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Pacific Wrestling live from the Salem Armory, Salem Oregon Thursday Week 4

740 People - 50 Rating


AD_4nXc6KqZbABVSru6BADxqlYG0e7toTDOITXXCa4YuOUc_a6DZj8ux_M8km9N6jpz3-R3-dEPopaWQTVEUYzj4nGsBQC7XA64nob4G3Pm4jcE_1P9p9AtGetlE_Xa_EqEKSYDEs3O3k1V2_6DNz5OOnLEczOwO?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXdP6Y1bXxfBEQZj6NRgIXmwFaHvhVPrc4l0Gn7MF4UzL-vmYwzRYKfgUh9-r65S1bm6bwWSCcbljsnwf_Ebp9pntQ6IPlNP07hO3fWHCO1RPKcMkK6dv14cObpiNKT3tQrgxzWecOORjZZkIH-Y0orUqvjW?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                                                                Ed Wiskowski                                                    Siva Afi

Ed Wiskowski defeated Siva Afi at the 8:24 mark. [49]

  • Afi reversed an Irish whip and headbutted Wiskowski in the chest.
  • Wiskowski reversed another Irish whip but ate another head butt to the chest for his troubles.
  • Siva with a atomic drop, but Wiskowski quickly follows with slam.r
  • Wiskowski missed a clothesline and Siva just decided to hit Wiskowski ten straight times with headbutts.
  • Siva powerslammed Wiskowski and climbed to the second turnbuckle..
  • Wiskowski catches him and hits a suplex from the second turnbuckle
  • Wiskowski locks in the figure four and Siva has no choice to tap out.


AD_4nXd3x5nO9ziiQ4-X0Nz00skrzKtkz9icPa0KbFdQMR2eq94VjPZv98Eb90HuOSMldmTxb8xxESFu_9QgJewXrQrq_y72y7QBK8ZQ1wPfoYUU31J9vKP5ru_Eg2dapReB2WwVSLC3ZaQ83dHvTtt5dqKqor1i?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXfQq4kUoKx4bwPZCsHldnAURv0ZoF3iWYK7FlcE9_S_x0bBhdw6fdQomehK11G3vyE71ziqShTRFIsKjFiagnyBWOQupiaFWAlokopacH7btrPEacL6lwftZNBDpcikRpWca0fMsZsU6dtg-Q6yGZUmPO6I?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                                                                              Ed Moretti                                                 Cuban Assassin

Ed Moretti defeated Cuban Assassin at the 7:48 mark. [36]

  • Moretti with a quick slam to start the match but only gets a one count.
  • Moretti follows with a crossbody for another one count.
  • Moretti counters an arm drag into a rollup but for two this time.
  • Cuban Assassin rebounded with a hip toss but missed a dropkick.
  • Moretti quickly follows with a suplex for a two count.
  • Moretti catches Cuban Assassin with a knee to the mid section and a hard elbow to the jaw. caught Reed with a knee to the midsection followed by an elbow smash.
  • Moretti with a running bulldog and that gets the victory. 


AD_4nXcZSS7EMbXiww0qZGUMoQL0s526i-JYT8VhSiBGkP6J33Pt4Cx_O89zwSoXS5me2oMtm0QxKhaVJw5KWPenW3LwHRAU5cmrHYZzqR8xCzBdSM7KvI-UwRe2_3ORin5lsipbQqdQQM4vK5RAO3DwSjjQqeq1?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IAAD_4nXdHONs4qySmMKoojyGPStWpgy6NwPq4cMkJqS8PG97TQu6rqDm3cyx6llnkJpG9qSHzqRKLwGW3gmShsxvjIorLAZjCHtQkx9vSel9ELUPW18d677l8ye_zA65ML3ghM5Sbq_37vES44p-6ojIcaGkJVtvS?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXfrzoTCtq_nXeoSE5X8rkY9Uf__xGUmFUYyfnBornt1rM7X6ppxIblR54YEZj0aXmvNUmydx571d98Gi9T-rOPZrYc3X7s3zpaJKxGNxX5u1AFvJPO2krqJ9XiupX_EeFoska9Agv33ccSbVg18TeOHMkE?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IAAD_4nXcq0Vf6P6ILjcdMdqmleB6VMTHvnsvka4EJNvBo4866yorRPCNfajZD9DbSbOofyXz89KLgC4Trj2LyS1m15349De0r_vGLOCgIcjMcG--xhKW6tDbO3EQSxegSRP_FOSzyWVnnEj5ZhUPYj0_aZGNafvE?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                          Steve Pardee                             Steve Simpson                                             Cocoa Samoa                                Tapu Samoa


Cocoa Samoa & Tapu Samoa defeated Steve Pardee & Steve Simpson at the 5:43 mark. [34]

  • Simpson reversed an Irish whip, but Tapu countered with a right.
  • As Cocoa tagged in, he mounted the top turnbuckle and hits a flying headbutt to Simpson.
  • Cocoa follows then with a dropkicked to Simpson which forces Simpson to tag Pardee
  • Pardee took a clothesline from Cocoa as soon as he entered the ring but was able to kick out of the attempt at two.
  • Tapu tags in and gets a vertical suplex, followed by a fist drop to the face of Pardee.
  • Tapu just picks Pardee up and just drops face first and stands on his head.
  • Cocoa runs across the ring knocking Simpson off the apron, while Tapu kills Pardee with a running clothesline right to the neck.
  • It’s an easy three after that. 


