional title eliminator. Cash, looking extremely smug, signalled for his entourage to attack Morrisette - before Sammy The Shark's music hit and Sammy came out with a steel chair, forcing Cash Money to flee. Morrisette had the last laugh as he informed Cash that, when Morrisette wins at the PPV, he will give the #1 contender opportunity to Sammy the Shark.

Rating: 59


Show rating: 65


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NYCW Sunday Night Special Show 15:

2,165 were in attendance in Yonkers, NY


Opening Match: 

In the opening match, Sammy The Shark took on Cash Money's Suge Wallace - who was accompanied by Donnie Cash. Honest Frank contextualised the match by implying that Cash would be using the match for Suge Wallace to wear down and, hopefully, score a victory over Sammy The Shark. In what was a decent match, where Wallace once again displayed the progress he had bene making. Sammy put away Wallace in 12:48.

Rating: 56



Sata Fujisaki was interviewing Brooklyn's Finest, who were discussing winning the NYCW Tag Team belts at the Summer Lightning PPV. As Brooklyn's Finest were in mid-flow, The New York Twins asked said they should be in-line to be the first challengers for the belts, should BF win. With that, The Fighting Irish came out to ambush BF and The New York Twins - before Borne to riot came into shot and all four teams brawled in the back,

Rating: 46 



Match #2:

In the second match of the card, Devyn Retribution took on The DiMeo Family's Luca Sacramoni. Rock Downpour reminded fans that Retribution had been targeted by Sal DiMeo recently. Retribution was able to gained the upper hand, over the larger Sacramoni, and managed to put away DiMeo's 'Enforcer' in 10:50.

Rating: 42



CJ Weston is lured into an abandoned warehouse, ostensibly because T-Rex asked him to meet him there. However, when Weston arrived, American Machine was there to attack Weston, who was audibly screaming for T-Rex - who never came...

Rating: 68

Match #3:

In the penultimate match of the evening, Canada's Most Wanted took on Second Chance. Downpour reminded the audience that this match was arranged last week. CMW were able to emerge victorious in 12:56, with Honest Frank putting the Canadian's over.

Rating: 50



Sal DiMeo was down the docks, looking forlorn, with no DiMeo family in sight. DiMeo said to not dwell on his despondent look for too long, business was a bout to pick up - so Whitehorse 
Whittaker and The Masked Mauler VII should beware.

Rating: 54



FEAR came down to the ring, with Gene Bull and a sheepish Mr. Sunshine in tow. FEAR addressed last week, deriding Super Massive Destroyer for not having the mettle to remain with FEAR. FEAR said Mr. Sunshine would be kept around, as the 'Mouthpiece' of FEAR. FEAR then went onto insist this new collective would be known as 'The Brotherhood'. The Brotherhood would do what is required and would lead people onto the correct path.

Rating: 54


Main Event:

In the main event for the NYCW Empire championship, Eric Lee took on Cash Money's Chad Chronic w/ Donnie Cash. Rock Downpour noted that this title match was arranged by Donnie Cash a fortnight ago. Honest Frank noted how Chronic was able to match Eric Lee step-for-step in the ring. Lee was able to secure the victory for defence number fourteen of his NYCW Empire. championship.

Rating: 66



As Lee celebrated, CZCW's Frankie Boy Fernandes came out and challenged Eric Lee for his belt. Lee shot Donnie Cash a disturbed look - as he looked competley rattled.

Rating: 67


Show Rating: 65

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