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TEW IX Current Patch (1.19)

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You can download the latest patch (1.19) for the retail version HERE.

You can download the latest patch (1.17) for the trial version HERE. (Please note that the trial is not updated as frequently as the retail version and so may be of a lesser version number.)

To install: Make sure TEW9 is not running, then simply unzip the file you downloaded and use the TEW9.EXE file you find inside to replace your existing copy. If successful, you will see the current version number written in the taskbar when you run the game.

Alternate versions for people having issues with the patches

We understand that some people are struggling to download the patch due to being incorrectly flagged up by antivirus software.

As an alternative, retail users can download THIS FILE to install the latest version.

As an alternative, trial users can download THIS FILE to install the latest version.

To install: It is an installer that will refresh all your files to the most up-to-date versions (exactly as if you re-ran the main installer). It does not affect save games or any other extra content that you have added, only the files that originally came with the game. If you run it and install over the top of your existing copy, it should upgrade you to the latest version without triggering your antivirus.

Change Log

1.20 (not yet released)

- Altered the Urban Strong Style and Wild West Strong Style products so that important matches need to be at least 15 minutes long, not 20 as they were before, by request

- Altered some products so that they don't use the Aerial skill, in the same way that some already don't use the Hardcore skill, by request

- Altered the Punk Rock Lucha Libre product so that they have 6 different potential aims that must make up half the show, rather than 4, by request

- Added Roster and Teams buttons to the tournament booking screens, by request

- Fixed a variety of smaller issues from the Typos & Small Issues thread


- Fixed RTE13 crash that would happen if the user clicked to view Birthdays in the office screen when a member of the roster had a leap year birthday

- Altered it so that worker booking skills can increase over time naturally during their prime years, by request 

- Altered it so that mentors can pass on booking tips to their proteges, by request

- Fixed an issue where some of the new narratives didn't allow the specifying of a company or incorrectly gave a strength option when it didn't make sense to

- Fixed an issue whereby deleting events and then creating new ones could lead to them sharing an ID number, meaning that past histories could be shown relating to the deleted event when viewing the new one (NB the patch prevents this from occurring in the future, but does not fix already incorrect data; existing incorrect data is purely cosmetic and does not affect anything else)

- Altered it so that when negotiating broadcasting deals for a TV show, the Purpose box will automatically not show the options that only apply to events, to make it more intuitive

- Altered the pay-per-view overuse code to lessen the penalties if the offending events were held in different calendar months, by request

- Fixed a variety of smaller issues from the Typos & Small Issues thread


- Added code to automatically remove conflicting attributes if the user tries to add an attribute to a worker that contradicts one he already has

- Added code to stop a crash that could occur if the user tried to import from a category that had more than the legal 32700 items in it

- A crash could happen if the user tried to add contract data via the external editor and had given illegal / incorrectly spelled data for a handful of items

- Fixed a crash if using the Suggest Name button when adding a new TV show via the company editor

- Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Options > Quick Fill utility to generate new companies

- Fixed a rare issue, mostly for historical databases, where some titles could end up continually being vacated on the 13th of each month

- Altered the era New Company Frequency setting so that it applies to all new company generation, including 'gap filling', which it previously didn't

- Removed the potential for a locker room morale penalty for being disappointed with a show's quality to occur when the show was not an important one

- Reduced the minimum time required for a Technical Masterclass from 15 minutes to 10, by request

- Altered the Bar Room Entertainment product's match requirements so that Comedy is part of the existing requirements rather than separate, by request

- Raised the possible contribution of match quality to a segment's rating to 70% for Classic Southern Wrestling, Classic Wild West and Episodic Wild West, by request

- Altered the No-Style Style product to allow comedy gimmicks for major stars and stars, by request

- Altered the Attitude Entertainment product to allow the hiring of adult entertainers, by request

- Altered the Competitive Entertainment product to allow Technical Masterclass as a third acceptable match aim, by request

- Added a new product, All-In Nerd Nirvana, a spin-off from Wrestling Nerd Nirvana, by request

- Added a new product, Exodus Puroresu, a spin-off from Royal Puroresu, by request