AD_4nXev5IL5LT9G79fJdU2HkYK_guaTiXc9VPu5uoL0H-w3C2CkUz_wt6pxOdMYYUBcpJJtkadWLDu3aThjcF2yRQeHgbB0FRQ8tbyZ_lhoEesAKDHVSTfSJVvMBjg9zyJXXqWptSpRE4rJdSZcYFJBULZv4_5N?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS      AD_4nXfTEbaX7hS__3_RyiIww7-T1kya87aCUjA5la5yDpiXHIn5fdlxihQmOySzPLqhIUH-NIbbEmnjEuoR_wdjePR7sYmOthrPoJC4LPbYKwQZzwzXxBs9rtz-FXmnE6i8edCOnCWeO0KhzjLmK8XQRRFa3Ahp?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                                                           Alexis Smirnoff                                               Curt Hennig

Curt Hennig defeated Alexis Smirnoff at the 12:43 mark. [54]

  • Hennig reversed a cross corner whip and surprised Smirnoff with a monkey flip.
  • Hennig with a flying headscissors which forces Smirnoff to escape to the outside.
  • After some stalling Smirnoff comes back into the ring and charges Hennig who leapfrogs him and hits a cross bodyblock on the rebound and gets a two count.
  • Smirnoff rolls back to the outside and stalls again.
  • Smirnoff tries again to get the advantage but Hennig counters with a head lock and quickly follows with a belly-to-belly suplex which Smirnoff rolls to the outside again and argues with the fans.
  • Back inside Hennig with a snap suplex for two.
  • Smirnoff finally gets the advantage and hits a nasty back breaker for two.
  • Smirnoff continues to punish the back with hammer blows and knees to the area.
  • Hennig catches Smirnoff with the fisherman suplex and gets the one, two, three.


AD_4nXee9aHWMBBClP9XXG9SW20R3tJQfNWufz2qOPutqfyGQBXGjSZCqYupiyebO1P-wt6hiZvmKR-ORkunHe61GuJ-w9PM-AG1fdKwO3_wFo_pOghPXgLqjB8b3tj1YSl744nMpLgkTEV_ka4wrA6oQJQbtnc?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXdI1BuQFuV-Fbr6QdMJ7hdBIPZiwCiiSDaCNxgkT9j1VICACurV1vJGCEgoR3PDhgPpBwIdr77_nIg6dWXUmNv_c63ouHYyxpTRgReK9c5BxsvW3DJ8Msk-1YljRuZGff9UD1HoSe6M1XTTrH6-BKSBSdAm?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                                                            Billy Jack Haynes                                          Doug Somers

Billy Jack Haynes defeated Doug Somers at the 7:37 mark.

  • Somers tries to leapfrog Haynes, but Haynes just punches him right in the face.
  • Haynes just picks up Somers and tosses him across the ring.
  • Haynes is yelling at him where is Rose, then just punches him in the face and yells at him again where's Rose.
  • Haynes just picks Somers up and knocks him back down with clubbing forearms to the cheers of the crowd.
  • Before he locks in the full nelson he wants to know where Rose is but Somers won’t say a word.
  • Haynes gets the submission victory but he won’t let go of the hold until Somers is passed out.


AD_4nXeDI8NvklnC5-wbUsuZZd6Rdh7rHhG-sez1c5CpCbdjqcLSG5fZ0S2KbqyBv_Cqi5ZkLtJmbkj1_9Xv9khqPj4JkzlN7bnUMp464f_3Ds2hY42xZndW0K0XsMqcrcp81LKs0sy_AvAh6topDrkDOyjaqJVI?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IAAD_4nXfDKBSP6loqYVv04E-Vp7Y20J6M5ePMiAgMorm8b2gmB4n69NwMZ7BOWqukEXhin6xnQKSBOSBC0Wxh1H0HnIikN-0X-TRLpkt6OxXfzowFQZ7LPuP9DziM-dHVxMt6RWBn6QspHHmeVNgyXHD1vJ1Ec8Bu?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXcYpTKL_PQ_Ws5TuxyQJBAK1Jj-z6Iw0F-ntju8GCF_v7-_RPFH_CMDAASej-LcqLnMOUkDHzCaTfm8QnIVXOlNikeSq_5tLgpr0CwNbb773NHBiTvh8gqxq4_JrnOwKc3Xgu0CWS2P0V-5VRYFtIv9TY0?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IAAD_4nXfP61C0x49TsvkGOo7rm8rMx3KEYR9DoNMeR0hDPX8ojlBMflS1g7PjvPd46zQ6TbEiWaXLVUwu07VCAoxU4zbjGRITnome6piPNxmqcOV9llLTETIT4pNW216D6dFK2SvKHiPPv-L93RCs8ijtKgtRCds?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                    The Road Warriors (Hawk & Animal)                                          Rip Oliver                           The Grappler

Road Warriors defeated The Grappler & Rip Oliver 17:39 [54]

  • Before the match even starts the Warriors ambush Grappler and Oliver as they walk to the ring
  • Hawk then leaps from the apron and almost knocks Oliver's teeth out.
  • Animal powerbombed Grappler as the bell rings and he gets two.
  • Hawk then delivered an enziguri to Grappler and followed with a flying shoulder block for two.
  • Oliver tagged in, and with the help of Grappler  hit a double boot to Hawk’s midsection.
  • While Grappler baited Animal into distracting the referee, this allows Oliver to hit Hawk in the back of the head with his elbow
  • Oliver then just kicks the face of Hawk, which just pisses Hawk off
  • Hawk just gets up and throws Oliver to the outside and then throws Grappler into Oliver
  • Grappler and Oliver play a cat and mouse game with the Warriors as they stall as long as they can.
  • Oliver in desperation jumps up to the top turnbuckle, and tries to hit Hawk with an ax-handle but instead takes a massive clothesline.
  • Tag to Animal.
  • Animal with a big powerslam on Oliver but Grappler is there for the save at one.
  • Animal quick tosses Grappler back to the outside where Hawk chases him to the locker room
  • Animal has Oliver alone and just destroys him with a nasty clothesline and waits for Hawk to return
  • The Road Warriors hit the doomsday device to get the victory to the delight of the crowd.


Make sure you join us in Eugene Oregon this coming Friday at the Lane County Fairgrounds for more pacific northwest wrestling as Gary Royal will face Rocky Iaukea, Steve Simpson will battle Alexis Smirnoff, Fabolous Lance, Scott Doring & Tom Zenk versus Ed Wiskowski, Bobby Jaggers & Rip Oliver and with the main event Matt Borne & Super Ninja will face Curt Hennig & Billy Two Eagles.

