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Product Suggestion Thread

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Looney Lucha - A marriage of the madcap world of cartoons and colorful high flying of lucha libre. Continuity is optional, comedy is mandatory, and traditionalists are liable to suffer a heart attack at the sight of it.

(basically a marriage of Lucha and Absurdist Entertainment)

Edited by Pteroid
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Indy Charity

I don’t have a good name suggestion, but it’s basically morality wrestling and no-style style combined. You get the tax benefits and you’d face the same penalties if there’s any scandals or drama, but you aren’t constrained by needing strict heels and babyfaces, storylines, short matches, etc. There should be a low cap on risky matches and angles though. 

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Competitive Attitude - This has a focus on providing high quality competitive wrestling bouts, but broadens its appeal to an 18-35 demographic with a edgier characters and storylines, plus more realistic content.

Competitive Aggression - This has a focus on providing high quality competitive wrestling bouts, but adds more bloody and controversial content, so its aimed at late teens and adults.

Competitive Lucha Libre - This has a focus on providing high quality competitive wrestling bouts, but adds in the family friendly environment and tropes of lucha libre.

Competitive Wild West - This has a focus on providing high quality competitive wrestling bouts, but adds in more bloody matches with showmanship and killer angles.


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22 hours ago, ShaunGBD said:

something with 100% angles and 0% wrestling. or 90/10. wanna do something like a talk show but with little wrestling.

I agree about 90/10, that'd be silly, but 100/0 in favour of angles would be kind of pointless for a wrestling company. 

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I have a suggestion for an edit regarding the "Cartoon Wrestling" product.


Could it give a bonus if you do Cinematic matches (or otherwise incentivize it)? It says the product is:



"....this is wrestling pitches as a Saturday morning cartoon with big, bold, colorful characters (who are often based on actual cartoon and comic book heroes and villains) wrestling in theatrical, highly sanitized matches that are more about character work and acting than quality."

Personally to me, cinematic matches can feel more theatrical and easier to sanitize while focusing on character work than traditional wrestling quality. Like if somebody accidentally bled or a botch happened, you can easily edit it out to maintain the vibe of the wrestlers feeling like larger-than-life heroes and villains. The product also has the "matches less than 10 minutes will not be able to achieve world class scores."

Also, I remember old Cartoon Network and Nickolodeon shows having episodes that ranged from 10 to 15 minutes each. That length is suitable for a cinematic match from what I've seen in TEW. 

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My suggestion would be "Rainbow Wrestling" - basically Guerilla Warfare, but aimed towards LGBTW+. Would be good to go alongside Rainbow Hardcore and Rainbow Entertainment, and the whole modern matches with humour mixed in seems most appropriate imo

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Rhinestone Cowboys - Classic Wild West, but make it queer.

Deadly Venoms - A hip hop-inflected version of Fast and Furious or Guerilla Warfare that incorporates elements of martial arts movies into its production. Effectively an American-style version of Lucha Underground. (One inspiration is the aesthetic of Street Fighter 6.)

Fighting Street - A style based around classic fighting games, this product emphasizes a wide range of styles with an international flavor. Matches have the "real fight" feel of Faux-MMA, but there's room for goofy storylines, larger than life characters, and plenty of comedy. (I would consider requiring a comedy match AND a wild brawl on each show.)

Rated M for Mature - The Fighting Street style taken in a darker, more 18-35 direction. More blood, more violence, more sex, more profanity.

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Variety Show - A show that's got a little bit of everything. 

Fans will be open and accept any match type.

50/50 Matches to Angles.

50/50 Popularity to In-Ring.

1 match every show aimed at Wild Brawl, Car Crash, Mayhem, Hardcore, or Deathmatch.

1 match every show aimed at Steal The Show, Spectable, Epic, or Once In A Lifetime.

1 match every show aimed at Technical Masterclass or High Spots.

1 match every show aimed at Story Telling, Comedy, or Eye Candy.

Comedy gimmicks can be used, even by major stars.

Gimmicks are not necessary, but will have an impact if used.

Stunt Bumps & Crazy Bumps can add heat to a match.

Getting shaved bald or losing a mask can add some heat to a segment.

The company would not get penalized for using stars in Adult Entertainment.

Edited by Spoons
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Competitive Crash TV - This products offers high quality matches but with more realistic content and grittier feel of the late 90's, however, it is condensed with shorter segments to keep people's attention. It is aimed at 18-35 demographic.

British Attitude - The British Sportsmanship-flavoured version of Attitude Entertainment, it marries the varied presentation of characters and good wrestling quality associated with British wrestling with a gritier feel and realistic content. It is effectively a late-90's product and it is aimed at 18-35 demographic.

British Crash TV - The same as above but with shorter segments to keep people's attention.

