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Welcome to the Unreal-Verse!


A long time ago a tear opened in the fabric of reality and… nah, we’re not going to do that.


I have an old friend who shares my love of 90s pro wrestling and gaming. I approached him with the idea of a TEW game set in 1998 with all the regular promotions removed and we would each have a company and draft picks along with 3 computer players. They would choose based on an online die roller for some wonderfully random combinations. Happily, he agreed.


We are using the Montreal Aftermath mod by Genadi, carved up with blunt instruments and fast forwarded a little to begin in January 1998.



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Outlaw Championship Wrestling

Owner:  Tony Schiavone

Based in:  Deadwood, SD (Mid West)

TV Show:  Outlaw TV

Style:  Cult revolution

Top 5 stars:

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Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Mankind, Triple H (tweener), Billy Gunn (tweener), Sean Waltman (tweener), Dean Malenko, Rey Misterio Jr, Brian Adams, Bryan Clark, Rikishi, Hugh Morrus, Juventud Guerrera, Super Crazy, Jerry Lynn, TAKA Michinoku, Sho Funaki.

Tony Schiavone, Chyna (tweener), Gene Okerlund.



Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Jim Neidhart, Goldust, Raven, Perry Saturn, Kidman, William Regal, Shane Douglas, Brian Christopher, Scott Taylor, Little Guido, Tracy Smothers, Yoshihiro Tajiri.

Jerry Lawler, Marlena, James Mitchell.



Chyna manages Triple H

Marlena manages Shane Douglas

Sensational Sherri manages Kronik


Tag Teams

D-Generation X - Billy Gunn & X-Pac

Kronik - Brian Adams & Bryan Clark

Too Much - Brian Christopher & Scott Taylor

Kaientai - TAKA Michinoku & Sho Funaki

Full Blooded Italians - Little Guido & Tracy Smothers



The Hart Foundation – Bret Hart, Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart

D-Generation X – Triple H, Billy Gunn, X-Pac and Chyna

The Flock – Raven, Saturn and Kidman



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World Ring Elect

Owner:  Mike Tenay

Based in:  Sacramento, CA (South West)

TV Show:  Wrestle Zone

Style:  Traditional pro wrestling updated

Top 5 stars:

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Sting, DDP, Roddy Piper, The Rock, Eddie Guerrero, Ultimo Dragon, 2 Cold Scorpio, D’Lo Brown, Al Snow, Rob Van Dam, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Bobby Eaton, Marty Jannetty.

Mike Tenay, Kimberley Page, Elizabeth.



Lex Luger, Curt Hennig, Kane, Ken Shamrock, Steve Blackman, Jeff Jarrett, Chris Jericho, Chavo Guerrero Jr, Rick Martel, Simon Diamond, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Spike Dudley, Justin Credible, Lance Storm, Christopher Daniels.

Bobby Heenan, Paul Heyman, Ted DiBiase, Francine.



Ted DiBiase manages Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman

Paul Heyman manages Lex Luger, Curt Hennig, Rick Martel and Simon Diamond

Bobby Heenan manages Kane

Kimberley Page manages 2 Cold Scorpio and D’Lo Brown

Francine manages Justin Credible and Lance Storm

Elizabeth manages Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy


Tag Teams

2 Lo - 2 Cold Scorpio & D'Lo Brown

Diamond Model Inc - Rick Martel & Simon Diamond

Dudley Boyz - Bubba Ray Dudley & D-Von Dudley

Hardy Boyz - Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy

Impact Players - Justin Credible & Lance Storm

Rocker Express - Marty Jannetty & Bobby Eaton



New Dangerous Alliance – Lex Luger, Curt Hennig, Rick Martel, Simon Diamond and Paul Heyman




Squared Circle Championship Wrestling

Owner:  Jim Ross

Based in:  Oklahoma City, OK (Mid South)

TV Show:  Monday Turbo

Style:  Old school Southern wrasslin'

Top 5 stars:

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Global Wrestling Force

Owner:  Teddy Long

Based in:  Charlotte, NC (Mid Atlantic)

TV Show:  Xplosion

Style:  Traditional mainstream

Top 5 stars:

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King Of The Mountain

Owner:  Jim Cornette

Based in:  Knoxville, TN (South East)

TV Show:  Friday Night Fight Night

Style:  Wild Southern brawls

Top 5 stars:

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Edited by Bigelow Cartwheel
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Cedar Rapids, IO

January 1998, Week 1


ANGLE: Mankind opens and cuts a promo on Bret Hart about facing him in the tournament to crown a World champion in OCW. Mankind promises pain.


