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OLLIE: A Return to Form? [C-Verse 2020]

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OLLIE is a company with a long and storied history. Though several ups and downs the company has survived from 1955 until now, though in modern day they are far from the massive draw they were in their glory years. Yet they have survived their top stars leaving to create MPWF and even outlast that company and are hanging by a thread through the rise of EILL (Formerly SOTBPW) currently. The past several years haven't been pretty. The top rising stars have almost all left and the top remaining stars are aging and are closing in retirement.  In spite of all of the legendary Phoenix I has worked hard to keep the company going. Even after retirement he pushed forward and when Joaquin Soler was losing money and looking to see, Phoenix I stepped up and took on ownership. Unable to both run the company, work as a road agent and book he turned to the recently retired Phoenix III to take over the booking duties.

While things still seem bleak it seems Phoenix III has plans to try and keep OLLIE from going under. How he looks to do it remains to be seen, but there have been rumors of taking an aggressive approach that served EILL well in their rise to dominance or to work with the other smaller companies such as CILL and EMLL to where all can thrive and perhaps show that EILL is not the end all be all company to watch when it comes to lucha libre.

What direction the company goes remains to be seen, but 2020 may prove to be a make or break year for the company. They will either survive show they can bounce back from their darkest of times or they will fade with a small whimper.

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Hey all, it has been awhile. Health issues and work along with some other things have made it hard to post for some time. Slowly I am managing to find free time and got a urge to play some TEW again. With that being said I have been fussing with a few saves and kind of had a fun run with OLLIE and have several notes set up for a diary, but thought about a possible 'What if' Scenario to see what people might find more interesting. With that being said I did a short period of both a version where OLLIE decides to look out for themselves and screw other companies or to take an approach where they use the CoTT and deals with other companies to grow as well as helping out others. Both have been fun to book so far and will enjoy posts on both. The following few posts will be info that is relevant to either save, but I think I am going to put a poll to see what people might find more fun.

Either way I look forward to get back into things and I know sometimes things get dicey for me, the times I can write is nice and enjoyable and it is always good to see all you mad lads that have been following me over the years again. Below is a quick little survey seeing what you all might consider the more interesting approach for OLLIE to take.




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The Old Guard




There are several veterans who have been with OLLIE over the years that helped keep the company afloat through their star power and their in ring ability. While the likes of Phoenix I and Phoenix III have retired, a few of the older members of the roster remain active. A few have seen themselves slide down the card while others remain near the top and even manage to put on good performances. Really it is both a boon and a curse. It has given OLLIE reliable workers they could depend on, but as they all near retirement the need for more major stars is needed. There are other competitors in the twilight of their careers, but these five remaining active talents might be the best known.


El Critico is perhaps the closest to retirement. Even now his schedule has become limited and his days of wrestling long, grueling matches are gone. He is more likely to be seen in a battle royal or in a match with a top talent that can help mask his declining abilities. It is expected he will remain with the company in a backstage capacity as he is a well respected member of the company like all the other men being mentioned.


Laberinto Jr. was never a top guy, but he has been a steady hand and a company man since he joined OLLIE. Much like the others his time is coming to an end and he can still put on decent matches with the right people like El Critico, but also like El Critico he is destined to soon move into a prominent backstage role more than likely. Holding various titles over his time Laberinto Jr. could be considered a hall of famer even if he never has held the big one.


Marcos Flores is perhaps one of the most important names that has helped keep OLLIE afloat. A professional that still puts on excellent matches at forty-four years old has racked up an impressive six world title reigns. That being said a few of those reigns were during times that saw OLLIE losing their younger, top talent and they needed someone reliable to put the title on. He has made the most of each of those reigns and as he ages he has been very helpful in helping out the younger talents by making them look good in the ring and by giving them tips backstage. As long as Marcos Flores wants to be in OLLIE he will have a job. It just remains to see how much longer he can go before retirement finally calls to him.


Much that was said about Marcos could be said about Nicolas Lopez. A reliable star that has helped carry the company through the worst of times, Lopez has held the world title eight times and is the current champion even in 2020. Some could say that is a bad move, but at the same time when he could still wrestle like a man ten years his junior it is hard not to justify keeping him near the top. While there is a bit of an ego and he isn't helpful when dealing with the younger talents like Marcos, Lopez remains someone that will retain his job in OLLIE in some form or fashion as long as he wants to remain there.