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Pacific Wrestling live from the Lane County Fairgrounds, Eugene Oregon Friday Week 4

711 People - 49 Rating


AD_4nXe4xjqjC9fdINPI9PnpfuzZrqIEzwJMFPDTHWyt5jZR5AVxrkiFL5C51xAmRN7ZFmeFRA4vvStMXJiM954VnDd0ljclq8ff7ipm3nu45WZzjXxiFdgdEPheOYpVN1qkLtTWFBRNjU5H2lyiP_Jrx4XjVE6K?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXeJ1CiNE1THZaUd2K-n8zEUeOiaosYfne9EN0DlxYIBRfurdW6dEgUEh_rNkqZxkRmM7VGMxciLDicJErbVu3b3MgMzNRzirWDi2FuTC4jn0cQBeUrdA4QvjSSyaW0ifE_zMCPCfuNDqBTLrCH9FWV06hQ?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                                                                               Gary Royal                                                Rocky Iaukea

Gary Royal defeated Rocky Iaukea at the 7:31 mark.

  • Iaukea scored a quick pinfall attempt for a one count off a cross body block.
  • Iaukea with a knee to the gut of Royal, then a running neckbreaker
  • Royal counters a clothesline and knocks Iaukea into the ropes.  Guillotine to the midsection of Iaukea
  • Royal with a dropkick to the face of a Iaukea who was still on his knees
  • Royal catches Iaukea with the rear naked choke and gets the victory. [43]



Billy Two Eagles talks to the crowd about how Super Ninja is a coward, always running or attacking him from the shadows with his stick.  He proved at Superstar Extravaganza that he will fight and will always take care of bullies.  Then he tells the kids in the crowd to always stand up to bullies.  [39]


AD_4nXc2Z-zNFNEOanLvZ2iVufgP9fiG2WswFxUoZX25cqw9MQkCz2W4UlPYmoZyryp8oCU_L5nm4XIQcbszu4JPaOnK_aAdkDTON648VCLO6rHtj1Gx4lVwv8ae_m74IKJzC-4AeoAZXzYaO2yA5WrHBh0i4O10?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXe0eCb_BcYG1_2IMSJzlHjolZlJsHRgo4iV845NW8x1XTwszzT-tKboikeVYSxQ7bT78rBRVQ8BHzxCMU5ihkq4Eo6rvV8JdaDwP-vdHfZTaYwb4JcH49qA-uQeuQ3Q8satvdknelYKOZV3TATQ0HsjulvF?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                                                                 Steve Simpson                                              Alexis Smirnoff

Alexis Smirnoff defeated Steve Simpson at the 6:01 mark by pinfall.

  • Simpson missed a dropkick, Smirnoff just responded with a back elbow to Simpson’s face.
  • Simpson then tries for an arm-bar and Smirnoff just shakes him off and elbows him in the face and gets a two count after a slam.
  • Smirnoff with a long delayed suplex for another two count.
  • Smirnoff has had enough but just crushes Simpson with a running clothesline that flips Simpson off his feet.
  • Smirnoff with the easy, one, two, three.  [43]


AD_4nXd9pnp8JzrUeccBZ25bDfxpiyjU3lTb6UC8vbIJxxS93Amw2snVlrzsYFGOSu9anvtKO69rlsfyaJotQRlLy5qcBTCPJgdeIel6fzyJqmROv7X2HL3qFwb6Nad57GXSAMVCojZ0zdISvaKfYpCC7FOtrdg?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IAAD_4nXf82En7ZhOkLa-bKVoOcFeSciUsmv24BXT-rzefg6IO-9JAi2POhlEaQCqV952XN8O4mFDqVJNprMrnFGQ7L4If_LlhhCW7PcYFkiHID5-iB_2Zr1O16ouM_uDM7hbcCv0yP75qZB1-f3cl4zA85OPMcDM?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IAAD_4nXeXDP-PxJIwIbIvEyELGNFHII3lHp5vLCN0dLAZvhO74GlLYIvxmiGwa4DRmTROZOKUvUbTwzem_JNCpe2VVTi9lDSoeMi3-9Kz_dKp7Z8dTpfNAoSWd_v37DTxucQISFkvKF18O9CUfrPEZfv-Gxz_3ts5?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXcVG2PbaMpXyt6PLizv-G_TJX0pwkMs-o1blzn6OqqPVNXEZTAgARI7NOrxRBOJZCiIGQB0hJjwGgBfoQZR5XxTWiD0ADmPvlxDJDpwcTyg-yFRvk4nr_nCWAtJWxl_WOl5OJi5zTeb1Eg5JULdkBZI9hdW?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IAAD_4nXf2iFOkz1H4n39al8A5vEWGlVqJG2do5liU9wfASGzTWZLWMaCwQFO5IsReGVdIAGtwRR6J7l7GXi05cF084efUQi0Pu7pKdVg-K4x_Jkv8A534QU0wA_f6VlZessTEIyUUChZt5LA03iGdaQzNxHAFwmQ?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IAAD_4nXfVLXIklphEpMVpkcJ3H2K8Hn5MBZeYI09KHr20fCm1SMHWCHvXSwivUURmdMeAkXxlL58ML7cJBFjMbI-auMlL02rvYKTfWBNhhQepLpNOhAu8fA_Keok_4txb_IJfZ-ggke50T0RefPYJ8YVtXe7-Jozb?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                      Fabolous Lance              Scott Doring                    Tom Zenk                                   Ed Wiskowski                Bobby Jaggers                Rip Oliver     

Fabolous Lance, Scott Doring & Tom Zenk defeated Ed Wiskowski, Bobby Jaggers & Rip Oliver at the 12:06 mark by pinfall

  • Lance starts off with a big hip-tossed on Oliver for two.
  • Lance with a sunset flip for two.
  • Tag to Zenk and he slams Oliver for another two count.
  • Wiskowski gets tagged in and hits a devastating clothesline on Zenk.
  • Jaggers comes in and hits several punches to the gut of Zenk, until Zenk falls into the ropes and falls to the apron.
  • Jaggers and Oliver team up to bring Zenk into the ring the hard way.
  • While Jaggers and Oliver argue on who would pin Zenk, Zenk is able to make the tag to Doring.
  • Doring goes wild on Jaggers and Oliver, knocking them to the outside and hits a big atomic drop on Wiskowski you came into the ring to help.
  • Lance and Zenk with a double dropkick and Wiskowski joins Oliver and Jaggers on the outside.
  • Lance and Zenk then chase Jaggers and Oliver around the ring, as Wiskowski sneaks into the ring and clotheslines to the back of Doring who was watching the other four.
  • Wiskowski with a backbreaker but Doring is able to count out at two.
  • All six wrestlers are now in the ring, just punching each other.
  • Zenk with a cross body block out of nowhere knocking Jaggers and Wiskowski down
  • Oliver is left alone and gets destroyed with a triple clothesline from Zenk, Doring and Lance..
  • Jaggers tags himself in but walks right into a missile dropkick from Zenk.
  • Doring and Lance protect the pinfall and Zenk pins Jaggers for the victory.  [39]


