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XCK Release - Fantasy Mod (The American Boom)

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V1.01 https://www.mediafire.com/file/4r6n5ntoo96iau1/XCK_v1.01.rar/file update log in whiteboard
A fantasy mod set in a world where wrestling is dominated by one Japanese company and interest is just now starting to creep up in America. You can pick between being the Japanese powerhouse and the rising promotions in America, fighting to become the clear top promotion in the country or you could explore the rest of the world, set up with bits and pieces around the regions. 



-This is a first version that I'm putting out just to give the people that want to play something that isn't cverse really

-I have an expansions of Mexico and Canada already planned, suggestions would be appreciated still

-The biggest problem with the mod personally is the lack of images, I'm looking at what I can do for it to skip hours of manual work, going to see what I can do

-Again, rough first version, I wasn't planning on releasing this for some time as I worked on it for TEW20, decided to just throw it out there and maybe get some feedback too for the release of TEW IX.

-Big thanks to john_connerson and the RWC modders for letting me take some database parts to help with functionality, much appreciated help.

Edited by reg
new update on the mod
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