- Added a new product, Competitive Lucha Libre, by request

- Altered the two Nerd Nirvana products to be attractive to sponsors, by request

- Added a new feature to Options, Sandbox Editor, which allows the user to remove status effects like injuries, hiatuses, etc, by request

- Altered it so that geo tags can be used in conjunction with fixed locations and venues

- Fixed a variety of smaller issues from the Typos & Small Issues thread


- Fixed an issue with end of month tax / general misc expenses / legal costs being incorrectly applied in some situations

- Fixed the Remote Help > picturecheck code as it would cause a crash

- Addressed a rare issue whereby an owner with no positions on the roster who retired could end up being released from his own company and create a scenario where the company was unable to replace him

- Fixed RTE3061 when using narrative requirements relating to the active status of media groups

- Fixed RTE6 that could occur if the user turned off creative energy requirements and advanced a significant number of shows into the future without spending any of their stored CE

- Addressed an issue where a character working elsewhere that night could still contribute to the booking team

- Added extra code to improve the AI's use of celebrities

- Altered the small roster penalty code so that injured wrestlers now count as being part of the roster, making things easier on the player and avoiding issues with mid-show injuries causing them to receive a penalty

- Altered the attendance code so that instead of limiting cards with little or no importance to around the 10k mark, it is instead the 'next level up' of closer to 20k; this brings it into line with the updated TV attendances that were introduced in a previous patch and stops TV shows getting bigger attendances than events in scenarios where the company has huge popularity but events that have no importance

- Added an Exclude Already Booked button when pre booking matches, by request

- Added new narrative effects to add Movie Star, Adult Entertainment, Political Interest and Modelling Experience attributes to workers, by request

- Added seven new narrative effects to alter a company's max size setting, by request

- Added an automatic check-and-warn if the user tries to book a count out or DQ finish whilst also giving a contradictory Clean / Tainted finish note, by request

- Altered it so that a company rising or falling in size affects the booker's reputation, by request

- Modified the Working The Crowd angle role so that it is now rated on Charisma or Microphone (using whichever is higher, with Star Quality providing a small bonus if appropriate) rather than a blend as it used to do; if Charisma is used then potential penalties regarding speaking length / languages do not apply. This change effectively makes Working The Crowd identical to how "rated on Charisma / Microphone" worked in TEW2020.

- Added extra code to the Data Check to automatically fix missing biographies and / or pictures if the user is attempting to use a database with illegal / broken data in it

- Allowed the user character to be put on house show duty despite their contract type

- Toned down number of negative incidents on AI shows, reduced the impact on a worker's reputation from being in one, and reduced the impact of severe negative locker room morale on match and angle grades (human and AI), all by request

- Added the ability to use the Talk To Worker section to ask one of your workers to come back early from excursion if they are unemployed, by request

- Added a new element to certain products that makes them, when AI controlled, more likely to hire workers who have the Adult Entertainment attribute, by request

- Added Disciplinarian and Soft Touch attributes, which make a worker harsher or softer when deciding how they punish misbehaving workers when in the Head Of Talent Relations or head booker role, by request

- Added Amateur Wrestler attribute, which acts similar to Gymnastic Background in that it raises certain skill caps, by request

- Removed the penalties for doing male eye candy matches, by request 

- Fixed a variety of smaller issues from the Typos & Small Issues thread


- Fixed RTE3075 when trying to autobook an event that had an annual title linked to it

- Fixed a glitch where the user was mistakenly asked to resign before taking up the ownership role if they were already booker of the company

- Fixed a RTE13 when mass adding graduate records that would result in duplicate names

- Blocked a potential glitch where the user could force an illegal state where a tag title would only be partially held

- Added code to speed up a loading bump that could occur when checking repetitive booking for a company that had a significant number of eligible matches over the past six months

- Changed the way that applying a Character Idea creative idea works so that it impacts both long and short term momentum to make it more useful

- Improved the game's ability to generate new owners in situations where an area has a severe lack of eligible candidates to take over new companies

- Added the ability to reset a roster's Competes In data, by request 

- Added a pre booking button to the Give Night Off screen, by request 

- Added a pre-game warning if the database has been set up with an illegal number of TV shows on the same day for a company, by request