Phoenix II is the last of the original generation to hold the Phoenix name. A great talent that has many titles under his name he has found himself settling more into the role of the scrappy midcard veteran that is looking to help out the younger talent much like Laberinto Jr. He still can perform well, but age has obviously caught up with him. Given his relationships with Phoenix I and III it seems a career backstage awaits him when he finally does retire.

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Too Good?




OLLIE is not entirely bereft of talent. There are true stars that compete there, but many expect them to leave for the greener pastures when the likes of EILL come calling. If OLLIE could manage to keep a few or even all of these names it is possible their dream of returning to their former glory is possible, but the losses would be detrimental and further put the weight on the likes of Marcos Flores and Nicolas Lopez even more.


El Hijo De Espada Roja is actually a rare case of being in EILL and moving over to OLLIE after a sting with the larger company. Is he as talented as the other men on this list? That is hard to say. He has been with OLLIE for four years and certainly has name value, but it also seems OLLIE has been uncertain about letting him have a title run thinking he may soon end back up in EILL. Even so he is a talented wrestler and is only thirty-three meaning he should still have a few good years left in him if he stays healthy. The tiles should eventually come if he remains and of all the men shown he might be the least likely to go to EILL given he has been there before and knows sometimes the grass isn't always greener for some talents.


Extraorinario Jr. has had a good career in OLLIE since he signed with them. He has held every men's title the company has to offer and is featured as a main event talent to the point he is currently facing off with current world champion, Nicolas Lopez. The youngest of the group, Extaordinario Jr might be the one of the top two most likely to move on. Losing him would be a large blow to the company as many see him as being a multi time champion if he decides to stay with OLLIE, but the calling for international exposure and the chance to be one of the top competitors in EILL might be too much for him to igonre.


Hijo Del Mephisto is perhaps the most surprising member of OLLIE's roster to never been offered a contract to EILL. Even back when he was in MPWF he was a mult time champion and one of the few top names not signed when the mass exodus happened. He found work with OLLIE quickly after MPWF's closing and has established himself as perhaps the top heel of the company. Already a two time world champion in OLLIE it would be no surprise to see him hold the belt again. EILL still may come calling, but he may also remember how they ignored him in the past and choose to remain loyal to the company that has treated him like a top star, but that remains to be seen.


Silver Tiger is the oldest of the group, but just as skilled as the others. he also has the longest tenure of all those listed as he started his career in OLLIE as Swarm II where he found success in many forms. Once he lost his mask and later returned as Silver Tiger is when he truly started to shine though. Now a former two time world champion, Silver Tiger still puts on great matches and remains at the top of the card. It is uncertain if EILL has considered him in the past or even currently, but like the others his loss would not be an easy one to overcome. A long tenured member of OLLIE must make ownership feel confident he will stick around at least.

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The Luchadoras!




Perhaps the biggest part of OLLIE that stands out his their excellent division of luchadoras. While small in comparison to the male counterparts, the roster of women have shown to be able to put on great matches to the point they have main evented many events in recent years. On top of that they may be the biggest boon as of now as EILL does not boast a women's division so the temptation to move on is not there. Of course with companies like CWA and USPW sporting competitive women's divisions it isn't a for sure thing that their top female stars will remain if one of the companies come calling.


A founding member of OLLIE's luchadora division, Celeste Moon is a three time and current champion. What she doesn't have in charisma and showmanship she more than makes up for with skill and has proven to be perhaps the top star of the division since it's inception. Only one other name rivals her in being the top woman and it would be a close call in the eyes of many. At thirty-one she still has plenty of years left in her and looks to remain a cornerstone of the division of many years to come.


Electric Dreamer is the other name that vies for the title of top luchadora in OLLIE and overall she may become known as the best luchadora ever when her career comes to an end. A three time former champion herself, Dreamer has all the skills that Celeste Moon has, but the special spark that makes her personality engaging and hard to ignore. She rivals even the top male stars in popularity and merchandise sales and while losing any of the other women listed would hurt, Dreamer moving on to somewhere else would be a giant blow to OLLIE. At twenty-nine there are several years for her not to just prove to be one of the best female performers ever, but one of the best period.


