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I love the new angle feature but...

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Hi, long-time TEW player here (13, 16, 20, now IX). I want to start by saying that I love the new angle feature. It's very, very cool, and once I've mastered it, I'll probably love it, and the quick fill angle screen is pretty cool, but I do think there is something to be said for players who prefer simplicity. If it's possible to do so, I'd love to see an option to have preset angles or even to save angles that you've done. Let's take the WWE, for instance - how many times a show do we see interviews? Having an easy interview segment template would make it so much easier to book, and that's what I used "Hype: 1 vs 1" for a lot of the time. 

If it's doable, adding preset angles would strengthen the game and make the game more accessible to fans that aren't quite hardcore, but aren't casual either, or even casual fans, so I think it would be a win-win for all of us. 

Thank you!

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