Shane Douglas vs Funaki – Douglas wins


ANGLE: Mean Gene Okerlund interviews The Flock. Raven stays back in the shadows and has harsh words for Hugh Morrus.


Rikishi vs Little Guido – Rikishi wins


ANGLE: Backstage James Mitchell is with Wrath. They predict doom tonight for The Undertaker.


Billy Gunn and X-Pac vs Too Much – Gunn pins Christopher


Raven vs Hugh Morrus – Raven wins


ANGLE: Mean Gene Okerlund is backstage with Triple H when ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin interrupts. Austin demands to know who’s in charge. Nobody knows. The owner is a mystery. But Gene informs Austin that he’s had word that the Texas Rattlesnake will be facing Triple H next week in a World Championship tournament match. Austin and Triple H go nose to nose.


The Undertaker vs Wrath – Undertaker wins


OCW World Championship Tournament

Bret Hart vs Mankind – Bret wins, Anvil and Owen intf.


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Los Angeles, CA

January 1998, Week 1


Hardy Boyz vs Impact Players – Hardy Boyz win, Jeff pins Credible


ANGLE:  Sting comes to the ring to cut a promo about his inclusion in the WRECK title tournament. He is interrupted by New Dangerous Alliance. Heyman says that there is no chance of Sting winning the belt and that it will end up with the NDA, one way or another.


Steve Blackman vs Al Snow – Blackman wins


ANGLE:  Chris Jericho cuts a backstage promo talking about the fact they are crowning the first ever WRE National Champion in a fatal 4 way and states that he will be the first person to wear gold in WRE.


WRE Championship King (WRECK) Tournament Q/F
Diamond Dallas Page vs Jeff Jarrett – DDP wins


ANGLE:  DDP grabs the mic after his win and says that while all 6 other guys left in the tournament will they think they can win, everyone thinks same until they're hit with a Diamond Cutter - just ask Jeff Jarrett.


2 Cold Scorpio vs Spike Dudley – Scorpio wins


ANGLE:  The Dudley Boyz run down to attack Scorpio but D’Lo Brown makes the save!


ANGLE:  Rowdy Roddy Piper is backstage.  He is angry because he has found out he is not in the WRECK Tournament and is going to get to the bottom of it next week.


WRE National Championship (WRENCH)
Chris Jericho vs Ultimo Dragon vs Chavo Guerrero vs Eddie Guerrero - Jericho pins Ultimo with a fist full of tights.


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January 1998, Week 1



Shawn Michaels defeated Val Venis

SCCW Continental: Jim Duggan defeated Steve Corino

Sid Vicious defeated Road Dogg

Buff Bagwell defeated Kanyon



Vader defeated Nova

The Giant defeated Shane Helms

The Steiner Brothers defeated Hardcore Chair Swingin’ Freaks

Kevin Nash defeated Road Warrior Animal



The Headbangers defeated Harris Twins

Hollywood Hogan defeated Ernest Miller

Faarooq & The Godfather defeated Doring & Roadkill

Davey Boy Smith defeated Randy Savage


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New Orleans, LA

January 1998, Week 2


Juventud Guerrera vs Tracy Smothers – Juventud wins


ANGLE:  The Flock are sat in the front row watching the action.  Mean Gene Okerlund comes down to ringside asking them what they’re doing there.  Raven shows Okerlund their tickets and tells him to “**** off!”


Rey Misterio Jr vs Super Crazy – Misterio wins


ANGLE:  Bret Hart promo backstage alongside Owen and Anvil.  He says the OCW World Championship Tournament is a formality for the Hart Foundation and that the belt will end up around the waist of the ‘Excellence of Execution.’


Goldust vs TAKA Michinoku – Goldust wins


William Regal vs Dean Malenko – Malenko wins, flash pin


ANGLE:  As Malenko is leaving the ring Raven throws Kidman’s soda at him, hitting him in the back of the head.  Raven taunts Malenko as Saturn and Kidman stand in front of him.  Malenko is furious.  He looks to get to Raven but Saturn and Kidman brawl with him as referees run down and try to separate them.


OCW World Championship Tournament

Owen Hart vs X-Pac – Owen wins, submission, cheats with a low blow.


OCW World Championship Tournament

Steve Austin vs Triple H – Double CO, intf from Bret, Owen and Anvil.


ANGLE:  D-Generation X's Billy Gunn ad X-Pac run down and brawl with The Hart Foundation as Austin and Triple H keep fighting at ringside.


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Los Angeles, CA

January 1998, Week 2


Diamond Model Inc vs Rocker Express - Diamond pins Jannetty


ANGLE:  Roddy Piper is heading out for a match but then confronts Ted DiBiase saying that his investigation into his lack of title tournament placing was because someone bought his spot. DiBiase denies the accusation stating that his client Steve Blackman isn't in the tournament either. 