Mystery Pink was perhaps at one point the top tecnico luchadora in the company at the start OLLIE's luchadora division. Not only a two time women's champion at this point, Mystery Pink has the claim to fame of pinning Amo Del Gato and winning one of the men's titles. One she held for about five months. She may be behind Electric Dreamer in popularity at this point it is hard to ignore she is an integral part of the division and her being around would certainly soften the blow if Dreamer ever did leave OLLIE to wrestle elsewhere.


Queen Amazon is unique for her style and size compared to the others. Perhaps not as polished in ring as the other three and even some of the other luchadoras in OLLIE she still has plenty of skill and shows why she was picked as one of the first four women for the division. A former four time champion, Queen Amazon remains in the mix for the title and her brutal powerhouse style is a great contrast to the usual smooth technical styles or the high flying of the other women in OLLIE.

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Too Soon to Know?




Of course there is also a few talents that are on the younger side that may prove to become top stars in OLLIE. They have the ability to do so, but at the moment have not yet taken that extra step yet to fully show they can be trusted to move up and prove they can be one of the top names in OLLIE. With time on their side the next few years are very important and it could be make or break time as OLLIE finds some of their older guard retiring and in need of people to step up.


Blue Phantom is only twenty-five years old and has shown some success in his early years. He had a decent, short run in MPWF before it went under and has been in OLLIE for close to four years now. So far he only has one title under his belt in OLLIE, but he has the look of a star and if he can just take that next step he might be the most likely of the three names on his list to achieve stardom.  While now he may be in the middle of the pack, it would be no surprise if he breaks out in the next two or three years if everything works out.


North Star Jr. has had a pretty solid career in OLLIE, but perhaps not spectacular.  He has been with the company ten years, but he is also only thirty-one so there is that chance he can still find a place in the upper reaches of the roster if he applies himself. Perhaps the least likely of the three to break out, he still has the talent and lineage of being able to move upward. At worst he has established himself a good enough and reliable hand he has no worries about losing his job.


Phoenix IV should do well given he is the son of the owner. At the same time the nepotism hasn't shown full force as the youngest to hold the Phoenix name has had to work hard for his accolades.  Being able to start his career working with Phoenix II and III in trios action certainly helped in his career path and he has since won singles gold. At twenty-four it is less if and more when he starts to move up and compete with the bigger names and win matches. He is far from polished, but he has all the tools and just needs to figure out what to do with them.

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Impressive but their's already another ollie diary being done here, still I'll be following to see how you'll do. By The way i voted for you to be diplomatic, in the state Ollie's in its better to surround yourself with friends then foes. You should have friendly relationships with coastal zone and cill already so their's a start.

Edited by sonny912
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People have been writing different diaries for the same promotions for as long as GDS has had forums. Let the writer tell the stories they want to tell and let them worry about who does/doesn't read it.

On topic of the thread, vote for Voeltzwagon to be his true self and be evil mode OLLIE.

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4 hours ago, Big Roguey said:

People have been writing different diaries for the same promotions for as long as GDS has had forums. Let the writer tell the stories they want to tell and let them worry about who does/doesn't read it.

On topic of the thread, vote for Voeltzwagon to be his true self and be evil mode OLLIE.

I know that but it'd be nice to see something that stands out from the rest like these wrestling at war or ewiskverse mods that I'd love to see play out but can't. I also have ideas for dynasties like what would the new generation era look like if Paul heyman was hired to be the head booker in 93 instead of going to ecw or Vince Russo working with Rob black to run xpw?

And no, OLLIE can afford to be evil. Their the underdogs right now with everyone poaching their talent. They need to build themselves up back to even playing field before they can declare war.

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Gentlemen, while I see these replies and know the reasoning I just want to say a majority of the people that follow my diaries are people that know my style and follow it. I am not looking to compete against others, but to write my own ideas on multiple saves I had been toying with. Those that know my style tend to follow and people not used to it will enjoy or decide to ingore it. I am fine either way. I do this as a way to just release some creativity. If there is disagreement please do not bring it on this thread. I am just a person trying to write a thread for the entertainment for the few crazy people that decide to follow me.

