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Harbour Clash Wrestling - From Small Town Rings to Big League Dreams

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🌟 Harbour Clash Wrestling Presents: A Night of Retribution!🌟
(and the last show of the beta)

Date: Saturday 26th March 2022
Time: Doors Open At 7pm
Venue: The Bristol Sports Hall

Prepare for an explosive night of wrestling action as Harbour Clash Wrestling brings you a lineup of thrilling matchups and unforgettable moments. This is your chance to witness epic clashes and cheer on your favourite stars in the ring. Don’t miss out on the excitement—grab your tickets now!

Cain Carlisle vs. Jay Coward
In a clash of styles, the fearless and professional high-flyer Cain Carlisle goes head-to-head with the crowd-trolling entertainer Jay Coward. Will Carlisle's energetic approach triumph over Coward's antics? Expect fast-paced action and plenty of surprises in this thrilling encounter!

🔥 Lone Wolf & Strife vs. The Assassins Guild 🔥
Last month, Lone Wolf secured a victory over Stefan Raynor, only to be blindsided and left down in the ring. Now, he teams up with the energetic troublemaker Strife to take on The Assassins Guild in a fierce tag team battle. Will Lone Wolf get his revenge? Will Strife's high-risk moves turn the tide? This is a showdown you can't afford to miss!

🥊 Ryan Goodluck (with Holly Leves) vs. Davey Singleton 🥊
Witness the smug Ryan Goodluck, with his seductive manager Holly Leves in his corner, as he takes on the jack-of-all-trades babyface Davey Singleton. Can Singleton overcome Goodluck's risk-taking style and Holly's distractions? This match promises drama and high stakes!

Join us for an evening of high-octane entertainment as Harbour Clash Wrestling delivers the best in professional wrestling!

Tickets Available at: www.getyatickets.here
Follow us on: @HarbourClash

Get ready for a night of unforgettable action—Harbour Clash Wrestling is where the excitement happens! 💥

Predictions Welcome!

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Pre Show - Boiling Over

The backstage area of Harbour Clash Wrestling is buzzing with anticipation as the wrestlers and crew prepare for the night's event. Lone Wolf sat in a corner, brooding silently. His intense demeanour keeps most at a distance, though a few wrestlers nod at him in acknowledgment

Just as the pre-show preparations were in full swing, Baz Smith made an unexpected appearance at the backstage entrance. With his blond, unkempt hair and bushy beard, Baz was hard to miss. Having recently moved back to town after a stint in Scotland working for SNP, he carried a reputation for being difficult to work with, and his sudden appearance was a shock to all.

Jay Mochan, busy coordinating the night's event, was the first to notice Baz lingering near the entrance. He approached with a mix of curiosity and caution.

"Baz, what brings you here?" Jay asked, trying to keep his tone neutral.

"Just wanted to hang out, see what you guys are up to," Baz replied casually, his eyes scanning the bustling backstage area. "I've taken a break from wrestling at the moment, figured I'd drop by since I live nearby now."

Jay hesitated. The last thing he needed was added chaos. "I don't know, Baz. Things are pretty hectic right now, and we've got a show to run."

Marcus Young, having also taken the opportunity to be backstage tonight, stepped in. "Hey Jay, maybe it wouldn't hurt to let him stay for a bit. Just keep an eye on things, Baz. We can't afford any disruptions."

Baz nodded, trying to look earnest. "I get it, man. I'll stay out of the way."

As Baz wandered into the locker room, a few wrestlers glanced up, recognizing him. 

"Hey Baz, ever thought about managing a wrestler?" Chuck Frisby called out with a grin, causing a ripple of chuckles among the wrestlers. Baz just laughed it off, but there was a gleam in his eye that suggested he might be considering it.


As the pre-show preparations continued, tensions flared when Louie Peyton, decided to provoke Ryan Goodluck. Peyton, clearly frustrated with his current standing, targeted Goodluck with a series of obnoxious remarks.

"You think you're something special, huh?" Peyton sneered, leaning against Goodluck's locker with a contemptuous smirk. "Just a smug young punk with no respect for his elders."

Ryan Goodluck, never one to back down from a challenge, shot back immediately. "Respect is earned, Louie, not demanded. Maybe if you spent less time whining and more time working, you wouldn't be so bitter."

Peyton's face turned red with anger. "Whining? You don't know the first thing about hard work, kid. I was wrestling in front of crowds before you were even out of junior school."

Holly Leves, seized the moment to egg him on. "That's right, Ryan. Tell him how it is. Some people just can't handle the truth."

Goodluck, emboldened by Holly's support, took a step closer to Peyton, his eyes narrowing. "Yeah, and now you're just a washed-up has-been who can't let go of the past. Times have changed, old man. Maybe it's time you did too."

The argument quickly escalated, drawing the attention of everyone backstage. Peyton, ignoring Holly's provocations, stepped even closer to Goodluck, his fists clenched. "You better watch your mouth, kid, or I'll shut it for you."

Goodluck smirked defiantly. "I'd like to see you try."

Jay Mochan, aware of the growing commotion, rushed over to intervene. "Hey, break it up! We don't need this kind of drama right before the show."

Peyton turned his fury towards Jay. "This little punk needs to learn some respect!"

Jay, keeping his cool, made a swift decision. "Enough, Louie. You're losing a part of your cut tonight. We can't have this kind of behavior disrupting the show."

Peyton's eyes widened with rage. "You're fining me? For what? Standing up to this arrogant kid?"

"Yes, for exactly that," Jay replied firmly. "We have a show to run, and I won't tolerate this kind of unprofessionalism."

Holly, not wanting to miss a chance to escalate things further, chimed in. "That's right, Jay. He needs to be put in his place."

Jay turned his stern gaze towards her. "Holly, you're not helping. Your behavior lately has been unacceptable as well. You're also losing a cut"

Holly's eyes widened in surprise and anger. "Me? For what?"

"You seem to be constantly be the focal point for negativity and stirring up trouble. We need a positive atmosphere backstage," Jay stated firmly.

Peyton stormed off, muttering angrily under his breath. "This is bullshit. I don't deserve this."

Holly, clearly unhappy, followed suit. "Fine. I'll work on it," she snapped, storming off after Peyton.

Goodluck shared a triumphant glance with Jay. "Thanks, Jay. It's about time someone put him in his place."

Jay nodded, but his expression was serious. "Just keep it professional out there, Ryan. We can't afford any more distractions tonight."


As the backstage tension from the earlier argument began to settle, a new topic surfaced, bringing a different kind of energy to the locker room. The news that Lucy Hooper and Cain Carlisle were now dating had spread quickly, and it didn't take long for the wrestlers to start having some light-hearted fun with the revelation.

The couple had kept their relationship under wraps, but their new romance was now the talk of the backstage area. Jay Mochan, still managing the last-minute details, overheard the good-natured teasing and couldn't help but smile. "So, Cain, how’s it feel to be the new power couple of HSC?" he called out with a grin.

Cain, slightly embarrassed but amused, rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on, Jay. It’s not like we made a big announcement."

Augustus Bumblescoop, always ready with a quirky comment, chimed in with a grin. "I guess we should start calling you 'The Flying Couple' now. Just make sure your romance doesn’t distract you from those high-flying moves."

Lucy, standing beside Cain and trying to hide her blush, playfully nudged him. "See, I told you they’d never let us live this down."

Jeff Amazon, with his usual flair for mischief, added, "I’m just hoping this new love story doesn’t mean Cain’s going to be too distracted to keep those high-flying moves on point. Wouldn’t want the 'Flying High' to turn into 'Flying Low.'"

Goodluck, who was still in a sour mood from earlier, couldn’t resist joining in. "I guess Cain finally found someone who can keep up with him, both in the ring and out. Good luck, Lucy—he’s a wild one."

Lone Wolf, couldn’t help but crack a smile as he added, "Just make sure your romance doesn’t become a tag team match with the locker room."

Strife, winked at Cain. "Looks like you’ve got a new partner in crime, Cain. I’ll be waiting to see how you two handle those double dates."

Baz Smith gave a thumbs-up. "Hey, as long as you’re both happy and it doesn’t affect your training, I’m all for it. Congrats, you two."

As the ribbing continued, the mood in the locker room lightened. The playful banter provided a welcome distraction from the earlier drama and reminded everyone of the camaraderie that still existed behind the scenes.

Cain and Lucy exchanged amused glances, as Lucy took his hand, enjoying the attention despite their initial embarrassment. The atmosphere, now filled with laughter and teasing, helped to diffuse any remaining tension from earlier, setting a more relaxed tone for the night’s show.


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Since today is the release of TEW IX, I felt a bit nostalgic whilst writing up the next show, so went back to my original TEW 05 diary 'Starting From Nothing' which include Jeff 'I Love Stoats' Amazon for a trip down memory lane.

An Interlude

Jeff Amazon sat in the locker room, the hum of the arena's distant crowd a comforting backdrop as they waited for the show to begin. Tonight, however, was different. as Jay, had just informed him he had the night off.

"You've earned it, Jeff," Jay had said, patting him on the back. "Enjoy the show for once."

Jeff nodded, a mix of relief and nostalgia washing over him. He appreciated the gesture, but a part of him felt strange not being part of the action. As he sat there, a memory from fourteen years ago came rushing back, taking him to a much different time, place and a massively different Jeff.


It was March 2008, and the Buckland Community Centre wasn't such a far cry from the clubs and halls that he now played at. The turnout was disappointing—only 13 people had shown up. After a year at Ring of Fire, Jeff was accustomed to bigger crowds, but the intimate setting of working for PWA had its perks. Handing out flyers to such a small group was easy, and he personally welcomed each attendee, handing them a freebie.

Jeff watched as the event kicked off with Glen Ward and The Scotsman. The match was uninspiring; the wrestlers moved stiffly, like wooden planks. The crowd's attention drifted, more interested in peeking at Nina, the Psycho Ballerina, through a gap in the curtains. When Glen Ward finally pinned The Scotsman after nearly seven minutes, the relief was palpable. Nina emerged, firing T-shirts into the crowd, which seemed to lift their spirits.

Then came his match  "Bullet" Bob Cronin versus Jeff Amazon. Bullet Bob was an old school gritty veteran and had been a staple in many a fledgling company. Jeff was a young inexperienced powerhouse, and a far cry from the moustachioed Stoat smuggling, controversial, bright pink jacket wearing trickster that he'd become.  As Jeff stepped into the ring, he felt a familiar mix of nerves and excitement. He had trained hard, building his skills and persona. But tonight, something was off. Bullet Bob was having an off night, and the crowd sensed it. Their cheers were lackluster, their attention wavering. The match ended quickly—Bullet Bob pinned Jeff in just over five minutes. The defeat stung, but Jeff knew wrestling was as much about perseverance as performance.

Nina was sent out again to distribute more T-shirts, a distraction from the mediocre matches. The final bout, Arthur T. Turtle versus Ultra Fly, managed to recapture some audience interest. It was a short, engaging match, with Turtle securing a win by pinfall. 

Jeff sat in the quiet locker room afterward, reflecting on the night's events. It hadn't been a spectacular debut, but it was a start. He'd pay his dues, and before long he'd pack his bags and head to the states to one of the big companies.


Back in the present, Jeff smiled at the memory. Those early days in PWA and ROF had shaped him, teaching him lessons that carried him through his career. He folded his wrestling gear, a sense of pride swelling in his chest. As he stepped out of the locker room, ready to enjoy the show from a different perspective, Jeff knew that every moment, every match—no matter how small or insignificant it seemed at the time—had been a crucial part of his journey. And tonight, he could try to truly appreciate how far he'd come.

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Posted (edited)


Harbour Clash Live #3

Saturday 26th March 2022 - The Bristol Sports Hall, Bristol

The crowd buzzed with anticipation as the lights dimmed, signaling the start of the first match of the evening. The announcer's voice boomed through the speakers, igniting a wave of excitement among the fans.

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Ryan Goodluck (w/ Holly Leves) Vs Davey Singleton

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Harbour Clash Wrestling! Kicking off tonight's action, we have a thrilling encounter between two dynamic competitors. Introducing first, accompanied by his Manager Holly Leves, its Ryan Goodluck!"

Ryan Goodluck emerged from behind the curtain, his energetic entrance matched by the enthusiasm of the crowd. With a confident smile, he high-fived fans along the aisle, embodying the spirit of the coastal town he represented. Clad in vibrant blue and gold, he radiated positivity and determination as he stepped into the ring.

"And his opponent," the announcer continued, "hailing from the harsh northern climates of Bradford, weighing in at 230 pounds, Davey Singleton!"