British Aggression - The British version of Ruthless Aggression, it combines good wrestling quality and it's variety of characters with bloody and controversial angles.

Hokey Southern Strong-Style - It combines the elements of southern american rasslin, such as the wild and bloody feuds along with the OTT characters with the good workrate quality of the strong style matches.

Punk Rock MMA - This products takes the typical elements of MMA, but discards the seriousness of the discipline and replaces it with an anti-establishment, punk rock vibe. Expect great matches inside a cage with strikes and submissions coupled with hardcore bouts, controversial angles and a lot of attitude.

Punk Rock Combat Sport - This product treats wrestling as a legitimate sport, but discards it's seriousness for an anti-establishment, punk rock vibe. Expect great quality matches treating wrestling like a serious sport but married to hardcore bouts, controversial angles and a lot of attitude.

Fast, Furious, Funny - A comedy version of the Fast and Furious product, this has the same fast paced cutting edge matches that allow smaller wrestlers to shine, but taking it into a wacky direction by combining it with comedy antics.

Shonen Manga Puroresu - Manga characters come to life into professional wrestling, with bold characters combined with the good quality of puroresu matches.

Seinen Manga Puroresu - Manga characters come to life into professional wrestling, with bold characters, good quality puroresu matches, but unlike Shonen Manga Puroresu, this product is aimed a adult audiences.

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Maho Shoujo Puroresu - Manga characters come to life into professional wrestling, with magical girls, both good and evil are combined with the good quality of puroresu matches. Because of the nature of this product, this one is aimed at a young female audience, although the rest can enjoy it too.

Episodic Puroresu - Designed to be attractive for binge-watching TV audiences, strong characters and storylines are combined with the high quality work-rate of puroresu wrestling.

Also, the Fast, Furious, Funny product i suggested should be different from Guerrilla Warfare, since it should allow Major stars to use comedy gimmicks.

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I figure, why not expand on Sportsmanship? If British is meant to be the middle ground, you can branch it out to all types. ...in truth, I really wanted just a Lucha version, but I figured, why not do a ton of them since it was possible.


Lucha Sportsmanship - The trappings of Sportsmanship, but done in the style of Lucha. Luchadors, technicians and flyers would be the wrestlers that make this company work. It would have similar matches to British. One high spots and masterclass would be required per show. It would allow for high flying aids.

Outback Sportsmanship - A bit more crudeness, glitz and glamour than British Sportsmanship. Colorful brawls, entertaining people and high flying stunts make up the wrestlers and match types you'd want. It also has shorter matches than British. One brawling and high spots would be required per show. Would allow for some dangerous types of matches.

Maple Sportsmanship - Maple Sportsmanship delivers a consistent, well crafted show. High flyers, technicians and entertainers help give everyone a little bit of what you'd want in a show. It would have longer matches than British. One masterclass and steal the show would be required per show.

Hollywood Sportsmanship - The Western version of British Sportsmanship. Highly dependent on entertainers, mayhem induced brawls and solid work all around. Shorter matches than British. One match type of steal the show required per show. As it is also based off of Hollywood, it requires storylines.

Bollywood Sportsmanship - The Indian version of Sportsmanship, which is a melding of Hollywood and British. All-rounders and entertainers would be what is sought after here. Similar matches to British. One match type of story telling would be required. It would require storylines like Hollywood does.

Southern Sportsmanship - Giving you all the pride of South's hospitality in the form of Sportsmanship. Big meaty men slamming each other with powerful attacks and wooing you over with dulcet tones and sharp retorts. Similar matches than British. One brawling type and one steal the show would be required.

Royal Show Sportsmanship - A lighter version of Royal Road that allows for some glitz and glamour to it. Juniors, heavies, strikers and technicians would be necessary for this company. Longer matches than British. One match type of high spots and masterclass required.

Royal Lucha Sportsmanship - Combing the wonderful qualities of the color of Lucha to the canvas of the Royal Show. Luchadors, technicians and strikers would be necessary for this company. Similar matches to British. One match type of high spots and steal the show would be required. It would allow for high flying aids.

Hardcore Sportsmanship - While it is called Hardcore, it actually has more in common with Ruthless Aggression, instead of being a true Hardcore company. Shorter matches than British. One match type of brawling, hardcore and steal the show would be required. Very vocal crowd, so people can turn on characters if you aren't careful. Wouldn't allow for too extreme type of matches.


To clarify on shorter, similar or longer: British Sportsmanship requires 10 minutes to get full scores. Shorter companies like Outback, Hollywood, and Hardcore would be 5 minutes to get great scores. Lucha, Royal Lucha, Bollywood and Southern would be like British and require 10 minutes. Maple and Royal Show would require 15 minutes.

Oh before someone asks why Royal Road? It would be a more interesting option over just regular puroresu. That's really it. Also, I didn't feel comfortable calling the Lucha version of it Lucharesu, hence why I put it as Royal Lucha.