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1 hour ago, Voeltzwagon said:

Gentlemen, while I see these replies and know the reasoning I just want to say a majority of the people that follow my diaries are people that know my style and follow it. I am not looking to compete against others, but to write my own ideas on multiple saves I had been toying with. Those that know my style tend to follow and people not used to it will enjoy or decide to ingore it. I am fine either way. I do this as a way to just release some creativity. If there is disagreement please do not bring it on this thread. I am just a person trying to write a thread for the entertainment for the few crazy people that decide to follow me.

Huh, you seem like a very polite person and I like that. But to be honest this is the maybe the first time I heard of you. I checked out your page and the earliest thread I could find was one of fcw, you did anything else I should catch up on?

When you say you Don't want to compete do you mean with other threads or in game with other companies?

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2 hours ago, sonny912 said:

Huh, you seem like a very polite person and I like that. But to be honest this is the maybe the first time I heard of you. I checked out your page and the earliest thread I could find was one of fcw, you did anything else I should catch up on?

When you say you Don't want to compete do you mean with other threads or in game with other companies?

Voeltzwagon, use to do diaries back in the 2010-2018 era. 

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3 hours ago, Temes1066 said:

Voeltzwagon, use to do diaries back in the 2010-2018 era. 

Aw s---, all the archived stuff are jumbled messes now sense the site changed most of them are unreadable. you know some of the admins or whoever runs this site should look into fixing that.

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Wheeling and Dealing

Phoenix III retired in early 2019 and instantly got more involved in his duties as head booker. On top of that he has ended up on the commentary desk as well. He also has his own training facility he opened back in 2017 that has so far produced three graduates whom are working smaller independent shows to gain experience and perhaps one day show up in OLLIE. The months after his retirement have been filled with him meeting with several other wrestling companies as well as try to make a deal that would put OLLIE back in the public eye. With limited funds and their popularity not even close to what it once was, Phoenix III has had to balance production costs to help make the product more appealing to either a television company or a online streaming service. It seems his hard work and dedication paid off in multiple ways as OLLIE find themselves in a position of growth and prosperity for the first time in years.




Confederation of The Territories formed back in 2011 and while not one of the founding members, OLLIE joined up soon after. It has been a good deal as it allowed them access to talent from other companies as well as being able to send some of their top stars elsewhere to draw attention to OLLIE. They have also had have had members of the roster consitently hold onto both the World championship and tag team championship throughout the years including the current tag team champions, The American Cobras. CoTT in recent years have lost a foothold in Canada due to 4C's closure, but did add IPW to their ranks to put the total number of companies at five. There is talk of possible new members being added, but as of right now it is only rumor. For now OLLIE looks to remain the only Mexico based company for the forseeable future and many wonder if they are keeping the alliance from approaching other companies such as CILL and EMLL.




CILL are very much similar to OLLIE in many ways and many see CILL as the ones to benefit most if OLLIE finally does go under. Like OLLIE they have a talented luchadora division and the company relies on well established veterans combined with some exciting names like Amazing Firefly rising up the ranks. OLLIE and CILL have had an amicable relationship so far. In recent years they have an agreement not to steal talent from one another as well as trading talent at times to give both luchadors and luchadors additional work and exposure. More recently Phoenix III has made a deal with CILL that will see both companies refraining from signing members of the opposite's roster entirely. This does not affect El Pavo Real who already has a contract with both companies and will continue as a full time wrestler for both OLLIE and CILL.




EMLL has established themselves as a true alternative to the rather colorful and more family friendly products of CILL and OLLIE. Instead EMLL has embraced a style of time travel tomfoolery and multiverses with almost all matches being singles. The two exception to this would be a yearly battle royal that they host as well as a four way fight for the Ring of Life. Otherwise there is no tag division or trios matches. Overall EMLL and OLLIE have not interacted with one another, but that is changing due to Phoenix III. Much like their deal with CILL, OLLIE and EMLL will trade talents, but refrain from signing or stealing from one another's roster.  This can be seen as OLLIE trying to protect  their roster from being overworked or suffering injuries working from another company while others see it as an act to keep OLLIE's upper talent from helping another company grow.




