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I really love Eras and some of the additions to eras this year, but one thing I think is missing from the game currently is some kind of allude to Kayfabe and the strength of it. I'm thinking along the lines of a setting in Eras where we can have Kayfabe set on a scale of "Massive" to "Non-existent" with there being a number of different possible effects;

  1. At a high Kayfabe strength, the likelihood of relationship events occurring is dramatically decreased for opposite dispositions - to highlight that outside of backstage at a show, heels and faces would not spend a lot of time together outside of the ring. 
  2. Kayfabe scandals, similar to existing scandals except during high strength Kayfabe eras you could encounter scandals such as a gimmicked wrestler being caught out of character, or a heel and a face caught socialising, providing momentum hits to your company and the worker in question.
  3. Curtain call type incidents, rebellious workers breaking kayfabe right under your nose providing a challenging decision to punish them or let them free and risk the wrath of the locker room.
  4. Gimmicks would have greater success chance in Kayfabe strong eras, however the more unique/creative the gimmick, the more chance a wrestler could expose that gimmick resulting in a Kayfabe scandal. Further, although gimmick success is higher in a Kayfabe era, gimmick suitability is stricter - someone has to really fit the gimmick requirements more than in a non-existent era to pull it off. 
  5. Attributes related to Kayfabe adherance. Someone like The Undertaker for example could have "Never breaks Kayfabe" meaning he's a lot safer to give a unique gimmick to. 
  6. Product tie ins, certain products will gain bonuses from Kayfabe strength, or vice versa. Something like "Wrestling Nerd Nirvana" would be heavily penalised in a Kayfabe strong era, but gain big bonuses where Kayfabe is non-existent.

I'm sure there's many other tie ins that could be thought of, but Kayfabe just seems such an important part of wrestling history to not really be represented in game.

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