Roddy Piper vs Curry Man – Piper wins, squash


ANGLE:  The Rock cuts a promo backstage saying that he may not have the same years in the business as everyone else in the WRECK Tournament but that when you're the People’s Champ... it doesn't matter how much experience you have and he will prove that later tonight in a non-tournament match!


WRECK Tournament Q/F
Ken Shamrock vs Rob Van Dam – Shamrock wins


The Rock vs Chavo Guerrero Jr – The Rock wins


ANGLE:  Chris Jericho comes out to celebrate becoming the WRE National Champ telling the fans they should count themselves lucky to be witnessing greatness live in the flesh. Eddie Guerrero comes out to tell Jericho to celebrate while he still can because he intends to become number one contender next week.


WRECK Tournament Q/F
Sting vs Curt Hennig – Sting wins, botched intf from Heyman


ANGLE:  The other three members of New Dangerous Alliance run down and beat down Sting with the show closing with the image of Lex Luger standing over a bloodied Stinger.


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January 1998, Week 2



Henry Godwinn defeated The Sandman and Taz

Brian Lee, Val Venis and Meng defeated Christian York, Joey Matthews and Shark Boy

SCCW Continental:  Jim Duggan defeated The Barbarian by DQ

SCCW World Heavyweight:  Ultimate Warrior defeated Savio Vega, Disco Inferno and Kanyon



Road Warriors defeated Harlem Heat

The Steiner Brothers defeated Hardcore Chair Swingin’ Freaks

Dan Severn defeated Psicosis

Vader defeated Konnan by count out



Crush defeated Bob Holly

KOTM World Television:  Norman Smiley defeated Stevie Richards

Rocco Rock defeated Kaz Hayashi

Faarooq defeated The Godfather by DQ


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Boulder, CO

January 1998, Week 3


ANGLE:  The Hart Foundation open the show backstage with Owen Hart on crutches.  It’s revealed he has a match next week in the OCW World Championship Tournament against either The Undertaker or William Regal.  Owen says that he wants to take on and beat The Deadman... but he’s hobbling in obvious pain.  Bret tells the younger Hart that if he can’t get fit then Anvil will be taking his place in 7 days time.


Jerry Lynn vs Yoshihiro Tajiri – Lynn wins


ANGLE:  The Undertaker is backstage with a word for William Regal.  He tells the Englishman that there is no escaping death and that after tonight Regal will “Rest… in… peace.”


Shane Douglas vs Hugh Morrus – Douglas wins, cheats using the ropes for leverage


ANGLE:  Austin hits the ring and demands to know who the boss in Outlaw Championship Wrestling is.  He states that he’s about two seconds from declaring himself sheriff and “stomping a mudhole in any sumbitch who gets in the ring” with him.  This brings out DX.  Triple H tells ‘Stone Cold’ that he may know who the owner is.  He won’t say though and instead states that they have “unfinished business” and proposes a six man tag.  Austin needs to find some tag partners.


Too Much vs Kaientai – Taylor pins Funaki    


ANGLE:  Malenko challenges Raven to face him in the ring.  Out come The Flock and Raven sends Kidman to the ring.


Dean Malenko vs Kidman – Malenko wins


ANGLE:  Steve Austin is backstage as Mean Gene Okerlund attempts to interview him on who he will team with against Triple H, Billy Gunn and X-Pac.  The camera pans back to reveal the massive frame of Rikishi standing behind Gene, and behind him, the wild masked face of Mankind!   


OCW World Championship Tournament

The Undertaker vs William Regal – Undertaker wins


D-Generation X vs Steve Austin, Mankind and Rikishi – Austin pins Gunn


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Los Angeles, CA

January 1998, Week 3


2 Lo vs Dudley Boyz - Scorpio pins D-Von


ANGLE:  Roddy Piper is interviewed backstage and promises that he will still get to the bottom of his lack of inclusion in the WRECK title tournament.


Rob Van Dam vs Curry Man – RVD wins


ANGLE:  The New Dangerous Alliance come out to the ring and Paul Heyman cuts a promo stating that things might not have gone to plan last week but the plan remains the same - to get all the gold in WRE. Curt Hennig then challenges DDP to a match coming up next.


Diamond Dallas Page vs Curt Hennig – DDP wins by DQ after Diamond Inc attack him


ANGLE:  The attack continues until Sting arrives with a baseball bat to chase off the New Dangerous Alliance.


ANGLE:  Rob Van Dam is warming down in the back when he is approached by Francine offering her managerial services. RVD says that he will take it into consideration but that it's not the first offer he has had in WRE and that he needs to decide who operates on the same vibration as he does.


