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Fog of War for Popularity/Overness

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Hi Adam,

Not sure if this is feasible, but I think it would be interesting if Fog of War was to apply to a worker’s overness level, so the user doesn’t ever truly know the worker’s popularity in any given region. 

This would add a level of realism as a booker would never truly know exactly how over a worker is to a quantifiable level, e.g. I don’t think Triple H will sit thinking “Seth Rollins is an 85/100 in the US, but Cody is an 86” - it would be a more broad understanding that Cody and Seth are both clear main eventers based on their popularity/based on other metrics such as ticket sales, merch sales etc. 

In an ideal world I’d suggest it would work in game in the same way as pro mode, so there’s always a level of ambiguity as to worker’s overness regardless of their scouting level. 

Of course this should be toggleable as is the current FoW/Pro Mode system. 

Looking forward to the new game, thanks for all of your hard work. 

Edited by AidanLFC1
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