I wouldn't change the actual character or match work required for scores. Either 70/30 or 30/70. That seems to be Sprotsmanships entire "gimmick" as a company. What I would change is for more character work companies to need more time for character work. So for companies that require storylines like Hollywood and Bollywood, I'd probably put them at 90/10 for events and 80/20 for television. You probably could add Outback and Hardcore to those requiring storylines as well. Especially since Outback is basically like Crash TV and I already mentioned that Hardcore is more like Ruthless Aggression. This would also give you 4 companies that need storylines, with 6 that do not. If you wanted to make it an even 5 for and 5 against, you would probably add Southern to list of companies that require storylines.

For some negatives to these, Hardcore requires weapons and would be banned from early time slots, with some people not wanting to join because of its more weapon focused matches. Both Royal types would be banned from early time slots due to the stiffness of Royal Road and Royal Show could turn off some people not wanting stiffer matches. Royal Lucha wouldn't be as stiff as Royal Show, so it wouldn't be penalized for that. Outback and Southern would also be banned from early show times, due to the more colorful character work that isn't appropriate for younger audiences.

Now it might seem like these Sportsmanships may have many upsides, with few downsides. I don't think so, but I could potentially see it. So a very powerful downside is that I would make it so that all of these companies can get rocked due to scandals. I know we usually reserve that for more "family friendly" types. However, considering these Sportsmanship companies would be trying to heavily promote Sportsmanship, scandals would definitely hurt these companies that much more so.

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Tokuresu - A product that blends Japanese Puroresu with the stylings of Japanese Tokusatsu; Emphasis is on bright and colorful characters with big, often outlandish, storylines and angles but the matches are expected to be full of hard-hitting action once the bell finally rings.

Edited by jaythewizard1
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Not so much a product suggestion as a goofy request, I'm an old school Yu-Gi-Oh! player and when I noticed Face / Heel divide had Blue Eye & Heel, I immediately flashed back to Blue-Eyes White Dragon & Red-Eyes Black Dragon, so I was wondering if Blue Eye & Red Eye could be added to the list.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rather than a new product, I would like you to remove the 20 minute requirement from Shoot Style and MMA style promotions. In real grappling events and MMA events, people are thrilled at "squash match" 10 second knockouts when there's big hype, and love a 3 minute submission. But an 8 minute borefest will really upset people.

I would also like just a little more room in the Carnival Days, Shoot Style, MMA Style "Real Style" wrestling products to have a little bit of time for Promos on both events and TV. Even real events have always had a minute to breathe and gives a few minutes for a few people to thank the fans and issue a challenge.

Even in UFC, these short post-fight interviews really gave personality to some guys which made them superstars.

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BJW has an interesting product in real life, a division for Juniors, Strong style, and Deathmatch, none of the products in the game seem to match the real thing, I would like to see one implemented if it's possible to add products with patches.

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Shoot-Style Entertainment: The wrestling is presented as real. The matches are rated on 100% wrestling. There is no minimum required match length. The matches are hard on the body, standard with "real wrestling" companies presented as genuine competition. Fans do not want anything with comedy, eye candy, or hardcore. They will accept a Cage or Cell, or "non-gimmicky" setups (no ladders, no barbed wire). Fans want only Clean endings. Fans expect the show to be 80% wrestling and 20% promos for Events and 70% wrestling 30% popularity for TV. Gimmicks are not required, fans are upset by "over the top" gimmicks but will accept "normal" gimmicks. Basically, it's like an actual UFC PPV or Dana White's Contender series. This isn't the 2002 UFC and it isn't 1970s boxing. It's the UFC of right now - fans like guys such as Nate Diaz, Conor McGregor, Jon Jones, and other world class trash talkers and enjoy "angles" showing their highlight reels, weigh-ins, and interviews, announcements, and footage in between bouts. One match must be Technical Masterclass, one Wild Brawl, one Story Telling.

Sitcom Wrestling: Fans expect 80% angles,  20% matches. This is a television sitcom about the wacky world of wrestling. Usually, one to two matches per show is enough. Matches are easy on the body. Matches are rated 60/40 popularity/wrestling. Fans want everyone to have a gimmick, fans accept PG-13 content for matches, storylines, etc. Fans want short matches and short angles. They are here to watch TV, with segments, not to see the rock talk for 40 minutes. Storylines are required, Attendance is not impacted by the state of the wrestling industry, product is sponsor friendly, One match must be Story Telling, one match must be Comedy. This IS a sitcom, right? Fans don't care about unmasking, but enjoy seeing someone shaved.