Davey Singleton made his entrance with a swagger, his presence commanding attention. The fans reacted with a mix of cheers and jeers. Davey, sporting his signature black and green attire, exuded an aura of danger and unpredictability. He climbed into the ring, his eyes locked on Ryan, ready for the battle ahead.

The bell rang, and the match began with a flurry of high-energy exchanges. Ryan and Davey showcased their athleticism, executing a series of high-flying manoeuvres that had the crowd on the edge of their seats. Ryan, executed a breathtaking moonsault, while Davey countered with a precision dropkick that echoed through the arena.

As the match progressed, the intensity between the two competitors heightened. Ryan's resilience was evident as he absorbed Davey's powerful strikes and retaliated with swift, calculated moves. The audience was treated to a spectacle of athletic prowess, with each high spot drawing louder reactions from the fans.

At the ten-minute mark, the momentum shifted. Davey seized an opening and capitalized with a series of devastating moves, culminating in his signature Slingshot Suplex. The impact reverberated through the ring, leaving Ryan sprawled on the canvas. The referee dropped to the mat for the count.

"One! Two! Three!"

The bell rang, and the announcer's voice echoed, "Here is your winner, Davey Singleton!"

Segment Rating: 17


As the applause for the match began to fade, the atmosphere in the arena suddenly shifted. The crowd's murmurs turned to gasps as Ryan Goodluck, still recovering from his defeat, rolled out of the ring with a dark look in his eyes. His usual demeanour had vanished, replaced by a fierce, almost desperate intensity.

Without warning, Ryan lunged at Holly, grabbing her by the arm. The crowd erupted in shock and outrage. Holly tried to pull away, but Ryan's grip was firm. He spun her around and, with a malicious grin, delivered a brutal slap, sending her crashing to the floor. The arena was filled with boos and cries of disbelief.

Security rushed to the scene, pulling Ryan away from the fallen Holly. He struggled against them, his face a mask of rage and frustration. The crowd's anger was palpable, their cheers from earlier now replaced with chants of disapproval.

As Ryan was escorted out of the arena, the camera focused on Holly, who was being helped to her feet by medical personnel. Her expression was one of shock and pain, a stark contrast to her usual composed and cheerful self.

Rating: 9

The lights dimmed again as the announcer's voice echoed through the arena, signalling the start of the second match of the evening.

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Lone Wolf & Strife Vs The Assassins Guild

"Ladies and gentlemen, our next contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, the team of Lone Wolf & Strife!"

Lone Wolf and Strife emerged from the backstage area, greeted by a mixture of cheers and intrigued murmurs from the crowd. Lone Wolf, with his intense gaze and rugged appearance, led the way, his every step exuding a sense of danger. Strife followed closely, his athletic frame and vibrant ring attire reflecting his reputation as a daredevil in the ring. The duo climbed into the ring, their contrasting styles promising a dynamic performance.

"And their opponents, the Assassins Guild, Louie Peyton and Stefan Raynor!"

Louie Peyton and Stefan Raynor made their way to the ring, their confident strides signalling their intent to dominate the match. Louie, exchanged high-fives with the fans, while Stefan, cracked his knuckles in anticipation. The two entered the ring, eyeing their opponents with determination.

The bell rang, and the match was underway. Lone Wolf and Stefan Raynor started things off, the contrast in their styles immediately apparent. Stefan's raw power clashed with Lone Wolf's calculated aggression, each move countered with precision. The crowd watched intently, captivated by the back-and-forth struggle.

As the match progressed, tags were made, bringing Strife and Louie Peyton into the fray. Strife's high-flying antics brought the crowd to their feet, while Louie's technical expertise kept him grounded. The pace quickened, with Strife executing a series of aerial manoeuvres that left the audience in awe. Louie, however, responded with a series of holds and counters, showcasing his wrestling acumen.

The turning point came when Stefan Raynor re-entered the ring, his brute force overwhelming Lone Wolf. A powerful clothesline sent Lone Wolf crashing to the mat, but Strife quickly tagged in, launching himself off the top rope with a breath-taking crossbody that took Stefan down.

The crowd's excitement reached a fever pitch as all four competitors found themselves in the ring, chaos erupting in a flurry of moves and counter-moves. Strife and Lone Wolf worked well together, their contrasting styles creating a perfect blend of power and finesse.

In the closing moments of the match, Louie Peyton and Stefan Raynor seemed poised to take control. However, a miscommunication between the two led to disaster. Louie, setting up for a finishing move, accidentally collided with Stefan, sending him tumbling out of the ring. The miscue left Louie vulnerable, and Strife seized the opportunity.

With the crowd on their feet, Strife ascended the turnbuckle and launched into a flawless Corkscrew Moonsault, landing squarely on Louie Peyton. The referee dropped to the mat for the count.

"One! Two! Three!"

The bell rang, and the announcer declared, "Here are your winners, Lone Wolf and Strife!"

Lone Wolf and Strife stood tall, their hands raised in victory, as the crowd erupted in applause. Louie Peyton, still reeling from the miscommunication, looked on in frustration, while Stefan Raynor glared at his partner, the tension between them palpable.

Rating: 28


The crowd was still buzzing from the previous match when the arena lights dimmed, and a familiar yet somewhat nostalgic theme music began to play. A mix of curiosity and mild excitement spread through the audience as the towering figure of Milo Morningstar made his way to the ring. The retired powerhouse from Norwich, known for his intimidating presence and storied career, had returned for one special night.

Milo Morningstar, clad in a sleek, black leather jacket, stepped into the ring, his imposing frame commanding respect. He took a moment to soak in the reception of the crowd, which was enthusiastic but not overwhelmingly loud. The announcer handed him a microphone, and a few cheers and claps grew louder.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back to a ring near you, Milo Morningstar!"

The fans' response was mixed, with some cheers and claps but also a noticeable level of indifference. Milo raised the microphone to his lips.

"Thank you, thank you all for that welcome!" Milo began, his deep voice resonating through the arena. "It's been a few years since I stood in a ring, and let me tell you, it feels great to be back here with all of you!"

The crowd's reaction remained polite, with a few pockets of louder cheers from fans who remembered him from his EWA days.

"You know," Milo continued, pacing the ring, "when I first debuted back in 1993 as Ryan 'Crush 'Em' Death, I had no idea where this wild ride of professional wrestling would take me. And let me tell you, it took me to places I could have never imagined."

He paused, the memories clearly playing out in his mind.

"I was clumsy, I was green, and I hurt a lot of people," he admitted, the crowd listening with mild interest. "But I didn't give up. I trained, I learned, and I became better. Thanks to the British Samurai, I became someone who could truly compete in this ring, and not just stand by as a bodyguard."

The mention of British Samurai brought a modest cheer from the crowd, acknowledging the respect for the legendary trainer.

"In 2015, I redefined myself as Milo Morningstar, and I was given a second chance to shine. I became a main draw, a powerhouse, and I gave it everything I had. But like many stories in this business, it had its ups and downs. I had a falling out with SNP, found a new home in EWA, and enjoyed a solid run before retiring."

He paused again, looking out over the sea of faces, some more engaged than others.

"Retirement isn't the end, folks. It's just the beginning of a new chapter. Today, I'm a personal trainer, helping the next generation of athletes achieve their dreams..'

The crowd's reaction was a bit more enthusiastic now, with some fans who remembered his EWA on Wrestleworld appearances showing their appreciation.

"So here I am, back for one night only, to remind everyone what this business is all about. It's about passion, it's about resilience, and it's about the bond we all share. Tonight, I'm here to offer all of you in attendance a chance to begin your own dream. If you head to Morningstar Fitness Dot Com and use the code 'HarbourClash' you will get 10% off your first years membership. I redefined myself. Why don't you!"

Milo raised his arm, pointing to the fans.

"Thank you, Harbour Clash Wrestling, for having me. And thank you, fans, for your support. Let's make tonight a night to remember!"

Rating: 22

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Cain Carlisle Vs Jay Coward

The arena lights dimmed once more, the atmosphere charged with excitement as the announcer took to the microphone, ready to introduce the next match of the evening.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, weighing in at 198 pounds, the energiser bunny of wrestlers, Cain Carlisle!"

Cain Carlisle burst onto the stage, instantly grabbing the crowd’s attention with his high energy. His sharp gaze swept over the audience, accompanied by a confident grin. Dressed in black and crimson, he radiated a bold and electrifying presence. As he strode toward the ring, the fans buzzed with excitement and curiosity, well aware of his reputation for thrilling performances and fierce competition.

"And his opponent, hailing from the bottom of a bin somewhere and weighing in at 171 pounds, the master of mischief, Jay Coward!"

Jay Coward ambled into the arena with a laid-back attitude, barely noticing the crowd’s mixed reactions. Sporting his blue and white gear, he exuded a nonchalant swagger, seemingly indifferent to the boos directed at him. Embracing his title as the “ugliest man alive,” he wore his less-than-stellar appearance like a badge of honour. With a smirk and a dismissive shrug, he climbed into the ring, clearly relishing the chaos he stirred up.

The bell rang, and the match began. Jay Coward, despite his unassuming name, proved to be a fierce competitor, his speed and agility allowing him to evade Cain's initial attacks. The two locked up, and Jay managed to gain an early advantage with a series of quick, technical manoeuvres, targeting Cain's legs to keep him grounded.

Cain Carlisle, however, was not easily rattled. Using his psychological tactics, he began to play mind games with Jay, taunting and provoking him at every turn. The crowd watched intently as Cain's strategy began to take effect, disrupting Jay's focus and rhythm. Cain capitalized on the distraction, delivering a brutal clothesline that sent Jay crashing to the mat.

As the match progressed, Cain's dominance became more apparent. He methodically wore down Jay with a combination of punishing holds and precise strikes, his experience and cunning giving him the upper hand. The crowd rallied behind Jay, their cheers urging him to fight back, but Cain's relentless assault seemed unstoppable.

In a display of sheer resilience, Jay managed to mount a comeback. Summoning his inner strength, he delivered a flurry of high-impact moves, including a stunning dropkick and a series of rapid-fire punches. The fans erupted in support, sensing that Jay might just pull off an upset.

But Cain Carlisle, ever the opportunist, seized the moment to turn the tide back in his favour. As Jay went for a high-risk manoeuvre from the top rope, Cain countered with a devastating mid-air strike, catching Jay off guard. With a sinister grin, Cain set up for his finisher.

The arena fell silent as Cain hoisted Jay into the air and delivered the "Mark Of Cain," a thunderous move that left Jay motionless on the mat. The referee dropped to count the pin.

"One! Two! Three!"

The bell rang, and the announcer's voice echoed, "Here is your winner, Cain Carlisle!"

Rating: 30

Final Show Rating: 26

Edited by Clarity
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Show Aftermath



Louie Peyton, his mood a raw wound from a night fraught with frustrations, hesitated just a beat before pushing the door open. The office beyond was a stark contrast to the chaotic energy of the backstage. It was impeccably organized, as the day staff that ran the hall obviously never worked with wrestlers before, and everything had to be just so.

The Bristol Sports Hall's office door slammed shut behind Louie with a force that echoed down the sterile, dimly lit corridor. Jay's voice, though calm and authoritative, had pierced through the tension of the night, summoning Louie to the heart of the conflict.

Jay gestured with a precise, clipped motion to the chair opposite him. "Please, have a seat."

Louie plopped into the chair with a heavy thud, the weariness of his expression mirrored in his slouched posture. His eyes, darkened by fatigue and irritation, scanned the immaculate surroundings. "What’s this about, Jay? If you’re here to make my night worse, you’ve succeeded."

Jay leaned forward, his gaze sharp and unyielding, slicing through the dim light that filtered through the blinds. His voice, steady but strained, conveyed both authority and frustration. "Louie, we need to address tonight's behaviour, but it’s part of a broader issue."

Louie’s brows furrowed, his face flushed with a volatile mix of confusion and anger. "Oh? And what exactly did I do wrong this time?"

Jay’s expression hardened, and he steepled his fingers in front of him as if bracing for the weight of his words. "It’s not just about tonight. It’s a pattern. Confronting Ryan Goodluck just before he was about to go on stage was unprofessional and disruptive. This isn’t an isolated incident; it’s part of a broader issue. Your constant clashes, your disregard for instructions, and the hostile environment you’ve fostered are unacceptable."

Louie’s face reddened, the anger boiling beneath the surface like a storm. “Are you kidding me? I’m the one who’s been keeping this place running. If anyone’s out of line, it’s the others who can’t keep up.”

Jay’s frustration was palpable, "You’re not holding things together. Your behaviour is causing more harm than good. Tonight’s incident with Ryan is just the latest example. It’s impacting the entire roster’s morale and efficiency."

