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Popularity: Percentages are not letter grades

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OK, forgive me for the confusing title; I couldn't work out how I wanted to say it. And what I want to say/point out is that the letter grades that you see when you View Popularity have NO connection to your Popularity percentages in the Push screen in a Creative Meeting. The popularity percentages are based on COUNTRY, not area, and they have no affect on your popularity grade for individual regions. I've got a 21.9% overness in Mid-south and the CWA, even though I've been working the mid-south area since day one and the Southeast for just 2-3 months. As such, I've got a B- in the midsouth (which has actually dropped to C+ and spread to two other areas I've never worked; I remembered being at B-, and then after a couple of wins, I checked back and it had dropped but boosted the other two) with a C in the Southeast. While the game is accurate in saying "You gained/lost popularity in X regions", it seems that there is some mystery percentage that we can't see that is determining the letter grades that has no direct connection to the percentage you see when you check your push (other than them both being popularity percentages, anyway.)
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Having had plenty of time (one day :)) to get to grips with this.... When looking at your push screen in the creative meetings, the %age shown there is your average across the country that the promotion is based in. When wrestling matches, your health score shown there is based on your popularity in that area where the show is being held. As for the letter grades, the letters represent certain bandwidths of numbers. I could spend time writing them, but I can't be arsed. Just remember that a 21.9 from a creative meeting screen is an average across the country, not the home region of the promotion. that seems to be the problem :) Derek b
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