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(Hype) CVerse 2013

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The 2013 default data was always a favorite of mine (it's when I first got into TEW and played it extensively). I've been slowly rolling back the 2020 default data to align (I think it's a better way than converting the 2013 and trying to bring it forward).


I've put a sizable dent in it, and going to keep chugging along. Once I have it complete, I'll post it for freeware for anyone who is interested. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an update (to keep myself motivated and moving along as much as anything else)....


Every worker has been given a contract with the correct company. From there, I have been going company by company and updating the worker to match the original data (as best as I can obviously). You'll notice I bounce around promotions a bit to keep me from burning out on one list. 

Promotions/Groups of Workers that are totally complete:

  • AAA
  • WLW
  • 21CW is at about 30% complete
  • TCW is about 15% complete
  • PGHW is about 10% complete
  • All deceased and out of the business workers have been updated
  • All workers over age 60 are complete
  • Title lineages for most companies are complete 

I'm averaging about 20-50 workers a day. When I get a little burnt on workers, I work on a different chunk (titles reigns, storylines, a company's pop/bio etc.).

Going to refrain from any kind of promised release date at the moment but I have the summer off from work and been devoting large chunks of time to it daily. While it's mind-numbing, I am really motivated to play some games with the completed data. Posting publicly adds a little extra pressure/incentive too. I'll post another update when I have something significant to add. 

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1 hour ago, Jaysin said:

Thanks for the update! Can't wait to play this one.

Are you going to keep all the yet to debut workers from 2016 and 2020?

Yes. I'm keeping every worker from the 2020 Default data and rewinding it backwards. 

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15 minutes ago, RingRider said:

Yes. I'm keeping every worker from the 2020 Default data and rewinding it backwards. 

Fantastic! I have trouble getting into the current generation of the Cverse anymore, so this will be a welcome arrival. Part of me wants to do a Cverse 2007 mod since it's what got me into the Cverse, but it'd be SO MUCH work lol

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Another small update:

Promotions that are totally complete:

  • 21CW
  • AAA
  • FCW
  • PGHW
  • WLW
  • (Additionally, a small part of TCW has been done as well)
  • (Also, a lot of work bringing SOTBPW back from EILL has been put forward as well)

Other things that are complete:

  • Injury Histories
  • Purged about 70% of irrelevant title histories
  • Starting Storylines

All in all, its a solid 10-15% of total completion and work is moving quickly. I do believe active, signed workers will take the majority of the work. Once that aspect is complete, the fine tuning of broadcast deals, narratives, tag teams, stables and the like will be pretty quick. When I feel some burnout coming, these are the areas I usually switch to, keeping things fresh.

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9/40 Completed Active Companies (including all associated workers):

  • 21CW 
  • 5SSW
  • AAA
  • FCW
  • PGHW
  • SWF 
  • TCW
  • WLW
  • Zen 

Other areas that are complete:

  • title lineage complete
  • Injury History complete
  • tribute shows complete
  • worker relationships complete
  • announcer experience complete
  • company relationships complete
  • EoY Awards complete
  • mask and hair history complete
  • deceased workers, workers on hiatus, workers who left the business, starting avatars


Total Worker Count complete: (396/2649) 


Given that this is has been about 20ish days since I started this, and I'm about 25% complete, I'm feeling pretty good. 

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Still hyped for this. its one of my favorited time periods in the CV too. Curious on how you are skill balancing and popularity balancing? If you are going backwards from 2020 data, I assume based on 2020 levels? 

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24 minutes ago, Bigpapa42 said:

Still hyped for this. its one of my favorited time periods in the CV too. Curious on how you are skill balancing and popularity balancing? If you are going backwards from 2020 data, I assume based on 2020 levels? 

Balancing will have to be looked at closely once everything is up and running. At the moment, I am literally grabbing 2013 stats tit for tat. I have the 2013 database editor open side by side and am directly copying the data.  I'm curious to see what that will look like in testing and simulations once it's up and running on the 2020 engine. I'm thinking after I can get the data roughly correct, I want to release a beta and look for feedback from the community to handle those issues. 

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Posted (edited)

Since last update, the following companies have been completed:

  • ACPW
  • CGC
  • MAW
  • SOTBPW (the biggest company in the data!)

Total progression has 537/2649 total workers and 13/40 active companies complete with work on GCG having just begun.


As @Bigpapa42 mentioned, I'm going to need to start looking at balancing soon. Now that I am getting a clearer picture, the starting rosters of these companies will all be short of what the 2020 engine expects. After the initial data is all in, I'm going to start tweaking owner/booker preferences and starting pop of each company to try and minimize the AI hiring sprees. That's still some ways off as I have a lot aligning still ahead just to get the data to a rough starting place. 


Something else I've been thinking about is giving some active workers (most likely those who will become future road agents) the road agent role to begin with. Additionally, another thought I've had is debuting some of the referees who appear in the 2016 starting data sooner than scheduled to help offset the ref deficits in some of the companies. 


Anyways, that's all for now. Always open to suggestions/thoughts about balancing (or ways to streamline this further). 

Edited by RingRider
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So, I only discovered the TEW IX announcement last night (seriously, though, how did I miss that?!)


Anyway, obviously, I am super stoked for a new iteration of TEW (especially so soon!). That said, based on the speed I've been working, I'll never have this completed before release. Knowing that a new game is around the corner, I am officially shelving the mod. 


Maybe I'll resurrect it for IX, but I don't want to promise anything until I have some time with game. 

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