Louie sprang to his feet, his movements sharp and jerky. “So now you’re the great arbiter of professionalism? I’ve been wrestling longer than you’ve been in charge. You think you can waltz in and start making changes without understanding the full picture?”

Jay’s gaze remained unwavering, a steely resolve etched into his features. “Actually, yes. And it’s not just about tonight. Your behaviour has reached a point where it’s no longer tolerable. You’re fired.”

Louie’s eyes widened, the shock momentarily eclipsing his anger. “Fired? Are you serious?”

“I am serious,” Jay said with a finality that cut through the air. “It’s clear this isn’t working out.”


The office door swung open abruptly, the sound sharp and jarring. Stefan Raynor strode in, his typically confident smirk replaced by a look of confusion. His eyes darted between Louie and Jay, trying to piece together the discord. “What’s going on in here? I heard raised voices.”

“Stefan, you should be here for this as well,” Jay said, turning his attention to the newcomer. “I’m letting you go too.”

Stefan’s face shifted from confusion to a deep frown, the colour draining from his face. “What? You can’t just—”

“I can and I have,” Jay cut him off, his tone unyielding. “Both of you have been contributing to a toxic environment. The roster needs to move forward without the negativity you bring.”

Louie’s gaze turned to Stefan, a mix of betrayal and anger in his eyes. “Looks like we’re both out. This is a joke.”

Stefan’s anger was barely contained, his fists clenched at his sides. “What a surprise, Jay. I thought you had more sense.”

“If by sense you mean tolerating your attitudes,” Jay replied coolly, his voice like ice, “then no, I don’t. I need to make changes for the betterment of HCW.”

Louie’s frustration reached a boiling point, his face contorted with rage. “You think you’re so high and mighty? You’ll regret this, Jay. I have connections, and you’ve just made a powerful enemy.”

“If you’ve got connections,” Jay responded evenly, his voice firm and unrelenting, “I’m sure you’ll find somewhere else to use them. But it wont be with HCW.”

Stefan’s tone turned icy as he added, “And what happens when the roster starts falling apart? This place will need people who actually know how to keep it running.”

“We’ll manage,” Jay replied firmly, his gaze unwavering.

Louie, his face a mask of fury, grabbed Stefan’s arm with a grip like iron. “Let’s get out of here, Stefan. This place isn’t worth our time.”

Stefan nodded, his face a mix of anger and resignation. “Gladly. I’ve had my fill of Jay’s ‘professionalism’ for one lifetime.”

The two men stormed out, their footsteps echoing down the empty corridor, each step a testament to their shared frustration. The door slammed shut behind them with a resounding finality that seemed to reverberate through the now-quiet office.

Jay watched their departure with a complex blend of relief and regret etched into his face. The office was now silent, the weight of recent decisions hanging heavy in the air. He sat back in his chair, the leather creaking beneath him, and glanced at the clock on the wall. The night was far from over.

He reopened the office door, his voice steady but tinged with exhaustion as he shouted down the corridor. “Holly, can you come in here for a moment?”


Holly Leves entered a few moments later, her youthful appearance marked by an aura of both confidence and defensiveness. Her blonde hair was perfectly in place, but her eyes held a guarded glint. She took a seat, her posture straight and her expression carefully composed. “Jay, what’s going on? I heard there was a commotion.”

Jay leaned forward, the dim light casting shadows on his face, his gaze piercing. “I've just let Louie and Stefan go, but Holly, I need to address your behavior as well. There was a confrontation with Ryan Goodluck earlier today that escalated significantly. Your tendency to push people’s buttons and not let things lie is causing issues.”

Holly’s eyes widened momentarily before she quickly regained her composure. “I know Ryan’s not exactly easy to work with, but I was just trying to get things sorted. Sometimes people need a push to get things done. It wasn’t meant to be disruptive; it was meant to be productive.”

Jay’s expression remained stern, the lines of his face set in a firm resolve. “Holly, your approach has consistently stirred up tension rather than resolving it. This behaviour is affecting the locker room’s morale. I’ve made my decision: you’re also fired.”

Holly’s face flushed, the colour rising as her composure began to slip. “Oh, so now you’re the perfect boss? This is ridiculous. You’re just throwing people out who don’t fit into your ‘perfect’ workplace. Do you even know what it’s like out there?”

Jay’s expression softened slightly, but he remained firm, his gaze never wavering. “This decision has been made after careful consideration. I need to focus on creating a better environment for everyone.”

Holly’s eyes welled up with tears, her voice trembling with frustration and anger. “Oh, spare me the righteous speech! Do you really think firing people is going to fix anything? You’re clueless about what it takes to manage this place.”

She wiped her tears away angrily, her voice cracking with emotion. “You’re a hypocrite, Jay. You sit there acting all high and mighty, but you’re just as messed up as everyone else you’re throwing out. You’ve made a huge mistake, and when this place falls apart because you can’t handle the real issues, you’ll be the one left holding the bag!”

With that, Holly stood up, her face flushed with rage and betrayal. She stormed toward the door, her footsteps echoing in the now-quiet office. As she yanked the door open, she shot one last scathing look at Jay before slamming it behind her with a forceful bang that reverberated through the empty space.

Jay watched Holly’s departure with a weary resolve. The office, now eerily silent, felt the weight of the evening’s decisions. He sat back in his chair, the leather creaking under his weight, and stared at the empty room. 

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🌟 Harbour Clash Wrestling Presents: A Night Of Unforgettable Action!🌟

Date: Saturday 23rd April 2022
Time: Doors Open At 7pm
Venue: Portville Sports Hall

🔥 Get ready to feel the heat! Harbour Clash Wrestling is bringing you a night of unparalleled action, intense rivalries, and jaw-dropping moments that will leave you breathless! 🔥


Main Event:
Cain Carlisle vs. Augustus Bumblescoop

🚨 Prepare for a wrestling clinic! 🚨 The fearless and electrifying high flyer Cain Carlisle is set to clash with the eccentric and unpredictable Augustus Bumblescoop. Carlisle, known for his energetic style and fearless attitude, has recently added more technical prowess to his repertoire. Can Bumblescoop's weird and wild antics withstand the Mark of Cain? This is the match that everyone will be talking about!

Feature Match:
Jeff Amazon vs. Gary Dudley

🎉 Controversy Meets Power! 🎉 The always-controversial Jeff Amazon, decked out in his trademark bright pink leather jacket, steps into the ring against the powerhouse Gary Dudley. Amazon's old school face charm and crafty tactics will be put to the ultimate test. Can he deliver the Amazon Prime and score the pinfall, or will Dudley's raw power reign supreme? This match is guaranteed to get the crowd on their feet!

Undercard Showdown:
Chuck Frisby vs. Lewis Duckworth

💪 Strength vs. Fitness! 💪 Fitness instructor Chuck Frisby squares off against the bullying powerhouse Lewis Duckworth in a battle of brute strength versus physical finesse. Frisby’s athleticism and endurance face a formidable challenge in Duckworth’s sheer might. Will the Swinging Neckbreaker be enough to topple the powerhouse? This is a clash you won’t want to miss!

Join us for an evening of high-octane entertainment as Harbour Clash Wrestling delivers the best in professional wrestling!

Tickets Available at: www.getyatickets.here
Follow us on: @HarbourClash

Get ready for a night of unforgettable action—Harbour Clash Wrestling is where the excitement happens! 💥

Predictions Welcome!

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Cain Carlisle vs. Augustus Bumblescoop - Cain's getting a push

Jeff Amazon vs. Gary Dudley - MORE JEFF AMAZON

Chuck Frisby vs. Lewis Duckworth - Frisby's a decent talent at this level

Just caught up on this, cracking read!

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1 hour ago, jcarmjn said:

Cain Carlisle vs. Augustus Bumblescoop - Cain's getting a push

Jeff Amazon vs. Gary Dudley - MORE JEFF AMAZON

Chuck Frisby vs. Lewis Duckworth - Frisby's a decent talent at this level

Just caught up on this, cracking read!

I wonder how many of these you got right. The last shows incidents dictated a change in the end results (Goodluck was meant to win for instance) but circumstances forced me to play my hand.  (Leves incident claimed there would be future problems for instance)

There has been another backstage incident!

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Posted (edited)

Cant We All Just Get Along

The locker room was a flurry of activity as wrestlers prepared for the evening's matches. The atmosphere, usually charged with nervous energy, had an edge of tension tonight. Over in one corner, Jay Mochan, was deep in conversation with Edward Harding, the organization’s posh and well-to-do accountant. Nearby, Cain Carlisle, had just finished his warm-up routine and was talking through the match with his opponent Augustus Bumblescoop.

Suddenly, a loud argument erupted, drawing everyone's attention.

"You're full of it, Dudley!" Lewis Duckworth's booming voice echoed off the locker room walls. His massive frame, a testament to his days as a bodybuilder, seemed even more imposing as he squared off against his opponent.

"Oh, and you're a real saint, aren't you, Duckworth?" Gary Dudley shot back, his eyes blazing with intensity. Gary wasn't one to back down from a confrontation. His lean, wiry frame was taut with anger as he faced the unpredictable powerhouse.

The exact cause of the argument was unclear, but it was evident that the simmering tensions had finally reached a boiling point. Wrestlers around them froze, their attention riveted on the unfolding drama.

"Who do you think you are?" Gary spat, stepping closer to the larger man. "You're nothing but a muscle-bound thug!"

"Thug? At least I'm not a selfish pri*k who only cares about himself," Lewis retorted, his voice rising. "You think you're some kind of psycho genius in the ring, but all you do is drag everyone else down."

Gary's eyes narrowed, his fists clenched. "Drag everyone down? You think your brute force routine makes you any better? You’re a loose cannon, Duckworth. Unpredictable and dangerous, and not in a good way."

Lewis's face reddened with fury. "Unpredictable? That’s rich coming from you. You're a liability, Dudley. Always looking out for number one, never a team player. You don't care about the promotion, just your own ego."

"Oh, and you do?" Gary sneered. "You walk around here like you own the place, bullying everyone who doesn’t bow down to you. You're a joke, Duckworth, a big, dumb joke."

Lewis took a step forward, his towering presence casting a shadow over Gary. "Say that again. I dare you."

Gary didn't flinch. "You're. A. Joke. Always have been, always will be. How many titles have you almost won? Second place suits you just fine, doesn't it, Runner-Up Duckworth?"

Lewis's eyes blazed with rage. "At least I didn't flunk out of the National School of Wrestling, Dudley. Remind me again, how does it feel to be a quitter?"

The tension snapped. Gary lunged at Lewis, grabbing him by the collar. "I've had enough of your mouth!"

The room erupted as the two lunged at each other. Wrestlers scattered, some rushing to intervene while others stood back, unsure of how to handle the escalating chaos.

Cain Carlisle was the first to jump in, trying to pull Gary back. "Come on, guys, save it for the ring!" he urged, struggling to get between them.

Across the room, Jay Coward leaned against a locker. He watched the scene with a smirk. "Someone grab the popcorn, this is better than the main event," he quipped, clearly enjoying the chaos.

Lone Wolf, watched from a distance, his usual stoic expression tinged with irritation. He didn't like the drama, preferring to stay out of the spotlight.

The chaos continued until Jay Mochan, rushed over with Edward Harding in tow. "Enough!" Jay's voice cut through the noise, commanding attention. "This is not how we handle things in HCW."

 Each man pointed the finger at the other, their voices overlapping in a cacophony of accusations.

"He started it with his constant disrespect—"

"Me? You're the one who always undermines everything I do—"

"He’s just a selfish pri*k who only looks out for himself—"

"He's a bully who thinks he can push everyone around—"

Jay raised his hand for silence. "Enough. I don't care who started it. This ends now. We're a team, and we need to act like one. If either of you can't handle that, there's the door."

With that, Jay watched as Gary and Lewis stared daggers at each other, the intensity of their glares unwavering. The silence was thick with unresolved tension, but neither man said another word. They turned and walked off to opposite ends of the locker room, each simmering in their own corner, leaving the rest of the wrestlers to exchange uneasy glances as they prepared for the show.


Edited by Clarity
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Posted (edited)


Harbour Clash Live #4

Saturday 23rd April 2022 - Portville Sports Hall


Jeff Amazon Vs Gary Dudley

Jeff Amazon flew into view with a dazzling entrance that commanded attention. His jacket shimmered under the arena lights, each colourful accent and eye-catching detail perfectly complementing his charismatic old-school face persona. As Amazon strutted down the ramp, he was a whirlwind of energy, tossing playful taunts and engaging with fans. His high-fives and winks were designed to energize the crowd, and for a moment, the arena was alive with excitement as he made his way to the ring.

