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Massive roster changes how do you replace a hall of famer like Dead Bolt and a star like Little Bill Lebowski! 

Jokes aside losing Nelson and Ash was tough. Both going to CWA is surprising.

Backstage losing Eric Tyler and JD Morgan makes it kinda hectic. Madman Boone not getting a nice sendoff sucks, but live by the sword die by the sword. 


Keeping Steel Circle, Xavi Ferrera, and Sayeed Ali are great for the roster. I hope the AI doesnt target Ernest too fast lol. 

Additions of Latino Kings, Chip Martin, Hot Taggs, and Dumfrey Pinn are solid. I like Pinn Enterprises as midcard stable. 


Logan Wolfsbaine is PSW Champ (face)

Austin Smooth is PSW National Champ (face) 

Blood Solders are PSW Tag Champs (heel)


I think the struggle with PSW will be getting healthy financially and looking for whomever to join the main event scene. 

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Just now, Dawn said:

Sounds like a pretty exciting roster. Should take a look.

The roster in 2020 was I think the strongest. It’s def taken a step back but still have major pieces to build around. Any roster with Ernest Youngman and Logan Wolfsbaine is a solid roster. 

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I have been a PSW main since my first TEW (2016), although in 2020 I spent more time on Real World mods. New roster is decent to work with in the demo, but I agree losing Callum and Ash is a tough loss. Ernest Youngman is a great heel and feuding with Logan Wolfsbaine was an easy 49-50 minimum, which is good for that level of fed.

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My production value and music is lower than RIPW leading to show rating being damaged but overall first 7 months down. I moved Homecoming to day 398 of Logan Wolfsbaine title reign so if he won hed become longest reigning PSW champ of all time. Also, if he won Ernest Youngman is unable to challenge for title until a new champ is crowned. Marco Gonzalez debuted costing Latino Kings the title and becoming the newest member of Steel Circle. Ozzie Goldstein showed up backstage one day and started dating Kammy or Venus so I wanted to sign him. Chip Martin has been getting a steady push he's allies with Logan Wolfsbaine which can lead to fun dynamic once Chip more skilled. 

Greg Black was a free agent in march so I signed him. He put over Ernest Youngman but got a win back teaming with LW & Chip over Steel Circle. Xavi (who is gonna turn heel) wanted a 1on1 match with Greg to see if Xavi can win "the big one." Gonna have Xavi & Greg team up for a match, R&F are gonna challenge Greg to a tag title match, but Greg is gonna team with his friend Benny Benson. Leading to Xavi feeling betrayed costing them the match and jump starting his heel run. 

We profited 5k-15k the past 3 months and I think weekly shows can start in 2023. Game world wise theres been a handful of contracts expired & not renewed (Benson, Drake Young, Eddie Chandler, Greg Black, Hoss Handley, Jeremie Courtney, John Greed, and Trent Shaffer). Otherwise, SWF picked up Aldous Blackfriar, IPW/GSW keep stealing talent from eachother,  and Remo is jumping to USPW.



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33 minutes ago, The Superman 3 of People said:

In 2020 I brought Greg Black into PSW for a gold watch title reign and he just never produced the results I wanted. A year into my game he was in the midcard on eight-man tag duty. Hope you have better luck with him!

He's actually been improving in stats like consistency and basics. 7 matches in he is getting mid to high 60s ratings in matches (which is very good for PSW early on). I have no plans to give him title but If he continues to get better I might have to consider it. He's a future PSW hall of famer given his 4x title reigns, solid in locker room, and I feel like he can be a good gatekeeper type guy as long as stats (image below) are decent. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Another PSW Homecoming down. Greg Black won "Deadly Games" (tag match where pinfall loser fired & the 3 left fight for title match) and beat Logan Wolfsbaine. This lead to debate of who is best ever PSW Champ (notable other names would be Grandmaster Phunk or Nelson Callum). Ernest winning to start a new reign of terror. 

Harlem Haynes is a pimp type character and Chip Martin white meat babyface. February (dating Ernest backstage now) wasnt helping Harlem win. Double stipulation of title vs valet contract. 

Sayeed Ali & Xavier Reckless just two bad asses looking to fight. Austin Smooth was chasing Steel Circle for costing him a title match. Rich & Famous regain the Tag Titles. I never been able to book Xavi Ferrera to his potential. I was gonna do from the bottom to the top type deal (spoiler!) but he put his resignation in. Might just let him chill at FCW for awhile until I have a good idea. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Another year down, and best show yet. TCW made it to big so their production wasnt hurting our show rating anymore. Ernest Youngman has stayed as champion, although he choose to dissolve the Steel Circle. Jake Idol left to SWF, Jackpot Jordan & Marco Gonzalez have been underwhelming so Ernest the egomaniac booted them. Logan Wolfsbaine much like Ernest had to in Homecoming 22' agreed if he lost wont challenge Ernest again. Again, Ernest said that wasnt enough & Madman Boone (GM) had to put his position on line as well. So going forward Ernest is champion and GM.