WRENCH #1 Contender - Chris Jericho on commentary
Eddie Guerrero vs Chavo Guerrero Jr vs Ultimo Dragon – Eddie pins Chavo after botched intf from Jericho


ANGLE:  Roddy Piper is walking backstage visibly angry and asking anyone if they know where Ted DiBiase is. He is pointed in the right direction by a backstage employee but is attacked from behind by Steve Blackman before he can get to him.


WRECK Tournament Q/F
Lex Luger vs The Rock - Luger wins by submission after intf from Jeff Jarrett


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January 1998, Week 3



Sandman defeated Bart Gunn and Test

Alex Wright defeated Shark Boy

The Faces of Fear defeated The Godwinns

Non title: Sid Vicious defeated Jim Duggan



The Steiner Brothers defeated Hardcore Chair Swingin’ Freaks

Boss Man and Albert went to a no contest with Road Warriors

Sabu defeated Vampiro

The Giant went to a no contest with Ric Flair



Harris Twins defeated Hayashi and Smiley

The Headbangers defeated Doring and Roadkill

The Patriot defeated Shannon Moore

Hollywood Hogan went to a no contest with John Tenta


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St Joseph, MO

January 1998, Week 4


ANGLE:  Mean Gene Okerlund is outside when a limousine pulls up and out steps Vince McMahon.  McMahon demands to know who’s in charge as he has an offer to make that they can’t refuse.  The camera pans back to reveal ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin standing behind McMahon.

“Didn’t you read the sign, boy?  This place is for outlaws.”

He shoulders into McMahon and heads inside.


D-Generation X vs Full Blooded Italians – DX win, Gunn pins Smothers


ANGLE:  The Hart Foundation are backstage.  Bret confirms that Owen is injured and won’t be competing tonight against The Undertaker in the OCW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament.  Anvil will take Owen’s place.  Bret also explains that as Steve Austin versus Triple H ended in a double count out ‘Hitman’ will get a bye to the final.


TAKA Michinoku vs Yoshihiro Tajiri – Tajiri wins


ANGLE:  Mean Gene is with Rey Misterio Jr.  There will be a lucha-style six man tag at Ground Zero on Sunday and there is a twist - the winning team of three will then immediately compete against one another for the vacant OCW World Cruiserweight Championship.  Rey tells Mean Gene he’s ready.


Wrath vs Super Crazy – Crazy wins with a flash pin after Wrath dominated, botched intf from Mitchell


ANGLE:  Post match James Mitchell is unhappy with Wrath.  He has Wrath’s contract rolled up like a baton and is swatting him with it.   Wrath tolerates it until it’s one swat too many and he grabs Mitchell by the lapels.  Without breaking eye contact he takes the contract… and tears it in half.


Shane Douglas vs Hugh Morrus – Douglas wins with a handful of tights.


ANGLE:  Malenko calls out Raven, challenging him.  Raven comes out along but seems disinterested.  Saturn hops the guard rail and distracts Malenko.  Raven hits the Evenflow DDT and accepts the challenge.


Rey Misterio Jr vs Juventud Guerrera – Misterio wins


ANGLE:  Steve Austin calls out Triple H and tells him he needs to know who’s ass to kick.  Hunter admits that he doesn’t know who the owner of OCW is, he just enjoyed yanking Austin’s chain.  They’re about to come to blows when out comes William Regal.  Regal tells Austin that he does know the owner and that he is a gentleman, not an “unrefined, beer-swilling ruffian like ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin.”  Regal tells Austin and Triple H that the owner has put them in a match on Sunday at Ground Zero… with Regal as the special guest referee.  This brings out Mankind in a home-made referee shirt.  He tells Regal that they have a match at Ground Zero, and that if Mankind wins he will get to be the referee instead.


OCW World Championship Tournament
The Undertaker vs Jim Neidhart – Undertaker wins


ANGLE:  After the match Bret Hart hits the ring and has a staredown with The Deadman.


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January 1998, Week 4

Los Angeles, CA


WRECK Tournament Semi-Final

Lex Luger vs Diamond Dallas Page – Luger wins, via submission, cheats with a low blow as Paul Heyman distracts the ref


ANGLE:  The Rock cuts a promo to say that not only did Jeff Jarrett cost him his place in the WRECK tournament, but also lead to him getting injured. He promises that when he returns JJ will find out what happens with the People’s Champ but that before then he has arranged a surprise opponent for Jarrett to face at WREckoning on Sunday.


Impact Players vs Rocker Express - Storm submits Jannetty


ANGLE:  Rob Van Dam comes out to the ramp as the Impact Players were leaving and teases signing up as a client only for Kimberley Page to come out and sign up RVDs services instead.