Moments later, Gary Dudley emerged with a more foreboding presence. His dark, rugged outfit and wild, chaotic face paint created an unsettling visual, making him look every bit the intimidating force his persona suggested. Dudley’s entrance was marked by a steely glare and purposeful strides, each step exuding intensity. As he climbed into the ring, his demeanour set a serious tone, hinting that this would be no ordinary match.

The bell rang, and Dudley wasted no time asserting his dominance. He launched a series of aggressive strikes, including a powerful clothesline that knocked Amazon off his feet. Dudley followed up with a precise dropkick, which momentarily left Amazon reeling. The audience watched with bated breath as Dudley attempted a high-flying crossbody. However, the move, while bold, lacked the sharp execution typically seen in Dudley’s repertoire, causing a slight disruption in the match's flow.

Not to be outdone, Jeff Amazon quickly found his rhythm. With a display of his signature agility, he danced around Dudley’s attacks, delivering a series of flashy moves. A spinning heel kick followed by a well-timed hip toss helped Amazon regain control. He continued to engage the crowd with his dynamic antics, but despite his efforts, the audience’s reaction remained muted, unable to fully match the energy Amazon brought to the ring.

The turning point of the match came when Dudley climbed to the top rope, attempting a high-risk moonsault. Amazon, however, demonstrated his ring awareness and agility by rolling out of the way just in time. The near-fall that followed was a dramatic moment, injecting a brief surge of excitement into the match. Yet, the crowd’s enthusiasm remained inconsistent, unable to fully rally behind the action.

As the match approached its final moments, Jeff Amazon seized a crucial opportunity. With a keen sense of timing, he executed his signature move, the Amazon Prime. Lifting Dudley with impressive strength and agility, Amazon delivered a powerful slam that echoed through the arena. The decisive pinfall that followed was swift and clean, securing Amazon’s victory.

Rating: 20


Chuck Frisby Vs Lewis Duckworth

Chuck Frisby was the first to make his way to the ring. As his entrance music blared through the speakers, Frisby stepped into the spotlight with his signature charisma. Dressed in his vibrant fitness instructor gear—neon-coloured shorts and a sleeveless top that highlighted his athletic build—Frisby struck energetic poses, flexing his muscles and pumping up the crowd. He interacted with the fans, high-fiving those at ringside and encouraging them to join in his enthusiastic display. 

Lewis Duckworth followed, and his entrance was a stark contrast to Frisby’s. Duckworth’s music hit, and he emerged with a steely, focused look. His powerful physique was accentuated by his tight wrestling attire, which, while simple, made it clear that he was a force to be reckoned with. Duckworth’s demeanour was intense as he marched to the ring, his eyes locked on Frisby with an unwavering determination. His presence exuded a no-nonsense attitude, suggesting that he was there to dominate and make a statement.

As the bell rang, Frisby wasted no time in showcasing his agility. He darted around the ring, landing a crisp dropkick that sent Duckworth staggering. Frisby followed with a series of quick arm drags, using his speed to keep Duckworth off balance. Frisby’s movements were fluid and precise, demonstrating his fitness and technical skills. His efforts were designed to keep the crowd engaged, and for moments, they responded with scattered cheers and applause.

Duckworth, however, was not to be underestimated. After absorbing Frisby’s initial flurry of attacks, Duckworth’s raw power began to take over. He countered with a powerful running shoulder block that sent Frisby crashing into the corner. Duckworth’s strength was on full display as he executed a thunderous overhead suplex, lifting Frisby high into the air before slamming him down with authority. Each of Duckworth’s moves was deliberate and forceful, making it clear that he was in control of the match.

Midway through the bout, Frisby attempted to turn the tide with a high-risk maneuverer from the top rope. As he soared through the air, Duckworth anticipated the move and countered with a devastating power slam, driving Frisby into the mat with impressive force. This moment injected a brief burst of excitement into the match, but the crowd’s energy remained inconsistent as the bout continued.

With the match nearing its climax, Chuck Frisby found an opportunity to capitalize on a rare misstep by Duckworth. He positioned himself and executed his finishing move, the Swinging Neckbreaker. In a smooth, powerful motion, Frisby swung Duckworth down to the mat by his neck. The impact of the move was significant, and Frisby quickly made the cover, securing the pinfall victory.

Rating: 20


As the arena lights dimmed, a playful buzz rippled through the crowd, signalling the arrival of Augustus Bumblescoop. The anticipation grew as his entrance music filled the venue with a quirky, upbeat tune, setting the stage for a memorable performance.

The curtain parted, and out bounded Augustus Bumblescoop, a vision of vibrant eccentricity. Sporting his signature teal attire, Bumblescoop was clad in a dazzling, multi-colored jumpsuit that sparkled under the arena lights. His outfit, adorned with whimsical patterns and an array of bright hues, was today complemented by an oversized bow tie that bobbed with each animated step he took. His large, round glasses, perched comically on his nose, added to the overall look of playful absurdity.

With a flourish of theatrical flair, Bumblescoop began his entrance, he embarked on a full mime routine, turning the entrance ramp into his personal stage. Pretending to wrestle with an invisible opponent, he threw mock punches and ducked imaginary attacks with exaggerated movements. His expressions were a masterclass in comedic timing—one moment he was squinting in mock concentration, and the next, he was throwing his hands up in pretend exasperation.

As he drew closer to the ring, Bumblescoop paused to mime checking his imaginary watch, then made a grand, sweeping gesture towards the audience as if to say, “Yes, I’m eagerly anticipating this match!” His pantomime included an imaginary pep talk with an invisible trainer, complete with enthusiastic nods and dramatic fist pumps, as though he were preparing for an epic showdown.

The crowd responded with laughter and applause, thoroughly entertained by Bumblescoop’s antics. He continued his mime performance by pretending to climb an invisible rope, and then, with a flourish, he finally entered the ring. Once inside, he struck a triumphant pose, as if having conquered his invisible foe, before preparing for his match.

Rating: 21

Augustus Bumblescoop Vs Cain Carlisle

The lights dimmed once again as Cain Carlisle made his entrance. Carlisle, sported a sleek wrestling outfit that showcased his athletic build. With an intense focus and a steely determination in his eyes, Carlisle exuded an air of seriousness that contrasted sharply with Bumblescoop’s lighthearted antics. As Carlisle walked to the ring, he slapped hands with fans and acknowledged their cheers, his demeanour a sharp reminder of the competitive nature of the upcoming bout.

The bell rang, and the match got underway with Bumblescoop using his agility and showmanship to gain an early advantage. He executed a series of flashy moves, including a high-flying crossbody and a playful cartwheel into a dropkick. The crowd responded with cheers as Bumblescoop kept Carlisle on the defensive with his dynamic style.

Carlisle soon shifted the momentum with his technical skill and raw power. He absorbed Bumblescoop’s attacks and countered with a series of precise suplexes and a powerful spinebuster. The crowd’s enthusiasm grew as Carlisle’s dominant performance began to turn the tide.

Midway through the match, the action intensified. Bumblescoop climbed to the top rope, attempting a high-risk flying elbow drop. As he soared through the air, Carlisle rolled out of the way, causing Bumblescoop to crash hard into the mat. The referee quickly moved in to count the pinfall, but Bumblescoop managed to roll away, breaking the count at two and a half.

With Bumblescoop reeling from the impact, Carlisle seized the opportunity to apply a submission hold. He locked in a sharpshooter, wrenching Bumblescoop’s back and making him writhe in pain. The referee’s hand hovered over the mat as Bumblescoop struggled, and the crowd held their breath. Just as it seemed Bumblescoop might tap out, he reached the ropes, forcing the referee to break the hold. The near-fall left the audience on edge, with Bumblescoop narrowly escaping defeat.

Bumblescoop, showing his resilience, fought back with a series of quick and flashy moves. He executed a spinning heel kick that left Carlisle staggered, followed by a surprising roll-up pin attempt. The referee dropped to the mat and counted—“One, two…”—but Carlisle kicked out at the last possible moment, keeping the match alive.

The final moments of the match were a dramatic display of endurance and skill. Bumblescoop attempted a top-rope maneuver, but Carlisle was ready. Carlisle caught Bumblescoop mid-air and countered with a powerful Mark Of Cain. The impact of the slam was tremendous as Carlisle planted Bumblescoop firmly into the mat. The referee made the count—“One, two, three!”—and the match concluded with Carlisle securing the victory.

Rating: 44

Final Show Rating: 35

Edited by Clarity
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🌟 Harbour Clash Wrestling Presents: 🌟

Date: Saturday, 28th May, 2022
Time: Doors Open at 6:00 PM
Venue: The Social, Southampton

Get ready for an electrifying night of wrestling action as Harbour Clash Wrestling brings you Harbour Clash Live! Witness thrilling matchups and jaw-dropping moments as your favorite stars go head-to-head in the ring. Don’t miss out on the excitement—grab your tickets now!

🥊 Kaden King Vs. Mister King 🥊
A Clash Of Kings as Kaden King, the high-flying sensation, faces off against the mysterious and strategic Mister King. Who will seize the crown in this royal battle? Expect a clash of titans that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

🕵️ Lone Wolf Vs. Davey Singleton 🕵️
Prepare for a fierce contest as the brooding Lone Wolf takes on the versatile Davey Singleton. With Lone Wolf's raw power and unpredictable temper against Davey's all-around talent, this match is sure to be a brutal showdown!

🔥 Jeff Amazon Vs. Ryan Goodluck 🔥
Watch the sparks fly as the charismatic Jeff Amazon, battles the brash and bold Ryan Goodluck. It's a clash of generations and styles in this must-see match. Will the old-school hero triumph, or will the young punk prove he’s the future?

Secure your tickets now and be part of the action! Witness the drama, the athleticism, and the passion that only live wrestling can deliver. Make sure you’re there to see these incredible matchups and cheer for your favorite stars!

Tickets Available at: www.harbourclashwrestling.com
Follow us on:

Facebook: /HarbourClashWrestling
Twitter: @HCWrestling
Instagram: @HarbourClashWrestling

Join us for a night of unforgettable entertainment—Harbour Clash Wrestling is where the action is! 💥

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Harbour Clash Live #5

Saturday 28rd May 2022 - The Bristol Sports Hall, Bristol
Attendance: 33

Davey Singleton Vs Lone Wolf

The night kicked off with a highly anticipated match between Lone Wolf and Davey Singleton. Lone Wolf, with his bald head gleaming under the arena lights and his intense, unblinking stare, made his entrance to a mix of cheers and wary silence. His muscular physique and imposing presence, combined with simple black wrestling attire, conveyed a sense of raw power and menace. He silently surveyed the audience, his expression a stoic mask of determination and intensity.

Davey Singleton, on the other hand, exuded youthful energy and optimism. His clean-cut appearance, with short brown hair and a bright smile, instantly endeared him to the crowd. Clad in vibrant green and white gear, Davey high-fived fans on his way to the ring, radiating confidence and excitement.

As the bell rang, Lone Wolf wasted no time in showcasing his brute strength, engaging Davey in a series of power moves and slams. Davey, despite the size difference, relied on his agility and technical skills, executing swift counters and high-flying manoeuvres that kept the audience on the edge of their seats. Each time Davey was knocked down, he got back up with a determined look, his resilience earning the crowd’s respect.

Midway through the match, a mistimed move left Davey visibly shaken and in clear discomfort. Despite the obvious pain, he gritted his teeth and continued, his face a mask of determination. Lone Wolf, sensing an opportunity, intensified his assault, culminating in a thunderous Full Nelson Slam that shook the ring. The pinfall at 13:40 was inevitable, and as the referee's hand hit the mat for the third time, Lone Wolf stood victorious, his expression unchanged but his eyes gleaming with a hint of satisfaction. The crowd, though concerned for Davey, couldn't deny Lone Wolf's dominance.

Rating: 22


Following the intense opening match, the spotlight shifted to Cain Carlisle. Cain, a charismatic figure with a broad smile and an energetic presence, walked to the ring wearing his signature singlet. . As he climbed into the ring, he took a moment to soak in the cheers, visibly moved by the warm reception.

Grabbing a microphone, Cain’s eyes sparkled with genuine affection for the fans. “Wow, you guys are incredible!” he began, his voice filled with enthusiasm. The crowd responded with a wave of cheers, and Cain waited for the noise to die down before continuing.

“I just want to say, you guys are the best! Wrestling for you all is the highlight of my life. Your energy, your support – it means everything.” He paced the ring as he spoke, making eye contact with as many fans as possible. “When I step into this ring, I do it because I love this sport, and I love entertaining all of you. There's nothing better than hearing your cheers, seeing your smiles, and feeling that connection we share.”