Perhaps the most surprising move made over the course of 2019 is near the end of the year when Phoenix III annoucing a relationship with World Level Wrestling. WLW has a very lucha like style and Phoenix III has toyed with the idea of bringing in Japanese talent from time to time. The deal the two companies have will allow each of them to send talent on excursions to develop for a few years before returning as better performers. No names have been floated about yet on who might end up going to each company, but it would be no surprise if Phoenix III would send his graduates to WLW for additional work.




The final deal is perhaps the biggest one that Phoenix III was able to make. Starting in 2020 La Red de La Lucha will be the new home for OLLIE. The web based channel reaches a decently sized audience all across Mexico while also showing in small parts of the United States and Puerto Rico. The main deal is set to show all major OLLIE events while also running a weekly show called Guerras Del Ring. While time time slots are not enviable this still will generate some additional revenue and allow OLLIE to be seen by a broader audience for the first time in years. Overall the move has caused morale among the wrestlers to be at an all time high. It remains to be seen if this is enough to keep OLLIE from going under, but it at least gives them hope for a brighter future.

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Posted (edited)



The Champions


Campeonato de Universal

Current: Extraordinario Jr (2nd Reign, January 2020-Current)


Nicolas Lopez (8th Reign, September 2019-Januarty 2020)


Campeonato de las Mujeres

Current: Celeste Moon (3rd Reign, August 2019-Current)




Campeonato de Mexico

Current: Disturbed (1st Reign, September 2019-Current)




Campeonatos de Parejas

Current: Space Invaders (1st Reign, July 2019-Current)




Campeonatos de Trios

Current: El Pavo Real and The Canadian Daredevils (1st Reign, November 2019-Current)




Edited by Voeltzwagon
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Guerras Del Ring: Episode 1

Mexico City: 681 Attending

Announce Team: Humberto Tortega, Rafael Ruiz, Phoenix III




The Show begins with owner, Phoenix I, in the ring addressing the fans. He welcomes everyone what he promises to be a new age of OLLIE and tells everyone to be prepared to be wowed by the luchadors and luchadoras that will appear tonight. There is also a new rule change declaring unless specified matches will now be one fall which gets a mixed reaction from the crowd for a moment before shifting his focus. He then announces the first main event for Guerras Del Ring will feature the Eternal Kings facing off against Space Invaders. He then says he has taken up enough of everyone's time and shouts for the new age of OLLIE to get underway.

Rating: 58




Amo Del Gato vs Jayson Van Pelt

The first match ever for Guerras Del Ring features the trickster veteran, Amo Del Gato facing off against Jayson Van Pelt of the Canadian Daredevils. A nice, evenly matched bout full of fast paced action to get the audience going and showing JVP can hang with a well established veteran. A good thumb to the eye in the end is enough to let Amo Del Gato to take control and he puts JVP away with Ninth Life to pick up a win much to the dismay of the fans.

Winner: Amo Del Gato

Rating: 56




Coulrophobia vs The Freedom Family with Agueda Alonso

Things switch to tag action featuring Hellech and Pierrot facing off against Luis Monter Jr and Tricolor Jr. The former are relatively new to OLLIE and take it to the more established veterans early on. Commentary does mention during the match about the problems The Freedom Family are having with Evil Intent of The Council of Decay who are probably more than happy with the psycho clowns possibly taking out their enemies. A hot tag allows Tricolor Jr to come in and start cleaning house and give The Freedom Family some momentum. They never look back and eventually Pierrot is sent flying after a failed attempted double team and Tricolor Jr hits Hellech with a Fisherman's Suplex to pick up the victory.

Winners: The Freedom Family

Rating: 55



There is no celebration time as Evil Intent were paying close attention. The Freedom Family don't have time to recover and are quickly assaulted by Hellspawn 666 and Slayyer. Agueda screams for help as both men get beat down and are left laying in the ring. The Council of Decay members stand tall and tease Agueda while standing over the battered Luis and Tricolor Jr.

