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Ability for a celebrity to become a regular worker

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I am a big fan of the newly-announced celebrity feature. The idea has been marinating in my head since I read it and it gave me an idea. I'd like a very low random chance for a celebrity to become a regular wrestler to model those (incredibly rare) times that a celebrity tried out wrestling and really enjoyed it so continued to pursue it, time permitting. The main example is Logan Paul but David Arquette also comes to mind. I'd like the random chance to be very low and the outcome to be that the celebrity becomes a worker with outside interests (like Logan Paul who still wrestles but is clearly not a full-time wrestler).

I would also like this to be able to be done by narrative so that if a database maker wants to, they can have a celebrity who becomes a wrestler.

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Not a fan of this suggestion from a gameplay-perspective. These celebs have the "ability" that they enter the gameworld with a set amount of pop, which is arguably the currency of the game. If they can randomly convert to an in-ring worker, logically ALL the main companies should be all over these. Imagine having someone whose pop you can feed to your workers with zero effort (except financially, but who cares if you're mainstream).

Why not just import a randomly generated worker or one you created in your game if this floats your boat? A bit weird given the celebrity would exist twice this way.

Keep in mind that so far it has always been possible for them to be involved in post-match angles, as long as you create a personality/character for the celebrity.

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I'd actually rather see this go in the other direction for someone like Ross Henry who wrestled briefly before leaving the industry becoming a celebrity. It seems like Henry ought to be a celebrity in the new system and there ought to be a way for that to happen. Maybe some workers who retire randomly become celebrities modified by attributes like outside interests, modeling experience, etc and mod makers can set it as a narrative? 

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