The crowd cheered louder, and Cain paused, a grin spreading across his face. “You know, growing up, I used to watch the greats. I’d sit in front of the TV, dreaming of one day being in that ring, just like them. And now, thanks to all of you, I get to live that dream every single day.”

He took a deep breath, his expression turning serious for a moment. “But it’s not just about me. It’s about all of us. Every time I step into this ring, I’m fighting for you, for every fan who believes in me, who supports me. That’s why I give it my all, every single night. Because you deserve nothing less.”

The crowd roared in approval, and Cain’s smile returned, brighter than ever. “Tonight, we're here to have fun, and I promise you, we'll give you a show you won't forget! Let’s make some noise!” He raised his arms, leading the crowd in a chant that echoed throughout the arena.

Rating: 27

Kaiden King Vs Mister King

The second match of the night featured the enigmatic Mister King against the promising Kaden King. Mister King, with his regal purple and red attire and a confident smirk, exuded an aura of superiority. His hair two-toned red and back and his every movement deliberate and precise, he was a picture of wrestling royalty.

Kaden King, in contrast, was the picture of youthful ambition. With a lean, athletic build and a determined expression, he wore simple black trunks with green accents. His eyes burned with the desire to prove himself against the a threat to him name.

From the start, it was clear that Mister King had a strategic approach, using his experience to outwit the younger Kaden. The match was a blend of technical wrestling and high spots, with Mister King methodically wearing down Kaden. Despite Kaden’s best efforts and a few near falls that had the crowd on the edge of their seats, Mister King's experience shone through.

At 12:19, Mister King executed the King Maker, securing the pinfall and a decisive victory. The crowd’s reaction was mixed, appreciating the technical display but clearly divided in their support for the two wrestlers. Mister King stood tall, his smirk widening as he soaked in the reaction, while Kaden lay on the mat, disappointment and determination etched on his face.

Rating: 24

Jeff Amazon Vs Ryan Goodluck

The night culminated in a highly anticipated main event between the Jeff Amazon and Ryan Goodluck. Jeff Amazon, with that bright pink leather jacket, neon green tights, and a cocky grin, was ready to prove why he's still a top contender. His mid-30s physique was still impressive, and his flamboyant style made him a fan favourite to win. Ryan Goodluck, with his curly blond hair, cocky smirk, and red and black ring gear, oozed arrogance and youthful bravado.

The tension in the arena was palpable as both wrestlers stood in opposite corners, sizing each other up. Jeff Amazon, bouncing on his toes, looked calm and collected, his eyes never leaving Ryan. Ryan, with a sneer on his lips, taunted Jeff, gesturing for him to bring it on.

The bell rang, and the two locked up in the centre of the ring. Jeff quickly took control with a side headlock, wrenching Ryan's neck. Ryan fought back, pushing Jeff into the ropes and breaking free with a shoulder block that sent Jeff stumbling. Ryan smirked, strutting around the ring as the crowd booed.

Jeff shook it off and got back into the fight, using his experience to outmanoeuvre Ryan with a series of arm drags and dropkicks. The crowd cheered as Jeff played to them, feeding off their energy. Ryan, frustrated, rolled out of the ring to regroup. He paced around, yelling at the fans, before sliding back in and catching Jeff off guard with a cheap shot.

Ryan took control, using dirty tactics and underhanded moves to keep Jeff grounded. He choked Jeff on the ropes, ignoring the referee's warnings, and delivered a series of vicious stomps to Jeff's midsection. The crowd rallied behind Jeff, chanting his name and willing him to fight back.

Jeff found an opening and began to mount a comeback, delivering a series of punches and chops that echoed through the arena. The crowd erupted as Jeff nailed Ryan with a spinning heel kick, sending him crashing to the mat. Jeff climbed to the top rope, signalling for his finisher, but Ryan quickly rolled out of the ring, avoiding the high-risk move.

Ryan grabbed a chair from ringside, but the referee intervened, pulling it away. This distraction allowed Ryan to hit Jeff with a low blow, unseen by the referee. Ryan capitalized with a DDT, but Jeff kicked out at two, showing his resilience. Ryan, now furious, argued with the referee, giving Jeff time to recover.

Jeff rallied once more, ducking a clothesline and hitting Ryan with a snap suplex. He followed up with a series of high-impact moves, including a beautiful springboard crossbody that brought the crowd to their feet. Ryan, clearly worn down, tried to escape, but Jeff pulled him back into the ring.

In the final moments of the match, Jeff Amazon caught Ryan Goodluck with his finisher, the Amazon Prime, a devastating slam that left Ryan motionless on the mat. The referee counted to three, and the bell rang, signalling Jeff’s hard-fought victory.

As the referee's hand hit the mat for the third time, Jeff jumped to his feet, arms raised in triumph, his grin wider than ever. The crowd erupted in applause, acknowledging Jeff’s triumph and Ryan’s valiant effort. Ryan lay on the mat, stunned and frustrated, his smirk wiped away by the reality of defeat.

Rating: 21
Final Show Rating: 22

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Chapter 1.5 Slowly Drowning


Jay Mochan paced restlessly in Edward Harding's office, the familiar scent of leather and cigar smoke enveloping him. Each step felt like a beat in the heavy rhythm of his anxiety, echoing off the polished mahogany walls and the richly decorated carpet. Edward’s office, with its well-ordered bookshelves, a looming grandfather clock and meticulously arranged desk, stood in stark contrast to the chaotic world of HSC. He wondered to himself how Edward could get away with smoking in a medium sized high street branch of a UK banking company, but let the thought drift out his mind.

The door creaked open, and Edward entered with his usual composed elegance. The soft rustle of his tailored suit as he walked seemed to cut through the thick tension in the room. He greeted Jay with a nod and took his place behind the desk, his movements precise and deliberate.

"Good afternoon, Jay," Edward said, his voice calm but carrying an edge of formality. "Shall we delve into the numbers?"

Jay, feeling the weight of the moment, nodded. He sank into the plush leather chair, its cushioning deep and yielding beneath him. The soft leather, warm from his earlier fidgeting, seemed to press against him now, amplifying the tension in his shoulders. He gripped the armrests, his fingers digging into the supple material as he forced himself to focus.

Edward opened a ledger, its dark green cover embossed with gold letters that gleamed subtly under the desk lamp. As he flipped it open, the cream-colored pages revealed neatly arranged columns of figures and annotations in his precise handwriting. Each number seemed to loom larger than life as Edward's slender fingers traced the figures. In a number of columns, the numbers were in red, which wasn't a good sign.

"As of now, HCW is £1,669 in debt," Edward began, his tone steady but carrying an underlying gravity. "But let’s break down the costs for a clearer picture."

Jay leaned forward, his brow furrowing, trying to shut out the relentless ticking of the grandfather clock. It seemed to echo louder in the silence between their words, a constant reminder of the ticking away of their time. "Go ahead."

Edward placed his finger on the first column. "Each show incurs about £746 in total costs. This includes several key expenses. The setup costs alone are £255. This covers everything from renting the equipment to setting up the ring and paying the crew."

Jay’s eyes widened as he absorbed the amount. "That’s quite a chunk. And the wrestlers?"

"Yes," Edward continued, moving to the next column, "wrestlers' fees range from £300 to £400 per show based on their appearance fees. Their involvement is crucial, but it adds significantly to our expenses."

Jay let out a soft sigh, the ticking of the clock now feeling like a metronome marking out their diminishing options. "So, already we're talking about a significant outlay before even getting to marketing or other costs."

"Exactly," Edward confirmed, his tone unwavering. "Marketing adds another layer of expense. You spend about £75 per show on promotional materials—flyers, online ads, and other efforts to attract an audience."

Jay nodded slowly, the numbers sinking in but battling with the insistent ticking that seemed to press against his temples. "So, to run a single show, we’re looking at around £746, including setup, wrestlers, and marketing."

"Precisely," Edward affirmed. He moved his finger to the next column. "Now, let’s look at the revenue side. Your sponsors are beginning to pay more but its about £30 per show towards marketing costs. Merchandise sales, unfortunately, only bring in about £6 per show after everyone else takes their cut. And ticket sales average around £231 per show."

Jay rubbed his temples. It felt as though each tick was a reminder of how much time was slipping away. "So, we’re pulling in £231 from ticket sales, £30 from sponsors, and £6 from merchandise. That totals £267 per show."

Edward nodded, his expression serious. "And with each show costing £746, we’re running a deficit of £479 per show. Over the course of a month, this amounts to a loss of approximately £800."

Jay’s heart sank as the full weight of the deficit settled on him. The ticking clock seemed to grow louder, each tick like a hammering reminder of the urgency of their situation. "This isn't sustainable, Edward. We’re bleeding money every month. What can we do to turn this around?"

Edward leaned back in his chair, exhaling a plume of cigar smoke that swirled lazily in the dim light of the office. The rich aroma filled the room, mingling with the faint scent of polished wood. "You need to explore every possible avenue to increase revenue and reduce costs. One option could be to lower ticket prices to attract a larger audience. If we can draw in more people, it might help build our reputation faster and increase overall sales."

Jay’s eyes narrowed in thought. "But lowering ticket prices means less revenue per ticket. We could end up deeper in debt if the increased attendance doesn’t compensate for the reduced income."

"True," Edward conceded, his gaze thoughtful as he puffed on his cigar.

Jay’s fingers drummed anxiously on the armrest, the soft leather creaking slightly under the pressure. The ticking of the clock seemed to beat louder in his ears, each tick a relentless reminder of the limited time they had to turn things around. "What about finding new sponsors and local business partnerships?"

Edward’s gaze shifted, his brow furrowing slightly. "While those are valid ideas, I have concerns. The market for sponsorships and partnerships is highly competitive. With our current financial state, it might be challenging to attract new sponsors who would be willing to invest in a venture that’s struggling."

Jay’s hopeful expression wavered. "But if we don’t try, we’ll never know. Even if it’s difficult, it could make a difference."

Edward sighed, the ticking clock seeming to emphasize his growing sense of resignation. "I understand your optimism, Jay. However, given our current financial strain, aggressively pursuing new sponsors or partnerships may not yield immediate results. We need to be realistic about the resources we have and the potential return on investment."

'What if we focus on maximizing our current revenue streams and cutting costs where possible?' Jay said. 'We could redesign our merchandise to make it more appealing and increase our social media presence to draw in more ticket sales."

Edward’s expression softened slightly, a hint of encouragement breaking through his earlier doubt. "Those are practical steps. Enhancing your merchandise and boosting your online presence could indeed help. It’s a matter of leveraging what you have effectively while cautiously exploring new opportunities."

Jay took a deep breath, his determination reigniting despite Edward's scepticism. "I’ll get started on new merchandise ideas and ramp up our social media efforts immediately. We’ll also explore the feasibility of local business partnerships, even if it takes time to see results. I also know some people on some wrestling forums that I will reach out to and see if they have any ideas!"

Edward’s expression remained subdued, his eyes reflecting a deep-seated worry. "Those are practical steps, Jay. But the reality is, even with those measures, the financial situation is precarious. You have dwindling resources and growing debt. The gap between your expenses and income is substantial, and there’s no guarantee that your efforts will be enough to bridge it in the short term."

Jay’s shoulders slumped, the weight of Edward’s words settling heavily on him. "So, you’re saying we might not be able to turn this around?"

Edward’s gaze met Jay’s with a grim finality. "It’s possible that despite your best efforts, you may face insurmountable challenges. You need to prepare for all outcomes, including the possibility that HCW may not survive this financial crisis."

Jay stood up, his resolve dimmed by the stark reality of their situation. The office door seemed to loom ahead, an exit from the stark and sobering conversation. As he walked toward it, the ticking of the grandfather clock seemed to grow louder, each tick a relentless echo of their impending struggle. The future of HCW seemed increasingly uncertain, and as Jay stepped out into the dimly lit corridor, the weight of their financial instability pressed heavily on his shoulders, a daunting reminder of the uphill battle that lay ahead.

Edited by Clarity
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🌟 Harbour Clash Wrestling Presents: 🌟

Date: Saturday, 11th June, 2022
Time: Doors Open at 6:00 PM
Venue: The Social, Southampton

Get ready for an unforgettable night of wrestling excitement with Harbour Clash Wrestling’s latest event! Join us for a lineup of high-stakes action and thrilling matchups that promise to keep you on the edge of your seat.