ANGLE:  Paul Heyman is backstage with Diamond Model Inc as he confirms that they are part of a three way tag match at WREckoning to crown the first ever WRE tag champs.  One member of the team will fight later this evening and whoever wins will get to pick the stipulation for the title match. Heyman nominates Rick Martel for the match later.


Eddie Guerrero & Ultimo Dragon vs Chris Jericho & Chavo Guerrero - Ultimo pins Chavo after Jericho avoids wrestling Eddie and abandons his partner


ANGLE:  Bobby Heenan leaves the commentary position and jumps in the ring with a mic. He tells the crowd that he has a big surprise coming at WREckoning and that once it is revealed everyone in the locker room will be on notice.


D'Lo Brown vs Rick Martel vs Matt Hardy – D’Lo pins Matt


ANGLE:  Roddy Piper says that he has irrefutable proof that it was Ted DiBiase that bought his spot on the title tournament. 

"Normally I'm the guy who changes the questions asked of me but this time I'm going to be the one asking them after I beat Steve Blackman on Sunday."


WRECK Tournament Semi-Final 

Sting vs Ken Shamrock – Sting wins


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January 1998, Week 4



Taz defeated Christian, Steve Corino and The Sandman

The Faces Of Fear defeated Meanie & Shark Boy

Shawn Michaels defeated Brian Lee

Non title:  Ultimate Warrior defeated Sid Vicious



Scott Norton defeated Psicosis

The Steiner Brothers defeated Harlem Heat

Road Warriors defeated Boss Man & Albert

Kevin Nash defeated Konnan



KOTM World Television:  Norman Smiley defeated Brooklyn Brawler

Jacques Rougeau defeated Kaz Hayashi

Ray Lloyd defeated Bob Holly by DQ

Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Ahmed Johnson

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  • 2 weeks later...



Colorado Springs, CO

January 1998, Week 4


Stipulation Six Man Tag

Rey Misterio Jr, Juventud Guerrera and Lizmark Jr vs El Dandy, Silver King and Super Calo – Misterio pins Super Calo.  Their team will now compete for the OCW World Cruiserweight Championship. 


OCW World Cruiserweight Championship

Rey Misterio Jr vs Juventud Guerrera vs Lizmark Jr – Juventud pins Lizmark


ANGLE:  Mean Gene Okerlund is interviewing Shane Douglas backstage when ‘The Franchise’ sees Marlena off camera and beckons her over.  Immediately he ignores Okerlund and begins charming Marlena.  They are interrupted however by Hugh Morrus.  Morrus accuses Douglas of cheating in their two matches on Outlaw TV and demands a rematch.  Douglas, with one eye on Marlena, agrees.  Morrus adds -

“And since you don’t like playing by the rules, I’m making it a No Disqualification match!”


No Disqualification

Shane Douglas vs Hugh Morrus – Douglas wins, Marlena low blows Morrus.


ANGLE:  D-Generation X are backstage.  They are by a monitor watching the introductions for Mankind versus William Regal – the winner will be the special guest referee in the Austin versus Triple H match.  Triple H reminds Gunn and X-Pac that they’ve a match tonight for the OCW World Tag Team Championship.  Gunn remarks that’s it the first he’s heard of it.  He and X-Pac go and get ready as Triple H remarks -

“Who’s running this place?  Really?  Is anyone calling the shots around here?”


Stipulation match

Mankind vs William Regal – Regal wins using brass knuckles after a shadowy figure in a hooded cloak distracts the ref.  This means Regal will referee the Steve Austin versus Triple H match.


ANGLE:  Raven is backstage with The Flock.  Mean Gene Okerlund asks him if he’s ready to face Dean Malenko tonight.  Raven grunts and tells Saturn to do it.


OCW World Tag Team Championship

D-Generation X vs Too Much vs Kaientai vs Full Blooded Italians – Too Much win, Taylor pins Funaki.  Earlier, Owen Hart had hit X-Pac with his crutch to take him out of the match.


ANGLE:  X-Pac is holding his head after the attack from Owen but he manages to get to his feet.  The younger Hart then follows up with a second shot with the crutch out of nowhere to leave X-Pac down.  Gunn chases a hobbling Owen off and looks genuinely concerned for his DX teammate.


Dean Malenko v Saturn – Malenko wins, despite intf from Lodi and Sick Boy


ANGLE:  Raven and Kidman join the rest of The Flock in beating down Malenko.  Malenko is busted open.  Jerry Lynn runs in brandishing a steel chair as Raven waves The Flock to leave.