Rating:  41




Electric Dreamer vs Elsa Calvo

It should be no surprise that the first luchadora match on the show would feature Electric Dreamer. The young star squares off again the dangerous striker, Elsa Calvo. Calvo dominates the early part of the match to allow the fans to really get behind Dreamer and they start to grow loud when she makes her comeback. Dreamer picks up momentum and fights back Elsa can't seem to slow down Dreamer at all. Elsa gets rocked by a big kick from Dreamer followed by an Elecric Blue Bomb. Crowd goes as Electric Dreamer gets the win.

Winner: Electric Dreamer

Rating: 63





Galactic Force is backstage where Extraordinario Jr is rallying his fellow space luchadors. The tag championships may not be on the line tonight, but Extraordinario Jr expects a win from his cohorts and to give Nicolas Lopez some additional punishment to soften him up for the upcoming title match at Lucha Libre Battle 2020.  Both Cosmic Rider and Extranjero Loco promise to send the Eternal Kings to the retirement home and Lopez won't even be in any shape to make it to Lucha Libre Battle 2020 to defend his title.

Rating: 51




Space Invaders vs The Eternal Kings

Perhaps no surprise that the main event features two of the biggest stars of OLLIE over the past several years. A promise of a new age is there, but there is obviously talent left in both veterans to not be featured. This match is just a reminder at how good both Marcos Flores and Nicolas Lopez are too because they are both wrestling like men ten years their junior. They may not be able to keep this up forever, but for now they continue to show why they have been at the top so long. Of course the tag champions are no slouches either and don't make it easy for Flores and Lopez. The four men get a good amount of time to work with on the main event and Flores does spend a good amount of it as the one in trouble. When Lopez does get the tag and starts to fight back and change momentum that is when a sneak attack is attempted.


The Council of Decay make their presence known a second time in the night. This time Phobia looks to strike at the weakened Marcos Flores whom has been at odds with the Council's leader Hijo Del Mephisto. Flores isn't totally exposed though and manages to avoid the attack and deliver a dropkick to Phobia. The commotion has caused a bit of a distraction and Lopez uses it to push Extranjero Loco into Cosmic Rider. The two collide and Loco stumbles back into a Lopez Buster. The Eternal Kings win while Phobia flees to more than likely be punished for his failure.

Winners: The Eternal Kings

Rating:  65



Final Rating: 63

TV Rating: 0.07 (52,752 viewers)

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Posted (edited)





The start of 2020 is official for OLLIE and perhaps their most controversial move is moving away from the two out of three falls format as a whole*. Many purists will see it as slap to the face of tradition, but both Phoenix I and III had planned the change for awhile and it is entirely possible the fans don't react well they may quickly backpeddle and change thinks back. Overall the pair are apparently pleased with debut episode of Guerras Del Ring and look to keep the single hour show a rather easy to digest format that will usually have three to four matches with backstage and in ring angles to further storylines and build up matches for the larger events.

It is also expected that some new faces will be showing up over the next few weeks. Phoenix III has been in contact with talents for both long term contracts and one off appearances. Mixing that up with the ability to bring in CILL and EMLL stars along with talents from the CoTT should hopefully keep the roster feeling fresh. Some talents may be seen as soon as next weeks episode of Guerras Del Ring and it should be a mix of established veterans and some new up and coming talent that will be looking to make their mark.


*The writer is a dummy and forgot they had to manually change the matches to 2/3 fall rules for several shows and didn't want to start all over so OLLIE decided to pull a AAA move.

Edited by Voeltzwagon
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Guerras Del Ring: Episode 2

Mexico City: 669 Attending

Announce Team: Humberto Tortega, Rafael Ruiz, Phoenix III




Hijo Del Mephisto is in a darkened room talking about Phobia's failure last week while being pleased by Evil Intent being able to beat down The Freedom Family. He says Marcos Flores is a marked man and as great as he once was age has made him weak and he cannot hope to overcome El Hijo Mephisto in a one on one match. At Lucha Libre Battle 2020 Mephisto promises to defeat Marcos and all that will be left is a souless, empty husk of the man he once was.