🥊 Kaden King Vs. Jay Coward 🥊
Experience the intensity as Kaden King takes on Jay Coward in what promises to be a gripping contest. Kaden King, known for his high-flying moves, will be aiming to showcase his skills against Jay Coward, who’s looking to bounce back strong. Don't miss this chance to see who will reign supreme in this electrifying showdown!

🔥 Baz Smith Vs. Davey Singleton 🔥
Catch the action as Baz Smith faces off against Davey Singleton. With Baz Smith’s powerful S.T.O. and Davey Singleton’s tactical prowess, this match is set to be an intriguing battle of strategy and strength. Be there to witness every moment of this exciting encounter!

🔒 Lewis Duckworth Vs. Marcus Young 🔒
Lewis Duckworth and Marcus Young are set for a hard-hitting clash. Watch as Duckworth attempts to impose his will. This match promises to deliver a showcase of determination and skill.

Main Event
💥 Cain Carlisle Vs. Jeff Amazon 💥
Cain Carlisle and Jeff Amazon are ready to light up the ring in what is expected to be a match for the ages. With Cain Carlisle’s high-energy hype and Jeff Amazon’s legendary status, this bout will be an all-out battle for supremacy. Witness the excitement as both competitors go all out to claim victory!

Secure your tickets today and be part of the live wrestling action! Feel the adrenaline, experience the drama, and cheer for your favourite stars as they give it their all in the ring!

🎟️ Tickets Available at: www.harbourclashwrestling.com

Follow us on:
Facebook: /HarbourClashWrestling Twitter: @HCWrestling Instagram: @HarbourClashWrestling

Don’t miss out on the high-octane action—Harbour Clash Wrestling is where the excitement lives! 💥

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Harbour Clash Live #6

Saturday 11th June 2022 - The Social, Southampton
Attendance: 34

Kaiden King Vs Jay Coward

From the opening bell, King and Coward demonstrated their prowess with a series of crisp, well-executed moves. Coward, known for his resilience, battled fiercely against King’s relentless onslaught. The match saw its fair share of grappling exchanges and near-falls, each moment meticulously crafted to build a foundation for the climax.

The crowd, though subdued, watched intently as the two competitors worked through their sequence of moves. King, ever the strategic fighter, used his strength and technique to keep Coward on the defensive. Coward, meanwhile, exhibited moments of brilliance with his counter-attacks, creating brief flashes of excitement in an otherwise steady-paced match.

The turning point came towards the end when King, sensing an opportunity, set up for his finishing move. With a smooth transition, he executed the Royal Flush, a move that showcased his combination of agility and power. As King made the cover, the referee counted to three, and the match was decided in King’s favour.

In the aftermath, as the referee raised King’s hand in victory, Coward remained sprawled in the centre of the ring, clearly in pain.

Rating: 23

As Kaden King’s hand was raised in victory, the atmosphere in the arena shifted dramatically from celebratory to sombre. Jay Coward, still in the centre of the ring, lay in visible discomfort. The cheers and applause for King quickly faded as the crowd’s attention turned to Coward, their excitement replaced by a palpable concern.

The medical team rushed to ringside, their expressions marked by serious concern. The previously jubilant mood was now overshadowed by the gravity of the situation. The crowd, sensing the shift, fell into a stunned silence as the medics began their work. The once-boisterous hall now held its collective breath, the excitement of the match giving way to a tense, anxious stillness.

The medics worked with methodical precision, their faces reflecting the seriousness of their task. They knelt beside Coward, their movements careful and deliberate as they assessed his condition. Each adjustment and examination was performed with a practiced calm, their focus solely on ensuring Coward’s safety. The crowd watched intently, their eyes fixed on the scene unfolding in the ring, their whispers and murmurs creating a low hum of worried anticipation.

The process seemed to stretch on indefinitely. The medics continued their thorough evaluation, discussing their findings in hushed tones. The atmosphere in the arena was heavy with empathy, the once-vibrant crowd now enveloped in a quiet, collective concern. The gravity of the situation was apparent, and the audience’s unease grew with each passing moment.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the decision was made to move Coward. The medics prepared a gurney with careful attention, ensuring every strap and pad was in place before gently lifting Coward onto it. His face, contorted with pain, was a stark contrast to the earlier energy of the match. The medics worked diligently to make him as comfortable as possible, their professionalism evident in every movement.

As the gurney began its slow, deliberate journey up the ramp, the crowd remained in silent reverence. The excitement of the evening was replaced by a profound sense of concern, with fans exchanging worried glances and murmuring in subdued tones. The arena’s atmosphere was heavy with a shared empathy, the weight of the moment evident in the quiet respect shown by the audience.

Kaden King, standing alone in the ring, watched the scene unfold with a contemplative expression. His victory, once a source of personal triumph, was now overshadowed by the seriousness of Coward’s condition

Baz Smith Vs Davey Singleton

In the second bout of the evening, Baz Smith took on Davey Singleton in a match that demonstrated solid wrestling skills but failed to generate significant crowd excitement.

From the opening bell, Smith and Singleton delivered a technically sound performance. Smith used his strength and precision to impose his will on Singleton, who countered with agility and tactical wrestling. Despite the competent display of wrestling, the crowd's energy remained tepid, their reactions measured and subdued.

Smith gradually took control, methodically wearing down Singleton. Singleton, known for his resilience, fought back with a series of counter-attacks and aerial manoeuvres. However, it was clear from the start that Singleton was still nursing an injury, as he occasionally guarded his face, subtly indicating discomfort.

As the match approached its climax, Smith executed his finishing move, the S.T.O. The powerful move proved decisive, and Smith pinned Singleton for the win after 7:05.

Rating: 16

Lewis Duckworth Vs Marcus Young

In the evening’s third bout, Lewis Duckworth and Marcus Young delivered a match that showcased their wrestling expertise and determination, despite a few pacing challenges.

From the outset, the bout was characterized by technical wrestling and strategic maneuvering. Duckworth, known for his strength and precision, looked to dominate with a series of powerful moves. Young, celebrated for his agility and technical skill, countered with an array of quick, effective techniques. The match featured a mix of impactful strikes and grappling exchanges, with both wrestlers demonstrating their abilities and working to gain the upper hand.

The action progressed steadily over the course of 13:23, with each wrestler having their moments to shine. Duckworth’s strength was on display as he executed several impressive power moves, while Young’s agility allowed him to evade and counter effectively. The bout, while methodical at times, offered several highlights that engaged the audience.

As the match reached its climax, Duckworth decided to finish strong. He executed his signature move, the Over-The-Shoulder Backbreaker. Duckworth lifted Young onto his shoulder and then dropped him with force, causing Young’s back to impact against Duckworth’s knee. The impact was significant, showcasing Duckworth’s power and technical prowess. Despite Young’s efforts to recover and continue fighting, he was unable to overcome the damage from the move.

Duckworth secured the pinfall victory, with the referee counting to three.

Rating: 11


The arena lights dimmed, and a buzz of excitement rippled through the crowd as Cain Carlisle’s entrance music filled the air. The crowd’s reaction was electric, a testament to Carlisle’s standing as the most popular wrestler in the company. His charisma and genuine connection with the fans were evident as he made his way to the ring, greeted by a chorus of cheers and applause.

Once in the ring, Carlisle took a moment to soak in the adoration of the fans, a broad smile on his face. He raised the microphone to his lips, his voice carrying a tone of warmth and respect.

“Hey everyone, thanks for that incredible welcome!” Carlisle began, his genuine appreciation evident. “It means the world to me to have such amazing fans supporting me every single night.”

The crowd cheered again, their enthusiasm undiminished. Carlisle paused to let the cheers subside before continuing.

“Now, I know you’re all concerned about Jay Coward after his match earlier tonight. I just wanted to let you know that Jay’s back is a bit banged up, but he’s resting comfortably and getting the care he needs. We’re all hoping for a speedy recovery for him, and we hope he’ll be back in action soon.”

The audience reacted with a mix of sympathy and understanding. Carlisle nodded appreciatively, showing his respect for the fans’ concern.

“But enough about that,” Carlisle said, his tone shifting to one of excitement. “Tonight, we’ve got something special lined up. I’m stepping into the ring against Jeff Amazon, and let me tell you, it’s going to be one hell of a match!”

The crowd erupted in cheers, their excitement palpable. Carlisle’s grin widened as he continued.

“Jeff Amazon’s been talking a big game lately, and that’s all well and good. But talk is cheap. Tonight, I’m ready to back up my words with action. I’ve been training hard, pushing myself to the limit, and I’m more than ready to show everyone why I’m the top dog around here.”

The fans responded with a roar of approval, their energy feeding into Carlisle’s enthusiasm.

“So get ready, because tonight’s going to be epic. Jeff Amazon, you’ve had your time in the spotlight, but now it’s my turn to shine. I’m coming for you, and I’m bringing everything I’ve got!”

With a final flourish, Carlisle tossed the microphone aside, his confidence and respect for the fans shining through. The crowd's cheers continued as he exited the ring, the anticipation for his match against Jeff Amazon reaching a fever pitch.

Rating: 26

Cain Carlisle Vs Jeff Amazon


The bell rang to signal the start of the match, and immediately, the intensity was palpable. Carlisle and Amazon engaged in a high-paced series of exchanges, each wrestler displaying their prowess with an array of technical moves and power strikes. Carlisle's agility and precision were matched by Amazon’s resilience and brute strength, creating a compelling contrast in styles.

The first part of the match saw both wrestlers testing each other’s limits. Carlisle executed a series of high-flying manoeuvres and crisp strikes, while Amazon responded with powerful slams and strategic holds. The crowd, initially cautious, began to show their appreciation as the match progressed, their cheers growing louder with each impactful move and near-fall.

As the match reached its midway point, the action became even more frenetic. Carlisle seemed to have the upper hand as he delivered a sequence of near-falls, each one bringing him closer to victory. The audience was on edge, with Carlisle coming agonizingly close to winning several times. A particularly close near-fall saw Carlisle’s signature move, the Mark Of Cain, nearly securing the win. However, Amazon’s resilience shone through as he managed to kick out at the last possible moment.

Amazon, now visibly showing signs of exhaustion, mounted a comeback. He countered Carlisle’s high-impact moves with a series of desperate but effective counters, turning the tide with powerful offensive bursts. The back-and-forth nature of the match kept the crowd enthralled, their excitement palpable as the momentum swung between the two wrestlers.

The final moments of the match were a whirlwind of action. Carlisle, fuelled by the crowd’s energy, went for his finishing move again, determined to put Amazon away. In a climactic sequence, Carlisle executed a flawless Mark Of Cain, connecting with precision and impact. The crowd roared in approval as Carlisle made the pin.

Amazon, showing remarkable fortitude, attempted to muster one last effort, but the combination of exhaustion and the impact of the move proved too much. The referee counted to three, and Carlisle emerged victorious after a gruelling 12:46.

As the bell rang to signal the end of the match, Carlisle rose to his feet, his face a mixture of relief and triumph. The crowd responded with a loud, appreciative cheer, recognizing the incredible performance delivered by both wrestlers. Amazon, though defeated, received a standing ovation for his part in the match, acknowledging the crowd’s respect with a nod of appreciation.

Rating: 33
Final Show Rating: 29

Popularity in Southern England 0 < 1

Edited by Clarity
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🌟 Harbour Clash Wrestling Presents: Harbour Clash Live 🌟
Unleash the Action: Where Every Moment Counts!

Date: Saturday, 25th June, 2022
Time: Doors Open at 6:00 PM
Venue: Bombay Sapphire Distillery. Whitchurch

Get ready for an action-packed night with Harbour Clash Wrestling! We’re bringing you a series of exciting matchups and high-energy performances that you won’t want to miss. Here’s what’s in store:

🥊 Chuck Frisby Vs. Davey Singleton 🥊
Kick off the night with Chuck Frisby battling Davey Singleton. Frisby’s dynamic Swinging Neckbreaker will be on full display as he aims to dazzle the crowd. Although the wrestling may be a bit rough around the edges, the crowd’s energy will keep the excitement alive throughout this matchup!

🔥 Cain Carlisle Vs. Baz Smith 🔥
Watch Cain Carlisle and Baz Smith go head-to-head in a match designed to uplift the crowd. Carlile, with his impressive Mark Of Cain finisher, looks to showcase his wrestling prowess against the formidable Baz Smith. This bout promises to be an exhilarating clash of styles and skill!

Augustus Bumblescoop Vs. Brilliant White
Get ready for a show-stealing performance as Augustus Bumblescoop takes on Brilliant White. With Bumblescoop’s Bumble Blast and new HCW-signee Brilliant White’s incredible moves, this match promises high-flying action and hard-hitting drama. The crowd will be on their feet for this thrilling contest!