Special Guest referee William Regal

Steve Austin vs Triple H – Triple H wins by DQ, the shadowy figure returns and distracts Austin but Regal allows it as well as a series of other infractions that go against Stone Cold.  The finish comes as Austin hits Regal with a Stunner.  A short time later Austin hits Triple H with the Stunner, Regal regains consciousness but rather than make the count he disqualifies the Texas Rattlesnake.


ANGLE:  Post match Austin confronts Regal and hits him with another Stunner.


OCW World Championship

Bret Hart vs The Undertaker – Bret wins with a roll up after distraction and interference from Owen and Anvil.


ANGLE:  DX come out and brawl with The Hart Foundation.


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Bakersfield, CA

January 1998, Week 4


WRE National Championship (WRENCH)

Chris Jericho (c) vs Eddie Guerrero - Jericho retains the title pinning Eddie after a chair shot and lionsault. Chavo Guerrero runs down to the ring during a ref bump with the chair and teases handing it to his uncle before handing it to Jericho.


ANGLE:  The Rock is interviewed backstage and tells Jeff Jarrett that he of all people should know that blood is thicker than water because if it wasn't for his dad Jerry, nobody would have ever heard of him. He promises that tonight Jarrett will find out exactly what a tight knit family is all about and then introduces Double J’s opponent for the night – Headshrinker Samu!


Jeff Jarrett vs Headshrinker Samu - Jarrett wins with the Stroke


ANGLE:  After the match Jarrett grabs a guitar and attempts to hit Samu but The Rock grabs it and chases Jarrett up the ramp with it. While that is happening the Honky Tonk Man appears from under the ring with another guitar and lays out Samu with it.


ANGLE:  2 Lo and Kimberley Page are being interviewed backstage about their choice of stipulation for tonight's WRE Tag Championship match which D'Lo earned last week. They reveal that they've picked a ladder match stipulation and say they can't wait to grab the belts.


WRE Tag Championship (WRETCH) – 3 Way Ladder match

2 Lo vs Hardy Boyz vs Diamond Model Inc - Diamond Model Inc win with Simon Diamond grabbing the belts after Curt Hennig interferes and pushes 2 Cold Scorpio off the ladder when he was just about grab the belts.


ANGLE:  Roddy Piper is interviewed backstage about his bout later this evening against Steve Blackman. He says that Blackman’s manager Ted DiBiase better not be a coward and hide because once he takes care of the Lethal Weapon he is going to finally get answers.


ANGLE:  Diamond Dallas Page heads to the ring expecting to have a #1 contender match against Ken Shamrock but as he is in the ring awaiting his opponent the lights suddenly turn off.
When they turn back on...



"It's Kane!!"


Kane is stood behind DDP while Bobby Heenan has left his announce position and is screaming at Kane to destroy him. Kane duly obliges, beating DDP down and dragging him outside before finishing him off with a chokeslam through the announce table.


ANGLE:  New Dangerous Alliance are backstage celebrating the title victory of Diamond Model Inc whilst Heyman promises his client Lex Luger will be bringing more gold to the group later this evening.


Rob Van Dam vs Curt Hennig - Hennig wins a hard fought victory with a Perfect Plex


ANGLE:  Sting is interviewed about his main event match later this evening. He says that his wins so far against Hennig and Shamrock were hard fought but that Lex Luger is not going to be the one to stop him in his goal to become the first ever World Ring Elect Championship King (WRECK).


Roddy Piper vs Steve Blackman - Piper wins a wild brawl with a sleeper after a low blow while the ref was distracted


ANGLE:  With Blackman unconscious on the match Piper sets his eyes on Ted DiBiase and starts to chase him up the ramp but before he gets a hold of him he is taken out by Ken Shamrock. He puts a bloody Piper in the ankle lock while DiBiase stands over him laughing.


WRE Championship King (WRECK)

Sting vs Lex Luger - Sting wins with the Scorpion Death Drop - Towards the end of the match the rest of New Dangerous Alliance (Hennig and Diamond Model Inc) come to ringside and look as though they are going to interfere but are chased off by RVD and 2 Lo.