AD_4nXdFf9jIXFeMdP8-sI15X28sl16yA6uNWeo-QleVo5ylYt3Z-qu7dbkD2Bxss7TDzy_HVvn10drNceUoB9nXfhkcsz0ACAAeAZqB360fgalGtUXUsMt2ee4ossSOLOxVZkL5k7KCr5Hr2y87nBCIkieD6tLr?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IAAD_4nXfIS3h6RE17Q7I4UnblxqGU-SiVKdOmUwVWo7rA0y-nspmkcK7dZBp8raIxSXfUHs-8y4tQQeww7CON_n-1JZTP2PUdYMJ13Yy-ABGl5oxAzGT-3cjcm_hGbzGd0Xk0Ilw6pppDzd6odmZ_tauaPxsylGT2?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXePHf8wJHzT6jEil9i4L3xMsTAghNDX5OnKeVOkCg_LTDlfijnvf9MNrChw_K1WEnlhHJHCGAwLOrlaUL152InZRSsFA8sSkCkXztbcNaZDsuVo4aRxdVAqFGOgBnWbDuElHgWlo30nX1SYsXAoQ5PdztqG?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IAAD_4nXdBsEVbYqtRi3-WaPOfuA1eC0OrwRepZq4TsShk14myWgBfnbi8hijrwM2DYGwvHGWAZBYf2opo-_O0yUeOE9_tBDhAWlgE9fOa_7HAQ5K3QAuFGbunsdLWqqTdWHTK95VAs22XIZJebs3Y7Gim4-UN-qj5?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                         Matt Borne                                  Super Ninja                                                 Curt Hennig                         Billy Two Eagles

Curt Hennig & Billy Two Eagles defeated Matt Borne & Super Ninja at the 12:39 mark by pinfall.

  • As soon as the bell rings all four men start brawling.
  • Borne with a big boot to the face of Eagles and gets a two count.
  • Super Ninja is tagged in and nails several chops to the shoulder blade of Eagles.
  • Eagle is able to tag in Hennig and he slams Super Ninja
  • Borne is tagged in and storms into the ring but Hennig meets him head-on and they just start wailing on each other.
  • Borne gets the upper hand and drops an elbow for a two count.
  • Hennig tries to counter but misses a dropkick
  • Diving headbutt from Borne but only gets another two.
  • Super Ninja attacks Eagles on the outside.  Eagles and Super Ninja start to brawling towards the back
  • Borne starts yelling at his partner to get back to the ring and turning his back on Hennig.
  • Hennig takes advantage of this and hits a fisherman suplex on Borne when he finally turns around to deal with Hennig.
  • Hennig gets the three count.
  • Borne goes crazy in the ring, getting in the face of the referee and shoving him to the ground.  [52]


Make sure you turn into Portland Wrestling airing Saturday night on KPTV starting at 11, Steve Simpson will be in action against Matt Borne, Al Madril will take on Verne Siebert, Mike Miller will battle Ed Wiskowski, Scott Doring and Tom Zenk will put the NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Championship belt up for grabs against Cocoa Samoa and Tapu Samoa and the main event will be Buddy Rose in his first match back in the northwest as he takes on Billy Two Eagles.

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Portland Wrestling (TV) from the Portland Sports Arena, Portland Oregon (taped Tuesday Week 4 - Aired Saturday Week 4

396 People - 44 Rating



Al Madril welcomes the crowd

Greetings to Portland's loyal fans! Get ready to witness Latin Lover Al Madril's amazing performance tonight! However, I kindly request you to keep young brats away from me as I can’t stand the smell of them.  And all the men out there tonight, your welcome as your woman will be dreaming of me tonight. [48]


AD_4nXeirci-sFAlc9iA-l-KUjrLsozSL5HuRqMcsEUxE4Of0zDUvksO10KhV0LpeLELWVTciCep0y6Y1Q13OJxwyinBocFRt6hejqCqnKtQb_nuOkwgqjXSmU6YvwZuDPTWQhhyBjI6vGtHBNs4SuSpLrNx51eH?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXcOCdap7KbVZWV_PReK0uUyBpVOujgDXH_6z65KbMKGUribSNBh56F6t3X0wdle3RMtVXXLjUoI7ujRnNULh3-KFHiHFzqzvcSlB4tnwF5XA5DclKk9oSTLddZ-DT374g1em6rWVKglGA6Oet2xx8QaywRn?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                                                                           Jerry Sampson                                            Matt Borne


Matt Borne defeated Jerry Sampson 4:49

  • Sampson quickly counters a hammerlock into a rollup for two.  The crowd honestly thought it was a three count.
  • Sampson thinks he’s on a roll and tries for a quick clothesline but Borne catches him.
  • Borne with a belly-to-back suplex but pulls up Sampson’s shoulder after only one.
  • Borne with a big slam and pulls the shoulder up after one again.  The referee tells Borne to knock it off.
  • Borne dropped an elbow but Sampson was able to kick out on his own after two.
  • Borne follows with a backdrop and then delivers a big boot
  • He just stands on his chest with a boot and gets the three count. [34]


AD_4nXcJ8RAG0RQB-fGCNWIHTO8A4pyAf1c1RnRQcOY1U5vj3NtIG8dkB9XuISZB6IT_PNY2MX5f9SPJvs90ttVn02WygIe_L65WErTuXU4xYdBhaJuG87AhFfAMdePexSqAhg54yQn2jPEVCu5bxt7y3bY6Ms9H?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXc4bbgLJZm9KLy54fiWxg6DC15ATNNjAwJAlzcX8nx1qFh6O6fVyRNNglOrJwUayBk1IB6lePYr7nO23MvGR9kSDeR82TXsLC3kUCagSQKNMLAoeSorwRa3P4jb45E4vZz0UNXDFEDxwMjFH2Uboy79OTbE?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                                                                              Al Madril                                                    Verne Siebert