Secure your tickets now and be part of the live wrestling action that only Harbour Clash Wrestling can deliver. Feel the energy, witness the drama, and cheer on your favourite stars!

🎟️ Tickets Available at: www.harbourclashwrestling.com

Follow us on:
Facebook: /HarbourClashWrestling Twitter: @HCWrestling Instagram: @HarbourClashWrestling

Don’t miss out on the high-octane action—Harbour Clash Wrestling is where the excitement lives! 💥

Quick Predict:
Chuck Frisby / Davey Singleton
Baz Smith / Cain Carlisle
Augustus Bumblescoop / Brilliant White

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Harbour Clash Live #7

Saturday 25th June 2022 - Bombay Sapphire Distillery. Whitchurch
Attendance: 34

Chuck Frisby
Vs Davey Singleton

The opening match of the evening set the tone with a clash between Chuck Frisby, the charismatic fitness instructor, and Davey Singleton, the perennial babyface known for his versatile wrestling skills. From the moment the bell rang, it was clear that this bout was designed to blend high entertainment value with competitive wrestling. Chuck Frisby made a memorable entrance in his signature white shorts, t-shirt, and headband. His in-ring style was as flamboyant as his attire, characterized by a series of showy gestures and wrestling manoeuvres that highlighted his larger-than-life persona. Frisby’s performance was designed to captivate the audience, incorporating exaggerated flexes and playful taunts that kept the crowd engaged and entertained throughout the match.

Frisby’s wrestling included a mix of flashy moves and technical execution. He opened the match with a series of arm drags that showcased his agility and skill. His moves were often punctuated with theatrical flourishes, like his dramatic leaping shoulder tackle, which combined solid wrestling technique with a dose of theatrical flair. Frisby’s approach was more about engaging the audience with his vibrant personality, making each maneuver a part of his larger performance.

In contrast, Davey Singleton brought a grounded and resilient style to the ring. Known for his high-energy wrestling and strong connection with the fans, Singleton’s approach was more straightforward but equally effective. Despite some occasional rough edges in his execution, Singleton’s high-impact moves, such as a running crossbody and a springboard dropkick, highlighted his agility and determination. His ability to connect with the crowd through his spirited performance added an extra layer of excitement to the bout.

As the match progressed, the action shifted between Frisby’s theatrical antics and Singleton’s energetic offense. Frisby’s over-the-top persona was on full display when he performed an exaggerated series of push-ups in the middle of the ring, much to the delight of the audience. This act of showmanship was followed by a pin attempt, demonstrating Frisby’s ability to blend entertainment with wrestling.

Singleton responded with a burst of resilience, countering Frisby’s antics with a series of quick strikes and high-flying moves. His spinning heel kick, in particular, was a standout moment, showcasing his athleticism and determination. Singleton’s efforts to turn the tide included a near-fall from a top-rope maneuverer, which brought the crowd to their feet, reflecting his strong connection with the fans.

In the final moments of the match, Frisby seized a critical opportunity to gain the upper hand. After a sequence of high-energy exchanges that saw both wrestlers pushing their limits, Frisby executed his trademark Swinging Neckbreaker with both precision and dramatic flair. The move was delivered with a flourish, and Frisby made the cover, securing the pinfall victory in 12 minutes and 4 seconds.

The referee’s count was met with a mix of applause and cheers from the crowd, who appreciated the match’s entertainment value and the performers' commitment. Frisby celebrated his victory with his characteristic flamboyance, while Singleton, though visibly disappointed, received a respectful ovation for his spirited performance and resilience.

Rating: 21

Baz Smith Vs Cain Carlisle

The second match of the evening unfolded as a captivating clash of styles, with Cain Carlisle and Baz Smith delivering a compelling narrative of back-and-forth wrestling.

As the bell rang, Carlisle and Smith wasted no time engaging each other. Carlisle, now embracing a more traditional wrestling style, began with a series of methodical attacks. He used his agility to gain the initial advantage, starting with a quick arm drag that sent Smith reeling. Smith, however, was far from an easy opponent. With his powerful, no-nonsense style, he absorbed Carlisle’s early offense and started to turn the tide. After enduring a series of quick strikes and a well-executed dropkick, Smith retaliated. A thunderous shoulder block knocked Carlisle off balance, and Smith followed up with a series of powerful body slams that shook the ring.

The back-and-forth nature of the match was on full display as Carlisle quickly recovered, using his speed to dodge Smith’s next attempt at a powerful clothesline. Carlisle countered with a spinning wheel kick that took Smith by surprise. The crowd responded with excitement, appreciating the rapid exchanges of offense. Smith, undeterred, showcased his resilience by catching Carlisle in mid-air during an attempted crossbody. With a grunt of effort, Smith transformed the momentum into a crushing powerslam, further intensifying the bout. The crowd’s cheers grew louder as Smith demonstrated his dominance, but Carlisle’s ability to kick out of pin attempts kept the match alive.

Carlisle, determined to regain control, executed a series of high-flying maneuvers. A well-placed missile dropkick staggered Smith, and Carlisle seized the moment with a swift DDT. The momentum shifted back once more, with Carlisle focusing on Smith’s head and neck with a series of targeted strikes and submission attempts. The match reached its peak as both wrestlers continued to trade blows, each one trying to outmaneuver the other. Smith absorbed Carlisle’s high-impact moves and managed to land a series of punishing strikes that left Carlisle struggling to keep up.

As the match neared its climax, Carlisle found an opening. After a gruelling exchange of near-falls and desperate counters, Carlisle executed his signature finishing move, the Mark Of Cain. The move, hit its mark perfectly. Carlisle made the cover, and the referee counted to three.

The crowd erupted in applause as Carlisle was declared the victor. The audience’s appreciation was evident, reflecting their engagement with the dynamic and evenly matched contest. Carlisle, with a triumphant smile, acknowledged the cheers

Rating: 32


As the arena lights dimmed, an electric buzz coursed through the crowd, signalling the anticipation for a highly charged moment. A single spotlight cut through the darkness, illuminating the entrance ramp. The unmistakable sound of heavy, deliberate footsteps echoed across the venue, drawing the audience’s attention. The atmosphere thickened with expectancy as Lewis Duckworth made his entrance.

The former bodybuilder, known for his imposing physique, strode confidently toward the ring. His dark grey tank top clung to his muscular frame, accentuating his formidable build and commanding presence. Duckworth’s entrance was met with a mixed reaction from the crowd—an amalgamation of cheers from his supporters and murmurs from those sceptical of his brash demeanour. This polarizing effect only amplified the intensity of the moment.

Duckworth paused at ringside, soaking in the crowd's reaction. His piercing eyes swept across the audience, and his stern expression slowly transformed into a self-assured smirk. The spotlight continued to follow him as he grabbed a microphone, ready to make his mark.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Duckworth’s voice boomed across the arena, resonating with authority. “I hope you’re all ready to witness greatness, because the future of HCW is standing right here in this ring!”

He paused, allowing the gravity of his statement to settle. The crowd’s mixed responses—cheers interspersed with sceptical murmurs—echoed throughout the arena.

Duckworth’s gaze intensified as he continued, “You see, I’ve been grinding, training, and pushing my limits, all to make sure that when I step into this ring, you know you’re witnessing something special. I am the powerhouse of HCW, and I am ready to take this company by storm.”

The crowd's reaction grew more animated, with applause blending with waves of uncertainty. Duckworth’s confidence seemed to fuel both admiration and scepticism in equal measure. Undeterred by the mixed reaction, he pressed on with unwavering determination.

“I’m not just talking about being another name on the roster. No, I’m talking about being the next big thing, the guy everyone’s talking about, the one who brings the intensity and excitement that this company needs!” Duckworth’s voice rose with passion. “I’m here to make a statement, and I want each and every one of you to remember this moment.”

Duckworth paced the ring with a commanding presence, his gestures grand and deliberate. His voice took on a fervent tone as he declared, “I’m not afraid of a challenge. I welcome it. Whether it’s taking on the top stars or making an example out of anyone who stands in my way, I’m ready. HCW, brace yourselves, because this powerhouse is coming to claim his spot at the top!”

With his declaration complete, Duckworth threw the microphone down with a flourish and raised his arms in a display of supreme confidence. The crowd’s reaction was a blend of admiration and intrigue, their mixed responses underscoring Duckworth's magnetic and controversial presence.

As Duckworth exited the ring, he did so with an air of satisfaction, his head held high. The audience continued to buzz, their conversations filled with speculation and excitement about the ambitious claims he had just made. 

Rating: 28


Brilliant White Vs Augustus Bumblescoop

The arena lights dimmed, and the spotlight swept across the entrance ramp, signaling the arrival of Brilliant White. Dressed in sleek, shimmering white gear that accentuated his athletic build, White made an impressive debut. The crowd responded with intrigued murmurs and rising excitement, eager to see what this newcomer had in store.

In stark contrast, Augustus Bumblescoop made his entrance with his signature mime gimmick. Clad in a vibrant teal bodysuit and sporting matching teal glasses, Bumblescoop’s appearance was as distinctive as his persona. He moved with exaggerated, silent gestures, "trapped" in an invisible box and "struggling" against an invisible force. His mime antics drew a mixture of amused laughter and applause from the crowd, setting a whimsical tone for the match.

As the bell rang, Bumblescoop's mime persona continued to play a central role. His movements were a blend of silent comedy and wrestling skill, creating a unique and entertaining spectacle. Bumblescoop "mimed" his way through the opening exchanges, pretending to struggle with an invisible opponent while executing a series of technical maneuvers with surprising precision.

Brilliant White, however, was no passive observer. The debuting wrestler showcased his agility and technical prowess with a dynamic array of moves. White's crisp strikes contrasted sharply with Bumblescoop’s style, and his performance demonstrated his readiness to make an impact in HCW. The crowd responded with cheers and approval as White executed a series of impressive counters and high-energy attacks.

The match built to a series of thrilling exchanges. Bumblescoop's mime-inspired antics included exaggerated dodges and playful interactions with imaginary objects, while White's athleticism and sharp offense kept the action moving at a brisk pace. The audience was fully engaged, with applause and gasps marking the high points of the match.

In the final moments, the match reached its climax. Brilliant White seemed poised to secure a victory, but Bumblescoop managed to seize an opportunity. With a burst of theatrical flair, Bumblescoop executed his signature move, the Bumble Blast that left the crowd roaring with excitement. The referee's count of three was met with a cheer from the audience, acknowledging Bumblescoop's inventive win


Rating: 44
Final Show Rating: 38

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🌟 Harbour Clash Wrestling Presents: 🌟

Date: Friday 8th July, 2022
Time: Doors Open at 7:00 PM
Venue: The Mandolay Hotel and Conference Centre, Guildford

Get ready for an electrifying night of wrestling as Harbour Clash Wrestling brings you a series of high-octane matches and unforgettable performances! Here’s what’s on the lineup:

🥊 Davey Singleton Vs. Lewis Duckworth 🥊
Kicking off the night, watch as the versatile and beloved Davey Singleton takes on the powerhouse Lewis Duckworth. Singleton’s jack-of-all-trades approach will be tested against Duckworth’s raw strength and intimidating presence. This opening bout promises to set the stage for an incredible evening!

Brilliant White Vs. Chuck Frisby
In the midcard, get ready for a showdown between the incredible Brilliant White and the charismatic Chuck Frisby. White, known for his breathtaking moves and new HCW-signee status, will go head-to-head with Frisby, the fitness instructor with an entertaining flair. This match promises to be a spectacular display of wrestling skill and high-energy performance!

🔥 Cain Carlisle Vs. Lone Wolf 🔥
For the main event, the high-flying and energetic Cain Carlisle will face off against the intense and brooding Lone Wolf. Carlisle’s dynamic style and fearless attitude will clash with Lone Wolf’s formidable strength and stern demeanour. Prepare for a thrilling contest full of high-impact action!

🎟️ Secure your tickets now and be part of the live wrestling action that only Harbour Clash Wrestling can deliver. Feel the energy, witness the drama, and cheer on your favourite stars!

Tickets Available at: www.harbourclashwrestling.com

Follow us on:
Facebook: /HarbourClashWrestling
Twitter: @HCWrestling
Instagram: @HarbourClashWrestling

Don’t miss out on the high-octane action—Harbour Clash Wrestling is where the excitement lives!