Rating: 66




North Star Jr vs Felipe Caballero

North Star Jr finds himself against a new face to the company by the name of Felipe Caballero. What the latter shows is a good ring IQ along with a cocky, confident swagger as he likes to get under the crowd's skin when he takes control of the match from time to time. North Star Jr finds his hands full for a rather even match, but having a few more years experience does pay off in his case. Felipe might put on a good show, but it is the OLLIE stalwart that picks up the wind after hitting a Sky Twister Press and getting the three count.

Winner: North Star Jr.

Rating:  48




Juana Hurricane vs Queen Amazon

Another new face to appear for OLLIE in the form of Juana Hurricane. Queen Amazon seems to laugh off her competition for the night and looks to user her strength to overpower Juana. What she doesn't expect is Juana ends up being a rather skilled technician that seems to be very good at countering what Queen Amazon attempts into somewhat complex submissions. Queen Amazon manages to power out of most of them and finds she has to take things more serious as she finds herself in a much tougher match than originally expected. Her power advantage ends up being key and she manages to eventually corner Juana and manhandle her for a bit before nailing Juana with a Amazonian Powerbomb. A valiant effort on Juana's part, but she is unable to kick out.

Winner: Queen Amazon

Rating:  59

Queen Amazon isn't done as she requests a microphone to address Electric Dreamer. At Lucha Libre Battle 2020 Queen Amazon will once again be the campeonato de las mujeres and by the time she is folding Electric Dreamer in half she will never wrestle again.

Rating:  46




The American Cobras with Emilia Reyes vs Blue Phantom and Phoenix IV

The CoTT tag team titles were not on the line as The American Cobras face off with the recently surging Blue Phantom and Phoenix IV. Commentary is sure to plug the latter as of winning a key match late last year to challenge Space Invaders at Lucha Libre Battle 2020. The American Cobras seem keen on making an example of the two and perhaps make a case for a future title shot themselves. A good back and forth bout featuring technical skill against high flying that ends in a surprise quick Phantom Cradle on Storm Spillane that leaves the CoTT tag champions surprised that they lost so quickly. Blue Phantom and Phoenix IV continue to pick up momentum with the campeonatos de parejas titles match closing in.

Winners: Blue Phantom and Phoenix IV

Rating:  60




Mr. Lucha III is in the back being his usuall arrogant, cocky self ahead of his match. Tonight he says he will make an example of El Pavo Real and continue is recent path of domination. He calls himself the big shot of OLLIE and he doesn't care who walks out champion at Lucha Libre Battle 2020 because the result will be the same. They will be nothing, but a target and another stepping stone in his rise to the top. He then turns to head towards the ring as the camera catches a strange shadow lurking in the background, but when it turns to try and see who it may be the person is already gone.

Rating:  58




Mr. Lucha III vs El Pavo Real

A fine main event between two veterans. While El Pavo Real is a good talent, Mr. Lucha III really is showing how special he is by really doing the heavy lifting not only to make for a good match, but to make El Pavo Real come out looking amazing at the same time. A good back and forth match between the two with each one coming close to winning over the course of the match. Mr. Lucha III just ends up just having more stamina to outlast El Pavo Real and as valiant of an effort the latter gives it is just not enough. Mr. Lucha III lands the Third Strike and picks up another win.

Winner: Mr. Lucha III

Rating:  66



Final Rating:  65

TV Rating:  0.07 (52,852 Viewers)

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New Signings



The first of OLLIE's new faces appeared on the second episode of Guerras Del Ring in the form of Felipe Caballero. He has spent the better part of six years honing his craft on smaller shows looking for his first big break and it looks like the hard has paid off. The man has the look of the star and talent in the ring to back it up.  Aside from lacking some microphone skills he has all the talent to make a splash in OLLIE and it shall be interesting to see if he will sink or swim. Phoenix III apparently had been following his progress over the past several months and finally made an offer near the start of the year and has high hopes Felipe might be a big part of the new era of OLLIE.




The second name to appear on the show was Juana Hurricane who is better known for her work in QAW than anywhere else.  With more than a dozen years experience under her belt she makes a great addition to the already talented luchadora division while offering a bit of a different style than the other women on the roster. A strong technical minded wrestler she comes off as no nonsense and a dangerous threat to all that would face her. Phoenix III had been scouring various places to find new luchadoras and their deal with CILL may have crippled them a bit with the no signing workers deal they have. With that he has looked to America, Canada and Japan as places to bring in new talents in an attempt to keep the division growing.