"Mom, it's real, right?" Style: Fans want 70% wrestling, 30% angles for TV and Events. Matches are rated on wrestling. Fans want one Wild Brawl, and one Technical Masterclass, one Story Telling. No minimum match times. Basic setups are allowed (cage, cell, etc). Gimmicky setups are not allowed (ladder, barbed wire, strap/chain, etc). Attendance is impacted by wrestling industry and by economy. Fans believe it's real; they only want clean endings, fans only want basic 1v1, 2v2, matches and Battle Royales. No intergender matches, no comedy, no eye candy. Hardcore and Arial are not used to calculate matches. Fans do not want to see Celebrities or Adult Entertainers; fans are delighted to see crossover athletes from other sports. Fans don't like gimmicks but will accept very simple ones. Fans don't want to see people unmasked or shaved.

Flower Power Activist Wrestling: Fans want to see 50% angles and 50% wrestling. Matches are easy on the body. Fans want to see Intergender matches, LGBT+ performers, and empowerment of women and minorities. Fans want storylines and complex gimmicks. Fans want one Eye Candy, one Comedy, and one Story Telling match. Comedy gimmicks can be used by major stars. Fans do NOT want to see any wrestler who is a "homophobe" or who has negative opinions about LGBT+ people (they can accept such a character because they know it's a show but they can't tolerate someone exposed by The Internets as being an actual bigot in real life). Fans are "Liberal" and do not want to see "Conservative" wrestlers.

Fabulous Flower Wrestling: Fans want everyone to either be Non-Cisgender, or have a pronoun that does not match their gender. Fans want intergender matches. Fans want no Eye Candy or Comedy, but do want a Storytelling match. Matches are 50/50 popularity/wrestling. Fans want 80% matches, 20% angles on TV and Events. This has a vocal audience, and is not impacted by economy or wrestling industry. This product struggles to find sponsors. Fans are "Liberal" and do not want to see "Conservative" wrestlers.


NOTE: I apologize if my "Flower" products upset anyone. I wanted to suggest a few fun ideas. I felt it mandatory that fans "only want to see liberals" because this wrestling represents LGBT+ spaces and fans don't want their space "invaded" by bigots (who in my country tend to be Conservatives and Religious people, don't know about your country).

Edited by thadian
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On 8/28/2024 at 12:06 AM, necrotog said:

Daisuke Sekimoto and Yuji Okabayashi are not juniors and are the backbone of their World Strong Heavyweight title division, the strong style part of the company.

Just to note that whether you use a junior division or not is completely separate to what product you choose, it's controlled by the Weight Split setting and hiring rules. So there's no reason to dismiss Junior Deathmatch Combined, there's nothing to stop you using heavyweights with it.

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Renaissance Era

I would appreciate the implementation of a product that reflects the current WWE as accurately as possible.
In my opinion, the existing product "Lighthearted Entertainment" could serve as basic. But two points in the product hold me back :

1.) "Longer matches will not do well in this environment"
WWE has some long matches with tradition such as Royal Rumble. In order to simulate this realistically and not have any disadvantages, I would like to remove the restriction.

2.) "Each show will need at least one match aimed as comedy"
Especially these days, you can hardly find any comedy matches in WWE. Can be replaced with a "story telling" aim.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

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14 hours ago, Shockmaster said:

1.) "Longer matches will not do well in this environment"
WWE has some long matches with tradition such as Royal Rumble. In order to simulate this realistically and not have any disadvantages, I would like to remove the restriction.

That penalty already doesn't apply to Royal Rumble style matches, so this suggested change is unnecessary.

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On 9/9/2024 at 3:37 AM, JackNo said:

So I really love the idea behind Urban Strong Style, but having the preferred match lengths at 20 minutes or more and the fans wanting a Hardcore or Wild Brawl match creates an issue, especially if you're trying to get solid match quality to grow your fed.

Important matches get penalized if they're either of those desired styles, because either they get dinged for being too long for their aims or they're too short for important matches. You can get around this by having your lower card do those matches, but it doesn't seem to really fit the product idea since it seems that a USS promotion can and should occasionally run Wild Brawl or Hardcore match as one of their big matches.

I think the easiest fix to this is reducing the time limits to 15 minutes. Still a pretty long match, but avoids this problem. I guess you could also extend Wild Brawl and Hardcore to 20 minutes, but that changes every product those aims touch, which seems excessive. 

I agree with all of this!

Also, new product idea that I came up with working on my mod

Punk Rock Puro- This product takes the usual trappings of puroresu, but adds the anti-establishment and punk rock vibe. Good quality matches sitting side by side with hardcore bouts, controversial angles, and a lot of attitude

I'd love punk rock versions of most product styles though to be fair. 

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Technical Entertainment: Based around chain grappling, long matches with big characters and storytelling.

I think, based on the product consequences, it would translate into Hokey Southern Rasslin but serious, minus the hardcore/brawling with technical masterclass requirement as a replacement.

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