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So, this is without a doubt impossible with the current game, so maybe file it away for next time. However, in both the game and real life wrestling there are finishers that have gotten so over with their wrestlers that renaming them is impossible. C-Verse has the Proton Lock, for example, and real life has the Stunner. Additionally, there are workers who that basically have a finisher that's more over than they are due to how impressive it is. The C-Verse has a handful of these (or at least that's what their bio says) and in real life there's folks like Jody Fleisch and his 720 DDT. (Insert that one diehard Jody Fleisch fan now, I guess. 😅)


So the basic idea of how I think this should work is a move with more popularity than the worker could give their performance rating and thus the match a minor buff when the worker in question is booked to win and can use that particular finisher to do so. Generated workers (who steal from existing moves, as is known) don't start with really any pop of their own so it could give them a little buff if a company decides to get behind them. The downside of this is that the game is already tracking popularity for workers and companies. Doing the same for finishers might stress the code framework too much or something. Or just be too much work for too little benefit. I dunno much about coding, y'know?


Anyway, thanks for reading and at least considering, and have a good day.

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