Al Madril defeated Verne Siebert 5:48

  • Madril with a flying back elbow forcing Siebert to the outside, 
  • Madril slams Siebert head against the apron, then followed by throwing him into the ring post.
  • Madril keeps crawling back into the ring to restart the ten count and then go outside the ring to yell at the fans.
  • Madril finally ends the match with a piledriver on the outside and takes the countout victory to the boos and jeers from the crowd. [38]


AD_4nXdU-1epQWwtPBSwf9ujNrmmfEi_P5dgeZQH_9uuaZzTpZxbNSgByAu---bP2vI3wTxcLAMhMtWd1Gjtem1uyrN5DwTDS5Ou93tt7X9d7Gl75LLngPKLj--LidYKKAoUdDKL1npzCGvD134KmfW17BBBiVlh?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA      VS     AD_4nXe-QAAhu9P9ymnLUN8HpgLJdnAJ7vEJ3RA1NrLUvcIUUgGtTxE0JiN2YkMT9m0LKXaHVnFuk7dOw5S-okL6U-SJubpw_4bwFkf1c49lkiklQ9Di5E1Mp5bwtQB2fmMrg__tobdTC1LTqzIokxAnM9F1NC_e?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                                                                          Mike Miller                                                     Ed Wiskowski

Ed Wiskowski defeated Mike Miller 8:26

  1. Miller dropkicked Wiskowski, sending him down to the floor.
  2. Wiskowski returns the favor and hits a spinning clothesline when he enters the ring, causing Miller to seek refuge on the outside. 
  3. Back inside Wiskowski catches the leg of Miller and just elbows him in the knee.
  4. Miller counters a whip into a knee to the gut and a spinning elbow
  5. From the second turnbuckle Miller tries for a crossbody but misses, allowing Wiskowski to attack his knee
  6. Wiskowski locks in the figure four leglock and Miller has no choice but to submit.  [36]


AD_4nXeBsD77a7O_8kPVupmjuzX2ld32THXczNDdSk9-eGlrNnLhSJdobkpp7hb_n1-8zeLFFAFjxRihiZi55F9r5B6uqdL9tz2wtyRFuC4AuE4p7Vs7HBrCx53Z2wnNQj5z6-f5tmgX3bzxng1qzysR0lcXuIw?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IAAD_4nXeK5GoRrRurbQybU9nwrgcZX6IVjFc3z1DBVlG3k51cSGuVSt5py1SCLnoJAB5m6X8Sx9eVw-Xypj7eD0gx_XhDxyC-rCxwF7hp-I99eNH6hJGetBnfHzrqSggZU1cyO2WnmCmxn6fEqu01f83LDiSQZc4?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXfiaNUZk6MN8t9E-NzgbclM8A_rsh-2M5JLioO3n79LpNNCGoSZK_Xt7_PXIWHh4i-2-2-dYMit9uj-rDaEp-A18BawMF2s0S9-V0Y5hTvnXoBmCZaZXOsPnblmptZ9OUvV-NR-hwEJtTnFqcFh7zcNtn8?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IAAD_4nXf70zAmgDF6I0xxgX4jxmrY3M_H-bMA13UHteErJCEwUyKaHiO3hlYdZv-tGj9ipZI_nYrc7ulVTIKPpcUgWoyw26u_KZObEV_g4jVnmZ2zB_-tnAiyX0LeOwCkmDXSCk75OXgufY-xUrZvJhg5KPm3mAm_?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                      Cocoa Samoa                                 Tapu Samoa                                            Scott Doring                                    Tom Zenk


Cocoa Samoa & Tapu Samoa defeated Scott Doring & Tom Zenk 13:10

  • When the match began, the Portland faithful cheers loudly for Zenk and Doring
  • Tapu complained about hair pulling to start the match from Zenk, so he tags in Cocoa.
  • Cocoa counters a slam by pulling the hair of Zenk and hits his own slam instead.
  • Tapu tagged in and hip-tossed Zenk into his own corner, Tapu begs Zenk to tag in Doring.
  • After Zenk leapfrogged Tapu, he attempted a monkey flip but took a pair of thumbs to the eyes instead.
  • Doring tagged in, but Tapu hits a quick snap mare
  • While Tapu talks trash to the fans in the crowd Doring leaps from the second turnbuckle and dealt him a double axe handle to get the advantage.
  • Zenk is tagged in and applies a sleeper to Tapu.
  • Escaping, Tapu tagged out to Cocoa.
  • Cocoa with a headbutt to Zenk and followed with a backdrop.
  • Cocoa nails a clothesline on Zenk and gets only one count.
  • Slamming Zenk, Cocoa attempted a splash from the second rope but ate knees.
  • Doring tagged in and is running wild on Cocoa and knocking Tapu to the floor
  • Doring and Zenk tag in and out quickly as Cocoa is stuck in the corner..
  • From the second turnbuckle, Zenk missed a flying splash.
  • Cocoa tag in Tapu
  • Tapu is no help though as Zenk hits a high dropkick on him and tags in Doring.
  • Doring with a backdrop on Tapu and whips him back into the corner.
  • Doring comes running towards the corner but Tapu gets out of the way causing Doring to hit the middle turnbuckle with his knee.
  • Tapu smells blood in the water and just attacks Dorings knee like a dog with a bone.
  • Cocoa attacks Zenk on the outside, distracting the referee, this allows Tapu to pull a pair of brass knuckles out of his boot.
  • Tapu just nails Doring in the knee and locks in a kneebar.
  • Doring has no choice but to submit.
  • Cocoa & Tapu Samoa become the NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Champions [42]


AD_4nXeM33NvaE2YAt-SKd01uMZJQJlYzhTuMnjqE3pXvyLlDFKR8eL69s-owpGWFQJv-lWEPXNI9kOaHX9akD8VFmQCNSzqMcFFo8A2pakvJj-NXFgOFnqElZWS8kQl6yXMUgEepRuI689qCULmvJfyq2S4SNQ?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXcWnwzuP4DwQ9oJZFBK3SSHihvlmryQXBpNKPecutovjzpUB1vua0_r3LYWcoeMwdN64nmGxNasVDFUcsadWIlNLsEoImyEpz62S37TSzo7uMgrvUsBJKrLdL_JQ21G0aUYpBKSmXlotyefN1bhZOJKJkMU?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                                                                            Buddy Rose                                               Billy Two Eagles