Quick Predict:
Davey Singleton / Lewis Duckworth
Brilliant White Vs Chuck Frisby
Cain Carlisle / Lone Wolf

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Harbour Clash Live #8

Saturday 25th June 2022 - The Mandolay Hotel and Conference Centre, Guildford
Attendance: 35

The dim lights of the conference hall flicker as the crowd begins to trickle in, a sea of excited faces and vibrant energy. The hum of chatter grows louder, mingling with the rhythmic thump of bass from the speakers that pulse through the room. Some Fans donning colourful merchandise and homemade signs fill the seats, their anticipation palpable, as they find their places and settle in.

The air is electric with the promise of spectacle, a tangible buzz that dances from seat to seat. The walls, adorned with banners and past event posters, seem to reverberate with the echoes of past cheers and gasps. As the minutes tick by, a collective hush falls over the crowd, a shared moment of breathless expectation. Eyes are fixed on the entrance, where the first hints of the night’s thrills will soon emerge.

Every corner of the venue is alive with potential, the atmosphere crackling with the anticipation of the unknown. This isn’t just any night—it’s a canvas waiting to be painted with stories of triumph and rivalry. And as the lights dim further and the first strains of the theme music begin to play, the crowd's energy shifts from electric to explosive, setting the stage for an unforgettable night of local wrestling glory.


As the arena’s lights dim and the spotlight narrows to the centre of the ring signalling the beginning of the show, Lewis Duckworth saunters to the microphone with an air of effortless confidence. The crowd’s murmur hushes to a quiet buzz, their anticipation hanging thick in the air. Duckworth’s voice cuts through the silence, smooth and self-assured.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” he begins, his tone dripping with disdainful charm, “tonight, we’re witnessing something truly special. I don’t need to remind you of what you already know—when Lewis Duckworth steps into this ring, it’s not just a match. It’s a demonstration of sheer brilliance, a living, breathing testament to what true greatness looks like.”

The crowd’s reactions are mixed—some cheer, others boo—but Duckworth remains unfazed. He paces slightly, his gaze sweeping over the audience with an air of condescension. “I’ve seen enough wrestling to know that there’s a lot of talk, a lot of empty promises. But talk is cheap, and promises are worth even less. That’s why, every time I step through these ropes, I make sure to deliver something extraordinary. I don’t just compete; I redefine the very standards of excellence.”

He pauses for a moment, letting his words resonate. “Tonight’s opponent is Davey Singleton. Now, I’m sure Davey’s a great guy—great if by ‘great’ you mean ‘easily forgettable.’ I’ve heard all the hype surrounding him, and I’ve watched his matches. Sure, he’s got heart, and he’s got drive, but let’s be honest here: heart and drive don’t matter when you’re up against someone who’s on a whole different level.”

Duckworth’s expression shifts from smug to almost amused. “But here’s the reality check: he’s not even in my league. I’ve seen his best, and his best is a mere fraction of what I bring to this ring.”

The crowd reacts with a mix of cheers and jeers, but Duckworth doesn’t miss a beat. He strides confidently around the ring, his words flowing effortlessly. “You see, this isn’t personal. Davey, I respect your hustle, but respect doesn’t change the fact that you’re outmatched. Tonight, I’m going to show everyone exactly what happens when greatness meets mediocrity. I’m going to break him down, piece by piece, not out of spite, but to demonstrate the undeniable truth: there’s a reason why I’m at the top of the game and he’s not.”

He takes a moment to make eye contact with various fans, soaking in their reactions. “Tonight, you’re not just watching a wrestling match. You’re witnessing a masterclass in superiority. Every move I make, every maneuver I execute, will be a reminder of why I am and always will be the best in this business. I don’t need to tell you; you’ll see it for yourselves.”

With a final, confident smirk, Duckworth drops the mic and saunters back to his corner, his every step radiating the assurance of someone who knows they’re about to deliver on every boast. The crowd’s energy swells with a mix of excitement and anticipation as they prepare for the event.

Rating: 30

Davey Singleton Vs Lewis Duckworth

The arena's lights pulse with a steady rhythm, matching the collective heartbeat of the crowd as the opening bell rings. Lewis Duckworth and Davey Singleton face off in the center of the ring, the energy of the crowd a palpable force around them. Duckworth’s confidence radiates, his smirk a clear indication that he’s ready to showcase his skills. Singleton, though focused and determined, feels the weight of Duckworth's taunts as he prepares for the challenge ahead.

From the get-go, Duckworth dominates the pace of the match. He begins with a series of crisp, calculated moves, his footwork precise and his strikes sharp. Singleton struggles to keep up, ducking and dodging as Duckworth showcases his technical prowess. The crowd watches in rapt attention as Duckworth delivers a beautiful arm drag, followed by a smooth dropkick that sends Singleton sprawling into the corner.

Singleton, however, is not one to be easily deterred. He shakes off the initial blows, channeling his resolve into a fierce comeback. With a sudden burst of energy, he charges at Duckworth, connecting with a series of quick strikes and a well-executed flying shoulder tackle. The crowd cheers as Singleton starts to turn the tide, his momentum carrying him through a series of high-energy moves. He delivers a swinging neck breaker that has Duckworth reeling, and the arena erupts in applause.

But Duckworth is nothing if not resilient. He quickly regains his footing, using his experience to outmaneuver Singleton. With a deft counter, Duckworth catches Singleton mid-air during a crossbody attempt, turning the momentum into a powerful backbreaker. The crowd gasps as Duckworth follows up with a series of methodical, punishing holds, each one designed to wear down Singleton’s defenses.

As the match progresses, Duckworth’s dominance becomes increasingly apparent. He taunts Singleton, reveling in his ability to control the pace and dictate the flow of the match. The crowd’s cheers for Singleton become more desperate, their support growing as he tries to mount another comeback. Singleton fights valiantly, managing to escape a particularly tight headlock with a burst of energy that sees him executing a hurricanrana. The crowd’s hope flickers briefly, but Duckworth’s mastery of the ring quickly reasserts itself.

Duckworth, never one to underestimate his opponent, begins to prepare for the endgame. He sizes up Singleton with a cold, calculating gaze, as if mentally measuring the distance to his impending victory. Singleton, exhausted and battered, tries to fight off the impending finish with every ounce of his strength, but Duckworth’s experience and skill are undeniable.

As the clock ticks closer to the 9-minute mark, Duckworth seizes his opportunity. He locks Singleton in a fierce headlock, wrenching it tightly as he transitions into an over-the-shoulder backbreaker. Singleton’s body contorts painfully, the hold applying pressure to his back in a way that seems almost merciless. The crowd’s cheers turn into gasps as Singleton’s struggles become more desperate, his energy fading under the relentless assault.

At 9:37, Singleton’s resistance falters completely. With no escape in sight and the pain overwhelming him, he taps out, signaling his submission. The bell rings, and Duckworth releases the hold, rising to his feet with a victorious, self-satisfied grin. He stands over Singleton, his expression a mixture of triumph and disdain, soaking in the crowd’s reaction.

Rating: 13

Brilliant White Vs Chuck Frisby

As the bell rings, the arena is immediately engulfed in the sound of cheers and anticipation. Chuck Frisby and Brilliant White step into the centre of the ring, their contrasting styles setting the stage for a dynamic showdown.

Frisby, with his trademark burst of energy, initiates the match with an impressive display of agility and power. He starts with a series of rapid, high-impact moves, including a spinning heel kick that connects with precision. Each strike and grapple is executed with a blend of technical finesse and explosive flair, reflecting Frisby’s ability to seamlessly transition between solid wrestling techniques and high-octane maneuvers. His fluid movements and powerful strikes quickly set a fast pace, forcing the match into an exhilarating rhythm.

Brilliant White, ever the daredevil, counters with his signature flair. From the moment the match begins, White showcases his fearless style. He springs off the ropes with an audacious springboard dive, a move that sends him crashing into Frisby with breathtaking speed and precision. The crowd responds with a roar of awe and excitement as White’s daring maneuver takes centre stage, highlighting his willingness to push the limits of conventional wrestling.

Frisby, momentarily stunned by White’s high-risk approach, takes a moment to regain his composure. Undeterred, he quickly adapts, meeting White’s intensity with his own blend of athleticism and technical prowess. Frisby counters White’s unorthodox moves with a series of sharp, well-timed strikes and grappling techniques. His experience and skill allow him to respond effectively, turning the tide with a calculated suplex and a spinning elbow that rocks White.

The match evolves into a thrilling exchange of high-energy wrestling and audacious risk-taking. White, ever the innovator, continues to push the boundaries. He attempts a series of spectacular aerial maneuvers, including a daring top-rope moonsault and a series of inventive flying kicks. Each of White’s high-flying and unconventional techniques draws cheers from the crowd, who are on their feet, captivated by the spectacle.

Frisby, refusing to be overshadowed, retaliates with a series of impactful counters. His versatility shines as he turns White’s bold moves into opportunities for his own offensive strikes. Frisby executes a perfectly timed powerbomb and a dynamic spinning backfist, showcasing his ability to blend technical wrestling with explosive power. The back-and-forth nature of the match keeps the audience on edge, their excitement growing with every exchange.

As the match approaches the 12-minute mark, both wrestlers show signs of fatigue but remain relentless. White’s daring approach keeps the crowd on their feet, while Frisby’s adaptability and resilience continue to challenge White’s unconventional tactics. The intensity reaches its peak as both competitors push their limits, each trying to outdo the other in a display of sheer will and skill.

At 12:31, White spots an opening and seizes it with a final, audacious move. He launches into his signature White Out. The move is executed with impeccable precision, catching Frisby off guard and leaving him unable to escape or counter. As White pins Frisby to the mat, the referee’s hand hits the mat for the third count, and the bell rings, signalling the end of the match.

Rating: 33

Cain Carlisle Vs Lone Wolf

As the bell rings, Cain Carlisle and Lone Wolf step into the ring, their focused stares promising an intense contest. Carlisle, though shorter and lighter than his opponent, immediately brings a high level of technical skill and agility to the match. He starts with a series of quick, sharp strikes and well-executed grapples, demonstrating his speed and precision. Carlisle’s strategy is clear: use his quickness and technical prowess to outmaneuver the larger Lone Wolf.

Lone Wolf, with his larger size and power, responds with a burst of aggression. He absorbs Carlisle’s initial attacks and counters with a powerful shoulder block that sends Carlisle staggering. The crowd reacts with a roar of excitement as Lone Wolf follows up with a series of heavy strikes and a punishing side slam. Lone Wolf’s strength is evident, and he uses it to ground Carlisle, attempting to wear him down with a series of methodical, crushing moves.

Despite the onslaught, Carlisle remains resilient. He uses his agility to evade Lone Wolf’s attacks, ducking and dodging with impressive speed. Carlisle counters with a series of rapid strikes and high-energy moves, including a spinning heel kick that catches Lone Wolf off guard. Carlisle’s nimbleness allows him to stay one step ahead, as he executes a perfectly timed dropkick that sends Lone Wolf into the corner. With Lone Wolf momentarily stunned, Carlisle seizes the opportunity to press the attack. He climbs to the top rope and leaps off with a high-flying crossbody, landing on Lone Wolf with precision. The crowd cheers as Carlisle’s daring maneuver nearly results in a pinfall, but Lone Wolf powers out at the last second.

The match progresses with a thrilling exchange of offense and defence. Lone Wolf’s raw power is met with Carlisle’s quickness and technical skill. Lone Wolf attempts a series of power moves, including a devastating running powerslam, but Carlisle uses his agility to evade and counter. Carlisle’s technical expertise shines as he applies a series of well-executed submission holds, targeting Lone Wolf’s limbs and working to weaken his opponent. Lone Wolf, though visibly fatigued, fights back with determination. He utilizes his strength to break free from Carlisle’s holds and delivers a series of powerful counterattacks. A thunderous clothesline and a high-impact spinebuster demonstrate Lone Wolf’s ability to turn the tide. The crowd is on its feet, alternating between gasps and cheers as the match becomes a back-and-forth battle of endurance and skill.

As the match nears the 13-minute mark, Carlisle finds his moment. With a burst of energy, he executes his signature Mark Of Cain maneuver with flawless execution. Unable to counter or escape, Lone Wolf is pinned to the mat. The referee’s hand hits the mat for the third count, and the bell rings, signalling the end of the match.

Rating: 33
Final Show Rating: 34

Quick Predict Results:
@StanMiguel 1 out of 3



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4 hours ago, Teasenitryn said:

Oof pour one out for Coward, that didn't sound like a good situation. Also for the finances, I assume the owner is still taking his sneaky cut but even without that you're drawing red.

Coward may return but is out for a good few months with that back injury. Depends of if he can compete with the quality that gets signed in his absence. 

UK Dragon is now being kept offscreen as he’s happy to work off screen as a road agent but the moment you put him in front of a crowd, he wants money 🙄

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