- Added Last Seen to the Give Night Off screen, by request

- Changed the American Indian race type to Native American, by request

- Changed the terminology used for some nationalities, by request

- Updated the broadcaster deal autoname feature to include the broadcaster name where possible, by request

- Fixed a variety of smaller issues from the Typos & Small Issues thread


- Fixed a rare RTE3061 that could occur during modAILockerRoom.Figureheads

- Fixed an issue where out of ring injuries could sometimes happen in an in-ring scenario

- Fixed an issue that could occur when trying to add new free pictures via the external editing tool

- Fixed a minor issue where a media scrum reaction could refer to 'None' rather than the person's name

- Addressed an issue with mass editing hall of fames not counting trios titles

- Addressed an issue where if the user took on an avatar who was already part of the booking team or inner circle they would incorrectly retain those positions and be unable to be removed

- Improved full and sweep brand split usage effectiveness for companies with enormous roster

- Added in a set of new celebrity-based narrative requirements and effects, by request

- Added in a new angle role, Making The Save, by request

- Addressed smaller issues and typos


- Importing workers and then using track progress to look at their mental skill progression could cause RTE94

- Fixed an issue where an AI company could occasionally sign TV deals that broke the rules regarding exclusivity

- Fixed RTE3070 during the post show section 'pre_book_failures'

- Fixed RTE3061 if the user applied the Appease reaction to a social media-related incident

- Fixed a graphical glitch where notes regarding worker overuse could sometimes be inconsistent 

- Fixed an issue where the AI could mistakenly be prevented from creating new stables

- Fixed RTE91 when the user tried to end an affiliation with a training facility

- Upgraded the AI regarding their production levels so that they better take into account their monthly profit/loss figures for the past three months and aren't quite so willing to go aggressively against an opponent

- Raised TV attendance figures for larger companies and gave extra boost for Historic and Legendary events, by request

- Adjusted AI television booking for B shows to avoid use of Major Stars and Stars even if they are eligible for use to achieve more realistic results

- Added a Discard button to quickly remove creative ideas that the user has no use for, by request

- Added automatic naming of hiring rules, by request

- Added the ability to filter by hotbeds when picking a venue for the evening, by request

- Added hints at personal relationships that are positive or negative but not yet fully formed in a worker's Personal Details screen, by request

- Addressed smaller issues and typos


- Fixed RTE3464 when searching for workers with no gimmick

- Fixed some RTE3265 crashes that could occur with specific question / answer combinations in the media scrum

- Fixed an issue where clearing a touring schedule could result in an incorrect block on reusing a tour name

- Fixed a rare issue where a worker could refuse to work with a specific opponent in some contexts but not others

- Fixed a rare crash that could occur in the converter when applied to a 2013-era database

- Fixed an error where the owner goal related to maximum roster size could give an incorrect limit number

- Fixed a glitch with warnings regarding eye candy matches when pre-booking

- Fixed an issue where dealing with locker room incidents could cause the game to appear to hang, leading to issues if the user didn't wait for the loading to complete

- Fixed an issue where Experience could skyrocket up to 20 for rookie workers who had a specific combination of attributes

- Added the ability to search the main workers section by sexuality, by request

- Added a feature whereby if the user changes a worker's name or short name in the editor, it will automatically offer to update any contracts that are likely to want the same change; this is to prevent the issue where some players don't realise that you have to edit both

- Fixed a variety of smaller issues from the Typos & Small Issues thread


- Fixed potential crash when creating a round robin tournament when one has already been made

- Fixed a glitch where the Remove All button on the shortlist was invisible

- Fixed a glitch where two titles with the same name could be created by the AI

- Fixed RTE94 that could occur when running shows if the user had imported companies into a live game

- Fixed RTE6 that could occur in the options > editor if the number of items in a category exceeded 32,000

- Fixed a graphical glitch where the Apply To Worker part of the Picture Changer editor appeared to not save even though it actually did

- Fixed glitch where workers could be given the night off even if they'd already worked elsewhere that night

- Fixed minor issue with the free pictures editor search not saving positions correctly

- Fixed minor issue where a newly generated worker's Competes Against setting could be incorrect

- Altered the AI creation of titles so that lesser brands don't get them, by request