Buddy Rose defeated Billy Two Eagles 6:21

  • Rose slammed Eagles and dropped an elbow right to the throat of Eagles.
  • Rose hits a jumping knee right to Eagles throat and then another elbow.
  • The crowd is stunned by the vicious attack from Rose.
  • Rose just stalks Eagles, playing to the crowd
  • Rose attacks the throat again and again until he finally ends the match with a DDT, spiking Eagles right on the crown of his head. [36]



Buddy Rose address the Portland crowd

  • I'm glad to be back in my hometown of Portland, Oregon again – it feels like where I truly belong.  Did you miss me?  I'm here with just one purpose: To take down BILLY JACK HAYNES once and for all.  He's become a cancer within our community that needs to be removed.  And that's exactly what I am intending on doing.  I'll eliminate this cancer plaguing Portland.  Together with my army, we will finally achieve something none has done before: we will eradicate BILLY JACK HAYNES.  This serves as your advance notice, BILLY JACK HAYNES, we have set our sights on you!  [44]


Make sure you join us at Seaside Convention Center this morning in beautiful Seaside, Oregon for more Pacific Wrestling action.  Matt Borne will take on Siva Afi, Chris Colt will be in action against Mike Miller, Battlecat & Archangel will face Alexis Smirnoff & the Cuban Assassin and in the main event Buddy Rose with his partner Doug Somers will take on Gary Royal and his partner Curt Hennig.

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Pacific Wrestling live from the Seaside Convention Center, Seaside Oregon Monday Week 1 February

775 People - 50 Rating



Buddy Rose couldn't be happier to be back in Seaside, his favorite place to visit, he said with a toothy smile. He wanted to express his gratitude towards Jennifer and Susan for showing him such a great time yesterday. However, his tone turned serious when he brought up Billy Jack Haynes.  Haynes has disappeared and is evading him, Rose stated firmly.  Haynes is nothing but a coward.  He wondered aloud where Haynes had been hiding for the past week. Soon you will have nowhere to run to Haynes.  [54]


AD_4nXdpgHEU6foTte042JrVegrv3rHPOBk54vkUJsOG204-ugw1D-gd3NI8DwhHfsqmXmWoCAZ152Y2Y5_V4pWFGj4aAXkcWRQIh-HiuK_3qUtmMHE43Or219TDX_yq0zffGv7eS9wdSuGXpsMt7MaEBc0ke9Y?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXeEmrn_Mnhok3rcLTw84HeJRy7YyL298xuHHrRw6hWEJHyBdS9eqyFssAN6t879OpQ2XC0aVE0msXvxNnsZddddU_iYYXjaIJxCvddH0eOouZNGS5nndJF4RqsF6kj165_-YXzS2vUdcB9auIPl_THRDnj0?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                                                                            Matt Borne                                                        Siva Afi


Matt Borne defeated Siva Afi with a big splash at the 8:54 mark.

  • Afi hip-tossed Borne, Siva blocked one from Borne and dished out another.
  • Borne is fed up after Siva hits a third hip-toss that sends him seeking refuge on the outside.
  • Siva slammed Borne when Borne got back in the ring but missed an elbow drop.
  • Borne rammed Siva face-first into the top turnbuckle followed with a chop for a two count.
  • Borne just punches Siva right in the face, the referee tries to tell him he’s not allowed to do that but Borne shows that it was an open palm.  The crowd is telling the referee not to believe him. 
  • Borne with a big back elbow and a running clothesline
  • Borne to the top rope and hits a big splash for the victory. [45]


AD_4nXdlort-QpRldQrOdgNRUQ8LPggyD6DIz_nfCIoyF5y0qLzLRKTl5r0JHhSM3bUMO2tFg8KvVV-iF1mSFYJrZUPhCfPORiXRIqJZr6szS0yA8ePSYJI4ruDMzI4XnNVojK66VmrPrN-JDGonCdlx4lZrw4yy?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXe1f3xXcres7ZB2r8qIE-10o85msepWMVbzkiXudfxfSlzNQbOsiodlkd2L3yu_7laZuCO0Y3ZbS6O8AvyxjXgX4I7pT1YuR0ux66SG8PAHNpFRcVNDvvW1A4BAFQG8Svv7T7-I5gI9XhhYiPJEkQ4Ggemz?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                                                                 Mike Miller                                                   Chris Colt

Chris Colt defeated Mike Miller with a Knee To The Back of the head at the 7:49 mark. 

  • Colt punches his way out of a wrist lock with direct hits to the gut of Miller.
  • Miller clotheslined Colt, almost knocking him out of his boots but Colt blocks all attempts for Miller to slam him.
  • Colt countered with an inside cradle and got two.
  • Colt with a high angle slam and then a knee right to the forehead of Miller.
  • Miller struggles to get back to his feet and Colt hits with a Running Knee right to the back of the head and Colt gets the three count.  [41]


AD_4nXck0aMgPbGGIq7xSM68i7uM2TaFVzGbwA3Cb31SovzqlyZ0g6EOvGXVOJ3I9VDhUmd844-DNx9Asphejqhu0Fh1Sro8Sk666mL5eO3_IGCHjZ4Gz6j9EuPnsjaNgCugnfWzYkdFboTdxohS_olpu7a88GRV?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IAAD_4nXdO1y0Pb225JVZtOHW6wsktKRDd27oOU3AikeIX5s3-XqCGhCBkPZoRXssDnvRN3sc-WXnGgZ105CWq5s25XWFTQ4ulayTgXrQvkz-rlPiaFB_YPVYpK272HmRvYCmdWb7GxF0zuTdOd8gzvy-owh_LInh9?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXdLH5_Do_q1J5OIrBtr8twn-jvshX0BsSh39lopB69MVoSFdKyzSIzGfmoD3i0wzVhHsNmeJ44btZkrzGsyr_n4Q6BGG-kI2ZZbxkn9gxVSC6MOsL2N61H63ITlIvm3dZ3vClQYrLZTKVHun4H5ybyO8hjg?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IAAD_4nXdduteD_wF5vQd4qkRbMYmUCJrqUXpTeJJdN-y7tUk6hSFE6xl0G8F3okh_a1IXdEBqGe2SQizEPKlgs_ENzsEpJ4mcYvkgNJPyfZ5VQ6BWJyVQmbw_1tD53VhIYvVUKjY_8UEXkSNexvUmo7Zs-VCM9aWR?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                   Archangel                              Battlecat                                                 Alexis Smirnoff                           Cuban Assassin

Battlecat & Archangel defeated Alexis Smirnoff & Cuban Assassin when Battlecat hit a moonsault on Cuban Assassin at the 8:15 mark.