Edited by Bigelow Cartwheel
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January 1998, Week 4




Sid Vicious defeated Taz

The Faces Of Fear defeated Edge & Christian

SCCW Continental: Jim Duggan defeated Steve Corino

Kanyon, Shark Boy and Road Dogg defeated Christian York, Rhino and Ron Killings

SCCW World Television: The Blue Meanie defeated Joey Matthews

SCCW World Tag Team: Test and Val Venis defeated The Godwinns

Brian Lee, Alex Wright and Buff Bagwell defeated The Sandman, Bart Gunn and Essa Rios

Shawn Michaels defeated Savio Vega

SCCW World Heavyweight: Ultimate Warrior defeated Disco Inferno




Stevie Ray defeated Kid Kash

Sabu defeated Balls Mahoney

GWF Tag Team: Road Warriors defeated Boss Man & Albert

Yokozuna defeated Marc Mero

Goldberg defeated Dan Severn

Booker T defeated Tatanka

GWF Junior Heavyweight: Psicosis defeated Shane Helms

GWF Eastern: Konnan defeated Fit Finlay

GWF Heavyweight: The Giant defeated Kevin Nash

The Steiner Brothers defeated Vader and Ric Flair




Thrasher and Barry Windham defeated Jeff Bearden and Shannon Moore

Ray Lloyd and Brooklyn Brawler defeated Chris Candido and The Patriot

The Disciple defeated Rocco Rock

Bob Holy and Ernest Miller defeated Migeul Perez Jr and Prince Iaukea

Tommy Dreamer annd Kaz Hayashi defeated Pat Tanaka and Barry Horowitz

KOTM World Television: Norman Smiley defeated Stevie Richards

Doring & Roadkill defeated America’s Most Wanted

KOTM World Tag Team: Harris Twins defeated La Parka and Duke Droese

KOTM World Heavyweight: Randy Savage defeated Mosh

Scott Hall won the 30 man Royal Rampage


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Pine Bluff, AR

February 1998, Week 1


ANGLE:  Billy Gunn is stood backstage by himself.  He looks furious.  He reveals that after the attack from Owen Hart last night at Ground Zero, X-Pac has not been cleared to wrestle.  Gunn tells The Hart Foundation that tonight he is demanding payback, but since he can’t wrestle the injured Owen, Billy is challenging his older brother Bret for the OCW World Championship.


Jerry Lynn vs El Dandy – Lynn wins by DQ, Raven and Saturn interfere and attack Lynn


ANGLE:  Raven and Saturn look to beat Jerry Lynn down but Dean Malenko rushes to the ring swinging a steel chair.  Raven and Saturn get out of there fast.


Super Crazy vs Silver King – Crazy wins


ANGLE:  Steve Austin calls out William Regal, telling the Englishman he has a receipt to collect.  Out comes Regal and Austin challenges him to a match.  Regal smugly informs Austin that he has been told directly by the OCW owner that Stone Cold already has a match planned for tonight.  Austin will be competing alongside Triple H against the team of The Undertaker and Mankind.


Rey Misterio Jr and Rikishi vs Full Blooded Italians – Rikishi pins Smothers


ANGLE:  The Hart Foundation are backstage with Mean Gene Okerlund.  Bret is asked whether he will face Billy Gunn and defend his title, and the Hitman responds that he has never run away from a challenge in his life.  Owen interrupts him and stares right down the camera, taunting the absent X-Pac.  Bret pulls him back and rebukes him.  Owen, swelling with arrogance and indignation, tells Bret -

“In fact, if X-Pac hadn’t injured me I could’ve beaten The Undertaker.  I’d have laid The Deadman to rest and then it would’ve been you versus me for that title, brother.”


Kidman vs TAKA Michinoku - Kidman wins


ANGLE:  Mankind is backstage with The Undertaker.  They seem confused at the chaotic nature of their tag match against Austin and Triple H – four men, both with partners chosen seemingly at random.  Mankind says he embraces chaos and name drops both Austin and Hunter.  He even names the OCW World champion Bret Hart as someone to watch out for him.


Steve Austin and Triple H vs The Undertaker and Mankind – Mankind is counted out after Bret Hart interferes and piledrives him on the concrete outside the ring.


OCW World Championship

Bret Hart vs Billy Gunn – Bret wins, submission


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Santa Clara, CA

February 1998, Week 1


ANGLE:  The show starts with a short WREckoning recap and highlights package featuring Sting, Lex Luger, Kane, Diamond Dallas Page, Roddy Piper Ken Shamrock, Chris Jericho and Eddie Guerrero.


Impact Players vs. Hardy Boys - Impact Players win with Justin Credible pinning Matt Hardy after a Singapore cane shot while Francine distracted the ref


ANGLE:  The Rock is backstage with Samu and says that he still isn't cleared to wrestle but that he has called in a favour from an old family friend to tag with Samu against Jeff Jarrett and Honky Tonk Man later tonight. Samu adds that he will see how tough they are without guitars.


Kane vs. Marty Jannetty - Kane wins with a tombstone


ANGLE:  After the three count Bobby Heenan tells Kane to take out Bobby Eaton too, which he duly does with a chokeslam. Heenan grabs a mic and warns every WRE wrestler that none of them can stop Kane.