- Added contract expiry date to the "currently employed by" text when viewing workers, by request

- Added finisher information to organic biography generation, by request

- Added automatic brand recognition to the angle booking, by request

- Altered the naming format of tag teams to take into account stables when shown during a user-booked show to match the AI format, by request

- Altered the auto naming format when generating creative ideas so that it gives the expiry date rather than creation date, by request

- Added a warning to the Give Night Off section if you attempt to give a worker the night off and they are in a pre-booking that is scheduled for the same night, by request

- Added the number of days remaining to the Absences screen alongside the return date, by request

- Added a "Show Currently Involved Only" option when booking workers into an angle, by request

- Added three new angle-specific road agent notes to allow storyline victories without the associated negative impact on the loser, by request


- Fixed RTE3021 if clicking the picture of a head trainer during the evening training report message

- Fixed potential RTE3265 when a tribute show was being moved forward after running

- Fixed potential RET383 error when using the broadcaster change search screen in the editor

- Added more robust handling of pre-set tours to handle a greater range of content

- Added code to make the Match History button when booking run faster when there's a lot of data to sift through

- Fixed issue where an AI-generated alliance could cause a crash when its titles were viewed

- Fixed potential crash in "factor_in_relationships" during between days loading

- Fixed RTE3421 for non-English users when using the Quick Fill button to add broadcasters

- Fixed issue with name value matches not appending their name to the end of match reports

- Added more robust handling of B shows by request

- Added in the ability to mass edit auto name company relationships, worker relationships and chemistry as a quality of life feature for database makers by request

- Reduced the impact of positive post-show speeches by request

- Increase the frequency of career goals being assigned by request

- Increased the chance of the AI adding people to its booking team by request

- Various fixes / changes from the typos and small issues thread


- Fixed RTE3010 if the user turned a save game into a database and then tried to start a new save game via it

- Fixed RTE3021 if attempting to promote a figurehead heir when no figurehead exists

- Fixed potential RTE91 during loading during "check_for_ageing"

- Fixed a glitch that could mean some AI titles would be incorrectly retired and replaced after one year of gameplay had elapsed

- Workers given the night off were not counting towards the minimum roster penalty when they should

- Fixed potential RTE94 during loading if the user had used the Database Populate button in the options menu to add new companies during gameplay

- Blocked RTE3020 from happening if the user attempted to import broken narratives into a live save game

- Blocked user from trying to activate surgery on absences that do not have a surgical option

- Fixed a rare glitch with the search parameters that could mean a worker would be incorrectly left out of the Borrow worker list during the booking of a show

- Added further code to the converter to auto-correct 2020 databases that had illegal alliance memberships

- Fixed various things from the typos / small issues thread


- Fixed issue with crashes when trying to induct someone into a hall of fame during gameplay

- Fixed potential crash when creating a new tournament

- Upgraded the On This Day editor by request

- Fixed graphical glitches and small errors from the technical support forum

Public Beta 8 (1.08)

- Fixed a crash that could occur if chose to remove a company during set-up phase that had workers out on development deals at the time (requires save games to be restarted)

- Fixed issue if the user attempted to do alliance loans while nobody else was in the alliance

- Fixed potential RTE3265 crash while booking ("intimidation_tactics")

- Fixed potential RTE3021 when deploying a story idea during a show if the idea had already been used up

- Stopped workers from offering to put over workers who weren't in the same division

- Fixed crash would occur when using the languagecheck code

- Fixed issue with merchandise cut appearing to not have saved properly when going back into an edited contract

- Fixed potential issue with the Affiliated With link for training facilities becoming incorrect when importing

- Made angle roles appear in alphabetical order by request

- Fixed a variety of typos and small issues from the tech support thread

Public Beta 7 (1.07)

- Reduced the minimum weight from 75 to 60 throughout the game by request

- Fixed issue with the attributes to overwrite mini classification not always working

- Fixed crash when processing pre-show incidents if there was a figurehead heir but no figurehead

- Added extra code to find and fix issue in some converted 2020 databases where a training facility would be linked to a company that didn't exist

- Fixed issues with free picture searches

- Added code to find and fix issues in some converted 2020 databases where contract start dates were missing a defined month

