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Playing God - A Massive Multi-Franchise World

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After creating but never actually releasing mods for EWR, all versions of TEW and CBH, I thought I might actually do it this time! Yes a version of this world exists on all these games but the wrestling promotion sims especially I've never felt confident enough to release as I constantly fight against a game that's not created for the purpose I'm trying to use it for (You play as a God in charge of a specific area of the Earth / space, hence the title I've kept here, even though it doesn't really make sense in how this game works but it was handy reusing the promotion logos as locations here!) CBU on the other has been perfect, apart from a few teething problems and an issue I didn't realise until I was a 1,000+ characters in that I'll get to in a bit.

Anyway, the attacks and health bars are treated like a fighting game, everyone has a light, medium and heavy attack that does the same base damage of 1, 2 and 3 (but obviously effected by their stats and attributes) with a guaranteed hit, 5 out of 6 chance and 4 out of 6 chance to hit respectively, plus most characters have a Special Move that unlocks in health bar 2 that does 4 damage with a 3 out of 6 chance to hit but can only be used a limited amount of times, and really special character have a last ditch move that does 5 damage on the final health bar but you only have a couple of chances and it's a 2 out of 6 chance. Everyone has a health bar either two or three levels deep with 4 health per level, with the exception of a handful of extremely powerful characters that get some extra health to make them imposing bosses (or "OP" characters to play as). Some characters have slight changes to this rule (characters in vehicles and mobile suits often have a special health bar at the end when they're on foot, for example) but generally it's a simple set up with an attempt at correct power scaling but you know, with this many franchises that are often so different from each other it's probably best not to think about it too hard...

I've done them as I've felt like it (which is why the franchise choices as so weird, frankly), so some major Marvel and DC characters and villains are currently absent because I didn't want to just sit and do nothing but those franchises for months on end, but that does mean some locations are lacking in people at the moment but I know if I say "I won't release it until everything it 100% perfect" I'll never release it! There are some storyline differences to try and act like the majority of the franchises have been living on the same Earth, so if a date given or a character's current status doesn't quite match up, its so they fit the database better. There are plenty of storyline and reaction events as well, but hardly any items because I just couldn't really think of many that would work well.

The only issue in the database is that the option to not be able to do a move if stunned was set to "No" by default when importing someone, and for whatever reason I didn't even notice it until doing a test run and realised I could still attack despite being stunned, so... Yeah. Being stunned in this database means you can't move, but you can still do pretty much everything else. Sorry about that, but I'm not going back and edit nearly all the moves for 1,500+ characters!

Right, screen shots and the data!












So there we go, I've finally got at least one iteration of "Playing God" out there at last. If this proves popular I'll do regular updates, if it doesn't I'll probably float back to the TEW series and try and bend it in ways it wasn't meant to be bent again and probably never feel like it works enough to release it just like the past 20 years... Hooray!

Edited by Cold Cobra
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  • 3 weeks later...

I love the idea of this mod, I had done one of my own that also included Suikoden and Digimon and a lot more Zelda and Mario enemies, but it was very unbalanced. Though, when I did the Bros. (Hammer, Fire, Etc.) I made them a Generic Individual that had starting minion generation of another Bro so you would always face two at the beginning of a fight.

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Nees29 said:

If you come back around to this could we get some Mortal Kombat added?

Thanks you put in alot of work!

Sure, it might be a while though thanks to TEW IX coming out of nowhere, but I've by no means abandoned this one.

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On 7/24/2024 at 12:57 AM, Cold Cobra said:

Sure, it might be a while though thanks to TEW IX coming out of nowhere, but I've by no means abandoned this one.

Totally ok as I too will be distracted with that for awhile lol

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Great mod. Really fun and actually pretty streamlined in comparison to the main game's database which I'll admit I could find a bit overwhelming. I've been waiting for a mod like this to really breathe life into the game, so I'll keep an eye out for updates.

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