ANGLE:  Ted DiBiase cuts a promo while flanked by his clients Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman. He says that money talks and that's how he was able to buy a spot on the WRECK tournament for Shamrock and that they took Piper’s spot because if Piper was the face of WRE the company would be doomed to fail.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Ultimo Dragon - The match ends in a double DQ when Chris Jericho and Chavo Guerrero run down and attack them


ANGLE:  Eddie and Ultimo rally and team up to clear Jericho and Chavo out of the ring then shake hands.


ANGLE:  Jeff Jarrett and Honky Tonk Man come out to face Samu and his mystery partner and leave a guitar each at ringside. Samu's partner is revealed to be Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts who proceeds to put a snake on top of the guitars to the visible anger of Double J and HTM.


Jeff Jarrett and Honky Tonk Man vs. Headshrinker Samu and Jake Roberts - Samu and Roberts win with Jake pinning HTM after a DDT 


ANGLE:  Sting is interviewed backstage and promises to make the WRECK title the most prestigious belt in the world. He issues an open challenge to any former world wrestling champion next week and says he will be joining the commentary team for the #1 contender match next week.


2 Lo and Rob Van Dam vs. Diamond Model Inc and Curt Hennig - 2 Lo and RVD win with RVD pinning Simon Diamond after a 5 Star Frog Splash


Edited by Bigelow Cartwheel
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February 1998, Week 1



SCCW World Television:  Steve Corino defeated Blue Meanie

SCCW World Tag Team:  Test and Val Venis defeated Edge and Christian

SCCW Continental:  Jim Duggan defeated Savio Vega

SCCW World Heavyweight:  Ultimate Warrior defeated Sid Vicious and Meng



Yokozuna defeated Psicosis

Kevin Nash defeated Goldberg

Vader defeated Nova

Ric Flair went to a no contest with The Giant



Ernest Miller, Norman Smiley and Duke Droese defeated Ray Lloyd, Johnny Grunge and Prince Iaukea

Rocco Rock defeated Kaz Hayashi

La Parka defeated Shannon Moore

Barry Windham and Jacques Rougeau defeated Davey Boy Smith and The Patriot


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Lincoln, NE

February 1998, Week 2


OCW World Tag Team Championship

Too Much vs Super Crazy and Lizmark Jr – Taylor pins Lizmark after an illegal double team behind the ref’s back.


ANGLE:  Mean Gene Okerlund is attempting to interview The Flock but Raven is in a foul mood.  Gene asks him if he’s aware that Dean Malenko and Jerry Lynn have challenged him and Saturn to a match.

“Malenko isn’t worthy to sit at my table.  He can lie with the dogs and beg for scraps.  Have Lodi and Sick Boy toss him a bone.”


Billy Gunn vs Little Guido – Gunn wins


ANGLE:  The Hart Foundation are backstage with Mean Gene Okerlund and Owen repeats his claim that he could’ve beaten The Undertaker in the OCW World Championship Tournament if he wasn’t injured.  Just then Owen spots Taker striding down the hall and he begins limping at speed away from the Deadman.  

“I’m still injured!  I’m still injured!”


Dean Malenko and Jerry Lynn vs Lodi and Sick Boy – Malenko pins Sick Boy


ANGLE:  Too Much, the OCW World Tag Team Champions, are in the men’s locker room goofing around and being loud and obnoxious.  In walks Sensational Sherri.  They try and protest that she shouldn’t be here but she silences them with one raised finger.  She tells them she has a surprise for them both… but they’ll have to wait until next week.  Taylor gulps and Christopher, with a goofy grin on his face, confesses he might be in love.


OCW World Cruiserweight Championship

Juventud Guerrera vs Super Calo – Juventud wins


ANGLE:  Shane Douglas is in the ring when he introduces Marlena as his new manager.  Douglas looks pleased but it’s short lived as glass shatters and out comes ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin.  Austin asks Douglas what’s going on.  He asks him who’s in charge.  He then asks him where William Regal is.  Douglas is unable to answer any of the questions so Austin hits him with a Stone Cold Stunner.  Austin calls for a beer and then another.  He drinks one and pours the other over Marlena.  As Stone Cold is leaving Douglas barks at him that he’ll see him in the ring tonight.


Jim Neidhart vs Hugh Morrus – Neidhart wins, intf from Owen


ANGLE:  X-Pac comes on the OutlawTron and cuts a promo on Owen Hart.  He tells Owen that he’s not been cleared to wrestle yet but next time he sees him he’s going to ram that crutch up his ***.  Owen looks stunned and a little afraid.


Steve Austin vs Shane Douglas – Austin wins


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