- Fixed issues from the typos / small errors thread and some graphical glitches

Public Beta 6 (1.06)

- Reduced number of backstage fights by request

- Reduced frequency of weather incidents by request

- Added code to stop companies rehiring workers who left shortly before the game began by request

- Added a text option in the data check to allow copy and pasting of the data by request

- Added extra data check to stop illegal data where there are more than one tag team in the same company with the same name

- Fixed RTE265 when using the auto booker

- Fixed RTE6 when using the auto booker if the user had added 60+ people into a segment beforehand

- Fixed issue with the button to give a worker on your roster their default mask not functioning

- Fixed various small issues and typos from tech support thread

Public Beta 5 (1.05)

- Fixed issue with narratives regarding company names / initials not functioning correctly in the editor

- Fixed mentor / protege order issue when generating biographies in the editor

- Fixed RTE3265 during a match when looking at "match specialism"

- Fixed RTE3022 during end of show "add_to_prima"

- Changed it so that the AI will only offer PPA touring contracts regardless of size by request

- Fixed several minor issues from the Typos thread

Public Beta 4 (1.04)

- Added fixes to try and solve the issue some people were having with angles glitching and causing crashes when run

- Fixed RTE3265 when using the Intervention button during the pre-show

- Added code to try and fix the issue some people were having with being unable to edit booking chemistry from Options

- Added additional code to stop a potential issue when re-importing venues via the external editor

- Fixed RTE383 when searching for workers in Western India and then returning to the search screen

- Fixed issue with workers not appearing in the Options editor

- Provided additional code to stop an issue whereby some companies in specific mods could continually do full drafts

- Fixed crash the could occur in converter when doing companies for some 2020 databases

- Tidied up some screens and small issues that were brought up

Public Beta 3 (1.03)

- Additional fixes for the Runtime Error 13 issues that some European players were experiencing

- Crash when using the in-game editor to kill off a worker

- Fixed two crashes that could occur when going through a media scrum

- Fixed potential crash when viewing the Figurehead Heir

- Fixed potential crash when resigning from an alliance

- Fixed potential crash when signing a high value worker

- Fixed Runtime Error 3079 between days ("news_item_except_fed")

- Fixed issues that could occur when using the Quick Fill screen

- Fixed potential Runtime Error 6 when accessing pre-booking and looking at a TV show

- Upgraded the converter to handle more instances of illegal data being in 2020 databases

- Fixed potential Runtime Error 3078 when leaving the game after visiting the pre-booking screen

- Fixed potential Runtime Error 94 between days if the user had opened their own company

- Fixed missing block from being able to offer nothing in a talent trade scenario

- Fixed issue with venue hire costs being incorrectly calculated

- Fixed potential Runtime Error 6 during loading ("calculate_tour_start_days_away")

- Fixed potential crash when editing a contract in-game with maximum length

- Fixed issue when "short year" setting for events not saving correctly

- Fixed potential missing background when viewing a child company's booking team

- Fixed issue with eye candy matches being incorrectly penalised

- Potentially fixed issue with a head trainer walking out prior to the show and causing a crash during training session

Public Beta 2 (1.02)

- Potential fix to Runtime Error 13 that some European players were experiencing

- Fixes Runtime Error 3079 when auto-naming an angle

- Fixes issue with a chief enforcer being able to get into trouble with himself

- Fixes Runtime Error 6 with regard to responses to firings

- Fixes Runtime Error 6 when using the automatic biography generator in the editor

- Fixes Runtime Error 6 for frmControlAdvance.set_up_list

- Fixes crashes caused by trying to convert databases which contained illegal data and for hall of immortals / hall of fames that did not contain induction dates

- Fixes issue where prebooking would incorrectly state that an event was too soon

- Fixes Runtime Error 3265 when trying to generate new companies via the in-game options menu

- Fixes issue with the availability calendar sometimes losing the ability to scroll backward

- Fixes Runtime Error 340 if outputting an angle with more than 13 people in it

- Fixes issues with the booking team generating double chemistry reports and double relationships

- Fixes problem with some website screens not being able to use the return to website button

- Fixes issue whereby some attributes could not be searched by

Public Beta 1 (1.01)

As released.

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