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A few quality-of-life suggestions

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  1. The added keyboard functionality is great, but why not go all out and have a bunch of keyboard functionality? In the match booking screen, "b" could trigger Book Segment, "r" Road Agent Notes, etc. In terms of UI, it's already set up where the more important buttons are yellow, I'd maybe expand the yellow buttons and have them all tied to a key? More keyboard functionality is good for accessibility's sake.
  2. Speaking of Road Agent Notes, hopefully clicking the whole box will bring up that screen again. Right now you have to click on the button itself, which I mean I'll get used to it eventually if I have to but its muscle memory to click into the box, and its also a much bigger target than the button.
  3. For worker profiles, I really think a lot of people will miss having the status, skills, popularity, etc all visible on one screen. But I think the new idea could be improved if you could set a different tab as the default view? For example, as someone who often doesn't use dispositions or gimmicks I don't know how often I'm ever going to look at the company status tab -- if I'm eg looking for new workers I'm going to have already filtered to wrestlers who will work in my area, so being able to set the "skills" or "popularity" tab as default would be so much better. Right now, anytime I go into the roster screen my first click is going to have to be a different tab. But, if we could set one of these tabs as the default, at least then the user could decide which information is more important to them. 

  4. As someone who books a lot of tag matches I'd love the option to limit the match history page to just singles matches (the way we currently can for title matches). If I'm looking at the history between two wrestlers often I'm not gonna care about when they met in tag matches on tour shows, I want to check what happened when they wrestled one-on-one.

  5. I would love an auto-fill feature for battle royals. While I definitely like the new way wrestlers move from the normal list to the competitors list when you add them a battle royal, 99% of the time I'm booking a battle royal it's with everyone who doesn't have a match already. So, it would save 10-60 clicks if there was just an "Add All" button to move everyone from the roster list into the competitors list.

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