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Guerras Del Ring: Episode 3

Puebla: 687 Attending

Announce Team: Humberto Tortega, Rafael Ruiz, Phoenix III




The show begins with Nicolas Lopez backstage addressing the camera. He talks about his upcoming title defense against Extraordinario Jr and not being worried about him being a threat. While Nicolas addresses his age and says it is just a number and at forty-five years old he is just as good as he was ten years ago. He is one of the greatest champions of all time in OLLIE for a reason and he is about to show the younger upstart that sometimes age is just a number and Extraordinario's cocky attitude will be his downfall.

Rating:  59




Bizzaro vs Ursula Saez

It is a rather unending fued between these two seem to share and the animosity shows in the hard hitting bout. Bizzaro does her best to use her speed to keep out of Ursula's reach and wear the much bigger competitor down, but a timing error allows Ursula to floor Bizzaro with a big lariat and take control. Urula uses her sheer power to wear down Bizzaro and puts her away with a Leaping Side Slam to pick up the victory.

Winner: Ursula Saez

Rating:  47




Dragon Americano vs Gold Lion

Gold Lion makes his debut against Americano who has been in a bit of a rut lately. One that looks to continue because even though he is skilled he just can't seem to make things work. Lion looks pretty strong in his debut and while perhaps not the most flashy of wrestlers he puts on a solid show. The two veterans mostly keep it a technical battle, but Gold Lion gets a bit more fancy when it comes to the finish and he puts away Americano with a well executed moonsault.

Winner: Gold Lion

Rating:  48




Celeste Moon (c) vs Mystery Pink

Things really start to pick up in the semi main event as Celeste Moon has a non title match facing off against Mystery Pink. It is not just two of the best luchadoras of OLLIE facing off, but two of their better talents as well. An exciting match that sees all aspects of brawling, technical prowess and high flying moves to really work the crowd up into a frenzy.  Mystery Pink has already secured a shot at the belt at Lucha Libre Battle 2020, but a loss here could be a confidence breaker and in reality it will soon be found out. As well as Pink does this match, Celeste isn't against using some underhanded tactics and it isn't even fair when someone else decides to get involved in the form of....


Queen Amazon makes her presence known and even if she doesn't get physically involved it serves as a good distraction. Pink finds herself having to keep an eye on both women and it is detrimental as a whole. The result is eventually it being too much and Celeste Moon wins with a Moon Lander.

Winner: Celeste Moon

Rating:  68


Queen Amazon is quick to join Celeste Moon in the ring and they both begin to work over Mystery Pink. They are looking to make sure she won't even make it to Lucha Libre Battle 2020, but the odds get a bit better when Electric Dreamer comes in to save the day much to the delight of the crowd. Dreamer takes it to both women and gives Mystery Pink enough time to gather her wits and join in. The pair manage to chase off Celeste Moon and Queen Amazon as Electric Dreamer slips her arm about Mystery Pink to keep her battered ally from falling over.

Rating:  57




Silver Tiger vs Phoenix II

Two long time members of the roster face off once again with Silver Tiger taking on the last unretired member of the original Phoenix trio. The two are well familiar with one another over the years and even if Phoenix II is past his prime he does well enough to hold up his end of the match and manages to break out even one of his signature planchas. Silver Tiger still is in his prime and does well to keep things flowing nicely as well as to make Phoenix II look better than he is at this point in his career. A solid back and forth match between the two, but it is Silver Tiger who comes out on top when he takes out Phoenix II with a Silver Tiger Driver.

Winner:  Silver Tiger

Rating:  59


Silver Tiger is a bit out of breath, but gets a microphone and states his intention to win the ten man battle royal coming up at Lucha Libre Battle 2020. One man that seems to disagree with that declaration would be El Hijo de Espada Roja who thinks this year is finally the one where he is the last man standing. The two banter a bit back and forth and end up getting face to face, but no punches are thrown for now and they eventually leave the ring without getting physical.

Rating:  54



Final Rating:  59

TV Rating:  0.07 (52,805 Viewers)

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