  • Archangel clotheslined Smirnoff but got too close to Cuban Assassin and took a shot to the back of the head.
  • Cuban Assassin tags in and hits Archangel with a knee to the gut and quick slam.
  • Cuban hides his body from the referee and just punches Archangel several times right in the face.
  • Smirnoff back in and he gets Archangel with an abdominal stretch, with Cuban Assassin helping him several times behind the referee’s back.
  • Archangel finally gets an elbow to break the hold and gets the hot tag to Battlecat.
  • Battlecat hits Smirnoff with a cross body block and leg lariat and gets a two count.
  • Cuban gets tagged in but all four men are in the ring now.  Archangel is able to knock Smirnoff out of the ring.
  • Archangel and Battlecat double teamed Cuban Assassin with a double suplex and a double leg drop.
  • Battlecat hits a big moonsault from the top rope and gets the three count.  [49]


AD_4nXdzl5s-imD6ZnDyxb9X2hQdHJndcqUl8LQUrHkTb6XkC8USTcrTlm6dRM8p-zgPyqazBAZFU7c-q1EXJh38A-RePqgHVAFiKYDV6eKmN978Qrhyjwo7AsT67aT9iDUGaXIu88YjpTaDkPuU-A6UAnkxuuQu?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IAAD_4nXcgy6xFt0UyttuD3tdDQn9K8goAhBL06jrtpKoeuvngEXquJlJTJyYQkf6fev4IyrxSp3hp2s7vnQGeSYi8H6ycc-9-BoTj7edTnvXeE9OteAWup4vetO_te4SX5wU70gU516qpl5qANC77Y1nutpaWGoI?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXe0B6xzKv2PqhmZ8ik19JpyIBuOeyMWBNAQvOY_lAZ4ACwJxYUkpouzIU7tUFR9xT_5Ssb7T2T2y2Af-gRTtwec9Y1Z-HXN3GBP4ENynwAHq_NtYWUWw4M18i63YLSmvEgtq7uqlk6htGqWcFenpgiPMHYs?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IAAD_4nXevotEJ6wG8Pf7fZnlzzypnU54o922Htq7e7_UL9uY4CP26BtEvHqSpvsBqyB9oQSDeDEAdui28QX9ftBRuV4oF_bpdmVpZftFwpv1MEXtIl_pZcCZ6tCFokHOQnDhZ9IdC2KxiGKgYnNSha3TULov2LZI6?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                    Buddy Rose                                Doug Somers                                           Gary Royal                                  Curt Hennig

Buddy Rose & Doug Somers defeated Gary Royal & Curt Hennig when Buddy Rose Las Vegas Jackpot on Gary Royal at the 13:54 mark.

  • A criss-cross began the match until Somers takes an armdrag from Hennig
  • When Royal tagged in, he easily defeated Somers in a test-of-strength and countered a backdrop attempt with a sunset flip for two.
  • Hennig tagged in, but Somers connected with what appeared to be a back elbow and rammed him face-first into the mat.
  • As Somers tries to ram Hennig into the boot of Rose, Hennig is able to escape and whip Somers into the other corner.
  • Royal tagged in and he and Hennig took turns ramming Somers head into the top turnbuckle.
  • Hennig tagged in again and backdropped Somers and threw Somers to Rose and begs Rose to enter the ring..
  • While Hennig is distracted with yelling at Rose, Somers gets a surprise roll up for two. 
  • Royal gets tagged in the same time Rose finally gets tagged into the match.
  • All four wrestlers are in the ring, and Rose connects with a back elbow on Royal.  While the referee gets Hennig and Somers into their corners.
  • Slamming Royal, Rose followed with a leg drop for two.
  • Rose rang Royals bell with something he pulled out of his trucks behind the referees back
  • Rose then knocks Hennig off the apron on the floor
  • Royal is slow to get up and his perfect pray for Rose who hits the Las Vegas Jackpot for an easy three count. [54]



After the match Matt Borne and Chris Colt come to the ring and shake the hand of Rose and Somers but they both eye each other very carefully.  [44]


Make sure you join us at Salem Armory in Salem, Oregon for more Pacific Wrestling action.  Al Madril will face Ricky Santana, Fabolous Lance will battle Chris Colt, Bill Jodoin will face Ed Wiskowski, Steve Simpson will face Rip Oliver and the main event will feature Tom Zenk putting his NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Title on the line against Matt Borne.

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Pacific Wrestling live from the Salem Armory, Salem Oregon Thursday Week 1 February

782 People - 47 Rating


AD_4nXdmeDe7gC3GEfr4eAnk0MWKghq9P6TEDtIgVIr2YFV5g1EgWAFZ3S5yOG1eAHjjBHImS7TN7ugFRir8wI-QYVVUByjVYxmajelIVaYrjQGq5A-98XyDOeie-YZYOSPzViKNRsqLD8YGZcv302MPMUBbYZGd?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXeA_aWM0_83ajym62AdhGVb4ypbMi2uo-JZL6ze_Z6HGYyNvrpV9G1VmyNXffLtnl8fTi8YQMyeTMv9wEzVnEf0VaAgDOD_2GBwl3gbMvyVQx6OWXqbmyTHO0f6YGbZGUop0-M0RleSaJ0WzNSVFFbapp0?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                                                                               Al Madril                                                   Ricky Santana

Al Madril defeated Ricky Santana with the Indian Deathlock at the 7:53 mark.

