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FREEDOM Caribbean Wrestling lost four of 2020's six major stars but are even bigger (up from 31 to 37 in Puerto Rico) thanks to a little help from Argentina...












Puerto Rican Championship: Santiago Gallardo (first reign, 177 days, 4 defences, 48 prestige)

People's Championship: Davis Wayne Newton (first reign, 51 days, 0 defences, 32 prestige)

Tag Team Championship: Franco and Arturo Gallardo (second reign, 23 days, 0 defences, 32 prestige)

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I’ve never played an FCW save but got really invested in them after reading three fun 2020 dynasties, and it seems like they’ve seen some pretty dramatic changes over the last two years.

Of their six Major Stars, Billy Russell and Handsome Stranger have retired and Bradford Peverell (TCW) and Kip Keenan (SWF) were picked up. Also leaving FCW are Joffy Laine (CWA), King Kong Kennedy (retirement) and The Latino Kings (PSW).

On the bright side, Mutant, Xavi Ferrera and Davis Wayne Newton remained and there’s a new name on top in Argentina’s Santiago Gallardo, who comes complete with a six-strong family stable taking over FCW. It’s pretty cool to have a whole new group, storyline and roster dynamic to play with. It reminds me a bit of the Calicchio family in the ThunderVerse’s IWF, who I played with recently.

Two existing roster members who look interesting are lean Ox Mastadon, who turned babyface and won the top title for the first time, only to lose it the same night, and Marco Gonzalez who, though still only 20 years old, is now Well Known with Very Warm momentum.

Also standing out is the removal of the face-heel divide, which I found really liberating with DIW in 2020, still having a loose sense of disposition but feeling less restricted when putting cards together.

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I largely ignored FCW before but they look primed for a fun save this time around. I'd probably book it as a real throwback with lots of brawls and tags, my big year 1 idea is probably to run a War Games style match with the Gallardo's against the main babyfaces of the company to weave together the stories for all of the belts. Not sure who to have dethrone Santiago, I'm probably not going all in on Mutant just yet so it'll be someone out of the current title picture probably

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wondering if anyone has attempted an FCW save? I'm three years deep now on mine and having a blast! Would love to see how others have tackled them? 
First six months were building blocks getting people over - specifically pulling the trigger on the Gallardo Cartel. Davis Wayne Newton was screwed out of his People's title to Diego Gallardo, at the hands of a major beating by the Gallardo Brothers. 

Next 12 months was the domination of the Cartel - cheating to win constantly, interferances, brutal beat downs. Of note was the Gallardos targetting the Gonzalez family and (kayfabe) injuring Carlos leaving Marco with a blood feud againt Diego who planned the hit. 
Davis Wayne Newton stepped up against Santiago and the Puerto Rican Boys joined in to stand up for FREEDOM. This culminated in a War Games match at the Fight for Freedom - if the FREEDOM team won, they all got title matches, and if anyone interfered they would be fired. 

Across the next three monthly events every title changed hands, and the Cartel were finished. (For now) 

DWN become a monster star - huge ratings and pop... until he was snapped up by TCW, along with Xavi Ferrera (who in an in ring master now!) 
Papa Gallardo retired, Arturo and Franco were released because they were dragging every match down from the start. I gave Santiago, Diego, and Rosa a three month break before retuning under masks as El Diablo Rojo, El Rey Oscuro,  La Princesa Blanca - who took to beating up Davis Wayne Newton before El Diablo Rojo took off his mask and revealed the return of the Cartel. 

The loss of Davis and Xavi hit hard, and year three was spent consolodating the business, both financially and in ring. I ran a three month Tag Tournament Round Robin with two groups - the FREEDOM Cup. The winner were Texas Justice. Unfortunately it turned out they hated losing to anyone, had a rubbish locker room morale and were signed by TCW on an exclusive a month later. 

Also a minor grievance - TCW kept signing all my referees! Three times the sniped them from me. Currently have the Female Referee of the Year Kerrie Maconie though...


There have also been some excellent feuds such as Ox Mastodon and Mutant having a blood feud best of 7 series - ending with Mutant winning 3-2 (two draws!) - they became a tag team. Very much followed The Bar for that and they won the tag titles. 
Juggernaut Jones has become a top star with the People's Championship - he is now arguably too popular for it and i need to find a way for him to lose the belt whilst not losing momentum, and to bounce him straight into the main event. 

Marco Gonzalez has become the Puerto Rican Champion, beating Santiago in a four way match - it was very emotional - winning the belt in honour of his father. 


Managing the business was harder over that time - i lost money for most of the first two years, the economy and industry have not gottten above average. Starting weak, dropping to very weak, raising to average, only to go back down to very weak.
I've turned the corner there and even managed to raise up some of my production to reduce the penalties I've been eating. Still need to bring up Production VAlues and Music, but that will depend on the economy.

I signed to WrestleWorld pretty quickly. My size is now between 9-12 in every US and Canadian region and I just hit 50 in Puerto Rico after my Season Finale of 2024.


2025 feels harder to book, keep people relevant, but would love to know what others are doing with it! 


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TCW are the scourge of good referees in my saves too.


I did not know they do not have a heel/face divide and now I'm probably going to delete my TCW save and introduce full-blown criminal warfare as a style of wrestling.


Is it cheating to make Merle O'Curle & Padraig O'Hearne active in Puerto Rico?  

Edited by elmiticomark
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