Austin Smooth after failing to beat Ernest joined up in a tag team with Robbie Wright. Was gonna lead to one of them turning heel and feuding but they have great chemistry so Im keeping them as a tag for foreseeable future. Hardcore Handley joined company and rose up card basic feud over National Title. Cowboy Buck & Dustin Deuce are a tag team but Deuce felt like he had to prove himself. Teasing a heel turn type story, but its the start of their rise up card as singles & occasional tag. 

Jackpot Jordan was flirty to February leading to this match, during match Original Sinner (not connected to Chip or Jackpot) entered the fray and distracted Chip leading to Jackpot winning. This will lead to Chip losing February to Original Sinner (Ernest forces it), and Chip rise up card to get revenge. 

Mace Mueller is the muscle for Pinn Enterprises and Xavier Reckless (at time of booking was #2 face on roster) this is to help keep Pinn Enterprises (Devil Dog, Hot Taggs, and retired Dumfrey Pinn) as top heels. 

Harlem Haynes was signed by TCW hes 41 and I kinda hit limit with his aggressive pimp character (Grandmaster Phunk help me up for money so I fired him before they could feud). Mobstar is someone I havent booked but feel like good way to join company. 

Sayeed Ali desperate to be champion. Was feuding with Xavier Reckless & Greg Black most of year as they were top contenders to Ernest. Even lost to Ernest in a match. Pretty basic story of Sayeed desperate to be champ but will lead to being a pseudo lackey for Youngman. 

Over the next year Ernest as GM will lead to some alliances and feuds im excited for. He will pit the faces against each other, and reward people who do him favors all the while being the champion. Im going to break the bank for a major signing to be in main event at PSW Homecoming 2025. Where hopefully we show our first Pay Per View. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

In 2024 Youngman defeated Wolfsbaine making him not only champion but GM. Leading to Ernest becoming Champion & GM. He pitted the roster against each other a ton and had a record length reign although still defended it. Nelson Callum became available (CWA was gonna let him walk). I figured Nelson coming back to "save PSW" from Ernest would lead to cool avenues where down the line Nelson can turn heel. Americana was signed in January and rose up card easily. He forfeited his title shot due to "injury" to a "former PSW Champ."  Nelson won the title at our 2nd pay per view and as part of granting Youngman a rematch, they had a 5v5 where Team Callum won bringing Madman back as GM. 

*During main event Logan Wolfsbaine helped Ernest Youngman beat Nelson Callum & regain title. Madman since becoming GM again has put Youngman through Hell so its Wolfsbaine having a loyalty to his former mentor. So going forward LW is a heel but its a question as to his loyalty to Steel Circle or rest of PSW. 

Xavi Ferrera quit under Madmans previous reign as GM. Ernest brought him back as an ally and Xavi has been effective. Dustin Deuce won our KOTR (BMF) but title shot was right away & lost. He & Cowboy are part time partners. Deuce is like my smackdown six Edge. Sayeed was forced to quit due to match stipulation but was brought back as he helped Youngman retain vs Cowboy. So naturally they feuded. 

Austin Smooth & Robbie Wright were pitted against each other but stuck together to take down The Hot Taggs of Pinn Enterprises (Mace Mueller & Big Bruiser Findlay as well in PE). Smooth & Delightful (Wright) were forced to defend their tag titles weekly after Homecoming 24' as part of EY as GM.  DMC & Greg Black defeated Legion of Blood in a throwaway. Mobstar is a bonafide main eventer just havent been able to fit him in right story. Hes constantly impressing me with ratings, might be in line for Title (Cowboy as well). Jackpot is like midcard Miz annoying. 


Youngman made Chip Martins life hell & his valet February was forced to valet Original Sinner. OGS eventually hit her with his finish & this is Chip getting his revenge. He's pretty much capped at skills and only 26 sadly so he might be midcard mainstay. Original Sinner on otherhand continues to improve only has 26 experience and solid. 

When Latino Kings broke up Hector feuded w/ Rudy & broke his neck this was return. Marco renounced Latino Kings but agreed to team w/ Hector. They have good chem so although fragile I might right w/ Hector & Marco as a team. 

Xavier Reckless & Wolfsbaine were tag champ but lost titles to Hot Taggs. Reckless turned heel not trusting Wolfsbaine thinking he's paired with Youngman. This was a set up of the  LW heel turn. 

Having your world champ as GM stirring the pot with faces and giving favors to heel made last year of in game ton of fun. 230k PPV buys (also our highest viewed show), and first PPV on U-Demand. SWF & TCW both medium so my production values lower. USPW signs literally everyone haha (havent stolen from me yet). 

Special Note: All faces won aside from Ernest Youngman as a heel with the LW heel turn. 



Edited by JrSquared
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