  • Santana rolled up Madril to start the match and got a surprise two count.
  • When Santana attempted a cross body block, Madril evaded him.
  • Madril missed an elbow drop, so Santana hip-tossed him.
  • Santana connected with a dropkick, he reversed an Irish whip only to be clothesline on the rebound from Madril
  • Madril fed Santana a backbreaker followed by an elbow drop for two.
  • Madril connected with another clothesline, he attempted a piledriver.
  • Santana blocked it and countered with a backdrop.
  • Santana with a jumping knee drop, he got a two count.
  • Santana mounted the second turnbuckle, attempted a cross body, but got killed with a clothesline.
  • Madril locks in the Indian Deathlock and gets the victory.  [47]


AD_4nXfE-wb5NscdgholS7gMjqSxHQHp42Rj8x5rjJVZB44uXO_9bVqyYO5-KJs5kewes87rQ1q8d863z8-pYJd98mfZQVtGJKBEcMB7HQ3OHOyE665TxgfgvMYX6eePTeta-n5WUUVIzWV0Ezvg2z-a3AOKY6s?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXc9CRroLOrFSopznbujPWhFIJDfc3JmUI4mdQbzd1cEAjXPu3YyBfPlgIcNnHxFqTw37ZAy0LvU8xtt7MjxhcIiuz-26mzcWLOPhcAk5rBZO_Pj434wn6-XTel3ZHMOZO846fAFtx4unqjqKepPv9sVJpg?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                                                                            Chris Colt                                                     Fabolous Lance

Chris Colt defeated Fabolous Lance with a knee to the back of the head at the 7:41 mark.

  • Lance hip-tossed Colt and followed with a knee to the midsection.
  • Lance gets the crowd on its feet with a springboard enziguri, causing Colt to bail to the outside and regroup.
  • Colt tries a sunset flip coming back into the ring but Lance blocks it and counters with a dropkick.
  • Lance tries for a knee drop but Colt avoids it and hits a big slam, followed by three more slams.
  • Lance gets to a knee after the third one but gets hit with a running knee to the back off the head from Colt.
  • One, two, three Colt gets the victory. [39]


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                                                                                                            Ed Wiskowski                                                   Bill Jodoin

Ed Wiskowski defeated Bill Jodoin with Full Nelson at the 3:53 mark.

  • Wiskowski scored with a flying back elbow and running knee to the midsection of Jodoin.
  • Wiskowski slams Jodoin and then mocks the crowd by strutting around like Billy Jack Haynes and then slams Jodoin and just repeats the process for a couple of minutes.
  • Wiskowski locks in the Full Nelson and Jodoin has to tap out. [31]


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                                                                                                              Rip Oliver                                                  Steve Simpson

Rip Oliver defeated Steve Simpson with a running clothesline at the 4:15 mark.

  • Simpson starts fast with a hip-toss but takes a knee to the midsection coming off the rope.
  • Oliver slammed Simpson hard on the mat but he missed an elbow drop.
  • Simpson rams Oliver face first into the bottom turn-buckle with a dropkick to Oliver’s knee and gets a two count.
  • Oliver reverses a whip and connects a big slam followed with a dropkick.  Oliver looks proud of himself for the dropkick.
  • Simpson tries to reverse a cross corner whip but Oliver reverses that into a backdrop.
  • Oliver runs off the ropes and just nails Simpson with the running clothesline and gets the pin. [35]


AD_4nXfsd_Yt6LgacZqCKyDILbl-miyd43YD4BeNiqhbuWXDuixElSdL-vwaH1dNMJs08WAxumW433ov0AzXUt2a0fUvHi5ClGjPLFJb6ki_qlqIUhCBwIBgzUOYQqBqV3P77kIRkWpAQbW6xDyGmxKglnIneZ7Y?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA     VS     AD_4nXdAm6biWwI6loYXUqqFvAWehLF3ODjCR-IlC5Q0eNJDLJRqEWMBL927HPeiYFKN-l2iMZwfBMsLp2HHHn_Mxl26MWS7Aq44TMFmw8x79I722q-pc1QvFRghMXiT8FV_jZ2N8q7LKuY9AiNJHUIL1VWVqN3N?key=4AYzcKMbuGBgFXjh7Jz0IA

                                                                                                               Tom Zenk                                                        Matt Borne       


Tom Zenk defeated Matt Borne with a missile dropkick at the 18:52 mark after Chris Colt tried to assist Borne but hit Borne instead with a chair.

  • Zenk leapfrogged Borne but ate a knuckle sandwich as Borne just turned around and decked him..
  • Borne with a spinning elbow that knocks Zenk down and hits a jumping elbow right to the checks of Zenk.
  • Zenk leapfrogged Borne again but this time he was able to connect with a dropkick to the back of Borne.
  • Borne asks for a test-of-strength but Zenk counters with a dropkick and a spinning clothesline that sends Borne over the top rope.
  • Before Borne could gather his wits, Zenk hits a double ax-handle from the top turnbuckle to the outside.
  • Back inside Zenk applies the figure-four leg lock
  • Borne escapes with a thumb to the eye and tosses Zenk to the outside and regathers himself in the corner.
  • Zenk slides back into the ring but walks into a sleeper from Borne
  • Zenk escapes and avoids a cross body block and hits another dropkick
  • Chris Colt comes to the ring side area
  • Zenk follows the dropkick with an elbow drop and gets a two count.
  • Zenk hits a backdrop and nails a knee drop for another two.
  • Zenk tries for the missile dropkick but Borne pulls the referee in front of him.  Zenk tries to avoid the referee but clips him with his leg and Zenk hits the mat hard.
  • The referee is knocked down and Chris Colt jumps into the ring with a chair.
  • Colt tries to hit Zenk who was trying to get up from the mat but Colt misses and nails Borne right in the head causing him to wobble around the ring.  Colt panics and runs from the ring.
  • Borne is certainly dazed as Zenk finally hits the missile dropkick.
  • The referee crawls to the pin attempt and hits the mat three times to give the victory to Zenk.
  • Zenk retains the NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Championship. [55]



Ed Wiskowski runs to the ring and attacks Zenk after the match.  Wiskowski nails Zenk with the NWA Pacific Heavyweight Championship.  Zenk is left in the ring bleeding from the forehead as Wiskowski leaves the ring. [43]


Make sure you join us at Lucas County Fairgrounds in Eugene, Oregon for more Pacific Wrestling action.  Cocoa & Tapu Samoa will face the team of Tim Flowers & Steve Simpson, Curt Hennig will battle Brett Sawyer, The Grappler will take on Gary Royal, Scott Doring will be in singles action against Earthquake Ferris and the Main Event will be Buddy Rose taking on Ed Moretti.

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